The Ballad Of Suzi And Linni. Verse 1. free porn video

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Oh. Em. Gee. I have to tell you about this amazing girl I met a few weeks back. I’m so excited I have to share it with someone. Okay, once I calm down I’ll make a start …


There’s a pub near me that every Thursday night the back room gets taken over by women. I’m not telling you where as we try to keep it fairly quiet and I’m sure you’ve all got your own special places to go. Anyway, it’s just a village pub but it has a nice back room where we can be ourselves and chill out and have fun and a laugh. I admit now up front I’m a lesbian and so are some of the other regulars but not all of them by any means. There’s a few out and proud Bi’s and sometimes a couple of curious housewives. There’s also the occasional straight girl, usually dragged there by some mates after work who come in looking like rabbits in the headlights, but they soon find we’re not that scary. Mostly because we aren’t. We’re not just a bunch of butch lezzers as the locals so sweetly describe us.

It’s not a pick-up place but that’s not to say that sort of thing doesn’t happen. I’ve managed to go home with a girl a couple of times in the past. Shit! … I swore to tell the truth when I wrote this … Okay, when I say a couple of times what I mean is about six or seven, but I haven’t kept count. I don’t carve notches on my bedpost, I’m not that sort of girl!

How the whole thing started I’m not sure. I wasn’t around, and I’ve only heard the legend. It began apparently when one girl brought a few friends for a girl’s night out. They were fed up with the frosty receptions they’d got everywhere else and had ended up here where the landlady seemed not to mind at all. As the weeks went by and word spread more and more women started to turn up. The landlady was even good enough to start putting a ‘Reserved’ notice on the door on Thursdays. A mate of mine had found out and had gone and she then dragged me along. I’ve been coming here on and off ever since.

This was the first time I’d been back since I’d met the girl and I went to the bar to get a drink. As I waited I stood closer to the gang at the table and was bombarded with questions.

“Where have you been, Suzi?”

“What have you been up to?”

“Are you with anyone?”

This last question caused one of the girls to comment, “Yeah, last time you were here you went off with that little librarian.”

Oh fuck! I was hoping they wouldn’t remember. I turned red as a beetroot. My wine had arrived, and I took a large swig. Luckily, just at that moment three other faces appeared round the door which distracted them. I’m sure we’ve all been in situations where we’ve chatted someone up, gone back to theirs or yours, fucked them and then regretted it immediately. It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female or whichever they are, most of us have done it. It’s not anything to be proud of but we’ve all done it. The difference with this particular girl was that the regret was different. I regretted not having stuck around after, not getting her phone number and not remembering her address. Yeah, it was that sort of drunken night! I only even vaguely remember her name, Linda or Lindi or something like that but ever since then I couldn’t get her out of my head.

But back to that fateful Thursday a few weeks back. I’d popped in after college mostly to grab something to eat before heading home. They do a really good burger and chips by the way. I hadn’t been in for over a month and I wasn’t even sure it was still happening. I stuck my head round the door for a quick look and recognised a few of the old crowd so I went in. When people heard the door squeak open they turned to see who it was, and it felt so nice that most of them broke into warm smiles for me. There was a chorus of, “Hey Suzi, how ya been?” and I felt instantly welcomed. As I stood at the small bar at the end of the room and ordered a drink and something to eat I turned and looked round the room.

Apart from the usual gang there were another four women sat at a side table. One of them was a regular and was a confirmed lez. In fact, she and I had hooked up one night several weeks before and that was one of those ‘regret it after’ hook-ups. We had a great fuck but about everything else we clashed but she was still always friendly when I saw her on a Thursday night. She was with three friends, one of whom was this dowdy looking girl who seemed very out of place. I wanted to see if I’d changed my mind about the one I’d gone off with, but it soon came clear that I hadn’t. So, I started chatting to the others, including this scared looking girl, Linda or Lindi and after a couple of glasses of wine she began to loosen up and she turned out to be easy to chat with.

Okay, call me an evil scheming bitch if you must but I was having fun and to be honest I quite fancied her in an odd sort of way. My burger arrived, and I said I was taking it to another table and why didn’t she join me, so we could carry on chatting which we did. Her three friends gave us both some odd looks which she didn’t notice. I just poked my tongue out at them and grinned. They grinned back at me, so it was all cool, none of them laid any claim to her it seemed.

So, what was so fascinating about her? For a start she was pretty rather than stunningly beautiful. She wore little or no make-up which I found to be quite charming. She had longish dark blonde hair and a nice face and really lovely green eyes. It appeared that she had come straight from work as she was wearing the almost standard white blouse and black skirt. The blouse was done up to her neck and I could make out very little about her figure. I would bet any money you liked that it was tights and not stockings on her legs. She had sensible flat shoes on. I know I’m not painting a very glamorous picture, but it was what I saw. Fuck knows why I felt attracted to her, but I did. Once I’d eaten my burger, and she’d stolen most of my chips, we had even more wine.

