Wishy Washy free porn video

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Wishy Washy Bob loved the lazy Saturday mornings where he had nothing to do and could sleep in. As he laid in his bed debating if he should get up, he smiled with content. He stretched as the morning sun brightened up his room. As he stretched, Bob couldn't help but notice his body felt different. The long hair tickling his bare shoulders gave him pause. Why has his shoulders bare? And when did his hair grow? Looking down, Bob was shocked to see he was wearing a silky, black nightgown with spaghetti straps. He was even more shocked to see cleavage exposed in the plunging v-neck of the pajamas. "I must be dreaming," he said to himself. His higher voice sounded strange to his ears. Looking around, Bob quickly noticed his room had changed as well. Some of the changes were subtle, like his dresser looked the same but smaller. Other changes were obvious -- he was sure he didn't have a makeup table beside the dresser when he went to bed last night. As nervous as he was curious, Bob decides he should explore the rest of his apartment. He wondered if his roommate Steve also changed. He slowly, quietly pads his way down the hallway to the living room where he could hear Steve playing a video game. Peeking into the living room, Bob was disappointed to see Steve was still a man. That meant that whatever caused Bob to change was specific to him. "Steve?" Bob said nervously, hoping his roommate wouldn't freak out. Steve turned to look at who was calling him. The voice was unfamiliar. His eyes widened when he saw the girl in pajamas standing there. "Oh, shit," he blurted out. "Bob? Is that you?" "It is," Bob nodded. "How did you know it was me?" "Call it a lucky guess," Steve frowned. "And maybe I'm the one who changed you..." "What?!" Bob blinked. "How?" "I'm not saying I did do it, I'm saying maybe..." Steve replied. He took a deep breath as he tried to collect his thoughts before continuing. "This is going to sound crazy, but I found a wishing well last night. I tossed in a coin and made a wish..." "You wished I was a girl?!" Bob laughed. "Why would yo-" "NO!" Steve interrupted. "I'd never do that. What would be the point? I wished I was living with a hot girl. I was drunk and lonely. I didn't think it would work, and certainly not like this..." "You wished to live with a hot girl?" Bob's brow furled. "You don't like living with me?" "I do," Steve replied. "It's nothing against you. You're an awesome roommate. My intention was to have a girlfriend to live with. Not to transform you..." "I get it," Bob replied. "It's not a good wish, but I get it. Of all the things you could wish for..." "I know," Steve nodded. "If I was sober when I made the wish, I could be rich right now. Or have a perfect physique. Or... actually... well, if I was sober I probably wouldn't have thrown the coin in in the first place..." "Well, you're sober now. And so am I," Bob snapped. "Please tell me you remember where the wishing well was." "Of course I do," Steve nodded. "Why? You want to try it? You've never read or seen any stories about wishes? Making more never turns out well. We're supposed to be happy with what we already have." "I was happy with what I had," Bob laughed. "You changed me, not me. Now go get dressed and let's get going." "I am dressed," Steve laughed. "It's Saturday. Shorts and sandals are good for me. I'll be here waiting for you. I don't imagine you want to be seen in those pajamas outside, do you?" Bob forgot he was wearing just the nightgown. He blushed as he headed back to his room to change. What the hell was he going to wear, he thought, hoping he had something comfortable and conservative. Opening the closet door revealed a number of one piece dresses and lots of shoes. The dresser had underwear, tights and the like. Pants that weren't of the short shorts or yoga variety were nowhere to be found. What was a man-turned-woman to do? Bob sighed as he picked out some yoga pants. He pulled them up and was surprised with how comfortable they were. No wonder girls liked wearing them. He found a t-shirt that wasn't too tight and paired it with a hoodie to cover up his cleavage. He realized he wasn't wearing a bra, so dug through his dresser until he found one that was boring enough to be acceptable. A pair of running shoes completed the look and he went to get Steve to show him where the wishing well was. -- "This is it," said Steve as he pulled the car into the parking lot. "I was wandering around aimlessly in the park and then, somehow, ended up here. I've walked through this park a thousand times but this was the first