Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 14 free porn video

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‘We should go down to the arborium!’ Beth cried in Béla’s mind. ‘One last time, Sister!’ An anxious lust accompanied her thought.

They teleported down to the arborium to see what they could find to use on each other. There was nothing left except the bows and a few arrows, several hatchets and some rusted, bloody knives. They had used up absolutely everything else. There were shell casings everywhere, but no guns. As the weapons were emptied, one or the other of the sisters had simply teleported the useless metal into space. They’d cleaned up and discarded the empty containers yesterday when they’d returned to their favorite playground looking for something to do.

“I don’t feel like bows and arrows,” Beth complained.

“And the knives are all rusty,” Béla noticed.

“How about I just tear you apart?” Beth asked. “That’s always fun… What?”

Béla had reached down and picked up a shell casing. It was hollow, but the metal around the open end was sharp…

Beth saw what her sister had in mind and licked her lips, feeling her body respond to the image. She stepped forward, her belly tight with anticipation and, jutting her bare breasts out, she gazed into her sister’s eyes.

‘Okay, I’m ready!’

Béla carefully placed the open end of the shell casing over Beth’s hard little nipple and began twisting it and pressing in, cutting into her sister’s breast.

‘Oh, God! She's going to core my tits!’ Beth cried out.

By the time the solid end of the shell casing was flat even with Beth’s bloody flesh, tears were streaming down her face. Her body trembled with the quiet agony in her sensitive breast. Her legs were wet with piss and girl-cum, and her knees were weak.

Béla looked at the shiny little disk embedded in her sister’s tit and smiled, admiring her handiwork. Then she flipped it with the end of her finger, causing Beth to gasp at the sudden increase in her agony.

“You like that?” Béla asked, flippantly.

Breathing heavily, Beth could only nod, not trusting her voice.

“Want me to do the other one?”

Still trembling, Beth presented her other tit to be similarly treated. A moment later, both her nipples were encased in metal shell casings. Blood oozed out around the edges where her tender flesh met cold metal.

‘God, they feel like they’re on fire!’ she whispered, her voice shaking from the pain and the sexual stimulation it caused her.

Beth pressed her metal-tipped tits against her sister and embraced her, tightly, radiating the fire in her tits through both their bodies.

‘Now I get to do you!’

Béla teleported a shell casing into her hand and handed it to Beth. She could feel her own body tighten up in anticipation of the mutilation her nipples were about to receive. Then she was holding onto Beth’s rib cage, hissing through clenched teeth and trying to hold steady while Beth twisted and pressed the shell casing into her bleeding breast, encasing her nipple forever in the shiny, white-hot steel.

After she finished both breasts, Beth stepped back to admire her handiwork.

“I like them,” Beth grinned. “And they feel really great! What do you think?”

Béla gently ran her fingers over her new metal nipples, wiping moist droplets of blood off around the edges of the metal casings and licking it off her fingers. She was breathing heavily from having to hold her body still while her sister had pressed that second one into her right tit.

‘And it’s not that easy to hold still when you’re coming that hard…’

She moved her arms back, thrusting her breasts forward. The exquisite pain around her nipples increased.

‘This should make flying a lot more interesting…’

Béla moved her arms back further, triggering her transformation from normal human to winged vampire. She moved her wings through their entire range of motion, gasping in shallow breaths as the tightly stretched flesh of her breasts moved against the metal casings.

She grinned at Beth and sprang into the air, flapping her wings to gain some altitude. Then she cried out as one of the shell casings came loose and fell away. As she landed, the other one popped loose and fell to the ground. Her skin tissue began to grow back together around her blackened nipples.

“Well, so much for that idea,” Béla sighed as she returned to her mundane human form.

She held her tender breasts for a moment while they healed, and noticed just how many shell casings were lying around. She began popping any shell casings she could see out of the arborium, teleporting them outside the ship and into space, several at a time.

‘All this metal can’t be good for the plants,’ Béla explained. ‘We shouldn’t leave it here.’

Beth decided to help. Although she didn’t really care that she could fly, she formed her wings and flew over the areas they had used as their playground, teleporting any shell casings and trash she could see into the depths of planetary space. All this stuff would eventually be attracted by the moon’s gravitational pull and end up on the surface. If any human ever returned to the moon, those used shell casings would be a mystery no one could ever explain.