Finally, she announced that she had to go for a wee and stood up and almost fell sideways. I leapt up and grabbed her to hold her steady. I started to lead her out of the room to the ladies, making sure she didn’t fall. As we left, her friends laughed and made snide comments, but I just stuck a finger up at them and smiled. I was doing my ‘rescue the damsel in distress’ act. She managed to stumble into a stall and shut the door on me. I leaned against the wall and listened to the sound of her peeing. At least she wasn’t throwing up everywhere. When she came out she staggered to the hand basin. She had to grip it tightly to stay upright.

“I’m sorry, I think I’ve had too much wine,” she managed to mumble through her hair. “I think I should get home.” The poor girl was almost in tears and I put a hand on her arm.

“I agree but not on your own. You’re in no state to be wandering the streets. Where’s home.”

“I’m sleeping over at Shona’s. It’s not far I think.”

She was still swaying back and forth slightly and looking a little befuddled. I led her back into the main room and sat her in the first chair I found and then went over to the friends she had arrived with. I asked which one of them was Shona and a dark-haired woman in glasses identified herself. They’d seen me help Linda or Lindi in and wondered what the problem was.

“She wants to go home but she’s in no state to go on her own. She says she’s staying at yours?”

“Yeah, so she wouldn’t spoil the evening by leaving early,” she replied resentfully.

“I’m happy to walk her home if you tell me the address,” I told her, “but do you have a spare key? You can trust me, Rach will vouch for me.” The girl who I’d got off with previously smiled and nodded.

“I gave her a key before we came out… hang on,” and she reached down and picked up a small brown bag from the floor, opened it and rummaged inside. Triumphantly she held up a single key on a ring attached to a fluffy pink ball. She dropped it back in the bag, closed it and handed it to me. She told me her address, which was not far away.

“Look after her,” she cautioned me, “and get her home safe.”

There was a sudden genuine feeling of tenderness and care in her voice. I smiled reassuringly and went over to the forlorn figure by the door. With my arm round her waist we managed to get through the front of the pub and out the door. In the end it should have been only a five-minute walk. I say should have been as half way there Lindi (I was now convinced that that was what she’d said) pulled herself away from me and flung her head over a garden gate and threw up over the front path. I was torn between ministering to her by holding her hair out of the way and scanning up and down the road as well as the front of the houses in case anyone was watching us. Luckily no curtains twitched, and no late-night dog-walkers came out of the shadows.

As soon as she’d finished I dragged her further down the road before I fished through her bag by the light of a street lamp and managed to find a small packet of tissues. Some sad respectable middle-class couple were going to have a nasty surprise in the morning.

Her explosive outburst had not only got rid of what red wine remained but also wasted all the chips she had stolen off me. Poetic justice I thought. It also had the effect of sobering her up a little and she relied on me less as we walked back the rest of the way home. I kept my arm round her waist partly to be on the safe side but also because I was enjoying walking the darkened streets closely linked with another girl.

A few minutes later we arrived at the address I had been given. I left her standing by the gate while I made my way up the couple of steps. As the hall light had been left on I could easily find the tasteless girly fluffy pink key fob. I unlocked the door and pushed it wide and waved down to Lindi.

“C’mon let’s get you inside and into bed.”

She managed to negotiate the steps and squeezed past me into the hallway. I followed her and closed the door and then was just quick enough to catch her as she started to slide down the wall.

“Oh, no not here. You can’t sleep here. Do you know where you were going to sleep?”

“Upstairs,” she mumbled in a voice so low I only just managed to hear her.

Handling her none too gently I made her climb the stairs. Her legs seemed to have gone wobbly again, but we made it. When we got to the top she gravitated to one of the doors and I pushed it open. It certainly seemed to be a guest room as apart from some rudimentary furniture and a few knick-knacks it was empty of any personality. It was also dominated by a queen-sized bed that was already made up onto which had been tossed an overnight bag, presumably hers. I helped her in and almost threw her onto the bed. I took off her flat sensible shoes and then stopped. Should I go further? In the end I decided that she was too far gone for any fun and games and I’d done my good Samaritan bit for one night. I could leave her there and go back to the pub. I made sure she was snuggly covered over with the duvet and turned to leave when she said something in a plaintive voice that was too soft for me to decipher. I assumed that she was trying to say sorry, so I turned back and smiled down at her.

“It's okay,” I told her, “it’s been no trouble.”

As I turned to leave once more there came the same pleading voice. This time I heard it more clearly but wasn’t really sure. I turned back to face her and moved a couple of steps closer.

“Say again.”

This time it was unmistakeable. “I need a cuddle.”

“A cuddle?” I answered gormlessly.

“Yes. Will you?”

