Suburban.. free porn video

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It was a warm Summer evening and the modest house at the end of the cul
de sac, right in front of the woods, had light shining from an upstairs
bedroom window. From outside it presented a picture of suburban
contentment but, if you could see inside, something very different was
happening. Since we CAN peer through that window, and even enter the
room unseen, dear reader, we can witness what is taking place.

"I don't understand," Perry said in a small nervous voice. "Every other
time when you've gone out... with your friend... I've just stayed here
and done my housework. And read those stories you picked for me on that
fiction site."

"And now you're ready for the next step," she said, sounding perfecty
reasonable. "That's why someone is stopping by to stay with you for the

"But... but..." He couldn't think of any good counter-argument. That
wasn't surprising because his wife Shannon had been steadily breaking
down his male personality, eroding his confidence, enslaving him
sexually, and feminizing him for the past two years, since right after
they got married. He sighed and said resignedly, "Yes, dear."

She looked him over and decided, "What you have on right now will be
fine. No need to change, Primrose."

He despised that feminine version of his real name, which was Perry Ross.
Glancing at his reflection in the full-length mirror that hung on the
inside of the open closet door, he felt the anger that had started to
rise suddenly vanishing. How could he possess any forceful emotions
while looking this way? He was wearing a loose pink blouse that featured
a floppy red bow at its neck. The blouse was tucked in under a wide
black plastic belt that ran around a short red skirt with pleats. His
legs were mostly covered by white knee socks that had images of cherries
all over them. On his feet he had pink and white shoes with red plastic
bows and two inch stacked heels. It didn't help that he was short, had
fine features, and lacked any semblence of muscle tone. His hair was
not very long but had gel on it, which allowed it to stay swept up in the

Perry sighed and let his narrow shoulders sag. "It's just that I don't
want anyone to see me like this. I mean, Jake sees me whenever he picks
you up. But not some girl I don't even know. Or..." He shivered at
what he was thinking. "... or is it a guy?"

"Actually," she said with an impish smile, "I'll let you decide about

The doorbell rang and Shannon pointed in that direction, indicating that
he should answer it. He headed there, feeling uncomfortable. No matter
how many times he was around Jake, the shame never lessened. But when he
opened the door he got a shock. Standing there, looking down on him, was
a tall figure with a feminine hairstyle but a broad angular face whose
mannishness could be softened only so much by artfully applied cosmetics
and the blond curls around it.

In a soft but not very high voice the newcomer said, "Hello there. You
must be Primrose. I'm Violet and I'll be your... guest... this evening."

Violet had on a long belted coat that covered everything but her
stockinged ankles and high heels. Perry licked his lips nervously and
stepped aside. Violet whisked past and greeted Shannon by name. The
feminine figure shed that concealing coat to reveal a mid-thigh length,
sleeveless dress with a chain-link belt. The dress and her shoes were
blue. She turned slowly in a full circle to give Shannon a better look.

"I like it," Perry's wife said. "But I'd need it in a smaller size."

Violet pointed at herself, where a padded bra gave the illusion of modest
breasts and added, "With a bigger bust."

Shannon was rather busty. They both laughed. The startled husband
realized that he was going to be spending several hours in the company of
what had to be a crossdresser. Violet might have had a more masculine
build than him but she was the more naturally womanlike in posture,
movements and body language. Shannon sat on the sofa and patted the
spot next to her, where Violet promptly put herself. Shannon asked
Perry to get them each a glass of wine and, to his surprise, one for
himself. When he returned with the three drinks on a tray, along with
the bottle, Violet was describing her friend Priscilla, who was learning
ways to be more girly.

Shannon said, "That's the path I've got my Primrose on but she needs some
help. I want her to be able to... engage... with others."

"I understand. It would enable her to fit into that new situation we
discussed when you stopped by the club to talk with me."

"Exactly. I mean, she has the general idea but needs to have it all look
less concious, not forced. Like you. And she has to be more relaxed if
there are any... physical encounters."

"But the sweet thing still identifies with her male past. Right?"

With a shrug Shannon conceded that, "Even after having no body hair and
wearing panties every day for the last year and a half, she still
imagines she's not meant to be a flagrant fairy."

Violet giggled musically at that term. "I've dealt with the type before.
You leave everything to Aunt Violet."

They each took a sip of their white wine. Shannon gestured to her spouse
and reminded him that it was alright to have some, too. He delicately
took the stem of the third glass between thumb and forefinger and raised
it to his lips, which were colored by the slightest coating of lipstick.
His eye make-up was understated as well. Without being obvious about it,
Violet observed everything the uneasy man did. She noted how he stood,
where he put his free hand, even the placement of his feet, which were
just the slightest bit too far apart. Then she indicated that he should
sit alongside her, and couldn't miss how uncomfortable he was being close
to another feminized male, one who was happy in that guise.

The visitor let one thigh make contact with Perry's leg. He flinched and
drew away. Violet realized this was going to be a challenge... but a fun
one. Shannon had said in advance that her husband knew better than to
disobey. A loud knock sounded on the front door. Perry sprang to his
feet, delicately set down his glass, and went to answer it, hips swishing
but, Violet considered, maybe a bit too much.

When Perry opened the door, Jake was grinning down at him. He winked
broadly as if they were conspirators, instead of the taller man being the
one who was making a cuckold of the other. Perry cringed and stepped
back as Jake moved purposefully away. When Perry returned to the living
room his bride was standing, sharing an embrace with her lover, the two
of them enjoying an unhurried kiss. Violet was looking on approvingly,
while Perry felt the usual distress that always accompanied his wife
being with Jake. The feminized husband knew all too well that, before
the evening ended, the pair would have terrific sex.

