The Runaway free porn video

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“Oh Ben, yes keep that great big thing in me. Fuck me, fuck me like this is the end of the world. Yes aaaah.”

For heavens sake shut up you noisy cow. I am trying to study and I do not want a running commentary on what my father was doing to his bimbo. My mutinous mind imagined the busty fake tanned blond bouncing up and down on my father’s member. What if he got the cow pregnant? I didn’t want a brother or sister well not one with those parents
anyway. My fertile imagination supplied the vision of those tits getting even larger and squirting milk. It was my father who was keeping my nose to the grindstone to get solid A stars on all my ‘A’ levels. Dad didn’t let up for a minute and if I went to Mum’s place she was as bad. I believe in working hard and would have pushed myself because I wanted top grades but a breather occasionally would be nice.

I finished the essay, read it through again and made a few changes. I then went on to the maths assignment that I breezed through I like maths and find it easy, physics as well. But no, my bloody parents didn’t want me to read science but law. Their master plan was I would become a top QC even a high court judge. For myself I wanted to be a scientist or engineer, preferably somewhere where they cross over.

I went down for dinner as Dad insisted that at the weekends, we have at least one meal a day as a family. Bloody Kylie was flaunting her great big fake tits in a top a size or two to small. Throughout the meal she sniped at me in that sweet little girl voice. Even I had to admit that she was smarter than she looked or pretended be and she got a kick out of making snarky comments that my literal minded Dad totally missed

It got too much when she tripped me deliberately. I couldn’t avoid going over but I managed to control my fall so I went over on her and accidentally on purpose flailed my hands out and accidentally on purpose pulled down her top. Oh dear, terribly sorry. Heavens those tits were huge, sitting there like a cow’s udders. Did Dad suck on them like a baby. Yuck!

The earache she gave me was nasty and Dad of course took her side and sent me to my room without desert. For heavens sake I am only a couple of months short of my eighteenth birthday sending me to my room like a twelve-year-old. Then when he went to his office to do something that supposedly couldn’t wait Kylie came to my room to have ago at me again. Without Dad there the gloves were off. To be fair I gave her as good as gave me. A right harpies convention it was and since I am two inches taller than her, I had the physical high ground if not the moral.

If I am honest with myself, all the frustration of the last couple of months came to ahead and I lost it. I didn’t scratch her eyes out but only because I keep my nails short. I certainly did some damage and she did little to me. Of course, I had to pay for it when Dad came home but it was almost worth it. Almost because I had to listen to Dad soothing her ruffled feathers.

“Ah sweetie pie, slurp, slurp. But she’s my daughter. Kiss, slobber.” The walls between bedrooms were too thin and I was incarcerated next door to theirs. They argued and as usual Kylies won. Then worse they had make up sex. They slept in my great grandmothers’ bed and it was sprung with metal springs and it was so noisy. A constant rhythmic boing. Also, whilst Dad was quiet Kylie only stopped talking to starting screaming with pleasure. With a descant of “aaah fuck, oh fuck, fuck me harder. Please. Take me up the arse.” TMI

In the end it was more than I could take I just grabbed my rucksack and a bag stuffed in my most practical clothes but also those I wore to school. What cash I had, plus my bank card, passport, birth certificate and phone. With no coherent plan I left as Kylie came to a climax noisily.

As I walked down the road, I realised I would have to do something and unattractive though it was going to Mum was it. Now I get on with my mother only a little bit better than Kylie but she is my mother and I respect that I have a duty to her for making what she at least views as an effort to ‘drag me up proper’. Best fake Cockney accent there.

This brilliant plan fell down when I got to her flat and found nobody there. I knocked on the neighbour’s door as I knew her slightly and found out that Mum had gone off on holiday for two weeks, a couple of days ago.

I spent the night in a cheap chain hotel and since to was too early to sleep and I found the average TC offering boring I went to the bar. This showed how naive I was because as I was sitting drinking my Perrier water in a corner booth a man about my Dad’s age came over and asked if he could join me then sat down before I could answer.

A little lonely I did not instantly tell him to fuck off. His intention became clear as he moved closer to me then put an arm around my shoulder and started to fondle my tit. I moved away but he just followed still fondling. His mouth was near to mine and I cold smell the beer on his breath. At least he wasn’t rough with his fondling and my body was reacting. Still I didn’t want to lose my virginity to a random stranger.

