Anniversary CruiseChapter 3 free porn video

Day Three - Monday - Cozumel
Dave sat, looking out the window, wondering when Lisa would get home. She was very late. It wasn't like her to be late. She had said that she would be gone from the party at ten. Usually, she was home well before any time she gave him. Dave's heart fell as a police cruiser pulled into the driveway. He watched with horror as the policeman got out of the cruiser and walked to his front door.
The doorbell rang.
He knew he didn't want to answer. He knew it was bad news.
The doorbell rang again.
Dave felt himself getting up. He didn't want to go to the door, but he couldn't stop himself.
Dave opened the door and looked at the officer, who had a grim look on his face.
"Are you Dave Larson?"
Dave nodded, by instinct.
"Is your wife Lisa Larson?" asked the officer.
Dave nodded again.
"I'm afraid to inform you..."
Dave was screaming in terror before he finished the sentence.
"Can you come with me?" asked the officer.
Dave followed the officer, bawling.
The officer opened the backdoor to his cruiser.
"We need you to identify the body," said the officer.
The mangled and bloodied body of his dead wife lay before him in the backseat of the police cruiser. No amount of screaming would quench the absolute horror of the moment.
Dave awoke with a start. It was the same dream he had been having since Lisa passed away. Everything was the same, except that he had gone to the morgue to identify his wife's remains. Dave shivered and noticed that he was sweating profusely. It was always this way.
"Dammit," said Dave to himself as he recovered his composure. "I can't let this affect my day."
Dave got up and padded to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked haggard and unkempt. He splashed some cold water on his face and then appraised himself. Not much better. He looked at his watch. Six A.M. He had only slept four hours. He shrugged his shoulders and started his morning routine, knowing he would never get back to sleep.
During his shower he started thinking about the night before. He thought about Britney's willingness to sleep with him, her hand fondling his cock. He started stroking his manhood as he thought about having sex with Britney, and pushed the thoughts of his dead wife from his mind. He imagined what she would look like naked. He imagined fondling her breasts and exciting her nipples. Dave hoped that she was shaved, being that she was a model. He imagined her bare pussy begging him for attention. He thought of how sweet her pussy would taste, how excited she would become when his tongue dipped into her. He thought of how her tongue would feel running up and down his cock. Dave tensed then and released stream after stream of semen into the shower. He sighed deeply and leaned against the wall until his legs showed promise of holding him up again.
Dave finished his morning routine and then got dressed. He wore a simple tropical polo with palm fronds on it and a pair of khaki shorts. He was going for light and comfortable but still nice enough looking to impress Britney.
Dave was supposed to meet Britney at ten so they could go out on the island together. That left him nearly three more hours to wait. Dave sat in his room for about a half hour and watched TV. He quickly got edgy and decided it might be better to go do something to pass the time. He decided on going to get breakfast. Not any old breakfast, breakfast from the grand dining room, the formal Paris Dining Room.
Amber was in a funk. The night before was the best sex she had ever had with Britney. That in itself wasn't a bad thing. The cuddling afterward made everything so intimate, which was something that had been missing from their sex in the past. That was also not what put her in the funk. The problem was that Britney had woke up that morning and acted as if nothing had happened. Once again, Amber was reminded that her love for Britney was unreturned and that she had made a grim mistake in allowing herself to be seduced by her in the first place during the cruise.
The two girls were waiting in line for breakfast, neither of them saying much to each other.
"Britney, Amber!" called a familiar voice from the back of the line.
"Dave!" gushed Britney when she saw Dave waving at them.
"Come join us," said Amber cheerfully.
Dave smiled and then walked up to the two girls.
"You look tired," said Britney after a good morning kiss from Dave.
"Couldn't sleep," said Dave.
Dave nodded. "I'm fine though. I'm not going to let it affect our day together."
"If you want to talk about it..." started Britney.
"I'm fine. Really."
"Okay," said Britney with a warm smile.
"You okay?" asked Dave turning to Amber.
"You look a little out of it," said Dave.
