An Assumed InheritanceChapter 3 free porn video

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Plans were made, quickly. An urgent message was sent out via theravara, a device Hrosz was intensely interested in, and asked many questions about, detailing the cylindrical and conic objects and requesting that both be brought with all possible haste to the War College.

Hrosz and Avatharel made plans to shut the gate.

"It must have a locus, a focused area it is tied to, as I understand things," stated the Homesteader. Verothlen agreed.

Avatharel asked if it were better to drive the gate deep into the core of Feldare, where the pressures and heat were too great to expect anything to survive it, or bring it to the surface, out of the fire-mountain it had created above it, and try to disable or destroy it there. Hrosz explained that there were great vast spaces without air between the ball that was Feldare and the sun; and that there were even vaster spaces between the various suns. Even Verothlen seemed daunted by the scope of the cosmos that Hrosz was outlining.

Hrosz suggested they build up a large enough explosion in the fire mountain to throw the gate completely off the surface of Feldare, rather than keep the dangerous object inside the heart of the world. He was of the opinion that demons not in stasis would never be prepared for the airless void, and die quickly. Demons in stasis would just drift near the gate forever - nothing would ever release them from their stasis.

Avatharel inquired, "Hrosz, how would we throw the gate locus out of the fire-mountain? I do not think I could handle enough mana to do this thing alone, nor even with a circle of magi, if even a hundred tons of fire mountain must be moved so far."

"Could you bring a few hundred tons of seawater over a mile?"

Avatharel laughed in sudden understanding. "Yes, that I can do. The fire within Feldare shall flash that water to steam, and the expanding steam will do the work. All we need to do is be sure the gate locus is aligned with the bore - which, I would guess, it is."

After supper that evening, Hrosz spent some time regarding Avatharel. Verothlen was present, but seemingly lost in thought.

Avatharel was pondering recent developments, when Hrosz rumbled, "I know enough of the place that gate leads from to find my way back to my world. Yet, a strike from that middle place, from a direction unanticipated, and I could free us from those who Compel. But I could not do this deed alone."

Verothlen looked up. "Feldare needs such as I, it is why I was made."

Avatharel looked at his friend, suddenly utterly convinced he did not know him at all. Still, he kept his silence, waiting.

"Aye. But Avatharel and a company of elves could do much. And... some of his company must be female, must they not?"

Verothlen stared at Hrosz, speechless for the first time in Avatharel's memory. "Yes..." he finally said. He shook himself, and said, "Yes, of course. You cannot directly handle mana, and you probably lack the means to make the artifacts that you need that can handle it for you. Elves can help remake your world over generations, if we must remove the gate from this one and so lose the opportunity for your people to come here."

Avatharel nodded, it all made a kind of sense. "However, there are some things I must see to here, first. There is the matter of the gate, the matter of finding eight cylinders containing unknown disease, five would-be enemies who are friends, and two confirmed enemies. Then I have my previous mission to replace - encouraging humans to expand and establish civilization across the landmass and nearby islands. Somehow it seems to be of tiny import to me after all I have heard this day, and yet, I must complete the mission; I doubt greatly the humans deem it trivial."

Esfalan was beyond stunned by the revelations Avatharel's memories instilled. While Avatharel slept that long-ago night, Esfalan wondered about many things for the first time, and wondered at his own place in the great Universe.

Outside of Esfalan's own mind, the quasi-light in the cavern indicated the sun and night still streaked madly across the sky.

The next morning dawned, and Avatharel regarded the sun with a very different outlook. Sometime during his sleep, he had come to terms with what needed to be done.

As he broke his fast, Avatharel found Verothlen coming to sit with him. "Hrosz will go with you into the field. He has tested horses, and they do not fear him. He states it is important for him to learn your tactics and your mind - he states this as if it is a certainty you and your command will travel through the gate with him and work to free his people."

Avatharel nodded. "It is so. I have decided. I will ask my Company, and the coupled ones shall ask their spouses and others."

Verothlen studied his friend. "And you? An other?"

Avatharel looked down. "No. I have ever had other matters of pressing moment - once I had some hopes, but I let her slip away."

