AbbyChapter 4 free porn video

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The turnaround for me came when I was handed a multi-million dollar class action suit against Abbott Chemical. The basis of the case is that Abbott Chemical had been dumping toxic chemicals near a low income residential neighborhood and over the years several people in the community had become very ill with cancers and liver problems. The case looked like it would be a slam dunk for us and would put several million dollars into the firms account and about $200,000 in mine. The problem was that when I looked at the scientific evidence it was obvious that Abbott had followed Environmental Protection Agency guidelines in the storage of these toxins and in addition to that there was no evidence of ground water contamination nor any air pollution that would have cause the types of cancers or liver diseases that were being reported.

Upon further examination I found that a lot of the scientific testimony was from specialists brought in and paid by the law firm. I didn't have proof that any of the specialists had lied but it sure looked that way to me.

On top of all that, if we won the case it would put Abbott out of business and most of the families that lived in that neighborhood depended on Abbott Chemical for their livelihoods.

Any settlement agreed to would end up giving the individual plaintiffs in the suit about $2500 each but would leave them without a job and without medical insurance but the law firm would collect millions.

I found that my ethics would not allow me to be a party to the suit so I went to the head of the firm thinking that if I showed him the scientific evidence he would have our firm withdraw the suit but instead he basically told me to shut up and row.

I asked him if he could have someone else assigned to the case and he told me that because of my track record on similar cases the senior partners had chosen me for that case and I was to see it through.

I went back to my office and looked at the case materials again and in the end decided that I just could not in good conscience be a party to that law suit. I knew that to walk away from the case was going to cost me my job and a lot of money but in the end I had to live with myself. I submitted my resignation that afternoon and was out on the street a week later.

I thought of trying to hook up with another law firm but I knew that if they caught wind that I had walked on a case that big they would never hire me. The only other choice was to open my own office. The interesting thing was that even thought I had given up the job I had worked so hard to get and was out of work, my depression wasn't as bad as it had been before. I felt that I had taken a positive step toward feeling better. Now all I had to do was put Abby completely out of my life.

If I was going to open my own law office I was going to have to find office space and a new apartment. It took me three weeks but I found an office in Oak Park and was able to get an apartment near by.

The day I opened the office I was a little scared that I might never get a client but luck was shinning on me that day and within two hours of opening the office a couple came in and said that they were refinancing their house and needed a lawyer to represent them at the mortgage closing. The low mortgage rates had created a boom market for real estate closings and the big law firms couldn't be bothered with these small billing opportunities, which worked out great for me. I took out an add in the real estate section of the paper billing myself as a real estate lawyer and within a month I had enough business that I had to hire two secretaries.

I thought when I started my own practice that I would miss working for a big law firm but I found that I was actually happier working for myself. Three months after leaving the firm I was still working hard but for fewer hours, I was making less money but was sufficient for my needs and I never had to feel guilty about how I earned it. My practice was growing and the future looked bright.

I was still seeing Sarah but not as frequently. We enjoyed each others company and the sex we had together but we both knew we were not in love. My depression wasn't nearly as bad as it had been and I had finally been able to shut Abby out of my life. Whenever I thought of her I only remembered the scene of her rocking back and forth with Ben's cock inside her, no more happy memories. It was kind of like negative reinforcement. My only thoughts of Abby were painful so I just stopped thinking of her.

The week before Christmas Sarah called me and asked me to take her to a party at Judy Simmons' house that Saturday night. Judy was another of the other paralegals at the firm and was a good friend of Sarah's. I wasn't to crazy about the idea of spending time with the lawyers I had worked with but Sarah said that none of the lawyers from the firm had been invited to the party so I agreed to go with her. I figured Sarah just wanted a ride to the party and someone to have sex with after, which was fine with me.

I knew most of the guests, paralegals and secretaries, and other lower level employees of the firm and they all seemed genuinely happy to see me. Some even told me that they were proud of me for walking away from the firm the way I did. One of the firms secretaries told me that I had been right about the Abbott case. She said that Abbott had to file for bankruptcy and shut down it's plant. They didn't have enough money to pay the full settlement so the plaintiffs got less than $1000 each but the firm still made more than a million dollars.

