Pretender free porn video

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It didn’t look like a Valentine. It looked like a plain piece of pink cardboard until Lacy picked it up in her hands and turned it over looking for an address or some sort of flap to open. Then the thing started to vibrate in her hands like an electric current was going through it. Lacy threw it down and watched in stunned disbelief as the piece of cardboard flopped around on the carpet like a headless chicken and then sprouted two red wings and little red chicken feet. It took a few awkward steps then launched itself into the air and began to flap around her living room.

‘Oh my God!’ she said.

The flying cardboard stopped in front of her, right at eye level, and began to unfold in a way she didn’t understand. She saw the interior of restaurant or nightclub, the size of a dollhouse but complete down to the tiny crystal water goblets on the tables and the minuscule red M’s on the burgundy menus, and then the thing folded in on itself again, began to shoot clouds of glitter and steam, and in one startling puff of smoke, a man was standing there, fully human-sized, looking quite pleased with himself and a little amused.

‘Oh my God!’ Lacy said again. ‘Who are you?’

‘I’m your cupid,’ he said. ‘I’m here to bring you your magic Valentine’s Day gift!’

‘You look like watchamacallit. That chicken guy.’

‘Colonel Harland Sanders,’ he said, patting his stomach complacently. ‘Yes I do. We’ve found that women are less upset when presented with a non-threatening image, and this one’s always worked for me. Besides, I have a thing for chickens. I’m pretty lovable, though, wouldn’t you say? You don’t feel threatened in the least, do you?’

‘No. No, I don’t. But what are you doing here?’

The Colonel hooked his cane over his arm and adjusted his pince nez.

‘It’s magic, sweetie, pure and simple. Valentine’s day is one our more magical holidays, you know, and I’m here to give you a very special Valentine’s Day gift. Well, more or less.’

He reached into his pink coat and brought out a little spiral pad. He leafed through the pages.

‘Here we are. Lacy Ferraro. 29 years old. Dental hygienist. No boyfriend, lives alone. Poor self-image.’ He looked at her over the rims of his glasses. ‘That’s you, right? A little bit of a chicken yourself, wouldn’t you say?’

‘Well, yes, that’s me, but…’ She tried to peek over the pad. ‘I don’t know about that chicken part. Who told you that?’

He smiled smugly and put the pad away in his breast pocket.

‘Wait a minute, wait a minute!’ Lacy tried to assert herself. She didn’t want to alarm him though. ‘What is this? Who are you and how’d you get in here?’

The Colonel cleared his throat and adjusted his pince nez again. He lowered his eyes and very carefully focused his gaze on her, and Lacy had the extraordinary sensation of something passing between them, some kind of information or knowledge, flowing out of him and into her. It was as if he’d suddenly given her an injection of knowledge, and without him so much as saying a word, she suddenly knew this was for real and that she was being given something great and magical.

It was an extraordinary feeling, but it only lasted a moment. And in the next moment she realized with that same kind of certainty that she was standing there wasting time.

She stood there dumbstruck, her mouth agape.

‘See?’ he asked.

‘Oh my!’ She looked around in confusion. ‘Well what should I do? I mean, how does it work? What do I have to do?’

‘Well, in your case my dear, it’s your self-image, as I’ve said. Let’s talk about what you see when you look in the mirror: a short little girl, insignificant and not very attractive, plain and underdeveloped. Is that about right, would you say? Why don’t we start with that? Go look in your mirror.’

Lacy opened the door to the hall closet where she had a full-length mirror. There she was, just as she saw herself every day. She was much as he’d described, although he hadn’t even mentioned her frumpy clothes.

‘Now, why don’t you imagine how you’d like to look and see what happens?’

Lacy turned to look at him and was about to ask him what he meant when her eyes caught a flicker of motion in the mirror, and she was suddenly aware of a dizzy sensation in her body. She looked at her reflection and saw that she was suddenly a good six inches taller than she should be.

‘Oh my God!’

She looked back at herself in stunned silence. She was aware of all of her shortcomings, but it was her height that always bothered her most of all. She’d always been conscious of having to look up to people and of feeling their eyes on the top of her head. She always seemed to passing beneath their gaze. Now as she stood there, she felt her body stretch again.

