- 3 years ago
- 44
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Thursday, December 21st. Early afternoonA few minutes later, they pulled into the long driveway that led to Jennifer's house. The house was a large white home with two levels above ground and two more hidden underneath. Dave had once asked how many rooms the large Italian villa style home had. Jennifer's only answer was "Too many. I never counted."
Dave stopped the car in front of the front door. The doors opened and his two nieces came running out, followed closely by their mother. Em and Hayley jumped out of the backseat and the four teenagers were soon chattering together, mostly at the same time. Dave circled around the car and stood beside Olivia as they waited for Jennifer to come to them.
Dave couldn't help but size up his sister, something he found himself doing to all women since coming into possession of the SLuT formula. She was tall, standing nearly six feet tall, with long brown hair, the exact same shade as his which was the same as their mother's, and a lean, mean runners body with narrow shoulders and long legs. Even at forty years old, she was still hot.
As Jenn got closer, Dave took hold of Olivia's hand and gave it a squeeze, reassuring her. She gave him a quick smile. Then Jenn was there and throwing her arms around David's neck.
"How are you, little brother?" she asked as she squeezed him tightly and then gave him a sloppy wet kiss on the cheek, just as she had been doing for as long as Dave could remember.
Dave returned the hug and then pushed her away.
"Olivia, I'd like you to meet my sister, Jennifer Santiago. Jenn, this is Dr. Olivia Barrett."
"Doctor?" Jenn said as the two women shook hands. "Are you by chance a medical doctor?"
"No, I'm not," Olivia said, obviously having been asked the question many times before. "I'm a bio-chemist in the pharmaceutical industry."
"Oh, too bad. We could have used a doctor in the family. Megan, Molly, come over here," Jennifer shouted, pulling her twin sixteen year-old daughters away from their conversation with Em and Hayley.
There was a moment's hesitation as the conversations ended and the two girls came over to stand beside their mother, one on each side. Emily and Hayley also came over and took up spots, Emily beside her father and Hayley beside Olivia.
The girls, Molly and Megan, looked nothing liked Jennifer. They had taken way too much of their father's ethnic DNA to look like their mother but they were both a couple of lookers. They both had the dark, nearly black hair, common to the people of South America. With the mixture of white and Hispanic, they had what appeared to be naturally tan skin which showed off their flashing green eyes, the only trait they did get from their mother. Molly and Megan also got their build from Dimitri's side of the family. They were both shorter than Jenn at the same age, neither of them standing more than five foot five. Having seen both girls in bikini's during the summer months when he had brought Em and Hayley over to swim, Dave was very much aware that both Molly and Megan had what he thought of as fat little titties, flat bellies, cute little bubble butts and shapely legs that had given Dave some not-so-virtuous thoughts over the last few years.
"Girls, I want you to meet your uncle Dave's ... friend?" Jenn said, looking from Dave to Olivia and back again for confirmation of her chosen word. "Dr. Olivia Barrett. And before you ask, she's not a medical doctor. Dr. Barrett..."
"Olivia is fine."
Jenn smiled and nodded.
"Olivia, these are my two daughters, Molly and Megan."
Olivia put out her hand and shook the hand of the closest twin, Molly. Then she shook Megan's hand.
"The easiest way to tell them apart is to wait until they take off their shoes," Dave told her, smiling at the two girls. "Molly has a deformed toe nail on both of her little toes."
Molly's mouth fell open that her uncle would betray her darkest secret and biggest embarrassment so openly. Dave just smiled and winked at the girl.
Olivia, seeing Molly's reaction, laughed. "Don't worry about it, Molly. My mother had the same problem. It's a pretty common birth defect."
"It is?" Molly asked, hopefully.
Olivia nodded. This seemed to cheer Molly up.
"Okay, let's all help with the bags and we shouldn't need to make more than one trip," Jennifer said and Dave led the group to the trunk of the car and began handing out bags and wrapped birthday presents.
"Who's car is this anyway?" Jennifer asked.
"It's Olivia's," Dave explained. "Em's car was too small for all of us, and they all said they'd be horribly embarrassed to be seen in my clunker."
"Why are you still driving that piece of junk? You know, your Lexus is still in my garage."
"What Lexus?" Emily asked, looking from her father to her aunt.
Jenn laughed. "Your father's Lexus. The one he drove before your parents divorced."
"You told me you sold it."
