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The wife and I hadn't been getting along for some time. I'll have to accept half the blame, but only half and in truth I guess ten percent would be the more accurate number. My contribution to the problem consisted of my inability to believe that Nan hadn't cheated on me. She swore she hadn't and I just didn't believe her.

We had been at her company Christmas party and there was ample booze flowing. Nan gets a little loose when she gets some alcohol in her and it sometimes can be fun to watch her when she becomes the life of the party. I have two left feet and don't care to dance, but Nan would live on the dance floor if she could and that night was no exception. She danced with anyone who asked her. She got kissed by damned near every man she danced with if he got her under the mistletoe. It was her party and she was enjoying herself so I just sat back and watched.

I hadn't paid much attention at the time, but looking back on it, it seemed that for every dance she had with someone else she had two with her boss Brian. I did notice, but I thought nothing of it at the time, that three times when she danced with Brian he had maneuvered her (or she him) under the mistletoe.

I had been taking pictures and about three hours into the party I ran out of film. I had another two rolls in my overcoat pocket so I had gotten up and gone to the coatroom to get it. My coat was in the back and I was fishing in the pockets for the film when I overheard two women talking.

"Can you believe it? And right in front of her husband too."

"He must be blind."

"Maybe he is too busy taking pictures to see what she and Brian have been doing."

"Everyone can see it. Of course everyone else here knows what goes on in Brian's office over lunch hour."

They walked away; I found the film and went back to our table. Nan was sitting there and she asked me where I had gone and I told her that I had gone to get more film. I love gossip as much as the next person and I was just getting ready to ask her who it was that Brian was having an affair with when one of her co-workers came up and asked her to dance. I made a mental note to pump her for the dirt on the way home.

Another hour went by. I hadn't been paying all that much attention to Nan since she was always out on the dance floor and I'd lost track of her. I had gone to take a leak and I was just coming out of the bathroom when I saw Nan come out of a room just down the hall and hurry back toward the ballroom. I couldn't be sure, but it looked like she had been buttoning her blouse as she walked out. I stood there and watched her walk down the hallway back to the ballroom and wondered if I had really seen what I thought I had.

I don't know why I did it, curiosity I suppose, but I walked over to the room that Nan had come out of and opened the door and looked in. There was a man standing there with his back to me, his right arm was moving and I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled up or down. He turned around and I saw that it was Brian.

"I was looking for Nan. Someone told me they had seen her come in here."

"They must have been mistaken. She hasn't been here."

"I can see that. Sorry to have barged in on you."

While I had been talking a quick glance had shown me that his zipper was up. I turned and headed back to our table. Nan came out of that room and he said she hadn't been there. She had been buttoning her blouse and he was pulling up his zipper and I was starting to have a bad feeling. Five minutes later Brian came back into the room and as soon as I saw him sit down I got up and went back to the room where I had seen him, went inside and looked around.

It was obviously a meeting room. There was a long rectangular table with eight chairs around it, a wastebasket in the corner and nothing else. I looked at the table in the area where Brian had been standing and saw that two chairs in that area had been pushed apart to create a space and on the table in front of that space were some wet spots — pale, almost milky white wet spots. I walked to the spot and looked down and in my minds eye I could see it. Nan on her back and Brian fucking her and their juices dropping down on the table.

From where I was standing I could see into the wastebasket and I noticed a touch of pink and when I looked closer I saw it was a white handkerchief with the pink initials NCD on it. It was from a set of six that I had given Nan for her birthday. I picked it up and it was wet. I sniffed it and I smelt pussy, wet pussy with just a trace of something else that I was willing to bet was Brian's cum and that generated another picture in my mind. The two had finished fucking and Nan had stood up and had used her handkerchief to wipe herself and then she had tossed it in the trash.

I stood there as my brain took in all the information, collated it, and looked at it from several angles.

The women I'd overheard when I was in the coatroom.

All the dances she had with Brian and the kisses under the mistletoe.

Nan buttoning her blouse as she came out of the room.

Brian zipping up when I cam into the room and Brian denying that Nan had been there.

Nan's handkerchief, wet with what I was sure was Brian's cum and her pussy juice.

The conclusion I reached was that my wife was cheating on me with her boss. Not one shred of positive proof, but the circumstantial evidence, at least to me, was overwhelming.

I went back to the party and took my seat. I hadn't been gone more that five minutes and when I'd gone Nan had been on the dance floor with Todd and she was still out there with him. The music stopped as the band finished their last set of the night and Todd walked Nan back to the table. I looked at her closely to see if I could see some sign of what she had been up to, but I saw nothing.

