Secretarial ServicesChapter 7 free porn video

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Dear Diary: Jun 26 — I may have got myself into something over my head. Joe disappeared from the office around 3:30 PM on Tuesday and he appeared at my apartment soon after I got home. I wasn't happy to see him and he knew that but he'd brought some booze with him and he started things off again by pouring me a stiff drink. I think I may be an alcoholic because even though I know what it does to me... and what he does to me as a result... I keep right on drinking with him.

We talked... argued is more like what we did... and he started talking dirty to me. It's like he doesn't respect me and it really makes me angry, like right now but not when he's doing it. He got me all worked up (sexually) and he got that dominating look in his eyes and I was like a puppet in his hands. He stripped off all my clothes and dragged me off to the shower and he used the new showerhead to get me so hot I thought I'd burst. Then he took me to bed... or maybe by then it was me who took him to bed and he ate me with his finger up my bottom and made me cum. (I hope I can teach Bill to eat me as well as Joe and especially his wife do.)

He made me get on top then and while I fucked him. God, he went in deep like that. Bill goes deeper but it somehow isn't the same. And then we came together and it felt like he was pumping a litre of sperm up into me. Thank God he got himself fixed. (As I've said before.)

But he didn't stop with that. He made me talk dirty to him, got me on my knees like a dog and fucked me some more and then he put it in my bottom (I think he made me say asshole) and we both came that way. I don't know why I like it... it's ugh awful... but when he's lying on my bottom with his cock (there, I wrote it) up my ass I feel so safe and comfortable. I hope I can get Bill to do me that way too.

We slept for two or three hours and then he wanted to do me again. We had a shower and then he made me suck him off. (That's how the girls that did that kind of thing in high school used to call it.) But this time I knew he was going to cum in my mouth and I wanted it.

Anyway Diary, I still hate him for what he does to me and the way he makes me act but now I have even more reason. Needless to say I was exhausted last night after being awake (Ha) most of the night and working all day. Ate some leftover chips and dip and drank the rest of the rum that Joe had left. It relaxed me and then I started on the nearly full bottle of brandy. It doesn't taste the same in a water glass as in one of those fat glasses but it sure warms me up. I was even starting to wish that Joe was here for a quickie when the doorbell rang.

It wasn't Joe, it was Val and I was relaxed enough from the booze that a quickie with her sounded good. But it didn't happen that way.

"You bitch! You two-faced, conniving bitch! You've been spreading those loose legs for my husband, haven't you?

"NO! NO! Never! Whatever makes you think I'd do that?" Had Joe somehow let her know? "Please Val... you know I wouldn't... couldn't."

"I don't know any such damned thing," she spat as she grabbed the brandy and took a long swig right from the bottle. "You're just like the others! He hires you young country girls and then knocks you up. That's what he did to the last two anyway."

"Please Val," I pleaded as tears welled up in my eyes. "I'd never do that... I'm waiting until I get married... and you must know I couldn't do it to you... not after all we've done together." And I slumped down on the sofa, sobbing.

The words were an act but the sobbing was real. That bastard had tricked me... tricked me in so many ways. Even though I was planning to trick him... had tricked him... I felt crushed and humiliated that I'd let him deceive me so much... that I'd given in to every perversity he'd tried.

"Oh God Irene... I'm sorry... I just thought... he's been different lately," she said with tears in her own eyes. Then I realized that she was drunk, falling down drunk. She sprawled beside me on the sofa and relinquished her grip on the brandy bottle long enough for me to pour another for myself.

"I can't believe that he's like that," I said, hoping she would tell me that he hadn't seduced other new secretaries. "He's always treated me with total respect," I lied, remembering the first time he'd held my head and forced me to swallow his ejaculation.

"Maybe I'm wrong... the other secretaries... they were likely sluts anyway and I never knew for sure that he was the one who knocked them up. And if he was fucking you I could understand," and then her words stopped as she covered my mouth with hers while her hands began probing under my housecoat.

I won't bore you with more details. Nothing much happened... she was too drunk and I was too tired. She more or less passed out beside me on the sofa and I let her sleep until well after midnight. Some coffee. Some lighthearted conversation and then she was able to drive home.

