Abby Ch. 16 free porn video

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Abby wondered if she had overstepped the bounds, until James suddenly began to speak. ‘In many ways I was only playing at being an Officer, I viewed it as part of my training really to become Landlord here. Oh it was fun and I enjoyed it, that is until the Falklands happened. You know it is rather exciting to enjoy that sort of life, believing that you will never have to put into practice the skills you are being taught. Many officers can go through their entire Army career and never hear a shot fired in anger. I thought that would be my situation. Seven years in the Army, and then back here.’ He shook his head ‘Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way. I hadn’t had the time to enjoy the Captains pips on my shoulder before I was off to the Falklands. It was cold, wet and thoroughly uncomfortable, and if that wasn’t enough the Argies were firing at us!’ He was quiet for a while, and then said softly. ‘I killed a man you know.’

Abby not understanding just commented. ‘I would have thought that was part of war.’

James shook his head. ‘It is unfortunately, but usually you are detached from the deed. You pull the trigger, there’s a bang and the bullet goes on its way and that does the killing. No, I actually killed a man, only he wasn’t a man, he was a boy, and I did it with my own hands. I stuck a bayonet in his stomach, and watched him die. I had his blood all over my hands. He was only young, couldn’t have been more than eighteen! What in Hell was he doing there? He shouldn’t have been there.’ James stopped suddenly, his face a picture of misery.

Abby leaned across and took his hand, suddenly understanding the misery and horror. James carried on as if he was speaking to himself. ‘It was when we moved in on Goose Green, we had to be as quiet as possible as we got into position, a shot would have told the garrison that we were there. My Company was creeping around an outcrop. It was all rock, scrub and bush, when suddenly he was there, I just reacted. Afterwards I wondered if he was trying to surrender. Sometimes when I look back, I am sure he was trying to surrender. Then at other times that he wasn’t… I just don’t know. My Company Sergeant had put his hand over the boy’s mouth to stop him crying out, stomach wounds are very painful. I could see the agony on his face and tears running down from his eyes. He just looked up at me and you could see the question, ‘why? Why me?’ When the boy died my Sergeant just said to me ‘you or him Boss’, and carried on.’ James voice faded away and he just sat there, clinging to Abby’s hand.

Abby heard herself say without thought. ‘Well I for one am glad it wasn’t you.’

If James had heard he didn’t react, they both remained still, waiting for the misery to pass. Eventually James stirred his voice now a little less strained. ‘I talked a lot with Sam when I got back. He had served as a sniper during the Second World War, sometimes the Army does manage to get the right peg in the right hole. He helped a lot, but as he said he had never killed close up, all he ever saw was a uniform, no details of a face, so it was impersonal.’ He moved and lessened his grip on Abby’s hand, but kept the contact. ‘Thanks for the comfort. I haven’t gone through that for quite some time.’

‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked about it.’

James shook his head. ‘You are a friend, you should know.’ He paused, ‘Sam is the only one who knew about this, and now you. It’s not something I would like to be common knowledge.’

Abby understood what he was saying. ‘It stays with me, you know that. Why was Sam the right peg in the right hole?’

‘Countryman. He had used a shotgun from an early age, knew how to move about the land without drawing attention to himself, and how to lay up in a thicket for hours if need be without moving. All essential to be a good sniper.’ Abby nodded, it was simple really, but not the sort of thing that most people would think about.

The Sun was now getting quite warm, and their position so comfortable that Abby lay back enjoying the peace and quiet. After a while she realised that it wasn’t so quiet, used as she was to City life where noise is a constant background she expected the country to be quiet, now she knew that it wasn’t. She could hear the crunch as Cassie and Jason cropped the grass, the faint buzz of insects flying around, the flutter of birds grown bold, anticipating that there could be crumbs for them, and faintly on the breeze the ripple of the river. She lay contentedly, only occasionally sitting up to sip at her wine which although now warm tasted delicious anyway. James had moved away a little and was methodically packing away the remains of the picnic.

She watched through half-closed eyes for a while and was prompted to comment. ‘You are very tidy you know, was that the Army training?’ she remarked.

