Suburban GirlChapter 7 free porn video

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Most of the drive into the city was made with Ty talking, Lee driving, and me gazing out the window. My thoughts were a total mess. I felt halfway between kidnapped and stolen, halfway between relieved and terrified. Aside from leaving his hand on my thigh and occasionally giving me a squeeze, Ty hardly acknowledged my presence. He asked me few questions but talked mostly with Lee or with people on his cell phone. This gave me time to consider my predicament.

I had no idea what these men were going to do with me except that they had mentioned making sure I was home no later than 9pm. That, at least, was reassuring. What they did with me between now and then was the big mystery. I was pretty sure I would be having sex with either one or both of them. That didn't really bother me. Sure, I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but I figured that if that's all that happened I would end the day on top.

I was no longer a slave. I was free to be myself again. At one point during the drive I even thought about showing my Book of Sins to Father DeGrazia the next day so that I could ask for absolution for all the terrible things I'd been doing recently. I don't think I ever considered this too seriously, but I distinctly recall the thought entering my head.

Being freed from Daniel was like popping a balloon. Over the last several weeks I had been blown up with ideas and convictions that I really was his property, that I really was at his mercy. Having Ty and Lee so easily take me from him, though, was like having a needle instantly blow all those ideas and convictions out of me. I realized during the drive that Daniel's hold on me had been all smoke and mirrors. He'd never really been my master. I'd simply allowed myself to be his slave. Now, because of Ty and Lee, I was free.

When the large Cadillac pulled off the freeway and began making its way through the streets of a rather run-down area of Cleveland I began to think of the men as my saviors. Sure, they'd probably want to have sex with me before the day was through. And yes, I was smart enough to realize they might want more than just sex. But my immature mind decided they deserved whatever they wanted. They'd earned it. I began to think of them as my liberators and by the time we pulled onto Fourth Street I even began to relax and come out of my daze.

"None of these motherfuckers is answering their phones," Ty complained as he stared at his cell. "Where's everyone at?"

"Think there's something goin' on at B&E's," Lee said in his usual deep, to-the-point voice.

The street we were driving down was a narrow residential road in a kind of neighborhood I'd only ever seen on TV before. The cracked and potholed road was lined with cars, some of which looked like they hadn't been driven in years. The houses didn't look like they were in much better condition. Their yards were short and few were mowed; the sidewalks were cracked and in some places littered with junk; and most of the houses looked extremely old and in need of paint. The separation between these cheap houses also gave the feeling of crampness. Only a narrow alley separated neighbor from neighbor. It was a far cry from the suburban neighborhood I lived in.

Before reaching our destination I counted at least three boarded-up houses and one burnt-out house, too. At first blush the entire neighborhood felt dead. Dead and cramped. But then I began to notice the suspicious eyes peering out of cracked windows. I saw the groups of people gathered on their porches. Sometimes men, sometimes women, but these people were always black. More than anything that made me feel like I was an outsider in a foreign land. I hadn't seen another white person since Lee had pulled off of the freeway. I'll admit, that made me nervous.

Lee pulled the Cadillac up in front of a house with the address "1708". It looked like no one was home. Ty turned to me, squeezed my leg, and said, "Welcome to my crib, snow-bunny. This here is one of the unofficial headquarters for us Four-Oh. We gonna head on over to Lee's in a sec, but first I gots to check in on my baby's momma. You just keep your mouth shut and don't say nothing, got it?"

"Yes, sir," I said softly.

I followed him out of the Cadillac and walked with my eyes down toward the front door of the small house. He knocked once, very loudly, then turned to me and grinned. After a pause he knocked twice more and waited. While we did my eyes were drawn over to the neighboring house where they instantly met the disapproving gaze of a fat black woman smoking a cigarette on her porch. She shook her head slightly and I felt my face flush red. I quickly darted my eyes back down to my dress shoes.

Just then the porch light came on. It must have been some kind of "all clear" sign because Ty immediately opened the door. I followed him and Lee inside to a small family room. A skinny black man was standing there, watching us as we entered. He seemed suspicious of me but it was hard to tell since he was wearing dark sunglasses. Once the three of us were inside the skinny man shut the door.

I glanced around the room. There was a TV, a coffee table lined with plastic baggies and white powder, a sofa, and two recliners. All of the furniture looked older than me except for the TV. That, at least, was nice. I also noticed an X-Box video game console, a baby's crib, and a stereo system.

Like the neighborhood it resided in the room felt cramped. Also, it was a total mess. There were children toys everywhere, the stench of cigarette smoke, and the TV was blaring some kind of cartoon. From the bathroom across the room I heard a woman scream, "Charlene that you? Get yo' lazy ass in here!"

"It's me," Ty called back as he stepped over a Fisher Price tricycle. "Charlene ain't here yet?"

"She sure ain't!" the woman said. "You're gonna have to watch Lemel till she is 'cause I'm gonna be late fo' work again. You best tell your sister not to expect any mo' money if she can't start getting that brat over here..."

The woman's angry voice trailed off after she stepped out of the bathroom. She was staring at me. She looked over at Ty, then back at me as though I was some kind of cockroach. At that moment I was extremely glad she was across the room. I felt hatred in her eyes. Unconsciously I stepped closer to Lee as though his width would hide me from this woman.

I knew right away she was the "baby mama" Ty had mentioned. On one hip she was holding a little boy, probably about 2-years-old or so, and with her free hand she was smoking a cigarette. If she hadn't had such an angry expression on her face she would have probably been rather attractive, I thought. She was in her mid-20's, had dark chocolate skin, and a very voluptuous figure. She could probably stand to lose a few pounds but she was anything but fat. In fact, her large breasts and wide hips actually made her gaudy, leopard-skin outfit appear sexy.

"Who this?" she said, staring daggers in my direction.

