Suburban GirlChapter 12 free porn video

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Two days later Daniel's prediction proved true. He had 33 orders already for more videos of me and it was time to start recording the hard-core scenes.

Jason was my first on-screen partner. As a precaution Daniel told him to wear a ski-mask to hide his identity, an idea my brother didn't much care for. He asked why he had to hide his identity if I didn't have to and Daniel explained, "Your sister's face is what, ahh, sells her as being a young girl. Her breasts are too big for a true child and her body is, ahh, nearly too developed for some of my customers. But her face, ahh, that still has a childish glow to it. You, on the other hand, your face isn't necessary. It'd be foolish to unnecessarily risk exposing it to the audience."

Grumbling at first, Jason agreed to wear the mask, and with my other two brothers and father watching on Daniel recorded us while we fucked on my bed. It was strange having sex under the hot lights Daniel had set up and the constant interruptions kept almost killing the mood, too. Daniel would stop us to adjust where I put my hands or how Jason had my legs splayed. Sometimes he'd just tell Jason to freeze so he could get a good close up of his cock buried in my pussy and that could be agonizing. It reminded me of the time I'd been tied up to the downstairs toilet: I'd get close to cumming and then I was suddenly interrupted. In the end I sort of had to fake my orgasm for the camera because Jason was getting ready to explode.

Daniel had instructed him not to cum inside me. While I squeaked and groaned in feigned orgasmic delight he pulled out of me and I quickly scrambled up to my knees to lick him to climax so the camera could record a "money shot" of his cock exploding across my face. After it did I waved with a fake smile on my face and reminded the audience of my name, "Desp", and invited them to "see me again sometime".

As soon as Daniel announced the scene had been perfect, and he turned off the camera, my father got onto the bed with me. With my brother's cum still coating my face he roughly fucked my juiced-up cunt. It didn't take me long to finally have a real orgasm. Hearing Daniel joke with my brothers about how desperate I looked to climax only made it easier for me to do so. After only a few minutes my dad came inside me and his hot sperm made me shudder again from head to toe.

The rest of that day was spent servicing the men in my life-- Daniel, my dad, and my brothers-- however they wanted. A few days after that Daniel presented my father with an envelope stuffed full with cash. I had no idea at the time how much was in it, but I knew it had to be a lot because he gave each of my brothers $300 from it and even gave me a share, too.

"A proper whore should get paid for her work," he told me as he folded the three bills into my palm. Though I was glad to receive the money I knew he was only giving it to me to further shame me for what I had become.

The last marking period of the school year was nearing and my grades weren't exactly stellar, but they were passing at least. At home I was making about one movie a week with Daniel and my family, some hard-core and some surprisingly gentle. Daniel spoke constantly about how well the movies were selling and he backed up his claims with regular payments to my father. Each envelope appeared to be thicker than the last but my dad always gave me the same amount from them: $300. For some reason I couldn't spend any of the money, though. There were things I would have loved to buy, of course, but each time I considered using the cash on myself the thought made me sick. I was a total whore, and I knew it, but somehow spending my whore-earned dollars made it all too real. So instead of using the money I stuffed it into a rusted-out lamp-pole on my suburban street. It wasn't a particularly safe place to keep the cash but I barely cared.

On the first day of the last marking period of the school year I joined Jessie Tordin and his friends in the cafeteria, much to Daisy's annoyance. Daisy hated the dark-haired and rumpled boy and his group of friends but they'd sort of become my regular clique to hang out with at lunch. None of Daisy's middle-school friends shared our lunch period, after all, and of course her boyfriend Craig and his friends attended the high school across the street.

What really annoyed Daisy about sitting with Jessie and his group at lunch was that they all thought she was like me. They constantly hit on her and copped feels without permission, thinking she shouldn't care since I obviously didn't.

"Stop it, I'm trying to eat!" she shrieked when Dale, Jessie's side-kick, reached out and grabbed one of her breasts.

I laughed and so did everyone else at the table. Jennifer, the only other girl in our lunch group, had a hand down my shorts and all the boys were aware of this. The fact that Daisy would get annoyed by a simple groping of her tits was amusing by comparison.

Jennifer was a slightly overweight blond 7th grader who had idolized me for weeks. An ex-girlfriend of Jessie's, she viewed my total sluttiness as something to aspire toward. I didn't dissuade her from that course but I didn't exactly encourage it, either. She seemed to enjoy touching me in public, though, and had grown more and more bold over the last few days.

"Check out the new girl!" she giggled as her hand finally made my naked pussy turn moist.

At first I thought she was talking about me. I'd been attending Hayes for months, but a lot of people still referred to me as "the new girl". But then I noticed everyone at our table looking across the cafeteria and I followed their stares. Across the room, sitting by herself, was a very pretty 8th grader being harassed by The Stack. The girl looked like she was about to cry and The Stack looked like she was aiming for a fight.

"Yeah, she's in my first hour," Desmond, another of the boys sitting at my table, said. He sounded bored. "She's a stuck-up bitch."

"Then she deserves it," Jennifer purred. Whispering into my ear she added, "You like this?"

I did. The feeling of the younger girl's hand on my cunt was amazing. But I was preoccupied by this new girl and the terrified look about her in the wake of The Stack's presence. There was something about her that seemed familiar, like I knew her from somewhere...

"Careful!" I groaned. Jennifer's eager hand had pressed between the folds of my sex a bit too hard.

"Sorry," she snickered.

I kept my eyes on The Stack as the 7th grader inexpertly fingered my twat. Everybody at the table had their eyes on me and Jennifer again but mine were fixed on the poor, terrified looking girl facing The Stack's wrath across the cafeteria. How did I know her?

