Fleeting Glimpses Of An Angry Wife free porn video

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Introduction: Almost a true story Cigarette smoke is drifting like an eerie mist towards the open window. The mute flickering of the TV screen lights it up like the flashes of a distant thunderstorm. The air is thick and heavy with ragged emotions and shattered hopes.

You have always been miserable with me. Always promising to buy me this, buy me that, but you never do. I havent a decent dress in the closet. The shoes I wear, I had to buy them myself. And dont ask me where the money comes from. Not that you would give me any.

Shes at it again. The outbursts have become more frequent as of late, and more violent as well.

You dont care about what goes on here. I wait all day for you to come home from work and then you just lie down and watch TV. You dont talk to me. And it bothers you when I tell you about my day, you just lie there and hardly take your eyes off the TV. I could have a lover in here and you wouldnt notice. I could be out fornicating all day and you wouldnt know. You wouldnt even care, would you?

Now comes the one about our sex life…

Youre not attracted to me anymore. You hardly ever make a pass, and when you do you just lie there and stroke my breasts and then your hand stops moving and I hear you snoring.

No, not that one. I hate that one. It happened once, and Ill hear it forever. The other one, do the other one…

Fucking is all Im good for. All you want is for me to spread my legs for you. You hardly pay any attention to me. If I want your attention I spread my legs and I have it for about three minutes. Thats all the attention I ever get from you.

Did you kiss her ass? Dont say you didnt. You love to kiss ass. You kiss ass every opportunity you get. I bet you stuck your tongue all the way up her stinky asshole and licked the shit out of her.

Wish I had.

Youre such a big shit. I despise you. I get the creeps when you touch me. It makes me want to puke when I think that you were with that filthy whore. That you put your cock inside her filthy cunt. How could you even get it up, shes fat and ugly and dirty. Shes disgusting. Youre disgusting. I hate you.

Sometimes she throws herself at me with uncontrolled rage and I fear Im going to lose it and hit her back. I never do. All I ever think about is how sexy she is when she gets mad. Damn, shes hot when shes angry. If shed only allow herself to show it…

I dont know what Im still doing here with you. I can do so much better. Youre the biggest shit Ive ever known. I mustve been crazy to marry you. Men tell me every day how beautiful I am. I truly dont know why Im wasting my time with you. You dont deserve me. Youre just a piece of shit. Youre a turd that dropped out of my asshole. Thats all you are, a big slimy piece of stinking shit. I could shit on you and you wouldnt see the difference.

Shes looking at me with those fiery eyes. Something is happening. Something is going on in that twisted mind of hers. I can see it.

You loved fucking her, didnt you? You loved how she banged you with that big fat ass of hers, I know you did. You loved to feel your filthy cock slide in and out her slimy cunt. Tell me you loved it.

She grabs my cock and squeezes it. I can feel her long sharp nails bite into the flesh through the cloth of my pants.

Tell me!

Now she starts to jerk my dick up and down. I cant help it, her rudeness and the anger in her voice get me hard.

I knew it!


You like that, dont you? Did she grab you like that? I bet she did.

She unzips me and yanks my cock out. My balls get scratched by the metal hooks of the zipper.

Just pretend Im her. See, Im her. Oooh. Aaaah.

Shes making a slutty face. The moaning is phony, but I like it. She never moans when we do it. She comes like a little mouse tiptoeing over wooden floorboards.

Oh darling, youre so big. I love your big cock so much, papito, makes me feel so hot inside.

Shes imitating her voice, heavy Mexican accent. Shes jerking me so hard, shes going to pull it out balls and all. Now she has pivoted and she swings her right leg over my chest. The bottom of her briefs is in my face and it is soaked. Man is she hot when shes angry.

Come on, kiss her cunt. You love her cunt. Lazy bitches like her, they dont wash. You love the stink of her cunt, dont you?

She has straightened up and is looking down at me over her shoulder. My eyes peek out between the cleavage of her ass. The wet cloth of her briefs is covering my mouth and nose, smothering me.

Come on, suck it. Show me how much you like her whore cunt.

She starts grinding her hips. Her juices are flowing copiously. High up she is moaning and talking dirty in Spanish. Shes supposed to be acting.
Damned convincing act. Her ass has gone in a frenzy. Shes smearing her cunt juices over my entire face. I can feel them dripping down my chin and neck. Her movements are getting jerkier, at the same time she seems to be aiming for hits to her asshole, seeking out my nose and mouth with her rear cleavage. Sweat is rolling down her broad back and the cloth of her briefs is sticking to her ass. Through it, I can see the powerful muscles of her buttocks contract and relax in a mesmerizing rhythm.

Oh yes, yes!

Her cunt seems to have swollen. It has swallowed the bottom of her briefs in its hungry mouth. The outer lips are thick and raspy with a week old stubble (I never knew she shaved). Her hand comes down and pulls the no longer so white cloth from between them. Thin brown cunt lips spring out and seek to embrace my face. A thick jellylike substance drips from them onto my lips. Then she sits her ass down and Im drowning in her cunt. I know she is coming. She has stopped moaning, and the muscles of her ass are clasping my forehead in a powerful hug. The tip of my nose is right up against the soft wrinkly knob of her shithole, which slightly gives way. Her cunt is hard against my mouth which I have opened for her. She is pressing her clit against my lower lip, and a steady flow of cunt juices is seeping down my throat.

