SwapChapter 11 free porn video

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The phone calls started shortly after I arrived home. I didn't take the calls, though. Agnes assumed that distasteful duty. I went to bed. From what Agnes told me after I woke up, most of the callers basically had one question: "Did I really whip Tiny Gorman in a fair fight?"

I looked at Agnes and said, "I walk away from fights and attack only when I or someone I care for is attacked. When I'm forced to fight, I don't fight fair. I fight to win."

I glanced through the pile of message slips Agnes had accumulated, and returned Sheriff Ken's call first.

"Good morning, Sheriff, it's Coach."

"This is not a good morning, Coach. This is a lousy morning. I've yet to get any sleep. I called to ask you if you were going to press charges against Tiny and the other two deputies that attacked you?"

"I don't have a beef with Frank or Brad. They were merely protecting a fellow officer. I hurt them in self defense, and I apologized to them last night. Do they have a beef with me?"

"No," the sheriff said. "What about Tiny?"

"Are you going to keep him on your force?"

"Got to. He's a first cousin, my mother's sister's boy. If I fire him, he'll end up killing someone and end up in prison. Believe it or not, when I'm around, he's a pretty good cop."

"In that case, I will press charges," I said.

The sheriff sighed and said, "Drop by the station and swear out your complaint. Any time today will be okay."

"Is Larry Foreman pressing charges?"

"He said he'd follow your lead."

I reconsidered my position. The last person I needed as an enemy in this town was its sheriff. "Okay, here's the deal and it's the only deal I'll offer you. Larry and I won't press charges, but my attorney will take our depositions about what happened last night. If I hear that Tiny has brutalized another citizen, whether the citizen is guilty of a crime or not, those depositions will come out of her file, and we'll initiate a civil suit against Tiny. You and Deputy Cantrell will be called to testify at that trial. Tiny will lose, and we'll take any assets he has and garnishee his wages to the fullest extent of the law to satisfy the damages awarded. The press in this town, such as it is, will have a field day with the trial. That's number one. Number two, Larry has some medical bills he can't pay. Tiny has to pay them. Number three, Tiny has to stand in front of Larry and me, describe what he did to Larry, admit to the crimes he committed as an officer of the law, and then apologize. My attorney will be present for the apology; the apology will be recorded, and Sheriff, if the apology isn't sincere and honest, all bets are off."

"Holy molly, Coach! You are a hard man." He paused; I could hear the deep breath he took. "Okay. I'll talk to Tiny and call you back. I will say this. If he refuses your deal, I'll fire his fat ass."

I laughed. "I'm happy then with either way it goes. How's Mary Tendoy?"

"I knew you would ask me about her, so I called the hospital a while back. The doc told me that she was being released today."

"That is good news. Any suspects as to the creep who fed her that date-rape drug?"

"Yes, after you left, I took each person at that party into a room and put the fear of God in them. They'd all committed crimes. They either talked or were charge with the crimes. They caved. A man named Ben Perkins administered the date-rape drug; he was also dealing and using cocaine at the party. He's not a student at the high school. He graduated two years ago. I also got the names of the boys who raped her. Ben was first, of course. Another graduate named Pete Osceola took the second turn, and—you're not going to like the next name."

"Spit it out, Sheriff," I said.

"Calvin Jensen."

"Shit," I murmured.

"I have Perkins and Osceola in custody, but I've yet to locate Cal."

"Cal deserves everything he has coming to him. Any man who will rape a woman is a despicable human being; that the woman is a sixteen-year-old, drugged and helpless girl, makes Cal worse than despicable. He's also a bully and a sexist, Sheriff. I spoke with him about those negative traits, and I thought I'd gotten through to him. Damned shame, that's what it is. Another young life down the shitter."

"Larry Foreman was headed down the same shitter, Coach. You saved Larry," the sheriff said. "Take pride in that."

"I do, and thanks for reminding me that I don't always fail. I needed that. Larry might know Cal's whereabouts."

"I won't ask him to give up his friend, Coach. Cal will show up."

"You're a good man, Sheriff Ken Hansen. I'm proud to know you."

"Ditto, Coach."

