Rites Of Spring Break (Pt. 2) free porn video

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This was it, Dana thought as he lay half-awake on a massive bed in an unfamiliar room. His life was over. The events of yesterday were not, as he'd so desperately hoped, the product of some awful fever-dream. Instead of boarding a bus to his debate camp in Little Rock, he had taken one going to Miami. Within half an hour of arriving, he had lost all of his money (and his painstakingly-assembled debate notes) to a mugger. Worst of all, his would-be guardian angel, Celia "CeCe" Caine, thought that he was a girl - and she had treated him to a remarkably thorough makeover! Indeed, Dana couldn't help but dwell on how feminine his appearance had become. The hotel had installed mirrors all over his room, including one (//Why?//) on the ceiling above the bed. Everywhere he turned, he saw glimpses of his swishing blonde bangs, his arched eyebrows, his smudged but distinctive makeup, his shiny blue fingernails - Dana could hear in his head what his father would say if he saw Dana now, as clearly as if Dr. Diamond were really there: "Not a word out of you, now - what I see with my own two eyes tells me all I need to know. You've thrown in your lot with the most decadent and depraved that this world has to offer. All these years I've toiled away, trying to impart the Truth of the Gospel to you, and you go and toss it by the wayside like it was trash. Someday, I pray maybe someday you will get right with God again, but until that day I will not suffer a sodomite or an invert to live under my roof. Now go." He knew his mother would say nothing, but her look of dismay would hurt worse than anything she could say. No, there was no way Dana could go back home looking as he did now. He needed some time to make things right, get back to normal. Cut his hair, clean off the makeup and nail polish, buy some boy clothes... there was so much to do. But, oh heck, he'd pushed it out of his mind, he didn't have any time to spare: the camp must have called his parents when he didn't show, they must be out of their minds with worry right now, maybe they'd even filed a missing persons report! He had to call home right away to let them know he's okay. What would he say? What //could// he say? Dana couldn't lie to them - but he couldn't tell the whole truth, either. Okay, he would say that he'd gotten lost on his way there, but he'd found a place to stay. He was safe. Dana dug through his purse (no, this wasn't //his// purse, boys didn't have purses, this was just a purse that CeCe had bought for him) and spilled a heap of random junk onto the bed. At last he found the iPhone in its silvery case. His father insisted on an old-school rotary as the sole phone in the Diamond household. He called it a demonstration of humility and austerity, but it also helped him to further restrict and monitor the family's contact with the corrupt and sinful outside world. Consequently, Dana had little experience operating modern push-button phones, to say nothing of cell phones. But after a little fiddling around, he managed to figure things out. He dialed home. An automated message told him the number could not be reached and reminded him to include an area code. Shoot! That's right, he was calling 'long distance.' He dialed again and listened nervously to the ring tone. "Hello, this is the Diamond residence." "Ummm, hello Mother." "Oh, hello Dana! I wasn't expecting you to call at this hour. How are you? How is camp? Is everything all right?" "Uhhhhhh..." His mother didn't sound at all worried - she thought he'd made it to camp! Somehow the camp hadn't informed his parents of his absence. In that case, maybe it was best not to worry her? He didn't have to //lie//. He would just avoid complicating things by explaining. "Uh, um, yes, I'm fine... um, a little homesick, I guess. Um, just calling to let you know I'm okay." "That's good to hear! Everything is just fine here as well. I hope you enjoy yourself at camp, meet some nice people. Do make sure to call if anything's the matter." "Yes, uh, I will. Thanks, Mother. Bye, I love you." "I love you too, Dana. Bye now." If his parents didn't think he was missing, then that changed everything. Maybe Dana could salvage this mess after all, so that they never had to learn how terribly he'd screwed things up at first. He could call the camp and explain that he'd gotten waylaid but was on his way. Then he could still make it there for the rest of camp. That plan would require dealing with CeCe somehow, explaining that he had to leave immediately. Dana couldn't lie to her, either - but he dreaded the thought of revealing that he wasn't who she thought he was: not a fellow undergraduate, not even a fellow woman! If only there was some way to excuse himself without going into all the embarrassing details... He couldn't think of anything off the top of his head. He couldn't think very clearly at all: he'd woken up with a throbbing headache. Dana went to the adjoined bathroom and scrubbed off the makeup as best he could. The cold water woke him up some, but the headache persisted. Surely CeCe had some aspirin he could take? Stepping out into the suite, Dana was bombarded with sensations. Broad daylight streamed in from the windows, so he had to squint at first. The smell of bacon wafted over from the kitchen space. A go-cart racing game was projected onto the wall, and cheery chiptune music piped out of the speakers. Instead of CeCe alone, three other people were with her in the suite, everyone facing away from Dana. Two were on the couch, intent on the video game. The other was kneeling on a barstool, hunched over the bar. CeCe was in the kitchen, busying herself by the stove. "-and I mean, if Dada's already gettin' dusted then why the fuck not, y'know?" Dana caught a snatch of conversation from one of the people on the couch. The other person on the couch said something in reply but Dana missed it. The third stranger had his full attention now: she dismounted from the stool and stretched unhurriedly, tossing back her hair and shaking out her hips. She wore a black velvet dress that hid nothing of her generous figure and black leather boots that laced all the way up to her knees. Her hair was a violent magenta falling halfway down her back. A Bible verse, one of his father's favorites, sprang to mind for Dana. "If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." Hell had never felt closer to Dana than it did now, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away. "Zenon, please, you //know// I must take sugar with my coffee! Haven't you seen me before in the most frightful states without it? Why, I become positively anemic at times." She sniffled as if she had a terrible cold, though her silky voice showed no signs of an illness. She rolled back her shoulders and turned around. Her face was the very picture of ease and focus. She held the world as if it were a soap bubble in her hand, something she could explode at any time. Eyelids hooded, blackened and beglittered. Lips a bruised purple, quirked: probing, examining, evaluating. Her skin was as porcelain is, flawless and brittle. Her hair wasn't half what he'd expected, being almost fully shaved into an undercut on one side. Her eyes were her eyes. They could be no-one else's; they were hers alone to claim. They were not all that dissimilar to black holes: once you crossed a certain line, not even the speed of light could save you. She was in every way perfect. "Look what the cat dragged in," she said, sardonic and self-satisfied. CeCe turned and broke into a grin as she saw Dana. "You're up!" Dana nodded, his eyes fixed right around the stranger's collarbone. Hanging right above her cleavage was a golden emblem that Dana recognized as the Rod of Asceplius, a serpent entwined around a staff. A small ruby served as the snake's eye. "Hope you slept well," CeCe continued. "I like just got up myself, so it's not like you've missed much, like I'm just starting breakfast now. You like pancakes? We got plain, blueberry, chocolate chip-" The third stranger sniffed emphatically and cleared her throat. "Yeah, yeah, I was about to get to introductions, hold onto your fucking high horse. Girls, this is Dee Dee; Dee Dee, these are my girls. The two losers over there are Zenon, Zee for short, and Exie-" "//E//-X-E!" "-right, EXE, Exie, Ex, E - or if you prefer, 'you humongous nerd' - she'll know who you're talking to. Exie's the blue cueball over there," one of the two had an extremely short buzz cut, dyed glow-stick blue, "while Zee is-" "The one getting her fucking ass kicked in Kart!" "-Zee is our resident redhead." The other of the two had her curly, coppery hair piled up in a high bun. She gave Dana a quick smile and a wave before turning back to the game. "And then like, this im//possible// motherfucker over here is Dahlia, or Dolly or-" "-No, Celia my dear, you can call me Dolly because I am, after all, just your plaything, to use and abuse as you please." She blew a smirking kiss to CeCe. "But this little one - come closer dear, so that I may have a better look - this //darling// child should show some respect for her elders." Dana stopped a few feet away from Dahlia, barely able to breathe. Even though he was still taller in his stocking feet than she was in her boots, he felt as though she was towering over him. "Dana dear, I expect you to call me Doctor Starr, or Doctor. Doc, perhaps, once we've gotten to know each other better, mmmkay? I will consider any other form of address to be //most// disrepectful. Understood?" "Yes! Um, yes Doctor Starr." Exie guffawed. "Come off it with that 'doctor' shit, dude: you don't even have your fucking bachelor's." "Why, Liora my dear, you are the absolute last person I'd think would pay mind to silly little things like degrees or certificates! True, I may not be 'licensed to practice' in the strictest sense. But you cannot deny I know as much or more than most M.D.'s about the intricacies of psychopharmacology. I'd say I am //exceptionally// well-qualified to diagnose all sorts of imbalances of the body, mind and soul." She turned back to Dana and pressed a gleaming black nail into the middle of his chest. He noticed that the gel pads were no longer sitting evenly within his bra, and he started to sweat. "For example, I can tell at a glance that our delicate Dana here is //dangerously// 'deflated.' She is suffering from a dire deficiency of 'bubbly.' If left untreated, Dee Dee runs the risk of becoming irreparably dour and dull." Dahlia turned to the bar, picked up two glasses filled with orange juice and handed one to Dana. "I prescribe eight ounces of mimosa, to be adjusted at her physician's discretion." She clinked her glass against Dana's and raised it to her lips. "A toast, then! To Dom P?rignon, a man of God, a man of Science and, at the end of the day, a man of the Good Life." After yesterday's schnapps debacle, Dana knew he should be careful about drinks he didn't know. But all he could think about was Dahlia's cocksure smile, her entrancing gaze. In all likelihood, he would have drained a cup of hemlock had she handed it to him. The mimosa tasted like orange juice with fizz mixed in. Dahlia downed all of hers in one go. Dana took a bigger gulp than he meant to. "Fuuuck, like at least when you're drinking you shut the fuck up for once in a while," said CeCe, getting chuckles out of Exie and Zee. "If you don't like the sound of my voice, Celia dearest," Dahlia shot back, "you need only gag me, you know." CeCe let out a half-strangled laugh. All of a sudden there was a lot she needed to do with the pancakes. In the blink of an eye, Dahlia mixed another mimosa as if out of muscle memory, or magical means. Then she began roving around the suite and gesturing demonstratively. "I will take that as permission to keep running my mouth, then. 