Tender Ch. 01 free porn video

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Thank you for reading! This story has a slow build up. Feedback is welcomed and deeply appreciated!


It was a cloudy, warm afternoon with a slight breeze that wafted lazily through the grass. Every so often, the draft would push itself through windows that were thrown open in the hopes of catching the few last remains of spring before plunging into the blazing summer. Off in the distance, dark and ominous clouds billowed threateningly. Every so often, I saw a flash of lightning that illuminated the overcast sky.

Thankfully, my shift at the salon was drawing to a close. The last of the cut hair was thrown away, and my station had been wiped down meticulously. Wednesdays were typically slow, and today was no exception. With a mere ten minutes until my shift ended, I sat down in my chair and stretched my legs.

‘Looks like it’s going to storm before long,’ Ashton observes from his station. He sits across from me, so I swivel around to see him.

‘I hope it isn’t too terrible tonight,’ I say, hugging my arms to my chest. ‘Thunderstorms make me nervous.’

‘If you get too frightened, you can come by my house. We have a storm shelter.’ he offers.

‘I’ll be fine,’ I wave a hand dismissively. ‘Morgan is picking me up anyway, I’m sure he remembers my irrational fear of storms.’

‘Who is he, again?’ Ashton asks.

‘Morgan McAlister? From Chambers and McAlister? The law firm in town?’ I roll my eyes.

‘I know all that, Evie. How does he know your father?’ Ashton asks.

‘They were childhood buddies before they decided to go to law school,’ I explain. ‘He knows my car is in the shop, so he offered to pick me up from work.’

‘Wasn’t he married to Molly McAlister?’ he asks. She was one of his clients, after their divorce, she stopped coming around. I assume it has something to do with me, I was not happy with the heartbroken mess she left Morgan in when she left.

‘She left him almost three years ago,’ I recall. ‘Something about a younger man.’

‘Shame. He seems to be stable,’ he says. ‘Is that why stopped having me do her hair? Because you worked here?’

‘Probably. I wasn’t very happy with her.’ I say. ‘I think Morgan was expecting her to leave, but it was still difficult for him.’

‘That’s too bad. Is he over her now? He’s good-looking. You know, for an older man.’ Ashton grins, laughing to himself.

‘He’s just a friend, Ashton.’ I growl irritably. Any male that walks into my life has to be my soul mate, according to Ashton.

‘He seems to look out after you frequently, is all.’ he says.

‘Morgan has been in my life for vast majority. He’s a very dear friend,’ I say fondly. ‘What about you and Angela?’

‘We’re all right,’ he says. ‘We’ve only been together a few months. She has a really cute friend.’

‘You should really stop cheating, it’s a real asshole thing to do.’ I roll my eyes at him. Although I genuinely like Ashton as a friend, he’s been known to be a despicable human being at times.

‘I’m just curious, is all.’ he grins. ‘Is that Morgan?’

I look to the large window that faces the parking lot. A dark blue Charger idled in a spot. Morgan climbs gracefully from the car and strode around to the other side, waiting.

‘So, he opens doors, too?’ Ashton asks helplessly.

‘Learn a lesson. Bye, Ashton.’ I roll my eyes at him again before grabbing my purse and walking out the door. The wind has picked up, and I had forgotten my jacket earlier when Morgan had dropped me off.

‘Hello, Genevieve.’ he smiles, opening the car door for me. It makes me smile when he uses my full name, something nobody else does. Generally, he only uses it in greeting or goodbyes.

‘Thank you so much, Morgan.’ I say. He helps me into the car, fastening the seatbelt securely around my shoulder and legs. ‘I’m not a little kid anymore, I can do that myself.’ I giggle at him.

‘Humor an old man,’ he says before closing the door. I watch him confidently stride around the car. He folds himself neatly into his seat and fastens his own seatbelt.

‘I don’t think you’re old quite yet, Morgan.’ I say.

‘Fifty-six isn’t old?’ he chuckles, shaking his head.

‘You don’t seem as though you’re in your fifties. I remember when you used to play football with Ethan and I.’ Ethan is my older brother. Like me, he doesn’t speak much with our father. However, Ethan isn’t close with Morgan like I am.

‘You remember that?’ he grins, pulling out onto the street.

‘Of course,’ I giggle once more and he turns his gaze to me. His piercing blue eyes twinkle gently.

‘You’ve grown up quite a bit since then.’ he observes. He nervously fiddles with a spot on his fingernail, meticulously avoiding my gaze. ‘It’s difficult to believe you’ll be twenty-five.’

‘Don’t remind me,’ I roll my eyes, and he flashes me an incredible, confident smile.

