Suburban Sadist Origin
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Lee didn't end up picking me up until well after four in the afternoon.
After Jason fucked me I relaxed for a while before dressing back in my overalls and turtleneck shirt since I knew that I had to finish my chores. Part of me wanted to try and regain the brief spurt of confidence I'd felt after Jason had fucked me the first time and demand he do my chores for me. That feeling, of being in charge, was completely out of my system now, though, and couldn't be regained. Those brief few minutes had been fun but feeling dominated by him was even more enjoyable. And miserable, and helpless, and sad. But most of all it felt normal, like an old blanket that probably needed to be replaced but was so familiar I just couldn't bare to let it go.
When I got downstairs he was playing a video-game. I crept by him without a word but glanced over to see him giving me a smug look as he eyed me in my work-clothes again. I shuddered and went outside, determined to work hard and fast and not think about him. I was going to see Lee as soon as I finished my chores. That's all I wanted to think about. The problem was that as I shoveled dog shit into the wheelbarrow my ass cried in pain from the effort. Jason had really beaten my butt black-and-blue and it was a reminder of what my brother had done to me. I wondered how I was going to explain that to Lee.
Cleaning the kennel was the hardest chore I had to do, thankfully, and after getting the dogs back inside it and turning on the heat for them the rest of my work sort of flew by. I mowed the lawn, did the dishes, and vacuumed in a daze. I got so lost in my chores that I completely forgot that I was supposed to call Lee to arrange getting picked up. My mind was too preoccupied with getting my work done and mulling over what Jason was to me now: brother, master, or lover? It didn't help that while I did my inside work he kept giving me that smug look whenever we crossed paths. Trying not to think about him made me think of little else so when I finally got to my phone I panicked when I saw that I'd missed three calls from Lee. I dialed him quickly, terrified that he might think I had blown him off.
"No problem, girl," he said after I apologized. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and he answered on the second ring. "All good. When should I head over?"
Relieved beyond measure, I told him to meet me at the Silver Star Liquor store at four and he promised he'd be there. After that I showered again to get the work-stink off of me. When I finished I took a lot of time to get my hair right, which was sort of an overkill since I always wore my hair in the same simple style anyway. It took me awhile to get it just so, though, before I lamented over a real problem: what to wear.
I really wanted to dress sexy for Lee but part of me hesitated. Jason thought I was going over to a friend's house and he might have some awkward questions for me if I wore the short black dress I'd been wanting to wear. I was also afraid that if I looked too sexy he might decide to fuck me again and then I'd miss Lee at the liquor store. I finally decided it was safer to just wear a pale yellow blouse and simple denim jeans that were a little loose on my thin, pubescent legs. I looked cute and pretty, I decided after adding a hair clip that held back the hair on my left side, something I only did when I wanted to look older. Lee would definitely like what he saw and Jason wouldn't suspect that underneath my outfit I was wearing the sexist bra and panties I owned.
Before leaving I made sure to hide my Book of Sins in a safe place. I suspected that Jason might end up searching my room after I was gone. Even if, as I suspected of all my brothers, he'd done so before he'd definitely want to do a very thorough search now. I made sure to hide both the book and the other incriminating things I owned: a couple of dirty magazines, the old photo I'd taken of myself after I first had sex with the dogs, and a picture Daniel had given me of his penis a week or so earlier. I hid them in my closet underneath a section of the carpet that pulled up from the floor, in the corner, where I was positive no one would ever think to look.
Jason had one last thing to say to me before I walked out the door. "Hey, sis," he called.
Nervous as hell, I walked over to him wearing my blue jacket, my purse over one shoulder. "Yes?" I asked meekly.
"Remember the rules," he said without looking at me. "And be home by midnight."
"Okay," I said. When he didn't anything else I finally escaped the house.
I got to the liquor store early and as I waited I couldn't stop thinking about Jason. Why had the sex been so great? Sure, he lasted long and had a good sized cock, but it was more than just that. It was the fact he was my brother, I knew deep down. My flesh and blood, born to the same woman as me who had been impregnated by the same man. My biological brother and my biggest enemy in my house since as long as I could remember. Memories of him pulling on my ponytails when I was very little and tickling me merciless on my birthdays flooded my head. Those thoughts were so nasty and perverted that my depraved 13-year-old brain just loved it. I felt ashamed but also aroused. I found myself wondering how often he would end up fucking me, if he would fuck me that night, and if he'd be the only brother of mine I would ever have sex with. That last thought made me shudder. Images of Tyler and even Ron swam through my hormone-addled brain and it wasn't until Lee pulled up in his gigantic boat of a car that I finally stopped thinking about all of that.
We talked casually during the ride into the city. Lee did most of the talking, telling me about some party that was going on that night and some semi-famous hip-hop artist who was supposed to be there. It sounded like a lot of fun and I agreed to go, but I told him I had to be home no later than midnight. If that bothered him it didn't show. He just promised I'd be home in time and passed me a joint he'd lit up.
When we got to his house, which was only a few doors down and across the street from Ty's, I was pretty stoned. Lee said we could watch movies or play video games while we waited for the party, but I planned on getting down to business as soon as possible. Being stoned made me horny and during the drive I'd stared blatantly at the outline of his massive cock pretty much the whole way.
I was surprised when we entered the small house and saw an attractive young black woman lounging on a sofa in front of a television set. She had fine, angular African features with skin as dark as Lee's. For a moment I wondered if she was Lee's wife or girlfriend but that notion was quickly dispelled when he said, "Hey, sis, meet Becky."