"Never mind 'who this'," Ty said angrily. He took out his cell phone and made a call. "I'm gonna find out where my fuckin' niece is. I don't gots time to watch Lemel today. Gots things to do."

The woman glared at me for a long moment and then looked back at Ty. "Well I'm goin'," she said. "Someone's got to be makin' some money 'round here."

She started to march forward toward Ty as if she was going to hand their child off to him but stopped the moment he put up his finger. He had his cell pressed against his ear. The room was silent and I stared at my feet. I began to tremble. The woman was close now and I could sense she was about to say something to me. Then the door opened up behind us and when I looked I saw a young girl, about my age, enter the house.

"Sorry Aunt Lacile," the girl said as she rushed into the room, "I got caught up with homework and..."

The girl stopped with her excuses when she saw me. "Who're you?" she said. She was giving me a nasty look and though I wasn't much younger than her I immediately felt intimidated. For a moment the room grew quiet again except for the blaring television. Then it seemed like everyone was talking at once, except for me and Lee, that is.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ty finally screamed. Lacile and Charlene grew quiet and he shoved his cell phone into his pocket, grabbed the toddler from the woman, and then marched over to the girl and shoved him at her. "Now you're here, now you get busy doin' what you get paid for.

"And you," he said turning back to Lacile, "You best get to work, and stop gettin' up all in my bidness!"

The woman, looking furious, marched over to her purse. She grabbed it, threw it over he shoulder, and marched past me and everyone else until she was gone, the door slamming shut behind her.

Ty shook his head. Then he said, "Fuck this. Come on."

"Where ya'll goin'?" the skinny man wearing sunglasses said.

"Over to Lee's, not that it's your fuckin' business," Ty snapped.

"Maurice was here," the man said. "Told me he was lookin' for ya."

"He fuckin' ain't answerin' his phone," Ty fumed. "What'd he say?"

"Said to call his new phone ASAP. Left a number. Here."

Ty grumbled but took the matchbook he was given and stormed off toward the kitchen. Wanting to remain close to at least one of my "liberators" I followed Lee to the sofa. I sat down next to him as he pulled a strange glass pipe off the coffee table and began to pack it with what I thought was tobacco.

"What's her thang?"

Lee shrugged as he lit a lighter over the bowl of the pipe. After inhaling he answered the sunglass-man.
"She from Fat-Man-Dan," Lee said, gesturing in my direction. "Ty thought she was worth a three week extension."

Sunglass-man chuckled then knelt down next to the coffee table. He started scooping up spoon-fulls of white power and dropping them onto an electronic scale. He said, "That's why he's my boy. Always thinkin' with his dick."

Lee shared a grin then exhaled a long puff of smoke. Just then Ty came back into the room.

"They're at B&E's," Ty said. "That's where everyone's at. It's Destiny's fuckin' initiation and you forgot all about it."

His tone was accusatory and he was looking at Lee, but it was the sunglass-wearer who answered him. "Yeah man, you forget? I'm the one who shouldn't be forgettin'. You can still get over there but I has to stay and bag all these nickels and shit. Least all you gotta do is walk down the block."

Ty looked over at him, then back to Lee. He shook his head. "Look, man, fuck that. Not my job to remember that shit. Come on, Lee. If we roll out now we won't be late."

"Ain't starting till 5:30," Lee said after blowing out a long cloud of smoke. It didn't smell like a cigarette. "No need to use my ride."

I was halfway out of my seat but settled back in when I sensed there was about to be an argument.

Ty glared at Lee in the ensuing silence but he was the one to look away after a long pause. He closed his eyes in a way that indicated he'd had this argument with Lee before. He said, "Man, ain't gonna take up an ounce of gas."

"That not the point," Lee said with a hard voice. His eye-lids were half-shut but I saw a passionate fury in them just the same. "Point is, I don't drive my ride 'less I got to and right now I don't got to. Not when we can take a ten minute walk."

Ty started laughing in annoyance. He shook his head in resignation and said, "Motherfucker, motherfucker. You know, if six months ago you'd asked me, 'Ty, think you'll ever live to see a green-fuckin' tree-huggin' nigga in your life?' I'd've laughed till I bled. Yet there you is."

Lee shook his shoulders in a dismissive way. He said, "I'm keepin' my carbon-footprint at a minimum. Nothin' tree-huggin' 'bout that."

The term "carbon-footprint" jogged a memory. I had heard it before in a movie a teacher had made us watch in school. I couldn't quite place it but then I didn't need to. Ty gave me the answer when he said, "You never should've seen that 'Inconvenient Truth' movie. I ever see that Gore motherfucker on the street I'm gonna cap him for both of us."

Despite everything else I couldn't help but smile.

The walk down to the bar called "B&E's" took about ten minutes, just as Lee had predicted. I sort of walked behind the two large black men all the way there, trying not to acknowledge the stares I was getting from random people on the street. I felt safe with Ty and Lee in front of me but I was still incredibly nervous because I felt like such an outsider in this neighborhood. I was really wishing I wasn't wearing my school uniform. It made me feel even more out of place. Not that a white, blond haired child in a neighborhood like that wouldn't be out of place anyway, but the Catholic School-girl look made things worse.

When we reached the bar I noticed that it was on the corner of Fourth Street and O Street. We had to cross O to get there but traffic was light and we didn't even wait for the crossing signal. As I walked quickly behind my two liberators I noticed that across the street from the bar was an abandoned and boarded up gas station where a group of teenage boys were loitering about. I saw one of them nod to Ty, who nodded back, but there was no other communication with the group. As soon as we were across the street we walked through a half-full parking lot and entered a squat, windowless building.