time I noticed a wishing well." Bob stared at the nondescript well. It certainly didn't look magical in any way. It looked simply like a well. "So what'd you do?" asked Bob. "Throw a coin in and make a wish?" "Yep," Steve nodded. "Nothing more than that..." Bob dug through his purse and removed a large, feminine wallet. He pulled out a quarter, closed his eyes and wished to be his male self. Tossing the coin into the well was tense. He watched as it disappeared to the bottom. Nothing happened. "Maybe it takes some time," Steve suggested. "You were still a dude when I got home last night. It wasn't until this morning that you were a girl." "Yah, that's probably it," Bob nodded. He hoped that was the case but had no way of knowing. "Let's go home and see what happens tomorrow." "Okay," nodded Steve. "While we're out, do you want to go get something to eat? I'm starving." "Yah, me too," Bob nodded. "I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. Funny how waking up as a girl takes away your appetite." "Cool." Steve smiled. "I know a great little pizza shop around the corner. Nothing fancy but the food is amazing." "Gino's?" Bob blinked. "We go there all the time." "Oh, yah," Steve laughed. "I knew that. It's just one of the places I like to take dates." Bob blushed silently. It took a minute for Steve to realize why, but when he did he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He blushed even more than Bob did. "Let's just go," Bob said finally breaking the awkward ice. "And it's not a date." "I know, Bob," Steve said quickly. "I never would have... I mean, I just... you're not... I'm gonna shut up now." "Good idea," Bob replied. He had to admit that Steve was kind of cute when he was flustered. -- "Here you go, a large pepperoni pie for the lovely young couple," Gino said with a flair. He wasn't usually this flamboyant when the boys came in, at least not as far as Bob knew. "We're not a couple!" Bob told him quickly. "Not yet," Gino said with a wink. "My boy Stevie here. He's a real gem. You ought to give the young man a chance. He won't let you down." "It's okay, Gino," Steve interrupted. "We're just friends. This is Bo... Barb. She's visiting from out of town." "Oh, it's nice to meet you, Barb," Gino bowed. "I apologize if I was out of line. Italians love romance and I just want to see my boy Steve happy." "I... it's okay," Bob forced a smile. "I want to see him happy too." The pair ate their pizza quickly, in relative silence. Steve tried to start a conversation but it wouldn't go anywhere. When Bob tried, Steve couldn't reciprocate. It was an awkwardness that they'd never known in their relationship. The car ride home was equally quiet. Bob was preoccupied, his mind reeling at the fact everyone just assumed he and Steve were a couple. Steve, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel guilty for the predicament he'd put his best friend in. He'd change him back in an instant if he could. When the friends arrived home, Bob went straight to his room. He sets his alarm for 5am, determined to go back to the wishing well and try it from morning to night. He changed into the pajamas he'd woken up in, climbed into bed and quickly drifted off to sleep. -- BZZT! BZZT! BZZT! Bob reached out and shut off the annoying alarm. It wasn't even light outside. Then he remembered why he set it so early. He confirmed he was still a girl and sighed, got up and got dressed in the same clothes he'd worn the night before. As he left his room and got his purse, he was surprised to see Steve was asleep on the dining room table. His laptop was beside him. Bob took a peek at his screen and saw that the search history was about how to reverse a wish. That's sweet, thought Bob. Not wanting to disturb his tired roommate, Bob headed quietly for the door. Before he reached it, though, Steve woke with a start. "You're not leaving without me, are you," Steve said groggily. "I... uh..." Bob stammered. "I'm just going back to the well. Either it'll work or it won't, but I'm going to try all day. I didn't think you'd be interested..." "Not interested?" Steve laughed. "I feel so guilty about what happened, I feel like I'm the one who should be there making wishes." "Oh, I think you've wished enough," Bob smiled. "Yah, fair enough," Steve nodded. "Believe me, Bob, if I could put things back to normal, I would. I never in a million years thought such a thing was even possible." "I know, Steve," Bob nodded. "I don't blame you. How could you know the wishing well was loaded, right?" "Yah, exactly," Steve smiled. He wasn't certain if Bob was being sincere or sarcastic, but in either case he was happy Bob