James looked up. ‘Yes and no. It’s also the Country Code. All this paper and waxed cartons have no place in the country. Cows would eat it, because it smells good, but it wouldn’t do them any good. Remember Sam’s cow Jesse?’ Abby nodded. ‘The most likely cause of her discomfort would have been something like this, left innocently by some visitor, but causing trouble all the same.’ He picked up the bottle of wine and held it up squinting through the glass.

‘There’s some wine left, shall we finish it?’

‘Good idea.’ Abby said with a grin. She held out her glass. ‘You know it was interesting listening to you talking about your family history. I was fascinated by how they kept out of the limelight and prospered. But how do you know they kept a low profile?’

‘It is as much a question of what isn’t there, rather than what is there. The local histories of the time mention quite a few names, who aren’t around now. But don’t mention the Comberfords, who are. So I make the assumption that it was this keeping their light under a bushel attitude that ensured survival.’ Abby nodded.

‘You still do that, don’t you?’

He looked curiously at her. Abby went on to explain. ‘Well in all this time you have never mentioned any strong political adherences, nor any religious ones. Have you never been interested?’

‘There is a very simple answer to that. No! No political views except that they are all a little dodgy. And as for religion. I was not brought up as anything, so I have no views on that score. Perhaps my family became non-religious as a way of surviving, go with the flow, say the words, but you don’t have to mean them. That sort of thing. The West Country was once very Catholic, but that was at the time of the Tudors and Stuarts. For the last two hundred years or so it has been Wesleyan in the main. But if you talk to a few round here you will find that they tend to be Anglican mixed with Wesleyan, but not so much you would notice.’ The conversation faded away and Abby relaxed.

She may have dozed a while, for it seemed only a moment before she realised that James had packed everything away. Cassie and Jason were standing at the field gate following his movements as if they sensed that the journey was soon to begin once more. Abby didn’t move, quite content with the warmth, and the rest she was enjoying until James asked. ‘Are you going to lie there all day?’

Abby stuck her tongue out at him. ‘You were the one who recommended that I should take things a little easier, so don’t get stroppy if I follow your advice.’ Without looking she knew that smile was on his face.

‘I see gone native have you?’ Abby roused herself and stood up. Grasses had stuck to her back, and she vigorously brushed them off.

‘Mary would be ecstatic if she saw these.’ She bantered. ‘She’ll put two and two together and make at least six.’

James restored to his normal humour grinned delightedly. ‘Yep, and the phone line to Mavis would be red hot.’

Abby laughed. ‘Is the country always like this, I mean gossip?’

‘Of course. Everyone is an object of interest, it’s not malicious, but there has
to be something more than crops and weather to talk about, so you coming here has been a welcome break from the normal gossip. You would be surprised at the fanciful stories circulating about you.’


‘Yes, you are new, and a bit of a mystery, so in consequence you will get talked about. As I said nothing malicious.’

Abby thought that over. She found a certain humour in the situation. ‘How nice to be thought of as a mystery woman.’ Abby grinned. ‘And what are they saying about you and me?’

‘Oh not much. Just that you had come down here to get away from an unhappy relationship, or that you are writing a novel, or that you are trying to buy the estate.’

‘Mary and Mavis don’t subscribe to those ideas.’ Abby said dryly. James agreed with her.

‘Ah well Mary and Mavis have their own gossip, which they do not share with anyone else.’ Whilst this banter was going on, James had released the horses from the field.

Jason immediately broke away and walked over to Abby, snuffling at her pockets. James called across. ‘He wants his treat, here!’ He searched in the saddle bag and found an apple, with his pocket knife he sliced it in two, and gave both halves to Abby. Jason greedily nudged Abby’s hand, and she fed him his treat. James had done the same for Cassie, so with both the horses happy, they mounted, and resumed the journey.

The way now entered the woodland, the track bed curving left and then right but always on a constant downgrade. With the trees in full leaf the area was gloomy, with only splashes of dappled sun creating islands of brilliance. Apart from bird calls and the rustle of the breeze in the foliage it was quiet. Even the river could not be heard.