Shannon introduced Violet to Jake, who offered a gentlemanly handshake,
while the crossdresser eyed him hungrily. Then Jake mentioned that they
had dinner reservations and should leave right away. Perry looked on
with worry written all over his face. He didn't want to be alone with...
in the company of... under the power of... Violet. But a few moments
later that's exactly the situation he was in.

"So," Violet said with a smile. "Are you going to offer ME a glass of

"I... I'm sorry. Would you like some? Yes? I'll be right back."

He went to the kitchen, relieved to have a least a few moments to
himself. He felt so out of control of what was happening. How could his
wife do this to him? And what had they been referring to earlier, about
engaging with others and having physical encounters? He didn't like the
sound of that. His hand was shaking so much as he poured that he got
some wine on the side of the glass, which he was quick to wipe.

When he returned and gave the drink to Violet, she (let's just refer to
her that way) accepted it gratefully and indicated a spot alongside her.
Even though he didn't want to, Perry sat. He picked up his glass and she
offered hers in a toast. As the glasses clinked she spoke.

"To new friendships." Violet took a sip. "And new adventures." She sat
back and sighed. "Now honey, I want to see you walk around the room.
And relax. I'm not going to bite you. Unless you want me to."

As he rose and took a few tentative steps, he was glad he had on
unchallenging shoes. If those had been three-inch spike heels, he would
have been even more stressed out. As it was he circled the room slowly,
aware of each movement he made. Violet's practiced eye noted that he had
the basics down right, but there was room for improvement. Besides, she
wanted him to also be able to 'femme it up' if the new circumstances she
was considering for him worked out.

After he had taken a few tips from her she got up and went to him, arms
opened wide, for a congratulatory hug. He accepted it uneasily and she
felt him tremble. Violet intentionally pressed her crotch against him
and he was alarmed to feel that, unlike himself, she was well endowed
below the waist. Perry shuddered but didn't pull away. He inhaled
perfume, a mix of hers and his own, feeling woozy.

"You must untense," she advised, running a hand up and down his back.
Her fingers strayed lower and gave his bottom a brief squeeze. "Nice
bum. I can't wait to see it in something that shows it off."

Violet chuckled, sounding female and male at the same time. She stayed
there for several more moments, while he begged wordlessly for it to be
over. When she at last released him he moved back cautiously, not
wanting to let his unease show, and especially not wanting to do anything
that would be reported negatively to Shannon.

"Now, my pretty Primrose, let's see you strike a few poses. First, hands
on hips and... with that cute outfit you're sporting how about... bend
forward a little at the waist and... hmmm... stick out your tongue."

Utterly shamed, he did it anyway. She grinned at the picture he made, a
study of sissy sexiness mixed with visible discomfort. That could have
its uses. She imagined him at the exclusive club where she was employed
and got a tingling sensation as she visualized his discomfort and the
customers' resultant delight. Violet let him hold that unwanted pose
while she walked around him. Then she thought up a half dozen other
postures for him to strike -- butt thrust out, sucking his thumb, hugging
himself while sticking out his lower lip, hands over where his breasts
would be if he was a real girl, crouching and opening his mouth like a
pole dancer, hands over his crotch and eyes half lidded as if in the
throes of ecstasy -- taking lots of time and allowing him a little wine
between moves. Violet tried not to be obvious about it as she
surreptitiously topped off his glass every time it started to get low.

Somewhat aided by the alcohol, Perry put a bit of extra effort into
assuming the final poses. That last one he extended an extra half minute
as he rubbed his fingers over his genitals and licked his lips sensually,
until he looked at Violet and saw that she was watching him with a new
and different type of interest. He straightened up and, to brace
himself, drained what was left in his glass.

Seeming to be suddenly struck by an idea, Violet said, "I just thought of
another exercise to help you get in touch with your girly side,
sweetheart. I'm sure Shannon wouldn't mind if we used your bedroom for a
while. I'd like to see it anyway, after all she's told me about it.
Let's go."

As if he was being dragged along by an invisible leash, Perry followed
wordlessly. Somehow his glass had been filled again and he took it
along. His bedroom was a study in pink and rose and white and more pink.
Lots of pink. There was a small canopied bed, meant for a young girl,
with a bedspread decorated by images of princesses and unicorns and
clouds with smiling faces. On the dresser were cosmetics and scents and
two mannequin heads with wigs perched atop them. Pictures on the walls
included fashion models, female pop stars and, to his distress, several
hunky guys with their shirts off. The latter group also all featured
unsubtly bulging crotches. Sometimes if Shannon sent him to bed early
while Jake was visiting, so they could have 'grown-up time', she
instructed her husband to stare at those male pin-ups and think about
what it would be like to touch all that exposed skin, feel those firm
arms and chests, and maybe go further.

"This room is so, so, so pretty, Primrose. You must be thrilled every
time you're in here."

"Y... yes, Ma'am."

"Now why don't we try some more poses. With you on the bed. And I'll
just sit on the edge of the mattress so I can reposition your arms and
legs if I need to."

With a flock of butterflies fluttering around in his stomach, Perry did
as she said. He lay on his side, tugging down the hem of his brief skirt
and keeping his thighs tightly together. Violet smirked at his display
of innocence and took up her spot near him. Too close for his comfort.
She reached out and patted his calf reassuringly, then let her hand
linger there for a moment. He squirmed inwardly but tried not to let
what he was thinking show.

