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Beer. That was what I needed after that grinding, stressful twelve-hour day spent pouring over financial figures and riding the asses of my subordinates to get our workload caught up. Though I'd gladly accepted the position of senior auditor when they'd offered it to me last year, and though I'd gladly accepted the eight thousand a year raise that went along with it, it was nights like these that made me wish to be just another peon once again.

I hate to be an asshole to the auditors under me, I really do. I was not born to be an asshole. I especially hate it when, as was the situation that week, the crisis in question was not of their or my making. But the crisis was there and things needed to get done. Beachman Lumber, one of our major clients, suddenly announced a pending merger with another lumber company and a complete audit needed to be done before negotiations between the two could commence. And let me tell you, they wanted it done like yesterday. My team of four and myself had just spent six twelve-hour days completing the Seattle portion of the audit. Saturday night at 7:00 we'd finally finished the last stages of it. Monday morning at 7:25 we would fly out of Sea-Tac to Bangor, Maine to finish the rest. We would spend at least four days there I knew, auditing that portion of Beachman's books.

I'd released the other members of my team at 7:00 that night, telling them to enjoy their Sunday off before the flight on Monday. As the supervisor I'd stayed behind for another hour finalizing the final arrangements for our trip and organizing the last few bits of the Seattle report. When I finally shut down my computer and stood up from my office chair my back was aching, fatigue was pulling strongly at me, and my eyes were burning as if they did not have a drop of moisture in them.

I looked around the office, which was empty except for myself. It used to strike me as strange, being alone in a large office that was usually teeming with activity. Seeing the empty desks, the idle computers, hearing the silence. It didn't any more. I was used to it. I'd experienced it a lot since my promotion.

I walked over to the window and stared outside for a moment, looking at the other high-rises of Seattle gleaming in the night. It was a rare, beautiful spring night in the rainy city. The stars were out and shining brilliantly. The moon was up and casting it's light on the waters of Puget Sound. It was the kind of night that made me want to sit on the porch swing with my wife, sipping a glass of wine, eventually to retire to the bedroom for a long, slow, sensuous lovemaking session.

Alas, that was not to be. Lisa was working that night. My wife is a nurse that works the night shift at a local hospital emergency room. She would not be home until 7:30 the next morning. And she would be too exhausted to do anything but sleep when she did get there. It was a pity. Aside from being exhausted and in need of some alcohol, I was horny. Very horny. Kathy, one of my auditors, always did that to me. I can't count the number of times I'd been screwing my wife and imagining it was the beautiful redhead thrusting beneath me. Oh well, it looked like it was and my five best friends again that night. Since Kathy had been assigned to my team I'd developed an infatuation with redheads in general and Kathy in particular.

Kathy is every man's fantasy. She's petite, standing about 5'4". Her face is very pretty and she smiles frequently; smiles that produce cute little dimples. Her hair, as I've mentioned, is red, probably dyed, but it's such a good dye-job that the illusion is near perfect. She has perky tits, a trim waist, and an absolutely killer ass. She enjoys wearing clothes that cling to her body alluringly, outlining her tits and ass. Her skirts are always short, showing off her shapely legs. Her clothing always comes close to, but does not actually violate our professional standards of dress.

I particularly like it when she has to come in on Saturdays. We have no dress standards if we have to work weekends and she always dresses in something that borders on slutty on these occasions. Kathy had not disappointed me that day. She'd worn a loose fitting, short summer dress with no nylons beneath it. The hem of her skirt had stopped about five inches above her pretty knees. Whenever she'd twisted or turned in her seat I'd been able to glimpse her gorgeous, bare legs all the way up to mid-thigh. I'd spend a good part of my productive workday wondering what it would be like to climb between those thighs.

Aside from being extremely attractive she's a horrible tease. She delights in dropping sexual comments and innuendo during the most innocent of conversations. You could be talking about her kids, she has two of them, and she will twist the conversation around to how horny she'd been during pregnancy. You could be talking about working out and she will twist it around to how the exercise bikes rubbing in her crotch make her horny. You could be talking about the horrors of the holocaust and she would twist it around to how those poor GI's wives during World War II must've been out of their minds with horniness.

She enjoys displaying the silver stud in her belly button whenever anyone asks to see it; and often when they don't. Everyone always pretends to be looking at the ring when she shows it instead of her smooth, tanned belly that somehow, despite her two childbirth episodes, does not have any stretch marks on it. If she is feeling especially daring that day she will push her skirt or pants down low enough for you to make out the top of her panties, which are always some color other than white.