‘Well now don’t overdo it, dear,’ the Colonel said. ‘At that height you won’t be able to wear heels.’

Immediately she shrank down a few inches, but she was still eight inches taller than she’d ever been. She looked around her with new perspective. It was wonderful. She felt queenly and regal, even statuesque.

‘That’s good,’ the Colonel said. ‘That looks just about right.’

‘I don’t believe this!’ Lacy stared at herself in the mirror. A stretched and astonished Lacy stared back.

‘Now what about your face?’

‘My face?’ Her hands went to her cheeks in alarm. ‘But I like my face! It’s a good face!’

The colonel smiled indulgently. ‘Yes, it is, Lacy. It’s a very nice face, so let’s not worry about that now. You can always change it later if you like. Now, your hair. How about this?’

The Colonel pointed his cane at the mirror, and at once her lank, mousy hair was replaced by an absurdly rich cataract of golden blonde curls, tumbling around her face and spilling over her shoulders.

‘Oh no! No!’ she moaned. ‘No, that’s too much! I look like a country and western singer!’

The Colonel made a sour face. He evidently wasn’t used to being second-guessed.

‘Well the, how about this?’

The blonde curls were replaced with a cascade of flaming red hair, so healthy and vibrant that it seemed to have a life of its own, like it might leap from her scalp and start climbing the drapes.

‘No, I don’t think so. I mean, it’s very nice, but it’s just not me.’

‘Then you try it.’

Lacy turned to the mirror. She was almost afraid to look, but she forced herself to be calm.

Her eyes were her best feature: deep and almost startling blue. She’d always wanted raven black hair to set them off, but the dyes she’d tried made her look like she’d put shoe polish on her head.

Now, however, as she watched in the mirror the red disappeared to be replaced by glossy black tresses that curled around and caressed her face like a crown of willful and sensual ivy. It was just what she’d always prayed for.

She realized, though, that it made her bottled tan look a bit sickly and orange, but before she could stop to think about it her complexion lightened then darkened, as if someone were twirling the color controls on a TV. Finally it stopped and settled into a just pale enough fresh-scrubbed transparency, glowing with health. It made her eyes glow like sapphires.

‘Oh. Oh my!’

She bent forward and looked in the mirror. Even that little scaly patch under her nose that she always got in the winter was gone. Her complexion was flawless.

Lacy grew suddenly dizzy. She put a hand to her head but it wasn’t her hand. Instead of the old familiar stubby fingers with the nails bitten down to the quick, she possessed the long, graceful hands of a ballerina, the nails of a hand model, smooth and elegant.

‘I don’t believe it!’ she gasped. ‘I think I’m going to be ill!’

‘Oh tut, tut,’ he said. ‘You feel perfectly wonderful and you know it. Now come on, the fun’s just about to begin. Mind if I have a seat? It’s time we worked on the body. I always enjoy this

The colonel dragged a chair over and sat down on the edge, his hands draped over the head of his cane.

‘Clothes off,’ he said, and Lacy shrieked as her clothes just disappeared. Her shoes, socks, underwear, everything was just gone, and at the same time she saw them reappear in a neatly folded pile on the sofa across the way. She stood there naked.

She quickly covered herself and her new skin blushed a furious red. She couldn’t help but notice though that her pubic hair matched her head. The colonel seemed to notice too.

‘Yes, they’re connected,’ he said. ‘We don’t do things half-way. Now let’s drop this modesty business and get going. You’ve got to arrange your body: boobies and so forth and so on.’

Despite her alarm, she couldn’t wait to try this out. She looked in the mirror and imagined herself with the legs she’d always wanted: long, slim, lightly muscled and wicked as scissor blades, and there they were, attached to her body. She could feel them proudly lifting her bottom like Atlas hoisting the world, and she could feel the wonderful strength they contained in their smooth, sinuous muscle.

She pirouetted in the mirror and regarded her backside, and as she watched she saw her buttocks grow rounder, tighter, and higher. She felt the subtle nudge as her spine moved forward to keep her balanced as her buttocks grew like two cantaloupe melons ripening under time-lapse photography.

She put her hands on her ass and squeezed.

‘Oh dear Lord in heaven! I’ve got a beautiful ass! I do! It’s the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen!’

She couldn’t repress the surge of pride she felt now. She was a beautiful woman, and she blinked back the tears of joy and considered herself critically in the mirror.