"How about..." Violet said with the tip of one index finger on her smooth
chin. "...if you lie on your back with your legs bent and place your
fngertips lightly against your ears. Kind of like you're thinking about
something pleasant. Like maybe one of those muscle boys you put up on
the wall."

He wanted to protest that those photos hadn't been of his choosing, but
was too overwhelmed even to speak. He meekly put himself where she
wished and moved his hands into position. Violet leaned toward him and
made a small adjustment to one of his hands. She leaned closer and
placed a feather-light kiss on his cheek. He felt his features grow warm
and knew he was blushing furiously.

Violet whispered, "It's alright, honey. Honestly. Here, let me prove it
with more of the same." Suiting her actions to the words, she kissed him
again, this time just as slightly, but on the lips, adding, "See, that
didn't hurt. Now did it?"

He whispered, "N... no."

"And neither will this," she assured him, pressing her mouth firmly
against his.

The contact between their lips lasted only seconds but to Perry it was
like minutes. He was shaken up, with even the effects of the wine not
completely offsetting his discomfort. Violet stroked the bare underside
of his thigh gently, then leaned in for another kiss, but this time her
tongue entered his mouth and touched his own. He moaned and blinked his
eyes, trying not to make any move that would be taken for acceptence or,
worse, encouragement.

"Now there, Primrose," Violet said, sitting up straight. "That was nice,
wasn't it?"

He could only manage a hushed, "Yes." Perry didn't want her kissing him
but she was being kind about it, not forcing him or anything. And after
not being allowed to kiss his wife since the priest had said, "You may
now kiss the bride", part of him welcomed the intimate closeness. But
not with a guy. Not even one who was so feminine. Perry was straight,
he reminded himself. Violet was... something else. This shouldn't be
happening. And yet. And yet. She pushed him up into a sitting
position, took his glass from the bedside table, and fed him its entire
contents before letting him recline once more.

Violet slipped a hand up under his skirt and placed it firmly against his
crotch. She massaged his small penis expertly through the bikini-cut
panties he wore and he let out a shuddering groan. Against his will, his
little dick began to grow. She massaged it expertly and it rose to its
full, thought unimpressive, length. Violet delivered another kiss, this
one with plenty of tongue action and, despite himself, Perry responded in
kind. They stayed that way for a few minutes while he shoved his hips
upward, seeking more of the exciting stimulation she provided. Violet
gave him just enough to keep him under her spell, but not enough to send
him over the top. He was really susceptible to a few glasses of wine.
Low tolerence. Typical sissy sub.

Her talented fingers crept upward. He was disappointed to have them
leave his dick but, when they found one of this nipples through the soft
material of his blouse, he forgot all about that. The new sensation she
caused was electric. He wriggled under her expert ministrations while
she lavished more deep kisses on him, also nibbliing his ear and biting
his neck. Then she got up on her knees, straddling him, and unbuttoned
his blouse completely, at the same time flipping up his skirt in front so
she could press her big cock against his much smaller version of manhood,
the two lengths seperated only by their thin panties.

Perry kept telling himself this was all so wrong, yet it felt so right.
He at last started to form words of protest, except that was exactly when
Violet's mouth reached his nipples, first one and then the other. If
having her fingers on them had felt amazing, experincing her lips and
tongue in the same locations drove him to complete distraction.

He was under her sensual spell and she knew it. Violet slowed down,
keeping him simmering but not allowing him to boil over. Her mouth and
hands roamed freely, teasing and tickling, never letting him regain
control of his thoughts, keeping him in a haze of arousal. She asked in
a husky but erotic voice if he wanted her to stop. Part of him did want
that but his libido answered in the negative. She was free to do as she
pleased, Violet congratulated herself as she eased downward. Her fingers
went under the elastic waist of his panties and gingerly lowered them.
Perry's stiff dick popped free, amusingly small but well formed. She
blew on it lightly and he quivered. Violet was actually a size queen,
agreeing with the idea that bigger is better, but a girl has to do what a
girl has to do, and she had until the end of the evening to take Perry
where he needed to go.

He was whimpering and taking deep shuddery breathes when his member was
suddenly swallowed up and possessed by a warm wet mouth. He wanted to
object and almost managed to do it, but then she reached upward and her
nimble fingers found both his receptive nipples. Perry mewled loudly and
gave in to the inevitable. Violet smiled while still sucking his
miniature cock. It was so much fun to seduce and ravish a straight guy,
as she knew from experience. Kinky, kinky, kinky.

With lots of practice behind her, Violet was able to keep taking him to
the brink and then backing off, over and over, while his sexual
temperature remained at its peak. The pleasure he was receiving was
unlike anything he had ever known before. He didn't want it to ever
stop. She disengaged for a moment and raised her head just enough that
their eyes could meet.

"Primrose," she said silkily. "If I keep on making you feel good and
than finish you off, you ARE going to do the same for me. Aren't you?"
Her fingers didn't stop toying with his sensitive nipples while she
spoke. "Mmmm?"

He could only answer, "Yes," because his mind was deep in the sissy zone
and was temporarily out of touch with what remained of his masculine

Violet's skilled mouth went back to work and she took him through several
more peaks and valleys of edging. At last, while he panted and made
small plaintive sounds, she began to suck with added energy. It didn't
take long before he shot his limited load. He hadn't been permitted to
finish for a long time and Violet thought that added to the flavor of his
spunk. There wasn't much of it from his undersized balls, but it was
yummy. She kept her mouth locked around him until he had ridden out a
long descent from the summit.