‘Are we still on your land?’

‘Yes, for a while. We shall leave it in about a mile.’

‘About a mile?’

‘Yes. The boundary isn’t marked, but I shall know when we are on the Crown property.’ Abby was used to a system where everyone knew to the inch where their property began and ended.

‘Why isn’t the boundary marked?’

‘Little point as this is not land that can be rented. Too wet for anything but woodland. We will fell trees from time to time, which gives the new growth room to grow, but apart from timber that is it.’

‘It’s very gloomy here.’ Abby observed. James nodded.

‘It is now. When the railway was running it was much more open. The engines would have worked hard coming up this bit, so sparks would often set little fires in the undergrowth. Too wet for them ever to become big blazes, but it did clear the ground either side of the track.’

Another reminder for Abby of how it was when her grandfather was alive. Yet one more piece in the Jigsaw. She came back to the subject of boundaries.

‘If you don’t mark the boundary, and don’t have fences, anyone can walk on to your property at any time, can’t they?’

‘Yes they can. There is nothing here for them to steal, and they can do little harm. Country dwellers have little objection to people wandering over their land, so long as they observe the Country code. Don’t light fires, don’t do damage, and take your rubbish home with you.’

‘That’s a very generous attitude.’

‘I mentioned once that although legally this is my Land, I am really a Curator keeping it safe for everyone. It’s lovely country here, it would be churlish to deny entry to anyone who wanted to enjoy this beauty.’ Abby looked across at James to see if he had that little grin on his face, and was surprised to see that he was being totally serious.

She lightened the mood. ‘So the wicked Squire does have a social conscience.’ She knew that James would be grinning now, and waited for the retort. It wasn’t a long wait.

‘Social conscience is merely a nice way of avoiding the truth that I cannot afford to fence the whole thing in.’ The laughter in James’ voice told her that he was once again hiding his true values behind humour.

Abby had taken little note of their whereabouts for some time and was now surprised to see that the track bed was rising on an embankment. Upon closer examination she realised that the track was level and it was the land either side that was dropping away. The curve of the track straightened and in the distance she saw the brick parapet of what appeared to be another viaduct. She remarked on this to James who confirmed that they were to cross the river. ‘The river is now in quite a deep valley, and the track crosses here and then leaves the valley.’

‘The railway didn’t follow the river all the way?’

‘No’ James went on to explain. ‘Do you remember when you first drove up the valley?’


‘You may have noticed that the road followed a side valley, and then you crossed over and came down a steep hill into the Lyney valley proper.’

‘I certainly remember that hill. What was it? One in Four or something.’

‘Yes it is. That hill was always a problem, especially in winter. Well the railway and the road used the side valley, I assume it was because the Lyney valley from this point on was Crown Estate, they weren’t allowed to build there, Also from the railway’s point of view the gradients involved would be too steep.’

‘So this is where we leave your land?’ She asked.

‘Just a bit further on.’ Replied James, pointing towards the viaduct.

The track crossed the river by a single arch viaduct, but not so high as the viaduct they had seen on their previous ride. Shortly after that they entered a gloomy cutting, the steep rock sides towering over them, scattered with bush and small trees that had managed to gain a footing in the cracks and crevices. The track here was narrowed by the slippage from the sides, so Abby was forced to ride behind James. The cutting ran for some one hundred and fifty yards, and they emerged into relative daylight, Abby following James as he guided Cassie off the track and descended the embankment. Suddenly there in front of them was a lane, which Abby quickly recognised as the lane she had driven with caution that first day, the bridge abutments that had drawn her attention then standing to her right. She found it difficult to recall the excitement and doubts she had then, if she had realised that it was taking her to a new life would she have gone on, or turned and driven away? Whatever she felt then, now she walked Jason confidently across the lane, and following James, up the trail to regain the track bed. She belonged here now, no longer an outsider looking in.

The track was again wide enough for them to ride side by side, and she dug her heels into Jason’s flank to urge him on. The horse needed little urging and they were again riding abreast. The land had become a little more open the tree line having receded to allow small fields with a few grazing cattle, the fields bounded by those familiar stone walls covered in Ivy and grasses. ‘So where did the estate end?’ Abby enquired.

