A night at the bowling ally I will never forget
- 4 years ago
- 29
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Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky's shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He was yelling about losing his business. After several steps he stopped. He looked so defeated and alone that, even in her sorrow, Emily felt her heart go out to him. She wanted to comfort him and make it all better. He turned and started back to the table and Emily.
When Ryan approached, Emily stood and looked at him. She felt empty. Her momentary thought about comforting him was already fading from her mind. She was lost. She had no idea what to do now. All Emily knew for certain was her husband had left her and she was facing life without him. Almost immediately she thought about the censure of her family and many of her friends that she would soon face. The majority of her old friends, at one time or another over the years warned her she was heading for trouble. She snickered when she thought how strange it was that she and Ryan got away with the affair as long as they had. It seemed all their friends knew about the affair. She was surprised it took Pete as long as it did to find out. Of course, some of her friends dropped her when she refused to leave Ryan alone. Many more warned her repeatedly about the mistake she was making and tried to talk her out of following the adulterous path she and Ryan had chosen. She just couldn't give Ryan up. They were lovers constantly from a year before she even met Pete until now. The sex with each other was excellent but the emotional attachment just wasn't right for them to have ever married. No, they were destined to be nothing but lovers and that was the course in life they chose.
Emily and Ryan began their love affair when they were in college. They were positive they had all the answers and would never get caught. As time passed, their certainty of their invincibility only increased. They had the perfect cover; Emily and Vicky were fast friends and roommates, as were Ryan and Peter. It was normal and natural for them to be seen together, with or without a spouse. How had Peter ever found out about their love affair? Well, it wasn't even a love affair. It was more recreation, something to do when they had time and could be alone together. They liked each other bunches, but love? Oh, hell, no. They loved their respective spouses. Today's young would probably call their relationship 'friends with benefits'.
Even now, when they had to take the walk of shame out of the restaurant, Emily and Ryan could not stay away from each other. Emily moved under Ryan's arm as they walked from the restaurant together. Ryan's face showed his anger and Emily's her sorrow at the evening's occurrences. In her own way she really did love Pete. She just needed something different in her life. She needed the excitement of illicit sex to feel really alive and complete. She needed to be FUCKED from time to time and that is what Ryan did. She and Pete made love, a totally different kind of sex but one she needed as much as or more than she needed the rough, dirty, hard sex she got from Ryan.
Ryan helped Emily into his BMW then walked around to the driver's side. Neither spoke a word until they were on the road heading back deeper into the city. Ryan turned to Emily and snarled, "Now what? Do you think that asshole will really take my business? You need to talk to him tomorrow when he's calmed down. After all the work I put into being the little twerp's friend and setting him up with you I can't believe he is going to ruin me like this."
Emily laughed sharply and responded, "I really don't think he'll want to talk to me or you any time in the near future. You know how he gets when he's angry. If I knew how inflexible he was when we set this up I would have kept looking. He has been a good husband, and he was terribly oblivious to us, but his inflexibility on moral issues is just too strong for us to overcome I'm afraid."
Emily sighed and continued, "I thought we were so careful. I still don't know how the hell he caught us. I mean, we were so careful when we picked him out at college and he was oblivious for so long. Hell, if the truth be told, I DO love him a little."
Ryan laughed and said, "Yeah, crap, in college he'd nail you in the apartment then rush off to class and leave you there for me. I can't believe you managed to convince the Boy Scout to use rubbers until you got married so I didn't have to take sloppy seconds! Shit, was he blind. Of course, Vicky wasn't much better. Hell, she'd still be in the dark if Pete hadn't told her tonight. That doesn't help with our problem now, though. What the hell are we going to do?
"I've been bragging to Pete that the company is making a killing but I really just barely have enough to get by, even with Vicky's earnings. I've convinced him I make several thousand dollars more than he does every year but I probably don't make as much. It's really hard to tell, though, because I rat hole a lot of the cash and spend it before the accountants get their mitts on it. Crap, that's why I needed the loan from Pete and you, I had to buy some new equipment and couldn't get the damn bank to loan me any more money. They said my books didn't support any more debt. With the depreciation and loans, the company probably has a slight negative or zero value. I don't even have much of a bank account I can clean out before Pete takes the company. We have almost no savings. About all Vicky and I own is our house and we're almost under water on it. We are soooo screwed if we can't convince Pete and Vicky to get over this. I really don't think I could keep going without Vicky's salary even if Pete doesn't take my business."
Emily gave a little sharp laugh and said, "Yeah, right, you heard her tonight. Do you really think she's going to forgive and forget? Do you think Pete will? You remember how they acted when Sonia and her fiancé broke up while we were in college. They both thought Sonia should eviscerate Todd when she caught him cheating. You've heard them through the year's bad mouthing people we knew that were caught cheating and ended up divorced. No, I think we're screwed. Pete and I make about the same thing so I won't even get alimony if he really does divorce me. At least I can get maybe fifty thousand dollars from my share of the investments. I'm afraid I'll lose the house without Pete's income, though. With my job and the savings I can live ok, but I sure can't live high on the hog like we have been doing."
