- 3 years ago
- 33
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It was Friday near quitting time when the E-mail showed up from my boss.
I think this would be a good time for you to invest in some job security, come into my office and be prepared to learn all of the tricks to being an exemplary subordinate.
Mr. Blalock had been hinting since he had hired me that I should be doing him in order to keep my job. Unfortunately, just as with the E-mail I had just received his hints were just vague enough that they could be explained in a non-sexual context. I had gone HR anyway and after looking at my couple of messages and listening to my recounting of conversations with him they promised to investigate.
A week later I was called back in to HR and they counseled me on the severity of consequences for filing false charges of sexual harassment. They showed me several documents, a letter from his previous secretary swearing that there had never been anything improper between them, a letter from a previous employer about an affair I had with a coworker, an unfortunate mistake but true, a report from my college security department detailing an investigation of my claim that I had been harassed by one of my professors which was found to be totally without merit and last a statement from another secretary detailing a conversation I had with her where I outlined my plan to get a settlement out of the firm after fabricating sexual harassment claims against my new boss. The last 2 documents were complete lies, but when I made some calls to the college the report had been put into their system and the cold responses I got to my discreet attempts to find out about my supposed chat with the other secretary convinced me that it would be backed up as well.
So here I was with this E-mail on probation having been told at the HR counseling session that the only reason I wasn’t being fired was the intervention of Mr. Blalock.
Mr. Blalock,
If there is some problem with my work please let me know in writing so that I may reference it in correcting my errors. I have no desire to learn any tricks from you and gladly look forward to no longer working with you at all as soon as I can find a suitable position elsewhere. We both know what really happened and while I have no illusion that justice will ever be served I will not have any relationship with you other than a strictly professional one. You can just stop trying now and start looking for someone else to be your office toy.
I quickly pressed send before I could chicken out, I needed the job and being fired under these circumstances would make it almost impossible to get another decent position. I would hate to have to move back home and go to work at the local mine, but I knew my dad could get me on and being stuck in that small town was still preferable to having some kind of sleazy affair with my fat old boss to keep this job.
Finally the week was over I shut down my workstation gathered my things and left for the walk to the bus stop. The building I worked in was in a neighborhood that started to get scary about the time I would leave every day, there were some bums on the sidewalk usually that hit you up for money and I had heard that some muggings had happened at night. Fortunately my bus left shortly after I got there and about a dozen of us from work that all took the same bus so we were all protected by our numbers and gone before things got very scary. Half way to the bus stop a vagrant accosted me today begging aggressively and blocking my path every time I tried to get around him I looked toward the last of the others turning the corner to head for the stop to see if someone was going to help me. The girl who had written the letter was the last one around the corner and she stopped to look before going on to the stop her cold sneer of contempt told me clearly that no help would be coming from that direction.
I was really getting scared now although I still thought it unlikely that he would do anything in broad daylight. I turned and retreated toward the office when he fired a parting shot at me, ?Fuck you, you stuck up bitch can’t even help a homeless guy.? With that he disappeared down an alley and I turned and continued on toward the bus stop. I turned the corner and broke into a quickly aborted run to stand and watch helplessly as my bus pulled away from the stop still a block and a half from me. I trudged dejectedly on down to the stop and consulted the schedule confirming my memory that I would now have to wait here alone for a half hour for the next bus.
It was about 20 minutes later when the police car pulled up. At first they thought I was hooking, but then they believed me about missing the bus. They told me to get into their car that they would take me down a couple of stops to a safer neighborhood to wait for the bus. I thanked them and piled into the back of the cruiser with my stuff.
They turned off the bus route after a couple of blocks and I asked them why. They reassured me that I would still make my bus easily, in fact they said if I missed it they would take me home themselves. They explained that they had to make a couple of checks on their patrol route to make sure everything was locked up and secure.
They stopped in front of a couple of pawnshops and the passenger side officer got out and went up to both of doors checking that they were locked then came back to the car. Next they turned down an alley stopping by a plain door when he checked this one it opened inward and he said, ?Oh shit.?
His partner got out of the drivers side and opened my door, ?Ma’am I need you to get out of the car we’re going to have to check this building and I can’t leave you in the car unattended.? I got out of the car and he assured me that I could leave my stuff inside. The first one went in and the other one told me that it shouldn’t take long when there was a bang as a garbage can lid hit the ground and a shadow at the end of the alley started in our direction.
The officer said, ?Shit, you better come on in with me it’s not really safe here either.? I went in through the door which he shut and locked behind me noting that you should always secure doors behind you so no one would surprise you from behind. The other officer was in a hallway off the entry room checking doors as he walked down it. The third one down on the left opened and he turned into it leading with his gun like you see on the cop shows. The other officer came up behind me put a hand on my shoulder and said, ?let’s go.?
When we turned in through the door he gave me a big shove and I landed on my hands and knees in the middle of the room, his partner stepped in from the side and kicked me in the stomach driving the air out of me and flipping me onto to my back. I curled into a fetal position gagging hands clutching at my gut, the source of a nauseating pain radiating through my body.
Suddenly I was yanked from the floor by my hair my hands going up to lock on his wrist the flare of pain from scalp overtaking my stomach which was subsiding to an ache. Suddenly my face was covered with a smelly cloth and now I was gagging anew and clutching at a different wrist just as ineffectually until my world faded to black.
The room was dim and there was a subdued ache in my scalp and stomach, I was muzzy and confused then it all came back to me.
?She’s awake,? said one of the cops they both now wore Tees and sweats, ?its time.?
I saw that I was no longer in the same room they had drugged and moved me. There were no windows in this room and a heavy metal sliding door seemed to be the only way in or out. Before I could take in anything else about my surroundings the 2 men had risen as they stepped towards me my gaze was riveted by sight of a belt dangling from each of their right hands.
