AbbyChapter 4 free porn video

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The turnaround for me came when I was handed a multi-million dollar class action suit against Abbott Chemical. The basis of the case is that Abbott Chemical had been dumping toxic chemicals near a low income residential neighborhood and over the years several people in the community had become very ill with cancers and liver problems. The case looked like it would be a slam dunk for us and would put several million dollars into the firms account and about $200,000 in mine. The problem was that when I looked at the scientific evidence it was obvious that Abbott had followed Environmental Protection Agency guidelines in the storage of these toxins and in addition to that there was no evidence of ground water contamination nor any air pollution that would have cause the types of cancers or liver diseases that were being reported.

Upon further examination I found that a lot of the scientific testimony was from specialists brought in and paid by the law firm. I didn't have proof that any of the specialists had lied but it sure looked that way to me.

On top of all that, if we won the case it would put Abbott out of business and most of the families that lived in that neighborhood depended on Abbott Chemical for their livelihoods.

Any settlement agreed to would end up giving the individual plaintiffs in the suit about $2500 each but would leave them without a job and without medical insurance but the law firm would collect millions.

I found that my ethics would not allow me to be a party to the suit so I went to the head of the firm thinking that if I showed him the scientific evidence he would have our firm withdraw the suit but instead he basically told me to shut up and row.

I asked him if he could have someone else assigned to the case and he told me that because of my track record on similar cases the senior partners had chosen me for that case and I was to see it through.

I went back to my office and looked at the case materials again and in the end decided that I just could not in good conscience be a party to that law suit. I knew that to walk away from the case was going to cost me my job and a lot of money but in the end I had to live with myself. I submitted my resignation that afternoon and was out on the street a week later.

I thought of trying to hook up with another law firm but I knew that if they caught wind that I had walked on a case that big they would never hire me. The only other choice was to open my own office. The interesting thing was that even thought I had given up the job I had worked so hard to get and was out of work, my depression wasn't as bad as it had been before. I felt that I had taken a positive step toward feeling better. Now all I had to do was put Abby completely out of my life.

If I was going to open my own law office I was going to have to find office space and a new apartment. It took me three weeks but I found an office in Oak Park and was able to get an apartment near by.

The day I opened the office I was a little scared that I might never get a client but luck was shinning on me that day and within two hours of opening the office a couple came in and said that they were refinancing their house and needed a lawyer to represent them at the mortgage closing. The low mortgage rates had created a boom market for real estate closings and the big law firms couldn't be bothered with these small billing opportunities, which worked out great for me. I took out an add in the real estate section of the paper billing myself as a real estate lawyer and within a month I had enough business that I had to hire two secretaries.

I thought when I started my own practice that I would miss working for a big law firm but I found that I was actually happier working for myself. Three months after leaving the firm I was still working hard but for fewer hours, I was making less money but was sufficient for my needs and I never had to feel guilty about how I earned it. My practice was growing and the future looked bright.

I was still seeing Sarah but not as frequently. We enjoyed each others company and the sex we had together but we both knew we were not in love. My depression wasn't nearly as bad as it had been and I had finally been able to shut Abby out of my life. Whenever I thought of her I only remembered the scene of her rocking back and forth with Ben's cock inside her, no more happy memories. It was kind of like negative reinforcement. My only thoughts of Abby were painful so I just stopped thinking of her.

The week before Christmas Sarah called me and asked me to take her to a party at Judy Simmons' house that Saturday night. Judy was another of the other paralegals at the firm and was a good friend of Sarah's. I wasn't to crazy about the idea of spending time with the lawyers I had worked with but Sarah said that none of the lawyers from the firm had been invited to the party so I agreed to go with her. I figured Sarah just wanted a ride to the party and someone to have sex with after, which was fine with me.