"Go then, my friend, gather your company, and when the War College replaces your command, we shall close this gate. Though Feldare will sorely miss you, I must think deeply on this."

Esfalan heard little of the day-to-day occurrences from the strong voice now; instead, there were moments of excitement. Avatharel's command took their cue on interaction with Hrosz from their commander - they acted as if he were a senior officer along for observation, whatever they may have thought of his appearance.

There came a day where Avatharel and Hrosz and some dozen others had set a trap for three score barbarians, capturing them. Avatharel now had a strange compunction against slaughtering the barbarians he captured, and encouraged his Company to refrain from slaughter when possible. He placed the lives of his company first for good reason, as he wished to keep them together, but the barbarians - of the sentient races inhabiting Feldare, the only race he had not heard of as 'made' by some other agency were the humans. This was often the subject of thought by Avatharel, though he never discussed it with Hrosz.

He began a campaign to convince the barbarians to become civilized and trade with the Syrisians. He did not know how successful the attempt was, yet he preferred that the humans would be taught to get along; knowing as he did that there was a much larger conflict in the Universe.

The day of the barbarian capture, Avatharel and Hrosz had seemed to work as two parts of a whole; as a pair of hands driven by the same goal. Avatharel admitted privately that Hrosz had been right, and elves and Hrosz' kind worked well together.

Esfalan sat and wondered while the light and dark flickered around him.

The day had dawned, bright and clear. Avatharel had trotted his horse, his company behind him, through the streets to the Port of Syrith. Once underway back to Mindar, he had called his captains and file-leaders to the bow of the ship for a conference, Hrosz by his side.

"Listen well, my Company. For what I have to say is not what you may expect, and may cause you great fear. I will tell of things that will cause you to wonder at my sanity, and yet you shall know them for truth. Mark my words well, for you shall discuss them with each member of your files and with your spouse or other."

He paused to look at twenty serious faces, all experienced warriors. "Last spring, when I had been called back to the War College, sixteen objects had been sighted, ejected from the anva-soraved. After some initial investigation, eight were determined to be a means to spread a disease, a terrible disease. Only five have been recovered. Of the other eight, two were demons captured in stasis - a means of stopping time for them, if you will. Six were of a race new to us - but one that had been compelled to do us harm. We have since found that those are friends - Hrosz is one of them, as you have begun to suspect. We have not found any of these others."

"This chain of events caused us to question the nature of the other side of the gate, and whence Hrosz and his brethren had originated. Hrosz tells us he is from another world, one recently rediscovered by those who command the demons we know. That world was one of many worlds that were created, created by an unknown entity, created for a purpose that was deemed important to one side or another in a great war that has stretched across some fifty thousands of worlds, across some three millions of years - or more. Hrosz' people were soldiers, soldiers created for a purpose, and then lost in battle; they made their way from the confusion of battle through many worlds, finding one that, though devastated, was habitable and would support them. For thirty generations, they had been raising their children."

"They were not to be left in peace." Avatharel looked around at the sea of rapt faces, making eye contact with the individuals, then continued. "The Old Enemy we speak of is the other side in this war. Yet, we know only the forces on the other side of our gate, the gate in anva-soraved. Those forces suborned the Esvatrelii, causing them to hate us even though they are of us. Those forces send demons and other troubles through this gate, this you know. Now, they have something new - they sent Hrosz and others through, after compelling them to leave their world - and they want nothing less than the destruction of the defenders of Feldare."

"There are other defenses, other defenders, yet for their own reasons, this task is left to us. We have two missions before us. The first is to remove the gate from Feldare, remove it completely, by throwing it out the anva-soraved, and up off Feldare, into the airless void between Feldare and the Sun. In this way, no demon unprepared for the airlessness can travel through the gate, and if they were prepared, they shall be far from Feldare."

Avatharel paused. "The second task is to free the people of Hrosz' world, the Driansz, from compulsion. For the first time, we plan to leave Feldare and carry the battle to the Old Enemy. We expect to do some damage, enough damage to cause them to turn their attention to us. Then we expect to defend Hrosz' world and people, with skills they do not possess, while they in turn defend us with skills we do not possess."

