Suzi The Teen Slut Part1 free porn video

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Suzi teen suck slut
First day of the holidays .. Part 1

"Come on! Wake up you little wanker!"
"Unnghhh! Piss off Becs!" I growled from under the sheets. My eyes felt like they were pasted shut with sleep.
"Don't talk to me like that you little brat or I'll take back the bag I've just dumped in the corner!"
Intrigued, I unstuck my eyelids and looked out from under the sheets.
Becs or Becky my sister stood there grinning at me like she always did. She's 18, three years older than me. We look very much alike. About the same height and slender build. Very similar facial features. Even our hair, though Becs was currently streaked with purple and blue hues, was similar in length and style. Mine hung just on my shoulders, hers maybe a couple of inches longer.
I gave her a sleepy grin, then looked at the large black bag in the corner.
"I had a clear out. My wardrobe was well you know what it was like you little sod." She giggled. "You can pick out what you want and stick what you don't in the bin okay? The bin men come at 10 so make sure you do it by then! Now, I'm off to work so get moving, or else you little poof." She grinned, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek. "And stay out of my bloody room now you've got your own clothes!" She shot back over her shoulder as she marched out and downstairs. Moments later I heard the front door slam.
I needed to pee. Groaning I threw the sheet back and swung out my legs. I'd shaved them last night. Shaved my entire body in truth. No school for six long weeks! No one to take the piss out of me! Pull my long hair! Bliss! I looked down at the sky-blue baby doll nighty. So much nicer to wear than pajamas or boxers.
Stretching I got up and padded barefoot to the bathroom and sat down to pee.
Ten minutes later and with the contents of the black bag tipped out on the carpet I went through what Becs was getting rid of.
For the last two years she'd been working in the clothes shop and as all the staff had to wear what they sold got the latest fashions at less than half the discount costs. There was everything a girl could want before me! Underwear. Tops. Skirts. Some dresses. Shoes. There was even some unopened packets of fashion tights and stockings!
I loved my big sister!
She was pretty much my guardian as well as best friend. Dad left when I was still in nappies. Mum? Well she wasn't around much, hadn't been for the last three or four years since she's got the job working on the cruise ships. We saw her maybe three or four times a year when she came home for a few days at a time. She was never really cut out for having k**s to be honest. Oh I think she loved us both, pretty sure of it really but she didn't really do the parent thing that well. Thankfully Becs was pretty much a natural at it. Even mum agreed Becs had more sense than she did. Becs ran the house and looked after me with no problem. Yeah mum sent money home so we never went short but Becs managed it all, even saved a fare bit, for the future as she put it. She was pretty much self sufficient herself, now being the deputy manager at the shop! Yeah she was good at that too.
Me? Well I knew I was different by the time I was 8 or 9. Football? Sports? Bikes? No that wasn't me. Give me a doll to dress up and I was quiet and content for hours! I figured I was gay by the time I was 11. Getting a boner in the showers at the sight of all those cocks waving about pretty much outed me in ten seconds flat! When I got home that night nursing bruises and a black eye, it was Becs who took things in hand! She was still at school then and her crowd were not to be messed with! By hometime the following day, most if not all the boys who had bruised me were limping home with bruises worse than mine! Yeah I still got the occasional shove or my hair pulled now but nothing I couldn't handle myself now!
I had started cross dressing about a year ago. Like most teenage boys I was hooked on internet porn and looked at anything and everything. I soon found the sites with videos and explored avidly. The trans stuff really excited me. Guys dressed like sluts and doing with men what the wives wouldn't dream of doing! I really struck a note with me and resulted in more wank fests to actually put a number to!
I was soon raiding Becs wardrobe and drawers! She always dressed well and had some great sexy underwear which I just loved wearing. Soon I was experimenting with her makeup and dressing fully not just underwear. High heels were a real turn on and I quickly became expert in mincing around the house.
Inevitably Becs discovered me. She was more pissed off that I was going into her room than me dressing up. "I hadn't even warn those knickers, you little bugger! I had my whole outfit planned for tonight and what do I find? You've already warn my sodding new knickers!" She'd shouted at me, waving them in her hand having found them in the wash basket.
"Sorry Becs." I said, trying desperately not to laugh at her waving her knickers round. She ended up laughing too. "Urrghhh! Look, I'll sort out some bits for you if you must dress up and find you some makeup, but stop using my new stuff please babe! It's bloody expensive!"
I hugged her and promised I would.
She was as usual, a great support. She even gave me makeup tips and when she saw me dressed was honest about what suited me and what I got wrong in putting a look together, as she called it.
"You do pass as a girl babe, better than I thought infact." She had said kindly as I posed in front of her. I grinned and blew her a kiss which broke her up in laughter.
Now, going through what she'd sorted out, there wasn't much in the pile I wanted to go out in the bin. The rest I tried on for size and only a couple of things didn't fit! I put the now almost empty black bag out for bin men before eating breakfast.
Fed and watered I went up to shower and dress. I loved the smooth feel of my skin, not that I had much hair on my body anyway. I soaped my body, loving the feel of my nipples and small breasts. I'd read on one of the trans sites how a guy had done some intense exercising on his chest muscles and developed his pecs then stopped so the muscle softened and left him with small breasts. I wasn't going to go down the hormone or implant root, especially at my age so I gave it a go. I even joined a local gym! I actually enjoyed it to my surprise! Admittedly it was all the muscled eye candy I got to look at that made it easier!!!
I did work like a little trojun though and in six months had not only built up a decent pair of pecs but slimmed down my puppy fat and toned my body nicely.
And amazingly after I stopped going to the gym within a month the muscle softened leaving me with small but obvious breasts! Enough to fill out a B cup at least! Even Becs was impressed! "You've even got a cleavage with that push-up bra!" She'd said when I showed her. She was a bit concerned about me modifying my body in this way but didn't push it too much.
I sat in my towel and carefully painted my toenails with a deep red varnish Becs had given me. As they dried I did my nails which I had filed and shaped. Next I sat and put on makeup. Nothing too heavy or outrageous but enough to make the most of my features and give me a more feminine face rather than androgynous. I blow-dried my hair and brushed it to give it more volume.
A spay of some perfume Becs hadn't particularly liked. Then I picked out what to wear. Red push-up bra, matching suspenders and panties. I tucked my cock and balls back between my legs and pulled the panties up tightly. I didn't want it bulging, yet! I'm more than average sized for my age, well at least compared to the boys at school. Something that annoyed many of them. They were obviously jealous that the school poof had the biggest cock which delighted me no end.
I slipped a pair of medium tan stockings up over my smooth and shapely legs, clipping the tops to the suspenders. I decided on a wrap-around denim miniskirt and a pink cropped top that showed off my flat smooth tummy nicely. It took me a while to decide on the shoes but eventually settled on a pair of strappy platforms with slender 7" heels. Becs had only warn them two or three times and always complained they killed her feet. I'd see how I did in them.
I slipped on some bangles and some large hoops in my pierced lobes.
"Yeah baby! You look so hot!" I grinned at my reflection in the mirror.
Downstairs I put a load of washing I'm the machine and boiled the kettle for coffee. Becs had left me a packet of cigarettes I was pleased to see. I was soon enjoying one with my coffee as I fired up the laptop to perv on porn for the day.
Eventually the washing cycle finished and I emptied it all into the basket and took it outside to hang on the line to dry. I wasn't bothered about being seen by the neighbours not that they were home. But I somehow knew that I was being watched! I didn't want to look around too obviously so did it as casually as I could. Ah! There he was! Mr Robins! You old perv!
He lives in the house at the end of our small garden. His and ours back onto eachother. He was up in the back bedroom watching me through bloody binoculars!
Strangely, knowing it was him didn't actually bother me. If anything it gave me quite a thrill!
I should say that even at 15 I wasn't totally without experience. I'd had my first fumbled experience when I was about 12 with an older boy at school, obviously sworn to secrecy incase his mates found out. I'd met him several times in the park in the bushes and at first wanked him off then after a few meets dared to suck him off! An experience we had both enjoyed though he had got the guilt rush quickly afterwards and run off before I had even got up off my knees!
Then when I was about 13, nearly 14 I had discovered the goings on in the gents toilets! The penciled messages, stories and drawings left little in question as to what went on! I soon found not only the toilets in the park were used for clandestine encounters but the ones behind the library in town too! It was in those that I sucked my first proper man cock through a glory hole in the partition between the cubicles! Oh what a thrill that was! The difference between a boys cock and a man's!
Soon, with a bit of cajoling I was letting the odd man come into my cubicle and getting more intimate! I got fucked in my bum for the first time when I was just 15. Thankfully he wasn't to big and used loads of vaseline. He was about 40 and quite gentle with me and after the initial pain I had enjoyed it a lot! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a slag, yet at least! So far only him and one other man had had the pleasure of fucking my tight little bum pussy. I had however gotten the taste for older men rather than boys my age. Not just because their cocks were bigger but because they had experience and patience. That was another thing I had in common with Becs, not that I'd actually shared that snippet of information with her yet! Becs like older guys. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't easy either but her last two boyfriends and the current one were men not boys. Ben her latest was 35 and bloody gorgeous! He was a mechanic in a local garage. Not the sharpest tool in the box but as well as being drop dead handsome he was kind and treated Becs really well. He was also nice to me and was totally relaxed about the way I was.
I shook out one of Becs blouses to peg out, giving me time to see Mr Robins still up in the window watching me.