Her pretty but tired looking eyes broke away from the TV and settled on me. She yawned after glancing at me from top to bottom and then said, "It ain't no lie you're a young one. It true Maurice pumped ya?"
I glanced over at Lee with a questioning look. He said, "Came inside you."
"Oh!" I said, blushing. I nodded my head then studied my white sneakers with their pink laces.
Lee's sister laughed in a friendly way. She said, "I hope you're on the pill then, girl. Maurice is one fertile fucking nigga. Come on, have a seat. I just started 'The Shining'. Ever see it?"
I hadn't, seeing as I wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies. But I did take a seat on the couch with Lee's sister, who formally introduced herself as Shyreen. She seemed friendly enough and as Lee went into the kitchen to get some beers she asked me what I did, why I'd been in the city the other night, and why I'd joined the gang. It was a lot to explain, especially while stoned, but I did my best and she took even the most shocking information in stride. When Lee returned he gave each of us a beer and I gulped at mine without preamble, my mouth dry and cotton-like and desperate for any kind of liquid.
"So, uhm, what do you do?" I asked Shyreen after a moment of silence.
Lee answered for her. "She smokes my weed and spends my money," he said in his deep drawl of a voice. He was lighting up a water bong and after taking a hit I could see that he was smiling.
"Pretty much," Shyreen said, stretching out her soft but attractive body. She was smiling, too.
The three of us spent the next hour and a half smoking pot, drinking some beer, and chit-chatting. Shyreen liked to talk and her soft, sexy voice was fun to listen to. She told me embarrassing stories about Lee that made me smile and explained how he'd been taking care of her since she was only twelve. She also explained how she was an inactive member of the gang and how Lee had given her loaded dice to roll for her initiation.
"When they came up snake eyes them niggas was pissed!" she laughed. "Half them assholes had been tryin' to get with this since I was your age but were too afraid of Lee to try."
I smiled warmly at Lee. I liked the idea of him being a protective older brother.
Just after six, with the sun setting outside and the movie having been fully ignored by all of us, Shyreen stood and said, "Guess ya'll want time alone. I's gonna go on over to Lendy's for that party."
"We'll see you," Lee told her. He had his arm around me and it felt good to snuggle against him. I couldn't wait for Shyreen to be gone so we could get more intimate.
She paused at Lee's words. "Wait, ya'll going?" she said, looking at me. "Dressed like that?"
Confused, I stared down at my yellow blouse then back at her.
Shyreen laughed. "Girl, you're already gonna be the only child and the only whitey there, why're you gonna go and want to stand out lookin' like a square, too?"
"She looks right to me," Lee said, hugging me closer to his large body.
His sister rolled her eyes, placed a hand on one hip, and seemed to think. She said, "Charlene's left a bunch of outfits upstairs, hon. Come on, let's get you fixed up."
Still feeling unsure and confused I nevertheless stood, grabbed my purse, and gave Lee a pensive look before following his sister to the second floor of the small house. She brought me to what was unquestionably her bedroom and made small talk about how Lee was sweet but clueless when it came to fashion. "If I didn't do his shopping for him he'd look as square as you," she said, handing me a pile of clothes. "Hate to sound all rude but that suburban GAP store shit'll make you a laughing stock at Lendy's party. Here, try this."
If I hadn't been stoned I would have felt uncomfortable to change in front of a stranger, but not only was I high but I was anxious. Anxious to look good and to fit in at the upcoming party. Without a word I pulled off my blouse and kicked off my sneakers. Only after my jeans were off did I realize Shyreen was staring at me. My whole body blushed for a moment and I suddenly felt naked.
"Nice," she grinned at me. "Least you got the underwear right. Your daddy know you buy lingerie like that?"
I shook my head as I pulled on the micro skirt she'd given me. It was bright red in color and barely covered the panties she was referring to but they seemed to fit okay. A thick plastic belt, which made up about a third of the garment, helped hold it in place. After studying it for a second I said, "Uhm, no, that guy, Daniel? He bought me all my underwear while I was ... you know..."
"His slave?" she grinned. "Thought you said he didn't let ya wear panties."
"Sometimes, to pose for him," I blushed. I was pulling on the skirt's matching top, a sleeveless almost bikini-esq garment made of the same glistening nylon material as the skirt. I felt silly after it was on. I studied myself in Shyreen's mirror and thought I looked like I was getting ready to go swimming.
Women actually wore outfits like this in public? I wondered. Ty's neice, Charlene, was my age and this outfit was hers, so I guessed they had to. Still, it felt more like a costume than anything else. It left little to the imagination, exposing my flat tummy, bare arms, and ample cleavage. I shuddered at the prospect of wearing it outside because such clothes would provide absolutely no warmth. I looked at her while biting my lip and almost asked her if I could try on something else.
"Lookin' fine, now, girl," Shyreen said, adjusting my top a little so that it covered my bra. She was so obviously pleased with my appearance that I decided to trust her judgment. "Let's get ya some shoes..."
Ten minutes later I walked down the stairs behind Shyreen on two-inch heeled shoes that matched the color of the skirt and top. Not only was I unused to heels but the shoes themselves were a half size too big for my feet and I kept almost falling over. I was nervous as hell but my mood immediately changed when I saw the expression on Lee's face.
"Damn, damn, damn," he said, nothing but lust in his stoned eyes. "Come 'ere, girl, let me get a good look at you..."