was able to make a joke. "Well, hurry up if you're coming." Bob demanded. "We're burning daylight." Steve jumped up and grabbed his keys. He was still dressed from the night before and didn't take so much as a minute to freshen up. He just splashed a bit of water on his face, ran his fingers through his messy mop of hair and grabbed his jacket. "Okay, let's go then," Steve replied. -- The drive over was a lot less awkward than the previous night's drive. Bob seemed to be in a much better mood. Steve was grateful for that. "There it is!" Bob smiled, seeing the well from the day before. "Let me out - I'll go try my first wish while you park the car..." "Okay, sure," Steve said, slowing his car to a crawl. Bob jumped out the minute it was and ran to the well. Steve watched with bated breath as Bob threw a coin into the well and closed his eyes. Steve could see Bob moving his lips but even several minutes, he still remained a girl... "Shit," swore Steve. He pulled his car up to the parking lot, taking a ticket and finding a space. "I really hope he's not stuck like that..." He walked over to Bob to see how things were going... -- "I've tried to word the wish in so many ways and nothing ever works," Bob frowned. "Are you sure you didn't do anything else? You just tossed in a coin and made a wish?" "That's it," nodded Steve. "Perhaps the well only grants one wish a year or something and I just got lucky?" "Hmm... " Bob frowned. If that was the case, he'd be stuck like this for a whole year? What if it was ten years? Or every century? He couldn't wait around for that. "I have an idea. Why not try a small wish? Something to test if the well still works or not?" "Okay, good idea." Steve nodded. "You want me to try?" "Yah," Bob nodded. "Let's try to recreate whatever you did when you first made your wish. I'll watch and try to see if I can see anything I missed. If it comes true, I'll do what you did. If not, well... it's your twenty-five cents." "Seems reasonable," Steve smiled. He thought about what to wish for. What small but noticeable thing could he wish for that only he and Bob would realize. He looked at Bob and pondered. "What are you waiting for?" Bob blinked. "I just don't know what to wish for." Steve frowned. "I guess it should be something small enough that no one else will pick up on... but noticeable enough that we'll both recognize if it comes true..." "Yah, good thinking," nodded Bob. "I dunno. Why don't you wish for a-" "NO!" Steve snapped. "You can't know what I wish for. Otherwise it won't come true." "I... really?" Bob blinked. "How do you know that? Is that why my wish never came true? You knew what I was wishing for every time I tossed a quarter into that stupid well." Steve thought about if for a moment. Could that be the reason? It just might be... He'd best wish for something that Bob will never think of. He stared at his feminized friend and then it came to him. He knew exactly what to wish for. Steve closed his eyes and said a little prayer. Opening them, he tossed the quarter into the well, thinking hard about what he wished for. He whispered it under his breath as the coin plummeted into the watery depths below. -- Several moments passed as he watched the coin disappear into the dark, murky water. Steve looked up to see if anything had changed. "What the hell did you do now?!" Bob snapped. Steve looked at his friend and smiled. Bob didn't look too happy, and seeing Steve smile made him even angrier. "A dress? You wished I was in a dress?" "And makeup too," Steve smiled. "You definitely look the part of the girl now." "Why the hell would you wish for this?" Bob frowned. He tugged on the hem of the short black dress, trying to cover his bare thighs. The black pantyhose that covered his legs did little to hide his embarrassment. The heels on his feet just added to the shame. "Look, we agreed the wish should be something that no one would notice," Steve explained. "Who is going to notice a hot girl wearing a dress?" "Uhh, everyone?" Bob laughed. "I can feel every eye on me now." "Oh, shit," Steve laughed. "I never thought of that. But no one should bat an eye that a girl is wearing a dress. That's normal enough. And the point is, the wish actually worked." "That's true!" Bob smiled. "There's hope yet. Why don't you try wishing me back to my old self then? Maybe it's gotta be you who makes the wish." "Okay, sure," nodded Steve. "I'll give it a shot." Steve tossed another quarter into the well, repeating his wish over and over as the coin fell to the water below. After watching the coin sink to the bottom, Steve looked up to see a still female Bob looking on expectantly. "So