America’s Playboy Ch. 06 free porn video

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‘What? Seriously? What’s his secret with the ladies? That’s what this is all about? That’s the information you want me to get?’ Anthony looked at Boss Russo.

‘Yeah, that’s it. That’s all you have to do, Tony,’ said Julio.

‘But, how am I supposed to find that out? That’s really personal information to find out from a stranger, especially when I’m there on the pretense of repairing his house,’ he said gesturing with his hands in the fashion of a typical Italian. ‘How the Hell am I going to do that?’

‘Listen, let me tell you somethin’ about guys. No matta how old they are, all guys like to talk about broads. Guys talk about broads more than they talk about sports and cars. When it comes to kissin’ and tellin’, guys are worse then women in that regard. Guys love to brag about the women they wanna bang, the women they banged, and how they banged the women they banged. Guys even keep little black books of all the names of all the women they ever banged. Maybe, HH keeps a black book, too. Maybe everythin’ you need to know is in HH’s little black book,’ said Julio giving Anthony a yellowed tooth smile.

‘Boss,’ said Mario. ‘Today with the computer, he probably keeps it all on his hard drive. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has files of naked broads on his computer.’ He elbowed Mario, ‘I’d love to see some of the photos he must have on his computer. I betcha he has every celebrity naked.’

‘We’re talkin’ business here, Angelo, and all you think of are naked broads,’ said Mario.

‘Yeah, well this whole discussion is how the boss can get some beautiful broads naked to make them want to have sex with him by hypnotizing them and controlling their minds.’

‘You have a point there,’ chimed in Vito.

‘How am I supposed to find his black book? How am I supposed to get in his computer? How am I going to get him to tell me about how he gets so many women?’

Suddenly, Anthony looked a bit pale and more than a bit panicked.

‘Yeah, yeah, you’re probably right. Maybe when Anthony leaves, we should have him steal his computer.’

‘Wait, hold on, I can’t steal his computer,’ said Anthony taking a step back, in case a slap was coming his way. ‘I’m not a thief and I can’t steal his computer. How am I supposed to get through security to get that on the plane?’

‘Anthony’s right, Boss, he just can’t walk out of the guys house carrying his computer. HH probably has security that would stop him at the door,’ said Vito.

‘He’s got a point,’ said Angelo. ‘Besides, he don’t have to steal the whole computer, Boss. He can just copy the information that’s on the computer. That way nobody will know nothin’ and they won’t suspect him for being there to steal his secret scoring with the broads.’ Angelo looked to Mario. ‘They have those little keys that you just stick in the computer to download files.’

‘He’s no stupido. He probably has security and passwords,’ said Vito. ‘You’d have to find a way around those.’

‘There are computer geeks who can crack any password,’ said Mario. ‘We’ll get Salvy’s brother. He’s a genius when it comes to computers. Did you ever see his room? Mamma Mia, he has at least six computers line up in his room all going at the same time. His room looks like what they have in the Pentagon and he’s always bragging about breaking into companies’ computer and downloading credit card information.’ He laughed. ‘He even hacked Harvard and plug a record of him graduating with a degree in business. He’s a smart fuck, that guy.’

‘Whoa! Wait, hold no,’ said Anthony. ‘How am I supposed to find his black book? How am I supposed to get in his computer? How am I going to get him to tell me about how he gets so many women?’

‘Maybe you have a couple of drinks with this guy and maybe he starts talkin’ or maybe you talk with some of the broads that he’s banged. He’s got broads hangin’ around all over the place over there. Maybe you even tell him that you’re havin’ problems gettin’ a broad and ask for his help. Guys like that are always willin’ to help a guy out by givin’ him some suggestions. Maybe, he’ll give you a couple of pointers and then the conversation continues from there.’

‘People are funny about having strangers use their computers. I can’t see how he let me just walk in his house and—’

‘Listen to me, Tony. Maybe you tell him that the airline lost your laptop or you forgot it home. Whatever? Then you ask him to use his computer to write up some notes about makin’ the repairs on his house or ordering the supplies he needs online or about the suggestions he gives you to score with the broads. Whatever?’

‘Yeah, okay, that might work. He’d probably allow me access to his computer, but a guy like him probably has half dozen computers all over his house. He probably has a network and he can probably tell what I’m doing on his computer.’

Mario put up a hand and like a mini stop sign the three associates who shadowed him stood back a few feet. They knew whenever the boss did that, he wanted to have some privacy. Boss Russo threw a fat arm around Anthony’s shoulders again and they continued walking.