Now, about her boobs…

The colonel twirled his cane between his hands and his eyes twinkled. This was his favorite part. You could tell a lot about a woman by the kind of tits she chose.

Lacy threw her shoulders back and stared at her chest as it ballooned forth, her breasts filling with the inexorable slowness of a helium balloon. They went from pert to proud, then from imposing to huge, and then back down again. Lacy realized that it wasn’t just the size, but the way they were carried on her frame too, and for a while she experimented with moving them higher and lower, together and apart. Her breasts moved on her chest like an automatic seat in an automobile: higher, then towards one another, then lower. The nipples rose and fell. Lacy watched with the impassive face of a gourmet, of someone who didn’t quite know what she wanted, but was sure she’d know it when she saw it.

She finally found a size and a location she liked, and turned to check her profile. Yes: nice, oblique tops, full and heavy on the bottoms, no discernible sag, and just the right amount of natural cleavage.

She wasn’t done yet, though, and her nipples began to expand and contract on her breasts like eyes dilating in the light before she found a size that pleased her, and then they wandered around on her breasts until she had them just so. A tweak to make them a bit longer, a bit darker, and then she reached out her long, elegant fingers and touched them.

She turned and looked at the colonel, her eyes brimming with happiness.

‘Lovely,’ he said. ‘But you’re sure you’re satisfied? You have things just the way you want them? I want you to be as perfect as you can possibly be in your eyes.’

Lacy turned back to the mirror and regarded herself. Maybe her neck was a tad too long? Her hips a bit underdeveloped? She pulled her waist in a bit, gave herself some subtle rolls of muscle under her stomach and firmed up her upper arms. Should she show a little more collarbone? Maybe not. She looked down at her knees and worked on them for a while, making them smooth but not too smooth.

She put her hand between her legs and wondered whether she should even fool with that, but decided not to mess. As far as she knew, that worked perfectly. She did trim her pubes into a tidy little strip though, and fooled with her toes and toenails for a while as the colonel waited patiently. She got her belly button placed just how she wanted it: a mysterious little dent in the smooth feminine abdomen. With her neatly trimmed pubic hair, it made a little upside-down exclamation point.

Finally she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Now that she was beautiful there seemed to be all these little imperfections she noticed, but she realized that she could stand here and fool with herself all night long and never get everything right, so she gave her teeth a final whitening and darkened her eye lashes, brought her cheekbones up just a little bit, and gave herself a wonderfully kissable lower lip. Then she turned to him and spread her arms, inviting his inspection.

He nodded his approval.

‘Can I try it out?’ she asked.

‘By all means.’

Lacy turned and walked from the mirror. Her long legs ate up the floor and her height gave her a new perspective on everything. She felt her hips sway naturally as she walked with the smooth liquid glide of German-made ball bearings. Her breasts swung lightly with each step, like fruit ripe enough to fall from a tree, and their unaccustomed weight made her throw her shoulders back so that her nipples stood our high and proud. She felt a slight film of lubrication between her legs, and she realized with a start that she was so now so sexy that she even aroused herself. She was perfect.

‘Very nice,’ he said. ‘You’re satisfied?’

‘I am, I am!’ She lost her pose and clasped her hands together between her breasts as if the very air in the room were precious. ‘I’m beautiful! I’m beautiful! I’m overjoyed!’

She turned back to the mirror and looked at herself again.

‘Once you step away from the mirror now, that’s it. You’re stuck with it.’

‘Stuck with it?’

She turned back and looked at herself in the mirror. For a moment she wondered: was this a mistake? Would she regret losing her old body, her old mousy and invisible self?

She looked at her mane of sinfully rich, shiny black hair, her high erect breasts and long, devastating legs: real mantraps. She turned around and looked at the saucy thrust of that world-class ass. Would she miss being talked down to and ignored? Would she grow to hate men staring at her with their mouths open? Conversation stopping when she walked into a room?

‘I love it!’ she said. ‘I just love it!’

She laughed, but seeing no response from him she grew suddenly cautious.

‘How long will I stay like this?’ she asked. ‘Is there a catch? There’s some catch, isn’t there?’