"This shall be a one-way trip for us. Our descendants will work towards reuniting with Feldare, to pull the Driansz along with us, off their world, and onto Feldare, though it may take many generations."

"With those who come, should be those who may bear children."

"I will reconvene the Company in three weeks, to hear your decisions. Speak of this to your filemen, to your spouses, to your others. All who will brave the danger are welcome, though I would rather children be old enough to fight and decide for themselves."

Esfalan sat immobile. The grey light was taking on a deeper tone; almost the flickers were visible again.

Verothlen and Avatharel were discussing things. "Verothlen, it is madness to not move the War College. I believe that the eruption of the anva-soraved will be so great that Mindar will be afflicted, and even Syrisia shall feel the water pushed aside. I would that the Mindarrim move inland, prepared to take all they have that is dear."

"Very well, Avatharel. I will suggest it to the War College; they will likely take a half-measure, and retreat slightly, only some of the Mindarrim will remain; they will believe that they can come back to the island after your departure."

Hardly mollified, Avatharel fumed. "They chose not to believe. I would almost call this off rather than have them find out differently to their detriment, and yet, I dare not leave this gate here, nor do I dare leave the Driansz under the threat of compulsion by the Old Enemy."

Verothlen spoke softly. "Avatharel, you are leaving Feldare with the threat of disease, and two demons waiting to be unleashed."

Avatharel nodded unhappily. "I cannot be in two places at once, Verothlen. I deem this to be the greater need."

Verothlen spoke again, even more softly. "And if there were a way?"

"Then you should tell me of the way."

"I would make a matrix of mana, and emplace within it a copy of your memories. It would be a copy of you, Avatharel, down to the least thought, the least memory, the least mannerism. It would enable another to have your skills, most especially your demon fighting skills, your leadership, and your magelore."

Avatharel considered this silently for a great period of time. Verothlen had refilled his own wineglass for the fourth time, when Avatharel spoke again. "I suppose I am not so proud of some moments of my life, and yet, they are not so terrible to share."

Verothlen turned to Avatharel, and the younger elf was struck by the alienness in his face, the sense of great age and knowledge the older elf possessed. Suddenly uneasy, Avatharel recalled Hrosz' label of the other elf as 'Firstborn'.

Verothlen nodded when the sudden revelation came to Avatharel. "Yes," he said, somewhat sadly, "But what you overlook is that your personality will compel whomever receives a copy of your soul to take up your cause. In its' own way, this is as bad a thing as the Old Enemy compelling the Driansz. Rest on this, and speak to me in the morning."

Esfalan decided that the torrent of words was diminished greatly. His concentration on the tale the main voice had woven had led him to miss the tapering off - and the daylight was visibly alternating with the night now.

Avatharel had spent the night on a battlement on the War College's north coast, staring sleeplessly at the anva-soraved. To his eyes, the plume of thin smoke it trailed led down below the surface of the sea, to where a spot of malevolence rested, a thing not of Feldare. Long his thoughts rested on what was of Feldare.

As dawn broke, he turned to go and find Verothlen in his chambers.

"I have made the choice."

Verothlen gestured, nearly negligently, and Avatharel saw a ball of mana form in the older mage's hands. Verothlen grinned, which was highly unusual for him, in Avatharel's experience, and spoke, "You shall have to tell me if this hurts."

He gestured, and a bright flash of light consumed Avatharel.

Esfalan knelt in the sand of the chamber, part of him watching the band of sunlight crawl across the floor, and part of him contemplating what he had learned - was still learning as the thoughts placed in his head drained into his soul.

Some uncountable period of time later, the sun shone steadily on the wall before him. Esfalan knew he needed food and water, his joints were stiff, as if he had been in one position for days. Though he was in dire need of water, and he had not died of dehydration, there was no telling how many days had passed in the world outside the cave while Esfalan sat immobile, caught in the throes of a great magic, still Esfalan could not have endured more than two days' depravation of water. He could not bear to dwell on the paradox - the thirst was overwhelming.

