Abby And Her Daughters Pt 1 free porn video

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Cheryl was the hot one, but she didn’t like me. Not like her sister Debi Sue did anyway. Debi Sue wanted me from the moment she first saw me. But where Cheryl was tall, and thin, and blonde, and lovely, with a tiny waist, pale blue eyes, and amazing full breasts on her slight frame, Debi Sue was short, round, and squat--like a blonde beach ball. Oh, she was pretty like her younger sibling, but in women, size matters too. And she was THICK. At least her tits were outstanding.

I tried like hell to hook up with Cheryl, but she had a thing for preppy-types, and I’d unfortunately taken the long-haired musician route instead. So after multiple turn-downs, it wasn’t too long before my 18 year old libido talked me into giving in to Debi Sue’s repeated advances.

I didn’t want my friends to know what I was up to, as they’d have ridden me mercilessly. So I’d slip away after school, and meet her at her house, where we’d spend the afternoon fucking like maniacs. She was so into me that she did pretty much whatever I wanted, and before long, we’d built something out of it. It wasn’t love-no fucking way. She was too heavy, and too country-redneck for me to ever seriously consider calling my girlfriend.

Their mom, Abby, liked me too. Debi Sue and I were always finished and dressed by the time she came home from work, but the look in Abby’s eye more than confirmed that she knew what we’d been up to. Amazingly, she never said a word. As for the father, well, near as I could tell he’d gone home to visit family back in Kentucky a few years before, and never bothered to return. They hadn’t heard from him in over a year, but seeing as he was a raging drunk, and violently crazy at times, I don’t think any of the three of them were losing too much sleep over him.

One day, late in the afternoon, after a solid hour of me nailing her from behind, Debi Sue smiled at me as we picked our clothes up off her bedroom floor.

“My momma thinks you’re cute,” she giggled, throwing her enormous bra at my head.

I had to admit-I thought Abby was something, too. She totally had that Mrs. Robinson thing going on-if Mrs. Robinson had grown up in the Appalachian Mountains, that is. She wasn’t skinny like Cheryl, nor was she round like Debi Sue, but Abby had a figure that some people would call buxom, and it totally worked for her. Abby’s dark brown hair was long, and she let it hang down freely, unlike most women in their late 40’s. And she was as tall as I was. Her blue eyes were the kind that you could totally get busted staring at-they were that pretty. And she had round, firm tits that she liked to subtly show off, long, sexy, solid legs, and delicious lips that I thought about often.

“Did she say that?” I asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.

“Something like that,” Debi Sue offered, nonchalantly, and squeezed my cock through my pants. Then she paused, and looked me in the eye, so I knew there was more coming. “She…uh…knows what you and I do every day.”

My stomach lurched. “Oh, great.”

She smiled again. “No, it’s cool. Really. She asked me what you and I did when we were alone. So I told her.”


“Yes, everything, silly. She’s my momma.”

I couldn’t get my brain wrapped around what she was saying. “You mean…you told her everything, in detail? Like what?” I sat down on the bed, and started at the tiny backyard through the window.

“That we do it every day. That you love to lick my pussy, and cum in my mouth. That our favorite position is doggie-style. And that we tried anal a few times but it didn’t work cos you were too big. Momma has a way of finding out the things that she wants to know.”

My mouth was dry. I had to leave, but I couldn’t move. “So, um…is she polishing her shotgun, or what?”

Debi Sue turned away. “She asked me we were in love.”

I looked back at her. She was fumbling with the button in the front of her tight jeans.

“And you said…?”

“What do you think I said, honey? I said of course we were. She likes you--she’s always making fun of Cheryl’s dorky boyfriends, but not you. She called you a hottie. But I told her to back off-cos yer all mine.”

The hell I am, I thought, as I followed her out of her room and into the kitchen, slid down her jeans, and shoved my cock up inside her again, pushing her gently against the fridge. I loved the way that her large, warm ass pressed against me as I thundered in and out of her. And I loved the way that she never-ever-said no. And I loved the way that she looked at me after I’d make her cum.

The end of the school year came quickly, and I graduated with all the other retards in my class. Debi Sue and I kept at it like rabbits, although I still never had the guts to take her out on a real date. It still wasn’t a real relationship, but I found that I did look forward to seeing her-and honestly couldn’t keep my hands off of her. We’d progressed from strictly using condoms, to me employing the Amtrak method and pulling out on time, making a map of Hawaii on her large roll of a tummy. She loved it, and her pussy felt even better without latex between us.