I walked toward him, concentrating hard not to wobble in my new shoes, and stood in front of him with a shy smile on my lips. He put his hands on my slender hips and turned me around. I felt his large hand gently rub my tight round butt and shuddered at the sensation. Shyreen was watching all this with an amused expression on her exotic face. She said, "See, Becky? He gettin' hard just lookin' at you."
Her words embarrassed me a little but it was true. When he turned me around again I stared down and saw a definite hardening of his member inside his loose jeans. "Ready to see it?" he said to me, his voice as casual as if asking if I wanted a soda.
"It's never gonna fit in her," I heard Shyreen say. Through the stoned haze I was in the thought occurred to me: how would she, his sister, know anything about the size of his penis?
In a daze I got on my knees, letting Lee gently guide me into a kneeling position. He said, "We'll work it, won't we, girl?"
Without another word he unzipped his pants, right in front of me and his sister, and took out his semi-hard cock as if it was no big deal. I wasn't thinking about his sister anymore or the obscene outfit I was wearing. The sight of his large cock pushed all other thoughts out of my mind. It wasn't quite as big as I'd imagined it to be when I'd felt it through his jeans a few nights earlier, but it was massive. Easily the largest cock I'd ever seen it rivaled the cucumber I'd once fucked myself with in girth. It had to be at least a foot long, too, probably closer to fourteen inches. Though he was a big, thick man the cock looked almost comically large on his frame. I looked up at him in wonderment, not sure what I should do. I'd never seen such a large cock in real life, after all.
Shyreen ended up breaking the silence. With a little laugh she said, "You sure don't look like the pro-slut ev'one's been talkin' about! Why you scared?'
Lee was just staring at me with a lazy smile on his block-like face. I decided he was just waiting for me to do what came natural, so without another thought I gently reached out and took his half-erect penis in my hands. The touch of his dark black monster sent chills throughout my stoned body. Almost instantly it began to harden and I watched in wonderment as it grew and grew. I stroked it in short, nervous gestures, my right hand near its base and my left near its head. While I did this I realized that Shyreen was probably right: there was no way it'd ever fit into me.
"Lick it," the woman said. She had moved over to the couch and was now sitting next to her brother. With a racing heart I glanced up at her, saw the slight, almost taunting smile on her attractive face, and gave her a nod. I leaned forward with my lips parted and stuck out my tongue.
Just as I tasted his cock for the first time all hell broke loose.
From outside car alarms went off and horns blared. Shyreen jumped from the couch and ran over to the window, parted the drapes, and cursed. Lee, meanwhile, pushed me aside and jumped to his feet and roughly pushed his impossibly large member back into his loose fitting pants. In total confusion I stared, breathless, as he joined his sister at the window.
"Five-oh," he said in his usual deep, emotionless voice. "Flush the shit. Now."
"Fuck!" Shyreen cursed but she rushed back to the coffee table where a small bag of weed, the ashtray, and the water bong sat. She grabbed them all while looking at me. In a hurried, almost angry voice she said, "What're you doin'? Get the fuck out, get the fuck out!"
"What ... what?" I asked, starting to stand.
Lee came to me in long, sure steps. The blaring noise from outside was getting louder as more and more car horns and alarms joined the initial chorus. "She's right, you gots to get out, now," he said, an undercurrent of urgency in his thick voice. He grabbed me by my upper arm and hauled me to my feet and started heading to the back of the house. "Find a place to hide then wait a couple hours. Someone'll be here to bring you home..."
"Wait, what?" I stammered. He was practically dragging me to the backdoor of the small house and I had no idea what was going on. "Hide? Why? Where?"
"Just find a fuckin' place to hide out!" he said. It was the first time he'd ever sounded angry at me and it sort of stung. "Cops are raidin', might be nothin' but if they bust up in here and find you, shit..."
We were at the back door and I heard the toilet flushing. Shyreen was getting rid of the pot, I realized. Scared shitless I said, "They're coming for you?"
He pulled open the door, glanced around, and said, "Maybe, maybe Ty, maybe both..."
Shyreen appeared with my blue jacket. She looked angry but also scared. Less than a minute had passed since I'd tasted Lee's dick and my head was spinning. She thrust my jacket at me and said, "Go, go on! Get!"
Lee sort of pushed, sort of guided me out the door. He was about to shut it when he noticed the expression of confusion and terror on my face. With a quick sigh he said, "Look, baby girl, the cops are 'bout to be all up in here. They find you with me? Shit, we'll both to jail, dig? So just find a place to hide. Wait a couple hours. Stay low, an' don't come back if you see the poe-lease up in here. Wait it out ... I'll make sure someone's here if I can, to take you home..."
"But, but," I stammered. Suddenly there was a loud pounding sound coming from the front door of the house, a sound that broke through the blaring horns and car alarms and matched a voice screaming, "POLICE, OPEN UP!"
"Run, fuckin' get out of here!" he said, a level of desperation in his voice. "You get picked up, don't say shit! Say you was sellin' cookies or some shit! Go!"
"Tell 'em nothing!" Shyreen agreed. "No snitchin', no snitchin'!"
The door slammed shut and I was alone.