'I shall begin with our ancestors...'" It was remarkable to Dana how smoothly she could flow from one topic to the next, from the Peloponnesian War to the cultivation of olives to the global distribution of calcareous soil to the chemical composition and creation of pearls. She moved from one topic to the next with little outside prompting; the other three seemed to be only half-listening to Dahlia, talking amongst themselves and throwing a joke or a jab her way every couple minutes. Even though Dahlia spoke with greater precision than CeCe, she was much more difficult for Dana to understand because of the sinuous and solipsistic bent of her musings. That didn't stop him from listening with rapt attention, of course. "Breakfast, bitches!" Zee and Exie finished their game and gathered at the bar to eat. Dahlia, however, was still on a roll. She swept into the kitchen area and swiped some pancakes straight off the griddle. CeCe swatted her on the bottom with the spatula, eliciting a yelp. Dahlia continued pacing around, rambling on, stopping now and then to stuff her face with pancakes. Her orbit looped back through the kitchen a few times to grab more pancakes and top off Dana's mimosa. "Don't even fuckin' bother with Dada right now, dude," Zee told Dana. "When she's on a come-up, you can't tell her shit about shit." Breakfast proved to be an effective distraction from Dahlia. The pancakes were a slice of heaven, fluffy and buttery and full of fresh blueberries. The bacon was as crisp as it can be without burning. CeCe accepted his praise graciously, saying, "It's NBD, Dee Dee. And there's like a lot more coming, so chow the fuck down! You're skinny as shit as it is." Exie snickered. "You're like //such// a mom, CeCe-TV." "Damn straight! And if you stay out past sunrise again, young lady, I will //not// hesitate to ground your ass." "Aye aye, cap'n." A pause. "We //are// gonna get shit rolling tonight though, right? Start cracking the packs, all that?" CeCe pursed her lips and glanced over at Dana. "Yeah... well like, I dunno, like I was thinking we'd have more of a low-key night to start, y'know?" "There's no time but the present, if you ask me," interjected Dahlia. "See but I //didn't// ask you, Dolly." "It is Saturday, is it not?" Dahlia continued, undeterred. "When all the pretty party people are out and about? I simply cannot con//ceive// of a night better suited to our purposes. Why, even if we kept strictly to best practices, we could easily clear a quarter of the-" "-Dee Dee, honey, can you do me like, a mega huge favor?" CeCe broke in. "I like totally spaced on this, um, this 'letter' I was supposed to give to someone. Can you take it over to him right now? Please please //please//? He's in the hotel, like it wouldn't take long." Dana nodded. "Great!" She pulled an envelope from a bookbag sitting on the counter and handed it to him. "He should be in room 237. His name's Ricky. And like, if he's not in, just come back, okay?" "Okay!" -.-.- Dana knew that she was just trying to get him out of the room so she could speak to the others in private. He didn't mind it, though: after all, he had only just met CeCe yesterday, while the other three seemed to be good friends of hers. He wasn't sure why they needed their privacy. But if CeCe didn't want him listening in, then it would be rude (not to mention ungrateful) to pry. Also, the errand gave him time to think about his own plans for the day. Dana realized he need to call the camp as soon as possible. Somehow, either they'd neglected to note his absence yesterday or they'd failed to communicate it to his parents. But now that camp was underway, they could realize their error at any time. The camp calling his parents now would needlessly worry them: it would also tell his mother that he hadn't been entirely truthful in their recent conversation. He hadn't told her anything //untrue// - it was just a little lie of omission, really. He was only trying to protect her! Still, Dana felt a pit of discomfort growing in his stomach. "You one of CeCe's girls?" The man answering the door was shirtless and shining with sweat. He was also at least two heads taller than Dana and built like a linebacker. Even though the man looked relaxed to the point of catatonia, Dana still felt intimidated. "Ummmm, yes?" he squeaked. "Is, um, is Ricky here?" "In the flesh. CeCe just called, said you got something for me? A 'letter,' maybe?" "Uh, yes, here." Dana handed him the envelope. "I got something for her also." Ricky gave him back a much thicker envelope. If this too was a letter, Ricky sure had a lot to say. "All right then. Thanks, babe; tell CeCe I say hey. See you around. Or not." -.-.- When Dana returned to the suite, whatever conversation they'd been having was over. CeCe was back cooking up a storm. Exie and Zee were deep in their video game. Dahlia stared out the window while she smoked a cigarette. As he entered, Dahlia turned and gave him the oddest smile. Dana blushed and looked away. "So, um, Ricky says hey. And uh, he gave me this, for you." CeCe gave Dana a bracingly tight hug. "Thank you so, so much Dee Dee! You've been such a huge help. There's loads more breakfast shit on the bar now, so have at it!" The spread was so good, Dana almost forgot he had an important question for CeCe. "Umm, I was wondering if, uh, you knew somewhere I could access the Internet? I need to, um, look some things up." "Well like, there //is// your phone, for one: I got you a data plan last night, remember? Though I guess you were, like, zoning pretty hard by then, hehe. And like, using the net on a cell fucking blows anyway, right? Can't see shit. But no, yeah, my laptop's like, on the bed in my room. I'll go log in, and then you can have at it." -.-.- Dana spaced on the name of the camp, but a search for "little rock debate camp" turned it up. //Brightheart: Tomorrow's Leaders, Today//. The flashy photo montage that usually opened their homepage had been replaced with an unadorned letter. "Dear Brightheart community..." At the end of the letter, he wasn't sure if he was more shocked at the camp being abruptly shut down or at the director being "held under suspicion of the possession of improper materials." What did that even //mean//? The phrase was ominous but extraordinarily vague - Dana supposed it was the sort of euphemism he would have learned to use had he attended the camp. Whatever it meant, it meant he couldn't slip away to Little Rock. Dana either had to return home or he had to stay with CeCe and her friends. He had nowhere else to go. And he couldn't go home as he was now, but he couldn't stay here as anything else. Dana felt stuck, then, in what some of the unsaved might liken to Limbo. According to his father, the idea of a place in the afterlife in between Heaven and Hell was a Papist deceit, spread by the "Liar of Rome" to lead people away from salvation by faith in Christ alone. Either you lived with the Love of the Lord in your heart and ascended to Heaven, or you lived devoted to sin and fell into the fires of Hell, to be tormented for all eternity. There was no 'in-between.' Dana knew that everything his father had taught him was drawn from the Word of God Himself and so was true and right. Nonetheless, Dana knew now that there was something to the notion of Limbo. He felt torn, neither here nor there. He had surely strayed from the simple piety of his home life. Deuteronomy 22:5 minces no words: "A woman must not put on men's clothing, and a man must not wear women's clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the Lord our God." Was he therefore utterly estranged from God's love and guidance? Dana held close the Word of the Lord in his head and his heart. So long as he can still turn to Christ for succor, was he truly bound for Hell - even among all these unsaved women? (Kind, thoughtful women, but unsaved nonetheless.) Yes, he needed to go back home, but how? And when? The very thought of shopping for men's clothes or asking for a male haircut was daunting to say the least, looking as feminine as he did. And all of that would have to come after explaining his sudden departure to CeCe. There seemed to be no way to fix his predicament without revealing himself as abominable to someone he respected. Truth be told, Dana didn't want to leave just yet. Was that so wrong, given all the obstacles in his path? And... he had only just met Dahlia, (or Doctor Starr, rather.) But he felt certain she had something to teach him, something he couldn't learn at home. The Lord chooses peculiar instruments, does He not? Was it really so queer to want to hear what she had to say? "So yeah dude, we're packing a kief bong, y'know, if you want in," Exie announced, breaking Dana's reverie. "Ummm, what?" "If you wanna smoke? Or like, get knocked off your ass, I mean - not 'smoking' in the traditional sense of the term, TBH. But whatever, right?" "Ohhh! Oh, uhh, no, um, I don't smoke. Um, sorry?" "Haha, no, I feel you dude: shit can get intense, for sure. Carry on then." Dana followed Exie out anyway, since he no longer had any reason to stay in CeCe's room. Everyone was sitting on the couch in front of the projector - everyone except CeCe. She was at the bar, smoking a cigarette with one hand and drumming her fingers on the counter with the other. Dana sat a few seats down from her to avoid the smoke. "So, like, Dee Dee... we did //collectively// decide to go out clubbing tonight. Um, what d'you think?" "Umm. What do I think about, uh, //clubbing//?" He pictured them all brandishing cudgels - no, that couldn't be what she meant. "Yeah, like do you like to dance? Like, there's for sure some sweet spots, like some killer DJs and shit. They're not //all// gross, y'know, like we know where to go where it's more chill." Dana watched as Dahlia held her lips up to a tower of ice and drew an immense white cloud into her lungs. Her look in her eyes as she sank back into the couch and exhaled was like nothing he'd ever seen. "Uh-huh." "You think so? Like no, I'd love to go out with you, for sure, er, like go out to party, I mean... so if you're down, then hell yeah!" "Buuuuuut..." drawled Zee, who had been listening to the whole exchange. "But like, //yeah//... like that just means we've got some other shit to do today, right? Like, fuck, I'm not hiding Dee Dee in my fucking purse, that's for fucking sure." "Celia dear, you won't hide hardly anyone in your fucking purse - I think it's //terribly// unfair." Dahlia was sprawled over the couch, eyes closed. Exie, who had been nursing the bong for some time now, broke into a tremendous coughing fit. It sounded as though she were losing pieces of lung. "Mmmmmhm. But like, for serious: Exie, you're gonna need to move your ass in the next couple hours. Like, you //are// our ID guy, right? Right?" "Uhhhh? No, yeah, yeah Ce-D-Ce, you know it! I got IDs for //days//, dude. Eons, even." "Okay, cool. Great. Fucking terrific. Like, fuck, you silly fucks have just smoked yourselves senseless so like, I won't even fucking bother. Dee Dee, you maybe wanna take a walk, to talk and shit?" "Not at the same time, one would hope." This was from Dahlia. "She's got jokes, ladies and gentlemen!" CeCe ground out her cigarette on the bar. "Actually just ladies, right?" Exie. "Eh, I wouldn't say we're all //ladies//, dude." Zee. "Confirmed." Dahlia. "Yeah, yeah, you're all blazed-out bitches, my fucking mistake. Dee Dee, if you want some air, I'm heading out." -.-.- Dana had never seen CeCe angry in the brief time he'd known her. He wouldn't call her mood wrathful, per se - she was nothing like his father on his bad days - but seeing her usual bubbliness replaced with prickliness was worrisome. "I mean it's like, fuck, I don't give a shit if they wanna get blasted into space, or like, if she wants to stuff a brick up her nose or whatever, right, but like they //also// wanna go clubbing and work the -" CeCe paused to take a long drag from her hand-rolled 'cigarette.' "- And dance all night and shit? I mean, we do need some time to prep, right, all that? It's like, fuck, it's like herding kittens who like just ate a whole fucking bag of catnip, y'know?" CeCe blew a few globes of smoke into the air without breaking stride. "Must be frustrating?" "Yeah, no fucking kidding! But like still, I love my girls to death, like I'd take a bullet for any of them, real talk - they're just huge pains in the ass sometimes. And like no, they're all super loyal - which is so fucking rare - and like scary smart, too." She took another sharp pull from her spliff. "//When// they're not faded as fuck - which like, let's be honest, isn't gonna be too fucking often these next couple of weeks. Still, they've got good instincts even when they are fucked up - and like, that's also rare as all hell." Dana nodded and murmured and commiserated with CeCe as she kept venting. She cooled off quickly, but a cloud of concern lingered over her features. All of a sudden her eyes flashed with recognition. She stopped and tugged on Dana's arm. "Hey, Dee Dee, that is like my favorite store //ever// across the street there! Let's take a look at their shit, you feel me?" He shrugged and followed her into the store. "Apoplexia" was its name. Its window display featured a mannequin version of St. Sebastian, bound to a post and shot full of arrows. Instead of Sebastian's usual loincloth, the mannequin wore a gray sarong patterned with cat eyes. The store's interior layout took after the window display's example. All throughout were platforms where mannequins suffered exquisite torments lifted from classical myths, Dante's //Inferno//, and the Inquisition. The displays were so realistic - well-defined muscles on the mannequins, fake blood seeping from their wounds - that Dana couldn't help but feel a little nauseated. CeCe, on the other hand, was in heaven, darting with glee from one display to the next. "Ohhhh my god, I like //have// to have this!" The garment in question resembled a military jacket that had been savaged by wolves and then patched back together with a grab-bag of cloths, furs and leathers. The mannequin had its feet encased in a glass box filled with taxidermied rats. Dana couldn't judge the jacket's aesthetics, but it managed to look quite comfortable in spite of the mannequin's plight. CeCe soon found a jacket in her size and had it boxed up. Then she turned to Dana with a gleam in her eye. "So yeah, there's like gotta be something in here for you, am I right?" "Umm, sure! But, uhh, I don't know... you um, you got me enough nice things already-" "Dee Dee, you're a sweetheart, like really, but listen to me: a girl //cannot// have 'enough' clothes. Sorry, but that's the law. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them, and in this case that means you're walking out of here with something cute, 'kay?" "Okay..." Dana wanted to avoid ending up with even more women's clothing. But CeCe was just now returning to her usual cheery self - he didn't want to stress her out by arguing. And to be honest, her tone of voice didn't suggest the possibility of an argument. "Umm, maybe something small, though?" "If you'd prefer that, then like, sure - they've got tons of dope accessories and shit." CeCe prowled around the store with Dana trailing behind. Suddenly she stopped by a mannequin hanging upside-down by one leg. "Oh wow, like these socks would look fucking perf with that one skirt you got, right? The gray checked one?" Dana made a noncommittal noise, looking at the mannequin out of the corner of his eye. The thigh-high socks were pure white at the bottom, but a midnight-purple dye oozed down from the top. They looked as if a glistening ichor was leaking onto them. Since the mannequin was upside-down, the ichor appeared to defy gravity by flowing upward. The stockings were certainly disturbing, but that wasn't why Dana was reluctant to give the mannequin a good look. Apart from the thigh-highs, all the mannequin wore was some very racy black lingerie. Dana recalled CeCe buying him some underwear last night that was scarcely more modest. He struggled to push the thought out of his head, only to find it replaced with an image of Dahlia in similar attire - even worse! He felt himself stirring in a place he knew he shouldn't be. Dana was so preoccupied with the struggle for his soul that he raised little objection to CeCe's other 'must-have' discoveries. In addition to the stockings, Dana left the store with a pair of fingerless blue-velvet gloves and a headband sporting miniature goat horns. CeCe contented herself with the jacket and a necklace with a barbed-wire pentacle. -.-.- Back at the suite, the other three had put up a movie on the projector. Dana and CeCe entered just as Tommy Lee Jones was chasing Harrison Ford through a sewer and over a waterfall. Dana recognized neither actor, but the tension of the scene was clear enough. Nobody said a word as Harrison Ford plunged into the churning water below. Then Dahlia began laughing uproariously, and (Dana felt) rather inappropiately. A man's life was held in the balance, no? As it turned out, Harrison Ford survived his leap of faith to face further trials. "Alright, y'all seem a little more focused," CeCe said as the credits rolled. "So like, maybe you can resolve this issue we have with an ID, EXE?" Exie nodded in an almost mechanical way. "You're talking to an ID expert here, TL-CeCe. Like, dude, y'all need to step the fuck //back// while I get to work, all right?" Zee and CeCe exchanged a look that Dana couldn't decipher. Then Zee pulled Exie up off the couch and led her over to CeCe. "Okay, like Zee, I think we //really// need you to like, calibrate the lighting and shit for Dee Dee's photo? So like, just go along and help with that, 'kay?" Zee gave CeCe a secret smile and prodded the other two out into the hallway. She acted as a sheepdog, guiding or goading Dana and Exie over to a different hotel room. As they entered the room, she placed a reassuring hand on Dana's shoulder. -.-.- "Okay! Okay dude, here's how it's gonna happen: you stand by that wall next to the TV, and I'll go get my camera. Cool?" Dana didn't have time to nod; Exie had already disappeared into another room. Zee laughed as though an anticipated amusement had exceeded her expectations. Then she led Dana over to the space Exie had indicated. "She's off an addy from that 'bathroom break,' so just humor her, 'kay? She gets kinda wired-up, but it's no big." Dana knew Zee was trying to set him at ease, but her unnaturally blas? tone of voice only set him on edge. "All right, Dee: look at me like I'm a dead dog." Exie was pointing an alarmingly large camera at his face. "Or a dead cat, or a bird or lizard or like whatever. Just, just look at me like the whole world seems like kind of a shit proposition, okay? Okay? Got it?" Ever since he'd woken up, Dana had been wondering whether the world wasn't all it's made out to be. Apparently his expression satisfied Exie, because she grinned while she snapped perhaps three dozen pictures of him in quick succession. "Yeah no, that's it, fuck! Like... fuck! You're really fucking making me feel like I'm working at the DMV here, dude - this is truly some //great// shit right here." Exie turned and plugged the camera into her laptop. "Yeah, like I feel like I could fucking fuck around on the rest of the ID, like all these shots are institutional as shit! Like, shit!" "All right now, dude, let's not liken Dee Dee to an inmate or anythin', y'know?" Zee said. "Or like, a loon, or any number of things, really-" "-Yeah, yeah, the mind boggles: let's get this fuckin' shit pressed and printed though, right?" "Haha, like don't even worry, dude: the file's already sent. I'm a motherfucking //pro//, y'know?" Suddenly Exie fixed Dana with a dead serious gaze. "And you're straight, right - like you don't strike me as a narc, y'know?" "Ummmmm, no? No, I'm not, uh, I'm not a, um, a //narc//?" "Narc? Like, you //do// know the term, dude? 'Federal narcotics agent?'" "..." "Or like, a snitch? Fuck. Like, fuck - Dee, let me put this real fucking plainly. Have you ever seen something that wasn't, like, //strictly// on the level?" "..." "As in: 'oh my, this is something a person could get arrested for!' An activity of that sort." "..." "Like no, of course not. I get it: you're a good, God-fearing Christian, like I can see that. But that doesn't mean that you have to talk when you //don't// have to talk, right? Like I mean, 'render unto Caesar,' all that shit?" "..." "My understanding has always been, like - there's a world of difference between heaven and earth, right? Anyone has to admit that." "..." Dana agreed, but Exie seemed to be taking that fact in an unusual direction. "Like okay, okay, look: you'll have to take my word for this, but - once upon a time, I was a very sweet, very respectable Jewish girl." "... Jewish?" Exie hadn't seemed at all Jewish to Dana. But then, her blue buzz-cut had distracted from the rest of her features. "Yeah, haha, like I was gonna meet a nice Jewish boy at college, a future doctor or lawyer of course, and I was gonna marry him, and I was gonna give birth to a buncha brilliant, beautiful Jewish babies." Zee was smiling and shaking her head. "Ummm..." "And then what happened? Well, Dee, //then// I met Zenon, and she introduced me to her two best friends." "CeCe and Dahlia?" "Haha, no - good guess though. We didn't meet 'til freshman year. No, I mean Mary Jane," here Exie mimed hitting a joint, "and Sappho!" and here Exie gestured by spreading her middle and ring fingers apart and licking her tongue through the space between them. Dana wasn't familiar with the gesture, but it did seem rather lewd. "Ummm, like the poet?" "Yeah, yeah, Sappho was a poet, dude - and what else?" "Um. A teacher?" "Aaaand..." "Um. Uh. A corrupter of youth?" Exie snorted and glanced over at Zee. "Haha, yeah, how does that shit sound on your headstone, ZeZe? 'Hottie, genius, corrupter of youth.' Not bad, right?" Zee looked to the floor and shook her head. "No, dude, like she taught me how to //fuck//, y'know?" "... ... ... ... ... So, um. You're... uh, you're um, you're... //gay//?" Exie shook her bright-blue, close-cropped head in disbelief. "Uhhh, yeah? Like uh, are you //that// kind of Christian? 'See no evil, speak no evil?'" Zee gave Exie a hard look. "Er, I mean, like, no, like whatever dude, it's whatever, like no - like I totally see why CeCe would be down with you." Zee gave Exie a look of pure ice. "No, I mean - um, no really, it's totally like, whatever. Really." "... ... ... Um, so CeCe-" "-No! No actually, like: look, dude, like we did not even talk about this, all right? We never in fact discussed anything of this sort. Like, for real, if you were to talk to CeCe right now, you would //not// mention the words 'gay' or 'homo' or, uh - 'lesbian,' 'dyke,' 'fag,' 'queer,' and so on, like any of those. Uh, that is unless you wanted shit to get real fucking uncomfortable." Exie had quickly closed the distance between her and Dana. Her breath was hot and dry on his face. "... Yeah um, okay, sure, of course! Of course." "Ex gets a little chatty when she's had her candy, but it doesn't really //mean// anythin', y'know?" Zee said in a chilly tone. "Um, sure... I mean, I don't even know what you're talking about." Dana truly didn't, and now seemed like the right time to admit it. If they were as close to CeCe as he thought, wouldn't she already know they were gay? And hadn't CeCe told him yesterday that she wasn't homophobic? She //had// seemed a little flustered by the idea, but still... Dana couldn't make head or tail of the situation. "Great! Like, what is love, really? I mean, fuck, forget it, your ID's on its way, so let's just drop it, right?" Exie squeezed Dana's shoulder pretty darn hard. "Hey, it's almost 6:00 now - let's fuckin' eat, right?" said Zee. Just then, Exie's phone erupted into a ringtone that Dana failed to recognize as the Nyan Cat song. "Yello? Yeah! No yeah dude, you know it: I'm the motherfucking //man//. Oh? Yeah, sure, see you there." Exie hung up the phone. "Lol, you and CeCe must be 'synced up,' dude: she just asked us to meet her at the hotel restaurant." -.-.- The dinner was mouth-watering, but Dana had a hard time enjoying it. After that talk with Exie, he was left with no illusions about his understanding of CeCe's circle: he didn't have a frickin' clue. They had their own private history, their own slang, their own in-jokes and their own unspoken rules. He was nothing but an interloper - and given his patchy knowledge of the secular world at large, he had about as much hope as a Martian of coming to understand them. Sitting at a table full of people talking and laughing, Dana felt hopelessly alone. Dahlia had poured him a glass of red wine from one of the bottles at the table. He didn't want to put himself even more out of place by refusing the wine, so he just sipped at it while the others finished glass after glass. His church had already given him diluted wine for Communion, so he half-convinced himself that this wasn't too big of a transgression. A question had been nagging at Dana for some time. When the dessert arrived, (a superb chocolate tiramisu,) there was enough of a break in the conversation for him to speak up. "So, umm, about this ID...?" "Oh, yeah dude: I never really explained, did I?" Exie grinned, then glanced over at CeCe. She shrugged, so Exie continued. "Yeah, so it's like, how do we get one printed so quick? Well, heh, you could say 'I got a guy.' Except I don't know if it's a guy, or a girl, or like even a dog or whatever. You know about the Deep Web?" Dana shook his head. "Haha, like that's kind of the point, right? Okay." She clasped her hands together. "Like, think of the internet as an iceberg. You've got this little part poking out the top: that's the Surface Web, the shit anyone can see, the shit being indexed by Google and shit. But like then you have this huge chunk floating underneath: that's the Deep Web. No indexing, no nothing. //That's// where all the real juicy shit's going down. And a shit-ton of totally boring shit too but like, shit, that's life, y'know? You gotta have a buncha coal to make diamonds, or whatever." Exie paused to take a swig of her wine. "Okay, so like I can see