Unbidden, the memory came. His memory, now, there was no distinguishing feel about the memory, just the knowledge that he had not lived through the event. He remembered the stores at the War College.

He caught a tendril of mana, and gave it that peculiar twist, that snapped the far end like a whip to that which he sought, in the place he sought it, and felt the shock as the far end attached itself to what he desired. Esfalan would not let himself think on how he knew to manipulate mana - this was the first time in this body he had ever done so - and instead tugged metaphysically on the thread.

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Throughout the years, me and my best friend Stephanie have shared everything from clothes to cock! We have no secrets from each other and have been the others biggest cheerleader. We have made love together countless times and have also had several 3somes with our boyfriend's at the time. This one evening was very different. I was dating a guy at the time and we were spending the evening at my house. She called and asked if she could come over. Of course I said yes. My boyfriend liked her...

3 years ago
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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 4

He gets back to the warehouse and hurries to his computer. He listens to the conversation after he left them. He knows if Cal gets suspicious, he is going to be in trouble. He hurriedly gets in to the administrations computer system. He searches the names of all of the employees, past and present. He searches for anyone he knows that is still alive. 'Bingo, ' he says to himself. This will be perfect, Randolph Hayes, his old mentor. He finds his file in the computer and changes the name of...

2 years ago
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Enticed Pt 15 Two Great Tastes

Blaise and I spent all that Saturday together, first cleaning his house, then just hanging out.  I had cleaned the Lodge pretty thoroughly the day before for my private show with Ezekiel that was more than just a show. So, we didn’t need to go out there. Instead, we spent a couple hours shopping at one of the malls in Gate City. He needed some pants for work and I wanted to get a new pair of sneakers.We spent a bit of that time inspecting the adult novelties in a couple stores, but didn’t buy...

Gay Male
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It was Only on Stun Ch 01

Before you begin this story, you might want to read my previous story ‘One Way to Get Out of Jail.’ Honestly, it acts very much like a prologue to this. Chapter 1: The Accidental Bodyguard. The firebomb came through the window at about two a.m., when everyone in the household was wide awake, thanks to the fire alarm the Nikolic’s called a son. Technically, no one could seriously call a Molotov cocktail a bomb, more like an incendiary device. However, despite the technical details, the...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kylie Rocket Vanessa Sky The Better Blowjob

Vanessa Sky and her friend Kylie Rocket are having an argument over a guy right in front of Vanessa’s stepbrother, Tony. The argument devolves into which of them is hotter. When the girls start shoving, Tony intervenes. Eventually the girls insist that Tony settle the dispute of who has a fatter ass. They turn around and pop their asses out. Tony tries to retreat to his room, but the girls follow him to his room and insist that Tony helps them figure out who sucks better dick. They want...

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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 1 Chapter 2 ON THE ACQUISITION OF DHARMA ARTHA AND KAMA

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Hindu tradition has the concept of the Purusharthas which outlines "four main goals of life" It holds that every human being has four proper goals that are necessary and sufficient for a fulfilling and happy life: Dharma – signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe...

1 year ago
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Prime Curves

Curious to see what PrimeCurves is all about? So what if someone asked you to choose between boobs and ass and you only had to pick one? Well, how about both? Why would anyone subject you to such torture anyway? It is a big ask putting any man (and woman) on the spot like that. I mean, who hates boobs? Big tits, huge fucking areolas staring right at you, exquisite nipples, should I continue? And what sane guy with a functioning libido doesn’t love some pictures of big ol’ booties? It’s 2023,...

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I Should Have Known

I should have known Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "You should at least try it honey. Believe me, you'll make a beautiful girl!" "Mooom!" "Well, you're the one that waited so long to get set up for this party that all the good costumes are gone. By doing this, I don't have to buy much, since we can use some of my things and some of your sisters. Now go in your room and we'll see how you look." Mom was right. There was a huge party at the country club, with...