Amber was flattered that he would notice, but she wasn't going to tell the truth. Luckily, her best friend came to the rescue.
"She met a guy yesterday and he's playing hard to get," said Britney.
"Not used to guys playing hard to get, are you?" asked Dave.
"What are you trying to say?" asked Amber, her eyes narrowing.
Amber was put off by the fact that Dave didn't fumble at her anger. Instead he answered her confidently.
"What I was trying to say is that you are so beautiful that a guy would have to be stupid to play hard to get with you."
"You sure you aren't in sales?" asked Amber with a giggle, her anger gone.
"Nope, I'm just your basic computer nerd."
"You're too good looking to be a nerd," said Britney.
"Flattery will get you everywhere, my dear," said Dave with a playful bravado.
"Even in your bed?" asked Britney, her face full of desire.
"Especially there," said Dave.
"Oh puleeze," interrupted Amber. "You two are gonna make me sick."
"You want my advice, Amber?" asked Dave.
"This outta be good," giggled Amber. "Advice from a computer nerd."
Britney giggled, but took Dave's arm into hers and snuggled into his side.
"Show him your tits," said Dave with a huge grin. "That seems to work with most guys."
"You're terrible!" said Britney, pulling away from Dave and punching him lightly on the arm.
"I already did that," said Amber sheepishly.
Dave stared at her in shock. Britney started giggling again.
"I was with him up on the topless sunbathing deck yesterday," said Amber.
"There's a topless sunbathing deck on this ship?" asked Dave. "Where is it? I want to check this out later."
That earned Dave another playful punch from Britney.
"I even let him put suntan lotion on me," said Amber.
"He's got to be gay," said Dave. "Either that or he's even more messed up about something than I am."
"He's got a thing against models," admitted Amber.
"The whole blonde bimbo stereotype?" asked Dave.
"Actually, he's a model himself," said Amber.
"Oh, then he IS gay," said Dave with a chuckle. Britney was giggling as well.
"That's a stereotype about male models," said Amber, her hands now on her hips, a stern look on her face.
"Hey, I wasn't trying to get you angry," said Dave, trying to disarm Amber with a smile.
"I know," said Amber with a sigh. "It's just that I've tried everything with this guy and it's not working."
"Then why try?" asked Dave. "It's not like you can't get another guy on this ship."
"Not one like him," sighed Amber. "There's just something about him..."
"I think I understand," said Dave softly.
"You felt that way about me?" asked Britney, butting her way back into the conversation.
Dave nodded and then smiled at Britney warmly.
"That's so sweet," said Britney. She wrapped her arms around Dave's neck and drew him in for a kiss. Shortly after they started their kiss, the maitre'd cleared his throat, indicating that he was ready to seat them.
"So, what are we doing today?" asked Dave, after they had all sat down.
"Depends on what you like to do," said Britney. "There are all sorts of things to do. Just name off some stuff you like to do and I'll tell you if we can do it."
"How about snorkeling? I've always wanted to try that."
"That's an easy one. There is a lot of great snorkeling here. That's about an hour out of the day. What else do you like to do?"
"You ever read those trashy romance novels where the couple goes horseback riding on the beach? I want to do that."
"I read those ëtrashy' books, yes," said Britney trying to pretend that she was angry. "There is horseback riding but finding a secluded beach to be romantic on will be next to impossible with two cruise ships in port."
"How about the city?"
"It's not too bad as far as Caribbean cities go. I can give you a quick tour."
"How about night life? We are here until after midnight."
"I'll show you around for that, too," said Britney with a smile. "I think we will have a very fun day."
"We could do anything and it would be fun for me as long as you were there."
"Awww," gushed Britney. "That's so sweet."
"It's a line if I ever heard one," joked Amber.
"He's on the level," said Britney hugging Dave possessively. "I know he is."
"You're so smitten girl," said Amber with a big smile.
"Yes I am," giggled Britney. "Wouldn't you be with this handsome hunk of man?"
"Normally I'd say yes," said Amber. "But then again John's got me smitten enough."
