My Newest Found Triangle free porn video

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Well this has been a hell of a triangle relationship to start off my summer with but it has had its up and downs. I was browsing a local web site that I have been on for years but had stayed away from because it had became boring and so one day I decided to go and browse the young desirable single males on the site because for some reason I had been on a young man boy toy type and so the only place I knew to search for them were on the internet. I cam across a couple but one stood out among the rest and so I added him and sent him a message telling him I thought that he was hot and that I was hoping that he would answer my friends request well I had not heard from him in a few days and my horny level was becoming something awful so I decided to put a single ad on the local classified web site and say that I was single and looking for a younger gothic dude to complete me and make me satisfied. I got an answer from that one right away i think the ad had only been an hour old and I had some one to respond to it. He was 25 and in a loveless marriage. I figured that it would work out to my advantage I did not know though that as I was getting that email my wonderful beautiful hunk of a man had answered my original ad. Go figure my luck, now I had two men to contend with and I figured that it would be that only one actually would like me so I would talk to both and go from there. Could not be any harm in that, right? What I was not expecting happened and boy did it throw me for a loop. I would never have thought that it would turn out the way it did at all. The first guy we will call him heartbreaker I met up with and we started a sexual relationship up fast and in a hurry. A real hurry to say the least and sexually were pretty much evenly matched. The other man that i met we will call him soft hearted we became fast and true friends. Every time something went wrong I would grab my phone and call soft hearted and he would talk to me and make me feel better he was my diary and my secret keeper and my sweet deep voice on the other end of the phone that dried my tears and made me laugh. I told him everything and I mean everything. He knew of all my my sexual experiences and I turned him on to xhamster and started I started asking him to proof read my stories and proof my pictures and videos before i submitted them what I did not know was that he had fallen much more harder than I had ever suspected or even knew for that fact because it never even dawned on me that maybe we were becoming more than friends I just knew he was always there no matter what time of the day or night. Well heartbreaker had decided since he wife found out that we were messing around that he would try and over dose so that he would get some sympathy from his wife and put an end to us. So he sent me a dear john email and walked away, so again I called soft hearted and cried to him and told him how mean that broken had been to me and soft hearted jumped to my defense once again. I knew that the two hated each other and I expected that because well broken had hated how close that soft heart and I had became and at the very moment well hell I did not care through the whole relationship because soft hearted was doing nothing wrong to broken as I could notice anyways. Well when soft hearted and I started growing closer over the weeks that I cried over broken, soft hearted and I really grew in friendship he said that he still did not want a relationship because he was young and wanted to sew his oats before he got into a relationship that way nothing could come between him and his new girlfriend because he was a freak and wanted to try a bunch of stuff without limitations and I sure was not helping him any with all my fetishes and freaky things I get into and so not only did he have his fetishes but now he had stolen some of mine. So now he was nearly as demented as I the only thing that I did not know then that I do now was that I was the female subject on his mind when he was day dreaming if torture and r****g and role playing, in a way I wished I had because then this story would end completely different. But I did not know so I made his little mind more demented and perverted the more we spoke and the more I needed to confide in him. Since he had turned me down about us being together and I am not a woman who can go long with out sex. I started the date lines again and running the web trying to satisfy my quirks and needs well when broken seen that he came back running apologizing and wanting me back and since the sex was so good and he knew how to make me tick I went for it and of coarse i had to call soft hearted and let him on the action. Not only did I tell him but I showed him as well and that just fulled his fire to say the least. He never let on though I never knew how upset I made him or how bad he wanted me. I called him one night and told him that me and broken had just got done having sex and that I did not feel satisfied as I usually do and that I could not even cum. I tried but for some reason something was holding me back. He grew quiet and said absolutely nothing for a long moment at first I thought that we had lost signal until I started hearing his deep breathing he told me to get a shower and then I would feel better and I said yeah maybe your right so I got off the phone and went in and started the hot water and figured I would take a long hot soaking first and then I would take a shower and goto bed. I was so upset and confused I am 38 years old and have been having sex well over 20 years and have never had a dry run and I have never had to fake it never and now I can not even cum and it was not like he did not try because trust me he did but it just was not there and the more he pounded the more drier I became never thought that was ever a possibility but I guess after all these years it would have to be because it sure happened to me the bad thing about it is that