‘You gotta think Tony and grab the opportunities when presented to you, just like I’m presentin’ this opportunity to you now about goin’ to this guy’s house and gettin’ me the information that I need to erase the money you owe me. Capice? The rest is up to you, Tony. Do you understand your position with me?’

‘Gees, I don’t know, Mr. Russo. I was nervous before about flying out to California, now, I’m really nervous after finding out what I have to do when I get there.’

‘Tony, Tony, Tony, don’t be nervous. Listen to me. There are always broads roamin’ around his house. Maybe you can start a dialogue with some of them. He lives with three of them. Maybe you can have some drinks with them and get them to talk about HH. All you have to do is to watch and listen. See how HH interacts with his broads. That’s a good way to discover his secret with women without him even knowin’ that is why you are there.’

‘Yeah, sure, okay, I can do that.’

‘Whatever method you use to get me my information is your problem. I don’t care how you approach this guy to find out the information that I need, but I’m countin’ on you to get it. You know what I mean,’ said Julio lookin’ down at the gun that protruded from his open jacket. ‘I don’t like hearing bad news and I don’t like being disappointed. Disappointment makes me very sad…and angry.’

‘Yeah, sure, Mr. Russo, I got it. You want me to find out how this guy has been so lucky with the ladies but, Mr. Russo—’

‘No buts Tony. Just be at Logan Airport tomorrow mornin’. Rocco will pick you up at your house at 5:30 in the morning to make sure you get to the airport on time. Capice?’

‘Yeah, sure, okay, Mr. Russo. Don’t worry. I get you what you need.”

‘They’ll be a limo to pick you up when you land in LA.’ Boss Russo signaled for his three associates to approach. ‘Call for Fabrizio or Leonardo to bring up the car and pick us up. Suddenly, I’m tired after all this walkin’.’

Angelo called back to the club and instantly a shiny, black, Cadillac Escalade pulled up and stopped in the middle of the street blocking traffic behind him. Fabrizio opened the two driver’s side doors and came around the back of the SUV. He shot the driver impatiently waiting behind his double parked truck a dirty look before opening the passenger side rear door for his boss.

‘But, Mr. Russo, how old is this guy?’

‘How old?’ Boss Russo turned to Anthony with a smile. ‘He just turned 82.’

‘Eighty-two? That’s ancient. I don’t understand. If this guy is as old as you say, then I don’t get it. How can someone that old be that lucky with the ladies, unless they are old ladies from the nursing home?’

‘Nursing home?’ Julio turned to look at his boys and they all burst out laughing. ‘You’re a funny fuck, Tony. Listen, this guy has three beautiful broads liv
ing with him. One is twenty-something, one is thirty-something and one is forty-something. Weren’t you listenin’ to our little conversation while we were enjoyin’ our nice stroll?’

‘Yes, Mr. Russo. I was listening to every—’

‘Then, why do you think I suspect this guy uses hypnosis or mind control of somethin’ like that to get these broads? What beautiful broad in her right mind, unless he’s controlling their minds, would want to spend time with an old fuck like that? Why do you think I’m sending you to LA, givin’ you five grand spendin’ money, and forgivin’ your loan to get me the information on how he does it?’ He turned to his boys. ‘Did any of you take today’s paper with you?’

The impatient driver of the car behind the SUV parked in the middle of the street with its 4 doors wide open beeped his horn. Fabrizio turned, walked to his car and put a big hand on his driver’s door rear view mirror.

‘Una momento, my friend. I’ll only be a minute more,’ he said with a smile. ‘I’m picking up my Godfather,’ he said moving back his jacket to pocket his hand while purposely revealing the butt of his gun. He leaned down to the driver. ‘This is a nice car, except for the recalls.’

‘Recalls, what recalls,’ said the driver.

‘I read about stuff is always falling off this car,’ said Fabrizio. In one quick move, he pulled off the driver’s side mirror and handed it to the man. ‘See what I mean? You should have this fixed. It was loose. It’s a good thing I caught it before it hit the ground and broke the mirror.’ He smiled. ‘You should thank me.’

‘Thank you,’ said the man accepting the mirror and putting up his window.

‘Yeah, I have it right here, Boss. I figured you might need it,’ said Angelo.

‘You figured the Boss might need it? You were gonna take it to the bathroom and jerk off over the photo of those three broads, weren’t you, you fuckin’ pervert,’ said Mario.