Due to her teasing and innuendo many have tried to date her and get her in the sack. None have succeeded. She always stops things when they get to a certain level of flirtation. She's married, she always proclaims and she just couldn't hurt her husband. Her husband is a lawyer with one of the local firms, a man that probably pulls in more than two hundred grand a year. She has no problem telling anyone who asks, and even those who don't, about how lousy of a lay he is, about how he's never made her come, about how his coitus sessions last about three minutes. But whenever anyone offers to rectify that situation for her she blows him off stiffly and firmly. Though she's probably the person in our office whose image is most masturbated to (I myself have noticed that all of the redhead shots from ABPER that I've saved on my hard-drive bear a striking resemblance to her), she's also developed the greatest cock-tease reputation of anyone. She's been here long enough now that her flirtations are enjoyed by all, taken seriously by none.

As for myself, though I've fantasized about her extensively since she first made her appearance in my division a year ago, I've never put a serious move on her. She's an enjoyable distraction but I am happily married and have little interest in extra-marital goings on. Besides that, I'm her supervisor and in this world of out-of-control sexual harassment suits, having an affair, or even attempting one with a subordinate is an act of madness. I would not even do anything with her if she DID give me the opportunity.

Or so I thought. It's amazing how a little surge of testosterone can completely obliterate your code of morals and your common sense.

As I rode down to the parking garage where my Mercedes was parked the craving for beer hit me once again. I had some at home I knew; a six-pack of Samuel Adams I'd purchased the previous week and had not gotten around to consuming. But despite my fatigue and my horniness, horniness that would be relieved only by my own hand, I did not want to go home just then. An empty house awaited me and the prospect of drinking a few bottles of beer and jerking off to Internet porn did not seem very appealing. Impulsively I decided to drive over to "Precipitation", a local bar a few blocks away. It was a friendly bar patronized mostly by business professionals. It was where my colleagues liked to have a few after-work cocktails and talk shop. Perhaps some of them would be there, even though this was not a standard workday.

I pulled out of the underground parking garage of our building and three minutes later pulled into the bar's parking lot. I clicked the alarm on my car and stuffed the keys into the pocket of my tan slacks, heading towards the door and pushing it open. Cigarette smoke, which was heavy in the air, assaulted my nose and eyes and the sound of Matchbox 20 was issuing from the jukebox. The bar was crowded with people. They were lined up three thick along the oak bar and filled most of the tables. The babble of a hundred different conversations filled the air. The electronic dartboards were all being used, as were the two pool tables and the shuffleboard table. Several couples were dancing on the small dance-floor moving their hips to the beat of the music. A few of them seemed to be engaging in foreplay instead of dancing. I envied them.

I looked around the barroom, paying particular attention to the tables, hoping to spot someone I knew. My eyes tracked through the smoke and locked onto a familiar looking pattern of female attire. It was a short summer dress. Kathy was there! After admiring the visible portions of her legs for a moment I saw that she was talking to two men near the bar, two men that looked quite out of place among the regular clientele. They were most definitely not accountants. Based on their dress they appeared to be construction workers, mechanics, or some other type of blue-collar workers. They wore cut-off T-shirts, faded and dirty blue jeans, and work boots. They had multiple tattoos on their arms. Their faces appeared not to have been shaven in at least three days. Muscles bulged from their arms. Both were smoking cigarettes and staring intently at Kathy.

As I watched, one of them tried to run his hand up the back of her leg. She slapped it away, a gesture that seemed playful but at the same time did not. I caught a glimpse of her face for a moment and noted that she looked scared. What was going on? Had her flirting got a little out of hand?

I continued to watch her from the doorway while I waited for a table to clear. The two men were both taking turns speaking to her. Though I couldn't hear what they were saying, it was obvious that whatever it was was making Kathy nervous and she was taking pains to hide it. Her grins and laughs were too forced and her facial expressions were too phony. Her eyes kept flitting around the room as if looking for help. I became convinced that my original theory had been correct. She had flirted with those two men and was having trouble pulling herself away from it now. Apparently they were not like the prim and proper accountants she usually dealt with. It looked like Kathy had bitten off a little more than she could chew this time.

I wondered for a moment if I should help her. The wise part of my mind was telling me not to. After all, those two men were BIG. They could undoubtedly kick the shit out me of without even having to set their drinks down. Was the little cock-tease worth it?

But fate decided the matter for me. Her eyes locked onto me and came to a halt. An expression of relief showed on her face. I saw her point at me and smile. I saw her mouth my name. She waved frantically for me to come over to her while the two men stared arrogantly in my direction, their faces with more than a little hostility in them.