you wondering: how do you find any of this shit if it's not on Google? Well, there's like a buncha different approaches, but my personal favorite is..." Exie descended into a technical discussion that was way over Dana's head. He nodded and smiled as she rattled on; the other three seemed to be doing the same, also taking the opportunity to drink more or to swipe some of Exie's neglected tiramisu. "... and so that's how it's delivered without any, like, 'actionable' paper trail tracing back to the printer or the purchaser." Exie took a deep breath. "Pretty fucking cool, right?" "Uhhhh, yeah, yeah, sure! But... I was actually wondering more about //why// I need this ID than about how we're getting it." The rest of the table chuckled, Exie excepted. "Ohhh... really though, dude? But that's like, a much shorter explanation. Shoulda just stopped me." Nobody believed that Exie could have been stopped once she'd gotten rolling, not even Exie herself. "Well, uh, anyway-" Exie finished her glass. "-to answer your //actual// question, it's like fairly straightforward: the clubs wanna cover their asses." There was a long pause, as if Exie expected that to resolve the matter. Then, seeing that Dana still did not understand, she elaborated. "Like, okay, suppose that the authorities have arrived. Some illegal shit just went down, and the po-po are there to investigate. Or maybe they just felt like showing up. And like, //now// suppose a sizeable percentage of the clubgoers have no ID or like, fucking shamelessly bogus ID, or else ID that suggests they should not be on the premises at all. That's gonna look pretty fucking bad, right? Like, there's no amount of money you can hand off to make that go away." Exie filled up her glass again. Dana wasn't sure he was following. "So then... you need to get an official club ID to get in?" "Exactly, dude, it has to be super 'official.' Like it has to be 'club certified,' so to speak. It's not getting your ass on a plane, but like, it'll pass the sniff test, and it'll come //fast// if you've got the right connects." "And who is Liora, if not Little Miss Connects?" Dahlia mused. "Why, they should call you 'Connect Wh-'" She was stifled by CeCe's hand over her mouth. "You should chill on the wine for a while, don't you think, Dolly?" Dahlia pouted theatrically, then nodded. "I do believe this one was something of an off-year for Bournogne, anyway." The rest of the dinner passed in relative quiet. -.-.- "If we're gonna go out tonight, we're doing it right, all right?" CeCe lit up a spliff as soon as she stepped in the suite. "By which I mean, doing it big, y'know? Like I know y'all are fierce as fuck every night of the fucking week, but like, I mean battlegear here, you feel me?" "Loud and clear, CeCe," said Zee. Dahlia threw a mock salute. Exie just shrugged. "'Kay, leave your bags with me, go get your shit sorted then head back here, right?" The three handed over their purses (or backpack, in Exie's case,) and left the suite. CeCe took the bags into her room. "All right, Dee Dee, let's fucking do this thing!" She all but flew from her door over to where Dana was standing. Somehow she managed to finish, ash and dispose of her spliff in a baggie while in transit. "Ummm, what thing?" "Like, getting dressed to go out? I mean like, hehe, we didn't buy all that shit just to //look// at it, y'know?" CeCe took him by the arm and led him into his bedroom. Then she pulled open the walk-in closet where his wardrobe was stored. "Ohh, of course, but um... isn't what I'm wearing now okay?" Dana knew that people got dressed up to go to parties and such, and he imagined 'clubbing' was much the same. But he was more than a little nervous about what CeCe might pull out of that closet. "Dee Dee, honey, like no of course you look super cute as is, but like... okay, as your self-appointed stylist, it falls upon me to explain." She lit up another spliff; Dana didn't have the faintest clue where she'd pulled it from. "You can't wear just anything clubbing, right, like it's a different scene en-fucking-tirely than just wherever. If you don't come correct, you get wrecked, y'know? Or like, worst case is you don't even get in the fucking //door//." Dana looked a little stricken, so CeCe put a hand on his shoulder. "But like no, if you and the club have an understanding, then like that's never a problem. And we do, so like don't even worry about that, Dee Dee. My point is, almost everyone else in the club did have to stand in line, knowing that they //could// get turned away. So like, everyone's game is turnt up way past maximum, y'know? Which means, if you wanna look like you fucking belong there, your style's gotta be lethal, you feel me? Like, 'the fuck is a warning shot, bitch?' That kinda look, right?" Dana was losing track of her again. You had to dress intimidatingly stylish, was that it? He doubted he could intimidate a grade-schooler, to say nothing of a club full of ultra-hip people. CeCe did not seem concerned. "Look, Dee Dee, just chill, it's all gonna come together great. With all the sharp shit we got and your killer looks, like you're gonna be a motherfucking monster out there, trust me." She smiled at him, the same beatific grin that had set him so at ease when they'd first met on the bus. It didn't quite quell his worries now, but he felt compelled to smile back. "All right, like my first instinct is we go in on one of the throwback dresses, y'know?" CeCe was on the hunt, pawing through the closet. She was also smoking her third or fourth spliff; Dana was starting to feel a little woozy from all the secondhand smoke. "Like, this one here would look fucking //perf// for a psycho-Lolita look, but like, at least for tonight we can't go that route." She gave Dana's shoulder a squeeze. "Don't take this wrong way, Dee Dee, but like we're gonna need to bust our asses to age you up some, y'know? Like, again, the clubs will all know us so it's NBD, like really, don't worry, but like - if you don't even look //legal//, that kinda brings us some unwanted attention, you feel me?" CeCe took a long drag from her spliff, then looked Dana straight in the eye. "And like, it's not like I'm going to make this a thing or anything, but if you want to level with me, great. Dee Dee, are you eighteen?" Dana was not. A couple months ago he'd reached his "Sweet Sixteen," though at the moment it was turning out to be anything but. "Ummmmmmm... no?" he whispered. He felt himself tearing up - this was the closest he'd come to admitting that he wasn't at all who she thought he was. "Shhhh, shhh, honey it's okay," CeCe said, gently rubbing the back of his head. "I don't think any less of you just because you're a little younger, y'know? You're still like, really cool and really smart and all, okay Dee Dee? It's so not even a thing to me. Okay?" Dana sniffled and nodded. He felt a little better, even though he knew she wouldn't be anywhere near as understanding if she found out he was also male. "Like, that being said though, let's make one thing clear, 'kay?" CeCe gave him a kind but firm look. "I don't want to mom on you, but like, I'm gonna mom on you for this one thing: don't go chasing after boys tonight, all right?" Dana almost laughed aloud; chasing after boys was the absolute last thing on his mind. "I mean it! This is so not my joking face here." CeCe ditched her spliff and took hold of Dana by both shoulders. "Look: you remember last night, I swore I wouldn't let anyone hurt you? I was //not// fucking around then, Dee Dee. I will join my mother in the cold-fucking-ground before I see that happen to you. D'you see where I'm coming from now?" Dana nodded, feeling terribly torn. On the one hand, he was moved far more than he could say that she would value his life before her own. On the other, did he even deserve such protection? She hardly knew him! And almost everything she thought she knew about him was a falsehood he hadn't had the courage to correct. He wasn't cool, or smart, or even a girl - he was just some stupid kid who had taken the wrong bus. If CeCe knew who he really was, she would turn him away in an instant. But so long as she didn't know, he knew he had nothing to say against what she felt. "Okay then, we're understood. Like okay, I'm not saying don't dance, or don't have fun or whatever, but just like - keep it casual, y'know? The clubs are so not the place to be looking for like, an 'all right' guy, right? But also like, on the flip side of that - if a guy is creeping on you, come to me //immediately//. I will blow his fucking balls off." A pause. "Again, no jokes. I don't do jokes. And I mean, I'll be looking out for you anyway but like, please, you need to let me know when something's shady, okay?" She paused, then grinned. "Enough heavy shit though, right? Let's get you looking fucking fatal, you feel me?" Dana had a boatload of feelings floating around, but chief among them was pleasing CeCe. If she liked how he looked, wouldn't that go a little ways toward repaying her for taking him under her wing? He would have to disillusion her soon enough, but maybe he could make her happy for just one night? (The smallest, worst part of him was curious to know how he might turn out. But of course, that played no role whatsoever in his decision to go along with her.) -.-.- "I think this might be the one." After five minutes of browsing the closet, after several dresses already considered and discarded, CeCe thought she had the one. 'The one' was a take-off on the archetypal '50s housewife dress. It was collared and polka-dotted, with buttons down the front and a flared skirt. There the similarities ended, however. The dress was the murky, menacing blue of an ocean trench, polka-dotted black. The polka dots themselves appeared normal toward the middle of the dress, but the pattern started to glitch as it approached the hem and the neckline, fuzzing and smearing across the dress like a television set losing its signal. Nearing the edge, the very fabric of the dress began to dissolve, fraying from a solid cotton into a tangled lace, and from there into a ragged fringe of sheer muslin. It was as though the dress was being eaten alive from the outside. "Um, okay?" Dana took the dress from CeCe and headed for the bathroom. "Cool, but like, you don't have to go anywhere, right?" CeCe said, the slightest edge to her voice. "Like I mean, we're both chicks and we //are// both straight, so like we don't have make it weird if we see each other, y'know?" Oh no, Dana had completely forgotten! He was acting as though he were a heterosexual man with a heterosexual woman, as though he needed to guard both his dignity and her modesty. But as things stood between them, they were both heterosexual women. So in fact it was as natural as anything for them to change in front of each other. Even so... he wasn't sure he could keep up the pretense in such proximity. "But wait, like... no, I mean it's whatever, right, like //I// don't give a shit! I was just saying you don't have to walk all that way, y'know, that's all I was saying. I mean, whatever, right?" CeCe had started by gesturing with emphasis, but she cooled off towards the end. Then she picked up again. "Ohhh, fuck, like I mean, of course - if you're self- conscious about your body or like, your-" here CeCe made a cupping gesture in front of her chest, to symbolize breasts. "-then like, don't be, honey! Like you're still super hot, right? I mean, hahaha, that's just my totally fucking disinterested straight girl assessment but like, yeahhh, any guy would be lucky to have you, y'know?" She blinked, chewed her bottom lip and continued. "Though like, not tonight, remember? No guys are getting at you 'cause like, that's gonna end up totally terrible, you hear me?" Dana nodded. CeCe seemed to be getting a little agitated over this whole issue, so perhaps it would best if he did change in front of her. But if she noticed his, um, his thing, then it would be all over. What was he to do? "Umm, yeah, no, uh, like it's no problem! But ummm, I do have to go use the bathroom, okay?" "Oh! Yeah, sure, sure." Dana left the dress on his bed and headed into the bathroom. He truly did have to pee, so he relieved himself. Now, he had a little work to do. Okay, if he pulled his stuff all the way back like this, and pulled his underwear from the Twins all the way up like this, how did that look? Flat in front, good, good, and in back... um, not exactly right, but CeCe wouldn't be looking too close, would she? He didn't know how to do any better, so he pulled up his shorts and stepped out into the bedroom. CeCe now had a glass of cranberry juice in one hand and yet another spliff in the other. "All right, Dee Dee, here's the thing - we should get your stuff sorted, um, up top, before we see how it looks, all right?" Dana looked at her blankly. "Yeah, like, all I'm saying is, um, like... if we want you looking legit, like as in, uh, legal, y'know, then like, ideally we want to show a little happening, um, up there, that's all." Dana looked at her blankly. "Okay, like: can we tape up your tits, is what I'm asking?" "Ummmmm..." Dana looked at her blankly. Dana had no idea that his boyish (read: soft) pectoral muscles could be drawn together to form something approaching a woman's cleavage. Then again, he had no idea he could be mistaken for a college girl and dragged into a drugged-out vacation, but that seemed to have happened despite all his expectations. The dress fit him well, once the tape was secure and the gel pads were smooshed into place. Dana almost didn't recognize himself even as he was reflected through about a dozen mirrors. Was that //him//? 