?Strip,? commanded the larger of the 2 in a menacing growl. When I just sat there unresponsive he lashed out with his belt without another word hitting me on the upper arm the end curling around my back. I wailed more in shock than pain as he hadn’t hit me that hard. As I turned away the belt came again hitting me lower across my back harder stinging this time. I tried to curl away from the blows but they kept coming hitting my back, arms and ass harder and harder now leaving streaks of hot pain behind.
Finally I gasped out, ?Stop, stop I’ll do what you want.?
?Strip,? came the same command that had preceded the whipping I had just received.
Shaking I got to my feet, slowly I removed my blouse wincing as the movement pulled at the now tender stripes where the belts had struck. I held the cloth in front of me instinctively using it to shield me from them, a threatening flick of a belt and I dropped it.
As I started undoing my pants one of them kicked the blouse into a corner with a growled, ?over there.?
I continued kicking off my shoes then stepping out of my pants and tossing it all into the corner with my blouse. I stood there nervously trying to cover myself when a belt lashed out hitting between my hip and knee wrapping around to leave a painful welt across the backs of my thighs. I screeched tears starting as I cried out, ?stop it I did what you wanted.? The smaller man had stepped to the side laying another welt across my lower back they were striking much harder now leaving burning ridges of swelling flesh with each stroke. The other swung at my upper back the belt wrapping around my arm instead as I tried to stop the blow, leaving a welt spiraling up from my elbow to the shoulder and jerking me off balance. ?Wait, wait,? I sobbed quickly reaching back for the catch of my bra. I fumbled with my wounded arm finally getting it released just as Scary started to raise his belt again. My brain had stepped in subconsciously and from now on I would think of the small one as Scary and the big one as Terrifying. The belt lowered as I dropped the Bra to the floor then quickly pushed my panties down and stepped out of them, grabbing the pile of cloth at my feet and threw them into the corner with the rest. As I did this the pain from the welts had consumed my thoughts, keeping me totally focused on avoiding anymore contact with the 2 leather straps lazily swinging from their fists. Now with the danger past, at least for the moment, what I had just done suddenly hit me my arms coming up one hand over my crotch the other arm across my breasts my upper chest and face flashing red with the realization that I was standing nude in front of these 2 strangers.
?Listen carefully,? said Terrifying, ?I am going to tell you some things that you need to know anything you forget or don’t do will incur the same kind of correction you just experienced with the stripping exercise. First you will only be told something once if you don’t do it immediately and whenever appropriate you will be punished. For example you now should know that when told to strip you should immediately remove all of your clothes and pile them in a convenient place out of the way. Second circumstances do not matter, if you are told to strip you will do it no matter where you are who is around or what is happening. Third you will behave appropriately at all times, right now clasp your hands together behind your back.?
I reluctantly did as he said my eyes locked on the belt swinging gently in his hand.
?Spread your legs,? he waited for me to comply twitching the belt at my hesitance. ?Now this is the proper stance to take after removing your clothes when told to strip, if you are told to strip then turned and left the room you would remain like this until told differently. Fourth and finally everything you learn from us applies to anyone who has privileges with you, we will let you know who that is before you leave. It is OK if you don’t understand all this right now if you make mistakes you will be punished until you get it right and before you leave this room you will understand everything I just told you perfectly.?
The 2 of them circled me slowly examining every detail of my exposed flesh only the ever present menace of the belts and the hot ache of the fresh welts enabled me to stand there without shrieking my shame out and trying to cover myself. Finally they stopped with Scary in front of me and Terrifying behind. Scary spoke in a voice entirely too calm for the horrible things they were saying, ?We are going to start touching you now, whenever one of the privileged touches you no attempt will be made avoid the touch and you will move only to facilitate things.?
He reached out to take hold of my breast and I flinched away only to scream as Terrifying lashed my back just below my shoulders causing me to jerk forward thrusting my breast into his hand. He clamped down on it fingers digging into the soft flesh, I screamed grabbing his wrist and yanking away from him shrieking again as my breast painfully stretched away from his hand then slapping into my chest bouncing wildly as it pulled out of his grip and I fell to the floor.
The belts came again first across my arms then the front of my thighs as I frantically rolled over trying to get away a line of fire across my hip then the middle of my back. My screams filled the room and twice more I felt the searing stroke of a belt caressing my ass as I curled back into a fetal position. Finally I choked out, ?Let me up, I’ll be still,? interspersed with sobs and groans, no longer able to distinguish individual agonies with all of the competing pain sources hammering at my sanity. I slowly dragged myself up in front of them then forced my body back into the position of strip, the fresh welts already swelling into hard ridges of scarlet that throbbed like they were being hit all over again every time the skin flexed from my movements. ?Please stop this,? I begged, ?I don’t understand why you are doing this. Oh God, it hurts so bad, just don’t??
?Enough,? Terrifying cut me off twitching his belt to ensure that I would follow his command. ?While you are here with us we will tell you when to speak. Anymore unsolicited comments on your part will just earn you more correction. From now on anyone with privileges will be addressed as Sir or Ma’am unless you are instructed otherwise.?
Scary stepped in front of me again and Terrifying fell silent and slid behind me, when I started to turn my head Scary snapped, ?head forward eyes on my crotch. While you are with us your gaze should always be focused on the crotch of the man in front of you unless instructed otherwise. Now we are going to try this again, hopefully you have learned a valuable lesson about how things will work.? He reached out once again taking my breast in his hand, palming it, manipulating gently possessively, ?sometimes you will be hurt simply for the pleasure of the one inflicting the pain on you,? as he said this he curled his hand around my breast squeezing tighter his sinking in the orb bulging obscenely around his grip. ?Be assured that any effort on your part to do anything other than accept these attentions will result in punishment far worse than whatever was being done to you.? His chilling words snapped my hands back together behind my back aborting my instinctive move to try and protect my breast.
Terrifying chuckled from behind me, ?she’s learning,? he pronounced with an air of sadistic amusement.
