My new home and family 1
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Note: This story is based in the Sorceress' garden universe of Naga's Den.
The red-haired young man took hold of the rope and repelled his way down the high brick wall. The task did not take much effort, but heat mixed with humidity stained his tight camouflaged t-shirt and jeans with sweat. When he reached the bottom, he peered into the wood in front of him. Convinced no one was around to challenge his intrusion, he waved to the two women who were watching him from the top of the wall. One was a pony-tailed blonde, around the man's age, dressed in an olive tank-top and long khaki shorts; the other was tall and slim, in her middle years, with long flowing black hair, wearing a black shirt and jeans. They slid down the rope to join him.
The older woman addressed the other two. "Ok, let's get in, get what we came for and get out. No dawdling and no heroics. The first sign of trouble we run for it. In and out, understand?"
"Sure thing, doc!" The blonde said with a smile.
The man looked concerned. "You sure we should be doing this, Dr. Taylor?"
The older woman nodded. "Pete, three top organismic biologists say this place has the most exotic fungi yet undiscovered by science."
Pete frowned. "Yeah, and those three top organismic scientists have also disappeared without a trace."
Dr. Taylor shook her head. "It's dangerous work to hunt for rare mushrooms these days. Their work--our work--takes us to places that have become dangerous. You've got rebels in South America, kidnappers in the Central America, hell, drug cartels are growing pot in our own national forests and they won't think twice about murdering you if discover their operation. Whose to say what happened to those scientists and where it happened? We just have to be careful. That's all."
The blonde turned up her nose. "If you're so afraid Pete, you can always wait here. Just don't expect to be named in any of the research from the fungi we collect."
Pete's frown descended into a deep scowl. "I'm not afraid, Anne, I'm just saying burglary is not in my job description of research assistant." Anne was a research assistant too. They both knew Dr. Taylor would only be able to keep one of them at the end of the year. Their competition to be that one was fierce. The tension between them brought a smile to Dr. Taylor's sensual lips. She believed competition insured good research from her assistants, which ultimately redounded to her own reputation. She also took a perverse pleasure from seeing how far her assistants would go to stay in her good favor.
"We're not burglars, we're trespassers." The doctor replied casually. "Come on, let's go. Remember, in and out."
The trio jogged into the forest, finding their way between a dense growth of oaks and laurels, the branches and leaves of which blotted out the sun, preserving the dampness from a recent shower. The group scanned the trees around them for any signs of guards or guardians.
Pete halted abruptly. "Wait!" He barked, holding up his hand to stop the others. "There is someone in that clearing up ahead."
Dr. Taylor peered at Pete's discovery. "There is something there, it looks like a person but it's not moving. Lets take a closer look."
The three crept forward, keeping the figure in view, ready to bolt if it so much as lifted a finger. As they got closer, they could hear the gurgling of falling water.
When they reached the clearing, Dr. Taylor sighed in relief. "It's a fountain statue!" She declared.
The statue they found was a nude woman, curvaceous and busty in the extreme. Her pose had her looking behind her, an expression of surprise fixed on her face, with an arm raised as if something had startled her. A white liquid spurted out of her nipples, falling into a circular pool in which the statue stood.
"A milk fountain?" Pete said surprised.
"The owner of this place has some weird taste in art." Anne added.
"All we know is that the owner is a 'her' and she is so reclusive that no one has ever seen her--or least no one has seen her and lived to tell about it." Dr. Taylor said, putting theatrical emphasis on her last sentence.
"Oh great!" Pete complained, slapping a hand against his forehead in disbelief, a vision of the newspaper headline "Three Scientists Mysteriously Disappear. Foul Play Suspected!" floated through his nervous mind.
"Losing your nerve?" Anne teased.
"No!" Pete growled. "I just like my field research to be a little less strange."
"We're not here to admire the the lawn ornaments, you two" Dr. Taylor told Anne and Pete. "Remember, in and out. Lets go!"
The three moved deeper into the estate, where the woods became even thicker and darker. Mud tried to capture their shoes and drops fell upon them like tears from wet, wind-trembled leaves.
About ten minutes past the statute, something on the ground caught Pete's attention. He sank two his knees and lowered his face close to the muddy earth. "Holy shit!" He cried. "This is a species of mushroom I've never seen before."
Dr. Taylor knelt down beside him, inspecting the find. "You're right!" She exclaimed with excitement. "And look over there, there is a new shroom too!"
Pete and Dr. Taylor set down their packs, removed their tools and set about gathering samples of the strange fungi.
"That's about it." Dr. Taylor said after they had collected their finds. "In and out. Let's get out."
Pete looked around. "Hey, where's Anne?" He asked.
Dr. Taylor shrugged. "Damn, I was so focused on collecting samples, I lost track of her. Look, there are her footprints. She must have gone ahead."