I do not think it was me I think it was because he just did not do it for me anymore so I got naked and climbed in the hot water and lowered my self down and could see my skin already turning a bright red from the scalding water and I had already turned off the light and had lit my candles and was starting to lay back and relax when I heard some one at my front door and I knew that only two people knew where the key was so I laid back down in the water and closed my eyes so that the water could once again warm me where I felt so cold and used. I heard someone walk up the stairs and just walk past the door so again I closed my eyes and then the bathroom door opened and a deep voice asked me if i had done what I was told and I said what? The voice from inside the door asked if I had washed the foul stench from my body yet and I said no I decided to take a bath first and then shower and then I was going to go to bed and he said oh you are going to bed alright but not to sleep. And I was so amazed by his voice and the sight of him that I was completely stunned and all i could do was look up at him wide eyes and stare and shake my head. He crouched down in the and reached for my wash rag and told me to stand up and reached for me he pulled me from the water and let out the water and I still was completely utterly stunned. He then started soaping me up from neck to toe and when he finished he told me to sit down and I did and he ever so gently soaped my hair and washed it and then he rinsed it and added conditioner and then he wrapped me in a towel and put a towel on the floor and gave me his arm to step out and as i did he dried my feet and legs and thighs and then we walked in to my bedroom and I knew now why he had went to the bedroom first upon the bed was rope,dildos,cameras,lotions,ky jelly,a bullswhip,some handcuffs,and something I was not expecting to be there a dozen roses not red not pink but half purple and black roses laid upon my pillows. all sprayed out and just sitting there so lovely. I did not know if i should be scared or cry. I went to kiss him instead and he pulled away and said not yet and had me sit upon the bed as he pulled out the most beautiful leather outfit and knee high boots that I had ever seen and he said for me to get dressed and I did and I noticed that the breasts were cut out of the outfit and knowing soft hearted he was about to bind my breast so that they would turn a beautiful purple color. It was not as if I needed them swollen because they are already huge to say the least. he then cam up to me and started to tie up my breasts and I asked him if he was going to ball and gag me and he said no I want to hear you scream. And again he suprised me with his words I never thought that he would ever talk to me in such a way. He turned from me and just stood there saying and doing nothing and I said softy why are you so quiet are you upset with me? And he slowly turned towards me and said let me get this off my chest since you keep asking me what is wrong he said I had to listen to every time you fucked that worm and I had to listen every time he left you in tears and I had to look at pictures of you two in bed together you smiling for him and yet you ran to me with everything that happened in your life as soon as he left you were on the phone with me telling me that you missed me and when you were crying all I wanted to do was hold you and be close to you and beat him and I had to stay quiet and just listen. So now i am done listening and I am done standing by letting you fuck a no good bastard like heart breaker. So now I am going to show you what a real man can do. And he then grabbed the different size dildos and I noticed some were not just dildos but were the expensive rabbits and they twisted and had jelly beads in them and glass ones too I had always wanted to try a glass one but was afraid he then took some pictures of my bound breasts and then told me to lay upon the bed and he pulled aside my leather g-string and started looking at my pussy and was just looking at it and i said what? and he said nothing and then ever so gently pulled my fleshy fat lips apart and sucked in his breath as he lowered his head and began licking my pussy and not just my pussy but my ass too and I sucked in my breath and he stuck his long tongue deep within my pussy and I shook so hard and I knew I was going to cum and it was going to squirt out and I had learned from experience that men did not always like being squirted in the face by my loads of cum so I yelled at softy and said oh god im going to cum and he just kept eating and licking me and grabbed my hips and thrust his whole face in my pussy and when I started to cum he grabbed my hips so that I could not buck him off of his target and I came so hard that the muscles in my stomach contracted and I shook so hard and I knew my eyes had to be in the back of head and like on point he started licking my clit over and over and so soft that I could not stand it and by god I came again over and over and just when I thought that he had enough he went lower and started licking my ass and sticking his tongue inside my tight pink ass hole and again I started cumming and I knew his goatee had to be soaked with my cum and he would not stop and I begged him to stop but he would not and then he lowered my bottom on to the bed and then he reached for one of the small dildos and one of the small viberators and started on my pussy and then stuck the other one in my ass and turned it on high and then went back to work on my clit. I wanted to taste me on his face and smell his goatee but he would not reach up to me instead he just slammed his hand so that the dildos would move faster and deeper within me. I looked down and his cock was so hard and full of pressure and I knew if i barely touched his he would blow and I reached for him and he backed away so that I could not reach him and went back to my pussy and ass. he then switched to an even thicker dildo and started the process over and