While Ryan and Emily drove away from the restaurant and continued their discussion Pete and Vicky did the same. Pete stared out the front window of his truck and drove carefully down the street. After several blocks, Vicky wiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingers and turned to Pete. She said, "How long have you known, Pete? I had no clue, none at all. Oh, I knew they couldn't keep their hands off each other and flirted constantly but they've done that since before we got out of college. There have been times I thought they took their teasing and touching too far. I even said so to one or the other of them over the years, but I just had no idea they were lovers and cheating on us."
Pete looked over at Vicky and sighed. "I began having doubts about them almost a year ago. At first, I just watched them myself when we were all together. I never caught them doing anything that could really be called cheating. I was uncomfortable with their level of comfort with each other, but like you, I just thought we were all close. About three months ago Emily and I went home after one of the nights the four of us did the town. We were making love and she called me Ryan, twice. Once she said this was the best since the canoe trip. That almost killed me. Even if she wasn't making love with him I knew she was fantasizing about him while we made love. Then the comment about the canoe trip hit me. Remember last summer when we switched canoes and then got separated? You and I had the camp completely set up and were worrying about Ryan and Emily when they finally arrived. They told us they swamped their canoe and spent nearly an hour finding the equipment that dumped from it.
"After that night, I began calling Emily at work more and there were many times when I was either told she wasn't in the building or I just was referred to her voice mail. I bit the bullet and hired a couple of guys to follow her. It was amazing, they were so confident of their safety they didn't even really try to hide their actions. They met two or three times during the week for sex. At times they did it in one of Ryan's box trailers from work. I have tapes of those trysts. I even have pictures from a time or two they had sex alongside the river and once in our house when Emily was off work, supposedly because she was sick. I got the first proof about seven weeks ago. I have to admit, I held off telling you and filing the divorce papers until I got my ducks in a row. I quit my job today, or rather, today was my last day of work. I bought a 25 acre farm with an old dilapidated double wide modular home on it east of town and closed on the deal last week.
"Now, when Emily and I divorce she will actually have the higher income and I may get some support. When we split the assets I will take the land and she will get to keep the damn house she insisted on buying several years ago. I have never liked that damn house and now I can get rid of it. I may have to pay her something from Ryan's business, but if I do it won't be much. I'm sorry about taking it from you though, Vicky. Are you going to make it ok?"
"Don't worry about me, Pete. We were just barely making it with both of us working but that was mostly because we were trying to live almost entirely on my salary and above our means. I don't know if Ryan was stealing money from the business or what, but he didn't make more than about twenty or thirty thousand profit a year according to the taxes. That's why he had to borrow from you. None of the banks would loan to him. I have caught him bragging about just putting cash payments in his pocket. If he did that, he spent the money on something besides our living expenses or hid them in a secret bank account. You know how he liked to 'big wig' it. He always left way too large a cash tip when we went out and was always throwing money around buying frivolous toys or gambling. Unless he has a secret bank account somewhere we are only a month or two away from default on our home loan. We are probably under water on the home, anyway. So, to answer your question, I'll probably be better off without him, at least economically. I can force a sale of the house to get rid of the house payment, then rent a small apartment and still have more to live on than I do now."
At the end of the month Ryan fought Pete's takeover of his business but failed to successfully protect it. The judge ruled against him and Pete took over the lawn care and landscaping business. Both divorces were slowly working their way through the courts. At first, Emily and Ryan fought the divorces and each of them demanded counseling. Both counseling attempts failed. The evidence presented rapidly let the Judge understand who was really at fault and self-serving lies soon got the Judge on the side of the innocent parties. He was particularly incensed when he found out the two were together since before either of the marriages.
The property distribution hearings were perhaps the worst bone of contention for Pete and Emily. She thought she would be given tens of thousands of dollars in settlements. What she got was ownership of the house in town she had insisted they purchase. Pete got sole title to his small 'farm' outside of town. Because the equity on the house was just slightly higher than the value of the farm, Pete even received a slightly larger share of the other assets than did Emily before considering Ryan's business.
Pete kept the business he got from Ryan. He did have to pay Emily about $13,000 for her share of it. After it was all settled, Pete still ended up with the business free and clear and seven thousand dollars in the bank. When Emily heard the Judge announce his decision she was furious. She was angry Pete spent their savings on the land without telling her and even more angry about the business. Pete grinned at her and said, "Why shouldn't I get something I've wanted for years, Emily? You've had something all along that you wanted—a different cock. We're getting an even division of our marital assets. It's all fair."
Emily shouted through her tears, "You asshole! You know we needed both our incomes to pay the mortgage and make the payments on our cars and credit cards. You know I'll lose the house as soon as the divorce is final. I needed that money to live on until I could work something out. How is that fair? Your little farm is paid off so you will have a place to live."
Pete laughed and said, "Not my problem. You know I never wanted that house anyway. You wanted it and now you have it. Hell, maybe Ryan can move in with you and help with the payments. Oh, wait; he doesn't have a job does he?"
Living seventeen miles out of town and running the lawn care business, Pete rapidly lost contact with his old set of friends. Most of them he didn't miss at all. He did keep in touch with Vicky for about six months after the divorce but they drifted apart. The drift apart began when she started to date one man she worked with seriously. Truthfully, Pete and Vicky never were close friends. She was Emily's friend and he was just along for the ride so they rapidly lost touch.