‘You have a couple decades before you have to start worrying about your age, Evie.’ he says. ‘Speaking from experience, of course.’

‘Whatever,’ I roll my eyes, and I note the small smirk playing across his mouth. His dark brown hair is only beginning to fleck with gray. In all the years I had known him, he had worked out and ran. Although slim, he was broad. I knew the comfort of his arms all too well. When mom died fifteen years ago, when my dad and I finally decided to stop talking . . . every time I had to regroup my thoughts, I had done so in those arms.

Raindrops explode across the windshield. Nervously, I wrap my arms around my body. Beside me, Morgan grasps my knee comfortingly. I close my eyes, resting my left hand on the back of his. He feels strong and solid, the perfect combination to my own nervousness.

‘It’s just a thunderstorm, honey. I’ve been keeping an eye on the weather for you,’ he says quietly, and I grin at him, embarrassed.

‘Goodness, you do know me. I thought I would grow out of being afraid of storms,’ I sigh, bringing my hand back up to my chest. He withdraws his own hand, resting it in his lap.

‘Honestly? I thought you would, too.’ he laughs as I playfully punch his arm.

‘Do you know how long it’s supposed to last?’ I ask, turning my gaze to the window. Rain fell heavily from the sky and puddles already formed in small valleys and ditches. Lightning illuminates the sky, cracking across the wet, gray clouds. My eyes close as I gasp involuntarily.

‘Well into tomorrow morning,’ he answers, his hand seeking out my knee once more. This time, he traces small, comforting circles against the fabric of my slacks. ‘If you would like, you could stay in my guest bedroom. Unless you had other plans, of course.’ he adds hastily.

‘I don’t have other plans. However, I don’t want to intrude on you. You shouldn’t have to hold my hand when there’s a thunderstorm, I’m twenty-four for crying out loud,’ I laugh at my ridiculousness, shaking my head.

‘It would be nice having someone . . .’ Morgan stops, as if suddenly aware that he’s showing too much emotion. Since Molly left, he had been incredibly lonely. Before my father and I ceased communications, he would tell me of Morgan’s distance and lack of interest in the dating scene. Not in those exact words, but I knew how reserved Morgan was, and still remains to be.

‘I wouldn’t mind staying with you, if you didn’t mind.’ I say. We’re both adults, after all. Just friends. ‘I’ve taken tomorrow off to pick up my car and run a few errands, I’ll leave after you drop me off. As long as you can give me a ride.’

‘Of course I can give you a ride,’ he shakes his head incredulously. ‘And I sure as hell don’t mind you staying with me. We’ll have time to catch up. Other than this morning, it’s been awhile since we’ve chatted.’

‘It has,’ I agree. Other than this morning, it had been nearly two months since we had spoken. Work had kept us both busy, as usual.

Ten minutes later,
I’m curled up on his couch with my shoes off and my feet tucked under me. He hands me a cup of hot coco and sits beside me. His shirt is rumpled and he’s loosened his tie. He’s still in his slacks, though he’s shed his shoes.

‘I’ve always thought it was fascinating to see you without your entire lawyer garb on,’ I say.

‘Why?’ he chuckles, clearly perplexed. Or at least feigning, for my sake.

‘I don’t know. Usually, I see you in your full suit. When you’re at home and you look normal . . . I like it,’ I explain lamely, sipping my coco. Carefully, I lean forward and set the mug on the table.

‘Have you talked with Cane recently?’ Morgan asks, referring to his son.

‘Not since he graduated high school,’ I answer. ‘The last time we talked.’

‘Yes,’ he says, his blue eyes probing mine. Not for the first time in my life, I had the feeling of being X-rayed. ‘He’s doing well in school. I guess he’s found a girl. He seems serious enough, for a boy his age.’

‘That’s sweet,’ I say. ‘Everyone is growing up. I remember when Cane was in diapers.’ I shake my head in disbelief. It’s breathtaking how the years can sneak up on you.

‘I remember when you were in diapers,’ Morgan scoffs. ‘She seems sweet. Alison. Studying psychiatry, I guess.’

‘Sounds boring,’ I sigh. ‘I enjoy doing hair. I couldn’t sit still with clients like that.’

‘You know, you’re quite good at what you do. It wouldn’t be difficult for you to get a job in the city, making more money than working in a small town like this,’ he waves his hand for effect.

‘Well, all my friends are here. I don’t want to move to the new city, alone.’ I confess quietly.

‘Sometimes, you have to do things for yourself, Genevieve.’ he says knowingly, and I roll my eyes at him.