Sarah and I were in the kitchen getting a drink when another couple arrived. I didn't recognize the guy and I asked Sarah if he worked at the firm.

Sarah said, "No. I've never seen him before."

I didn't bother to ask her if she knew the woman. I just assumed she did. After all she had seen her picture in my apartment enough times.

I was surprised at how uncomfortable I felt being in the same room with Abby after all this time. I didn't know if I should go over and speak to her or not. She hadn't seen me yet and I wondered if I should just leave before she did. I knew that sooner or later she was going to see me and I certainly could not pretend I didn't notice her. It would be like trying not to notice an elephant in the room. She was there and I was going to have to deal with it.

I tried to watch her discretely so that she would not know I was watching. The guy with her wasn't Ben which was a little bit of a surprise. I wondered what happened to that relationship. One thing I thought I saw was a sadness in Abby's face. She would smile when someone spoke to her but the smile would immediately disappeared.

Sarah noticed me watching Abby and said, "Why don't you just go over and say hello?"

I said, "I can't. At least not yet. I really don't know what to say to her."

"Something will come to you."

I watched as the Judy approached Abby and her date. Judy kissed Abby on the cheek and gave her a big hug and then it appeared that Abby introduced her date and Judy shook hands with him.

I didn't know that Abby knew Judy. That answered some questions for me. It must have been Judy who had given Abby information about me. That revelation was interesting but I didn't grasp the significance of it.

Judy and Abby talked for a minute and then Judy nodded her head in my direction and I turned my back as soon as I saw Abby starting to turn her head to look. Well, now we both knew the other was at the party. I wished that Judy had told Sarah that Abby was coming. If I had known Abby was going to be there I would have stayed home. I had managed to push Abby out of my thoughts but with her in the same room with me it was impossible not to think about her.

As my mind spun around trying to decide what to do Sarah reached over and pinched my arm and said, "If you don't go talk to her I will personally drag you over there. The how embarrassed would you be?"

I said, "Why do you care if I talk to her?"

"You can't pretend she is not here. Just deal with it and go say hello. If my ex had shown up I would say hello to him. Of course right after saying hello I would kick him in the balls."

I said, "Remind me to never become an ex of yours."

I gave in to the inevitable but I made Sarah go with me. As we crossed the room Abby saw us coming and I could see her tense up. I thought to myself, 'Good, she is going to be just as uncomfortable as me.'

I said, "Hello Abby, how are you?"

"I am fine Mike, it's good to see you."

I didn't believe that for a minute.

"Abby, I'd like you to meet my date, Sarah O'Leary."

Sarah and Abby shook hands and exchanged pleasantries and then Abby said, "I'd like you to meet my date. This is Karl Henning, Karl, this Mike and I think he is still my husband as I haven't seen any papers that say otherwise. "

We hadn't been together for more than two minutes and she had to cut me. I shook hands with Carl and before I could say another word Sarah said, "I have to talk to Judy, I'll be back in a few minutes."

I could have kick her for deserting me that way. I watched Sarah walk away and when I turned back to face Abby I noticed Karl giving me a look as if he was trying to decided if he could kick my ass. I myself doubted it but it made me wonder what kind of things Abby had told him about me.

I was trying to think of a way to gracefully extract myself from the uncomfortable situation of trying to have a conversation with my wife and her boyfriend. Before I could think of anything Karl found a way to extract himself. He said, "I'm going to the bar to get a drink."

He didn't even offer to get Abby a drink which struck me as being a bit strange. I wondered if he and Abby were having problems. I hoped that they were.

When he was gone the only thing I could think to say was, "I never thanked you for the nice desk set you sent me."

"It's always nice to get a thank you even if it's seven months late."

This was going well. I was just trying to make conversation and she decided I need a lesson in etiquette. I decided to be the gentleman and let that go.

Abby said, "I heard you left the firm and opened your own practice."

"Did Judy tell you that?"


I said, "How do you know Judy?"

