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Dan and Jennifer

Chapter 1

“Come on,” Dan thought to himself.“It's not really that big a deal.Just turn around and go back to your apartment.”Unfortunately, Dan's feet didn't seem to be listening to him, and even that thread of rational thought seemed dim, distant, under his anger.It was all he could do to not take the stairs two at a time, and the to neighbors he passed on the lower landing took one look at his face and looked quickly away without offering a greeting.

The events of the last few days flashed through his head as he walked, driving him forward.One of his five apartment-mates, Sam, breaking up with Dan's best female friend Jennifer.Dumping her.Dan telling Jennifer, warning her as she considered taking him back, telling her she was better off.Explaining how Sam had hit the bar, and a “new piece of ass” as Sam had put it, the very night they had broken up.

Dan had told her not to start a fight, but to warn her.He cared about her, she was worth more than to get fucked over by a college muscle-head.But he had also warned her that he was telling her for her own information, and not to pass it on as from him.The last thing he needed was to get in a fight with apartment-mates ho, up till now, he had gotten along well with.They were all even planning on getting a house together next year off-campus.

But had Jennifer thought about any of that?Of course not...Dan should have known, but he had trusted her word that she would keep the source private...it -had- been a crowded bar in a college town after all, how hard would it have been for her to say “a friend saw you”?But no, of course not.She had caught Sam outside his next class, raised from all reports a bit of unholy hell in front of a crowd, and had met Sam's denials with a variation on “Dan told me himself,” though by all reports it had contained significantly more cursing and screaming.

What happened next was almost too easy to see coming.Sam had come storming back to the apartment, humiliated and angry.A shouting match almost degenerated into a brawl, and was only held back by the other house-mates.It hadn't ended in violence, but it had been a near thing and each of the other three house-mates had taken sides.The household was pretty much destroyed as such, and two of the guys, Sam and Nick, had sworn to go off and get their own new house, without the other three.

As soon as Sam and Nick had made their exit, yelling over their shoulder something about “drinking with people who know what bros before hos means” Dan stormed out the door.Gabe and Adam called after him, but he wasn't hearing a word they said.He was about to give Jennifer back a piece of what she had so unthinkingly dished out.

The reminiscing ceased as Dan found himself at Jennifer's door, fuming.He lifted his hand to the knob and paused.Jennifer was a friend after all, did he want to...his hand turned the doorknob, pushing open the door and following it into the apartment.“Jennifer!”He called out as he entered, fuming.“Jennifer, where the hell are you?Get out here!”

Jennifer came around the corner into the small living room from the hallway, a scowl on her face.“Who the hell is...oh, Dan.What are you doing here?”She dropped the anger, her forehead crinkling up in confusion.“Is something wrong? You don't usually just walk i...”

“Shut up Jennifer,” Dan cut her off, his hand slicing through the air as if to silence her with a motion.“Just shut the fuck up, you obviously talk way too damn much.”

A look of outrage passed briefly over her features, morphing through confusion, then finally to...something else.She dropped her eyes from his, looking down at the floor, her fingers twining together and fidgeting at each other nervously as her weight shifted back and forth slightly from foot to foot.

Dan took a moment and a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he looked at her. God she was beautiful...Jennifer was Chinese, five foot six, with a a beautiful body.Her long, slender figure was wrapped up in baggy teeshirt and sweats today, but he had seen her in party clothes enough times to know that figure by heart. She was one of the rare Chinese girls he had seen with a slender figure, but with a beautifully rounded ass, and good sized breasts.Nothing huge, maybe a large B or a small C, but certainly not the tiny assets that so often went with such a slender frame.Most amazing though was her face.Framed by silky black hair, her heart-shaped face with its almond-shaped face with its rich brown, almond shaped eyes could turn any face in the room.If that wasn't enough, her small nose led down to lips which, when parted in a smile, could easily stop the breath of anyone looking at her.

Dan took another deep breath, not wanting to scream, and finally spoke to her. “How could you DO that Jennifer?I told you about Sam because I thought you should know, but there was no reason to bring me into it.”Anger still seeped through his voice, and was nowhere near gone from his mind, but he tried to leash it tightly as he continued.“I have to LIVE with the guy for another several weeks for Christ's sake, and now I can throw my house-mate plans for next year right out the window.”

She looked up for a moment, her eyes filling with tears, though none fell down her cheeks.“Dan, I'm Sorry,” her voice came out as half whisper, half pleading whine. “I didn't KNOW that you wanted me to keep it qu...”