"He did," Jenn stated. "To me. You know I always loved that car. I told him anytime he wants it back, I'll sign it back over to him."
Now it was Emily's jaw that was on the ground.
"All this time, you could have had your Lexus and you've been driving that garbage can on wheels."
"Your mother loves that car almost as much as your aunt does. If she had known that I had it during the divorce, she would have taken it from me or forced me to sell it. I wasn't going to do either," Dave explained as he loaded Emily's arms up with bags and birthday presents.
"Your divorce was finalized the beginning of the year, Daddy," Hayley stated.
"I know. I just kept forgetting. The other car works."
"It's an embarrassment, Daddy!" Emily shouted over her shoulder as she followed Molly and Olivia, already loaded down with bags, up the sidewalk towards the house.
"Presents go down to the family room," Jennifer yelled after them.
Dave and Jennifer, with the last of the bags, were the last two into the house. Dave seeing that the others had just carried the bags right up the stairs, didn't bother to even set the bags down, he and Jenn just kept hold of them and carried their bags right up the stairs also.
"I hope it's okay. I put you and Olivia in the same room. If that's a problem..."
"No," Dave said as they reached the top of the steps. "I'm sure it'll be fine."
Jenn gave David a grin.
"So, you are, ummm?"
"Yes. Olivia and I are having sex," Dave confessed quietly so the others wouldn't hear.
"Good. You needed it. How long had it been?"
"I'm not going to have this discussion again," Dave told her and passed her in the hallway. "Do I get my normal room?"
Dave nodded and turned into the room he always used at Jennifer's house. Olivia and Hayley were already there, gathered around the bed.
Hayley turned to Dave as he entered the room. "I can't find my second bag. Never mind," she said with a smile and came over and took the bag Dave had carried up the stairs right out of his hands. She gave him a thank you smile and left the room with her bag.
"I take it this is yours then?" Jennifer said to Olivia.
"It's mine," she said and took the bag from Jennifer. "I'll unpack. Why don't you two go catch up or whatever."
"We'll be in the kitchen. If you can't find it, just grab one of the girls or holler real loud," Jenn told Olivia as she and Dave turned and left the bedroom. "She seems nice enough."
"She is," Dave told her.
"So, how did this all develop? You told me she left her job. Where was she working?"
"She worked at a pharmaceutical company up in Boston."
"If she had a job, why is she moving down here? She get fired or something?"
"She hasn't left the job. Right now, she's on a leave of absence. She's looking for a better job around here."
"Why here? To be with you?"
"No! We're not a couple of kids, Jenn. We both have responsibilities. She knows she can't just pack up and leave. We barely know each other yet. She's just staying with me while she looks for a job. If things work out, if she finds a job and we hit it off, it might become something more permanent. But right now, she's just a friend who's staying with me."
"A friend you're sleeping with," Jenn said as they entered the kitchen.
"Okay, yeah. Maybe a friend with benefits."
"I've had a few of those," Jennifer said as she poured two cups of coffee and Dave took a seat at the small glass kitchen table.
"Oh really. Is there something you've been keeping secret from your little brother?"
Jennifer smiled. "I didn't mean recently." Jenn set one cup of coffee in front of Dave and then sat down beside him with a cup of her own.
"So, how did you get 'The Bitch' to agree to let you have the girls?"
"Long story," Dave told her and then took a sip of the hot coffee.
"I've got time."
"Mom!" Someone yelled from down the hall. Jennifer rolled her eyes, leaned back in her chair to look out the kitchen door and down the hall.
"In the kitchen, Meggy." A moment later, Megan walked into the kitchen.
Dave noticed immediately that Meg had changed clothes. She had been wearing jeans, a tee shirt, winter boots and a heavy coat. She was now dressed in only a tee shirt and very tight running shorts.
"What are you doing with those shorts on again? Didn't I ask you to change pants?"
"I did, Mom. I put on jeans when we went outside. You know I hate wearing heavy pants inside."
Jenn closed her eyes and shook her head. "What did you need, Meg?"
"I wanted to know if it'd be okay if I slept with Hayley tonight? Please?" Meg dragged the word out to have five syllables or more.
"I don't care," Jenn said. "But you'll have to ask your Uncle Dave."
Meg turned to Dave, giving him a shy smile. She then jumped in his lap and wrapped her arms, lovingly around his neck.
"Oh, good God, girl! You don't need to kiss up to him."