"Oh!" I groaned, a sound of pleasure and realization. Jennifer, the 7th grader, had just plunged a finger inside my hole just as I realized who the tormented girl was. I immediately gripped the 12-year-old's arm and pulled her away from me. I stood up from my seat at the table and, since I had never stopped anyone from doing anything to me before, this confused my friends.

"Where're you going?" I heard Jessie say. Jennifer and Daisy also raised their voices in alarm as I strode across the lunchroom in the direction of The Stack and her would-be victim.

Brandi "The Stack" Lemming got her nickname from the size of her tits. They were massive, as was the rest of her body. Nearly six feet tall, the large girl hardly belonged in the 8th grade. It would make more sense for her to be in a prison cell somewhere, actually. Mean and tough, the dykish brunette loved to bully. She'd tried to bully me in the past but I was no fun for her. When she accused me of being a slut I just said, "So?". When she accused me of fucking half the boys in our grade I replied by saying the number was probably closer to two-thirds. Since nothing she ever said to me got me upset, and since I never let her see me sweat, she'd long since stopped bothering me.

The girl she was picking on right now, though, was on the verge of tears. She looked miserable and scared. Part of me wanted to enjoy her predicament since, in a past life, she'd made things miserable for me. But I felt a strange sense of loyalty to her. After all, we were both former students of St. Mary the Immaculate.

"BITCH!" The Stack yelled at the girl, throwing her tray of food off the table. "I asked you a fucking question!"

"Back off, Brandi," I told the giant-sized 8th grader.

She looked at me, as did her victim. Both of them look confused. Brandi said, "This don't concern you, Becky..."

"Jody's my friend," I informed The Stack. "So yeah, it does."

The dykish bitch laughed without humor. Behind me my friends were standing, I knew, ready to back me up if the giant bitch turned violent. Realizing their presence, The Stack muttered something unintelligible and stormed off.

"Thanks," Jody whispered. I invited her back to my table and she readily agreed. I gave her the rest of my lunch and she ate it.

After school my former nemesis cried in my arms. "It's awful!" she moaned. "This place is so awful! How do you deal with it, how?"

I stroked her hair and hushed her in a gentle tone of voice. We were sitting beneath the bleachers on the school's soccer field. I said, "It's not that bad. You'll get used to it..."

"Used to it?" she groaned. "How? Everyone is so mean and dumb and nasty!"

She went on to tell me that she'd been kicked out of St. Mary the Immaculate's because she'd been caught cheating on a Biology test. She insisted that she'd only been caught because sweet, demure Melissa, our former mutual friend, had told on her. Though I comforted the former high-and-mighty girl who had made my life hell at our former Catholic school, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride that Melissa, who had always been kind to me, had been the cause of Jody's fall from grace.

"They're letting me finish the semester here," Jody whimpered. "My parents promise they'll find me a decent school next year but I don't think I'll make it. All these jerks, these morons! I mean, anybody can go to public school. Anybody! They let anybody in, like that, that ... troll, Brandi! Did you see what she did with my lunch in the cafeteria? This place is like a third-world country, Beck. I just can't take it..."

She was oblivious to the fact that she was insulting me. I was, by her own words, one of those "anybodies" who could get into public school. But I didn't feel insulted. Instead, I felt powerful. She'd been mean to me back at St. Mary's but now our roles were totally reversed. Here at Hayes I was the one with the friends, the one who wasn't socially awkward. Here at Hayes she was the fish out of water, the one who didn't fit in, the one who had no friends. The realization made me feel strong.

Her breasts were still smaller than mine but they had grown since I'd last seen her. They'd grown well, in fact, and they looked delicious. As she moaned and sobbed about how horrible public school was I found myself staring at them. Out of nowhere a wicked idea entered my head and, while she continued her rant, I gripped her right tit in my hand. At first it was as though she didn't notice. When she did she finally shut up and I felt her body stiffen.

I said, "I'll help you get through the marking period..."

She didn't resist at first, but then she did, pulling away and gasping from my touch. "What!?" she cried.

I lost any sense of sympathy for her at that point. She'd made my life hell at St. Mary's just because her handsome brothers had been turned on by the sight of me in a bathing suit. Just because I'd developed faster than she had. If Melissa had been strong enough to get her kicked out of St. Mary's then I was definitely strong enough to show the bitch her place at Hayes.

I pushed her down into the dirt beneath the bleachers. She struggled against my hold but seemed more shocked than resistant. Even though I was small I was strong enough to control her in her current state. Jody had absolutely no idea what was going on, as was evidenced by the look of shock on her face.

Pushing my hand against her shorts I said, "You want this, you stupid cunt!"

My words echoed those of my father and my former master before him, but I didn't care. I don't know what came over me except that I felt this huge surge of power and it felt really, really good ... especially after she groaned against my touch. I pulled her shirt up her body and began to nibble her left tit with abandon. She had large, dark nipples that grew hard seconds after I began to eat them. For a while she made a pretense of resisting me but then she just allowed her virgin body to relax at my forceful touch. She was simply too terrified and disoriented to put up a real fight.

For the first time in my life I knew what it was to completely dominate someone, to take advantage of someone, and it felt good. I felt high and giddy as I played with her body and she did nothing to stop me. She was no longer resisting in any meaningful way when I unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her long, pubescent legs along with her underwear. I buried my fingers in her pussy after that, and was pleased when I felt her grow damp from my expert touch. I continued to nibble her tits while she simply whimpered in the dirt, confused and scared by my actions.