‘You’re a hypocrite, Morgan McAlister. You could move to the city and start your own law firm! In case you haven’t figured it out, you’re brilliant. You would excel if you weren’t smothered by my father.’ I glare at him hotly. Much to my annoyance, he gives me a smug, satisfied smirk.

‘You think so?’ he says, as if he knows something I don’t. Which, he probably does, the bastard.

‘Tell me, Morgan.’ I groan, and he flashes me a lopsided grin.

‘Well, I’ve been debating on starting my own firm for quite some time,’ he begins thought fully. ‘I’ve already let Chris know.’ Chris. My father.

‘Really? That’s great news! When will you start? Where will you be?’ I ask, needing all the details at once.

‘Within three months, I’ll be living in Wichita, leasing a building and have a small staff. A lot of my clients are already from there anyway,’ he says, and I’m so happy for him. After what he’s been through the last few years and beyond, he deserves this.

‘I’m so proud of you!’ I exclaim, throwing my arms around his neck. Surprised, he stiffens instantly beneath me. Sensing his apprehension, I let go and give him his space.

‘Sorry, Genevieve.’ he breathes, reaching out and pulling me back to his chest. Although confused, I relax, but I don’t allow my head to rest on his shoulder. Instead, I search his gaze. Of course, he is displaying no emotion. Typical lawyer move, he probably has me read like a book.

‘What am I thinking?’ I ask, forcing my face to stoniness. He grins at the decades old challenge, the game I made up when I was young.

‘Hmm,’ he sighs, his piercing blue gaze surely penetrating my own. It takes just a moment to notice how close we are. He seems to realize this at the same time as I do, as he slides away from me slightly. ‘I think you’re frustrated that I’m so good at reading you.’

‘Shut up,’ I roll my eyes again, and he gives me a tilted, mischievous grin.

‘Don’t be jealous,’ he says, his fingers brushing my face. The heat from his hand is startling, the callousness of his fingertips was exhilarating. ‘I wish I could read what your . . . other expression is. I can’t quite put my finger on it.’

‘What do you mean?’ I ask, confused. ‘My ‘other expression?”

‘When you’re not talking or thinking of anything.’ he answers. A small smirk plays on his lips. ‘When you’re looking at me.’

Instantly, my face reddens. Oh. That expression. The expression of me silently stripping his clothes off in my mind. The thoughts of fingers tangled in hair and legs tangled with legs. My heat against his strength, the comfort of his arms surrounding me and the longing gazes of exploration and wonder.

Thoughts of pulling his face to mine in a passionate kiss, trying to explain to him how grateful I am for every good deed he has ever done for me. It’s embarrassing to put the years of praise, encouragement, attending school functions and the few times I had to borrow money from him into perspective.

‘There’s no expression,’ I say hurriedly, but he sees through my lie with ease.

‘It’s adorable how you think you can lie to me, Genevieve. You forget, I’ve watched you grow up. I know your lying face. The way your lower lip twitches,’ he traces my mouth with a warm finger. Bravely, I kiss his fingertip. He pauses with his finger pressed against my lips. ‘Your face gives you away, what is on your mind, honey?’

‘That would be telling, Morgan.’ I say. ‘Can I not have secrets from you?’

‘I don’t like secrets,’ he reminds me, pulling his hand away.

‘Sometimes, I need secrets,’ I say quietly, avoiding his searching gaze.

For a few moments, I ponder the best way to ignore him without being rude. I realize my foot had been shaking, so I mentally stop the nervous tick. Sighing, I turn my gaze back to his. There’s no way to avoid his knowing blue eyes. He’s right, he knows me far too well.

At that instant, a loud crack of thunder cracks outside, causing the lights to shut off. I gasp and jump into his chest. Strength, sturdiness . . . tenderness. My breath catches in my throat as I feel his hands rest low on my back. However, I relax and rest my head against his shoulder. I feel him tense, and I instantly climb out of his embrace.

‘Are you all right?’ he asks, carefully avoiding my eyes.

‘Yeah. I wonder when the lights will come back on?’ I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

‘No idea. There are a few flashlights in my bedroom,’ he says, standing. It’s intimidating how confident he was in every movement. Everything calculated and executed with grace. How does he make something as simple as standing look so sexy?

‘Morgan? Do you happen to have a tee shirt and gym shorts I could borrow? I forgot to get clothes from my house, and these clothes have hair embedded in them . . .’ I stand with him, knowing I only just came up to his chest.

‘I’m sure I have something,’ he nods. ‘Come.’

I follow close behind, trying to ignore the howling wind outside. We walk into his room, and the first thing I notice is the large, comfortable looking bed. Then, I notice the large television mounted on the wall. I groan enviously, my old futon had been where I had slept for several months now.