"She's my cousin."

We stood looking at each other for a minute and then I said, "You look very nice tonight."

"Thank you."

Suddenly I felt the old feelings stirring so I said, "Well, I think I better go find Sarah."

I thought for a moment that Abby looked disappointed but she didn't say anything.

I went looking for Sarah to tell her I was leaving. I just could not bare to be there with Abby and Karl in the same room.

When I found Sarah I told her I wanted to leave and why and she said, "Karl is not here, he left."

I said, "They left? How could they have left that quickly, I was just with Abby." I don't know why but I actually felt a little disappointed.

Sarah said, "No. Only Karl left. Abby is still here."

"He walked out on her?"

Sarah raised her shoulders and said, "Well, I guess he did."

I scanned the room and didn't see Abby and said, "Well, maybe they didn't leave together but they're both gone."

Sarah look around the room but made no comment.

I said, "I guess if they are gone, there's no reason I have to leave. Let's get a drink."

I led Sarah to the kitchen where Judy had the bar set up. Fifteen minutes later Judy came over to me and said, You need to go talk to Abby."

"Abby left twenty minutes ago."

"No she didn't. She's out on the sun porch standing in the cold by herself. You need to talk to her and get her to come back into the house. It is very cold out there."

I said, "She's probably upset because her boyfriend left her here. How is that my problem?"

It's your problem because she's your wife."

"In name only."

Judy punched me in the arm and said, "Stop being such a hard ass and go talk to her."

I looked at Sarah and she pointed toward the sun porch and said, "Go."

Abby was standing with her back to the door when I stepped out onto the porch. She had her arms fold across her chest and it was obvious that she was cold.

I said, "Abby, why don't you come in the house."

"Did Judy sent you after me?"

"I guess she thought I was the man for the job. I tried to tell them that sending me was a bad idea."

"Well you can go back in and tell them you failed."

"Abby, it's freezing out here."

"I just don't want to be around people right now."

Looking at her standing there like that began to thaw the ice around my heart. I took my jacket off and put it around her shoulders."

Abby said, "Thanks."

I said, "It's always nice to get a thank you even if it's seven seconds late."

Abby turned quickly and I thought she was going to be angry, but she smiled instead.

Her smile warmed me a little.

I said, "I am sorry about what happened tonight. I hope you can patch things up with Karl."

"What? Oh never mind."

I said, "Something is bothering you, can you tell me what it is?"

Abby said, "It would take all night."

"I've got time so start talking."

"Mike, we really need to talk."

I said, "Okay let's go inside where is warmer and we can talk."

"Not here. I don't want to do this in front of all these people."

"Where then?"

"I don't care. There has to be somewhere where we can talk privately."

I said, "Do you want to go somewhere now and some other time."

"I want to do this now. That's why I came to this party."

"That's why you came to the party? I don't understand."

"I'll explain it later."

I said, "If you want to go talk let's go."

Abby followed me into the house and we got our coats. I told Sarah what was going and she said that she would get a ride home. While I was explaining things to Sarah, Abby was doing the same with Judy.

As we walked to my car Abby asked, "Where can we go to talk?"

I said, "I know just the place."

As soon as she asked an idea came to me. Judy's house was just a short distance from the Northwestern campus so I headed in that direction. It just struck me that it would be kind of ironic if I took her to the place we first met and were we went the first time we had to talk about the possible end our relationship. I was glad to see that the irony was wasted on Abby.

When I pulled up in front of Georgio's Abby said, "Ah... Georgio's. I get it."

We went inside and sat in a corner booth in the bar. We ordered drinks and when the waiter left I said, "This little meeting was your idea so why don't you tell me whatever it is you have to say."

Abby shifted herself around in her seat then said, "This isn't going to be easy for either of us. I don't think we need to discuss the reasons I left you in the first place but I need some answers and understanding of what has gone on since then."

"Okay, You have questions, ask them."

"All right. Why did you really move out of the house?"

"I told you why I moved."

"But it wasn't the truth."