All this made me so aroused that I suddenly stood up. After pulling down my shorts I squatted over her pretty face and demanded, "Eat me."

She panted as I ground my young cunt into her face. When I let her breathe she said, "I don't ... please, stop, I don't know how!"

I leaned forward and dug my hands into the dirt at her sides. Nestling my pussy into her face, I bent over and sniffed her young cunt then bit her clit. She screamed.

"Figure it out," I whispered before returning to her fuzzy vaHolly.

She did. Within moments my former enemy was eating out my twat with an eagerness generated by fear, a sensation I was all too familiar with. Meanwhile I made sure to keep her on the brink of orgasm without quite letting her get there. Her beautiful young body kept gyrating beneath my own for nearly twenty minutes before I felt too sorry to not give her the climax I knew she now craved. I thrust my tongue deep inside her delicious tasting hole and rubbed my forefinger against her clit. She came and I reveled at the taste of her orgasm, even as her own inexpert tongue worked its way across my slit.

After that I came, too. My orgasm was more the result of my actions than hers, though. In the dark recesses of my brain I knew I was practically raping her and that turned me on more than anything I'd experienced in a while. Another entry for my Book of Sins, I thought.

When we were both done cumming I laid down next to her. I gripped her body, holding her small breasts and sculpting my body against hers. She no longer seemed to care that we were laying literally on dirt, or that our naked bodies were out in the open. Jody just sighed as I massaged her breasts beneath the bleachers, loving the feeling of her soft round ass against my naked and wet crotch.

Jody's transformation after that was amazing. Her behavior reminded me of the stories you hear about new convicts in prison shacking up with someone strong to protect them. She basically became my bitch, doing whatever I wanted her to do in order to remain safe from other students like The Stack. On her second day with me she squealed in horror when Jessie started groping her at my locker. When I told her she'd better get used to it she relented. An hour later I showed her how to give her first blow-job in the maintenance closet. When she hesitated at the sight of the greasy boy's cock I twisted her hair until she screamed in pain. Jessie just laughed as he thrust his prick inside my former nemeses' mouth.

Two days after that, on a Friday afternoon, she joined me at my house. When we got to my bedroom she said, "Where's your door?"

I giggled. "I don't have one," I told the confused girl. Growing serious I said, "Strip."

She did. My former enemy, the girl who had made my life a living Hell on Earth at St. Mary's, took off all her clothes without question. Once she was fully naked she closed her eyes but I told her to open them, and she did. She tried to cross her slender arms over her barely-existent boobs but I told her not to, and she followed my orders.

"Do you want to make out?" I asked her.

She looked horribly embarrassed at first and when she answered it sounded like a question. "Yes?" she said.

I just smiled and took off my own clothes before patting the place next to me on my mattress.

It was innocent, at first, the way we kissed. There were four feet on the floor as I kissed her and she kissed me back. I wasn't trying to rape her or hurt her, I simply enjoyed being with her. I sighed as she felt my breasts and I felt hers. It was lovely and sort of sweet but memories of the torments I'd gone through in my life filled my head and caused me to become mean.

Why should she enjoy loving, consensual sex? She'd treated me like shit back at St. Mary's and now she was at my mercy. Realizing this, an overpowering part of me decided that I should use her and treat her as badly as I'd been treated by my dad and others. Practically raping her beneath the bleachers and commanding her to suck Jessie off at school was only the tip of the iceberg as far as I was concerned, I realized.

I wanted to make her suffer the way I had suffered.

To that end I was about to escalate our activities when we heard the downstairs door open. Making a sound of shock she tried to pull away from me, wanting to get dressed again. I held her tight, though, and growled into her ear while twisting one of her nipples. She squealed in pain and relented but I felt her body trembling from head to toe. I focused my hand on her pussy, tickling her there, trying to make her cum. Despite her embarrassment I knew she would soon. I purposely gasped and threw my head of soft, blond hair across her small young tits. She groaned and accepted my kisses.

I knew what was coming. I could hear the heavy footsteps on the stairway. I got more and more excited and more and more determined to get this stupid bitch worked up for what I now realized would be the main event of the afternoon.


I froze with my fingers in Jody's cunt. She simply panted and whimpered with fear. My dad was in the doorway to my room and he looked serious.

"Oh, oh!" Jody whispered in fear and shock.

My dad ignored her protests. He was on her in moments, even as she begged to go home. With one look from him I knew what he wanted me to do and I was actually glad. I helped hold her down while she struggled weakly against my father's large body.

"No, please, Becky!" she screamed as I pinned her arms to the bed. "I--I'm a virgin! Don't ... help me!"

I giggled evilly. "Don't help you?" I mocked. "No problem."

"Love me a no-cherry virgin," my dad grunted. "This is that old friend of yours, ain't she? Well, go one, kiss her while I plug her little hole."

Without a word and while Jody cried I obeyed my dad's command and pressed my lips upside-down against Jody's mouth. I took her scream into my mouth while I pinned her weak, struggling arms at her sides and my dad plugged her virgin hole.

After a moment I couldn't resist anymore. I looked up and watched in fascination while he plunged his terrible cock into the small 13-year-old. She started to cry again after only a few thrusts and I giggled humorlessly. I kissed her again before moving my mouth down to her large nipples. While my dad fucked her I bit down, hard, upon it. I drew blood and it tasted divine.

Jody screamed but it was a scream of lust and wanton depravity.

After that scream she just lay there in a daze, staring up into my merciless eyes. My father was rutting in and out of her with abandon and I knew she was just starting to enjoy it. I whispered in her ear, "It's okay to cum, you little slut...".