Being bigger and stronger than him, it was easy for her to sit him up
with his legs over the side of the bed. She dropped her panties and he
saw Violet's pubic hair, shaved down to just a narrow 'landing strip',
and her male parts, which were enviably large. She put her hands on the
back of his head and drew his face forward until his lips were touching
her shaft. It began to grow at once and she told him softly that he
should kiss it. He smooched the underside several times and caused it to
swell to a full seven thick inches. Under her tutelage he licked, took
the fat head into his mouth, sucked and swirled.

"That's right," she said soothingly. "Suck, swirl and swallow. You're a
natural, Primrose. Don't think. Just let your sissy instincts take
over. Don't stop, sweetness. Flick the tip of my cock with the end of
your tongue. That's my girl. Keep it up. See if you can take in a few
more inches, baby. Ohhhhh, yes. Now work your head forward and back.
Use your hand to play with my balls. Be gentle, dearest... it's my first
time." Violet laughed at that obvious untruth. "Don't rush me.
Remember how long I kept you going."

Perry told himself that he was confused. That it was the wine making him
do this. And that he was afraid of Shannon punishing him if he
disappointed Violet. Or maybe even Jake making him pay. He didn't want
to end up over Jake's firm thighs, his soft bottom in the air, with the
big man spanking him hard and making him weep. Perry told himself all
that while he kept mouthing that hard meat, tasting Violet's pre-cum. He
kept his eyes closed as she grew more vocal. It was really going to
happen. He was going to suck her off all the way and have to gulp down
her cream, which he was sure there would be plenty of.

She stoked his hair and murmured to him as her passion continued to
mount. When she orgasmed it wasn't violent, just her cock pulsing and
ejaculate filling his mouth, running down the back of his throat, sealing
his fate as a sissy cocksucker. He felt like he was spiralling downward.
Hot tears ran dover his flushed cheeks. Sperm leaked from the corners of
his colored lips. He sniffled. It was his initiation into a new life.

After it was completely over, Violet snuggled against him, bringing her
face close to his. She kissed him hard on the lips, thrusting her tongue
into his mouth so that each of them tasted their mixed cum. She
whispered calming words to him as he continued to sob. She loved that
she had taken his oral virginity but also wanted him to remember this as
postively as possible. After all, she intended for him to be doing it
often, with a variety of cocks, once he began his career at the club.

A few hours later Shannon and Jake returned. He looked well satisfied
and she appeared well banged. They found Violet on the sofa by herself.
She held a silencing finger up to her lips and signalled them closer.

In a hushed voice she said, "Everything went fine. He's sleeping like a
baby in that charming bed of his. I drove him crazy when I gobbled his
little dick, then had him devouring mine like a real slut-in-the-making."
She smiled proudly.

"So," Shannon wanted to know, "do you think he'd work out at the club?"

"I'm sure. He'd make a perfect server, going from table to table half
naked, with all the guys ogling him and stuffing dollar bills into the
front of his posing strap. A lot of the customers get off on sissies who
have tiny dicks like Primrose does. And they won't be able to keep their
hands off her divine ass. She'll do great, serving drinks at first and
then, after she gets broken in, serving cocks."

Shannon laughed and Jake grinned. Perry's wife wanted to know, "You
really think you can turn him into a full-time man-swallower?"

"He'll get plenty of on-the-job training from the other girls. I can't
wait to see him when he meets Black Dahlia, Cherry Fizz, DD Dolly, and
Chubby Cheex. They'll all give him tips on blowjobs... while he's going
down on them."

"How far do you think he'll get into his new role? Will he become a
total fairy?"

"No. I've seen his type before. He'll stubbornly cling to his male
image of himself. That's the beauty of it. He'll get further and
further into being girly, servicing guys, and performing with the other
bad ladies in sex scenes on stage. But he'll never commit entirely, and
that'll keep him feeling ashamed the entire time. When the clientele
realizes that he's one of those, some of them won't be able to wait to be
with him, make him do nasty stuff, and have him in group action with
them. He's going to be a big hit but he's going to hate it as much as he
likes it. Perpetual conflict. Always wanting it and then regretting it

"That's ideal," Shannon said with a malicious glint in her eyes. "I
can't wait to get him started. How about tomorrow night?"

"No, we'll begin on Monday evening. Slow night. I want to keep moving
him along in baby steps. He was easy to manipulate while I was here but
I don't want to overload him. Let me bring him along gradually. Keep
him off balance about who he really is and why he gets turned on by men
pawing him and pushing their tools into his mouth. Like I said, his
guilt will be a great selling point."

"Guilt." Shannon savored the word as if she could taste it. "This is
going to be so much fun." She turned to Jake. "And it'll have me turned
on all them time, transforming him into a super-sissy. So you'll get the
benefits of that. I'll want you every night."

He told her, "And you should try that other idea I had. After we screw,
your pansy husband should eat your pussy while it's full of my sauce."

She said, "Why not? He'll be getting plenty of that to eat at work, so
one more serving won't hurt."

Violet nodded. "And letting him have that much contact with your body,
even though he'll be slurping down sperm while he's doing it, will give
him a lifeline to his male sex drive, and make it that much harder for
him to live his new sissy life. Your Primrose is going to spend a lot of
years going down her new path."

