Further She is not a servant
- 3 years ago
- 61
- 0
Natalie approached the deep crater where the command trailer had stood. Beside it, the tractor unit was ablaze, dark plumes of thick smoke rising thirty metres into the air.
"What are we looking for?" one of her reluctant assistants inquired.
"A black ovoid about the size of a large grapefruit. It will have an array of small, shiny contacts dotted over its surface."
"What is it?"
"All that's left of my sister," Natalie replied sadly. "One day, we'll use it to bring her back to life. She sacrificed everything for us today and I can't let her die forever."
"It could be anywhere," the young woman replied. "Can it even have survived the blast?"
"They're virtually indestructible. Each one contains a short range homing beacon that activates automatically if it loses connection with its Quantum. There's a receiver in my car."
She opened the tailgate and switched on the detector. Each Datacore transmitted a unique code and she entered Elisabeth's from memory. The handset emitted an intermittent beep and she spun through a full circle to allow the directional antenna to provide a bearing. After repeating the same procedure from three different locations, she triangulated the likely co-ordinates and walked into the crater.
"Fetch some spades," she told the woman.
The Datacore had been propelled over a metre into solid earth. They would have to excavate quickly if they were to retrieve it before they were forced to leave.
"Situation report Sergeant," Huxley demanded as Talbot took a momentary break from his labour.
"We lost two patrolling the perimeter plus four dead in the house and six more in the woods. Five others are critical and we can probably expect to lose them before the end of the day. Another two will hopefully pull through."
"Anybody we know?"
"Bartlett in the woods, Stevens in the house," Talbot informed him
"I've known those two forever. They were good soldiers," Huxley agonized.
"The rest of the recruits did bloody well, considering. I'd fight alongside them any day."
"I know," Huxley agreed.
"What about these machines?"
"The lieutenant vouches for them and I have to trust her judgement. She's done nothing but good work since she's been with us."
"We're not taking them with us are we?"
"They've burnt their bridges and have probably got no place left to go. If they are what they say they are then I want them on our side. Those autocannons they used are designed to be vehicle mounted; I've never seen them fired hand-held before."
"They're strong buggers, I'll grant you that."
"I've spoken quickly to Janus and he's in agreement; we give them a chance. If they wanted us dead then they'd already have wiped us out. The machine that blew herself up was the same one that warned Emily about the attack and the restoration of the Surveillance Grid.
"The machines are obviously as divided as we are. If they're prepared to help us destroy their masters then who am I to deny them the opportunity."
"What about the prisoner?" Talbot asked.
"Do as Emily said for now. Keep a careful eye on her and if she shows the slightest sign of causing trouble, blow whatever she uses for brains to oblivion."
Sands had driven over as soon as Greg called him to relay the gist of Janice's call. He was clearly extremely worried, fidgeting in agitation on the sofa.
The tank was displaying classic films in rotation with all news channels suspended. They looked at each other ominously, realising that the time for international diplomacy had ended. The conflict with Caliban had begun.
Half an hour previously, Valerie had returned; the threat of war overriding whatever resentment she harboured from the previous night. She paced up and down restlessly, feeling impotent now that momentous decisions had been taken that were beyond her control. She half expected a horrific fireball to appear over the city, obliterating everything for kilometres in every direction.
Her phone rang but the number wasn't one she recognised.
"Valerie, it's Emily."
"In smoke's name Emily, where on earth are you?"
"I've no time to talk. Get out of the city now. You probably don't have much time."
"Are we about to be nuked?"
"No, but there'll be an assault team with you within the hour, I almost guarantee it. Syntel will try to kill you as soon as they discover what's happened."
"What are you talking about?"
"Syntel traced us to our location. They launched an all-out assault but we managed to defeat them. We've taken heavy losses; Elisabeth is dead and Vanessa is badly hurt. We're about to leave as soon as Huxley tells us where we're headed."
"Elisabeth's dead?" Valerie cried out in horror. "We've killed one another."
"No, that's not what happened. The other Hybrids have joined us. Elisabeth sacrificed herself taking out their Command and Control."
Valerie sobbed, remembering the headstrong woman who she'd sparred with on many occasions.
"Natalie's found her Datacore. At some stage we'll bring her back, but for now we have to find somewhere to regroup."
"I'm with you. Can I bring some friends?"
"The more the merrier."
"Where shall we meet?"
"The Farm. I've got another little surprise planned for Henderson."