‘Fuck you. I brought it for the Boss. Here you are, Boss. Here’s your paper.’

‘That’s the guy,’ said Boss Russo pointing to HH.

‘You’re kidding. That’s the guy? You can’t be serious. Don’t you know who this is? How can I possibly—’

‘Yeah, I know who he is. Everyone knows who he is. He’s a lady’s man legend. He’s famous and he’s had more broads than anyone on the planet. I need to know how he does it. I need to know his secret and if you get me his secret, you’ll not only be good with me but also I’ll give you a little somethin’ to make it worth your while, say fifty grand.’

‘Fifty grand? Wow! Okay, sure, I’ll do it. No problem Mr. Russo. You can count on me. Don’t worry about nothing. I’ll get the information that you want. I’ll find out how he’s been so lucky with the ladies, even if I have to steal his computer or download files or whatever. I won’t let you down,’ he said shaking his hand and pumping it. ‘Wow! Fifty thousand dollars.’

‘Look at this guy. When I told him that I’d pay him fifty grand, I must have said the magic word like Groucho Marks,’ said Julio laughing out loud again with his boys.

‘Don’t worry Tony. You’ll understand once you meet this HH guy,’ said Julio turning again to his associates and laughing. ‘We think he may somehow hypnotize the women or give them some kind of drug that controls their minds. Yeah, it’s gotta be some kind of mind control that he uses on these broads. That’s gotta be it. Why else would someone who looks like this be with someone who looks like him?’ He looked at the photo of HH. ‘He always wears that smokin’ jacket, too. Only, now because he’s so friggin’ old, it looks more like a bathrobe.’

‘He looks older than my grandfather,’ said Anthony. ‘And my granddad is proud of that fact that he hasn’t had sex in thirty years. After my grandmother died, he said he’s done with sex and with woman. For someone who is 82-years-old and still active with women is amazing,’ said Anthony handing the newspaper back to Boss Russo.

‘Yeah, see, now you’re starin’ to understand what I’m talkin’ about. Mind control or hypnosis is the only way why three beautiful broads would want to have sex with an old geezer like him. Either this guy has a cock as big as an elephant and as hard as steel pipe or he controls their minds somehow into believing that he’s a young stud.’

‘Well, he is very rich and still wields some power in the industry, even at his age,’ said Anthony. ‘Women like hanging around old, rich men like that…what was her name?’

‘Anna Nicole Smith?’

‘Yeah,’ said Anthony. ‘Remember? She married that 90-year-old billionaire, Howard Marshall, who croaked not long after they married.’

‘Well, we all know that this guy is rich, Anthony. I’m rich, too, and I don’t get no broads who look like that. There has to be something else going on here and word on the street is that he controls their minds somehow, as would a…’ Julio turned to his associates. ‘What’s the name of the guy from Oz?’

‘The cowardly lion,’ said Angelo.

‘No, the other one.’

‘The scarecrow,’ said Vito.

‘Nah, not that one.’

‘Tin man, boss,’ said Mario?

‘No, the other one. The big cheese. The boss of the operation.’

‘You mean the wizard,’ said Anthony, ‘the Wizard of Oz?’

‘Yeah, that’s him. Word on the street is that he controls their minds like a wizard or a hypnotist or a witch or somethin’ like that.’

‘Sorry, Boss for correcting you, but—’

‘But what Mario? This is not a good time to interrupt me. Can’t you see I’m having a private conversation here with my friend Tony?’

‘Sorry, Boss, but a witch is a broad. A warlock is a guy. Maybe this HH guy is a warlock. Maybe that’s how he controls the minds of all these beautiful women by casting a spell on them and making them do whatever he wants.’

‘Well, whatever it is, if it’s hypnotism, mind control, wizards, witches or warlocks, my friend Tony here is goin’ to find out for me. Right Tony?’

‘Right Mr. Russo,’ said Anthony with nervous hesitation.

As was everyone in the neighborhood, it was obvious that Anthony was afraid of Mr. Russo. Only, Anthony was way ahead of Boss Russo. He knew that if he returned with the information, Mr. Russo would never pay him fifty thousand. He’d kill him first before he ever gave him that kind of money. He knew that he was fucked either way.

In the next chapter Anthony flies to LA and meets HH.

Thank you for reading my story. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Please take a moment to vote, make a public comment, and/or give me feedback. Your support is why I write. Your feedback will motivate me to write a better story the next time.

If you haven’t already, please take moment to add me and/or this story or any other of my stories to your list of favorites. Thanks, Freddie, Bostonfictionwriter.