As she flew, Beth’s own metal ‘nipple-caps’ fell away. She caught them with her mind as they fell, and shoved them into space outside the ship along with a handful (mind-full?) of everything else she’d been accumulating.

When she got tired, Beth dropped down and awkwardly landed on her hands and feet with her breasts still hurting. Béla dropped gracefully down beside her, having done the same cleanup duty in another section of the arborium.

“Well, it looks like we’re really done here,” Beth said tiredly.

Beth’s eyes were tearing and Béla suddenly realized that it wasn’t from the painful sensation of her nipples healing and coming back to life as Beth radiated her thoughts into her mind.

‘I’ve loved being here with you, sharing myself with you. I can’t imagine what you would have done without me along to torture you and keep you occupied.’

“I’m going to miss you,” Beth continued, switching to verbal. Her voice was strangely uneven with emotion.

“Miss me? Where are you going?” Béla asked.

Suddenly distraught, she touched her mind against Beth’s. Surprisingly, there were no plans. Beth hadn’t planned anything at all to do on Earth.

Béla dug a little deeper and discovered that once Beth understood that Earth had no future, she was afraid to do anything that might cause her to fall in love with it again. She wasn’t even planning on going down to the surface with Béla. She intended, instead, to stay on the great ship and work as a crewmember, returning alone to New Eden when the ship left Earth.

“That’s a three year journey!” Béla exclaimed. “And the ship isn’t even leaving anytime in the next two years! That’s five years! What are you going to do? Just sit?”

Beth burst into tears, shaking her head, not knowing what else to do. Béla embraced her miserable sister and mind-linked more solidly with her.

An image of Beth fitting in with my family of friends, Beth and Tanya together, making friends, making love. Two sisters playing ‘hide and hunt’ in the mountains with Jake shooting at us. Beth traveling with her and her close-knit family back to New Eden when the great ship came to collect them in twenty years.

“There’s a future, if you would like to share it with me,” Béla said softly. “I love you. I don’t want to see you alone any more than you wanted to see me make this long journey by myself.

“You think I’ve taught you a lot, but I’ve learned a lot from you, too. Together we are stronger than we are separately. Together, we make two complete persons. Please stay with me.”

Béla’s eyes were tearing up now, and her nose was starting to run. The two sisters hugged each other tightly.

‘If you want me to, I’ll stay with you forever!’ Beth promised, radiating joy and love to her sister as they embraced.


The two princesses were back on the bridge during the ship’s descent into the thick atmosphere. Even though they were coming down on the night side of the planet, the great ship was in ‘stealth’ mode, invisible to the naked eye. It would remain in ‘stealth’ mode until this phase of Project Earth-fill was complete and they began the return journey to Deimos and New Eden.

The intermediate stop at Deimos would be the last visit the great ship would make to that station, collecting the remainder of the personnel there and transporting them onward to their future home in New Eden. Sibilius had remained behind at Deimos, making final preparations for closing the tiny space station that had been their home for several thousand years.

After unloading the cargo and goods from Earth upon arrival at New Eden, the great ship would make one last journey directly to the third planet to retrieve the Princess Béla, her sister and their companions.

Béla didn’t understand why the Deimos Station was being abandoned at this time, but the great ship was not to dock at the Deimos Station for any reason on its return journey to Earth sometime in the next fifteen to twenty years. The Praetor had ordered it. The Praetor was the lawgiver and its orders would be obeyed. Only Béla, as Carte Blanche, was outside the Praetor’s jurisdiction.

The great ship skimmed along the surface, five hundred meters above the waves. It was headed west, across the Atlantic Ocean, chasing the edge of darkness westward around the planet. They would drop off the princesses in the middle of the northern continent ahead of them, then continue on up to where the ice caps never melted to begin filling the ship with much needed ice and earth, trees and various forms of wildlife.

Bears and wolves were not on the agenda, but bison and reindeer were, as well as dogs, beavers, and several other species that Béla didn’t remember. She imagined that roaches, rats, and insect pests would make the journey too, even though they weren’t on the list. They lived in the dirt, and dirt was being transported to New Eden. There was no way to avoid transporting them, too.