She sits up and stays a while. I have trouble breathing but I like it too much down here. I dare not move. Make this last. Then she pulls up one leg. Her ass goes up a bit, unplugging itself from my nose. But it stays there, just an inch away. Waiting. Something is working in there. The soft brown skin of her rosebud seems alive, it pushes in and out, unwrinkling and then puckering up again, like it were breathing. Then, it freezes. And then, a loud fart makes it flutter and Im dying in the foul mist of her derailed metabolism. She gets up, laughing.
Just so you dont get any ideas. I was horny, thats all. But I wasnt thinking about you. I just used you. Thats how its going to be from now on. Youve used me for ten years. Now its my turn.

Every time I see you, I want to puke. Youre disgusting. Youre so full of shit. Youre a shit bag. I could so shit on you. I bet youd like that, too. I bet you like eating shit. Do you like to eat shit?

Shed started off in a softer tone, like when shes ready to reconcile, but something went sour inside and she is off ranting again like just another of her usual nightly sessions. Nothing of this is new. The subject of shitting has fascinated her more and more over the last few months. With growing frequency and intensity, references to it have come to the foreground, until becoming frankly explicit like now. But she has never actually taken any steps toward acting out her threats. Tonight, there is something different about her. There is something in her eyes, a glitter, a desire, and decisiveness.

You know, I look at your face and I think, I want to shit on that face. Thats what you inspire in me. Thats what I feel for you. Shit. You know what? Im gonna do just that. Im gonna shit on you.

She sits up and looks me in the eyes. There is a strange look in her face. Her eyes stray. I think, all of a sudden she isnt so sure she can pull this off. She feels shes gone too far. She isnt sure Im going to stand for this. She doesnt know if shes going to be able to hold herself if I dont.

Again she scans my face. Shes looking for reassurance. A sign.

What? Anything wrong with that? After what you did to me, dont you think I have a right to shit on you si me da la mierda gana hacerlo?

Dont talk so much. Just do it.

If you love me like you say you do, youre gonna have to put up with me. You turned me into this. This is your doing. I was a descent respectful woman when you met me. Now I am a bitch. This is what you wanted. So take it and be happy with it.

The briefs come off and she stands up on the bed. She waits for me to lie back. Shes got it back now. There is no hesitation this time, nor is there any doubt in my mind that I will comply. She lifts her foot to straddle my head but thinks better of it and passes the sole over my face. She smells there too, sour and dry foot odour. She pries my lips apart with the big toe and soon my mouth bulges with her foot. My tongue flicks between her toes. She loves to make me gag.

Keep it open.

She squats. I see her cunt spread as it comes plunging down, but it is the valley of her asshole that locks onto my open mouth. She settles and resettles. My nose is inside the soft wet flesh of her cunt. Then all is still. Beyond and above the curly bush of her pubis, I see the muscles of her belly contract. I do not have to wait long. I feel my mouth filling up with a warm sour mush. A steady flow of soft shit flows from her asshole into my mouth. The sour rancid smell hits my nostrils like a hammer. But worse is the taste. Nothing I have ever tasted. Putrid, bitter-sour diarrhoea. I had been nervously expectant of my first taste of shit. Nothing could have prepared me for this.

She rubs her cunt with her hand while she shits. Shes enjoying this. Shes getting off on shitting into my mouth. Her hips get restless and she gets messy. My mouth is overflowing as I am hesitant to swallow the rancid load. And her ass is hopping around on my face now, shit still flowing in a thick yellow stream, while her fingers frantically delve into the depths of her soaking cunt. The creamy shit gets into my eyes and nose and I must swallow if I dont want to drown. High above her breathing has gotten heavy and she is moaning, for real this time. Shit is getting into her cunt as she starts to push it down into my face. She grabs my head with both hands and pulls me into her, hard. Her cunt is pounding me, crushing my nose and lips as she relentlessly humps my face as if she were riding a horse in a stiff gallop. She comes in a scream.

Shes in the shower. I jerk off lying in a pool of shit. I come fast and harder than ever. When I hear the water has stopped in the shower, I wipe my face and quickly change the sheets. I already know she will want to find cleanliness. Im in the kitchen stuffing the sheets into the washing machine when she comes out. I quickly shower and turn to bed. Shes smoking. When she sees me, a naughty smile forms on her lips.

I knew those tacos were too much.

What took you so long?

My wife is standing in the doorway while I rush up the front lawn.

What happened? I was in a meeting when you called. I came as soon as I got the message.

What happened? Does something have to happen for you to remember you have a wife? Hasnt it occurred to you that I may have needs that cannot wait until you decide to come home?

Shes in her nightgown. She steps inside and up the stairs, to the bedroom. I follow her, bewildered.

Lie down.

She signals towards the bed.

No, turn around. Your head over the edge. On your back.

I do as I am told. My wife drops her gown. She is wearing no underwear. She turns around and straddles my head. Her broad ass is right above me. Her cunt is a gaping slit. She leans forward and bends her knees, lowering her behind onto my face.

Kiss my ass.

I pout my lips and plant a kiss on her rosebud.

Do you like my ass?

She has such a beautiful butt. Round full buttocks, the skin smooth and soft. Her anus is a small circle of tender brown skin, fine hair-thin furrows plunging inward into the tiny slit that holds such wonders.

Yes honey, you have the most beautiful ass.

She pushes down and blows a loud fart into my face. I am engulfed in a mist of hot gas smelling of rotten eggs.

