An Assumed InheritanceChapter 3 free porn video

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Plans were made, quickly. An urgent message was sent out via theravara, a device Hrosz was intensely interested in, and asked many questions about, detailing the cylindrical and conic objects and requesting that both be brought with all possible haste to the War College.

Hrosz and Avatharel made plans to shut the gate.

"It must have a locus, a focused area it is tied to, as I understand things," stated the Homesteader. Verothlen agreed.

Avatharel asked if it were better to drive the gate deep into the core of Feldare, where the pressures and heat were too great to expect anything to survive it, or bring it to the surface, out of the fire-mountain it had created above it, and try to disable or destroy it there. Hrosz explained that there were great vast spaces without air between the ball that was Feldare and the sun; and that there were even vaster spaces between the various suns. Even Verothlen seemed daunted by the scope of the cosmos that Hrosz was outlining.

Hrosz suggested they build up a large enough explosion in the fire mountain to throw the gate completely off the surface of Feldare, rather than keep the dangerous object inside the heart of the world. He was of the opinion that demons not in stasis would never be prepared for the airless void, and die quickly. Demons in stasis would just drift near the gate forever - nothing would ever release them from their stasis.

Avatharel inquired, "Hrosz, how would we throw the gate locus out of the fire-mountain? I do not think I could handle enough mana to do this thing alone, nor even with a circle of magi, if even a hundred tons of fire mountain must be moved so far."

"Could you bring a few hundred tons of seawater over a mile?"

Avatharel laughed in sudden understanding. "Yes, that I can do. The fire within Feldare shall flash that water to steam, and the expanding steam will do the work. All we need to do is be sure the gate locus is aligned with the bore - which, I would guess, it is."

After supper that evening, Hrosz spent some time regarding Avatharel. Verothlen was present, but seemingly lost in thought.

Avatharel was pondering recent developments, when Hrosz rumbled, "I know enough of the place that gate leads from to find my way back to my world. Yet, a strike from that middle place, from a direction unanticipated, and I could free us from those who Compel. But I could not do this deed alone."

Verothlen looked up. "Feldare needs such as I, it is why I was made."

Avatharel looked at his friend, suddenly utterly convinced he did not know him at all. Still, he kept his silence, waiting.

"Aye. But Avatharel and a company of elves could do much. And... some of his company must be female, must they not?"

Verothlen stared at Hrosz, speechless for the first time in Avatharel's memory. "Yes..." he finally said. He shook himself, and said, "Yes, of course. You cannot directly handle mana, and you probably lack the means to make the artifacts that you need that can handle it for you. Elves can help remake your world over generations, if we must remove the gate from this one and so lose the opportunity for your people to come here."

Avatharel nodded, it all made a kind of sense. "However, there are some things I must see to here, first. There is the matter of the gate, the matter of finding eight cylinders containing unknown disease, five would-be enemies who are friends, and two confirmed enemies. Then I have my previous mission to replace - encouraging humans to expand and establish civilization across the landmass and nearby islands. Somehow it seems to be of tiny import to me after all I have heard this day, and yet, I must complete the mission; I doubt greatly the humans deem it trivial."

Esfalan was beyond stunned by the revelations Avatharel's memories instilled. While Avatharel slept that long-ago night, Esfalan wondered about many things for the first time, and wondered at his own place in the great Universe.

Outside of Esfalan's own mind, the quasi-light in the cavern indicated the sun and night still streaked madly across the sky.

The next morning dawned, and Avatharel regarded the sun with a very different outlook. Sometime during his sleep, he had come to terms with what needed to be done.

As he broke his fast, Avatharel found Verothlen coming to sit with him. "Hrosz will go with you into the field. He has tested horses, and they do not fear him. He states it is important for him to learn your tactics and your mind - he states this as if it is a certainty you and your command will travel through the gate with him and work to free his people."

Avatharel nodded. "It is so. I have decided. I will ask my Company, and the coupled ones shall ask their spouses and others."

Verothlen studied his friend. "And you? An other?"

Avatharel looked down. "No. I have ever had other matters of pressing moment - once I had some hopes, but I let her slip away."

"Go then, my friend, gather your company, and when the War College replaces your command, we shall close this gate. Though Feldare will sorely miss you, I must think deeply on this."