After breakfast Dave and Britney split up to get ready and then met again at Dave's room. Dave and Britney then headed out for the day.
Britney arranged for a snorkel tour the minute they got off the boat. They arranged with a local operator to take them out offshore in 20 foot water over a reef. Dave was hooked the minute he started snorkeling. After seeing schools of fish and even a small stingray he vowed to learn diving next.
The best part of the snorkeling for Dave was that he got to see Britney in a swim suit. She wore a blue tankini and filled it out quite nicely. Her weight wasn't even an issue in the suit. It just made her look sexy and very desirable.
Britney also enjoyed the view of her partner in his suit. She loved the fact that Dave had virtually no chest hair which accented his rippling chest muscles. She took every opportunity she could to be in his arms so she could run her hands across his smooth chest.
After snorkeling the couple headed into town and grabbed some lunch at an authentic Mexican restaurant. In a day of surprise meetings, they managed to run into John and Amber who were already eating.
"Amber!" called Britney when they got into the restaurant.
"Britney!" squealed Amber when she saw Britney and Dave. She motioned for them to join her.
When Britney and Dave got to the table they noticed that John and Amber weren't alone. A small dark haired girl was with them as well.
"I want you to meet John and Emily," gushed Amber when the couple joined her.
"Hi," said John. He offered his hand to Dave.
"Dave Larson," said Dave taking John's hand and shaking it.
"I'm Amber's roommate and best friend Britney," said Britney as she offered her hand.
"Oh the infamous Britney that Amber cannot stop talking about," said Dave with a grin.
"Well Amber can't stop talking about you either," said Britney with a giggle.
"Oh really?" said John with an amused expression.
All Amber could do was sputter.
"All my Daddy has talked about lately is Amber this and Amber that," pointed out Emily.
Suddenly John was left sputtering.
"I think we should leave these two alone to figure out things," said Britney with a smile.
Britney and Dave took another table and watched with amusement as John and Amber both tried to reconcile "talking about one another all the time." It was obvious that Emily was getting great humor out of it, too.
After lunch Britney arranged for a cab to take her and Dave out to a horse farm on the other side of the island. After negotiating a return time with the driver of the cab left the couple in the middle of a dirt road in front of a horse farm.
Britney arranged for two horses in Spanish while Dave looked on in awe of her linguistic and negotiation skills. Dave got a chestnut mare and Britney got a roan. They rode silently through a small rainforest and then out onto a beach on the windward side of the island. Dave was shocked to see the beach was completely deserted.
Britney dismounted her horse and pulled off a blanket that had been attached to the back of the saddle. After tying the horse to a nearby tree she carried the blanket off onto the beach. Dave looked at her in bewilderment but finally got the idea that he should be tying his horse up too and joining her.
After taking a considerable amount of time tying up the horse he turned around to find Britney standing naked out on the beach. With the wind whipping her fiery red hair she looked like the Venus from the famous Botticelli painting.
"Are you ready today, handsome?" asked Britney with a coy grin.
Dave was too shocked to speak. His eyes drifted down between her legs. His fantasy from the morning came true. She was completely shaven. The lips of her womanhood beckoned to him. He looked back up her body and drank in her Renaissance beauty.
"I'm sorry, I was just lost in your beauty."
Britney blushed furiously and then smiled. "Thank you," she whispered.
"I'm ready," said Dave.
"I'm so happy," said Britney. "Now strip!"
Dave chuckled and then removed his shirt. Britney licked her lips as Dave undid the belt to his shorts. He then slowly removed his shorts, leaving his boxers on to tease Britney. Dave then kicked off his sandals, teasing her further. Britney looked hungrily at the bulge that was tenting Dave's boxers.
"Britney, before I remove the rest of my clothing I want to make something clear."
"What is it?" asked Britney. Her eyes were riveted to his crotch.
"I don't have sex with just anyone. In fact, I've only had one partner. I'm doing this because I'm falling in love with you."