Scary began twisting the breast he clutched watching closely as I almost began to dance in place as I fought the need to do something about the mounting pain in my stretched and reddening globe. Just when I thought I couldn’t bear it anymore he let go the smarting breast dropping back into place bouncing gently now swollen slightly larger than the other. ?Good you are learning,? he turned striding across the room to pick up a chair, bringing it over to me he sat it down than set down in it. ?On your knees,? I slowly began to sink down only to shoot up in horror as it dawned on me what was coming next. The cry of pain and line of fire across the back of my thighs quickly had me down on my knees. I looked mutely at his at face pleading with my eyes for a reprieve from this new indignity, he nodded and a new line of pain exploded across my upper back. Frantically my thoughts raced what had I done wrong even as fresh pain crashed into my ass the room echoing with the sharp impacts of the leather cracking across my body I jerked my eyes down to the swelling lump in his sweats. Peripherally I saw his hand twitch and there were no more blows from behind. I railed at myself for what I was doing, disgusted at how quickly and easily these men were shaping my behavior, but never the less unable to force myself to endure the torture that accompanied every attempt I made to preserve my self respect and adhere to my values.
The voice came from behind me, ?pull down his sweats,? my hands trembling I reached out leaning forward to get to the tops of Scary’s sweats my face within inches of the now distinct rod he was sporting. As I began to pull down the sweats resisted pinned by the chair, he suddenly lifted his hips the cloth jerking down when the resistance disappeared. His penis sprang free and combined with the hip thrust that had released his sweats hit me in the nose causing me to cry out and fall back in startled. This time I was not surprised by the fresh crack across my back and quickly scrambled back into position.
?Lick it,? Scary commanded, as I leaned forward to comply he cupped the back of my skull in his hand taking control of my head. ?Keep your hands behind your back. I’m going to stick my cock down your throat, you’ll gag and feel like your choking, but you know what will happen if you make any effort to pull away or fight me in any way at all. By the way if I feel your teeth you will suffer and if you try to bite me we will pull them out. Now take it in your mouth and start sucking.? The taste was already nauseating me as the large head slipped into my mouth slimy with precum. He started me sliding my lips up and down his shaft using the hand on the back of my head to control the speed and depth of the strokes. ?Keep sucking,? he growled when I started to gag and lost concentration on what I was doing. Oh my God, I thought to myself why is this happening to me, I had only given a couple of blow jobs in my life deciding it was something I really didn’t care for. Now I was sucking this stranger’s cock like my life depended on it, which it well might, my only thought to avoid further whipping.
I was so focused on trying to control my bouts of gagging on every down stroke now, each penetration was the same or deeper then the one before, that it took me a while to feel the fresh stabs of pain from my so far untouched nipples. Terrifying had straddled my ass reached down and clenched those stalks between a finger in each hand squeezing them almost flat then rolling them back and forth. Scary was whispering into my ear, ?stay focused on the cock, no matter how you’re being hurt or pleasured, no matter who or what is going on around you, you always stay focused on the cock or cocks. For you from now on sex is always about pleasing the cock, if you get off that’s a bonus, if someone is taking the hide off your tits doesn’t matter your only purpose is to please the cock.? The whole time he was giving me these horrifying instructions my breasts were being stretched further and further out to the sides by the vise like grip on the nipples. Agony from the elongated cones was consuming me in a wave of red and then mercifully everything went black.
I woke up in a dark cold place laying on my side what felt like a concrete floor under me, my body ached all over I didn’t know where I was or how I had gotten here. I rolled onto my back and the memories all came back with the gasp of pain as the welts from my shoulders to my thighs were pressed against the hard floor. The lights flared on and the door slid open with a squeal Terrifying stepped in and shut the door behind him, without any preamble he commanded, ?come here so we can continue.?
I was already on my feet having scrambled up in an effort to avoid putting any additional pressure on the aching red ridges that were all over my body. I was backing away from the big man not even really hearing what he was saying everything being drowned out by the voice in my head screaming over and over, he’ll hurt you, he’ll hurt you. I moaned when my back met the wall the tender welts flaring again, he was moving in on cutting me off when I tried to slide sideways along the wall herding me into a corner. I finally tried to break past him toward the door but he easily caught me by an arm then doubled me over gagging for air with a fist to the stomach.
Without a word he dragged me over the end of a sawhorse then dragging me further until I was straddling it. He reached down and pulled a leather cuff off a peg at the other end with a bunch of cuffs and straps hanging from it. He fixed the cuff tightly around my upper thigh then walking around the sawhorse did the same to my other thigh, at this point I just stood there trembling, all the fight or flight was gone, I was a deer caught in the headlights. Next he put a smaller cuff down on my ankle pulling it back and up he clipped it to the cuff around my thigh my calf pressing into my thigh, my hands went down to the sawhorse to keep from toppling over my guts clenching with the realization that the top of the horse tapered to a mere quarter inch. A moan escaped me as he repeated the process on the other side my hands painfully holding me up, the narrow strip digging into my palms. Pushing my hair up out of the way he placed the next leather band around my throat my whimpering easing when I realized he was not going to use it to strangle me. Quickly he cuffed both of my wrists then with a couple of straps he secured my knees to eyeholes set at the base of the back legs. Shortening the straps he drew my knees back rocking me forward until I had to slide one of my hands forward to keep from laying on the narrow edge. He slid one of his arms across me just above my breasts then pulled the hand I had just slid up the rail off of it taking the weight of my upper body on his arm, I was almost in a state of panic now everything made even worse by his complete silence as he physically manipulated into this position. Keeping hold of my hand he walked around my head then reached under me with his free hand and pulled my other hand out, I moaned again my weight all on a thin aching line from the top of my pubic mound to my breastbone. He clipped the wrist cuffs together behind my back then levering them up into a reverse prayer lock he clipped them to the back of my collar my shoulder sockets strained painfully feeling like my arms would pop out of them at any moment. He now threaded a strap around my arms drawing my elbows agonizingly close together, shoulders screaming louder bowing back seeming to thrust my chest even harder against the edge I rested on. I was moaning constantly now, but somehow started whimpering at the same time when his fingers slid under my to find and spread my labia then he began to pull back on the strap around my elbows, I screamed as my chest and belly came up off the ridge all my weight settling onto the top of my vagina. My knees kept my crotch tilted forward unable to rock further back as he kept pulling my elbows back and down pulling my spine into a severe arch. He secured the last strap locking me into this impossible curve which combined with the bow of my shoulders made me look like I was trying to launch each of my breasts into a different corner in front of me. Stopping in front of me he reached down to my point of contact with the wooden knife, for that’s what it felt like now, that supported me and finished the job ha had started when he spread my vagina. Gripping each labia he pulled them out making sure that they were not trapped between the wood and my body, this left my clitoris and inner membranes agonizingly crushed against the unyielding surface by the entire weight of my body. Without a word he turned and left leaving me screaming alone in the cold room.