I'd only spoken to him maybe a couple of dozen times over all the years we'd lived here. He was in his late 50s but still quite a handsome man. His wife had died about tens years ago and his daughter had gotten married last year and moved away with her husband. I didn't know that Mr Robins did for a job other than taking round those home catalogue things that sell household cleaning stuff and little gadget things. We hardly ever bought anything but he was always friendly and smiled when he came to pick them up.
I picked up a pair of black lacy panties. They were lovely and so whispy! I felt a tingle in my own panties as I turned them the right side out ready to let them on the line. A devilish thought popped into my head! One of the pegs slipped from my fingers and I turned and bent to pick it up, bending right down from the waist with my back to Mr Robins! He would have a full and clear view as the back of my skirt rode up and get an eyeful of my pert bottom, tiny red knickers, suspenders and smooth thigh flesh above my stockings!
I had to keep a straight face when I retrieved the fallen peg and straightened back up to hang the panties on the line! Yes he was still there and would have seen everything! My cock tingled in my knickers as I hung the last couple of items.
My pulse rate had increased when I went back into the kitchen. I opened a can of soft drink and lit another cigarette. I couldn't help smile as I sat smoking it, wondering what Mr Robins was thinking right now. He must know it was me not Becs as my hairs natural dirty blonde and Becs is always tinted some bright colour. I wondered if he was wanking off now with the image of my little display in his mind? I wondered what his cock was like? Was it big? Did he shoot loads of thick hot creamy cum? My mind turned to the cock I had sucked off in the park toilets on Saturday! My hand slipped under my skirt and I slowly rubbed the head of my swollen cock.
Becs had gone out for the afternoon with Ben in his car. I'd been bored and horny, online trolling porn sites. The urge for a bit of fun building until I had to go and do something about it! A wank though wasn't enough so I'd quickly wiped off the makeup I'd put on earlier and changed into some boy drab of jeans and T-shirt. I left on the stockings, suspenders and knickers under the jeans and put on some trainers and brushed my hair into a ponytail.
It was only a five minute walk to he park. It was late afternoon so there was hardly anyone left in the park. I scanned the area, making sure there was noone I recognised from school or anything who might see me before slipping down the little path, sheilded by high bushes towards the door of the gents toilets.
The familiar smells hit me as soon as I stepped inside! Disinfectant, piss and stale smoke. The smells I now associated with clandestine sex! A quick scan round established I was the only person in there but I saw evidence of fairly recent activity! The telltale milky white splashes on the terricota floor tiles by the urinal! A thick pasty deposit still clinging to the crackled porcelain! My cock stiffened in the pink panties under my jeans!
I hurried into the end cubicle and locked the door. Dropping my jeans, I then wiped piss drops off the toilet seat. Not that I sat straightaway. First, cock in hand I scanned the back of the door and walls for any new messages and drawings. I could recite virtually every word written so could spot anything new in seconds. The only one that I could see was 'big cock 65' was still looking for a meet. He was a regular with his pencil. I wondered if he got lucky ever? And did he indeed have the big 9"er he claimed?
I sat down and checked the hole in the partition wall between the cubicles. A sheet of paper covered it on the other side, left by some previous occupant. I sat back, eyeing the best bit of graffiti art on the door. The sharpy artist had some real talent! A young blond bobbed tranny in school uniform bent over, gymslip up over the rounded bum, stockingtops and suspenders on show, an oversized cock buried half way in the stretched pucker between the round cheeks with several tear shaped cum spurts dripping out, as there were on the school gurls lips, stretched around the impossibly exaggerated cock partially fed in her mouth!
The image never failed to make the clear juice weep from the tip of my cock! I swiped my finger tip through it and licked the oh so familiar sweet nectar with my tongue!
The same artist had a smaller work of art on the side wall. The same fantasy school gurl features but this time tied bent over a chair being caned by a disembodied arm. Her school blouse was off and from her nipples hung pegs with weights that stretched them down! I now gazed at that image, my hands slipping under my baggy t-shirt and teasing my nipples to stiff peeks that I squeezed and pulled, imagining that I was the gurl being caned with my nipples clamped like that.
I was roused from my little fantasies at the sound of feet on the gravel pathway outside!
The tingle of excitement at a potential playmate ran up my spine as the footsteps moved onto tiles! Whoever it was, paused then went into the other cubicle! I sat silently, heart beating faster as I waited for a telltale signs of interest! I listened and heard the chinking sound of a belt being unbuckled! The rasp of a zip and whisper of trousers going down!
I sat forwards slightly, watching the hole in the wall for the paper to move!
I barely breathed!
Then the paper fluttered! The corner moved! A shadow fell over the hole!
I knew from experience that the peeper looking through at the right angle would undoubtedly be able to see the near black stockings that I was wearing! I didn't move! Kept back just enough that my face would not be seen but I could still just see the piece of paper dissapear! The shadow fill the hole as whoever was looking moved right up to it! My heart thudded in my chest!
Trying to only move the top part of my body, I leaned closer to the wall so that when my eye drew level with the hole only that part of my face was visible!
My single eye met another similar single eye! It winked! I winked back! Two winks! Two winks!
In a split second the eye vanished! Then the empty void it left behind darkened as he stood up! I caught a glimpse of a light checked shirt then...........bare hair covered legs......a hairy stomach.......thick bush of dark pubic hair.........and a big, thick, hard cock!
Fuck! It looked a beauty! Really wide as it faced the hole and inched towards it! I could see the dark veins along the shaft! The foreskin stretched halfway back over the wide darker smooth shiny flesh of the head! The long deep slit at the tip!
It lined up to the hole and nudged the rim as it was fed through! It barely fit through! I could see it touch both sides on its short journey! By the time the tip breached on my side the foreskin was almost all the way back! As the knob popped through, it was completely bared! The delicate clean scent filled my nostrils and was already tantalising my taste buds! More of the shaft emerged before my wide eyes! And still it came! Fuck! Was this Mr big cock 9"?
My fingers were trembling slightly as they closed or at least most of the way around the shaft! Still more fed through! Fuck! It stopped! Now I held the biggest cock I had ever held so far, hot and throbbing! It flexed a couple of times and the pee slit leaked some clear juice!
I opened my mouth and descended towards it. It was one of those cocks that is really wide so I didn't have to really crack my jaw to get it in my mouth. But boy did it fill my mouth nicely! And the taste! I heard the sound of his sharp intake of breath as I licked the underside and began sucking it proper. His juice was really fucking tasty, a tangy sweetness that had me salivating like mad! The excess spit helped my lips slide along the shaft as I bobbed, gradually taking more and more into my mouth. I'd sucked some pretty long cocks before and learned guys liked to feel them slipping down a throat. After lots of gagging and trial and error I had just about mastered the technique. This one though was going to far more of a challenge! I gave it a try and almost choked myself! I came off it quick and took a few breaths to calm my breathing before having another go. I did better the second time but couldn't stay on it long or get the last couple of inches down! A few more breaths and try three! Fuck! I managed to get right the way down! My lips touched the wall! I managed to hold it, feeling it throb, before sucking in a controlled way back up and getting rewarded with a big pulse of pre-cum all over my tongue! I heard his gasp softly, not to stop and that he was close! Hell I had no intention of stopping! I went back down, not so far as I really wanted this guy's load, so contented on working on the top 5" or so. I had my hand down in my knickers working my own cock which was by them soaking with juice! I had to keep stopping or I would have cum too soon and I wanted his load first!
The guy was obviously enjoying it! I could hear him breathing hard, panting and moaning! A bit too loud if I'm honest for the time and place but fuck it was hot! His cock seemed to get even thicker and was now throbbing and flexing in a regular beat! I knew the sign and knew he was getting ready to blow so I really began to suck and work it! My lips made some pretty loud slurping noises and I'm pretty sure I moaned some too!
Then he let out this kind of a****l growling noise and his cock went steel hard! The next I knew a huge jet of spunk hit the back of my throat and slipped down before I could even swallow! At least 6 or 7 more gushes rapidly followed, flooding my mouth! Some escaped the corners and slid down my chin! I filled down what I could as the last morsels pulsed out over my tongue! I grabbed my own cock and barely had to touch it before my spunk sprayed everywhere! If I hadn't kept the cock in my mouth I reckon I would have screamed in sheer fucking ecstasy!
I was breathing hard through my nose, sweat sticking the t-shirt to my back as I trembled on my knees! The very last of his cum oozed on my tongue!
That was when I, we both heard a low cough from outside near the urinal! Fuck! Someone was there! They must have heard us!
The huge cock pulled away and slipped back through the hole! I got up off my knees! Fuck! I was covered in my cum! It was on the wall, the floor, all over my stockings and knickers! I grabbed some toilet paper and set about the frantic effort to clean myself and the floor up!
The guy in the other cubicle was quickly doing pretty much the same I guessed! I could hear him sorting his clothes out, trousers up, zipped, belt! Then he flushed and unlocked his door and quickly scurried out!
Fuck! I cleaned up as best I could. Hoping that the wet patches didn't soak through my jeans! I listened to see if I could hear anyone outside! I couldn't! I flushed! Waited! Listened! Then I dared to leave. Thankfully the toilets were empty! Whoever had been there was now gone! I didn't hang round and left quickly, scanning round the park to see if anyone saw me come out! I didn't see anyone and quickly walked through the park and went home. By the time I got there is calmed down and couldn't help smiling as I could still taste the cock and cum in my mouth. I got in the house and was shocked to see in the mirror that I had a big dollop of thick white spunk still clinging on my chin! Thank fuck no one had seen that!
Now as I sat in the kitchen, I felt the slimey wetness on the front of my knickers, juice soaking through as I tickled the head of my stiff cock!
I jumped! The letterbox! I laughed to myself! I left my cock alone and went to see what had arrived.
On the mat was a small bit of card? I thought for a moment it was some business dropping adverts or something but as I got closer I saw there was just a bit of small handwriting on it?