Béla and Beth hugged each other excitedly. Beth was nervous and full of butterflies about finally meeting Frank and Tanya in person. She really liked Tanya and hoped that Tanya liked her. Tanya had been willing to demonstrate her little gun, even though it wasn’t loaded. Offering to shoot her was a positive sign of friendship as far as Beth was concerned.

“Look! That’s were I got the fruit!” Beth said excitedly, recognizing the coastline on the monitors.

Florida showed up as a long, bright row of lights running along the coastline and around the tip of the peninsula, then up the backside. The lights continued on over the horizon and disappeared into the soft glow of another city they couldn’t see.

The ship continued inward across a great sea, bearing more northwest, now. They were getting near where the princesses would be disembarking. After a short time, the moonlight reflecting off the waves a half-mile below disappeared, then occurred only sporadically as the great ship passed over a river or lake on its journey across the dark landscape.

“That glow you see on the horizon is Houston. It’s a big city out in the desert,” Béla explained, surprised, but happy about remembering the names of some of these cities she hadn’t seen for a century or two.

They watched the monitors as the city swiftly grew to fill the entire landscape, then passed beneath the great ship in a blur of bright lights, rapidly becoming a glow on the horizon behind them. Even though they only saw Houston for a few seconds, Beth was amazed at the sheer size of the city.

‘And all those lights! My God! It’s like taking every light in New Eden, putting them in one place and turning them all on at the same time ten times over!’

‘Thank you for the tour,’ Béla thought to the Bridge Officer.

The Bridge Officer smiled at her, keeping to himself that the city they had zoomed over was Dallas, not Houston. Béla didn't know the difference, but it would be rude to correct her in front of her sister and the rest of the crew. She was 'Carte Blanche', after all. She had the right to be wrong.

The next city they would pass over would be their destination; Bozeman, Montana. Other cities between Dallas and Bozeman would be avoided, as there was always some risk of encountering other air traffic. The Bridge Officer had overflown the city only at the request of the Carte Blanche, who had wished to show her sister what a big city looked like at night.

A few minutes later, he informed the princesses that they were approaching their destination. Béla had already let him know that it wouldn’t be necessary to set the ship down. The girls would simply teleport to the surface, each with a bag of clothing and Béla’s Praetor.

Hovering over the city, Béla chose a well-lighted street corner that she hoped was near Frank and Tanya’s apartment. There was no one for a block or two in any direction at this hour, so their arrival would most likely go unnoticed.

The princesses disappeared from the bridge. A second later, they appeared in the monitor, standing in the street half a mile below. Beth let Béla handle the teleport. One second, she was looking at the monitor on the Bridge. The next, she was surrounded by cool night air, looking at a very tall lamp with a blinking red light on it.

There were four of them, with four lights each, all blinking red, one on each corner of the intersection where they stood in the middle of the street. The lights made a buzzing sound as they blinked. Other lights on the sides of buildings formed letters. Those lights hurt her inside her head, somehow.

“Wow! Where are we?” Beth asked excitedly.

She looked around, her eyes wide. There were lights everywhere, fighting back against the darkness of the night. Even the sky wasn’t black. It seemed clear, but somehow grayish. No stars were visible through the gray haze.

‘That’s because the ship is still up there, Silly!’ Béla said in her mind. ‘When it’s gone, you’ll be able to see at least a few stars in spite of all this surface lighting.’

They walked out of the middle of the street and up onto the sidewalk. At this hour, the walkway wasn’t moving.

“I think it’s this way,” Béla suggested.

They began to walk. It was after three o’clock in the morning. A ground car went by. As it passed, it slowed down and honked. The sudden noise terrified Beth and she dropped her clothing bag.

“Hey, Honey!” someone called. “Lookin’ for a date?”

‘Ignore him!’ Béla said in Beth’s mind. ‘Just keep walking!’

‘What’s wrong?’ Beth wanted to know.

‘He wants to fuck us!’ Béla told her. ‘He thinks we’re whores.’

It was a logical mistake, after all. Two hot, young brunettes dressed in colorful, very short dresses walking the streets at three in the morning equals ‘two hot little hookers looking for a party’.

‘I like parties,’ Beth replied to Béla’s thoughts, ‘and you look really hot! What’s a hooker?’