I knew most of the guests, paralegals and secretaries, and other lower level employees of the firm and they all seemed genuinely happy to see me. Some even told me that they were proud of me for walking away from the firm the way I did. One of the firms secretaries told me that I had been right about the Abbott case. She said that Abbott had to file for bankruptcy and shut down it's plant. They didn't have enough money to pay the full settlement so the plaintiffs got less than $1000 each but the firm still made more than a million dollars.

Sarah and I were in the kitchen getting a drink when another couple arrived. I didn't recognize the guy and I asked Sarah if he worked at the firm.

Sarah said, "No. I've never seen him before."

I didn't bother to ask her if she knew the woman. I just assumed she did. After all she had seen her picture in my apartment enough times.

I was surprised at how uncomfortable I felt being in the same room with Abby after all this time. I didn't know if I should go over and speak to her or not. She hadn't seen me yet and I wondered if I should just leave before she did. I knew that sooner or later she was going to see me and I certainly could not pretend I didn't notice her. It would be like trying not to notice an elephant in the room. She was there and I was going to have to deal with it.

I tried to watch her discretely so that she would not know I was watching. The guy with her wasn't Ben which was a little bit of a surprise. I wondered what happened to that relationship. One thing I thought I saw was a sadness in Abby's face. She would smile when someone spoke to her but the smile would immediately disappeared.

Sarah noticed me watching Abby and said, "Why don't you just go over and say hello?"

I said, "I can't. At least not yet. I really don't know what to say to her."

"Something will come to you."

I watched as the Judy approached Abby and her date. Judy kissed Abby on the cheek and gave her a big hug and then it appeared that Abby introduced her date and Judy shook hands with him.

I didn't know that Abby knew Judy. That answered some questions for me. It must have been Judy who had given Abby information about me. That revelation was interesting but I didn't grasp the significance of it.

Judy and Abby talked for a minute and then Judy nodded her head in my direction and I turned my back as soon as I saw Abby starting to turn her head to look. Well, now we both knew the other was at the party. I wished that Judy had told Sarah that Abby was coming. If I had known Abby was going to be there I would have stayed home. I had managed to push Abby out of my thoughts but with her in the same room with me it was impossible not to think about her.

As my mind spun around trying to decide what to do Sarah reached over and pinched my arm and said, "If you don't go talk to her I will personally drag you over there. The how embarrassed would you be?"

I said, "Why do you care if I talk to her?"

"You can't pretend she is not here. Just deal with it and go say hello. If my ex had shown up I would say hello to him. Of course right after saying hello I would kick him in the balls."

I said, "Remind me to never become an ex of yours."

I gave in to the inevitable but I made Sarah go with me. As we crossed the room Abby saw us coming and I could see her tense up. I thought to myself, 'Good, she is going to be just as uncomfortable as me.'

I said, "Hello Abby, how are you?"

"I am fine Mike, it's good to see you."

I didn't believe that for a minute.

"Abby, I'd like you to meet my date, Sarah O'Leary."

Sarah and Abby shook hands and exchanged pleasantries and then Abby said, "I'd like you to meet my date. This is Karl Henning, Karl, this Mike and I think he is still my husband as I haven't seen any papers that say otherwise. "

We hadn't been together for more than two minutes and she had to cut me. I shook hands with Carl and before I could say another word Sarah said, "I have to talk to Judy, I'll be back in a few minutes."

I could have kick her for deserting me that way. I watched Sarah walk away and when I turned back to face Abby I noticed Karl giving me a look as if he was trying to decided if he could kick my ass. I myself doubted it but it made me wonder what kind of things Abby had told him about me.

I was trying to think of a way to gracefully extract myself from the uncomfortable situation of trying to have a conversation with my wife and her boyfriend. Before I could think of anything Karl found a way to extract himself. He said, "I'm going to the bar to get a drink."

He didn't even offer to get Abby a drink which struck me as being a bit strange. I wondered if he and Abby were having problems. I hoped that they were.

When he was gone the only thing I could think to say was, "I never thanked you for the nice desk set you sent me."