'Him' almost didn't make sense in this context. But in that case - well, no time to consider that now. "I like think we have a winner!" CeCe had a look of absolute satisfaction on her face, one that Dana had rarely seen as of late. "There's like a lot more to do but like, we're definitely on the right fucking track, y'know?" It was all Dana could do to nod; CeCe was on her sixth or seventh spliff and her third glass of cranberry and vodka. He had the most remarkable headache. "All right, like we should shower, then!" CeCe said. "Ummm, I mean like, //you// should shower, and like I'll go take care of my own shit or whatever." Dana nodded. He hadn't showered all day, somehow: he was honestly disgusting, if he thought about it at all. All the smoke that had soaked into his skin wasn't helping matters. And he felt most peculiar in this dress. It would be easier to have it off for a while. -.-.- "Okay great, like just let your hair air-dry or whatever," CeCe said after wrangling his 'breasts' into place for the second time. "Okay, so like I left the tights and the shoes on the bed. The MJ's are really low, like two inches, so you'll be fine. Oh and um, Zenon'll come through soon to do make-up, and like, she is a fucking master - like, for real, like she's Michelangelo and your face is the Sistine Chapel, right? She will take it to that level, see if she doesn't. ...Ummm, no though, not to freak you out or anything, Dee Dee, just... let her work, y'know? She can//not// underwhelm you." -.-.- "All right, I conferred with CeCe and I think we have it sorted," Zee said as she laid her palette out on the counter. "The guidin' light here is 'impersonal.' Imagine you've met an android, maybe a cyborg, y'know, some kind of human-robot amalgam. And this robot is super expressive by design, right, but due to the limits of technology they're also real stiff and eerie, y'know? So you can't tell from their expression whether they're a good robot there to serve your every whim, or a bad robot waitin' for you to let down your guard before they fuckin' end you. Basic 'Blade Runner' shit here. But the point //beyond// that is this: you don't even care if they're good or bad, you're too fascinated by this 'impersonal personality' on display, this person coated in impersonality - it's a persona that's foregroundin' the very act of impersonation, y'know?" Dana had never heard Zenon speak more than two sentences at a stretch, so this geyser of words took him by surprise. He thought he understood the content of her words well enough: the purpose behind them, however, was way beyond his grasp. "So then you're, um, making me up as a potentially killer robot?" "Look at this way: anyone you've ever met could be holdin' a deadly grudge against you, right? So we're just bringin' that all-too-human reality to the surface with this face. And when you mix the self- cannibalizin' housewife motif into the equation, then we start to look toward a tragicomic readin' of the heteronormative script, and we start, uhh - I mean, fuck, you don't want to hear all this theory shit. I'll just sum it up, then? We're embracin' the inanimate, or rather the receptive, or rather, um, the tension between the 'settled' space of the make-up and the 'unsettled' space of the face. The powder stays in place or it doesn't, but the face is always already mobile, as in mobilizin' //against// itself. We're recognizin' the perpetual self-effacement of the face, you feel me?" She let out a sharp breath. "I mean, fuck it, forget it. I'm no good at explainin' myself." Dana felt he was following the 'what' of her words. But the 'how' and 'why' still remained elusive. How was she translating all of that into the products she applied to his face? And why was that the appropriate theme for his make-up? And also, actually: what in good grace was the heteronormative script? Dana thought back to Una and her peculiar fairy tale. He concluded that cosmeticians were a curious breed, far beyond his comprehension. "All right, gold." Zee appeared satisfied with Dana's face. Dana stepped up to one of the room's many mirrors to get a better look. He supposed he saw how the make-up followed from all that abstract talk earlier. The impression it left on the viewer was certainly one of 'impersonality.' The foundation was very even and flat, with just a touch of plasticky sheen to it. The blush was flashy but unconvincing, trying and failing to inject warmth into an unfeeling surface. Similarly, the contouring around his cheeks and temples aimed to accentuate the humanity of his bone structure. But instead his face appeared hollow, as if it had pressed out of a mold. His eyes were sharply defined by a deep blue eyeshadow close to the color of the dress. The strategic application of white eyeliner helped to make his eyes 'pop,' quite literally - they looked as though they could be popped in and out of his sockets at will. The overall feel of his face was very 'Uncanny Valley.' Dana resembled a sultry sexbot who might or might not be programmed with femme fatale protocols. His natural facial expressions were as genuine and open as ever, but that only served to heighten the viewer's sense of ambivalence. Dana felt a heady mixture of attraction and repulsion as he stared at his reflection. "Okay... um, thanks?" "Later, then." Zee was already ready to go out, Dana realized, with her darkly distinguished mouth and her iron throne of a dress. All Dana had left was to don the tights and the shoes. Like the rest of his ensemble, the tights were unusual, though in a more understated way. They were transparent, so his legs looked almost bare. But they were shot through with a pattern of hairline cracks. His legs seemed to be threatening to shatter, like they could crumble to dust at any moment. It was a little touch and go pulling them on, but he'd gotten some practice last night. If he could do it sloshed beyond belief, he could do it (mostly) sober. Dana wouldn't say he felt 'drunk' exactly. He'd had hardly a half glass of wine at dinner. But he couldn't say he felt altogether himself, either. Dana had dismissed it earlier as a headache from the smoke, but it was much more than that. He felt more alert, not in the sense of having more energy or focus, (as he did with caffeine,) but rather of being tuned into features of his environment that had escaped his notice before. Cross-sections of fabric patterns, the negative space between two pieces of furniture, the hollow of an abandoned glass: all these scenes had been before his eyes the whole time, but he had never paid them any mind. Now they felt essential to him. The shoes were gleaming black Mary Janes with a silver buckle. With two- inch heels, they were reasonable by comparison to many other shoes, but that was little consolation to Dana. He was sure he'd soon fall and make a fool of himself. And what if he actually did adjust to the heels - wouldn't that be the final emasculating nail in the coffin of his manhood? Even standing alone in his room, Dana could feel the heels changing the way he related to his body, shifting his center of gravity and altering his posture. Dressing like a woman was one thing, but holding himself like one and walking like one was another thing entirely. Could he ever get back to the way his life used to be? No, no, of course he could: none of this really meant anything. This outfit was just a surface appearance, after all; he was still a man underneath, right? (But what if the man that he'd thought he was was just a surface appearance as well, and what if nothing lay underneath? Woah.) Surface appearance or no, it was undeniably effective. There was no trace of his former self in his reflection. Nothing hinting at masculinity, for one. He had also been 'aged up' rather well. The casual observer would suppose him to be at least eighteen or nineteen, though probably no older. "Dee Dee" was a youthful-looking late teen, trying for twenty-one but not quite getting there - but also trying for sexy and passing with flying colors. The dress was not outrageously revealing, nor was it flaunting his curves. (Apart from his false chest, he didn't have any.) Its allure was due to its suggestiveness. Only a sliver of cleavage rose entirely over the neckline, but a good amount more was only half-concealed by the outer ring of irregular lace. The same principle held for his legs: the entire hem reached down to his knees, but the edge of the solid cotton stopped four inches farther up his thighs. Even more tantalizing was the dynamism created by the transition from cotton to lace to muslin. One could easily imagine that process continuing, the material dissolving from the outside-in until it was more a negligee than a dress, or until it disappeared all together. Likewise, his make-up relied upon its ambiguous proposal to the viewer: Dee Dee might or might not be looking to snap your neck, but you were all but guaranteed a good time before that happened. And wouldn't it prove all the more satisfying if she had in fact been biding her time all the while, just waiting to seize the moment and your neck? In reality, of course Dana was as docile as a lamb, (a lamb with a contact high, at that,) but the onlooker had no reason to reach that conclusion. All told, his ensemble took elements that were chaste and wholesome (the domesticity of the Stepford dress, the blandness of androids, Dana's chastity and wholesomeness) and twisted them into anything but. The outfit was less foward than many he would see throughout the night, but its intentions were clear enough all the same. Dana could think of more than a few words that his father had for women dressed in a similar fashion, none of them pleasant. But Dana hardly thought of his father. He was more concerned about the words that the others might have for him. Well, the words of one in particular: Dahli- Doctor. (Dana sensed he wasn't on familiar enough terms to call her Doc just yet.) How would she take his new look? Would she even notice him at all, or ignore him as she'd done for most of the day? What would he say to her? What if she asked him to dance? (People did that at parties, right?) He didn't know how to dance! And wearing these gosh-darned heels, he was sure to fall on his face as soon as he tried. Maybe they could just... stand near each other, instead? -.-.- When Dana finally mustered up the courage to come out, he found the others standing together on the suite's dancefloor. A large circle had been chalked onto the floor, circumscribing a five-pointed star. CeCe and the others each stood just inside the circle at one of the star's points. Exie whistled. "Damn, dude. Killing it." Dahlia gave him one of her cryptic smiles. "Indeed. Our dear demure Dee Dee looks quite the daredevil now." Dana shivered. Her smile was the absolute best he'd ever seen. Hands down, hers took the gold, no question. Dahlia was a vision. A black latex dress clung to her body as though a machine had sealed it onto her. Her heels were impossible. Five or six inch stilettos? Standing in his Mary Janes, his knees felt weak just looking at them. Her face was a placid mask. Her eyes betrayed her intense focus, but the rest of her features suggested complete vacuity. It was an unsettling combination. "Um, so what //is// all this?" "Oh, Dana dear, this is just a lovely little team-building exercise our Celia likes to lead us through. Perfectly innocent, I assure you." Dahlia's face revealed nothing. Her eyes promised everything. "Fuck, like if you're gonna sass me, Dolly, can it at least wait until after?" A pause. "See, Dee Dee, it's like this: I've got this quick, uh, this quick ritual I do before we go out, like, just to help keep us safe, y'know?" "... ... Ritual? Um, like-" "-She's a witch, dude." CeCe shot a sharp look over at Exie. "W

