Alfonso Greene, Suburban Lion Tamer free porn video

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One of the downsides of the political correctness that has taken over this world in which we are forced to live, is that it has resulted in the demise of that group of people once known as ‘eccentrics’. That group that, because they did not fit inside the square, whose behaviour could only be described as bizarre, made life less dull and boring. They were, in the most part, harmless, not harming anyone, just living in their own world. This story is of a couple of just such people, who by their speech, intelligence, actions, dress and bizarre behaviour, could quite easily fit into the category of ‘Autistic Savant’.

My business card read: ‘Alfonso Greene, Suburban Lion Tamer.’ For that was my line of work. Business has been a little slow of late, I mean I ask you, how long has it been since you have seen a wild, or even a moderately angry lion, wandering the streets? I have been much too successful for my own good.

I am going to have to make a decision soon, do I move on to greener pastures, a town where there are still lions to be found, do I find a few lions and set them loose in this town, or find some other wild beast to tame, elephants maybe. The money was not a problem for me, I had inherited a substantial sum from my grandfather when he died, much to my father’s disgust.

My father, a bank manager, was of the opinion that I would squander my inheritance on frivolous pursuits. What does he know?

The one thing, and this encompasses everything he says and does, about my father, is that he lacks imagination. ‘Do your homework son,’ He always called me ‘son’, it was as if remembering my name brought back painful memories, ‘If you don’t study, you’ll never get a good job, and if you don’t get a good job, you’ll never have any money.’ What he didn’t realise was that I’d rather have a life. ‘And,’ There was always an ‘and’ when I got this particular lecture, ‘I don’t want you going off somewhere with your grandfather on some fool’s errand.’

‘I don’t think that learning about life, the universe and everything is a fool’s errand, as you put it.’

‘Is that so? What wonderful thing did you learn today?’

‘That when there’s a howling gale, it’s a waste of time having lunch before you catch the ferry across to Manly. You should have heard the other passengers chucking their guts over the side.’ (The ferry from Circular Quay to Manly has to cross Sydney Harbour just inside the Heads, and when there is a storm running, and the whole of the Pacific Ocean is trying to force its way through that narrow opening, the swell is so huge that if you stand on the top deck of, in this case, one of the old ferries, the waves pass at eye level, and the swell is beam on to the ferry. Get the picture?)

‘I don’t want you doing things like that. You have your whole life ahead of you, and shouldn’t be wasting it on frivolous things. In future, if your grandfather shows up at school with one of his hare-brained schemes, you are not to go with him. Do I make myself understood?’

‘What’s the point of having a whole life ahead of me if I’m not allowed to live it?’

‘You will do as you are told young man, and that’s an order.’ He always calls me young man at times like this, it’s like he’s trying to shame me into accepting adulthood. ‘Now go to your room and do your homework, and I want to check it when you’ve finished.’

Father must really have been pissed off with today’s effort, because he informed the school that, should my grandfather appear wanting to take me out of school, permission was not granted.

What my father could not get his head around when it comes to me, was that I was more than a financial investment in his future, someone to acquire the income to support him in his retirement. That was his philosophy on life, everything had a fiscal value, even his marriage to my mother. My parents were both bankers, their marriage was what could be best described as a fiscal imperative, something that existed while there was a balance of financial input. When the bank that employed my mother suffered as a result of the financial melt-down caused by a surfeit of bankers’ greed, her only recognisable contribution to the marriage ceased. While this was not life threatening as far as providing for the family’s day to day needs, it did upset the fiscal imperative. My mother saw this as a chance to gain a financial advantage from the divorce settlement. Father fought her every inch of the way but eventually had to concede defeat. He was left with the family home, his job and me, in that order of importance.

The other thing that my father could not get his head around was that I was smart, something I inherited from Grandad, and I had what could be described as a photographic memory, which means that information goes down a one way street, and that once inside the cul de sac that is my head, it is there for keeps, neatly filed for easy access when required. I breezed through my homework in less than ten minutes and then spent the rest of my time listening to a replay of the Goon Show.