On automatic pilot now I stumbled away from the house. In the darkness the lights of police sirens twirled around from the front street as I headed across the incredibly short backyard to a chain link fence. I fell over and realized I couldn't run wearing the two-inch heeled shoes. I pulled them off. Holding them in my left hand and my jacket in my right I somehow made it to the fence, barefoot, just before loud voices and the thumping of boots rang through my ears. I looked over my shoulder and saw two men in black body-armor with the large white letters "S.W.A.T." stenciled on their backs. Panicked and desperate I slipped through a hole in the fence, into another house's yard, and ran barefoot across it on the cold hibernating grass.
I ran down a narrow alley separating that house from another and onto another residential street much like the one Lee's house was on. Feeling pursued even though I wasn't I ran diagonally across the street, between two parked cars that looked like they belonged in a garbage dump, and across a cracked and broken sidewalk. Behind me the sounds of blaring car horns and alarms grew fainter, yet still I ran, convinced in my young stoned brain someone was right behind me.
Again I ran between two houses, through another back yard, and then I found myself stopped by another chain link fence. This one didn't have a hole in it, though. I was running on pure adrenaline and without thinking I tossed both my shoes and my jacket over the fence then climbed over it. I fell to the other side in a heap. When I got back up I gathered my jacket and shoes and took off running again, running through the dark November night, out onto a non-residential street for the first time.
Hide, I thought, remembering Lee's words. I had to find a place to hide. I glanced up and down the street and saw several boarded up businesses, a weed-ridden parking lot, and a gas station. Bathroom, I thought. That would be a good place to hide. I ran in the direction of the gas station and nearly out into traffic before realizing I was at a crosswalk. The light turned green for me after what felt like an eternity and I ran across the street, still feeling pursued and not caring that I looked practically naked to all the cars that had come to a halt at the light. I ran past a skinny black man bundled up in tattered coats and pushing a shopping cart full of empty aluminum cans. I passed another black man filling his SUV with gas and then went into the little building.
Breathless, now, I said to the gas station clerk who was reading a yellowed copy of Reader's Digest, "I need to use the bathroom, please?"
He glanced up from his magazine, looking annoyed and tired. He was either Indian or Pakistani and he had a bushy mustache and graying hair. He said, "Paying customers only."
"Okay," I said, grabbing a pack of gum and slapping it on the counter, "I..."
My voice trailed off. I said, "Oh no..."
My purse. My purse was still in Shyreen's bedroom, along with the clothes I'd been wearing. Tears formed in my eyes. "Please..." I started.
The gas station attendant licked his index finger, turned a page in his magazine, and said, "Paying customers only."
Without a word I walked away. At the door of the small and grimy gas station I realized my feet were freezing cold. With tears of fear and confusion rolling down my cheeks I pulled my shoes back on, strapped them in place, and walked out on unsteady legs. I also pulled on my jacket. It was probably about thirty degrees outside but I hadn't noticed the cold Fall air during my desperate run. I did now, though, as the initial panic and fear dissipated into desperation.
What was I going to do? I didn't have my purse which meant I had no money, no cell phone, nothing. I was wearing an outfit that my jacket completely concealed as it reached down past my micro-skirt. Zipped up, the jacket made it look like I was naked beneath it. I had to find a place to hide, I knew, but what I really wanted was a way to get home.
I walked down the street carefully in the direction of brighter lights and more traffic. Maybe there would be a restaurant there, or a fast food place where I could hole-up in a bathroom without needing to pay for anything. I glanced over in the direction of Cleveland's downtown, its skyline. I'd be safer there, I thought, where all the theaters and businesses were located. Out here in the ghetto I was way too vulnerable. But the downtown area was so far away. I saw a rusted and bent sign for the bus-line and almost stopped, then remembered I had no money to pay the fare even if the buses were running.
At the corner of another major intersection I saw a payphone and decided I had to do it. I had to call for help. I picked up the phone and made a collect phone call to my house. Jason would be there. He'd do God knew what to me when I explained the situation to him, but anything was better than being where I was.
"Becky," I said when the automated voice of the collect-call service asked who was calling. I heard the phone ring. And ring. And ring.
No one answered. Jason either wasn't home or he wasn't answering the phone.
I began to cry. I felt naked and alone and terrified and even though I was still sort of stoned there was nothing soft and comforting about my high. The situation I was in was awful. Could I find a place to hide? Yes, I decided, finally. There was no other choice, no other way. I had to find a safe place to hide out for a while, then go back to Lee's house. He said someone would be there to bring me home. He'd promised.
I started walking again. Click-clack went my two-inch heel shoes on the concrete, my jacket wrapped around my body. I felt naked and alone and scared. But then I saw, way off in the distance, two golden arches alight in the dark November sky. Maybe fifteen minutes away. There would be a bathroom there, at that McDonald's. I could hide there, I decided. I hurried my pace.
A car heading toward me slowed then stopped. The passenger window rolled down. I would have ignored it and kept walking except the car was clean and new looking, unlike most of the cars on this street. Also, the man who called out to me was white. I hate to say it, but seeing another white face out there was a relief. The middle aged man said, "You need a ride?"
I paused. Glancing around uncertainly, I nonetheless walked over to the passenger side window and leaned in to get a better look at the man. He was clean-cut looking and wore khaki's and a polo shirt. He was a bit overweight but had a friendly smile on his aging face. I said, "I really do..."
A loud "CLACK" sound rang through my ears. He'd unlocked the passenger side door. "Then get in," he said.
Getting into a stranger's car went against everything I'd ever been taught about safety. But I was cold, stoned, confused, and scared. The idea that he would give me a ride, if even just down the street to the McDonald's, was irresistible. Without any hesitation I opened the door to his sedan and got in. The warmth hit me like a ton of bricks and made me shudder.