it's not you who is special, eh?" Bob frowned. "Apparently not," Steve frowned. He'd hoped he could come back anytime to make a wish. "But maybe it is about other people knowing what you're wishing for. Why don't you try wishing for something that no one will suspect?" "Okay," Bob nodded. He looked as indecisive as Steve had when he was forced to make a small wish. So many things he could wish for, how could he decide? And then it hit him. Tossing the coin into the well, Bob tried to do exactly what he saw Steve to prior. He followed the quarter with his eyes as it disappeared beneath the water. He then looked up at Steve and then down to his own body. "What'd you wish for?" Steve asked, his eyes looking where Bob's were focused. "You didn't ask for bigger tits, did you?" "What?!" NO!" Bob snapped. "I wished to be back in my old clothes!" "You did?" Steve blinked. "That doesn't seem like a very big wish. I wonder why it didn't work... unless..." "Unless?" Bob's ears perked up. "Well, I was trying to find anything on the internet related to wishes... " Steve started. "One common thread that kept coming up is that a wish cannot undo another wish..." "Is that true?" Bob blinked. "I have no idea," laughed Steve. "I've never had a chance to test it until now. But it would explain why we cannot undo my wishes." "That's true," Bob nodded. "I will try to wish for something else then. I've not been able to have a wish granted. We're still not sure if you are a key component to this wishing well or not..." "Me? I'm not sure how that could be," Steve shrugged. "Go ahead then. Let's see if you can change something small then..." Steve watched as Bob sashayed over to the well. He couldn't help but stare at her ass as it moved to and fro as she walked. The heels made her legs look great and the short dress sealed the deal. He smiled as he got lost in thought. "Omigod!" Bob squealed. "It did work!" "It did?" Steve blinked, returning to reality. "What did?" "My wish!" Bob laughed. "But you're still a hot girl in a short dress," Steve pointed out. "Why are you so happy?" "I didn't wish against your wishes this time," Bob grinned. "I copied them." "You what?" Steve gasped. Looking down, he realized he was wearing a short black dress that looked very similar to the one Bob was wearing. Even more shocking was that it fit him, hugging all the right spots. "I'm a girl?!" "Yes, ma'am!" Bob laughed. "I thought it only fair. Now we're both equally motivated to find a wish that can change us back." "I can't believe you'd do this to me," Steve frowned. "I didn't mean to change you into a girl and you did this on purpose!" "You may not have meant it, but you did this to me too." Bob replied. "And no matter what you say, you first turned me into a hot girl and then, second, put me into a sexy outfit. I don't even want to guess what third might be?" "I explained why..." Steve said quietly. "I know you were staring at my ass when I was walking around," Bob frowned. "Like you said, everyone was staring at your ass," Steve smiled weakly. "It's a great ass." "And now yours is too." Bob grinned. "We need to find a way to change back." Steve frowned. "I can't be a girl. I don't want to be stuck like this forever." "Then let's make another wish," Bob replied. Turning to the wishing well, Bob was shocked with what he saw. Steve let out an audible 'eep' when he was what had stopped Bob in her tracks. "It's gone?" Steve blinked. "It is," Bob nodded. Where the well once stood, a small plaque remained. The language that was written on it was something neither of the new girls could recognize. Bob took a picture of it to check online later. "What are we going to do?" Steve asked desperately. "I dunno," Bob replied in a whisper. The girls headed home to try to formulate a plan. They decided the best thing to do was to head online and see if any more wishing wells were in their neighbourhood... there were. -- Two months later, Barb and Steph were still searching for a way to return to their former lives. They'd adjusted well enough to being girls. Too good, if you asked either of the girls. It seemed like the wish that changed what they were wearing also changed their sense of style. Bob loved short skirts and heels with tights. Steve also wore a lot of skirts from the start. "I finally got a hit on the plaque," Steph said excitedly after checking her email. "Someone recognized it." "Really?" Barb asked, rushing to see what the commotion was about. "Did it say what the text said?" "Yah," Steph smiled. "It says it's a lost tongue from a dead civilization. The best translation they could come up with is 'All's well that ends well'."