Same as Rites of Spring Break (Pt. 2) Videos

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 297 Spring Break

I did get some research done for my thesis Sunday morning. The only reason I could concentrate on it was because it was about the show. It was a relief to be able to look at numbers regarding the show instead of looking at content. CEN wasn't making a fortune off the show. It turns out that the ratings for the first week were weak. We'd find out our second week ratings on Tuesday. I wondered how much we paid for the vital statistical information we got from this company. Donna was in charge...

3 years ago
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Necessito Acabar My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break

by Quiver Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at a first person narrative. But I figured this would be a good candidate for it, because this story is actually based on a true story from my past! Some identifying and personal details have been altered, but overall this is a surprisingly accurate recounting of some true events. This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters...

3 years ago
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Freshman Spring Break

(episode 6)Over the Christmas Holidays after that hike in the mountains I hooked up with Jennifer two more times and we decided that we would see each other exclusively. Once back in Athens, I found myself spending most nights at Jennifer’s apartment that she shared with her best friend, Brittany. I found myself experiencing sex on a regular basis over the next several weeks and it was absolutely fantastic. That winter semester I pledged the fraternity that mt friends Nick and Bob were in and...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Necesito Acabar My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break

It was my senior year of high school, spring break, and I was sitting in my seat preparing myself for my first flight south of the border. A lot of firsts were going to happen this spring break, actually.My varsity soccer team had qualified for an international invitational tournament in Mexico. It happened to coincide with our school's spring break, which meant that we were going to get to spend an entire week living it up in Campeche, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. And, with the approval...

3 years ago
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Exposing Cindy spring break

Volume I – Exposing Cindy: Spring Break  Chapter one: setting the context I was raised in the Midwest, Ohio to be precise, and my move to south Louisiana, to attend college, was a culture shock of biblical proportions for me. I arrived on the LSU campus, an innocent 17-year-old product of an ‘all-girls Catholic school’, quite naïve and a bit overwhelmed. I had received a partial academic scholarship to attend Louisiana State, which made this my lowest cost option to get a college education. I...

4 years ago
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Black Spring Break

The best fun I’ve ever had was during vacation. Ever notice that when they show Spring Break videos featuring college students having fun, they almost never show black students? That’s messed up, you know. I guess that’s why my friends and I decided to make our own black-themed Spring Break video. Show the world they were wrong and display once and for all the fact that black male and black female college students can get down with the best of thing. After all, I’m pretty sure our ancestors...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 221 Spring Break

We were pretty somber the day after the party. Sheriff Donaldson called to say that Cathy had definitely been drugged, but that she would be all right since we'd alerted him about her condition. Brenda came to collect Dawn first thing in the morning and they went to visit their friend in the hospital. We sat at the table wondering if we could have or should have done something more or different. Both girls were a bit more reserved when we met in class. Cathy gave me a whispered, "Thank you....

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 256 Spring Breaks

"I don't want to go," Danielle said defiantly. After our food chemistry exam Wednesday, the triplets had come out to the ranch to run their next experiment in French cooking and I decided to join them. I'd made a stop when we got home to go to Theresa's and play with the babies. Of course, at three months, playtime mostly meant holding my son in my arms while Theresa and I talked. Doreen had only two months off and had gone back to work after Valentine's Day. Theresa had taken on the...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

Bonnie, Tina, and Denise had been dreaming of Spring Break all winter long, and now it was finally here. They were juniors in college and, as such, all finally able to legally drink. They had planned for over a year and managed to rent a three-bedroom condo online using Bonnie’s older brother Joe’s name and credit card. Joe was twenty-nine and happy to help the girls out. He remembered how much it sucked being too young to rent a hotel or a car when he was Bonnie’s age and had relied on an...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Power Chapter Twenty Spring Break

We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...