"Where you headed?" the man asked.
"I want to go home," I stammered, not sure what else to say. I told him where I lived and he laughed.
"That's a pretty long drive," he said. "You a cop?"
I blinked at him. "What? No..."
"I haven't seen you out here before," he mused before making a u-turn. "You one of Gus's girls?"
I was really confused now. His car was pointed in the direction of the McDonald's, at least, but he didn't seem to be in any hurry. "I just want to go home," I said. Pointing a shaky finger that was pink from the cold I added, "Or just ... if you can bring me to that McDonald's..."
He gave me a sly look and turned right down a short, dark alley. He turned left at the end of it and parked in another narrow alley next to a Dumpster. He said, "Let's cut the bullshit. All I want is a blowjob and I'll pay twenty. I'm not a cop, see?"
The man unzipped his pants and I watched him do so in slow motion. What was going on? He took out his slender white dick and he held it out for me, flaccid, and he grinned. "Just a blowjob. Take off the jacket, I want to see you."
I gulped. He was a John, I realized. He'd picked me up thinking I was a hooker. I realized that, given my outfit, I sort of looked the part. I'd seen a couple episodes of a TV show that followed cops around busting everyone from drug dealers to prostitutes and for the first time I understood that my outfit made me look like a "street walker". This realization surprised me when my stoned and confused young body shuddered with delight. Instantly I remembered Proverbs 23:27-28, "A prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men." It was a quote in my Book of Sins under Prostitution. I licked my lips then I bit my lower one.
"Well?" he said, the car still running. "$20. Should be enough to get you a cab ride home."
He was teasing me with that last sentence. He didn't believe I really just wanted a ride home. I thought for a minute then gave in to my nature. I sort of watched myself, detached, as my little hands went up and began to unzip my jacket. He whistled at the sight of my barely developed adolescent body and the obscene outfit I was wearing but still I only felt detached. I shrugged the jacket off my shoulders and he slid forward in his seat. His cock was getting hard. With absolutely no expression on my face I heard myself say, "Give me the money."
He grinned. "I knew you were workin'," he said. "Damn it, though, you junkie street walkers are getting younger all the time. Here." He gave me two wrinkled ten-dollar bills. I shoved them into the tight belt of my micro-skirt. I felt dirty and electric, excited and scared, but I leaned forward anyway and as if in slow motion, took his penis into my mouth.
Being paid to give a blowjob was exciting. There was no denying it. I felt myself getting damp between my legs even as the acrid smell of his crotch filled my nostrils. I licked the head of his small pecker and then gagged myself on it, knowing I could take it all without any real effort since his was definitely the smallest cock I'd ever had. $20, I kept thinking, just for doing this ... it made me feel whorish, and ashamed, but it also made me feel safe. I would have enough money, after, to pay for a taxi to take me home. He'd said so himself and that's all I wanted, now, to go home and forget all about the city and Lee and the Four-Oh Crew. I worked his cock with nothing but my tongue and throat and he worked his hands into my blond hair, urging me, helping me.
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“I really wanted to see her tits,” my artist wife had blurted out about naked pictures she had taken of our buxom redhead neighbor Karen. Jewel felt a little ashamed, and probably wouldn’t have told me except for the wine. She was gathering images to process and compose for one of her unusual portraits of our new friend.I love my wife and don’t think of other women that way, at least when my neocortex is in charge. But my horny reptilian brain woke up when it heard Jewel say that. It turned out...
Love StoriesJewel asked me if I found Karen sexy. Considering what my wife does to me and what she lets me do to her on a regular basis, I don’t think of other women that way. But there are many ways to be sexy, and Karen definitely nailed at least one of them, so I just told the truth: yes.“I can see that,” Jewel said noncommittally, and that seemed to be the end of it.My wife and I initially weren’t happy to leave our tiny apartment in the city for a cookie-cutter house in the suburbs. The job situation...
Love StoriesI feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...
George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks ‘built for squeezing and spanking’ thought George...
Here is an updated and improved version of my latest story. Hope you enjoy!Rose absentmindedly untied the knot in her headscarf. She'd been in the kitchen all day preparing for this dinner, and whats the betting she wouldn't get any thanks for it whatsoever. She never did. David wasn't a bad husband, not at all. He was hard-working, intelligent, caring and a great provider but she sometimes felt she needed more. She had a career once, albeit just in the typing pool of an accountant's, but...
Rose absentmindedly untied the knot in her headscarf. She'd been in the kitchen all day preparing for this dinner, and whats the betting she wouldn't get any thanks for it whatsoever. She never did. David wasn't a bad husband, not at all. He was hard-working, intelligent, caring and a great provider but she sometimes felt she needed more. She had a career once, albeit just in the typing pool of an accountant's, but still, she felt part of something then, a cog in a giant wheel. Now it was more...
I feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...
Straight SexMISS SPARGROVEMiss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito’s reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming. After all, she didn’t want to wake the baby.As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn’s ass, she wondered what Ross was doing. Miss Spargrove had had him in his adult-sized high chair, built on the same lines as Amelia’s little one, sucking frozen...
George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks 'built for squeezing and spanking' thought George...