I picked it up and looked at it!
My hand started trembling!
It wasn't a card! It was a photo! A closeup of my bum! I recognised the knickers I was wearing! The stockings and suspenders! The edge of my skirt! I turned it over. Handwritten was the word "NICE!" And an email address and "mail me. Now!"
Who the f..........! Of course!! It had to be him! Mr Robins! Who else could it be?
I sat at the kitchen table and lit cigarette. Slowly a grin began to spread on my lips as I turned the photo over and over. I stared at the email address. A generic Hotmail address. I opened the laptop and opened my email.
To: thewatcher99
Msg: Hi...??? I take it you liked the view?
My finger hovered for a moment or two over the send key then hit it!
I sat back feeling a nervous thrill run through me as I took a deep pull on my cigarette.
It was getting on for twenty minutes before thewatcher99 replied! A steaming cup of coffee sat by my hand as I nervously smoked another cigarette. I opened the email!
Hello. Yes I did like the view, very much. Does your mother know you're a sissy who dresses in your sisters clothes? And does she know what you get up to in the toilets in the park on Saturday afternoons?
I did actually gasp out loud when I read the last sentence!
It could only be Mr Robins who could have taken that photo. The more I had looked at it, trying to work out the angles, the time. It all fit that it was him. But how did he know about Saturday? Ah! Was he the man who had coughed? Or..................??? Was he the man with the big cock?
Fuck? Was he? It was pretty obvious, the fact he was spying on me and now..???? Trying to blackmail me? For what purpose? I grinned! Pretty bloody obvious really. He wanted in my knickers!
I typed a reply.
Yes mum knows about me dressing and so does my sister... What do you want exactly?
I avoided the other part, for now anyway and hit send.
He didn't keep me waiting long this time!
You didn't answer the other question so I assume they don't know about that.
The added a little devil emoticon to the message.
He obviously liked to play. I decided to up the stakes.
'I know who you are by the way. I saw you with your binoculars in your back bedroom window. Perving on k**s!!! Tut tut!!'
I added a little devil face of my own and sent it. I lit another cigarette! I could be playing with fire here I knew. But....................
'He he. I thought you had. Want to come over to discuss this face to face???? There's a gap in the fence behind the shed in your garden....'
I sat back! I hadn't expected that! My heart was beating like a drum now? I drew deeply on the cigarette!
I had all sorts of emotions running through my head. I'd never been to a man's house before, well not dressed and with the distinct possibility that something might happen! It was a bit 'close to home' too! These things made me nervous. Then the thought of what might happen! That just excited me! I took another deep drag of smoke!
'Okay. 5 mins.' I hit the send button!
'Back door is open.' He replied seconds later with a line of smiley faces!
I stubbed of the cigarette. My cock was giving away my excitement and my red knickers were damp! I dashed upstairs and changed them for a similar red pair and tucked as best I could. I checked my makeup, adding a slightly darker shade of glossy lipstick. I spray of breath freshner. A few deep breaths.
I slipped out the back door, locking it behind me and popped the key under the mat. My heels tip tapped down the path. I edged carefully down the side of the shed at the bottom of the garden. I had never noticed that there was a gap in the bottom fence easily big enough to slip through!
It felt strange being in someone else's garden, forbidden and naughty even though I'd been invited! I was trembling slightly as I stepped out from the side of Mr Robins shed. His garden was very well tended and filled with scent and colour as I tip tapped down his path towards the back of his house. He had a small covered patio area by the back door with a garden table and couple of chairs.
I got to the door and took some deep calming breaths, trying to stop the tremble in my hands.
Here goes!
I pushed down on the handle and opened the door into his kitchen.
Mr Robin stood at the other end of the kitchen, leaning against the door frame! A can of beer in one hand. A grin firmly on his face as he looked at me! My first thought was how good looking he was! He had short wavy hair and full clipped beard, both dark and peppered with grey streaks. He stood a bit under 6' tall and was well built but slender at the same time. For the past few years he had taken up running in the evenings. I had often seen him out, pounding the area in his running shorts and a loose sweat soaked t-shirt. I had often admired his strong hairy legs when I saw him go by.
He had his running shorts on now and his bare legs, all tanned and covered with thick dark hair all he way down to his black running shoes! He had on a loose running vest and I could see the thick mat of hair on his chest over the low scooped neck!
"Come on it then." He said without breaking his grin. "Close the door." He added, looking me up and down as he raised the can to his lips and took a full.
I stepped inside and closed the door. I stood there in the silence of the strange kitchen. I looked round nervously. It looked like a new kitchen, sleek and modern with shiny marbled worktops and brightly coloured tiles on he walls.
Nervously I looked back at him and gave what felt like a weak smile.
He waved his can. "Want a drink? Cold beer in the fridge if you want one?"
"Em! Yeah! Please!" I replied, a slight tremor in my voice!
He uncrossed his feet and straightened up, moving to a large silver coloured fridge and opening it he took out a can, let the door swing closed as he walked closer, popping the ring with one finger before holding it out towards me.
"Save you damaging your nails!" He grinned, looking at my long red fingernails as I took the cold can in my hand.
I smiled, slightly less shakily, at least it felt like anyway. "Em. Thank you." I size quickly and took a swallow, noticing the lipstick mark on the can afterwards. The beer was cold and fizzy. I'd had beer before. Ben sometime brought some cans round if him and Becs were staying in and he always let me have one.
Mr Robins leaned back against the edge of the worktop, sipping from his can and looking at me with a sort of amused smile on his face! I took another full from the can.
"So? Think we have some things to discuss..... What do I call you? Can't really call you Mark when you're dressed like that can I?" He grinned.
I had given my fem persona a name about the first or second time I'd dressed.
"Em. Suzi. With a z i and no e." I said smiling despite feeling the colour warm my cheeks.
"Suzi? Mm. Suits you. So Suzi, your mum and sister know about this, do they?"
I took a other sip of beer. "Em. Yeah they do. Em. Becs lets me have her old clothes. Em. Mum. We, I told her last time she was home. They're cool with it! I em. Well. I'm gay! They know and it's cool!" I stammered. I'd never had to explain it to a stranger like this before!
"Gay huh? How long have you been gay for?" He asked. He said it kind of relaxed, not sounding like he was judging or anything.
"Em. Always I suppose. I guess I really decided a couple of years ago! Well not decided, sort of knew! For definite I mean!"
He looked at me, sort of with a thoughtful look on his face.
"And dressing like this? Do you want to change sex? Be a girl?" He asked.
"God no! I... I don't want to... Have anything cut off like! No! I just em like wearing nice stuff, girls clothes. It's.......... Em.....!" I stammered.
"Sexy?" He said grinning!
I giggled, blushed! "Well... Yeah..." I said.
He chuckled, not a laugh but just a chuckle!
He took a long swallow of beer. I took a full and had to cover my mouth to muffle the burp! "Sorry." I apologized. He smiled.
"So that brings us to the other thing! I'm guessing your sister and mum don't know about your little visits to the park? To the toilets? And.....what you get up to in there?" He said, his grin taking on a more mischievous edge!
I felt the colour rise in my cheeks! I looked down at me feel! Shook my head. "No." I said barely audibly.
"Somehow I didnt think so. I suppose that's not something you'd find so easy to explain. Not really the sort of place you'd want them to know about and..... what you do there? How long have you been going there and sucking men off?"
I stiffened up a bit when he just came out and said it like that!
"Em! A..............a while I guess." I replied still looking at the floor at my feet.
"Other places? Other toilets?" He pressed.
"Em. Some."
"Which ones?"
" the library in town." I admitted.
"Any others?"
I shook my head. I didn't know of any others. Did he? I glanced up quickly but his face gave nothing away. He wore a calm look on his face.
"And............. Do you just suck men off? Do you do.......other things?"
Mr Robins voice had changed! It was slightly lower! Had a slight tension in it? Excitement?
Without lifting my head I raised my gaze so he couldn't see I was looking! His running shorts looked tighter! I could see a noticeable change! A swelling, bulging out at the front! Fuck! He was getting hard!
Immediately I felt my own cock start to respond!
I tried to keep my voice level. "Wha.......what do you mean?"
"Do you just suck cocks or do you........let them.............fuck you?" His voice had a more obvious tension growing in it!
"Em...................... A... couple of.........times....." I said softly, daring to lift my head, a little, just to see the look on his face. It was more flushed than before. He took a quick gulp of beer.
" you?"
"Just........just two a couple of times." I admitted.
He gulped again from the can.
I couldn't take my eyes off the bulge in his shorts! They were short shiny running shorts, dark blue. The material was thin, nylon but by the shape of the bulge he must have something tighter on beneath as it looked kind of cramped up! Underpants? Or a jockstrap? I could swear I saw it throbbing!
My mouth went from feeling cotton wool dry to watering in seconds! I couldn't stop myself from licking my lips!
Something in me, in my head sort of went pop!
"Em......... Mr Robins?" I heard myself say!
After a pause he said, "Yes?" His voice even thicker now!
"Em.............would you?"
The air stopped moving! Time stopped! Ten seconds or ten minutes passed?
I looked up, into his face. It was definitely flsuhed now! His forehead has a sheen of sweat on it as he stared at me!
Oh fuck! Had I gone to far? Gone over the edge?
"Yes!" He said in barely more than a whisper! At first I thought I had imagined it!
"Yes...Suzi. I do want suck my cock.............I want suck me off!"
It was like I was in a trance! I put my can down on the side! My feet moved, one in front of the other, high heels tip tapping on the tiled kitchen floor as I walked right up to him! He watched me, not moving as I reached out, pressed my hand to the bulge in his shorts!
Fuck! The first thing that hit me was the heat coming from his cock! Then the size! Cupping it, I could feel how thick it was! Trapped in what ever he had on, the thin nylon shorts sliding over the material like oiled silk!
Without taking his eyes off me he put his can aside and rested both hands on the edge of the worktop, pushing his crotch forwards slightly, pushing against my hand! There was no mistaking the excitement in his eyes! They sparkled!
I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry!
