Stocks in Midsummer
- 4 years ago
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My love’s hands are deformed. They were deformed at birth. If you see her on the street, or walk up to her at our library’s reference desk, you will see that three fingers on her right hand are shortened and webbed, and her thumb is curiously shaped. Her left hand is more affected—all the digits are stubs, so that it looks something like a paw. On its own your face will swing to her hands. You won’t notice, or will forget, her tired-looking eyes, always tired looking though green and bright,...
My love's hands are deformed. They were deformed at birth. If you see her on the street, or walk up to her at our library's reference desk, you will see that three fingers on her right hand are shortened and webbed, and her thumb is curiously shaped. Her left hand is more affected—all the digits are stubs, so that it looks something like a paw. On its own your face will swing to her hands. You won't notice, or will forget, her tired-looking eyes, always tired looking though green and bright,...
The hot day was starting to cool off as the sun was about to set in less then an hour. The midsummer party was a real success, the food had been really good and everyone was in high spirits. Now that we have barbecued the party had really started and the music had been turned up.Luckily the villa my friend had borrowed was a bit away from the other villas and surrounded with lush trees that helped muffle the loud music. It also meant it had pretty much a private beach with jetty where you could...
The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer Suzzanne’s Amazonian AgoniesCHAPTER 1Jump into the Jungle!Suzzanne stepped off the loading ramp into space and as the plane began to shrink she had no sensation of falling. She could see the sun coming over the horizon but she knew that on the ground it was still the dark before dawn. She rolled onto her front and spread her arms and legs to control her fall and attitude, she glanced at the red figures of the head - up display projected onto the visor...
Emily was back on her feet by Midsummer, still a little unsteady and weak and not ready for a long hike, but able to get around the house and yard on her own without falling down. I could see the strain in her face, but I could also see a grin behind the strain. I was happy enough at her progress to cry, and I did. Emily did, too. We'd been up late the night before and the movie we watched had turned us on, so I decided to stay over at her house. We got a little loud when Emily was on top...
Hanna My eyes were gritty from the long flight and my body felt like a paper clip as I made my way along the aisle in the airplane. People were pushing and trying to get off as fast as possible. A baby began to cry behind me and it had been doing so on and off over the nine-hour flight. My dad was right behind me.“C’mon, get a move on.”“I’m trying, but there are some old people up front who are taking ages to get out of their seats.”My dad sighed and I agreed with him. I wanted to get off as...
ReluctanceWhen I walk into the room, I notice you immediately, sitting alone by the bar, looking deliciously sexy and provocative as you perch on your stool, daintily sipping your drink. I take in the gentle swell of your pert little breasts under your blouse, your nipples pushing against the silky fabric, and I think how nice it would be to suck and nibble them, making you wriggle with pleasure in anticipation of the delights to come. I notice that your complexion is pale olive, suggesting a...
HardcoreWhen I walk into the room, I notice you immediately, sitting alone by the bar, looking deliciously sexy and provocative as you perch on your stool, daintily sipping your drink. I take in the gentle swell of your pert little breasts under your blouse, your nipples pushing against the silky fabric, and I think how nice it would be to suck and nibble them, making you wriggle with pleasure in anticipation of the delights to come. I notice that your complexion is pale olive, suggesting a...
Did you ever get the uncomfortable feeling that someone was watching you? It might be because someone is watching you. It certainly was with Georgia. Camgirl After I finished scrubbing the floor yesterday, I went back to examining computers. Something I overlooked the first time I checked the computer was that Georgia had a webcam connected to it. Well, it’s not uncommon. I have a cam built into my laptop. Maybe she liked to chat. It must have made a pretty picture to have me in my...
I need new car tabs because I foolishly let mine expire at the end of the year. I could have had Cinnamon do this if I was thinking. Fortunately, Detective Handsome let me off with just a warning ... and dinner. Starting the New Year right Jordan’s party was really okay and the oyster stew wasn’t bad either. He hobbled around on his boot cast and Cinnamon was there to support him if he teetered. I think they hooked up last night. They were very cagey when I asked what they ended up doing...