Emily did lose the house she loved so much and ended up living in a mid range condo. Ryan found a job with a competing lawn care business as a team leader. He lasted three months and was fired. Not only did he misuse his employer's equipment by mowing lawns and doing yard work after hours but he kept the payments. If that wasn't bad enough he got caught making moves on his employer's wife. That lady, however, was honorable and let her husband know what was going on. Her husband and brother had a physical discussion with Ryan that left him lying in a bar parking lot severely injured. After his stay in the hospital, Ryan decided to move to another city where he became a regular in a seedy beer bar and found a job once again with a lawn care company. No further word on him was received by those who knew him in his old location.
Pete's business ability served him well in his new venture. Within the same six months after the divorces were final he stopped the hemorrhaging of the business. For the most part, his crews were good and the men honest. He installed good accounting software and made sure all money paid for work found its way into the till. He got control of expenses. At the rate the business generated profits during the first six months Pete was well on the way to a $75,000 profit for his first year. That would equate to about $15,000 more than his previous salary. The best part of the business was he had an excellent foreman and office manager. He could leave the business to them to operate for several days at a time if he wanted.
While Pete recovered from his divorce he worked on his new home and property. He went to the office almost every day and made unannounced visits to his crews on the job but still had time to spend on his new land. One day, he took one of his tractors and bush hogs to his home to cut back brush and weeds growing in the cleared areas. He was driving around the property lines when he decided to stop and look at the property next door. He needed a break and thought wandering around the next plot of ground would be a great way to spend a few minutes.
Pete moved through the undergrowth toward an old Victorian two story house about 150 feet from the property line. The yard was overgrown and showed no care for years. The house was so sad and droopy looking he felt unhappy just looking at it. Siding was missing, windows were broken and some of the gingerbread had fallen off. The porch floors were spongy. Pete looked through many of the windows. The rooms were dingy and wall paper was hanging in many places. Carpets were threadbare and frayed, the linoleum worn through and torn in the kitchen.
The house was nestled in a grove of centuries old live oaks. At one time the yard was well landscaped. Some of the old shrubs were still living and there was evidence of once beautiful flower beds. There was a three car garage and large barn still standing and in poor shape. They appeared to be easily repairable however. Finally, with a backward glance, Pete returned to his work.
About a week after his exploration of the house next door Pete was once again on that side of his little farm working. He saw a man in a suit walking around on the property making notes and taking pictures. Later that week Pete drove past the property the old house was on. He saw a for sale sign alongside the road and a newer SUV in the driveway. On a whim he stopped and walked toward the house. He found the man he had seen the week before once again walking around in the yard.
"Hello," Pete said. "I was driving past and saw the sign out front. What's the story on the place?"
"Well, it's an estate sale. This is what's left of a larger turn of the century farm. This was the main house. Over the years the owner sold off plots of land until this is the only plot left. It's just this old house on 15 acres. The plot next door with a modular home on it sold almost a year ago and now, since the owner died, his son wants to get rid of the rest of the old farm."
"Doesn't look as if the house or out buildings are worth much. Are they even structurally sound?"
"I don't know for sure. Some spots in the floor felt weak when I looked it over before listing it. Most of the windows are broken out. Even if the structure is sound the old house would almost have to be completely rebuilt. All the porches need extensive reworking."
"Yeah, about what I thought. What is the price?"
"Well, now, that's the best part of the deal. The place is only 15 acres, like I said before. It's priced as if it is just bare land. They're only asking $45,000 for the whole place, as is."
"Well, hopefully whoever buys it can fix up the old house. It looks as if it was a beauty at one time. Thanks for talking to me."
Pete returned to his home and continued his new life. Over the course of the next three months he drove past the next door property many times. One evening he noticed the sign now sported a "price reduced" placard. He pulled into the driveway and once again looked over the place. His business was flourishing. He had more disposable income than ever before in his life. He had no debts. On a whim he pulled his cell phone out and called the real estate office. The farm was now listed for $39,900.
Pete looked around the yard and without thinking he said, "I'll give them $30,000 for the land as is."
"That's preposterous. That's only two thirds the original asking price. I can't submit an offer like that to the family."
"You mean you refuse to take my offer to them? That doesn't seem to be good business practices. That's almost a dereliction of duty."
The agent spluttered and hemmed and hawed. Finally he said, "No, that's not what I meant. It's just that it's much too low. Why don't we make the offer $37,000? I think I can get them to take that amount."
"No. My offer is $30,000, that's all I feel the place is worth."
Two weeks later the real estate agent called Pete and said, "Mr. Dalrymple, I'm shocked. The owner decided to accept your offer on the land. He said it was too low but he really needed to close out the estate. Since you made the only offer, he will grudgingly accept it if you can close on the deal within thirty days."
It was tight but Pete had enough money in his bank accounts to pay for the new property. Thirty days after the phone call he owned the old house and land it was on. If he had an emergency and needed money before he replenished his accounts he could always dip into his small 401K from his past employment. Now, instead of brooding about his past pain, he could fill his free time clearing up the yard and begin his renovation of the old house.