"It's always nice to get a thank you even if it's seven months late."

This was going well. I was just trying to make conversation and she decided I need a lesson in etiquette. I decided to be the gentleman and let that go.

Abby said, "I heard you left the firm and opened your own practice."

"Did Judy tell you that?"


I said, "How do you know Judy?"

"She's my cousin."

We stood looking at each other for a minute and then I said, "You look very nice tonight."

"Thank you."

Suddenly I felt the old feelings stirring so I said, "Well, I think I better go find Sarah."

I thought for a moment that Abby looked disappointed but she didn't say anything.

I went looking for Sarah to tell her I was leaving. I just could not bare to be there with Abby and Karl in the same room.

When I found Sarah I told her I wanted to leave and why and she said, "Karl is not here, he left."

I said, "They left? How could they have left that quickly, I was just with Abby." I don't know why but I actually felt a little disappointed.

Sarah said, "No. Only Karl left. Abby is still here."

"He walked out on her?"

Sarah raised her shoulders and said, "Well, I guess he did."

I scanned the room and didn't see Abby and said, "Well, maybe they didn't leave together but they're both gone."

Sarah look around the room but made no comment.

I said, "I guess if they are gone, there's no reason I have to leave. Let's get a drink."

I led Sarah to the kitchen where Judy had the bar set up. Fifteen minutes later Judy came over to me and said, You need to go talk to Abby."

"Abby left twenty minutes ago."

"No she didn't. She's out on the sun porch standing in the cold by herself. You need to talk to her and get her to come back into the house. It is very cold out there."

I said, "She's probably upset because her boyfriend left her here. How is that my problem?"

It's your problem because she's your wife."

"In name only."

Judy punched me in the arm and said, "Stop being such a hard ass and go talk to her."

I looked at Sarah and she pointed toward the sun porch and said, "Go."

Abby was standing with her back to the door when I stepped out onto the porch. She had her arms fold across her chest and it was obvious that she was cold.

I said, "Abby, why don't you come in the house."

"Did Judy sent you after me?"

"I guess she thought I was the man for the job. I tried to tell them that sending me was a bad idea."

"Well you can go back in and tell them you failed."

"Abby, it's freezing out here."

"I just don't want to be around people right now."

Looking at her standing there like that began to thaw the ice around my heart. I took my jacket off and put it around her shoulders."

Abby said, "Thanks."

I said, "It's always nice to get a thank you even if it's seven seconds late."

Abby turned quickly and I thought she was going to be angry, but she smiled instead.

Her smile warmed me a little.

I said, "I am sorry about what happened tonight. I hope you can patch things up with Karl."

"What? Oh never mind."

I said, "Something is bothering you, can you tell me what it is?"

Abby said, "It would take all night."

"I've got time so start talking."

"Mike, we really need to talk."

I said, "Okay let's go inside where is warmer and we can talk."

"Not here. I don't want to do this in front of all these people."

"Where then?"

"I don't care. There has to be somewhere where we can talk privately."

I said, "Do you want to go somewhere now and some other time."

"I want to do this now. That's why I came to this party."

"That's why you came to the party? I don't understand."

"I'll explain it later."

I said, "If you want to go talk let's go."

Abby followed me into the house and we got our coats. I told Sarah what was going and she said that she would get a ride home. While I was explaining things to Sarah, Abby was doing the same with Judy.

As we walked to my car Abby asked, "Where can we go to talk?"

I said, "I know just the place."

As soon as she asked an idea came to me. Judy's house was just a short distance from the Northwestern campus so I headed in that direction. It just struck me that it would be kind of ironic if I took her to the place we first met and were we went the first time we had to talk about the possible end our relationship. I was glad to see that the irony was wasted on Abby.

When I pulled up in front of Georgio's Abby said, "Ah... Georgio's. I get it."

We went inside and sat in a corner booth in the bar. We ordered drinks and when the waiter left I said, "This little meeting was your idea so why don't you tell me whatever it is you have to say."