With almost reluctance I moved my hand from the heat, employing my other hand as well as I gripped the sides of his shorts! My knees bent, almost buckled for a split second as my legs almost turned to jelly! I managed not to fall but my sinking down to my knees didn't feel particularly grace full! The tiles hard under my knees! His shorts came down with me and stopped at his hairy knees. Right in front on my eyes, the black jockstrap bulged heavily!
I looked up. He, looked down! His lips slightly parted, I could hear his breath! Hear how fast it was!
I let go of his shorts and raised my hands, slipped my finger tips I to the wide band of the jockstrap! I swallowed! Then pulled, downwards, slowly! Seeing his thick mat of dark pubic hair! Then the smooth paleness of his skin! He must shave down there! His cock began to appear! The shaft, thick, fleshy and veiny! More appeared! Yes he shaved! Smooth skin where his balls joined his body!
His cock suddenly released from the waistband and sprang upwards, slapping briefly against his hairy flat stomach then dropping forwards again, stopping, bobbing at an angle that pointed over my head! A fat wet tear of juice seeped from the long deep slit at the tip of his. If swollen knob! His foreskin wrinkled slightly just behind it!
It was confirmed! He wasn't the cock I had sucked on Saturday! He wasn't as big or wide! Not that he was far off!
His cock, was thick, more rounded, equally as, desirable! And close to 8" long!
I realised I was breathing fast! I looked up, into his eyes, saw the sparkle and excitement in them!
"S........suck it, Suzi..!" He hissed in a low hushed voice.
His jock was strung between his thighs just above his knees. I took his huge round balls in one hand and the shaft of his cock in the other. My slightly parted lips kissed the tip of his cock, resting there as I dipped the tip of my tongue in his juicy pee hole. It's sweetness contrasted with the slight saltiness of his swollen bellend. He smelled so manly, cedar soap and crotch sweat!
"Fucking suck it!" He growled down at me with fire burning in his deep blue eyes.
I opened my mouth and let my moist lips glide over his cock head, licking the underside as it slid deeper into my mouth. I heard him hiss and looked up his body, his head was back and his mouth open in a silent gasp of pleasure! His balls, the size almost of couple of lemons squirmed in my hand as I began to bob, taking him deeper each time. He tasted so good! Felt so good in my mouth.
"Aw fuck! Yeah! Suck it! Suck my cock you little slut!" He growled, his voice thick with lust.
Oh I sucked! Used every thing I had learned in my short time as a cock sucker. Licking. Twisting my head side to side. Taking him deeper until he popped into my throat!
"Fuck shit! Yeah!" He gasped, suddenly grabbing the back of my head and holding me down! I soon ran out of air and began to gag and try to pull away! He made me stay 5, 10, 15 seconds longer, gagging until he loosened his grip! I backed up, gasping, swallowing the thick throat saliva that spilled into my chin! He gave me long enough to catch my breath before pushing his cock back where it belonged! The extra spit eased the way and let him back down my throat!
He was gasping, cursing unintelligible oaths, fucking my willing mouth! His balls swelling and tightening and his cock throbbing and flexing! He was close! I was ready!
He gave a cry as his body went totally ridged! His cock jerking, pulsing and spraying thick jets of man spunk into my throat and mouth! I filled it down as more gushed forth! Fuck! When did he last cum? It seemed never-ending! But of course it did! His hands gripped the worktop, as his legs began to shake and his body spasmed with involuntary shudders.
I eased up, know how hypersensitive the cock gets after cumming, using my hand and lips to milk the last drops from his cock.
I needed to breath and let his cock slip from my wet cum coated lips. His cock barely softened, bobbed wet with spit from my mouth.
He stared down at me, breathing hard and fast still, sweat beaded in his forehead, big wet patches made the running vest cling to his chest!
He reached down grabbing the bottom of the vest and pulling it up and off over his head. His chest was so hairy it looked black with sweat pasting it down.
He tossed the vest and then reached down under my arms and pulled me up to my feet. For a split second I thought he was going to kiss me! He didn't. Instead his strong arms and body twisted us both around, my heels sk**ded on the tiles as he span me to face the cupboards, pushing me against them! Now behind me, he pulled my hips back, my shoulders forwards and down onto the worktop! The back of skirt flipped up onto my back!
Oh god! He was going to fuck me!
His hands were so strong yet soft on my flesh as they rubbed my hips, pantyclad cheeks, my thighs and stockinged legs! My flesh tingled as he squeezed and explored like he was testing some cut of meat!
Then I felt the heat of his breath! His mouth on my ass cheeks, sucking through the thin red knickers, the scr****g of his teeth like he wanted to devour my bottom!
Suddenly my knickers were whipped down to my ankles! His hands spread my cheeks so wide I thought they would split apart! His beard scowered my soft skin as his mouthout covered my hole! I gasped in shock and surprise! Gasped even louder when I felt the hot wetness of his tongue licking me there! I heard the growling deep in his throat as he ground his bearded face harder and deeper between my hot cheeks, and his stiffened wet tongue pushing inside me!
I had read and seen pictures on the internet of rimming but never experienced it! Now as I felt his tongue inside me! I was gasping and moaning, arching my back, pushing back against his mouth! I struggled and eventually managed to get one foot out of my knickers so I could open my legs wider!
My hole was taking in his saliva, getting wetter and slipperier! I could feel spit trickle down and run down the inside of my thigh! Oh fuck! This was the hottest best thing I had ever felt!
Mr Robin are my ass with a list fuelled appetite! Forcing his tongue as deep inside me as he could possibly get it!
Then........ He stopped and stood up! I felt the length his cock press in the valley between my cheeks and grind up and down it!
Then he reached over my shoulder! There was one of those decorative olive oil bottles with the tube pourers on the worktop! He grabbed it!
Oh fuck! I knew his intent! Even before I felt his step back a pace and the cool oil drip and pour down my crack! His fingers scooped the oil and rubbed it all over my boy pussy, all around it! Then! I gasped as one then two oily fingers pushed inside! He twisted them! More oil! I whimpered as he fucked the oil in with his fingers and worked it round, stretching my tight young hole for what I knew was soon to come!
He put the bottle down, his fingers pulled from me, his hand nudged my cheeks as I guessed he was covering his big hard cock with what was still on his hand! His free hand rubbed over my back and gripped my shoulder tightly!
Then I felt it! The big greasy swollen head of his cock! Slip between my oily cheeks, press up to my.......OH FUCK!
I cried out! His knob slipped in with a pop! I was amazed that there was hardly any pain at all! This was by far the biggest thing that had ever been in there!
I was glad he didn't drive it all in, he held just the head in as he set his feet, then......
"Uuurrruugghhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I gasped loudly as with one slow steady push he sank all 8" into me! I felt it deep, stretching and filling me like no other cock had!
He pressed his hips hard against me cheeks. His hands coming up under the crop top and grabbing my breasts!
"Fuck! So tight!" He growled, leaning over my back so I felt his hot breath on my neck! He squeezed my tits through the bra. I felt my nipples stiffening! Then he was pushing his fingers under the wires of the uplift bra, forcing it off over my breasts so his hands were flesh on flesh. "Aw fuck! You've tits! Fuck! Mmmmm!" He frowned, rubbing, kneeding, squeezing before focusing on my nipples! His hips began to grind, his thick shaft stirred in my pussy! I moaned and gasped! "Fuck! Oh.......fuck! Fuck me Mr Robins! Fuck me!" I began to beg as I pushed and rubbed back against him. He pinched down on my nippels, pulling had rolling them, twisting and stretching them! His hip movements got harder, his cock properly fucking my stretched cunt! It started, shallow, slow. The fifth root of his shaft drawing back just a couple of inches, but felt like it was pulling my insides out! Then in, firm, deep, filling me! Slowly, oh so beautifully slowly, Mr Robins made the strokes longer, pulling back, 4...5....6 inches, then back in all the way to his balls! Building the speed so gradually it took a while before the sound of his hips slapped against me smooth cheeks, my gasps building louder and louder!
The few fucks i had taken before paled in comparison! Those had been hushed, furtive and near silent in the confined space of a toilet cubicle. Here, in the safety and privacy of his house we had no need to be silent!
Mr Robins grunts and moans, gasped expletives and coloured descriptions of my tight ass-cunt and me being a dirty sissy fuck slut! These grew louder with his passion and excitement in the same way my moans and cries did.
His one hand slipped from my breast down my tummy and between legs, closing round my cock which was so hard it hurt! I sensed him pause, surprise maybe at the size of my teen cock! It didn't last long and my oozing juice turned his hand slick as he began to give me a reach-round wank, stoking in time with his thrusting cock as he fucked me!
I lasted a couple of dozen strokes before I felt my balls tighten and my knees buckled! I virtually screamed as I felt the cum course through the pipe from my balls out the end of my cock!
It was the catalyst that sent him over! He roared over my head, pounding his cock in me and shooting more huge jets of hot spunk deep in my bowels! It was almost as though he was pumping his in and it was cumming out of my cock! After, then I saw my cum, running down the cupboard door and on the tiled floor, I could scarcely believe I could produce that amount!
I gasped for breath with the weight of a Mr Robins lead on my back. He too gasping and moaning, twitching and shuddering for several minutes afterwards.
Eventually his cock softened and began to slip out of me. It popped out and a gush of warm cum followed splashing into the tiles between my feet. I squeezed my bum cheeks together to hold the rest in.
Mr Robins pushed himself off me a grabbing a tea towel, wiped his cock then handed me the towel. I smiled and wiped the cum off my thighs. I bent to pick up my knickers.
"Leave them. I was t to keep them as a souvenir." He grinned as he pulled his jockstrap and shorts back up. "You can go home knickerless." He added with a chuckle. I giggled!
He looked at his watch. "Shit! I've got to go out! Em! Sorry but I'm going to have to shower before I go. You'll have to go I'm sad to say." He smiled apologetically.
"That's okay. Em. Can I.....em... Can we do this again?" I asked, blushing slightly.
He chuckled. "Fuck I hope so! I'm in all day tomorrow, if you want to come over?"
"Yes please!" I said quickly. He laughed. "Fucking keen ain't ya! He he. Mmmm. I'll email you later. Sort the a time out okay?" He said coming up to me and putting his arms round me, looking down smiling. "Fucking sexy little bitch!" He leaned down and kissed me! My first proper man kiss! My lips parted and his tongue slipped into my mouth! Wow! What a first kiss!
"Mmmmmm. Can't fucking wait to get you in my bed! Mmmmm. Fuck! I got to get going!"
I grinned. "Yeah I better go now. And.....em.... Thank you Mr Robins." I grinned as I opened the back door to go.
"Call me Tony. Suzi." He grinned.


