- 3 years ago
- 42
- 0
I had known Suzi since; well, since she was born. I was nine at the time, but I remember her parents bringing the new baby to Church for the first time. When she was two or three, she was a cheeky toddler, and I used to tease her. When she got to ten, she was a pretty schoolgirl, but I wondered if she would lose that as she got to puberty. She didn't. At sixteen, she looked older, and I guessed that she was getting a lot of attention from boys at school. When I was twenty-four, I started dating the woman who would become my wife. Suzi looked disappointed when this woman appeared at my side week after week.
Two years later, I married, and although Suzi wasn't invited to the wedding, she came to see us at the Church. For the first time, I noticed Suzi as a beautiful young woman. She was, by a long way, the most beautiful female at the wedding. She came up to me after the ceremony to say congratulations, but I could tell she didn't mean it.
After that, I didn't see as much of her. My wife and I didn't come to Church as much, and then Suzi went off to University.
Six years later, my wife left me for someone else. My parents had retired to the coast, so I was on my own. I felt I needed something to hold on to, something comfortable, from my past, so I decided to go back to Church.
So on that first Sunday, back on my own, I went to my old Church. No one would know, as yet, that I was single again.
Suzi was there, and after the service, she came up to me, with her wonderful smile, "It's lovely to see you, Phil."
"It's lovely to see you and your smile again, Suzi."
We chatted for a few minutes, not about my split, and she didn't ask where my wife was, then she had to go.
I thought about her a lot over the next week, but it was another two weeks before I could go back again. By this time, the news of my split was out as my parents had told friends they still kept in touch with. I was therefore plagued with people coming up to me to say how sorry they were to hear my news — that didn't help. But when Suzi came up to me, she didn't mention it.
"I am glad you came again," she said and smiled.
"I'm glad too. It's nice to see your friendly face."
Again the conversation wasn't long, but it was very welcome and ended with Suzi saying, "I hope to see you again soon."
"I hope so too."
In the middle of the week, I received a text from an unknown number.
'Hi, Phil, it's Suzi. I would love to chat more, without distractions, so if you would like to, meet me at Costa Coffee on Saturday at 11 AM. Xx.'
I had no idea how she got my number but was chuffed that she had, so I replied, "That would be lovely, Suzi. See you on Saturday."
I got worked up the next few days wondering what might happen but tried to keep the lid on my feelings, telling myself that she just wanted friendship, but as much as I tried, my thoughts got carried away on many occasions.
On Saturday morning, I was ready early, despite taking ages to decide what to wear, even though it wasn't a date but coffee, or was it?
As I drove into town, I was more nervous than I had been for several years. Surely it was just coffee and a chat. Why would a beautiful young woman, nine years younger, be interested in a recently separated man like me. Oh well, I would soon find out.
I saw Suzi sat at a window table as I approached. She smiled, of course, when she saw me and gave a little wave. She even stood as I got to the table, coming nearer and kissing me on the cheek.
"I am so glad you came, Phil."
"How could I resist an invitation from a beautiful young woman."
"Well, thank you, Phil. I just felt I would like to chat more, and there is never enough time after Church or any privacy."
"That is so true. So many people last week just wanted to say they were sorry about my marriage ending, but that didn't help."
"Yes, I noticed, but don't worry, I don't want to talk about your past."
"That's a relief," I said, and we both laughed.
I then went to get drinks for us, and we chatted and chatted. Suzi bought the second round of coffee and cake. The conversation flowed effortlessly and was full of giggles and smiles.
I am not sure how long we had been chatting, but I did have a few things to do. Although it was wonderful, I wanted to see if I could move things along.
"Suzi, how about we carry on this conversation at dinner tonight?"
"I would love to, Phil."
I suggested a Chinese restaurant on my side of the town, and Suzi readily agreed. We parted with another kiss on the cheek, that was just maybe a little longer.
I booked a table for that evening. I had offered to pick Suzi up, but she said she would meet me there. I arrived first, just, with Suzi stepping out of a taxi a minute or so later.
She looked even more gorgeous than earlier. She was in a red dress, a short red dress, accentuating her long legs. It also showed off her ample cleavage, which I probably looked at more than I should have during our meal.
"You look fantastic, Suzi."
"Thank you, Phil. You look very handsome."
This time the kiss on the cheek made proper contact.
After we had ordered, Suzi started the conversation, "I told you earlier that I didn't want to talk about your past, and I don't, but I do want to talk about the present. To do that, though, I need to tell you about my past."
"That sounds serious."
"Not really, but I want you to know my story over the past four or five years."
"Go ahead then. I am all ears."
"I have always thought of you as an older brother until I was sixteen, and you started dating. I couldn't understand why I didn't feel happy for you, but the more I saw of you two together and holding hands, I finally realised that it was because I wanted it to be me on your arm, not her!"
I may have looked a bit shocked, and she paused to let it sink in before she went on, "I knew it couldn't be me because I was too young for you, but it didn't stop my feelings for you. When you got married two years later, I decided to make sure you noticed me at the ceremony."
"You certainly did that. I can still remember what you wore."
"Can you really?"
"Yes. It was a short bright blue dress with matching heels, making you almost as tall as me. It showed off your long legs."
"I'm impressed, and I'm glad I created a good impression. That was my intention. That dress cost me a fortune at the time, especially as I only had a weekend job."
"I have a confession to make, at this point."
"Go on," said Suzi, looking a little puzzled.
"I thought you were the most beautiful woman at the wedding, and here is the biggest part of that confession. I thought, and I haven't told anyone this before that you were even more beautiful than my bride."
"Did you really think that?"
"Yes, I did."
Suzi reached out and placed her hand on mine, "I certainly did create an impression, didn't I?"
"Yes, you did. I only wish that the photographer had got a picture of you so that I could have looked at you again."
"Well, I still have the dress, so I might wear it for you one day."
"I would like that."
We were quiet for a minute before I spoke again, "Before you go on with your life story, there is another confession I should make."
"I'm intrigued. Go on."
"That night after the reception, when we retired to our hotel room, we had sex, of course, and I have to say it was good sex, but my new wife then crashed out. She had drunk more than me, so not surprising, I guess, but I then laid awake thinking of you."