"The Farm?"
"Can you be there in an hour?"
"Yes," she confirmed.
"Ask her about Janice," Pete shouted from across the room.
"I heard," Emily replied. "We captured a lone Infiltrator. She insisted that I call and warn you."
"Thanks. We have someone here that'll be very relieved to hear that."
Valerie hung up and turned. She grabbed Felix mid-snooze and handed him to Greg.
"Hold him still while I get his carrier," she instructed. "We're leaving."
As soon as the wire cage put in an appearance, the animal fought for his freedom, obviously anticipating a traumatic trip to the vet to receive his annual vaccination and have large worming tablets forced down his gullet.
Greg yelled as the cat's claws raked his arm.
"Care to tell me where we're going?" he gasped in pain.
"We're joining the revolution," Valerie replied. "Syntel is on the warpath and we can't stay here any longer."
Greg grabbed his jacket and gun, declaring himself ready to leave.
"It's up to you Pete," Valerie told Sands.
"No place I'd rather be," he grinned.
Elisabeth stared up at the cloudless sky, the sun beating down on her lightly clothed body. The grass beneath her body was wet and the air smelt fresh as though thoroughly scourged by a recent rainstorm. She sat up and looked around but found nobody in evidence.
"Hello," she called out then repeated it at the top of her voice. There was no reply forthcoming.
The sound of flowing water drew her attention to a fast moving river, the banks of which lay just a few metres away. Nearby, tall trees teemed with birds and her senses hinted at animal life hidden in the dense foliage surrounding the gnarled trunks. She sneezed with the pollen from a nearby lavender bush.
Memories of her death resurfaced, sending shivers down her spine and filling her with panic. Fearing imminent attack, she tried to spin up but her perceptions remained firmly locked in real time.
On the opposite bank, lush meadows rolled towards the distant horizon and further downstream the first signs of habitation were visible.
Elisabeth clambered slowly to her feet and padded along a path towards a small cluster of wooden structures. Small children frolicked outside, their excited voices carrying to her ears and calming her nerves.
Access to the settlement was via a wooden bridge whose damp timbers were mottled with moss and lichen. The slats were slippery and cold against her bare feet but sturdy enough to bear her weight without complaint. The children smiled at her presence but continued to play as she approached them. From out of one of the huts, a clean-shaven middle-aged man emerged and walked intently towards her. Dressed in a simple knitted jacket and baggy trousers belted at the waist, he made a welcoming gesture and urged her to follow him.
"Don't be afraid Elisabeth," he reassured her.
"Who are you? Where am I? How do you know my name?"
"I'm Shepherd," he replied. "I'll answer all your questions in due course but first follow me. You must be hungry."
He walked back into the hut and, with nothing better to do, Elisabeth strode after him.
Simmonds paced restlessly as the first satellite pictures appeared on his monitor. The deep crater and the burnt out tractor unit informed him that things had not progressed as planned. Bodies lay strewn about the approaches to the farmhouse and the lack of any sign of life left a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He picked up a glass paperweight and threw it across the room where it shattered, showering everywhere with a cascade of sparkling shards.
"This can't be possible," he gasped.
"We'll be overhead with the chopper in a few minutes. We'll drop an Infiltrator team on the ground but if we lose contact then we should consider taking more drastic measures," Henderson replied.
"We can't do that. Anything of that sort could have untold consequences at the moment."
"I'm sure that we could arrange to launch any number of conventional warheads if necessary."
"Alright. Do whatever you need to do," he murmured dejectedly.
The Farm was located about ten kilometres outside the New Arizona city limits, set amongst the foothills of the mountain range where the Syntel Production Facility was located. Hidden in the midst of a few hundred hectares of scrub, it was ringed by a five metre high electrified fence topped with razor wire.
Emily parked the military truck under the cover of trees, out of sight of the gatehouse that was manned around the clock by a squad of heavily armed HKs.
Talbot and two others sat in the cab with her, noticing the small hatchback abandoned a short distance away.
Valerie, Greg and a man she didn't recognise emerged from some bushes and approached them. Emily ran up to Valerie and embraced her, overjoyed to be reunited with her old friend after so many weeks apart.
"This is Sergeant Talbot and Privates Walker and Dean," Emily informed her.
"Sergeant," Valerie greeted. "I'm Valerie Hamel with the mayor's office and this is Lieutenant Greg Bennett and Detective Pete Sands of the NAPD."