Dan cut her off again with another chopping gesture, anger climbing back into his face and raising his voice.“BULLSHIT Jennifer,” he yelled.“That's a load of crap, You know perfectly well that you agreed to not pull me into this shit!”

The tears did start to fall now, rolling down her cheeks.“I'm SORRY,” she choked out between sobs.“I was so angry with him, I just...I'm sorry.What can I do to make it up to y...”

“What can you do to make it up?”His voice took a tone of incredulity, he couldn't even believe she could do this and then think that this was some simple problem she could easily undo.“NOTHING, Jennifer.There's nothing to do.You fucked up, and now you've fucked up my life and my living situation.Thanks SO much, I am REALLY glad I tried to be a friend to you.”

A fresh, louder sob came bubbling up between her lips, one hand moving up to cover her mouth as her body began to shake with the force of her crying, the tears rolling down her face now.Finally between sobs she managed to choke out “please....please Dan, hit me.Hit me.”Her eyes were locked on his now, still streaming with tears, her hands moving to cover hr face as she cried into them.

Dan stopped cold for a moment, shocked at her words.He was about to go to her, to tell her not to be ridiculous, that he wasn't going to beat her up, but he felt something sliding around inside him, a feeling coiling in his gut.He moved a step closer to her, speaking quietly now, controlled, pushing the anger back so that he could think.“What did you say?Hit you?Look at me Jennifer, and tell me what you are talking about.”

Her sobbing loudened again, her hands coming down from her face as her tear-filled eyes came back up to his.“I...you're so angry, so...you told me I can't make it up to you, you told me there's nothing I can...”She trailed off, her eyes dropping to her fidgeting hands for a moment, then looked back up at him.“If...if you hit me, maybe you would feel better?Maybe you could forgive me after?”Her eyes dropped again.

The twisting thing in his gut seemed to solidify, to rise up and fill him.He had played at spanking and at light bondage in the past, with girlfriends, but this was something entirely different, this was a...COULD BE a...a chance for...he clamped down hard on his thoughts, knowing that if he thought too much he wouldn't be able to do this.

He stepped forward toward her, his hand rising, and she flinched back, explecting a blow but not moving from where she stood and not even raising her eyes from the floor.Instead of hitting her though he grabbed one of her hands in his, and started toward the hallway and her bedroom.“Come on,” he said quietly.He led her to the bedroom and then inside, shutting the door behind them and pushing her gently over to the area in front of the desk.“Ok Jennifer, I want you to take off your jeans and bend over that desk.”His heart was pounding, nervousness rising through him, but he managed to keep it out of his voice.

Her eyes, which had been lowered till this point, snapped up to his face, a look of shock on her face.“You want what?” she sputtered out.

“You want me to hit you?You want to feel better and for me to forgive you?Fine. But I'm not about to use you as a punching bag.I'll spank your ass till it glows and you can't sit for a few days without remembering what you did.Now do what I told you.”

“but why do I need to take off my ...” her voice, which had been rising to a whine, was cut off as he spoke again.

“Because I'm not going to spank you through a pair of jeans Jenny.Now you have two choices.You can get your ass out of those pants and bent over that desk, or I can walk the fuck out of here and you will never see me again.Your call.You can keep the panties on, and I'm not going to try and rape you, but if that ass isn't out of pants and in the air in fifteen seconds, I am out the door.”His heart was pounding, as he wondered whether he had overplayed his hand, pushed this too far. He stood there waiting, eyes boring holes into her.

Finally, her eyes dropped back to the floor.With trembling fingers, she slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her slender legs, stepping out of them. She turned, with one last apprehensive glance at his stony face, and bent forward slightly, placing her palms on the top of the desk.Dan's cock was stiffening quickly, and he felt a wave of relief go through him as she turned.

“Not like that,” he said, stepping forward.“I told you I want that ass in the air.”He stepped forward, taking the back of her neck in his left hand and pushing firmly down, till her cheek was pressed against the wood of the desk, her back arching gracefully back upward to her flared ass, mostly covered by a pair of modest cotton panties, stuck up proudly.“Now stay like that and don't move.This is going to go on until I decide it's done, you understand?”

Her head nodded slightly, jerkily, against the top of the desk.Her entire body was trembling and goose bumps were rising across her skin. if it hadn't been seventy five degrees Dan would have been sure that she was freezing.