Dont honey me. Honey my ass. Im not your honey. I own you, remember? Call me Mistress.

Yes, Mistress.

Does it smell nice?

Yes Mistress, you smell like roses.

Another fart, longer and louder, explodes from her ass. The stench is formidable.

Liar! How can I smell like roses? Im farting my guts out on you.

That you are.

Lick my cunt. It is all sticky. Lick it clean.

She lowers her bottom again and plants her gaping cunt onto my lips. It emanates a strong fishy smell. It is dry and sticky, the cunt lips are pasted together and I have to apply as much saliva as I can muster in order to allow my tongue a smooth passage through its grooves. Soon though, a jellylike liquid starts to seep through her cunt lips, which part and spread, allowing my probing tongue to push through to the depths of her vagina. Two fingers appear and start stroking her swollen clit, while she rubs her cunt over my lips and nose in long measured strokes. The grinding of her hips becomes increasingly more frantic, the strokes are getting shorter and harder. Now shes riding my face, bumping her cunt into my face with short brutal strokes. Her body stiffens on top of me, my nose and lips are crushed under her weight, my head is clamped between her legs. Shes coming.

She straightens up eventually. She grabs my tie and wipes her cunt with it. Shes off into the bathroom without a word. I get up hesitantly, not sure what to do or say.

I dont remember saying I was through with you.

Shes back, still naked.

You might as well have lunch now that youre here. You hungry?

I am.

Good. Ive got something special in the oven for you. I think its just about ready.

I can hardly wait. Shes an excellent cook.

Lie down.

But didnt she just say…

Come on. I have other things to do than worry about your lunch, so lets get on with it.

I cant believe I fell for that one. Should have seen it coming from miles away.

Open up.

Shes standing over me, her back towards me, her naked ass pat above my head. Shes looking down at me between her spread legs.

All of a sudden you dont seem so hungry any more. Dont you like my cooking?

She laughs at that.

So? Do you want me to serve you your lunch?

No is not an option. I nod. Somehow, that is funny because she laughs again. Her ass plunges down and lands hard on my face. I hardly manage to stifle a cry of pain. She notices and cackles like a hen. She rubs her ass all over my face, smothering and crunching me. The smell is strong, sweet with a mean streak of musk. She finally settles her asshole right on my lips, which I obediently separate.


My tongue springs into action, frolicking through the soft furrows of her rosebud. Her ass shudders slightly and I feel the rim of her asshole swell. The short dry sputter of a fart breaks the silence. It smells of shit. Then something soft and slippery slithers swiftly over my tongue and pushes through my lips into my mouth, like a snake. I am overcome by the stinging, bitter taste of shit. I realize she has neatly curled a long thin turd inside my mouth. It is soft like mashed potatoes. Im afraid to chew, as I fear the taste will get stronger. Already the inside of my mouth feels numb. With my tongue, I pry off small chunks I can actually swallow.

Hurry up. Theres more where that came from.

My wife has shifted her ass to one side and is looking down at me over her shoulder. The shine in her eyes betrays how much she enjoys the sight of my mouth stuffed with her shit.

Take out your dick and jerk off for me. I want to see you come while I shit into your mouth.

I do as Im told. My cock is hard like a rock.

Harder! Show me how much you like my shit.

She grabs my cock and yanks it painfully with hard, explosive jerks. At the same time, the next turd starts flowing from her asshole into my mouth. The combination of both sensations is more than I can take. My hips jerk violently as my sperms shoots all the way up to the ceiling.
But my wife hasnt finished. She keeps on pushing her long eel-like turds into my mouth, until a series of prattling farts announce the depletion of
her bowels. She then shifts her ass backwards until her cunt is over my face.

How about some champagne to rinse down your lunch, darling?

She doesnt wait for an answer. A thick stream of piss bursts from between her cunt lips and explodes against my lips. When I open up my mouth, it shoots straight down my throat with uncontainable force. I struggle to gulp down as much as I can.

You can lick me clean now.

She is lying on her back and spreads her legs. I dive in between them and lick off the streaks of shit along the inside of her buttocks and around her asshole.

Dont change your shirt. And dont wash. Go as you are. Surely you wont dare go near your secretary with my shit on your breath.

Muffled laughing from the living room. Im in the bedroom, watching a boring show on the tube. My wife is sharing secrets with Susan, our neighbour. I cant make out what theyre talking about.


Now what?

Peter dear, gotta go.

This has become a routine by now. The wife gotta go. When the wife gotta go, the loving husband assumes the position and the wife drops her panties and… well, she goes.

Did you hear what I said?

Is she serious? I look at my wife, then at Susan. She cant pretend to do me in front of our neighbour? I can hear Jack break down in incredulous laughter when Susan tells him. Jack is Susans husband and my friend.


Im facing my wife, pointing out Susan with nervous eye movements.

Suse? Never mind Suse. We have no secrets for each other.

Suse. Who is not losing any of this. Who, I realize now, does not at all seem unsuspecting. Who – horror – is looking expectantly at the two of us going through our pantomime. Who leans forward with great interest when my wife pulls up her skirt, drops her panties and exposes her hairy cunt for all to see.

Dont make me wait. You know I hate to wait. What did I tell you about making me wait?

That a man who loves his wife never makes her wait for anything. That I owe her reverence, after the many years of neglect and betrayal. That she owns me. That I can leave if I dont like it. Bla bla bla.

