What appened Was
- 4 years ago
- 24
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I still don't know what went wrong between my wife Kathleen (Kathy) and I. Christ, I can't say what went right either, really. When we meet in college I don't think either of us realised that we would one-day fall in love with each other and get married.
Kathy was one fine looking girl; maybe a little on the stuck up side for my liking and a bit too choosy about which guys she dated. Okay, I was a randy little bugger back then who only had one thought on his mind.
Did I chase after Kathy? No, I bloody didn't - I figured she was way out of my league. Hey, don't go thinking that I'm not a good-looking bloke though. I figure I'm not bad looking, even if I am a little on the short side.
But Kathleen's folks came from a more affluent background than I did. So I figured, 'hey, why waste my time, there's plenty of other birds around whom I could lay without any hassle.' But the fickle hand of fate takes a hand in these things, doesn't it?
A few friends and I were out one evening at "The Flag", one of the more unusual public houses around our area. It was unusual because it was out in the sticks and they didn't have any electricity laid on there back then. The only light in the place came from old oil lamps and candles. Hey, even the tills were those old fashioned things with the big buttons that had to be pushed all the way down and then they made a bell ring as the cash drawer opened.
And there was none of your ice cold beer sold there either, just genuine English ale at cellar temperature. It takes a good publican to serve up true English beer, as the stuff has to be nursed like a baby. I wonder what they did when this sterile fizzy lemonade they call larger became fashionable, with no freezers to keep it so cold that you can't taste the shit.
Anyway, as my friends and I were leaving, we became aware of an argument taking place in the car park. It was a dark night and since there were no lights in the car park either, we couldn't see who it was. But apparently some girl and her guy were having a disagreement about who was going to drive the car home.
From what we could hear the guy was sure he was sober enough to drive, but the girl had no intention of getting in the car with him behind the wheel. As I said we couldn't see them, we could just hear them over the other side of the parking area. Suddenly we heard the guy shout, "No bloody chick drives me around!" or something like that. Then a car door slammed and the headlights came on as the car spun its wheels on the loose surface leaving a cloud of choking dust behind it, as it tore across the car park and out of the place.
In the reflected glow from the car's lights we caught a glimpse of the girl still standing there alone. I turned on my lights and they swept across the car park as I drove to the exit, illuminating the girl standing there. As I turned onto the road, I suddenly realised that it was Kathleen, the stuck up little bitch from college standing there.
Don't ask me why. I don't know why we do those kinds of things. But roughhouse that I am, I couldn't leave her out in the sticks on her own. So without really thinking about it, I turned back into the car park and drove over to where Kathy was standing.
"Do you by any chance need a lift home, Kathleen?" I asked.
Of course she had no idea who the hell I was, as she couldn't see me, it was pitch black. But when I turned my Land Rover's interior lights on she recognised me.
"Thanks, Pete. That bloody idiot has just driven off with my damned car. He's as pissed as a newt."
The drunken idiot she was talking about was her then current boyfriend. I'd seen them together at the college. He was one of those guys who use what little brains he has to kick footballs about a field. But he was never going to be good enough to get into one of the professional teams.
They've got a good name for them in the States. Jocks, I think they call them. Probably after the jock straps they use to keep the family jewels safe on the playing field. Always worried me that one - I remember reading somewhere that testicles are mounted outside the body to keep them cool. Tying them up out of the way surely must stop the airflow and to my mind could lead to some serious overheating.
Well, can you think of a better excuse for not running around the sports field like a fucking idiot, when you could be up in the stands chatting up the birds? Hey, who'd want a jock groupie anyway, you'd never know where or who she'd been with and what little unpleasant surprises she could leave you with.
Shit, where was I? I digress so damned easily. Oh, yes, Kathy accepted my offer of a lift and she squeezed into the back of the Land Rover with the others. I dropped her home and that was all there was to it, really. Kathy came up to me the following Monday at college and thanked me again; after that, I never thought about the incident again. But obviously Kathy did.
It was probably a month later when she came up to me in the refectory one lunchtime.
May I join you?" Kathy asked, then before I had time to say a word she had sat herself at my table; she never gave me a chance to tell her that it wasn't convenient at that particular moment.
I'd spent quite a lot of time in the preceding couple of weeks, charming the socks off a particularly lovely little Swedish exchange student and I was hoping that on that particular lunchtime she was finally going to agree to accompany me on a date.