His right hand slid to the panties covering her butt, and her entire body flinched as he touched her.Looping his thumb and forefinger through the material he pulled the panties tight up into the crack of her ass, exposing the cheeks of her bottom. He waited a moment, still, his eyes traveling over her body as she trembled like a scared animal.

Lifting his left hand, he brought it down with a swift smack across both cheeks of her ass, leaving a red hand print on her bottom and causing her to howl.Her weight shifted from one foot to the other, causing her ass to sway to the side just in time to receive a second hard slap, this one catching her hard on the side of her ass as it swayed toward him.

When the third smack came down, stiff fingers driving into the space where her ass met her thigh, she screeched, her body bolting upright and her hands flashing back to cover her rear.“Oww, it hurts too much, don't OWW,” the last coming as Dan wrapped a hand tightly in her hair and pushed her, hard, back down against the table.Once she was down flat again he took his hand from her hair, grabbing both of her wrists and holding them tight in the small of her back with his right hand.

“Listen to me Jenny,” he said placing his left hand against the back of her neck and giving her a shake.“Stay still.Shut your mouth.Lie there and take your punishment.If I hear another word out of you or you try to straighten up or cover yourself again I will beat your ass so black and blue that you won't be able to walk.And then I will leave, I will walk out forever.Do you understand?”He gave her another rough shake to get the point across, and she nodded hastily, one small sob escaping her lips as she stopped struggling to free her hands, and seemed to slump against the desk in resignation.

The stillness ended as his hand found her bottom again, and again, harder now.Her hips jerked and twisted, her weight rising to the balls of her feet and then dropping again to her heels.He grinned slightly to himself as he swatted her again, and another time, thinking that she probably didn't know just what a show she was putting on with her ass dancing for him.His right hand kept a firm grip on her wrists, keeping her hands and lower back pressed hard against the desk, but she didn't struggle too hard to free them.Her upper body seemed to do what it was told, though her lower body was dancing lasciviously with each blow, her bottom trying by its own will to escape the rain of spanking which found her no matter which way she squirmed.He continued laying more and more swats against her bottom, watching it begin to pick up a rosy color, and then deeper red.Each blow drew a squeal from between her closed lips, and then a groan.Finally, as her bottom heated toward a bright red color, each blow drew a sob, and she was crying softly between each spank.

Finally he stopped, his own hand stinging and his breathing hard as he looked down at her, resting a moment. Her cries had quieted to small, constant, choking sobs, her hair covering her face.Her bottom still moved freely in the air, wiggling back and forth, her hips swaying and the cheeks of her ass tightening and releasing in unthinking response to the pain.He laid the edge of his fingernail against the top of her bottom and drew a hard line down one side of her ass, raising both a bright white line in the red of her flesh and a fresh, whining sob from her throat.

Sliding his gaze lower, to where her thighs came together, he felt his heart leap.A dark, wet stain had spread across her panties, sticking them firmly to her most private parts.There, pushed out behind her as she bent over, the lips of her pussy were clearly outlined in the wet fabric.Dan grinned to himself...he had HOPED, but...

He drew another white line down her ass, this time on the other side, and this time his fingertip curled inward, toward the outlined cleft.When he finally touched it her body leaped slightly in surprise, and he feigned shock.“Why JENNY,” he exclaimed incredulously.“What a little SLUT!Your pussy is soaking wet, and from what...getting bent over a desk and beaten like a naughty little girl?”

The red from her ass seemed to spread through her entire body, shame burning through her.She started to speak, to say something, but Dan tightened his grip on her narrow wrists threateningly.“No no little girl, no talking remember?Don't worry, I'll help you with that sticky little slit.”He pressed up against her hip, letting her feel the hardness ofhis cock through his pants against her hip as his finger stroked gently down the length of her pussy through the panties.She groaned, and pressed her side against him, rubbing, but he pulled back slightly, leaving her side touching nothing.

“No no, Jenny.I promised I wouldn't fuck you remember?Instead I'll just help you out with your little problem here, won't that be nice?”His fingers kept dragging across her mound, almost petting her, and her crying started up fresh, humiliated sobs wracking her body.He knew from previous, drunken conversations that Jennifer didn't like fingers on her.She thought it felt cheap, like a cop-out...a dirty younger cousin to sex and not something that people should do.

Which, Dan though, made this perfect.He slid two fingers slowly down the length of her slit, petting it gently through her panties.As he stroked lightly back and forth she began crying in earnest again, finding a new well of tears in her humiliation.Her cries got louder as he slid the cloth of her panties off the slick little pussy, his fingers sliding easily between the engorged lips, then strangled off to a moan as he found her clit, rolling it gently between the ball of his thumb and his forefinger.

