Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: Suzi endures quite a lot of pain plus a gallon of water distends her stomach. Chapter 6
[starts Thurs night – ends Thurs night]
Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone.
Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement…
Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain…
I was hesitant but his voice was calm and controlled so I figured Id give him a chance to explain. By the time our call was finished, I was not only reassured that she was ultimately safe but eager to connect to the video feed he gave me.
The screen lit up on a full body shot of my wife. My dick went hard immediately. The restraints were simple but effective and displayed her tender tits, belly and thighs in a way that simply screamed hurt me. She was attached to a metal frame that pulled her arms out from her shoulders and back at a 45 degree angle. Her back was arched so her belly was forward and stretched tight. Her legs were open and pulled back as well, the knees and ankles secured with metal bands. With just those six simple metal bands, theyd rendered her completely helpless.
I keyed the URL into one of my other laptops and brought up the camera that showed the zoom view of her face. She was breathing hard, face turned sideways, trying to press it into her shoulder – the sure sign she was turned on but didnt want to show it.
A subtitle came across the monitor shooting starts in 5…4…3…2…1… I settled back in my chair and unzipped my pants, patting my cock lightly through my underpants.
Three men walked into the room and circled Suzi.
So this is the one with the ass? asked the first man. He was over six feet tall, beefy, with short cut blond hair and a close trimmed beard. He wore a skintight, short sleeved shirt and black jeans tucked into cowboy boots.
Shes been in training for weeks. Watch this, said the second man. He was much older, easily in his sixties, short, and dressed in an expensive grey suit. He was carrying a doctors bag and set it on the floor between Suzis legs. He took a red rubber ball out of his bag and spit on it, rubbing it with both hands. It was slightly bigger than a tennis ball and shiny with his saliva. He walked behind her and leaned forward, looking in her eyes. Were going to play catch.
Suzis eyes got wider and I stroked my cock again. He held the ball in front of her mouth. Go on, lick it. Get it nice and wet.
Suzi opened her mouth and licked the ball once, then again. He pushed it against her lips and rubbed it back and forth.
Mark, enough, said the third man. He was younger, in his mid twenties, but short and thin with a face that looked like an angry rodent. Get on with it.
Mark walked around and pressed the ball between Suzis ass cheeks. Open wide, he said, then pushed it up inside her with one hard motion. Suzi moaned and my cock jerked. Mark patted her on the belly and said, good girl. Suzi moaned and pressed her face harder into her shoulder.
Kenny, give me another, Mark said. The big man took another ball out of the bag and handed it to Mark. He spit on it, rubbed it, then shoved it into her cunt. He followed those with two more, then stepped back a few feet.
OK, honey. Now shoot one of them to me. The one in your ass. He cupped his hand and crouched slightly. Come on. Clean yourself out so Kenny can fuck you. Kenny walked around behind her, held her head in his big hands. Unless you want him to fuck you with the ball up there?
Suzi started protesting then, begging him, but he didnt say a word. She got quiet then I saw her thighs start to strain, she lifted her body a few inches off of the metal frame and clenched. A ball shot out of her and onto the floor, bouncing once at Marks feet. Mark looked at it, then looked at her and shook his head. That was very bad. He turned his head slightly. Sid?
Sid got between my wifes legs and bent down, picked up a leather strap from Marks case. With a quick movement, he swatted it down dead center up the middle of her crotch. Suzy screamed and raised her hips. Sid hit her again and again, up and down the insides of both thighs twice, stopping to deliver a dozen blows to her pussy each time.
Now, bitch, Mark growled, do you think you can handle a simple little instruction? Shit out the ball thats up your ass.
I watched Suzi, sobbing and shaking, tense her thighs again and another ball bounced across the room. Again, Sid flogged her cunt while Mark complained to her how useless she was and how she wasnt cooperating. Sid was beating her cunt with the belt when I saw her shudder and knew shed cum. With everything shed gone through in the last few weeks, anything they did would just turn her on. They didnt know it and it was just as well.
Sid stopped and dropped the strap to the ground. Kenny leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. You have two more balls inside you, one in your ass and one in your fuckhole. Youre going to have one more chance. After that, Im going to fuck you for all youre worth. And I really dont want to push that ball any deeper up into your ass than it already is. So, lets see what you can do.