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Brians Adventures Ch 06

Chapter Six: Friendship I do not remember much of that next day, I truly don’t. Nor do I remember falling asleep the night before. I don’t remember much of anything, its all a hazy blur to tell you the truth. I had resigned myself to my fate and just waited for the end to come. I had tried my best to show these people that I was a good person and not a spy but in the end, it mattered little. The fact that I drew breath and had set foot on Tania seemed to be my greatest crime. Death loomed...

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One Day as a House Slave

A day in the life of a house slave told from the viewpoint of her master. Comments welcome!I awake as daylight is beginning to creep through the blinds of my bedroom, the bedside clock reads 6:10am. I roll out of bed leaving Tiffany sleeping, knowing that she will be up in a couple of minutes after hearing me stirring. After a quick piss in The John I head down the hallway toward the kitchen to get my morning soda, I like something cold to start before I inhale a pot of coffee. I hear the bed...

4 years ago
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A Car Park Quickie

Time is always of the essence, so the 'Call and Collect' facility my local supermarket had introduced was a boon for busy people. I'd ordered some cases of beer and wine for an upcoming party, and, after leaving work later than usual, I pulled into the car park, hunting for a space.  The place was busy, and I finally found a spot at the far end of the site, up against a high wall. I blipped the alarm and walked into the store. The collection point was near the front of the store, a male worker...

Quickie Sex
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Sexy Widow Next Door

Annika is our neighbor out here in the county. She lives alone in a beauty, traditional southern Swedish farmstead house built around an inner court which she inherited after her husband’s death. Being the only c***d of well-to-do parents who both had already passed on, she was very affluent before her husband died. Adding her husband’s wealth to hers made her very well-off to say the least. She is a woman of impeccable culture and taste, not to mention brilliantly intellectual, who seems...

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Private Lessons Part 1

I met Richard online while searching for a music teacher that gave private lessons. I was going to be in Ohio for a couple of weeks and decided to take some lessons while I was there, to help pass the time. We agreed to meet at my hotel to discuss the arrangements because I did not know the area well and it was easier for him to come to me. When he arrived I noticed he was a handsome man. He seems to be in his early 40's not his 50's as he'd claimed to be in prior conversations. I have always...

Straight Sex
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I Know

The essay contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this essay as long as the text is unaltered, and my copyright and this notice are included. This permission is conditional upon it's being available only on free sites. No membership fee, "Adult Check", or...

3 years ago
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Dressing room fantasy

My name is Sam, I’m about 5 feet tall with long blonde hair and green eyes and 34C tits. My boyfriend Danny is about 6 feet tall with short black hair and dreamy brown eyes. We were bored one afternoon, so I convinced him to take me underwear shopping. It had always been a fantasy of mine to fuck Danny in a public place, but I’ve never said this to him before. We went out and I was wearing a mini skirt with a spaghetti top and 3 inch heels. I knew Danny thought I looked sexy when I dressed this...

2 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 12

Not knowing how things were going to go the next morning, Bonnie thought it best to just stay quiet until she found out what kind of mood David was in. Fortunately, that didn't take very long. "Morning, Hon. I slept great last night and feel like I'm ready for anything this morning!" Bonnie was so used to him being miserable that she found his cheerful voice almost unnerving. Still, she didn't want to do or say anything that would change it, so she returned his greeting with a smile....

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Didi Ka First Sex Mere Sath

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston.. Mera name vaasu ha.. Meri age 20 ha.Mera luund 8.5inch lamba ha. Agar aap ko help chahiye to par email yaa hangout kare. Yaa Facebook par faadu.king.31 search kar sakte ha and mujhe add kar sakte ha. Aap ko pura maja mile gaa..Kisi bhi woman,girl,aunty, sab ko me khush karu gaa… Ye bat kuch din pehel ki ha. Me apni family k sath Bhopal me rehta hu. Me clg me padta hu. Mere exam the to me rat ko group study se lot kar ghar aa gya tha. Mene bike park ki or...

3 years ago
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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 5 Incestuous Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Incestuous Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Dr. Bernice Wilson There was silence between me and my baby girl, my sweet and innocent Jennifer as the fear played across her face. Her eyes were locked on the pregnancy test box held in my hand. The actual applicator was missing. She probably disposed of it and forgot all about the packaging as she tried to hide her pregnancy from...