"It was at least partly true. I moved out to get away from you. I couldn't handle seeing your boyfriend come and go from your house. It was to painful."

Abby said, "But why was the move so sudden? You were there Friday morning when I left for work and when I got home that night there was a For Rent sign in the window."

"So I didn't want a big seen. I just wanted to get out. Why does this bother you so much."

"It's the timing that bothers me. The Sunday before you left I found something in my bathroom that disturbed me a great deal."

I could feel my face starting to flush.

I said, "What did you find in your bathroom that disturbed you?"

"There was a used condom stuck to the inside of my waste basket."


"I think you put it there."

I thought, 'Oh shit, here it comes.'

I said, "Why would you think that. Maybe your boyfriend was just careless when he tossed his used condom in the basket. It certainly wasn't my used condom."

Abby's eyes narrowed and I could see the anger in her face.

She said, "I know you did it because I was the one who put that condom in the waste basket in the first place. I carefully wrapped it in a tissue and set it in the bottom of the basket. So I figured you came snooping around my house when I was out and found the condom and threw it against the side of the basket just to be a prick."

She knew. I was at a loss as to how handle the situation. There was no lie I could use to save myself so I decide to tell as much of the truth as I dared just to be done with it.

I said, "You're right, I was in your house that day and I found the condom. I was trying to find out if you had been having sex with your boyfriend Ben."

"How did you do it? How were you able to get into my house? Did you have a key?"

I said, "No, I didn't have a key and then I told about the access panel in her hall closet and how I used it to get into her house.

"I was so angry when I found out you had been in my house. There were several times I wanted to come to your house and have it out with you but frankly I was a little scared of you. I thought you were stalking me. If you were willing to sneak into my house what else might you do? In the end I decided to confront you when I got home from work that Friday night but you had already moved out.

Same as Abby
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This is based on a true experience.I’d known John and Sylvia for several years. We drank and socialised together once or twice a week and got on very well. One night - shortly following my divorce - the phone rang around midnight and it was Sylvia on the other end asking me if I wanted to come around and spend the night. We had had a few kiss and cuddle sessions in the past but I had thought it was just a bit of fun and ever thought anything more would happen. I knew her hubby worked away...

2 years ago
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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 9

Lexi woke up feeling like she was a wrung out towel, she got up and took a long hot bath, dried her hair and dressed. When she had gotten up out of bed she had opened the round rose window and had chuckled as the kittens went hopping onto the windowsill then seeing the large tree just outside the window had gone climbing cautiously out on a branch then down to the ground, she had left the window open and it wasn’t long before they came hopping back into the room wanting their breakfast. The...

3 years ago
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Sleeping With The Enemy A Love Story

QUICK NOTE: This story is essentially the second chapter of my attempt to turn “Sexual Healing” into a novel, re-titled and posted as a love story…there is no real sex in this story, so keep that in mind…thanks to all who have been asking about it, and thanks for reading… Chapter 2. Failure. There are some events in a man’s life that just seem to eat away at his soul. Events that etch themselves indelibly upon us with the passage of time, like the lines that form upon our faces as the years...

Love Stories
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My Village Mynaa Aunt

Hi friends am Sundhar age 21 from Chennai, i am great fan of this site and i am very thankful for the replies. This is fiction which happened 3 yrs. back in my life with my favorite aunt (Mynaa Lakshmi). We used to call her Mynaa, now i will narrate how she will be. She is my Uncle’s wife, she is typical South Indian and she lives with her family in Tanjore which is a vast village in Tamil Nadu. Mynaa got married to my uncle at the age of 18 when i was just 5 yrs. old.Usually when i get my...

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This is the work of fiction.So the other night i finally crawl in to bed next to my sexy little sister but she was a dead loss, I spent the evening sat in my office watching little miss peachy getting slammed up the ass by some black dude, then some lesbian chicks in school uniforms fist each other until they had a fake orgasm, seeing all this left me with a nice thick cock standing to attention. When i snuggled up to my sister she was out cold in the land of nod and no how much I tried she...