Suzi didnt say a word. I wondered if she was calculating a way to keep the ball inside her ass. Theyd think she failed but Id know better. It would hurt more and she would cum harder. Mark stepped closer and put his hands just underneath her ass and smiled. Come on, now, lets see if you can make this easy on yourself.
One last time, my wifes body tensed and lifted off the metal, one last time, a ball dropped into the old mans hands.
Your ass must be tighter than they told me, he said, shaking his head. He tuned to Kenny. Enjoy, he said. Suzi started moaning, no, please, fuck my cunt, fuck my cunt, fuck…aRRRGGGHHH!! Kenny held her hips tight and pulled his huge cock out of her, then rammed it in again. He fucked her for fifteen minutes before he threw back his head and groaned, filling my wifes ass with his cum. When he pulled out, cum gushed out and dripped down the insides of her thighs. Mark laughed and scooped it up with his fingers, pushing it back into her. Come on, Sid, before she leaks out.
Obediently, Sid slid his pants down around his knees and slid his cock deep into my wifes ass. I feel the fucking ball! he laughed, ramming his cock deeper up her ass. I rubbed my cock, wishing I was there. I would have gone around and fucked her face, let her feel the cum shooting into her from both ends, like so many times at home. But, I was here and she was there and besides, if one of them *did* decide to fuck her face, it would obstruct my view so it was just as well.
I watched her as Sid fucked her, his cockhead ramming up against the ball buried deep up inside her now. She was moaning no, no but I would tell she was getting close to another orgasm. My cock was hard and I stroked the head, trying to think of her mouth but it wasnt working. Dammit! I was getting spoiled! I needed an ass to fuck. Her ass.
Sid leaned forward and grabbed her nipples with both hands, pulling hard and shaking up and down. She started moaning harder then, her body arched as she came again.
Fuck! Look at that! Mark laughed. Sid, lean back. Sid stood up, let go of Suzis nipples and smiled at Mark. Mark picked up a single-tail whip and swung it high above his head. When he brought it down across my wifes titties, she screamed and Sid jerked. Oh fuck! Yeah, she snaps her asshole when you do that! Do it again, Mark. Mark swung again and Sid grunted. Harder. And faster! Mark stared swinging in earnest then and I watched the red stripes starting to appear across my wifes chest. She was getting more and more turned on, her head shaking side to side now, muttering nonsense. When Sid came, she opened her eyes and screamed at Mark dont stop! dont stop! Motherfucker! Come on, harder! Oh fuck, yes, harder! Mark dropped the whip on the floor and she started screaming bastard, bastard, motherfucker! Cocksucker! Pussy! you fucking pussy!
The three men gathered around her and laughed, stroking her gently, pinching her nipples. So, you like pain? How about we just touch you here… and here…
Hurt me! Hurt me! Hurt me! Suzi yelled over and over, but their laughing drowned most of it out. I stopped stroking myself, I wasnt going to cum so I might as well just admit it.
I looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight, so ten down in Phoenix. They could keep fucking her all night but I couldnt afford to stay and watch, Id be driving down to pick up John tomorrow so I needed some sleep.
I was about to turn off the monitor when I saw the door open. Three more men came in, followed by a women in a white uniform. Someone was playing nurse?
So? the woman asked, focusing on Mark. Is she satisfactory?
Mark tilted his head. Eh.
Well, did you hurt her? the woman asked, stepping closer to Suzi.
We fucked her. Whipped her tits a little.
The woman laughed. Did you find the little prize I left for you?
The three men looked at each other, shaking their heads. No. We didnt know there was a prize.
Without missing a step, the woman leaned over my wife and pushed her hand straight into her pussy. She felt around for a minute while Suzi squirmed and moaned.
She likes that, Sid laughed. Pump her a few times.
Later, the woman said, pulling her hand out. It was slick with Suzis pussy juice but she held a small steel ball between her finger and thumb. Messy, isnt it? She pushed it into Suzis mouth and smiled. Clean it up for them. Suzi moved her tongue and I heard the ball rattle against her teeth. The woman shoved her hand back into Suzis hole. Whats this? she asked, turning to Mark.
What? he asked.
I feel something inside here. She pushed two fingers into Suzis ass. My wife moaned and raised her hips, fucking the womans hand. The woman laughed. Look at this whore. She pushed her arm deeper, halfway to the elbow while Suzi fucked and humped harder.