We said goodbye, and I hung up. My phone rang before I could make the next call.

"Hello," I said.

"Coach John Windom?"

"Speaking," I said.

"My name is Owen Gardner. I'm a reporter for the Ely Times. Do you have a minute?"

"That depends on what you'd like to talk about. If it's about the Bobcat's win Friday night, I'll give you more than a minute. If it's about what happened last night, what I have to say won't take two seconds."

"I called about last night," he said.

"No comment," I said. Then I changed my mind. "Wait, I do have something to say about last night. Not much happened last night that is worthy of praise, but not everything that happened should be condemned, either. A courageous young man saved a girl's life last night. He should be praised."

"Are you referring to Larry Foreman?"

"I won't name names, Mr. Gardner, except one. The citizens of this county we're wise to elect Ken Hansen as their sheriff. He's an honest, capable man who believes in the rule of law and administers the responsibility of his office in an effective and appropriate manner. You can quote me on that. Otherwise, about last night, no comment?"

"I understand you were responsible for saving the young woman's life last night," Gardner said.

"You were misinformed," I said.

"I was also informed that Tiny Gorman attacked you and that you took him down hard."

"No comment."

"I was also informed..."

"No comment, Mr. Gardner. I've given you all the information I'll give you about last night's unfortunate circumstances. Goodbye."

I hung up and dialed Danielle's home number. She answered my call on the first ring.

"Are you all right, John?" she said.

"A bruised and painful back and shoulder but otherwise I'm fine, Danielle. How are you this fine morning?"

I heard a sigh of relief. "I'm fine now. Most men who go up against Tiny Gorman don't come out of it with only a bruised back and shoulder."

"Tiny didn't hurt me, Danielle. Frank, another deputy, hit my back with a nightstick."

"The town grapevine is saying that you had a fight with Tiny, not Frank."

"I did have a fight with Tiny. Frank and Brad, another deputy, jumped in to help Tiny."

"Oh." She snickered and said, "The grapevine sucks."

I laughed. "Grapevines rarely get a juicy story right, Danielle."

"I've got some Arnica homeopathic cream. It's supposed to be good for bruises. Want me to come over and rub some of it on your back and shoulder."

Feeling Danielle's hands on my bare flesh sounded like the best idea I'd heard that morning. "Sure," I said.

"I'm on my way."

The dial tone when she hung up let me dial the next number listed in my messages.

"Hi, Robyn, it's Coach. You called?"

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. How about you? Are you all right?"

"Of course." Silence, then she got it. "Very funny, Coach. I heard you tangled with Tiny Gorman last night. I also heard you took him down, not once but twice, and the second time you were cuffed." She laughed. "That was so unbelievable I decided to call to find out if you were all right. Evidently, I was misinformed."

"Actually, Robyn you weren't misinformed. Your grapevine is better than Danielle's."


"I have a bruised back and shoulder. Danielle thought Tiny caused the bruise, but Frank, another deputy, caused the bruise when he hit my back with his nightstick."

"My grapevine didn't say anything about Frank. What happened to Frank?"

"They released him from the hospital last night. He's on crutches. Fortunately, I didn't break his leg, just bruised his knee and sprained his wrist. Brad, a third deputy, fared better than Frank or Tiny. Tiny will sound like a soprano for a few days; Brad has some bruised ribs, but his shoulder wasn't damaged very much. I dislocated it when I threw him. I put it back in place later, though."

Cut it out. You're having way too much fun with this, I told myself.

"Robyn," I said, "Tiny was brutalizing Larry Foreman when I arrived at a teenage party last night. Larry was cuffed at the time. I stopped Tiny. Frank and Brad decided Tiny needed help, so they joined the altercation. I stopped them, too. End of story. Okay?"

"No it isn't. You said my grapevine was accurate. You only mentioned taking Tiny down once."

"He recovered and tried again," I said.

"And you were cuffed at the time?"


"You whipped Tiny Gorman with your hands cuffed behind your back?"

"Yes. He almost took me the second time. For a few seconds, he had me in a headlock."

She said nothing.

I waited.

"You're telling me the truth?" she said.


"You used the martial art form you said you knew against them, didn't you? Krav maga, I think you called it."