Once inside I was inundated with loud rap music, the sounds of some men cheering, and the thick stench of strange smelling smoke. Almost immediately an older black man with graying hair greeted Ty and Lee. He didn't notice me at first but he had a wide, bright-white smile for my two liberators. He said, "As I live and breathe, Ty and Lee! I knew you niggas would show. Ol' Stern owes me a five-spot."

"Yeah, we had to go take care of some bidness and Lee here forgot it was Destiny's day. How's it going, B?" Ty said as he clasped the older man's hand and gave him a pat on the back the way men so often do when they need to hug each other but still look tough.

"It goes," the man named B said. His eyes finally spotted me standing between and behind the two other black men. His smiling face turned into a look of caution as he said, "Now, what's this you brought with you, Ty?"

"This? Oh, this here's the Four-Oh's new little snow bunny," he grinned. "I needs to talk to Maurice 'bout it. Where he at?"

B stroked his clean shaved chin as if considering how to reply. He said, "You know outsiders ain't allowed at initiations. Maurice okay'd this?"

Ty nodded. "Shit, nigga! 'course he did. I just talked to 'im ten minutes ago. Where he at?"

The old man held up his hands as if to say it was none of his business. He said, "At the bar with the others, I reckon. Destiny's already rolled the dice and she's stripping for the boys. Girls oughta be along any minute for the next phase, 'long with the other stragglers. Shit, wish I could join and watch but someone's gotta be at the door 'till everyone arrives. Maurice told me not to lock up 'til 5:30."

Ty gave Lee an annoyed look. "So we missed the beginning? Shit, told you we shoulda driven. What she roll, B?"

"Don't know," B said. "From the fellas' reaction, something low, I think."

Ty nodded, told B to watch his ass, then nodded to Lee. The squatter, thicker black man lit up a filter-less cigarette and followed as Ty led us through a door to the main bar. I was two steps behind and once through the door the music and sounds of men cheering was even louder.

Along the left side of the room was a long bar where nearly a dozen black men of varying ages were seated, their backs turned to the bar so they could look out into the main room. I immediately saw where their eyes were fixated. In the center of the room a block of four square tables had been pushed together to create a make-shift stage. On this stage an attractive young black woman stood, shaking her body to the music in an amateurish dance. She was half-naked and that made my face flush red and a jolt of forbidden excitement shoot up my spine. Her back was to us but I could tell she was probably in her early twenties. She had a fit, chocolate colored body and her ass was perfectly round and toned. For a moment I thought I'd entered a strip-club, but then I realized that a strip club would probably have a real stage for women to dance on.

The men at the bar were pretty well composed, sipping beers and smoking cigarettes or cigars. By and large they were older and more restrained than the rest of the people in the room. Between them and the stage a younger, more vocal group of black men were cheering the half-naked woman on. When she turned around to show off her ass to them I finally got a look at her face and decided she was definitely in her early 20's. She had thick, full lips painted with lavender lipstick, cat-like brown eyes, and long black hair that didn't look fake. Her breasts had to be d-cups, I figured, but I couldn't tell if they were real or not. She was smiling as she stripped the rest of her clothing off for her audience, pulling down a tight-fitting nylon skirt and kicking it off her bare feet to the cheers of the crowd.

Including me and my liberators there were probably about 30 people in the room. At first their voices filled the room but as Ty led me up to the middle of the bar everyone grew quiet. A bunch of the men took their eyes off of the woman I assumed was Destiny and looked at me instead. I felt my face blush a deeper shade of red.

The man Ty walked up to was a well dressed slender black man wearing round, rimless glasses in front of dark, penetrating eyes. If I'd seen him on the street I would have assumed he was some sort of professor or other kind of intellectual. Unlike most of the men in the room he had good posture, subdued but professional looking clothing, and the sort of poise that came from an inner strength rather than feigned bravado. His head was clean shaved and he appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties. He stood up as soon as the three of us were in front of him.

He shook Ty's hand after nodding to Lee and then locked his eyes on me. I stared down at my shoes, nervous beneath his stare.

"So," he said, his voice surprisingly deep given his size. "This is Daniel's 'collateral' you told me about on the phone. What's her name?"

Ty looked at me. As he struggled to remember my name, if he'd ever even known it, someone turned down the music in the room. Everyone wanted to hear this particular conversation. The room was quiet all of a sudden. It wasn't everyday that a 13-year-old white girl in a Catholic school uniform walked into the bar, apparently.

"Becky," I finally whispered when Ty couldn't answer.

The bald man nodded to me then looked back to Ty. "I send you to collect a debt and you bring back an outsider. A white girl, no less. I'll be honest with you, Ty. I'm seriously questioning your judgment on this one."

Ty's eyes widened and he held his hands up. "Nigga-what? Come'on, Maurice, you're the one just told me to bring 'er here..."

"Because the damage had already been done," Maurice replied. His voice was hard and I saw a terrifying evil in his eyes. It made me shudder and once again I looked down at my feet. "You call me from your house, the girl already with you. You brought her to a place where we cut a quarter of our weekly supply. Your house, Ty, a place I thought you'd be smart enough to keep outsiders away from. And a white girl from the suburbs, no less? Again, I tell you. I'm seriously questioning your judgment."

Silence followed. Someone in the room, someone near the back, said something like, "Stupid nigger got lost is all." Some quiet laughter followed and I saw Ty's eyes narrow. But that was all he did. I could tell he was afraid of Maurice. His sudden change in demeanor proved it.

"Like I said on the cell, this ain't no normal white girl. The vid-man gave her to us. She was his slave, get it?" he said, his voice just shy of sounding desperate. "She even admitted she was his slave! He tells us he don't have the money, take her instead. I tell him he gets another three weeks. Figure we get a little snow-bunny in return, ya know?"

Maurice seemed to consider this for a moment. He turned to Lee and said, "Do you agree with your partner? Is that exactly what happened?"