Its moving, the woman said. She slid her fingers out of my wifes ass and watched while the ball slowly spread her spinchter until it popped through and bounced on the floor. You were fucking her with that inside her? Mark answered, yes. Felt good too.
Hmmm, the woman said. Hand it to me. Mark picked it up. The woman took it and pushed it back into Suzi. Do you have any more? Suzi shuddered as another orgasm went through her. The woman kept fucking her cunt with her arm while she pushed the other three balls up into Suzi. She pulled her arm out and wiped it on Suzis belly.
Anyone want to fuck her now? she turned to the room. Mark and Sid of the men came up immediately. One spit on his cock and stroked it, the other pushed his into my wifes mouth. When the first mans cock got stiff, he started sliding the head up and down between her ass cheeks.
Now, about the pain, the woman said. She walked toward the door and I watched her open a small panel next to the light switch. She took out what looked like a large television remote control box. The three men who had come in with her looked at her and she nodded. They started working on Suzi then. One of them took a box out of a cabinet drawer and opened it to reveal a nest of wires and white adhesive pads. He attached two to each of Suzis breasts, several up and down her arms and legs, and four on each of her ass cheeks.
The second man wrapped rubber bands around the base of her titties, then several up and down her arms and legs, wrist to elbow and ankle to knee.
The third man attached a metal device to her head and adjusted it so it kept her mouth wide open and her nostrils flared wide. Then, he took a plastic tube and pushed it several inches down into her throat. I shook my head, wondering what the hell he was up to. He adjusted something near her mouth and then let go of the tube. It stayed in place, deep down inside her.
While they were preparing her, the man between her legs was pushing his cock slowly in. The balls are so fucking tight! he moaned, sliding further into my wifes ass. She must have been splitting open with his cock pushing those balls either deeper or sideways.
You all the way in? the woman asked.
The man just moaned and pulled himself harder against Suzis crotch.
Tell me how this feels. I leaned forward to watch my wifes face closer. I didnt know what this woman was up to but Suzis body was certainly prepared for something.
nnnnggggggg! Suzi moaned around the tube. She arched her back and tensed every muscle in her legs and belly. The woman was shocking her, though I couldnt tell where. Her legs started to shake as the current went through her. Then, two of the others started snapping the rubber bands up and down her calves. She started screaming then, the pain too much finally even for Suzi.
Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Mark yelled, Keep on doing it, shes fucking milking my cock with her ass! They snapped the rubber bands harder and Suzis body went into spasms, twisting and jerking. The woman pressed a button and Suzi collapsed against the metal, moaning as the others kept snapping the rubber bands against her skin, now turning bright red.
Let her rest, the woman said calmly. The men stopped and Mark slid his cock out of her ass. She went limp, moaning through the tube. The woman in white nodded to one of the men. He went into the other room and came back with a gallon sized bottle of water.
I quickly launched a browser and looked up stomach capacity. Most of the medical sites said that 2 liters was about average. Three would be uncomfortable and four would be extreme. A person might begin to experience trouble breathing and a lot of pain. I looked at the gallon bottle. It wasnt quite full but that was easily 3 and a half liters.
The woman stroked my wifes belly gently. Now, David here, she nodded to the man holding the bottle, had asked about giving our little toy an enema as part of the video. I leaned forward, Karl had told me they were taping this but Id forgotten. I had to tell him no. We all know this one is an ass slut, so if we fill her up, she wont be much fun to use, now will she? The woman slid her hand up Suzis body, now stroking her neck and cheeks. So, we came to a compromise.
Suzis eyes registered panic now. I hadnt seen that in a long time. She understood what was going on and was afraid. My cock stiffened again.
David, get the funnel. David nodded and set the water bottle on the floor. He went into the other room and came back with a funnel. The woman nodded and David put the funnel into the end of the tube. Suzi started shaking now, trying to turn her head but the metal device kept her steady.
Ngghhhh, she grunted, trying to beg but not making any sense.
Take a deep breath, David said. I saw Suzis belly rise, then David started pouring the water slowly into the tube. The woman rubbed Suzis belly as the man slowly filled her with water. When the bottle was about half empty, she motioned for him to stop. Suzi was moaning and I saw her body relaxed, collapsed, not able to fight anymore.