I had got back through the gap in the fence and went inside, still smiling! I couldn't really believe what had just happened! I lit a cigarette and relished the smoke, remembering how Mr Robins, Tony had just fucked me in his kitchen! My bum still throbbed and was wet and slippery with his cum and the oil he'd used as lubricant! And he wanted to see me again!
I noticed the time and thought I had better go and have a shower and get cleaned up before Becs, my older sister came home from work.
When I took off the fem clothes, I saw there was oil and cum on most items and would need washing before I could wear them again.
"What did you do today then k**do?" Becs enquired. We'd finished dinner and were sat having a smoke on the back step, enjoying the warm evening sun.
"Oh not much. Washing n stuff." I said, taking a deep drag trying not to grin! I loved my s*s and didn't keep much from her but the sex stuff and now Mr Robins! I wasn't sure she was ready to hear about that or me tell it for that matter.
"bloody hell! First proper day of the holidays! You certainly know how to live it up don't ya!" She laughed digging me in the side with her elbow. I shoved her back playfully. "You should be going out, having some fun. Meet some nice boy and fall in love." She grinned. She knew I was gay and it didn't bother her one bit.
"LOL! Yeah right! Boys are twats. More likely to beat me up than anything else." I laughed.
"Not all of em babe. Your not. Well, not all the time at least." She grinned. "Sure there's some nice little gay boy who'd love a girlfriend like you." She giggled, not unkindly just winding me up.
I laughed. "Yeah right! They're hanging from every tree like ripe apples just waiting to be picked up! Big labels on them saying 'Im gay and want a boy slash tranny girlfriend'. Anyway, boys are idiots. Look at you! When did you last have a boyfriend your age?" I grinned at her.
I couldn't remember her ever having a boyfriend her age. When she was 15 her first boyfriend was 18 or 19! Now she was seeing a guy in his 30s.
"Yeah I see what you mean." She laughed. "I've always liked older guys. God! Do you think we're fucked up with daddy issues? Not having one round most of our lives, being deprived of a father figure?" She said with her eyes wide! Then she laughed. I joined her.
"Do you reckon you'd be straight if you'd had a man to play football n stuff with?" She asked after a while. "Can't have been easy with just me and mum when she's around. All that female hormones in the house! Knickers n bras hanging on the radiators!" She grinned.
"I dunno. Doubt it. Who knows? Anyway it's too late now. I'm definitely a poor." I grinned. She laughed and gave me a hug. "I'm going for a bath. And then, an early night. Got the new stock coming in tomorrow so I've got to go in early! Set your alarm so you don't waste the day k**do." She grinned and kissed me on the forehead as she got up.
"Yeah I will. Love ya s*s. Night." I smiled as she went in.
I looked down at the house at the bottom of the garden. Felt my cock stir in the shorts I had on, remembering what had happened in the kitchen of that house earlier that day. Part of me hoped to see Mr Robins, Tony looking out at me from the back window but there was no one there by the looks.
I watched some telly then took my laptop up to my room. Becs was already asleep when I poked my head round her door. I lay on my bed and went online. No emails. I went on to some porn sites and found some videos of older men fucking twinks and young trannies. There were plenty to chose from! I ended up wanking off as I usually did.
Satisfied, I turned the laptop off and went to sleep.
The alarm went off at half eight the next morning. I snoozed it three times before a full bladder forced me out of bed.
Toilet bits out of the way I took my laptop down into the kitchen and out the kettle on. A note on the table from Becs, letting me know she would be late in that evening, Ben was picking her up from work and taking her for a meal. She finished it off telling me not to stay in all day and to get a life, with a big smily face underneath. I grinned. Oh if only she knew?
With a steaming cup of tea and a cigarette going I logged I to my email. Message waiting from Thewatcher99! I opened it!
"Morning Suzi. Hope that tight little pussy isn't sore today? Still want to come over? I'm in all day............. X"
I grinned. My pussy wasn't sore at all, surprisingly! Everything worked and felt fine that morning, which surprised me after the fucking Mr Robins had given me with his big cock!
I quickly typed a reply.
"Hi. My pussy is fine and wants more!" I added a smiley face. "Ten o'clock okay? XX Suzi."
I hit send.
He must have been sat waiting for it! "Perfect. Let yourself in." He replied less than 2 minutes later!
I don't think I stopped grinning while I finished my breakfast then went up to shower.
Once my body was clean, I took the shower head off the pipe and squatting in the bath washed my bum out thoroughly. Something I had picked up reading stuff on various gay/TV websites.
Wrapped in a towel, I passed to my bedroom and went through all the clothes and underwear Becs had kindly donated to me. I wanted something really sexy to wear for Mr Robins. Tony! I had to remember he said to call him that!
The sexiest undies were definitely the black lacy push up bra, suspenders and panties set! Black lace top stockings that were still in the packet. Then it was a choose between the blue miniskirt or the tiny little leatherette one! After some thought I decided on the leatherette one with a black crop top t-shirt with 'GIRL' emblazoned across the chest in big pink capital letters.
I sat and put on my makeup. My nails were still painted bright red from the day before. I blow dried my dirty blonde, wavy shoulder length hair, popped in some hoop earrings, slipped some hoop bangles on my wrists and slipped my feet into a pair of black patent ankle strapped court shoes with 6" spike heels.
The outfit screamed back slut from the mirror as I pouted my red lips and posed, sticking my perky little tits out. I laughed to myself. Mr....Tony would love it, I was sure!
It was only quarter to ten when I minced downstairs. I was excited but didn't want to look too eager! I laughed out loud! Yeah right! I lit a cigarette to try and calm myself and pass the time.
The clock ticked down and I finished the cigarette and used some breath freshener spray. It was almost time! I slipped out the backdoor and locked it and put the key under the mat.
The neighbours on both sides worked so there was no one to see the slutty girl going down the garden path, ducking down the side of the shed, through the gap in the fence and into Mr.. Tony's garden.
My fingers were trembling with excitement when I pushed down on the door handle to his kitchen! I stepped inside and closed the door. The house was quiet!
"Hello!" I called out, nervously.
"In the front room." He called back.
The metal tips of the high heels tapped loudly on the tiled floor of his kitchen. The hallway floor was hard wood. The front room door was open, it looked quite dark inside! Filled with nervous excitement I edged through the door!
The blinds were closed, but I could see perfectly well! And what I saw sent a wave of excitement through me!
Mr Robins, Tony! Was led on the sofa, a wide smile on his handsome bearded face! He was completely naked and slowly stroking his big fat hard cock! I could see the head glistening in the glow coming from the big flat screen television! On the screen, paused was a young beautifully made up tranny with a cock half in her mouth!
"Wow! You a sexy little sissy whore!" Tony grinned at me! "You'll look even better with your lips round this!" He added, waving his cock invitingly!
I grinned. He picked up a cushion and dropped it on the floor by the sofa as I crossed the room. He was grinning as I kneeled down on the cushion. I leaned down and took the big swollen head of his cock in my mouth.
"Aw fuck yeah! Suck it slow baby!" He groaned, slowing the movement of my bobbing head and hold my hair back so he could see my lips gliding up and down his hard shaft. "Fuck you suck good for one so young! Bet you've sucked loads of cocks! Mmmmm! Yeah! Take it deep! Mmm! Fuck you deepthroat good k**! Mmmmm! You like that cock in your mouth? Like sucking my big fat cock you little sissy slut?"