When I thought that sufficient time had elapsed for a normal lad to have completed the work, I took it to him to check. ‘Hurrumph.’ He hurrumphed as he handed it back. This was an indication that he could find no errors, and this was because I couldn’t be bothered slipping one in for him to find, just to make him feel good. At the moment I couldn’t care less if he felt good or not.

My final grades were nothing spectacular, after all, I didn’t want him getting his hopes up of me finding a great career and making spectacular amounts of money. If money is his guide to success, then there is no way that I ever harboured any desire to be successful. Enough for my immediate needs, and the ability to acquire more when required was my career goal. No-one other than Grandad knew that the reason that the Dux of the school could not accept his award in person at the graduation ceremony, was that he simply did not exist. I had invented a ficticious student called Fred Quimby and submitted work under his name, I responded to his name during the weekly roll call, as well as taking all tests for him. The teachers were so over-awed by this student’s brilliance that they could never contemplate the fact that such a person existed only in my mind. The day that the university placements were announced, and Fred gained the highest place in Medicine, Fred and I disappeared off the face of the earth.

No, come to think of it this would be all too easy, Fred and I beamed up to an alien space craft, to be used by aliens as an example of an intelligent humanoid life form, to be probed and otherwise examined so that they could gain an insight into Earth life? No, that would be just too convenient.

How I managed to disappear was Grandad’s idea. I disappeared in plain sight, in this case a large, brightly decorated motor home bearing signs on all sides and the roof, proclaiming it to be ‘Professor Orville Newton’s Travelling Emporium of Human Knowledge.’ With smaller signage stating that, ‘If you can stump Professor Newton on any known subject you will win a prize.’ In even smaller letters, ‘For one whole dollar, you can challenge the Professor’s extensive knowledge. If he does not know the answer to your question, you will collect the jackpot which currently stands at’: There was a space where the current jackpot was written, and it currently stood at: ‘$7,553,597’. In even smaller letters was the disclaimer that ‘Professor Newton was the sole judge of whether or not he did not know the answer’. Blinded by greed, no-one ever read this disclaimer, and no challenge was ever lodged.

This was Grandad’s take on the old snake oil salesman or travelling carnival side show, so obviously a scam that no-one could possibly be taken in by it, unless, and this was what Grandad was counting on, the punters were sucked in by the greed presented by the opportunity to win such a fantastic amount of money, simply by asking me a question that I could
not possibly answer.

We would set up in shopping centre car parks, and I would appear, seated on my ‘Throne of Knowledge’, until the gathered crowds forced the police to move us on. Grandad would commence his pitch. ‘Roll up, roll up ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I have the honour to present to you, direct from his sold out appearances way across the seas, the amazing, the incredible, the miraculous, memory recall of Professor Orville, I know it all, Newton. From the ripe old age of 1 whole year, Orville Newton has embarked on the task of learning and absorbing every miniscule bit of knowledge known to mankind. When he was 18 months old he could recite any passage in the Holy Bible, he knew the Bible in its entirety. By the time that he was 2 years old he had committed to memory the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica! At 3 years of age he began his formal education and by the time that he was 4 he had graduated High School. His 1st university degree course took up most of the next year. It was at this time that the educators reached the conclusion that they had nothing more to teach him. Professor Newton has decided that he should bring the benefits of this prodigious capability to answer, correctly, every possible question asked of him, to you, the people of this country. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I ask you to form an orderly line so that you can ask your question of the Amazing Professor Orville Newton!’

After the introduction, all bullshit of course, I was 15 when I graduated university, the next year I spent acquiring several post graduate degrees. He would set up at a table and begin to take money from the punters, before allowing them to approach me and to pose their simple questions. Given that the majority of small town residents’ knowledge was limited to Sports Stars and Music and Movie performers, I had no difficulty in answering all of their simple questions.