‘A girl who fucks for money,’ Béla explained.

Beth turned bright red. Béla didn’t believe it. ‘What! You can blush? After what you’ve shoved in there? Besides, weren't you a whore when you met you-know-who?’

'I was a priestess, I'll have you know, and a diviner!' Beth insisted in her mind. 'Those villagers were being incited by some creep from a rival sect! I have NEVER been a whore and those fucking priests been lying about me for the last two thousand years! Jealous assholes!'

'Easy up, girl," Béla laughed, out loud. "I believe you!"

A loud siren sounded just behind them. Both girls jumped and turned around in surprise. A black and white sedan with several flashing red, white and blue lights was setting at the curb behind them. Two spotlights, one on each side of the vehicle, brightly lit up the girls, incidentally blinding them in the process.

“Stay where you are,” someone said, sounding bored. “Put down your bags and hold your hands up where I can see them.”

Beth watched Béla set down her bag of clothes and the Praetor, then stand up with her hands raised around her head. She followed her sister’s actions, completely in the dark about what was happening, but took an extra look to admire the way Béla's sarong raised up to show off her slinky legs. Beth raised her hands higher, wanting to give this guy a better show than her sister.

“What are you two doing out here at this hour?” the officer wanted to know.

‘Jeez! These hot babes look like uptown hookers! A little young, maybe. Why are they slumming in this crummy neighborhood? What happened to their shoes?’

“Sorry, officer,” Béla said, hoping they were still called that. “We’re lost! Our ride dumped us here. I’m trying to find my, um, my brother’s house, I mean his quarters… apartment.”

“Where does this brother of yours live?” the officer asked, not believing her for a second.

‘It’s probably her pimp she’s looking for. No doubt her last customer dumped her in this seedy neighborhood for wanting too many credits to get between her legs.’

He wondered how much would be asking too much to get into a sweet piece of meat like either one of them. These were not cheap call girls. They were wearing real, imported silk. Those dresses alone were probably worth a couple thousand on the market, easily.


‘He thinks about you like I do,’ Beth thought to her sister cheerfully. ‘I like him. Just his mind, not the rest of him! He’s too fat! If you fucked him, do you think he’d take us where we need to go?’

‘He’d probably want to fuck both of us, as a pair,’ Béla thought back. ‘Fucking pervert. You’d have to fuck him, too!’

“Um, I don’t know his address,” Béla said, wondering how she was going to handle this.

‘I’ve forgotten how difficult it is to explain things in a society that’s not telepathic!’ she thought.

“I know what the building looks like…” she continued out loud.

“Do you even know his name?” the officer asked, realizing that the hot little sluts were just lying to him to stay out of jail.

These girls were so obviously hookers. He was going to enjoy taking them in. They would probably offer themselves to him for free to avoid arrest and a fine. He wondered how much he would actually get on the market for one of those dresses.

‘What does he mean, take us in?’ Beth asked. ‘Take us in where?’

‘To a station house,’ Béla informed her. ‘To confine us so we can’t escape.’

‘That’s silly!’ Beth replied, almost laughing out loud. ‘There isn’t anything that they can put us in that we can’t just hop out of.’

‘Let’s keep that a secret for now, okay?’ Béla mentally suggested. 'Earth people don't really appreciate 'differences' that well...'

“Frank Tabor,” Béla told the officer. “He has an apartment around here somewhere.”

‘Tabor? Oh, great!’ the officer thought to himself, disappointed that his nightly routine was going remain routine. ‘These girls aren’t hookers at all. They’re just rich kids visiting relatives for Labor Day. These dumb girls seem to think they’re immortal, so they never take care to stay out of trouble!’

“I’ll take you,” the officer decided.

He didn’t want any Tabors to disappear into this neighborhood on his beat only to show up in the obits! Rich girls this good looking didn’t live long out here, whether they gave their permission to be killed or not. The market for real snuff Tri-d was much too alive and well.

‘He thinks funny,’ Beth told her sister, ‘but he thinks we look good. What’s an ‘o’ bit’?’

Béla had no idea, either. ‘Something you put on the end of a drill, I guess…’

‘A drill? That sounds like fun,’ Beth replied, radiating a light, friendly bit of lust.

‘Oh! I remember! I can’t believe they still call it that! An ‘obit’ is a list of dead people!’