The woman came around and knelt in front of Suzi, brought her face close and started kissing her. My wifes body moved slightly, she was getting turned on. The woman stroked her breasts, licked her cheeks and lips, kissed her deep. Suzi moaned and ground her hips up and down. Then, the woman slid her hand down to Suzis belly and pressed. Suzi grunted like a wounded animal and some water shot out of the tube. The woman slid her hand further down and started rubbing Suzis cunt. She came quickly, shooting water out of the tube again, splashing Davids pants. He slapped her face but the woman put up her hand. She cant control herself. David nodded.
Go ahead, finish it, she said. David picked up the bottle and slowly poured the rest of the gallon into Suzi. Then, he quickly pulled the tube out and clamped his hand over her mouth. One of the other men handed him a roll of duct tape and he covered her mouth. A trickle of water drizzled out of her nose and he wiped it with his fingers. She was moaning now, quiet and steady. I knew she was in pain, this was a sound I didnt hear from her often.
They stood and watched her for a long time. Suzis body would lay still, then jerk every twenty seconds or so as her stomach cramped from all the water. Some would shoot out her nose as her body tried to expel it, but it was never more than a few drops. After about four or five minutes of this, one of the balls shot out of her ass and rolled across the floor. The woman nodded. That was inevitable. And were going to leave her like this until her body gives us back the other three balls.
Shit, this woman was evil. I reached to turn off the full-body monitor but stopped myself halfway. David was stepping closer to Suzi with something in his hand. I couldnt see what it was until he raised it up and swung it. A thick, leather paddle. He brought it down on her swollen belly with a crack. Her whole body jerked and water shot out of her nose. She began squirming now, bucking her ass up and down and I knew shed crossed the line again, shed assimilated it all and the pain was turning her on. David swatted her again and her leg muscles locked as she came. Another of the balls flew out of her ass, this time it flew across the room like a cannon shot.
This was one of the most ingenious things Id seen done to my wife and I flicked the record button on the monitor. I would want to watch this again tonight.
After the fourth ball shot out, the woman told David to drain her. He did, reinserting the tube and emptying all of the water – now yellow with bile – back into the bottle. They took off the shock pads and rubber bands and undid the metal straps that held her in place.
Suzi tried to get up but only succeeded in rolling herself onto the floor. Four of the six took one last shot at her ass, then they left her alone to wait for Karl to come and pick her up.
I clicked off the record and turned off the monitors. Karl had better have negotiated a good price for that, the video would be priceless.
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I am writing this while I am using a stand-up desk. The following story will explain why I am standing today and why I am being extra gentle when I sit down.I have to admit, having a Friday off of work as an adult makes me feel the same way I did when it was spring break as a high school student. Instead of sleeping until noon and saying I am bored all day long, I get up at my normal time, leisurely enjoy my coffee, and take the time to read.Cassy had the day off too, but, decided to go in...
SpankingSuzie and her mother - by Maria Donner Mrs. Ana Clark was not amused. Her husband - Barry - for a little less than twenty years - had lost his job, and he had little chance of acquiring a new one. But that was not all. He seemed to use all of his time playing games on the computer. He did not help in the house either. They had a half-day maid for that, so you could argue that there was no need. The worst offense - according to her view - was the garden. When they had been...
If stories of heavy sex and incest turn you off then stop reading right now. Suzie Gets Even by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Jack glanced sidelong at Suzie as they rode the service elevator down to the street. She looked subdued. He guessed she was taking old man Bellows' death pretty hard. It surprised him--he would've thought she'd be glad. After all, the guy had been keeping her a slave, and he'd done--that other thing--to her. The elevator doors opened. She staggered...
Suzie had no idea how it had happened. One minute she was at a party, the next she was bound and gagged, in the boot of someone’s car, and being driven around. The ropes around her wrist, behind her back, would not budge, try as she may, and the ones around her ankles were also tight. She had tried rubbing her head on the carpet in the boot, trying to get the gag out, but straps around her neck and also over her head, made sure this did not happen.She tried to think back to what had happened,...
Hi. I'm Wendy telling this part of the story. On Monday it was nearly 7:00pm and I was ready to lock up the long-day-care centre where I work. I went through all the rooms of the centre to check that no one was going to be locked in. But in the room where the young kids have a nap during the day, I found Suzie lying on one of the small beds. She was hunched up in a foetal position and sobbing miserably. “Suzie! What's wrong?” “I'm pregnant. Valerie noticed that I was starting to...