We had been on the road for three years, and had just pulled in to a parking bay within a couple of kilometres of the next town, the sign said Langton Springs, to have breakfast and plan the day ahead. ‘I think that it must be time that we found a new source of income.’ I said to Grandad.

‘I have been having that very same thought. Do you have any ideas?’

‘I have a mind to learn to play a musical instrument so that we could put on recitals.’

‘Did you have any particular instrument in mind?’

‘I thought the piano, there has been so much excellent music written for the piano.’

‘Very well, we will buy you a piano. How long will it take you to learn the complete works of Schubert, Liszt, Mendelssohn and Beethoven?’

‘If we buy a piano today, I should be proficient by this time next week.’

‘That’s it then, after your show this morning we’ll go shopping for a piano, and not just any piano, it has to be a grand piano.’

The question and answer session at Langton Springs had been going for about half an hour when I heard this small voice ask an unusual question. ‘When are you going to marry me?’ I had looked into her eyes as she approached, to ascertain if I could anticipate her question, I was obviously wrong. There were two other things that I was not expecting in this town, they were this girl, so astonishingly attractive to me at least, and her almost childlike voice, for she was clearly no longer a child.

How should I respond to this question? Should I question her motives for asking it, should I ignore it and give her money back to her, hoping that she would accept it and not claim the prize, or should I give her an answer, and if so, what answer should I give? The resolution of this conundrum took three and a half nanoseconds. ‘The day after tomorrow, I’ll marry you the day after tomorrow.’

She threw herself at me and kissed me, also a new experience for me, and behind her I could hear the good townspeople, ‘The crazy girl has gone and done it now.’, ‘At least we won’t have to put up with her any longer.’, ‘Life can return to normal now.’ What I found strange was that these comments came from only the women, the man remained strangely quiet on the subject.

Having resolved a problem that had blighted their existence for some time, the people of this town decided that they were no longer interested in us, so they left us, the three of us, in peace. I looked at Grandad, he looked at me and then her, she looked at me but not Grandad, at least not until he spoke to her. ‘Tell me young lady, what shall we call you?’

‘My name is Katarina Penelope Madrigal Jones. You can call me ‘Kat’ with a ‘K’.’

‘Very well Kat with a K. Do your parents know that you intend to leave home to marry Professor Orville Newton, known to his parents and various educational institutions around the country, but not to himself or, for that matter my good self, as Peter Jackson, a singularly unimaginative name? He prefers, if required to use a mundane name, to be known as Phillip Bartholomew.’

‘To use the vernacular of the lower classes, to which my parents belong, they don’t give a flying fuck what I do. They will be pleased to see the back of me, as will the good folk of this blighted town.’

I have to admit that the words that she used were not unfamiliar to me, but I have never heard them used in such a sequence as she had just done, therefore the context of her statement left me in some confusion until I was able to establish the correct and contextually accurate meaning. This took approximately half a second.

‘Now, you may be able to help us,’ Grandad said, ‘We have a problem that needs an immediate solution, is there a place in this town where we can purchase a grand piano?’

‘Why yes there is. Just down the street here is Brown’s Emporium of Musical Instruments. There you will find a grand piano, and at a very reasonable price. Why do you want a grand piano?’

‘My grandson, and your intended husband, Phillip here, has decided that instead of answering the same tedious questions over and over again, he will give recitals of the great works for piano by some of the greatest composers of all time.’

‘So, along with being smart beyond measure, he is proficient on the piano?’

‘No, he is not yet proficient. But he will be, he will be.’

‘Can he play at all?’

‘No, not yet, he has not yet learnt the piano.’

‘So what sort of time line are we looking at before he has reached the required standard of proficiency?’

‘Next week.’

‘Okay, I could accept that except for one minor little detail.’

‘You interest me young lady,’ Grandad said to her, ‘what detail could you possibly have in mind? I can assure you that I can think of none, and I am very proficient at planning, down to the minutest of details.’