“Leave me alone please, I am not interested.”

“Your nipples say differently.” My bra was a very light affair that was all I needed so just simple cotton and no padding. The nipple had perked up at his efforts.

“Well the rest of me isn’t so piss off.” I had got quite annoyed by now at least partly with the errant and by now very hard nipple. I downed my Perrier on one and practically leapt off the end of the bench.

As I left the bar a receptionist was on the point of leaving at the end of her shift.

“Is that guy bothering you?”

“Yes, doesn’t want to take no for an answer.”

“OK I know how to get rid of him. Would you freak out if I kissed you. Lesbian behaviour really confuses that type.”
I smiled because I knew I was curious about women and the girl was quite attractive. So, placing ourselves so he could see but pretty much nobody else in the empty lobby we kissed. The intention had been just to do enough to disturb him except I was already turned on and the receptionist was attractive. Quickly picking up that I was enjoying the kiss, she didn’t break it quickly nut instead opened her lips. Doing likewise I let her tongue enter my mouth and we French kissed.

“Ooh that was nice, have you done that before.”

“No but I have wanted too.”

“Pity I have to get home tonight but do you want another go nobody other than lecher is looking.

This time we put our arms around each other and went at it with enthusiasm. A long passionate snog exploring each other with our tongues. It was with regret that Kirsty had to leave and I went up to my room where I undressed to fantasised about what could have been.

Naked on the bed I stroked my breasts and gently pinched my nipples. I then moved to fingering myself down below. I persisted in exploring and did a fine job of getting myself going. For the first time in my life I had a climax. Before when I had masturbated, I had been very cautious scared of being found out and criticised. This was so nice I got my breath back and did it again, trying harder and softer touching. I put a finger inside my vagina and like it so a second and a third joined it. I explored leisurely and found what worked. I got wetter and wetter. The three fingers found what I now know is the ‘G’ spot. My breath got shorter and a shudder of pleasure flowed through my entire body.

Despite the pleasure I gave myself and the warm afterglow I slept very badly. I was buggered and I knew it my dramatic gesture looked like a c***dish tantrum. The next morning, I knew that I would have to give in and eat crow. I got out the phone furious with myself and stabbing at the phone as if it was Kylie. The phone answered and a male voice answered.

“Dad I’m sorry.” But hold on that wasn’t Dad. In horror I looked at the display I had not pressed Dad but the next number Dr Morrel. Oh shit, I had rung Mr Dad’s ultimate boss.

“I’m sorry Dr Morrel this is Alexandra Derris. I pressed the wrong speed dial.”

“That is not a problem Alexandra I was up and about. Are you OK, you sound distressed?”

“It’s OK sir, I just had a big argument with my Dad and was ringing him to apologise and try and make up.”
“If you’re not at home at this hour that must have been quite a ding dong.”

“It was, and I may have screwed things beyond recovery but that is not something I should bother you with.”

“Possibly not, well it’s not my business anyway but could you do with some help. If I am around your father, is going to have to give more, as he is a bit nervous of me. I had to give him a talking too for spending too much time working. I firmly believe in a healthy work life balance and he is a bad example to his subordinates working so much. Sorry I’m rambling. Could you do with a hand.”

“Thank you, sir, yes I really could do with any help I can get.”

“Sir makes me feel ancient. I am doing this as a friend so you better call me by my name. I am Alexander.”

We both laughed having the respective male/female version of the same first name. Alexander said the hotel that was quite close to his house and he would pick me up in about fifteen minutes.

I had met Dr Alexander Morrel at a works party my father had taken me to at Christmas before Kylie came on the scene. I had been introduced to the big boss and he had shown great interest in me to the extent that he had given me his personal number so I could call on him to help when it came to uni and part time jobs. Dr Morrel had proved supportive and helpful then which is why I felt comfortable accepting his offer of help. The chance that his number was next to Dad on the speed dial was as it turned out later a life changing event.