Lee shrugged. I noticed just then that his half-closed eyes looked bloodshot but that he didn't seem worried at all. He said, "Mo' or less."

Now Maurice looked squarely at me. His gaze chilled me to the bone and I looked away again.

"Becky," he said. He went down on one knee in front of me. He was so tall that he only barely had to look up to gaze into my eyes. "It's important that you tell me now why you were Daniel's slave, if in fact you were. Tell me in great detail. Tell me what he made you do and why you agreed to do it."

The room seemed to catch its breath. So did I. He was talking to me as though I was a little kid and at that moment I felt more like one than perhaps ever before. He was trying to sound kind, but I could still see the dead-eyed look of evil in his eyes behind his round glasses.

He was worried that I'd go to the cops later. He was thinking ahead in a way that Ty hadn't been when he'd "liberated" me earlier. I also knew that neither Ty nor Lee would be able to protect me from him. I knew all this in my gut. My response to his question would determine my fate and I felt my knees begin to shake.

"It's true, I was my master's ... uhm, Daniel's slave," I said in my soft, meek voice. I swallowed and tried to look into his eyes as I continued. "He made me do ... lots of stuff. Like, sex stuff, mostly. Sometimes he made me go out and do ... other things. For punishment, I guess. When I was bad. I, uhm ... is that what you wanted to know?"

Maurice gave me a dead, cold stare. He said, "Why were you his slave, Becky? What did Daniel have on you to force such a pretty child of such obvious means into becoming his sex slave? Was he blackmailing you somehow? Was he paying you with money? Or drugs, perhaps?"

I shook my head and felt my eyes begin to well up with tears. I said, "N-no ... he just ... made me, you know? If I uhm, you know, if I ... disobeyed him he'd ... punish me. When I was bad, like I said."

He nodded as though he understood. He said, "I want you to do two things for me, Becky. First, I want you to stand up straight. Your current posture is unacceptable."

Without a word I straightened my spine and threw my shoulders back the way the nuns at school were always telling us girls to do. My nervousness had made me slouch so the sudden change gave me at least another inch in height.

Maurice nodded at my new position and said, "Now I want you to put your hands behind your back and grasp each wrist. You will not let go unless I give you permission."

I did as I was told. Suddenly a woman behind me yelled out, "What the fuck is this, Moore? Ain't I supposed to finish strippin'?"

I didn't turn to look but I knew it was Destiny's eyes that Maurice's locked onto over my shoulder. The woman was angry that everyone was paying attention to me, my liberators, and Maurice instead of her. I could feel her staring daggers into my back.

"Tell me, my dear," Maurice said to her over my shoulder, "how do you plan on continuing to strip when you're already as naked as the day you were born? Show me that and not only will your initiation be complete but I'll give you the keys to my BMW, too."

There was laughter in the room, but once it passed everyone was silent again, including Destiny. I was still clasping my wrists behind my back, my breath heavy and my eyes locked onto Maurice's face. When his eyes returned to mine he said, "How old are you, Becky?"

"Thirteen, sir," I said.

He smiled. "Thirteen. A teenager, at least. I had feared you might be younger.

"So tell me," he continued with a voice that once again was commanding, "what would you do if I began to unbutton your shirt right now, with all these men watching?"

I gulped and darted my eyes around the smoke filled room. It felt like there were butterflies in my stomach and despite the scariness of the situation, or perhaps because of it, I could feel my pussy begin to moisten. I said, "I'd, uhm ... let you, sir."

"See?" Ty, who had been silent for so long I'd forgotten he was there, said. "She's a fuckin' freaky slut! I hear about white bitches like her all the time. She's ours now, Moore, our li'l slave. Don't go lettin' her age worry you nothing, she'll be--"

"Enough!" Maurice roared. He stood up and looked squarely at Ty. "Her age isn't what concerns me. Her obedience does. Her ability to keep a secret is what matters. She saw your home, Ty. She saw Lee's car. Because of you and your actions she has become a liability for all of us."

"But she's our slave!" Ty said with an urgency in his voice. "She just done told you--"

This time Maurice responded with a fist to Ty's face. The tall, football jersey wearing black man who had so terrified my master went down like a dropped sack of potatoes. I shrieked out loud while others in the room cheered.

"She is no one's slave," Maurice said to Ty, who was barely moving on the ground. "In case you forget, our people suffered slavedom in this land for centuries. The Four Oh crew, my crew, will not enslave another. Slavery is the white-man's evil, not ours. Do you understand?"

A few minutes of silence passed before I finally heard Ty gurgle his agreement through a bloody nose. There were nods of approval from the crowd, too. As for me, I felt a twinge of disappointment that I couldn't ignore. I'd actually been hoping this alpha-male among alpha-males, Maurice, would become my new master. But he didn't want to be my master. I should have been happy but instead I was sad. It was confusing as hell.

"Getting back to you," he said, his voice softening as he once again took a knee, "You would let me unbutton your shirt? You would not resist in any way?"

Trying to keep my trembling chin under control I eventually said, "Y-y-yes, s-s-ir..."

He reached over to me and I closed my eyes as he unbuttoned the top button of my shirt. My pussy shuddered in delight even as my face burned red. I knew that every man in the room was hoping that Maurice was going to strip me naked. I knew that I was hoping the same thing, too. When his hands trailed down to the next button I bit my lower lip in anticipation but then he paused. Without unclasping the button he said, "You really are this submissive, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," I said. My girly voice had become breathy and a little wanton, I realized. I didn't care.

He sighed in response and then pulled his hands back. He wasn't going to undo the next button after all.

He gripped Ty by the wrist in a show of friendship and helped my liberator to his feet. Although blood trickled down his nose he seemed to ignore it. He nodded to Maurice in respect and then, like everyone else in the room, he looked back at me. Maurice did the same and said, "Have you ever heard the story of the Fox and Hen?"