Her hips pushed back, her ass rising farther off the desk, as she tried to push her cunt more firmly against his hand, rubbing herself up and down against his teasing fingers.He let her rub herself against him for a moment, letting her clit grind into his thumb, before sliding his hand back, leaving her whimpering as he removed the friction.Her hips continued to sway, her pussy seeming to quest out to find his fingers, and he laughed, drawing another choked sob from her.“Greedy little thing, isn't it?” he mused, then slid his fingers back to her clit.

For a long time his fingers continues the slow circling on her, never increasing their pace, never pressing hard, though her hips wiggled and she pressed back against him, trying to move herself up and down against the light touch, trying to push into it with her hips.He got even more hard watching her involuntary movements, seeing her straining back against him for the slightest touch.

Finally he increased the pressure on her clit, his index and middle fingers grinding in faster circles now.Her breathing got more ragged, the red flush coming back to her skin, the flush this time equal parts of arousal and embarrassment as the two feelings fed each other inside her.She groaned loudly, her groans turning to grunts, the muscles of her calves tensing hard as she lifted herself against him, her whole body shuddering in orgasm as she came against his hand, her legs trembling and almost collapsing beneath her.He continued his slow stroking through her orgasm, drawing out another groan, and another, the violent shuddering of her body finally slowing after almost a full minute.

Finally her breathing slowed, the shuddering in her body died down.She lay against the desk, limp and panting, as he removed his right hand from her wrists and gave her a small pat on the ass.“Good girl Jenny,” he said soothingly.“Do you feel better?”

She didn't move from her position, but nodded slightly, sniffling.

He smiled to himself, exultant.This was perfect, or at least it would be.“Good.I decided that you and I are going out to dinner tonight.Go get cleaned up, and put on some nice clothes.I expect you at my place at seven.”With that he turned, opening her bedroom door.He took one last look backward, admiring the long legs tapering up to the bare, wet pussy and the red, round ass in the air.“Don't rest too long Jenny, I don't want you to be late.”

Dan shut the door to the bedroom and then left the apartment.He was whistling on the way back to his place, his mood much improved.He still moved quickly though...he had lots to get done in the next couple hours.


Apologies to all for the poor formatting of the first version, I obviously made a mistake converting from txt to html.I hope this version is a little more readable.Comments and feedback always welcome at [email protected]


Dan and Jennifer

Chapter 1

“Come on,” Dan thought to himself.“It's not really that big a deal.Just turn around and go back to your apartment.”Unfortunately, Dan's feet didn't seem to be listening to him, and even that thread of rational thought seemed dim, distant, under his anger.It was all he could do to not take the stairs two at a time, and the to neighbors he passed on the lower landing took one look at his face and looked quickly away without offering a greeting.

The events of the last few days flashed through his head as he walked, driving him forward.One of his five apartment-mates, Sam, breaking up with Dan's best female friend Jennifer.Dumping her.Dan telling Jennifer, warning her as she considered taking him back, telling her she was better off.Explaining how Sam had hit the bar, and a “new piece of ass” as Sam had put it, the very night they had broken up.

Dan had told her not to start a fight, but to warn her.He cared about her, she was worth more than to get fucked over by a college muscle-head.But he had also warned her that he was telling her for her own information, and not to pass it on as from him.The last thing he needed was to get in a fight with apartment-mates ho, up till now, he had gotten along well with.They were all even planning on getting a house together next year off-campus.

But had Jennifer thought about any of that?Of course not...Dan should have known, but he had trusted her word that she would keep the source private...it -had- been a crowded bar in a college town after all, how hard would it have been for her to say “a friend saw you”?But no, of course not.She had caught Sam outside his next class, raised from all reports a bit of unholy hell in front of a crowd, and had met Sam's denials with a variation on “Dan told me himself,” though by all reports it had contained significantly more cursing and screaming.

What happened next was almost too easy to see coming.Sam had come storming back to the apartment, humiliated and angry.A shouting match almost degenerated into a brawl, and was only held back by the other house-mates.It hadn't ended in violence, but it had been a near thing and each of the other three house-mates had taken sides.The household was pretty much destroyed as such, and two of the guys, Sam and Nick, had sworn to go off and get their own new house, without the other three.

As soon as Sam and Nick had made their exit, yelling over their shoulder something about “drinking with people who know what bros before hos means” Dan stormed out the door.Gabe and Adam called after him, but he wasn't hearing a word they said.He was about to give Jennifer back a piece of what she had so unthinkingly dished out.