Alexander Morrel turned up quicker than he said in his very nice Jaguar. Th arse hole from last night saw me get in which was sweet. Before taking me home, he treated me to a lunch in a local pub during which he expertly cross examined me about what had gone on at home. I discovered that he was a doctor of law and was a qualified barrister. It was only inheriting a controlling interest in his uncles’ firm that had diverted him from a career of representing engineering companies in the courts to running one of them. That he was a loss to the Bar I discovered for myself. After lunch and he wasn’t hurrying he took me home.

Despite it was Sunday my father had gone to the office, perhaps he liked time away from bitch face, Kylie. The prodigals return did not go well and Kylie actually told me to piss off and that my father had thrown me out. All this was witnessed by Alexander who didn’t comment but after the door was shut in our face took me back to the car.
“I cannot think of any practical alternative to you coming home with me. I will talk to your father tomorrow but I am singularly unimpressed. If appearances are correct then he is not trying to make sure that your safe.”

I should have been panicking but I actually felt relief that I wasn’t going back to the house that I had called home for my entire life. It didn’t feel like it now. Instead this powerful competent man had taken charge. Also, I had another adjective to describe him, hot. This quiet spoken Scotsman, with silver amongst his sandy hair was lean, clearly physically fit and very attractive indeed. I had always preferred older men being irritated by the shallowness of boys my own age, the girls too for that matter.

The powerful Jag soon came off the main road to the south of Sevenoaks and after going past a country pub turned into a tiny lane and that led a very substantial house.

“Greta, we have a guest, Greta can you here me?” said Alex.

In search for Greta whoever she was, we took a tour of the house. My things were deposited in a large room with en-suite bathroom. No sign of Greta upstairs nor in the large well-appointed reception rooms downstairs. We went down some wide marble stairs to the basement that proved to contain a leisure complex of swimming pool, jacuzzi and hammam. It also contained Greta and another woman stark bollock naked and positioned so they could chew at each other’s fannies. I watched fascinated as I had never watched two lesbians at it before

“Oh, for heavens sake Greta and Naomi can’t you too be a bit more discreet you have rather embarrassed our guest. This is Alexandra who unlike you two tarts is a nice well brought up young lady.”

I may well have looked embarrassed and had certainly gone bright red in the face but I was in fact a little excited by what I saw. Surprising myself I manged cool.

“Hello, I am Alexandra though usually called Xandra. For obvious reason that nickname may avoid confusion.”

The two separated and wandered over to shake my hands. They were both slim, attractive young women who if they were worried about being caught ‘having it off’ together didn’t show it.

“How long is Xandra liable to stay boss.”

“Not sure yet, she has had a disagreement with her Dad, so I offered her a bed until something can be sorted out. Could you get some clothes on please?”

“Alexander I am not unused to seeing women naked, that slut you met parades around in the buff far too much. Also, she is not as pretty as Greta and her friend.” Wow cool again I must be growing social skills or something.

“This tart is Greta, my housekeeper come chauffeuse and general side kick. The skinny one is Naomi my secretary. As you have worked out, they are very good friends. I suppose this is my fault because whilst they only like girls and they have no relationship with me all three of us are pretty comfortable with each other and casual about clothes.”

“So, it wouldn’t matter that I haven’t got a swimming costume if I want some exercise.”

This got Alexander going red. I was worried I might have gone too far but then he burst in to gales of laughter.

“You will fit in here just fine but watch out they don’t try to seduce you. I am quite sure I am not the only one who has noticed that you are quite a looker.” This confused me because whilst being tall had some advantages I though that I was gangly. Almost my boobs were disproportionately large which looked a bit odd and made finding clothes a pain.

“Ooh Alex, can we keep her.” This came from Naomi who was vaguely wrapping a towel around herself with minimal effect if covering up was the intention.

“Down girl, we will piss of the boss if we start seducing innocent young ladies under his roof. Do you have plans or would you like a swim now? “

There was a bit of um’ming and ah’ing but I did want a swim partly to get some exercise and party to seem grown up and cool around these rather naughty ladies. Alex was a bit unsure but I suspect quite liked the idea of seeing my undressed none the less he made an excuse about work and went upstairs. I went to an all-girls school, feminine nudity was not an issue.