I shook my head slowly and focused my eyes back to my feet. It was impossible for anyone to know how worked up I'd become but I was embarrassed about it anyway. I kept my hands clasped together behind my back with every ounce of strength I had, clutching each tiny wrist with each tiny hand as though to let go would mean I'd lose my life.

"Hen, you see, was always terrified whenever she was in the presence of the fox," Maurice continued. "She'd think to herself, 'I am so weak and inconsequential that Fox could kill me in an instant. I better do whatever he says.'

Maurice paused and I looked up and saw him adjust his rimless glasses. He smiled before continuing, "You see, no one had ever told Hen what she was. They were afraid to. And Hen, you see, had a disease common to her type: she became blind whenever she looked in a mirror. Because of that, she'd never actually seen what she was. All she knew was that her name was Hen. And she knew that hens were small and weak. So she thought she must also be small and weak, given her name. Foxes were big and strong so she had to obey them in order to stay alive.

"For years she suffered the abuses of Fox and all the others, always doing whatever they told her and never thinking to fight back. Then one day Hen met an injured crow along the road. When she walked over to it to see if she could help, the crow became terrified.

"'Leave me be, leave me be!' the crow cried. 'I'm just a poor injured crow, don't hurt me!'

"'Why would I hurt you?' Hen asked. She was genuinely confused by the crow's pleading.

"The crow stared at her in confusion. Finally he said, 'You're so ... mighty. I just thought you'd be unable to restrain yourself. If you'd really rather be my friend than eat me up, I'll gladly accept your help. Only tell me your name first. Mine, of course, should be obvious. My name is Crow.'

"Hen smiled now. She liked making a new friend, and she really thought she could help Crow with his injury. She trotted over to him, knelt next to him, and said, 'My name, my good friend, is Hen.'

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Suburban Love Part 2

“I really wanted to see her tits,” my artist wife had blurted out about naked pictures she had taken of our buxom redhead neighbor Karen. Jewel felt a little ashamed, and probably wouldn’t have told me except for the wine. She was gathering images to process and compose for one of her unusual portraits of our new friend.I love my wife and don’t think of other women that way, at least when my neocortex is in charge. But my horny reptilian brain woke up when it heard Jewel say that. It turned out...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Suburban Love Part 1

Jewel asked me if I found Karen sexy. Considering what my wife does to me and what she lets me do to her on a regular basis, I don’t think of other women that way. But there are many ways to be sexy, and Karen definitely nailed at least one of them, so I just told the truth: yes.“I can see that,” Jewel said noncommittally, and that seemed to be the end of it.My wife and I initially weren’t happy to leave our tiny apartment in the city for a cookie-cutter house in the suburbs. The job situation...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Suburban Fantasy

I feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...

4 years ago
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Suburban Storm

 George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks ‘built for squeezing and spanking’ thought George...

1 year ago
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Suburban Sin V20

Here is an updated and improved version of my latest story. Hope you enjoy!Rose absentmindedly untied the knot in her headscarf. She'd been in the kitchen all day preparing for this dinner, and whats the betting she wouldn't get any thanks for it whatsoever. She never did. David wasn't a bad husband, not at all. He was hard-working, intelligent, caring and a great provider but she sometimes felt she needed more. She had a career once, albeit just in the typing pool of an accountant's, but...

3 years ago
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Suburban Sin

Rose absentmindedly untied the knot in her headscarf. She'd been in the kitchen all day preparing for this dinner, and whats the betting she wouldn't get any thanks for it whatsoever. She never did. David wasn't a bad husband, not at all. He was hard-working, intelligent, caring and a great provider but she sometimes felt she needed more. She had a career once, albeit just in the typing pool of an accountant's, but still, she felt part of something then, a cog in a giant wheel. Now it was more...

4 years ago
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Suburban Fantasy

I feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Suburban Governess

MISS SPARGROVEMiss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito’s reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming. After all, she didn’t want to wake the baby.As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn’s ass, she wondered what Ross was doing. Miss Spargrove had had him in his adult-sized high chair, built on the same lines as Amelia’s little one, sucking frozen...

1 year ago
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Suburban Storm

 George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks 'built for squeezing and spanking' thought George...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Suburban Joe Fucksticks Revenge

Natalie pushed a stroller around the block every morning. She lived in the condo three places down the street in our complex and I knew her husband from work. We had similar friends at work and ended up kind of being friendly, but I wouldn't say that we're close friends. It was just that we had known each other for years now and I can easily say he's an incredibly boring guy and incredibly arrogant blowhard. I didn't really care that much until one of us was promoted and one of us got...

4 years ago
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Suburban Secrets

Copyright 2001 by Traci The voice on the other end of the line wasn't exactly in tears, but Carol Ferndon could hear the exasperation in her daughter's voice. She knew, also, that three other teenage girls were with her daughter, so she wasn't alone, otherwise she may very well have been crying. "Heather," Carol said calmly, "what do you mean you never got picked up?" She glanced at her watch. The carpool mom for that day should have been there 45 minutes ago, picked up the girls,...

3 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 2 Paying the Price

They weren't the only things hardening, either. Again with just a hint of rotten egg in the air, Liira was saying something indistinct, sotto voice. Within seconds, I was sporting a raging boner; wielding the knife like a seasoned professional, Liira sliced my clothes away with a few broad cuts, leaving my mother's eyes beholding her naked, erect son. "Last night," she purred, circling me "you had the pleasure of taking a body that welcomed your maleness. But now, in the light of day,...