I don’t want to ever lose a friend again. I don’t want to have my heart pulled out through my throat again. I don’t want to watch them die again. Please, God, is that too much to ask? I feel so miserable. It’s not enough that I had to go say goodbye to Angel, I had to deal with all the drama, too. Two jerks at a funeral The funeral was at one o’clock. I guess they set these times so people can take a late lunch and still get back to work for most of the afternoon. I went into the office...
When I say I feel like a new woman, it’s usually because I’ve replaced a few parts. Think about the way you look. How much of what you look like grows on your body? Well, my body is a blank canvas waiting for paint. Not who she said she was Maizie and I got to the office early this morning. For once we beat Cinnamon there. She was surprised when she came in. We went over the new case and she got on the phone. I had only the sketchiest of details about when Georgia McFearin came to...
Maizie was chasing her tail around in a circle like mad today. What do you do if you catch it, girl? Then I thought about my date tonight. Hmm. Test drive I got up feeling a bit fuzzy, then realized I was still Peg Chester. Her hair, her eyelashes, her feeling of near exhaustion. I went into the bathroom to assess the damage of sleeping in full disguise. When I’m undercover, I can’t not be the person I’m supposed to be. I know, double negative. The point is, someone might knock on the...
Airports are tricky if you are traveling in disguise. Not that I am right now, but this is my opportunity to check out both Seattle and Savannah, since next time I won’t be me. It’s nearly four in the afternoon Savannah time, where I’ll be landing in about an hour and a half. I’ve got a round trip ticket but I’ll be flying back on a different ticket, under a different name. That’s risky. Technically, there’s nothing illegal about wearing a disguise or costume on an airplane—at least mostly....
You never really know a person until you’ve lived her life. I can’t actually live Georgia McFearin’s life, but I’m getting a picture of it that is pretty intense. If I could just talk to her. Putting on Peg I spent the night at an airport hotel in Savannah. Now that was irritating. This beautiful city was spread out before me and I was in a commercial, sterile chain hotel that shook every time a plane took off. It was about seventy degrees and raining when I got there but the guy at the...
I’m proud of being a pretty sophisticated little bitch. So why does one episode make me feel like I’m a fresh-faced farmgirl in the city for the first time? It makes me realize just how culturally isolated Seattle really is. Except in music. Just coffee I got up at eight this morning and it still felt like five. I checked my hair and makeup and dressed carefully. Nothing was amiss. Mrs. Teasley had breakfast ready when I went downstairs. Southern hospitality is delicious—strips of crisply...
A stuffed animal, worn threadbare, might have been the most treasured item in the world, but without the owner to give it value, it was either Goodwill or garbage. A life in boxes After my visit with Clarice yesterday, I scoured Georgia’s room for any kind of evidence that she had been as wild as Clarice suggested. Nothing. No sign of that necklace either. I finished packing the room into boxes about eight o’clock, after Grover ordered in some Chinese food. It’s sad to see a room that...
I’ve spent most of my life without adult supervision. So, now that I’m masquerading as a forty-nine-year-old, why does everyone need to take care of me? Little old lady It was twenty-seven degrees this morning and by eleven, it was snowing. I wanted to go back to sunny warm Savannah! I called Cinnamon in Seattle and damned if it wasn’t snowing there, too. I stopped at a Burlington Coat Factory store on the way to the airport and bought a coat. A good, heavy, long coat, gloves, a scarf,...
What do you do when you meet the love of your life and you are disguised to be someone twenty years older than he is? This was just one of ‘those’ days. Pajamas and curlers I got up this morning and in a very Peg Chester sort of way, I didn’t bother getting dressed right away. Oh, I touched up my makeup and made sure nothing that was only twenty-seven years old was showing, tugged my wig firmly into place, and pulled on a huge fluffy bathrobe over my flannels. I padded to the kitchen,...