Pete started off slow on his restoration project. He spent one full weekend just walking around the house and two out buildings cataloging what he felt needed repair or rebuilding. He wasn't gentle about his inspection either. He found weak spots and tore into walls and floors to determine the damage. He made sure the buildings were restorable before he even began the project.
To Pete's surprise he found the house sat on a very solid foundation of rock set in mortar. The floor joists were true eight by ten inch beams on 16 inch centers. There was some damage on a few of the mud sills and studs, but all were repairable. He decided all the windows would be replaced with new energy efficient panes. All cabinetry, floor coverings, and walls would be torn out for replacement as would the wiring and plumbing. Insulation would be installed during the work. He even went into the attic and onto the roof to inspect it. New roofing was in order, also.
After listing the damage, Pete spent several evenings planning his renovation and listing, as well as he could, the materials that would be needed. He was lucky in owning the business because he had a tax number and could purchase his materials through the business at wholesale. That would save him substantial amounts on the renovation. He also owned many of the tools he would need for the renovation because his business, in addition to mowing and landscaping, built and installed decks and gazebos.
Pete spent most of the summer evenings and weekends tearing out the damaged parts in the old house. His first step would be to make the house dry, in other words, to make it weather tight. It wouldn't be very productive to do work inside if rain or hail could come in and soak everything. He planned to completely gut the building inside before he began rebuilding it.
August rolled around. Pete was working 14-16 hour days splitting his time between the business and his new project; the old house. He was so busy he no longer thought of his divorce. He was happy once again. On the last Friday in August, just as Pete was locking his business door, an old rattletrap car drove into his lot, pulling up right in front of him. The muffler was shot and it was smoking so badly he almost choked when the wind blew the exhaust into his face.
Pete stood and watched a young couple exit the car, a young man from the driver's side and a young woman from the passenger side. He felt somewhat threatened and prepared himself for an attack. They were threadbare and rough looking. The car was worse. The eyes of the woman were blank and dull looking as was her hair and complexion. She moved slowly, hesitantly, toward Pete. He watched her from the corner of his eye as the young man approached from the other side. Pete hoped they weren't dangerous because he was boxed in between the two people and his building.
The woman stopped about five feet from Pete and glanced at the man approaching. When he was about five feet from Pete the young man said, "Sir, I can see you are preparing to leave. Could we please have a few minutes of your time before you go? I'm Todd Sheppard and this is my sister Gail. Sir, we're looking for work. We'll work hard and we don't much care what we have to do as long as it's legal and pays enough for us to live. I can see you have a lawn care business and we can both do that. I mowed lawns when I was growing up and did other lawn and gardening chores. We've both worked on a farm while we were growing up, also."
Pete relaxed somewhat and watched the young couple. He couldn't tell how old they were for sure but they looked maybe early 20's. Almost before the man stopped talking Pete was shaking his head. He saw the hope die in their faces. They both assumed a more slumped defeated demeanor. He said, "I'm sorry. I have all the help I need. In fact, during the winter I usually have to lay off some of my more junior people. It wouldn't make sense to hire you now, and then lay you off in a couple months even if I did have a spot for you."
Pete heard the woman's stomach growl and glanced at her. She seemed embarrassed and stepped back a couple paces. The young man looked at Pete a moment longer and dejectedly began to turn away. If possible he looked even more defeated and hang dog than when they drove up. The young woman looked at her brother then back to Pete. She spoke for the first time, "Please, Sir? Anything? We're broke, totally. When our parent's died we tried to keep the farm going, but we couldn't. Their debt was too high and the bank took it. Please. We're hard workers." She glanced at her brother once again and continued, "Anything at all you need, I'll do. Just, please, can you give us a job of some sort?"
Todd rapidly turned toward Gail and angrily screamed, "NO. No, Gail, you won't do anything. I won't let you do that."
Pete frowned a moment then he understood. How desperate must they be for Gail to offer herself like that? She didn't look the part. Even now she was looking at the ground guiltily. Pete shook his head and started to leave once again. He said, "I'm sorry, I just don't need you." He stopped again and reached into his pocket. He opened his wallet and pulled a $20.00 bill out. He held it out toward the young woman and continued, "Here. It's not much but take this twenty. At least you can buy something to eat tonight."
The young woman pressed her lips together and hesitated then her stomach growled once again. She reached out and took the money. She gave Pete a sickly smile and said, "Thank you for this, at least, Sir."
All three once again turned and headed toward their respective vehicles. Just before the two siblings got into their car Pete turned from his truck and yelled, "Hey, wait a minute. I might have something for you after all. It's not much and the job won't last long but I can give you a little work. I have been doing the work part time and was going to save the heavier work for my crews later this year, but what the heck. The job is several miles out of town but it is honest work. I'm gutting an old farmhouse to renovate. It is hard, dirty, dusty, work but if you're interested I'll pay minimum wage for the tear down and clean up. There's a yard to clean up, the old house, and two smaller out buildings. Are you interested?"