Pete stepped forward but Dr. Taylor grabbed his shirt. "Where are you going?" She demanded.
"To look for her, of course." Pete replied, surprised that she was holding him back. "She may be a total bitch but we can't just leave her here."
"Remember what I said. In and out. If she can't follow instructions, she deserves to get left behind. We can't jeopardize all the samples we've taken by getting caught!"
Pete shrugged off her hand. "Take your samples and go if you want to. I am going to find her and let her know we are leaving."
Dr. Taylor paused. Her instinct was to leave but there was also safety in numbers.
"Okay, have it your way. But we are only going to spend five minutes tops looking for her and then we go. Understood!?"
Pete did not agree but he nodded to shut the doctor up. He was creeped out by the place and also didn't relish being alone here.
Unbeknownst to Pete and Dr. Taylor, Anne had walked ahead but not by accident. Any research on the samples they collected would have to be shared, with 99% of any prestige from the work going to Dr. Taylor as principal investigator. Anne wanted to sneak some samples for her research alone. They would be her ticket to a tenure track position and her own lab.
After shuffling along a short distance, Anne found what she was looking for--a patch of mushrooms unlike any she had never seen in nature. They were about a foot tall with wide and fat caps, each a hue of cartoonish color dappled with white polka-dots. They reminded Anne of an obstacle from a video game she had played as a kid. This fit the bill for the kind of sample she was looking for, in spades!
A light childlike giggle interrupted Anne's excitement. She stood up and looked around pensively, "Who's there!" She hissed.
"It's just a shroomgirl, have no fear. Take a look, right down here." A high pitched voice beckoned to her.
Anne looked down at the mushroom patch. A purple-capped mushroom tilted back to reveal a human face.
"Holy crap!" Anne cried in surprise. She fell on her butt and scrambled backwards.
"I did not mean to give you a fright. You'll find that shroomgirls are quite alright." The mushroom laughed.
Anne regained her composure and crawled toward the mushroom for a closer look, eyes wild with disbelief as they ranged from cap to stem and back to cap again. The face was that of a pretty Asian woman, perhaps about Anne's age. Inexplicably, she had hair, which matched the purple color of her cap, which was tied into a pony tail. The human features continued into a long gorgeous, deep breasted, feminine body. A lack of any arms accented her snaking curves, adding more definition to the already deep sweep down her waist and ascent over the hips, making it a cross between a shroom and a busty Venus de Milo. A thick crevice of cunt ostentatiously added to her femaleness but farther below her waist the body resumed its fungi-like appearance. Legs were molded together forming a long stalk that descended into a ball like vulva. Her "skin" was a blank white dotted with purple polka-dots, the same color as her hair and cap, a hue shared by her nipples as well.
The creature's voice was high-pitched and clear, what you would expect from a cutesy animated anthropomorphic critter.
"What the hell are you!" Anne gasped when her voice finally returned to her.
"I'm a shroomgirl, that is so. Shroomgirls are the best, you know."
Anne shook her head quickly to clear it. "I'm hallucinating! I have to be!" She told herself.
The shroomgirl chuckled, "Oh shroomgirls are very real. Part shroom and part girl, that's the deal."
Anne concluded after enough shaking her had and pinching her skin that she was not dreaming and the shroomgirl was not a figment of her imagination.
"Do you, like, have a name or something?" Anne asked with a stutter.
"I have three names that others call me. Shroomgirl, Harumi or shroomgirl-harumi."
"Harumi..." Anne murmered aloud. That name was familiar. Didn't Dr. Leslie Frank at Emory--the Dr Frank who had told Anne's boss about this place, the Dr. Frank who had disappeared-- have a grad student named Harumi Ichada? She thought to herself. They had never met, of course, but wasn't it odd for her and a human-mushroom to have the same name? Stranger things had happened she decided, like actually being face to face with a human mushroom. Anyway, this creature was the discovery of a lifetime. It would make and seal her career. She would take a place in scientific history like Mendel or Linnaeus.
Kneeling down, Anne took the Shroomgirl's stem between her forefinger and thumb. "Okay, my little friend. You're coming with me." She told it.
As Anne touched the shroomgirl, the creature's eyes narrowed and her voice turned malicious, "Oh you won't take me anywhere, because you'll soon be a shroomgirl without a care."
In an instant after touching the shroomgirl, Anne felt awash in a sickening feeling akin to being sucked down a drain. At the same time, everything around her surged up in size, trees stretching from tall to towering; small rocks around her expanding to the size of boulders; patches of grass growing to the size of bushes.