The hands. They are no longer smooth and slender as they used to be. They have matured, the fingers are thick and the joints are slightly swollen and the fingernails, long and slender but they have curved and now rather look like claws. Brown stains from cigarettes discolour the insides of the index and middle finger. But I love those hands. They used to caress my face. They used to gently stroke my genitals, the soft flesh of my groin, around my balls and into the cleavage of my ass. Now they just slap and yank and scratch. I love them just the same.

The hands come down and pull the cunt apart. The cunt spreads and the inner lips protrude and part, revealing the cavernous pink flesh inside. What is it about these fleshy folds that mesmerizes me every time I come face to face with them? What is it about these mysterious depths that completely strips me of all reason and renders me to mere putty in my wifes hands? Theres magic in this cunt.

Im on my knees before the gates of heaven. I can hardly wait for them to open and flood me, but the pissing part is only half the fun for my wife. It is watching me kneel before her, totally at her disposal. It is flashing her genitals in my face, overwhelming me with the crude smells of her orifices. It is marking her territory, taking possession of me with the wastes of her body. It is discharging the contempt women have built up against men since the beginning of time.

It is also shedding the burden her mother and womanhood have cast upon her shoulders: having to be decent, having to be nice, having to be respectable. From earliest age, women are taught you are either a slut or a lady. You cannot be both. There is such freedom in being dirty. There is such power in being slutty. But it always comes with a cost, losing the precious lady status. Some pay the price, others cling to their self-respect. Few manage the peaceful co-existence of both.

It is, ultimately, reclaiming power. Power over her body. Power over her life. Power over me. It is important for her that I like what she does to me. I have to crave what is despicable to her. It reduces me to the size that fits her, while it raises her to goddess level. Every women at heart craves for deification. Worship is her soul food.

Open up.

I open my mouth. She takes a hand off her cunt and positions my head into an upward angle, forcing me to look up at her and at the same time making my mouth accessible to her cunt. She has become quite expert at this. I know the position that best matches her anatomy, but she derives pleasure from moulding me, so I let her. She steps closer and straddles my head. Her cunt is wide and wet just inches over my eyes.

Bending slightly at the knees, she comes down and settles her spread vagina onto my upturned face. The cunt lips circle my open mouth. Her asshole is on my chin, my nose is buried in the coarse cunt hair just below her mons. She is looking down at me. She likes me to look up at her when she pisses into my mouth, it accentuates her power over me. Her hands are on my head, just behind the ears, pulling me into her. She resettles her cunt, pushing her pelvis up and forward, then down. Her slimy cunt slides over my face. She loves that too.

Here it comes, pig. Dont spill a drop of my precious piss, or Ill make you lick the floor.

Her head goes back in laughter, then she turns to look at her friend. Susan is on the edge of her seat, leaning forward with unabashed curiosity. There is no discomfort despite the closeness to my wifes intimate parts. Has she been here before?

Watch this.

The thick stream of piss hits my palate and I have to swallow frantically to keep up with the flow. Guzzling in my wifes piss as it shoots out of her makes my head bob up and down beneath her pissing cunt. I do not loose eye contact. She pisses hard and relentless, showing off in front of her friend. When were alone, she will control the flow to allow me to drink her in with some measure of comfort, and to make it last. Now, she is enjoying my frantic gulping and the desperate look in my eyes. Piss is running out my nostrils and down my cheeks. Im choking, but know better than to pull away.

Im breathing heavily while the last drops of piss trickle onto my tongue. A succession of nervous contractions of her ass sends a series of squirts down my throat. Then she is done.

Lick me clean.

I lick the inside of her legs where some drops have left a wet trail, then dive into her cunt again for a thorough cleansing. All the while, the friend is watching closely. I notice her hand is in her crotch. My wife steps back and pulls up her panties.

Would you like to use my toilet? You said you needed to go too.

What the hell?

Uhm, yes, but… I dont know. Do you think hell…?

Oh, dont worry. Peters perfectly harmless. And anyway, he loves it.

Susan is a dark, black-haired, sturdy woman. Round like an oil drum with square shoulders, thick arms, long breasts, heavy hips, flat ass, massive thighs and hair growing in all the wrong places. Shes a year or two younger than my wife, but looks older. There is such contrast between the two women. Where my wife is slender with well-pronounced curves, Susan is fat and shapeless. Where my wife is white-skinned and practically hairless, Susan is brown-skinned and hairy like a monkey. Where my wifes skin is soft and smooth like silk, Susans skin has the aspect of a plucked chickens skin. Where my wife is elegant and graceful, Susan carries herself with a crude clumsiness. Although on a mere physical level Susan cannot compete with my wife, for reasons I find myself unable to fully comprehend I have always had the hots for her. There is a dark hot sensuality that oozes from every pore of her body and makes my head spin in a drunken spell of blind lust.