Handshakes were exchanged and they turned their attention to the task at hand.
Emily led them away from the gatehouse and they followed the fence for several hundred metres until they located a suitably remote spot.
"Don't touch the fence," Emily warned. "It's at a potential of over one thousand volts."
"Fine," Talbot groaned, wondering exactly what they hoped to achieve.
Emily had asked Huxley to borrow Talbot for a few hours and he'd happily agreed. He'd informed her that the sergeant knew the location of their new base of operations and would lead them there once her mission was complete.
She had not informed anyone of her intentions for fear of causing alarm. Whilst relatively confident of success, if things went badly she knew that rejoining the others might not be easy.
"The fence can be isolated in hundred metre sections for maintenance," Emily stated having studied the layout during a moment of boredom when still confined to the Facility. "Look for a small red control box."
"There," Valerie indicated, pointing towards a clump of tall grass about ten metres beyond the fence.
"How does this help us?" Talbot asked petulantly. His expression turned to shock as Valerie effortlessly jumped the wire and landed squarely on her feet on the other side.
"Another of your machine friends Lieutenant?" Talbot asked unhappily.
"Hey. That's my girlfriend you're talking about," Greg snapped back.
Talbot shook his head and kept quiet, wondering what other surprises were in store.
Valerie flipped open the cover of the isolator and shut off the power. With the fence safe, she walked up to the mesh and tore it apart like tissue paper. Emily eased through the gap and held it open whilst Talbot and the others followed.
"Val, I want you and your friends to stay here," Emily instructed. "I'm not sure how this is going to play out and if it all turns to shit I need you to get as far away from here as possible. Call Natalie on the mobile and she'll tell you where to meet her."
Valerie nodded and watched as Emily and her team disappeared out of sight. The woman was almost unrecognisable in her olive drab. Her new confidence demonstrated a complete change in personality since the last time they'd been together. Greg met her gaze, obviously thinking exactly the same thing.
As they penetrated deeper into the grounds, the sound of heavy gunfire became apparent. Talbot drew his weapon but Emily calmed him with a swift gesture and a reassuring smile.
"This could be easier that I expected," she told him as she changed direction and headed off along a gravel path.
"What exactly are we here for?" Talbot asked.
"Reinforcements hopefully," she replied cryptically.
They arrived at the edge of a large clearing where twenty men and women were firing at targets placed about five hundred metres away.
"Live fire exercise," Emily whispered, her eyes carefully observing the three instructors rather than the trainees.
"I do this alone," she told Talbot. "If things go pear-shaped, run like your arse is on fire."
"Stay here," Talbot told the two recruits, following Emily despite her protestations.
"Whatever," she sighed. "Stay behind me and keep quiet."
They were less than ten metres away from the group before they were spotted. The trainees looked at them in confusion but the drill sergeant recognised her immediately and went for his weapon. Emily shot him in the stomach then trained her pistol on the other two. The man dropped to his knees, clutched his belly to stem the flow of blood.
"If you want to join Sergeant Harding, go ahead and try your luck," Emily told the two instructors. "If you want to live then put down your guns, shut your mouths, and lie face down in the grass. Keep your hands where I can see them."
The pair rushed to obey, her notoriety having obviously preceded her.
The twenty men and women were dressed in loose coveralls and were struggling to comprehend what was going on and wondering whether this constituted part of some elaborate initiative test.
"You fucking whore," Harding spat, his voice distorted in agony.
"Payback's a bitch, isn't it Harding," Emily told him, relishing his pain.
"Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work," the man groaned. "All I need to do is say the word and this lot will chew you up."
A single shot from behind him silenced his protests permanently. He pitched forward onto his front, a dark crimson stain spreading across the back of his fatigues. A young woman brandishing an R16 rifle looked down at his body with contempt.
Emily stared into the woman's eyes, seeing her own misery reflected there.
Talbot stood in shock, unsure how to react. Emily reassured him with a wave of her hand.
"What's happening here?" a tall dark haired man asked.
So they've finally made some male Hybrids, Emily thought, smiling to herself.
"Who are you?" the man demanded.
"My name's Emily. I'm a Hybrid just like you."
She couldn't fail to hear the strangled cough from Talbot as he comprehended her words.
"I've come here because I need your help. You are being manipulated and misled by these men," she told him, indicating the dead sergeant and his two cowering sidekicks. "I've come to free you."