Yes, that is how I used to spend my spare time; I was an extremely successful wolf in sheep's clothing. Come on, I was young and having fun.
Kathy dived straight in and told me how the Jock who had driven off with her car had smashed it up. Not new news to me, as everyone in the college had heard the story by then. We had also heard that the police were threatening him with the charge of taking the car without consent, as well as being drunk in charge and reckless driving.
Kathy then went on to ask me if I had by any chance overheard any of the argument she'd been having with the Jock before he drove off in her car that night. When I said I had, she asked me if I would mind making a statement to the police.
Apparently there was some doubt as to whether he had permission to take the car. If Kathy had given him permission to drive it, she could well have been charged with aiding and abetting him. Apparently someone had been quite seriously injured when he crashed that car.
Well, I made my statement to the police and the girl I had been with that night made one as well. Most of the guys in the back of the Land Rover hadn't been aware of what had happened; they were otherwise occupied.
You know how things go - I just forgot about the whole thing again after that. What happened when it came to court, God only knows. But, obviously, no charges were laid against Kathy.
But, then a couple of weeks before Christmas, I received an invitation to the Hunt Ball in the mail. Not a function that I would normally choose to attend. You can probably guess whom it was from.
Now, if someone else is going to pay, I'm not averse to mixing with Hooray Henries. What they would make of me on the other hand was a different matter completely. To them, I was one of the hoi polloi. Mind I was a little taken aback by the cost of hiring a bleeding diner jacket.
Kathy picked me up from my house in a bloody Bentley, which turned out to be her father's company car, complete with his chauffeur behind the wheel. I got the feeling that she had decided that my old LR was the sort of vehicle she wouldn't want to turn up in at the Ball.
God, Kathy looked like a bleeding debutante or something, whereas I looked and felt like a trussed up chicken. Come to think of it, it was probably the first time I hadn't been wearing my Levi's in years. I wonder what they would have made of it if I'd worn my Levi's with a diner jacket that evening.
The night was interesting if nothing else. There were a lot of old farts there; oh, you remember what that guy said about hunting - "The unspeakable chasing the uneatable". Well, as far as most of the people I met that evening goes, he was definitely correct in that one.
I think I gave Kathy a bit of a shock, when she discovered that I could dance a passable waltz and I was no stranger to the fox trot. Although later when they started playing disco music, I was really on home ground.
Kathy and I didn't talk to each other all that much as she spent a high proportion of the evening dancing with her many admirers. I was a little pissed off over that as I thought I was supposed to be her escort for the evening.
She did find time to introduce me to her mother and father however. Her old man was something big in the hunt, God knows what. Her parents were polite to me, but that was all. Come on, you all know how to tell when mummy and daddy don't approve of whomever their precious daughter is fraternising.
Could be that was the reason for the Bentley. You know, 'hey, boy, get back into the hole you crawled out of; you're out of your class here.'
The chauffeur drove Kathy and me home — I don't know how her parents got to or from the Ball. There was no more than a peck on the cheek for a goodnight kiss. We never got close to each other in the car, as the bloody chauffeur had one eye on us all the time. Correction he had one eye on me! Smart guy, Kathy's father. The whole evening had been very formal and I could not really understand why Kathy had invited me along.
College had broken up for the holidays and I had a temporary job with the Post Office for the Christmas rush. I didn't see Kathy again until the new term started. On the third or maybe it was the fourth day back, she came up and plonked herself down at my table in the refectory again.
"Hi, Pete. Have I done something to upset you?" she asked.
"No, what makes you think that?"
"Well, you never called me over the holidays."
"Was I supposed to?"
"After the Ball, I thought you would call me and we would go out together again. You enjoyed my company at the Ball, didn't you?"
"Yes, Kathy, I did enjoy the time you spent with me at the Ball. What there was of it, that is! The rest of the time I was a fish out of water. Your friends aren't really my cup of tea."
"Christ, they aren't really my friends; they are daddy's hunting crowd. That was thoughtless of me, wasn't it? I'm sorry I didn't think that out very well, did I? But it was the first thing that came up that I could invite you to. It was apparent that you weren't going to make the first move."
"You thought I was planning on making a move on you?"
"Well, I have been waiting for it"
"Well, when you came back for me at The Flag."
"That was manners, Kathy, nothing more. I wasn't making a play for you that evening."