5 years ago
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Power Chapter Twenty Spring Break

We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

SPRING BREAKI love going to Spring Break ever since I was a freshman in college. I also love fucking well hung black men since I discovered them in my sophomore year. It was during my second Spring Break that I combined them and never looked back. Getting married, I never kept any secrets from my husband who full well knew that during my college years I had a big thing for well hung black studs, especially young ones that could go all night. We are both white, 30 years old and straight. ...

1 year ago
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Mary and Tracy missed spring break

Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Submissive Ssters 8 Springs Offsprings

I count our blessings at Crete, with my bred babes all four due to deliver some time in early SpringI count our blessings of making lots of money in Autumn, servicing at the I count our built-up income and ask our mighty Mama to propose a proper place for all us, for all SpringI count our built-up experiences gathered: well integrated into the local Crete community, Mom thanks!I go with Grandma on an inspection tour of several nearby premises, finding a villa with a view at the seaI go with...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

It's Spring Break. The women in the Our Bodies Ourselves group have gone to Ft. Lauderdale FL. Well, not everyone. My name's Dave, I'm Susan's boyfriend. Is it OK to say that? It's not OK for me to call her my girlfriend, she's my womyn friend. Oh, well. Susan, Charlene and Katie's Gyrlfriend Allyson have all gone to FL. (I guess it is OK for two lesbians to call each other gyrlfriend. At least if they do it with each other.) I guess Susan thought it would be safe to leave me on my own...

4 years ago
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Togetherness FChapter 7 Spring break

Usually, Marilyn could study better at Andy’s than at the house. Sure, they made love before getting down to work, and on Saturdays she cooked a meal. When they did sit down to study, though, his example kept her studying longer and with fewer breaks than the constant coming and going of the study room allowed. Even if he said nothing, even when he didn’t know what she was studying, Andy’s presence seemed to communicate, “Studying for tomorrow afternoon? You should have that done and be...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break by captv8td [email protected] 1Spring break couldn’t have come soon enough for Anna.  School was hard this semester and most of her courses were boring.  It had been a grueling two months and she needed a break.  She and her friend, Amy, were finally free.The two girls had planned the road trip at the beginning of the semester and now they were on their way to Arizona where Amy had an aunt and uncle.  They planned on staying with the relatives and working on their tans...

4 years ago
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Spring break

Note: not my story, but a good one...My freshman year in college I got the chance to go to spring break with a group that was mainly seniors and juniors. I didn't know it at the time but it was probably because I had a car. We were having a great time taking over the streets of Palm Springs, and generally being drunken maniacs. I was hanging with Steve, Bruce and Sheila, and I got IDed going into a bar. I think Steve and Bruce would have passed on going in, but Sheila wanted to check out the...

4 years ago
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Beckys South Beach Spring Break

FRIDAY, March 10 2006 — SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI, FLORIDA "Oh look Mandy," I cried as we turned left off 5th Street onto Ocean Drive and saw the white capped blue waves breaking on the famous beach to our right, while on our left the architectural splendor of the Art Deco district flashed by. I could feel the excitement of Ellie and Crystal behind me as Mandy slowed her red A-6, as engrossed by the passing scenery as the rest of us. "There it is!" Ellie screamed in my ear, her arm pointing...

2 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

4 years ago
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Cole and Ellen Do Spring Break

Being yesterday’s hero took some getting used to. Cole Reynolds was no longer the star quarterback. No, at the tender age of eighteen, he was a has-been, already looking back with nostalgia at those thrilling Friday nights on the gridiron, sharing the heat of battle with his loyal teammates, cheered on by his adoring fans. But life goes on, and for him that meant getting through his last semester at Damascus High, applying for college and keeping himself in shape to perhaps play college ball....

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring BreakChapter 1: The VideosIt all began the spring of my first year in college. Spring break was a week away, and my friends were planning a road trip to florida for the week. Seeing as how I was completely broke, I couldn't go with them, and was forced to spend the week at home with my mom. I figured I could at least watch some Girls Gone Wild, maybe feel like it was really spring break. I was pissed that my friends would be getting so much action, while I sat at home and played scrabble...

4 years ago
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spring break

My hands held the back of her head in place, her nose was pressedagainst my stomach, my cock slid down her velvety throat and all I could think of was how glad I was that I had jerked off earlier in the day. She was so good at giving head that it was almost scary.  I was glad I took care of my own business earlier, fore if I had not, I would have shot my thick load down to the caverns of her belly long ago, ending what was turning out to be the greatest night of my life. Her name is Marcy, she...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Spring Breakdown

Spring Breakdown "Spring Break, woohoo!" Jay shouted as he saw the edges of the beach city in the near distance. He has going to have the time of his life, the first spring break vacation from the drudgery of college life. He looked over to the driver's seat, where his best mate Matt Williams was driving steadily above the speed limit, looking a bit downcast. Jay swept a hand through his short sandy hair, and spoke up again. "Hey man, cheer up, it's gonna be a week of sunshine,...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

It began innocently enough.  This was my first year at college and I was determined to do all the stuff that college kids do.  Isn’t college about experimentation and finding yourself?  And isn’t a girl entitled to have some fun? I hadn’t dated much in high school.  I’ve always been shy, and I knew I needed to spread my wings.  So I decided to go to Florida for Spring break.  The roommate the school had assigned to share my apartment (my parents signed the lease) wasn’t available to accompany...

College Sex
3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 24 Spring Break

At the end of the week before Spring Break was about to start, Ruthie received an envelope from her father in Nebraska. She dreaded to think of what it contained. Sure enough, it was an airplane ticket. She sighed from frustration, because the last place she wanted to spend her week of free time during Spring Break was Lincoln. Well, second to last. Culiacan was at the absolute bottom of the list of places she'd want to go. Ruthie had been hoping to travel a bit with Mike, perhaps going as...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

Jason stood back and watched the group of girls enter the hotel bar. Spring break was in full swing and the hotel was filled with young, beautiful, scantily clad females and boisterous, horny young men. At thirty-three Jason remembered clearly the excitement, the complete casting off of inhibition that transpired with spring break. Though it was a waste of his time and he resented it, Jason Kourkoulis had been dispatched from his home in South Beach to keep an eye on his half sister while she...

3 years ago
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Mutant Spring Break

Für die meisten Studenten war der Spring Break die ausgelassenste Zeit des Jahres und aus allen Teilen der USA machten sich die Studenten auf, um nach Cancun, Miami, Panama Beach oder an ähnliche Orte zu fahren, um dort zu feiern, zu flirten und natürlich Sex zu haben. Dies galt auch für sieben Teenager, die in einem Wohnmobil nach Süden fuhren. Die vier Männer und drei Frauen waren alle zwischen 18 und 22 und mehr oder weniger mit einander befreundet, aber das spielte keine große Rolle, denn...

2 years ago
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Birthday Girl Spring Break

After a hard day at work I looked forward to the weekend off. It was also spring break where many of the local college boys and girls would do their partying all day and all night long, keeping the whole neighborhood awake. It would also be the return of my neighbor, Lisa, who recently came home, anxiously starting her spring break in a high note. Lately I had been avoiding her, hoping she forgot about me and moved on. Hard to believe it had been a year since the two of us got together and I...

4 years ago
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SeniorChapter 25 Spring Break

My quarterly examination schedule was crazy. I'd drawn two exams on Friday while almost everyone I knew left early for their spring break. That left only Victor and me to have pizza and beer. We talked mainly about the architectural class we were in. I knew he was looking forward to staying in my apartment with Gladys for eight nights, and saw no need to ruin his spring break by telling him that another company had purchased the Omaha building. In some respects, I envied him. He would work...

4 years ago
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Rites of Passage Ch 02

As this woman continued rubbing her hands over my body, I took in her features. Beautiful face, huge ass, and those titties? They had to have been at least 44DDs. The more aroused I became, the less I struggled to hide it. Once she noticed my cock starting to get hard, she took it in her hands and began to stroke it until I was fully erect. ‘Wow,’ she exclaimed softly, ‘they sent a good one tonight…’ I knew something was up, maybe now I can find out what. ‘Who sent who a good what?’ She...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break is, ideally, a gigantic powwow of not-yet-adults baring their bodies and rubbing their skin together as it drips with clear ocean water like they are in a Gatorade commercial (and maybe they are), while muffled hip hop surrounds their souls like an ecstatic Stockholm Syndrome and colors flash in the sunlight that never goes away as beer cascades through the air in slow-motion. But that isn’t what my spring break was like, exactly. By the time my bud Dirk and I arrived at the beach...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 111 I Need a Break From Spring Break

“Mr. Smith. We will be transporting you to the designated transfer point,” the pilot told me. “Estimated arrival in forty-five minutes.” Where am I going now? I still have a few days before I’m supposed to be home to go to Lenny’s pool party. I hope his little sister and her friends aren’t seriously expecting me to screw them. The helicopter flight turned out to be completely uneventful. We went over mostly rural land before landing on top of a large building. My gear was unloaded onto a...

3 years ago
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The Geezer Part 3Spring Break

Chapter 1 I was finished now with Suzy. Rachel and I had worked to help her learn about sex, not only the physical aspects, but the emotional giving and taking, as well. In the end Suzy had partnered with Brian, and, from what Rachel had been telling me, they were behaving like rabbits every day. “Brian’s dad bought him a car,” Rachel began, “so he’s driving to school every day. Suzy says they are either fucking or sucking each other off every morning and again after school. Hell, yesterday I...