I hesitated for an instant, the vision of a painful beating at the forefront of my thoughts. I should just turn and walk out of the place, I knew. Kathy had made her bed. Let her lie in it. But I couldn't. Almost against my will my feet began propelling me across the crowded barroom towards the trio. The hostility in the two men's faces increased in magnitude. I wondered if I was going to my death.

"Paul!" Kathy squealed, breaking free of them and rushing towards me. She threw her arms around me and pulled me tight against her body. I felt the push of her breasts against my chest as she did this and smelled the exciting scent of her body. Despite the sense of danger in the air I enjoyed the sensation and returned her embrace, feeling the silky smoothness of her dress under my hands.

She kissed me directly on the lips, mashing her mouth against mine. Her lips were soft and warm, her breath was sweet. I almost forgot about the two men, I was enjoying it so much. Almost.

She kissed my neck for a brief second, giving me tingles up my spine and sending blood rushing to my cock. A second later her lips were near my ear.

"Pretend you're my boyfriend." She whispered softly, frantically. "Please? I'm in trouble here!"

The two men had followed her over to me and were standing intimidatingly behind her, their eyes appraising me like generals looking over a map of territory that was to be conquered. The smaller of the two (which meant he was only six- two and two hundred and twenty pounds or so) took a thoughtful drag off of his smoke.

Kathy broke our embrace and turned to the two of them. "I told you he would be here soon." She said to them. "Lance, Nick, this is Paul, my boyfriend."

Automatically I held out my hand to shake with them. This was a mistake. Lance's grip was nearly enough to break fingers. Nick's was even worse.

"How do you do?" I asked, fighting down a grimace of pain.

They nodded at me arrogantly. "You have a pretty, uh, girlfriend here." Lance told me, his tone one of disbelief. Kathy obviously had not thought out her cover story too much. We were both wearing wedding rings for God's sake. And although Lance and Nick did not appear as if they would be able to figure out any physics equations for you, they had surely noticed that. "She's real friendly, ya know?"

"Yeah." Nick added. "Likes to talk a lot."

I forced myself to grin. "She's quite the flirt, isn't she?" I said, turning to Kathy. "Haven't I told you about talking to strange men in bars?"

"Oh, you know me." Kathy blurted, with perhaps the worst acting I've ever witnessed. "I LOVE to talk to people." She turned to the two men. "It was nice talking to you two. We're gonna go have a drink now. Aren't we Paul?"

"Yeah." I nodded, staring back at the two men. "That's what we're gonna do."

It was Nick who spoke. "You do that." He said. "You and your 'boyfriend' have a good time. We'll just be over here."

With that they sauntered back to their table, but they never took their eyes off of us.

When they were gone Kathy turned to me. "Thank God you showed up." She said, relief evident in her face. "I couldn't get away from them. They don't know when to back down!"

I gave the two men a nervous glance. They were still staring at us. I averted my eyes and turned to Kathy. "I'm not sure that they HAVE backed down." I told her.

She glanced over for a second. "Shit." She mumbled. "Give me a kiss. And make it good. Maybe that will convince them."

I knew that I should not be kissing her. I was married, she was married, and she was my subordinate. But it was in the interests of her safety wasn't it? After thinking it over for a half a second or so, I felt it was justified. My wife would probably even understand. Not that I had any intention of ever telling her about this.

I pulled her to me and put my arms around her, feeling her hot body once more. We looked in each other's eyes for a moment and I saw unmistakable desire in hers. I'm sure she saw the same in mine. Oh well, my mind whispered to me, if I had to do this, was there any harm in enjoying it? I thought not. Our lips came together and met with a kiss. Her tongue darted out hesitantly, sliding into my mouth and meeting mine. We swirled the tips together and then plunged deeper, caressing the inside of each other's oral cavity. My cock hardened instantly in my pants and a strong sense of excited guilt surged through my body. She was the first woman whose tongue I had touched since a year before marriage.

We broke the kiss for an instant and stared at each other once more.

"Good acting." She breathed, her face flushed. "We need to make this very realistic you know."

"Of course." I replied, lowering my mouth to hers once more.

As we exchanged saliva it occurred to me that it would be more realistic if I let my hands roam about her body a little. After all, isn't that what a decent boyfriend would do? Wouldn't want to give ourselves away now, would we? I let my hands slide downward, over the soft, sexy material of her dress until they were cupping the cheeks of her ass. Her butt was firm and alive beneath my hands and I could feel that it was bare flesh beneath the skirt. Was she wearing panties? I squeezed her cheeks, fondling them and she moaned into my mouth, sucking my tongue deep into her. I pulled her against me tighter, grinding my hard cock into her lower stomach. Her arms tightened around my back, pulling me tighter against her. Her soft tits pushed into my chest. Oh the sacrifices I was making for her.