Susan gets up and after looking down at me in what seems a moment of hesitation, reaches under her dress and pulls down her panties. On the way back up, she gathers her dress around her waist, exposing herself. Tufts of thick black hair cover the inside of her thighs. A lush triangle of curly black hair springs from between her legs and spreads upwards and sideways over the lower part of her belly. I think shes going to straddle me like shes seen my wife do, but she sits down instead and pulls her knees apart. She leans back and slides her ass forward until it reaches the rim of the sofa seat. Her groin is a jungle of thick bushy hair. Her cunt is barely visible beneath it, but I can see how dark the flesh of the outer folds is and how the black inner labia furl out like thick wrinkled pancakes. Hair sprouts from the dark cleavage where her asshole lies.
I am pushed from behind and dive nose first into the wet marshlands. Susan pulls her cunt apart, framing my face with her dark cunt lips. I have no time to get ready. The forceful stream of urine hits me on the lips. She really had to go. I open up and allow the hot bitter piss to flood my mouth. It tastes like a strong exotic liquor, like fermented fruit juice, like butter tea spiced with strange herbs. My wife is behind me, both hands on my head and rubbing my face into the pissing cunt. Ive got piss dripping off my chin and down my chest, my pants are getting soaked and the floor is a mess. My head is pulled back by the hair and as on signal, Susan starts gyrating her hips, spraying me up and down like she was extinguishing a fire. All too soon, the yellow stream lets down. Im being pushed back in to catch the trickle. This is when I realize Susan is rubbing her clit with her index and middle fingers.

I never paid a lot of attention to my wifes friends. That has changed. I am now the keeper of their most intimate secrets. Funny how wrong you can be about people. Take Helga. A fifty year old German spinster, tall and wiry, secretary to the senior partner of an important law firm. I have never seen her as much as smile. The look in her eyes reminds me of my old math teacher.

Im lying on the floor, naked. Im not sure how I got there, but Im terrified.

So he is trained?

Helga is standing tall above me. I can see up her long grey skirt, two hairy legs towering, gradually fading into the darkness above. Her face is grave as she looks down at me.

Oh yes. Absolutely. Broke him in myself. My wife.

He will take piss in the mouth?

My, he just loves to have you sit on his face and piss away.

I like to break wind in the mouth. A man must take wind in the mouth in order to subdue him. The wind from the bowels will make him meek and obedient.

My wife giggles. There may very well be something funny in the idea of her husband at the mercy of this stiff caricature of a woman, but I fail to see it. The woman gives me the creeps.

Helga, her face stern and without a hint of hesitation in her manner, unbuckles, unbuttons and unzips, drops the frock to her feet. The legs are milky white, skinny, thin black hairs all the way up to the groin. The skin is almost transparent, the flesh drapes loosely around the bones. The white cotton briefs look ridiculously out of time. From my vantage point on the floor, I see they have been washed and starched more than once too often. The elastic bands at the bottom have worn. Long curly hairs stick out. I see the hairy lips of her cunt where they thin out and dive in between the sagging folds of her behind.

She steps out of the crumpled crown of her skirt and ends up straddling my head. She bends slightly and the briefs come rushing down, landing on my face and blocking my view.

There, now you must smell the underpants.

I sniff noisily. That fishy smell. By now I have learned to love it. I think I can even tell what a woman is like just by smelling her cunt. Helgas is a bitter smell, dry and penetrating. Forbidding and unforgiving.

There is some shuffling around my head. The briefs rise from my face and bony fingers with short unpainted fingernails stuff them into the cunt above. They almost go all the way in. They emerge moist with a slimy substance. Next, they are rubbed back and forth in the crack of her ass. When they come out, there is a faint brownish smear. She may look like an uptight governess at first sight, but one closer look at where it counts most reveals the sloppy lazy cunt she really is, too lazy to properly wipe.

Tell me how you like the taste of Helga.

It is hard to talk with a pair of soiled briefs in the process of being stuffed into your mouth with the tip of a womans shoe. I hope she gets the drift from the rolling of my eyes and the stifled moans. She seems pleased with what she sees. Is that a smile? Her eyes are glistening with something more than the usual fierceness.

Good. Now Helga shall prepare you for the task of the toilet slave. You will get up and put the face into the ass.

Bending over, she removes her briefs from my mouth, folds them neatly and places them on the coffee table. You dirty bitch, you. My wife, who used to be hysterically precise on matters of hygiene, says nothing. Helga turns around and spreads apart the cheeks of her bony ass.

Carla Liebchen, you must make sure he has the mouth open so I can blow the gas into him.

My wife prods my shoulder with her foot, signalling me to get up. She is enjoying this, on the brink of laughter. She places my head right behind Helgas wide-open behind. Now theres a piece of work if Ive ever seen one. Slightly stooping over as she does, the vertebrae of her spinal column stick out like the crest of a dinosaur. Not much in the way of hips. The flesh of her buttocks is jelly in her wrinkled hands. Rising from its darkish brown valley, encircled by a crown of thick black hair, a thick grooved knob of dark flesh protrudes from her asshole. Beneath it, thin hairy cunt lips succumb to the force of gravity. They form an upside down V from which dark fleshy inner lips sprout like some weird exotic flower.

The dry plop of a fart breaks the silence. The distinctive smell of fresh shit rises to my nostrils.

Hold your powder, Helga. Hes not in position.

A shove from behind wedges my head into the soft flesh of Helgas ass. My mouth closes around the fleshy knob. I am intrigued by it in a most uncanny way. There is something about it that makes me want to suckle on it, like it were a nipple. It has a tangy taste.

I feel the knob slowly expanding between my lips, before it explodes with a plop and a forceful gust of hot air invades my mouth. I reel with the foulness of the smell, but have no time to recuperate. A barrage of farts plops, prattles and sputters into my mouth, making the soft fleshy knob flutter between my lips. I feel my lungs inflate with the foul gas, but dare not cough. I am thoroughly embarrassed by the situation, but there is little chance of escaping the humiliation. My wife is behind me, holding my head in place. Above, Helga is grunting like a pig. Her ass is restless now, trembling under the strain of an immense force. Something is up.