The Colonel stood up and looked at his pocket watch. ‘Well, I wouldn’t call it a catch, really. More like an operating condition.’ He closed his watch and put it in his pocket. ‘Out there in the city, there’s a man waiting for you, a man who’s also been given a magical valentine, not identical to yours, but something similar. You have to find him and make him fall in love with you.’

‘Find him? How do I find him? Will you help me?’

‘Oh, the finding probably won’t be very hard. Our clients have a way of finding each other all right. But if you don’t find him, or if you two don’t fall in love, I can’t guarantee what will happen to this new you. You may lose her overnight, or you may stay like this the rest of your life. There’s just no telling.’

‘Well is there something I can do? I mean, does it depend on the purity of my heart or something?’

The colonel smiled. ‘Purity of your heart? Oh my, that’s a good one! You humans! Gracious no! But don’t even worry about it. Right now we’ve got to get you dressed to go out. Let’s go, sister. Time’s a wastin”

Lacy showered as quickly as she could, though the temptation to play with herself was very strong. There were all sorts of new things she had to learn, and things she had to watch out for, such as the feel
of the washcloth on her super-sensitive nipples, or what to do with all the tons of lather her new, thick hair produced.

The Colonel hustled her along, though, and as she sat at her makeup table doing her face, he walked into her closet and started pulling out clothes, anything she could think of, as fast as she could think of it, all geared to her new body and complete all the way down to the designer labels where applicable.

Lacey was at a loss. She had all this makeup she’d collected over the years, and suddenly all of it looked fabulous on her and she didn’t know what to do. Even her perfume smelled better on her than it had before.

She finished her face and turned around to inspect the pile of clothes on the bed as she brushed out her thick black hair.

She was tempted to wear slacks to show off her ass and her long legs, and the pants she tried on fit her like second skin. But it was Valentine’s Day, and she knew she needed something more romantic. She found a black crepe dress with tiny red flowers that brought out the blue in her eyes. The Colonel fetched her underwear to her specifications, underwear that she’d always dreamed of wearing, mere whispery things: rumors of underwear. She fastened a garter belt around her slim waist and then sat down and for the first time in her life indulged in the terribly erotic pleasure of unrolling nylon stockings over her hard and curvy legs, pointing her toes and admiring her lean musculature.

She was terrible when it came to her shoes, and the poor pink Colonel kept on carrying out boxes of Jimmy Choo and Manalo Blahnik till her bedroom looked like the back room at Footlocker. She finally chose a wicked pair of slingbacks with three-inch heels. Of course, they matched her dress perfectly.

The Colonel looked at his watch ostentatiously, reminding her to hurry, and it was a good thing he did too, because Lacy had a strong urge to engage in a prolonged session of self-love. Her new body intoxicated her. It was full of surprises and exquisitely sensitive, and she excited herself shamefully just from the mere act of dressing. At last she understood all those jokes about women taking forever to get ready.

It was only when the Colonel said, ‘He’s waiting,’ that she could tear herself away from herself enough to think of a man’s touch on her skin, and when she did, it inflamed her. It had been months since she’d had a lover, if you could even call him that, and the thought a man’s hands on her ass, his mouth on her breasts, his fingers reaching between her legs hit her with an almost physical force, so that she gave a little whimper just from imagining it.

She wanted all that, but more than the sensation itself she wanted to see the look in his eyes when he gazed at her, the expression on his face when she stretched herself out naked on his bed, his look of helpless surrender when he entered her. She’d heard about those looks. She knew they existed. She wanted to see them for herself.

She quickly threw on a coat the Colonel held for her and took the bag he held out for her (it matched her shoes too, of course), and then she stopped.

‘Wait a minute! Where am I going? I don’t know where he is!’

‘Remember the scene you saw when the card opened? He’s there.’

‘But where’s that? I’ve never been in any restaurants! I don’t know one from another.’

Then she remembered the little red M’s she’d seen on the menus.

‘The Mercedes Room!’ she exclaimed. ‘That’s where he is, isn’t it?’

The colonel smiled and bowed.

‘But you’re coming with, aren’t you? I can’t go in there alone!’

‘Never fear, sweetie. Just take your magic Valentine with you.’

So saying, the colonel took a step back and Lacy watched dumbfounded as he suddenly became flat, then folded in half, and in half again, and so on until he accordioned up on himself into a little square of paper no bigger than a business card. She stooped and picked him up and dropped him into her bag.