"Exactly how do you plan to do that?" the Hybrid asked.
"Execute command override Alpha Tango three seven four Delta."
The group became restless and even further confused.
"What did you just do?" a tall blonde woman begged. "I ... I ... feel..."
"I've just set a predefined state within your Quantums."
"You've erased part of our Datacore," the first Hybrid accused.
"Yes," Emily confirmed. "I've just wiped all hold that Syntel or anyone else has over you. There are no more backdoors, no way of compelling you to do anything that you don't want to from now on."
Emily looked to the ground and picked up a clipboard and score sheet that Harding had been using to evaluate the new Hybrids. She remembered him from her own training; the bitter memories of his verbal and physical abuse were still strong. She observed the stricken woman that had killed him, knowing the type of ordeals to which she'd probably been subjected.
"It's okay," Emily reassured her. "He's dead. He can't hurt you any more."
The girl nodded sadly and dropped her weapon. Emily knew that the sergeant would have opposed her to the end; it gave her a great sense of satisfaction to witness his demise.
Whilst the Hybrids considered her words, she walked towards a fearful Talbot who held his gun at the ready, still undecided as to what to do with it.
"Put that away before you hurt someone," she scolded, ignoring his anxiety.
Emily handed him the clipboard, forcing him to holster his weapon in order to take it from her. She returned to the Hybrids who were busy holding a lively debate over what action to take.
"Pipe down and listen up," Emily shouted to attract their attention. "The current Hybrids, of which there are now six of us, have taken pre-emptive action against Syntel, the corporation that created you. Syntel is using you as a tool to oppress the citizens of Oceania with no regard for your wishes or welfare."
"What do you want from us?" the self-appointed leader challenged.
"Because of our actions, Syntel will no longer trust the Hybrids. They will most likely attempt to destroy you in order to save themselves from further embarrassment. You have three alternatives that I can see.
"First, you could join with us and fight for your freedom, in which case I'd ask you to give your name to Sergeant Talbot here and stand in line behind him.
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Sono ormai al terzo anno di scienze umane, un indirizzo scelto quasi solo da ragazze, e sono rimasto l'unico maschio della mia classe. Tutto inizia bene e per i primi giorni nulla di strano accade, fino a che non...
BDSM“Good morning my name is Miss Siena and I am here to talk to you about the moon,” Siena said calmly as she floated in the zero gravity. “I am currently orbiting around the moon as this broadcast is being recorded. I have been on the Collins orbiter for the last three years and before that I was on the lunar surface at the Tranquility Research Base. What I am here to teach you about today is the selenology of the moon,” she allowed a pause for any teachers to pause for questions. As she read her...
Love StoriesAs the workday neared its end, I sat in my office planning for the rest of the week. Suddenly, Ms. Gere buzzed me. I put her on speakerphone:"Yes, Ms. Gere?""What are you doing after work, Sam?""Uh, I, uh had no plans. Did you have something in mind, Ms. Gere?""Yes, Sam. I've got a new customer in town who I haven't met before. I always like to have an extra person with me when I meet a new client for the first time, and I'm hoping you can join me.""Sure.""Good. Meet me in the garage at 6pm and...
Introduction: Our anniversary continues. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. Chapter 9 I woke up on Saturday morning with a smile on my face. My arms were wrapped around the soft, warm body of my niece. Her eyes were still closed and she was breathing deeply. I looked out the window and could see rain coming down. Well, I thought to myself, guess that means no working outside for me today. I...
Jayne was having one off those days she had been completing her cause work at collage and she was sick of it. She didn't have a moment to her self but she new it would be worth it in the end and besides she was going to get to see john tonight. John was the same age as Jayne around 18, he also was having a hard time at collage and was looking forward to the night alone with Jayne. Jayne's parents had gone away for the week end and Jayne invited John round to have some fun and forget about...
FetishIn my job as an Avon lady I was always getting phone calls from women asking me to call on them.This call came early in the morning. I answered the phone and heard a very well spoken woman asking whether I could call on her later that afternoon. I looked at my diary and said I could. I noted her address and told her I would be there at 2.30.When I put the phone down. I thought that the voice was not the usual type of caller I got. It was sophisticated, almost posh but very well spoken. I knew...
After being dump my gf while I was in college I decide to just go online and hook up with some and didn’t care much who. I downloaded tinder and found this cute ass girl and messaged her and see if she wanted to meet up. She messaged me back and meet up with her at her place. We watched a Netflix and chill and started to making out with her and slowly feeling her out as she was grabbing my dick. She pulled my pants and started sucking it really good. And her head game was unbelievable that was...