over till I was sure my pussy was empty of my essence but he was relentless and just kept fucking me and fucking me until I came even more. The look on his face was so determined as if he was on a mission and then just when I thought he had enough he grabbed me and kissed me eagerly and then bend me over his lap and started smacking my ass with his hands till his cock was so hard and pushing against my belly I wanted him inside of me but he said no and had me goto my knees in front of him and he blew his man juices all over my face and into my mouth he finished cumming and I bent down and cleaned him off with my mouth and tongue licking and sucking up his juices. He then told me to stand up and I did and he turned off the ceiling fan and tied my wrists together and tied them to the ceiling fan so that my hands were over my head and I looked at him scared at first and he grabbed the camera and started taking pictures and then he went for my waist and pulled leather skirt off and put chaps on me instead which I thought was odd for a second because next thing I knew he was whipping me over and over and telling me how bad I was to fuck some one else knowing how much he cared for me and that he wanted to be the one planting his seed within me night after night that he was tired of masterbating to my voice and knowing I was asleep in someone elses arms. I was transfixed on him I could not believe that he would be so mad about a decision that he himself had made. It was his choice to not be with me. He had told me himself that he wanted to play the field and to be able to do what ever he wanted when he wanted. He said I alone love you,I alone need you,I alone know all your secrets and your deepest desires and your fears. I was the one you ran too cried too and what did I get for it nothing you ran to the first guy and fucked him and then took him back even when you knew that he would hurt you but you knew you had me to fall back on, me that you could run too and cry too and be completely loved by but that never crossed your mind. And for the first time I looked upon my soft hearted man that I had shared so much with, I even called him after I masterbated and we even talked about that. It never really did occur to me that he might have other feelings for me then that. I knew I loved him and that he would always be my special friend but it really never crossed my mind that I was hurting him or anything even remotely close for that matter. And he laid me once again across my bed and started kissing me and rubbing his fingers down my body and started finger banging me till I started moaning and bucking my hips against his fingers and I came so hard and almost threw out his fingers with the force and he said completely sarcastic and said hey I thought you had problems cumming and I said not now not with you controlling my pussy I do not. And with that he rolled me over and slammed his cock deep within my pussy and grabbed a hand full of my hair and held me against him so that he could feel my muscles contracting on his cock and then he started moving back and forth first slow then faster and faster until I started cumming so much that I could not even get a moan or a scream to escape my throat because the force of my spurts were all I could do was breathe and cum one after another. I do not know how it is with other woman but my cumming has different levels for different movements like if your fucking my pussy i squirt and shake and have muscle spasms and usually if your eating me I just gingerly cum but not now when softy ate me I came as if he was fucking me and if you fuck me in the ass I cream both from my ass as well as my pussy and then if he or I rubs my clit then thats a whole different sensation I do not know if it is normal and do not care it is me and the way I operate and now he had me coming each and every way and I did not know if i was coming or going. He had taken me to a whole new universe some where I had never been before and all I knew was my body was on auto pilot. All I could do was lay there and quake and scream and cum and run my nails down his back over and over never wanting the feeling to go away. Just as I thought it was never going to end and I was going to dehydrate or something if felt him become rigged and his cock harden within my bowels and then I felt the rush and the heat of his cum running through me and that started the contractions all over again. And he just held on tight to my thighs as I finished holding on to his cock and convulsing. I was beat up inside and out. I knew my ass was bruised and bleeding and my pussy and ass too and I had forgotten about the rope so that was still tight against my chest. Softy had ever so gently laid me upon my pillows and went to the bathroom and got a warm wash cloth and soaped my chest ass and pussy and then rinsed me off and patted me dry. He then put lotion upon my ass and started near my back and I asked him why he was putting lotion on my back but as the sting started I knew that he had nailed me as well and I just looked up at him and smiled and he finished his chore as he released me from the ropes and i rolled over onto my sore ass and he rubbed lotion upon my breasts and stomach and went into my closet and got one of my silk nighties and dressed me for bed and laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms and laid my head upon his chest and caressed my head until I fell asleep in his arms. He cradled me that way all night and all morning and when I would stir he would make little noises to me and tell me I was safe and start stroking my hair again and then I would notice his deep breathing and heartbeat as he again put his face within my long dark black hair that he had washed and we went back to sleep and slept till mid afternoon. For the first time in what seemed like forever I was genuinely happy and content. Now I was not a triangle but a couple and he was mine and I am his as it should have been from the beginning. blessed be.....blessed me.......