‘Are you in there? Are you all right?’

‘Perfectly fine. Now let’s get going!’

There were advantages to being beautiful, Lacy realized. Whereas before she would have to stand in front of a cab and wave her arms to get the driver’s attention, now she only had to raise one elegant hand and two cabs screeched to a stop in front of her, the cabbies even jumping out and opening their doors for her, vying for her attention. She chose the one who seemed more of a gentleman, and he was graciousness itself, speeding her effortlessly through the city, showing off for her, and all Lacy had to do was smile at his jokes. It was terribly gratifying. When she got out at the Board of Trade building and tipped him, he thanked her for being such a wonderful fare, positively embarrassing her.

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Ruth and I came together with my hot cum flooding her rectum. She remained mounted while we watched. Harold turned around on Gina making her moan from the friction. They remained together tied by his knot in her butt. Finally, after trying at different times, it popped out. He walked off to a corner and began to lick his cock and balls. Gina lay on the ottoman worn from her harsh butt fucking by the big dog. James went over to Carol who was sucking on Rob's cock after it had shot a load into...

3 years ago
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Rebeccas Sex Ed Part 2

Christine laid there, legs spread with her sweet juices rolling down her pussy. I climbed on top and kissed her. From behind me Becca grabbed my cock and directed it towards Christine’s hole. I slid right in because she was so wet. I began to plunge into her, starting slowly, but inserting my full length deep inside her pussy each time. I sped up and Christine began to moan as she grabbed my back. Christine was warm, wet, and tight; I could feel my cock pulsing inside of her, set to blow. Becca...

2 years ago
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Sex toy party surprise

Times are hard at the moment as my husband has just been finished from work. I was chatting to my friend about this over a coffee when she mentioned she saw an advert looking for a salesperson to organise sex toy parties in the area with good commission to be earned. On my way home I gave this some thought and when I got home decided to find the advert and give them a call, no harm I thought and if I can make some extra cash for us in the meantime. Anyway a few days later a package arrived with...

2 years ago
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My Curel Stepmom Nagamani 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, earlier I narrated how my stepmom nagamani made me her slave by punishing me severely. That day onwards I became her personal slave. Now I would like to tell how she treated me at house. Next day morning nenu nidra levaledu. Sudden ga na pirra meeda dhan mani debba paddadi. Nenu vulikkipadi lechanu. Eduruga Ma amma Nagamani chala kopamga ninchuni vunnadi. Ame chethilo oka wooden cane voogutunnadi. “Gadida.. time entha ayindi? Dunnapothula nidra pothunnavu. Early morning 4 a.m....

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Leah Gotti 5000 218000

There are some women out there that get the heart in my penis racing no matter how many times I see them. Bitches whose sexiness and skills at fucking reach almost divine levels. There are thousands of women out there like that, but very few end up in the porn industry.D iN AWhen that happens, we must recognize the blessing and treat it as such. These ladies are doing the lord's work by ensuring men are never without an erection in their time of need. What a tragic circumstance that would...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 9

After our crazy Thursday night I decided not to masturbate. It has been a week. I know Nadine will move out soon, so I didn’t want to waste my energy on masturbation. I am so horny right now. Today we’ll finally be alone again. She’s out for her yoga class. I can’t wait till she comes back. I’m sitting on my sofa as usual. I’m hearing the entry door open. She seems to be home early. “Hi Frank.” “Hi Nadine.” “Hi Frank! Nice to meet you.” What? Who’s that? As I’m turning around on my sofa to see...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 14 The Last Hurrah Before Show 2

Sandy came back into the room from the changing room wearing next to nothing. What she was wearing was so sheer that it may as well been nothing because it hid nothing. This is the Sandy I remember and love or should I say this is the Alicia that I loved so much. Her smile was worth more than I can describe, and I hope mine reflected the same feelings I was seeing in hers. She moved alongside of the bed and sat next to me then leaned forward and kissed me passionately, a kiss that was...

2 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 26 Apartment 1302

--- I Dream of Demie 26 - Apartment 1302 (MF, cons, magic) by Krosis of the Collective --- There was a knock at the door, which was weird because visitors normally had to be buzzed up. Confused, I opened it to find an older woman with a leather-bound case and a businesslike demeanor in what appeared to be a hundred-year-old styled black dress. "Yes?" I asked. "Kate is expecting me," the woman said as she brushed past me. She paused a moment, orienting, and then turned toward Kate's...