The reminiscing ceased as Dan found himself at Jennifer's door, fuming.He lifted his hand to the knob and paused.Jennifer was a friend after all, did he want to...his hand turned the doorknob, pushing open the door and following it into the apartment.“Jennifer!”He called out as he entered, fuming.“Jennifer, where the hell are you?Get out here!”

Jennifer came around the corner into the small living room from the hallway, a scowl on her face.“Who the hell is...oh, Dan.What are you doing here?”She dropped the anger, her forehead crinkling up in confusion.“Is something wrong? You don't usually just walk i...”

“Shut up Jennifer,” Dan cut her off, his hand slicing through the air as if to silence her with a motion.“Just shut the fuck up, you obviously talk way too damn much.”

A look of outrage passed briefly over her features, morphing through confusion, then finally to...something else.She dropped her eyes from his, looking down at the floor, her fingers twining together and fidgeting at each other nervously as her weight shifted back and forth slightly from foot to foot.

Dan took a moment and a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he looked at her. God she was beautiful...Jennifer was Chinese, five foot six, with a a beautiful body.Her long, slender figure was wrapped up in baggy teeshirt and sweats today, but he had seen her in party clothes enough times to know that figure by heart. She was one of the rare Chinese girls he had seen with a slender figure, but with a beautifully rounded ass, and good sized breasts.Nothing huge, maybe a large B or a small C, but certainly not the tiny assets that so often went with such a slender frame.Most amazing though was her face.Framed by silky black hair, her heart-shaped face with its almond-shaped face with its rich brown, almond shaped eyes could turn any face in the room.If that wasn't enough, her small nose led down to lips which, when parted in a smile, could easily stop the breath of anyone looking at her.

Dan took another deep breath, not wanting to scream, and finally spoke to her. “How could you DO that Jennifer?I told you about Sam because I thought you should know, but there was no reason to bring me into it.”Anger still seeped through his voice, and was nowhere near gone from his mind, but he tried to leash it tightly as he continued.“I have to LIVE with the guy for another several weeks for Christ's sake, and now I can throw my house-mate plans for next year right out the window.”

She looked up for a moment, her eyes filling with tears, though none fell down her cheeks.“Dan, I'm Sorry,” her voice came out as half whisper, half pleading whine. “I didn't KNOW that you wanted me to keep it qu...”

Dan cut her off again with another chopping gesture, anger climbing back into his face and raising his voice.“BULLSHIT Jennifer,” he yelled.“That's a load of crap, You know perfectly well that you agreed to not pull me into this shit!”

The tears did start to fall now, rolling down her cheeks.“I'm SORRY,” she choked out between sobs.“I was so angry with him, I just...I'm sorry.What can I do to make it up to y...”

“What can you do to make it up?”His voice took a tone of incredulity, he couldn't even believe she could do this and then think that this was some simple problem she could easily undo.“NOTHING, Jennifer.There's nothing to do.You fucked up, and now you've fucked up my life and my living situation.Thanks SO much, I am REALLY glad I tried to be a friend to you.”

A fresh, louder sob came bubbling up between her lips, one hand moving up to cover her mouth as her body began to shake with the force of her crying, the tears rolling down her face now.Finally between sobs she managed to choke out “please....please Dan, hit me.Hit me.”Her eyes were locked on his now, still streaming with tears, her hands moving to cover hr face as she cried into them.

Dan stopped cold for a moment, shocked at her words.He was about to go to her, to tell her not to be ridiculous, that he wasn't going to beat her up, but he felt something sliding around inside him, a feeling coiling in his gut.He moved a step closer to her, speaking quietly now, controlled, pushing the anger back so that he could think.“What did you say?Hit you?Look at me Jennifer, and tell me what you are talking about.”

Her sobbing loudened again, her hands coming down from her face as her tear-filled eyes came back up to his.“I...you're so angry, so...you told me I can't make it up to you, you told me there's nothing I can...”She trailed off, her eyes dropping to her fidgeting hands for a moment, then looked back up at him.“If...if you hit me, maybe you would feel better?Maybe you could forgive me after?”Her eyes dropped again.

The twisting thing in his gut seemed to solidify, to rise up and fill him.He had played at spanking and at light bondage in the past, with girlfriends, but this was something entirely different, this was a...COULD BE a...a chance for...he clamped down hard on his thoughts, knowing that if he thought too much he wouldn't be able to do this.