That summer, I’d show up at her door every morning, just after Abby left for work, and baby and I would spend the day drinking run & cokes, and doing it all over her house. And even though I knew better, I couldn’t resist any longer, and instead of pulling out I was now shoving my cock as deeply inside of her as possible as I came, filling her sweet hole with loaded gushers of my seed. It felt amazing, and she went nuts for it. I think it made us even closer, as we’d lie there afterwards with her head on my chest, and me stroking her hair, talking quietly together. Oh, I knew damned well what it could lead to, but I couldn’t help myself. It was just too good.

I had to get in as much as I could, since she and Cheryl were headed to their Uncle Glen’s in Ohio for two weeks at the end of June. Debi Sue was miserable at the thought of being away from me for so long, while I silently wondered how I’d be able to last for 14 whole days without getting laid.

The days passed quickly, up until Debi Sue left. Then every minute seemed like a week. I tried to jack off and take care of myself, but it was no substitute for her sweet pussy. Every night I’d dream about fucking her, and wake up in a pool of sweat. It was horrible--like quitting smoking, and I couldn’t wait for her to get back to me, and back ON me.

On our last night apart, I started off with the same dream I’d been having--me, laying on my back in Debi Sue’s bed, and her riding me, long and deep. I looked up at her as she licked her lips and smiled at me, looked far into her eyes, and told her that I loved her.

All at once the scene shifted. Not everything, but I found myself lying in a bigger bed, with a full crop of chestnut colored hair attached to a head that was buried in my chest. I was still fucking, but the pussy was warmer; and even more amazing. I lifted the chin to kiss the face of the person who was rocking my world, and was suddenly eye to eye with Abby. She put her hands on my shoulders, and fucked me like an animal. And then I felt her pussy milking me, almost like a soft, wet, velvety hand stroking my cock, and I exploded inside her, filling her with my cum.

I woke quickly, and sat up, my dick marble-hard and throbbing. What an incredible dream! But there I was again, pool of sweat, and masturbation just not doing a thing. But it’s okay, I thought. My woman will be home tomorrow, and I’ll finally be able to get some relief. But those vivid images of Abby riding my dick were sooo powerful.

I knew they were driving back from Columbus, and were leaving early. Debi Sue said they hoped to be home by 3pm. I was planning to be there when she got there, and take her out for lunch and hot sex.

Anxious, I called the house around noon, to see if they’d maybe gotten back earlier than expected. Man, did I need some Debi Sue! Abby answered.

“Hi Robbie. Sorry, they’re not home yet. Yer gonna have to wait a bit longer, Romeo. Why don’t you come by around 2? The way their Uncle Glen drives, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were early. “

So I showered, and threw on some semi-clean clothes, and headed on over to the Haynes place.

Abby answered the door, wearing a small silk robe.

“Hi there,” she smiled, inviting me in. She sat me on the living room sofa, and plopped down next to me, with plenty of leg showing. We talked about all kinds of crap. Normally, I’m not one to talk with parents for more than 30 seconds, but Abby was totally easy to get to know. She got up to fix us something to drink, when the phone rang. Abby answered it with the speaker phone button.

“Hi momma,” Debi Sue sang.

“Hi baby. You runnin late?” Abby asked, fully knowing the answer.

“Yep. Uncle Glen’s Buick won’t start. We’re takin Aunt Ida’s station wagon, but it won’t go no more than 50. Uncle Glen says we’ll be home after dinner. Is Robbie there yet?”

“Oh yes, he’s here. We’re just talking.”

“Well, take good care of him for me.”

“Oh, you know I will, sugar. You know I will.”

Abby returned to the couch a few minutes later, with something dark in a pitcher, and two glasses. “Well, I’m afraid that you’ll have to put up with me for a little while longer, darlin. The girls are runnin late. Hope you like Jack & Coke.” She poured me a tall one, and one for herself. Then we clinked glasses, and downed them both quickly. I couldn’t help but stare at her painted toenails, wondering what it would be like to suck on them.

She poured us two more, which we took to a bit more slowly, pulling her legs up and under her so that her thigh was resting on mine, and looked at me silently for a bit.

“You know, Debi Sue tells me that you two have quite a good time together.” I almost choked on an ice cube. “Did she tell you that she let me know what you guys get into after school?” I looked at her wide eyed, shaking me head no, ever so slightly. “But, I’m being silly. Of course she told you. And she also told you that I’m fine with it. So long’s as you’re both in love, I think young passion is a beautiful thing.”

Her hand dropped and rested on my arm, and she shifted around so that her feet were in my lap, at my crotch. She slid her left foot across my stiffening cock slowly, as she continued.