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My first love

Introduction: Dallas is in love but some things just happen.. My dad me woke up. I was finally home from New York. Im where I belong, home. In Texas. It was the last day of winter break. It was a day from new years. I got up, and out of the car, as my dad got all my suitcases. I dont live with him. Ive lived with my rich uncle ever since my parents have gotten a divorce. Just the thought of it. Hurts. I dont exactly like my dad. And any of my ex step moms. Theres 5.. Anyway, my name is Dallas...

1 year ago
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Unknown Lady Ki Sexy Armpits Ne Pagal Kiya

Hey friend this is rounak again …From delhi..And thx all of you kafi likes kiya mere last sorty ko..   So ye story 6th march ki hai…Main metro se utar k apne fat me ja raha tha ..Karib dpoeher k 1 baj rahe honge…Garmi thodi jyada thi main aise hi khada tha stand k pass   Tabhi meri najar wanha khadi ek ladies pe padi jo ki minimum 38 year age ki thi..But fit thi..Height 5.5 and size 36-32-38 thi..Meri dekh k hi halat kharab hone lagi…   Then tabhi ek city bus aayi…Wo ladies us bus me chad...

3 years ago
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Getting Behind MotherChapter 10

Judy was nervous about going to the pasture. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she felt an apprehension she couldn’t shake. It had been two days since the shower incident, and all her son could talk about was getting her gang-banged. She enjoyed listening to him, and she enjoyed talking it out with him. To her, it was a fantasy, but she wasn’t sure about Tony. She found herself more and more susceptible to his wishes, as though he were leading her, not the other way around. She had...

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The Bookstore Adventure

The Bookstore Adventure It's Sunday morning about 3 A.M. and I am getting ready to head downto the local adult bookstore. You know the ones. Got the viewing room that'sgot everything you need (a couch & roll of toilet paper). I enjoy self-bondage,I normally do this at home, but I like to get out every now and then, andjust thinking about it is a rush. I already have my hiking boots & whitesocks on and am putting on what could best be described as my daisy dukeleather shorts. Not bad for a...

1 year ago
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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 2

It was nearly five in the morning before Symphony finished her project. She took a few steps away from the bed and inspected her work. In one suitcase she had the camera; in the other was the recording equipment. The camera shot through a hole cut in the side of the suitcase and was held in place with Styrofoam. Finally, entirely exhausted from her hours of work, Symphony put the camera and other equipment away and crawled between the cool sheets of her bed. With a sigh she closed her eyes...

4 years ago
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The Road Trip 6th in the Golden Series

Things eventually came to an end with Casey, but having her drink my piss also left a taste in my mouth and I wanted more. Experience surprisingly indicates that there may be more willing participants around than one would suspect. Still meeting someone again like Casey, while possible, didn’t realistically seem that likely. At least not if I were to limit my search to people I would meet in the normal course of life. To put it another way, if I were intent to meet someone organically to drink...

3 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 01

Mary sipped her coffee as she sat at the breakfast table. She was reading the newspaper, finding out what happened last night. As usual there was nothing very interesting, and she moved to the ‘Help Wanted’ advertisements. She had been looking for work since she lost her job, last week. She had been working as a waitress, but the business wasn’t doing as well as it could so they cut back. She had just graduated from high school, and although she wasn’t overly intelligent she did end up with a...

1 year ago
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Fucking a Mom and Son in Bangkok

I had read so much about sex tourism in thailand and I made up my mind I was going there! Cute women, trannys, gays..My idea of heaven! Went online, did some research and went ahead with the bookings. One fine june afternoon, I landed in bangkok. Got a taxi and drove striagt to my motel. It was a decent place, a tad run down, but it didnt really matter much to me. I wasnt there for the ambiance. At the reception was a sweet middle aged lady. I checked into a single airconditoned room, had a...

3 years ago
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April ONeal Shredders Slave and Beyond

It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world's largest corporation, run by a Japanese businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, who dressed as a ninja warlord was responsible for many illegal activities like arms smuggling, drugs, and prostitution. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been killed a long time ago and only the reporter, April O'Neil, still remained. She had filmed it all but his men infiltrated her apartment and kidnapped her and brought her and...

3 years ago
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My Singing Valentine

It was the day before Valentines Day and it was always the beginning of one of the funnest events of the year. Every year for two days we would have a fundraiser for the Student Council called singing valentines. Students and faculties would the week before purchase a song to have performed for someone. During the two days participants would interrupt classes in order to perform these songs. You could send them anonymously if you wanted to. This particular year one of the hottest girls in the...

Straight Sex
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Massage Therapy

This is a spin-off storyline from an earlier submission – “Crossing the Line”, with my adopted heroine re-defining her limits.  Alissa, or Ali as she likes to be called, is a modern day enigma, a person hard to understand or explain, inscrutable and definitely mysterious. The public image is one of propriety. At 41 years of age she has been married to her husband, James, for 20 wonderful years and remains as devoted to him now as she ever was. Ali is also the doting mother to her 10 year old...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Castle Thell

Castle Thell was an imposing sight in the dimming light of dusk. It was an impenetrable fortress. The four spires of the castle were the only part of the structure that was illuminated by the setting sun’s rays, liken to spears on fire. A stark comparison to the near black walls in the absence of the sun's light. The spires were a silent and fiery warning, to any who might happen across it. Or as the citizens of the nearby villages would have you believe, the fiery spears were a warning that...