He stepped forward toward her, his hand rising, and she flinched back, explecting a blow but not moving from where she stood and not even raising her eyes from the floor.Instead of hitting her though he grabbed one of her hands in his, and started toward the hallway and her bedroom.“Come on,” he said quietly.He led her to the bedroom and then inside, shutting the door behind them and pushing her gently over to the area in front of the desk.“Ok Jennifer, I want you to take off your jeans and bend over that desk.”His heart was pounding, nervousness rising through him, but he managed to keep it out of his voice.

Her eyes, which had been lowered till this point, snapped up to his face, a look of shock on her face.“You want what?” she sputtered out.

“You want me to hit you?You want to feel better and for me to forgive you?Fine. But I'm not about to use you as a punching bag.I'll spank your ass till it glows and you can't sit for a few days without remembering what you did.Now do what I told you.”

“but why do I need to take off my ...” her voice, which had been rising to a whine, was cut off as he spoke again.

“Because I'm not going to spank you through a pair of jeans Jenny.Now you have two choices.You can get your ass out of those pants and bent over that desk, or I can walk the fuck out of here and you will never see me again.Your call.You can keep the panties on, and I'm not going to try and rape you, but if that ass isn't out of pants and in the air in fifteen seconds, I am out the door.”His heart was pounding, as he wondered whether he had overplayed his hand, pushed this too far. He stood there waiting, eyes boring holes into her.

Finally, her eyes dropped back to the floor.With trembling fingers, she slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her slender legs, stepping out of them. She turned, with one last apprehensive glance at his stony face, and bent forward slightly, placing her palms on the top of the desk.Dan's cock was stiffening quickly, and he felt a wave of relief go through him as she turned.

“Not like that,” he said, stepping forward.“I told you I want that ass in the air.”He stepped forward, taking the back of her neck in his left hand and pushing firmly down, till her cheek was pressed against the wood of the desk, her back arching gracefully back upward to her flared ass, mostly covered by a pair of modest cotton panties, stuck up proudly.“Now stay like that and don't move.This is going to go on until I decide it's done, you understand?”

Her head nodded slightly, jerkily, against the top of the desk.Her entire body was trembling and goose bumps were rising across her skin. if it hadn't been seventy five degrees Dan would have been sure that she was freezing.

His right hand slid to the panties covering her butt, and her entire body flinched as he touched her.Looping his thumb and forefinger through the material he pulled the panties tight up into the crack of her ass, exposing the cheeks of her bottom. He waited a moment, still, his eyes traveling over her body as she trembled like a scared animal.

Lifting his left hand, he brought it down with a swift smack across both cheeks of her ass, leaving a red hand print on her bottom and causing her to howl.Her weight shifted from one foot to the other, causing her ass to sway to the side just in time to receive a second hard slap, this one catching her hard on the side of her ass as it swayed toward him.

When the third smack came down, stiff fingers driving into the space where her ass met her thigh, she screeched, her body bolting upright and her hands flashing back to cover her rear.“Oww, it hurts too much, don't OWW,” the last coming as Dan wrapped a hand tightly in her hair and pushed her, hard, back down against the table.Once she was down flat again he took his hand from her hair, grabbing both of her wrists and holding them tight in the small of her back with his right hand.

“Listen to me Jenny,” he said placing his left hand against the back of her neck and giving her a shake.“Stay still.Shut your mouth.Lie there and take your punishment.If I hear another word out of you or you try to straighten up or cover yourself again I will beat your ass so black and blue that you won't be able to walk.And then I will leave, I will walk out forever.Do you understand?”He gave her another rough shake to get the point across, and she nodded hastily, one small sob escaping her lips as she stopped struggling to free her hands, and seemed to slump against the desk in resignation.

The stillness ended as his hand found her bottom again, and again, harder now.Her hips jerked and twisted, her weight rising to the balls of her feet and then dropping again to her heels.He grinned slightly to himself as he swatted her again, and another time, thinking that she probably didn't know just what a show she was putting on with her ass dancing for him.His right hand kept a firm grip on her wrists, keeping her hands and lower back pressed hard against the desk, but she didn't struggle too hard to free them.Her upper body seemed to do what it was told, though her lower body was dancing lasciviously with each blow, her bottom trying by its own will to escape the rain of spanking which found her no matter which way she squirmed.He continued laying more and more swats against her bottom, watching it begin to pick up a rosy color, and then deeper red.Each blow drew a squeal from between her closed lips, and then a groan.Finally, as her bottom heated toward a bright red color, each blow drew a sob, and she was crying softly between each spank.