‘Back there when we rode through the cutting.’

‘This isn’t Crown Estate then?’

‘No.’ James shook his head. ‘It belongs to Richard Welling, Sir Richard Welling. You will meet him at the Ball.’

‘He doesn’t mind you riding on his land then?’

James turned to her, smiling. ‘No, he doesn’t mind. This area is difficult for access bounded by the two rivers, the Lyney and the Bray, coupled with the limits on that bridge. It isn’t really big enough to make a decent farm, but too big for a small-holder. The ground gets very wet in winter, so you have to take the livestock off. He has tried to sell it to me on one or two occasions, but I am not interested at the price he wants. Even then the same problems apply for anyone who would be interested in renting. I could make it more attractive if I cleared this track bed back to the viaduct, giving it better access, but then it would only be of interest to my existing tenants, and the closest is Abe Stone, and he, I think, is looking to have less land rather than more. You couldn’t put dairy
cattle on it either.’ Abby was confused by that statement.

‘Why not?’

‘Milking. Twice a day you have to milk them, and that means machine milking or you cannot sell the milk. The nearest parlour is five miles away, so your herd would be walking twenty miles a day, wouldn’t do them any good, and would affect the yield badly as well.’ Abby was even more confused now.

‘But there were some cattle back there.’

‘Bullocks.’ He was grinning widely. ‘Can’t get milk from a bullock.’

‘It gets very complicated doesn’t it?’ Abby laughed with him.

‘Yes it does. It would appear so simple, here’s a field, good grazing, put cows on it, money for old rope. Then the problems come, and suddenly it’s not so easy. Something those blokes in Westminster don’t think about.’

Abby was quiet for a while digesting the import of this. She like most people had thought that farmers led an easy life. It would appear that every day she was learning something new. Her opinions were changing dramatically.

‘You said something about the bridge and the limits on it. What bridge would that be?’

‘We’ll see it in a minute.’ James told her ‘You will have driven over it when you came up the lane, we will take a break there, and I will explain.’ As if on cue, the gradient levelled and a final wide curve brought them to a long, low viaduct. Abby stared in confusion for a while until she suddenly realised that this was the bridge she had seen from the road on her first visit, and looking to her left she saw the embankment and road bridge. Intuitively she knew that this was the bridge that James a spoken of.

‘That’s the bridge you meant, isn’t it?’ James had stopped Cassie and was dismounting. He nodded.

‘Yes.’ He tethered Cassie, and walked a few paces onto the railway bridge, looking carefully for signs of unsafe footing. Finding none he returned.

‘Shall we have some coffee?’ He enquired whilst holding Jason’s rein so that Abby could dismount. He tethered Jason, and brought the flask and cups from the saddlebags.

‘The viaduct seems safe enough for us, but I wouldn’t like to let the horses on it. If we walk out you will be able to see better.’

They sat on the flat top of the parapet with coffee. Abby looked down at the river, it hardly seemed the same river as that which flowed through the valley, the valley river was bright and urgent, it chuckled as it flowed. Here it was brown, slow and lethargic, meandering between banks of weed.

‘So what is the problem with the bridge?’ she asked.

‘Did you notice when you drove over, the weight limit?’ Abby mused for a moment and then it came to her.

‘Yes, it said thirty hundredweight.’

‘Exactly! One and a half tons. Only the smallest of vans could go over that bridge. Any decent size lorry will be seven tons, and a bus will be three tons without passengers. So access to the valley can only be from Paverton.’

‘I thought the sign was just a remnant, they had forgotten to remove.’