I'm still tired tonight, Diary, but I'm feeling vengeful. The way she talked, the way she treated me after she woke up last night was insulting. She acted as if she'd been crazy to think that Joe would want me and she seemed to believe that she was the main object of my affection. She ended the night by asking (almost demanding) that I take care of their kids on Saturday night. If ever two people needed to be taken down a peg or three it's Joe and Val and I know how I'll start it off.


SignifEvent Journal Jun 200- (2nd)

On Saturday night Irene had been every bit as good as I'd looked forward to and if Val hadn't woken up I think I'd have got off in her again. My cock was chafed and supersensitive after being in that fantastically tight cunt for so long with the result that I went around all day Sunday and Monday and Tuesday with a semi-hardon. And seeing my secretary in the office without being able to fuck her was almost too much to bear.

Tuesday was my evening out but in mid-afternoon I decided it would be a night out. I called Val to say that I had an unexpected meeting at Head Office and I went home and packed an overnight bag. But I didn't go to Head Office.

At about six PM I rang Irene's doorbell and when she opened the door I was there with some chips and dip, some rum and of course, some cognac.

It was risky, I knew. She might have had another commitment or she might have been pissed off at my presumption and sent me away but luckily it didn't happen that way. She didn't seem overjoyed to see me as she grudgingly invited me in but when I went to her kitchen and mixed us two strong rum and 7-Ups with ice she didn't refuse.

"You shouldn't be here Joe. What if Val found out?"

"I doubt that she cares... except maybe jealousy."

"Jealousy? What do you mean?"

"I don't know... maybe jealous that I'm with someone as beautiful as you?" I was surprised at the concern Irene seemed to have over my simple statement.

"Uh... don't try to butter me up. It's not going to work tonight." And she looked serious about it but she drained her glass and didn't object when I also drained mine and went to refill them.

"You never seem to believe me Irene," I said softly as I handed her the refilled glass and sat beside her on the new sofa. "But I've never lied to you, have I?"

"You did too... you promised not to... you know... and I'm sure there were other times."

"But I've never hurt you have I? You've enjoyed everything we've done haven't you?" I placed my hand on her knee, waiting to see her reaction.

"You hurt me too... at first... when you..." and her voice trailed away but I knew she must mean when I assfucked her.

"But sometimes there has to be a little hurt for a lot of pleasure... and you can't deny that you got a lot of pleasure from being fucked in the ass, can you?" It was risky but I remembered that the other night she seemed to get a thrill when I talked dirty to her. "Just like you love being fucked in that hot, juicy cunt... and I can see it in your eyes. You like all of it. And you're the sexiest looking woman I know... you just can't imagine how sexy you look with my cock in you... anywhere." Yes, her eyes had that unintentionally inviting look, the white showing around them, like a scared rabbit and her ever so fuckable lips were parted and she was tracing their outline with her pink tongue. She was remembering.

I stood, pulling her to her feet. "C'mon sweetie... we're going to take a shower."

"But? But Joe?" Her voice was trembly and timid. "What if? Val might call?"

"God, you're sexy Irene. And beautiful." I bent down and with no gentleness I reached up under her skirt and before she could get her legs together I insinuated my fingers under the leg of her panties and felt the wetness that betrayed her arousal, willed or unwilled. "And you want me to fuck you again, don't you!"

"Not fair... you're not fair Joe. It's the rum... I'm not that kind of girl." Her timid eyes then darted away and her face reddened with embarrassment.

"You're my kind of girl, Irene. A sexy girl who loves to be fucked in her tight cunt," and I felt her collapse against me as her legs parted and my fingers began to work their magic on her succulent pussy. "And you like it in your ass and your mouth too, don't you baby?"

"Nah... hanh... don't... don't like it," she protested breathlessly and stupidly as she submitted to my uncaring assault on her shapely body, stripping off her blouse, then her skirt and fumbling with her brassiere while I was leading her toward the bathroom.

"We're going to do everything tonight, aren't we doll? You're going to show me that you're the best piece of ass in the country."

"Nanh... don't... don't talk that way Joe," she blubbered, tears coursing down her cheeks. But she was finishing undressing, peeling off her panties while I was stripping off my own clothes.

I'd noticed that the shower in her new apartment had a pulsating showerhead on a flexible hose just like the one at home. It hadn't been there the first time I saw the apartment but I remembered seeing a similar one in her old apartment. Had Irene had added it for her sexual gratification.