“Sounds like you really have taken to Debi Sue. She says that you two do it several times a day. I’m impressed!” Her feet continued to absently stroke me through my pants, as she reached and poured us two more. “My poor feet are so sore. Would you mind rubbing them a little?” I did as I was asked, wanting badly to bring them to my mouth. I massaged her left foot, slowly, the soft skin warm in my hands, as she worked her right foot back and forth over my throbbing cock. We sat there just like that, silently, looking into each other’s eyes as we teased each other. I pressed on, growing bolder, stroking her calf, then her thigh, at which point she shifted a bit and spread her legs. The small robe was loosely tied, and now opened enough to reveal a total absence of bra and panties. Slowly, I inched my hands up toward the enticing brown patch between her legs, with Abby’s eyes giving me the full green light.

But suddenly, a thought struck me. What if she was giving me some kind of test? I paused, with the image of Abby throwing me out in the street, and her telling Debi Sue everything so that I could never see her again. Did I want to go through the rest of my life with blue balls?

Abby took my hand in hers. “You’re hesitating because of your feelings for my daughter. I like that. It says that you’re a good person. But, tell me-do you find me attractive?”

There was no way that I was about to lie to her. “Hell, yes! Abby, you are hotter than hot!”

“And do you want me?”

What is this, I thought-a trick question? I couldn’t talk. I froze, and probably looked like that damned deer in the headlights, too. Don’t get me wrong-I wanted to dive into her like a pool, and swim laps all over her body. But the whole thing was just so fucking bizarre that my brain couldn’t wrap all the way around it. I realized that maybe I DID have feelings for Debi Sue, and that thought really freaked me out, big time.

Abby smiled again, and I swear, I tingled. “Look, sugar. I’m gonna go and pee, and then I’m gonna get into bed. If you wanna join me, I’d like that. A lot. But if you wanna stay loyal to Debi Sue I understand, and I’ll just take a nap and this’ll be our little secret. Feel free to watch TV, and help yourself to another drink.”

And with that she stood, the tiny robe still dangling deliciously open, and she kissed me lightly on the forehead and strolled slowly down the hall towards her bedroom.

I was up before I even realized what I was doing, running purely on cock power at this point, and I caught her before she reached her door. My arms slipped around her waist, my lips found her neck, and my hard dick shoved against her sweet ass. She turned to face me quickly, and we kissed like long lost lovers. I pushed her against her closed bedroom door, and my hands slipped inside the open robe, finding her ass and pulling her closer to me. She backed me off for a second, let the robe fall to the wood floor, and then wrapped her arms around my neck and attacked my mouth with her tongue. I have to admit that it was hot as hell, standing there with my clothes on and making out with a sexy, completely naked older woman like that. I couldn’t believe how badly I wanted her.

Abby dropped a hand behind her back as our mouths battled, and she turned the knob and pulled me into her room, kicking the door closed behind us. She paused for a moment to yank my t-shirt off and my shorts down, and then pulled me onto the bed with her. She lay back, spreading her legs and fingering her swollen clit, smiling at me.

“Come here, baby,” she said softly, wagging a finger. “Come to momma.”

I did.

I practically jumped on her as I found her mouth, and squeezed her breasts. She responded by pulling my mouth down to a hard nipple, and I took it into my mouth and sucked greedily. Abby grabbed my cock and began to stroke it, slow and strong, with a touch that was full of experience. I slid a hand down, and found her pussy, and it was dripping. We lay there, staring, as we jacked each other off. It was incredible.

“How’d you like to lick momma’s pussy?” she whispered, after a bit. That sounded like a hell of an idea, so I spun myself around quickly, and dove right in, her juices immediately all over my face. Abby began to moan loudly, and held my head in place with one hand, as she grabbed my cock with the other and took it into her mouth, sucking away hard.

Does my daughter do this to you?” she asked huskily as she licked my shaft.

“Mmm hmm,” I answered. “But not like that.” We were 69ing like maniacs, both of us working like hell to please the other, yet loving what we were getting in return. It was soooo hot.

Finally, after several long and intense minutes, Abby pulled her mouth off of my cock with a loud sucking sound. “Ok, that’s it. I can’t wait any longer,” she said quickly, and moved to climb on top of me. “Momma needs fucking.”

She grabbed my dick and ran it up and down just inside her sopping pussy. I knew I was in for the best lay of my life, and I couldn’t wait.

“You ready to give momma some good fucking, baby?” she purred, her breath coming in rough spurts.

“Absolutely,” I whispered, and tried to thrust in as I held her waist. But she stopped me.