I wasn’t sure I was ready to risk seduction, though to myself didn’t exclude the idea so started swimming laps of the pool. The other two joined me and we did serious swimming. I admit that I felt very naughty and turned on. I had never gone beyond a kiss and permitting a feel of my boobs with a boy and nothing at all with a girl before the last night. These two were very pretty, both brunettes though Greta’s hair was a very light brown and Naomi darker than me.

Greta’s boobs whilst not small were smaller than my 32D as for Naomi she was probably a similar size to me but a bit more padded. Not fat just soft and voluptuous. Hold on Xandra you are looking at these two in a new way. I began to suspect I might be bi.

That evening we sat down to a meal the four of us. The meal was fun I was treated like an equal not a c***d. It was immediately apparent that whilst Alex was the boss these three were close friends as well. With my agreement, my predicament was discussed. And it was Greta that came up with the solution. One I could never have suggested.
Greta’s idea was just that I lived with them as under UK law I was an adult and could do what I wanted other than I didn’t have any money to set up home alone. Fine and understood, Greta suggested to Alex that he would quite enjoy having me as a purely unofficial daughter.

I was gobsmacked, it was an outrageous idea. Why would Alex take a girl he barely knew and just give her a home? I didn’t know just how much I had impressed him at Christmas. I remembered talking too him for quite a long time about my interest in metal alloys and that he had encouraged me to take it further. That he had discussed this with his secretary was apparent. Now they were going to take the opportunity to allow me to follow the career path I wanted. Alex would provide me with a home, pay for my degrees, it was assumed I would probably go as far as a doctorate. Then work for him taking the firm forward.

I was a bit shell shocked but delighted that the path I wanted to take now seemed practical. As I was laying in bed wearing a thoroughly sexy nighty leant to me by Naomi who was near my size at least round the bust and thought. A knock came on the door and it was Naomi who came and sat on my bed.

“I know I pushed Alex a bit earlier but you should know that what I suggested in something that he really wants. Alex will never have c***dren of his own and to have someone like you who is much like a younger version of him and an intellectual equal is a dream come true.” Naomi kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug.

“Watching you this afternoon I think you might appreciate this.” With which she left me alone. I opened the bag and at first didn’t recognise what is was and then it occurred to me it was a vibrator.

Once she had gone, I switched on the toy and ran it around my labia before pushing it inside. The vibrations stimulated me in a wonderful new way. As of habit I kept the noise down but it was difficult as the climax was much stronger than the previous night. I fell asleep dreaming about sex, it wasn’t clear whether with men or women or both but it was very nice indeed.

The next morning, I wasn’t sure what would be happening as it was a school day but looking at the time, I had a few minutes so out came the vibrator and I lay back with it buzzing against my clit as I tried to remember the torrid dreams the previous night. Still I had to get up and I worked on the principal that I would end up at school. Downstairs I found Alex eating breakfast and I too was soon munching cereal. Greta would drop me off at school on the way to take Alex and Naomi to the office.

My school day was normal as I didn’t tell anyone what had happened. It was certainly fun being picked up by a top of the range Jag. I found out that this was a b**st that if let loose could do one hundred and fifty-five miles per hour and get to sixty in under six seconds. I expected to go back to Alex’s house but instead I we joined the motorway and headed for Bluewater.

“Orders from the boss we are going to Bluewater to get you some clothes. I have some broad instructions but you get to play. The broad instructions included some swim-wear one of least should be suitable for a public pool. That was a nicely cut back one piece, respectable but not in the least frumpy. I also got, with Greta’s encouragement to buy an outrageous thong bikini. A fair amount of underwear was also required much nicer and sexier than I had before. A couple of pretty dresses my big boobs less of a problem in the high-end shops we visited. Shopping with Greta was great fun. It felt as though I finally had a girlfriend but as an adult.

When we got back, I was determined that I would devote myself to my homework. I didn’t know what Alex attitude would be but I wanted to demonstrate that I was reliable and grown up and could manage my own life. After three hours a knock came on the door, it proved to be Alex.

“Time for a break you will probably have to do more this close to the exams but have some food and relax for a while. I came downstairs feeling very chic in my designer jeans an angora pullover. After dinner Alex quizzed me on my physics which was a real help then he suggested that a swim before bed was a good idea.

Greta joined me and we skinny dipped again. I wasn’t as subtle as I thought in my glances at her body.