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Im the Mistress

I walked into the candle lit living room & stood still for a momentto adjust my vision. Just then she moved out of the shadows & quicklywrapped a blindfold around my head & eyes. She whispered to me as she boundthe blindfold, "You are my prisoner now & you will follow my commands tothe letter or else." As she spoke I felt the heat rising in my loins, I gotvery excited when she grabbed my hands behind my back & handcuffed themtogether. I spoke in a low taunting voice, "Or...

3 years ago
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Bridge WorkChapter 4

"You're awake," the voice he knew so well murmured beside him. The crash still rang in his memory. As always when he remembered it, and when did he not? there was the bitter thought that anywhere else on that road, he'd've had time to grab the wheel and kick Steve awake. Cold air brushed his cheeks. A truck roared overhead. He felt a wave of bitter anger and loss and futility. A hand found his thigh and slid around to his cunt. "Let's fuck," the voice drawled lazily, "I'm tired of...

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Chelseas New Slut

            I was wondering why Chelsea wanted to go swimming with me that day.   She had never shown interest in hanging out with me before, but I figured why not go for a swim with friends.   I thought she was way out of my league, she was 5’ 9’’ with beautiful straight black hair and huge double d breasts.   I was just 5’3’’ and a science nerd.   I mean she said it was just between the two of us, and my friends had told me she does this with many people.    However I found it particularly...

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Uncle In

If you bother to look at my profile you will see that sex within my family happened I suppose it still does but I am here in the UK and most of my family are back in the US.Now look at my age? This was therefore a long time ago however some parts of what happened stay with me big time and I am sure as you read you will see why?I grew up travelling around the US with Mom and Pop as he was based at whatever airforce base they needed him. Sometimes he would simply go away for 6 months coming home...

2 years ago
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Stress Management

Stress ManagementDon Abdul©Her husband had died in a plane crash on his way back home from a diplomatic shuttle a year earlier. Since that incident, Latoya Agnes Johnson mourned only briefly, and then she threw herself so completely into her job as the CEO of a leading Services company in her city.To most people who knew the couple, she appeared to be an extremely brave woman with a firm grip on her emotions. To them she mourned her loss and quickly moved on. A classic case of "life is for the...

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Crossing the LineChapter 7 Justified

With Alex behind the wheel, the group was making good time on their drive back home from their trip to check out Colorado State University. Brian was in the front passenger seat, busy telling Alex about his exploits at the sorority house. To hear Brian tell it, each girl at the house was aparently an insatiable sex kitten that wanted nothing but to please Brian in every way imagineable, yet Alex was betting that at best, his friend had found one girl who didn’t die of laughter at all his...

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Shaynas LifeChapter 3 Brad

My sex life finally improved hen I started my sophomore year of high school. I started the school year as a horny 15-year-old who couldn't seem to attract any males. But when school started, there was a new guy that was in four of my classes. I introduced myself and we started talking. It turned out that he was kind of shy, but he had a good sense of humor. That's one of my 'gotta-haves' when it comes to guys. His name was Brad. His dad was in the service, and he was one of those Army...

4 years ago
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Me and my best friends mum Pt 1

Walking up to my apartment on the 4th floor very slowly I check to see if I have any mail on the way up. I surprisingly see something sticking half way out of my mailbox. Picking it up, I hastily put my hand in my pocket to try and find my keys, so that I can actually get myself into my apartment, instead of standing in the hallway. I am tired and in a daze, due to doing a 12 hour shift as a chef in a restaurant, a couple of blocks away, for my best friend’s mum, Laura.

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 71 Spring Break Part II

March 15, 1984, Gettysburg and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “You’re OK?” Clarissa asked when she and I got out of bed on Thursday morning. “Yes. Just kissing was fine, Lissa. Let’s get our showers and meet Jocelyn. We need to get on the road by 6:30am so we can be in Philadelphia by 10:00am.” We both quickly showered and dressed, then we met Jocelyn in the hotel lobby. We went across the street for breakfast, and from there, straight to the car so we could get on the road. We followed US 30,...

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