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Spring Break

WELL make another check on the Fuck-it List, see pictures "Spring Break"Beautiful spring morning sun was warm wind was calm my cock was itching to get some rays. Laying nude in the sun has always been a turn on for me. Filling the warm rays of the sun relax my cock and balls. WOW it feels so good to nude bathe. Ray called and asked if I had any plans for the day. I told him that I was doing it right now "nude bathing". He said "sure like to see that". Told him "cum on". Shortly after Ray call...

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The Geezer Part 3Spring Break

Chapter 1 I was finished now with Suzy. Rachel and I had worked to help her learn about sex, not only the physical aspects, but the emotional giving and taking, as well. In the end Suzy had partnered with Brian, and, from what Rachel had been telling me, they were behaving like rabbits every day. “Brian’s dad bought him a car,” Rachel began, “so he’s driving to school every day. Suzy says they are either fucking or sucking each other off every morning and again after school. Hell, yesterday...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 42 Spring Break

Even though their options were vastly different from most of their peers, the girls had a tough time deciding what to do for Spring Break. Amber really wanted to get in some face time with all of her friends – specifically me, Christine, and Allison – a plan that appealed to all of us, but was impossible unless we all went to Hawaii. Unfortunately – after ditching them for Christmas – she had promised her parents that, if she could afford it, she would be home for Spring Break, and it would...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 483 Spring Birthday Break

Camden, Becky, and I caravanned to the commercial airport two towns over. We all had tickets on a flight with a major carrier, so we did the standard luggage check-ins and the like. Ava got checked over twice by security, but they found nothing because her passport and boarding pass were all she had. Ellen got checked over four times. Once behind the partition. They had her strip to her panties to carefully look for anything hidden. I found out that someone sent them information that Ellen...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

The dorm was almost empty. The few friends I had made during myfreshman year had gone home or to Florida for the traditional springbreak revelry.My room mate in the dorm had gone home to Long Island. Going home toWyoming was out of the question for me since my parents were scrimpingto pay my college expenses and couldn't afford plane fare. My roommate invited me to his house for the week but I declined. His constantarrogance and subtle insults about living on a ranch in "Indianterritory" was...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break By Ricky I suppose it's rather trite to say your first time with a woman can sets the pattern sets the pattern for your whole life. I know it was true for me, but the pattern included more than sex, it changed my whole attitude toward women and life. I was 18 and very green, having grown up in a rather conservative family, and had only dated a few times since entering college. Away from home and despite the normal adolescent male longing to find out what was...

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Spring Break

Dale’s Decent Continues – Spring BreakAs I mentioned in my other stories, after catching me sucking off one of my Frat Brothers, my roommate Mark turned me into the campus cockslut. He seemed to take delight in degrading me by having me service ever larger groups of men. By mid-semester, I had fallen into a routine. I usually sucked off Mark as soon as he woke up, followed by 5-6 other ?regular customers? who came by for service before going to morning classes, I returned to the room at lunch...

3 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 26 Spring Break

My phone woke me up, and when I checked it was Tami. "Happy Easter!" I heard her and her host family call out. I looked at the clock. It was six-thirty in the morning. I tried to remember if she was five or six hours different. Anyways, it was too damn early for Sunday morning. "You are all evil. You do realize it is the crack of dawn here," I complained. "I know, but you love me, anyway. We are off to see historic folk dancing by the Morris Dancers. They assure me it is an English...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 13 Spring Break

APRIL 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Do it, Ben. Do it. Gimme your jizz. Cum for your nasty slut. I wanna feel you dripping down my chest. I'm just gonna put my shirt on when you're done. I'm gonna eat dinner with my dad knowing that I've got your dried spunk on my chest. Do it, Ben! Cum!" I growled and leaned back, feeling the compression in my balls as I readied for ejaculation. Adrienne started hunching her body up and down even faster, squeezing her massive breasts around my long prick,...

2 years ago
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Rites of Passage Ch 01

You know something, I sit back and replay these events time and time again, and it seems that they get harder to believe every time I recount them. However, before I go through them for your benefit, allow me to shed some light on who I am. At the time, I was fresh out of the military and indulging one of the passions I had always had, just never had the time for: paintball. Even though during my eight-year tenure in the Army I had served, first as a Radio and Communications Security Repairer,...

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A Trucker on Spring Break

“They shipper accidentally gave you the wrong load. You were supposed to go to Charlotte, not Miami” my agent said, obviously scared of me. “Well you need to tell them I expect to be paid for my trip down here, the layover, and wherever they decide to send me. I am running a business, not a charity.” “Just sit tight and I’ll see what I can do.” I hung up, clearly in anger. I had just spent a week pulling a load from Oregon to Miami. I have already been sitting at the Pilot Truck stop for...

4 years ago
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Owned Fraternity Moms part 2 Spring Break

Chapter 1- The Dean's Wife Mark was facefucking Joyce as he talked on the phone with her daughter Cindy She'd be over later to join them he thought , right now the cheerleaders had got together for a social mixer. Eat it slut he yelled as he hung up the phone . Fuck you are a great cocksucker Joyce , too bad the Dean can't experience all the time like i do he smirked (knowing that she was mind-controlled ) she tried to say something but couldnt cause her mouth was full of wang. Mark...

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Jock TalesJR YearSpring Break

Spring Break---On the Road With Dad---Pit Stop It was Spring Break my Jr year. I had moved in with dad back after Thanksgiving. At 19 now, I had been out of HS for two years. Lots of running, swimming, and weights were still the daily routine, keeping the bod looking hot. At 6', and 160 lbs, still slim, and sporting that awesome 8-pac of abs, it looked hot as fuck just above that big bulge, where I was packing 10” of thick jock meat. Dad commented that he had a short run this week, so I asked...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Dr Katrina Duras Episode I Spring Break

Author's note: Katrina is still in medical school. The significance of herpsychiatric training and practice will reveal itself in subsequent episodes.This is Katrina's 1 st episode (obviously), and myfirst story. Feedback is very welcome. I will consider it carefully. Feel freeto email me directly with suggestions. If you prefer f/f only content (my personalfavorite), you can skip this episode and head straight to Episode II – HerTrue Nature. The first two episodes are, for the most part,...

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Donnas Spring Break

I'm a small woman. I swear I'm 5'1" but all my friends just smile when I say that. Well, I am 5'1", if I really stretch and pull myself up as far as I can. I don't weigh very much either, less than 100 pounds. My dad is Portuguese and my mother's Greek, so you know I've got dark hair and an olive complexion. In fact, my skin is one of my vanities. I've got the most perfect skin, olive-brown and clear, so clear you can almost see through it. I'm also conceited about my breasts....

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Spring Break

I moved to Fort Lauderdale last winter; it was a great deal for me. I kept working for the same company I was with but now in a much nicer and much warmer climate. I worked from home and bought a small bungalow of the type you see a lot of in Florida. One thing that set my house apart from the others close by was that the former owners put in an in-ground pool, something that I had on my 'must-have' list for a new place to live. It was December when I bought it so I really hadn't gotten to...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 34 Spring Break

March 1978 For the first three of weeks of March, the usual pattern continued, at least for the most part. Jennifer sat with us at lunch and was cordial to me. We hadn’t talked and it was really gnawing at me. Melanie counseled patience. Because I couldn’t do anything else, I’d simply have to be patient. I had my tutoring sessions with Melanie, played chess with Mary, messed around with her a few times, and went on double-dates with Pete, Melanie, and Anna. And of course, dinners at...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 14 Spring Break

Over the next week, Mr. Michaels at random times sent each girl texts with demands for photos or videos. It might be a topless pic pinching a nipple or sticking a finger in a pussy, or a short video of a boob drop or twenty seconds of masturbating. Sarah got one while studying in her room to use the dildo to get off in under two minutes. Jenny had to insert a butt plug and keep it in during 1st period and then send a video of her removing it in the bathroom. A couple were for the two girls...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 29 Spring Break

Dave woke early the next morning, shared breakfast, and said goodbye to all of Anne's family. They wished him well and he thanked them several times for their warm hospitality. Anne drove him to the airport where he kissed her goodbye and promised to see her the following week at Wake Forest. Dave flew away with the sure knowledge that Anne had a wonderful family and a hard-working background. The day was very long as he had to bounce around two countries trying to find connecting flights...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

The sun shines brightly but gently on an anonymous stretch of beach. On the beach man and woman stand together with a large white dog sitting between them. They are both tall and blond, beautiful people by all appearances, the woman is slightly taller than the man, who stands about six feet tall if someone were to measure him. The man is carrying a professional video camera and wearing a blue Speedo that is tightly molded to the bulge of his cock and balls. The idyllic scene and beautiful...

3 years ago
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Roomies Spring Break

Pam Maguire wiggled sleepily against the warm body she was snuggled against. She yawned and started to mumble something to her roommate Kim McCall about whatever they had been doing last night when she realized something. The body she was laying against was definitely feminine. However, the bottom that was pressed her midsection was considerably more rounded and softer than her roommate's taut cheerleader's butt. Kim's breasts were modest, much like her own. The generous orb she held cupped...

1 year ago
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Waiting at the airport about to board your flight to Mexico, you tell yourself to make the best of the situation. A week ago the big trip your friends had been planning fell through and your spring break had almost been ruined. You called home to see if your mother was going to be around the next week so at the very least, you could go home for the break. To your surprise, she had desperately wanted a vacation and wanted to know if she could instead join you. Reluctant at first, you agreed,...

2 years ago
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Olivia Takes Spring Break

It was her freshman year at college and it should have been exciting. The new adventure of being away from home, making new friends and embarking on her education. When she texted me she was anything but excited; frustrated was more like it. She had just caught a break for a while as her roommate had gone out with her parents. You see, her roommate didn’t even like to discuss sex, let alone do anything about it. Olivia had tried to talk with her new ‘roomie’ about sex and learned of her total...


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