The top of her head and those beautiful green eyes were peeking over the top of the duvet which she suddenly pulled aside leaving an inviting open space next to her. My mind was in a whirl. I had been struggling with a moral dilemma since we left the pub. Was it right to take advantage of her drunken state? Seconds ago, I had made up my mind against it and now here she was inviting me into her bed.

“I just need a hug,” she said in a voice that twanged at my heartstrings like a harp.

This was too good an opportunity to miss so I sat on the side of the bed and took off my heels. I swung myself in beside her and pulled the duvet over both of us. I held out my arms and she came into them. The door was open and the dim light from the landing gave enough to see the look of peace on her face before she buried herself in my hair. We lay on our sides with our arms around each other for what seemed like an age. She pulled her head back from where it had been nestled and looked at me.

“Will you…? I mean can you…?” and her voice faded away like the end of a musical track and her eyes closed with embarrassment.

“C’mon sweetie, just ask me.”

After a pause her eyes opened again as she summoned up a new-found bravery.

“Will you… stay with me for a while?”

“I’ll happily stay all night if you want me to,” I replied, trying to play down the note of glee.

And the pressure of her arms increased as she tried to hug me to death. I responded in kind but with slightly less force. Having Shona come home and finding me lying next to her dead mate would not go down well. In for a penny in for a pound I thought and decided to go bold.

“If I’m gonna stay all night I have to get out of these manky street clothes,” I suddenly announced to her.

Without waiting for her to comment I swung my legs back off the bed and sat up. I stripped off my t-shirt and dropped it on the floor. I lay back sideways, and my head came to rest on her tummy as I unzipped my jeans and wiggled out of them. I was still more or less covered in my bra and pants although they were my sexiest set. I’d gone out, after all, with the intention of maybe picking someone up although I hadn’t planned on a shy librarian. Okay, I knew she wasn’t, but I still thought of her as one.

Once stripped down I switched on a small light on the cabinet next to the bed and then stood up and padded across to the door to close it. I could feel her eyes on me as I walked across the room. And why not? I kept myself trim and I knew my panties showed off my bum nicely. I looked after myself and had nothing to be ashamed of. Okay, I was slightly small in the boob department but what I had was trim and pert. Something which I’m sure she noticed as I walked back to the bed and climbed in. I reached out and gently stroked her arm and asked if she was okay and she nodded shyly.

“Should I…”

Instinctively I knew what she meant. She was now the one with too many clothes under the duvet.

“Sweetie it’s up to you, whatever you feel comfortable with.” I wasn’t going to force the issue, but there was one other thing that needed dealing with first. “But before that… it’s a bit delicate, sweetie, but could you maybe make a trip to the bathroom and brush your teeth. I can still detect half eaten chips.”

I think we both blushed, but it had to be said, right? I wasn’t being horrible, but I wanted more and more to kiss this girl and it was just getting in the way. With an “oh em gee sorry,” she scrambled from the bed on her side and made a run for the door. I lay back with my hands behind my head and listened to the sounds coming from the bathroom. First there was a familiar tinkling sound as she used the toilet, followed by the splashing of water and lots of scrubbing and spitting and gargling. It was all wonderfully entertaining.

Eventually she reappeared at the door looking very sheepish and slowly came over and climbed back into her side of the bed. She didn’t snuggle back down as I’d expected but sat upright in the bed. She had a new air of decisiveness. She glanced at me before she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She stripped it off and dropped it on the floor next to the bed. Her bra had originally been white but had turned a drab pale grey with too many washes. I didn’t know yet but expected to find out soon that she wore matching panties.

I stayed where I was, lying back on the pillow with my arms behind my head and only covered from the waist down, not even making a pretence about not watching her as she scooted down the bed and covered herself. There was then a lot of scrabbling about under the covers before first her skirt and then a pair of tights emerged. Finally, she got herself comfortable and relaxed. I smiled down at her and then joined her under the warm duvet.

“Another cuddle?” I asked to get us started.

Nervously she slid across and put her arms round me. She was hesitant when she found so much naked skin for her to hold onto. I encouraged her by putting my arms around her, one behind her neck and the other dangerously low on the small of her back. When I felt her tension ease I started to slide my hand up and down her back, confining my caresses to the area between the back strap of her bra and the waistline of her panties. I didn’t want her to refuse at the first hurdle.

She moved slightly, snuggling into me even more. With my other hand I pulled her head towards me and kissed her, quite firmly, on the forehead. She jumped slightly and tilted her head back, so I grabbed the chance and kissed her on the lips. Mmmm she tasted of minty freshness. More to the point she didn’t try and pull away, so I kept my lips on hers as my hand continued to explore her back. For her part she had both hands at my waist, one trapped underneath me and immovable while the other was free to roam. As the kiss continued it started to explore but seemed careful not to stray too far.