“No--are you ready to give momma some good fucking?” she asked again. I’d been trying to avoid the way that she wanted me to answer, but I couldn’t any longer. I needed to be in her, and now.

“Yes, I’m ready to give momma some good fucking,” I said, loving the dirty way that it sounded. “I’m ready to stick my big fat cock up inside momma’s sweet pussy!”

Her eyes blazed with passion, and she moved her hand and slid all the way down on me. She rode me like a bucking bronco, and I reached up and played with her tits as I hammered in and out of her. Abby was making guttural noises in her throat as we fucked, hard. Her pussy felt even better than in my dream, and I forgot all about Debi Sue.

Abby’s mouth was inches from my ear as I slammed in and out of her. “That’s it, baby. Ooooh, you feel so good in me! Gimme it! Fuck me hard!” she whispered roughly. I rolled her over, sliding high for more leverage and jammed her full of me. She tried to roll me back, but I grabbed her hands and pinned them on the pillows above her head. In and out I whipped like a piston, and her eyes were on fire with pure lust as we explored each other.

She came quickly and suddenly, a loud, wild moan that had her voice cracking, followed by rapid panting. “Oh, yes! Fuck yes! Fuck yeah! Fuck ME!” She reached back and smacked my ass, HARD, and that trigger had me launching a barrage of cum inside of her. I continued to pound away as I felt my cock spasm over and over inside of her.

And then I was spent. Normally I can make Debi Sue cum 4-5 times before I get there, and then I’m good to keep going for a few more, but not this time. I felt like I’d just shot five years of my life inside of her, and I was toast. We lay there, our sweaty chests stuck together, trying like hell to catch our breath. I knew it was gonna be good, but not like THAT.

Abby started giggling softly, and she kissed my cheek. “Wow, baby. That was even better than advertised!” we kissed slowly, sensuously, our limbs deliciously wrapped around each other.

She traced my lips with the tip of her finger, and rolled over to rest her head on my chest. “There’s an idea that I’ve been kicking around for a lil bit now, and I wanted to run it past you, and see what you think,” she said quietly, pausing. “I was wondering, how would you feel about moving in here with us?”

My head jerked up involuntarily. I wasn’t expecting THAT.

Abby continued. “Now, this was all based on the assumption that I could get you into my bed, of course. But as many times as I’ve caught you checking me out, sugar, I didn’t think that was gonna be a tough sell!” She kissed my chest. “Officially we’d have to fix you up in the spare room down there in the basement, for the sake of appearance and all that. But here’s what I’m thinking. I’m gonna get Debi Sue a job at my company, on the night shift. It’s about time she got working. So, all day when I’m at work, you and her will have the place to yourselves, and you can get into whatever you wanna do, lover boy. And then at night, when she leaves, you’re all mine.” She propped herself up on one elbow, and smiled expectantly at me.

I didn’t know WHAT to say. I mean, the thought was amazing. Nailing my Debi Sue all day, and then jumping into bed at night with her sexy-assed mother? This sounded like something from those Penthouse Forum letters! Besides, sleep was overrated anyway. But then a bundle of snags came tumbling my way, annoying the hell out of me.

“But what about Debi Sue? She’s not gonna like that.”

But Abby just giggled again. “Come ON, darling. She’s so into your sweet behind that she’ll do just about anything you say, and you know it. And the thought of her having her man right here, living under her own roof? Please. She’ll be all over that like ducks on corn.” I had to admit it—she was probably spot-on.

“Ok, but what about Cheryl? How are we gonna make all this work without her noticing?”

She shook her head. “Darlin, Cheryl is a good girl, and pretty as the day is long. But smarts are not her best feature. She believed in Santa Claus until 10th grade. Trust me—she’s so lost with that iPod on her head that she’ll never notice a danged thing.” Abby reached down and started lightly stroking my cock, which sprang to life immediately.

“Ok, well, what about my band? We just recorded our new demo last week, and we’ll probably be playing a lotta gigs real soon. You gonna be okay with that?” It felt sooo good the way she massaged her cock in her hand, that I even forgot our band’s name for a minute.

She reached over, opened the night stand drawer, and pulled out a bottle of lotion. She squeezed a bit out onto the tip of my cock, and the dick massage suddenly became unbelievable.

“Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but my guess is that I’ll be keeping you so busy that you won’t even have time to THINK about your band!”

“I don’t know about that,” I countered, smiling. “I spent the last three years writing the songs on that demo. My music is my life.”