‘That would have been true of course, until I entered upon your lives. In two day’s time your grandson and I shall be on our honeymoon. I can assure you that his mind will not be on gaining proficiency at the piano.’

While this discourse was taking place I was taking in the finer details of my intended bride. Even by my standards her attire was ‘interesting’, consisting of several layers of flimsy, bordering on transparent, material, all of them a variety of bright hues and patterns, and draped seemingly haphazardly over the top part of her body, and flowing down almost as far as her knees. From where I stood, I could just make out the shape of her upper body, and the dark dots of her nipples. She wore no bra, nor did it appear that she needed the support of one. The lower part of her body was covered by flesh coloured panties, either that or she wore none, for there was no sign of a bush down there, and given the colour of her hair, if she had one I would have thought that it would have been of a similar bright blue to the hair on her head. Her legs were clad in brightly striped stockings, and she wore bright red sneakers with purple laces. On a ‘normal’ person this colour palette would look frankly ridiculous, but on my bride
to be it looked perfect.

‘Tell me, Kat, you are obviously an intelligent young lady, what do you do, do you have a job, do you study, what is that you do to while away the time?’

‘I am an observer of life in this town. Because of the reputation of my parents no employer is game to offer me a job. As for study, I see no need for a formal education to be an observer of life, at least not in this town.’

‘Why do you say that?’ Grandad asked.

‘When the human life form is as obvious as the good residents of this town, it takes no great intelligence to read their every thought. For instance, the young men of this town, given the fact that my mother has had sex with all of their fathers, and probably grandfathers, all thought that I should be as free with my sexual favours as she. I am not, in fact I am intact, a virgin. That’s not to say that I don’t know what to do and how to do it, I am after all a proficient observer.’

‘You say that your mother has had sex with all of the men in this town, what does your father think of this?’

‘Oh he has been servicing the women, they even compare notes as to who was the best fuck. Not surprising, the men who were proficient, were married to proficient women, and both sought out my parents to compliment their own sexual activities, to spice them up. Those that weren’t proficient, probably did it so that they didn’t feel left out.’

‘You will have to appreciate that Phillip is also a virgin, but unlike you, he has not had the opportunity to observe the sex act. His parents, if they did it at all except to procreate him, did so in private. So you can see the dilemma that we are faced with, your first time may be a disappointment to both of you, unless . . . .’

‘Unless that is, we have some instruction beforehand.’


‘That will not be a problem, I have seen it done and am prepared to instruct him as we go.’

‘When you are quite finished talking as if I am not here, I do have some knowledge of the sex act, I have after all read many books on the subject, and while I have not experienced sex with a woman, I have felt a stirring in my loins as I read some works on the subject. I presume that a hard penis is an important factor in the process.’

‘You presume correctly. Now that we are betrothed, I can’t see any reason why we should not undertake some research into the subject of sex.’

‘And you want me to leave you in peace, is that it?’ Grandad said.

‘That would be an appropriate course of action, yes. I don’t know if either of us will be able to perform in front of an audience.’

‘Very well then, I shall wander down to Brown’s Emporium of Musical Instruments and inspect their grand piano. I shall leave you two to your own devices.’ With that he left us.

If I had thought that her throwing herself on me and kissing me earlier was enthusiastic, I was very much mistaken, her hurling herself on me, forcing me back onto my bunk bed was twice as enthusiastic. I could not complain at her ferocity even if I wanted to, because her mouth was pressed hard against mine and her tongue was forcing its way between my lips. The longer she stayed in this position, the harder my penis became, and the harder she pressed her hips against mine. My hands had, of their own volition, found their way underneath the layers of material and were caressing the smooth skin of her back.

It seemed only natural that Kat should make room for me to move my hands from her back to her breasts. I had read that girls liked their breasts being caressed, in particular their nipples. I had no idea how gentle or hard I should caress them so I went for the gentle option. This seemed to work because her hips became more animated until her body was overcome by spasms. ‘Oh my god, I am so wet, I need to get out of my clothes.’