"Wow. Did you... Did you?"
"Did I wank, thinking of you?"
"Yes. Did you?"
"Yes, I did."
"Did you cum?"
"Yes, I did."
Suzi squeezed my hand, and I felt her leg touch mine under the table, "I'm pleased. It's just a shame I didn't get any satisfaction from that day. I went home and cried."
"I'm sorry, Suzi," I lifted our hands and kissed the back of hers.
Suzi then continued her 'history'.
"That day was when I finally decided to go to University. I needed to get away and try and forget you. The months, till I went, were hard, although I didn't see you every week after you got married, and I missed some weeks at Church on the pretence of revising so that I wouldn't see you. Anyway, I went to Uni almost a year later. I vowed that when I was there, I would work hard and play hard so that I would forget you. Working hard wasn't difficult, the course was hard, and playing hard wasn't difficult either. On the second night, I lost my virginity. That was another of my goals, to be honest. It wasn't great, but at least I was now a 'woman'. That experience made me realise that the 'play hard' part of my plan had to involve sex. In fact, I decided to fuck my way through Uni. I thought the more guys I fucked, the easier it would be to forget you."
We were still eating as the courses kept coming, and the conversation was interrupted by waiters coming to our table.
Suzi continued. "It didn't work, despite fucking as many guys that I could and as often as I could, I always thought of you. Well, not with James; he was built like a rugby player and black, so he obviously couldn't be you!"
We both laughed before I spoke, "So is it true what they say?"
"About what?"
"Black men."
"Oh, right. Well, in his case, yes, he was huge!" Suzi smiled.
"Enjoy him, did you?"
"Well, I did fuck him more than once, yes. One day I fucked four different guys in a day. I woke up with the one I'd fucked the night before and fucked him again. In the afternoon, I picked up a guy and fucked him, and at night I fucked two guys at a party."
"Sounds fun."
"It was, but it wasn't you, and I still couldn't forget you. I also fucked two Tutors, not my own, but ones I met in a bar that some of them frequented. Apparently, it was well known that I was an easy lay. I used to get guys knocking on my door asking for sex. I should have charged. I would have made a fortune, but I was effectively whoring myself out for free. I loved it, but when my first year ended, I dropped out and came home."
"Did you have any female lovers at Uni?"
"Typical man!" We both laughed, "One brief encounter, but I have had one since then.
"Once I was home, I found a job, and it was my female boss who seduced me. We were alone one day, and she kept complimenting me and then she ran her hand up my leg, and I shivered, and I was hers. She was great, but she soon realised I wouldn't give up on men. She tried harder by using a strap on to fuck me, and although it was good, it wasn't the real thing, and it wasn't you. I told her all about you, and she understood, so she backed off, and while we still get together from time to time, it's over.
"Anyway, when you showed up the first time the other week, I couldn't believe it, and on your own. It crossed my mind that maybe you had separated, but I couldn't be sure. When it came out, it didn't surprise me as my older sister has a colleague who knows your wife, and I heard some stories about her way back, so I knew she wasn't the one for you, but I couldn't tell you that.
"I didn't think you would be looking for a date yet, so soon after your split, so I knew I had to make the first move. I couldn't wait and risk losing you.
"So that's my story, but in summary, I want you, Phil, and I love you."
Suzi stared into my eyes. We were silent for a while.
"What a story, Suzi. I am sorry that you have been all through that but thank you for being so open and honest. I can say that while it is too early for me to say that I love you, I do want you. You are a beautiful, sexy woman, and I couldn't resist you even if I wanted to. What say we skip dessert and go back to my place?"
"That's a great idea." And there was that gorgeous smile again.
I called for the bill, paid it, then as we rose from the table, I grabbed Suzi's coat and helped her put it on. Once done, she turned to me to say thank you, and she kissed me on the lips. It wasn't long, but wow, it was intense and told me all I needed to know.
As I drove us back to mine, she placed her hand on my thigh, not high enough to feel my erection, which was straining to get out, but it was great to have constant contact with her. Her dress was so short that it rode up even higher when she got in my car, exposing more of her gorgeous thighs. Tonight was going to be fun.
We entered the house, and I showed Suzi into the lounge,
"This is nice," she said.
"Yeah, it's not bad. Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting visitors. Make yourself at home while I pop upstairs, then I will make coffee when I come down."
I knew my bedroom was in a bit of a state, so I wanted to make an effort. While I gave it a quick tidy up, I could hear Suzi downstairs, wandering around. By the time I reappeared, she was in the kitchen washing up.
"You don't need to do that, Suzi."
"I know I don't, but I want to. You make the coffee."
I got the cups out and then took the kettle to the sink to fill it, and Suzi stood aside. As I finished and turned, she stepped closer, and we kissed again. It was even better than the first kiss.
"Let's skip the coffee. Show me your bedroom, Phil."
I smiled, took her hand, and lead her upstairs and into the bedroom. For a moment, neither of us knew what to do next until I turned to Suzi and kissed her again. This kiss went on and on, with tongues exploring each other's mouths. My hands reached round her neck, and my fingers started to pull down the zip on her dress. She didn't object. As my fingers pulling on the zip reached her waist, Suzi reacted, putting her hands between us and fumbling with my shirt buttons. Her zip was now down to her arse. I raised my hands to her shoulders and slipped the straps of her dress down her arms.
Suzi was progressing well with my buttons and was soon down to my waist, where her dress had stopped falling. She moved back slightly, and her dress continued to the bedroom floor. Her fingers then went to my belt and mine to her bra. I undid the bra in seconds and slipped it down her arms. Suzi lifted her arms one at a time from my waist so that I could remove her bra, and I tossed it aside.
She quickly returned to my belt and then my zip before dropping to the floor to remove my trousers and socks from my feet. Then she stood to remove my shirt before we hugged tightly so that her very erect nipples poked my chest. We continued to kiss as Suzi slipped her hand inside my boxers, and she wrapped her fingers around my erection. Suzi didn't linger there. Her fingers then slipped down to my balls, caressing me softly, and she moaned into my mouth.
She broke the kiss briefly, "I love that you shave your cock and balls," as she went back to kissing me.