This obviously wasn’t her first ever kiss as, when I pushed my tongue out and traced the outline of her lips, they opened and let me slide inside. Pretty soon she was giving as good as she got, and our tongues were locked in a battle for territory. Meanwhile my hand had strayed a little further and I was now cupping her arse cheeks and pulling her into me.

I broke off from our mouth to mouth skirmishes and began to spread my kisses further afield. All the usual places, the tip of her nose, along the line of her chin, her closed eyes. Then onto her neck and her ears which received a special tongue and nibble treatment before I returned to her lips. My hand had briefly swept along her outer thigh before coming back to rest on the side of her waist. I broke off our kiss and then started my hand on its slow journey. I wanted her to experience this moment without distraction.

With deliberate slowness it continued to move, up and up, higher and higher. We both knew where it was headed, and she surely knew that she could stop it at any time. She only had to say the word, but she remained still and silent. Up and along her ribcage until I found the lower hem of her bra. Without pause I carried on, delighting in the curvature beneath my fingers. Slowly my fingers splayed out to cover her breast. I could even feel her fast heartbeat. I was loving the tension of the moment and I let my hand linger for an age before I slowly brought my fingers together until I felt her nipple clamped between two of them. I relaxed them and then squeezed again. Even under the fabric of her cheap bra I could tell it was already stiff.

As I continued to squeeze and release I renewed our kiss. She was ever more eager, so I guessed it was time for stage two. My hand reluctantly left the soft comfort of her breast and went up to her shoulder and slipped the thin strap over and then down her arm before I moved on. The clasp at her back was as old and worn as her bra and came apart almost as soon as I touched it. I tugged her bra aside and had my first feel of her naked breast. I ‘accidentally’ shifted the duvet out of the way and had my first sight of it. She was never going to win any ‘busty woman’ contest but what little she had was delightfully pretty. It was soft under my exploring fingers apart from that rock-hard nipple at its centre. I’d broken off our kiss to get a good view and now I couldn’t stop myself as I lowered my head and took it into my mouth. Above me I heard a gasp of surprise and then a moan of pleasure.

I exposed the other, as yet untouched, breast and attacked that with my mouth and tongue. She was doing a lot more moaning now, so I sucked even harder and used first my tongue and then my teeth on her hard nipple. I reached down to where her hand lay on my waist and led it up and placed it on my breast. At first it just lay there but as I continued to kiss her boobs one after the other she started to make nervous movements as she explored mine.

Sneakily I reached behind myself and undid my bra and, in doing so, shifted more of the duvet out of the way so that we were now both exposed to the waist. I pulled at my bra and she let it slide under her hand leaving her holding my boob. She began to be braver as she felt it. I lifted my head and looked at her. Her eyes were half closed, and she appeared to be in some other place. With my hand on the back of her head I exerted a little pressure and her head moved downward. It took little persuasion for her to begin to move. I waited and then that wonderful moment when I felt her first attempts at a kiss on my nipple. I let her take her time before I shifted slightly to let her have a turn with the other one. I moaned and groaned as a way to encourage her and soon she was attacking them almost ferociously.

Make hay while the sun shines I thought and I let my hand drift across her soft warm belly, taking the duvet lower as I did so. I found the waistband of her panties and traced its line from one hip to the other before I started to drift under it. She was still distracted by my boobs and made no move to stop me, so I delved lower. I felt the wiry tangle of a small patch of pubes and then the delight of her pussy. It was already wet, and my finger slid easily between her lips. She encouraged me by shifting slightly and spreading her legs. I found her clit and started to rub it slowly and gently. She knew it was coming and reacted by suckling me even harder. When she came up for a breath of air I quickly kissed her again. When I pulled away I whispered to her.

“I want to take them off.”

She looked me in the eye. Instead of trusting herself to speak she simply nodded and gave a half-smile. With that permission I knelt up and placed myself between her legs throwing the duvet onto the floor in the process. With both hands I took hold of the waist of her panties and started to pull. She willingly helped by lifting her arse off the bed and then lifting her legs high in the air so I could pull her underwear completely off. With a dramatic gesture I flung them over my shoulder.

I looked down and smiled at what was one of the prettiest pussies I’d ever seen. She had a small thin landing strip but the rest of her was neatly laid bare. Her lips were neat but shimmered with moisture and her clit already showed prominently, probably from my touching it. I put a hand under each knee and lifted them up. As I began to slide my hands up her inner thighs her knees fell sideways exposing herself ever more invitingly. My hands slid up her thighs and my thumbs met at her pussy. I breathed in the heavenly musty scent of her arousal as my thumbs slipped up and down her soft wet lips.