She added my balls to the massage process, and it was so good that it was almost unbearable. “Well then, I guess I’ve got my work cut out for me, don’t I? I’m gonna tell you right now, Sugar, I’ve got a very dirty mind and a wild imagination, and there isn’t a spot on this here body that’s not wide open and ready for you. And I do mean everywhere.” She moved her lips within inches of mine, as the sweet stroking continued. “So, any other issues? Or are you ready to call this your new home?” she breathed.

My mind was completely made up for me. All sex? All day? All night? Mother AND daughter? Where do I sign up? “Oh, I’m ready, momma,” I said quietly, and she kissed me, long and hard, tonguing my tongue and biting my lower lip.

“Good answer,” she smiled. “So, now that it’s official, I think you deserve a reward.” She glanced at the alarm clock behind her. “We’ve got about 3 hours left before the girls get home. What would you like to do with me?”



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Abby Abbyrsquos Birthday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part story was around a week after Abby’s neighbor, Uncle Jim brought her to a motel to get a good fuck.[SEXY COMMENTS Please!!! Really appreaciate SEXY comments!] After blowing the candles and cutting the cake. Both Matt and Jim were sitting on the bench at their garden, sipping beer and chatting while Jeff and the girls played inside the house. “So, your wife’s missing her daughter’s birthday party because of work?”...

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Abby Abbyrsquos Birthday Part 2

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday Part 2(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story is the sequel to Abby’s Birthday, right after Abby’s daddy had fun with her in her room.[SEXY COMMENTS are HIGHLY APPRECIATED] “Where are you going?” asked Jim while sitting on the sofa, watching TV. “I’m going over to Abby’s to get some…… Ugh……, Ugh……, Ugh……,” said Jeff while arching his butt forward and backward thrice, imitating that he’s fucking a pussy. “Hmmm……, Didn’t you just finished...

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Abby Ch 05

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter five Abby’s desire to have her husband spend more time with her wasn’t satisfied in the weeks following their trip to their mountain cabin. In fact, Lee spent even more time at the office and hospital than he had before the trip. Her suspicion that her husband might be seeing someone else continued to grow stronger, but she had no proof that Lee was cheating on her. And, even though she tried to convince herself nothing was happening, the...

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Abby Ch 11

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter eleven Abby sat in her living room, staring at the TV, wishing she knew some way to make things different in her life. Her husband and Carol Burke, his scrub nurse, who she now knew he was having an affair with, were attending a week-long convention in Las Vegas. Now that she had confirmed that Lee was having an affair, Abby knew in her heart of hearts that her marriage was over. Just the same, that knowledge didn’t keep her from hoping...

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Abby Ch 19

The front door to Lyney House was open when Abby got there. She had driven up preferring not to arrive hot and clammy from the walk up the hill. ‘Hello!’ She called stepping forward just across the threshold. She was uncertain whether to proceed further. A door twenty feet away directly in line with the front door opened and a tall, slim, grey-haired lady, dressed in jodhpurs and blouse smiled at her. ‘Hello, Abby. Do come through, I have just put the kettle on.’ Abby advanced down the hall....

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Abby Ch 36

Abby had expected a third degree cross examination upon arrival back at the Combe Inn. But all Mary asked was. ‘Did you enjoy your few days away, the sea air must have been nice.’ Alerting Abby to the fact that James must have told at least one person where she was. In the bar that evening she saw Sam, who surreptitiously winked. Abby discreetly nodded, acknowledging his part in the conspiracy. She then gave her attention to Mr. Brasher who had arrived that day. She and Mr. Brasher went to the...

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Abby Ch 14

The next day dawned with high cloud, through which the Sun would break frequently, it was warm, and Mary considered that it would stay this way all day. Abby had considered going over to the West Somerset Railway again, but Sam’s words last night had given her a lot to think about, and after breakfast her footsteps, as if with a mind of their own, took her to the station. The peace and solace that she would normally find here escaped her today. Perhaps she was wrong to think that she could put...

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Abby Ch 31

Later that week Abby took a day off to drive over to Coolton Grange. She wanted to pick Richard’s brains a little, and felt that time with Maggie would give her some relaxation. Richard was a mine of information about many things, but what gave Abby great hope was his mention of refrigerated transport. The slaughter house in Paverton could do the transport, but at a huge cost as Abby would be using the lorry for a whole day with only a small load. Richard mentioned that he was using transport...

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Abby The Beginning

A new city, a new job, a new life. It all sounded so good, starting over. But she'd tried to save some money by going with a cheaper moving company. Now very few of the boxes were in the rooms they'd been labeled for and neither of the beds had been reassembled. The four men had dumped things pretty willy-nilly and left, grumbling, because she had rightfully declined to tip them. It was a good thing her job didn't start for another two weeks. It was summer vacation and Tyler was out of...