Meg ignored her mother. "Uncle David," she asked softly, one finger on his chest rubbing in small circles. Dave couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. He was rather enjoying the feel of her young body on his lap and it was starting to effect how his pants fit. "Can I, please," she said, once again dragging please out to five syllables, "please, please, please sleep with Hayley tonight? Pretty please, with sugar on top."
"You are such a tramp!" Jennifer stated with a smile and a shake of her head. "Throwing yourself at your own uncle. Have you no pride, child?"
Dave couldn't hold it in any longer. He burst out laughing at Meg's antics and Jenn's reaction. "Yes, yes, whatever. Just stop scandalizing your mother."
"Yes!" Meg shouted. She gave Dave a quick hug, pressing her small, but fat, little titties into his chest, then ran off, her bare feet slapping against the tiled floor of the kitchen.
"I swear to you. Both of my little girls are growing up into teasing little sluts. I don't know what to do with them."
"I know what I'd do with them," David teased.
A few minutes later Olivia joined Dave and Jenn in the kitchen. Jenn poured her a cup of coffee and the two women sat there at the table, largely ignoring Dave, and got to know each other.
Three hours after arriving at Jennifer's house, all seven of them crammed into Jennifer's large SUV and headed down the street to a good steak house for dinner. Good food and fun was had by all. At some unnoticed sign from Jennifer, the crew of the restaurant brought out a huge birthday cake.
A dozen servers gathered around the table, and their server, a young woman named Belle, stepped forward and shouted for the entire restaurant to hear. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. It has been brought to our attention that we have not one, but two birthdays being celebrated here tonight. Let's give a big Roadhouse cheer for Megan and Molly Santiago who are celebrating their sixteenth birthday with us tonight."
There was a loud cheer from all over the restaurant. The loudest cheers came from Emily and Hayley. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, as you know," continued Belle, "it's a Roadhouse tradition for everyone to join in. Let's hear it! Happy birthday to you..."
The dozen or so servers gathered at the table started it, then the family joined in and then finally most of the restaurant was singing happy birthday to the twins, who were both sitting there blushing and hiding their faces in embarrassment at being the center of attention.
Dave, Jenn, Emily and Hayley all got glares as the birthday cake was cut and handed out, first to the birthday girls and then to the rest of the family. Once everyone had a piece, the cake was picked up, taken away, and returned to it's box for Jennifer to pick up on her way out of the restaurant.
By the time they left the restaurant, it was beginning to snow. On the way back to Jennifer's house Jenn turned the car radio on and tuned to a local news channel to listen for the weather report. The woman on the radio gave warnings that people should stock up on the necessities as this was going to be a doozy. The weather service was calling for a foot or more of snow and ice before the storm finally moved on sometime late the next day.
When they turned into the driveway of Jennifer's house, the snow was coming down hard and was already becoming visible in the grass but, thanks to the traffic, had not yet begun to stick to the roads. Jennifer pulled the SUV into the garage and everyone piled out.
The girls immediately ran inside to prepare for the opening of the birthday presents. Jennifer moved to the back of the SUV and opened it to get the boxed-up cake out. Dave and Olivia stood by waiting for her. Dave went with Jenn to the kitchen to put the cake away.
"You got enough food for seven of us until we can get out?" Jennifer smiled at him as she stooped to put the cake in the fridge.
"Yes David. I've got plenty of food and don't worry, if we find anything we need, I've got that giant SUV out there. I bought it just for winter weather and there's a grocery store not two blocks away. We'll be fine."
Dave and Jennifer went to the huge family room where the girls and Olivia were already waiting. Wrapped boxes were stacked against one wall, the pile standing nearly five feet high and about three feet wide. "Wow! Who are they all from?" Dave asked upon seeing the pile.
"Most of them are from Dimitri's parents. This was a small year. They only sent three boxes of presents."
"Only three boxes, huh?" Dave said with a smile. "That's almost neglect." Dave and Jenn both laughed and found themselves a seat.
Hayley jumped up and volunteered to hand out presents. Molly and Megan both took a seat on the floor with some space between them. Olivia and Emily found seats across the room on a love seat. Hayley picked the first present off the top of the pile.
"This is for..." Hayley paused for dramatic effect. "Molly." She tossed the package to Molly who easily caught it.