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I was dominated by a older woman yesterday on cam she made me do so many naughty things dressed like a little girl. And I loved it! ;)

1 year ago
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Jack and JillChapter 77

Miss Beevers asked Sara to stay a minute after class, so I went out into the hallway to wait for her. Sally Faragon came up to me. Sally is known for her mouth. She's one of the two girls who was talking to Sara when I put my arm around her. And the one who was spreading the word at the beginning of English. "Gee, Jack, that was some essay. Did you really do all that stuff?" "Yeah, I guess. Sometimes Sara makes things seem more important than they really are." "Did she really have a...

2 years ago
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Pados Wali Teenager Ko Terrace Pe Dabocha And Chuswaya

Hello dosto kaise ho ? Mai delhi se aapka story teller rajeev dubara aapke samne apni new story leke aaya hu. Aaj mai aapko vo story batane jaa ra hu ki kaise maine 1 muslim ladki ke sath sex kia. Meri pichli 2no story pe aap sbne bhut acha response dia. If meri story pasand aaee to muje jarur reply krna mail id hai “” and wechat id “stranger_sex “jispe maine apni real lund ki pics laga rakhi hai. To story pea ate hai, muje shuru se hi muslim ladkiyan bhut pasand hai vo bhut gori aur chikni...

2 years ago
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26 swallows on her 26th Birthday

It was a warm summers day, the usual crowd wasstarting to form awaiting the Hot Long Beach Cum Slut's arrival.Tammy was on time looking beautiful as always, today she would be turning 26 and she wanted to swallow a loadfrom 26 different guys, to celebrate her upcumming year,she was wearing a short black skirt, with the hem line alittle below the cheeks of her luscious ass, blackhigh heels showed off her great legs and a smile thatlet everyone know they were in for something special.Tammy...

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Room Service

Several years ago I used to travel a lot for work. All over the world in fact. On a trip via Frankfurt I had to stay over during the night, travel along the Danube, then back to Frankfurt for a stop over before flying home.I arrived at the hotel late in the evening and checked in. The girl on the reception desk was short and slim with long blonde hair tied into a neat pony tail at the back. There were no porters about, so she showed me to my room. I enjoyed walking behind her; watching the...

3 years ago
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Training My New Married Bitch PT2 Gay

Tony knelt and stared at the semi-hard cock that twitched in his hand, and as he pulled back the foreskin, the slit in the head leaked a drop of glistening pre-cum. Without a pause, Tony sucked eagerly, tasting the saltiness and loving the way Gary moaned with pleasure. Tony could feel the cock swell and harden in his hand, and as Gary started to grow to his full 10 inches, Tony reflected on how the last 24 hours had changed his life.It had started with him playing around with his dildo on cam,...

1 year ago
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Sailing We Will Go

Copyright© 1995-2003 "There was a young sailor from Brighton Who remarked to his girl, 'You're a tight one.' She replied, 'Pon my soul, You're in the wrong hole; There's plenty of room in the right one.'" -author unknown The slight westerly breeze promised a wonderful start to a week of sailing. The six-year-old sloops sails caught the wind only moments after leaving the breakwater. The forty-eight-foot ship creaked as the wind pressed it to starboard and the few...

2 years ago
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“You have such a nice pussy. It’s so soft,” he moaned into my ear. “Let me taste you, sweetheart.” He lowers his mouth to my cunt and pulls aside my panties. His tongue licks over my folds and laps in between my cunt lips. Grandpa’s lips work over my clit sucking. His tongue swirls around my sensitive bud making me moan. He moans delighting in the taste of my pussy. The old man finished tasting me. He moved back up to face me and he kissed me. I taste myself on his lips. It made my...

1 year ago
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caught and taught

having dad catch me with my boyfriend nude was frightening I had been to a party and it turned into a game of truth or dare. I had never been naked infrontof others or seen boys naked before and it was exciting.After the party me and Henry went home and were not expecting anyone to come home and we carried on with our expiermeting. We were both naked and he asked me to kiss his penis. I did and he jerked. He said he liked it and I did it again. I started fondeling him and my dad came home early...