"Is this so you don't need me?" We were in the shower and I had the pulsating spray directed between her legs which she was spreading compliantly and arching her hairy pelvis forward to get maximum benefit from the hot jets.

"It's... I don't use it... it was here when I moved in," she lied and her unwillingness to admit to a normal act was a further incitement to my unprincipled lechery.

"I'm preparing my appetizer," I said lewdly as I soaped her pussy and then added shampoo to lather her lower regions. "And then you have to wash your dessert," and I placed her hand on my erect tool and a finger on her mouth, making sure she understood what I meant.

We continued to shower with our mouths meshed. Our tongues tangling. I soaped her thoroughly paying special attention again to her bush and her lush, firm ass, my soap-assisted finger slipping past the sphincter that had so delightfully gripped me in March. Once again I used the shower nozzle on her pussy while I finger-fucked her anal passage. Carefully I brought her close to climax but managed to avoid bringing her off although her knees were quaking with frustration when I rinsed the soap off our bodies shut off the water and got a big towel.

"You're awful," Irene murmured shyly as I laid her on the bed and slipped a pillow under her ass. "Do you want me to open my legs wide?" she whispered, her eyes glistening. "So you can put your mouth on me?"

"Mmmm," I sounded in assent as I lowered my face to the luxuriant mat of pubic hair. "You like being eaten don't you!"

"That's how you got me, you know. I might still be a virgin if you hadn't done it last January... Oohhhh God!" she cried out when I blew on the damp curls.

Irene drew her legs up and spread them apart, her feet flat on the bed and as she did so, the hair-wreathed outer lips of her pussy opened invitingly and I could see the coral pinkness of the inner folds glistening within. Climbing to my knees in front of my secretary, I bent and slid my arms under each flexed leg, keeping my face close to the inviting wedge before me. Tentatively at first, and then with increasing passion, I began to kiss and lick the moist opening, savoring the salty tang of my secretary's secretions.

"Oh... oohhh Joe... I never knew," she sighed as she brought her hands down to my head, running her fingers through my hair and pulling me even deeper between her widespread thighs. "You've taught me so much... taken my innocence and made me into a brazen slut." I began flicking my tongue up and down her slick crevice that, after the shower session, was flooding with the fluids of desire. I twirled it around the tip of her clitoris and enticed the turgid cylinder of flesh from its hiding place. I nuzzled it gently, pulling with my lips and probing downward with swift movements of my tongue.

"You're not a brazen slut darling... you're a beautiful, sexy woman with a healthy sex drive. And the sweetest, tightest cunt in the world." The oily essence of her arousal was flooding her cunt and flowing down to the crack of her ass. I slid my hand up under where my face was pressed to her hairy pussy and began to tease the little puckered rosebud. I had to push my face down firmly to keep her from squirming away although I was sure that her increasingly frantic gyrations were the result of excitement, not an escape attempt.

"Joe? Oh!" Irene cried out sharply when my probing middle finger pushed through her anal sphincter to enter the dark heat of her rectal passage. I thrust my tongue as far as I could reach into the sharp-flavoured mouth of her vagina and then, when she tried to arch her pelvis I locked my lips on her throbbing, bulging clitoris.

"Hannh! Yannh!" she gasped and I felt her pulpy cuntflesh swelling in spasma against my face while her tight anal ring squeezed my finger in the rhythm of orgasm. I sucked her clit and moved my finger in and out of her asshole, prolonging her pleasure until I had to raise my head and breathe.

"You're so good Irene... I love making you cum."

"Are you? Like? Are you going to do me there tonight?"

I mover higher, keeping my finger in her ass and then I rubbed my greasy face against hers before thrusting my tongue into her slack-lipped mouth.

"Joe... oohhh God... what are you doing to me?"

"I'm fucking your mouth with my tongue just like I fucked your cunt with it. Can you taste yourself?"

"Oohhh God... but? Down there? What are you doing?"

"I have my finger in your ass again darling... your lovely ass. Your big, fuckable ass. You have such a lovely ass Irene... so firm and round... and sometime I'm going to put my cock in there again. Is that all right or will you think I raped you like you say I did before.""