Molly set the package on the ground, stated who it was from, and then tore into it. In this case, it was one of Emily's, This continued for the forty minutes as Hayley handed out one present at a time, switching between Molly and Megan. Everyone watched as each present was opened, did the standard ooh's and ahh's, and then the present was set aside and the next one opened.
Dave was surprised to see that he had bought both girls a fifty dollar gift certificate to a music store in the mall. He gave Emily a smile and a wink for her forethought in getting a present for the girls and putting his name on it.
After the presents were opened, the four girls started carrying the twin's booty up to their bedrooms while the adults went to the kitchen. Each got a cup of coffee and retired to the living room for some adult conversation. Most of the conversation that took place was between Jenn and Olivia as the two women got to know each other. Dave added where he could and played waiter, first refilling their empty coffee mugs and later fixing them all an alcoholic beverage.
They didn't see hide nor hair of the four girls again until close to eleven o'clock when the four girls, now all dressed in nightgowns or pajamas, came down to say good night. Emily and Molly went first, Emily giving Dave a kiss on the cheek while Molly gave her mother a good night kiss. The two girls then swapped and Dave got a good night kiss from Molly. Emily and Molly then went over and said good night to Olivia while Hayley and Megan moved to their respective parent for good night kisses and then swapped. Hayley and Megan said good night to Olivia.
The four girls then retreated back up the stairs, laughing and teasing as they went. Dave and Jennifer exchanged glances and both nodded. "They're up to something," they said almost simultaneously. Olivia smiled. Dave and Jenn both laughed.
"So," Dave asked. "Which of us gets to go up there and ruin their plans?"
"I'll go," Jenn said and got up and headed out of the room and up the stairs.
As soon as Jenn was out of the room, Olivia was up, crossed the room, and sat down in Dave's lap. She wrapped her arms around Dave's neck and kissed him hard on the lips, forcing her tongue into his mouth. "What was that for?" Dave asked, once she pulled away and he got a decent breath.
This tale is the combination of a crime drama, romance story and good ole' hardcore sex. Like most of my stories, it is also quite long and detailed. But for those of you Kind Readers who appreciate my work, I think you will truly enjoy this one. So, without further ado, I present to you..... A Wylde Knight for Jennifer The Sun was just starting to rise on that March Sunday morning as I got quietly out of bed. I did not want to disturb the lovely young woman sleeping beside me....
Being Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...
This story involves slut training.... male domination and a female sub. Helen and I both enjoy the fantasy and the situation.THE TRAINING OF JENNIFERGraham moved to answer the door even before the faint knocking . He swung the penthouse door fully open, turned his back on the guest and continued speaking on the telephone. He paced as he spoke. "Yes she is here. No, I'm not sure. I have yet to even look at her. Just remain in the lobby this might be all over very quickly ..... Well, me too ........
After the costume party at Tom and Gloria’s house, Jennifer, Jerry and I both rested quite well that Sunday afternoon, good weather and all. Monday at work was a grind and I occasionally let my mind wander to the events of Saturday night, eliciting a smile or a grin at times. I decided to skip happy hour Monday evening and headed home from work. I wasn’t in the door five minutes when the phone rang. It was Jennifer and she wanted to drop in for a few minutes to chat. I definitely had no...
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July 1980, Milford, Ohio We arrived at Jennifer’s house to find it empty. “Dad’s at work and Mom’s out shopping. She’ll be home for dinner.” “So, what did you have in mind? We have a lot to catch up on.” “Sex and talking! I prefer sex first! It’s been a year since I was with you last!” “I did promise to fuck you silly, if I recall correctly! In every possible way; and no hole left untouched.” “You did. But you know what? Right now, I just want you to make love to me. Like the very first...
Jennifer was very pregnant that day when I saw her. In fact, she was within only days of giving birth and like most young woman at that point, she was ready to have the baby and get the long nine months wait over. Normally, when she's not seriously knocked up, Jennifer is a sexy petite attractive young woman and wife with a shapely compact figure and breasts in the moderate B-cup range. Jennifer had always been a sexy young woman but somehow her advanced state of pregnancy made her...
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JEN.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation I don't think Jennifer has ever liked me. Jennifer is about 23, with long black hair. She is very pretty, and she accomplishes her beauty with only a little dark grey eyeliner. She would be a knockout with a little more makeup. She also dresses very conservatively for someone her age, often with a jacket and knee or below length skirts, and very low heels. She walks with a slouch, not with the confident walk of someone so lovely. And she...