To be continued…

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My coworker was such a slut that the moment we met, we knew we'd be fucking. We fucked multiple times a week, almost after every shift we had together. We'd fuck in the car, sometimes at her apt, and we'd even fuck at work. Of course the place we fucked the most, was her apt. It was the most easy place to do it. However , we weren't always completely alone. She had a room mate. We were introduced right from the get go, and she made it obvious that he was gay. I had no problem with that because...

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Bake ShopChapter 7

Chance is lying in the bed when he hears the sound of feet walking on carpet. He opens his eyes to a room that is half lit by the moon outside. Across from him the bed is empty which means either Rory is using the bathroom or couldn’t sleep. When there isn’t another sound, Chance opens his eyes more to roll over to look at the clock. It feels like he hasn’t gotten much sleep, but with the day he had, he could just be tired. But before his eyes can settle on the brightness of the numbers on...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 9

Cassie sighed and shaded her eyes as the limo left the base of the mesa, the setting sun glowing bright orange through the windshield. "Harry, if you would," she said in a shorter voice than she had intended. Harry drew down the sun visor on the passenger side front seat. Cassie lowered her hand and opened her mouth to express her thanks, but it was lost among a new surge of resentment and self-recrimination. "I'm sorry, Ned, I guess I shouldn't have tried to do this." Ned shrugged...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 20 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake shuddered and then lay still, smiling. Jan slumped down onto him, laying her head on his chest, breathing heavily. Jake had always felt privileged when he was with her. It was not just because their relationship had started with her being an unobtainable object of desire, or because of their easy camaraderie, or because of the respect and admiration he felt for her. It was also because she made him feel wonderful when they were together. She loved him ardently,...

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Experience in a public urinal

This happened during September, 2006 in my trip to Chennai for attending a campus interview. I was traveling from pondy to Chennai and on my way the bus stopped in dindivanum for a break. As soon as I got down from the bus, I entered into a nearby urinal to piss. It is a big urinal having around 10-12 cabins. I lifted my mundu (dhothi) and took my penis out from my jetty for pissing. I saw there were some other guys also pissing in other cabins. When I started pissing, I saw one guy came and...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 10

NiS is purely fictional, so this story is SciFi. I had to build a culture where something so bizarre could happen. I chose to use today's political parties and extrapolate from there to some future an indeterminate number of years from now. The resulting future parties have 'evolved' from today's equivalents. Which 'evolved' party would be the most likely to implement NiS? Despite the angry responses of offended Democrats, it seems pretty obvious to me. Right-wing governments are...

3 years ago
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My Life As A Feminine Sissy

Here are a few of the things men have said to me in the adult video preview booths:"Nice legs, fag.""MMMM! Fuckin' smooth! You shave your legs?" (Said while feeling up my bare legs just prior to fucking me.) "Those tits real?""Man that pussy is tight!""Get on you knees and tell me what you want, bitch.""You are the most feminine man I have ever seen,""You eat ass?"I have to admit that when I hear comments like this I am thrilled.I got a comment on my prison turnout post from someone who went...

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California Dreaming

California dreaming Brad was just your regular 26-year-old guy. Average built hazelnut brown, short hair. You could say he was one of many others. Or so it seems on the outside. But on the inside, Brad was far away from being like many others. And he knew it. He also knew what it was. The only thing that he didn't know was how to resolve this dilemma. You see, Brad is transgender. He knew since childhood that he wasn't meant to be male. He always felt like a girl and also felt left...

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The Queer Party

New tale I caught the Ryanair flight to Sassari, comfortably, with time to spare and only my hand luggage. It was my first trip abroad alone and I was n't certain just how intense the airport baggage search might be so I had carefully selected what was in my bag so that there would be nothing odd that would show up on the airport scanner, I knew that the metal clips of a bra would stand out as would any metal make-up tubes: a male operator might not spot them but a woman certainly...

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My Night With The Cop

     Ryan was someone I wanted to do everything with the moment I laid eyes on his photograph.  Tall, dark, and handsome.  He was half italian, half white, but his eyes and hair were jet black.  He was a police officer and that made my cock even harder.  Ryan in uniform was a sight to behold, but look of authority he had even in his every day clothes pushed me almost into an obssession.  My cock craved him.  I knew come hell or high water, I would have him one day.  Soon.  Only problem was,...