‘I’ll join you.’ I said as we scrambled off the bed and hastily shed our clothes. I was right, she wore no panties. ‘You wear no panties, why is that?’

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Perfect Suburban Mother

Audrey lived the perfect suburban life.Growing up she was always the 'good girl.' She worked hard in school and paid her way through college with a part time modeling career. Modeling had always been a passion of hers and she had a natural talent for it.In her adult life she became the pillar of the community. Everyone loved being around her and doing business in real estate was easy as a result. She was one of the most financially successful people in the neighborhood, and she gave back...

1 year ago
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Sylvia Greenberg becomes Silkie Greene She loves

After the events with Al Lombardi, and his murder, Sylvia needs to get out of Los Angeles as quickly and discreetly as she can. The L.A. mob guys know that Al never gave them the 450,000 dollars he was supposed to, but they don't know where it went. They are looking hard through all his contacts. Sylvia is staying with Gerald for the time being, with all the money in cash under her bed. She and Gerald both know this can't go on forever. after six months at Gerald's, things are starting to calm...

4 years ago
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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 2

The Kidnapped Girl by Peggy Sue I don't remember being abducted. I awoke in the back seat of a car. On either side of me was a huge man and I was hemmed in between them. My hands were tied in front of me. There was a large gag in my mouth that prevented me from making a sound. Something was vibrating in the seat of my pants that wasn't just the motion of the car. I soon identified it as a vibrating butt plug. The waves of pleasure climbing up my body drowned out my panic at this...

1 year ago
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Cecilia Lion 80 272000

Cecilia Lion may be a girl whose name strikes a special place in your pants... I mean, heart. Her long, curly hair is easily one of her most identifying features when you see a photo or watch a video of her. On the other hand, you have Cecilia who is a very petite nymphomanic and she knows how to bring her sexuality through when she has sex.Cecilia has over 273K followers at the time of this review. I'd assume she's had this since the beginning of her career and has only continued to grow....

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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The Man Eating Lions of Tsavo

They are the two most famous man-eating lions in history. Hollywood made a movie about them and there have been numerous books written about them, but lions normally don’t consider humans a food source. The name Tsavo means “place of slaughter,” and it’s a semi-arid region, a tough place to scratch out a living for either man or beast. And although today it’s a National Park in Kenya, it hasn’t changed that much since the days of the man-eating lions. In the early part of the 20th century,...

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Slave Tamer

Welcome to the world of Erislyn! You find yourself floating between dimensions as we talk. Who am I you ask? Why I am Puck! Spirit of mischievousness and your new best friend! Quite frankly I've grown tired of how things are in Erislyn. Just the same old things have been going on for wayyyyyy too long. Dragon attacks the castle. Dragon takes princess cause shes too dumb to leave the dame jewelry, btw Dragons are kinda like birds being they like shiny things. Kinda why they attack people in...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Monster Tamer

"Uuh" I mutter as I start to wake up, [[where am I?]] I think as I look around. I soon give up realizing that there isn't any light to see by. Suddenly I hear something moving towards me through the darkness, "who's there?" I nervously inquire. "Well, what do we have here?" Replies a quiet voice, "forgive me but I cannot tell if you are male or female", the voice states, "would you care to enlighten me?", it asks almost silently.

2 years ago
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My new BBC ass tamer

Five loads from three different BBCs is still dripping out of my sissy cunt as I lay ass up writing this to post. It all started about two weeks ago, I’m living and working on a base in Africa now and the showers are communal. I get off work about midnight so by the time I hit the shower for bed its around 0130ish. Usually there is no one else in there at that time but about two weeks ago while I was getting out this amazing looking guy walked in, he was just wearing a towel and no shirt. He...