4 years ago
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Mary Gets To Meet Sandy Part 3

“Will you hurry up with that down there? My bedroom is a real mess, I can’t get a good night’s sleep like that.” “Yes Sandy, I’m almost done.” Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table, and Mary was on her knees wiping up a puddle of coke from the floor. After several hours of cleaning and washing for Sandy, she was almost resigned to her new situation. Just enough, anyway, to have begun worrying about practical matters. Space. Money. Food. How did Sandy expect they would live? Had the girl...

2 years ago
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My True Gay Experiences Part Three

So now it has been a few years since I have been with another man. Mostly due to living overseas and either not having much opportunity or the language barrier. Coming back to the states I had to go to a course for over four months where I will be without my family, what an amazing four months, I would experience many "firsts".I had a long drive to my course and stopped half way there in a mid-size town. Checked in to a hotel then went to get something to eat and shop for condoms and lube. ...

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THE STRANGEST JIGSAW PUZZLEIt was on the top shelf on an old bookcase, covered with dust and barely visible. Lisa decided she had to find out what it was. Of all the things in the old junk shop, it aroused her curiosity most. She had looked through old books, prints, and postcards for hours. Nothing had caught her interest. Now the old box, high and out of reach, intrigued her. She looked around for the old man who ran the store. But he had gone into the back room. She saw a stepladder across...

1 year ago
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Adams ApplesChapter 8 Men in Black

I WALKED INTO ED’S OFFICE and felt the big man’s ever-present shadow fall over me. My story was lying on the editor’s desk. “You have genuine sources to back this up?” “Yes. They’ve asked to remain out of the picture until the story is picked up elsewhere. There’s a real fear out there that the government is quashing the real story and the people who would tell it,” I said. “Aren’t you worried?” “I just work in your shadow.” “This story isn’t enough. We need to know how and when this...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 6

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. It was morning. I opened my eyes. There she is, still sleeping. But she has turned to her right now. Our heads are facing each other. Gosh! She looks so pretty! Her face looks really cute! My dick was...

1 year ago
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The Joining

He boarded the aircraft with barely subdued excitement and some trepidation as well. This was the last leg of the holiday of a life time. Les was circling the globe visiting online friends and putting even more substance in already real life-long friendships. However this last leg was the most important, he was about to meet the woman with whom he had fallen deeply in love. The plane travelled toward that regional airport in Montana where his destiny lay. He reflected on the circumstances...

1 year ago
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On Probation Chapter 2

I was almost home by the time I realised that my phone was still charging in Liam’s apartment.“Shit,” I said, prompting his chauffeur to tap the brakes as we approached Clapham Common.“Everything okay?” He looked at me through the rear-view mirror and indicated to pull in. He had a thick grey moustache and reminded me of a Mario Brother. “Sorry. I think I left my phone.” I tapped my non-existent pockets; the universal signal of having misplaced something. “I think I left it on his desk. I’m so...

Straight Sex
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Kat and the Electric Chair

I was married, twenty-something years ago, to a woman named Kat, and she was the hottest women I ever knew. She was about five foot four inches tall, with dark brown hair, brown eyes, broad cheek bones, an exaggerated hourglass figure, and small but perfectly formed breasts. Her lips were unusually full, and soft, with a pleasant pinkish tint to them. I had no problem with her looks, and other guys found her attractive too. I would sometimes enjoy watching as their eyes tracked her as she...

2 years ago
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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 4

After supper was over, and Vostich said 'no' to me about the sword, there wasn't much more to say or do. I had Mariel teleport us back to the palace. Mirwanna decided to stay and talk with Both Vostich and Fithian about something to do with the upcoming coronation. Mariel did a good job. She was getting better at some of the more mid to high level spells. I was proud of her, and told her so. She beamed at me, and kissed me. She had teleported us to our apartments in the palace. It seems...