‘No that is the weight limit, and has been for the last ninety years. ‘ James went on. ‘When your granddad’s railway was running it didn’t matter, all goods and passengers went by rail. When they closed the railway it was on the understanding that the bridge would be upgraded to take heavier vehicles. That never happened. My father often tried to get the Council to fulfil their promise, he didn’t get anywhere as the answer was that it would happen when they could allow for it in the budget. It would appear that many other projects had priority. The Bus Company said it would provide a service, but that had to come via Paverton. For anyone in the village wanting to get to South Molton, that would mean a round trip of some forty miles, to get to a place that was only seven miles from where they started. Understandably the locals went out and bought cars, the bus service ran empty for much of the time, so eventually the buses stopped. To be fair to the council, it wasn’t just the bridge. That whole lane would have needed to be widened and re-graded. You know how steep those hills are. What I could never understand is why, when the railway was lifted, they never took over the track, and used that to build a new road.’

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The next morning Kevin awoke to find a note on the table that his mother and Jack had gone to find a place to live near the state university. He poured himself a bowl of corn flakes and went into the living room to watch the sports report on television. He sat down on the couch and used the remote to turn it on, he then took a big bite of cereal. A knock on the door interrupted the highlights of one of last night’s games, he got up to answer it. He was surprised to see Shannon there waiting...

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Fantacies Of 64 Years Young8211Yellamma

Hi! I am Ravi, there were no responses from readers as I expected. However, one reader wanted that I should go ahead and write not as fantacies but as experiences and watch out the reaction. So I decided to turn out my fantacies as my own expereinces and here I am shooting out my cum. I was born in early 40s and till I reached the age of 6 or 7 I was playing with my little dick (bella kai) holding it and pulling it as far as possible and enjoying the elasticity of it.(Even now I play with my...

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My 42year old neighbour

his is the story about my neighbour when I still lived with my parents house. At the time I was about 22 years old and at the neighbours they had 3 sons, the oldest one, Robert, aged 19 was my good friend. Only their mother was living there as his parents were divorced about 10 years before. She was about 20 years older then me, so a mature 42-year woman. She was quite chubby with a pair of big tits, I guess minimum D-size. She had curly blond hair and grey eyes and always in a happy mood. Her...

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Breeding Mommy Chapter V

“Almost ready to go, sweetie?” I said to him in a soft tone.He just stared at me with this deer-in-the-headlights look for a long second before coming to and replying, “Wow, you look really pretty, mom.”I smiled and thanked him. I hoped I looked really good because I spent a lot of time getting ready for him. We were going on our first official date that night. He’d asked me out earlier that week and was really adorable with how sheepish he was.We decided to go bowling because it was simple. I...

3 years ago
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KlutzChapter 14

Bill and Susan didn't have to worry about Mandy and Beth. There was no way the two girls were going to come out of the bed room. Manufactured homes aren't known for their sturdy construction. They are built light because they have to be towed to the site they would be set up. 5Th wheels have even lighter construction because they are designed to be towed full time. Thanks to thin walls the girls had heard the entire conversation. They heard from the beginning offers to move out to the final...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Ch 01

As usual my thanks go to LadyC and Techsan for their assistance in bringing this tale of woe to you. I’ve been somewhat delayed in posting this one because as I was writing it, I realised that I could take some of characters in this tale from ‘The Fall Guy’. Once that idea came into my head, I also realised that there were other characters I could use from, another story of mine that is still on the drawing board. There is no need to read the three stories in any specific order, but do I think...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Aiden Ashley Victoria Voxxx Competing For Attention

It’s lust at first sight for two masseuse colleagues, Victoria Voxxx and Aiden Ashley, when they lay their eyes on an attractive male client, Nathan Bronson. After vying to see who is the lucky one who gets to massage him, Aiden wins out and takes him aside into a private room to begin the massage. It’s not long before she eagerly strips down and oils them up so that she can begin body sliding. But Victoria is determined NOT to let Aiden claim her prize too easily, and sets about...

3 years ago
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Miridian Ch 01

Welcome to the first part of Miridian. If you are here to see erotic fun time, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the next part, which I will be submitting very soon. This is just a brief intro and part one – in which you get a feel of the main character and the world she lives in. – Introduction There are legends from the seas as old as time, yet, most neglect to question the events surrounding the creation of them. The oceans are vast and deep, and despite the technologies of today, there...