4 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 3 Third Times the Charm

Having taken solace in my bedroom, I flung myself on my bed. As I did so, something seemed not quite right; I remembered the pile of books I had concealed beneath the duvet, and after flinging back the covers I discovered a fine patina of ash where they had once been. Evidently Liira had taken steps towards preventing me from trying anything with whatever information I had acquired that might have proven useful against her. Great. Rolling over, I stared up at the ceiling, reflecting on the...

2 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 4 Damnation for Fun and Profit

With my heart pumping as I all but drooled over the barely clothed form of my mother, I scrambled to work how best to respond to Liira's challenge. Obviously, she was going for the I'm-such-a-naughty-girl schtick, one of the stand-bys of the gigabytes of porn cached in zipped, password-protected files on my lap-top. If Liira saw no need to be inventive, neither did I; I wobbled off the bed and stood up, trying to look suitably stern. Of course, stripped naked and with my junk heaving up and...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 5 Out of the Frying Pan

In accordance with the agreement I'd struck with Liira, tonight would be "date night." In part we were doing it to re-kindle the bond between my mother and I as we'd drifted apart, but part of it was to suit my growing interest in my mother's sexuality. Ordinarily, I would have simply done a casserole or some spaghetti, but I wanted tonight to be special. I messed around in my room for a while after I heard my mother leave for work, waiting until I was sure had gone and not forgotten...

2 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 6 Moonlighting

I awoke to a blazing light, expecting to find the room lit by the dawn. Instead, the moon hung high in the night sky outside; the storm had passed, and the full moon's light was enough to see clearly by. I watched my mother sleeping beside me, our bodies wound together sinuously after our passionate bout of lovemaking. Marvelling at her alabaster skin in the moon's pale radiance, I leaned back and pulled the covers away so that I could drink in the sight of my mother's breasts, rising and...

4 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 7 In the cold light of day

The next time I awoke, it was morning. Birds chirped their dawn greetings to all and sundry, raising an impressive racket for their smile size. I blearily opened my eyes, rubbed the sleep from them, and regarded my bedmate, acutely aware of my morning wood jamming into my mother's side. She was wearing a small, satisfied smile after my night of excess with both her and Liira, and had evidently been awake for some time before me. Now that she was awake, she threw back the covers, a...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 8 The Home Run

Gnawing on one knuckle, I nervously relived what was otherwise a great day. My mother had used the excuse of a purposely-forgotten handbag to lure me downtown to her offices, where she'd successfully sprung a dynamite sexual ambush on me, combining the twin taboos of incest with the threat of discovery by her work colleagues. It would have been fantastic, except that my mother's secretary had clearly overhead us in the throes of passion, mocking me with her discovery as I left. Although she...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 9 An end Or a beginning

My mother and I were again curled up in bed, taking shelter from the winter storm that raged outside our bedroom. Our new bed was an ensemble, made of hefty hardwood and fitted together with expert joinery and not a few long metal screws for good measure. It had weighed a ton and cost a fortune, but it promised stability and came with a decades-long warranty, soothing our incredulity at the asking price. Still, I thought, snuggling against my mother's lithe, naked body and rubbing at her...

4 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 2

I awoke the next morning with the dawn. I was still naked, my hair was still pulled back tight, and I stretched away my lingering dreams in the middle of the big family room. Outside the first rays of day were beginning to settle and I realized I was famished. I stood up from the sofa and began pulling on my PJ's, not bothering with the underwear. When I noticed the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table I shrugged and thought, What the heck? I lit one after a long yawn and then padded...

1 year ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 3

I started fucking the dogs on an almost nightly basis. Or rather, I started getting fucked by the dogs on an almost nightly basis. I was never really in control, you see. Night would come and the house would settle and I would lay awake in bed imagining that I could hear them howling for me. The thought that they were demanding me to sneak out to serve them would get me so wet that I would toss and turn for hours, unable to sleep from wanton horniness. Sometimes exhaustion would eventually...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 4

Looking back now, I can remember only one conscience attempt to defy my new master. I know it sounds strange. I mean, I'd just been raped. My pussy was sore and full of his cum, my body and mind had both been put through the ringer by a man old enough to be my dad, and for nearly an hour and a half I'd been his captive. He'd let me go and suddenly I was free, but my reaction to such freedom was definitely not normal. Most girls would have felt relieved beyond imagining. Most girls would...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 5

As it turns out I only ended up being my master's slave for about three weeks. They were a hectic, life altering three weeks, though. Every hour of every day was so packed full of new duties and responsibilities that I had absolutely no time for myself anymore. I mean, before having a master I'd had my chores, my church, and my studying. Those obligations alone had taken up a ton of my time. But with the additional burden of having to please a warped and demanding master my life had...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 6

The last time I was fucked by my master as his slave occurred on the Wednesday that followed the lesson he gave me at my church. As usual he wanted to fuck me as soon as I arrived at his house after school that day. And as usual I was more than ready for it. During class I had masturbated in the bathroom not once, not twice, but six times. Once an hour, as per my master's newest rule. I wasn't allowed to climax when I did this, but I did have to finger myself until I at least got wet. I'd...

1 year ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 8

The day after the gang initiation I stayed home from school. Physically I was just too sore to consider going so I told my dad that I was sick. I was so emotionally drained by the previous day's events that when I asked I sounded as meek and miserable as I felt. My dad called me in without any objection. On Friday I felt better. Physically, the wounds I sustained during the court-in on Wednesday had been mostly superficial and were already healed. The soreness from fucking all those gang...

2 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 10

Having learned that their 13-year-old daughter had run away to a dangerous area of a major urban city to consort with gang members, most parents would have been relieved, if concerned, for her well-being upon her return. And while I'm sure that most parents would punish such a child in some way, they would also get her to a psychiatrist, maybe even into a mental hospital, to treat what was obviously disturbing behavior. My dad wasn't one of those parents and I knew it. That's why I was so...