My hands had been resting on her arse, but I slid one around to her front, cupping her mound, discovering that her briefs were soaking wet before I slipped my fingers inside her briefs. I had never found a woman so wet; she was on fire. I could feel her pouting labia and quickly slipped two fingers inside her, causing her to moan again.
"Phil, I want you so much. I love foreplay, but let's forget that, just get your cock in me and fuck me. I can't wait any longer."
We separated, removed our remaining underwear, and got on the bed. I laid down, and Suzi climbed over me. She took hold of my cock, stroking me.
"Let me get a condom, Suzi."
"No need, Phil. I am on the pill, and I want to feel you're bare cock in my body."
How could I resist?
As she lined up my cock with her labia, I looked at her tits properly for the first time. Although she was tall and her body shapely, her tits were not huge, C cup, I guessed, but her nipples stood proud. I raised my hands and cupped them, and she looked at me and smiled.
As I massaged her gorgeous breasts, she lowered herself onto my erection. I entered her easily due to her wetness. She was never going to feel like a virgin.
She looked at me as she lowered her body, but her eyes closed as I bottomed out.
"God, you feel so good inside me. Better than I had imagined."
"It does feel good. I never imagined being inside you, but I am so glad I am."
"Now fuck me and fill me."
Our movements complemented each other. I rose as she lowered, making the thrusts inside her gorgeous body more forceful. My hands played with her tits and pinched her nipples. She smiled all the time, loving every second. Even though I had thought of Suzi as a beautiful young woman for a while, seeing her naked and riding my cock made me realise that even that statement was an underestimate. She was stunning.
Her hands were running up and down my chest while mine continued to enjoy her tits. She raised and lowered herself faster and harder, and I met all her downward moves with my thrusts. Suzi lowered herself and said, "Suck my tits."
I lifted my head and clamped my mouth around one of her tits. "Oh yes," she moaned. I moved from one tit to another, sucking as hard as I could and pulling on her nipples with my teeth, and she came. I could feel her juices gushing around my cock. Despite her orgasm, she continued to ride my cock, apparently desperate to have me cum inside her. She didn't have long to wait.
I felt my cum rising in my balls, and I shouted out, "I'm cumming," and my hot spunk blasted into her body.
I don't recall cumming so much as I did that evening. There was something about this woman.
I collapsed back onto the bed, and Suzi lay on top of me, holding me tight.
"I love you, Phil," she said, kissing me again.
I know that earlier in the evening, I had told her that it was too early for me to use the 'L' word, although I did want her, and that was true, but now, lying there in post-orgasmic bliss, the words just came out.
"I love you too," I said.
Suzi hugged me tightly. Other than that and a few tender kisses, no words were spoken. There was no need.
After five minutes or so, Suzi eased herself off me and sat up next to me.
"I fancy that coffee now," she said.
I sat up and started to get up, but Suzi spoke again, "No, I'll get it. You stay there, my lover."
Suzi slipped out of bed and padded naked towards the door. Just as she got there, she stopped. "Oops," she said, looking down. She lowered her hand and, using two fingers, scooped up some cum that was running down her inner thigh. She then raised her fingers and put them in her mouth, licking them clean.
"Mmm, tasty," she said and turned to me, winked, and left the room.
I could hear her as she went downstairs, humming a tune. I had never met such a confident woman before. Confident in her body, in her sexuality, and in what she wants from life.
I lay there thinking about what had happened, and I was extremely happy as to what had happened and as to where things might end up.
Suzi reappeared sometime later with coffee for us both and another of her huge smiles as she entered the bedroom. Her boobs bobbed up and down as she walked around the bed to hand me my coffee, which she did with a kiss.
"Suzi, you are beautiful."
"Thank you, Phil. That was fantastic."
"It was, wasn't it?"
"I haven't had sex like that for a long time, in fact ever."
"I think I would agree with that. I wasn't expecting to be seduced by you tonight."
" I wasn't sure I could seduce you, but I had to try, and to be fair; you were not hard to seduce!"
"Sorry, was I too easy?"
"No, you were just right."
"Do I need to get you home when we have finished our coffee?"
"No, I often stay over at a girlfriend's on Saturdays, so my parents won't be expecting me. Can I stay here with you?"
"I would love you too."
"Good 'cus I want to make love, and I want to give your beautiful cock some more attention."
"So not much sleep then?"
Suzi laughed, "No, just love and sex!"
Suzi slipped a hand under the duvet and found my cock, slowly stroking it.
"I love that you shave your cock and balls. It's lovely and hard and smooth."
"I love you stroking me, but I would dearly love to be in your mouth."
"Oh, would you now? I might be able to manage that."
Suzi slipped under the duvet, and her mouth replaced her fingers around my cock. Her tongue and lips worked magic on my cock. I moaned and arched my back as my cock disappeared further down her throat. Her fingers were still wrapped around my cock, and she was stroking me and twisting my cock. I didn't want to cum yet, preferring to cum in her pussy, but I wasn't going to last under the onslaught that Suzi s mouth was giving me.
"I hope you like the taste of cum."
Suzi moaned and worked even harder on me.
I felt the cum rising, and my breath got harder as the cum shot up my hard cock and shot into Suzi's mouth. She jerked back as the cum surprised her despite my warning, but my cock stayed in her mouth. The second spurt was expected, and she took it easily, still moaning along with the two further jets. She then licked the tip of my cock, coaxing more cum from me, and she licked around the head, savouring the last of my cum.
She moaned as she moved up my body and kissed me, using her tongue to push some of my cum into my mouth. I had never tasted my cum before, but it was the right thing to do.
We hugged and kissed for some time.
"You are a very naughty young woman, Suzi."
She looked at me, "You mean because I made you taste your cum?"
"Yes. I haven't done that before."
"It's not naughty, but it is erotic. Maybe I can show you a few other new things in time."
"I would like that."
When we were ready again, we made slow sensual love, and we made it last a long time before I finally gave her another load of cum.
Afterwards, we fell asleep in each other's arms.
I woke up to Suzi sucking my cock.
I moaned, and she released me to say, "Awake at last."
"How could I not be with you sucking me."