We were both breathless when we broke apart again. Her eyes were shining and her neck had broken out in a red flush.

"Do you think they bought it?" She asked me.

I glanced over. They were still looking at us. "Not yet." I told her. "We'd better play up our part a little more."

As we walked over to the bar to get a drink I put my arm around her, letting my hand drop down to her ass once more. It really was a beautiful ass. Wouldn't any boyfriend constantly want to feel it and touch it? She must have felt the same because she did not try to stop me. On the contrary, she pushed her cheek into my fingers, encouraging me and confirming my conviction that there were no panties covering those cheeks.

We kissed a few more times as we worked our way up to the bar and ordered. I got a Heineken, she got a margarita. We found an empty table and sat down at it, scooting our chairs together as any boyfriend/girlfriend would do.

"They're still looking at us." Kathy reported, glancing sideways at them while sipping out of her drink. "Hopefully they'll lose interest soon and we can get out of here."

"Hopefully." I agreed, edging closer, so that my shoulder was touching hers.

"We'd better give them more acting." She said seriously.

"If we must." I nodded.

We kissed again, sucking on tongues, sucking on lips. I dropped my hand down to her thigh, just above her knee, figuring that would be what a boyfriend would do. Her skin was soft and feminine, almost silky. She'd obviously shaved her legs recently and applied baby oil or something to them. I squeezed and kneaded the flesh, moving my hand upward a little, just under the hem of her skirt. She parted her legs a tad to allow me access.

"You are SUCH a good actor!" She said, kissing my neck and then moving back to my lips.

A slow song came on the jukebox. An oldie but a goodie: "Who's Crying Now?" by Journey. Other couples began to fill the dance floor.

"We should dance." Kathy proclaimed. "All the other couples are dancing. We're supposed to a couple."

"Okay." I agreed enthusiastically. Anything for the cause. I stood up and held out my hand to her.

She took it and we made our way out to the dance floor. As before the purpose of dancing in this establishment seemed to be foreplay. Couples were kissing, grabbing asses and grinding into each other forcefully, only making a minor effort to move with the beat.

"We'd better do what everyone else is doing." She told me, casting a glance at the two men who were still watching us.

"Of course." I nodded, pulling her to me.

I felt every inch of the front of her body against mine as I moved back and forth, wedged in between other couples. Her breasts pushed into my chest. Her thighs pushed into mine, gliding beneath the material of her dress. My cock, which was still turgid and straining for release, ground into her soft stomach. She rotated her body against it as we danced, driving me nearly crazy. My hands dropped down to her ass again, feeling those wonderful cheeks bulging and relaxing with the motions of her hips. I pulled her tighter against my cock as our lips and tongues joined in another kiss.

Our kisses became more passionate as we danced, long, luxurious, frantic tongue sessions of the type that are usually reserved for mid-intercourse. I hadn't kissed my wife like that since before marriage. My dick was now demanding that it be put someplace warm and soft. My balls were beginning to ache softly with built-up sperm.

When the song ended we broke apart, both of us quite flushed. I fancied that I could smell her musk rising into the air around us, but it might have been simple imagination. She cast another glance at the two men.

"They're not looking at us anymore." She whispered breathlessly. "Let's get out of here."

"They're not?" I said, looking for myself and seeing that she'd been correct. They were chatting with some other woman now, not paying us the least bit of attention.

"Come on!" She said, tugging me towards the door. She grabbed her purse off the table as we went by.

I followed behind her, my dick still stiff as iron, my mind trying to tell me that this was what our goal had been. I wasn't disappointed that it was over, was I? We'd just averted a dangerous situation, hadn't we? I'd done a good thing. Helping out someone in need. A successful operation! And I'd been allowed to kiss and feel an object of my fantasies. Semi-legally even. I had no intention of trying to take this further, did I? Did I?

Except for the jumble of parked automobiles, the parking lot was deserted and dark. Cars went by sporadically on the street out front. The night was pleasant with a soft, sweet smelling breeze coming off Puget Sound. A good night to have sex, I thought, walking funny because of my stiff cock. I was so intent upon admiring the cheeks of Kathy's ass as they swayed rapidly in front of me that it took me a moment to notice that we were heading away from my car. She must be parked on the other side of the lot. Oh well, the least I could do is walk her to her car, right? I may not be her 'boyfriend' anymore but it was the manly thing to do.

"Thank you so much Paul." She said, sighing in relief. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up." She shook her head, digging through her purse for her keys. "I swear to God I'm not gonna flirt with anyone, ever again."