"Joe... oohhh God... you're awful," she moaned but I felt her push down on my finger, inviting deeper penetration. My middle finger was in her as far as I could reach while my index finger was just inside the mouth of her vagina and my thumb was rubbing her clit. "You know you can do anything you want to me. You have an evil control over me." And then, as if the idea was aphrodisiacal, barely a minute later, Irene climaxed. She uttered a little mewling cry of pleasure and brought her thighs tightly together on my wrist, humping on my ass-fucking finger. Afterward, she lay back gasping.

"Oh Joe... that was so good," she panted. "It's so awful... having your finger up my... my bottom... It makes me feel so wicked that I get hotter and hotter until... oohhh God."

Then she cried out softly again when I slid down and once more stuck my tongue into the folds of her pussy. I spread her lips with two fingers and licked down the length of her slit. With both hands, I gripped the hemispheres of her ass, spread her open with my thumbs, and pressed my lips against her pussy. Her pubic hair tickled my nose, but I ignored the sensation and continued teasing her.

I felt her clit slowly engorging under my tongue, and I worked the protective hood back and forth. Her taste was tangy and sweet, and a little salty, and I thrust my tongue deeper into her opening. She moaned when I began lapping at her slit and licking the folds of her inner labia.

I continued nuzzling and licking her for several minutes, until my cheeks and chin were coated with her juices. Her breathing grew ragged and she quivered all over. Once more I slipped a finger and then two fingers past her loosened sphincter as I moved higher above her.

I was almost in pain as I moved over her, pressing my juice-slicked face to hers as I kissed her. My cock sought the hairy nest between her thighs and she stiffened and pushed at me.

"Oh Joe... you're so wonderful to do what you did. I can't say no now, can I? Not to anything. But go easy. I'm still tender after Saturday night. Oh Joe... you're so big... I don't know how I took it in me? And you did it for so long."

I thrilled to the compliments about my size and my stamina. I'd never heard anything like that from Val although there were times when I'd screwed her for as long as two hours.

Withdrawing my fingers from her rectum I rolled onto my back. "Get on me Irene. I want to look at your beautiful face and lovely body while you fuck me."

I watched as my naked secretary climbed astride my hips and with her hand she guided my throbbing tool as she moved up to straddle my hips. As her hirsute pussy dragged across my upthrust penis it jumped and twitched, and she smiled at me. She then rose up and I watched as she reached down with her right hand to lift my penis and point it at the hair-wreathed opening to her pussy. She rubbed the head back and forth across the swollen slit and then set it at the junction of her inner lips.

Once the tip was in the right place, Irene sank back a little; just enough to let the head of my dick enter her. When she removed her hand, I marveled at the sight of the shaft of my penis splitting her open, my glans invisible inside her. She rested her hands on her thighs and with exquisite slowness, she lowered herself onto me.

As her pussy slowly engulfed my cock, I watched in amazement as her hairy outer labia bulged to accept my width and her inner lips clung to the sides of my shaft. The feeling of sliding into her was magical and the knowledge that until I fucked her she's been an unsullied virgin added immensely to my satisfaction.

When her firm buttocks came to rest on my thighs and my cock was completely buried in her pussy, she shuddered and took a deep, ragged breath, closing her eyes as if savoring the sensation. With her eyes still closed, she moved her hips side to side a little, got her knees situated comfortably on either side of my hips, and exhaled slowly.

Irene bit her full bottom lip and groaned and after a minute sitting like this, with my prick buried in the warmth and wetness of her pussy, she slowly opened her eyes. They were unfocused for a second or two and she took another deep breath. Then she looked at me with a serious expression.

"You've made me into a slut," she half-whimpered. "You must think I'm awful."

"You're wonderful, Irene... what you're doing is natural. I love fucking you, feeling your juicy cunt squeezing my cock... am I a slut too?

"Oh Joe... it's not the same... like... girls don't talk that way."

"Yes they do Irene... when they're hot... when they have a cock inside them... and you want to too, don't you? You want to tell me how it feels."

I began to caress her naked body.

"Mmmmm, I like it when you touch me," she said.

As I rubbed my hands up and down the smooth skin of her flanks and she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Her pussy clenched again and I took that as a signal to explore further.

I brought my hands up and cupped her breasts, running my palms over her nipples and I felt them stiffen immediately under my touch as she let out an involuntary moan of pleasure. Her pussy spasmed, grasping my erection in its soft grip and she shuddered.