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The Foundation By Katharine Sexkitten I'd been here before. A few times, over the years. It never failed to impress me. The hardwood floors were dark and shiny, and wide. They were so smooth you could skate in your stockinged feet. The house itself, well, mansion, really, was the biggest I'd ever seen. The rooms were deeper than normal, and taller than normal. Even the closets were big. There was a grand entrance, and a ballroom, a media room that seats a big crowd, a gym,...

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Foundations My wife and I fell madly in love with each other in High school where a case of raging hormones and a faulty condom made us parents at the age of 16. We weren’t ready for it, but our parents agreed that we would be held responsible for our promiscuity. We got our G.E.D.s, got married and got night jobs. Our parents helped us out by watching our son, Seth, while we worked and we lived with my parents until we could afford a place on our own. Shortly after we got our own place son...

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The SCP Foundation

Mankind in its present state has been around for a quarter of a million years, yet only a small fraction of that has been of any significance. So, what did we do for nearly 250,000 years? We huddled in caves and around small fires, fearful of the things that we didn't understand. It was more than explaining why the sun came up, it was the mystery of enormous birds with heads of men and rocks that came to life. So we called them "gods" and "demons", begged them to spare us, and prayed for...

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The Ark Part 1Chapter 7 Setting Up the Ark Foundation

After breakfast the next day, I decided to check on the ladies that were working on the three tasks that I had assigned. The two ladies working on the seminar for the remaining 23 ladies planned to invite the ladies to a seminar on Saturday, two weeks from now. I agreed and told them to send out the invitations and to make the catering arrangements through Belinda’s catering service. Bob and Sharna agreed to arrange for the invitees to have a dream similar to the one my first group of ladies...

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The Foundation Club

Number 25 of a series of individual stories. The Foundation Club by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please email me with any comments or ideas of where the saga can go!) Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. "We have been invited by Kate and Karl for the weekend," said Sally Anne, "and the condition is...

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Space Colony The Founding

First in a series of loosely connected stories about a space colony. This first tale was written as a stand-alone piece, but the setting gave me another idea…. ***** One: Space wreck The bulkheads were failing one after the other, we couldn’t keep pressure in the spaces around the meteorite hit. I told the captain and he ordered us to forget it, to abandon ship. I told my damage control party to evacuate, but leave the closest escape pod for me. I was going to give the rest of the crew time...

1 year ago
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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 5 The Founding of Jade Force

March 10, 1976 General Wynn stopped the car on the side a road in a semi-tropical region of Inra. Thick lush vegetation grew right to the edge of one side of the road. The land on other side of the road had been cleared. Grass had replaced the natural vegetation so evident on the one side of the road. At the far end of the field was a massive wall that extended almost a kilometer in length. He exited the vehicle and approached the young man leaning against a battered old truck. “Hello,...