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Milk Part 3

Synopsis - Vanessa is invited to another party given by Mrs. Watson. She reluctantly attends wanting Carol to be there. Instead a man comes into her life, which leads her to have to make a decision. Milk By ShannonQ Part 3 Making executive decisions came easy to me as I worked and played very hard. With over one hundred years of experience, I borrowed things from Jack Holiday to make my own conclusions. Almost always I was right. I'd been COO for B&D for eighteen months now...

1 year ago
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The Experiment 3

The Doctor watches intently at the two sleeping, naked bodies lying on the small bed through the one-way mirror. "They should be waking up any time now." He says to his assistant as for the umpteenth time, he looks at the subjects notes. Subject #1 Name: Brad Grey Age: 18 Profession: Pupil Status: Single. Subject #2 Name: Morgan Grey Age: 25 Profession: Model Status: Single. Additional note: The two subjects are Brother and Sister. Purpose of experiment: To inject a brother and sister with a...

4 years ago
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call girl stories start with her first job intervi

call girl storiescall girl stories start with her first job interview as a paid escort... I remember it was summer before my freshman year at university. My father had just lost his job and money was scarce. My friend recommended a way to earn money to supplement my needs. The idea of working as a hostess in a swinger’s club was never a thought that had passed my mind especially since I was truly inexperienced when it came to sex.The day of my interview I went wearing a short skirt and sheer...

2 years ago
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Roscrows Entertainment

Roscrow stood in the hall, finding a dark spot that he managed to tuck his lean, long frame into. He had his shoulder resting on the cool rock, arms crossed comfortably over his powerful chest. His black eyes were lidded, like a lazy panther waiting for his prey to walk by. It was the middle of the day outside the mountain, so most of the trainees were out practicing with mock battles on dragonback. The hall was mostly empty. A few trainees had the day off for whatever reason, sick dragons, or...

1 year ago
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Florida Is for LoversChapter 2

30 Years Later Yssup felt her consciousness gathering in the avatar body. She opened her eyes to a blue sky and clouds. Turning her head to the side she saw a large unfamiliar man. He smiled, “Welcome to Florida my fellow traveler.” It was Iimja. Wow, did he look different, but so will I. She raised her head and looked towards her feet. She couldn’t see them because of the very large breasts in the way. “THAT’S very different,” she thought. Her home body had A cups. These were F. Her body...

3 years ago
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A Kingdom To Rule

“DAMMIT” you think to yourself as you lie amongst the corpses of the battlefield “why’d I have to be born as a weakling? Why couldn’t I have been able to live as I wish in the comfort of a castle? Or even a large house…..DAMN!! Now I’ll die a nobody! No one will hear the tales of Morgan the Warrior-Mage of Midnick (the land you live in currently) As you fade out of the raging fight you realize that none of this matters your still going to die even if your complaining to yourself. So you sigh...

4 years ago
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Jess and the Birthday Party

Jess wandered into the kitchen at her parent’s house to pour herself another drink. It was her grandfather’s 80th birthday party and most people were in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and celebrating. Her grandad’s old friend Frank came in and glanced at her. He had been flirting playfully with her for years now, and Jess always enjoyed the cheeky banter between them. “It was my 80th last month and I still haven’t had my present from you Jess” he chuckled with a cheeky grin in his eye.“Well...

2 years ago
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My grandparent recently past away and I was given the task of clearing out there house, I had finished clearing the main house and went to the garage to start on that. In one corner under a sheet i found a old cardboard box, it was taped up so I threw in on the back of the ute and thought i would check it later at home, guessing it would be old books or something. I finished clearing up and took it all home, later in the evening I bought the box inside and opened it up, surprised i found...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 3

Quinn awoke panicked. Her ankles kicked away water. There was only water, sloughing placidly over her toes, water as far as she could see. She screamed, or at least believed she did. The emptiness was impenetrable; she couldn’t see down and up was empty sky. She shivered. There was light but no sun. It was a world with neither cold nor heat. She lifted her foot from the water and took a step forward. She felt like her heart should be beating a mile a minute. She felt her throat. She couldn’t...