4 years ago
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Black Magic

As I wrote earlier, our start into wife sharing happened on our recent vacation. A young stud that was extremely interested and flirting with my wife at the dance club was her first partner. As it turned out, we tried to contact him two days later but found out he checked out. We were both disappointed but willing to try again in the days we had left on our vacation.Our opportunity came a day later when at the club, a black singer, Andre, was performing. His voice was sensual and mellow and the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Alex Grey Jill Kassidy Naughty School Girls

Jill Kassidy And Alex Grey are ready to stay after school and do some extra studying on each other! They made sure to wear matching school girl outfits and show off those panties under those short little skirts! Extra credit for whoever makes the other cum first! Jill just can not keep her hands and mouth off of Alexs cute little toes and feet! She wants to suck each one of those little toes so badly! Alex rubs her pussy getting herself all worked up and wet before getting into a 69 and burying...

4 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 06

As Faith lay basking in the orgasmic afterglow, she thought, ‘This is one of those rare moments when reality exceeds your fantasy.’ Turning onto her side and propping her head on her hand, She met the eyes of her grinning lover. ‘Was it only yesterday I was thinking how nice it would be just to spend time flirting with him?’ An old Rolling Stone’s tune popped into her head and she sang softly, ‘You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you...

3 years ago
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What Happens in Vegas

Dorothy Clark looked around herself as she stepped into the Sagebrush Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sound of slot machines and other gambling activities seemed magical and new to the small town housewife. She looked in every direction and was constantly awed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. Though the Sagebrush was a newer and smaller casino, they had spared no expense in making the place seem magical. "Come on Dor," called the voice of her friend, Terri Stevens. "Good lord,...

3 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 14

Jon sat on the bed while Tanisha went to the bathroom, but when he heard the toilet flush he got up and went to stand in the door, watching as she followed the instructions to run the test. Her back was to him, and he didn't know if she knew he was watching. A few minutes went by -- he wasn't exactly watching the clock. Finally, he heard her say in a small voice, "Jon?" "Yes?" "You were right." "Positive, huh?" "Yeah," she replied. "I mean, unless the test is wrong, but I...

3 years ago
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Paradise Found

She woke slowly, conscious of the heat, hearing a bird chirping gaily outside. Her breakfast, two pieces of fruit and coconut milk, lay on a mat beside her. Idly, as the haze of sleep lifted, she wondered who would be first today. Her hand went down to her pussy, feeling the dried jism caked there, then around to her asshole, which was full as well. The memory of the double fuck that had ended yesterday leaped into her mind, and she smiled indolently. She was used to those big cocks now, and...

1 year ago
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Unexpected On My Uncle8217s Funeral

Hello ladies and gentlemen myself Jason. My age is 24, fare and 5.8 ft tall funny loving guy. I am playing good football and I was played for my school and collage, so I have good personality. This is my first and real incidence sharing with you. If you like then please give me feedbacks otherwise ping me on – dias In my final year of collage I was decided to being good built so I was joined a gym. Many hot housewives, girls and aunties comes to gym. One of married women are little bit of...

2 years ago
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ExpeditionChapter 5 Surprise

We came down from our group High Five leap to stand on the bluff overlooking the joining of the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers. They were in full spate and there was water everywhere "Not your typical spring runoff," commented She/He/It/ Whatever. "would you care to look elsewhere?" The Cheese didn't hesitate, "What else ya got? A map sure would be nice. By the way ... nice shift." He/She/It/Whatever hemmed and hawed, blustered a minute and said, "I'm really not supposed to...

3 years ago
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My Descent Into Subliminals ndash Chapter 10

My Descent Into Subliminals – Chapter 10 – Christmas ShoppingI got up early the next morning with the stiffest of morning wood.My plan was to top off Tricia’s proverbial tank before she left for home with Chad.I threw on a robe and went down the hall to her guest room. She was lying nude in bed with the covers off her. I took off my robe and slid onto the bed parting her legs.I spread her pussy lips exposing her clit and gently licked.Tricia softly moaned but didn’t wake up. I got more...

2 years ago
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Drunk And Disorderly

I was jerked out of a sound sleep by an almighty thump sounding from downstairs. It was almost two in the morning and I was alone in the house, my mother was off at yet another party with the latest of a long line of men friends. Nervously I crept out of bed, tiptoed across to the bedroom door and opened it a crack, I saw light shining up the stairwell and heard the mutter of voices. To say I was one scared 16 year old would have been an understatement, but, like a fool, I went to see what was...

4 years ago
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Pas De DeuxChapter 5

It was a few minutes before seven when I woke up. Having another body in my bed was not completely strange, but the body next to me this morning was one I knew I would want there every morning from now on. I turned slightly to see Antonia propped on one arm regarding me with warm loving eyes. "Good morning my darling." She brought her lips to mine. "Thank you." "Why should you thank me?" "For loving me, for making my first time so beautiful, for making my dreams come true. I'm...

2 years ago
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Culdesac SwingersChapter 3

Julia, Slave Tina and I slept together in our bed that night, but other than some intense kissing and foreplay between the girls when we first got into bed, we were all too tired for any more sexual action, and we all slept until the alarm went off at 7 am. Having missed work the previous day, my wife thought she ought to go to work in order to clear her desk. Before going, she gave Tina a list of jobs to do that day (including shopping, cleaning and washing) and a stern warning that if she...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 31

Davik I could not tell how long I had been here, but my stomach was beginning to demand that I accept the food that the young girl had been bringing. True to her word, Brenson had stopped using blunt objects and began using a whip. I had to be careful as the pain of the strikes could have made me bite my tongue off, which would have been very painful, and I doubt I would have been able to grow it back. The whole time, he was asking how I was able to do the things I could, where I got my...