‘You all right?’ he asks, slightly alarmed. I nod.

‘That looks comfortable,’ I gesture at the bed.

‘It’s lonely,’ he says, and I almost gasp at his emotion. Morgan seems to realize his slip, because he stands a little taller and clears his throat. Confidence restored. ‘My workout clothes are in here.’

Together, we walk into a large closet. Exactly half was empty, the other half was lined neatly with suits, ties and dress shoes. Drawers that were surely full of socks and other clothing lined each of the many shelves.

‘You’ve had this redone,’ I comment, eyeing the closet with renewed envy. He nods. ‘You should use the other half. It looks . . . empty.’

‘If I should ever want to meet another woman . . . I wanted her to know that I have room for her. Anywhere. However, that was also before I decided to move. At any rate, having this redone adds value to the house.’ Morgan expl

‘I’m so happy for you, Morgan. I know you’ll find someone. You’re . . . disarmingly charming.’ I say, reddening at my confession. He looks at me with a kind, tilted smile.

‘Thank you, Genevieve.’ he says, then opens a drawer and pulls out a white tee shirt. He hands it to me, then pulls open another drawer. ‘These are the smallest pair of shorts I have. They’re probably too big.’

‘I’ll wear them anyway,’ I say, taking them. ‘Thank you, Morgan.’ I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his jaw line. However, at the last moment, he moves his head and my lips brush his. I gasp, pulling away. ‘I—I need to get dressed.’

‘All right,’ he says, letting out a sigh that was surely a sign of frustration. It caught me off guard, catching the temporary, small loss of self control displayed by this normally reserved man. He grabs a black tee of his own and picks up a red pair of gym shorts.

It doesn’t take long before my clothes are off and Morgan’s tee is pulled over my head. However, he was right about the shorts. They don’t fit in the slightest. The shirt was long, it fell halfway to my knees. Shrugging, I exit the closet. He’s lying on the bed, messing with his phone. Morgan had changed his clothes as well, looking beautiful in his workout clothes.

‘We could watch a movie on my phone,’ he offers, looking up at me. His eyes linger at my bare legs as I climb into the bed with him. His expression remains indecipherable.

‘Is that what you want to do?’ I ask, stretching my legs out above the blanket.

‘Not entirely,’ he says. ‘Would you like to talk?’

‘What about?’ I ask.

‘In three months, I won’t live here anymore. If you would like, you could come with me. You could work in a bigger, busier salon. You could stay with me until you got on your feet. That way, you could still have someone familiar in the city.’ Morgan gives me a soft smile. ‘I’m taking this opportunity, and thought I should ask you if you wanted to share in it with me.’

‘Morgan . . .’ I gasp, returning the smile with enthusiasm. ‘Really? I mean . . . I don’t know. It sounds wonderful. I don’t want to intrude in your life.’

‘You could never intrude,’ he says simply. ‘I would enjoy having company. Your company.’ His strong, warm fingers brush my face in a soft, tender way.

‘If you did this for me . . . I could never repay you. I couldn’t forgive myself, you’ve done so much for me.’ I shake my head.

‘I just want what is best for you. That’s what I’ve always wanted for you,’ Morgan says quietly. ‘Moving with me would offer you so many more opportunities. And once you’re ready, you can move into your own place. You wouldn’t be alone, I would still be there.’

‘How are you so sweet?’ I murmur as he wraps me in a hug.

‘I know what it’s like to start with little and strive for better. If I could help you along your way, I would feel blessed. I’m already so proud of how you’ve grown and flourished.’ he murmurs.

‘Thank you,’ I bury my face in his chest. His strength surrounds me like a sanctuary.

‘Will you come with me?’ he asks, surrounding my face with his hands.

‘I will,’ I promise, feeling relief for the first time in months.

Four Months Later

‘How was work?’ Morgan asks as I lock the door behind me. I turn to see him still clad in his work clothes. However, his tie is loosened and he’s not wearing his shoes. Or socks. His long legs are on the coffee table, crossed at the ankles.

‘Long,’ I answer, stretching and letting out a yawn.

‘I’m sorry,’ he says as I collapse beside him on the couch. I lift my own legs next to his, although mine don’t stretch out nearly as far. Even his long feet dwarf mine.

‘No worries. It won’t be too much longer and I’ll have my own place. You’ll have your house to yourself,’ I say.

‘Trust me, Evie. I’m not looking forward to being alone again. I’ve enjoyed you,’ he says earnestly.

‘Honestly? I’ve enjoyed being with you, too.’ I confess, leaning my head against his chest. He stiffens at my rare display of affection, but wraps his arms around me. ‘However, you need to get back into the dating scene, and it would be difficult to explain me.’