"Mmmm!" Was all I could say as I sucked his gorgeous big cock, tasting his sweet juice that leaked out, adding to the saliva and making my lips slurp noisily!
"Fuck yeah! Keep going baby! Daddy Tony's got a huge load backed up in his balls to feed you! Ain't gonna last long! Fuck! Don't worry though slut! They'll reload quick to fuck some loads in that tight sissy fuck hole! Mmm mmm! Fuck! Keep going bitch! Yeah! Fuck it's close bitch! Get ready! Yeah! Fuck! Fuckkkkkkk! Fuuuuuuuuucckkkkkkkkk!!!!!!"
His spunk exploded from his cock and flooded my mouth! I gulped and gulped as he emptied his balls! For fuck sake! Did he always cum this much? But I wasn't complaining! His thick spunk was delicious!
"Fuck! Awwwwwwww! Yeah! Come here baby!" He gasped breathlessly pulling me off his cock, pulling me on top of him to kiss my spunky mouth and lips, his tongue ravaging the inside of my mouth! His hands all over my body, grabbing my ass through the tight bum hugging leatherette miniskirt. I moaned into his mouth as a hand slipped under it, slipped in the back of my knickers, slid into my crack and probed my little puckered pussy!
"Mmmmm! Gonna give that a good fucking later baby! Fuck it good! Fuck you on my bed! Spread your hot sexy legs wide apart and fuck you like a whore! You like that? Want me to fuck you like a woman? A whore?" He grinned at me.
"Mmmmm fuck yes! I want you to fuck me! Lots of times." I grinned.
He chuckled. "Oh I will slut. He he. Want a drink first? I need one."
He padded naked into the kitchen and came back with two glasses of squash. I was sat on the sofa looking at the frozen picture on the television. He sat beside me and handed me a glass. "Want to watch it for a bit?" He grinned reaching for a packet of cigarettes on the side table.
"Yeah." I grinned. "I didn't know you smoked? Can I have a cigarette too?"
He chuckled, popping two out of the packet. "Naughty girl! Smoking at your age! I don't smoke much now but sex always makes me want one." He lit both our cigarettes then hit play on the remote. He put his arm round me and we snuggled up, puffing on our cigarettes.
The action picked up immediately! The young tranny was being spitroast by two older men with big cocks!
"Bet you'd like that wouldn't you? A cock up your ass and one in your mouth?" Tony grinned, softly stroking my nipple through the t-shirt and bra, making it stiffen and swell.
"Mmmm. I probably would." I giggled. "Never had two together." I moaned softly as he hand slipped down the front of my top and inside my bra.
"Have to see what we can do to make it happen then." He grinned as he rolled my stiff nipple between his thumb and finger.
He asked about my little titties, how I'd developed them. I told him.
"Take the top off, let me see em properly." He grinned.
I sat up and pulled the top off over my head. "Bra too." He grinned. I giggled and reached back to pop the clasps. The bra slipped away and my small perky tits were free.
"Mmmmmm! Fucking lovely." He said taking them in his hands and feeling the swells on my chest. I loved his touch on my bared titties, the way he rubbed his palm on my nipples making them stiffen and plump up. I liked it even more when he lowered his mouth and sucked them in turn, gently nibbling them with his teeth! I was moaning softly and writhing on the sofa. His hand slipped up my leg, over the tops of my stockings and under my little skirt. I groaned as he ran his thumb across my hard cock through the soft material of the little black panties!
"He he. Think it's about time to take you upstairs." He grinned after a couple of minutes. I grinned and nodded, noticing his big fat cock was fully recovered and standing to attention!
I felt so excited and free as he took my hand and led me up the stairs.
His bedroom was quite big, the blinds angled against any unwelcome eyes. One wall facing the bed was wardrobes with floor to ceiling mirrored doors! I couldn't help look at myself, at my bared breasts, how much of a whore I looked!
The bed was king-sized and stripped down to just a red silky bottom sheet and a pile of pillows with matching covers.
Tony took me in his arms, pulling me against his strong hairy masculine fit body. I raised my chin, tilting my head ready for the kiss. His tongue pushed deep into my mouth. I felt the thick mat of hairs on his torso against my nipples and smooth breasts. His hands sliding down my back and cupping my bottom pulling me harder against him. His cock pressed hard against my tummy!
I felt him tug at the zip of the skirt, felt it loosen and soon slip and fall down over my hips and down my thighs to the floor around my feet.
He grinned at me then turned his head to look at us in the reflection. I looked too. Saw myself pressed to his manly body in just my stockings, suspenders, panties and high heels. We both grinned.
He turned me slowly, moving us so that I was facing the mirror with him pressed up behind me, his arms around my hands cupping and squeezing my breasts, rolling and pulling gently on my fat little nipples. Okay me head back against his chest moaning softly. Slowly his right hand slid down my tummy and across my little black lady knickers, tracing the large bulging outline of my hard cock! The head popped from the waistband, the tip moist with my excitement. He softly rubbed his fingertip over the head, wiping the juice slowly down the underside, easing the panties down untli they slipped under my tight round teen balls.
"Mmmmm. What a lovely big cocklette you have Suzi! I must admit I do like little sissies wth large clits!" He smiled at me in the mirrors reflection, as he caressed my hard shaft and smooth balls. His other hand came down and eased the panties down, over my thighs and down my legs. I stepped out of them, feeling totally exposed and so hot!
Tony began moving behind me, pressing his shaft between my cheeks, rubbing it up and down my hot crack. I pressed back against his, rubbing up and down his hot thick man cock. He moaned softly, kissing and licking my neck and ears. He slipped lower and pushed his big hard cock between my legs! His big engorged knob stuck out with my balls resting on it! It looked so hot! So sexy! So..............terribly naughty!
His mouth was breathing hot air on my neck and ear, his tongue licking my earlobes and inside sending shivers through my entire body. "I.... I'm going to fuck you! Fuck you like whore!" He growled, his hushed voice tight and husky.
"Yes! Oh yes!" I gasped turning my mouth to his, my body to press against him! His tongue filled my mouth. He guided us both down onto the soft silky bed. I sucked on his fat wet tongue as his hands explored me. Squeezing my tits hard, pulling my nipples. I had one leg bent under his hip my other out to the side. His hand slipped down between my parted legs, pushing it wider, spreading me open. Then he reached up, without looking or breaking the kiss for the lubricant he'd already placed under the pillows. I felt his place the bottle between my legs and heard him push the pump and cool gel squirt on my hot skin between my balls and my pussy! It began to run down but his fingers caught it and guided it to my pussy! I groaned around his tongue as he pushed the lube inside me with one finger! Out again! More lube pumped from the bottle and that was spread around my anus and worked up inside! One finger then a second! I moaned and pushed against his fingers as they sawed back and forth, twisted side to side, opening me up! Preparing me for his cock!
After a couple of minutes he withdrew his fingers. I felt empty! More pumps but this load he coated his cock with!
He grinned at me with lips wet with our kiss. He tossed the bottle aside and rolled on top of me, between my legs which automatically spread and my thighs rose round his waist! I felt the slick greasy head of his cock nudge me as he rubbed it over my wet pussy! Then lined up!
He looked down at me with a grin as he pushed! I gave a sharp gasp as the head pressed at the opening of my bum-cunt, then......the head popped in! "Fuck! Awwwwwwwww! Fuck!" I gasped throwing back my head and arching my back as the thick shaft pushed deep into me!
In that split second as I lay under his weight with my legs wrapped round his waist and his hot burning cock filling me, I felt like a woman! A slut! A whore!
He began to fuck me, slow, in His wonderful thick cock slipping in and out of my tight young sissy cunt that was stretched wide around his girth! On the out strokes I felt the ridge of his bellend pul