When Scary opened the door I had no idea how much time had passed I just know that it seemed like hours. My throat was raw from trying to scream out the furnace of pain that my vagina had become. I croaked out, ?please sir,? unable to articulate anymore of my plea to be set free from this damnation, if my voice and mind would have worked I would have promised anything to be freed from my bondage.
?Shhh, little one,? he placed a finger against my lips, ?you’re doing well, but your discipline session is not quite done yet. I’m going to do some work on these magnificent tits,? he gently fondled one of the straining orbs as he spoke, ?while your cunt spends a little more time on the horse.? Stepping over to a bench along one wall he picked up a plastic rod about 3’ long and a half inch in diameter flexing it a few times as he came back to stand in front and to one side of me.
Raising the rod he slashed down across my right breast which seemed like it was straining up to meet the blow. My breast compressed the rod almost disappearing where it seemed to envelop it then it sprang back my freshly wounded mound shaking wildly a blazing red line springing up as if by magic a broken scream torn from damaged vocal chords. Now I was writhing what little I could in my bonds grinding my clit into the wooden ridge unable to control myself. Already the rod was coming down again a fresh line searing across my breast about an inch above the first. The thwacks resounded throughout the room as he continued to lay red wheals parallel to the first, by the time there were five stripes across the top of my right breast I had subsided into constant sobbing punctuated by hoarse croaks of anguish at each impact.
Scary began to work on the virgin flesh of my left breast leaving matching marks to the ones adorning its mate. He had slowed the pace of the strokes speaking now, ?you need to concentrate real hard and remember the things I told you earlier. Until you start reacting immediately to commands and focusing completely on what your told to do and not what is happening to you this is going to be a very painful experience for you,? punctuating each point with a fresh line of fire across my breasts. ?Now don’t get me wrong,? he now moved back to my right breast slashing up into the underside so violently that it slapped into my chin with each stroke, ?your going to have pain no matter what you do, inflicting it will be one of the privileges and they will do it simply for their own enjoyment. When you’re hurting though and tempted to become uncooperative and assert your rights as a person, remember this weekend know that in the end all you will buy yourself is more time with us.? He had moved to the other globe during his speech and now both sported ten welts five above the nipple and 5 below. ?Now let’s make it an even dozen for each tit and get you off the horse,? his arm went up and slashed down this time right across the nipple then up and down across the other nipple my eyes felt like they would explode out of my skull as I just couldn’t contain it anymore.
Terrifying walked in and held me steady while Scary started undoing the restraints. My aching knees flared when the connections from thigh to ankle were unsnapped and they flopped to the floor my immediate attempt to push up off the horse was fruitless I couldn’t support any weight yet. Finally the last snap was undone my arms dangling as well unable to even comfort my welted and swollen tits, only later would I realize despairingly that I was starting to use the terms that they did for parts of my body. A hoarse croak, the best scream my raw vocal chords could produce, issued from me as he lifted a leg over getting me off my cunt and fresh blood surged into my crushed clit and inner lips. They didn’t even bother to restrain me, Terrifying let me collapse to the floor and they walked out killing the light behind them. I rolled onto my side trying to keep my throbbing tits and cunt from touching anything and passed out consumed by the pain.
I had completely lost track of the time when I woke to the lights snapping on, my world was the hurt on my chest and between my legs. ?Sit up,? Scary addressed me and assisted me with a hand curled into my hair. Once I was up on my knees he barked, ?eat,? handing me a sandwich and a bottle of water. I wolfed down the food amazed at how ravenous I was not even noticing that I was hungry until I bit into the sandwich.
?Go sit in the chair,? Scary indicated a wooden strait backed chair. Getting shakily to my feet I complied as rapidly as I could make my sore unstable body move. There was no more resistance left in me after the horse, I would do anything to stop or at least reduce the amount of pain they were inflicting on me. Terrifying had gone to a cart he had brought in with him and sat a tray on a TV tray next to the chair I was sitting in it contained a bowl of warm water a cup of lather with a brush and a razor. ?Shave yourself,? Scary gestured to my crotch, ?that cunt better be smooth as when you popped out of mommy’s cunt from now on.?
The two men dragged a couple more chairs in front of me then lounging comfortably watched me go about removing my bush. I was blushing furiously, despite all that had happened still embarrassed and shamed by this latest indignity as I was forced to remove my natural covering and completely expose my swollen and discolored cunt to them. I had to force myself to stretch and manipulate the delicate swollen folds enough to do a good job. Every touch of the hot throbbing flesh brought fresh shots of protest running down my neural pathways; the extreme swelling did make the job easier with the skin already stretched drum tight. My clit still protruded slightly from the hood hard and dark with bruising, I thought I would pass out the one time I inadvertently brushed it and caught an instant jolt of agony. Finally I laid the razor back on the tray, my cunt fully exposed in all its wounded glory.
Scary smiled at me, ?good girl, keep it up and you’ll do just fine. Now masturbate for us and put on a good show.?