Todd looked at Gail and raised his eyebrows. Gail nodded her head yes. Todd turned to Pete and said, "Yes, Sir. We're interested. How far out of town are we talking about? We're almost out of gas for the car and we really need to get something to eat. We haven't eaten today and haven't had much the last week."
"It's about 17 miles out of town to the east. That would make it about thirty miles from here though." Pete thought a moment and continued, "Tell ya what. Pull your car up beside the gas pump over there. I'll put a little gas into it so you can get there. That way you can use the cash I gave Gail for food. I'll give you directions to the place and you can meet me there tomorrow morning. I usually work on it weekends and evenings if that's ok with you. This way you can go back where ever you are staying and get a good night's sleep before you come out tomorrow."
Pete drew a map and gave written directions to his place, then left. Todd and Gail jumped into their car and took off, too. Instead of going to a fast food joint or restaurant for supper they went to a grocery store and bought food with their $20.00 that they could prepare, providing more and healthier food. They bought cheap but wholesome items. They bought dry beans, rice, dry potatoes, cheap cans of green beans, and some cheap hamburger. They were starving for meat. They knew it wouldn't keep long without ice but intended to eat it that night.
Neither of the siblings had told Pete they were living out of their car. Instead of spending another night in the dangerous city they took off for Pete's place as soon as they purchased their groceries. Pete's directions were good. They had little trouble finding the old house. They pulled into the yard and found a place to park away from the buildings. They pitched what passed for their tent. Todd carefully made a fire pit and built a fire from fallen tree limbs. Gail cooked their evening meal and they went to bed full for once.
The next morning Gail fried each of them two eggs and the rest of the hamburger for breakfast. After breakfast was finished, Todd and Gail looked around and decided to start work. They weren't sure what Pete would want them to do that day but they could see what needed doing so they began. They had been carrying wall board and trash from the house for almost an hour when Pete came driving up on his tractor.
After Pete stopped the tractor and climbed off Todd and Gail came to meet him. Todd said, "Good morning, Mr. Dalrymple. I hope you don't mind us starting without you. We could see some of the work that needed to be done so we got started. I didn't know what you wanted to do with the trash from the house so we piled it beside the driveway for now."
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I didn’t really even like her all that much. We only knew each other through a few mutual friends, and it’s not that I disliked her, but something about Hayley bugged me. She was always nice enough to me whenever we talked. But she carried herself with a certain demeanor that was just a little too haughty for me. She always seemed to act as though she had a better pot to piss in, which was kind of ironic considering the crappy part of town she grew up and lived in. So when a few of my friends...
The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 1 First Fumblings Looking back from so many years later it’s very clear that my sexual predilections were actually formed very early. I don’t remember exactly how old I was when I first felt a boy’s fully erect cock, but I could have only just turned eighteen. It was a year or so later before I had my first, fumbling and totally unsatisfying fuck, but by then I knew one...
Dosto mera naam ankit hai. meri age 23 saal hai. Mai apko ek story batane jaa rha hu ki kya incident hua mere saath. Meri mom ka naam Ravinder Kaur hai. Unki age 42 years hai,bahut sexy , or navel deep hai. Ek purane khayalo ki aurat hai wo hamesha khud ko cover krke rakhti thi saree se.Mere dad ki death ho gyi thi jab mai 12th class me tha.Mom bahut akela feel krti thi ghar pe . Dad ki pension se ghar chalta tha. Ye kahani hai tab ki hai jab mai 12th class me tha. jab papa ki death hui . meri...
2222 ? Meine Besitzerin hat mir befohlen die Ver?nderungen in der Gesellschaft seit der Jahrtausendwende? in chronologischer Reihenfolge aufzulisten. Ich beginne mit dem Jahr 2000. Zur Zeit des Jahrtausendwechsels befand sich das klassische Patriarchat in den letzten und schlimmsten Degenerationsprozessen. Orientierungslosigkeit, Zukunftsangst und weitgehender Verfall von ethisch moralischen Wertvorstellungen bestimmten das Leben der meisten B?rger. Viele waren durch Erwerbslosigkeit z...
Who is playing whom?When we started to dress for dinner Carol insisted that I wore something that would work if we went out."I thought we were having dinner and then coming back here.""Well yeah, I guess," she said, "but I don't know how fast she'll want to be, you know she might want to go to a club or something to get in the mood.""So anything goes?""Well yeah, I guess, sort of.""Carol darling, you're not being a lot of help. I'd like to know what would be bad, you know what...
Novelsby Vanessa Evans Part 11 – Home for Christmas. The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come...
The next day was Saturday and I had some recovering to do. I had had more sex than on my honeymoon 30 years ago. It was certainly a lot more than the two years preceding my divorce last year. I decided to pursue whatever happened with any attractive women and to politely turn down any offers from others. Now don't start in with me about the shallowness of physical beauty. A women's attractiveness to men is something built into us by millions of years of evolution. I can't help what I like...
My wife Becky have been married for 15 years. In that time are sex life has gone downhill. Last year for our anniversary all that changed. That night we got a sitter and stayed the night at a hotel in town. I took her out for a nice dinner and some wine. At dinner I talked about all the fun we had when we first got married,blow jobs, rim jobs both giving and receiving. After out first c***d was born things started to change. Blow jobs were once a month and not more rim jobs. I still eat her...