Twenty minutes later Nan and I had our coats on and we were headed home. As soon as I pulled out of the parking lot I said:

"You have been holding out on me sweetie."

"What do you mean?"

"You know I'm like an old woman when it comes to gossip" and then I told her about what I'd overheard while in the coatroom. "How come you never told me about that?"

She looked away from me and it was too dark in the car to see her expression as she said:

"I haven't heard anything like that."

I changed the subject. "You sure looked hot out there on the dance floor tonight and I'll bet I'm not the only one who thought so. I'll bet you left more than a few cocks hard tonight. I know I've got one from watching you. Why don't you slide over here next to me and let me show you?"

"Not tonight Rob. I'm exhausted and all I want to do is go home and go to bed."

"That's not fair."

"What do you mean by that?"

"All day long I've tried to make love o you and you kept telling me to wait until we got home tonight. I've been walking around with a stiffie all day waiting for the party to be over."

"I'm sorry honey. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"You sure that you don't have another reason for not wanting to make love to me tonight?"

"What does that mean?"

"Think about it sweetie, just think about it."

"No Rob, I want to know what you are getting at."

"No you don't Nan, you don't want to know what I'm getting at. You really don't want to know. We'll go home and I'll sleep on it and see if I feel different tomorrow."

"No Rob, not tomorrow, now! I want to know right now."

"Okay Nan, you want it now, you got it. I think you don't want to make love tonight because you don't dare let me get anywhere near your pussy. You don't want me to discover that I wouldn't be the first one to use it tonight."

"Just what the hell are you accusing me of?"

"I'm accusing you of cheating on me Nan. I'm accusing you of having fucked Brian tonight at the party and I'm accusing you of being the women that the ladies were talking about when I was in the coatroom getting my film."

"How dare you! You are out of your fucking mind."

"Am I? Well let me run it down for you Nan." I told her everything I'd seen and what I'd found when I went back to the meeting room. "It's all there Nan. Your begging off on sex tonight is the final nail in the coffin. You don't dare let me find out for sure that I'd be getting sloppy seconds."

"That is just preposterous Rob. I don't know how you can believe that I would do that."

"Okay Nan, let's hear your explanation."

"First off, I told you that I've never heard anything about what goes on in Rob's office. Yes I danced with him a lot tonight, but since you don't or won't dance with me I dance with anyone who asks. So Brian asked me more often than anyone else, what does that prove? Kisses under the mistletoe are nothing new, it happens every year and you've never bitched about it before. We were in the room because Brian wanted to tell me privately that I was going to be made head of accounting after the first of the year. My hankie was in the trash can because I spilled my drink on the table and I used the hankie to wipe it up and then I didn't want to put the wet hankie in my purse so I threw it away. As far as my buttoning my blouse was concerned I think you imagined it. I have no idea what Brian was doing with his zipper."

"Why did he say that you hadn't been in the room?"

"Probably because he thought if you knew I'd been in there with him you would think the ridiculous thoughts you are thinking now. I've said all I'm going to on the matter. You can believe it or not and I don't much care."

The rest of the trip home was made in silence. Once in the house Nan went to our bedroom, grabbed a pillow and headed for the spare bedroom. I stripped, got in bed and lay there staring up at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and reading the morning paper when Nan came into the room. She poured herself a cup of coffee and then went into the living room. I finished the paper, rinsed out my coffee cup and then went out into the garage to do an oil change on the car. That done, I went back into the house and got ready to watch some football. The game had just started when Nan came into the room and sat down.

"Did a nights sleep clear all of that nonsense out of your head?"

"I looked over at her, "No, in fact now I'm even more positive I was right. Three things Nan. I caught you in a lie, I've gone over in my mind what I saw and now I'm positive that I did see what I thought I saw and finally, your own actions last night after I confronted you."

"You are unreal Rob. What lie did you catch me in and what action of mine convinced you and what are you so sure that you saw?"

"The lie was over the handkerchief. Actually, it was two lies. The first was when you said you used it to wipe up a spilled drink. You drink scotch on the rocks and Brian as drinking vodka tonics. Neither of those is a milky white drink and the spots on the table were milky white — just like cum. I sniffed the hankie when I took it out of the wastebasket and it did not smell of alcohol; it smelled like pussy and sex and I've had my nose buried in your bush enough tomes to know the smell. If that wasn't enough, neither scotch nor vodka leave a crust when they dry. The hankie is up in my coat pocket and I checked it again this morning and it is crusty; just like it would be if you wiped your cunt with it after you and Brian finished fucking on that table. The second part of the lie is that you tossed it because you didn't want to put a wet rag in your purse. You weren't carrying a purse with you when you came out of that room. You didn't have anything in your hands when you came out of that room and I know this because I saw you use both hands to button your blouse.