3 years ago
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Filmed With DogsChapter 4

Charlotte rolled over in the soft bed, luxuriating in the black satin sheets. She stretched with a gaping yawn and kicked the covers off her lithe naked body. She sat up, her face bright, relaxed, her eyes alert and full of life. She stretched again, her tits rising, the nipples pointing toward the door. It had been three days since she had knocked on Felicia's front door, three days of discovering herself and her desires. At first, she had been over come with shock, then shock gave way to...

3 years ago
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The Fun of Being Naked Outdoors

From the age of about sixteen, I began to discover how much I enjoyed not having any clothes on; and not just in a sexless, healthy, naturist sort of way, I’m ashamed to admit.It began by just sleeping in the nude. Once I’d shut my door and turned on my bedside light, instead of hopping straight into bed in my pyjamas, I’d pull my pyjama top over my head and kick off my bottoms. Sometimes I’d stand in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the wall and stroke my breasts, wondering if they...

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Allisons Smokey Scramble A Wickware Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, on a Saturday morning in the village of Wickware, Allison Crowley made breakfast for her husband and her neighbor, Duke Scoggins. Duke was her husband's best friend. He was an asshole at times, but mostly, he was a jerk. Duke got off on making lewd, crude, and sexual remarks towards Allison. Earlier this week, she reached her limit.Like thirsty ground needs rain, Allison needed to get even.This particular Saturday morning, busty, vibrant, blonde-haired Mrs. Allison Crowley...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Full Family Choda Chodi

Hi dear readers, it’s subham again.Aap logon ne mere last story “Leena aunty aur manisha didi ne chodna sikhaya” ko kaafi like kia.Thanx for that.Ab me mere pure parivar ki sex story batane jaa raha hu,jo ki aap ki hosh udane ke saath sath aap ka lund khada aur chut gili kar dega. Jese ke aap log jante he mera family kaafi rich he aur sab log open minded he.Jo baat me aap ko batane jaa raha hu aaj se 3 saal pehle ki he.Mera even semester exam khatam hua tha aur winter break suru hua tha.Me...

1 year ago
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Reversal Rings III Lost and Found

This story goes off in a bit more from the original storyline, and I was a little rushed towards the end and may redo it later. I have a fourth episode already done, but am seriously unhappy with it, having been in a hurry when I did it. I will probably do another episode to replace it, bringing the storyline back to Kevin and Susan a bit more. Reverse Rings III: Lost and Found A Spells R Us story By Morpheus 23 Jan 98 WARNING: This story contains some adult material, so if...

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Jim McGuire skidded his bike to a stop in front of the large blue sided house. Setting the bike up against the white picket fence, the eighteen-year-old glanced at his watch. He smiled as he saw that he was right on time. Not that Mrs. Burke would've been angry if he had been a little late, but it was a matter of pride to the sandy-haired young man that he showed up places when he said he would. Originally, he had planned to spend this week in Florida. His parents had promised him a trip to...

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Revengeis It Worth ItChapter 7

We got across the river and into Texas without hindrance. Once we were safely across the river I led my convoy to Mrs. Shipley's house. At that point, I had no concrete plans, I just wanted the women to be able to return home safely. Sadly, two of the 23 women in the convoy had died from an illness they had contracted at Golick's ranch. I didn't know what else to do, so we buried them along the trail and I put up a small wooden marker. The marker was not going to last long, but, at least,...

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Junior High Hazing

Junior High Hazing By sissy_babs When I was a young boy of 11 or 12 I was in Junior High School. It was that early in life that I first started to fantasize about cross-dressing and forced feminization although I had no idea what either was. All I knew was that I liked to wear some women's clothing and I felt that I should have been born a girl. I later realized that I didn't want to be a woman. I liked girls, not boys. I just wanted to occasionally wear girl's clothes. At that...

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Girlfriends RevengeChapter 2

Ellen crouched down below the pile of gleaming white sand, then began inching up over the smoothly sloping mound. The sound of voices was clearer now, and the sharp groans from the girl seemed to be turning into squeals of pain that sent a shudder of fright through Ellen's stomach. "Oh yes, that feels good, yeeessss, I like it like that!" the female voice echoed out clearly. Then in a flash of startled recognition Ellen knew the pleading sounds that were obviously mixed with pleasure...