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Autumn Leaves

With a sudden jerk the train pulled out of the village of Unlle. I looked back at the glass and metal, bus shelter like, constructions that represented the railway station. Better than nothing, I thought, especially if it was raining. Functional without any character was the best description that came to mind. I looked around the crowded carriage. It was the usual mixture of Saturday morning passengers. An elderly couple sat in one corner reading their newspapers, his liberal Guardian...

1 year ago
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Wifes life changes

Well I write this summery of the events of the past few weeks in chronological order more in amazement and disbelief as the events have changed my simple circular world of stability love and fidelity to one of fear and insecurity. What is more surprising it took days not weeks for this change. No chance to deliberate or come to terms just bin bam and thank you. You see my wife Lisa when we met was an innocent young 18 year old virgin, big in her church, taught at Sunday school etc. Very...

3 years ago
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Paying Back for Her Ruined Body Part 2

Paying Back for Her Ruined Body - Part 2Danni has been dreading her ceremony for ages. All girls know that they must undergo the ceremony when they come of age.For Danni it is not just fear of the pain. It is the exposure of her mother's body, the discussion of her mother's parts, and having to touch her intimately.the girls at school do not talk much about the ceremony, it is just something to be endured and then hopefully forgotten about.Danni is a normal teenage girl, brown hair, nice...

2 years ago
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Playtime Stories 20 Group Orgasm

Enjoy- fantasy drawn from a couple of hot experiences and a story a girl told me...a black SoCal girl. 20 Group Orgasm After taking a very nice ‘vanilla’ looking black woman named Tameesha home, and following a very hot three-way with a generally anonymous black guy she’d met on a chat line, I was invited to play with her and her brother, Keenan. I was skeptical regrading her in an i****tual situation, but went with it. After some more hot D/s play, in which I was submissive to both...

1 year ago
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My Brave Little Girl

It was more than a week ago, now, but I couldn't stop thinking about that night. That shameful night. That disgusting night. A night I most desperately hoped would remain locked in the silence of the three participants. And make no mistake — a night I would love to repeat. I had been home, late in the evening, sipping at my third or fourth drink. My wife of sixteen years was working the overnight nursing shift at the hospital. My fourteen-year-old daughter, Aubrey, had just gone upstairs to...

2 years ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 22

The car ride with my sister once I was released was mostly silent. Okay it was silent on her end. I had tried to ask a couple of questions and got no response. Once I tried to say thanks for the ride she turned on the radio as loud as she could comfortably turn it up. So I gave up then. Suki ended up taking me to Ashley Bixby’s place. When we got there I saw Ashley open the door. She looked really excited. I set one foot outside the car then looked back and asked, “How long am I expected to...

3 years ago
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Reginalds DisasterChapter 3

3 “All of them? Pardon?” “They all use the name Mrs Robertson, but I am not legally married to anyone. My two teenaged stepdaughters have their own names but prefer using Robertson.” “You are sure you are not confused any more, Mr Robertson?” “Certain. Just ask for the Robertson family from the last carriage. That should find them.” “Any other factors to help with identification?” “Several are rather plain-faced, but are brilliant girls; oh and they have their babies with...

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You woke up on a sunny Saturday morning. You where happy. Your new life has begun. New apartment, new job and numerous possibilities. You rose from your bed and stood in front of your full-length mirror.

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CL Meeting

BABY MOMMA GONE…NEED ME A FAGGITThat’s what the title read. It caught Jeremiah Hall’s attention. He clicked to open it. The content read, ‘Looking for a faggit bitch to use tonite. Gonna use you as my cumdump, etc. I’m a thug that need a sissy ASAP. Hit me up. Five 55. Let’s fuck. 2 zero zero. Very soon slut. 56 want it now. Hosting at a motel. Seven. Call only. 5’The ad on Craigslist intrigued Jeremiah. So he punched the number in his cell phone and hoped the posting person would...

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Forced Lactation Ch5

The rest of the day passed in mundane things...Jennifer joined the other women in household tasks and was told that they were expected to keep the house spotless...She had no quarrel with that, she'd always kept her own apartment like that...As she worked in the kitchen the Oriental girl Aiko whispered to her..."Are you angry to be here Jennifer...I was at first, I only came to America about a year ago to attend an English school. I was at a disco when they took me and I cried for...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Ania Kinski BDSM Fantasy Cum True

French bombshell Ania Kinski lives out her kinky BDSM fantasies today being bound, spanked, and submissive to DP. After the horny Milf tells her man Erik Everhard about her dream, he invites his buddy Lutro over to help fulfill her deep and dark fetish wishes. The two studs bind her with ropes and take full advantage of all of the busty brunette’s holes. They face fuck her with their stiff rods so that she takes them deepthroat, and then they give her a hardcore pussy and ass pounding in...

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Laura part 13

"Extend," Miss Fullerton advises. "Really stretch your leg out, see how it feels." I comply, extending my leg to its fullest as my foot stretches downward, supporting my entire weight on the tips of my toes. Nicole, Harriet, Megan, Priya and Suriya all giggle as they watch me switch to my other foot, eventually standing en pointe on both feet in the brand-new shiny satin shoes. "These still feel a little loose around my heel," I say, earning groans from my friends- not to mention the...

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Caroles Twin Part Two

Carole's Twin - Part Two Note: My dear reader, I recommend that you first read "Carole's Twin" to best follow and understand the progress of this story. Whether it was fate or otherwise, at that very moment the radio began playing Ringo Starr's "You're Sixteen." As I slowly walked toward Jack, I swayed seductively for him, mouthing the words. From his expression, I knew that I was doing everything right, and I longed to hold my femininely shaped and attired body against him for...