4 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 11

It should go without saying that my new frame of mind had a profound impact on the way I behaved at my new school. I learned quickly that by accepting that I was a slut and a whore, the last measure of control over my perverted desires was stripped away. Life in public school was going to be a lot different than life in a private Catholic school as a result. The day after returning from the ice-fishing trip with my family I started classes at Rutherford B. Hayes Middle School. It was located...

1 year ago
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Suburban Submission Tv shows Edition

Your name is Jack Pine. You've always been a smooth guy who got what he wanted. Sadly for a lot of your friends and coworkers that included their wives and daughters. So after being basically ran out of town you find you self in a new neighborhood. But this is your chance for a fresh start, new neighborhood, new environment, and new milfs and young woman to seduce. As you finish unpacking you notice the family next door and goes to introduce yourself. The neighborhood you move to will help...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 5

 “Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out.  I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do.  Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car.  I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...

2 years ago
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Watching Daddy Shower and getting wet

Every girl has a dark secret and in my case, it was sexual, as is normal but the dark part was, it was with someone close to home, and nobody comes closer to a girl than her father, especially if she was the instigator, as was the case with me.Being the only c***d I was spoilt and preened over. Celebrating my twelfth birthday as my coming of age, I was treated to a day out, a nice meal, and two glasses of bubbly, what harm can two glasses of bubbly do to a young girl, after all, French c***dren...

3 years ago
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Castaway ExplorerChapter 4

Dr. Celeste Cina breezed through the entrance of her office, letting her medical jacket slide off her shoulder. She hung it up next to the door. Her ink-black hair bounced against her jaw as she sat in her chair. I moved and sat in her patients' chair. Her striking eyes pierced me, silently asking why I was here without an appointment. "Doctor..." "Please call me Celeste when in privacy of the counseling office." Dr. Cina's bright smile followed her announcement. The ceiling lights...

3 years ago
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My first time sucking cock1

Now before I go on my name is tony I have been interested in men for now years ever since I was little I would think of a guy. Now back to my story, I made a post and was so excited I waited for my email to show I had a new message. I didn't just go for the first guy I got a message from but I opened my book, lol. Well here I am and it is around 1am and David emails me, 58 male shaved head goatee nipples pierced. Omg I fell in love the first time I read it. We had our talks and message back...

1 year ago
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Advice for Voyeurs A Public Sex Story

Last weekend, my BF and I set out to have sex in a local park. We go there often and know where the good spots are if we want to get caught. We went to a spot where we knew we had a good chance of being seen, yet it isn’t out in the open enough to really get in trouble. We parked and went to the edge of the woods about 50 yards from the parking area. We stood there and made out and started taking off each other’s clothes. This spot seems to attract people who want to catch someone because any...

2 years ago
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The Beginning and the End

This is less of a story, and more of a remembrance of something past. If you are going to pan it, do so for writing style and not content. This one is more for me than the audience. Thank you. I remember the first time we made love. We had discussed it, and mulled over if we were ready, and when we finally looked at each other and saw the spark in the other’s eyes, we knew it was time. Buying condoms was an interesting little task, since we were both a bit shy, but we knew it was worth it. We...

3 years ago
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My Younger Brothers Friend Part 4 Artie 2

Introduction: Me & Artie get some alone time After Artie and I dropped off Phil at his house, I asked him if he wanted to hang out still. He obviously answered yes, so I figured why not head back to my place. It was only 2 oclock and we had the house to ourselves for at least another three hours. When we got back I was feeling adventurous, so I went in my parents liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of vodka. Want to take some shots? I asked Hell yeah, weve been trying to drink together...

1 year ago
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Naked Desire

Hi Readers! I am Ravi back with another experience. It happened in intermediate when I used to rush to different tuitions for different subjects. So it was a coincident only that happened with Saima, wife of chemistry lecturer. Saima must have been 24 years at that time. Leave that, let me narrate the real thing. The Lecturer used to conduct weekend tests for self improvement. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend a test on Sunday and requested Mr. N.Swamy that I would appear for the test on Monday...

2 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 11

We were up, fed, and on our way early the next morning. Catla gave the directions and after crossing the river we broke out into a trot. The wolves had been full of themselves early on, but the trot got them down to business. They could keep up, but it didn't leave them time to play. Catla hadn't been expecting to trot either, but she held up well enough. The main difference it made was putting us near her camp just after noon. We both looked it over with the binoculars before we came...

3 years ago
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First Experience With Neighbour

Hi friends, my name is don and I am a mechanical engineering student of a reputed college of rajasthan. I live in jamnagar if you like my story or you need to communicate me or any aunty of bhabhi has desire of sex can send me e-mail at Ye meri sachi story hai. Us waqt meri umar 21 years thi or maine us waqt tak kisi ke saath sex nahi kiya tha sirf ek do girlfriend ko kiss hi kiya tha. Mai apne bare mai bata du meri hight 5ft.10inch hai aur mera lund 8″ bada or 2.5″ mota hai. Me ek hatta katta...

1 year ago
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Lake Estate1

Hope you enjoy! –RogueRambler Ok, let me start by telling you a bit about myself, which might help you understand how I turned-out the way I am. My father was a very rich and very powerful man. When I was a kid I never actually knew exactly what it was he did, but I did know that his job kept him away from home more than he was there. My mother died after battling cancer for almost two years, when I was still quite young. After Mom was gone, It seemed as though Dad was home...

4 years ago
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The Hot Neighbor

Sandra stood on her driveway, trying not to stare at her neighbor, but to no avail. She loved how his body moved, the tan muscle of his sleek arms and chest drove her crazy. Kevin was cleaning out his garage, and she was able to watch his amazing movements furtively enough, or so Sandra thought. “Well lookie who it is, how long have you been standing there, staring at me?” Kevin sauntered over to her (that walk though, oh my lord that man could walk, she thought,) then took her hand and kissed...