I whimpered and slowly moved my hand down between my legs. Lightly grazing the lips I started to run my fingers up and down them being careful to avoid touching my throbbing clit. It felt like I was rubbing an open wound moaning with discomfort, there would be no pleasure involved in this exercise at all. I kept at it tentatively until I could sense the growing dissatisfaction in my audience, fearful of the consequences if I continued as I was I gritted my teeth and began to work myself harder wedging a finger between my lips and pressing inward. Gasps forced their way out of my mouth the sensual massage I was giving myself feeling like someone scrubbing with a bristle brush.
Tears began streaming down my face, my vision going red when he remarked, ?don’t forget your clit,? and I did as he wanted. A voice inside me was screaming at me to stop doing this, but a much louder was repeating over and over don’t make them mad.
Absorbed in my own excruciating world I didn’t even realize they had taken off their clothes until Terrifying said, ?that’s enough now come here and fuck me.? Looking up I saw a good sized cock thrusting up from his lap and I levered myself up out of the chair. Straddling his legs I reached down and lined the head up with my opening, my mouth popped open in a soundless scream when he grabbed my hips and yanked me down onto him. Dry swollen flesh resisted and dragged along the surface of his pole as thrust up into my channel. My masturbation session had not produced any lubrication and now this dry fuck of my passage the constant friction of the swollen tight entrance was driving me to the edge of my endurance. It felt like he was tearing me apart and in fact he was a little as the agony eased a little his path lubricated by the blood now seeping from my cunt. ?Hot and tight just the way I like it,? he grunted out as he spasmed out his release flooding my cunt with hot cum stinging as it came into contact with the tears he had opened.
Scary pointed to the lower shelf of the cart where a douche, a tray and a towel lay, ?clean yourself out and dry off then come over and fuck me. I deserve a nice fresh cunt too after all the work we’ve had to do with you.? Hobbling over to the cart I douched myself over the tray biting my lip hard enough to draw blood as I forced the applicator into me and bathed my raw cunt with the astringent fluid. Using the towel I patted dry sick at the thought of forcing yet another cock into my throbbing orifice, then I waddled back, keeping my thighs as far apart as possible and did just that. Spinning me to face away from him Scary pulled me roughly down onto his cock as well fresh blood began to dribble from our joining as I slowly levered myself up and down him, the douche had washed away all the lubrication from the first fuck and with the inside now swollen as well as the entrance this second dry reaming was even more painful than the first. Looking over at Terrifying he said, ?why don’t you see if you can motivate her, she doesn’t really seem to be into making this as good for me as she possibly can.?
I couldn’t help myself and began to plead even though I knew it would do no good, ?please sir, don’t hurt me anymore, I’m doing the best I can it just hurts so bad.?
He took hold of my arms and pulled them back as Terrifying approached me with the cane. I moaned in realization as he raised it preparing to add to the welts adorning my aching orbs. ?That’s just it though,? Scary responded to my plea, ?you only think you’re doing the best you can and we’re going to show you how much better you can really be.?
I gagged as a fresh line of fire erupted from my tits competing for attention with the steady agony rhythmically pumping out of my cunt. By the third stroke I had picked up the pace of the fucking beads of blood on my tits where the fresh welts crossed the ridges of the earlier beating. I passed out again just as I felt a second load flooding my abraded tunnel.
When I came back to life again the aching in my groin and tits was even worse than the last time. This time they had some fruit and a bowl of cereal for me. As I ate Terrifying began speaking to me, ?well bitch all good things must come to end. Monday morning has arrived and its time to get back to the grind. Now listen real close, Mr. Blalock has privileges with you and if he has any problems or complaints you’ll be coming back to us for another fun filled weekend of correction and deportment training.? I groaned with the horror of my situation and at the same time wondered how in the world they thought that I wasn’t going to be in the nearest police station as soon as they were out of sight. He continued, ?now I know you probably think you are going to report us to the police before we can even get out of sight, however I want you to look at a couple things first. This is my ID you see we really are cops and if you go to the police no one will believe you and we will know what you have done before you’ve finished filing the report. Second,? he held up a picture of my younger sister, ?if you try to report us you will go to prison after it is discovered that you are unbalanced and that you tortured and murdered your sister. Use your imagination, I’m sure you can picture what she will go through and we will make sure that she realizes it’s your fault every step of the way. Now get dressed,? he threw me some clothes.
He had given me a skirt that came to mid thigh, a sheer blouse with a blazer to go over it and that was it. Pulling the blouse on it was not too tight but it was uncomfortable where it held my abused tits and you could clearly see my nipples and the worst of the welts through it. Pulling on the skirt at least my modesty would be intact when I was standing however it was loose and would ride up when I was sitting exposing the multicolored portal between my legs if I wasn’t constantly vigilant. The blazer was a whole different story; I had to painfully compress my tits to get it to button creating a deep tight cleavage where they bulged out of the V neck jacket two welts showing clearly through transparent blouse.
Blindfolding me they hustled me out of the building and into the back of a car. When they took off the blindfold I found myself back in the back of the police cruiser and we were at the curb a couple of blocks from my office building. ?There you go ma’am,? Scary to my hand and pulled me up onto the sidewalk, ?feel free to ask us for help anytime and we’ll be glad to keep you on the strait and narrow. Have a good day.?
With that he got back in the car and they were gone. I stiffly made my way down to the building and in past the lobby security. I tried no to waddle, but I couldn’t bring myself to put any pressure on my cunt either so I know my walk must have looked odd and painful, but no one said anything.
I plastered a sick smile on my face as I stepped off the elevator and made my way to my cubicle in front of Mr. Blalock’s office.
I had been there for about 20 minutes when he came in and stopped at my desk looking down into my cleavage; he reached out and brazenly ran a finger along one of the welts showing through my blouse. He frowned as I flinched then relaxed as I forced myself to straiten back up bringing my tits back into his reach. He smiled roughly rubbing the welt enjoying the pain on my face, ?I trust you had a very enlightening weekend Kelly??
?Yes sir,? I looked up at this man sick with the realization that he was now a lot more than just my boss.
?Well get to work, whatever little sex games you choose to play I expect you to perform here at the office with your usual competence and know that you will perform to my complete satisfaction no matter how difficult the task is.? He walked into his office trembling I sat there until I was able to submerge myself in the daily routine of the job.