2 years ago
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Young and Wild

A cool summer mist made the air rather sweet in the small town of Edenville, OH. Rows of corn layered the land, while the moonlight cast an evanescent shadow upon the soil. Children were reading their bedtime stories while peacefully being tucked in. The darkness of the night blanketed the small community, and all was well. The hard day's work and bustle began to draw to a close, while the fun began for many. Downtown, the liquor stores and bars were still going strong. Flickering neon lights...

4 years ago
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Theatre Toiletil Kaamam

Vanakam enathu peyar Vickey vayathu 23 naan oru virgin paiyan ithu varai naan entha penaiyum oothathu illai. Naan viruthunagaril vasikiren ingu makal athigam aanal ennai pola viegin pasangalai paarpathu kadinam. Naan enathu sontha urrai vittu velaiku ingu vanthen naan oru software companyil vellai paarthu varugiren. Ingu niraiya pengal enudan vellai paarthu varugiraargal aanal naan avalavaaga yaridamum pesamaaten. Aanal anaivarin suuthu matrum mulaiyai paarthukonde irupen sila murai companyil...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 24 Alex

Someday, even a total dick can do something right. I realized that later, after the graduation ceremony. Gracie and Peter were both graduating. Gracie, my sister, was salutatorian, meaning that she was merely the second smartest in her class and I had spent most of the month giving her shit over it. Not that I wasn't proud of her or whatever just that, you know, I can't actually tell her that, right? Anyway, she had to give a speech awarding the Senior Class Teacher of the Year award and...

3 years ago
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Its For Your Own Good My Crazy Commuter Th

"After this I'm finished." he said and he folded her laundry.She didn't bother to look up from her laptop. "Fine, do the dishes then and I'll see you tomorrow.""No, after this I'm done with you, I'm leaving."She still didn't look up from her laptop and continued clicking away on the keyboard. "Sure, finish the dishes and we'll talk tomorrow."He threw down the skirt he was about to fold. "You're not hearing me. I'm not going to do any of this anymore. I found someone and I'm moving…we're moving....

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 244

Thursday Afternoon Matt and Courtney had gone home, as had Fred and his wives. Art, Bobby, Sandra and Hope had disappeared yet again. After a busy day, Jeff, Diana, Kayla and Arlene were in the living room. Diana was sitting in her husband's lap as they all chatted. Her smile got bigger. "There were some sore pussies this morning when we had our little get-together on the Jacuzzi deck." Jeff's demeanor became a bit more serious. "You told them I would send Little One, didn't...

3 years ago
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Training my new slut fucktoy part 1

Victoria had just turned 18 and was still in high school. She was popular at 5' 1" with nice C cups a tight little petite 100 pound body complete with a hot sexy ass. She was dating the football quarterback Mike at her high school when we met. She started working at one of my favorite bars and we both knew there was a instant connection. After a few nights chatting after she got off work she started telling me about her sexual experiences. She had been fucked by her quarterback boyfriend...

3 years ago
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My First Cock

I always knew I really was meant to be a girl. For a while I thought I was simply gay, but I loved wearing thongs and bras. I loved masturbating while pretending my asshole was a vagina. I never made it a secret. I'm very flamboyant and girly. I still managed to have lots of friends in high school. Several of them knew I wished I was a girl. One night I was very upset about God knows what. I was crying with a good friend of mine at his house. He was straight and had a girlfriend...

1 year ago
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Life Under MistressChapter 12

When Peter Pan and Wendy meet for the first time, Peter was attempting to reattach his shadow to himself. Since soap failed to glue his shadow back onto himself, Wendy offers to sew his shadow onto Peter with a needle and thread. Peter crows at his reunion with his shadow and Wendy sulks as Peter acts as if she had nothing to do with it. But when Peter tells her that “one girl is more use than twenty boys,” Wendy is so excited by his compliment that she offers to give him a kiss. So Wendy...

1 year ago
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Acre of Freedom Pt 1

Kevin absolutely hated living in this shitty little town. After living in a city of a few million people all his life he was forced to move here when his Dad got a job as chief surgeon at the local hospital. This retched town that served no more purpose than as an interstate stop, where 10,000 people had for some reason chose to waste their lives. His life had been a near constant nightmare ever since he got here. Sure, the first few months he was here had been fine. He’d always been a...