I don’t know how much perfect gentleman I can stand. He wasn’t asking for nearly as much as I was willing to give! Dream date It was so tempting to try to pump Tom for information about Georgia’s death, but he would want to know how I knew he worked on that case and what interest it was to me. For example, what was Georgia wearing when they found her? I’m afraid to ask. I know ... About my date. I got to the hotel and checked in about four-thirty. It was barely enough time. I had to...
I am bruised, sick, and utterly humiliated. I’ll never be able to rent a car again. And my cover may be blown. How could it get so bad? What am I doing up at this hour, sitting in a dead woman’s home, crying my eyes out, and throwing up every ten minutes? God, I wish I knew. I can’t think straight; I can’t even see straight. And I think someone is in the house. I’ve locked myself in the kitchen office and am throwing up in a wastebasket. Here’s what I remember. I need to write this down. My...
Forgive me if I’m a little suspicious of private investigators. It’s what I do for a living. I’m not impressed. I’m feeling better, though I’m still pretty fuzzy about what happened Saturday night. I don’t even remember who I met. If I hadn’t written down all that drivel in the middle of the night, I’d have no idea. I almost deleted it when I read it because it didn’t make sense. I’m glad I didn’t. I wrote down what I needed to know. Quid pro quo I woke up this morning in the little bed...
As a formality, you try all the most common passwords. But even the single most common—123456—is only used by 0.2% of people. The real question is what would be the most likely password for Georgia. Password We completely cleaned out Georgia’s room last night, packed the clothes in boxes marked ‘Goodwill’ and ‘Second Hand Hooker Supply,’ and piled them in the corner. We flipped the mattress on Georgia’s bed and put clean linens on it. All the sex toys, ropes, cuffs, gags, whips, plugs,...
I knew when I walked into the room, it was going to be tough. Lars and Jordan sat on one side of the room with Professor Martin and Oren Rawlings on the other side. There was an empty chair on either side so I could imagine Dag in whichever position I wanted. Defense My thesis has been defended and now I await my degree. Lars called in the evening to say the committee had approved my thesis and recommended graduation with honors. What a long haul. It took them long enough. I presented at...
My roommate used to put candles in the freezer. She said they’d last forever that way. Duh. Becoming Peg Cinnamon picked me up at six this morning, complaining all the way to the W. But I was Deb Riley and I needed to be Peg Chester before I could do today’s business. It took two hours and Cinnamon’s help to get all the makeup on, and I started feeling older as I progressed. After what I found out last night, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to Georgia’s house at all. When I’d fully...
When someone asks me “How much?” I just naturally respond “How much what?” I never thought I’d come to regret that. King of Prussia After thawing out the family jewels, I called Grover. He was surprised to hear from me. In fact, I don’t think he remembered at first who I was. Oh, dear. “Grover, I need to know about a piece of jewelry,” I said after we’d finally established who I was and he’d caught up. “It’s a necklace of Georgia’s that has a large square-cut amethyst pendant. Do you...
I’m not particularly afraid of the dark, or spiders, or rats, or slimy mold, or ... But if you put them all together, maybe I’m just a little creeped out. The vault I set up a search routine on the main computer so I didn’t have to look at all Georgia’s sex tapes. Gross! But I wanted to know where she posted them and how she got paid. I figured indexing the files on all six computers according to my own list of keywords would speed the search and I wouldn’t have to watch her prostitute...
Why is it that whenever you wake up refreshed, ready to conquer the world, and really get some work done, it turns out to be Sunday and everything is closed? Maizie Day We literally bounced out of bed this morning in the airport motel. Everything was suddenly clear to me. I decided I was not going to be Peg today at all. Cinnamon and I went to 13 Coins for way too much food for breakfast and then headed to my apartment to visit Maizie. I call every day but Mrs. Prior says Maizie has been...