Wearing dark sunglasses, a knee high blue colored dress and a handbag in my hand, I stepped out of my car. A couple of young guys, who were standing a few feet away from my car, looked at my deep cleavage. I was thirty-seven years old. I had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I managed to have a quite fit body. My breasts were 34D size, and I loved playing with my boobs every time I masturbated. I was married, but still I had to fuck myself with my toys and fingers. My husband was good at sex, but he...
HardcoreAfter the Sunday morning blow job on Tom in the office, Suzie's mid-thirties insatiable sexual desire came into full swing. She was a woman unchained and ready to experience as much extramarital sex as she could possibly have without me finding out.There was a small 10 x 12 storage room just outside the office where the company archived their paper records. Suzie was responsible for keeping it organized. This was where Suzie and Tom would fucked for the first time. The next time she saw Tom was...
I had been sleeping with cute and busty bisexual Sarah from work for months now. We frequently engaged in mutual fantasies regarding other attractive women from the office where we worked together. One day another coworker of theirs, Suzie, came into Sarah's office and closed the door. Suzie was a petite small-breasted brunette with straight dark hair and a beautiful heart-shaped face with dazzling blue eyes. She faced Sarah and said, "I need to talk to someone. I'm in big trouble." Sarah...
Pushing in and out. My 13-year-old daughter's tight cunt was such a pleasure. Even though it was just a few minutes after we started, Suzie and I were close to our ultimate climax... The story about how this started is still amazing to me. I didn't plan it. Still, I wouldn't trade it for the world! It all started three years ago. At least it did for my daughter. I had a habit of sleeping late on Saturday mornings. My wife was an early-riser, so she would wake up and then send one of the...
By : Vijay_stud01 Hi Friends, I am back one more time to tell you yet another story. This is one very special story to me because the main idea and most situations are from my very good net friend Sweta. I do not care if it is true or not, but I do love her ideas, the way she thinks and the way she chats. If you are reading this Sweta, you are the best. I originally wanted to make the heroine’s name Sweta as well – but changed my mind to use the one girl’s name I dreamed/fantasised all through...
The adventures of Cassy the reluctant magical whore Part 1 Cassius Maylea is a young mercenary in the Fantasy realm of Sakaris. He is very proficient in sword combat and earns his money by offering his fighting capabilities to those who need them. Mostly to get paid but he does enjoy helping people as well. But one day his life drastically changes as he takes on a quest to slay a mighty minotaur. Warning this story contains involuntary male to female gender-bending and rape/non-con...
I have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...
have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...
Pat –The whore and The wifeAnother partly true story about my wifeIt didn't take Pat long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, it's nice to see the actual proof.I'm watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. We'll probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and let's see if we can make that fantasy real.The other reason I...
Standing in the balcony of his room Dad was looking at me. It would be very hard for any man not to stare at a nineteen-year-old girl when she was lying in a chair wearing her sexy blue bikini. He was my dad so it was a little weird to have him looking at me like that. After a minute, he went inside in his room and I kept lying there enjoying the warm sun for another few more minutes. I am tall, have blonde hair, 34 C size boobs and long sexy legs. People always show more interest in my ass. My...
IncestIntroduction: New wife puts her husband through medical school byh taking a high paying job that requires that she have sex with her boss and his clients WHORE WIFE THE BURNING QUESTION AM I, OR AM I NOT: She rang the doorbell of the Beverly Hills Hotel suite and waited, looking gorgeous, voluptuous and ultra-hot in a small, tight, molten gold party dress that was meant to drive men crazy. Soon the door opened and a man peered out at her, looked her up and down, and then whistled...
I was still in college when I met my first whore that I married. she was in one of my classes and I started talking to her to see what she was like. I knew what I wanted in a wife/whore and I thought I saw that in her. She had what I was looking for as far as looks go. Big old tits a tight ass and long legs that went all the way to that ass and long blonde hair and it was real. Beside that she would be an asset for anything I wanted in the business world. She would be a trophy wife to take to...
How my wife became a whoreOne night my wife and myself were indoors with a good friend of ours, we were drinking and generally having a good time. After several drinks my Wife made up her mind she was going to take off her clothes, she sat next to our friend naked. She started stroking his cock, it grew and stood obediently to attention. She then started slowly licking, sucking and taking his cock in her mouth.He started slowly caressing her breasts and encouraging her head to ride his shaft,...