4 years ago
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Zaks FoundationChapter 4

It had been four days since the crash, and the Princess Nanissa still had not awakened. If the condition of her crown when the humans had found it in the shuttle's wreckage was anything to go by, her head wound had been severe, though it seemed to be healed now. Two of the Princess' young ladies-in-waiting, Annima and Camilkoita, stood silent vigil, their blond and white hair cut in identical styles--straight, with bangs and ends so square they could have been cut with a...

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Newfound Lake

The main characters, Evan & Jane are in the 21-22 age range, though it was never specified in the story. All Characters engaged in sexual activity are 18+ ********** Newfound Lake ***** JUNE ****** Evan made his way into the busy kitchen to grab another beer. His friend Zack had convinced him to come out to one last party before he went away for the summer. Evan wasn’t really sure why, as Zack ditched him within 15 minutes to talk to some girl he had been wanting to bang. It must have...

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Newfound Roommates

Have each and every one of you people ever allowed yourselves to have the nerve to finally move out of your parents house and start a new life for yourselves in another city? Well, if you were to ask me that question, all I could do is introduce you to an old Berea High School buddy of mine named Wade Gilbert, who had finally decided that he has had enough of his dad running his life for him. And after he had told his dad what to do with his plans for his mom, packed up all of his belongings...

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We include another female in our newfound freedom

After our first mmf with Harvey, she and I talked a lot, and the sex just got hotter and hotter. Instead of me getting fucked outside our marriage, I was completely satisfied at home. Our honesty with each other fueled our passion. She confessed she was really surprised at Harvey going down on my cock but extremely turned on by it. Not to mention when I went down on him. She said it was so sexy to watch me sucking his big black cock.Harvey's cock was the first in many years, and I really...

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South of Bikini Newfound Relations

South of Bikini Episode 3 "Newfound Relations" 1320 hours, Palmyra Atoll, April 3rd, 1944 "Skipper, Admiral Demmit asked me to give you this." My Ex-O said as I reached the bottom of the Bridge ladder. After fixing my skirt and tucking in the loose tail of my blouse, I took the proffered letter from Jack. We had just cleared the Atoll's lagoon/harbor and set course for Hawaii. The note was hand written by the Admiral...

1 year ago
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How High A Price Another View ConclusionChapter 4 The Foundation

Almost Three years later: Early was in a bad mood. Being in a bad mood was a common occurrence recently. Damn! It was still three weeks until he had to read that letter from his cheating slut of an ex-wife and the dread was as bad as the event. Every time he thought about just how manipulative she was it made him furious--with himself--for marrying her. Early parked his new Mercedes in an open slot and looked around. This was one of the rougher parts of town. The cops didn't have to patrol...

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Zaks FoundationChapter 3

Yoshiko stepped off the plane and caught sight of the car waiting for her. She could sense Victor waiting for her within. The others got into the other cars, leaving her and Victor to their own devices. She closed her eyes once the door was closed. He fastened her seatbelt for her with his telekinetic abilities. His mind touched hers, pulling open a valve hidden even from herself, releasing the pressure within her and freeing her to express her grief. Only pain had awaited her on her return...

2 years ago
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Zaks FoundationChapter 5

Damon and Kagome wondered if they'd ever feel clean again. The air aboard ship, with six Despicable in close proximity, was like being trapped in a locker room full of jocks on a hot day after a fierce game, with no water to run the showers or flush the toilets, and someone had hidden a bag of used maxi pads and an open jug of milk somewhere. How the two humans had managed to avoid detection, Damon hadn't a clue. On the planet, they found themselves in a place that reminded Damon's lungs...

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Zaks FoundationChapter 6

Damon awoke with a pounding headache, surrounded by Ewoks in jump suits, with fur of every color of the rainbow and great, big anime eyes. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. The chromatic riot wasn't helping his headache. "It wakes?" one of the creatures asked. "Yes, it wakes. Leave now." another one responded. "Stinky tall one?" "You talkin' to me?" Damon slurred. "You were with the bad ones for a long time, were you not?" "It was no walk in the park." Damon...