Anne swooned and moaned until the falling feeling stopped and things around her stopped growing, allowing her to regain some composure. As her disorientation eased, the first thing she realized was she felt like she was wearing some kind of hat. It looked like she was wearing a hat too. She could see what looked like a wide brim, sweeping out above her eyes. She tried to yank it off but found herself merely shrugging instead. Were her arms asleep? She could not feel them.
Anne turned to her left to examine that arm only to find there was nothing below her shoulder. Alarmed, she jerked to her right, so fast she flipped her pony tail like whip, where she found her other arm missing too! On both sides her shoulders smoothly sloped slong the side of her chest with no sign or mark to show that she had ever had arms at all.
"Holy shit!" Anne cried as she looked down her body.
Since she was flat chested, it was a great surprise to find a huge pair of breasts bobbling before her eyes. Her paunchy tummy was now flat and smooth, encompassed by a new slight waist and broader hips. Below her crotch's thick cunt lips, her thighs had been fused together. All trace of her humanity ended where her knees should have been. There, her thigh trunk was attached to a sac-like mushroom volva fixed to the ground. Her body had lost all of her natural flesh tones. Her flesh was cast in blank whiteness with red polk-dots. The only outlier from this pattern were her nipples, thick and erect and colored with the same red hue of her polka-dots. Since her body had undergone all these changes she was sure she that she was not wearing a hat, but had a toadstool cap on her head, no doubt red with white dots. Anne had been turned into a shroomgirl!
"Oh my gosh, she told no lie!" Anne blurted. "I'm part girl and part fungi!"
If she had arms and hands she would have used them to cover her mouth. Her voice--it was high and shrill as if she had been sucking up helium. Could she only speak in silly rhymes now?
"Change me back, change me back!" She shouted frantically to no one in particular. "Before I have a heart attack!"
Anne sealed her lips again and gulped. Apparently, she had that annoying rhyming habit of a shroomgirl as well. Then she realized something going on in her mind, it was slowly losing most of it's complexity, regressing to a simpler state. Her thoughts had been scattered by her transformation and were falling back into place in a strange way. Her perspective was rapidly becoming simpler, as if huge hunks of her past and her knowledge were falling away from her like fall leaves-the duties of her job, facts from her education, words and concepts seemed suddenly hard to reach. She felt a giddy silliness creeping upon her, like any little thing would make her laugh, and it was harder to remember the past or even think about the future. She knew the eventual destination, a shroomgirl in mind as well as body, a mischievous girl-child like the one she had met, playing games and tricks, maybe even transforming others unfortunate to come her way. She had to fight it but how?
Anne's apprehension was interrupted by the shroomgirl's giggle. She looked before her to find the original shroomgirl now stood at eye level. She was Anne's size now, or more accurately, Anne was her size.
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Things got out of hand This is something that happened a whole lot of years ago on a Friday (I don'tremember the date exactly) when my gf and I had my best friend over for dinner. At that time I lived together with my girlfriend (I'll call her Anna) for approximately 2 years. We have a steady relationship with a normal sex life. We were both pretty 'normal' in bed but we both didn't have anything to complain about. Anna was 22 years old back then. She was a little overweight back then but a...
(Sorry boys this story is only for girls sorry to disappoint) Hello girls, I’m Rahul from Hyderabad here with a unique idea which i got thinking of sad and unsatisfied women. Through which i can satisfy every women out there. To get satisfied by my story u need to have lots of imagination power. It’s said nothing is better than something. This is my small attempt to make people happy and satisfied in the way i can. Hope you people enjoy having it all with me ;). Now coming to the story u need...
I’m not a writer. I’m sure this story is filled with bad grammar. I just have to tell this. It was something that just doesn’t happen to me. I’m 36, divorced. I’m overweight. I’m hairy. Things like this just don’t happen to guys like me. I had slept all day. A product of a busy week and not enough sleep, I woke up about 11pm. Hungry, I realized I didn’t have much to eat at home, or rather nothing I was really hungry for available to eat. Being a Sunday night, there wasn’t really anything open...
Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...
I have been going to the gym off and on for the last 3 months. There is some weeks I go two times a week, and there's other week, I will go to the gym 4 times. It is because… I have been going to the gym off and on for the last 3 months. There is some weeks I go two times a week, and there's other week, I will go to the gym 4 times. It is because I feel motivate to go. One of the employees told me that I should go to the sauna. She say is a great way to get a good sweat and a good stress...
Sex With StrangerIf you like my story then let me know. If you don't like my story let me know also. But if you don't like it, then why do you keep reading it? For all you morons that say I'm sick or compare me to Hitler (where that came from I have no idea, some fool did compare me to him.) .....Just remember THIS IS NOT REAL. It may be twisted but it's not real. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Sissy Life Part One... It...