Finally he stopped, his own hand stinging and his breathing hard as he looked down at her, resting a moment. Her cries had quieted to small, constant, choking sobs, her hair covering her face.Her bottom still moved freely in the air, wiggling back and forth, her hips swaying and the cheeks of her ass tightening and releasing in unthinking response to the pain.He laid the edge of his fingernail against the top of her bottom and drew a hard line down one side of her ass, raising both a bright white line in the red of her flesh and a fresh, whining sob from her throat.

Sliding his gaze lower, to where her thighs came together, he felt his heart leap.A dark, wet stain had spread across her panties, sticking them firmly to her most private parts.There, pushed out behind her as she bent over, the lips of her pussy were clearly outlined in the wet fabric.Dan grinned to himself...he had HOPED, but...

He drew another white line down her ass, this time on the other side, and this time his fingertip curled inward, toward the outlined cleft.When he finally touched it her body leaped slightly in surprise, and he feigned shock.“Why JENNY,” he exclaimed incredulously.“What a little SLUT!Your pussy is soaking wet, and from what...getting bent over a desk and beaten like a naughty little girl?”

The red from her ass seemed to spread through her entire body, shame burning through her.She started to speak, to say something, but Dan tightened his grip on her narrow wrists threateningly.“No no little girl, no talking remember?Don't worry, I'll help you with that sticky little slit.”He pressed up against her hip, letting her feel the hardness ofhis cock through his pants against her hip as his finger stroked gently down the length of her pussy through the panties.She groaned, and pressed her side against him, rubbing, but he pulled back slightly, leaving her side touching nothing.

“No no, Jenny.I promised I wouldn't fuck you remember?Instead I'll just help you out with your little problem here, won't that be nice?”His fingers kept dragging across her mound, almost petting her, and her crying started up fresh, humiliated sobs wracking her body.He knew from previous, drunken conversations that Jennifer didn't like fingers on her.She thought it felt cheap, like a cop-out...a dirty younger cousin to sex and not something that people should do.

Which, Dan though, made this perfect.He slid two fingers slowly down the length of her slit, petting it gently through her panties.As he stroked lightly back and forth she began crying in earnest again, finding a new well of tears in her humiliation.Her cries got louder as he slid the cloth of her panties off the slick little pussy, his fingers sliding easily between the engorged lips, then strangled off to a moan as he found her clit, rolling it gently between the ball of his thumb and his forefinger.

Her hips pushed back, her ass rising farther off the desk, as she tried to push her cunt more firmly against his hand, rubbing herself up and down against his teasing fingers.He let her rub herself against him for a moment, letting her clit grind into his thumb, before sliding his hand back, leaving her whimpering as he removed the friction.Her hips continued to sway, her pussy seeming to quest out to find his fingers, and he laughed, drawing another choked sob from her.“Greedy little thing, isn't it?” he mused, then slid his fingers back to her clit.

For a long time his fingers continues the slow circling on her, never increasing their pace, never pressing hard, though her hips wiggled and she pressed back against him, trying to move herself up and down against the light touch, trying to push into it with her hips.He got even more hard watching her involuntary movements, seeing her straining back against him for the slightest touch.

Finally he increased the pressure on her clit, his index and middle fingers grinding in faster circles now.Her breathing got more ragged, the red flush coming back to her skin, the flush this time equal parts of arousal and embarrassment as the two feelings fed each other inside her.She groaned loudly, her groans turning to grunts, the muscles of her calves tensing hard as she lifted herself against him, her whole body shuddering in orgasm as she came against his hand, her legs trembling and almost collapsing beneath her.He continued his slow stroking through her orgasm, drawing out another groan, and another, the violent shuddering of her body finally slowing after almost a full minute.

Finally her breathing slowed, the shuddering in her body died down.She lay against the desk, limp and panting, as he removed his right hand from her wrists and gave her a small pat on the ass.“Good girl Jenny,” he said soothingly.“Do you feel better?”

She didn't move from her position, but nodded slightly, sniffling.

He smiled to himself, exultant.This was perfect, or at least it would be.“Good.I decided that you and I are going out to dinner tonight.Go get cleaned up, and put on some nice clothes.I expect you at my place at seven.”With that he turned, opening her bedroom door.He took one last look backward, admiring the long legs tapering up to the bare, wet pussy and the red, round ass in the air.“Don't rest too long Jenny, I don't want you to be late.”