“Like what you see? Do you bat for our side?”

“Yes, I do like and I am beginning to suspect I am an all-rounder. How do you think Alex would react if I experimented?”
“Provided it was your decision and we hadn’t pressured you he would be cool about it. Alex is a bit unusual as whilst his birth certificate says male and he thinks of himself as such physically he is a bit of both.” My concern at this very personal information must have showed.

“It’s OK we agreed that when an opportunity came up one of us would explain. Alex has a cock though a small one but his balls are vestigial and never dropped. Also, he also has breasts, tiny but definitely there. If he had been so inclined, he would have no trouble being female. Actually, he takes testosterone to be a bit more male. Incidentally that doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in sex and he is very much into girls with or without testosterone.”

That night I had another erotic dream similar to the last but with Alex more visibly female with breasts as well as a vagina, Naomi and Greta joined in and soon also had cocks as well as fannies. I was screwed by all three of them it felt so good that I wanted to join in and suddenly I had a cock too. I fucked Greta who fucked Alex, who fucked Naomi who fucked me. That was a seriously kinky dream.

When my mother got home from holiday, I found she had left her mobile behind to avoid being bothered by work. I had a talk with her and she was willing for me to live at her flat but pointed out she only had one bedroom that she shared with her girlfriend. Since Alex was happy for me to stay permanently, this seemed a better solution and a lot happier for me.

A couple of weeks later Alex had to go away for the weekend on business which left me with the two girls. I was not going to miss the opportunity; I had been making good use of the vibrator and had got quite comfortable with the idea of sex with women. I also knew how to get onto the subject as both Greta and Naomi had shaved their pubic hair completely. So, she waited until they had finished swimming and were in the jacuzzi together.

“Can you two show me the best way to shave my pubes.”

“Well the use a scissors to get it short and then a wet razor to remove the rest. I know we have both done the lot but you can try a landing strip as well.“

“No, I will get rid of the lot. I imagine it’s a lot nicer for someone eating you out not to have hair in their mouth.”

“Very true. OK do you want one of us to do it. It’s a bit easier in my opinion “

“Yes please.”

Everything was going to her plan and a short while later her muff was fuzz free.”

“Don’t stop I like that.” A woman touching me on my muff felt very nice. The sc**** of the razor removing the hair was quite erotic. If she had been interested it would have been different but she clearly liked touching me as much as me being touched.

“Who’s a naughty girl then but sorry instructions from the boss we are to wait until after your birthday. However, he didn’t say you couldn’t watch us two. We can also give you some instruction about enjoying your own body.”

It wasn’t what she wanted but it would have to do. To be fair English law was a bit weird about when you became an adult. You could marry and sixteen with parental permission but not buy kitchen knives if you set up home together. At eighteen I would be fully and unquestionably an adult.

We moved to the annex where Greta lived. It was an open plan bed sitting room. In contrast to the tidy way that Greta kept the main house it was packed with clothes. My eye’s alighted on a pair of very tall black leather boots d****d over a chair. The other two girls climbed on the bed and kissed. So, I settled in an arm chair and moved it so I had a clear view Greta smiled and lobbed a dildo over to me.

“Provided you can do you own thing voyeurism can be fun too. Enjoy.”

Greta went back to kissing Naomi whilst all the time watching to see the reaction. I lay back to watch playing with my tit and pushed the dildo into my slit. The other two were running their hands up and down each other’s bodies. Greta squeezed Naomi’s bum cheeks whilst her tits were sucked Then the two of them laid back on the bed and played with the others fanny whilst giving their guest a good view. Greta was right being an observer could be fun and I was getting turned on by the sight of these two enjoying themselves whilst providing a show.

I worked hard at school work for most of Saturday so when the girls suggested they we get ‘tarted up.’ and take a trip to town to catch the eye of the boys but nothing more. I didn’t know what they had in mind and it turned out to be a lot more daring than I would have expected. Bright but not heavy makeup, crimson lipstick looked good on all three of us. I noted that Greta used a top brand.

“A tip from someone who has made mistakes when younger. Pay out for good lippie, it’s cheaper in the end as it doesn’t need reapplying every two seconds and it looks so much better.” Next one of my new thongs and no bra. It’s what went on top that was risqué. A shimmery top that was translucent in the right light, a leather mini-skirt and high heeled, over the knee suede boots.