Speaking those words made me tingle all over.

Her body started to buck in time with my dad's thrusts shortly after that. I no longer had to hold her arms down so instead I gripped her hands and they gripped mine back but she wasn't trying to push me away anymore. She was simply holding on to me for dear life as her young body experienced its first all-encompassing orgasm. I grinned at her knowingly as she came down from her climax.

My dad had his own orgasm shortly after that. When he finished cumming inside of her I sucked his sperm out of Jody's cunt and managed to give her another small orgasm. The girl was so tired and worn out that she barely moved during it, but her soft cries of pleasure let me know when she got off.

"Hot little piece," my dad said as he zipped himself up.

I cuddled Jody after he left and it was a long time before either of us spoke. She broke the silence by saying, "I can't believe ... have you ... I..."

Giggling at her apparent shyness I whispered, "Call your parents and ask to spend the night."

She groaned. "Yes, y-yes ... okay, but ... why?"

"Because I have a really long story I want to share with you," I said with a smile. "I'll need a lot of time to tell you it."

Jody became a regular over at my house after that night. It turned out that for all the bluster and stuck-up nature she'd possessed at St. Mary's she was actually a born victim, just like me. She never needed to be warned not to tell on my dad or my brothers or Daniel. Even when we first brought her to the kennel and gave her to the dogs she didn't so much as threaten to tell her parents.

She was like a chameleon adapting to a new environment. Where she'd once appeared to be a snobbish and self-assured bitch she now took on the colors of a terrified, willing slut. She needed me to protect her and help get her through the last marking period at Hayes so she became like me. She became what I wanted her to be. The truth is that I didn't even have to try very hard to get her there, either.

A week after my dad fucked her she joined me in one of Daniel's movies. He'd made it clear to me that she was going to do this so I, in turn, made it clear to her. She didn't resist and I shot my first underage lesbian movie with her. After that she was in practically every movie, getting fucking by my dad and brothers and Daniel along with me. Daniel even put her in some scenes where I wasn't present. He said he could start another "franchise" with her by doing this and my dad readily agreed.

Her stage name became "Mary Saint". That was my choice and when I explained my reasons for it everyone thought it was funny.

Back at Hayes High School the boys we were hanging out with now had three girls to grope and request sexual favors from. Jennifer, the 7th grader who looked up to me for some reason, rounded out our group but eventually she got caught giving a teacher a blow-job. It was a really big controversy and she disappeared under the ensuing media firestorm. That left just me and Jody for a little while.

Daisy drifted away from our group during the height of our raunchiness. I think she felt slighted by the sudden presence of Jody. After Jennifer went away, though, she returned when Craig, her high school boyfriend, broke up with her. She felt alone and upset and I took advantage of her state of mind. I wish I could say I was there for her as a friend but to be honest I just wanted to see her finally debase herself the way I always had. She went along with it and soon she became as big a slut in my group of friends as Jody and I already were.

A couple weeks before the end of the school year the three of us became known as "The Three Suck-it-eers" because even Daisy was giving blow-jobs out on a regular basis, now. In fact, Daisy gave the most overt blowjob any of us ever gave when she blew a shy, awkward kid named Bill LaCar during a student assembly. At least a couple dozen kids witnessed the whole thing while the principal addressed the student assembly, oblivious to what was transpiring before him in the throngs of students. I think Daisy did that just to prove to me she "belonged" in my group of friends.

But she didn't. She wasn't like me, or Jody, or even the now-absent seventh grader, Jennifer. She wasn't a born victim like the rest of us. I kept her close, of course, but I never did bring her home.

Everything was good, as far as I was concerned. Summer was almost upon us and my rusted out lamp-pole was rich with the money I was still stuffing inside it every week or so. Jody was my bitch and Daisy was sort of my friend again. I actually felt happy. I was having orgasms whenever I wanted them and sometimes even when I didn't, but even those didn't bother me. My dad still punished me whenever I came home late but I sometimes did that intentionally. I felt lucky, so lucky, to be living the life I was living because it made me feel happy.

My luck never lasted long back then, though, when it came to happiness. I learned this just as the school year ended.

I found out I was pregnant on the last day of school of my 8th grade year.

Not wanting to believe or even consider it a possibility at first, I did what any 13-year-old would do: I ignored it. I ignored the fact I hadn't had my period, which usually clicked over like clockwork. I'd been blessed with short and sweet periods ever since I started having them, so I knew this one was ridiculously overdue. Though the time of month was correct nothing happened. No swelling, no blood, no need for the usual hygiene products. But at first I pretended I'd had it and had simply forgotten about it.

Or it had been an incredibly short, even for me, period. Or I'd been too high during that week to remember going through it. Or it was still going to come and was simply a bit late. Or, or, or...

Ignoring the facts got harder. I tried to ignore the fact that my instinctive impulse was to stop smoking pot or cigarettes with Daisy and Jody and Jessie, for instance. Instead I smoked even more. I tried to ignore the fact that my breasts were beginning to swell and my orgasms were growing more intense. I was just going through a phase, I told myself.

Sometimes I cried myself to sleep without knowing why.

Daisy was the first person to suggest the truth. One day, after masturbating while watching her fuck Jessie, she told me I was practically glowing.

"Well, I just came!" I laughed, not understanding what she meant at first.

"No, it's different than that," Daisy said with a grin. "You remind me of my sister when she was pregnant with my nephew."

"What?" I said, ashen-faced.

"I'm kidding," she said. But I didn't believe her. She had a certain look in her eyes. She knew.