4 years ago
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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 14 The Bigger Picture

I watched Alicia talking to us. Not down to us, but just as if she and I were dorm room pals discussing whether to order pizza or heat up some ramen. In other words, she wasn’t trying to convince. That’s a trait I admire. And I believe it comes from self-assurance, from believing that you are right. And that you know the subject, know what you’re talking about. I may test those waters myself, knowing what the fuck I’m talking about. Someday. She said, “We fell into the exaggeration trap...

3 years ago
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Horny wife of my coworker Part 1

A few years ago, a new guy, Steven, started working at my company. He worked in a different department and was a junior member but we had frequent interaction and became work “friends.” We would occasionally have to attend conferences or travel for work and over a short period of time, I got to know him pretty well. Steve was a good worker and a nice guy. He was somewhat of a newlywed, married about 2 years, no k**s. Steve and his wife Jordan were both early 20’s and I was mid 30’s and...

2 years ago
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Moral Problem

There I sat, this very pretty Japanese woman laying there, passed out. Too much too drink, her shorts around her knees. Her wet, cute little pussy, open like a flower, waiting for me to slide my wanker into it. My hard dick standing straight out from my shorts, still wet from her attempt at a blowjob, waiting to be placed in that pussy.Heather is the Japanese womans name, she is not Japanese, just looks like it. We are at a party, in a barn, a stall. My wife is in the house enjoying the party....

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Teresas Christmas Party

It started as every other Christmas party. There were the ones showing up primed, liquored or stoned and the ones wanting to suck up to the boss. We can’t forget the ones who bring their significant others to show off or air them out annually. Being in charge of the entertainment, Teresa was back and forth with everything, ensuring the guests were having a great time, the food was ready and on time while verifying the shindig was on schedule. Being new to the company, Lance decided to give her...

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Paying bills during Covid 19

Like alot of people covid 19 affected my wife and I very hard economically. That is until the day that this story is about. A little about my wife and myself. We are both 50 years old middle class small town amerrica couple. I have been At my job for 10 years and the owner of the company is a well educated 40 year old, fit, single black man. My wife and I have always had a decent sex life and for the past 5 yrs. Have been roleplaying in the bedroom. The latest thing had been bbc dildos and she...

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While Bob was away getting the rental truck, I packed the few things we had needed over the night and morning. It was a whole morning's work to load the truck after he got back. We went up to check the apartment one last time. We didn't want to leave anything behind, and we wanted it nice and neat for the landlord's inspection. We needed to get our whole deposit back. The living room was clean, and our stuff was gone or packed in the two bags that would ride in the front with us. "Goodbye,...

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Woman Partner Chapter Twentysix My New Life Begins

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 26, My New Life Begins) This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

2 years ago
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A Maidens Dream on the Eve of St Agnes Day

Author’s note: Tradition would have us believe the night before St. Agnes’ Day, January 21, is always bitterly cold. A virgin who says her prayers and goes to bed without supper this night will surely see her future husband in her dreams. With a ‘tip o’ m’ hat’ to John Keats for inspiring me with THE EVE OF ST. AGNES and Sister R________ for assigning Keats’ poem to sophomores in her English literature class for January 20, 1977, thank you. * There were worse things that could happen to a...

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Acteon Chemistry

A tale based in Alyssa S' Acteon world. Much thanks to her for creating it. Acteon Chemistry Calob Ng rolled his shoulders, still trying to come to grips with the densely packed musculature of his newly acquired body. Sir Wilfred's borrowed body. He felt big, powerful, intimidating. It was a new sense of self. Acteon males were not the same as the homogenised confederation citizens - generations of isolation and selective breeding made the two societies quite different in genetic...