"I wanna learn krav maga, Coach," she said.

I chuckled. "Robyn, I know how to use krav maga; I don't know how to teach it."

"Damn!" she huffed.

"Is there anything else, Robyn? I have about a hundred phone calls to return this morning."

"Yes, I have another question. Why were you cuffed, and who put the cuffs on you?"

"That's two questions."

"Answer me, dammit!"

"I was cuffed because I was under arrest for assaulting three officers of the law. Sheriff Ken put the cuffs on me."

"Did the Sheriff put you in jail?"

I laughed. "No, a little later, he unarrested me."

"Unarrested isn't a word," she said.

"I wondered about that. What's the real word that means unarrested?"

"Coach, sometimes you can be maddening. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Just you. Answer a question for me. Are guidance counselors considered shrinks?"

She laughed. "Why do you ask?"

"Because shrinks answer a question with a question," I said.

"Maddening," she mumbled, then giggled. "I'm happy you're all right, Coach. When I heard you tangled with Tiny Gorman, I was worried about you."

"I like it that you were worried about me, Robyn."

We hung up and I dialed another number. "Good morning, Orville."

"Coach! Are you all right?"

I couldn't help it; I laughed out loud. Orville's grapevine contained less accuracy than Danielle's and Robyn's. I corrected the inaccuracies with a brief outline of what had actually happened.

"I'm happy you're okay," he said. "I was worried about you. Listen, I helped you learn about football. How about helping me learn how to win playing Texas hold 'em?"


"I've been playing hold 'em online without gambling real money, of course, but I'm not winning. I'm good with math, so I know all the odds. Still, I lose more often than I win. How about I watch you play a tournament, and you can give me tips while you play?"

"Have you read some books or articles that presented expert advice on how to play the game?"

"I have. I've done extensive reading on the subject."

"And you play by the book, so to speak," I said.

"I do, but I still don't win. Oh, I win but not enough to gamble using real money."

"Is that your goal, Orville? Are you saying you want to become a professional gambler?"

"Yeah, I guess I am, on a part-time basis anyway. I'd never give up teaching, Coach. Teaching is my life, but some extra income would come in real handy. Gladys and I don't need much, but $300 a week would provide a retirement for us down the road and let us travel a little."

"How large is your bankroll?"

"I'll start small and build it up?" he said.

"That won't work," I said. "Pick a number, an amount you're willing to risk that won't hurt you if you lose, and if you lose it, you'll be able to save the same amount and try again, and again, until you're experienced enough to win consistently."

"Is that what you did?"

"Yes, and still do," I said.

"Do you play by the book?" Orville said.

"I play hold 'em assuming all my opponents play by the book. During the first few hands I play by the book, then for a while, I use the book against the other players. After a while, I revert and play tight, moving back and forth on my style of play depending on the cards until it's a short-player game, at which time I switch back to using the book against the one or two players left, but on selected hands I switch again. But this explanation is a vastly simplified description of my method of play. If you think about it, the method also implies that for me to succeed I must know the book as good as or better than my opponents."

"Did you learn this method by reading a book?"

I laughed. "No, if that was the case, I'd be playing by the book all the time. You didn't answer my question, and an answer is critical. How much are you willing to lose that you can replenish so you can try again?"

"I'll have to think about that. I'd still like to sit with you while you play a tournament."

"All right, but it will have to be late one night next week. Like the dumbbell I am, I didn't think to move my internet connection to the new house. I can't get it moved until tomorrow at the earliest."

"Would you play today if you had the connection?"

"I would."

"How about you and Piper joining us for dinner, and afterwards you can play using my connection? Gladys will play mother with Piper while you play hold 'em and I watch."

Agnes would probably appreciate the evening off, I thought. Then I remembered that Sunday was her day off anyway. "Okay, what time?"

"Six o'clock."

"We'll be there. Gotta go, Orville. I've got I lot of calls to return. Everyone wants to know if I whipped Tiny Gorman in a fair fight."

He laughed and said goodbye.

Agnes was delighted about the evening off.

"I have two lady friends. We'd planned to go out to dinner this evening, but I would have stayed if you needed me," she said.