It was nearly lunch time when the E-mail popped up.
We are going to work through lunch today, come into my office I want to show you some special procedures that will enhance your performance here at the office.
I estimated that I would need about 10 minutes to finish up the task I was currently working on so I sent him back a reply.
Yes sir, Mr. Blalock,
If I may finish up what I’m doing it’ll be about 10 minutes. I’ll be prepared to learn whatever tasks are required for the satisfactory performance of my job.
I hoped that would make him happy the distracting ache from my tits and cunt reinforced my determination to do whatever it takes to avoid repeating this weekend. A brief surge of rebellion flared up in me, but was quickly snuffed by the image of my happy smiling sister, I was trapped. Finishing up I stood and walked into his office locking the door behind me I stripped without being ordered to and slowly pivoted letting him get his fill of my body.
?Wow they really did a number on you,? I could see him hardening in his pants as he gazed at my welted and bruised sex organs. He gestured toward the bulge in his pants and smothering my revulsion I fell to my knees and fished his cock out. Leaning forward my lips pressed against the dome of his rod, the odor of sweaty unwashed flesh assaulting my nostrils. Opening I slid my lips down over his shaft precum coating my tongue filling my mouth with the taste of him, the taste of my new life as an office whore and sex slave.
The End
This is based on a game of the same name. Made by a user named DeeDee. Enjoy!Chris Kelly, a young male. He’s about 170 cm tall and weigh around 63 kg. Till last week his life was still enjoyable. He had a beautiful girlfriend, Sensi Saber, whom he loved, a job he liked and some hope for his future. He’d even promised his girlfriend, that they’d both remain virgin until marriage. Turned out only one of them two took that oath to heart. He’d always been kind of tense because of his penis size....
Seymour Shaft, disgraced cop turned private detective was trying to open his emails. He was not having much success. He kept hitting the wrong keys and now he had locked himself out with his password protection.This was all happening because he was finding it hard to concentrate. It’s not easy to work a computer if you are getting blown at the same time.Seymour’s secretary was one hot bitch and she was also one dirty bitch. One thing she really loved doing was sucking dick. That and...
Lynn and I had known each other for 5 years. She lived for a short time in my apartment when I was in between girlfriends. I used fondle and caress her breasts, or rub her body when I was lonely or just aroused. I was 25 at the time. I never crossed a line, for that reason we remained friends. I liked to be assertive and controlling, enjoying shoveing my cock down her throat shouting vulgarities at her like "take it all down your throat slut", makes me aroused. I can be a very, very bad...
Daughter Lap Dancer Let me start out by telling you about my wife Skyler. She likes to be called Sky. Her parents were hippies back in the late sixties and the early seventies. She could have been called Moon, Flower, Wind, or River for that matter. When I first met Sky she was an exotic dancer at a very nice bar in upstate New York. She was the headliner. She could do things with her body that no other girl on stage could, plus she could actually dance. Sky had taken dance lessons...
OK, in part 3 we return to a time where I had visited my babe already twice, and we had gotten REALLY tight. I asked for a friend to help with this writin because she is good at it (among other things!). My babe and I were online nearly every day after the 2nd trip. Her husband's presence at home didn't stop it much, because he was so much at work, and leaving his sexy little horny lover-of-mine neglected and alone, wanting a bit of Tricia....Or just pussy in her life LOL!I got Maria (now I...
“mmmmm…. you taste so good”, I say as I lean back in my seat. “I hope you haven’t been here before but even so, I can’t wait to experience this with you.” “I have been here but it seems like so long ago and I think this time I will not forget”, you say with a sly grin. The way your lips curled up and the twinkle in your eyes was so sensual and suggestive. If I thought I could compose myself and keep from hiding the bulge in my jeans I was kidding myself. We got out of the car and made our way...
The Minister Louis Farrakhan, bedecked in a black two-piece suit, azure bow-tie, and rectangular glasses took the podium in front of a crowd of one hundred followers at the National Press Club. Claude Carolina, watching this event on cable television, could scarcely believe that the honorable minister, plagued by a mysterious illness, looked as though nothing at all touched him during his prolonged absence from the national stage. The minister’s walnut skin and jet black hair hadn’t changed,...
The Pleasure Machine- Sam DarquesiedThe seminar had lasted for two of the most mind numbingly boring days I have ever known and it was a long drive back to the city. I was looking forward to getting home but the drive was as boring as the seminar and I needed a break. As I passed through a small town I noticed a garage sale and decided it was a good excuse to stop for a while and maybe after I?d find a restaurant or something.There was no one else in the yard except for an attractive,...
This is a true story. I am not serial gigolo, so mail directed to those ends will be universally disregarded. I have to add - this is not exactly a stroke story. Let’s just say that in a lot of instances, I was in the right place at the right time with the right people. As it is, I was amazed at the details of my life I remembered – although as I remembered chronologically, more details came to the fore. © Hellraser 2014 If you followed my other looong story of growing up, there are some side...
The situation is set in the earlier story "My sister in Law First Time" This is the continuation.Since our first time I have fantasized about a second time but was too scared to do anything about it. I did take every opportunity to feel her tits against my chest when we were doing the mandatory greeting. Now though, I made a point of kissing her on both cheeks so I could feel both tits against my chest. June never made any complaint, so when we were alone i would make the greeting last longer...
I never thought I'd suffer as much pain as I suffered Saturday. When Robert decided to insert that fishhook in my tongue I thought I'd die. When he started to burn my tits with his cigar I really wished to; or thought I did; then whenever I tossed my head, it felt as if my tongue was getting ripped off my mouth. In comparison, the pins under my toes were not that bad. My tits nailed to the two by four were a different matter. The pain was exquisite however, I managed to control myself; but...