2 years ago
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Courting Miss Greene Ch 04

Over the next few days preparations were made for the journey to Windfarn. Uncle Albert provided the travelers with two of his own carriages: one for Ethan with his wife and parents, and one for Robert with the other two Greene sisters. Abby thought it was a good arrangement when she seated herself opposite Lizzy and Robert, but her heart missed a beat when Thomas climbed in to take the empty seat next to her. ‘What’s the meaning of this?’ she demanded. ‘Oh? Didn’t you know?’ replied Robert...

4 years ago
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Courting Miss Greene Ch 06

Thomas glanced over his shoulder, a bit surprised to find Abby holding the box of chocolates still unopened in her lap. ‘I didn’t spike them, if that’s what you’re worried about,’ he assured her while he kicked off his pants. ‘Oh, I wasn’t worried,’ said Abby, suppressing a grin. ‘I just didn’t want to miss watching you undress.’ ‘Ah!’ Thomas climbed onto the bed. ‘And are you going to return the favor?’ he asked in a low voice, leaning so close it made the girl shrink back and blush. For a...

3 years ago
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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 3

The Boy with Red Fingernails by Peggy Sue I was sitting one day in a coffee house when I saw a boy with red fingernails. He had dirty hair and a pimpled face. His clothes were sloppy and grey. Everything about him was depressed except his fingernails, which were lovely. I moved over to his table and asked if I could join him. I was fully aware of how mind-blowing it can be to a depressed boy when a gorgeous girl opens an ordinary conversation. He just stammered for a while. I was...

1 year ago
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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 7

The Boy With Red Fingernails Returns By Peggy Sue Henrico had taught me a great deal about myself. I loved being dominated that way, by my inordinate love of sex. But I needed a way to push back. Now that I was gorgeous again, I resumed haunting the usual coffee- houses. My looks were like a lighthouse on the dark harbor, luring boats to the rocks. I was looking for one who was a great sailor. Now I knew enough to pick men using my head as well as my pussy. One day I looked up to...

1 year ago
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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 8

Bob and Millie by Peggy Sue I never found out why Arthur left. He started to explain why he was leaving and I stopped him. Since I was a child I was always suspicious of 'why' questions. If the answer wasn't simple, it must be a lie. So I was alone. I didn't feel like sitting alone in coffeehouses - I would have missed Arthur, and I was determined not to waste time with useless emotions. I was enjoying masturbating anyhow. So I looked up my old friend Millie. Millie was surprised...

1 year ago
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The Lion King Kovu and Vitani Part 6

Kovu walked up the side of Pride Rock, looking to fuck his older sister. It was a day later since he and Nala fucked in extreme bliss in the blessed heat of the cave, and he was about to undertake the last step in his sex education....incest. His mate Kiara had fucked with her father a few days ago, and Nala gave him some encouragement to fuck his own sister, so that Kiara wouldn't feel as if she was taking all the fucking from her own kin. "Ok, now where the hell is that sister of mine?"...

1 year ago
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Game of Thrones You Fuck or You DIe Chapter Two A lion in wolves clothing

The figure clasped its hands beneath its cloak and rubbed them vigorously being careful not to let any of the finery they wore under the shabby cowl shine through. The snow crunched under foot as the figure approached the large stone arch that formed Winterfell’s threshold. Two guardsmen were stationed on either side of the gateway. Instead of fine chainmail or long flowing cloaks these men wore simple leather armour, some of them with fur stitched on around the neck and shoulders. The men...

2 years ago
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A Lion in Wolves Clothing

Winter is coming.For generations the Stark’s family motto had stood as a constant reminder to the rest of the kingdom that somewhere beyond the edge of those warm long summers waited the bitter sting of winter. Fitting then that they kept themselves in Winterfell the coldest place this side of the wall.As the keep's farmers and smiths kept up their work, seemingly oblivious to the cold, a cloaked figure moved unnoticed by the townspeople and moved discretely but shivering through the...