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Threesome With Wife8217s Sister

The fear of erectile dysfunction consumed my thoughts as I turned forty. My wife – Katie – laughed it out as mid-life crises. I found myself more amorous than ever in my life. News anchors were turning me on. Katie kept up with my advances and there were many a happy endings. I found myself discreetly stroking down trousers over my erection in public places – trains, restaurants, and theaters – smiling to the thoughts of being a potential model for Viagra or Cialis (only without the pills). I...

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OVERBOARDChapter 56 A Long Weekend in the Cove with Friends

As we motored down the harbor towards open waters we reached the point where I had seen Kay for the very first time. "Everybody, check the water, see if there is anything in it that we should pull aboard the boat." Everyone looked over the side in the water on both sides of the boat, everyone but Kay. She looked back at me from the deck with a raised eyebrow. Troy and Alice looked over quickly and then looked at me and the smile on my face. Troy said, "I don't see anything, should...

1 year ago
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My wife on the porch part eight

It’s been a month since Robert, my wife’s lover moved in with us and just over one month since she imposed the sex ban on me. One month since I have seen her gorgeous body, one month since I have seen her in her underwear, one month that the only sexual relief I get is from jerking my self off. She continues to sunbathe in the nude with our next door neighbor every Monday afternoon and takes his cum in her mouth during their shower together after their sunbathe session. Last weekend we were...

2 years ago
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New Hire Orientation

Interlude: Sean and Sheila Richards 25th Anniversary Cindy: Nanny CC is an interesting case. Mom calls her a gift from Dad. Dad says he just gave her a better job. Aunt Frannie says Mom asked her to show CC the ropes. Naturally, CC says nothing on the subject. Chapter 1: Order Up CC: I am Christine Collins, commonly known as CC, and I did not want to do my job. I was a waitress for R&T's Coffee Shop, also known as the 7th Street Diner. It was a dead end job at a greasy spoon, but it...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 47

As we resume ‘The Legend of Eli Crow’, we return to the closing scene of Part 3. We left Eli sitting before the fire in the new easy chair his girls had given him for Christmas. As he sat holding his new grandsons, his thoughts turned to the events of the past few years in his life and all the changes that had taken place... Eli looked over at his new rifle hanging on the pegs over the mantel. He saw the U.S. Marshal engraving on the side, and his thoughts turned to that part of his life....

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A Motherinlaw Referral

Things with Judy have been great since my last posting. Our affair has continued despite the slowdown in posting my stories about her. We have had a couple of great encounters. Judy and my father-in-law went south a couple weeks ago to spend some time at their condo. The weather up north has sucked so they needed to get away. The plan was for the rest of the family to come visit over Easter week. I wasn’t too interested in doing that though. Being in tight quarters with the rest of the family...

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Hell Have No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

So there I am surfing Tinder when a match pops up. Now on Tinder I swipe right on everything because you just never know and at the end of the day my primary concern is finding women who are comfortable being sluts. So up pops Sandra she's 63 and married to an asshole, her words not mine. Turns out she married at 18, three now grown k**s and a loyal stay at home mom. She never went to college and hubby was the bread winner and a very successful one at that. Over the years he'd cheat, was...

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Minding OthersChapter 4

Out of practice comes discipline. Only through discipline can one practice. I had learned the secret of my erection's effect, but learning to control it proved as dangerous as letting heated desires run amok. I mentioned that mother had kept silent since the evening everything fell apart. She answered quietly and succinctly when asked specific questions like 'Where are my socks', but she ignored everything else. I think she might have even talked with a shrink. I found a phone number for...

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A Kings Lust

Being a king is a gift only a handful of people through history have ever enjoyed. My father always reminded me that I was his first born and thus he had gifted me the throne but it wasn't until he laid in his bed, dying, that realized it was not his gift to give. I could have, just as easily, been born to two serfs that toiled and instead of inhetiting a crown, I would have inherited a plow and a debt. The gold that surrounded my father and the piles of expensive jade and frankensence that...

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Just One of the Guys

Dry Garden is a rural town on the Pacific coast of California. Once possessing a burgeoning economy from a massive furniture industry, the small town has largely diminished in economic power thanks to the furniture makers moving elsewhere and a newly-erected shopping mall killing the commercial district. Even the beach and amusement park have done little to help the economy besides give distractions to the people who haven't moved away. As summer rolls around, five friends have graduated high...