‘Ugh! I don’t want to be on that list!’

At the officer’s invitation, they picked up their bags and climbed into the back of the vehicle. The officer’s eyes widened as they scooted across the seat, their sarongs riding up around their waists. They were completely bare beneath the filmy silk – no panties, no hair!

‘Beauty is so fucking wasted on the rich,’ the officer thought to himself, disgruntled.

He closed the door and walked around the vehicle to get in the other side. He would take them down to the station house so they could call the Tabor kid and have him send his limo to get them.

He climbed into the car and turned around to tell the girls where they were going. His mouth dropped open.

They were gone.


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girls night out husband missed out

Hey my names sarah I'm 25 and married I hadent gone out in a while and decided to go to the club with my friend crystal one friday night. my husband didnt want to go because he hates dance clubs but i love them. So i got ready and decided to dress really sexy i put on a very short white skirt with a revealing tank top and no bra i put on my favorite ankle braclet and headed out the door and my hubby stoped me and said what you doing going out dressed like a slut whore and he got all pissed off...

3 years ago
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Second Session With Aunty And Got Chance To Fuck Her Next Time

Hi my dear friends! I am back with my sixth story and thanks to this website who had given a chance to post all this stuff. Comments and requests are all ways accepted on my mail lovingdynu(at)gmail.Com. Waiting for more feedback friends, I am expecting a lot of feedback and comments for all my stories and I want to help any girl’s/aunties/womens/widows who are facing problems, they can share any problem to console themselves, I am not only a sexual friend but can be a genuine friend. In this...

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Blue Eyed Guy Part 2

The next morning The smell of freshly made coffee woke Sarah from her deep sleep. She sat up in bed and looked about her. The door of her bedroom was open and she could see into the lounge. It was a mess. There were clothes strewn everywhere. She smiled to herself. Last night had been the best sex she had ever had. She got out of bed and wrapped her naked self into her silk dressing gown and padded through the lounge to the kitchen, where Daniel was standing at the sink butt naked filling the...

3 years ago
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[/I'd just relocated to Atlanta City from England due to work commitments,and whilst i still had a few days to go until i started work, and as it was a scorching day i decided to get to know the area a bit better. I put on a pair of cargo pants and a T shirt and headed out of my apartment, as i walked out of the block,i thought i'd find the local park,as i was horny as fuck and wanted to see what the local talent was like,and from past experience knew that parks were one of the best places to...

2 years ago
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Khala 3

Dosto aur sahalio Arshad aik bar phir tumhare jazbat ko bharkane ke leye medan mae aa gea hae zara dil ko sambhal ke rakhna.Mae tuhare zeada time nahi leyta aur kahani ki taraf aata hoon. han tu junab Khala 2 ke bad ab khala 3 suneye. Mae khala ko kis kerne ke sath us ke boobs ko daba raha tha aur us ka hath meri shalwar ke andar tha is ke bad keya hua ke mae nae us ki qameez ke button khole aur us ki bra jis ka rang kala tha aur us per bahut suit ker rahi thee ko thura neeche sirkaya tu ohhhhh...

1 year ago
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Back Yard Fling

Fuck, its happened again! Let me explain, every morning I've woken up moaning with my fingers rubbing my clit, just bringing myself to orgasm.Every night the same dream; it always starts with me in the back yard after work, around 10pm, relaxing having a vodka and coke, looking at the stars. My next door neighbour strolls out his back door and the smell -a mix of Lynx Instinct, which I find irresistible - and a big joint fills the air.He leans over the fence and looks me up and down, then tells...

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Cockatoo Part 9

Cockatoo Part 9 I live for feedback [email protected] Areeya came back into the room, gave me a kiss and sat down on the sofa with Alex and me. I wanted to know a little more about her father before meeting him this evening. He was flying in from Bangkok on the company plane and would only be here overnight to have dinner with us. I asked Areeya about her father and she said he was really looking forward to meeting me this evening. I said that I would be honoured to meet...

3 years ago
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Fun on Cape Ann

Chapter 1 I had been going out with Bonnie Robinson for almost a year. She's seventeen, like me, and the youngest daughter of very devout Catholic parents of two older sisters, Debbie, eighteen, and Kati, twenty, and a brother, Kenny, who was nineteen. We were both in the high school band, she played clarinet and I played trumpet. On our first date, I had suggested that we kiss each other goodnight using the lip formations we each used with our band instruments. It was good for a laugh and it...