Dan shut the door to the bedroom and then left the apartment.He was whistling on the way back to his place, his mood much improved.He still moved quickly though...he had lots to get done in the next couple hours.


Apologies to all for the poor formatting of the first version, I obviously made a mistake converting from txt to html.I hope this version is a little more readable.Comments and feedback always welcome at [email protected]



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Dan and the DeputyChapter 7

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 5

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Rite Of Passage John Or Jennifer

John turned eighteen that day. His father was at work. His mother and sister Lisa were spending the day shopping, saying they wouldn't get back until very late in the afternoon. He decided he wanted to pamper himself, celebrating in the best way possible. That way was by dressing up as a female.  John had been a crossdresser since he was sixteen. He believed he had managed to keep that part of himself hidden from the rest of the family.After taking a luxurious bubble bath, he carefully made up...

3 years ago
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Slut9Chapter 13 Jennifer

"Jennifer" Thursday, December 21st. Early afternoonA few minutes later, they pulled into the long driveway that led to Jennifer's house. The house was a large white home with two levels above ground and two more hidden underneath. Dave had once asked how many rooms the large Italian villa style home had. Jennifer's only answer was "Too many. I never counted." Dave stopped the car in front of the front door. The doors opened and his two nieces came running out, followed closely by...

2 years ago
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The Club Jennifer

A new girl at The Club caught my eye. I made some discreet enquiries with Claire, the older girl who had been allocated to look after her in her first weeks at The Club and found her name was Jennifer.Jennifer was a pretty girl, by no means a beauty though. The 'girl next door type' which I like. Still innocent looking. The first thing which struck me about Jennifer was that she had a lot of hair. Very ligh brown, straight but slightly frizzy hair which reached well below her shoulders. Not...

3 years ago
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I have been talking to Jennifer through emails, instant messages, and on the phone for the last several months and it was now time for us to finally meet in person. We had discovered each other in a chat room quite some time ago during a discussion about a woman's natural tendancy to be submissive to a man, and somehow we ended up going to a private room to further our own discussion on the subject. She was currently in a marriage with a man that she felt no physical, emotional, or intellectual...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 39 Jennifer

July 1980, Milford, Ohio We arrived at Jennifer’s house to find it empty. “Dad’s at work and Mom’s out shopping. She’ll be home for dinner.” “So, what did you have in mind? We have a lot to catch up on.” “Sex and talking! I prefer sex first! It’s been a year since I was with you last!” “I did promise to fuck you silly, if I recall correctly! In every possible way; and no hole left untouched.” “You did. But you know what? Right now, I just want you to make love to me. Like the very first...

3 years ago
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The Story of Jim and Jennifer

"The Story of Jim and Jennifer" 3/15/2000 This is a story about Jim, but Jennifer wrote it. This is the way he wishes his life had really gone, but it didn't, at least not exactly like this. Now there is some truth in this story but it is mixed in with a little fiction. It's up to you figure out what is truth and what is fiction, Now Jim grew up just outside of Chicago, He had a difficult time growing up, you see he always was a small kid,...

1 year ago
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Dans wife

It was summertime and after dinner Dan and Karen went to a dance club for a drink and a little flirtatious fun, something they both enjoyed doing.This night Karen was slightly uncomfortable in the short silky dress, she thought it was too short to wear in public, but Dan had convinced her to wear it and told her that a bra would look funny under the spaghetti straps. As they had their drink and dance, Bob watched them from the bar. Eventually he came over and asked her to dance. Jim smiled at...

2 years ago
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Getting Some Mommy PussyChapter 8 Jennifer

Jennifer was very pregnant that day when I saw her. In fact, she was within only days of giving birth and like most young woman at that point, she was ready to have the baby and get the long nine months wait over. Normally, when she's not seriously knocked up, Jennifer is a sexy petite attractive young woman and wife with a shapely compact figure and breasts in the moderate B-cup range. Jennifer had always been a sexy young woman but somehow her advanced state of pregnancy made her...

2 years ago
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Dan and the DeputyChapter 3

Dan felt once again an incredible rush as he rammed deeper with each stroke into Lizzie Abramowitz, his cock taking the cute, nerdy Jewish teacher roughly as they fucked hard again. Melissa, meanwhile, had her thighs parted as Lizzie ate her pussy hungrily, not letting up while she explored as much as she could with her lips and tongue. Ms. Abramowitz was able to lose all self-control, thanks to being sandwiched between her wonderful sponsor and her sweet slut, the pleasure of serving her too...

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