Gently I pulled them apart showing off that inner pinkness that I so loved and giving me a glimpse of her entrance. I could wait no longer so I bent down and gave her pussy its first ever contact with a woman’s tongue. I flickered around her clit for several moments before sliding down and probing inside her. She had both hands on the back of my head, her fingers tangled in my hair. I could sense the tension already beginning as her legs squeezed at my head. I sensed that it wasn’t the tension of impending rejection but that of rising arousal.

I continued to probe going as deep as my tongue would allow before switching to her clit once more. With one hand I pushed two fingers slowly inside her and her tension increased. She was ready to cum almost immediately and I loved her for it. All her nervousness and doubt had gone, and she was now lost in this moment. As my fingers pushed deeper and then started pumping in and out she gave a little cry and her fingers tightened in my hair quite painfully. I retaliated by giving her clit a little nip with my teeth and then she was gone completely. She thrashed around quite violently making strange guttural noises. More of her juices oozed from her pussy. She wasn’t a squirter, but she was very generous with her essence.

Slowly she quietened down and began to relax. I let my fingers slip out of her and took my mouth from her clit. As I looked up at her, with her eyes closed and her little boobs rising with each deep breath, I realised I had a problem. I could make her cum again, there was no doubt she seemed easy to arouse, but would the second be anywhere near as good as the first? I doubted it. I wanted to leave her with happy memories.

Softly I called her name and got no response. The combination of drinks and orgasms is a heady brew and she’d responded by falling asleep on me. I lay there with my chin resting on her little patch of pubic hair and kept looking at her distant face. I called her name again with the same effect. With infinite slowness I eased myself off the bed and carefully covered her with the duvet then looked around for my clothes. My bra was nowhere to be found but I gathered the rest of my stuff and headed for the door. I turned around for one last look. She hadn’t moved and the smile was still on her sleeping face. I silently wished her sweet dreams and happy memories for the morning and went to the bathroom.

I put on what clothes I had found and checked myself in the mirror. Two of my fingers were still sticky and I licked them clean, re-living the glory of her taste and smell. I desperately wanted to cum but that was something I could sort out when I got home.

As I left the bathroom I heard the sound of the front door opening. I froze on the top landing before a figure came into the light. I’d forgotten this was Shona’s house. I started to come down the stairs just as she reached the bottom and looked up.

“Fuck, Suzi, you made me jump.”

“Sorry, I was just leaving.”

“Not stopping all night?”

“Naaa. She’s fallen asleep. Too much wine I think.”

“Or too much sex?”

“Okay maybe a little of that as well. She’ll be fine.”

“Well if you have to go…”

“I’ll see you soon.”

I slipped past her and headed for the front door. Without looking back, I walked out and closed it behind me.

That was then and this is now. I’d ordered a drink and now turned as I waited for it and immediately froze. When I’d come in I’d only noticed the large gang sat around the main table. Now I noticed a trio sat at a small table in the corner. I immediately recognised Shona and Rach but then the butterflies filled my tummy. The girl sat with her back to me was Lindi. The moment I’d been both hoping for and dreading had arrived. I paid for my drink and picked it up. I knew I had to say something, but I had no idea how to begin. I only knew, as I walked towards their table, that I had a lot of explaining to do.



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"I can't believe you got Robert to let you out of your contract," Jessica said to Suzi, as the pair of porn stars sat together on the living room sofa. "I don't think he has ever let anyone out of their contract early before." "Lisa and I... we did some convincing," Suzi giggled. Jessica - or, Jessica Everett (as she was known to her legion of fans (a stage name)) - was one of the best-known actresses in the world of adult films. Although only 20 years of age, Jessica was a hardcore...

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“Wow, incredible, eight and a half inches long, and seven inches in circumference. That’s almost two inches in diameter.” I am now in my mid-thirties and after a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good...

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“Wow, incredible, eight and a half inches long, and seven inches in circumference. That’s almost two inches in diameter.” I am now in my mid-thirties and after a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good...

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Suzannes New CareerChapter 5 Suzi

The next several days were spent wiping out all traces of Suzanne. I moved the clothes I had bought her to my apartment, and put them in a closet which I designated as Suzi's. I put the cosmetics and jewelry into a vanity table I'd purchased just for her. The rest of her stuff I sold to a local thrift shop for cash. Suzi and I went to Suzanne's bank to close her accounts. I threw out the cashier's check. It was a trivial amount of money compared to what I had, and cashing it would just...