"I'd at least pick them a little more carefully." I told her as we reached her silver Lexus. She beeped the alarm button and the door locks shot up with a clank. I wanted her badly at that point, vividly remembering what she'd felt like in my arms, how her tongue had felt in my mouth, how her ass had been without panties and how it had felt to my hands. Could I invite her over to my place for a drink? Would she come? She had seemed awfully turned on in the bar by what we were doing. Thoughts of my wife, of marital infidelity, of wedding vows, of divorce were the last things on my mind at that moment. The little head was ruling all.

She opened her door and paused for a moment, looking at me. "I owe you a big one." She told me, leaning forward and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. On the cheek! What the hell was up with that? "I'm gonna get out of here." She said. "And never come back. I swear!" She started to sit down in the car.

"Uh, listen Kathy." I heard myself saying, my mind confused, my body desperate.

"What?" She enquired.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come over to my place for a drink?" I asked. "You know? A little nightcap?"

She looked back at me, her face expressionless. "I'm sorry Paul." She said, shaking her head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"You don't?"

"No." She answered. "You're my boss, and though I flirt a lot, I don't ever cheat on my husband. I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression with what happened inside, but... " She stopped suddenly, her eyes shifting targets.

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Kendra Spade has a little dark secret and her stepbrother accidentally stumbled upon some naughty pictures of her online. He shows a photo of her completely nude and she will do anything; and she means ANYTHING, to keep it a secret from Mom and Dad. James makes her say what she is thinking and it is some hot sex for him to keep his mouth shut. He wastes no time kissing his stepsister after she suggests they fuck! He loves how her big tits feel in his embrace and soon he is pummeling her with...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 400

This young rich man was looking for a wife, and had narrowed his choices down to 3 women. He couldn't make up his mind on which one he should marry, so he tested them. He gave each women $5,000 to see what they would spend it on. The first woman went out, bought furs and jewels, and blew all the money on herself. The second woman put half of it in the bank, and spent the rest of it on herself. The third woman bought herself a dress, and many, many gifts for the young man. Given these facts,...

2 years ago
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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 11 Bait

Hobo and the Proper Villain were a common sight in the Crossroads. And they usually drew smiles with the PV riding along on Hobo’s back. Pilar or Walker, often both of them, took Hobo out almost every day. But even when she wasn’t along, her presence is felt. I was walking through the Wrigley lobby one afternoon and I heard Pilar speaking firmly to Scout and shy little Wally Maypole, “Remember, it’s Hobo’s walk, not yours. It’s a dog walk, not a people walk.” Both men nodded...

4 years ago
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Cucky Humiliation

I have been married to my wife for just over 4 years. She's perfect. I met her just out of high school and she was a suppressed, hot and horny church girl. I was the first boyfriend she ever had so needless to say she was a virgin. We got married after a couple years of dating. The sex was great. After a while, the sex was still great but my wife didn't seem to be into it anymore. She never said anything, but I had the feeling she was getting bored with me even though she was always willing to...

1 year ago
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Steam Room Sex

Between leaving school and starting at university, I managed to get a summer job as a waitress at a hotel on the north coast of Devon – beautiful location, right on the cliffs overlooking the Bristol Channel, and even with its own steps down to a quiet secluded little beach. It was a nice, friendly family-run business – quite posh, but small enough to make the guests feel at home – and all the staff were welcoming and helpful. Most of the guests were really nice too – just the occasional...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Fantasy Fucking Game

I meet a terrific guy at the bar one evening. We talked for hours and he never made an overt sexual move on me. The next day we got together again, and the evening went great, a little kissing and heavy petting. On Friday night we got together again t his place. This evening thou he wanted to play a game, he said it helped in getting to know each other better. He would ask very suggestive questions and you are suppose to answer honestly. He asked how you like your breast played with, do you...

1 year ago
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a siblings love for each other1

There two things I like the most in girls. One blonde hair because every girl with blonde hair is always got. And two them having a sibling because I’m into incest and I always like to image girls having sex with their sibling and if they don’t have one I imagine that the sibling is me. My big sister Patty has both those thing. Her long blond hair stops halfway through her back and combined with her blue eyes and beautifully face she looks like an angel in a human body. Her boobs are a...

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 17

I don’t know how long I sat in that room, in handcuffs, on a metal chair. I would have been more comfortable sitting on the hard, tiled floor without the handcuffs. No one checked on me. No one brought me my phone and charger. No one came in to ask questions. I started to believe that everyone had forgotten about me. My stomach grumbled. I was hungry. Even after that huge breakfast this morning. Either my metabolism had gone way up since they arrested me, or it had been several hours. My...