Esfalan heard little of the day-to-day occurrences from the strong voice now; instead, there were moments of excitement. Avatharel's command took their cue on interaction with Hrosz from their commander - they acted as if he were a senior officer along for observation, whatever they may have thought of his appearance.

There came a day where Avatharel and Hrosz and some dozen others had set a trap for three score barbarians, capturing them. Avatharel now had a strange compunction against slaughtering the barbarians he captured, and encouraged his Company to refrain from slaughter when possible. He placed the lives of his company first for good reason, as he wished to keep them together, but the barbarians - of the sentient races inhabiting Feldare, the only race he had not heard of as 'made' by some other agency were the humans. This was often the subject of thought by Avatharel, though he never discussed it with Hrosz.

He began a campaign to convince the barbarians to become civilized and trade with the Syrisians. He did not know how successful the attempt was, yet he preferred that the humans would be taught to get along; knowing as he did that there was a much larger conflict in the Universe.

The day of the barbarian capture, Avatharel and Hrosz had seemed to work as two parts of a whole; as a pair of hands driven by the same goal. Avatharel admitted privately that Hrosz had been right, and elves and Hrosz' kind worked well together.

Esfalan sat and wondered while the light and dark flickered around him.

The day had dawned, bright and clear. Avatharel had trotted his horse, his company behind him, through the streets to the Port of Syrith. Once underway back to Mindar, he had called his captains and file-leaders to the bow of the ship for a conference, Hrosz by his side.

"Listen well, my Company. For what I have to say is not what you may expect, and may cause you great fear. I will tell of things that will cause you to wonder at my sanity, and yet you shall know them for truth. Mark my words well, for you shall discuss them with each member of your files and with your spouse or other."

He paused to look at twenty serious faces, all experienced warriors. "Last spring, when I had been called back to the War College, sixteen objects had been sighted, ejected from the anva-soraved. After some initial investigation, eight were determined to be a means to spread a disease, a terrible disease. Only five have been recovered. Of the other eight, two were demons captured in stasis - a means of stopping time for them, if you will. Six were of a race new to us - but one that had been compelled to do us harm. We have since found that those are friends - Hrosz is one of them, as you have begun to suspect. We have not found any of these others."

"This chain of events caused us to question the nature of the other side of the gate, and whence Hrosz and his brethren had originated. Hrosz tells us he is from another world, one recently rediscovered by those who command the demons we know. That world was one of many worlds that were created, created by an unknown entity, created for a purpose that was deemed important to one side or another in a great war that has stretched across some fifty thousands of worlds, across some three millions of years - or more. Hrosz' people were soldiers, soldiers created for a purpose, and then lost in battle; they made their way from the confusion of battle through many worlds, finding one that, though devastated, was habitable and would support them. For thirty generations, they had been raising their children."

"They were not to be left in peace." Avatharel looked around at the sea of rapt faces, making eye contact with the individuals, then continued. "The Old Enemy we speak of is the other side in this war. Yet, we know only the forces on the other side of our gate, the gate in anva-soraved. Those forces suborned the Esvatrelii, causing them to hate us even though they are of us. Those forces send demons and other troubles through this gate, this you know. Now, they have something new - they sent Hrosz and others through, after compelling them to leave their world - and they want nothing less than the destruction of the defenders of Feldare."

"There are other defenses, other defenders, yet for their own reasons, this task is left to us. We have two missions before us. The first is to remove the gate from Feldare, remove it completely, by throwing it out the anva-soraved, and up off Feldare, into the airless void between Feldare and the Sun. In this way, no demon unprepared for the airlessness can travel through the gate, and if they were prepared, they shall be far from Feldare."

Avatharel paused. "The second task is to free the people of Hrosz' world, the Driansz, from compulsion. For the first time, we plan to leave Feldare and carry the battle to the Old Enemy. We expect to do some damage, enough damage to cause them to turn their attention to us. Then we expect to defend Hrosz' world and people, with skills they do not possess, while they in turn defend us with skills we do not possess."

"This shall be a one-way trip for us. Our descendants will work towards reuniting with Feldare, to pull the Driansz along with us, off their world, and onto Feldare, though it may take many generations."

"With those who come, should be those who may bear children."