I didn't finish returning many calls before Danielle showed up to rub cream on my back and shoulder. She looked delicious wearing a wife-beater t-shirt, no bra, and a worn pair of blue jeans tucked into a pair of well-used cowboy boots. As much as I'd been looking forward to feeling her hands on my skin, I decided I'd prefer rubbing her cream on her, but not on her back. I had more interesting rubbing targets in mind.

Agnes had made a tuna salad for lunch, so we ate before Danielle and I retired to my bedroom where I could stretch out on my stomach while she applied her cream to my back. I left the door open so I wouldn't be tempted to voice my preference about who should to the rubbing and where and risk Danielle offering to satisfy my preference. I might be slow, but I'm not stupid. I'd known for some time that Danielle was as attracted to me as I was to her, and a week or so after the memorial service, we'd give our attractions full rein to gallop to the finish line.

"The boots have to go," Danielle said with a mischievous grin. "I'll pull yours off if you'll do the same for me."

"Tit for tat, huh?" I said as my eyes focused on her chest.

She blushed. I liked it that she blushed. The blush offered evidence of the degree of innocence I preferred in a woman.

"I said we'd both lose our boots, buster. The only person in this room that will lose a shirt is you," she said with a grin.

"Spoilsport," I said as I sat on a chair and stuck out my right leg.

She straddled my leg, got a good grasp on the heel of my boot, and I placed my other boot on her sexy backside. She pulled, I pushed, and the boot left my foot with a whoosh. I changed feet, and she soon tossed the other boot on the floor. Taking off her boots wasn't as interesting for me as her taking off my boots.

When I removed my shirt, she gasped and said, "Oh, John, that's got to hurt."

"Ibuprofen works—mostly," I said.

After I settled face down on the bed and she straddled my upper thighs, I felt pressure in my crouch. The situation was more intimate than the fantasy that flashed through my mind when she'd first offered to rub cream on my back.

"How tender are you?" she said.

"I don't know. I tested my shoulder earlier. It's sore but most of the pain resides in the back, and because I'm not a practitioner of yoga, I can't reach the bruised portion of my back. Just do your thing. If it hurts, I'll cry. If I don't cry, you'll know you're not hurting me."

"Yeah, right. Why can't I picture you crying, Coach?"

"Hey, I cry—you know, sad movies and books, great achievements, or real heroism, those sorts of things. I'm a sentimental guy and sucker for romance."

I yelped when the cold cream touched my back.

"Don't be such a baby. That couldn't have hurt you," she said.

I chuckled. "It didn't hurt. The cream is cold."

"Oh. I'm sorry; I should have warmed the cream with my hands."

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Future Wife Cuckold Part 3

Sarah told me a few weeks after our initial oldman gangbangs that she had been asked by Mal to go away for the week to the coast as he did not have any close family and that this may… Sarah told me a few weeks after our initial oldman gangbangs that she had been asked by Mal to go away for the week to the coast as he did not have any close family and that this may be his last chance to get away.I couldn't get the time off work so it was arranged for Sarah and Mal to go away for the week,...

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NubileFilms Mia Evans Close To You

A sheer robe and a thong are all that covers Mia Evans as she waits for Sam Bourne to join her for their date. She watches from her upstairs window as he lets himself in the gate, then waves for him to come inside. As Sam makes his way upstairs, Mia sheds her robe and lays on the bed to greet Sam with a kiss and an unspoken invitation to fuck. Flipping Mia onto her back, Sam settles between her thighs. He has a perfect line of sight up her body as she rubs her own breasts and nipples....

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lustful sin closest Kin part 3

I excused myself and retired to the guest bedroom and quickly dropped my jeans and started stroking my cock. The sight of my mother lying around in that flimsy gown had re-awakened my forbidden fantasies of her. I imagined her big, soft, pale breasts that I had just watched swaying beneath that thin layer of cloth. I thought of the treasure that waited at the union of her creamy white thighs that I had been watching closely. Suddenly, something came over me. I am not sure just what I was...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 84

Getting home late was just part of my problems. I needed to think about the new plan, but first I had an engagement with the old plan. I wanted to see the two Joes, so I needed to get back to my cover story. I got home by two on Friday. I managed to get loaded and out the door by five. The two hour drive put me in the small but picturesque Louisiana town by eight. I barely had time to check in, text Billy Joe, and eat half a pizza before they were at my door. It was a repeat of the weekend...