2 years ago
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My Mother Fucked Me

This is a Fantasy On my 18th birthday I got a very special present. My mother. My mother & I were very close I loved her as I son should & she loved me unconditionally until she took her love to the next level it was a very warm day & I invited some of my friends for a party at the local pub I had a great time & played some snooker & stuff when I had enough I left the party & went home (I was going to go back to the pub & rejoin my friends later) when I arrived home there were presents on the...

1 year ago
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Lesley part29

Rob looked at his mattress ans smiled. It was probably ruined. Lesley had left for home at 900am and looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. She wasn't starting work till 2pm and her intention was to get a few hours sleep. She had been right about one thing, as to when he had offered for her to just sleep at his house until she went to work. "sleep.....I'll be dragging you in to the bed to fuck me...!" She had said, quite seriously. "That's the truth Lesley....and I've...

3 years ago
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Roberta and Patricks Next Bet The Alternate Ending

…..A king? A completely, utterly, absolutely, entirely useless king! Holy shit was I in for it now! The king was a nice card but of absolutely no use to me whatever. Patrick’s straight was good enough, and my hope of waving a full house in his face was dashed. Patrick, of course, was grinning like an idiot. “Oh, girl,” he said, “I’m afraid it’s time for a little payback.” I had no reason to doubt that assessment. Well….. nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I’ve been waiting for this,” Patrick...

2 years ago
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Who Was She

When I got my hands on the sod that claimed I had said that I could make any woman cum I was going to kill him, naturally some other bright spark had taken up the challenge and had gone out of his way to find a woman who had never climaxed with either a man or a woman. Now I had been set up with this mystery woman and would be expected to perform, God, the pressure they had brought on me to meet the woman was unbelievable and I was left with little choice in the matter. What was worse was that...

2 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 3 A Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 49

The wind was gusting over the land, picking up bits of dried grass, leaves and dirt as it went. Around us the ground was decorated with dull green grass and the yellow-green growth of wildflowers. I compulsively tightened my grip on my pup as the column of raiders struggled up the winding road with little protection from the elements. The clouds were high and unlikely to unload any rain tonight, but I knew the storm would gather strength over the sea and drop its moisture on the Great Marsh....

1 year ago
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Mounted During Deer Season

I live in the upper Midwest and as such have become an avid hunter. There are few better feelings as those you experience outdoors, in the woods, in the late fall. The trees have lost their leaves, the winter cold air has moved in from the north and occasionally a fresh blanket of snow is on the ground. Today was no exception. I was out in the woods, in my favorite stand, watching and waiting. The others in my group all split up and were spread out within the five-hundred acre woods we were...

Group Sex
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Days in the Life of a Psychopath

Northern America, Midwest, sometime last decade It was one of these afternoons. Scientists had just proven that it would be possible to grow donor hearts outside the human body and I had acquired another speck of dirt on my brand new shoes. It is strange: If you shine an old pair of shoes they look good for days on end, but a new shine on a new pair of shoes gets dirty in minutes. How does dirt know that your shoes are new? Anyway, I did not mean to get carried away: There I was, dirty shoe...

1 year ago
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SisterTrick Kyler Quinn Like When We Were Younger

Jay Romero playfully greets his hot step-sister, Kyler Quinn, when she returns home between college semesters. When she starts bringing her suitcase to her old room, Jay is mischievous as he insists that their parents are redoing the bedroom, so she has to bunk with him. Although she’s a bit disappointed, Kyler doesn’t question the arrangement, moving her suitcase into Jay’s room. Later that evening, when they both retire to the bedroom, Kyler eventually drifts off on a...

3 years ago
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Lunch Time at the Hole

In the 1990s, I lived in Atlanta. At that time, Atlanta had a very active and fun gloryhole scene. Most of the adult novelty shops had arcades and these arcades were frequented by all types of men. Especially in the northern suburbs, white collar and blue collar men would stop on the way home for a little end of day wind down. My wife and k**s had left town to visit relatives, so I knew I was going to have a golden opportunity for some good “booth” time. Thursdays were especially hot...

1 year ago
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A Steamy Room

The other day my girlfriend and I were sitting at home, trying to think of something we could do. We were trading ideas about possible options, maybe go to the mall or a walk in the park. Nothing really seemed all that appealing to me, until my girl said “I know exactly what we could do! We should go swimming!” Now I’m never one to complain when my girl wants to get dressed up in a tiny little bikini for me to stare at, so I agreed and we drove down to the local pool. After changing I sat just...