‘I have no interest to find someone new,’ Morgan snorts.

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Daisy’s lost her voice, but she doesn’t need it for what she wants to do. Her brother’s friend is around, and she uses her body language to let him know she’s down for sex. Daisy sucks his cock and even gags a little. The guy pulls off her shirt to reveal her tiny, perky tits. Daisy is an extra-petite teen who looks like she could get knocked over by a gust of wind. She hops on top of his cock, keeping quiet so she can focus all her attention on her pussy. Aside from her...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 37 Katie Helps the Homeless

Horny. Unbelievably horny is how she felt as Katherine Jackson sat at the table with the other members of Mothers against Drunk Drivers. The meeting had gone on longer than expected as she looked at the darkness outside. She had texted Mrs. Lee to stay with her children until she finished. They had been such good neighbors since Fred was away by helping out with their children or tending to the lawn. However her libido was killing her. She had avoided seeing Tommy for the past few weeks. She...

2 years ago
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My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch 04

Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Of all the things that I learned about driving faster from Bob Bondurant and his team of drivers is that driving smoother is faster. With my eyes only looking to where I want to go, needing to feel the car to know what the car is doing, every move must be planned. Stomping on the gas, jamming on the brakes, missing the apex by turning in too soon or turning...

3 years ago
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Sarah Michelle Gellar And Britney Having Fun

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Britney Spears fall head over heels in love with each other. Sarah Michelle Gellar hummed to herself as she checked her image in the rearview mirror. `Shit!’ one of the hairs on her head was out of place, she would have to pull over. It took 20 minutes or so for her to sort the problem out, and as she set off again she hoped she wouldn’t be late for Britney Spear’s 18th birthday bash.Sarah pulled her Lamborghini up outside the house, grabbed the bunch of flowers from...

1 year ago
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Definitely Not Gay Beg for It Bitch Gay

I'm happily married and until this recent week, fundamentally straight. I admit I often surf internet porn and have been strangely attracted to gay porn in the last couple of years. I often jerk off to gay porn and am fascinated by how uninhibited and downright dirty the male stars perform. Sex with the wife has become somewhat perfunctory and not very frequent, especially as the k**s take more and more of our daily energy. I've had several strange dreams recently that included me engaging in...

1 year ago
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SissyWorld 4

Lauren Bates sat on the couch in a living room that was not her own. Sitting next to her was a silver briefcase with the commodity of which she would buy her next piece of merchandise. And oh what merchandise that it was. Something that was eternal and women would pay big money to have, even if it was only for a short time. She was tall, standing at six foot three, and lanky though toned. Hers was a swimmers build. She had shoulder length dark hair and dark brown eyes set in a tanned,...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Auntie Pauline

True story from coljac another xhamster memberEver since I was a little boy, I had a special relationship with my auntie Pauline, as she did not have c***dren of her own, I became her favourite nephew. I remember she would sit me on her knee for cuddles and take me places, like to see Father Christmas, as much as a treat for her as for me. I would go and stop at her house and we would play games and stuff like that and I can remember her tucking me in to bed on a night.My family were a big...

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Neighbor kids part 2

After I woke up from my nice little nap, I began to wonder if what had happened earlier had just been a dream or not. When I saw the dry cum on myself, I began to realize that it had been very real indeed! It had been so much fun having those two 9 year olds with me earlier. It was clear that we were destined to have a lot more fun! That assumed, of course, that someone didn’t find out and call the cops on me. It was a very dangerous game I was playing. But that was also the part that...

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Andrews Goodbye Party

My thirty year old wife Ceras and I enjoy a fairly liberal sex policy. You can imagine she gets hit on a lot which leads to a lot of swinging opportunities. Ceras has an average looking short twenty-eight year old former co-worker friend named Andrew that has always had the hots for her. She would never do anything with him because they worked together plus he wasn't her type and as a rule we don't get involved with friends. He's a funny guy and I get along well with him and always found his...

3 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Three

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Three I was still...

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Summer months spent with my Aunt

It was late May and we had been having some pretty fierce storms in our area. The last one that pounded the neighborhood had done considerable damage to several homes, including ours. The high winds and heavy rains knocked down some large trees, one of them crashing down on our roof making a huge hole and breaking several windows out. The next day it was determined that we would not be able to live in the house until it was repaired. My Mom and Dad had to rent a motel room nearby as they both...