2 years ago
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Just Lucky I guess

I cannot remember the first time I thought of sucking cock but I can remember a time. I was a teenager and had some guys that I knew. One was a beautiful golden skinned Lebanese 15 year old that every knew was gay. Although I never approached him I would masturbate furiously thinking about his cock in my mouth. I never thought about a guy sucking me. I always wanted to be the guy that got the load in my mouth and eventually my ass. It wasn't until much later I realized I was a bottom. I am...

3 years ago
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ObsessionChapter 10

Lynn checked into the motel in mid afternoon. She had just finished showering when the phone rang. "Hello." "Lynn, it's Peter. I want to see you tonight." Despite her morning tryst with Paul and the other conflicts within her at the moment, not the least of which was Denise and Peter's marriage, Lynn' s heart still beat wildly at the sound of his voice. "Peter, how did you... ?" "I have asked Denise for a divorce. She has consented. I want to see you. I have something I want to...

1 year ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 3 Evolution

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and...

1 year ago
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Norfolk Weekend

The journey from where I've picked you up from the station, up to the place we are staying in north Norfolk takes no time at all and the conversation flows and we listen to music on the way and the time soon passes. "Well we are here" I say as we pull into the drive of the barn conversion I have booked for two days. I'm in jeans and a shirt and you have a flowing dress on. "It looks lovely Paul, really nice" we get our bags from the car and I find the key and let us in. "Let's unpack" and I...

1 year ago
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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 6

Denial is one of the tools we use to stave off acceptance of a gnarly issue. When you feel that scraping grind in the parking lot that means you rubbed up against another vehicle, you can either stop, get out, and go look, or just tell yourself “It’s probably nothing.” Which of those you do all depends on your personality type. Sometimes age is a factor. If the driver is a teenager who’s driving daddy’s borrowed car, they may be very tempted to simply drive home, park the car, and go in as if...

2 years ago
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I Just Never Expected It

Finally, finally, I was out of high school. I had yearned for this for so many years. Now it was college and on to real life. A career, a steady, serious girlfriend, marriage, children, the whole thing. No more being a kid. For a month before starting college I visited my sister, Lily, and her husband, Luke, staying with them at their house in Madison. Lily is my older sister, I'm eighteen, she's twenty-one, her husband is twenty-four. He works the second shift, so Lily and I have our evenings...

2 years ago
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Pure Sexuality

It was a Thursday afternoon and I was super stressed after attending a long meeting at work. I decided to leave at 3:30 right after the meeting ended. I was on my way home and realized the Pack Shack adult bookstore was just up the road. I decided to stop in, watch some porn, and get my cock sucked to relax after a long day.I walked in and the place was super crowded. I had been to the Pack Shack many times before but never during the week at this time. As I walked in I felt the flood of...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend and her Daugther

Back when I was around 35, and between wives, I had a girlfriend, Alice, who was to say the least over sexed. One time she tried to take my dick out in a crowded restaurant to give me a blow job under the table. Alice had a 17 year old, very sexy, daughter Kim and a very gay 18 year old son Kris, that’s another story all together. Kim was a lot like her mother and as it turns out over sexed also. Even at the young age of 17 she knew how to get a guy hot and bothered. She also had a very fun...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 55

Phil pondered Hailey’s words as he sipped at his limeade. The menus were open in front of them but neither was looking at the pages. Phil picked his up even though he knew what he’d order. He glanced at it and put it back down. “I wasn’t trying to ruin our evening,” Hailey said. “I only thought it was important that we both know where we stand.” “I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Phil admitted. “It would be impossible for me to see you with someone else.” Hailey nodded sagely. “That means...