“I am not sure that I have the nerve to wear this lot, what if someone who knows me sees me?”
“Would it help if you wore a wig? Then only if someone hears you talk will they be sure it’s you.”
I agreed and a wig that was a mass of blonde curls was produced. Her own hair was put up in a bun and this creation put on her head.

“Well if I didn’t look like a bimbo before I do now.”

“No, Bimbo’s where tasteless light pink lippy have puffy lips to pout with and don’t have your sparkling green eyes but some variety of washed out blue. No, you look like an attractive tart not a bimbo.”

“Thanks, I think!”

We went to Tunbridge Wells and had a meal in a café not far from one of the nightclubs. That certainly got the boys attention. When they got intrusive Greta and Naomi saw them off easily, they were clearly practiced teases.

“What happens if a girl comes on to you?”

“If we like her, we take her home.”

Alex was none the wiser about our activities and life moved on with both the exams and my birthday ever closer. Alex and his two minions were determined that the birthday would be suitably celebrated and that part would be a party. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the kind to make many friends and only had one close friend at school, Anette who like me was hard working and bookish, but Anette didn’t find the work easy and struggled at a grammar school though was a fabulous violinist with hopes of becoming a professional. That was how we became friends with me helping her out.

Alex decided that they should invite her parents for politeness sake. I was not greatly enthused but accepted it was politic but was delighted that my father did not reply. My mother however accepted.

Before the party though was to be my present from Alex a trip to Paris. Exams be buggered I was going to get a few days off in the middle of the Easter holidays before returning for the party.

We boarded the Eurostar travelling first class, then when they got to Gare du Nord, they were whisked by limousine to the Hotel George V where we had a two bedroom suite. Alex was really going to town on this present.

“I have made a lot of money and never really had anything that much to spend it on. Now I have a young lady who I am allowed to fuss and treat. Believe me mon cher Alexandra, I am enjoying this possibly as much as you.”

Alex took me shopping with the express intent of getting an outfit for the evening’s dinner cruise on the Seine. A gorgeous midnight blue dress that swirled around my thighs, blue topaz jewellery and a Kashmir wrap because the temperature had dropped back somewhat. Then a search for shoes. High heels of course, but Alex wanted ones with some support as we would be on a boat with stairs and such like.

“If you want something high heeled that won’t come off why don’t you indulge your taste for the daring. What about those boots?” suggested Alex.

Those boots were six inch heels, soft black leather from a top designer and really tall, outrageously tall and absolutely gorgeous. Six hundred euros though, an incredible price.

“Go on, I know from the girls that you like such things and as for me the idea of going to dinner with a sexy beauty is really good for my ego.”

From there I went to been pampered and made up in a beauty salon. Feeling very adult I had the time of my life eating an exquisite meal whilst travelling along the River Seine. In those heels I was not much shorter than Alex and I knew that I was very elegant, beautiful and above all sexy.

We got back to their suite and once inside Alex kissed my hand and was about to say goodnight. I was not having any of this for the one thing the evening had confirmed was that Alex whilst a perfect gentleman was most definitely attracted to me. Since this was mutual now was the time to act. I was sure he would try and talk me out of sex from a misplaced sense of responsibility so he could not be allowed to talk.

I strode up to him put her arms around him and kissed him. Alex stiffened but when I persisted then his lips opened and he kissed her back gently at first but with increasing passion. Clearly, he had decided to give in to the inevitable as he took charge. Alex caressed me all down my bare back that the dress did not cover.

“Are you absolutely sure about this?” he asked when I nodded and pushed forward for another kiss he pulled up the dress so that he could do the same to my bum cheeks. I gently pushed him away

To give me room to pull the dress over my head revealing that I had not been wearing underwear. I came back for another embrace wearing nothing but those boots and whispered yes,

It was wonderful we made love very much as equals. It was my first time but the playing I had done with the girls meant that I had a reasonable idea of what worked for me. Alex was the first man that I had seen naked and knew he was not normal to have a small hairless cock and no visible balls I didn’t care. Being bi those tiny titties were a turn on. Taking the cock in my mouth I started to suck it. It came alive a bit slowly but none the less hard.