Irene took another deep breath and rose on her knees. In fascination, I looked down as she lifted off my erection. Her pussy lips pulled at me as she raised herself off my length, my cock glistening with her juices. When only the tip of my penis was inside her, she began to descend, my girth once again splitting her open. Then, sooner than I expected the tip of my cock was bumping her cervix and I wondered again at the ease with which I reached it. Val's cunt was definitely deeper than Irene's.

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Secretary For A Change

Secretary For A Change It was a typical day at the firm I work for as an office admin. Robinson's Accounting was a great company to work for, with twenty offices in North America. My name is Karen Matheson, I'm 26 and have been working in the Toronto branch office for four years. I got in, made myself a cup of coffee, fired up my computer and checked my emails. One email caught my eye from my boss, George McLean, with the title of 'womanless secretary contest'. I immediately opened up...

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Secretary Pool

My name is Sharon and I'm 22 years old. I work for a large company that occupies most of a sky-scraper in New York City. I'm a secretary in the main typing pool on the 23rd floor. My husband of one year, Rick, is a junior executive, with an office on the 40th floor that he shares with many other junior executives. From what my husbands tell me, its a dog eat dog world in his department, with every department head acting like a god and everybody back stabbing every body else to get ahead in...

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Secretary to the CEO

Secretary to the CEO by theduck1930 I’m a retired CEO of a small-cap company. Our market was agriculture chemicals. Rather a smelly business. If you had ever sprayed weed control products on your lawn you could appreciate what I just said. I had worked my way up the ladder starting as a janitor around the formulating mixers. The odor could knock your socks off if it had not been for everyone wearing a respirator. Every day when I came to work I could smell the plant as soon as I opened my car...

3 years ago
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Secretary Day after Day

Monday – Giraffe on Rollerskates There are a million ‘secretary’ stories and fantasies out there. I have often used varying scenarios to help myself cum. Here is the beginning of one… (there will be more as I’ve completed Tuesday and Wednesday) She had just started the new job. A secretary. Well below her station, but the unemployment was running out, there were no jobs that fit her degree. She could copy, and email, so figured she was qualified. She wasn’t sure exactly what her new boss did,...

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Secretary Bondage

office bondage by stHell66 (d/s, humilation, m/f, incest) A dirtier version of "the secretary" I'm in pain cloths pins on my nipples and one on my clit, rubbing against my master's desk, as he rubs his cock between my bare buttocks. He grabs my hair and curses at me, "STUPID CUNT." As he cums on my back side. "Get dressed Mr Jones is waiting." He zips up his pants and straighten up his clothes ready for his client. I rush, knowing never to wipe his cum off. I quickly put on my black skirt, and...

2 years ago
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Secretary in Training

Secretary In Training By Pat T. Sandra Hunt was a man-hater, owing to her experience with her ex-husband. He beat her regularly, then disappeared one day after taking all the money out of their joint bank accounts. After her sister's death, she was given custody of her nephew, Mark. She didn't like the arrangement one bit, but used the situation to her advantage. Under the threat of being sent to an orphanage, she had her way with the boy. Over the first few weeks Sandra noticed...

4 years ago
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Linda was twenty two and just got out of secretarial school when she was hired by a small private firm. Her boss Mr. Jones was about sixty two and handsome and young looking for his age. He made her his private secretary and the pay was great as he told her she would have to work hard and sometimes overtime. She was there two weeks when he called her to his office and told her to lock the door. Linda thought that was strange but he was the boss and she loved her job a lot. He was behind his...

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Secretary Shwetha 8211 An Important Incident

Hi..Dear all I am (Kiran) back with an IMPORTANT INCIDENT in my sex adventure with Shwetha (Shwetha was Ex – Private Secretary). It is very special because, she introduced someone more in our group! I’m sure you will enjoy this. Only request is to reply please. . . To get better a connection to the story, please read the beginning of this story in: Hope you remember that my Ex Private Secretary Shwetha left me and the...

1 year ago
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Secretary1        It was Friday near quitting time when the E-mail showed up from my boss.         Kelly,        I think this would be a good time for you to invest in some job security, come into my office and be prepared to learn all of the tricks to being an exemplary subordinate.         Mr. Blalock had been hinting since he had hired me that I should be doing him in order to keep my job.  Unfortunately, just as with the E-mail I had just received his hints were just vague enough that...