I had no contact with either Wendy or Sandra for the next couple of weeks, even with Wendy working in the next building over. I recognized right away that Sandra had made a good point; we had to be careful about meeting too often. I was quite anxious to know if Sandra had managed to dig up any more information, but all I could do was bide my time and wait. In the few days following our get-together, a thought kept popping into my mind. How did I know I could trust Sandra? I'd just met her,...
Dear Journal - Last night I had possibly the most intense, explosive, incredible sex of my entire life. And out of all the countless extra-marital sexual dalliances I've had over the years, I'm left feeling more guilt this time than I've ever felt before. Seriously... Suddenly I'm left questioning the game and whether or not I still want to be a player, a game that has had such an intoxicating hold over me for so long. Alright, here's what happened: This beautiful blond girl...
Gabrielle 2039 Farming is a business like any other. It may also be a vocation, a life-style choice or even one of the few remaining outdoor occupations, but the one thing Gabrielle knew for sure was that farming is a business. Although she had sympathies with the principles of organic farming and rather distrusted Genetic Modification, what mattered at the end of each accounting month was that she'd balanced the books and generated enough profit to stay in business. In a world where...
by: francisdashwood1066I have been travelling in Asia, and we have managed to arrange to meet in Jakarta. It's been about a year now that we've exchanged emails and chatted. It's an odd situation--we feel that we know each other well, but we've never really met and each of us is a little nervous. After all, will reality be a disappointment after a year of imagination? We decide that it would be best to meet first for dinner in my hotel. That way, if things don't work out, each of us has the...
Michael refrains from grabbing my hand, but we both exit the bag room at a run. Clocking out and retrieving our belongings from the office quickly, we bolt out the employee exit side by side. If anyone notices our frantic natures, no one says anything. As soon as we get outside, he grabs me by the shoulders and slams me up against the brick side of the building, pressing his entire body to my smaller one. I feel his rock hard cock straining against my belly ---one that had been inside me...
Sunday was a blur. Noella peeked out from underneath the doona sometime after noon, Harji’s ‘Terminator’ seemingly having done it’s damage, aided by numerous glasses of champagne that Josh expertly poured for her, ensuring her glass was constantly full. Great sex also played it’s part in sapping her body of all it’s energy. She shook her head. Fuck! That was nothing like I’ve done before! My God it was hot!…..and a little bit scary! Tick orgy off the bucket list! She shook her head as she...
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* The sound keeps ringing through my ears as the morning sun seeps through a hole in the blanket I use to cover my head. Reaching over to shut off the alarm clock, I find that my hand is just slightly out of reach. Therefore I have to I have to roll just enough to turn it off. The plan is simple and if executed properly would allow me maybe 5, possibly 10 extra minutes of sleep. However I manage to overestimate the roll and knock the alarm clock off of the end table....
FetishThis is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...
Jamie Sale' -- you may know her best as one-half of the Canadian Gold Medal pairs figure skating team in the last Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. But, if that's all you know about Jamie, you don't know the half of it. She's also one of the hottest, sexiest and boldest babes in the history of international and Olympic figure-skating competition. How so, you might ask?? Well, if you've ever looked at FHM magazine, you should know the answer to that question and if you don't, check it out...
Alexa Chapter 41: We've Only Just Begun I woke up to the sound of my name being said with a British accent. And while the voice was familiar, it took me a second to recognize my surroundings. It hit me that I was sitting in Mary's big overstuffed chair by the window looking out on the lake. I finally caught the gaze of my two bridesmaids hovering over me with huge grins on their faces. "Get up," Katie said. "It's here." I sat there for a moment to make sure all of this was real....
Latoya is a 23 year old girl. She stands 5'3", with jet black hair, brown eyes and skin. She is a little on the chubby side, but not fat, weighing about 160 lbs., with a 42D chest, and a big round ass. Latoya is a live in nanny for a pretty wealthy family, taking care of their twin 10 year old girls and their 14 year old son. They also have a 19 year old son, who is away at college. She gets the kids up for school, and cleans the house while they're gone, and then makes dinner in the...
Teasers, Second Series by Vickie Tern Like the first set of Teasers, these are each dramatic monologues like those made famous by Robert Browning. Sort of. In as few words as possible each brings a character or the reader to a full realization of some difficult or hopeless situation or predicament, and then stops. Any reader's imagination can then carry on the plot or else move on to the next. So these may seem...
I was sitting in my small apartment watching TV and having a few pipes when I heard a ruckus in the hallway. It was my room mate Joel and some of his friends retuning from the pub. When they knocked on the door I answered and there he was with some girls he knew but who were all strangers to me. As they entered I noticed Candy, a tall (obviously) male dressed in a bright yellow top and skirt, black stockings, high heels and the most outlandish purple eye shadow I have ever seen. As she passed...
Summer was over ... We were scheduled to attend Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in two weeks. We packed. We had much more going home than we had coming up. Lucy Lou drove Grace's Speedster, Candy drove the Bel Air and daddy drove the Continental. The fifty sixes were now out and Grace agreed with me... 1956 was a bad styling year for Chevrolet. Before we left, Mike Clotitier assisted me in pulling the mast of the K5. I planned on putting her in the boathouse....