I was very wet and immensely randy, literally shivering with anticipation. Taking my hand Alex drew me to his bed, lying me back and separating my legs so he could kiss and suck at my pussy lips. The excitement got even more intense. The first climax occurred as he entered me, he kept on thrusting and then would slow and speed up again all the time ensuring that my clit was stimulated. The second climax was enormous and I was totally unaware of anything but my pleasure. During this apparently Alex had come even though he did not produce any sperm just pre-cum.
That was the best birthday present I could have asked for - becoming a woman at the hands of this caring, wonderful man.

To be honest I was not that keen on the party with my mother there and Anette who would find Greta and Naomi how shall we say, interesting. A week before Easter that year it was one of those exceptionally warm April days you sometimes get, in fact it had been warm the whole week at it felt like summer. As a result, they had the celebrations outside on the terrace.

As a party it was one of surprises for me. First Moira, Mums girlfriend asked if we could go for a walk in the gardens. Since the gardens were five and a half acres this was a reasonable walk and out of sight of anyone.

“Look Alexandra, I wanted to apologise for my part in screwing up your life. If I had been more supportive of Lyn in being a mother to you then things wouldn’t get so bad. Particularly not encouraging her to be more moderate in pushing you. The trouble is I have always worked really hard that I didn’t see that you were being pushed to breaking point by your parents.”

“I am glad you said both because my dear old Dad was far the worst of the two Mum did it because she wanted me to excel but with Dad it became a way of getting me out the way. Look at how he reacted when he had a chance. I know that you didn’t make it difficult for Mum when I asked to live with you difficult though that is.”

“I imagine that living with a lesbian couple in a small flat would not have been easy.”

“Oh I don’t know? Greta and Naomi are at it like bunnies and to be honest it was only Alex wanting me to wait until this birthday that stops me joining in. I am not in the doubt that I am bi and it doesn’t bother me. You two make that easier not the other way round.”

This pleased Moira and she gave Xandra a hug and then went to kiss her on the cheek but Xandra turned her face so it landed on the mouth. The intended peck became a lot more and Alexandra had a long affectionate kiss with a person who if not an enemy had not been a friend until now.

“Won’t Mum get jealous you kissing other women.”

“No, we have an agreement that we will have an open relationship with other girls. Blokes are of course not an issue. I was never into them and Lyn is off them thanks to your father. Incidentally he was having an affair before your Mum and I met. Otherwise Lyn would not have been tempted by me or I would have tried tempting her.”

I leant forward and kissed her again their lips opened and out came their tongues intertwining and Moira pulled her closer and soon they were in pressed together. The shoulders of my dress were slipped to the side and so the top dropped down revealing her breasts. Moira broke the kiss and dropped down to kiss and suck each breast in turn. That made me shiver with pleasure it was so delicate but exciting. We wanted to do much more but had to get back to the party.

Later on, her mother got her alone for a chat. A lot of it was a confirmation as to what Moira had referred and included a sincere apology for being a pushy mother. This made Alex feel so much better that at least she was on good terms with one parent.

“Alexandra, I feel that I have failed as a parent. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me and I have practically driven you to a nervous breakdown by being overly ambitious. I assumed because you were so able that you could cope. This is difficult but I have another thing to tell you. I am not your genetic mother.”

Whilst at university my father had got Linda’s best friend pregnant. As a Catholic, the friend had been unwilling to get an abortion. The relationship had broken down and instead Lyn went out and eventually married him and taken on his daughter who the mother had not wanted.

“Mum that makes you more my mother for taking on a baby that wasn’t yours and doing your best.” The two of them ended up hugging and closer now than they had been since she had been a small c***d.

They returned to the party to find Alex and Anette were chatting but the others were nowhere to be seen.

“The others are in the pool, Anette didn’t feel comfortable skinny dipping. Moira is getting on far too well with my girls.”
“I wanted to ask about that Alex. I thought they were your employees but they don’t seem like that more like really close friends.”

“Well they are both Greta of course lives here in her annex and Naomi spends a lot of time here. They do look after Xandra though.”