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Lisa and Suzi Do HollywoodChapter 6

The movie, which was shot over a two-day period in the heart of Hollywood, was hyped as "Suzi Sweet's final adult film". It promised fans "scorching sex scenes" with the legendary goddess featured, along with "young and busty newcomer, Lisa Sweet", playing the co-starring role. Since the movie was put together so quickly, Lisa did not have much of a chance to come up with a unique stage name. So, she decided to play on the fact that her and Suzi were relatives in real life - and chose...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part4

Chris had been gone an hour and Suzi finally removed her face from Millys juicy cunt. They had spent the last 20 minutes eating each others horny pussys, not speaking a word, just moving swiftly from position to position. When at last they did talk it was only about how restricting their positions were. Milly lay on the bed next to Suzi, stroking her pussy gently telling her about all the tricks she has over in her house, that she could go make a quick trip and come back before Chris got home...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 6

Introduction: Suzi endures quite a lot of pain plus a gallon of water distends her stomach. Chapter 6 [starts Thurs night – ends Thurs night] Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone. Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement… Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain… I was hesitant but his voice...

4 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 6

[starts Thurs night - ends Thurs night] Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone. "Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement..." "Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain..." I was hesitant but his voice was calm and controlled so I figured I'd give him a chance to explain. By the...

3 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

Introduction: Suzi is the perfect wife, cooks, cleans and is an ass slut Suzi — My wife and My whore It didnt take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, its nice to see the actual proof. Im watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. Well probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and lets see if we can make...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part 3

Suzi lay on her back, panting and moaning as Milly literally devoured her pussy. Her tongue was flicking in and out of Suzi quicker than lightning - She could feel Millys tongue driving in, scooping up her juices and sliding quickly to her clit to fuck it sweetly with the very tip. Suzi's eyes were shut tightly, her arms high above her head as she began to grind her pussy into her lesbian lovers face, feeling her tongue reach deeper and deeper inside her - she knew was almost about to erupt...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2

Introduction: Suzi meets Dominick, a fan, then loses yet another job Chapter 2 Posting the first chapter of this adventure was a real eye-opener for me. When I started posting pictures of Suzi on the slut-wife site last year, I expected that Id get email and maybe a few offers from men who wanted to meet up with us. I was right and weve made six trips since last November. Four across the country (New York, California, and Las Vegas twice) and two to Europe (Germany both times). And thats not...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2

Posting the first chapter of this adventure was a real eye-opener for me. When I started posting pictures of Suzi on the slut-wife site last year, I expected that I'd get email and maybe a few offers from men who wanted to meet up with us. I was right and we've made six trips since last November. Four across the country (New York, California, and Las Vegas twice) and two to Europe (Germany both times). And that's not counting all the locals who've driven up to Chicago to have get a...

5 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

It didn't take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, it's nice to see the actual proof. I'm watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. We'll probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and let's see if we can make that fantasy real. The other reason I like the idea of writing this is that I can...

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Suzis Bitch

I have always had a fantasy about dressing like a girl. Suzi has allowed me to fulfill that fantasy. Although she has her own kinky agenda in mind sometimes.I have several different ways this fantasy plays out, one of which I am going to tell you about.It starts out with Suzi laying out my clothes. A sexy pair of silk panties, lacey bra, school girl blouse, short mini skirt, bobbi socks, and pink tennies. As I shower to get ready Suzi comes into the bathroom. The curtain flings open, as she...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris pt1

Suzi was sitting in her recliner, drinking a JD and Coke. That seemed to be all she did these days. Life consisted of waking up, masterbating if time allowed, and jumping into the shower before running out the door to work. As a chef, it meant Suzi worked all hours, which had a pretty adverse effect on her social life. Infact, the only thing keeping her interested in work was the new guy that had started this week. His name was Chris. He'd just moved state from Washington and he was HOT. Tall,...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part5

Suzi woke to the sound of the shower on in the bathroom. Milly was still sleeping deeply beside her. The covers had slid down her torso, and her arm was resting on the bed beside Suzi. Suzi's eyes ran from Millys fingertips, up her arm, and to her perfect breasts. She was lying on her side and they hugged together nicely, her nipples remaining erect from the cold air hitting against them. Suzi heard the shower knock off and she slipped quietly from the bed and walked slowly to the bathroom. She...

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EmergenceChapter 1 Suzirsquos Toys

As I pulled up to the curb in front of the apartment building which would be my new home, my heart was pounding out of anticipation of my surprising Joey and Suzi. I was actually surprised I had reached this far without either of them picking up on me, and took a moment to congratulate myself for my idea working. Basically, whenever Joey wanted to form a share link with me, I had to consciously will my lifeforce to mix with his. After we had gotten good at doing that, we experimented with...

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The Ballad of Lara and Gemma

The Ballad of Lara and Gemma The Ballad of Lara and GemmaPart One: the Story so far by Velvetglove Author?s Note A ballad is defined as a simple song or poem, recounting a story of an amorous or sentimental nature. This strange tale is a romantic ballad written in prose. A lot of the feedback received during the original postings of ?After the Pestilence? related to two characters; Lara and Gemma. This Part is mainly an edited repost of their appearances to date. Part Two, is new...