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At our next meeting Olga was there earlier and when she stood up to greet me, she hugged me tight. I felt her large breasts press into me, and felt a strong stirring in my loins. This fantastic woman knew already that she was the most important person to me and I was totally smitten with her. She was warm, intelligent, and I could tell she loved me. Olga began our conversation by saying, "I think this meeting will be the most important we'll ever have. You can choose me too if you wish to...

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Little Trouble in Dolcett Japan

Story #: Ani-Can 1 Copyright ©2006 Written: September 19 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ The day started like any other everyone in the Tendo house now waking to a new day except for Ranma and his father Genma who spent all night training in the dojo to wrapped up to realize it was already morning until Kasumi called from the kitchen, "Breakfast is ready" was...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 6

Rachael arrived in the kitchen wearing a small white undershirt, white cotton printed boy-short panties, and her leather jacket, her dark curly hair sleep-mussed. She approached me at the counter and hugged me, still sleepy and smelling warm and cuddly. For a wonderful minute I hugged her, then bent and smelled her hair. She eased back, smiled, and said, “Make me breakfast.” “Please,” I corrected. She smiled. “Please.” “You haven’t thanked me enough for the jacket.” A sparkle entered...

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Shiny Black Part 1

The mask feels oppressive on my skin. I don't dare to look up at you, afraid of how you will see me now. When you showed me the picture, I could only shake my head laughing. The women looked strange to me, somehow inhuman and were no longer recognizable. I wanted to be beautiful for you. Not as beautiful as you, of course. You had looked at me with that sparkle in your eyes. Your black hair was gracefully tied up and fell slightly over your shoulder. Your skirt swung after you with every...

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Reetu Ko Choda Use Room Me

Hi guys i’m Raju. This is my first story for iss. I had read many story.yaha meri sachi kahani hai meri umar25 hai, meri hight 5.6″ hai. Meri body shap avreg hai our mere land ki length 7.5″ hai our width 2.5″ hai maine ajtak sirf 2 bar sex kiya hia aj mai apko mera paila experian bata raha hu …yaha 1 sal pahleki bat hai jab mai colleg kar raha tha. Tab mai final me tha our mere home se dur rhaitha tha, mai jaha rhitha tha vahi meri room ke neare me do ladkiya rahati thi.vo mere se pahale voha...

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Haileys Post Orgy Threesome

My two friends and I climbed up the stairs to my room after a quick orgy at my sexy black neighbor’s house. Y’know, like ya do. We originally went over for ice cream, but one thing led to another and the three of us took turns blowing him until eventually my friend Courtney took his massive dick for a ride followed by Jasmine. Being the stud my neighbor is, he managed to blow two loads and filled both of them to the brim with cum. Unfortunately for me, we had to go before I got any for...

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Emma the Pig Chapter 1

I sat on the edge of my bed, heart pounding, foot tapping nervously at the floor, fingers clenching at the tangled sheets. Next to me the clock on my phone ticked another minute forward: 11:48pm. For a month I’d been planning for this night, waiting for my chance, and now that it was here I couldn’t do it. I was paralyzed. In the dirty mirror across from me my own fat face stared back at me, mousy hair pulled into a ponytail, acne spattered across my cheeks. I hated it. I hated this stupid...

2 years ago
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Happiness in my house

I have 1 sister We are very close We sleep together Bathing together since c***dhood Now she has grown up into a young woman. Sometimes we also shower at the same time. I noticed the change in your body. Her breasts are round, beautiful, pink nipples. Her pussy is slightly hairy. Her butt is round and plump. It makes my dick awake And she likes to peek my dick And will always catch it when we shower at the same time One time, she told me that she used to watch porn. She wondered Why do women...