"Oh, I'm sorry I misread things. I thought you liked me, from the way you look at me."
I've got to admit I had perved Kathy quite a lot over the years. She did have a figure to die for!
"Don't get me wrong, Kathy. You are an extremely attractive young lady and I was proud to escort you to the Ball. But you've got to admit we don't exactly move in the same circles, do we? Tell me, just what did your parents make of your choice of escort to the Ball?"
That was a question Kathy chose carefully to avoid answering.
"I guess you're right. Is that why you've never asked me out in the past?"
Kathy was sounding slightly annoyed about something, not that I could figure out what. Come on, ladies, I was only a young man back then. How was I to know what goes on in the female mind? Shit, thirty years later and like most men I still can't figure how the female mind works.
"Sure is, girl, I know my limits and..."
"Whose knickers you can get into?"
"Come off it, Peter, you're one of the biggest wolves in this damned college. I know - I've watched you at work."
For a moment I didn't have a comeback for her statement. But it had annoyed me a little.
"Ah, cat's got your tongue now, hasn't it, Mr. Super Stud. I'll be honest; I really just wanted to see how you operated. But you've missed your chance now."
Kathy stood up and walked away. One of my friends who had been hovering nearby came over and sat in the chair Kathy had just vacated.
"What did the queen want?" he asked.
"To be honest, I haven't got the foggiest idea. You know she had me escort her to the Hunt Ball, don't you?"
"Who doesn't? We all thought she had the hots for you."
"No, I somehow don't think so. I get the feeling she was subtly putting me in my place. We were chaperoned so bloody tightly that night that I was lucky to get a kiss goodnight out of her. Perhaps she gets her kicks out of slumming it now and again."
"Well, at least you got one date with her."
"Yeah, you could look at it that way. But I get the feeling it was a no score win to her."
We both laughed and the subject was dropped. For the rest of my time in college, Kathy and I nodded to each other occasionally but I don't think we exchanged another word.
About four years later, I was working in the design department of an office furniture company. It was slaving over drawing boards back then. None of this computer lark they use nowadays.
One Monday morning, I looked up from my drawing board when I heard one of the secretaries, Charlotte, showing a new girl around — new girls came and went frequently in that firm. To my surprise, it was Kathy who was being introduced around. As they came near my table I kept my head down until the last minute.
"And this is our resident wolf, Peter. You might think that the sales guys are wolves, but it's Peter here you have to be careful of. He can charm the birds out of the trees, can our Pete."
I'd better explain something here. Charlotte was engaged to a rather nice guy called Mathew. I liked the guy a lot, but he was on the quiet side. Now I did have a bit of a reputation as - oh, shit, word had got around the girls that I was good in bed, alright!
Anyway from what I had overheard or been fed, I'm not sure which. Charlotte had been a virgin when she got engaged to Mathew and no longer was. She apparently was not overly enamoured at Mat's prowess in bed and it was her intention to - how can I put it? - try me out for size. Anyway you get the idea.
Now, I like Charlotte, but she had always blown me off before she was hooked up with Mathew. Now she wanted my body and there was no damned way she was going to get it. Oh, yeah, I flirted with her and drove her bloody crazy, but I kept her at arms length. Unfortunately, Charlotte came to realise that I was taking the piss out of her and she didn't like it.
"Kathy and I are old frie... acquaintances, aren't we, Kath? So you're wasting your time warning her about me, Charlotte," I said. "Don't listen to anything she says, Kathy. Charlotte is annoyed with me because I didn't take her to the party last Christmas."
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i am a sucker for a girl who wears spandex only shiny!!i pulled in and parked next t a car on the other side she was wearing shiny white spandex right up the crack of her ass and pussy i said god dam under my breath well she must heard me she looked right at me i watched her for a sec till she went to the other side i was hard as hell iwent to my truck got like i was leaving just staring she looked at me a few times igot dark tint so she couldnt see me strokin my cock i keep lube in my truck...
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Hi friends this is Rohan Patil from panvel Mumbai I am 5 feet 8 inch in height with average body n smart boy of 23 years old and I recently completed my eng mi iss cha khup juna wachak ahe n mala ithalya stories khup awadatat Tashya khup sides chya stories mi wachato pan iss chya stories chi majach khup vegali ahe. Karan maximum stories tar writers chya kharya goshti asatat tyamule khupach majja yete wachayala tar mag mi pan tharaval ki Apan suddha apala anubhav sangava mhanun mi hi story lihit...