"I will reconvene the Company in three weeks, to hear your decisions. Speak of this to your filemen, to your spouses, to your others. All who will brave the danger are welcome, though I would rather children be old enough to fight and decide for themselves."

Esfalan sat immobile. The grey light was taking on a deeper tone; almost the flickers were visible again.

Verothlen and Avatharel were discussing things. "Verothlen, it is madness to not move the War College. I believe that the eruption of the anva-soraved will be so great that Mindar will be afflicted, and even Syrisia shall feel the water pushed aside. I would that the Mindarrim move inland, prepared to take all they have that is dear."

"Very well, Avatharel. I will suggest it to the War College; they will likely take a half-measure, and retreat slightly, only some of the Mindarrim will remain; they will believe that they can come back to the island after your departure."

Hardly mollified, Avatharel fumed. "They chose not to believe. I would almost call this off rather than have them find out differently to their detriment, and yet, I dare not leave this gate here, nor do I dare leave the Driansz under the threat of compulsion by the Old Enemy."

Verothlen spoke softly. "Avatharel, you are leaving Feldare with the threat of disease, and two demons waiting to be unleashed."

Avatharel nodded unhappily. "I cannot be in two places at once, Verothlen. I deem this to be the greater need."

Verothlen spoke again, even more softly. "And if there were a way?"

"Then you should tell me of the way."

"I would make a matrix of mana, and emplace within it a copy of your memories. It would be a copy of you, Avatharel, down to the least thought, the least memory, the least mannerism. It would enable another to have your skills, most especially your demon fighting skills, your leadership, and your magelore."

Avatharel considered this silently for a great period of time. Verothlen had refilled his own wineglass for the fourth time, when Avatharel spoke again. "I suppose I am not so proud of some moments of my life, and yet, they are not so terrible to share."

Verothlen turned to Avatharel, and the younger elf was struck by the alienness in his face, the sense of great age and knowledge the older elf possessed. Suddenly uneasy, Avatharel recalled Hrosz' label of the other elf as 'Firstborn'.

Verothlen nodded when the sudden revelation came to Avatharel. "Yes," he said, somewhat sadly, "But what you overlook is that your personality will compel whomever receives a copy of your soul to take up your cause. In its' own way, this is as bad a thing as the Old Enemy compelling the Driansz. Rest on this, and speak to me in the morning."

Esfalan decided that the torrent of words was diminished greatly. His concentration on the tale the main voice had woven had led him to miss the tapering off - and the daylight was visibly alternating with the night now.

Avatharel had spent the night on a battlement on the War College's north coast, staring sleeplessly at the anva-soraved. To his eyes, the plume of thin smoke it trailed led down below the surface of the sea, to where a spot of malevolence rested, a thing not of Feldare. Long his thoughts rested on what was of Feldare.

As dawn broke, he turned to go and find Verothlen in his chambers.

"I have made the choice."

Verothlen gestured, nearly negligently, and Avatharel saw a ball of mana form in the older mage's hands. Verothlen grinned, which was highly unusual for him, in Avatharel's experience, and spoke, "You shall have to tell me if this hurts."

He gestured, and a bright flash of light consumed Avatharel.

Esfalan knelt in the sand of the chamber, part of him watching the band of sunlight crawl across the floor, and part of him contemplating what he had learned - was still learning as the thoughts placed in his head drained into his soul.

Some uncountable period of time later, the sun shone steadily on the wall before him. Esfalan knew he needed food and water, his joints were stiff, as if he had been in one position for days. Though he was in dire need of water, and he had not died of dehydration, there was no telling how many days had passed in the world outside the cave while Esfalan sat immobile, caught in the throes of a great magic, still Esfalan could not have endured more than two days' depravation of water. He could not bear to dwell on the paradox - the thirst was overwhelming.

Unbidden, the memory came. His memory, now, there was no distinguishing feel about the memory, just the knowledge that he had not lived through the event. He remembered the stores at the War College.

He caught a tendril of mana, and gave it that peculiar twist, that snapped the far end like a whip to that which he sought, in the place he sought it, and felt the shock as the far end attached itself to what he desired. Esfalan would not let himself think on how he knew to manipulate mana - this was the first time in this body he had ever done so - and instead tugged metaphysically on the thread.