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SUZI by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas Let's face it - most men are assholes. They are loud, boorish and horny, afraid to express their sensitive side, and generally are just looking to get into a girl's panties. That's why I made love to women - women are usually just the opposite and I find that attractive. My partners, lovers, have always been able to express their feelings and have treated me very lovingly, just as I have always treated them. I don't like men's hairy bodies, or their...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Introduction: Suzi stars in a movie about the Commons Chapter 4 Things have been quiet around her for about a week but theyre about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and Ive got tickets. Im going to drive down and pick up John then were going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. Theres a shooting range nearby and weve reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, its beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be...

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Suzi the teen slut Part1

Suzi teen suck slutFirst day of the holidays .. Part 1"Come on! Wake up you little wanker!""Unnghhh! Piss off Becs!" I growled from under the sheets. My eyes felt like they were pasted shut with sleep. "Don't talk to me like that you little brat or I'll take back the bag I've just dumped in the corner!"Intrigued, I unstuck my eyelids and looked out from under the sheets. Becs or Becky my sister stood there grinning at me like she always did. She's 18, three years older than me. We look very...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Things have been quiet around her for about a week but they're about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and I've got tickets. I'm going to drive down and pick up John then we're going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. There's a shooting range nearby and we've reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, it's beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be back from Phoenix next Monday, then we get...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 5

Introduction: The dogs have a run at her with their tongues, then shes used for anatomy demonstrations Chapter 5 It looks like the weather is going to be good for the Michigan 400 this weekend. Johns fighting off a cold but says he going to MIS with me even if I gotta carry him. I bought a new pair of sunglasses, the kind that reduce glare. At last years race, I was one of those poor suckers who had to buy a souvenir sun visor for $35.00 so I didnt go blind. We were on the south side of the...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 5

It looks like the weather is going to be good for the Michigan 400 this weekend. John's fighting off a cold but says he going to MIS with me even if I gotta carry him. I bought a new pair of sunglasses, the kind that reduce glare. At last year's race, I was one of those poor suckers who had to buy a souvenir sun visor for $35.00 so I didn't go blind. We were on the south side of the track so the sun was in our eyes all day. I had to make my own breakfast this morning. The frozen...

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suzi and david continue

Suzi was sitting at her dressing table teasing her husband's cock ,she giggled when it jerked under her touch , "little miss cocky is a bit lively today Jayney she laughed David blushed "yes Miss it's been almost 3 months since my last milking " "Has it really? doesn't time fly when you are having fun" she mused.David gave out a small gasp as his wife's thumb rubbed over the tip causing a drip of clear precum to ooze out he was so close so near. Suzi dropped his cock and stood up "let's...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 3

Introduction: Tony explains why Suzi never speaks Chapter 3 A couple of you guys who came up to Chicago to use my wife mentioned that she doesnt talk much. Youre right. Completely correct. She doesnt talk much because I dont want her to. There are a couple of reasons and I want to tell you about them. First off, she got nothing to talk about. What are us guys into? Beer, cars and guns, right? But, if I mention that I need my rotors turned or that some friend threw a rod, she immediately...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 3

 A couple of you guys who came up to Chicago to use my wife mentioned that she doesn't talk much. You're right. Completely correct. She doesn't talk much because I don't want her to. There are a couple of reasons and I want to tell you about them. First off, she got nothing to talk about. What are us guys into? Beer, cars and guns, right? But, if I mention that I need my rotors turned or that some friend threw a rod, she immediately thinks it has something to do with sex. She...

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Suzi is Rebuilt as a Sex Toy ch 04

SUZI IS INTRODUCED TO TED Michael surprised me last night with a new pair of ballet boots. He said they were a treat because I'd done such a good job for Tony last week. He was right, I did. I worked for him four days in a row, which saved his company a lot of money. By the time they disconnected me from the machine, I was nearly crazy from stimulation. Tony promised me he would let me come back and work for him again in a few weeks. The ballet boots are bright red and they lace all...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Suzi needs to be unfaithful part 1

To give you the back ground story, when I first met James, I was working as a Stripper and Go Go dancer in a gentleman's club in town. I eventually moved from Go Go dancer to fully fledged lap dancer, still maintaining my two spots a night striptease. James would pop into the club from time to time and was always on his best behaviour. He would always be polite, buy me a drink and constantly compliment me. That era was back when, in the stripping circles, I was known as the long boot girl, for...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Ballad of Elaine and John

Copyright 2002 swl all right reserved except: 1. Permission is given for a reader to download one (1) copy for personal use. 2. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story. Other free sites will also probably be given permission to post this story. The Ballad of Elaine and John by shalimar [Sung to Greensleves] Elaine I love you with all my heart. Elaine I love you with all my soul. But you don't love me at all it seems. Elaine why must you spurn me so? John, I...