Erika Hoffmann spent the next day, Sunday, alone as Elsa was scheduled to work so she busied herself with cleaning and tidying her apartment. After she had gone she didn't want anyone saying she was dirty and untidy. She would probably never see Eisenach again but that didn't matter. Besides, she didn't want to stop and think about what may happen on Thursday. She would worry about that enough as the day drew near.The following day she tried to catch up with all the work she wanted to finish...
LesbianI had invited Kim to view one of the loft's and get her perspective.As Kim and I entered the warehouse I reached back, I quickly turned the door's deadbolt . Then I faced Kim and said in a calm clear voice, "Let's take the elevator to the 2nd floor." Arriving on the second floor walking to a finshed loft. As we enter the loft I turned locking the door, Kim resembled the perfect female. Her blonde shoulder length hair gracing her shoulders, the halter top revealing her 36C breasts that...
Two weeks later found me sequestered in a cheap guest house in the picturesque town of Arles in the South of France. Arles was a town where Van Gogh had spent a year of his life painting and where several of his works were on display. Every year there was a festival in honour of Van Gogh. As part of this there was a prominent local music festival that we'd (two other bands and yours truly) been booked to play. It was a two night thing that promised to be quite an attraction. Several French...
there wans was a mad docter named hojo who studded how monsters get there mana back when it is used up or even if they even run out like humons do wan day he was working on some experaments to make humens be able to have ever lasting mana with out rest or food so they would never run out and need to rest but some thing whent wrong the monsters broke free i was is lab assistent at the time and was the first to expernce how the monsters truely got there mana they stoll it from us i was in my lab...
Kit playfully confronts her spoiled step son Jake about a speeding ticket he received in the mail. He tries to snatch the ticket from her. She takes off down the hall with it while he follows and tackles her on her bed and holds her down. Smiling, she tells him she isn’t his sister. He can’t just pin her down like that. To keep the ticket from him, she stuffs it down her pants. This doesn’t stop Jake. He rips off her pants, removes the ticket, and starts lapping at her pussy. She spreads her...
xmoviesforyouThe Chase is On By Angel Stevens The chase was on. Running at top speed through the hallways of the old high school chased by a gang of thugs, was a tall lanky kid. His longer legs than that of the gang gave him the advantage of keeping them at his heels however that couldn't last forever. Sooner than later, the hallway's twists and turns would get him cornered. As his lungs were coming to the bursting point anyway since stamina was never his strong point and realizing that if he...
This story takes place a few years ago when I was living with my wife at the time. It was a Saturday afternoon and my son had gone out with my parents and my wife and I had the house to ourselves. My wife was 5'3 130 lbs with long brown hair and fair skin. she was a beauty and that day was warm. she decided to take a shower and she left the bathroom door open while I decided to take a peek. she was washing her hair and I could see her trimmed pussy and ass as the water ran down her legs. her...
The forest is at peace after the raging storm of the previous night. The birds in the canopy high above the forest floor chirp with joy at the new day, as the animals creep from the safety of their dens to explore the world washed clean after the down pour in the night. The air is filled with the gentle patter of fat drops of rain rolling down the leaves above to fall to the ground. Even the tiny hut at the end of a barely destinguishable track, with a lazy trail of smoke rising to the heavens,...
LesbianOur old maid had quit and we hired a new maid. My wife and I have been married for a while now, and we have two kids who are grown and in college. I am 47, my wife is 44. we got married in our early twenties, and had a set of twins immediately. and both are now out of the house. My wife had a difficult C-Section delivery and has since then lost all excitement towards sex, and my sex life has been extremely limited in the last many years. Being quite a career driven, she was not much affected...
We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...
I deflected Amy’s question with some joke about showing up “like a pimp” with all three of them on my arm. She’d laughed at that and dropped the subject, but I already knew it was going to be a problem. Sure, I had more than a month until prom—time enough to figure it out—but a nagging worry nevertheless crawled into the back of my mind, made itself comfortable, and refused to leave. Obviously, my joke about bringing all three was just that, a joke. It was one thing for me to be in a situation...
BisexualShe stood with her back to the door, contemplating the view of the frozen great lake. Could her heart, like the lake, be frozen as well? No, she was not so lucky as that. She felt so much. Too much at times. He watched her from the doorway. Silent. Eyes closed for just a moment, remembering the feel of her body on his. Her breasts against the palms of his hands. Her hair teasing his skin as she moved. Unlike anything he had known in his short life. She smiled slightly, feeling him...
I fulfilled my end of the deal for Rochelle and a few days later put her in contact with the gangbang group. In the meantime, Vanessa had found me on Facebook and was constantly messaging me for another hookup. I had my hands full with Chrissy and Jennifer so I also connected Vanessa with the gangbang group. I didn’t know that both Rochelle and Vanessa scheduled to meet up with them at the same time. Unfortunately I had to go out of town for business the night the party happened, so I was...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...