4 years ago
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Introducing Incest And Fucking My Family Part 1

Hi, my name is raj(changed). This story is family incest story, those who don’t like please don’t read. I am basically from Tamil Nadu. In this story, I am going to tell you how I fuck my mom, aunty, and sister. This is a fiction story only. In this 1st part, I am going to tell how I fuck my mom….   After reading mail your comments to Now let go to the story. First of all, I introduce myself, my name raj(21) I completed my degree and searching for job.  I have the normal physique and I come to...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Busty Aunty Got Ultimate Pleasure

Hello everyone, This is my first story and a real incident. I know most of you aunties and hotties in Bangalore won’t believe me until you have a hot encounter with me. Please give your valuable feedback in my mail id Let’s begin the story… I am Rajiv working in a mnc in Bangalore, decent look with handsome attitude. I also belong to one of the IT crowd here. As i am a bachelor i stay alone in my flat. It’s near to it hub (no points for guessing the right answer), big society, fully secured....

2 years ago
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Jake White The BeginningChapter 32

Jake was sitting deep in thought when Hermione and Susan returned just before lunch. The pair of them were clearly on a high after shopping, a curious state that almost all women seem to enjoy - or should that be suffer from? “We’ve had a wonderful time, Jake,” said Hermione, dropping several bags and boxes. “We did,” said Susan dropping some bags on the pile, twirling around and dropping into a chair. “And we’ve more stuff to be delivered when some alterations have been made,” Hermione...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 97

The six young women were dressed conservatively for a night on the town during Spring Break. The other college-age females seemed to display as much of their anatomy as possible – not that any of the males minded. It was just after midnight on Friday morning – the last night Hailey would spend with her friends in Florida because she was flying to Calder City the following evening with her boyfriend. Everyone decided a night of dancing and watching others make fools of themselves would be...

2 years ago
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Meri Jivani 8211 Part 4

Hi…. I am Akky 5’10” height ksrati bdan. Pichli baar mene bataya tha ki kis trh mujhe kamli bhabhi n roka or fir apni choot ki bharpur chudai krwayi.M wapis aa gya.Aate hi pta chala ki manu bhaiya kanpur shift ho rhe h.. Kheir pinki n fir se aana shuru kr diya tha. Ek din leena ka mail meri yahoo id akshay.Wise pr aya ki wo milna chahti h.Pinki n ek baar bataya tha ki wo bigdi hui h 2 classmate se chudati h.Kheir m uske ghar pahuncha.Leena n ghutno tk ki skirt phni thi upar tshirt jisme se uske...

1 year ago
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The Penis Pillory

The Penis Pillory was truly a novelthing The Penis Pillory was truly a novel thing. Zev?s cock and balls were crushed between the two short metal horizontal bars about eighteen iches long and clamped together by wing nuts.True, Zev?s penis was often crushed in the cruel chastity tube that Ida made him wear whenever he was out of her sight. In Ida?s domination of Zev, he?d gone from gradually not being allowed to have sex with her, to not being allowed to have orgasms often, first only...

2 years ago
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Bleu Goes Black A TT Virus Story

TTV - Bleu Goes Black: A TT Virus Story Chapter 1 "Special Delivery" My wife and I, Samuel and Charlene Danube, were best known for owning the Bleu Danube chain of high end restaurants. I'm sure you've been in one of them for an anniversary or a special birthday, maybe a celebration for a promotion. It doesn't really matter, but I hope you have. We're very proud of them and the work we put into them and we worked for years building up the business. Every aspect was based on...

1 year ago
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Oh what a Memory

This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity.   My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last night...

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Fi Pt 04

Lunching with Gwen on the lawn under the shade of a spreading apple tree, Fi asked, ‘How’s your romance going?’ Gwen blushed. ‘I’m getting it if that’s what you meant?’ ‘I’m pleased for you but I really meant the crucial things such as confidence, trust and the other elements of compatibility.’ ‘We are nothing more than lovers, although he does seem rather keen and that surprises me because a couple of women who greeted him with great familiarity when I was with him appear at least ten years...