2 years ago
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The Allure of VirginityChapter 7 Pornography

After school Nancy rang me and told me to come over to her house. When I arrived I noticed she looked very worried. She stood at the front door with me, about to leave. "I'm going to the police to report Ella missing. My boyfriend's a policeman." Nancy started biting her bottom lip. "Where could Ella be?" "I'm sure they'll find her. Don't worry." "You're such a good boy, Keith. What would I do without you?" I smiled, proud of myself. "You said you wanted me to help Lily...

4 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 13

Saturday afternoon and night I called around to my all informants and the newer club owners in the Jackson and Vicksburg areas.‭ I was curious that was all. My part in the investigation of the incident was over. My conclusion was Barry got his ass whipped by JD whoever he was. Barry twisted reality to make himself appear a double victim and get a little payback for his wife having made him pay off their joint debts. I really didn’t need to meet with Linda on Monday, ‭ but I just wanted the...

3 years ago
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My Delicious Little Witch

Demure hottie gets wild at the haunted house It was a few days before Halloween in the mellow city of Olympia, Washington and I was trying to decide where to take my sister's k**s for the upcoming holiday weekend. As a single mom, she counted on me to help out on holidays, especially since she often worked nights while I had a flexible schedule since I ran my own electrical contracting business. We would go kayaking, or roller skating, or to the movies. I think they felt Mom was a...

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PornKTube Teen

I never thought there was a good thing as a ‘positive burglary’ until I walked into my home a few years ago. I caught some teen bitch stealing my shit, crying to me that she needed the money for college. Fuck that! I’m not giving anybody any handouts, no matter how fucking hot she may be. And let me tell you, she was fucking smoking.So I decided to do what any rational man would do: give her a high-dollar piece item and fuck her brains out. That's exactly what I did! I gave her a gold necklace...

Teen Porn Sites
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Brandon is one of my husbands best friends. Why is it that it's always the best friend that makes the moves on a guy's wife? Well, it happens to be the case with us, too!Brandon is just an average guy, but with a strong build. Not tall, not fat, but stocky. He doesn't really even know his own strength.He has always been the "touchie, feely" type, giving me a hug every time he sees me. I didn't realize it, but often when he would come over in the evenings, I would already be in "comfortable...

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Alisha Chapter 2

Over the next few weeks, Alisha and I got much closer. We spent every minute together. I began to wonder if she remembered our night together. I wanted to talk to her about it, so badly. One day, we were sitting in her living room, and I thought it was now or never. "Alisha, can I ask you something?" I asked her, as she got up and stretched. We had been watching a horror movie on cable. I watched her shirt strain against her full breasts and felt a twinge deep below. I, almost, did not hear...

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A Come BackChapter 21 Cleos Fitting

The next morning arrived with an over heated sunshine that woke me long before Molly's breakfast aroma did. It was going to be a hot one! I took a cool shower and slipped into shorts and a top. Walking into Cleo's room I was happy to see she was getting dressed. "Hey Girl!" I greeted and plopped down on her bed. "Hey." "You look so much better." I said. I watched as she pulled on jeans again. She was still discolored. The front of her thighs was the worst but she was better. Most...

1 year ago
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Its wrong but feels right

It all started in October I lost the girl I thought was the one i loved her but the time was wrong And it's just hard for me to open up and I lost her now she has a baby and a good dude so I know I have to move on but ......... till this day I miss her but anyways in October I had to move back in with my mom this sucked cause she is controlling so I would sit in my room all day in the dark sometimes looking at porn or play video games I guess you could say I was depressed so I stated to go...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Long Haired Maid Sukanya

Hii guys this is my first story.i am 26 yr old male from Mumbai.i have a long hair fetish and my main interest lies in long haired females(hair below their waist).thats is long hair pulling and brushing.females wanting to experience long hair pulling can contact me on my email (privacy is guaranteed)…I clearly remember it was the month of November way back in 2006.i was only 20 years old.i had a long hair fetish rite from my childhood.i used to imagine long haired females in my time...

1 year ago
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College Roomates Dad

My first man to man experience was with an older man, and I had continued to be turned on by older men, rather than the guys my own age. When I met my roommate’s dad, I was totally hot for him.I had never talked to Devin, my roommate, about my attraction to men; he had no idea. Although Devin and his dad looked almost exactly the same, I was never sexually attracted to Devin. We had become very good friends, and I accompanied him to his parents on several occasions. When his parents were in...

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