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Abby Ch 25

Abby drove Mr. Brasher down to the station the next day, leaving him to wander around at his own pace. It was some time before he returned to her with a smile on his face. ‘I always get emotional when I see a place such as this. It looks so forlorn and neglected now, its purpose forgotten. But it was once an essential part of an economy that boosted this Country’s wealth and social standards to be the envy of the World. Knowing that it will be restored is a source of great happiness for me.’...

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Abby Gets Pulled Over

The is a story about a life changing experience that my wife and I had a couple of years ago. Abby and I had planned a celebration after she lost a considerable amount of weight. She had reduced down to 110 pounds and looked great. I should describe Abby. She has long brown hair and big brown eyes. She has the cutest face and her smile is contagious. She stands five and a half feet tall and has a body that won't quit. Abby's petite figure measures 34D-21-33. Despite her awesome assets Abby is...

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AbbyPART 3Went for Daviss Class with Just

The Chronicles of Abby: PART 3 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part reveals how Abby teased her teacher, Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties and what happened when she went home with her daddy after that. It was the day Abby would tease Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties. Abby was standing in front of her full size mirror, lifting up her extremely short denim skirt that was picked by her daddy, Matt to wear to Mr....

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CHAPTER 6: ANOTHER FIRST DAY I was in the office early as usual. I was a nervous wreck the rest of Sunday after I left the Cornell’s home and the full implications of what had occurred over that weekend sunk in. I continued to speculate on the implications of spending two nights with them and being a willing and eager sexual partner to the couple. But what dominated my mind and kept me on edge was being chosen as the Personal Assistant to Mr. Cornell. The other two candidates, candidates...

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Abby Ch 24

Abby had gone to the station to think and was surprised to find Sam and Harry who had cleared off all the scrub and weeds around the house, and also erected many of the posts. Sam greeted her heartily. ‘Hello Abby, how are you today?’ ‘I’m fine thanks, Sam. I didn’t think you would be down here so quickly.’ ‘Yes, we thought it best to get the ground cleared before George comes in. He will only dump everything all over, and we would have to wait until goodness knows when to get the scrub...

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Abby Daddy Came Back

The Chronicles of Abby: Daddy Came Back(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the continuation of Part 3 of The Chronicles of Abby: He’s So Heavy. What is He Doing to Me? ‘Jeff, wake up! Hurry! Wake up now!’ urged his dad, Jim while making sure not to wake little Abby while she was still asleep beside Jeff. ‘What’s wrong, Dad?’ asked Jeff who had just awoken and feeling slightly dizzy and exhausted. ‘Quickly, wake Abby. Get her cleaned. Her dad will be arriving in about 10 minutes’ time or less....

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Abby Ch 33

When Mavis and Sam came into the Combe that Saturday night, Mavis immediately looked around for Abby. She looked enquiringly at Mary, who had a very smug look. ‘Abby?’ she asked Mary. ‘Gone up to the House.’ ‘Will she be back a bit later?’ ‘Don’t think so,’ replied Mary, ‘had an overnight case with her.’ ‘Oh!’ In that exclamation, Mavis had invested more meaning than a sentence fifty words long could have described. Mary nodded as if she had understood every word of that sentence. Sam...

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Abby Abbys Alone Time with the Horny Teena

The Chronicles of Abby - Abby's Alone Time with the Horny Teenager, Jeff (Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Matt has finally come up with a plan to leave his little girl alone with his horny teenage neighbor, Jeff. What will Jeff do to Abby?A few weeks has passed, Matt has been waiting for the day to get his daughter more of his neighbor’s teenage son, Jeff’s semen. Matt learnt from his neighbor, Jim that his son, Jeff was away for a week. He went for his school’s camping trip to a jungle for a week...

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AbbyPART 4Went for Daviss Class with Just

The Chronicles of Abby: PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, Davis kept his lust in his pants until one day. Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, he hasn’t done anything risky with Abby. For the past few lessons, he had seen all sorts of panties color underneath her skirts and dresses whenever Abby sat with both her feet on the edge of the chair, hugging her legs. Sometimes, she’ll even sat with...

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Abby Ch 30

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter thirty When Greg woke in the morning, he was alone in bed. Afraid Abby had left, he sat up, then he heard his bathroom door open. Moments later, she appeared in the bedroom, wearing one of his shirts, which dangled almost to her knees. Her hair was a bit tousled, and when she saw that he was awake, she smiled and flushed a little. Greg thought the blushing only made her look more beautiful. ‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘Good morning,’ Abby...