1 year ago
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All Is Not as It Appears

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental The ‘test drive’ seemed to be coming to a finish. The girl in the Catholic schoolgirl uniform was on her back in the corner of a restaurant booth with the table pushed aside. Her blouse was completely open and pulled out of her skirt. Her skirt was up around her waist. She was wearing a lacy black bra and panties set. The bra was...

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Teddys WorldChapter 36 A Hot Time in Miami

(Sunday, Morning.) I called Marcus and asked if he was ready to meet with me. I advised him to pack up his room, and leave his suitcases with-in easy reach of the door. Cathy answered the door knowing that Melody was also coming. The women were pow wowing in the bedroom. My dad just opened the door and walked in along with a few of my Uncles and a few of the PI team members. Most brought their own chairs, just before we started our little sit down, the girls all came out of the room. "Were...

3 years ago
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The Farmers Daughter Chapter Two

The Farmer’s Daughter: Chapter 2 Sisyphus At breakfast the next morning, John and I were finishing our scrambled eggs and toast when he put down his cup of coffee, took a deep breath, looked over at Mary in the kitchen skimming the cream off of yesterday’s milk and turned to me. “Listen, Pete, I have to talk to you about Sherry,” he said, leaning forward, clearing his throat. “We have a rule about apprentices staying away from her. You’re here to work for us and we’ve had problems in the past...

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The Neighbors Daughter III April Needs Someone

Henry’s life had settled down considerably after popping their cherries and initiating sixteen-year-olds, Candy and Tasha, into the world of sex. Even with the little blue pills, those two teenagers along with Tasha's mother, Helen, had nearly worn out his fifty-year-old ass. Helen had become Henry’s girlfriend and a frequent visitor. Henry and Helen enjoyed maintaining the fantasy of her being the student to his sex teacher role. They had a very full sex life. Then, one Saturday morning,...

First Time
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hard pak fuck

So I take you to the park just as its getting dark, you are blindfolded and really horny as you haven't cum in days, your cunt is aching for hard dirty sex. I kiss your lips and say all you have to say is stop. Then I strip you slowly till you are completely naked apart from a pair of crouch less knickers, then I strap you to a tree, standing up with your arms tied to the branches and legs pulled apart both the tree and the rope are tight on your body and rough on your skin you can feel...

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My name is Tarek and I’m from Bangladesh. I’m a regular reader of ISS. As I used to read the stories, often I also wished to tell the readers of my own story that I have been carrying within me for years. But I have always been suffering from hesitation, I don’t know why. Every person has unique stories of his or her own. And sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I have also seen some fabricated stories in ISS. Real stories are more enjoyable than the fictitious ones. The real stories are...

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Ice Skater Attacked

He was at the mall to shop for gifts when he first saw her. She was the eighteen-year-old skating phenom they had talked about on the local news. She was practicing at the rink inside the mall. The young beauty named Martika was a very beautiful girl. The skating outfit she wore was especially nice: A short flowy white skirt, and of course the usual nude colored pantyhose covering the girl's very sexy legs. Martika had no idea what horror would befall her on this day. When the teen finished...

3 years ago
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My Sexy New Spaceship

It had taken me years, but I finally had my own space pod. I bought it free and clear, complete with an android crew, and I never had to go back to Earth again if I didn't want to. It was brand new and unused. The gravitational systems, navigation, communications, light engines, and even a few things I had yet to check out were all tested and guaranteed to work or I get my credits back. At less than 2 million credits, this mansion of a starship was a steal. It was looking like 3257 was...

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KinkySpa Khloe Kapri Cute teen Khloe Kapri fucks the owner of the Spa at her job interview

Khloe Kapri is minding her own business just trying to masturbate on a nice afternoon when her dad calls and kills her vibes. He’s whining about her not doing the dishes and how she needs to get a job but she can’t find anything! Well dad apparently knows something she doesn’t, they’re hiring down at the Kinky Spa. She decides to give it a try and goes in to attempt to impress the boss in her interview. The interview is just a massage and the new boss is not shy! He...