I thought back to that evening when they went out deliberately to tease dressed outrageously. If a bloke tried to get too friendly, they would kiss openly. Just a little peck on the lips but quite languidly. Their waitress had been highly amused, working out what they were doing. At one point Greta had leant forward knowing that most of her breast could be seen from the side where a young man was having a meal with his girlfriend. The young man had been fascinated and the girlfriend irritated.

I received some nice presents. From my mother and Moira, I received a lovely silk evening dress, Greta gave her high quality makeup including gorgeous crimson lipstick, Naomi had presented me with some sexy underwear as for Alex his present was of course that trip to Paris.

As the evening got later and they had more to drink my mother joined the others in the swimming pool. Anette was still unsure and kept away ending up drinking wine with Alex and me on the sofa. They all had rather a lot to drink and Alex was cuddling up to me and after a while Anette as well. This went down well with her and I fully aware of what was going on and not minding encouraged him. That night nothing much happened but for the girls at least the idea of a threesome was now firmly in their minds.

Anette like me was not happy at home as her parents believed that she should move out now she was an adult. This meant that one the exams were over she spent more time with me and with my connivance we worked away at Alex. At first Alex resisted but frustration made Anette brave and she outright asked that they go to bed together which was the point Alex gave in.

Both of us girls sucked him off before taking turns to ride his cock Annete first and when she climaxed me Alex was lying on his back watching us two girls take great pleasure in his body. Since he was sensitive about not being entirely male this was a special moment for him as well as Annete who had until moments ago been a virgin despite being on the pill. So that was two virgins who had consciously chosen him as their first lover.

Moira and Lyn (I still thought of her and called her Mum) also visited a lot and made love to us girls. Yes, I was now confidently batting for both sides and thoroughly enjoying it and so was Anette. The dynamic of Alex household was permanently changed by the birthday party whenever they could.

Another change was that Greta and Naomi who until then had not had any physical relationship with Alex now did so. They both much preferred women and in response to this Alex felt comfortable embracing his feminine side and stopped taking the testosterone to make him more male. So, whilst outwardly male his body subtly shifted to being more feminine. Since all his lovers were into women this worked for us. Taking in a runaway had altered Alex life for the better.

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This story is dedicated to the great Elaine, who is bright and kind and generous. Disclaimer: This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced, reprinted or reposted without the express consent of Jane Howard. Although there is no sex in this story, it depicts a budding romantic relationship between two male teens, one of whom is transgendered. If such a premise offends you, please don't read it. RUNAWAY By Jane Howard copyright 2003 She had decided to...

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The Runaways

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

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Motherless Interracial

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Introduction: After being violently raped by her fathers friends, 15 year old Emily runs away. Chapter One: Alone In The Dark My name is Emily. Im 15 and like most girls my age love boys, music and boys. Something different from me and other girls is my family. While other teens my age may say they hate their parents because they wont leave them alone, I hate my parents… well, just my Dad really, because of the abuse. My mother fucked off with some guy from her work 11 years ago and I cant...

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Tony read the local paper while sitting on the back deck early the next morning. The front page headline read: Rock 'n' Rescue Teenage Rock Band Rescues Four on the High Seas By Beatrice Wallace Bea had been, at least, factual. She was perhaps a bit more dramatic than he would have liked. The article included the concert in Savannah with an excerpt from the paper there. The cruise to Cape May, the Gilchrist festival, and the Teen Beat article were also covered. It was pretty much what she...

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For Money or MayhemChapter 23 Runaway

Two mountain ranges, back to back across a continent with a vast high desert between—a desolate wasteland or a fertile playground? When I awoke on Sunday morning facing a wall, I glanced over my shoulder and on the other side of the bed saw Andi, still asleep with her back toward me. I felt a pang of ... regret? No. Guilt. I’d betrayed our friendship. I’d turned my best friend into my lover. My love. And now we each hugged opposite edges of the same bed with a cold chasm between. I could...

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Kim sat at the back of the bus trying to get a little sleep. She was a small woman, with dyed black hair that had red highlights. She had stunningly blue eyes and skin that could have been paler than the moon. She was thin and well muscled. She had on a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants. Kim had been traveling by bus around the United States for the past three months. She was originally from Prague. She had left and ran away, hitch hiking around Europe for the past three years. She had...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

3 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

1 year ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

3 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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