From the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford; I just felt like being a dad was 'in my blood'. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meeting—she was still 18. Barely a month after we were married, Jess was pregnant and we were on the path to having the large...
Wishes Granted 10 Micah Distel Little Billy Cooper was sitting in class one day bored out of his mind. Here he was, ten years old, in the prime of his life, sitting in a boring classroom. Then he noticed something. In front of him was a pair of pigtails. Owned by Sara Rafter, the cutest girl in the class, even though Billy didn't care. He decided to have a little fun and gave a tug at both of them. "OWWWWW!" Was the response he got from Sara. Billy spent the rest of...
Jackie I felt George kiss my cheek, but pretended to be asleep. I didn't want any conversation just at that moment. I listened as he crept quietly out of my bedroom; Chad's and my bedroom, I reminded myself ruefully. Rolling over, I buried my face in the pillow George had left and inhaled the scent of his body. I recalled his smell from years ago when his Old Spice shaving lotion mixed with the perspiration of our necking sessions would set my senses reeling. I nuzzled the pillow,...
I haven't had a chance to move out of an apartment with my slutty bitchy ex girlfriend yet and she loves to piss me off. She eats my food, takes forever in the only bathroom, tells me how big her new boyfriend's cock is compared to mine. So I got even on this one particular day. She took about a hour shower and another fourth five minutes in the bathroom doing nothing. She went to her room. The phone rings and I pick it up,its her boyfriend telling me to let her know he's not coming over. I...
We were deep into discussions about adopting the day that I stumbled upon George Seward, Chief Operating Officer of Southern Sky Films. It wasn’t that I stumbled into George. His car – a nineteen seventy, hand-made Excalibur – broke down on the road I took to our house from town. George was standing in the road beside his car when I rounded the bend, braked and pulled over to offer him a ride. “Much obliged, young fellow,” he said affably as he hopped in. “The old gal is much too beautiful...
The middle-aged professor was a study in thoughtlessness yet he was often lost in his own private thoughts that drove him to distraction in the middle of a class. His senses reached out to touch his personal "Lolita". She was a figment of his imagination and yet as real to him as the blister on his big left toe that nagged him with every step. Professor Minskovich was not a tenured professor as yet but he had high hopes of achieving that milestone at the end of this term providing he did...
The first time I met Madison, she was a shy teenage girl, the daughter of the sister to my wife’s best friend. She had an older sister by a few years, who Madison’s mother referred to as her good angel. Madison was also an angel, but she had a rusty halo of sorts, according to her mother. I would see Madison about once a year, usually at Christmas when her aunt had her mother and my family over for a holiday dinner. Every now and then, there would be the occasion meeting, since we lived in a...
CheatingEven as overwrought as I was from my date with Jacque, I was excited even more by being invited to Claudette's for girly talk and what I hoped would turn into a sisterly hair setting lesson. I grabbed the curlers and left my jacket but kept on my blouse and skirt. A quick visit to my closet brought me a scarlet satin busted lounging gown which I knew Claudette would adore. I also remembered to bring the lipstick I had purchased for Claudette at Chanel. I locked the door and stepped...
A SLAVE TO MY MOTHER-IN-LAW FOR 2 WEEKSIt was 6:00 in the morning as Jill put my suitcase in the trunk, along with hers & Tyrone’s. I was ordered to sit in the back seat for the long ride to her mother’s house. My traveling outfit was a skimpy white baby-doll nightie with fluffy marabou trim all around the hem. My ruffle white satin hi-cut latex sissy panties concealed the fact that I was severely tucked my balls pushed way up inside my body & my sissy clit pulled back tightly between...
A New Start in Life Part 23 We settled down for the flight, watched a film, played games on our phones and of course slept. We arrived in Auckland on Sunday morning 22nd December; of course the closer we got to New Zealand the more nervous I got, my visits to the loo were frequent. My friends tried to reassure me, but it really didn't help, how I wished my passport didn't have the tick telling the world I wasn't the same as I looked. We disembarked and I was I was going to...