1 year ago
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Gina Makes Her Debut

Gina Makes Her Debut By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 It was right after the end of Gene and Julie's junior year at college that my little brother's (sister's) fianc?e approached me with a unique request. It seems that every year, the club where her parents are members sponsors a gala ball where the daughters of the members and other sponsored guests make their formal debut to society. The original intent of this presentation was to signify that these young ladies were now actively ...

3 years ago
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Christian Cunt

She was on her laptop when she heard the keys jingle from the other side of the door. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes locked onto the doorknob as it twisted. Immediately, she closed her computer and raced towards the door. She checked her hair and makeup frantically in the mirror before dropping down to her knees.  The door swung open and she kept her eyes locked onto the carpet in front of her folded knees, but the butterflies were already stirring in the pit of her stomach. She...

2 years ago
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Student Body

The sun was barely out at eight am, when the first bell rang and students rushed to their first class of the day. The students at Sunset Valley High were tired and sick of school. Even the teachers were ready for the summer vacation to begin. But there were only two more weeks left, so they would have to endure it. John Johnson snapped the shades of the window shut, as he heard his students shuffling into his classroom. He turned around and smiled at all the tired faces as he slipped behind his...

4 years ago
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Animal ThreesomeChapter 2

"Welcome home, Denny," Loretta Day greeted the handsome dark-haired man. "When do I get to meet the lovely innocent you brought with you." "Soon enough, baby. Soon enough," he answered. Loretta was naked and lying on her huge round bed, her long white thighs spread wide in a wanton inviting pose, and her dog Buck looking longingly at her from the floor beside the bed. "Isn't Buck enough company for you these days, darling," he said to her, smiling wryly. "What naughty thoughts...

3 years ago
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My Freaky Girlfriend

Recently, I met the freakiest chick I've ever met. This chick has the greatest body and what an ass. It's perfectly round and she wears those short shorts and you can see her pussy right through them. The girl is freaky and she loves to have anal sex. In fact, we had anal sex long before I ever fucked her pussy. She loves to get all nasty and even enjoys when I dominate her. I must be the luckiest dude out there. I have to tell you she dresses in the tightest clothes you've ever seen and she...

3 years ago
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Behan Ko Patni Banaya

Hello dosto, ye kahani mere ek pathak ne bheji hai jisska agla bhag jald hi padhne ko milega. Pathak ka kehna hai ki kahani sachi hai aur vo aaj bhi apni behan ko patni ke roop mein le kar zindagi vayteet kar raha hai. Kissi ko koi comments likhne hon to please likhna meri email id hai Main Gopi, umar 23 saal kad 5 feet 9 inch, rang sanwla, ek photographer hoon. Mere pitaji Gauri Shankar ka dehant aaj se 3 saal pehle ho gaya tha. Ghar mein maa Kamini aur behan Neerja. Maa ki umar 40 saal ki...

3 years ago
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Sukriti My Gateway To Wild Sex 8211 Part I

I am Sam, 30’s something, an average built, muscular at places that needed it; though a little on the healthier side, I am 5.8” and my junior is 6.5” with a big circumference of 2”. This is a true narrative between my friend Sukriti and me as we made a deep passionate love one night. Sukriti a woman of 34B-26-34 was fair, 5.4ft, long shoulder length hair, almond eyes and rose lips. She in her mid 30’s was a family friend and also my client. Technically it would not be wrong to say that I was...

4 years ago
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Into the AbyssChapter 10

Despite the news about Lucy and Megan, I still had reason to be happy. Tonight I was going to take Jan out for dinner. It was a real date and I wanted to impress her, so I got reservations at the newest and most popular restaurant in the Bay Area. It was a Saturday, so I wouldn't get to see Jan at work. I planned to call her this afternoon and tell her when to expect me. One thing that concerned me was the fact that Jan hadn't had sex in at least 10 years. When the time came to make love to her...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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My First DP

My First DP My day began early. I knew what was going to happen that evening and was VERY excited for it. I had been thinking about what I was going to do all week and there wasnt a day that my panties werent wet from it. Just thinking about it made me cream my pants. I got out of bed and went to cook breakfast. My lover was still asleep. I made a full meal: eggs, hash browns, sausage, bacon, pancakes, and waffles. My lover woke to the smell of them and immediately came into the kitchen. Wow!...

2 years ago
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Passionate Sex With Stranger

Hello Friends, My Name is Amit, 31yrs, married guy from Mumbai. I would like to share my real life incident that happened to me recently where I fucked a stranger to both our satisfaction. I am a fair and good looking guy who has always enjoyed the female attention. Also, me, by nature, being a private person helps as women friends always share their secrets and fantasies with me and I ensure that I keep all of this a secret. The story is about (Asha), slim, fair, in excellent shape, good...

3 years ago
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Sinister Bend

Copyright© 2002 by Carlos Malenkov This is a story of how two people lost their virginity. And how this plunged the nation into the gravest crisis in its history. Morris: 1955 the year was. It was late August and the Yankees looked like a sure bet to regain the pennant. The 283 Chevy V8 ruled the streets. Rock and roll music was starting to rule the airwaves. I had just turned 18 and was still a virgin, not that I lost much sleep over it. My parents were in the habit of spending...

1 year ago
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Uncle Mikes Slutty Niece

I remember my first fuck like it was yesterday. It was actually 12 years ago. I was 15 years old at the time and a sophomore in high school. I have an older brother, but he was attending university in a town a couple of hours away. My parents had recently got the bad news that one of their old college friends had died. Since the funeral was in Ontario they were going to be gone for a few days. I tried to convince them that I was old enough to take care of myself while they were gone, but they...

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