Abby shifted herself around in her seat then said, "This isn't going to be easy for either of us. I don't think we need to discuss the reasons I left you in the first place but I need some answers and understanding of what has gone on since then."

"Okay, You have questions, ask them."

"All right. Why did you really move out of the house?"

"I told you why I moved."

"But it wasn't the truth."

"It was at least partly true. I moved out to get away from you. I couldn't handle seeing your boyfriend come and go from your house. It was to painful."

Abby said, "But why was the move so sudden? You were there Friday morning when I left for work and when I got home that night there was a For Rent sign in the window."

"So I didn't want a big seen. I just wanted to get out. Why does this bother you so much."

"It's the timing that bothers me. The Sunday before you left I found something in my bathroom that disturbed me a great deal."

I could feel my face starting to flush.

I said, "What did you find in your bathroom that disturbed you?"

"There was a used condom stuck to the inside of my waste basket."


"I think you put it there."

I thought, 'Oh shit, here it comes.'

I said, "Why would you think that. Maybe your boyfriend was just careless when he tossed his used condom in the basket. It certainly wasn't my used condom."

Abby's eyes narrowed and I could see the anger in her face.

She said, "I know you did it because I was the one who put that condom in the waste basket in the first place. I carefully wrapped it in a tissue and set it in the bottom of the basket. So I figured you came snooping around my house when I was out and found the condom and threw it against the side of the basket just to be a prick."

She knew. I was at a loss as to how handle the situation. There was no lie I could use to save myself so I decide to tell as much of the truth as I dared just to be done with it.

I said, "You're right, I was in your house that day and I found the condom. I was trying to find out if you had been having sex with your boyfriend Ben."

"How did you do it? How were you able to get into my house? Did you have a key?"

I said, "No, I didn't have a key and then I told about the access panel in her hall closet and how I used it to get into her house.

"I was so angry when I found out you had been in my house. There were several times I wanted to come to your house and have it out with you but frankly I was a little scared of you. I thought you were stalking me. If you were willing to sneak into my house what else might you do? In the end I decided to confront you when I got home from work that Friday night but you had already moved out.

Same as Abby
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Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 38 Lynn and Family Life and Death

October – Year 1 It is amazing the stuff you notice when they are gone. And I don’t mean big things like a missing lover or when a wheel flies off the car at 45 mph. Don’t ask! I mean little things. Erin is pregnant. That means no periods and that means going into the bathroom and not seeing discarded pads or tampons in the waste basket and it means none of that particularly coppery odor that accompanies women’s periods. So after a few weeks of those things being gone, I was suddenly taken...

3 years ago
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Rites of Spring Break Pt 2

This was it, Dana thought as he lay half-awake on a massive bed in an unfamiliar room. His life was over. The events of yesterday were not, as he'd so desperately hoped, the product of some awful fever-dream. Instead of boarding a bus to his debate camp in Little Rock, he had taken one going to Miami. Within half an hour of arriving, he had lost all of his money (and his painstakingly-assembled debate notes) to a mugger. Worst of all, his would-be guardian angel, Celia "CeCe" Caine,...

2 years ago
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Going Away

This is a personal fantasy of mine, hope you all enjoy it!! The day I had to leave for the city for three weeks I went to visit my girlfriend, she's about 5'7, 55kg, 10C and a dancer’s body. I was feeling pretty horny and was sliding my hand up her shirt to her bra-less tits and rubbing them, getting her nipples hard, as well as sliding them in her pants and stroking her pussy on her bed. At first she tried to stop me, "Stop it, everyone's home" she says "So, no one is coming in" I reply as...

Quickie Sex
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Hanging Out Together Again

Donovan sat on the sofa with his legs curled underneath him and to one side. He could hear Ray doing something in the kitchen which was out of his line of sight. He was so caught up in the TV show that he was startled when Ray returned and sat on the sofa right next to him. He glanced over and saw sitting there with his arm extended offering him a glass of tea. Donovan took the offered cup with his left hand and gently moved his legs so he was sitting normally. Ray scooted closer and leaned...