"Lastly was what you did when we got home last night. Actually it was two things, what you did and what you didn't do. What you did was grab a pillow and get as far away from me as you could. You didn't dare take the chance that I would grab your cunt when we got in bed because you knew what I would find. What you didn't do was the other side of that same coin. All you had to do while you were being indignant was lift your skirt and tell me to check your cunt for myself. You could have told me to stick my fingers in it, get down and stick my nose in it, lick it and prove to myself that I was being a fool, but that isn't what you did is it? No Nan, you have been busted and the only thing left for me to do is decide what I'm going to do about it."

I got up and left the room.

We avoided each other for the next couple of days. During that time I wrestled with what to do. What complicated things was the fact that I loved Nan and had since the first day I had laid eyes on her. Until that stupid Christmas party I'd thought that she loved me as much as I loved her and that we had a great marriage. How did you just take fifteen years and walk away from it? I was between a rock and a hard place. I couldn't bear the thought of not being with her and I couldn't stand being around her.

It was in that frame of mind that I went to see a divorce lawyer. He was very up front about it. I had nothing to go on, proof wise, so any divorce would be a he said/she said affair and I would come out of the deal screwed. I made more than she did so I would end up paying alimony, everything we had we be split fifty/fifty and I would end up paying for both lawyers and the court costs out of my half. Even if I had proof Nan cheated things would not be much different. I could get out of paying alimony and her lawyer, but everything else would be pretty much the same. His advice to me was to work on putting the marriage back together. If I couldn't do that I should hire a private investigator to try and get the goods on her and then come back and see him.

I was sitting in the living room staring at nothing at all and sipping a beer and thinking over what the lawyer had told me when Nan came home from work. She came into the room, sat down and then just looked at me for a couple of minutes and then said:

"Rob, we can't go on like this. I know what you are thinking and you are wrong, but there is no way I can prove it to you. I could bring people from work to tell you I don't spend my lunch hours in Brian's office, but you wouldn't believe them because they are my friends. I could bring Brian to you and he would tell that nothing happened between us, but you wouldn't believe him either. I love you Rob and I don't want our marriage to go into the toilet. I need you to meet me half way."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I quit my job today. I can't go work for Brian with you thinking what you are thinking. My marriage means more to me than that job. I need you to put your thoughts behind you and I need for you to forgive me in your mind even though I've done nothing I need to be forgiven for. Just say in your mind, "Okay, she screwed up, but she loves me and I forgive her." I do love you Rob, I do, and I don't want our marriage to go bust."

Well, I did love her and so I did forgive her, but I could never forget. We patched things up and got on with life, but things were never the same after that.

Two years went by and Nan received the invitation to her class reunion. I didn't really want to go, but she kept after me about it until I finally caved in and agreed to go. It was a five-hour drive to get there and by the time the drive was over I had worked myself into believing I'd have an okay time. My class was two years ahead of Nan's, but I would know a few people there.

The first person I saw when I walked into the hotel ballroom was Michelle, a classmate of Nan's and an old girlfriend of mine. I guess I should really say a "special" old girlfriend of mine. She was dressed in a black cocktail dress that stopped just above her knees. In her black high heels she looked positively stunning. She was surrounded by a herd of ex-jocks that looked like they had let themselves go to seed.

I felt a stirring in my pants as I thought back to the night at the drive-in movie when we had relieved each other of the burden of carrying around our virginities. I thought we had an undying love at the time, but two months later she dumped me for a college guy who later dumped her. She had tried to come back to me and I had pretty much told her to fuck off and die. Six months later I was off to college and hadn't seen her since. I wondered if she would recognize me and what she might do if she did. I remembered the day I told her to piss off and I remembered the slap I had gotten from her.

I did know some of the other people at the reunion, but none well enough to sit down and socialize with so I followed Nan's lead and sat where she sat and moved when she did. I was doing my usual, sitting and sipping my drink and taking pictures and Nan was doing her usual, drinking more than she should and staying out on the dance floor.