Nate, one of her ex's best friends who still hung out with us after school, fucked me a few moments after that. I just grunted through it, worrying about Daisy's words. After he came inside me I wanted to go home. Clark agreed to give me a ride but on the way home I asked him to stop at a convenience store. What he didn't know, and I didn't tell him, was that I wanted to buy a pregnancy test.

In the relative privacy of the upstairs bathroom back at home I peed on the stick and discovered I was, indeed, pregnant. I cried myself to sleep that night even when Ron joined me in bed just after midnight. Usually I enjoyed his love-making. Of my three brothers he was easily the most gentle and he seemed to actually care about getting me off. That night, though, I just sobbed as he did everything he could to get me worked up. When none of his attentions worked he just started fucking me hard until he finally ejaculated inside me.

The next morning my dad informed me over breakfast that I'd be making a new movie that day. Daniel would be over by noon and he wanted to record yet another movie of me masturbating. He wanted Jody there, too, to lick my nipples while I made myself cum.

I whimpered and sobbed.

"What?" my dad asked. He dropped his fork and raised his voice, confused and angry. It'd been a long time since I'd shown any resistance to any of his plans. He yelled, "What!"

"I can't!" I cried. I bolted from the breakfast table and ran up to my room.

Minutes later he had the truth of my situation out of me.

"Pregnant," he said, dumbstruck.

I sobbed.

"You're sure?" he said.

"Pretty sure," I moaned.

He didn't seem to know what to do or what to say. He ended up leaving me alone in my room and I found him later drinking Scotch straight from the bottle. Daniel was with him at the kitchen table and it was obvious they were discussing me.

"Like I said, it's not that bad," the fat, balding man explained. "It will make for, ahh, good movies."

"I don't get it," my dad said. He was staring at me while he spoke, his voice slurred. "How can that help the movies? I'd thought..."

"You kidding?" Daniel said. He was eying me now, too. "Cute little teenager, ahh, all knocked up? That's even better than the, ahh, lesbian scenes with that slut friend of hers! We can charge a fortune for them, you'll see..."

The greed overcame my dad. He ended up agreeing with Daniel and suddenly abortion was out of the question.

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Suburban Love Part 1

Jewel asked me if I found Karen sexy. Considering what my wife does to me and what she lets me do to her on a regular basis, I don’t think of other women that way. But there are many ways to be sexy, and Karen definitely nailed at least one of them, so I just told the truth: yes.“I can see that,” Jewel said noncommittally, and that seemed to be the end of it.My wife and I initially weren’t happy to leave our tiny apartment in the city for a cookie-cutter house in the suburbs. The job situation...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Suburban Fantasy

I feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...

4 years ago
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Suburban Storm

 George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks ‘built for squeezing and spanking’ thought George...

1 year ago
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Suburban Sin V20

Here is an updated and improved version of my latest story. Hope you enjoy!Rose absentmindedly untied the knot in her headscarf. She'd been in the kitchen all day preparing for this dinner, and whats the betting she wouldn't get any thanks for it whatsoever. She never did. David wasn't a bad husband, not at all. He was hard-working, intelligent, caring and a great provider but she sometimes felt she needed more. She had a career once, albeit just in the typing pool of an accountant's, but...

3 years ago
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Suburban Sin

Rose absentmindedly untied the knot in her headscarf. She'd been in the kitchen all day preparing for this dinner, and whats the betting she wouldn't get any thanks for it whatsoever. She never did. David wasn't a bad husband, not at all. He was hard-working, intelligent, caring and a great provider but she sometimes felt she needed more. She had a career once, albeit just in the typing pool of an accountant's, but still, she felt part of something then, a cog in a giant wheel. Now it was more...

4 years ago
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Suburban Fantasy

I feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Suburban Governess

MISS SPARGROVEMiss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito’s reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming. After all, she didn’t want to wake the baby.As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn’s ass, she wondered what Ross was doing. Miss Spargrove had had him in his adult-sized high chair, built on the same lines as Amelia’s little one, sucking frozen...

1 year ago
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Suburban Storm

 George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks 'built for squeezing and spanking' thought George...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Suburban Joe Fucksticks Revenge

Natalie pushed a stroller around the block every morning. She lived in the condo three places down the street in our complex and I knew her husband from work. We had similar friends at work and ended up kind of being friendly, but I wouldn't say that we're close friends. It was just that we had known each other for years now and I can easily say he's an incredibly boring guy and incredibly arrogant blowhard. I didn't really care that much until one of us was promoted and one of us got...

4 years ago
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Suburban Secrets

Copyright 2001 by Traci The voice on the other end of the line wasn't exactly in tears, but Carol Ferndon could hear the exasperation in her daughter's voice. She knew, also, that three other teenage girls were with her daughter, so she wasn't alone, otherwise she may very well have been crying. "Heather," Carol said calmly, "what do you mean you never got picked up?" She glanced at her watch. The carpool mom for that day should have been there 45 minutes ago, picked up the girls,...

3 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 2 Paying the Price

They weren't the only things hardening, either. Again with just a hint of rotten egg in the air, Liira was saying something indistinct, sotto voice. Within seconds, I was sporting a raging boner; wielding the knife like a seasoned professional, Liira sliced my clothes away with a few broad cuts, leaving my mother's eyes beholding her naked, erect son. "Last night," she purred, circling me "you had the pleasure of taking a body that welcomed your maleness. But now, in the light of day,...

4 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 3 Third Times the Charm

Having taken solace in my bedroom, I flung myself on my bed. As I did so, something seemed not quite right; I remembered the pile of books I had concealed beneath the duvet, and after flinging back the covers I discovered a fine patina of ash where they had once been. Evidently Liira had taken steps towards preventing me from trying anything with whatever information I had acquired that might have proven useful against her. Great. Rolling over, I stared up at the ceiling, reflecting on the...