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AbbyChapter 4

The turnaround for me came when I was handed a multi-million dollar class action suit against Abbott Chemical. The basis of the case is that Abbott Chemical had been dumping toxic chemicals near a low income residential neighborhood and over the years several people in the community had become very ill with cancers and liver problems. The case looked like it would be a slam dunk for us and would put several million dollars into the firms account and about $200,000 in mine. The problem was...

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Abby Comes Back for More

Abby had met Ray at the mall when he was the substitute Santa. He had eaten her pussy and brought her to a screaming orgasm, and fucked her as no high school boy had done before. But still, she was nervous about visiting Ray, as he was basically a dirty old man. And Abby's mom had always warned her about dirty old men. But after going out with another unsatisfying high school kid, who was hung but came within minutes, she kept thinking about Ray and his big cock, and how long he had stroked...

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Abby Ch 16

Abby wondered if she had overstepped the bounds, until James suddenly began to speak. ‘In many ways I was only playing at being an Officer, I viewed it as part of my training really to become Landlord here. Oh it was fun and I enjoyed it, that is until the Falklands happened. You know it is rather exciting to enjoy that sort of life, believing that you will never have to put into practice the skills you are being taught. Many officers can go through their entire Army career and never hear a...

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Abby Fucks Mommys Boyfriend

After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...

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Abby TGirl

AbbyT-Girl, Dick Girl, Trio, Anal/Oral, Multiple partners, Flashing, Fist, Creampie Abbygale had stopped to check on her ole friend Hudson. The rain had poured days prior to the approaching Hurricane Miriam. Hudson was a small town farmer, producing natural grown, clean vegetables. A solitary spirit with few needs and tough as iron, he had never married. She had met him when she was “Albert”, a college educated, agricultural agent. They remained close, even through her transition into a...

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Abby Davis and Madelyn Part 1

The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 1(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis Getting More From Abby’. Since the day Madelyn spread for her teacher, Mr. Davis, she noticed that he would take occasional peeps at her panties whenever she sat at her desk with her legs slightly parted in her skirts and dresses. There was even once he dropped his pencil in front of her desk deliberately and then he squatted down, pretending to look for it and...

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Abby Ch 13

Passion In James County XI: Abby Chapter thirteen Abby drove down the road that led to the cabin, pushed the button on the remote control that opened the security gate, then drove through. She checked the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was following her. Nobody was. ‘I guess I was just being silly,’ she thought as she drove up the narrow road toward the cabin. It seemed to her that the same car had been following her for several miles, and she’d begun to get concerned. The area where the...

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Abby Jeff the Horny Teenager Had His Fun with Ab

The Chronicles of Abby: Jeff, the Horny Teenager Had His Fun with Abby(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This was the time when Matt used his daughter, Abby to tease his neighbor’s teenage son, Jeff by giving him a good look of her panties.In some Sunday afternoons, Matt and Abby will be at Jim and his son, Jeff’s house for a casual hangout. Matt and Jim will usually hangout with a few bottles of beers in the garden leaving Abby and Jeff in the living room. Abby would normally just play games on her...

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Abby Thatrsquos How She Started Wearing Safety Shorts

The Chronicles of Abby: That’s How She Started Wearing Safety Shorts Under Her Skirts(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story was about Abby innocently teasing others with her panties in public and this was when she was forced by her mom to put on safety shorts under her skirts and dresses. Although Abby knew her dad had been peeping at her panties every time she’s sitting either on the sofa or on the floor, she would just ignore it throughout her preschool years. She wasn’t...

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Abby Wants a Turn

Three weeks had passed since Ashleigh left to go back to school in Illinois, and I was sitting in a meeting for what was essentially a “customer first” group (follow the Supervisor and Cashier stories for more on Ashleigh). This group’s purpose was to think of ideas to help improve the customer experience at the store. In reality, that is not what happened at all as it was more of a smokescreen for corporate directives that really did not create any real change. Oh well. Anyways…In this...

Straight Sex
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Abby and AmberChapter 3

Abby grabbed my hard cock and swung her right leg over my body and lowered herself toward my erection. She guided it to her entrance with her one good hand. When she got me there, she sank down and in a single stroke took me in. She sighed and closed her eyes as she came to rest. I was fully in her. There was a broad smile on her face and a look of satisfaction as she sat there. A shiver ran through her body. That was the last thing I saw for a while as Amber had moved up and now positioned...