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Cox and Butz

Cox and Butz By Hoof HeartedInterviewRobin West trudged up the long steps of Cox and Butz Inc.  It had been one of the most depressing days of her life.  It had started with an argument with her landlord and continued with a series of job interviews each one worse than the last.  Robin was 20 years old and a single mother of an eight month old daughter.  She had never before appreciated the hardships life can bring you. Robin was slightly over five feet tall and very slim.  She had long,...

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brothers cock

for the past five years i found myself sneaking in 2 my oldest brothers bed room slowly under his dovet to suck his huge thick cock i fucking love it right down my neck till he shoots every last drop of spunk in my mouth

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The Blue Girdle Fantasy 4 Final Chapter

This is the final chapter in our story that involves the discovery of cross dressing and the joys of masturbation, and taboo sex. If you have no interest in this fetish you will want to move to another story. If you haven’t read the first 3 chapters I urge you to start at the beginning.Char stayed in my bed until I fell asleep but was gone in the morning. My mind was filled with the previous day and with the date I had with my aunt, “a guy couldn’t have a better day,” I thought as I rolled out...

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ModernDaySins RayVeness Proud Pervs Someone Deserves A Raise

Oliver Davis is nervous but excited to be invited for dinner by his boss, Candice Dare. He’s been hoping for a raise or promotion and this seems like a step in the right direction. When he arrives, he is greeted by Candice and her wife, RayVenesse. Although Oliver is nice and polite, there’s no missing the flirty vibes towards him from Ray, which makes him a bit uncomfortable. Ray openly checks him out and even comes onto him, though Candice doesn’t seem at all bothered by...

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The Maid

"Maria, will you come in here please." Maria slipped the flowers into the vase, picked up the debris and hurried in to see Mrs Williams. She dropped the debris in the trash on the way by a can, and laid the scissors on the hallway table. She was surprised to see both Mr and Mrs Williams standing in the library. Mrs Williams was seated, Mr Williams was standing beside her with an arm over the chair. Maria briefly thought what a wonderful family portrait that would make. Then she noticed...

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wesley takes over part 2

was after him or if he was just paranoid. Would his mother really be able to tell anyone that her own son had raped her. As Wesley turned the events over in his mind he felt shame. He couldn't believe what he had done. Then he felt something in his pants and couldn't believe that he wanted to do it again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the hyposprays he had snatched on his way out from sickbay. If he could just find somewhere quiet to re-mix these. His eyes darted around the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 418 Breakthrough

Tuesday, June 25 to Thursday, July 24, 2008 Everything was going so great, and I especially loved the gains I was making from understanding my abilities better, so a couple of days later I did another round of upgrades with my Second-Tier Helpers. Last time I'd copied upgrades from the twelve lowest-minded helpers. This time I upgraded with all fifteen of them, leaving them with one of my minds but keeping the copies of all of theirs. That added 9,421 minds, giving me a total of 16,592. I...

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Everything is okay

In this world of anime where it's okay to fuck any woman you want, what are you? An, adventure, a brave warrior, a normal citizen? Well whatever you are, or what you want to be sex will surely come to you one way or another! Remember sex is the norm in all anime, in all mannerisms. All characters must be above the age of 18! Nothing is is to be below at least 4 sentences! Always try your best, and if you need help don't be afraid just ask! And don't be afraid of going far and beyond in this...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 37 A Puzzle Takes Shape

Joseph could still picture Julia’s pale behind in his mind when he walked into the room and sat down at the head of the table. His cabinet was assembled for the final time before Court. Jonathan and Elena were departing with Alexander for a visit to Westmont. They would return just before Court opened. “Before we begin, I would like to discuss something that has come to my attention,” Joseph began. “I would rather we not keep a record of this discussion so let us keep the meeting informal...

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I lived in a place called Chingola

I lived for a while in a place called Chingola, Zambia; this was not long after independence from England and the old Northern Rhodesia and colonial days, since I was one of the 2000 single expect workforces, working on the mine with only 50 European nurses. The system for getting a date, one had to put your name on list with a picture of yourself, and how much money, you were prepared to spend, thus the chances of getting a date, let alone shag, were almost the same as winning the lottery. On...

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I was annoyed when sister Anna started dating her eventual husband Roy and seemed to go out of her way to avoid me though she still had no qualms on insisting on me eating her delicious twat and threatened to tell my parents if I refused. This was about the same time my late father found out my younger brother Wasn,t his, but Mom,s old boss at the dry cleaner,s though I,ve no idea how Dad found out unless she felt guilty and confessed.Dad hit the roof and said he,d bring brother Austin up as...

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