2 years ago
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GFs family Midwinter Lodge Retreat 5

I had just finished rubbing lotion onto Tina’s back for her when a bell rang. She turned and looked at me. “What’s that?” I asked.“There are only three hours this whole weekend where everyone has to participate together. Dad started this three years ago and to be honest everyone thought it was a bad idea, but he was right. From now until lunch we have game time. Just keep an open mind and have fun!” She gave me a kiss and took me by the hand and we joined the rest of the family in the main...

2 years ago
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Host wife

Some years ago when I was Director of Music at a junior college on Long Island, I was leading a tour of some of the smaller towns in New England with our 30 piece orchestra. We traveled in one large bus and stayed with host families in the towns where we played our church hall concerts.One hot evening, after a long ride up the I-95, we arrived in Watervale, Maine, and made our way to the back of the treeless parking lot of the Redlington Funeral Home. At the appointed hour, the kind folk of...

Wife Lovers
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Carolines MomChapter 13

Sheila had just come in. I remembered taking her virginity, and the threesome we enjoyed with Caroline. However Caroline was not into lesbian sex, and really didn't enjoy it. However her mother Rachel did enjoy it as a change. Sheila had been invited over after my women had announced their pregnancies to her. Rachel was looking forward to a threesome, in which she could participate in some lesbian sex. Her daughter was looking forward to a nights rest. I was looking forward to playing with...

1 year ago
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The Sins of the FathersChapter 3

(2013) It didn't take long after I emailed Annie the second chapter of the events before I got a call from her, though this time I'd been expecting it. "So, great granddad Alan was a child molester, huh?" she asked. "By the law of the land, yes," I replied. "So you think what he did with Aunt Abi was OK?" she asked. "I think Abi put him in a difficult position..." I prevaricated. "Me too," Annie admitted. "And it's a seduction in a sense, although she seems incredibly...

3 years ago
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Touched for the Very First Time

This is hopefully the first of many stories. Before I begin I want to make it clear that all these stories are 100% true and if I ever make a fictional story it will be clearly marked as such. So... to this story. At this time I was 16, so yes i was legal to be doing it before anyone thinks different. It was my first time with a guy but its a little complicated since he was once considered my uncle although legally we are not related and never were. He was 36 at the time. To describe him he was...

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Amy made an offer to her brother 1

It was a bright sunny day. Alex and his family including his mom, dad and his sister Amy, every one were sitting near the pool having nice time. Alex was seventeen and was not feeling much comfortable around the pool, and it was not because he didn’t like to be with his family but it was just that he was having problem hiding his erection in his shorts and the reason for that erection was Amy. Amy was twenty-one years old and she was quite a hot girl. She had blonde hair, nice skin, tall enough...

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Scorpio MadnessChapter 5

Rikki was still catching her breath on the bed as I uncorked the ice-cooled second bottle. This time the confined bubbly didn't burst forth in a frothy eruption of pent-up madness, but there was still some excess. I allowed the cold wetness to drip into her prone ass-crack and run downwards onto her exposed pussy. "Rick! JEE-sus... you're as bad as I am! ... I'm just catching my breath. Gimme that..." Rikki tilted the bottle towards her, gulped down a swig, and then rolled...

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The Passenger Seat Chapters 5 6 and 7 Ice Sp

ICE TARA RETURNED from her walk to find Amy planting flowers in her flowerbeds. Tara waved and headed toward Amy’s house to visit her new friend.“Looking good!” Tara called as she walked up Amy’s driveway.“Why thank you,” Amy said, dramatically brushing her hair away from her dirt-smudged face. “I figure if Adam likes the dirty librarian look, the dirty gardener is bound to send him over the edge,” she joked.Amy paused briefly, and then feigned confusion. “Oh, you were referring to my...

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Sluts confession

I have recently experienced my second time of having sex with two men at once, it was like the first time absolutely mindblowing and have berated myself ever since for allowing the number of years between the two to be so longOn the first occasion I had been invited with my boyfriend to a Christmas do at his employers house, his boss had a chain of estate agents so consequently lived in a huge pile, more of a mansion than a house.Anyway there was plenty of food and booze and relatively early my...

4 years ago
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The Suitcase

THE SUITCASE by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas I was an orphan living with an aunt and uncle after my parents died, and, except for that, had a rather ordinary childhood. I did the usual guy-things, except my slender build never really lent itself much to sports. As I reached puberty, I was as horny as the next guy, and dated regularly. I was definitely heterosexual, and still am, but one incident that happened when I was sixteen changed my life forever. The girl I was...