One good thing about the impending destruction of all privacy rights in our country: It will be hard to blackmail anyone. Our lives will be laid open and bare for all to see. As a person who makes her living uncovering secrets, the destruction of privacy rights spells disaster for my income. Banking I spent extra time Monday morning putting my makeup and clothes together. Taking a day off is always dangerous. I have to remember every detail of who I am and rehearse my role in front of the...
I spent the morning watching dirty movies. Is an ‘actress’—paid to do a sex scene in an adult movie—a prostitute? The middle-aged sex worker Cinnamon picked me up Tuesday morning ready to get back to work. She had been grinning all day long and wouldn’t say a word about her weekend. She was very interested, though, to know about my discoveries. She’d boxed everything in Georgia’s bedroom and planned to supervise the first Goodwill pickup in the afternoon. I spent the morning watching...
Is it “flights of fancy” or “flights of fantasy?” Either way, I’m not going through security in disguise. Visitor The landlady came to visit on Wednesday. “I’ve come over several times,” Susan said, “but you seem to be in and out so much. Never know when you are going to be home. I was so concerned about how you were doing. My, you seem to have packed a lot of boxes.” “One batch has gone out to Goodwill already,” I said. “I’m afraid there isn’t a lot left that we’ll salvage...
It appears my money is making a trip without me. I intend to find out where it’s going. The last time I was in Vegas, I tailed Dag for two days and then had to reveal myself at the SpyCon trade show. He had a heart attack after dinner and hired me the next day. So much has happened since then. I still have a hard time admitting he’s gone and has left me swimming in water so far over my head I can only hope I don’t touch bottom. Vegas, baby I pulled out the Riley Finn identity. I’d be...
When you put your foot upon the path, you are not assured of arriving at your destination. But that you will never arrive is assured if you do not put your foot upon the path. The depths of depravity The suite the hotel upgraded for me was a nice perk. When I got back to change clothes, the bed was turned back and there was not just a mint on my pillow, there was a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Cinnamon was absolutely moaning as I paraded around the room showing her all they had done...
Doesn’t Mother Nature know I have things to do besides lie in bed with peppermint tea and moan? What was she thinking? Apparently my rather risky outburst with Tom could be taken for PMSing. By the time he picked me up for dinner, I was definitely short on good mood. This morning, all I want to do is fix a cup of peppermint tea and go back to bed. No such luck. It doesn’t always hit me this hard, but the combination of stress and nature have definitely taken a toll. Dating and...
I’ve got to get out of here. These people are insane. Or worse. I don’t know where to start. I’ve got to send this info to Tom but it has to come from Peg. Will he respond? As seen on TV I decided to watch TV that night. It was the first time I’d actually turned on the big screen with everything else going on. So, it was the first time I noticed what a rats’ nest of power cables there was plugged into the power strip that runs from the only outlet in the room. These houses weren’t...
No matter how much you cry and plead, there’s no white knight. When it comes down to saving your life, no one does it like yourself. I’m lying here thinking about all the things that happened in the past twenty-four hours and every time I take a breath, I exhale tears of fright and exhaustion. I’ve been shaking all night and haven’t really slept soundly. Those fits of sleep I get are filled with the most horrid, grotesque dreams I have ever had. Someday my prince will come It took more...
I was drugged, humiliated, chased and strangled. And now you’re telling me what? Doesn’t it ever end? I’m out of the hospital. Cinnamon, bless her heart, was there with me the entire time. I’ve got bandages and salve for my rope burns on both my neck and my left hand. The doctors say I might carry this scar for the rest of my life. So much for being a blank canvas on which to paint a character. I don’t really know if I want to do this anymore. I sound like a wimp. I’ve been doing it on my...
Stocking vacation Kim Hye-jin looked forward to her first trip to Jamaica. She had just graduated college from Seoul National University with a degree in business administration. It had been a long four years of hard work and study. This vacation was a gift from her parents to reward her for being a dutiful daughter and achieving her goal of being top of her class and finding a high-paying job in the States. She was on the fast track to success, at least according to her parents who had high...