3 years ago
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FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS A new days dawns {By boys in the hood} ***WARNING*** This is a story about a group of boys Lost on an island after their flight Crashes into the ocean. It contains sexual activity and bad language and you need to 18 and over to be here. also it will depend on where you live and what laws they have there. ...

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All of my performers showed up on time and dressed like they were going out on the town afterward. Some of the older girls like Nancy Newman, Emily Clarke, Joan Prefontayne, and Olivia Wright, and of course Jennifer Guthrie were dressed in beautiful dresses. Not to be outdone, Isabel, Paula Scott, and the Michael’s twin sisters were dressed to the nines as well. I got to pick Isabel’s dress for the evening. We should have had a red carpet put out front as they arrived. I was back in my...

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Thanks a lot for your response and your scraps in connection with my story “shopping with sis 2”, I have received really good feedbacks and special thanks to all girl who commented on the last story n did something more which I didn’t expect so early from them, but I am really happy with that… So now let’s continue with my experience with sonal (my elder sis)……. After a fucking sonal’s ass I was not able to sleep in the night and wanted to fuck her pussy and make her loose her virginity….. so...

2 years ago
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Kelly the Hooker

"Sorry to bother you miss," he said, staring at her breasts, "but I couldn't help but notice that you looked a little flustered? She smiled at the man, judging him, "You look a little lost..."  "Yeah actually, I'm from a small town in california, NYC is a little crazy."  He chuckled, "It can be miss, perhaps I can help," "Could you? Thanks for that, the city scares me a little," she said in a small innocent voice. The man laughed, "Nothing to be afraid except for the odd...

2 years ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XII

Chapter XII – Not Without Me (based on Diary Secrets No. 10 cover, St. John, February 1952)Gail isn’t the kind of woman I would tell she was my ‘friend’. We knew each other from college, and since then our paths crossed in many ways, but mostly where I didn’t wanted to: boys.Anytime I showed interest on a boy, she went on him and tried to steal from me. It was my biggest burden, to try to avoid them to meet her and risk to lose them to her ‘seduction power’. Sometimes I won, but most of times,...

3 years ago
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Way too long

It had been a few months since I last saw Rachel, and in all honesty it was a good thing. My ex-girlfriend was the last person I wanted to see, for various reasons. She was a lying, gold digging bitch who used me as her personal piggy bank, so much so that I had to go back to living with my grandma for a few weeks till I could get on my feet.My grandma was a sweet lady, but I knew she wanted me out as soon as I could get the cash. It wasn't that she was hard on me or anything, it's just that......

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Harvest Of Tears The Organization Series 4

HARVEST OF TEARS CHAPTER 7 By slave ruthie - with Mistress Ranai's guidance  (The scene was set - everything was prepared.  The actors took their places.  But two did not know the plot and one of these had no idea beyond a vague sense of unease that her life was changing - and it wasn't for the better...)"And who, Charles, is this?"  Rosario held out her hand to the strikingly handsome young man who was talking to Alexa's master in the lobby."Rosario, may I introduce doctor G?rard ________.  He i...

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Slutty BabysitterChapter 2

Marina stepped out of the door and jumped down the steps off of the porch. She was quite giddy from her blowjob. She took a few steps and felt something running down her leg. She knew immediately what it was. Marina has always gotten very wet when she got excited. She emits copious amounts of fluid whenever she is in a sexual situation. Even when she just thinks about sex she can feel her panties becoming wet. On some of her most powerful orgasms she has ejaculated her girl cum a few feet...