Make him lick the asshole, Liebchen. Helga needs a little stimulation.

You heard the boss. Lick, baby.

My wife taps my head. I start licking cautiously around the puckered asshole. Moisture has built up there and my tongue passes smoothly. Helga is pushing her ass into my face and starts grinding it lightly up and down. I start lapping upwards through the hairy cleavage, countering her movement. She likes that, because she adjusts her rhythm to mine.

Ja ja, leck mein Arschloch, du Sau.

Helga seems to be going into something of a frenzy now. She is bending over, her hands on her knees now, her ass thrust backwards, her hips grinding back and forth in methodical strokes, like the pendulum of a clock. We work in perfect unison. Suddenly, she freezes.
The mouth! The mouth! Quick!

Actually, Im hearing ze mouse because of her heavy German accent, which confuses me for a second. Helga is slapping my head impatiently, until she feels I am back in the toilet position, my mouth locked onto her anus. Her ass starts shuddering again, the fleshy knob expanding as before, only this time there is no plop. Something thick and warm and slimy comes pushing through slowly, just an inch, then shyly draws back again as Helgas body relaxes.

Dont you dare spit or gag, toilet mouth, my wife whispers in my ear. Ill take that as a personal insult. Helga is my best friend. Youll eat every ounce of shit coming from that asshole as if it were my own. You hear?

I nod. Above me, Helga has started pushing again and is grunting with the effort. Her ass moves down several inches as her body contracts, which dislodges my mouth from her anus. My wifes head is right next to mine and together we watch Helgas asshole seemingly turn inside out. The fleshy knob opens up like a flower, shiny pink bubbles popping out and turning a dark blue in front of our eyes. Helgas ass is truly a grotesque sight. It doesnt take long for the tip of a brown turd to emerge. As it slowly inches out, I am overwhelmed by the strong shit smell. As before, Helgas body relaxes and the turd is sucked in again.

Come on, Helga, push. Its a beauty.

Helga clasps her knees with both hands and growls like a wild animal. The turd pops out its head again and grudgingly edges out. My wifes turds, when she is not having stomach trouble, are usually long pencil-thin affairs, an even light brown, smooth and soft like ice cream. They effortlessly slide out of her ass and melt on your tongue. Helgas turd is an entirely different story. It is dark brown in colour, thick and deeply grooved. Actually, it is a conglomerate of hardened lobes of excrement, pressed together and moulded by intestinal forces. A thin layer of a slimy substance makes it shine in the overhead light.

Take it in your mouth, shit pig. No need to fake youre disgusted. I know you love the stuff. My wife the orchestrator, overseeing the whole operation. I bet shes jerking off like a monkey, watching me eat shit.

I move in and embrace the turd with my open mouth.

Not so fast. Lay it on your tongue. I want to see it slide into your pig mouth.

I cautiously slip my tongue under it and open my mouth wide. The bitter taste stings and numbs my tongue. The smell is so strong it makes me dizzy. Helga has started to push again and I can feel the turd slide over my tongue into my mouth. It is so thick it hardly fits.

Uh, macht mich so geil dir in der Fresse zu scheissen, du Fotzenschlecker!

There is no end to Helgas turd. Already it is curling up against the back of my throat, and more keeps pushing out of her asshole. No way I can swallow this whole, so with my front teeth I nip off the chunk that is already in my mouth and start chewing. It must be Im getting used to the taste, it is actually not so bad at all, a lot better than the sourdough my wife usually feeds me. But my mouth is dry and I have trouble swallowing down the dry bitter mass. The rest of the turd keeps pushing out and is already hanging down several inches. I watch it slowly creep out of Helgas asshole, straight toward my face at first, but soon bending down under its own weight. I must hurry before it pops out completely and falls on the floor. Who knows what my wife will do to me if that happens! I swallow hard. Oh my, the turd is thinning out dangerously at the top, pulled down by its weight! I move my head down and turn it upwards, just in time to catch the sagging turd between my lips. Again the tortuous
labour of chewing and swallowing, before the next one drops like a ripe mango. I fear I will not be able to keep up. My wife has noticed my problem and taps me on the back of my head to hurry me up. It is no use. Helgas shit is just too hard and dry for me to cope. I signal with my eyes.


Water, I manage to mumble with my mouth full.

Hey Helga, would you mind flushing your toilet? I think its getting clogged.

What? Flush the toilet? What do you… Oh, I see, ja ja, flush the toilet. Good, very good. I think I shall flush the toilet now.
Helga moves her shit-smeared ass up, then sits her cunt down on my face, all in one swift move. She settles a bit until she is sure her piss hole is right over my mouth. I am awed by the ease and swiftness of the manoeuvre. I am sure she has had lots of practice to perfect it. There is a short pause before a thick stream of piss floods my mouth. My gratefulness has no limits.

I can hear them behind the half-closed bedroom door. She is howling like a monkey, while he grunts like a pig. I am sure she has planned this, for me to come home and find them. Im not sure what hurts me more, finding them or knowing she planned it that way. I step closer. Shes on her back, thrusting her hips up at him. He is a fat slob with a broad ass that shudders as he rams into her loins. I know my wife is close to orgasm. She is whining and moaning now, and digging her long red fingernails into his back. She throws up her legs and wraps them around his waist. Her ass is fully exposed between his spread legs. I can hear the wet thuds when his sweaty balls slap against her anus. I can hear the sickening slop slop slop as his ugly cock greases in and out of her slimy cunt. I grab hold of the doorpost as I feel close to fainting. Of all the things an angry wife is capable of, this is the one I had always hoped, against better judgment, I would be spared.