3 years ago
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Sadists Fire Intro and Canto One Denied and Used

Devi “You ready, Dev?” I laughed on the medical table, my eyes closed against the rising terror in my throat. I’d had 15 piercings by that point and, amazingly, the terror of needles somehow never got easier. I kept expecting myself to get desensitized or to get used to this, but I never did. I had a phobia that made panic rise in my throat every time, made my heart race and made my palms tingle with sweat. And this was the worst piercing yet, or so I’d heard. “No! Okay, yeah. Yeah, I’m...

3 years ago
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Those Eyes the Sequel Are There Any Faithful WomenChapter 3

Janet I went to my room and took off my soaked panties from Jacques sucking my toes in the limo and feeling Jim’s hardened cock through his slacks. I was more aroused than I had been in months. I dropped my dress, unsnapped my garter belt and rolled my stockings off my feet. I took off my rings and placed them on the night stand. The lace stocking tops were wet where I leaked down the inside of my thigh. I stepped in the shower and cleaned up. I went and laid down in the bed nude. Next...

3 years ago
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the great war 3033 part one

The year is 3033 and the galaxy is in need of guardians to protect we start off on the planet trench were their is a baby boy that names of the parents were Jack and Lucie shadow. yes i know what you are think what a bad name for a family but what you don't know is that this two were the oldest on the planet at the age of 500 years old they had both meet in the great war of 2050. the war was over a box with unimaginable power that it could destroy a solar system in a matter of...

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A while ago, Clark fell and hit his head. Upon regaining conciousness, he discovered he now posessed an ability to control peoples minds. He could do this through any medium (in person, via radio, through t.v.) and and any level. He could control individuals or large groups of any number he desired. Clark had big plans for the world, but he wanted to start out small in his home town. To test his powers, he had started seeing a therapist to talk about his "delusions of grandure". He wanted to...

Mind Control
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FootsieBabes Kara Faux So Youre into Feet

Kara Faux is a footsie babe and a sexy step-sister that Bill Bailey is trying to console after a dramatic fight. He bashfully confesses that he always had a thing for Kara’s sexy toes. She then proposes a bargain, he gets to play with her feet, and she gets to play with his cock. Watch this sexy scene unfold as Bill devours and kisses Kara’s feet from heel to toe. She applies her nimble footwork to give him a serious footjob. Then, Bill gives her cunnilingus while she wraps her toes around his...

2 years ago
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My ColleagueI

The frustration on her face was painfully obvious. Ratna plopped down at the lunch table and blew a heavy sigh through her lips.”What? Nothing good for lunch today?” I asked playfully.”I wish that was all it was,” replied Ratna glancing at me and turning up a half-grin. “i’ve been trying to get a plumber to come to my house and install this washing machine I bought. They want like a minimum of 200 bucks to come over and look at this thing. Most likely it’ll cost me 450, I figure. I just can’t...

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Cuckolding my Father

"They look lovely this year."My husband looked up to where I was leaning out of the bedroom window watching him tend his roses."Yes," he smiled. "I think we'll win a few prizes again this year."""They're not nearly as lovely as your ass mum," my son whispered behind me as he raised my skirt up over my hips."And they're nowhere near as lovely as these sexy little panties."I sighed with pleasure as I felt his warm breath on my thighs, his lips touched the naked flesh above my stockings, and I...

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Dees Big Boobed Mom

I knew fucking my girlfriend’s Mom may not have been the best thing to do, but I couldn’t resist those big freaking tits of Maryann’s when she came on to me in the bathroom like she did. Dee caught us. She told me to get the fuck out of her apartment and never come back. Paula, Dee’s sister, gave her Mom the nth degree. Something must have happened in the past that I didn’t know about. I was so full of remorse that I had just lost Dee over a moment of weakness to lust. I went back to my place...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Shannon and Robert find that they have a passion for each other and do some dirty things together. Most, if not all teenage girls were curious about the opposite and even their own sex and would sometimes wonder, what would it be like to see them naked? As most girls wonder, some have experienced in their teenage years. Some knew what it was like to have a deep, dark secret with someone. This is the story of a girl who has one of these experiences. Shannon was a beautiful, fit...