Straight SexNatalie pushed a stroller around the block every morning. She lived in the condo three places down the street in our complex and I knew her husband from work. We had similar friends at work and ended up kind of being friendly, but I wouldn't say that we're close friends. It was just that we had known each other for years now and I can easily say he's an incredibly boring guy and incredibly arrogant blowhard. I didn't really care that much until one of us was promoted and one of us got...
Copyright 2001 by Traci The voice on the other end of the line wasn't exactly in tears, but Carol Ferndon could hear the exasperation in her daughter's voice. She knew, also, that three other teenage girls were with her daughter, so she wasn't alone, otherwise she may very well have been crying. "Heather," Carol said calmly, "what do you mean you never got picked up?" She glanced at her watch. The carpool mom for that day should have been there 45 minutes ago, picked up the girls,...
They weren't the only things hardening, either. Again with just a hint of rotten egg in the air, Liira was saying something indistinct, sotto voice. Within seconds, I was sporting a raging boner; wielding the knife like a seasoned professional, Liira sliced my clothes away with a few broad cuts, leaving my mother's eyes beholding her naked, erect son. "Last night," she purred, circling me "you had the pleasure of taking a body that welcomed your maleness. But now, in the light of day,...
Having taken solace in my bedroom, I flung myself on my bed. As I did so, something seemed not quite right; I remembered the pile of books I had concealed beneath the duvet, and after flinging back the covers I discovered a fine patina of ash where they had once been. Evidently Liira had taken steps towards preventing me from trying anything with whatever information I had acquired that might have proven useful against her. Great. Rolling over, I stared up at the ceiling, reflecting on the...
With my heart pumping as I all but drooled over the barely clothed form of my mother, I scrambled to work how best to respond to Liira's challenge. Obviously, she was going for the I'm-such-a-naughty-girl schtick, one of the stand-bys of the gigabytes of porn cached in zipped, password-protected files on my lap-top. If Liira saw no need to be inventive, neither did I; I wobbled off the bed and stood up, trying to look suitably stern. Of course, stripped naked and with my junk heaving up and...
In accordance with the agreement I'd struck with Liira, tonight would be "date night." In part we were doing it to re-kindle the bond between my mother and I as we'd drifted apart, but part of it was to suit my growing interest in my mother's sexuality. Ordinarily, I would have simply done a casserole or some spaghetti, but I wanted tonight to be special. I messed around in my room for a while after I heard my mother leave for work, waiting until I was sure had gone and not forgotten...
I awoke to a blazing light, expecting to find the room lit by the dawn. Instead, the moon hung high in the night sky outside; the storm had passed, and the full moon's light was enough to see clearly by. I watched my mother sleeping beside me, our bodies wound together sinuously after our passionate bout of lovemaking. Marvelling at her alabaster skin in the moon's pale radiance, I leaned back and pulled the covers away so that I could drink in the sight of my mother's breasts, rising and...
The next time I awoke, it was morning. Birds chirped their dawn greetings to all and sundry, raising an impressive racket for their smile size. I blearily opened my eyes, rubbed the sleep from them, and regarded my bedmate, acutely aware of my morning wood jamming into my mother's side. She was wearing a small, satisfied smile after my night of excess with both her and Liira, and had evidently been awake for some time before me. Now that she was awake, she threw back the covers, a...
Gnawing on one knuckle, I nervously relived what was otherwise a great day. My mother had used the excuse of a purposely-forgotten handbag to lure me downtown to her offices, where she'd successfully sprung a dynamite sexual ambush on me, combining the twin taboos of incest with the threat of discovery by her work colleagues. It would have been fantastic, except that my mother's secretary had clearly overhead us in the throes of passion, mocking me with her discovery as I left. Although she...
My mother and I were again curled up in bed, taking shelter from the winter storm that raged outside our bedroom. Our new bed was an ensemble, made of hefty hardwood and fitted together with expert joinery and not a few long metal screws for good measure. It had weighed a ton and cost a fortune, but it promised stability and came with a decades-long warranty, soothing our incredulity at the asking price. Still, I thought, snuggling against my mother's lithe, naked body and rubbing at her...
I awoke the next morning with the dawn. I was still naked, my hair was still pulled back tight, and I stretched away my lingering dreams in the middle of the big family room. Outside the first rays of day were beginning to settle and I realized I was famished. I stood up from the sofa and began pulling on my PJ's, not bothering with the underwear. When I noticed the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table I shrugged and thought, What the heck? I lit one after a long yawn and then padded...
I started fucking the dogs on an almost nightly basis. Or rather, I started getting fucked by the dogs on an almost nightly basis. I was never really in control, you see. Night would come and the house would settle and I would lay awake in bed imagining that I could hear them howling for me. The thought that they were demanding me to sneak out to serve them would get me so wet that I would toss and turn for hours, unable to sleep from wanton horniness. Sometimes exhaustion would eventually...
Looking back now, I can remember only one conscience attempt to defy my new master. I know it sounds strange. I mean, I'd just been raped. My pussy was sore and full of his cum, my body and mind had both been put through the ringer by a man old enough to be my dad, and for nearly an hour and a half I'd been his captive. He'd let me go and suddenly I was free, but my reaction to such freedom was definitely not normal. Most girls would have felt relieved beyond imagining. Most girls would...
As it turns out I only ended up being my master's slave for about three weeks. They were a hectic, life altering three weeks, though. Every hour of every day was so packed full of new duties and responsibilities that I had absolutely no time for myself anymore. I mean, before having a master I'd had my chores, my church, and my studying. Those obligations alone had taken up a ton of my time. But with the additional burden of having to please a warped and demanding master my life had...