Hello ISS readers, my name is Shri. I am 29 years old bisexual guy from Chennai, coming from a well-to-do family, which gave me all the freedom to do whatever I liked. I have had my fair share of experiences and I would love to share them with you all starting with my first sexual experience. Without boring you all, let me get into the details of this story which goes way back in time when I was in college and was 19 years old. I was the only child to my parents. My dad was into business and my...
The universe does whatever it does, which never makes sense until it does. And then it does something different just to prove it can, I suppose. While all that doing is going on, I hang on, do what I do when I can, and watch what happens. This time I was terribly anxious to find out if Angela had been hijacked into another body or if she was at rest instead of in the wars I kept getting called to fight. When I came out Roberta was lounging in the front room, enjoying our magnificent view....
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I am a regular reader of indian sex stories and after a lot of thinking i am telling u my real story.our family used to live in delhi from 13 years. This is the story when i was 21 years old .vaise to main bahut hi sharmila ladka hun par jab bhi apni pados wali aunty ko dekhta hun mere rom rom me current dod padta hai .aab main aapko apne aunty ke bare main batata hun woh 40 saal ki honge aur unka figure 43-32-40 hoga .she is a.widow of an army officer. Woh uncle ki 2 biwi thi. 1 biwi unse...
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This is Sumith, 28 years from Bangalore. I work for an advertising agency. I usually search for new things to learn and try out. It’s my passion and also a part of my profession. Knowing different people is of course one among my interests. is my id. I had been with 2 cuckold couples prior to this incident. This one happened around six months ago with a Cuck cpl aged 48 and 42. The thing which made me to write this experience is that it was a first time Cuckolding experience for that couple. I...
Teen Jenna J Ross is on a school trip and she’s not happy about sharing a room with the weird girl from school Kate England who hardly says a word. Jenna’s packed a suitcase full of fancy lace panties. When she leaves the room to take a shower, Kate starts sniffing them and really lightens up! She gets undressed and slips on a cream colored pair. When Jenna comes back in a towel she yells at Kate for touching her stuff. Kate hands her the burgundy panties and suggests that she put...
xmoviesforyouIt was easy to assure the niece who had become my plaything that I did not at all mind her finding a part-time job at a family-friendly restaurant.She floated the question while her smooth warm nudity cuddled against me under the covers and our mingled fluids of sex had yet to crust on my cock; leg draped over my thighs, fingers combing the edge of my matted pubic hair.Wanting to make double sure I wasn’t upset—reminding me it would mean me enduring long hours in the evening and night without...
IncestI am still wearing the sexy skirt, stockings and shirt I had worn out to the bar and in this position you have a clear view down my shirt. My breasts are spilling over the top. This causes you to think and you turn to search for the riding crop I brought with me. Sighting it, you walk over to retrieve it and come back to stand before me. Using the handle you tip my head back so you can see my eyes. Neatly you flip the crop in the air and catch it by the handle. Next you graze the tops of...
It was in the early nineties when my now wife Tina and I were in college together. These were the pre-smartphone days. Tina lived together with her two best friends in a dorm room, I had my own apartment. I went over to her room often because Tina's girlfriends, Chloe and Susan were hot and I liked the sexual tension in their room. Of course, both, Chloe and Susan had boyfriends.One day when I was over again I found the three of them lying on Tina's bed intently studying several copies of...
College SexBy : pradeep Hi all.I live in kerala,India.My moms name is priya.She is kind of innocent and beautiful.I like my mom very much.she used to expose most of her skin especially navel and bellybutton.Even when she goes outside,her navel is seen.It is seen by everyone even paperboy,milk guy used to stare at her bellybutton and curves on her waist.I used to stare her navel daily. Describing her she has 36 boob size and wears saree all time without bra in home,white skin tone mixes with her very well....
IncestThis has been a long time coming, and I apologize for the delay. Real life gets in the way of my other projects way too often. I do hope you enjoy this next chapter of Saving Leslie. Still no sex, but comments and feedback are always appreciated. ** ‘Rise and shine.’ A long groan erupted from a vaguely human lump in the bed. The doctor, completely unbothered by guttural response, pulled open the blinds, letting in a cascade on sunlight into the room. In turn, the lump groaned again and...
Party Time It's party time. Sarah and I walked to her parents' house with our siblings and my parents. Sarah was wearing a thick green ribbon entwined with thinner yellow and gold ones. My father and I wore black ones. My mother had no ribbon tonight. My brother, David wore a gold ribbon. Nancy, Sarah's sister, wore a red one and was holding David's hand as they walked. Caitlin, my sister, wore a white ribbon and was holding onto Claude, Sarah's brother, who was wearing one that looked...
We whipped up on Detroit, 10-4, in the opening game of our six-game home stand. I actually got into the game, in the fourth inning, when the Tigers scored all four of their runs. All four runs were officially charged to our starter, although I was the one who let the last of them in, on a one-out ground single. After that, I held that Tiger through the fifth and sixth, while the game was still close, and Paul Warren yanked me when the Birds took the field for the seventh. We were ahead, 4-3...
"Seat them in the waiting room, for now." I told her, I could see she was concerned but did as I asked. Within half an hour all 20 had appeared and were sitting in the room waiting for whatever they were expecting. As I walked in I saw they were disappointed, good they were about to learn the hard way not to judge too quickly. I heard several laugh and stand to walk out, many grumbling they thought they were being taught by a great, if not the greatest enforcer of all time. Smiling I...
While the Professor was watching the monitor for signs of Emma's obedient return to a life of readjustment and Mr Ferguson and the Count were beginning to go through their respective misfortunes, Emma was curled up in front of her fire. She had kept the snow clear from the mouth of the cave, using a rusty old shovel that had come from one of the, by this time, totally demolished huts. And now she was resting. She had the three kittens clasped to her breasts and was thinking how sad it was...
Bryan sat down after getting the fire lit. He stared into the flickering flames, mesmerized by the glow and almost organic quality it displayed. The room was not lit and the flickering flames slashing orange light around them gave the stone benches around the fireplace a wild, almost primal feel to the room. He scooted closer to Silver, who was also mesmerized by the flames. She was chewing on her lip, a sign of worry and concern. Her left hand was draped across her lap and he grasped it...