"Me, too," said Britney. Her eyes shifted to his. Dave closed the distance to Britney. When he was right next to her he dropped his boxers and then took her into his arms and drew her into a deep kiss. Dave became lost in the feel of her soft warm flesh next to his. His hands were now groping every bit of her. He wanted to touch all of her at the same time; feel all of her; be one with her.
Britney's hands, however, had a single purpose. They went straight to Dave's ass. She wanted to feel the firm muscles of his ass, the same muscles that would tighten with every stroke as he made love to her.
Britney broke the kiss and looked into Dave's eyes. Her breath caught when she saw love in his eyes. Normally all she saw in men was lust and hunger. Dave only showed love.
Britney sighed deeply. "I love you, Dave."
"I love you, too," replied Dave. He smiled warmly at her.
"I want to suck your cock. Is that okay?"
Dave nodded. "As long as I get to reciprocate."
"Mmm. I would like that a lot."
Britney pulled from Dave's hold on her and dropped to her knees in front of him. She took his long hard cock in her hand and fondled it gently as she appraised it. She had never seen a man that wasn't circumcised up close before, let alone had sex with one. She examined his foreskin closely for a minute or so in wonder.
Britney then licked the tip of Dave's cock. He jumped a little from the sudden sensation. Britney moved one of her hands to Dave's ass and the other drifted down to the base of his shaft. In one solid move, half of his cock disappeared into her mouth. Dave grunted in approval with what Britney was doing.
As Britney began to felate Dave, she looked up and him and noticed that he was watching her with rapt fascination. Britney smiled as best she could and winked at him. Britney then did her best to maintain eye contact with her lover as she continued to suck him off. Dave had never experienced anything close to what Britney was doing to him. Lisa sucked him off occasionally but she could never make him cum. If Britney continued what she was doing Dave had no doubt that he would soon be shooting off.
"This is so wonderful Britney," groaned Dave. "You keep this up you're gonna make me cum."
Britney smiled and winked at him again and then resumed her sucking and licking. Britney continued to hold her loving gaze on Dave as she continued. Dave loved the way she was looking at him. It not only added to the sheer eroticism at the moment, it also made him feel loved and cared for. It showed how much Britney wanted to make him happy.
Dave started bucking his hips slightly when he got close. He couldn't believe the incredible sensations that Britney was giving him. He felt his climax welling up inside of him.
"Britney, I'm gonna cum!"
Britney continued sucking and brought Dave over the edge. Dave filled Britney's mouth with his seed, which she dutifully swallowed. Britney continued to suck Dave, milking every last drop of cum from him. Her sucking quickly became too much for him, however, and he stepped away from her, dislodging his penis from her mouth. Dave nearly lost his balance when he stepped back, his legs shaking from his climax.
Britney stood up and then embraced Dave. Dave kissed her, tasting the saltiness of his own cum on Britney's tongue.
"Your turn," said Dave breaking the kiss.
Dave guided Britney down to the blanket so that she was lying down on her back and he was lying next to her and facing her. Dave kissed Britney again on the lips and used his free hand to gently massage one of Britney's breasts.
Dave broke the kiss and looked into Britney's eyes with love. Then he gave her an amused smirk.
"What's so funny?" asked Britney.
"I don't know how to ask this..." said Dave.
"They're real," said Britney with a giggle. "You wouldn't believe how often I get asked that by other models."
"They're wonderful," said Dave.
"I consider them my strongest asset," said Britney with a smile.
"I consider your charming personality your best asset," said Dave.
Britney blushed and then grabbed the back of Dave's head and drew him in for another kiss. Britney's kiss was full of hunger. Dave began fondling her other breast and then withdrew his lips from hers and then placed them on her neck. Britney sighed deeply as Dave lightly bit her neck and then her shoulder. Dave took her nipple between his forefinger and thumb and gently rolled it causing Britney to moan softly.
Dave kissed Britney's shoulder and then her chest right above her breast. Dave then started licking around Britney's breast, circling in towards her nipple. His free hand was now drifting down her stomach with a light touch that sent shivers down Britney's spine.

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