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Third Cry to N'Kumba Renee opened the door and smiled. "Hi, Larry," she said. I could tell she had been crying. I spread my arms. "Need a hug?" She sailed into my arms, and we embraced. I bent my head and kissed the top of her head. "You can always call me, Renee, if you need a shoulder to cry on." "I know," she said. "I know." Renee's mom, Dr. Jordan, had died a month ago, in an auto accident, and Renee had taken it super hard. Hell, I couldn't believe Dr....

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The NeverEnding BuffetChapter 6

When my doorbell rang, I looked out and saw Carla standing there. She looked like she had been crying. I opened the door wider and ushered her in. "Hello Carla, what can I do for you?" "I need to talk to you Walter. There are a few things you need to know about me before we get anymore intimate." "I shaved your pussy and dove into it head first, we aren't going to get much more intimate than that Carla." "You know what I mean Walter, before we start dating and you get romantic...

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Jezzebella Star Diaries Ch 01

It was late and everyone had left the club, including all the staff. I stayed to finish up something and lock up the building. While walking over to the bar I thought I heard the door chime telling me someone was entering. I paused but heard no sound so I assumed it was just the wind. I went behind the bar and grabbed a glass to pour myself a well deserved drink. While filling the cup I felt someones hands around my waist. Surprised, I accidentally knocked over the glass while turning around to...

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ConcordiaChapter 7

February 3-11 I sat on the large comfortable seat in the Gulfstream jet and watched the icy gray waters of Lake Michigan recede as we gained distance and altitude. It was late in the afternoon as the plane took us south into the winter overcast which made the gathering darkness seem even more pronounced. The snow had held off at least for today. I wouldn't miss the cold and snow, but I would miss the two beautiful women I was leaving behind. Fortunately I had regained a family in the form...

5 years ago
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General SidChapter 34

The ugly man stepped out from the dark surroundings of the woods to stand beside Sid. In a soft voice, the man said, "You wanted to see me." "That's right, Badger," Sid replied. He knew that Badger was not a man to make small talk so it was necessary for him to continue the conversation. He asked, "What are your plans now that the war is over?" Badger shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll probably become a hunter. Why?" "I had a slightly different idea in mind for you," Sid...

4 years ago
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French Maid Forever

French Maid Forever Debra Phil didn't think it was such a big deal. Not really. OK, he probably should not have cheated on his wife, Cindy. Again. With his personal assistant. But he had. And Cindy had caught him. Now she was livid. She was waiving the separate property agreement he had signed the last time this had happened. If she demanded a divorce, and with the pictures she had she would get one. She would own the house, the company and all of the investments. He...

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HandsOnHardcore Kris The Foxx Russian MILF Serves Up Hubby

Exotic, slender Russian MILF Kris the Fox loves her hubby, Oliver Stone, very much. She doesn’t mind cooking and cleaning for him every day. But what she likes the most is servicing his bacon bazooka whenever he wants! Today we get to watch them having a nice romantic fuck at home as Oliver gets her warmed up by sucking on her titties and twat like the loverboy he is. Kris takes time out from doing the laundry to grease his flesh wand with her lips. After giving her a nice, gentle pussy...

4 years ago
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Just Friends 2 A Wii Bit of Encouragement

It has been a couple of a days since I've seen Xavier last. I guess I've been feeling some good old fashioned Catholic guilt. After all, he was my friend's ex-boyfriend. Last I checked, most girls were pretty possessive, even over boys they chose to get rid of. Despite any pangs of guilt, I get excited when I hear my phone jingle with a text message: "Want to play some Wii?" He knows I'm a sucker for Mario Kart, so I text him back, "Sure. Be there in a little bit." Again, I get...

5 years ago
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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda Aur Sex Slave Banaya

Hi all, first of all, thanks to all beautiful ladies & gentleman for responding to my earlier stories. Sabhi male & female readers ko mujhe email or hangouts pe messages karke feedback dene ke wajah se main shukra gujar hu. Jaise ke aap sab jaante ho, ki mujhe mid 30’s ya 40’s ki ladies ki fantasy hain jo thodi chubby side pe hai. Ye story satya ghatna nahi hai, ye meri fictional story hai. I hope ye sabhi aunties or ladkiyon ke chut mein paani laayegi. Ye story main Hindi mein likh raha hu...