2 years ago
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my first swing

It was a saturday nite and we were at our friends house board out of our mind's. So i suggested we should go to the bar have a few and shoot some pool. After having a few drinks we were all feeling it but felt bad for my best friend he was the DD so we left to go home so he could get his drink on too. As the nite went on i mentioned that my back was a little sore out of the blue my best friend's wife said lay down i will massage it so of corse i did. Before i knew it my wife was massaging...

2 years ago
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Crack Addict prt 4

You wanna do what ?!! I want you to lay down on your stomach. I’m gonna rub this vial of baby oil on your ass cheeks and then I’m going to rub my dick in the crack of your ass until I cum. Preferably, I’d like to rub said cum all over your ass cheeks with my dick. Man, you crazy … Crazy as fuck. But I got money. I pulled a loose wad of cash from my pocket and gestured towards the prostitute. She giggled like an old hag and reached for the money. you sure that’s all you wanna do right ? I...

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Predatrix One An Education

Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he was setting his classroom in order to meet the parents; he tried his best to push last night’s dream out of his focus. Meticulously, he arranged the vase of flowers in the corner and dusted it clean. He straightened out all the desks and arranged the paraphernalia on his own desk with painstaking effort. He was in the middle of re-arranging the charts on the wall when someone interrupted. “Whoa”, came a familiar voice. It was...

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Gender Bending Investigations Part 2 The Roman Bath

Gender Bending Investigations Part 2 - The Roman Bath By Farleven "So this is my new place." I looked around as the door swung open. In a way, it wasn't much, just a small studio apartment. The bed was in a little nook near the door, and the kitchen was open with a bar separating it from the rest of the apartment. The one saving grace was the living room. It wasn't huge, but one whole wall was a big sliding glass door that could open out onto a small patio. From the tenth floor, I got...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Holiday Festivities

Just an another uneventful Tuesday evening. Tomorrow we plan to do pies & cakes for our Thanksgiving. So tonight it's kickback, chat and enjoy some wine & cheese. She's been off to college & with the the Covid restrictions it has been months. And oh the things we discussed, college life mostly, along with some of her subjects. We had finished the first bottle & I was getting the second one ready when I heard glass breaking & a thud. I went into the living room as three...

4 years ago
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Sex With the New Secretary

Last week was a week full of celebratory events. Agatha Smith finally retired. She gave thirty years of service at Anthony Roma’s company. He made sure that she got a nice pension and his company gave her a retirement party. She was the best administrative secretary he ever had. The best part of her retirement was interviewing dumb blondes to take her place. There were many that were perfectly qualified. Mr. Roma wasn’t really looking for somebody who would be able to get her work done...

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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 1

*If I mention something and don’t expand on it feel free to comment or message me to write more about that topic! If you would like to help me proof read and edit please reach out!!! 1 - a: Table of Contents 1a - Finding myself and some movies! - June 2003 1b - The Golf Hut 1c - Dressed for the movies 2a - Mom Teaches us About Sex - August 2003 2b* - Golf Outing - Deliberately making my cock hard in front of my dad 3a - The hole in my room growing up 3b* - Sisters friend in the hot...

1 year ago
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iWank Interracial

Interracial porn has always had its upsides and downsides. However, today we’re looking at its huge sides instead. We’re taking a look at just how big an interracial porn category can be on a porn site while it still makes sense. How many interracial pornos can you fit into one genre and still get away with it? The only way we will truly figure this out is with a porn aggregator site since those emphasize a lot on size more than anything else. The site that will spot all these videos is...

Interracial Porn Sites
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The WolvesChapter 63

Somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy, enroute Veria Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 07:00 Ship Time September 9, 2019 My alarm woke me from a restful sleep, one that I would’ve liked to get back to. Unfortunately, I knew that we would soon be arriving, so I needed to get prepared. Leaning over to give Vixa a quick kiss and a scratch behind the ears, I headed to the bathroom to shower and shave before heading to the closet. There was a suit hanging there, but I skipped over it and picked up a pair...

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