Same as Suzi the teen slut Part1 Videos

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Suzi  SUZI....................................................................................................................................1  INICI....................................................................................................................................2  ENTRENAMENT....................................................................................................................3...

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Suzi 1

Suzi 1Jim – meSuzi – soon to be wifeKatie – friendSteve – Katie’s bfPlease note, this is a fictional story. All people, places, and events are just crazy thoughts I’ve had. No one really exists in this story. At 25 years old, I thought life was going well. I had just moved on from bartending to a professional job, finally making good money. About the only thing I didn’t really have was a steady girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, bartending afforded me plenty of opportunities for causal encounters,...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 6

Introduction: Suzi endures quite a lot of pain plus a gallon of water distends her stomach. Chapter 6 [starts Thurs night – ends Thurs night] Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone. Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement… Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain… I was hesitant but his voice...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part4

Chris had been gone an hour and Suzi finally removed her face from Millys juicy cunt. They had spent the last 20 minutes eating each others horny pussys, not speaking a word, just moving swiftly from position to position. When at last they did talk it was only about how restricting their positions were. Milly lay on the bed next to Suzi, stroking her pussy gently telling her about all the tricks she has over in her house, that she could go make a quick trip and come back before Chris got home...

4 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 6

[starts Thurs night - ends Thurs night] Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone. "Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement..." "Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain..." I was hesitant but his voice was calm and controlled so I figured I'd give him a chance to explain. By the...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2

Introduction: Suzi meets Dominick, a fan, then loses yet another job Chapter 2 Posting the first chapter of this adventure was a real eye-opener for me. When I started posting pictures of Suzi on the slut-wife site last year, I expected that Id get email and maybe a few offers from men who wanted to meet up with us. I was right and weve made six trips since last November. Four across the country (New York, California, and Las Vegas twice) and two to Europe (Germany both times). And thats not...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2

Posting the first chapter of this adventure was a real eye-opener for me. When I started posting pictures of Suzi on the slut-wife site last year, I expected that I'd get email and maybe a few offers from men who wanted to meet up with us. I was right and we've made six trips since last November. Four across the country (New York, California, and Las Vegas twice) and two to Europe (Germany both times). And that's not counting all the locals who've driven up to Chicago to have get a...

3 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

Introduction: Suzi is the perfect wife, cooks, cleans and is an ass slut Suzi — My wife and My whore It didnt take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, its nice to see the actual proof. Im watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. Well probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and lets see if we can make...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part 3

Suzi lay on her back, panting and moaning as Milly literally devoured her pussy. Her tongue was flicking in and out of Suzi quicker than lightning - She could feel Millys tongue driving in, scooping up her juices and sliding quickly to her clit to fuck it sweetly with the very tip. Suzi's eyes were shut tightly, her arms high above her head as she began to grind her pussy into her lesbian lovers face, feeling her tongue reach deeper and deeper inside her - she knew was almost about to erupt...

5 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

It didn't take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, it's nice to see the actual proof. I'm watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. We'll probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and let's see if we can make that fantasy real. The other reason I like the idea of writing this is that I can...

4 years ago
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Suzis Bitch

I have always had a fantasy about dressing like a girl. Suzi has allowed me to fulfill that fantasy. Although she has her own kinky agenda in mind sometimes.I have several different ways this fantasy plays out, one of which I am going to tell you about.It starts out with Suzi laying out my clothes. A sexy pair of silk panties, lacey bra, school girl blouse, short mini skirt, bobbi socks, and pink tennies. As I shower to get ready Suzi comes into the bathroom. The curtain flings open, as she...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris pt1

Suzi was sitting in her recliner, drinking a JD and Coke. That seemed to be all she did these days. Life consisted of waking up, masterbating if time allowed, and jumping into the shower before running out the door to work. As a chef, it meant Suzi worked all hours, which had a pretty adverse effect on her social life. Infact, the only thing keeping her interested in work was the new guy that had started this week. His name was Chris. He'd just moved state from Washington and he was HOT. Tall,...

1 year ago
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Suzi and Chris part5

Suzi woke to the sound of the shower on in the bathroom. Milly was still sleeping deeply beside her. The covers had slid down her torso, and her arm was resting on the bed beside Suzi. Suzi's eyes ran from Millys fingertips, up her arm, and to her perfect breasts. She was lying on her side and they hugged together nicely, her nipples remaining erect from the cold air hitting against them. Suzi heard the shower knock off and she slipped quietly from the bed and walked slowly to the bathroom. She...

3 years ago
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SUZI by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas Let's face it - most men are assholes. They are loud, boorish and horny, afraid to express their sensitive side, and generally are just looking to get into a girl's panties. That's why I made love to women - women are usually just the opposite and I find that attractive. My partners, lovers, have always been able to express their feelings and have treated me very lovingly, just as I have always treated them. I don't like men's hairy bodies, or their...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Introduction: Suzi stars in a movie about the Commons Chapter 4 Things have been quiet around her for about a week but theyre about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and Ive got tickets. Im going to drive down and pick up John then were going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. Theres a shooting range nearby and weve reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, its beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be...

4 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Things have been quiet around her for about a week but they're about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and I've got tickets. I'm going to drive down and pick up John then we're going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. There's a shooting range nearby and we've reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, it's beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be back from Phoenix next Monday, then we get...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 5

Introduction: The dogs have a run at her with their tongues, then shes used for anatomy demonstrations Chapter 5 It looks like the weather is going to be good for the Michigan 400 this weekend. Johns fighting off a cold but says he going to MIS with me even if I gotta carry him. I bought a new pair of sunglasses, the kind that reduce glare. At last years race, I was one of those poor suckers who had to buy a souvenir sun visor for $35.00 so I didnt go blind. We were on the south side of the...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 5

It looks like the weather is going to be good for the Michigan 400 this weekend. John's fighting off a cold but says he going to MIS with me even if I gotta carry him. I bought a new pair of sunglasses, the kind that reduce glare. At last year's race, I was one of those poor suckers who had to buy a souvenir sun visor for $35.00 so I didn't go blind. We were on the south side of the track so the sun was in our eyes all day. I had to make my own breakfast this morning. The frozen...

2 years ago
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suzi and david continue

Suzi was sitting at her dressing table teasing her husband's cock ,she giggled when it jerked under her touch , "little miss cocky is a bit lively today Jayney she laughed David blushed "yes Miss it's been almost 3 months since my last milking " "Has it really? doesn't time fly when you are having fun" she mused.David gave out a small gasp as his wife's thumb rubbed over the tip causing a drip of clear precum to ooze out he was so close so near. Suzi dropped his cock and stood up "let's...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 3

Introduction: Tony explains why Suzi never speaks Chapter 3 A couple of you guys who came up to Chicago to use my wife mentioned that she doesnt talk much. Youre right. Completely correct. She doesnt talk much because I dont want her to. There are a couple of reasons and I want to tell you about them. First off, she got nothing to talk about. What are us guys into? Beer, cars and guns, right? But, if I mention that I need my rotors turned or that some friend threw a rod, she immediately...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 3

 A couple of you guys who came up to Chicago to use my wife mentioned that she doesn't talk much. You're right. Completely correct. She doesn't talk much because I don't want her to. There are a couple of reasons and I want to tell you about them. First off, she got nothing to talk about. What are us guys into? Beer, cars and guns, right? But, if I mention that I need my rotors turned or that some friend threw a rod, she immediately thinks it has something to do with sex. She...

3 years ago
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Suzi is Rebuilt as a Sex Toy ch 04

SUZI IS INTRODUCED TO TED Michael surprised me last night with a new pair of ballet boots. He said they were a treat because I'd done such a good job for Tony last week. He was right, I did. I worked for him four days in a row, which saved his company a lot of money. By the time they disconnected me from the machine, I was nearly crazy from stimulation. Tony promised me he would let me come back and work for him again in a few weeks. The ballet boots are bright red and they lace all...

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Suzi needs to be unfaithful part 1

To give you the back ground story, when I first met James, I was working as a Stripper and Go Go dancer in a gentleman's club in town. I eventually moved from Go Go dancer to fully fledged lap dancer, still maintaining my two spots a night striptease. James would pop into the club from time to time and was always on his best behaviour. He would always be polite, buy me a drink and constantly compliment me. That era was back when, in the stripping circles, I was known as the long boot girl, for...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

2 years ago
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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

4 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part1

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 1 It was love at first sight when I saw Kelly. She was just the type of woman that I had always wanted. She had sultry dark eyes that you could just sink into as you listened to that sexy voice of her's. She had long dark hair and long shapely legs that she always showed off with...

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Model onthe showroom floor part1

Just six months after I married Melanie, I lost my job as an accounting manager with the Denver company that I had assumed would never lay off anyone. It took a lot out of me, and it definitely affected her. She had been staying at home and was planning on motherhood. We had to make big adjustments in our lives and she started to look for work herself. The situation did little to help our so-so sex life. I could not keep her satisfied. At the same time, I became obsessed with watching her,...

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Amy The Teen Anal Slut

Amy The Teen Anal SlutBy DirtyOmni I had a great last few years as a teen anal slut finishing high school. Anyone who really knew what I did during my school day would be offended by what I like. When I was entering my teens I found that boys always had some type of porn in their hands .Often I would get boys that liked me to show me their porn stash. I like the dirty pictures of women showing their bodies. The more I saw the more I knew what I liked. Usually it was soft light pictures of women...

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Therapist part1

I sat alone on my bed in a room that I had been sleeping in the past few months, apart from my wife of ten years. I knew it had been by choice, since I often felt the need for time alone, and it seemed nights were the only time that worked out.My desire for my wife was gone, mostly due to how she cared for herself, and some emotional issues. Our sex life was reduced to receiving occasional oral, and that took persuasion on my part. Even with that, I had been experiencing problems with erection...

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Suzi Irsquom the slut stripper wife part 3

Part threeI was stroking my husbands face as he sat on the bed beside me, excited from our voyeur exhibitionist session. The guys were washing the hard earned sweat from their toned bodies as I smiled at James.“Time for a confession.” I smiled.“This sounds interesting!” James responded, smiling at me with a wicked look in his eye.“The day of the barbecue was all pre planned. The guys had cornered me a few weeks earlier and convinced me I should be a stripper and that they should be my first...

2 years ago
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Amy the Teen Anal Slut 3

Amy The Teen Anal Slut 3By DirtyOmni I felt so excited as I stood in front of my neighbour and his friends. I had worn one if my brightest outfits a set of bright green stripped stockings that went up to my thighs with white five inch heels. This was my new favorite shirt, which said cum dumpster in big block glittered letters on the chest. I pulled my hair into two tight pig tails and used bright green hair elastics to hold my hair back and out of the way. No panties just my naked pussy...

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Becoming a submissive slutpart1

Browsing a fetish gay site , I found a mature handsome man , a top with special interests in fetish. I send him a like , and the next day he replied, and the usual conversation started... "how are you ","where are you ?" After this we agreed that I go to his place , I drove up to lisbon , into the centre ,a very prestigious avenue, he waited outside for me , handsome ! Classical longer haircut , salt and pepper , we went upto his luxurious flat , wich was ful of art , statues , modern...