2 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 4 Damnation for Fun and Profit

With my heart pumping as I all but drooled over the barely clothed form of my mother, I scrambled to work how best to respond to Liira's challenge. Obviously, she was going for the I'm-such-a-naughty-girl schtick, one of the stand-bys of the gigabytes of porn cached in zipped, password-protected files on my lap-top. If Liira saw no need to be inventive, neither did I; I wobbled off the bed and stood up, trying to look suitably stern. Of course, stripped naked and with my junk heaving up and...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 5 Out of the Frying Pan

In accordance with the agreement I'd struck with Liira, tonight would be "date night." In part we were doing it to re-kindle the bond between my mother and I as we'd drifted apart, but part of it was to suit my growing interest in my mother's sexuality. Ordinarily, I would have simply done a casserole or some spaghetti, but I wanted tonight to be special. I messed around in my room for a while after I heard my mother leave for work, waiting until I was sure had gone and not forgotten...

2 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 6 Moonlighting

I awoke to a blazing light, expecting to find the room lit by the dawn. Instead, the moon hung high in the night sky outside; the storm had passed, and the full moon's light was enough to see clearly by. I watched my mother sleeping beside me, our bodies wound together sinuously after our passionate bout of lovemaking. Marvelling at her alabaster skin in the moon's pale radiance, I leaned back and pulled the covers away so that I could drink in the sight of my mother's breasts, rising and...

4 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 7 In the cold light of day

The next time I awoke, it was morning. Birds chirped their dawn greetings to all and sundry, raising an impressive racket for their smile size. I blearily opened my eyes, rubbed the sleep from them, and regarded my bedmate, acutely aware of my morning wood jamming into my mother's side. She was wearing a small, satisfied smile after my night of excess with both her and Liira, and had evidently been awake for some time before me. Now that she was awake, she threw back the covers, a...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 8 The Home Run

Gnawing on one knuckle, I nervously relived what was otherwise a great day. My mother had used the excuse of a purposely-forgotten handbag to lure me downtown to her offices, where she'd successfully sprung a dynamite sexual ambush on me, combining the twin taboos of incest with the threat of discovery by her work colleagues. It would have been fantastic, except that my mother's secretary had clearly overhead us in the throes of passion, mocking me with her discovery as I left. Although she...

1 year ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 9 An end Or a beginning

My mother and I were again curled up in bed, taking shelter from the winter storm that raged outside our bedroom. Our new bed was an ensemble, made of hefty hardwood and fitted together with expert joinery and not a few long metal screws for good measure. It had weighed a ton and cost a fortune, but it promised stability and came with a decades-long warranty, soothing our incredulity at the asking price. Still, I thought, snuggling against my mother's lithe, naked body and rubbing at her...

4 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 2

I awoke the next morning with the dawn. I was still naked, my hair was still pulled back tight, and I stretched away my lingering dreams in the middle of the big family room. Outside the first rays of day were beginning to settle and I realized I was famished. I stood up from the sofa and began pulling on my PJ's, not bothering with the underwear. When I noticed the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table I shrugged and thought, What the heck? I lit one after a long yawn and then padded...

1 year ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 3

I started fucking the dogs on an almost nightly basis. Or rather, I started getting fucked by the dogs on an almost nightly basis. I was never really in control, you see. Night would come and the house would settle and I would lay awake in bed imagining that I could hear them howling for me. The thought that they were demanding me to sneak out to serve them would get me so wet that I would toss and turn for hours, unable to sleep from wanton horniness. Sometimes exhaustion would eventually...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 4

Looking back now, I can remember only one conscience attempt to defy my new master. I know it sounds strange. I mean, I'd just been raped. My pussy was sore and full of his cum, my body and mind had both been put through the ringer by a man old enough to be my dad, and for nearly an hour and a half I'd been his captive. He'd let me go and suddenly I was free, but my reaction to such freedom was definitely not normal. Most girls would have felt relieved beyond imagining. Most girls would...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 5

As it turns out I only ended up being my master's slave for about three weeks. They were a hectic, life altering three weeks, though. Every hour of every day was so packed full of new duties and responsibilities that I had absolutely no time for myself anymore. I mean, before having a master I'd had my chores, my church, and my studying. Those obligations alone had taken up a ton of my time. But with the additional burden of having to please a warped and demanding master my life had...

3 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 6

The last time I was fucked by my master as his slave occurred on the Wednesday that followed the lesson he gave me at my church. As usual he wanted to fuck me as soon as I arrived at his house after school that day. And as usual I was more than ready for it. During class I had masturbated in the bathroom not once, not twice, but six times. Once an hour, as per my master's newest rule. I wasn't allowed to climax when I did this, but I did have to finger myself until I at least got wet. I'd...

1 year ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 8

The day after the gang initiation I stayed home from school. Physically I was just too sore to consider going so I told my dad that I was sick. I was so emotionally drained by the previous day's events that when I asked I sounded as meek and miserable as I felt. My dad called me in without any objection. On Friday I felt better. Physically, the wounds I sustained during the court-in on Wednesday had been mostly superficial and were already healed. The soreness from fucking all those gang...

2 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 10

Having learned that their 13-year-old daughter had run away to a dangerous area of a major urban city to consort with gang members, most parents would have been relieved, if concerned, for her well-being upon her return. And while I'm sure that most parents would punish such a child in some way, they would also get her to a psychiatrist, maybe even into a mental hospital, to treat what was obviously disturbing behavior. My dad wasn't one of those parents and I knew it. That's why I was so...