2 years ago
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Secretary Girl

Author's Note: More adventures of Derek. I'm having way too much fun with this one. :P Secretary Girl by Hazel M "Well," asked Cathy, "what do you have for me Lenny?" The thin, rat faced man in the chair opposite her didn't know where to begin. "I...erm..." he began. "You were right. He was hiding something, just not what you thought." She looked at him suspiciously. "What do you mean?" "I don't have words. Why don't I let you see for yourself," he said, pulling some photos out...

2 years ago
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The girls and the boys next doorMy generous friend is repaidMarie’s exercises and punishmentsJulies appetite for knowledge and correctionThe nasty games Julie and Samantha had/do play/edMarie’s descentChapter 1I run a small import/export business. Nothing fancy but successful and I’d been expanding so I needed help. I was often out of the office at the airport or with customers and it was time to get someone to answer the phones and handle the scheduling. I’d mentioned this to my sometime...

3 years ago
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Secretary Having Fun 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends, This is Kajal again from India. Little bit about myself. I am dam sexy and hot married woman of 25 years age who loves to enjoy a lot. I love to wear sexy and hot clothes. I am working as a personal secretary in export-import company. I am 5.8ft tall, sexy long legs, very fair look, long hair, dark eyes and sexy figure of 34-26-34 with Cup size “C”. As you know my boss has enjoyed me with few clients and now was nothing to hide from him for me. Day by Day my old boss always ask me...

2 years ago
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Secretary in bondage and at my mercy

My shemale boss had called me and said that since she was on a vacation then I was free to fuck her secretary.I went over to her place with my case filled with bondage equipment from my boss.As I knocked at her door my mind filled with fantasies about how I would tie her and fuck her. I made my choice.As she opened the door she imediately understood why I was there. So she took me to her bedroom and asked if I wanted her to wear something special:-Yes, in this case is a latexsuit that should...

3 years ago
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secretary ki chudai

Hi, i m shanky m 38 from indore,i am a regular reader of i am telling you my experience with my secretary monica. Monica was about 22 years of age when she came to join our office as my secretary.She was damm sexy slim smart lady,i was shocked to see as she entered my cabin for interview and thanked the god for sending such a beauty to work with me. I asked about her family background & was shocked to know the story of her life.Her hubby was a drunker & can do anything for wine. She...

4 years ago
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Secretary Solo

Marcia settled down to read the latest erotic tale by Zane. Being a secretary at a law firm didn’t really allow her a lot of down time, but today was relatively slow. Her boss was out of town, so she didn’t really have much to do. To be honest her sex life was moving just as slow. Marcia was five feet seven and 120 lbs. She had shoulder length brown hair and almond colored eyes to go with her caramel skin. However her greatest assets where her 36D breasts which she loved to flaunt with low cut...

2 years ago
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Secretary taking orders

"Do you feel pretty when you suck cock?" "I do" Sally text back. "Why do feel pretty with a big cock in your mouth?" Came the next question"I feel very pretty when I taste cum in my mouth?" Sally typed. "Does a cock taste better before or after it's been in your pussy?" "After "without a doubt she thought as she hit send. "Does size matter?" Her master asked."Yes. The bigger the better!" She remembered how she had gagged on his massive thick long prick. How he stretched her wide open. "Are you...

1 year ago
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This is based on a game of the same name. Made by a user named DeeDee. Enjoy!Chris Kelly, a young male. He’s about 170 cm tall and weigh around 63 kg. Till last week his life was still enjoyable. He had a beautiful girlfriend, Sensi Saber, whom he loved, a job he liked and some hope for his future. He’d even promised his girlfriend, that they’d both remain virgin until marriage. Turned out only one of them two took that oath to heart. He’d always been kind of tense because of his penis size....

4 years ago
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secretaries first week for women

Sally had only had her job for a week when she was called into her bosses office. Her boss, Mr. X, was sitting at his desk while she strolled in. "Have a seat Sally" he instructed her. Even though she didnt want to admit it, she found Mr. X for attractive. His deep voice sent shivers up her spin every time she heard it. As she sat down, he noticed he was looking her her exposed legs in her modest dress. "Shit, am I dressed too raveling? Its this inappropriate for the office?" she thought to...