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Bi leather spunk loving teen sluts complete

I ordered the 20-year old female teen slut I was training to pull up her tiny leather mini skirt to expose her black leather panties. I knew she was shaved under the soft, shiny fabric as the day before I'd shaved her cunt. But the 18 year-old lad whose head I was pushing between her long legs didn't know just how smooth her pussy would be - or the sticky treat that lay under her leather knickers. Fuck, before he got stuck in I'd have a treat. i yanked his head back and put my head between her...

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A Damaged Teen Slut Ch6

*** A DAMAGED TEEN SLUT - CHAPTER SIX *** The sound of heels clicking on the sidewalk, infrequent passing vehicles, and gentle sobbing fill the autumn air as an aimless, mistreated and misunderstood girl named Emmy walks without a home. She stops abruptly as she stands on the outskirts of suburbia, about to enter the city. Her arms folded, she looks around while she contemplates what she's going to do. Her father might be all she has left, despite her reservations. With her phone up to her...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

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Suzie and her Mother

Suzie and her mother - by Maria Donner Mrs. Ana Clark was not amused. Her husband - Barry - for a little less than twenty years - had lost his job, and he had little chance of acquiring a new one. But that was not all. He seemed to use all of his time playing games on the computer. He did not help in the house either. They had a half-day maid for that, so you could argue that there was no need. The worst offense - according to her view - was the garden. When they had been...

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After my brief encounter with Ken my married neighbor I realized my obsession with sex could be filled now that I was 18 , all my fantasy's , taboo lusts and needs could be satisfied . It was easier to become Kathy now that I could get away for a few days by myself . The book store an motel had quickly my sissy hide away , since no one knew me here . I'd rent a room in the back of the motel , an exit let me come and go without being noticed and the book store a 5 minute walk away . In my bag...

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A Damaged Teen Slut Ch4

This story is compliant with the rules set by this website's staff. This is a work of FICTION. It does not reflect or imitate any real life individuals or real life events. Any similarities to any individual is purely coincidental. There are three previous chapters to this story, which you can find on my profile page by clicking my name at the top. Obviously there will be details and story developments that you will be unaware of or confused about if you have not read them. There will...

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Suzi is Rebuilt as a Sex Toy ch 01

It's terribly humiliating to me to have feet like this. After a year of training and three surgeries, I can no long keep my balance unless I am wearing ballet boots with six inch heels. I wear them to the grocery story, to the bank, everywhere I go. I wore them to work until they fired me. One of the two dozen men I was servicing passed my name along to the wrong person. He ratted me out to upper management. After they took me away for a weekend of fucking and beatings, they fired me. No...

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Suzi needs to be unfaithful Part 3

Suzi needs to be unfaithful Part 3I bounced up and down on the life like cock, orgasming with regular monotony. My pussy was insatiably hungry for more cock. The previous two hours being replayed in my erotic memory of my two guests fucking my pussy and ass, exploding their spunk everywhere then handcuffing me to the stairs. I was coming down from my latest orgasm when I heard the wheels of James’s car tyres moving across the gravelled driveway. His car stopped and the engine was switched off....

2 years ago
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Suzi needs to be unfaithful part 2

Suzi needs to be unfaithful Part TwoJames and I lay back on our bed, basking in the glorious afterglow of our frantic sex. Teasing the two tradesmen had left me with huge lust and state of arousal. James had just received the benefit, but as sure as eggs are eggs, the two guys will be in for one hell of an afternoon. To help dampen my ardour, I placed my digit finger in my slit and began to slowly run the tip of my finger up and down the shaved opening.James sat upright and watched me slowly...

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Suzi Rebuilt as a Sex Toy

1Michael chose a strange point for me to start telling you my story, but that's not a surprise. Ever since we met, he's done everything he can to keep me off balance. It's my feet. He wants me to tell you about my feet. Later, I'll tell you about the other parts of my body he's had - as he calls it - "customized".It's terribly humiliating to me to have feet like this. After a year of training and three surgeries, I can no long keep my balance unless I am wearing ballet boots with six inch...

3 years ago
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chennai mother and son part1

This is an incident of July 2001. I had just returned from my college and holidays were going on. I was 22 years old then. My college was going to open on 26 July. I reached my home on 12 July and the story really starts from there.My mother is 51 yrs old with normal figure. I had lust for her for the past few years. But here lies the contradiction. I never wanted to have sex with her as she is my mother but yet when I masturbated for the first time.I was thinking about her melon boobs, her...

2 years ago
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Amy The Teen Anal Slut 2 part time job

Amy The Teen Anal Slut 2 (part time job)By DirtyomniAs soon I could apply for a waitress job at the local strip club I did. I had little interest in being a dancer because I wanted to get close to the men. I was made clear to me that I should be there to help the girls make income from dancing either on stage or in the private lounge. Reaching a balance of flirting the guys and making money for all of us was easy when you’re teen anal cum loving slut like me. My name is Amy and I have an...

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Mother in law caught part1

A couple of years ago we were sharing a villa in Spain with my Wife's parents. The holiday was fairly uneventful until the start of the second week.We had all decided to go to the beach and after an hour or so, my Mother in law, Laura and I went for a swim in the sea. Once we got out and were getting dried Laura said she was going back to the villa for a quick change so she would be ready to go for lunch. I decided soon after that she had the right idea and set off back to the villa.I let...

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Teen Baje Munni Jarur Milna Theek 3 Bajje

Mera nam todar singh rathod hai; mai bhale hi umr me 60 + huun magar chhokri chodne ka chaska gaya nahin.Pichhle 10 barson me maine 200 ladkiyan aur auraten chodi hain, kasmse ! Shuru men main sirf ‘kanyaa rasik’ tha, yane teen-ager chhokriyaan hi chodta thaa.Magr baad me 20-24, 30-34, yahan tak ki 40-45 ki umr ki auraten bhi chodne laga.Sach kahun to hr umr ki chhokri ya aurat ka apna alg-alg swaad hota h. Ek 18 saal ki ‘munni’ vo maja nahi de skti jo ki 30 + ya, 40 + ki chudakkad stree de...

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18 Dumb Teen Slut Gagger

The next day I called in sick, I had lots of things to arrange. I went into my office, sat down and started planning. The first I had to do was to buy a web-domain, something like (I have closed the site a long time ago). I logged on to my computer and registered the page and ordered a web-hotel. Once that was done, I started working on the layout and the information that should be included.In the afternoon Louis called on her cell:"Hi darling, how are you?" she asked."I'm fine,...

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Suzie Gets Even

If stories of heavy sex and incest turn you off then stop reading right now. Suzie Gets Even by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Jack glanced sidelong at Suzie as they rode the service elevator down to the street. She looked subdued. He guessed she was taking old man Bellows' death pretty hard. It surprised him--he would've thought she'd be glad. After all, the guy had been keeping her a slave, and he'd done--that other thing--to her. The elevator doors opened. She staggered...

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Suzie had no idea how it had happened. One minute she was at a party, the next she was bound and gagged, in the boot of someone’s car, and being driven around. The ropes around her wrist, behind her back, would not budge, try as she may, and the ones around her ankles were also tight. She had tried rubbing her head on the carpet in the boot, trying to get the gag out, but straps around her neck and also over her head, made sure this did not happen.She tried to think back to what had happened,...

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Hi. I'm Wendy telling this part of the story. On Monday it was nearly 7:00pm and I was ready to lock up the long-day-care centre where I work. I went through all the rooms of the centre to check that no one was going to be locked in. But in the room where the young kids have a nap during the day, I found Suzie lying on one of the small beds. She was hunched up in a foetal position and sobbing miserably. “Suzie! What's wrong?” “I'm pregnant. Valerie noticed that I was starting to...

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Bi leather spunk loving teen sluts

I ordered the 20-year old female teen slut I was training to pull up her tiny leather mini skirt to expose her black leather panties. I knew she was shaved under the soft, shiny fabric as the day before I'd shaved her cunt. But the 18 year-old lad whose head I was pushing between her long legs didn't know just how smooth her pussy would be - or the sticky treat that lay under her leather knickers. Fuck, before he got stuck in I'd have a treat. i yanked his head back and put my head between her...

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The Other Me part1

Primitive Desires I was watching the sunset. It was something pretty special in the line of Nairobi sunsets and it made me feel swell. The pitch was in the flatland between The E block and the Administration block, and I could smell the exhausted unleaded petrol from vehicles in the busy Haile Selassie Avenue. It’s something I’m going to miss since some show off middle class people are selling everything just to buy electrical vehicles. I was standing alone, off to one side of D block in...

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The Other Me part1

Chapter IPrimitive DesiresI was watching the sunset. It was something pretty special in the line of Nairobi sunsets and it made me feel swell. The pitch was in the flatland between The E block and the Administration block, and I could smell the exhausted unleaded petrol from vehicles in the busy Haile Selassie Avenue. It’s something I’m going to miss since some show off middle class people are selling everything just to buy electrical vehicles. I was standing alone, off to one side of D block...

3 years ago
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Suzies adventure continues

After the Sunday morning blow job on Tom in the office, Suzie's mid-thirties insatiable sexual desire came into full swing. She was a woman unchained and ready to experience as much extramarital sex as she could possibly have without me finding out.There was a small 10 x 12 storage room just outside the office where the company archived their paper records. Suzie was responsible for keeping it organized. This was where Suzie and Tom would fucked for the first time. The next time she saw Tom was...

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