I was counting the days to my one month long vacation in Thailand. I really loved Thai pussy: For those fortunate to have died and gone to paradise i.e. Bangkok, they will know that Thai girls are the most beautiful girls in the world with their only wish in life is to sexually please men, especially when they pay in dollars. Their sexual art is totally unsurpassed. They can milk a rock dry of every drop of sperm.My own marriage was becoming sexually stale and boring and I was looking forward...
Cassia III By: Ryker Several months later, the changes to my body were progressing. When I looked in the mirror I saw more female than male, and my emotions were a mess. No one looking at me would ever think I was a man without looking between my legs, especially with the "all natural" D-cup breasts hanging from my chest. Now it was confirmed my balls and cock have shrunk, just a little bit. I cried myself to sleep the first few nights after I realized it, and Cassia even comforted...
Cassia IV By: Ryker As time went by, I'm not sure how long, but it was several more months, the changes to my body were slowing down. My breasts were a large D-cup or maybe a small DD, and my penis and testicles only shrunk a little more. It was still hard to accept it. Miss Cassia said her treatment was nearly complete, and I was nearing the final stages. Unfortunately, I was still settling into my new emotions, and it was still very hard to handle. I cried often, sometimes for...
Cassia II By: Ryker ___ When I woke up the next day, the first thing I noticed was that the pain still burned in my ass. I looked around and saw that Cassia was gone, but the lights on the metal ring around were out, and a handwritten note was sitting on the floor beside me. It read, "You are late. I will forgive you this one time since I don't need you this morning, but from now on you will wake by 7 am to start your duties. Go downstairs and get ready just like yesterday -...
(Outside The Tiber Hideout) John's Horse Laid Dead beneath his Arrow-Ridden Body, but Still He Clung to Life, His Belief in the Creed in the Assassins Brotherhood Unbroken and Unbeaten, He Crawled through the streets, bloodstained Robes and Stab wounds all red and bleeding red. He Finally Collapsed in front of the Tiber Bridge. (Inside the Tiber Hideout) John Awoke to A Sweet singing, he tried getting up, but he felt several Stitches Pull and the Pain Causes him to groan and pass out. John had...
After being with my first whore for a couple of years I decided that it was time for a change of scenery and I asked whore to file for a divorce and she did. I told her that i still wanted her around so I bought her a condo about a mile from the house and started looking for whore wife number two.Didn't take long to find what I was looking for. I was in the local big box store and i saw what I was looking for. I saw this red head and I started talking to her and we kind of hit it off so I took...
I've read several stories posted to the Internet about interracial affairs and pregnancy, and many of the writers have said they would like to hear from similarpeople. At my husband's suggestion, I have decided towrite to you about our experiences.***I'm a lil white girl; I grew up around blacks all my life, and even though there's always been a barrier between the races I've had a secret desire to fuck some of the black studs I knew in school and around our neck of the woods.So at the age of...
Cassia V By: Ryker Two weeks later, I could tell Miss Cassia was getting ready for something to happen. Part of me was concerned, and I wanted to ask her, but when I broached the subject, she told me not to worry about it. She was already annoyed with me from when I previously begged her to let me cum. When I grew more concerned, I asked again. "Damn it, Marisa! Do you only think about yourself!?" she yelled at me. She started using my name more often instead of "sissy" except...
I met my wife when she was a student nurse and we hit it off straight away and we got on really well and had lots of laughs etc .I introduced her to sex magazines ,well she found some in my bedroom while I was in shower and I found her reading and playing with herself she went red but told her to carry on as I licked her slowly she said it was the best she ever had,from then on made her go into the shops and buy it while I watched her and the looks of others as she put on counter to...
Cassia I By: Ryker "Aww, don't feel too bad, sweetheart. Most men don't realize what I have hidden in my panties until it is too late for them." "MMPPHH!" I screamed into my gag as I struggled against the cuffs binding my legs and arms. She ignored me and continued. "Still, I overpowered you quite easily. You really are a pathetic wimp, and now you are going to pay the consequences for that." So let me tell you how this is going to work. By day, you will be my live-in maid...
The raw, cold wind had been buffeting her face for the past hour, turning it rose-colored with burn. Pat pulled her fur coat closed, tight across her chest, tucking her hands under her arms to keep warm as she stood waiting. Waiting patiently for someone. She paced back and forth on the street in her thigh high black leather boots and full length coat. Her long ginger hair blew across her face as the car turned the corner illuminating her on the dark street. The car pulled up beside her and...