Yes! Yes! Oh yes!!!

She has never done that with me. Quiet as a mouse. Like a thief in the night she would steal her orgasms from me. My heart is crumbling to dust.
He is thrusting wildly now, like a steam engine, in and out, in and out. Then his ass cheeks clamp together, his back arches, he thrusts his balding head backwards. Like sword thrusts to my heart I feel his semen spurt out of his cock and explode against her cervix.

Oh Peter, so good you could drop in. Dont go anywhere. Im going to need you.

The balding head whirls around. I should have known. It is Jack. He looks as surprised as I do.

Gee Peter, I – I – I dont know what to say…

His cock is still inside my wife, but he is apologizing. God Carla, what have we come to.

Oh now dont go all whiny on me, will you? I told you he wont mind. Right Peter?

Uh, no, of course not. Dont worry, Jack, its OK.
Jack rolls over. The foreskin of his limp dick stretches as it pulls out from between my wifes cunt lips, which are pressed together tightly now she has lowered her legs. Feeling he is stuck, he gives his dick a light tug which unplugs it. He is not sure how to handle himself in this weird situation, and I dont know how much he knows about what has been going on between our four walls for the last two months. So I step aside while he grabs his clothes and without a further word slips by me, out of the room and out of the house.

And you, dont start making faces. You started this, if you will well remember. Youre the one who fucked around with that Mexican slut.

I say nothing. She is right. I cannot complain.

Come here. She is on her back, legs spread wide. She is pointing between her legs. That bastard left me all sticky and queasy. Lick the goo out of my cunt, will you.

I hesitate. One thing is to drink her pee and to eat her shit. Or that of her friends, for that matter. At least thats all womans stuff, and I can deal with that. It even turns me on. But this, no.

What? Oh, dont fake it. I knew all along you were queer, the day I met you. Come on, I dont have all day. Dig in.

I turn away. This is too much. She has gone too far. I quit. But before I get past the doorway, she is on her feet and leaping after me. My head is yanked back as she grabs me by the hair and drags me to the bed.

So now you gonna go proud on me? Think again, buster, too late for that now. Youre in too deep with me to quit now. I own your ass. You eat my shit. Breakfast, dinner, supper you eat my shit. Youre full with my shit. I own you. You are all mine now. Dont forget that.

She pulls me down on my knees before her. Holding my head back by the hair with one hand, she slaps my face with the other.

Whos gonna give you shit like mine? Nobody. Youre addicted to my shit. You cant live without my shit. Say it.

She slaps me again. She is right of course. I need this. I need her. I cannot walk away from her. Too many dirty secrets bind us together. Im addicted to her. I tell her so.

Now, thats better. Come here, be a good boy and clean my cunt out, yes?

She lets go of my hair and pulls open her cunt before me. It is all red and sore from the pounding it took. Jacks slimy semen is oozing out of her fuck hole, which is wide open. I lower my head and place my mouth over it. I can feel the sticky substance slowly dripping onto my tongue. I purse my lips and suck it out. My mouth fills up and I gag. But I have learned to suppress that impulse. I swallow instead. Then I lick my wife to a new orgasm. She screams in pleasure.

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Chapter 1 8211 Shalini My First Hotwife

Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...

4 years ago
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14 ndash Dutiful Wifey

14 – Dutiful WifeyAfter my day’s adventures, I really felt that I should pay attention to my husband, Liam. I did love him even though I misbehaved from time to time. I wasn’t in the mood, mentally or physically, for sex, but I was going to play the role of a “good wifey”.I greeted my dear husband at the door when he got home from work with his favorite cocktail. Wearing his favorite sheer pink baby doll nightie and some low heels with fluffy pop-poms on the toes, he was favorably impressed, to...

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Reunion with my sexy wifee

So my wife is away with work at the minute and I have not seen her for over six weeks, as any of you who read this will know, it is driving me nuts and making me fucking horny!! As a result I have bought an outfit for her to wear when I see her next week and below is outlined how I hope the evening goes when we hook up. The question is should I send her my fantasy or not – everytime I try to send her stuff like this she just thinks I’m a perv, which I am especially when it comes to her. There...

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Angry sex with my best friends wife

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.I told my buddy Tom on several occasions to leave the stupid bitch he married. Tom is my best friend and I hate to say this but he is a wimp and calling him hen pecked does not even come close to describing his relationship with that slut. For whatever reason he is happy with her, he seems to actually thrive on being used by that women. She is very hot and way out of his league, I am not sure...

1 year ago
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The angry wife

“Your late slave boy,” yelled Marcie to her cowering husband Ronald. “Strip idiot and get your slave face in my feet, NOW!” No words were spoken Ronald quickly stripped and neatly folded his clothes. He crawled to the end of the sofa to where her ankles hung her feet over the end. As her dedicated foot slave he kissed the tops of her ankles and then licked the tops of her shiny black leather marching boots. Yes marching boots. Marcie was in the Army Reserves and had just got back from a weekend...

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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two areAngry

“Ron! You’re up! I was so worried! Rachel and I fought the whole way back!” She leapt into my arms and began to kiss me with machine gun rapidity, wanting to convey happiness through quantity instead of quality. Her embrace around my neck was tight and reassuring. It felt very up lifting to have her wrapped around me and happy for my recovery. Then a brown-haired woman with sunglass spoke in a voice that has annoyed me for most of a decade. “It’s about time you rejoined the living....