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She lay there tied up, unable to move her arms or her legs. The room was mostly dark, only lit by two neon lamps at each corner of the room—one was red, the other more pinkish. She couldn’t see much of the light because of the blindfold; she could only see what spilled out from around the corners of the mask. She heard heavy footsteps approaching and got excited; she knew Master was coming to play with her. Ropes lined her body in various intricate patterns. A vibrating wand was tied into the...

2 years ago
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Entstehung einer Schlampe

Susi K. war eine blonde Hausfrau Mitte 30. Ihr Mann war als Ingenieur häufig im Ausland unterwegs und die Kinder waren tagsüber in der Schule. Susi selber war jetzt Hausfrau und tagsüber nicht immer ausgelastet. Ihr einziges Vergnügen waren die Stunden im Fitness-Studio. Das war auch Grund, warum Susi eigentlich noch ganz knackig war. Im Fitness-Studio pfiffen ihr sogar Männer hinterher. Susi langweilte sich und schaltete ihr Lap-Top ein. Um sich Ideen für ihre Freizeit zu holen, gab sie in...

3 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 13 More

"There is just one little complication." Kevin said taking the brush from my hair he sat on the bed behind me. "Hmmm?" I was a sucker for my hair being brushed. We'd taken a short nap, we were semi dressed now. Kevin had his jeans back on now. I managed to get back into all but my jeans. "I can't umm." He lifted my hair over one arm and the brush went through smoothly. "Well. I can't be seen with you yet privately." "What?" I spun around on the bed looking at him in...

4 years ago
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VIOLATED "You will put everything right with this. It is now your sole responsibility ... Am I making myself perfectly understood?" The words echoed heavily in my skull for the hundredth time that morning as we casually made our way up Tommy Carlson's gracefully sloped driveway, dodging around the drizzly halo of a lawn sprinkler as we came up on his wide porch. " ... Am I making myself perfectly understood?" I put my thumb on the doorbell and pressed, only vaguely aware of the...

2 years ago
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RunChapter 37 Tunnels

“No one’s here.” Marisa’s voice was flat and matter-of-fact. “You sure no one left?” Bendal shook his head. “As sure as I could be. They might have gotten out through the back, would have been hard to notice, but ... I didn’t see anything moving once they went inside.” They had picked their way carefully through the side yard and moved slowly to the door, bolting inside with their guns ready to fire. Bright lights had greeted them, but a thorough search had turned up no one in the house,...

2 years ago
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Hot Session With My Friend8217s Maid

Hello ISS readers, I am karthick and this is my first story for the ISS. I have experienced some great sexual encounters and would like to share it with all of you. Please feel free to share any comments and contact me on Let me just describe myself. I am karthick and I am from chennai, India. I work for a BPO company in shifts in Bangalore and Chennai. I am 5’8 and hit the gym to myself in shape. The story happened when i was in college. I had a friend in my class, her name was ashika. She...

1 year ago
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My Nephew walked in and caught me

I was writing this story st my computer, and as usual, I was devoid of certain articles of intimate clothing.You of course, have read my self confession as to my state of mind, when I converse with you about the female point of view with regards to sex, I was horny and I was wet, sitting with my bare bum on a towel, to soak up my free flowing juices of desire.My flimsy dressing gown was on the verge of being removed, as the urge to fornicate with my pinkie was building, but the door opened and...

3 years ago
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OHGirl and Velvet together

My mom’s head hung over the edge of the bed in front of me, a hard, white 8 inch cock fucking her mouth, while she reached back above her head to stroke it. Her legs were spread wide, as she moaned with her mouth full, and my head was buried between them, while she held onto my hair with her other hand. Three of my fingers were sliding in and out of her cum filled, gaping cunt as I licked and sucked on her swollen clit and labia, swallowing the warm jizz that my tongue lapped from her hole. We...

4 years ago
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I Wet Dream of JeannieChapter 7 Back to Work

The next day Tony decided that a little self-restraint was necessary. He needed to get some work done, even though Jeannie kept serving him the wine of love and passion and demanding he take care of her. He dug out a tablet computer from his home desk, made sure it connected to his WiFi, and then showed it to Jeannie. “This is a tablet computer. It will allow you to get on the Internet.” “What is the Internet, Master?” “Not sure how to answer that. It’s a computer marketplace, library,...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Thea 02042019

When 20 year old Thea showed up, we weren’t sure that she was actually old enough to take any dick on camera, but after re-checking her ID, we realized she was legal, so all good. Like a good many sluts that walk through our door, she was in it for what she thought would be easy money. Think again sweetie, you’ve got to earn your cash here. She says she likes guys but after talking to her, we realized she’d rather be licking clit than sucking cock. We’re used to girls...