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The Ballad of Tam Lin

That wear gold in your hair, To come or go by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there." -"The Ballad of Tam Lin," Traditional. *** Halfway through the forest the carriage stopped for no reason and wouldn’t budge an inch. Lady Astrid fanned herself as the coachman tried to get them going again. "What seems to be the problem?" "Can't say ma'am," said the driver. "It's like the wheels just don't want to turn." "Wheels turn; it’s what they do. Why should we stop for...

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The Ballad of Tam Lin

Introduction: Even fairies have their problems. O I forbid you, maidens all, That wear gold in your hair, To come or go by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there. -The Ballad of Tam Lin, Traditional. *** Halfway through the forest the carriage stopped for no reason and wouldnt budge an inch. Lady Astrid fanned herself as the coachman tried to get them going again. What seems to be the problem? Cant say maam, said the driver. Its like the wheels just dont want to turn. Wheels turn, its...

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The Ballad of Tam Lin

"O I forbid you, maidens all, That wear gold in your hair, To come or go by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there."-"The Ballad of Tam Lin," Traditional.*Halfway through the forest the carriage stopped for no reason and wouldn’t budge an inch. Lady Astrid fanned herself as the coachman tried to get them going again. "What seems to be the problem?""Can't say ma'am," said the driver. "It's like the wheels just don't want to turn.""Wheels turn; it’s what they do. Why should we stop for no...

5 years ago
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The Ballad of Tiffany Renee

The Ballad of Tiffany Renee Chapter 1 I have always loved pretty things, for as far back as I can remember. Silky, soft clothing on a woman looks so beautiful, and feels so good. Even as a child, I loved the feel of satin, silk, and nylon brushing across my skin. One of my earliest memories was of an Aunt of mine putting a pair of pantyhose on me and telling me to go show my mom how pretty I was. I loved the feeling of the nylon on my legs, and instantly fell in love with...

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The Ballad of Tam Lin

‘O I forbid you, maidens all, That wear gold in your hair, To come or go by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there.’ -‘The Ballad of Tam Lin,’ Traditional. *** Halfway through the forest the carriage stopped for no reason and wouldn’t budge an inch. Lady Astrid fanned herself as the coachman tried to get them going again. ‘What seems to be the problem?’ ‘Can’t say ma’am,’ said the driver. ‘It’s like the wheels just don’t want to turn.’ ‘Wheels turn, it’s what they do. Why should we stop for no...

3 years ago
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AFWhat are friends for The ballad of Jessica

"AF- What are Friends For? The Ballad of Jessica" - By Flyover State. 2021. "Later," Mark said, leaving his friends. Mark and his friends had just finished basketball practice. He'd thrown a towel around his neck, and heavily plopped down into his car, a new Alfa Romeo Giulia. He started the car, cranking the A/C as high as it would go, until he cooled off, and then the Colorado air would be good enough. Mark ran his hands through his damp hair, he was blonde, with blue eyes, and...

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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

4 years ago
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The Ballad of Hoan Vegars Part 2 The Fall of Rebel Candles

Introduction: Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Hoan Vegars woke in his bed the next morning. He got ready for his day, and wore a black Circle S Mens Lubbock Suit. He had bought it from Sheplers. He also wore a Lucchese black belt, with a Montana Silversmiths Silver Filigree Gold Trim belt buckle. He also had a black cowboy hat. As for footwear, Hoan was wearing his black Lucchese Knox western boots. Hoan had a crossdraw holster, in which he put his Les Baer Premier II...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Suzi is Rebuilt as a Sex Toy ch 01

It's terribly humiliating to me to have feet like this. After a year of training and three surgeries, I can no long keep my balance unless I am wearing ballet boots with six inch heels. I wear them to the grocery story, to the bank, everywhere I go. I wore them to work until they fired me. One of the two dozen men I was servicing passed my name along to the wrong person. He ratted me out to upper management. After they took me away for a weekend of fucking and beatings, they fired me. No...

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Slut Irsquom Suzi the Slut Stripper wife

Slut: I’m Suzi the Slut Stripper wife I’d been stripping and Lap Dancing for almost two months. Not only was I enjoying my sexy new career, I was also thriving in my new found Slut hot wife lifestyle. My husband James has thankfully agreed to allow me to fuck whomever I want, whenever I want. I’ve actually lost count of the number of cocks that have been in my mouth, my pussy and on special occasions my asshole. James has been actively present for most of my extra marital escapades as he has...

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Suzi needs to be unfaithful Part 3

Suzi needs to be unfaithful Part 3I bounced up and down on the life like cock, orgasming with regular monotony. My pussy was insatiably hungry for more cock. The previous two hours being replayed in my erotic memory of my two guests fucking my pussy and ass, exploding their spunk everywhere then handcuffing me to the stairs. I was coming down from my latest orgasm when I heard the wheels of James’s car tyres moving across the gravelled driveway. His car stopped and the engine was switched off....

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