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Abby Learns Alot at the Party

Note : This story is completely fictional! Abby was so excited thinking about going to the party, she could hardly contain herself. She was a 15 year old sophomore and she was going to a senior party with one of the hottest boys at school. She was also happy that now she would be able to spend more time with Melissa. Melissa was two years older than Abby but they had been friends since they were six and four. Melissa and her family lived next door, and they had become almost as close as sisters...

First Time
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When the phone rang, I immediately jumped up to answer. I knew my daughter was out, and as all parents do, I was worried. Abby was a very responsible girl, but you know how teens are. She had just turned 18 and was out celebrating with a few friends. "Hey, Dad, would you come and pick Chelsea and me up? We've had a little too much to drink, and, well you know what you told me..." Of course, I recalled our conversation. I'd told her months before that I would rather her call home than drive...

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Abby Ch 02

Abby slept better than she would have thought with the luxury of an opened window filling the room with the soft country air. She was wakened early, well, early for her, just after six, not by the crow of a Cockerel, as she would have imagined but by the insistent blare of sheep. She looked out the window to the meadows that came close to the wall of the Inn, and then stretched up rising gently at first and then more steeply to a copse on the skyline. The meadow was well populated with sheep,...

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Abby Ch 27

Passion In James County XI: Abby Chapter twenty-seven ‘Don’t you think it’s about time you start dating again?’ The question was posed to Abby by Leila Wilkes, a therapist Abby had been seeing for most of the nine months that had passed since the day Ellen Coughlin almost killed her. Leila was slim, rather severe-looking, but very easy to talk to. Abby felt she’d gotten a lot from her sessions with the woman. Since that awful day, Abby had settled in at the cabin at the lake and, with Greg’s...

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AbbyChapter 2

Abby and I got married as soon as I finished law school. I already had a job lined up with a large law firm and Abby was working as a computer technology consultant to school districts around Chicago. Soon after we married we bought a duplex in the suburbs. We planned to live in one side of the house and rent out the other to help with the mortgage payments. Then when we were ready to buy a nicer house we could either sell the duplex or rent out both sides. For the next two years our life...

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Abby the Beginning

“God, this just isn’t FAIR,” Abby yelled into the empty room as she struggled to lift another heavy box and carry it up the stairs to her son’s bedroom. After the divorce they’d sold the house, which was mostly paid for. Her half had given her a generous down payment on a place to live with Tyler and left money in the bank to spare. It was smaller, but plenty for the two of them, and they were well away from that drunken, violent bastard of a husband and father. A new city, a new job, a new...

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Abbys desperate bus journey

It was going to be a close run thing, and she knew it. Abby had double booked herself. It was her best friend Mike's 18th birthday, and they had been planning a night out for so long. It had been the topic of conversation since they were about 14, their first, legal night out. Problem was, she had also agreed to go on a team building session with work, and it had happened to fall on the same day.  The session was a boozy lunch, followed by the normal team building activities. The problem was...

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CHAPTER 4: THE CEOThe day after the late night with Mr. Cornell had a few of us preoccupied with close review of the project and verification of what I had identified as an issue. I managed to convince Mr. Cornell the night before not to put too much fault on Steve, assuring him that this experience would be seared into his memory. Instead of using it to make a point, use it as a lesson for him. Sara did talk to him privately, however. Steve came to me after his meeting with Sara and told me he...

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CHAPTER 4: THE CEO The day after the late night with Mr. Cornell had a few of us preoccupied with close review of the project and verification of what I had identified as an issue. I managed to convince Mr. Cornell the night before not to put too much fault on Steve, assuring him that this experience would be seared into his memory. Instead of using it to make a point, use it as a lesson for him. Sara did talk to him privately, however. Steve came to me after his meeting with Sara and...

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Abby Her First Time With James

Abby, her first time with James Abby, for the second time in recent months wondered why she could not remember the weekend in complete detail. She felt that the emotions and passions her two nights with James had stirred would have given her enough memories to write a book, yet just as she had after the Ball, only small vignettes came to her mind as she lay in bed that Sunday evening. She hadn't really known what to expect. Yes, she had encouraged James, possibly giving him the impression...

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Abby Ch 22

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-two Lee Marklin finally got time to go home during his lunch hour. He checked the garage, saw Abby’s car wasn’t there, and began to get angry. How dare she not be home? Where the hell was she? He stormed into the house. ‘Abby! Goddamit, Abby! Where the hell are you?’ he yelled. Then he saw the envelope sitting on the kitchen table. ‘Lee’ was written on in Abby’s neat handwriting. He ripped the envelope open, took out the folded...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

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