The last time I was fucked by my master as his slave occurred on the Wednesday that followed the lesson he gave me at my church. As usual he wanted to fuck me as soon as I arrived at his house after school that day. And as usual I was more than ready for it. During class I had masturbated in the bathroom not once, not twice, but six times. Once an hour, as per my master's newest rule. I wasn't allowed to climax when I did this, but I did have to finger myself until I at least got wet. I'd...
The day after the gang initiation I stayed home from school. Physically I was just too sore to consider going so I told my dad that I was sick. I was so emotionally drained by the previous day's events that when I asked I sounded as meek and miserable as I felt. My dad called me in without any objection. On Friday I felt better. Physically, the wounds I sustained during the court-in on Wednesday had been mostly superficial and were already healed. The soreness from fucking all those gang...
Having learned that their 13-year-old daughter had run away to a dangerous area of a major urban city to consort with gang members, most parents would have been relieved, if concerned, for her well-being upon her return. And while I'm sure that most parents would punish such a child in some way, they would also get her to a psychiatrist, maybe even into a mental hospital, to treat what was obviously disturbing behavior. My dad wasn't one of those parents and I knew it. That's why I was so...
It should go without saying that my new frame of mind had a profound impact on the way I behaved at my new school. I learned quickly that by accepting that I was a slut and a whore, the last measure of control over my perverted desires was stripped away. Life in public school was going to be a lot different than life in a private Catholic school as a result. The day after returning from the ice-fishing trip with my family I started classes at Rutherford B. Hayes Middle School. It was located...
Your name is Jack Pine. You've always been a smooth guy who got what he wanted. Sadly for a lot of your friends and coworkers that included their wives and daughters. So after being basically ran out of town you find you self in a new neighborhood. But this is your chance for a fresh start, new neighborhood, new environment, and new milfs and young woman to seduce. As you finish unpacking you notice the family next door and goes to introduce yourself. The neighborhood you move to will help...
I was on the road home when I realized that I had committed a cold blooded murder. I knew I should feel some kind of remorse but I didn't. What I thought was that I was sorry there would be some other piece of trash who would take over. The business would go on because they needed the business it really didn't need anyone of them to continue. The business would always be there in some form to pray on the innocent trying to cope. The only way to kill the business was to kill the customers...
“Well now, how did it go then?”Glenda Heine, wife-to-be of Quentin Osman eased herself further into the soft cushions piled on the Ottoman upon which she reclined. She wore a lightweight trouser-suit of flower design. Her light, blonde hair fell to her shoulders and this lessened the hardness of her rather angular face.She was a woman who once might have been pretty but now, in mid-thirties, was no longer that. On the other hand, she had not become a beauty. In effect, she had one of those...
Leaning over the rail, trying to see more as the cowboy in the ring hog tied a calf, she smiled widely. Wearing short tight blue denim shorts, a pink and black plaid vest, and a white tank top, her toes sparkling in pink flip flops. Leaning over, I had a fantastic view. She was curvy ! A little extra meaty, but curvy none-the-less. She was probably a few inches shorter than I, her black hair was in pigtails under her cowboy hat. She was hot. She did it for me. Mustering up my best sexy smile,...
What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Christie Stevens decides to prank her swap hubby and swap kids by bringing them big bowls of broccoli for breakfast. Since they’re doing April Fools pranks, swap siblings Kenzie Reeves and Nathan Bronson decide to do a prank of their own. They know their swap mom Christie takes a nap every day and they suspect that during that time she’s fucking their swap dad,...
xmoviesforyouCupid is lurking around, being sneaky, looking for victims of his love arrows, when he sees a young couple sitting on a bench, the man is proposing to her fiance, so Cupid decides to make their love stronger and shoots at them, but the arrow only hits the girl, who immediately falls in love with him. Cupid realizes that she looked at him first and tries to get away when she starts suddenly running towards him. As he is running away, he finds a house and gets inside trying to hide, but he is...
xmoviesforyouI had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I'd always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn't mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...
LesbianTiffany Tatum has set the scene for seduction with a massage table and lit candles to create ambiance. She peels off her clothes, starting with her shorts and ending with her thong. Nude, she runs her hands over her tanned body, teasing her small boobs and bare pussy. Then she climbs onto the table and arranges herself beneath a towel a towel that leaves nothing to the imagination as she waits for Matt Denae to join her. When Matt arrives on the scene, he is liberal with his application of the...
xmoviesforyouAll characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over I opened the door. The paper boy was walking down the path. He come up to the door and handed me the paper. Bless him, he was shivering and his fingers were blue. It was a freezing cold winter’s day. I took him inside so he could get warm and I sat him down on the sofa. He was freezing. I rubbed his hands one at a time. He got embarrassed. I rubbed his hands one at a time between my hands. “Your hands are like...
First thing, Thursday morning, Doc signs me out of the hospital. I understand why they do it, but I think it was funny that Dr. Nowak pushes me in a wheelchair and has me transported to UVic in an ambulance. I arranged for the lab to be closed for the morning, so it is just Doc, a nurse that signed an NDA and me. To start with, Doc explains how the test will progress. Typically a stress test takes 15 minutes, and all that is needed is for the patient to work strenuously for 8 to 12 minutes...