The wheels of government normally move at a snail’s pace. Not so in this case. David introduced Peter as a seminarian student here to do research, that he would be staying in David’s house, and that David could personally vouch for his fine character. Peter was taken into a separate office where he had a short but intense interview with another gentleman, and was asked numerous personal questions. Then he was returned to the reception area where he and David waited. After what seemed like an...
We went to a bar where a room had been reserved and the party progressed as expected. I avoided drinking too much – one hangover per weekend was sufficient – and found the heaving, over-stimulated men more than entertaining enough to make up for the half naked woman that was dancing for them. It was arousing enough to wish I had someone to pounce on and share the arousal with. If Joey hadn't betrayed my trust. If I could look at Pharaoh and not think of how much I loved Joey. And I did...
Stella Maris offers me to take her virginity in a special ceremonyWe decide to tie her up in our bed, legs bent back and spread wideShe sees herself in the mirror at the ceiling only one meter aboveStella Maris first time sees her holy hymen, time to say "bye bye"Stella Maris loves to come from my tongue doing its dance at her love lipsStella Maris loves to watch her pretty pussy by the hand mirror I give herStella Maris loves to learn how her love lips swell from my cunning kissesStella Maris...
Chad Alva and his hot sister, lustful Latina Gina Valentina, have a naughty secret that they let Chad’s buddy, Logan Long in on. And that is that they may be siblings, but they have an X-rated relationship. The threesome have a little kinky fun in this Hands On Hardcore scene when the boys pop in on the brunette and find her lounging in her lingerie with her legs spread, fingering her pussy. The smolderingly sexy all-natural starlet enjoys a righteous pussy fucking from both men in this...
xmoviesforyouFor the next two hours I was like a caged animal. I thought everyone could see that I was wearing a pair of panties. To make matters worse, the crotch was cutting off circulation to my manhood while the back was riding up the crack of my ass. It was humiliating to be explaining something then suddenly turn and have to readjust because of a new spasm of pain. I think an older woman gave me a knowing smile, but at that point I was too horny to think, my precum oozed into the stretched satin. ...
Warm.Snug.Curled up beneath my duvet,at rest between dream sleep and conciousness,my whole body smiled with contentment.Aware that the morning was approaching but not willing to acknowledge the fact, I sank back towards oblivion.The world was a friendly place,safe at home in our bed.The road was quiet as always,the only sound a bird trilling in the tree outside the bedroom window.Assured after a good nights sleep that there was no need to get up,I slumbered on.I had heard no sound.I had no...
As we walked the few blocks to her house, we had to walk pass the park, I drew Tammy into the park to a group of bush's that lined the small stream that flowed through town. I ask if she really need to get home so soon as it only 8:30 on a friday night, she said no she had used this as an excuse to have some alone time with me. We started kissing and I opened her shirt and and unclasps her bra lifting it up over her big tits, at the time I had no idea on breast size but thinking back now...
‘Card, please. Welcome back, Frank.’ ‘Mike, you know me by name’, said Frank. ‘You know I don’t drink, I’m here for your arcade games. Why do I have to show my ID?’ The bouncer looked at him. ‘I get paid to make everybody show an ID. You too. You didn’t lose your ID again, did you?’ Frank sighed. ‘New year, new ID.’ He produced his new student ID. He was a senior now. Mike had let him in since he was a sophomore, on his brother’s old ID. Mike didn’t worry nearly as much about the validity of...
The woods were the best place to hunt for women. John liked the dark tangle of vines and trunks that the woods provided. It had to be a wooded area that was dense so as to avoid prying eyes, yet it had to be a simple path so people (especially women) would run/walk on. It needed to be close to a town or city to get some traffic but it also should be just far enough away that not everyone used it all the time. He had found just such a place, after several false hopes, last week. It was perfect...
My friend Mary and I had decided to go for walk thru the woods-maybe a mile or so from our neighbor hood back to a secluded swimming hole where we were hoping to skinny dip and catch some sun. It was a very nice summer day. We are both in our late thirties and in good shape but we are not in our twenties any more. When we got to the swimming hole there were about ten boys already there swimming. We thought that since we had walked that far we might as well sit by the water and get some sun on...
Just got divorced from my wife in 2002 I was 39 I went out drinking one night feeling down horny just a mix bag emotions I was that night. As I was sitting at the bar having a few drinking I seen this tall women with black hair walk in with big tits and really nice ass she stood at 6'1 me I'm 5'9 she sat across the bar from me I kept looking at her and every time she look at me I would look away but she new I was looking at her. She came over and sat down beside me and said how come I keep...