3 years ago
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our anniversary

Introduction: my wifes gift *************************************** our anniversary****************************** Last week was my wifes and I anniversary 12 years and still going strong. I asked her what she wanted and she said something different. I told her I had a nice fantasy for both of us to share if she was game.She agreed as long as it wasnt too wild. I started my plan, I put a ad on craigs list for a young guy (under 25)who was hung. After sorting thru bullshit emails I found Greg....

2 years ago
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Arms Divided

“One day guys! I WILL fuck Keegan Irish! I’m determined!” I said as I got off the bus that drops me off in front of my apartment. My room mate Brittney was waiting for me upstairs in room 618. “Hey! How was the concert?” Brittney asked, she had short black hair, with big boobs that I was jealous of, and the nicest legs. “It was awesome, and obviously Keegan didn’t notice me!?” I said frustrated, I had gone to an Arms Divided concert after school today! It was one of my favorite bands; I was...

1 year ago
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NoodleMagazine Lesbian

If you’re looking for the hottest lesbian porn on the market and you want to get it for free, then you’re going to need to find a good website for that kind of stuff. Many players in the porn industry allow you to get free porn, so it might be hard to make a decision. Well, today, I have one of your potential choices and it comes in the form of a site called This place is a pretty great free porn site that is incredibly simple and it won’t take you that much thinking in...

Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Any Friday Night

Chapter 1 Sometimes as an erotic writer, you begin to imaging and think about a myriad of sexual situations and it almost becomes overwhelming when you think of the number of various sexual scenarios that you could write about. One of my favorite topics to contemplate is what goes on every single Friday night, especially during a school year in the fall and winter when sporting events occur and then guys and girls get together in the aftermath of the game. Oh yeah, lots of hot fucking,...

2 years ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 5

During our walk back to my house, I tried to assure that Margarita understood the things that we three adult English-speakers had decided for her, and why. I explained that she would be staying with me only because I had more room to accommodate her. "And you are not required to stay here," I said. "You are not a prisoner. You can leave here at any time. But it would be difficult, Margarita, for you to make it, without help." "I do not wish to leave," she said. "If you are willing to...

3 years ago
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"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...

2 years ago
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black mans sissy boy

I started jerking off to ejaculation when I was around 18. Once I started doing it, it was all I thought about, 27/7 it seemed like. I collected fuck mags and porno tapes wherever I could find them, to use as visual aids. Just looking at those sexy nude women being loved up by their hot men made my dick so fuckin' HARD! Because of that I was able to convince myself that I was normal, of course, in retrospect it is obvious that I was identifying with the women.One day when my mom was at work, I...

2 years ago
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Flatmate fuck

Returning home from work, tired and in desperate need of a shower I trudge my way up the stairs to my apartment and dig my keys out from my bag. After getting in and dumping my bag down I flop down onto my bed for a short rest before freshening up. In that time I vaguely hear the shower turn on in the bathroom next to me. ‘Fuck it’ I think… I wanted a shower first. Knowing it was my flatmate it was too much to assume he’d be out in 5 minutes. His showers always seem to take forever. My flatmate...

3 years ago
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 6 Delicious Family Dinner

Read previous chapters to understand this story about the family dinner. Narrated by David. I took mom back to the house after meeting uncle Jim and aunt Selena. I still couldn’t believe I had the luck to see her in that way! Also, she didn’t seem to have any problem with me looking at her. Maybe she enjoyed the attention. She was nothing like when I last saw her at their wedding. At the time, she was just 24 years old, and she looked like a normal girl. Now she’s 28 and the...

1 year ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 11 Whenever You Fall

"Someone had a talk with the Eldest Mother," Trip said to T'Pol looking at her for help. He saw T'Pol encourage him to return the hug and he gently slung his arms around T'Pau. They stood for several seconds before she stepped out of his embrace. "I have decided to resign from my post. I have come to the conclusion that I am not yet ready for this responsibility ... with a little help." "Leave it to dad to make you see reason," Trip said with a satisfied grin. "You knew?" she...