3 years ago
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Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy Son

Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy SonStory about a pussyboy son who is turned into a sissy cockwhore by his mother.At 31 years of age, I shouldn’t be planning on moving back in with my mother, but I was recently divorced, my ex-wife kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head.It was with mixed feeling that I went back through the front door of my old home and my mom. Mom is 61 but still looks great and of course I wouldn’t want her to know it, but she turns...

3 years ago
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Angry Girl To Pleasing Whore

Hi friends on iss. This is Ranjit again with a new story in which I fucked one angry girl in her own house. This happened in the year 2015 December. The girl in this story is Anamika aged 26 not very fair but she looks damn sexy with stats 34-30-36. She has the perfect pair of boobs and round fluffy ass in shape. Coming back to story, I saw Anamika in office and she was looking super sexy as she was in tight jeans and tee shirt with a muffler. I was attracted by her looks. But she was behaving...

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The Angry Witch

The Angry Witch By Anon Allsop The day started out fairly normal for a 16 year old sophomore boy, I noticed Cassie waiting in the lunchroom for classes to start so I wandered over there and sat about ten feet away. At least there I could look at her and not be noticed. I used to lay awake thinking about Cassie, she was so pretty and I was head over heals for her. My friends all thought she was a freak, I would bet that many of them had a crush for her as well, but they...

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Angry Sex

As I slammed the door of my car and slumped into the driver’s seat, I could literally feel something inside me snap. Tears sprang to my eyes and I began to shake. This was not only a bad day, it was one of the worst days I’d ever had. My boss had chewed me out for something that was out of my control, my favorite colleague announced she was putting in her two weeks’ notice, and my deadline for a high-stakes presentation had been unexpectedly moved up. To make things even worse, my asshole...

1 year ago
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Dont Make Him Angry

Danny didn't think he was much different from any other boys on his street, true he had a secret gift, but it wasn't much. If he got really angry with anybody, he could, totally unconsciously, create a pain in their head. His family knew about this of course and made sure that no one ever got him that angry. As he grew up and reached puberty, things changed slightly, the control of his gift increase to a point that he could now create the pain at will. He could induce anything from a slight...

2 years ago
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The Shack an Angry Man

This story is one of a continuing series of connected stories known as “Tales from the Shack.” This story stands on its own, though it is part of the series. I typically don’t write graphic sex into this story line and that remains true here. Thanks to blackrandi and Sbrooks for amazing short notice editing; they make these readable. The Shack: An Angry Man Just One of those Fuckin’ Days. There are just days you shouldn’t even get out of the fucking bed. The kind of days you start off by...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 10 Scarlets story

28 July, 1686 Evening As the women allowed themselves to be lead away Constance whispered to Carmen, "He does cut quite the handsome figure, does he not?" "Looks can be deceiving," Carmen whispered back, "keep a 'weather eye open'." "Allow me to introduce myself," the young man said to the women over his shoulder, removing his hat and bowing gracefully without missing a step, "Jack Scarlet, at your service, currently unwaged, but in the past having crewed on the...

3 years ago
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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 5

"Sore?" I asked. "My legs and butt hurt a little bit," she said as she switched on her camera, "but it's not bad." After we'd finished with Blaze we'd spent the rest of the morning learning to ride in the paddock and then had lunch after she'd retrieved her things from the dryer. Finally we had embarked on our photography lesson. "No, I meant sore at me for making you ride all the way across the valley." "I should be." She scowled at the horse and then focused that look on...

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Angry Bangers

AngryBangers! What do you get when you combine gangsters, gun fights, bank robberies, and naked chicks? It sounds like some summer blockbuster shit you’d pay twenty bucks to watch in the theater, but nah, Angry Bangers is more interactive than that and a lot cheaper.AngryBangers.com took off in November of 2019. I mean really took the fuck off; by February, they were already getting over 10 million visits a month. It’s web-based and free, so I was eager to give it a shot myself.Bang Angry, Bang...

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Prostitute Aunty Becomes My Wifee

100% fiction! Hi to all sex story readers this is jagdish from chennai.This is my second story but happened first in my life.Last story i didnt got any good repiles so please readers comment or mail me in my mail id jagdish_collegeboy [at] rediffmail [dot] com after reading my sex stories. i am 24yrs old guy from chennai and i m very interested in fucking girls and aunties but i didnt get any chance till 3 months back.Maximun my friends have there fucking many years back but i was virgin.I...

2 years ago
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First time Hotwife

Introduction: Jen becomes a hotwife My wife Jen was turning 30 soon and I wanted to do something special for her. It had been a big few months for us and we had grown so close as a couple, closer than we had been in all our 11 years together. I had finally been able to tell her about my fantasy of seeing her with another guy and to my surprise she told me that she was intrigued and would consider it but needed to process that other men would find her sexy and want to be with her. I knew that...

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This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Housewife

Becoming A Housewife -------------------- Author Note: This story was inspired by fellow Fictionmania author JaneDough7 who started (but never completed) a wonderful series called "The Housewife" back in 2003. Ever since I read her stories, I've been entranced by the idea of a young man becoming a housewife - a regular, ordinary housewife with regular, ordinary duties. I started my version in 2009, but then got stuck in exactly the same place that JaneDough7 got stuck, and so...

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