Hello all sex lovers. This is Shyam from Bangalore. Age 22 and working as a marketing executive. I am a great lover of sex and I have been enjoying sex from the age of 18 and from since I have had sex with all kinds of girls, ladies, housewives and even prostitutes. I am very fond of reading sex stories, that to written by ladies. And now I am going to share my sex experience’s in my sex series Bangalore sex tales. I am born and brought up in Bangalore. The first friend who thought me of sex...
What the brush takes time to say. As the years go by, The sword’s words are forgotten While the brush’s words live on. - The Canticle of Menkeret. ……………………………………………….. The ropes dig into my wrists but I feel no pain. I face the setting sun across a boundless sapphire sea but I am only vaguely conscious of the marvelous beauty before me. I am naked but clothed in resignation. I am hungry but know intuitively that soon I will be replete. I should feel fear but prefer to trust in...
My girlfriend talked me into going to her family’s fancy dress Christmas party, OK bribed me with a suggestion of sex if I went and I was good. She even ordered my costume and had it delivered to my work so I could change into it before heading to the party. Stupid me didn't look at closely until the afternoon of the party so although I knew I was going as one of Santa's helpers I had only quickly looked in the bag. Luckily I was last to leave that day so I'm in the men’s room...
I have been dating or married to the same woman for over 12 years now. So my single days were quite a ways away at this point. Therefore, much of my sex and hook-up stories resulted from the use of AOL chat rooms. For nostalgia sake, I'd like to take you back to 1998 and recount a pretty interesting and amusing story.As some of you may remember, on AOL you could scan member's profiles for people near you. As would most, I would customarily have three or four chat boxes going with three or four...
This story is pure fiction. Any similarities in names and places are purely coincidental. The story starts in the late 1950s. I want to thank MiliktheRed for editing this story! * My wife, Yvonne, and I had been married for over a year when our first big challenge came along. Don’t get me wrong, we had had minor disagreements just like any couple. Our challenge came from the fact that Yvonne has a big heart. She truly cares about people. It all started one evening in late October. The...
My wife had been at a party along with myself and my best mate. We had all left a little early as we were drunk.We arrived back at my wife's parents house and had another couple of drinks.My wife got up and said goodnight before heading towards the bedroom.I followed her in where I found her undressed and in the middle of slipping into a c through nighty and panties. She lay on the bed where I began to kiss her and rub her clit which she reacted to straight away. She was as horny as fuck.I...
Introduction: The two creatures of the inferno face off, the devil vs' the demon. "Hey!" the priest yelled at her, pointing the gun.She looked over. There were several ways to deal with this situtation. She could cast a spell, run and wait for him. She suddenly smelled a demon not to far away. The demon no doubt smelled her hot juices. On her plane if a demon had a chance to fuck a devil, it usualy meant a trap, but they would risk it anyways, at least half the time. Now that she was on earth...
Anna Janet L. Stickney "The way you see me now started back many years ago." The old woman sat in her rocker facing her Great grand son and daughter. "I know that you found it when you were in the attic cleaning. Lord knows that I should probably tell you how it started. When I was young, the women wore very fancy dresses of silk and satin, big bustles, and lots of lace. There was a war stirring in Europe as the Kaiser kept arming his troops. Then that Duke was killed by a...
The next few days were spent with Billy helping me learn the songs. Most of them were cover songs, favorite songs of ours. But there were a few originals, which Dalton had written. I may have been a good writer when it came to fiction, but Dalton knew how to pinpoint feels in just about anyone he met. One of the few things he and I had in common, we felt things. Once I felt comfortable with the songs, Billy decided to advertise the band, offering services such as weddings, birthday parties,...
Hello people, i am Sumit from Delhi and now working in a MNC; 31 years of age, 5.7″, fair and athletic built. My tool size is little over 6″. This is my first story here though i have been a keen reader of this site. This story is about me when i used to work in a MNC in 2004. We have goodwill in our neighborhood and my adjacent house recently gave their first floor on rent to some people which i got to know from my mom. Days went by and then one day when i was reading newspaper on my terrace i...
This may be difficult for some people to understand, because this phenomenon doesn't affect every human being. But for many, there comes a time when there is a sudden, catastrophic, cathartic emotional release. For most people it involves religion. It has been called "a mountaintop event." That's based on the story of Moses, going up the mountain and finding a burning bush that changed his life forever. But it also happens in situations not involving religion. And that's what happened to...
This adventure took place during the fall of 2010; I was 19 and in my senior year at high school. Because it was my last year of high school before college I took advantage of any party that I could. I was a fairly good looking k**, with light brown hair, very fit body, and I stood at five foot eleven. I played three sports in high school so I was fairly muscular for weighing only 140 pounds. When I was first introduced to porn I found older women to be my main attraction. There was something...
I never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millenium. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millenium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of the night we went to...
IncestWarning: Story is not intended for anyone under 18. All aspects of this written manuscript are fiction. Pet Project Chapter One ?Jared I thought we were just going to spend the evening together. I don’t really want to go to a party, especially if there’s a bunch of people that I don’t really like there.? ?Relax, it’s not even a party; it’s just a couple close friends and they’re all really nice; no one will cause any drama.? ?Is there anyone there from our old group?? ...
This was going to be another one of those boring nights. Home alone with nothing to do and no one available to hang out. All you had left to do is sit at home and watch tv, play video games, and masturbate. The last one is something that you'd rather not put out there, but it undeniably happens every time. As a straight man, you'll generally find some hot female nudes or porn to jack off too, by sometimes you'll get turned on by other things. It's always easier to find other horny guys online...