4 years ago
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Meagans Growing Cum LustChapter 4

Debbie finished up the third painting about 10 PM. The three of them stood observing the trio of finished paintings. "Man Mom! Those have got to be the hottest paintings you've ever posted. They're practically wicked!" "Totally decadent" Peter concurred. "I think I did a good job of portraying Peter's character as a force of pure lust, controlled by his cock. Meagan, despite freezing for much of the session, really pulls off a bathing nymph type air where she's completely unaware...

2 years ago
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The Dark Lady Ch 03

The morning after Kim’s return from Mexico, I wandered into the dining room, where brilliant sunshine blasted in from the desert. Two nymphs in football shirts had the coffee going and were setting the table. I fondled each behind in turn and declared my instant lust for them. I was handed a tall glass of orange juice and asked what exotic place I was taking them for ravishment. I stood in the window and pondered my choices. There was much work today, and Sarah needed to get Karen and Marty...

1 year ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 9

Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen and witnessed Mrs. Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door, Bobby wasn't sure what to do. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the top of the stairs as she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she headed to the living room. When he was sure she wasn't moving around, he very cautiously went to the back door and then opened and closed it loudly as if he had just come home. Then he turned on the kitchen lights and went directly to the...

4 years ago
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First Time Ever Having an Orgasm

My name is Alex, at the time I was a 16 year old teen with crazy emotions. I was tall, 6’1′, I was very athletic and was on the football team in high school. You can say I was one of the few nerdy popular kids. I got straight ‘A’s and was just handsome enough for the girls to like me. One hot June afternoon, my parents went away to go shopping and I was all alone. I went on Youtube to see if I could get a good laugh at some videos. As I’m watching my favorite video, I notice that there is a...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With An ISS Reader In A Hotel

Hi again to all the ISS readers. This is RK from Chennai with another great sex experience with an ISS reader. For feedbacks and secret sex, mail me at (privacy guaranteed) Now coming to the story… a week earlier I was checking my inbox for feedbacks and found a mail of a girl named priya (name changed). In the mail she mentioned about herself and asked me my phone number. I was a bit excited after reading her mail. After conforming her identity I kindly replied her my phone number. Then the...

2 years ago
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Mental and Physical Asylum

Introduction: Please comment and rate and tell me if I should write more, what to focus on, what to improve, what to not include etc… Thank you. Jeniffer woke up in her room by a doctor. It was time for her quick physical. She was about 58 with her blonde hair straight. She was wearing a white hospital gown and her breasts coming out of them a little. Alright take off your gown. the doctor said and Jennifer immediately obeyed. She handed the doctor the gown who put it on the table. She had...

1 year ago
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Breaking It Off With A Milf

Heyy this is Abhijit tarafder am now 25 years old and this is the story of the time when I used to be a virgin and this is how I lost my virginity to a prostitute. I was 19 years old and I was travelling to my native place in Bankura West Bengal in khatra, about my self I have been a very much of a porn addict still back then and still now and used to masturbate three times a day and my cock size been 7 inches but never got a chance to fuck. In my native place I had my chacha, so when I reached...

3 years ago
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Tasting Potty Of My Sister

Hi everyone this is Rohit it’s my real story about how i fucked my elder sister.This story is very different story than any other story you will never find other story like this in whole world.Let me tell you about myself i am 5’5 inch tall i am 15 years old i am in 10th std My sisters name is Priya she is now in 12th std she is fair beautiful 5’2 inch tall her pussy is not shaved she has hairs on her pussy and her tits are not so big her ass is very beautiful and there is a little hole in her...

1 year ago
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Malaysian Masturbation

I opened MSN and was pleasantly suprised to see Matthew logged in. It had been a while since I had had the chance to talk to him, because I had been so busy diving and studying for my dive master course. The time difference between us also made it difficult to find time to chat. I was sitting with my dive instructor and friends who were participating in various levels of courses. We had ordered lunch and were using the time before our next dive to use the internet, as there were very few spots...

3 years ago
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Day At The Lake Part 3

The smell of morning coffee woke him and he realized he wasn't the "First to get up." Looking towards the picnic table, he could see Jeannie seated there in her thin nightie and it was raised to her hips. From behind, he couldn't tell who was on the bench before her, but he would soon find out. As he strolled over for a cup of coffee, he glanced to his right and instantly froze in his tracks! "My God, it's CJ and she's tongue deep in my wife's flower!" he thought to himself. A...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 86

Liz’s mood fluctuated the day of the concert. She went from excited to anxious as the minutes ticked past. I did my best to keep her mind occupied in other ways but I soon realized I was more of a hindrance than a help so I left it to Jill and Skye to keep Liz entertained. I was more than content to spend my day with my mother and Liz’s parents. Mickey and Bev had been wonderful (and, of course, my mother had been terrific, too). I had gotten the impression that Mickey and Bev had taken a...