She continued to suck my morning wood, and it wasn't long before I shot off into her mouth again. This time she held the last load in her mouth before crawling up my body and depositing the whole load in my mouth.
"Swallow it, my darling."
I did.
This woman was amazing, so dirty, but in a beautiful way.
She smiled at me when I swallowed.
"Well done, and now you have to suck me to orgasm."
I nodded, and she turned around, backing up until her arse was over my face. She then lowered herself until her labia touched my lips. She moaned as my tongue made the first contact. She was already very wet, and her juices were sweet but tangy and sticky. Her pussy lips were open, allowing my tongue to penetrate her and collect the juices she was secreting.
Suzi slid her bum and pussy across my face making my tongue probe deeper. I lapped her up, savouring her.
Suzi took my cock in her hand and wanked in time to my tongue lapping.
With her moving her body on top of me, my face was getting wet, but I didn't mind. I loved it. As she slid back, my tongue touched her clit, and after a few times, she rested there so I could pay it some special attention.
I had never experienced anything like this before but knew exactly what to do, and Suzi's moans told me I was doing it right.
"That's amazing, Phil. Keep it up, and you will get a mouthful of me."
I wasn't sure I could get much wetter, but two minutes later, I did as she squirted her exquisite juices over my face and into my mouth.
She recovered quickly and swung her body off me, turning to face me, "Wow, all those juices on your face. I think you need cleaning up."
With that, she bent forward and licked her juices off my face, and occasionally kissed me.
"That is the most erotic and beautiful thing I have ever done," I said.
"There is plenty more where that came from."
We did eventually get up and showered together. There was no sex in the shower, but we spent a long time washing each other and caressing and exploring our bodies. As we were drying each other, I asked, "So are we dating then?"
Suzi laughed, "I think after the amount of sex we have had, it's fair to say we are dating, yes."
"I was just checking, in case this had just been a dream."
"No, it's no dream, Phil."
"So when do we go public?"
"Let's give it a week. We need to tell our parents first because they will have questions."
"Okay, that sounds like a plan."
After a lazy morning, Suzi went home. We agreed not to see each other again until Tuesday evening as we both had things to do. The wait wasn't easy, but we did chat a lot on the phone as well as text each other.
On Tuesday evening, Suzi came round, and we fucked, and we also chatted about our future together after we went public in a few day's time. Before she went home, she checked for wardrobe space and found my collection of porn DVDs.
"Interesting," was all she said at first. She thumbed through them and finally took one out of the pile, "We will watch this tomorrow night," she announced as she threw the DVD on the bed.
I glanced at it. "First time anal."
The next night she was very keen to watch the DVD, so as soon as we had finished dinner, we sat down to watch it.
"Have you ever had anal sex?" Suzi asked me.
"Er, no, actually, I haven't," I stumbled to answer.
"Despite all the sex I had at Uni, I haven't either."
The film played, and within minutes Suzi had her hand in my trousers and was wanking me.
"This is good," she said.
"What the film or my cock?" I jokingly replied.
It wasn't long before some woman on the screen was having her arse pounded by a huge cock, and Suzi was moaning.
"I think I would like to try that, Phil."
"Me too."
"It's a good job I bought some lube at lunchtime then!"
"So you knew you wanted it then?"
"Oh, yes. I want to give all of me to you, so I need to give you my arse as well as everything else that you have already had."
A few minutes later, Suzi was on her knees on the floor with her head down and arse raised. I had lubed her sphincter, and my cock entered her as the woman on the screen orgasmed.
Suzi's arse hole was tight, but I took it slow. She encouraged me to keep moving, and after a couple of minutes, I was all inside her.
I stayed there, asking her if she was okay. She replied that she was, and once she was comfortable, she told me to fuck her.
She gripped my cock so tight that I knew I would fill her soon, and with Suzi using her left hand on her clit, we both exploded at the same time. It was an incredible feeling. I collapsed on the floor beside her.
We both agreed that we had to have anal more often.
The next evening, after work, I went to Suzi's house. When she opened the door, we kissed and holding my hand; she led me through to the kitchen where her Mum was cooking.
"Oh hi Phil," her Mum said, "I meant to speak to you the other week to say I was sorry..."
Suzi interrupted her Mum, "Mum, don't. Phil isn't here to talk about his past, but about his future."
With that, Suzi lifted our joined hands.
"Oh," was all her Mum could say before adding, "How long has this been going on?"
"Only since last weekend. I know you will wonder about the age difference, but we aren't bothered by it, and I know you will think Phil is on the rebound, but it was me who approached him as soon as I knew he was single again."
"Well, as long as you are both happy, that's the main thing."
"We are," I said.
"Good. Will you stay for dinner, Phil?"
"I would love to, thank you."
"Thank you, Mum," added Suzi before turning to kiss me.
When her dad got home, he was equally surprised but also happy for us.
When I got back to my place, l called my parents to tell them the news, and they asked the expected questions but were please as they knew Suzi and that she was a 'lovely girl'.
Friday, Suzi came over, and we started to plan her move to mine, and over the weekend, she moved quite a lot of her clothes.
Sunday, we went to Church, and we made a huge impact, initially by walking in holding hands and sitting together. There some open mouths and some whispering, all of which we thought was funny. One lady came up to us and said it was lovely to see us together, which was nice.
After the service, more came up to us to say 'congratulations', although I am not sure that dating qualifies as an event to be congratulated on, the thought was nice. I guess there were some questions that many of them wanted to ask, but they didn't.
We walked off, smiling that we had created an impact. As we walked to the car, Suzi whispered to me, "Take me back to 'our house' and fuck me."
Once back at the house, we dashed to the bedroom, undressing on the way, as far as we could. The rest of our clothes disappeared once we got into the bedroom.
I got on top of Suzi, "Fuck me, Phil, make me yours, cum in me and give me a baby!"
My eyes popped wide open at her last few words even though my cock was entering her very wet pussy.
"You're on the pill, so I can't make you pregnant, can I?" I thrust into as I spoke.
Between my thrusts and her grunts, Suzi said, "I stopped taking it after last weekend. I want your baby, Phil."
"You bitch, Suzi."
"Yes, I am. I'm your bitch, Phil. Now knock me up, breed me, just give me a baby."