4 years ago
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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 4

So the Dryth appear to be Time Lords, or maybe they raided Gallifrey and took the TARDIS with them. In any case, far as I can tell, their ship is much bigger on the inside than it has any right to be.Or maybe I’m just running in circles.Yep, I’m running. Yes, naked, with stuff dripping down my legs. Yes, I’m holding on to my boobs. No, it’s not a pretty sight. No, it doesn’t make a ton of sense in my head, but my body saw Bane’s glare and went RUN! RUN! RUN! … so here we are. Running.“You threw...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 120 First Mass Lunch

Monday, April 25, 2005 I woke after the usual four and a bit hours. I didn't have to turn on any of the room lights to get out of bed, as a dim yellow blob did the job perfectly. I climbed over Carol and went to do some studying via the kitchen. The hallway's main lights were off now. Instead there were those small lights that plug into an outlet to provide a little illumination at floor level. That was useful, as I didn't want to use light blobs walking around the house. The risk...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 03 Ch 02

The following day was ‘at sea’ and the morning was busy, but the afternoon was open for a private session with Cindy. Katie had major mixed feelings when they started – anticipation and reluctance at the same time. She and Matt had continued their discussion and he had urged her to quit worrying and do what was necessary to help Cindy and, as she clearly wanted to do, enjoy herself while doing so. Katie still was conflicted – should and shouldn’t warring in her mind – but if she had been...

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My neighbour nurse

There was a mallu aunty stayed opposite to my house. She worked as a nurse in diabetics center. I don’t know her name. Her husband already has another legal wife. Hence, he used to come twice a month. I have a habit of studying in terrace. After the sunlight used to study by walking in the balcony. One day i saw a beautiful view in the opposite house. She changed her blouse before going to the night shift in the hospital. Her melons were big and if one has a thirsty mouth, it really worth to...

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Hungry For Dawn

Guy spent Thursday evening after work day preparing for his adventure.For starters, he carefully took a shit into an old bowl. Using adisposable plastic knife, he cut up the stools and set each piece into aslot in a plastic ice cube tray. Peeing into that bowl, he then poured hispee into the tray over the lumps of shit, filling the tray up. He thenplaced it in a double layer of zip-lock baggies and placed it in hisfreezer. He then checked his back of toys to make sure that everything wasthere...

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Wife before we met More

Following on from my previous story about my wife’s sexual encounters before we met, I thought that Id recount another one which gets me particularly turned on. First, though, a bit more background. As I said before she was a late starter and her first sex was at 20 with an experienced guy she met at college. She was on the pill before they started having sex and she continued taking it after they split when she finished college (I think she wanted to control the safe sex bit). She was then...

2 years ago
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Catcher CultureChapter 9

The lady driver of the school bus had no qualms in allowing both Penny and Cindy onto her bus; the two mature woman had been most persuasive and generous, in asking her to simply allow them board, then have her close the door and drive off, only to let them alight again just 50 yards down the road. Penny and Cindy highlighted their ascendence to the bus amid the plethora of pretty girls, by slapping their hands to each others in juvenile fashion as Penny stepped up, then accidentally dropping...

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Idiot Indian sex story

Hii everyone I m Rajveer from Punjab, 5’11” with muscular body doing I m 20 years old. Coming back to the story, it happened when I was in 12th class. Our school has recruited new staff for the better board results and mrs Meenakshi was one of them. She was our chemistry teacher. She was married from past ten years and had two kids, she recently completed her post graduation and joined the job to make her hubby realize that she can also earn and do something. By the way she was really...

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Residence Evil

The house had been on the market for a long time. The locals stay away from it, due to its history. The owners had been absentee for as long as anyone could remember. Finally, the For Sale Sign, which had become so weathered and faded by the elements that it was unreadable, was replaced by a For Rent sign. Apparently somebody new was taking over the account and had convinced the owner to lease the place. After all, with the college expanding in the town next door, rents were up all over, and...

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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 32

Thus began the hardest working period of my entire life - which had not been noted for work at all, until I came out on parole. It began gradually, with a visit to Elvestone Hall that gave me exactly the answer I had hoped for, from a woman who I discovered had never lost faith in me, even when her daughter had given up and decided to drink herself to death. "Oh Em! At last! So this why I haven't seen you for two whole weeks!" Lady H exclaimed when she opened the door to us. "I was so...

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