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PornMegaLoad Loraine Del Sol Fucks Her Sons Best Friend

Loraine Del Sol, a 48-year-old divorcee and mom from Cuba, is doing some housework, and the way she’s dressed has not escaped Tyler’s attention. Tyler is the best friend of Loraine’s son, and he stayed back while Jimmy went to do some errands. And what’s Tyler doing while waiting for Jimmy? Talking on the phone and checking out Ms. Del Sol’s sexy body: big tits, big, round ass, all dressed up in a tight top and a very tight skirt. She keeps bending over. “I...

4 years ago
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Working up the nerve Part 2

“That was really good, Will. You fuck a lot harder than my last boyfriend.” “Thanks, I tried to go as hard as I could. You felt really good on me.” We went on complimenting each other for a little while, until she hit me with something I wasn’t expecting. “I don’t want to get into a relationship right now.” This was fine with me. I had done alright in college without a girlfriend and I still wanted to have the freedom to sleep with whoever I wanted. However, I didn’t want to lose...

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AmericanDaydreams Alexis Fawx 23203

Seth is a huge slob, and his lady Alexis Fawx can’t take it anymore. She yaps at him for making too much noise, not cleaning up after himself, blah, blah, blah…Seth tunes her out and dozes off, only to dream about his busty blonde babe sauntering into the kitchen in lingerie and flaunting her beautiful big tits in his face. She would give him the appreciation he earned after cleaning the entire kitchen, and then dirty it again by slobbering all over his cock and fucking him on each and...

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open windows

I had left my window slightly open, it was hot and I didnt want to leave my air conditioner on. I only heard the click of my window shutting, I heard no one opening the window, no one climbing through the window, and no foot steps to my bed. The next thing I knew there were hands all over my body. I didnt know how many at the time but it felt like they covered every inch of me, from my feet to my thighs to fingers running through my hair. As a chill ran up my spine I tried to scream for help,...

4 years ago
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It Started Out As Blackmail

I was surfing the web about a month ago and I came across some pictures of my stepdaughter. I couldn’t believe what I had found. The more I looked, the more I found. I found anything from pictures to videos. I didn’t know what to do. My first thought was to tell her mom. Then, looking at her in those pictures gave me another thought. There in the pictures was my tall, blonde, twenty-two-year-old stepdaughter showing off her huge tits, and her awesome figure. She has the perfect figure and is...

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DDFBusty Alura Jenson Bit Tits With Frosting

Alura TNT Jenson is an absolutely hot blonde stunner from the United States of America. The blue-eyed Milf with enhanced tits and a big curvy ass stars in today’s Busty premium porn by DDF Network alongside partner Ryan McLane. She made some cake and proudly presents that delicious dessert to her boyfriend who doesn’t really seem to be interested in that tasty bite. He rather grabs her big melons and squeezes those enormous hooters which give that busty bombshell shivers of...

2 years ago
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The Ride of Her Life part 4

As her head began to clear she realized she was being lowered somewhere. Suddenly she felt something cool touch her ass, and then her back. As the cool feeling spread she realized she with being placed on some kind of table, with her head at one end and her ass hanging just on the edge of the other end. When her body was settled on the cool surface, hands grabbed her arms and legs. The handcuffs were taken off, but her wrists were then tied away from her head to either side of the table. ...

3 years ago
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School Girl Shylaja And Her Friends 8211 Part I

Hi readers, this is yet another story from my side. I house is near a famous gals school in my area. Every morning this street will be packed with gals of upto 18yrs in all sizes. Every day it will be show for me, except when i start early. I dont remember anyone faces, but jus everything else. I used to see all sizes and shapes. Its a day to remember. Once i started from my place early morning, and i was cleaning my car which was parked jus opposite to the school. By that time a person came in...

3 years ago
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High School Reunion The Morning After

Hearing the dogs scratching at the door to go out, I rolled over to look at the clock. Wow, eight AM already. I thought to myself. I don’t think we even attempted to sleep until five-thirty, I was beyond exhausted. Hearing me stir, you snuggled behind me, and I could feel your cock hard against my ass. “Morning wood, sir?” I asked playfully, reaching around to stroke it. “No. Just because of you wood.” You responded, grinding it harder into my ass. The dogs heard our voices and began...

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