I have never been so aroused before, not even in these last few days with Suzi. I slammed into her to try and make her pregnant, even if it was probably too soon after stopping taking the pill.
That night we fucked and made love most of the night, and I came in her several times and brought Suzi off on numerous occasions. It was a good thing the next day was a Bank Holiday, so there was no work.
Suzi didn't get pregnant that night, but she did a couple of months later, so we started to plan to get married, but I had the legal stuff to attend to regarding my first marriage. But of course, the baby appeared nine months later, a beautiful little girl. We continued to fuck through the pregnancy, and towards the end, it was all anal, which was fine with both of us.
Two years later, we had a baby boy to make our family complete. We had a wonderful family life, and the sex hardly dwindled.
We have now been married twenty-five years, and the children have grown up. Our daughter is now married to a wonderful guy. The first time she bought him home to stay, we heard them having sex in the next room, and I said to Suzi, "She sounds just like you."
Suzi laughed and said, "Let's have sex, so they can hear how it should be done."
So we had anal sex, and Suzi screamed her orgasm. They couldn't have failed to hear us, but of course, nothing was said the next day, but it made us laugh.
Our son was more like me when it comes to dating, and it wasn't until recently he bought a date home for the first time to meet us, but he has certainly hit the big time. She was a stunning Asian girl, very petite with very long black hair. We didn't hear them make love, so we didn't have to perform again. We hope 'this is the one' for him as she was not just stunningly beautiful but was a lovely young lady.
So our life continues into the next phase, and presumably grandchildren in due course, and we continue to have a wonderful sex life.
Suzi and I were made for each other.
Hi. I'm Wendy telling this part of the story. On Monday it was nearly 7:00pm and I was ready to lock up the long-day-care centre where I work. I went through all the rooms of the centre to check that no one was going to be locked in. But in the room where the young kids have a nap during the day, I found Suzie lying on one of the small beds. She was hunched up in a foetal position and sobbing miserably. “Suzie! What's wrong?” “I'm pregnant. Valerie noticed that I was starting to...
Pushing in and out. My 13-year-old daughter's tight cunt was such a pleasure. Even though it was just a few minutes after we started, Suzie and I were close to our ultimate climax... The story about how this started is still amazing to me. I didn't plan it. Still, I wouldn't trade it for the world! It all started three years ago. At least it did for my daughter. I had a habit of sleeping late on Saturday mornings. My wife was an early-riser, so she would wake up and then send one of the...
Suzy and I had been married for six years when she began to change. At first I didn't notice but that soon changed. We had recently moved into a new house with lots of extra space for c***dren. Suzy and I had known one another for twenty of our twenty six years. We were sweethearts by high school and married at college. After graduating we took high paying jobs in our respective fields and saved for a house and family.Everything was going according to our plan. We had everything we wanted...
My boyfriend is a really randy bugger. When at home he has me wear short skirts without any knickers, in fact he does not allow me to own any. This is so he can fuck me anywhere at any time. He absolutely loves coming over to me, and sliding his hands up my short skirt, to grope my bald -another requirement of his- pussy, before he plunges his meaty shaft into me. As I said, I never know when and where he will take me, and not knowing always keeps me wet with anticipation. In the past I have...
It started off as a silly gesture. We locked eye contact at a red light and that was all she wrote. A head nod, a wink and a smile was so simple. I didn't want to bring to much attention to myself. I was trying to be a gentleman and not knowing her situation or status I didn't want to come off strong. It's so easy to be considered thirsty nowadays, I just wanted to have a little fun in the sun. Turned my music up and went on about my business. I could still see her in the back of my...
Jennifer heard the swish of the cane, and then it bit into her stretched up buttocks. She had promised herself not to, but it forced a howl out of her throat as her strung-up lower body convulsed, and a wave of superheat welled up into her in shock gaping cunt. And then she felt George’s hand stroking lovingly over the burning welt on her ass.Nevertheless, Jenifer knew it was far from over because while he caressed her still uncontrollably twitching ass, his cane stroked down the length of one...
BDSMYou wrap up your business meeting. "OK that's it, see you all tomorrow have a good night. Kim, would you stay behind please, I need to discuss something with you." Kim stays seated when the others leave.You shut the door behind your them, locking it. You walk back over to the meeting table sit down on your chair. She is 19 years old 5'7" and measures 36DD-22-34 weigh 115 lbs her hair is brown and she has hazel eyes.
A Change of Life, Part 6 by LaShaunda That night, I seriously debated whether or not I'd even return to my old job at the factory tomorrow. I had slept in my bed as LaShaunda, and I woke up at 5AM with only a few precious minutes to wash off and get back into "Dave mode." After my "sessions" last night, this was the first day I felt extremely reluctant about removing my LaShaunda cover and becoming a male again. For me, the thing about crossdressing was that when I was...
I caught My Daughter In The Act My daughter was a quiet little thing when she was younger. As she grew older she got out of her shyness. By the time she hit puberty she was extremely outgoing. With her new tits, pubic hair, and her period, came a new awareness of her body. I tried to keep her under more control but her mother out ranked me and gave her, ‘her space.’ By the time Jessica was fourteen I had noticed a drastic change in her wardrobe, in her manors, and in her school...
We are once again on the hunt for some fresh girls on spring break, this time we almost got lucky and got two. Well only the blonde chick by the name of Katia decided to come with us. She was really cool and down for the fun from the start. Needless to say the cash was a big help on that. Her friend didn’t want to let her come with us but Katia decided to leave behind in promise of money and a great time. After more cash offerings we get her to show off her great body and wonderful ass. I mean...
xmoviesforyou"So, uh, how'd you two meet?" Helen asked, changing the subject of discussion. "Shindig." Kaila and I responded simultaneously. "Big Firefly party," Kaila explained. "We were both there alone, and got paired up in the costume contest." "Oh, this is gonna be good." Charlotte smiled, leaning forward on her knees. "Well, we just happened to have complimentary costumes." I elaborated, self consciously tugging at my now dry Hawaiian shirt. "We were dressed as Zoe and Wash."...