4 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 11

It should go without saying that my new frame of mind had a profound impact on the way I behaved at my new school. I learned quickly that by accepting that I was a slut and a whore, the last measure of control over my perverted desires was stripped away. Life in public school was going to be a lot different than life in a private Catholic school as a result. The day after returning from the ice-fishing trip with my family I started classes at Rutherford B. Hayes Middle School. It was located...

1 year ago
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Suburban Submission Tv shows Edition

Your name is Jack Pine. You've always been a smooth guy who got what he wanted. Sadly for a lot of your friends and coworkers that included their wives and daughters. So after being basically ran out of town you find you self in a new neighborhood. But this is your chance for a fresh start, new neighborhood, new environment, and new milfs and young woman to seduce. As you finish unpacking you notice the family next door and goes to introduce yourself. The neighborhood you move to will help...

2 years ago
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At The Company Seminar

Hello horny people out there.. This is Arjun here with my first story how i hooked up with an office staff when we met for a 3 day seminar in bangalore…. I am Arjun a merchant navy officer hailing from Kerala…..I was on vacation after my contract when i received a call from office informing me to attend a seminar for fleet officers held in bangalore…. I agreed to attend attend the seminar as all the expenses will be beared by the company…. So finally i flew to bangalore and we checked in to the...

2 years ago
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Slots IV

Slots IV By Julie O. It was a quiet afternoon at the old desert garage. It had been several days since the old mechanic had gone out looking for a new victim. He would soon get the urge to patrol the lonely stretch of Interstate 15 than ran from the California border to Las Vegas. Patrol wasn't a good term. It was more like hunting. He looked around his empire and gave a short laugh. He was the proud owner of four old buildings in the middle of nowhere. His garage was located...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Charlotte Star Friends To Lovers

Charlotte Star, a masseuse, is pleasantly surprised when the next client that walks through her door is her old friend, Thomas Robinson! It’s been so long since she’s seen him last and he looks even more handsome than ever. She’s had a crush on him forever but he’s only ever seen her as a friend… but maybe today she can change his mind with an extra special massage! But Thomas is a bit shy to be massaged by Charlotte since they’re friends. It takes some...

3 years ago
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I Walk Alone

One thing I will never tire of in this life is booty catching. I am a butt pirate, and I hunt both male and female booty. As long as they look good, it’s all good with me. I don’t discriminate based on gender. Booty catching is fun. The best sport in the world. At least, that’s my avocation. In my regular job, I am a cop. A patrolman working for the Boston Police Department. My name is Lloyd Morgan. I’m an openly bisexual black man enjoying the highlights and pitfalls of daily life in urban...

2 years ago
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It didn’t look like a Valentine. It looked like a plain piece of pink cardboard until Lacy picked it up in her hands and turned it over looking for an address or some sort of flap to open. Then the thing started to vibrate in her hands like an electric current was going through it. Lacy threw it down and watched in stunned disbelief as the piece of cardboard flopped around on the carpet like a headless chicken and then sprouted two red wings and little red chicken feet. It took a few awkward...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 23

2014 It was my birthday and for some damn reason my good buddy, Jeffrey Michaels, had seen fit to screw me over and have half of the American Army in attendance to celebrate it—read embarrass me. “Just a little celebration,” said Jeff. “Yeah,” said Harry Gould. “And we’re buyin’” The hullabaloo was on! There were seven of us doing the hard core drinking thing and I was no better than the middle of pack as far as consumption was concerned. I noticed someone paying attention to me. A...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 16 Road to Recovery

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark...

2 years ago
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First time in swinging for a married couple

This happened 4 years ago when we first started sharing. I was 38 at the time and my wife a 37. We have good friends who have been in the lifestyle for years and until now I had never really been interested in sharing. I was always a little jealous when the wife wife would flirt. Although when she drinks she tends to show off her 40D breasts. This always turned me on though I would never admit it.It was the halloween party for a local swinger club and we got invited to go. We thought what the...

4 years ago
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A Slice Of Humble Pie Chapter 2

Julie arrived at the hotel later than she had planned. There was a traffic accident that held things up and by the time she was able to get around it she was behind schedule. She knew she would be late she just hoped she wasn't so late she missed him!She remembered what he had said the first time about being late, although she had tried to show him she wanted to cooperate and hoped that this wouldn't cause him to do anything rash. She parked the car in the first spot she found.Fortunately, it...

3 years ago
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Jackie Held for Ransom

He suddenly had a fistful of her hair to make her cooperate. She was whimpering into his unsympathetic eyes and curling under his body towering over her. When he asked her again if she’d be quiet, she nodded quickly and sniffled.He let go of her hair and ran his fingers through it instead.Then he cupped his hand on her cheek.He was smiling. His eyes were still squinty and mean so she thought this was a sadistic smile.“Your parents are cooperating, Jackie,” he said to her.She panted as he inched...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Ginebra Bellucci Spicy Spanish Senorita Takes a Study Break with Some BBC

Spicy Spanish senorita Ginebra Bellucci has only one thing on her mind: big black cock! Today she’s trying to do her math homework, but she can’t stop thinking about getting her young box stretched out by some dark dong. She finally gets her phone out and flips through her list of black brothahs she keeps on call until she gets to Jesus Reyes’ profile. The sight of his massive chest and rippling muscles is enough to get her juices flowing. She gives him a call and arranges a...