4 years ago
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Lamb and Lion

Lamb And Lion By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Angel Flies There was just something about a nice full skirt. Angel was a devoted fan of "Sex And The City" and had decided to emulate Carrie on this plane ride. His hair was done in one of her season five styles, curled and off the shoulder. With his face, lean body and five foot seven inch frame, he never worried about being 'read'. Angel could not conceive of that problem, not because he was so good, but because he had...

1 year ago
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The Lion and the Wolf

Summer’s dying embers had given their last and been replaced by a September mist that painted the landscape with a layer of frost. Maybe a return to school, to normality, would be my salvation. These were the thoughts that came, formed and then vanished like the blue wisps of breath escaping my lips in the chill autumn air, as I saw the lights of the school bus approaching. Guilt, however, is a cruel companion and, even as I boarded my ride to school, I could not hold back the visions of what...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Azure Lion

Welcome, everyone. Thanks for checking out the story! This is The Azure Lion, an updated version of the story universe that I started in 2014 with my previous story, "At the Cabin". I invite you to read about the tales and stories happening in the town of Azure Rocks, written either by me or the other writers that decide to join me on this crazy trip. I'm sure you'll find something you like here. This is just the opening page, you can find mine and the other writers' underneath with an [Alt...

2 years ago
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AscentChapter 3 Of New Weapons A Cave Lion

The following morning after we had eaten, I showed Roya and Sheel our new hunting weapons. What I had to show them was a new type of spear and bows and arrows. The spears were not greatly different from what the girls had seen before with the exception that the new spears were longer and much thinner, and the shafts were made of very light weight hollowed metal not wood, and the spear points were steel not bone or stone. However, what really added to their uniqueness was that they were...

4 years ago
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The Higher Order MultiplesChapter 9 The Lion Sleeps Tonight

“You haven’t said the half of it!” declared Violet who was looking over the sea of tan. “If I’m reading the characteristics right, they really are all pussies and not an adult male among them. Strange...” They eased into the spaces on Broad in front of the University’s Arch. They pulled to a halt, and one of the lion-like aliens walked over to the Minnow’s now open driver-side window. She stood beside the minivan and told Violet in near perfect but lightly accented English, “I’m Tawny.”...

2 years ago
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Anne seemed friendly enough and very interested in comparing notes on the differences in their respective lifestyles, over a cup of tea. Carol a separated lady in her late 40’s, with a grown up family and Anne in her mid 30’s, fitted the traditional suburban wife role with two children at home. Carol, a statuesque and even voluptuous brunette, tallish, with wonderful legs and hips, set off by fine, high cheekbones and a cultured speaking voice, could not help thinking how dowdy Anne’s...

1 year ago
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A Suburban Neighborhood

Lexi looked out the bedroom window of the modest suburban style home. Watching small children ride bikes and play in the streets. Couples were close together on park benches, and middle aged women were jogging in the afternoon sun. Yep, life was good for this community of Shopsburrow, or as her brother Chris called it; Trendsettersville. And Lexi's life, like everyone else's, was good. She would be going to college in the fall, studying human anatomy and biology. Although her parents had...

2 years ago
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Lost in a dark suburban hood

Lost in a dark suburban Hood When living in L.A., Victor and I were invited by some friends to spend a few days in San Diego. We travelled there after our office hour and arrived to the suburbs when it was already dark…My loving husband and I were tired and a little bit lost, but we decided not to stop and get our friend’s place quicker as we could.I was was geting a little scared about the dark streets we were running. The neighborhood looked a little run down…Victor saw a couple guys walking...

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PRIMROSE'S PATH It was a warm Summer evening and the modest house at the end of the culde sac, right in front of the woods, had light shining from an upstairsbedroom window. From outside it presented a picture of suburbancontentment but, if you could see inside, something very different washappening. Since we CAN peer through that window, and even enter theroom unseen, dear reader, we can witness what is taking place."I don't understand," Perry said in a small nervous voice. "Every...