1 year ago
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Matured man fulfilled my desire

Matured man fulfilled my desire... Hi readers... soon after reading stories here I thought of sharing my own story with a matured man...Myself swapna from andhra pradesh married housewife... 30yrs .well looks that anyone can say sexy.. This is my personal experience with a Chennai man in Chennai... I used to come online mostly whenever aim free for my cousin abroad, because of my hubby use to on tours offen... I use to feel lonely and miss him.i use to enter chat rooms ... one day met with a...

5 years ago
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He watched her as she strode around with the man by her side, watching as he seemed to manipulate her. He grabbed her ass a couple of times and bent forward to whisper in her ear, he saw the wedding ring on his hand, but noticed that she wore none. He saw the grimace on his face as he reached for the pager on his side, then he whispered something in her ear and left her with a rejected look on her face. He saw his opportunity, but held back to see what transpired. Several men came up and hit on...

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The Group Erik and Beth The New Couple

"Me and her are together now, and i'm going over later" "Aww really, how cute, just be careful with her" "With what?" "Shes a flirty blonde, shes cheated before" "I know, but I want to trust her" "Just be careful,so what you guys gonna do now?" "Swimming at her house ;)" "Ohhh, have fun, use protection haha" And with that, two hours had passed and it was time to leave, my mom dropped me off this time at her house, and said be careful, oh I would. I found her sitting on...

4 years ago
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Two Types Chapter 4

There are two types of people in the world. Those that have a moral compass and those that do not. Johnny and Carolyn do not. Les does (for now) and we are not sure of Mrs. Johnny.Fast forward one week. A week that dragged on for Carolyn and her quasi-boss but constant lover, Johnny. They’d manage only one tryst, on the rainy Sunday following that rainy Saturday. Les still conjured what to do next, as Carolyn had not exactly agreed to end the affair. She knew Les was suspicious as fuck! In...

Wife Lovers
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PureTaboo Aaliyah Love Doctor Patient Confidentiality

Sarah (Aaliyah Love) hasn’t had it easy in the past. She was trapped in a dangerous situation with her boyfriend, though finally found the courage and support she needed to leave him. Her friend, Cassie, has kindly taken her into her home so that she and her therapist husband, James (Tommy Pistol), can help Sarah rebuild her life. But despite all their support, there are still some things Sarah is too ashamed to admit… A week later, Sarah examines her neck to see how well it’s...

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My Domination

My Domination by strangefun We've met on one of those kinky dating sites; She was looking for someone to dominate and humiliate, and I was looking for someone to dominate and humiliate me. She took control right away - I was ordered to throw away all my male underthings and wear only sexy lingerie, thongs, suspenders, bras, corsets, stockings, pantyhose, body shapers and so on - of which I have a pretty big collection. I had to wear these things all the time, under my normal work...

1 year ago
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Love Hurts

When I saw David O’Brien for the first time, I fell in inlove with him. We first met each other at a club in ****. We danced the whole time with our eyes locked from a distance. Then he came and pulled me away from the person I was dancing with. Me and David danced all night. I gave him my phone number and he gave me his. I couldn’t stop looking at him; he was the most handsome guy I had ever seen. He was damn sexy, too. “You better call me!” I demanded with a smile. He smiled back at me with...

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My New Neighbour Made Me His Slut 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, welcome to the second part of my sexy story. Before I start, for those who are new for this part, I am Mayuri, a 28-year-old married housewife. I am 5’4′ in tall, white skin colour and figure of 34-28-34. This story is the second part of the first encounter I had with Karan, my neighbour which I have already shared with you all. Let’s go to the story. Karan carried me into his arms and walked toward the bedroom. After reaching to the bedroom, he placed me on the bed and came over...

1 year ago
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Xmen Bast Ch1

*** Legal issues: Kia Jaeger(codename Bast) is an original character and belongs to me. All other characters and core X-men concepts are copyright Marvel, Stan Lee, and other creators. I do not own any of them, nor do I profit from them in any way. Author Note: This story is based upon the story and setup in the comics and takes place at no particular point in them, but is instead treated as it’s own events separate from many of the large happenings in the comics. Also, I am not fully aware of...