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Me Edna Joan and Debbie

I was sitting home when the phone rang and Edna came on the line. She asked if I was busy and when I said I wasn't, she then asked if I could come over to her place for an afternoon tea. I agreed and was soon on my way over there. When I got there and entered in, I saw Edna standing there and I noticed behind her were two other girls. Going in Edna took me up to them, "Carmen, this is Joan and this is Debbie" she introduced them "Girls, this is Carmen" she added We all settled down as Edna...

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Lizs First Taste Of Pussy

Liz enjoyed men. She liked them to charm her knickers off, and they were often charmed on a regular basis.Being slim, blonde, attractive and very busty (34E), she was constantly the centre of attention. And even when she was in what she would call a steady relationship, it was difficult for her to avoid attention from the other men.Liz had never ever given women a thought, she was heterosexual. There were plenty of men after her, plenty of cock to fulfill her needs, so women just did not play a...

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The Married Guy

It was a warm summer afternoon. I was wandering along Main Street, killing time. My wife Linda was at the salon having her hair done. We were newly-weds. Near the end of the street I entered a small, barn-like building that featured hand-crafted wood furniture. The furniture craftsman was a young guy, twenty-five or so with sandy hair. He was not wearing a shirt. Right away I was jealous. I’ve always been jealous of guys with good bodies. They can take off their shirts whenever they please. He...

4 years ago
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Add Another One to the list

“ Yes, yes fuck me” I demand. Just how far can I push this guy I am determined to find out. If he doesn’t like it he can fuck off. After all we met just a while ago in the disco that blares out loud garage above us. I've been to this area of the club before, at first as an employee at the lowest level; a run-around, do this do that girl, then many times as a paying customer. This area is not accessible to the punters but its a place that I can be sure that I can bring any guy that I take a...

Straight Sex
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The Biograph Cinema

I visited the Biograph Cinema in Victoria London in the 70’s as a fairly naïve teenager, who ended up m*****ed. Shame the place closed, I was enjoying being fiddled with by dirty old men.The Biograph was clearly the haunt of the Dirty Mac Brigade, and all of those sorts of men my Mother had told me to watch out for. Aged 18 I’d never even kissed a girl let alone had someone else make me cum. So, I was drawn back to the place. Like any teenager I wanked at least daily, but the previous episodes...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 5

There were three weeks left before school started again, when she did me that first time. I stopped in two days later, with my six cookies, and a fluttering heart. I tapped on the back door and stuck my head in the kitchen and she came in from the living room with a smile. She usually wore shorts and a tank top, or a halter top in the summertime, but this day she was wearing a sundress. "Hi," she said. "I shouldn't have speeded things up last time," she said, taking a cookie. "I hope...

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A Snapshot of Jacks Life Ch 02

Jack’s brow furrowed in puzzlement. He quickly re-read the email and blushed. He looked around to see if anyone had noticed, and then realized how ridiculous that was. He was alone in his office. He unconsciously bounced his right knee up and down. It was a nervous tick he had, along with incessant pacing. If he didn’t know any better he could swear she was flirting with him via email. He sat quietly contemplating the possibility. Jack knew he wasn’t Brad Pitt, but he wasn’t horrid looking...

1 year ago
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My first sex with my collegue

Hi to ISS readers my name is subhash and im from hyd my age is 21 years and im a regular reader of iss as come to story part every day i used to see porn movies every day and my collegue is prabhavathi whos age is about 30 years and her husband has been expired and she leaves with her sister and child whos name is pravanya she is 21 years old and her child is about 1 year. I regularly see porn movies as my mother and my father will go to the office in the morning im single in the house as u all...

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I remember when my sister who was still living at home was studying with a friend for her college exams. My room was right next to her's and I could hear her and her friend talking and giggling all night. At about 1am when i was going to go to bed, i heard a soft moan. i went to her bedroom door which was open a crack. I looked in and she and her friend were on the bed, kissing and fondling each others breasts. my cock started to harden as i watched her friend with long hair and firm round...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 3 When in Rome

I knew Mel was all talk when she said she could easily leave Edwin in Caroline’s care. But I didn’t blame her. I just sat on the couch, next to Peter Fox, in Caroline’s luxurious apartment on the corner of Hyde Park, just over the Aston Martin dealership. He lived there now, on a trial basis. “It’s a much shorter commute,” was all he said about that. I knew his home. The man liked marble statues, preferably with a penis or at least a six-pack. (No replicas of David, then.) He liked Persian...