The problem was that Mandy loved Brad. And she loved having Brad's hard penis in her. And she loved the feel of his hot cum washing into her pussy. Well ... the real problem was that she loved all those things at the same time she wasn't very good at paying attention to her menstrual cycle. Of course, when you fuck like a bunny every night for two months, the chances of one of those wriggling sperm cells to penetrate an egg get way up there. But she didn't think of that. Like at least...
I was relaxing in front of the television when the front door bell rang. My wife and I were not expecting anyone. I was already naked under my robe, ready for a little action later. She was soaking in a bath. I peeked through the eye hole and saw a girl standing on the doorstep. I pulled my robe tighter and opened the door immediately thinking she might need directions or to use the phone. “May I help, young lady? Are you all right?” I asked looking past her. I didn’t see a car in sight. “I’m...
At lunch, I was sitting with Lisa, Annie, and Brian when Amy came over. "Do you mind if I join you guys?" No one had a problem with it. "Why don't we make this a permanent thing," Lisa asked. "You can sit with us any time you like." "Really," Amy asked, her eyes lighting up. "Sure," I said. "Why not?" "Thanks. Oh. I heard there was a problem in Mr. Fraser's class last period," she said. "You're in that class. Right? What happened?" "Oh," Annie said. "Not much. He...
The XXX Movies Tube! Porn is all over the web but it can be difficult to find all of the best fap material on a single platform. Of course, this means that a lot of wankers out there switch from site to site when playing with their pickle or flicking the bean. If only there were a better way to search for, find, and fap to material online.Well, guess what – there is!Aggregate sites aren’t exactly free per se, but instead, they collect links to porn from all over the interwebs. So, they are kind...
Porn AggregatorsThis story is a follow on from another story I wrote named Marion's story. I wanted to build on the story but to allow that to happen I had to go back and tell a little of the back story of the other members in the band. This story picks up Mel's life before the band and talks a little about how the band was formed. I need to say a big thank you to my friend and fellow writer and friend Marina Kelly who helped with the editing and gave me direction and guidance. Thanks Marina, great...
I followed her down the road, keeping strictly 50 yards behind the tall swaying body clothed in the white plastic raincoat. In the gathering dusk I couldn't see those rounded, tight buttocks and flared hips, nor the two firm looking breasts that I had noticed when I'd first started to trace her footsteps. But I could sense them, oh yes I could sense them alright. The sheer physical sensuality of her movements turned my guts into liquid fire. She was gorgeous and she knew it. It showed in the...
They left from the porch. For a couple of days, Jean wondered who the man in her house had been. She certainly didn't know why she had a complete Intensive Care Unit and bed ... complete with monitors she'd never seen and pumps that didn't exist ... on her newly enclosed back porch ... in the addition she had no idea was there. There was plenty of evidence that the bed was recently used. "Christ! I get enough of that at work ... why would I do it at home?" But, everybody at the Shelby...
I met her one evening after work in the Red Lion, a pub just round the corner from my office in the City. We talked for most of the evening, sharing a few more drinks, and just before she left to get her last train, she pressed her phone number into my hand and raising herself up on her high heels, she brushed my lips with hers, and her tongue slightly licked them. Then she was gone, and I was left to slowly walk back to my empty flat. All the next day I was thinking of her. Karen, she said...
Group SexKate Manta was her own worst enemy. She was often depressed and would put herself down. She had many social problems and was introverted. Although, she wished she could be more extroverted. She did manage to have one friend. However, she was more social and liked to go out. She tried hard to get Kate out of her shell. Kate was beginning to be more social.She’d drag Kate out with her to clubs and taverns. Kate was always the girl at the end of the bar with nobody to talk to. She was...
LesbianAsher Haizen had no memory of where he came from or who his parents were. As a child, he was taken from his home by a group of ninja under the command of a man named Orochimaru. He was taken to a lab where they conducted experiments on him and about twenty other children. The experiments were to try to create the ultimate ninja. There experiment used a serum derived from a plant that allows the bonding of two different types of DNA. They used the genetic material of animals on the children....
Part V - The inspection of Jezebel by Mistress Beauregard continues at the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Does our little Jezzie make the grade, or will the milking ceremony be called off? (Author's Note on pronouns: in this alternate reality, the Matriarchy's goal is to convert all males into sissies, essentially a third gender. Pronouns evolved to reflect this new gender, he became sie,...
By : Cool1234 Mera naam Kuljeet kaur hai mein Punjab ki rehne wali hoon n meri age 32 saal ki hai mein apni life ki ik sachi ghtna likhne ja rahi hoon yeh story ajj se 1 month pehle ki hhai mere husband army mein hai so mera ik beta bhi hai 6 sall ka n mein apne bête ke sath akeli rehti hoon mere sohra bhi hai but wo hamari ghar ke bahar ke kamre mein rehta hai meri mother in low mar cuki hai husband saal mein ik or do baar ate hai mein akeli hone ki bajah se ik school mein job karti hoon...
She was not prepared for the blast of heat as she left the artificial cool of the Metro station. The summer was like an oven and bathed the street in brilliant, harsh, white light. The sand in the vacant block beside her blazed brilliant white, while the breeze lifted it into little columns and eddies which seemed to hang in the air for the moment before collapsing. The ubiquitous hotel and apartment buildings lined the street, behind which rose the odd oblong of the Ski Dubai construction....
It had been three days since Tina’s surprise sexual encounter with her 19-year old son, Mark. He had walked in on her masturbating to a porn video that he had left running on TV. One thing led to another, and before long, the mother and son were fucking like naturals. The three days since that crazy, exciting time had been quiet between the two. After a truce to not mention it again, each knew that the other was still thinking about it. A few days of the memories of that moment had Tina excited...
IncestPlease read Chapters 1 to 3 they will help you understand the characters and how they got to this point in the story. Your constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and follow this story. ******************** ‘The old trading post sure has changed since the last time I saw it,’ Jim said. ‘Cole’s Corner is more like a general store now,’ Lewis replied with a smile. ‘It doesn’t do trading like it did back in your day. Cole does sell...
One of Them: becoming Cathy: I sit in my sister-in-law Karens beautiful living room, my legs crossed demurely at the ankle, delicately sipping tea from bone china cups surrounded by the most important, beautiful and influential women in my life. As I delicately raise the cup to my painted lips I glimpse my glossed pink fingernails resting gently on the thin porcelain handle and the faint lipstick stains on the gold rim and a sudden moment of realisation washes over me about just how...