Erotic Fiction
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Conversations In The FamilyChapter 2

On Tuesday Frank asked me to keep Sunday clear for a good talk which may become long. Remembering my last week's conversation with Jenny I hoped that Frank wanted to talk about the same things I wanted to discuss. Our fucking around and how we go on. I love Frank a lot, and I'll do anything to keep our marriage going. Well, it's Sunday now, and Frank suggested that we have breakfast in bed, something we haven't done for ages. After clearing the breakfast tray from the bed I returned and...

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Finding HomeChapter 27

Tuesday morning I wake up just before the alarm with an extra weight on my chest. Lia has moved over a bit, and now Tama is lying half on me and half on Nari. I smile and laugh, the movement wakes Lia. And she laughs on seeing Tama’s position. We wake everyone, and head to the showers. During breakfast Rob goes through the security measures for the next few weeks, I’m leaving him here to keep an eye on the bulk of my family. He’s not happy with me being away from him, but he accepts my main...

5 years ago
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After Corona In The DormsChapter 5

I was finally getting better at keeping my mouth shut. While I had been calming down over Sarah’s tricks, I wasn’t quite sure why Jess had joined us. All sorts of thoughts had popped up as we walked downstairs, but I was pleased to find I had the strength to ask nothing and just let the situation emerge on its own. Once we were on my floor, Steve appeared, with John tagging behind him. Jess took off the jacket and hat and handed them to John. “If you go now, Madison should be at the door to...

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Meet My Bi Online Chatter

I had been chatting to Kev for about a week and we were getting on really well. It was great to chat openly about my bi feelings and about my meet at a massage parlour with another man. Kev explained that he was gay and that he had been living with his boyfriend until they split a few weeks ago and that our conversations really turned him on. I told him I was not gay but had enjoyed the encounter. I was still very nervous meeting other guys. He said he understood and didn’t push me to meet...

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Kellys First Time 5

Leann, Kelly, and Steve had long since settled into their three-way relationship, with very few growing pains. Each had their own job, and all were contributing to the household. And boundaries? There really were none. The only rule was that, if one didn't feel like participating in sex, he or she could opt out for that time, and the other two were left to themselves. Needless to say, that happened very infrequently. At home, they rarely wore clothing, and none of them had any problem with the...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 662

These are compliments of John A. A police recruit was asked during the exam, “What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?” He answered, “Call for backup.” When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, it is only difficult for others. It’s the same for stupid people. People my age seem much older than me. Just spent 15 minutes searching my car for my phone using the phones flashlight. I want to grow my own food, but I cannot find bacon seeds. What’s the difference between...

2 years ago
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Perfect Wife

Sebastian’s wife had just gotten back from her run and she headed to the shower. She made a stop by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and headed up the stairs to wash up. Sebastian had been up in his room sorting out some old photos of their past vacation, some of which included there “alone” nights. They were really into each other and sex every night was a must for them. He heard her walk about half way up the stairs when he grabbed a photo he had set aside. It was of her after he had...

Straight Sex
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Swallowed everything

I am married, but don't really have sex with my wife. She just isn't in to it. So I started using an online site to explore my sexuality on my own. I didn't have a problem with the thought of being with another guy, and it didn't feel like cheating with my wife. So there was an ad in my neighborhood from an older guy in his late 60's that wanted regular blow jobs and he wanted to make sure that his cum was swallowed and enjoyed. That seemed a little much, but I started chatting with him. I told...

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The Motherly Dungeon

When he'd gotten away with the sword and armor of the Duke's son, Jake had thought he'd had it made. It was an easy escape, all things considered. He knew the castle like the back of his hand. Since his mother had left him there at the tender age of four, he'd learned the hard way about what paths in the castle were quickest, where to go to be alone, where to go to get out - and then come back just as unseen, because he'd had nowhere else to go. He'd also learned a lot of other painful...

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