Quickie Sex
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A Different Way That Covid Affected Our Family Part 4

I looked at Jack, my eyes blazing with lust, having just been fucked by our son for the first time. I was now on my back, legs spread wide as our gorgeous daughter was licking my spunk-filled cunt, licking out her brother's cum. Society would label us immoral and evil, having descended into the realms of debauchery and sin. But as a family, we had risen to a plain of unbridled love and passion for each other, having just discovered a loving bond that societies could never break. Where their...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 12

School was school. Not much different from every other day. The main reason I didn't talk about it at Jill's house is because it's nothing special to me. I'm one of those kids that everybody hates. I hear it or read it once and I remember it forever. Pretty much anything from the rules of grammar to dates to scientific principles. I don't have logarithms memorized but I can place the elements in order and come pretty close to their atomic numbers. Not quite a photographic memory. If...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ko Choda Condom Laga Ke

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers I’m parth from bhavnagar gujarat and regular reader of indian sex stories dot net Ab me story par aata hu Meri height 5fit 7 inch aur mere lund ka size 7 inch he Ye story meri aur meri chachi ki he jisko mene apna bada lund dikhake choda tha Ab me aapko apni chachi k bare me bata du meri chachi ki umar 35 saal he aur uski gand muje bahot acchi lagti he uske boobs bhi bahot bade he Ye us time ki baat he jab me apni 12th ki exam khatam kar k hostel se...

3 years ago
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and the juices shall flow

Knock, knock… I open the front door, and you’re standing there, looking as beautiful as ever in a white tank top and a long flowing cotton skirt. I invite you in and close the door. I turn around, pull you into my arms and grab you gently at the back of your neck. I place my mouth onto yours, kissing you passionately, exploring every part of your mouth with my tongue. I can feel my clit start to throb. I move my hand lower to cup your arse, pulling you closer to me, kissing you harder with a...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of Kresh

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! ******** The stench of smoke and death hung in the air like a putrid fog that refused to dissipate. The ransacked buildings of Namh-Jhong village littered the landscape like discarded trash, and the great hall of the town's chieftain came down with a crash as flames leapt from its base. The screams of...

4 years ago
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Finally Im not alone

I woke up, just a thin blanket on us. The warm sun on our bodies, now 8:30am. I turned my head to the side and kissed him on the forehead, I looked back up… Just to remember yesterday. ‘Fits perfect, thank you!’ I said I was admiring my new tuxedo for my final school dance, it was black and had a black bow tie. This was the last dance of my school life, we were all eighteen and about to depart to college. Our school had rented this rather fancy place which was especially made for weddings and...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure

The prospect of my first colonoscopy held some unknown trepidation. I had put it off for a few years and its time had come. I think my most anxious part was the thought of disrupting my digestion. However, as it approached I found myself preparing my body as if for a kinky outing. I trimmed back the hair on my legs and arms, tidied up my trim beard. Then on the day I shaved everything between my shoulders and knees. I usually keep my cock, balls, ass and thighs shaved, but I was feeling the...

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Husband Swapping

Number 27 of a series of individual stories. Husband Swapping by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Chapter 1 - The Suggestion My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me as...

3 years ago
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Seduced by Sin Ch 02

First of all, thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback! I am happy to find out everyone likes my story! I very much appreciated the suggestions a few of you gave on developing it and as such, this next chapter should help bring more players into the story and develop the character of Sin and Kate. Sorry it took so long to get out, my computer of 3 ½ years crashed and I lost a few important parts. Hope you enjoy the next chapter! Renee * North of London, England, 11 years earlier ...

2 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 5

I don’t pretend to understand the meaning of love. I know that I’m only young, and I don’t have all the answers to life. I’m fifteen years old, and I have very little experience with the opposite sex. The girls of my family talk of love, and each of them appears eager to explore their sexuality. I wonder if this is how it’s always been in Saint Lisbon. Today is a very important day in my young life. I’m first to wake, and I take a good long look at the beautiful girl who remains tight to my...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Indica Monroe Shy maid gets fucked

This week we got the beautiful Indica Monroe. She is coming in to clean the house. She is so voluptuous I can’t help but notice it all day. Especially when she bends over her pants are sheer. She does a good job cleaning I ask her to take off all her clothes. She was hesitant but a few more hundreds convince her to get naked. I get rock hard watching her ass bounce around as she cleans. I whip out my big fat dense cock. She loves it. She walks over to clean my pole. I fuck her until I...