Hail to the legendary bomb who was clever enough to write her name just below her butt cheeks. Two tats that you have certainly seen during the wanking-off sessions - Kali Roses! Today, I'm privileged to review the stunner's Twitter account and trust me, I am not a fan of these reviews. Not a lot of videos to watch and not a lot to shit on, and you all know that I like digging up flaws as much as Kali loves riding the dongs! This is gonna be a biased, horny, dishonest review where I'll...
Twitter Porn AccountsI met the man and his wife at a convenient Starbucks and we made the arrangements. I told them that I required a bare bottom at a minimum. He explained that she was required to remain nude at home at all times so that wouldn't be a problem. I told them that was how I kept my girlfriend as well. Maybe its not as unusual as I thought. This was a good looking woman in her late 40's so I knew I was going to enjoy this. We agreed that I would come over to their house on the following Saturday...
After all the discussions and bedtime talk it was time for me to push things a little further to actually happening. An American navy fleet came to town from the Middle East unleashing some 5,000 sailors onto the city. I suggested Monica should have a girls night out.After all the bed time talk and confessing of my fantasy to see the woman I loved with other men and Monica somewhat taking an interest, or should I say more than an interest, in the possibly of getting it together with a man other...
I was sixteen when this all happened and it was my first experience, I’ve a BJ by a girlfriend before but I never had sex before and when I was f******n she dumped me. I never truly recovered from her break up for she was my first true love. I then let my life just do downhill from there and stopped caring or trying to get another girlfriend.Well to get to the actual story as I said I’m sixteen and in high school it was the last period of the day the class was English with Ms Jones. Ms Jones a...
Hello Friends,my name is sonu and i am a playboy .i am 21yr old my hight is 5ft 11in .my look a smart gay just like my brother imran.ye meri pahli story kyoki mai bahut busy rahta ho isly mujhe is ke bare my koi khas jankari nahe thi.aise to mare life me bahut sare stories hai par mai ek story jo mere life ke ajib hisa thi o apko bata raha ho.hay aap ye mat smjna ki mai ek playboy hu to mere struacture half hai me sirf dekhne mai imran bhai ki trah ho but my body is just like sallu bhai .aur...
Joyce's assistant Loren informed Joyce that her manager Marion was waiting in her office. Marion, as usual, was dressed in an immaculate business suit. Her starched white blouse did little to conceal her magnificent 38D breasts that were held firm in her black Angels by Victoria's Secret bra. Her black skirt was cut inches above her knee showing her long and very sexy nylon clad legs. Being a Monday Marion preferred pantyhose rather than her normal stockings. Her precious...
Chapter 5 A Special Dedication Erin and Shelly dressed and left for Hershey, PA. Shelly wanted to say good-bye to William since she hadn't gotten to say good-night to him the night before. Michelle explained that William was leaving for Europe very soon and couldn't stop packing or he might miss his shuttle. That held little water with the little girl. She was clever in an innocent way and had resolved it in her mind that William didn't have to stop packing, she could just...
Jack had the girls standing naked before him. There was eight of them in all different stages of pregnancy. He had a very smart business. He would breed these beautiful sexy girls and then the babies would be sold to couples that could not have babies. He had a long list of want to be parents waiting for babies. They paid a lot of money for a baby. He now looked at each girl. Liz was about to give birth to her fourth c***d. Then she would rest for thirty days before he would begin fucking her...
100% fiction! It was a very stormy night lots of high wind and lightening and thunder, i was at home with my stepdaughter who is 27. It was late at night so we went to our beds, i stripped off naked and jumped into my bed and snuggled in , it wasn't long till Nadia called out that she was scared , the next thing i knew she was in my room and had jumped into bed next to me before i could say anything , as she moved over closer to me i quickly told her that i was naked , but she moved over anyway...
IncestI did love Jack and, it wasn’t just the sex. Like good love, it was about everything; the great sex we had was a bonus. He could be pretty strict with me and I accepted the fact that I needed that; sore backside and all. During the first year we were together, he had a short hospital stay. Nothing major, a small operation but, it kept him in the hospital for most of a week.With me only being a ‘friend’ and not family, there were a lot of things I couldn’t do according to hospital rules so…we...
The dreams I have experienced over the last few days have been weird, to say the least. At night, I have woken up at two in the morning, sweaty body, a pumping heart and an erection the size of a cucumber. The dreams quickly evaporate and yet I remember the devil’s voice on my shoulder telling me that I’d like to fuck her, want to fuck her, need to fuck her.Every time I shake my head and try to forget that whimpering, giggling voice.Over several days I had dreams that reinforced the one...