Stocking vacation Kim Hye-jin looked forward to her first trip to Jamaica. She had just graduated college from Seoul National University with a degree in business administration. It had been a long four years of hard work and study. This vacation was a gift from her parents to reward her for being a dutiful daughter and achieving her goal of being top of her class and finding a high-paying job in the States. She was on the fast track to success, at least according to her parents who had...
ExhibitionismStockingTease! Yeah, baby, it's a stocking tube! When somebody asked me about Stocking-Tease, I said the terms of my probation strictly prohibited looking at that type of material. He had to clarify, “No, I said stocking. You know, like pantyhose? Nylons?” Of course, I actually knew that all along. is a porno site dedicated to beautiful women in stockings, and only a true deviate would wonder otherwise.Stockings are such a common sight in pornography that it seems like only a...
Fetish Porn SitesI have, since I was old enough to discover the sensation of nylon and jacking-off, always loved that intense feeling when I masturbated my cock through a sexy black nylon stocking, using it like a condom. Making love to a much older sexy lady is hot, and getting a fantastic wet blowjob from red lipsticked lips is also out of this world, but sometimes when you masturbate using a nylon stocking, your erotic fantasies go wild into overdrive, not to mention the most intense orgasms you can give to...
Reddit Stockings, aka r/Stockings! Only real men understand the beauty of gorgeous girls wearing nothing but stockings, and I am sure many will agree. Now, while this subreddit is not solely dedicated to nudes and stockings, they have the closest content to that, and I am sure you will enjoy it. Of course, I am going on a whim here, that you have already heard about Reddit, right?If you have not, then you are definitely missing out, my dudes. Reddit is a great place with a lot to offer, and...
Reddit NSFW ListStocking Boys By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Scholarship Daddy always wanted me, Jason Spermer, to get an athletic scholarship. I wasn't big or athletic or manly enough to even make my high school football team, let alone get a scholarship at a big-time college. So I guess it was only natural that I would train for competitive femininity. As I'm sure you know, colleges have gotten into competitive femininity in a big way since ESPN6 became the "all-compfem-all-the-time"...
Stocking Stuffer By Carol Collins *********December 23********* John Barlow drove slowly down the residential street as he searched for number 4287 Willow Lane. His new bride, Susan, a very pretty brunette with flashing green eyes and a beautiful smile, sat quietly in the passenger seat. John had not been to visit his older sister since she had gotten married and moved several states away almost a year before. Their parents had died in an automobile accident a...
This goes back to the first time I realized I had a love for nylons. This is true as best I can remember. The beginning of my love for nylon stockings and pantyhose. I remember when I was a young, While siting at my mothers feet watching tv I was playing with her feet, they felt so smooth and silky. It was a warm summer morning mom was reading I was in my under shorts she must have liked what I was doing to her feet and never asked me to stop. I was really starting to feel something strange in...
This story is from quite some time ago but it is one I have always wanted to share .Lets begin with a little about myself, ok lets just get it out there I am a crossdresser and I have been for a long time. It all started with a fetish for tights but would evolve over time and would lead me to fully dressing as a woman. These days I know longer dress as a woman I am always in male mode, and if I do dress it is as a man in stockings, lingerie and heels so hold the wigs and makeup.The core of...
She smiled at the Stephens Brothers, Duane and Nathan, the two men who had spent the last five hours of that Friday fixing the compressor of the walk in freezer that was located in the corner of the stock room. Each time in those five hours that she had clicked her waitress shoes into the room, the two large black men watched her every movement with lust until she got what she needed and puttered out. The dark orange waitress uniform that she wore was cut just about halfway up the thigh, and...
This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy! Chapter 1 Uncomfortable would be a good word to describe how Sean felt at the moment. Underage would have fit his situation even better. Decadence was shown lavishly about the dining hall, velvet curtains, silk hangings, tasteful paintings, and enormous crystal chandeliers hung...