3 years ago
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Seymour Shaft, disgraced cop turned private detective was trying to open his emails. He was not having much success. He kept hitting the wrong keys and now he had locked himself out with his password protection.This was all happening because he was finding it hard to concentrate. It’s not easy to work a computer if you are getting blown at the same time.Seymour’s secretary was one hot bitch and she was also one dirty bitch. One thing she really loved doing was sucking dick. That and...

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Secretary Solo

Marcia settled down to read the latest erotic tale by Zane. Being a secretary at a law firm didn't really allow her a lot of down time, but today was relatively slow. Her boss was out of town, so she didn’t really have much to do. To be honest her sex life was moving just as slow. Marcia was five feet seven and 120 lbs. She had shoulder length brown hair and almond colored eyes to go with her caramel skin. However her greatest assets where her 36D breasts which she loved to flaunt with low cut...

2 years ago
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Secretarys Panties

One Saturday afternoon I went in unexpectedly to the office. As I entered my secretary's office I noticed a pair of purple satin bikini panties next to her chair. I immediately picked up the panties.I looked at the crotch area and saw what looked to be dried pussy juice. I put it up to my nose and inhaled and smelled the enchanting odor of pussy. I knew that she had worked late Friday, but I didn't know exactly how hard she had worked at "getting off".As my cock was getting harder, I checked...

4 years ago
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Secretary and her Boss First lesbian encounter

My name is Mandy, and yes, I am always, always randy. As randy as hell. I need to cum several times a day, and I had always been used to a hard cock to satisfy my aching pussy. Mind, I didn't always get that, so I would regularly slide my fingers inside my panties to rub my clit and push my fingers into my soaking wet pussy. Oh God, how I loved the feeling as my clit swelled up under my touch, and my fingers fucked my dripping cunt. I used to finger myself at my desk at work, one hand on top of...

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Secretary First time

I had this 21 year old girl, as my secretary (Name M) for the last one year. Nice, serious type , who dressed simply and kept to herself. I decided that I must be the first to fuck her. So I went about being real nice to her, touched her whenever I got a chance. My chance came one day when she came to my room to ask show me a particular file on my PC, She came and stood next to me . I pressed my leg against hers and kept it there waiting for a reaction. First she moved a little back, I waited...

4 years ago
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Secretary for extra job

Hello there to all who have come in to read my story I am from Bangladesh my names Vromor aged 27 years and single. I am very friendly person to move along easily among the people. I owned a small business. This incident happens with me few months ago. Here I like to share with my ISS friends. As my business growing day by day, I need some extra hands for my help and maintain my office. So I appointed a secretary for help my works. Her name is Nisha (not real). Aged 24. She was married but her...

3 years ago
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Secretary Suck

Seymour Shaft, disgraced cop turned private detective was trying to open his emails. He was not having much success. He kept hitting the wrong keys and now he had locked himself out with his password protection. This was all happening because he was finding it hard to concentrate. It’s not easy to work a computer if you are getting blown at the same time. Seymour’s secretary was one hot bitch and she was also one dirty bitch. One thing she really loved doing was sucking dick. That and sitting...

1 year ago
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Secretary Blackmailed Ch 01 Re

Suzy gets blackmailed for committing fraud [2 months ago]: Amelia calls her secretary in her office, "Suzy, I want you to pay the 52,000 dollars as a payment to the Thompson's for the raw material our company ordered last month. The material has arrived at our offshore site, hasn't it?" "Ahmm...Yes ma'am, it has." Suzy replies. Confused a bit. "Then there's no point in delaying the payment, Here's the cash" Amelia orders handing over the cash. Suzy grabs the case and exits. She knows Amelia...

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Lynn and I had known each other for 5 years. She lived for a short time in my apartment when I was in between girlfriends. I used fondle and caress her breasts, or rub her body when I was lonely or just aroused. I was 25 at the time. I never crossed a line, for that reason we remained friends. I liked to be assertive and controlling, enjoying shoveing my cock down her throat shouting vulgarities at her like "take it all down your throat slut", makes me aroused. I can be a very, very bad...

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Secretary Love

I first started to get the indication that David had the “hots” for me when we were alone once in the office, and he made our usual afternoon run for a snack, bringing back chocolate cherries and diet coke for me. I’d always made comments about how that combination made me a little silly, and this escalated into an innuendo that carried on for a while. One time he related a story from a Carol Burnett routine, where the boss said something about Mrs. Wiggins having “nice...