Wishy Washy Bob loved the lazy Saturday mornings where he had nothing to do and could sleep in. As he laid in his bed debating if he should get up, he smiled with content. He stretched as the morning sun brightened up his room. As he stretched, Bob couldn't help but notice his body felt different. The long hair tickling his bare shoulders gave him pause. Why has his shoulders bare? And when did his hair grow? Looking down, Bob was shocked to see he was wearing a silky,...
Mai aur mera family shuru se hi bahut anand ke sath rahate the. Mere pitaji ek mnc me engineer ke pad par karzrat the aur meri ma ek degree college me lecturer thee. Mai ghar par akela tha aur isliye mujhko bachpan se dono ka dher sara pyar mila. Achanak ek ghtna se humare family ka such chain chin gaya. Pitajee ek bar bimar hue aur doctor ne kafi test ke bad pitajee ko cancer ke mariz karar kar diya. Doctorno ne pitajee ko sirh kuch mahina ka samay diya aur kaha Aap job hi karma chahate hai...
COCKWASHED By Katharine Sexkitten cockwashed verb "kok.wah-shed" believing that there is no greater joy in life than worshipping cocks, leading to giving into the desires to suck cock and be fucked by cock, by frequently being exposed to it or repeatedly being shown that it is true and thereby realizing ones true place in life. other tenses: cockwashing, cockwasher, cockwash I have been cockwashed. It's like being brainwashed, but as opposed to some radical...
"Ho, Ho, NO!" She finally waved him away. "Don't YOU even think of psychoanalyzing ME buster!" "Is the scientist afraid of what she might find?" Katsuhito asked mildly. "As a priest however I believe I'm equipped to tell you, confession is good for the soul!" "Brrrr!" Washu remarked, wrapping arms around her-self again. "Suddenly seems a little chilly up here!" She nodded emphasizing the stunning Yukatta she presently wore. "Maybe I should go get a coat?" "All have...
Kathy peeled her sheer stockings off her lanky long legs as Mommy steered the big white car into the parking lot. "Well, here we are," Mommy smiled bravely as she eyed the foreboding dark brick building in front of her. A brass sign next to the massive front door read "Trojan Home for Wayward Boys." "I wonder why they wanted us to meet them here?" Kathy asked tentatively as she tried to peer through the heavily barred windows. She thought -- but she wasn't sure -- that she saw a...
Brainwashed By Cassandra Morgan The Americans entered the village silently, covered by the dark of the night. Helicopters had transported them through the nearby Kush Mountains, and then they'd made their way on foot to Biryam. There, like death in the darkness, they made their way through the streets, not speaking, communicating only by hand gestures. There weren't that many soldiers. There had been more during the great wars. But most of the local terrorists were scattered now,...
Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...
The irradiated waters felt cold against scales as I bathed in the radioactive lake. Though I was immune to the effects of radiation the waters always felt dirty and full of grime and impurities. Despite my best efforts to maintain good hygene, out here in the wastes you never stayed clean for long. Life was that much harder because of my traits.For I was half a man and dragon, I wouldent call myself a mutent but other than that, I dont know what I'd be called. Thier is a few bonuses to...
It wasn’t easy to find the right spot – but I looked and looked – it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...
You were pretty young when the bombs fell. In the years leading up to the apocalypse, the world was ravaged by the Masculum Plague, a deadly disease that wiped out 99% of the male population. What followed was a total societal collapse. When the dust settled, women inherited the Earth. America, once controlled by a powerful patriarchy, is now a lawless wasteland dominated by leather-clad women, raiders and mutants. While raiders seized control of the land, you lived in a cramped bunker with...
BDSMAt the height of the 21st century, mankind believed he was destined for greatness and was years away from going to mars. While sources of unlimited energy seemed to be at the brink of society. That was before the bombs fell. Wiping out every major world power and leaving those left alive to suffer for years and years... Generations have passed; no one left alive remembers the days of the bombs dropping. The world is a different place. Most land that at one point had lush forests or snow-covered...
War, war never changes... During the year 2077 there was a nuclear fallout. Most of the United States was reduced to a giant wasteland filled with survivors, ruins, and mutants. Fortunately for some, they had signed onto the Vault-tec program. a program that promised that in case of nuclear war, that people and their families would be safely tucked away in giant underground bunkers, called vaults. All the vaults were designed in specific ways, one might have a faulty water chip, one might be...