September 29, 1991, Milford, Ohio “Thanks for everything, Steve,” Bethany said after I’d buckled Jesse into his car seat. “You’re welcome. And thank you, as well. I very much enjoyed last night.” “Me, too!” she giggled. We hugged tightly, I kissed her, and then got into the car. I started the engine, put the car in reverse, and backed out of the driveway. With a wave, Jesse and I began our drive back to Chicago. “I thought you and Aunt Befany weren’t kissing!” he protested. I suppressed...
Jennifer was out in the carpark again walking back towards her car. She felt disappointed that she was leaving the grounds of BSC and would have to put her clothes back on. Her first foray into public nudity had been just so wonderful. Her body had never before felt so alive and free and she didn’t want that feeling to end. The very unique art lesson she had just experienced had also put Jennifer in very high spirits. Going back to normal life and wearing clothes for another week before the...
My dear little friend Jennifer’s marriage was not perfect; although she tried to show everybody it was... One afternoon she called me when I was at work and told me her husband was away from town since several days. She added that she had some things that needed “a man’s touch”; as she put it. I did not understand what she wanted to mean; but Jennifer insisted she wanted to meet me when my loving wife would be out…Two days later I called her back, telling that Ana would visit some friends out...
I met Jennifer online, and initially she appeared to be a hot demure American girl with a few extravagances shall we say.After we started corresponding, she very quickly wanted me to call her, so because of the time difference we made a time to call, she wanted me to call her at 10 am UK time as she was an early riser.She told me that she lived in New York, but when I spoke to her her voice had a southern drawl to it, I mentioned this during our conversation, and she snapped at me "I ddn't say...
Breaking In Sweet Jennifer... by alexcarr © When Jennifer came to me it was like a new life beginning. Sweet, sweet and innocent Jenifer who - at nineteen, had never had a boy friend straight from a convent. She wanted a room to set up her independence and to get settled in with her online university studies.The owner of a hotel which had been converted into bed sitting rooms I was delighted to give her a room for a minimal charge in return for some small chores around the house.At 42 maybe I...
First TimeWhen Jennifer came to me it was like a new life beginning. Jennifer was delightfully sweet and innocent who, straight from a convent at nineteen, had never had a boyfriend. She wanted a room to set up her independence and to get settled in with her online university studies.I was the owner of a hotel which had been converted into bed sitting rooms. I was delighted to give her a room for a minimal rent in return for some small chores around the house. At forty two, maybe I am old enough to be...
First TimeTime Stands Still Chapter Nine: Jennifer By 9:45 a.m. Junior had welts all up and down his handsome body. He was almost as beautiful as his dad. His naked back and legs were red with bruises. His manacled arms and legs locked him beautifully into the rack not allowing him any movement. I knew someday that he would go full time into making custom bondage constructions. His work was so well thought out and so beautiful. He had already been asked to design and build...
The joy of being Jennifer By ZeDD I found the panties in a strange curio shop down by the dock. I was looking around and there they were, shocking me into excitement with its lace trim, satin sheen and pale pink color. They weren't the sexiest pair of panties I'd seen, but then wearing the sexiest pair of panties isn't exactly the most comfortable thing in the world. I prefer the kind where the whole ass is covered in satin. If I had a slut, and wanted to spank her, I'd lift up...
It is pretty much of a shock when you find out that your loving wife of ten years is a slut. I don't know what else you can call a woman when you catch her with three guys and all three of them have their dicks in her - at the same time! Jennifer and I were at a New Years Eve party at the home of some friends of ours. Midnight had come and gone, the booze had been flowing and no one was feeling any pain. Jennifer came up to me and said that Al had some killer weed and she asked me if I wanted...
A few years ago my and wife went through a bit of a rough patch. She felt it would do some good if she moved out. After 3 months apart she came back and things have mostly been peachy. When we were a part some of my mates spotted her around town in clubs and bars so I figured something would have happened for sure. When we started having sex again I poked and plodded her about her time in her apartment. She went on to tell me she had been at her place for about a week, when she had a problem...
Cheating Wifes"Why do I love you, Jen, and why do you love me? Why do I desire you?" "Don't be so obsessive, Phil. Just be happy we do love and desire each other, okay?" He was afraid to talk too much like a professor around her, but he wanted to talk about it because he was afraid love and desire could evaporate. Everything between them rested on a mystery. He wondered about all of it, why he was attracted to the curve of her breast, or why the turn of her belly down to her pubis excited him. Passion...