1 year ago
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Colin of House HaddenChapter 2

Colin followed Bill into the departure terminal with his single piece of hand luggage slung over his left shoulder. All of his other possessions had been packed up the night before and had been forwarded to the shipping company. Hopefully they should already have been loaded onto the ship for the journey home. Home! The planet Dundaff was home, the planet that he hadn’t seen for over three years; the planet where his family had made their home fifty years ago at the urging of his...

4 years ago
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The center cushoin

Introduction: How could such an incredible night of sex,,ruin my sofa? Incredible Night What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of...

2 years ago
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Red Ribbons in Her HairChapter 16

Kaylee arched her back, her eyes opening to see Gabe above her, his hands stroking the hair from her face. He moved against her and she felt that wonderful tingling sensation again, the same sensation that had roused her from sleep. With it, she realized he was buried deeply inside her body, his cock thrusting in long, slow strokes that had called her from the sensual dreams she was having into the wonderful reality of being in his arms. "It's about time you woke up," he growled, nipping...

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Weekend At Daves Cottage Part 1Of 3

When I was twenty-one, I worked in a large manufacturing business. I was the youngest guy in the crew by at least ten years but got along with all the guys. One co-worker was Dave. He was a fun guy, always good for a laugh.One weekend, he hosted a BBQ at his house for a bunch of us and it was a good time. Lots of food and drinks and lots of laughs. Dave's wife was a great hostess. Karen was in her late thirties and a short, busty brunette. She had a pretty face, nice body and a great laugh....

4 years ago
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Cuckolding a New Couple

My name is Steve, and I live in Ohio. I am of South Asian descent and I have always taken adominant posture in all aspects of my life. I was raised in a culture where the men are always incharge in family situations, and my father is also a dominant man. We were fortunate enough to haveservants in our home when I was growing up, and it came natural to me to direct the servants incompleting their tasks as I desired. It wasn’t a matter of being harsh to them but was instead just aquiet resolve to...

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Well just fool around

She sent me the sexy photos every year when she got back from her Florida vacation. Claire went on vacation solo since she and her husband were no longer sleeping together. She was proud of her body and usually dated the pictures with her now advancing age. We exchanged sexts from time to time but it never went any further than that.Then, when she turned 65, she sent me a particularly sexy bikini shot with her captivating smile like always the highlight. I couldn't help but respond: "I'd...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Shows Off Her Anal And Squirting Skills

Adriana Chechik makes a mess in this anal, squirting fuck session with Markus Dupree. Adriana is well known for her raw desire for anything sexual. Whether it’s squirting, anal, or anything extreme this young slut loves it all. She’s wearing a multicolored one piece bathing suit as she chills by the pool and oils up her body. Adriana pulls her bathing suit to the side to tease us with her perky tits and pretty pussy before Markus finds her outside and bring her into the living room. He wastes...

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Truck Driver Ko Diya Blow Job

Hi readers, welcome to the gay world. Sab mere dosto ap apne lund ko bhar nikal kar sahlana chalu kardo kyu ki thodi der main tumha ra lund khada hoke zatke marna chalu ho jaye ga or pani ke favare chodna chalu kar dega. Ye story he mere dost ke bike ride ki. Bo gandu he or use lund chusna bhot pasand he. Ab suno uski jubani. Hi dosto me ek gandu hu or mujhe lund chusna bhot pasand he. Main jabhi bhi bore hota hu to bike ride pe nikal jata hu. Ek din mujhe lund chusne ki chahat hogai thi. Our...

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Stormy night with aunt Myrtle

Wake UpRick wakes up from the thundering sound of the heavy rain on his bakkie. But there was something else causing his awakening.He finds now that he has been rubbing his very stiff and very excited penis against something soft and firm. Something womanly. As reality washes over him, he finds it is so. He is dry humping someone. Luckily his cock is still in his pants, but it is stiff and standing up and he is dry humping a well-rounded female ass.This reality shakes him fully awake now. The...

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