3 years ago
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Showtime Part 7

y an aperture through which jutted a generously proportioned rubber cock. Annalisa was of course violently taken aback, and for just a moment she stood stock-still. Then she exploded. "What the fuck...!" Her eyes became slits between clenched furrowed brows and reddened cheeks, and they glowered with righteous anger. "You! The girl from the slum - what have you been up to with Freddie? What have you been doing to my son, you filthy, unholy cow?" Jennifer started, but although...

3 years ago
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Ten YearsConclusion

Jana and Sandy had no sooner left when Katie excused herself. Ten minutes later, she appeared in the doorway to the patio in the bikini that had been sent to her. I stood, but she held her hand up. "No, I don't want you to touch me. Not yet anyway, and not like this. I did want you to see me." Blushing and smiling she pirouetted before me. There was no comparison between this girl, my wife or her older sister. Katie had nearly a perfect form. She was a goddess. I sat back down and she...

4 years ago
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My second 3 way pt 1

This is the story of my 2nd 3 way. The first one is just for me and my memories.I had gotten out of bed like any other day, had some errands I had to get done right away so I hurried up and got dressed and out the door I went. Almost done with my errands, I got a text asking if I wanted to come by again and fuck his wife. As my cock started to grow hard thinking about it, I replied hell yeah!So I had to hurry home and shower and do a little lawn care if ya know what I mean. A little trim here,...

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BtVS Love Trust and Monsters ndash Chapter 5

She was waiting for her mother on the landing, trying to look as casual as possible."Are you ok mom? You look a little pale?""I'm ok Buffy, I just feel so tired this morning. And my throat hurts so," she reached up to where Drusilla had bitten her but Buffy's fingers beat her to it."Owww!""Sorry mom, your glands feel really swollen. Maybe you should take the day off. I'll take Dawn to school.""Huh?" Dawn stuck her head around the corner of the bathroom door, her toothbrush still in her...

2 years ago
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My Angel Vaishu

By : Sanjay_me Hi friends this is Sanjay (), myself 21 now and am a true fan of this wonderful site. I am gonna narrate the experience I had with my girlfriend Vaishu(Vaishnavi). Am basically a tamilian, avg height and weight not a gym body and all. About vaishnavi she is an angel, she was my junior in college malayalee girl very fair slim. Her sizes are 34-24-24. Out of all the assets I like her ass the most you know the way in which it swings and bounces and dances when she walks i instantly...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour Aunty Kavitha

Hi ISS readers this is my first story my name is Sam.  I live in Chennai this incident happened few years back during the incident I was doing my engineering final year. I had a neighbour aunty named Kavitha she was living with her husband near my house for rent.  Till the incident happened I was not seeing her in any bad mood because I thought she was a good lady she had a great structure … One day I heard from her that her husband is going out of station for a month due to work somewhere near...

3 years ago
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The Chair

Morning came and he woke her with a long, deep kiss. She smiled up at him, expecting more, but he kissed her one more time then got in the shower. She waited for him to come back. When he did he dressed and continued about his routine. As she got up to dress, he told her to put on her sexiest bra and panties underneath her work clothes and he’d think about her like that all day. Little sparks of excitement ran through her body. She slipped on the red lace bra that was just about see through,...

3 years ago
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Good Little Kitty

 “I trust you’re going to be a good kitty whilst I’m at work!” he says as he slams shut the door to my cage and secures it with a heavy duty padlock. “Meowwww” I mock and add a wink for which I earn a scornful look, and then my master is gone, and as the front door closes, the scent of his aftershave lingers in the air to torment me. “How am I supposed to be anything but good!” I state aloud, the sound of my own unfamiliar voice, a comfort I saved for my many hours alone. I miss my master when...

1 year ago
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Lonely housewife

I was sitting aimlessly with nothing to do. Life was getting dull each passing day and I just don’t know why. I switched off the TV and walked inside the bedroom. I switched the fan on and eased myself onto the bed. My name is Lakshmi. I am 5’4 tall with a mediocre weight of 54 kg and my sizes are 34-28-36. I have a brownish complexion with an attractive figure. I am a happily married house wife. I mean I am quite happy with my husband and the married life with him. But being alone all the day...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Alex Harper Anal Acquisition

Tall trim raven haired beauty Alex Harper goes to Xander Corvus’s huge house in the hills, his “fortress of solitude” far away from it all and no neighbors for miles. She is there to sign a shady business deal, something that includes a $10,000 bonus so she is game. Upon leaving, Alex can’t find her keys or her phone so there is no way out. Xander seduces her into thinking she is just right for a particular client, a buyer of sorts but first he needs to try her out to...

4 years ago
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geiler Sex mit nem reifen Bauern

Warum ich schon immer auf alte geile Kerle stehe…. Es ist jetzt über dreißig Jahre her, aber den Abend vergesse ich nie, an dem ich das erste Mal mit dem alten Ewald rumgemacht habe….. Ewald war mein Onkel, er war früher mit der Schwester meines Vaters verheiratet gewesen und schon seit ein paar Jahren Witwer, bei dem ich jedes Jahr die Sommerferien auf seinem Bauernhof bei Osnabrück verbrachte. Damals war ich so sechzehn, hatte schon ganz früh gemerkt, dass mich Kerle und alle Art von...

2 years ago
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Passions and Lust Chapter 1

The skies were bright and blue. Very few clouds spread as far as the eye could see. The meadow was a luscious green with rolling hills. It was an incredible view of the little town of Brantwood. She sat under a tree, looking at everything she could take in. She often sat there when things went wrong, or if she needed some time to herself to mull things over. Her name was Lana. A young beautiful teacher in the town school. She had chocolate brown hair with soft curls that gently draped her...

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