One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle. Water began spraying everywhere. As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door. Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?” You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine. He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...
One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle. Water began spraying everywhere. As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door. Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?” You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine. He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...
First TimeOver the next several months matters progressed pleasantly for Jack and his concubines. He continued spending personal time with each of them at the Hilton, as well as group fun at home, as they all made plans for when they could move into the mansion. By late fall Sharley had signed with Hot Mama Designs, a design studio for sexy maternity wear; their motto was ‘Remind him how you ended up like this!’ Sharley and the chief designer held a webcam press conference where Sharley wore a very...
Bachche apni apni class ki or ja rahe the , khoobsurat mausam ho raha tha. Kisi ko padhne ki ichchha nahi thi. Rohan ne bade pyar se mam ko bola ” aaj padhai chhod do mam please” , ” syllabus bhi lagbhag complete Hi hai”. Pehle to Shreya ne bachchon ko mana kar diya lekin bachchon ka udas chehra dekh kar sub ko ground Mein ekattha hone ko bola. Bachche bhi bahaut khush the . Sab ke sab line banakar ground ki taraf ja rahe the . Karib 1 ghanta hone ke bawjood jab ghanti nahi baji to Shreya ne...
Sabhi randi bhno ko chutras bhra namaskaar.Sabhi bhanchod or maderchod bhaiyon ko meri chut ka salam. Sbse phle mai un logo se request krne ja ri hu jo mail pr hme bura khte hn.Hm ye khaniyan mnoranjan k liye likhte hn.Bahut si sch b hn.Agr aapko ni psnd h paariwarik chudai to aap inhe kholiye hi mt. Hm kisi ki emotions ko ni hurt kr rhe. Ek baar fir namaskaar lund k rajaon or chut ki ranoyon ko..Mai aapki jaisa ki aap sabhi meri phli khani me pd chuke hn kaise maine or mere bhai ne ghr me...
Hi my dear friends, I am Aki from Lucknow 28yrs old man with hard and juicy dick, I can satisfy everyone through my love passion and sex. Aaj bhut dino bad mein apni koi story post kr rha hu i hope you like it and mail me on my id Ye bat last year October ki h jb meine apni new job ki vjh se aksar bahar rehta tha or bhut km time Lucknow me rehta tha so aise hi ek din mujhe meri bhabhi jo ek security guard ki wife h vo mili or mujhse bolne lgi k ab aate nhi ho. Me- bhabhi kam ki vjh se bhr...
Hi friends mera nam vash hai mei Haryana k karnal sheher ka rehne wala hun meri age 22 yrs hai aur mei ISS ko bohot time se pad raha hun. Mera loda 6 inch lamba hai mjhe aurton ki lene mei bada maja ata hai aur bohot sari auntyo ko chod chukka hun aur jisko choda fan ho gai meri. Mei roz ek story pad kr muth marta hun aur apne din ki shuruwat krta hun. Agar apko story achi lagi to please mjhe mail krna Ye baat piche mahine ki hai mei law kr raha hun aur aj kal meri chutiya chal rahi hai mere...
I had business. Don't ask. I was in Yakima "fucking" Washington at the Holiday fucking Inn. I kept getting a hard on all day, I was so fucking horny. I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel, log on with my laptop, watch some videos on the you porn gay site and jack myself to satisfaction. Except, when I got back to the hotel, I knew I didn't want to pretend, what I really wanted was to shoot my load in another guy's willing mouth, hot ass or both. Anonymous sex is what I...
Gay Male“Mos Eisley spaceport: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.” Change the name from Mos Eisley spaceport to Washington, D.C., and you’ve got the idea! Even Obi Wan Kenobi would have despaired of this place! That doesn’t mean I was sorry I had run for office. It just made me want to be cautious. Friday, I managed to get lucky and got a decent draw on office assignments. Names get pulled out of a hat, and afterwards you have fifteen minutes to pick...
Washington D.C. in the fall is unlike any other city. Instead of the sighing winds bringing the smell of fires, we have the vitriol of a quarterback controversy. Instead of the crisp crunch of leaves on the sidewalk, we have the sounds of laser printers as the federal government rushes to spend any money left over by the end of September. Fall in Washington is also one of extremes in temperature. On one day it could be a high in the mid to upper eighties and the next it is barely out of the...