3 years ago
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Super Soaker

It was 1992. I will never forget, it was a mild summer day and unusual blue sky in Washington State. I was 14 at the time. Just got done playing a backyard football game with the neighborhood military k**s like myself, and like after every game we headed to our houses for drinks and snacks. As I sat on my porch a friend of mine came upon me with his Super Soaker (a recreational water gun that was popular in the 90s) manually pressurizing it or pumping it for the air pressure needed for the...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sheena Shaw Evil Cornhole

Lithe, auburn-haired beauty Sheena Shaw is a cornhole champion, but she plays and trains her own way. She shows the custom cornhole board she designed and painted; it features a thick, naked butt with a big hole as the target, and Sheena was the model! Explaining that she maintains her edge with lots of stretching, the toned, dirty-talking sexual athlete flaunts her exquisite rear in sexy threads, and she shows the butt plug lodged in place. Sheena expands her anus with colossal anal toys. She...

2 years ago
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Owners Wife and hot daughter got laid with m

Hello friends, this is my first story. I have read lots of stories in this site. I have been reading stories from 17 years of my age. I am 18 years and I am currently staying in Bangalore City. We are living in a rented house. My building owner owns a Bar and is a very rich guy. Sorry friends i forgot to tell you about myself - i am a fair guy with a nice figure. My dick is 9.5 inch long and 3 inch thick and I cum more than 100ml of sperms at a time, my sperms are a bit thick also. I have had...

4 years ago
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My Conversation From Gay To Cd

Hello indian sex stories friends, my name is Zeenat. This is the third part of my story. If you didn’t read my first two parts so you have to read that stories “Became gay because of my friend” and “Became a gay whore after a hot threesome gay sex”. So you can understand this story very well because this story is connected with them. So without wasting time lets start the story. So as I told you in my previous story that my friend’s father caught me. Then he fucked me with my friend. He taught...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Eric and his sister Kate had been pretty close since they were k**s. At 21 Kate was very attractive, and could have any guy she wanted, but unfortunately for her she always seemed to pick out the losers that broke her heart. She had her own place, and that came in handy when Eric her younger brother needed a place to stay. He was attending the local junior college, and was heavy into partying and drink too damn much. His parents had kicked him out of the house after getting arrested for drunk...

2 years ago
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Dream World

Roy Hill used to love his job, after all he was concidered one of the top ten privet eyes but things had changed and not for the better, he was older now and a lot more miles on his body and he wondered when the hell he stopped being the best at anything. He rang the bell at his friend and mentor Professor Trent Thorton, invetor and teacher now put out to pasture by his university for unspsified transgresions. "I'm not really sure," Roy said as he sat across from his old professor. "I was...

1 year ago
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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! ,) My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

4 years ago
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A Dangerous Rescue

NOTE: In this story the main character (you) is male and CAN be captured by the tentacles and all that entails. If you don't like scenes of tentacles on male(s) please be aware that these scenes will appear in this story. You could almost scream in aggravation at the old woman slowly leading you to the supposed entrance to the lair of the demons who took your baby girl, Elizabeth. Gripping your sword tightly in anger, you think that today was supposed to be her wedding day! She had just turned...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Rachel Raxxx Rachel Raxxxs Double J Tits

Rachel Raxxx is back! She’s here to parade her Double J size tits. These things are humongous. Definitely, the biggest pair of tits I’ve ever seen. Rachel joins us for a quick cruise around town as she shows us her goods from the back seat. After Rachel makes her way to the “bedroom” or as I like to call it the fucking dungeon, where my boy Mirko gets a crack at that pussy. Not only does Rachel have some of the biggest, juiciest tits in the business, she has one of the tightest pussies around....

1 year ago
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A Meeting of Maids Finale

I suffered the cock cage for another two weeks. Roberta did not make it any better with her erotic text. I should really have ignored then, but I guess I am a sucker for punishment. So finally two weeks later we were at Roberts and Margarets for dinner. After dinner without being asked Robert and I headed to the kitchen to do the washing up. As we left Penny gave me a knowing smile and a nod, which was strange. We talked about this as we did the dishes and how they had been strange in...

3 years ago
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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends. Her best friend had told her about some website she had found. She said it was a hook-up site. Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued. Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her. She was living the dream about being a cougar. She went on to explain that they met at a...

3 years ago
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Sisters at the Shore

I'd always been shy with girls. I was a later developer and never gained the confidence some of my friends had as teens. Now twenty I was 6' tall and about 175, in good shape from playing sports and now developing adult muscles. Not a kid anymore, I still was quiet around girls my age. I was determined to have a fresh start this weekend with people who didn't know me. Having to wait until after work Friday night we didn't get to their place until it was almost dark. There was a note on...

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