For quite some time my husband Pete had been whispering sweet nothings in my ear about watching me being fucked by other men. At first I was taken back. It did make me feel a bit horny though and I knew that guys liked my legs and I had a good figure to. I was working at place with 28 guys and one other woman. I used to catch then out sometimes trying to get a peak at my legs or down my blouse. Sometimes I would give little "innocent" up skirt glimpses and occasionally I would wear stockings to...
Phil had taken some very sexy pics of me in the office after work and for a while was giving me a lift home once a week, I always wore stockings for him sometimes tan sometimes black, sometimes FF. Pete would get turned on when I would tell him all about what wed done, and was quite ok if I let someone else do something similar.One day I was at work and I overheard a group of the guys that I work with talking about me and my legs and what they would like to do at the top of them. It made me...
NOT EVERYONE BRINGS STOCKINGS and a garter belt and nice lingerie to a lake vacation in the mountains, but like I said earlier Mom almost always went for the whole kit with a dress or skirt. The day after my little talk with Danny and our first real kiss, Mom and Dad said they were going to take us to the nice French place in town. We go there at least once every time we’re at the lake. It’s the mountains and a resort area so really you don’t have to dress up, but that’s not the way Mom and...
Stockings are gorgeous, are they not? I knew I always had a thing for thick thighs in stockings. I have often fantasized about different women in stockings of multiple colours. I remember browsing through my brother’s erotic magazines when I was barely a teen. The models in the pages of the adult magazines looked perfect and I found myself beating my meat for the first time when I was twelve. I remember being erected over a blonde model in fishnets. I could feel my dick getting hard in no time...
FetishI haven’t worn sexy underwear for heaven knows how long, years. I managed to get the stocking on my left leg fine but the bastard right one will just not pull up straight without creasing. I have plenty of time but this is stupid. I want to look my best. I want to feel my best too, and that means sexy underneath my clothes too. But if either of my stockings are creased I will spend the whole evening worried I will be looking like bruised fruit on a supermarket shelf rather than first choice. I...
Friday night I hung the phone and told my sweet Ana that some of the guys from the neighborhood would come home to play cards.My wife smiled and suddenly her eyes lit on, asking me if Aaron would be part of the team. I stared at her, knowing she had been horny for Aaron, a handsome giant muscled black guy. He was divorced and I had noticed he was enticed by my sensual wife…My sexy Ana was dressed in her tight jeans along with a flannel long sleeve shirt. She said that she should change to a...
This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy! Chapter 19 Sean cut out the general noise of the mall crowd buzzing about in the food court so he could eat the slice of pizza before him. Elizabeth’s family was with him, chatting amiably amongst themselves about which stores to hit next. Sean noticed Elizabeth had most of her shopping...
Morning dawned beneath a low layer of clouds that made the view out his window seem dreamlike. Sean looked down at Elizabeth’s sleeping form and he grinned. “Maybe it is a dream.” Elizabeth stirred at the sound of his voice and smiled. “It’s cold. Get under here and keep me warm,” she said with her eyes lightly shut. Sean was more than happy to oblige. No matter how often they slept together, he never tired of the feeling of her skin on his. He ran his fingers along her body, tracing...
During a nice chat I had with Andrea one evening, she mentioned that she’d read my account of the day I seduced young Josh whilst his mother and sister were out shopping. I told her that after that enjoyable event I was really keen to engage with more young men and women, and help them explore their sexuality. Andrea said that she’d love to join me in that enterprise so after a bit more discussion we decided to give it go. Where I live there’s a path through the woods that leads to the local...
SeductionA COUPLE OF DAYS after our restaurant excursion Mom and I stretched out in the sun on the little pier. We’d oiled up with sunblock top to bottom, hats for our heads and dark glasses, but already at mid-morning it was hot enough for a retreat to the shaded patio chaise lounge before too long. Dad and Danny were off fishing. They said they’d bring back dinner, but Mom had a chicken in the refrigerator just in case. Without looking at her I reached out to find her hand and hold it. She squeezed...