2 years ago
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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 4

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 4 Wearing nothing but women's panties and tied cruelly to a weight-lifting machine with an oversized dildo planted deep in my ass...I suppose this is where I should have been admonishing myself, "Be careful what you wish for." However, no such thoughts were going through my head. I was much too turned-on to be thinking in such a rational manner. Certainly, there were the fleeting questions as to the source of my wife's newly found zest for...

3 years ago
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MBF 24 A Surprise Gift Pt 15

How long have I been here? Has it been an hour? Or has it been hours? I didn’t have my watch on and Jenna, Jeanette’s sister, has been interviewing me on a surprise gift from Amanda and Jeanette. So far we have talked about how our relationship first started. How I felt for each girl, even though I kept some truths to myself. We have talked about my sex life and retelling stories from my point of view. The last couple of stories I have retold has been about Amanda, the love of my life. I...

4 years ago
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I sat in my car and blew out a sigh as I tried to get my mind right to head inside for work. It was my Friday then I was going to be off for the next three days. I couldn’t wait. These last four days may have went by very quickly but they tired me out. It had been a stressful week for me. I was a tech support analyst for a telecommunications firm and I worked the night shift.Usually on night shift, things are easy. You do your work with no one from management bothering you about other mundane...

3 years ago
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Youth is Wasted on the Young

Youth Is Wasted on the Young By Eric Inspired by Dales The twisted stuff TV series # 10 Regina hungered for youth! It was an ache inside her. It nagged at her all her waking hours and haunted her dreams. She was fifty years old! Fifty! Where had her youth went? She wanted it back. She deserved it back. Regina looked in the mirror. She was still beautiful, everyone said she looked like Jaclyn Smith but there were the tell tale sighs of age - the wrinkles around the eyes, the...

4 years ago
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City Of Orgasm

It was just sunset when the lovely Susan Gander entered the resteraunt at the Pelican Key marina gliding through the dining room as if she were a model strutting down a catwalk. The low murmur of voices that was in the air had ceased as she appeared replaced by a thundering silence. Tall and lean with flaming bleach blond hair she was a vision of beauty the likes of which other women only dream of possessing. Her radiant smile as bright as the Sun her pink pouty lips glistened from the last ray...

1 year ago
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Musical tents

It all started when Brad shaved his beard off. He’d grown it about the time he was able to grow a full beard. This was not until he was almost twenty four, so he was justly proud of the growth. Carrie, his new bride, loved the look, and their two children didn’t know him without it. His buddy Gord did, but Gord’s wife didn’t, so neither did their son. So when the day came when Brad looked in the mirror and saw somebody that wasn’t him anymore, the removal caused quite a stir. The youngest was...

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Lady in Red Book 3 The Rise of the EmpireChapter 4

The long flight from Australia gave the travelers an opportunity to discuss issues, as well as catch some much needed rest. At the first meeting, Lisa presented Gwen with a laundry list of issues facing her in Washington. “The conflict of interest situation is really gaining traction in both Houses of Congress,” began Lisa. “While as President, you are not subject to the pertinent or perhaps impertinent statute, there is an obscure law that’s causing problems. Kate, could you explain it to...

4 years ago
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Fucked a hot married event manager

Hi, I am rover from Delhi. I have been reading ISS for quite sometime now and after much thinking I thought of sharing my own experience with all of you guys. I work in a marketing team in a telecom company here and the nature of the job entails a lot of traveling. This particular incident happened when I was on a 3 day trip to Jaipur last month. The event was being supervised by a hot female Vijaya. She was very fair and looked almost western, short with nice assets. Her boobs were 34c and she...

2 years ago
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Bolted On Tits

Reddit Bolted On Tits, aka r/BoltedOnTits! Men have been staring at women’s breasts since time immemorial - the very sight of a titty or pair of titties can drive a man to do incomprehensible things, especially if he’s an incel. We all know that as good as all tits are, they’re not all built the same. Some are floppy, some are split apart, some are pointy, some are way too small, and some can be way too big. Finding a nice, firm D-cup to play with and fondle that also has decent nipples is a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Forbidden Love MJ Part 2

"Mom...." I repeated, tears flowing down my eyes. "Sorry," she surprisingly says, sighing. "But...god. I hate the idea of my ONLY son..." She paused. "being--" "I'm not gay," I told her, forgetting about everything that had happened. "I'm just..." The word 'gay' sent a chill down my spine, as well as the next word. "...experimenting." It felt weird talking about my sexual orientation with my homophobic mother. "Malik..." she sighed, wiping her face and sitting...