February 1978 The rest of the week went by quickly. I played chess with Jennifer and Larry. I played chess with Mary. Mary and I couldn’t find a time to get together, much to our mutual disappointment. Even Thursday night didn’t work out since she had to go out with her parents. On Saturday, I called Birgit. I was doing that way too often, but letters with two-week turnarounds just weren’t cutting it. I broached the subject of growing up and gaining experiences and she said that was more or...
My gaze travels slowly down her body and she became excited at my scrutiny. She wanted to shift on her feet in nervousness but held her passion wound body completely still. My gaze paused at her chest and she held her breath as she saw my eyes twinkle in appreciation. My hand moved from her face, tracing down her neck as I walked around her. She feels my hand on her shoulders, down her back, across her hips and up her arm. My fingers are firm against her, slow, methodical, and as I step back in...
Ashley Capistan and Jennifer Fergoski both celebrated their twenty-first birthday. Both girls were five-ten, both weighed the same, they both had strawberry blonde hair that hung straight to mid back. Both girls had 34-23-30 hourglass figures, nice round and firm C-cup breasts, and what many would call beautiful bubble butts. If one would put the two girls side by side, they would pass as twins! They were twins! Unfortunately the two girls were separated at birth, given up for adoption by a...
Jennifer Janet L. Stickney [email protected] By the time I reached the age of 21 I was out of college and also, I had moved on from an accomplished crossdresser, to a complete woman. I am fully able to go anywhere I like dressed as Jennifer without any trouble at all. As I got ready to go out I once again set my breasts free of their restraints and let them enjoy the comfort of my padded bra. I reveled in the chance to once again totally enjoy being the woman I always should...
St. Stephen’s Day, 1984, Indianapolis, Indiana I went to see if Ed had returned and found him and my sister sitting with Kara. Ed looked even happier than he had earlier, so I assumed my sister had properly thanked him. “She’s awake, but groggy,” I said. “She has no idea what happened, though. Ed, why don’t you go see her?” “Thanks!” he replied, giving Stephanie a quick kiss. “I see you properly thanked him!” I teased, after he left. She laughed, “I did. Twice!” “You weren’t gone THAT...
Jennifer was a very shy girl, yet an intelligent student in class. Somewhere in the nooks of Liverpool was a house, where Jennifer lived with her parents and brother. Her father was an executive, he was very gentle in nature, very charming person, her mother Barbara was a typical housewives, engaged in chores, some or the other… often wished life could take some turns, no she wasn’t an envious lady, she had friends both rich and middle class, she was just herself… she just wanted to spice up...
It was late and the evening air in south Florida was warm and muggy, and the club was teeming with co-workers out blowing off steam after a long day of meetings. I was wearing shorts, one of my favorite Nat Nast shirts, and flip-flops, and in spite of my dress, I was still a little sweaty. I was squeezed in between folks, leaning over the edge of the bar trying to get the bartender's attention, and next to me was an attractive woman, with a come-to-me-big-boy smile and a twinkle in her eye. The...
JenniferBack when I was 19, My first serious girlfriend was named Jennifer. She was 18, about 5' 6", about 130 lbs, very attractive with THICK brown/black hair. She had 36DD tits, big nipples about an inch long when excited, a flat stomach, nice legs, a great ass and a real thick bush and she tasted delicious as I ate her alot.She was built like a brick shithouse.Anyhow, one day we decided to go a new beach we had heard about. It was anude beach, and we both got real excited about it. We...
Another story about Jekyll and Hyde Only the names are Jason and Jennifer It all started after my grandfather died and he left me his notebooks. Well after I got those notebooks I raced home and immediately went into my basement a.k.a. lab and started looking through the notebooks, reading all the stuff he had written in them. I noticed that most of the stuff written in them were transformations. So, as I was reading I came across a transformation that I couldn't make out. But it...
My time as Jennifer By Jennifer Rebecca Mickel Finally I was alone. Although I always say, "Your never alone when you are a Gemini, especially when your other twin is a transvestite!" I rushed off to my wardrobe I keep in my home office. My wife knows it's there, and occasionally will let me wear one or two things during sex, maybe once or twice a year. However she does not really understand, and at best I think she just tolerates my overwhelming need to dress as a girl. My...