2 years ago
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Sacred prostitute

All sexually active characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older. She knew exactly the effect she had on men. Holly’s power didn’t come from a lipstick tube or a lingerie store—it amused and saddened her by turns when she realized most women thought so. It went much deeper than that. “how old are you, brian?” He was incredibly young. Doe-eyes—big, brown and beautiful—blinked at her as if she were the brightest thing in the room. Looking around the dimly lit bar, older patrons...

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The Cleaner Part 8

After a quick shower I put on a pair of ‘Choke Hazzard’ boxer shorts that Lisa bought me as a novelty and cracked open a beer, a text from Ashleigh told me she was going for a run with her Mum and then be round, I wondered in excitement if Julie would accompany her.I replied back telling her to come round the back way as the gate was open and she (they) could walk straight in.It wasn’t long before the gate opened and the ‘Cameltoe Twins’ walked down the back path, both dressed in a sports bra...

1 year ago
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A night on the town

I just had a shitty day at work. Hello unemployment line on Monday. My sexist boss doesn't take rejection well. "Fuck..." Thank God its Friday. The sweat starts to drip down my forehead. I think to myself that I should get the air conditioner fixed. Then I realize I won't have money to pay my rent, let alone fix this junker of a car. I wish this traffic would move. My cell rings. The caller ID says Lisa. I answer "Hi Lisa" "Scarlett! We have got to go out tonight" she says with her always...

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My soulmate broken love

I didn't wanna write anything at first, because I don't know what to write. No, I do not have a crush. I do not know what I have. I've always believed in love, i believed in finding the one, the soulmate, and I believed in all the love stories i read. but this week I found myself in a loss of believe. I do not know what I believe in anymore. I am lost, and confused. And then, I think of her smile. & that alone drives me crazy, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, like my bones...

2 years ago
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Tricks and Treats for Everyone Episode Two

"Hey there little kitten," he said to Anna as he followed her up the steps and stuck his fingers in between her legs from behind . . . cupping her damp twat, "I didn't get a chance to check out this little pussy . . . but I promise I will . . . before the evening is over". Anna closed her eyes as the man manipulated her box . . .wiggling his finger over her clit . . . that still tingled with excitement. "Ok . . . you dirty old man . . . I'll be waiting!" she said turning around and...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 30

Edwin Newell had an incredibly beautiful wife, even at thirty-seven. She had been runner-up in the state’s beauty pageant when she was a teenager. Many said she would have won except for her large D-cup breasts and incredible figure making her overly sexy. At nineteen, her measurements were 36-24-36 and she stood 5’5” and weighed 118lbs. Her pretty blonde hair barely touched her shoulders. She had deep blue eyes and a very sensual mouth with an incredible sexy smile. Over the years, Amelia...

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Our Stories Ocean City Company

I had just graduated from college. Sheri and I were heading to Ocean City for a week with friends of mine from school. Bob was in all of my classes from sophomore to senior year. We became pretty good friends. He was actually kind of an asshole, but his girlfriend, Christina, was ridiculously hot. Frankly, I never understood exactly what she saw in him. Christina flirted with me all the time, which pissed Bob off but neither of us cared. She knew I was into her, but also knew that Sheri and I...

Group Sex
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Monday Morning

He was up before her, slipping out of bed and quietly preparing for the office. He took a shower, shaved and got dressed. He started the standard pot of coffee, and slid a bagel into the toaster. His mind was a bit fuzzy, he regretted the unplanned glass of wine from last night. It had ended up turning into a full bottle that he shared with his wife. He replayed the events of the prior evening through his mind, the spontaneous laughter, the wine, the closeness of his wife and the wonderful...

4 years ago
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Momentary Greed Led To An Unexpected Sin 8211 Part 2

I was tired and spent after the fucking session with Deeksha. I exited the room and entered the hall. I saw Deeksha’s mom sitting on the couch in her silver sexy nighty watching a movie at 2 am. I was shocked to find out that she looks sexier in person than in pictures. Her name is Rajitha (Fake name). She’s in her mid 40’s, despite her age she’s got a great figure of 34DD-32-36. To put it more bluntly she’s a sex bomb. Ever since Deeksha told me about her and I saw her picture I’ve been...

2 years ago
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TandraChapter 28

I looked at the large display before me, and watched the features of my home get so small they could not be distinguished. Clouds raced by like faint ghosts busily needed elsewhere. The curve of the Earth could be easily seen, till it turned into a circular shape. The black of night surrounded this shining ball, and seemed to eat it, as we got further away. It felt suddenly much lonelier, than I had ever felt before. No mission I had ever been on before felt this way, for now I had so much...