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Secretary Seduced Me

I was always taught never to have an affair with employee. I had read stories all about these bosses having sex with the young ladies that work with them. I figured most of this was pure fantasy, and no one would ever do something that dumb. Never say never. Patricia had worked for me for almost two years. A very attractive woman in her late forties, who took great pride in her appearance, and obviously went to the gym a few times each week. Our relationship was always friendly and we enjoyed...

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Secretary in Need

When my long time office assistant suddenly quit, I was in desperate need to fill her position. After posting a few quick ads, I had only a handful of applicants. I ended up hiring a 22 year old woman. I didn't think of her in a sexy way at all at the time. I just needed office help ASAP. She had experience, was a single mother, and I figured she wouldn't be your typical young adult out partying all the time and coming in late. So I hired her on the spot. After a few weeks I began to notice...

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Secretary Fantasy Pt 2

You can find more of my stories on my blog @ I'm going to have sit in a meeting with my dickhead boss smelling like sex. I didn't take a shower after the fuck filled commute yesterday. I love it that the stranger's cum is still up inside me. I go into my meeting to take notes & Mr. Wiseman is sitting there trying to peek up my skirt. I have to keep my panties on to keep that guys cum from running down my thighs. “Mr. Wiseman, what are you staring...

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Secretary in tights

This happened to me when I was sixteen years old and during a half term holiday during school. I was alone on the London underground near Southgate station in the middle of the afternoon when a gorgeous woman in her mid twenties boarded the train and sat directly opposite me. I thought it was a bit odd as the whole carriage was empty and I found myself staring at her legs as she was dressed in a smart seretary type outfit of a black jacket and matching skirt that wasn't quite a mini but was...

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Secretary walks the walk of shame

Catherine has always been above everybody else in the office; after all she was the Personal Assistant to the boss. Immaculate make up, glowing red lipstick, blow dried hairstyle, tanned and every single day of the year without exception dressed in proper business attire. The typical high powered female business executive in a jacket and skirt, a blouse, shiny panties and fantastic high heels. Yes Catherine knows how to use every advantage of her heels, gaining a few inches in height to talk...

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Secretary Satisfy My Hunger

I’d been running my own publishing company for some time now and had also made a lot of money from the release of my first couple of novels, so I suppose you could call me semi famous, definitely rich and now with the publishing company definitely in a position of power. I had asked an employment agency to send me a personal assistant to work closely with me and because of the amount of work I had, I needed someone who would follow my instructions carefully. The agency had sent me a young woman...

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Secretary ki sans ke sath maja

Dear ISS readers. Meri story “mery secretory ko sexy kaise banaya” padhi”. Ab apko meri ek sur sachi story apke samne rakh raha hu. Apko ye story kaisi lagi vo jaroor mail tru likhe mume. Mera id: Meri secretory se muje relation hai vo unki sans ko pata chal gaya tha. Me kai bar secretory ke ghar jata tha. Meri secretory sunitha(dami name hai) ki sans jiko me aunti kahta tha vo hi rahti thi. Me jab bhi jata uske chahere pe muskan aa jati thi. Vo 50 age ki hai. Uske husbond kai 10 sal pahle...

1 year ago
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Secretary Seduce me

Hi, Its Danial from karachi, 30 years old. This is my true story of a pleasureable interaction with my receptionist girl.Any girl interested in having a gud friendship with me pls contact at silent_magma at Her name is fari. She is 22 yrs old , slim , smart and a v attractive and sexy figure. The day when I joined the company she gave me a very pleasant smile and asked a lot on intercom related to myself. I was the whole incharge of the company in the absence of owner and that she...

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Sex Wealth Love in That OrderChapter 2

Well, it wasn’t really much of a birthday party to speak of, at least not in any traditional sense. There was no hoopla, no balloons, nothing like that. Eric’s dad fired up the grill for a backyard bar-B-Q because Eric’s favorite food was a thick, greasy cheeseburger, and his mom baked him a sinfully rich three-layer German chocolate cake with lots of gooey coconut and pecan frosting. After dinner, they would sing “Happy Birthday” and hand over the presents. Just a quiet family...

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