Kat’s head was pounding when she woke up. She looked blearily around and saw that she was sleeping on an unfamiliar couch. Where was she? How did she get here? She groaned and struggled to sit up on the couch. Her feet hit a body resting beside the couch. She looked and saw Sai sleeping there. “Ugh ... Sai. Like, wake up!” Kat said a little too loudly. Her headache got worse. Sai seemed reluctant to give up her sleep, but Kat kept shaking her, so eventually the two girls were ostensibly...
nick came over around noon and we swam and fished and i told him about hunter so he called chris and had him come over. when chris arrived we were playing video games and chris asked me if hunter liked him. i told him to go kiss him and see what happens . chris walked over to hunter and kissed him. hunter put his controller down and kissed him back. then hunter slid chris,s shorts and boxers off and started sucking his little boy dick. this made nick and i horny so we started kissing and i...
There has always been something which fascinated me about life - what if we had the choice of lives? What if we got to pick the parameters of our existence on earth? What would we choose? From that deep philosophical musing, this story emerged. Permission is given for any free archive site to archive the story. Comments may be directed to: [email protected] And now, on with the story... ************** To Choose a Life... by Elrod W. Dr. Williams stretched out his...
Hi all, This Chethan from bangalore, age 21, well build up. This is about my 1st experience with a lady called pramila (name changed) aged about 35 years, mother of 1 kid, fair, good looking with good curves and shapes i.e. 38d, 32, 36. By that time i was only 21 and i use to call her aunty, as her hubby and my dad were friends. She use to live in the next flat of our apartment and most of the time she use to come to our home to spend time with my mom. And we are like one family. We were so...
It was with considerable trepidation that David walked up the garden of this neat suburban semidetached house and knocked on the door. In all his 22 years he had never lived away from his home or away from his mother and elder sister. Now, having moved on promotion with his company he was about to meet his new landlady at his lodgings arranged by his company. She opened the door and David was met by an imposing lady in her mid forties, she stood very straight, wearing a blouse which strained at...
I was still in that hazy time between being asleep and being awake. My eyes weren’t focused yet. I wasn’t yet sure where I was. One thing I was sure of was an amazing feeling in my dick. The sensation of being sucked. I tried to sit up a bit, leaning up on my elbows. It took my eyes a moment to adjust. Then I saw them… three amazingly beautiful blondes were lying on the end of my bed, their bums right at the edge and their legs over the edge… all three girls sucking me. The first girl I watched...
Group SexThat evening, all Joy could think about was how good her father's hot prick had felt pulsing against her asshole. Getting so close to being ass fucked only to have it stopped, left her feeling very frustrated. When her brother reamed her ass in her bed, that night, she felt better. She kept him going excitedly at her by telling him how their father fucked her and Vi. Over the next two nights, Eddy fucked her and Vi both, keeping their pussies contented. But Joy wanted to start her brother...
My name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell.We live in a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots of young students in college and schools in our area and...
Gilligan Fucks Mary AnnMary Ann stood at the edge of the lagoon, basking in the glow of the full moon. It was a beautiful night and cooler than it had been earlier. She didn’t think anyone would notice if she washed off in the shallow water of the lagoon and was convinced that no one would be out that late at night anyway, so she began to remove all of her clothes so she could wade out into the water. Gilligan, who was out for a walk before going to bed, passed by the lagoon and noticed her...
This is a continuation of "Dr. Jeykll and Ms Heidi – DV8." While this story can stand alone and I do give a brief background for those who do not want to read the first story, I think it is worth reading (duh, otherwise I wouldn't have written it). Hopefully you enjoy them both. Because there are some strange people out there I must put in this reminder – this is fantasy, do not take this as reality. In reality people want to be treated with respect and dignity, do not abuse or take...
Kat Monroe receives a phone call at work from her husband Mr. Pete with a very peculiar request; his BFF Big Chief Quarterback is coming in for a massage and he asks Kat to fuck him. Kat will do anything to please her husband’s fantasies so with Big Chief unaware of Kat’s intentions, she massages his chest and slowly makes her way towards his cock. Kat explains Pete’s fantasy of her having extramarital affairs, and with that said, Big Chief fucks his best friends wife. Kat...
xmoviesforyouOne Time ? SFCityDom ? 2007 One Time ? SFCityDom ? 2007 They decided to meet and spend one night together. They both realize there is no way they could ever have a relationship. They are at two completely different times in their lives. However, they do like each other, and there is curiosity about what it would be like. He told her to take the bus into the city. He requested that she shave her pussy and that she wear her hair down and to wear boy shorts and a tank top, jeans, and...
Chapter 21 John had been looking forward to this very moment that he wasn't about to just get it over with. He was going to savour it as much as he possibly could. These contacts proved to be such a good find. They allowed him to stay anonymous as long as he didn't give away his voice while still not covering the sissy's face. A face even John had to admit was pretty. He had never really noticed it before when Marcy was still Mark but with that nice coating of soft pink lipstick,...
I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home. I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably when I saw a film on TV in which a boy masqueraded as a girl for some reason or other. I recall how...
CrossdressingWhen I was 18 and a senior in High School, I was a vocational student and worked in maintenance for the school district. This came in very handy in regards to my favorite teacher. Ms. Valentine was fresh from college 5’5” tall the most beautiful green eyes, dark brown hair and she was built like a centerfold. She was 36c-27-35 and those numbers just don’t do her justice. As it happened she needed some work done in her classroom. She had put in a work order to install a pencil sharpener, hang...