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Seduced by Neighbors Son Pt 3

After my husband practically ****d me after watching me seduce our 17 year old neighbor who is also our new pool buy, I could not wait to see the young teen. It wasn’t until Monday afternoon that I had my first chance to talk to Otto. I told him what happened when Jerry got home and how he sexually attacked me because he was so turned on by my seduction of him and the blowjob. Then I told Otto that Jerry wanted me to have sex with him the next time he comes to clean the pool and that he will...

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Tapas And Trupty8217s Sex Adventures

Hi to all ISS readers and I am new to this site and it is my first story. It is real and 100% true one. It is not about me, it is about my best friend and his colleague’s sex story. Previously they both were working together with Sain Medicament Pvt. Ltd and when this incident happened that time they were working together with Lenova Life Science. My friend’s name is Tapas Kumar Mishra, height 5 feet 7 he stays in Khurda Odisha and he is married to his love one and having one son. His...

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Bowled Over 2

Bowled Over By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Two Brian hurried outside and quickly jumped into the backseat of the car service with Ricky, breathing a sigh of relief being away from his mother. He looked out the window, seeing his mother wave goodbye from the front door and then relief turned to angst as the car turned off his block heading out of his neighborhood. He expected to be nervous, but now it was all hitting him at once, as in an instant he was thrust into...

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Max is a freak part 8

Chapter 1 Joyce and Carol were both ballgagged , naked & tied up downstairs in the dungeon. Meanwhile Max and Joan were upstairs waiting for Arthur and his sexy slave mom Sonia. Joan wore nothing but her dog-collar, leash & heels and Max had purposely ballgagged her also. Joan would speak when he determinied it to be necessary Chapter 2 As Charlie pulled into Max's driveway, Arthur unloaded a massive load of jism all over his moms's face. It was so large Sonia could hardly see. As...

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La Bella and Il Mostro part 3 and epilogue

As Jutta entered the ballroom the party guests quieted in overlapping waves, like wheat in a windblown field. The crowd had never seen anything quite like the tall black-clad vision that swept through the room.  She wore a midnight silk gown designed by her servant, Samira.  Venice was notorious across Europe and the Ottoman for its outrageous costume balls, populated by women who wore the most daring and even scandalous of gowns.  But no one had ever seen anything like this.  There was no...

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Meri Girlfriend Ko Exposure Pasand Hai

Hello friends. Maine ISS pe kareeb 20 stories post ki hai. Ye meri pehli hindi story main likhne jaa raha hu. Mera naam Shivang hai. Main 24 ka hu, Mumbai se. Aapke mails welcome hai mere email ID pe which is . Toh story pe aate hai. Ye incident hua kareeb 2 months pehle. Meri ek Girlfriend thi- Nidhi. Humaare last week breakup hua. Toh baat yu thi ki Nidhi ko exhibitionism bohot pasand tha. Yaani ki apni body dusro ko dikhaana use bohot achha lagta tha. Aapko Nidhi ke baare me bata du. She is...

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The Wrestlers Revenge

WARNING: This story is entirely fictional but does contain dark themes and elements.This is not for the feint of heart! Don't say I didn't warn you hehe--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1:In a small run-down building in a run-down part of town, the wrestler and former champion known as Sammy Bunns was about to enter a very murky world....

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Dirty Laundry mdash Part 2

This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvDirty Laundry Part 2Peter had made it a point to call the laundromat a few days after hisencounter. He'd asked to speak to the manager and told her that hewanted to thank the attendant who had been on duty that night. Hisname, he discovered, was Tyler.Peter came into the laundromat that next week on the same night,slightly earlier than the last time. A handful of others were there,but it wasn't crowded. It was...

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