My Father, The Maid, by Oona. I thought it was really weird when I received the random text from my step mother, even though I had known her for most of my adult life as my father's new wife we had never really been close. Hell, for that matter I had never really been close to my father either, he was always pulling long hours at the office when I was young, so he was never around. Nowadays I rarely if ever saw him, once a year for Christmas at most, and maybe a text on my birthday....
The four adults gathered in the large living room, each dressed for bed. Don and Marc were in their underwear. Anne wore a short nightshirt that barely covered her panties. Marge had on a pair of cotton pajamas with a button down top and boxer styled bottoms. Anne went up stairs and checked the teens to be sure they were sleeping. She opened the boys door and looked in to see the two of them sleeping soundly. Quietly entering Kim and Sally's room she could see the two girls, their arms...
My wife died. That defines my life now. The kids are grown up and living far away, one on each coast. Both of them want me to sell the house and live near them but how can I decide between the two? I’m biased toward the west coast but I can’t choose one over the other. Despite what they both say, I know they’ll take it as a choice for my favorite. So, I’m staying where I am except I’ve bought a motorhome and a Jeep. I’ll be retiring early, in just a few weeks, thanks to Julia’s life...
Edited and some re-writes 2019 Co-edited by takemedown... All rights reserved by the Author ((((((((((((At the end of part 2))))))))))) Re-written to be told from Morgan's perspective. Morgan has returned home from college for the summer and stumbled upon her Daddy's sexual relationship with her classmate, Mary. Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt. 3 A Daddy/daughter Story I was so turned on while I watched my Daddy interact with our neighbor, Mary. Then I heard him use my name when...
• This is my first story. The first part will have little to no sex as I am going to start with a back story which is based on my life. The events that I will be writing about have happened to me. The names will be changed to protect the not so innocent. I will switch to fiction when the revenge starts, but I feel the back story or history whichever you may call it is important to understand where the main character is coming from. Now here is the question will he be good or evil as he gets...
Chloe dreads being ‘babysat’ by her boring neighbours while her parents are on a business trip. She is assisting with the lunchtime salad, where the cucumber isn’t sliced or diced. The gourd initiates raunchy sex between a college lass and an older married couple.....My dad had to go interstate for a symposium, partner accompanied, as there was an awards night attached. He was speaking about business finance and getting a gong. He took it in his stride; mum took the opportunity to rekindle her...
As we reached the door of Mom and Dad's class, the door opened and Mitch and Dora stepped out. Britt and I began to clap and our class joined in. I heard the whispers behind us as some of our classmates said, "Wow!" "She's gorgeous!" "They make a good-looking couple." Mitch and Dora blushed as they walked toward the sanctuary. Just before they entered the sanctuary, they stopped and turned to us. Mitch said, "We think this is as much your moment as it is ours. After we have lunch,...
Hey guys, this is Nikhil from Kolkata and I’m back with my new story. I am back after almost 6 months. I was caught up in work, so sorry for being late. I hope you have been reading my old stories and enjoying it to the fullest. I’d recommend reading my stories on this link. Now coming to my stories. My readers know that I’m a guy from Kolkata in the twenties and most of my encounters took place here. Without boasting about my physical attributes, I’ll quickly move to the story. This is a story...
Fetish Fix aka LiveJasmin Fetish has an extensive Fetish category that not everyone seems to know about. The site is one of the pioneers of the webcam sex industry, bringing the format to the mainstream in the early ‘00s and maintaining their foothold on the business ever since. I guess it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise; they’ve got a constantly rotating selection of live kinky cams to match the vanilla stripteases and tranny peep shows. Their 5 million daily visitors include thousands of...
Live BDSM Sex CamsForbidden Love Ramona was bored, went to Reddit to her favourite subreddit. Maybe something new there. Maybe she's is there as well. She loved reading her blunt comments. Loved how the persons those comments were targeted at reacted, obviously not sure how to properly react and with each reply only provoking a more sarcastic blunt reply. She knew nothing about her. Only that she's on Reddit. Trans, just like her, and hated people who don't respect them and treated them like their...
With Hannah laid out on the bed, naked, asking me to make love to her, I was hungrily devouring the banquet she had set out before me.I licked and sucked and nibbled on each tit in turn, making sure to give equal time and energy to both. Then I pushed them together and made a titty sandwich, which I also devoured with great pleasure.When I had enjoyed her tits enough (for now at least), I decided to explore a little further down. I wanted to see just where her sensations ended. I kissed down...
BDSM“Any more daddy news?” Yesenia asks. “Well, as a matter of fact, yes,” Zaria says with a sly smile. “He came into my room last night while my mom was asleep. Fuck, it was so good. He sucked on my tits and kisses me ... down there. He put his finger in me at the same time. It was like the world exploded. I’ve had orgasms but I have never felt anything like that!” Yesenia reaches over and hugs her friend. “My dad makes me cum all the time. It just make me want to fuck him every chance I...
Introduction: A reunion with a former French teacher ends in a new lesson. It was during my first summer holiday since Id gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didnt really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock...
Leather, with her pale white skin and jet black hair that matches the leather she wears, pushes me up against the wall, the back of my head colliding sharply with the cold plaster- board behind me. Now that I’m shackled to the wall, Leather can have her fun with me. She runs her hands down my arms, over my shoulders right to my feet, causing my already totally turned on body to shudder in anticipation. Running her hands back up my body, she stops at my shoulders and leans in, kissing me as...
Ricky Rascal can’t wait for his date with Tina Kay, and when the bubbly brunette comes bouncing his way he thinks again how lucky he is. Tina is all smiles when Ricky pulls her tits out of her shirt right where they’re standing outside. When he leans forward to lick each nipple with his stiff tongue, she is happy to fall right into his arms so he can carry her inside. Relocating to the bedroom, the couple continues their makeout session as their clothes come off. Ricky can’t...