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Willing Participation

Willing Participation   I was at loose end, so decided to try the new strip club that had recently opened up. On arriving I was informed that the club was strictly “Members Only”, and that the fee for the year was $50. The door fee would be $25. I filled out the application form, and noted a whole load of “The undersigned agrees to blah blah blah” legal mumbo-jumbo, and who reads that stuff? I signed and paid my $75. I was handed a ticket with 24 printed on it. The show had yet to start. I...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Lexi Belle Naughty Lexi Lowe Gets Pleasured

While her parents are downstairs having dinner with guests, barely legal blonde Lexi Lowe is busy being naughty upstairs masturbating her trimmed pussy. When the young sex kitten tells her boyfriend Rocco Reed that she wishes he was there, the stud takes it upon himself to sneak into his horny girlfriend’s bedroom to pleasure her tight teen twat himself. Watch the salacious Penthouse Pet’s banging body quiver as she gets her pussy licked and her perfect all natural tits bounce as...

3 years ago
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Cupids Kiss Ch 02

Stepping out of the plane Melissa took a look around and felt nature’s beauty calm her ruffled nerves. The golden sun was going down behind a green mountain, casting rays that made the clouds in the sky seem like layers of blood floating, mingling and threatening to pour down. Insects had begun to sing their night songs and the last chirps from the birds indicated the descending darkness that was soon going to shroud the trees. ‘Feels good to breathe in the fresh air doesn’t it?’ said Psyche...

1 year ago
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Switch Kiss

Lady Kassy strolled briskly up the road, in the middle of the night. A homeless man looked straight at her, yet did not see her. Perhaps it was her black cloak which made her hard to see. But why, then, did he not see the other woman, wearing purple who was struggling to keep up? "What shall we do today?" asked Kassy, murmuring. "I-I don't know, my Lady!" she stammered. "I wasn't asking you, fool. It was a rhetorical question," said Kassy, in an angry and commanding voice. "Y-yes, my lady!" she...

Mind Control
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Maa Bhi Maal Hoti Hai

Hello friends mera naam rahul hai aur main delhi ka rehne wala hun, meri age 21 saal hai. Pehle main aapko apne baare mein bta du main 5ft 6″ ka hun mana ki height choti hai par mera lund 8″ ka hai so meri priya aunty log dont be sad. Ab main apni maa ke baare mein btata hu uska naam shilpa hai height kam hai but jitni kam height utni bade boobs aur gaand hai uske. Age uski 49 hai but dikhti 36 se kam nhi hai. Mohalle ke sare mard aur launde meri maa pe line maarte hai lekin wo bhut seedhi...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 11b

Janice's body had enjoyed every moment of the love making but her mind hated it. Brian controlled her body, it followed his instructions not that of her mind, he could make her do anything and he had a perverted mind. The previous day Brian had made Janice work as a prostitute standing beside a busy main road picking up men, seven in total, and she gave the earnings to him. Before that he had filmed her having sex with her Brian during an orgy and he had made her up load the video and...

2 years ago
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Telle est prise qui croyait prendre

Tel(le) est pris(e) qui croyait prendre... Les sauna mixte et club ?changiste, est un de mes passe temps favori, de m?me que je ne suis un habitu? d'aucun des ?tablissement que je f?requente tellement je varie mes visites. Mais voil? maintenant un mois je me suis rendu au "club myst?ria" c'?tait un apr?s midi, ce club est situ? dans le centre ville d'une grande ville et en ce samedi apr?s midi de d?but d'?t? les gens ne se prom?ne pas trop dans les centre ville de bord de mer, comme vous l'aurez devin?, ils pr?f?...

4 years ago
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Slaves First Day

Her eyes opened to the darkness. Her head hurt, like a hangover but she hadn't been drinking. Slowly her senses began to return to her. She had been on her way home, then a noise behind her, a handkerchief covered her mouth and nose, then the darkness came. She tried to sit up but she couldn't move; she realized that she was chained from the wrist to her ankles. The door opened suddenly and the light filled the room. It was small maybe four foot squared. Two men grabbed her and pulled her...

1 year ago
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My aunts confession part 3 a loving humiliation

100% fiction! Time was around 8,the sun was down the nigh was cold and kind of windy,we both laid there it had been around two hours already that she had started to tell me the story of she and my mom had lost their virginity. "and what happen next? i asked her. "well,what happen next till now i cant believe it" "as i laid there on the bed i felt week, i had lost most of my strength but as i sucked on your moms tits i was feeling better,as i heard your mom moan with your grandads cock, as it...

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Penthouse Passion

We had only just moved in to the penthouse apartment, and hadn’t yet had time to try out its most luxurious feature. We had spent the day unpacking boxes, deciding on furniture placement, choosing paint samples for certain walls, and generally preparing the love nest. By the time we had eaten some takeout, sitting cross legged on the bare floor of our new home, we were too exhausted to work anymore. You leaned back on your elbows and looked across the floor at my beautiful smile. My blond hair...

3 years ago
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Stephen Wells Neighborhood PI Part 2

2:53 PM It had been over a week since Stephen had humped Jodi Lynn’s leg and came for the first time in his life. She never said anything about her bathing suit nor indicated that she had any knowledge of what happened. This was all for the better, because he realized the danger he had put himself in. If he had been caught, not only would he have been in huge trouble but he would likely be branded a pervert all over school. There would have been no way to contain it because Jessica,...

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