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Star GazingChapter 3 Night Skies

The rest of the two weeks were a blur of observing, writing, revising, re-revising and revisiting her thesis. Even when the night turned cool, she never wore a stitch of clothing, aside from sandals. A typical day: At 9:00, a pre-breakfast dip in the lake. At 10:00, breakfast. From 10:30 until 2:00 in the afternoon, work on thesis. (Translation: catch up on sleep missed last night between the midnight swim and the stargazing) From 2:00 to 2:30, lunch. From 2:30 to 8:00, work on thesis (for...

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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 2

I had thought about talking to both sets of parents for a while considering one of the three girls involved was a juvenile, as she was only 12, but then I'd lose my status as a cool adult. I checked over the tapes later that morning and other than the trespassing, the other two didn't really do anything wrong. They hadn't stayed in the hot tub, nor had they gotten naked on camera and masturbated in there. I made sure to drain the hot tub after and clean it thoroughly though. My wife is OCD...

2 years ago
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Petra the Small Ch 04

[This is the continuation of a story about an unusual family. I originally called this chapter ‘Momma.’ I encourage your votes and comments. What you think and feel are important to me. Thank you for reading.] * Early the next morning Jenny and Jerry were awakened by the phone ringing. Jenny answered and the voice on the other end of the line was Sabrina. She told Jenny that her shop had been vandalized during the night and that she needed help. ‘We’ll be there as soon as we dress,’ Jenny...

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How To Please A Fine Granny

About four years ago I got divorced at 49. I dated a bunch of women in their late forties and all I heard about was there ex’s or their screwed up k**s. Then one day I was in an upscale bar in Tucson and noticed a group of about twenty-five well dressed and obviously wealthy older men and women talking and having a great time. I went over and discovered they all belonged to a singles-over-sixties group and I was shocked!!! These women looked great and I would fuck any one of them.This began my...

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Emmas Birthday

My job was simply to keep her eggs from being fertilised that night. But as you'll see, it was easier said than done. Before Joel arrived she sat back on the bedroom chair without her knickers on and spread her legs provocatively. She reached under her legs with both hands and separated her vaginal lips with her fingers, exposing a thin white streak of feminine juice. She pulled her legs up and leant back, softly moaning and panting. I could see that the secret doses of male testosterone that...

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Engaging The Babysitter

I walked towards the door and saw her through the small window. 'Oh, there she is the barely legal dazzling brunette I have babysitting my son. What I wouldn't do to give a ride, and I don't mean in my car. Shit, she is wearing a dress like that to a babysitting gig? Is she trying to turn me on now?'I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor.I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking...

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Danni Pt 2

The sun was about three hours into the cloudless sky by the time I had finished my breakfast, and cleaned up the kitchen. I headed down into the small basement workshop to gather up my beachcombers bag and took my binoculars for good measure; you just never know what you will see down on the beach. The air was crisp as I reached the bottom of the cliff path and headed to the tide line where the pickings of the early morning high tide would be found. Sometimes, beachcombing does pay its...

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Neer Do Well

Once again I want to thank my editor ‘Wires’ for his assistance with this story. His work made the final product much more readable. As always, however, any errors remaining are mine. I did tweak this one a little after he returned it. ***** Garrett Mans came slouching into the kitchen of his mother’s house late once again for supper. The 19-year-old well-built boy was completely unable to keep to a schedule and it drove his mother into fits of anger that sometimes threatened to become...

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FamilyStrokes Kate Bloom Audrey Noir Addams Family Orgy

This Halloween, the Addams Family is going through a crisis! But when Morticia looks a hell of a lot like Audrey Noir, and Wednesday bears a striking resemblance to Kate Bloom, what can you expect? Everyone seems to be getting down and dirty around the old haunted mansion, and the head of the Addams Family, Gomez, is not too happy about it. So, the ghouls solve the problem the only way a supernatural family knows how, they head to the master bedroom and have an undead orgy! Wednesday gets...


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