2 years ago
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Death of a HeroChapter 2

A soft arm flung over Steele’s chest woke him. His eyes opened and he held his breath, letting it out quietly when he saw Sally lying peacefully on her side next to him. All the stress was gone from her face. Maybe she had been right. Maybe being with him was what she had needed. He glanced at the clock on the end table. Only about two hours sleep. He stifled the yawn. Steele lifted her arm with the fingertips of his thumb and index finger and slid out from under it, laying it gently back...

1 year ago
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Aliens and CowboysJustice

Knowing that Rift 5 was that close to Earth, made Mark a bit nervous. Earth was his home and all that remained to defend the planet was the Earth Spaceport. Sure, it was a space-based version of an aircraft carrier, but it was simply a fighter base with pulse cannons, laser turrets and TRDs ... it had no singularity drivers, which was the only weapon proven to quickly dispatch a Destructor ship, albeit at great cost. All other weapons, TRDs included, required a lot of shots hitting the exact...

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Karen and Margaret

Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

3 years ago
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7501000 Word Mind Control Story 03

After writing Jason’s friend Chad a story, Stephen was next. He pulled up a chair beside my desk. ‘I want a story exactly like Jason’s and Chad’s, but I want to watch my girlfriend do my friends. I like to watch. Only, I don’t want them cumming off in her mouth or pussy. I don’t want her to know she’s been fucked and has sucked.’ He smiled at Chad and Kevin giving them both a high five. ‘Then, when I awaken her, my friends will be gone and she’ll be horny for me.’ ‘Okay,’ I said. ‘I need a...

4 years ago
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The first 24 hours

First 24 hours.....From the moment the door close behind you, you are in my "custody".You will be?handcuffed, and stripped, I will?literary?cut your clothes off...You will be inspected,?throughout, you?cavities, your body.Then I may dump first cum dump in you, you however will be denied orgasm, I have multiple ways to deny orgasm, and you have yet to earn one.You will be named "fjols", meaning stupid.. (it is as a real word).Everything will be commented, and flaws pointed out.Then you will be...

1 year ago
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It's quite obvious at this point that some cultures have made it to that certain races have become fetishized. For example, Americans have managed to fetishized black men to a degree, often presenting them as men who are well-endowed, with penises much larger than white and Asian penises, and middle easterner penises as well. It's a weird fetish, and you might as well call it racist, seeing that it was born out of fear that many men harbor in their minds. The fear that a savage man who is not...

Porn Forums
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How I Came engaged to a Pinay girl

I am now divorced to my now 44 year old Korean wife whom I secretly filmed showering and in bathrooms didn’t have much fun with her other than getting the thrill of placing peep hole camera and filming her routine shower schedule for 5 months before she noticed my cell phone on top of the toilet Since then we’ve been seperated, (waiting to get divorced )and saw lots of jap porns of boyfriends or husbands placing blindfolds and tieing the wife / girlfriend to the bed and then switching with...

2 years ago
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With Widow Aunt

Hi readers, nice to share a small experience in my life.This happened 2 weeks back. We went to native for a function had to return after two days since I need to finish some assignments.I had some sort of sexual feelings toward a widow aunty who is brown in color with OK boobs n good ass.She was there on that day and I booked the tickets for both of us. The bus started at 7:30 pm. Once the bus started we started chatting generally. She told me that her husband loved her a lot and was sorry of...

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The Flag of Truce

*** Preamble The Airline industry always sought ways of making their engines more safe, efficient, and robust. They have also sought to affiliate themselves with Cambridge and Oxford Colleges where engineering sciences were a paramount part of that College’s curriculum. They have believed for some time now that there was one particular scientist who had successfully enhanced their engines by her experimentations into the coating on the inside of the Jet engines they used. She was currently...

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Pet for rent

Reading the personals i notice how many people want a male pet i started chatting with some of the people looking and derided to talk it over with you.   We decide to try it one time to see what it would be like after all it was only for a few days ownership see if we liked it.   What we found out after the first disaster was that no one is as naughty as we are they are rather boring so we plot to make the briers into our pets and see what happened.   We agree to meet in a motel because...

3 years ago
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George Book 02

BOOK II – CHEERS Chapter 1 George was feeling pretty chipper by Monday evening. His business meetings earlier in the day had gone fabulously, the prospects for sales to at least two of the firms that he had visited today were all but assured. He had just finished a delicious meal at the Orion Room, a restaurant recommended by one of the day’s contacts. George asked a waiter at the Orion Room to recommend a bar. The waiter gave him directions to a place a mile away that had a large screen TV...

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