2 years ago
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The White Suburban Housewife My First Date

The White Suburban Housewife - My First DatePart 1In the process of getting pretty and sexy I forgot that I was getting ready to meet Marvin’s customer and have an afternoon of sex with him as a reward for doing business with Marvin. In other words, I forgot that I was getting ready to go to work as Marvin’s whore. Now, on my way to the Ritz, I was back to my senses and I was pissed off and mad at that son-of-a-bitch Marvin for forcing me into this situation.Driving across town I switched...

3 years ago
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Suburban Bliss

Suburban BlissPart I: MichaelLooking back, he still kicked himself sometimes. So much time wasted. Years and years. Searching in all the wrong places. When in the end it was all so simple. The solution was always right in front of him. In retrospect you always wonder why you didn't come up with that brilliant idea sooner.  On the other hand, maybe he had needed all that time to develop his ideas. Mature his thoughts. Had it materialised too soon, perhaps it would have all have gone wrong. Who...

4 years ago
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Suburban Sex

Suburban Sex Every Sunday at 10:00 AM I left to visit Mommy's house. It's a pretty cottage out in the country, nearly an hour's drive from where I live. Beautiful garden in the front, kept perfectly, a postcard image from the 1950s, with climbing roses and wisteria around the robin egg blue front door. Mommy answers the door and looks me up and down, smiling like the cat that's got the cream. I always arrive fully dressed. Mommy likes me as a young girl, about 16-17, with a short...

3 years ago
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Suburban Dystopia Caroline

Something in Caroline changed when she was seven month's pregnant with her second child. Until that warm late-Spring day, she had been satisfied, content, peaceful, the perfect picture of suburban happiness. There was a moment on that day when she slipped outside of the reality she had always known, and since then she has never slipped back. She had just put Amanda, her four year old daughter, down for her morning nap. Amanda was an energetic child, and a good napper, so Caroline looked...

2 years ago
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Suburban Surrender

Cathy Dupree had been single for some time, and the sexual rush she got that day, was more than welcome. The night before, she’d lain atop her bed, facing the mirror and watched herself masturbate with the large vibrator which had so long been her best friend, her orgasm magnificent as her imagination took her through a fantasy which saw her with the upper hand over masculinity, leading to a willingly subservient male servicing her orally. Duly sated, then sleeping soundly, she awoke to find...

1 year ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 7

Most of the drive into the city was made with Ty talking, Lee driving, and me gazing out the window. My thoughts were a total mess. I felt halfway between kidnapped and stolen, halfway between relieved and terrified. Aside from leaving his hand on my thigh and occasionally giving me a squeeze, Ty hardly acknowledged my presence. He asked me few questions but talked mostly with Lee or with people on his cell phone. This gave me time to consider my predicament. I had no idea what these men...

2 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 9

Lee didn't end up picking me up until well after four in the afternoon. After Jason fucked me I relaxed for a while before dressing back in my overalls and turtleneck shirt since I knew that I had to finish my chores. Part of me wanted to try and regain the brief spurt of confidence I'd felt after Jason had fucked me the first time and demand he do my chores for me. That feeling, of being in charge, was completely out of my system now, though, and couldn't be regained. Those brief few...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 12

Two days later Daniel's prediction proved true. He had 33 orders already for more videos of me and it was time to start recording the hard-core scenes. Jason was my first on-screen partner. As a precaution Daniel told him to wear a ski-mask to hide his identity, an idea my brother didn't much care for. He asked why he had to hide his identity if I didn't have to and Daniel explained, "Your sister's face is what, ahh, sells her as being a young girl. Her breasts are too big for a true...

3 years ago
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Dances With Lions

“Listen,” I whisper, as I slowly drop to my knees with my two naked companions following suit. “Can you hear the tree squirrel?” James is a thirty-year-old handsome rich kid and next to him is his younger erotic goddess of a wife, Samantha, looking petrified. “The squirrel warns the other animals that lions are close by.”Sam’s eyes just got bigger. We have to move with care and a peep now from her might ruin the whole Safari. One cannot be careless in Big Five country. Shifting the...


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