2 years ago
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I Met Her

I Met Her... By JRD I met her at a strip bar. Her name, stage name at least, was Chesty LaBoob. She was beautiful, five foot, six inches tall, blond, shoulder length hair, a figure to die for, and the almost job required immense boobs. I was lucky. The most beautiful strippers work at the 21 and over clubs. (Okay, I've snuck into a few of those.) The bar where I met her had a non-alcohol section for the 18-21 crowd. I was nineteen, by the way. When she danced, I watched with...

4 years ago
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1 day until Revelation

Jared was ashamed. He had let his Lady down, but how could he help himself. She had opened up a new world of pleasure for him. He was sure now that he wanted to serve her. He went downstairs the next morning, after being dismissed last night with the promise of punishment come morning. With a fluttery heart and a stomach in knots, he knocked at her door and waited for the command to enter. Jared heard her soft voice, telling him to enter. “Pet, come in. At least, you are dressed...

2 years ago
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Women Of My Wife8217s Family 8211 Part 4

After I sprayed my hot semen on the face and mouth of my mother in law, my mother law dried my penis putting it in her mouth and sucking the last drops. “Are you happy now,” asked the grandmother of my wife. “Yes, grandma,” I said, holding my mother in law’s boobs. “My boobs are not as firm as her’s,” she said. “No, it is good, I love it, “I said honestly As I was about to withdraw my dick from my mother in law’s mouth, the maid came in to the room. She is about 45, a big made woman with full...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. The roar of a lawn mower and edger, both running at the same time, rudely disturbed my Saturday morning sleep-in. A moan from the other side of the bed indicated that I was not the only one being annoyed. Darla sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She sort of stretched and yawned at the same time. "Sorry, Brian. I totally forgot. The boys wanted to get an early start on the yard work so that everything would be ready for...

2 years ago
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House guest

"Okay Pari, don't freak out but-. . ."A dish slick with dish detergent slipped from Pari's grip and crashed into several others. It was loud enough to warrant a call from the neighbors who wanted to 'make sure everything was alright over there'."I told you not to freak out," Odette said in the silence that filled the wake of the glass dishes bashing one another. Her knuckles were white with how hard she gripped at the edge of the serving bar, primarily from the crash, secondarily from what she...

3 years ago
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The GymnastChapter 9

Greg was at the arena before the ladies had even made it out of their beds. He was friendly with many of the other athletes, remembering them from years past. They chatted during warm-ups, just a friendly chat, nothing serious, about things like college and girl friends and summer jobs. He honestly enjoyed the small talk now because unlike previous years, this year his focus and intent was totally different. This year he would do his best to show his gratitude for all the people that helped...

3 years ago
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Vacation In A Village

Hi all, I am a regular reader of ISS stories and this is the first time I am sending my experience which is in many ways very unique and good to read. I am Babu, 22 years old and just completed my graduation and went to my mom’s native place near Guntur to stay with my grand parents. I Went to my village, on the outskirts of Guntur by evening train from Hyderabad and reached our home by 6.30 pm. My grand parents were very happy to see me after 10 years and asked me to stay in the first floor...

2 years ago
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Fifth PlaceChapter 6

It takes a lot of preparation and the right mindset to become a successful undercover operative. It turns out it can be child's play in comparison to carrying on a successful affair. When you're undercover, everyone you would normally see or work with knows not to expect you. You're in that character almost all the time. When you're having an affair, your wife expects to see you on some sort of regular basis. She will notice if you don't come home. Neither will it escape the kids'...

2 years ago
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My sister and I masturbate then fuck

At the time of this account my sister, Irene, and I were in our forties. She is a year younger than me. She had divorced her husband when he had gone off with another woman. A month or so after that my wife was killed in a car accident. So Irene and I now had no spouses. She bought a house in the village where I live and we often visited each other in the evening when we not at work. I wasn`t expecting her that fateful evenig and was watching a sex video on my computer and was stroking my...

2 years ago
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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 4 A Glimpse Of Adultery

You want me to get caught, don't you? Be honest. You ache for me to be discovered and punished. The dirty whore must have what's due her. She can't be a cheating slut and enjoy it, too. And get away with it. It would be a crying shame. Look at poor George, you say. Poor? I bet he is richer than you. He loves his little wife with innocent trust. He is proud of how bubbly and sexy she is. He is happy. He never even asks himself why Christmas is so early each year. And so often. His...

4 years ago
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Naked Stepdaughter Ch. 01byaznaked©My name is Kacie. I know. It is a curtsey way of spelling but my mother came up with it. My "situation" started when I was 17 years old. My mother died in a car accident. Ironically for a heavy drinker, she was sober but was a passenger in a car driven by a drunk friend. The friend survived but my mother did not. I had never known my real father and I'm not sure mother really did either. It could have been a casual encounter or a swinging party. Mike had been...

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