Ron woke up before Brenda and was fixing a meal when she slid out of the shelter. She dressed in front of the shelter and walked over to the fire. She did not recognize what Ron was cooking. He saw her trying to see what was in the pot. "Chickweed and blueberries," he said, "We are going to have to start living off of the land a bit. I don't want to use the last of our MRE's. If we get to a place where the land won't feed us we'll use the MRE's." They both ate in silence. Brenda...
Im still not sure why I agreed to it. A friend of mine who is a biker persuaded me to take a half day off work to go to a bike event and show. I can neither ride one, understand anything about them and nor do I wish too! The event was local and in fairness he agreed to drive so I could at least enjoy a pint at a noted local pub on the way home. That may go some way to compensating me for the loss of a few hours, never to be seen again!Somehow I managed to lose Karl though my suspicion is that...
"Yessss!" That word had never had such meaning to him before. He stood in front of her – frozen in shock; he simply blinked at her for a moment, unable to do anything more. He exhaled slowly, and clenched and unclenched his fists. He really needed to keep control. At this moment, he needed to bring his body back under his control ... before he could go another step forward. The feelings that surged through him were ... phenomenal ... were overpowering! He looked at the beauty before...
Winter Sunshine (2) ——————— Thursday, 21 November ——————— David looked around Helen’s room while he waited. It was similar to his suite: a large old-fashioned study with a large desk, chairs and a large bookcase all made of sturdy-looking oak. Her desk was very organised: the papers neatly stacked and the pens uniformly lined up along one edge. He assumed the rooms would be like his with the bedroom and adjoining bathroom behind the closed door to his left. Outside in the darkness of the...
Hi all this is my first story so please leave comments.First of all this is and 100% true story as all of mine will be.This all started to give you some back ground in and place called Ocean City Maryland.I was on vacation with my mother at the beach on 32nd street right ocean front with and great balcony view of the girls sun bathing ahhh yes.At this time I am and teenager myself and so is the young lady in this story. I met some other guys the same age as me and we all had and laugh looking...
The Further Perils of Wonder Woman "Mistaken Identity 2 - The Cat is Back" by Steve Zink As a bit of a recap from "Mistaken Identity", Catwoman captured Wonder Woman in order to steal her costume and assume WW's identity in an effort to obtain the shipment plans for the Russian nuclear warhead inventory which WW was going to hand deliver to Ft. Sumner. Unfortunately for Catwoman, she wasn't the only evil doer looking for those plans. The Cossack found "Wonder Woman", actually...
It was just another day in the rural suburban neighborhood as Gwen, a short pixie haired nerdy yet buxom freckled face ginger in a Hello Kitty white T-shirt with a cute round ass currently tucked into a pair of loose fitting jeans, had just finished moving into her ideal dream house on the hill. Given her current finances she had little choice but to move out to a place where the houses were a mile or two apart. It was a rather nice deal though, having a whole massive five bedroom house all to...
FetishIt was apparent as soon as I stepped through the doorway. Something had Darla agitated. She was standing in the living room wringing her hands and shifting her weight from foot to foot. I had seen her do it often enough in the 24 years or our marriage to recognize it immediately. Darla gets home from her job at a dental office half an hour before me. Usually she uses that time to start dinner and change her clothes. Today she was wearing her work outfit and there were no pleasant smells...
What was the matter with Linda Parker? For these last few years, she had been enjoying all kinds of different sex. With men. She loved to suck and to be sucked, she loved anal, she loved more than one guy... Guy. Yes. So far, guy. But... What about something... Someone... Some girl? It wasn't just thanks to Julie. Sure, when her twin sister ate her, Linda had a fantastic orgasm. One of the bests of her life. But that had nothing to do with it. She had also seen lesbian sex, just in...
This sexy story revolves around a woman named Khyati who turned out to be my neighbour in a building I had just shifted in. Khyati was a 44-year-old single mother milf who could have easily passed on as a 25 year old. She was tall and a dusky woman with fat at the right places with a figure of approx 34-28-32. She had long curly hair and dark brown seductive eyes. Any straight man could have a hard on just by looking at her. My first encounter with her was while I was moving into my new flat...
Hormonal Family My name is Phil, a fairly normal middle-aged guy with a family composed of my wife, Carol, and kids, a son Billy who is 16, and 2 daughters, Sharon who is 19 and Cindy who is 14. I have always been the type of guy who is totally in control of almost every situation in my life whether at home or at work....agressive but not a tyrant by any means. Billy seemed to be following in my footsteps and was often chided by his sisters that he should be a little more polite and...
Introduction: First time with my Mother in law It had been a beautiful week and the weekend was looking to be even more beautiful. My wife and myself were at my mother in laws house for dinner on a Thursday evening. My wife was talking to her sister about the annual weekend away they do with their dad. They were both not pleased that it was on one of the hottest weekends wed had for most of the summer. As my wife and her sister talked, my mother in law asked me what my plans for my weekend on...
Hello everyone I am Vishnu 29yrs young 5.11 and slim good looking person live in Hyderabad. I am going to tell my true story in my life that happened. I don’t want to waste time and i will come quickly to the story and this is my second story. Actually it happened 3months back. I after my 1st sex with a house wife in front of her husband this my second story, with a housewife I meet her in online, she is normal body having 3yrs kid and her husband is working in a company he will leave morning 9...
For decades male criminals in the Federal Witness Protection Program had been secretly placed in St. Searle's, an all-girl private school where they were transformed into one of the girls. But St. Searle's was gone, so what happened now? ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: GRADUATION - part 3 of 3 by BobH (c) 2017 (Note: This is the concluding part of the story that began in ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS and contains spoilers for that tale.) - Interlude...
Having just gotten home from a swim, I throw my wet gear down and go for a lie down on the bed. Within 10 minutes I'm out cold, laying on the bed stripped to my boxers.You get home and find my wet gear on the floor, anger starts to build, you remove the towel and wrap it up to make a long wet rope. Walking into the bed room you see me laid out on the bed, completely asleep. Seeing me lay there your anger turns to desire and an idea begins to brew.You strip down to nothing but your heels whilst...
-- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2027 -- Taking a deep breath, I looked at BJ and gave him a shrug. “So you kinda understand why I wouldn’t want to drop all of that on you until you were mature enough to understand it. It’s not every day a kid learns that when his mother was his age, she had a submissive personality that made life kinda complicated for those that cared about her. And things weren’t all smooth sailing from there. Your mom turned out to have the same genetic disorder that killed your...
‘You’re my wife!’ Robert screamed. ‘Robert, I’m your wife. I refuse to be your concubine,’ Nicole replied. A drop of sweat rolled down Robert’s forehead. His eyes were wet from sobbing. He stood and walked to the front door. ‘Where are you going, Robert?’ said Nicole. ‘Out.’ Robert walked outside and took two deep breaths. Robert, the blue-eyed, brown-skinned Casanova, had not made love to his wife in two years. The frustration sped up his walk to the supermarket where he purchased a six...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series. Dark Side Of The Force, Ch 1-5. Feedback and constructive criticism is very...
First of all, let me say that as a 64 year old man, I feel fortunate, even ecstatic, to be able to say this is a true story. It really happened... it really fuckin' happened. As a teenager, I had learned that the quickest way to interest a girl into turning loose of some pussy was to joke around a little, get her to smile, look into her eyes and just ask... if it didn't work on one, there was always another. Did I mention that I dearly love to fuck? So much pussy, and I decided very...
"Nothing, how about you?" I said, trying to not sound too excited to hear from her. "Well, I'm going to be there for 3 months for an assignment. Wanna have dinner?" "Of course I do!" I said, squealing like a little kid. Stephanie is my cousin, but she is drop dead gorgeous, and although nothing's ever happened, she is a delight in real life as a friend and relative, and I confess, she's also a delight to fantasize about. Perky breasts, not big, but in exchange for not being...
Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky's shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He was yelling about losing his business. After several steps he stopped. He looked so defeated and alone that, even in her sorrow, Emily felt her heart go out to him. She wanted to comfort him and make it all better. He turned and started back to the...
It started to snow as I was packing for my hundred-mile trip home. I wasn't really that worried, since I knew that my old rust-bucket Chevy 4X4 pickup was mechanically sound and I had mounted four good used snow tires on it before I had left for school in August. Even when the radio station I was listening to announced that the main highway I was planning to use for part of my trip had been closed due to a massive pile-up, I figured I would be OK, since I knew the back roads I could use to...
~~Day 7: Naruto Uzumaki~~ Naruto groaned heavily as he slowly came to. What had happened...? He was heading home after training and nice dinner at Ichiraku's, but after that it was just a blank. Looking around, Naruto quickly began to panic as he realised he didn't recognise where he was; it was some kind of large, empty room, the only source of light being a large spotlight . He attempted to jump up, but he quickly discovered another problem: he couldn't move. Looking down,...
He walked from her room, naked and satisfied; physically at least. He felt a pang of guilt at having done what he’d done to his little girl, it was so wrong for a father to steal his daughter’s virginity and then pound her to climax before filling her with cum. But damn she was one hot little whore. He walked to his bathroom and stepped into the shower to wash away the sweat and residue of her cum and the spit from sucking him clean. Shudders swept over his skin as the pulsing stream hit his...
IncestI was having a cigarette in the unofficial smoking area all us students congregated in, when Brian walked round, taking one out of a packet, we started talking. Brian was ‘top boy’ captain of the football team, top grades in everything he did, he was who the younger boys looked up to.Brian had plenty of girls, he always asked out the usual stereotype girl, slim, blonde, happy. But this day there was only him and me and we were talking and laughing, and it was nice just to spend some time with...
I've always had feelings for my best friend Chris. At exactly 6 feet and an athlete's body, he's the kind of guy that every girl and guy would fawn for. We've been friends for a long time now and you have no idea how much I want to fuck him. As for me, I can say that I'm pretty good looking myself. At 5'9" with blonde hair and a toned body, I'm not what you would call ugly by all means. A lot of guys and girls have their eyes on me but my eyes are all on him. Too bad he's straight as an...
“Oh my god!” Jake said as I swallowed another inch, my chin now resting against his kiwi-sized balls, nose nestled in his patch of curly pubic hair. I was holding onto his hips trying to force even more of it in, and then finally came up for air, stroking his spit slicked member and looking up into his eyes. “You like that Jake?” I asked, seeing a look of stunned amazement on his face. “I-I’ve never felt anything like it.” He responded. I smiled, proud of my newly discovered...
Titus sat back in his chair staring at the wall on which was projected his notes concerning his next appointment. There was absolutely nothing in those notes that gave him a clue regarding the problem being brought to him. If there was a person who defined moderation, then Charlie Black was it. He couldn’t imagine a more boring life. He pushed the button on his desk to lower the desktop and turn off the projector. “Titus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Titus shouted. “You’re appointment is here!”...
I knew I will be alone this weekend so my girlfriend and I (girl too) were planning to play around at my house. I was looking forward to it. But, thing doesn't go the way we expected! We had a guest! But it was planed and the show must go on! (I'm sorry for my English but I'll try my best)My name is Min. I have long hair with medium build. My parents never daubted that I was into girls not boys. I knew I will be alone this weekend so my girlfriend, Jane, and I were planing to play at my house....
ExhibitionismIf she has the time, Katie Kush likes to have sex at least once a day. That is good news, because watching this cutie get nasty is definitely the thrill of a lifetime. She looks nerdy in her thick glasses, but it gives her a sexy edge that makes our stud go crazy. He wants to test her sexual skills, so he challenges her to take his dick balls deep and hold it in her throat. She passes with flying colors, making him almost bust a huge nut in her throat along the way! Then she gives him a footjob...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER IFinally, summer vacation was here! Six whole weeks of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The minute I got through the door at home I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, turning the shower on and tossing my bag down onto my bedroom floor.I unzipped my skirt and it dropped to the floor, I kicked it towards the laundry bin and began unbuttoning my shirt. I wasn't sure what was with Miss Chapman today, considering it was supposed to be the last day I would have thought it would...