JenniferBack when I was 19, My first serious girlfriend was named Jennifer. She was 18, about 5' 6", about 130 lbs, very attractive with THICK brown/black hair. She had 36DD tits, big nipples about an inch long when excited, a flat stomach, nice legs, a great ass and a real thick bush and she tasted delicious as I ate her alot.She was built like a brick shithouse.Anyhow, one day we decided to go a new beach we had heard about. It was anude beach, and we both got real excited about it. We...
July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois After Rosie left, I stripped the sheets from my bed, as well as the cover of the duvet, and tossed everything into the washing machine. I lit a lavender candle in the room, and then swept and dusted. I did a quick spot-check of the rest of the house and noticed that the tub in the sauna needed to be cleaned. I scrubbed it, then mopped the sauna floor with a damp sponge mop. I finished cleaning the sauna about the time the washing machine finished, so I moved...
My stepmom was exquisite; I had been using her as my cumslut for close to a year now. Every chance I got I was fucking at least one of her holes. The best part about the whole thing my dad didn’t have a fucking clue. There had been many times that I had slipped into their bedroom after they were both asleep and slid into bed next to her, sliding my cock between her legs and into her ass or into her cunt and slowly fucking her until I had to put my hand over her mouth to muffle her moans. The...
You shiver slightly as you exit the Union and step out into the brisk evening air. After a brief hesitation about wearing nothing more than your tight black tank top and pink shorts, you move down the steps into the parking lot and turn to walk back to your dorm. You take a right and move down Woodward Drive back to your empty room. The parking lot is sparse and almost no noise with everyone gone for Easter weekend. You stop and stare up at the sixth floor of the dorm and see...
As a professor of communications at a local community college, I have often thought about the possibilities of hooking up with a cute college coed. I had heard stories of professors doing so, but I didn’t dare be so forward as to think I should try. All professors were well instructed on maintaining a professional standard when they are hired. We know the consequences if there is even the slightest hint of inappropriateness.I guess I am the exception to the rule. My first year of teaching, I...
OccupationsBreaking In Sweet Jennifer… by alexcarr © When Jennifer came to me it was like a new life beginning. Sweet, sweet and innocent Jenifer who – at nineteen, had never had a boy friend straight from a convent. She wanted a room to set up her independence and to get settled in with her online university studies. The owner of a hotel which had been converted into bed sitting rooms I was delighted to give her a room for a minimal charge in return for some small chores around the house. At 42...
When Jennifer came to me it was like a new life beginning. Jennifer was delightfully sweet and innocent who, straight from a convent at nineteen, had never had a boyfriend. She wanted a room to set up her independence and to get settled in with her online university studies. I was the owner of a hotel which had been converted into bed sitting rooms. I was delighted to give her a room for a minimal rent in return for some small chores around the house. At forty two, maybe I am old enough to be...
The Day That I Became Jennifer By Jason Sommers I will never forget the day I became Jennifer. I got home from work and started messing with the Pocono moonstone. That was a mistake, because it zapped me and I fell to the ground. I felt fine so I continued to mess around with the moonstone and after it zapped me about three more times I decided nothing was going to happen. I decided to go and hang out with my friends. Boy, was that a big mistake, cause the moon was full and I...
I pushed open the door and cautiously entered the room. I could hear her deep breathing. Good, that meant the drugs were working. I crept up next to her bed and in the dim light I could make out her sleeping form. I gently blew on her neck and when I got no response I shook her a little. When she didn't respond I relaxed. I closed the blinds in her room and turned in the lamp next to the bed. There lay Jennifer passed out nothing but a black tank top and black panties. It looks like the...
"I hate to tell you this, Jennifer," Mom's voice was tentative, scarily so, across a thousand miles of telephone wire and microwave signal, "but Ricardo is your father." "WHAT!" I screamed it out. I understood her words instantly, could easily conjure up a fact pattern that made them true, but I wasn't ready to accept them. "Daddy died two years ago, Mom." I could hear the pleading, the strain in my own sounds. "Jennifer, you've known all of your life that I was already pregnant...
I was 15 when I started babysitting Jennifer. Jennifer was the only daughter of a single mom living off divorce money in thesuburbs . Jens mom was starting to date again, so she needed someone to watch Jen when she went out at night, and since I lived next door at the time I was the logical choice. By no means was I a good looking teenager, just average, but Jen on the other hand was cute. At nine years old it was obvious that she was going to grow up into a knock-out, she was a cute kid. Her...