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Zaks FoundationChapter 7

Howard walked the streets of Waco, since he didn't have any pressing business at the moment needing the use of a car. Anyway, none of the cars he got along with were available. He wondered why the Foundation gave random personalities to so many of the vehicles. The RV didn't have one, but then, it spent most of its time sitting around playing hospital anyway. He saw a familiar face and four strangers in an alley, and altered course to intervene. It was the same green-and-orange freak from...

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Danny Thomas Founder

It’d been years since they ended: “Why, Donald?” “Ann.” His tone slightly sliced with threat. “Is there someone else?” “Christ.” He started to rise then fell back into the chair. There never had been someone else and there never would be. He’d loved one woman and would love her until he went “into the dust that was always the end.” “It’s the sex, isn’t it?” A slight streak thru her tone. Don came back, right over the top: “What sex?” “You knew the rules, Donald. My father forbids...

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She was house sitting for me. The concept of the plan had actually materialized several years earlier. I am a computer consultant and travel around making the big bucks. This is great, except as I neared retirement I had no way to start preparing for it, being out of state most of the year. I had tried to get local work, but I was too specialized and there was no market for my skills locally. I had watched as both of my parents took on a mortgage at retirement and I was bound and...

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Cracked Foundations

Stan When the camel cricket jumped up and landed on my glasses, I knew I had officially been told to get out of his crawl space. Knocking him away, I went back to probing the wood with my knife blade. Given the age of the house I was not surprised when it sank deep into the wood. That it didn't do it more often was the shock. Moving a few more feet towards the back of the house I saw where someone had been here before me and replaced a part of the floor. All the new black iron pipes gave me...

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Compound X131Chapter 26 Lying foundations

The pulse continued its expansion; it lapped through the lab and across a two-mile radius of countryside, before breaking and finally dissipating into the dawn. The first to respond to its call lay tangled in the clinical unit. The trio, who had been relaxing following countless orgasms, enthusiastically started to masturbate each other with renewed vigor. Jenna quivered and strained against leather restraints as multiple orgasms, fueled her Vagran dreams. Beyond the lab countless couples...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 6 Foundations

Dave followed the directions in the email and downloaded the video Alice had sent him from the cloud account the family shared. He smiled to himself, already suspecting the pornographic content. He loved Alice, and given the decade or so they’d been married, plus their courtship time, he knew her well, both her old personality and her new one forged by the loosening up process they’d both gone through. He expected to be teased to edge of his comfort zone. The file was over 500 megabytes, a...

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Three Square MealsChapter 139 Laying the foundations of a new empire

The freighter shuddered as it neared the planet’s surface, its retro-thrusters running at full burn to slow the ship’s descent towards the starport. There was a grating rumble as the merchantman touched down, the ship skidding a couple of metres across the ferrocrete until the captain shut down the engines and the bulky vessel finally ground to a halt. Governor Lucyna Novitsky relaxed her white-knuckled grip on the passenger’s seat, wishing that was the last time she’d have to endure another...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 18 Foundations

Graydon was exhausted. His eyes had sunk into their sockets, dark circles lay sagging above his gaunt cheekbones, and his face bore signs of strain and a weariness beyond his years. For a week he had spent his nights alone in the hayloft, isolated and immersed in his connections, seeing the harm that had befallen the Jacobs family. His days were filled with work, sweating to clear ditches, cut brush, weed the garden and repair fences around the old homestead. He drove himself hard, stopping...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 403 Foundations for Learning

Molly, you are something else, and I love you for being who you are. “Well, Bob, in that we do agree. You are a damn good foreman, but not for this job site or customer. I’ve looked over the details this young provided me compared to what you have modified. You are enviable to seek to source materials with similar specifications at a lower cost from a different provider than specified. You also question the costs of doing things in the construction process which are over-engineered and...

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The Foundation

The Foundation1Welcome to HarmonPandora Kinky slid the luminous purple dildo into Lulu Sordid’s pink anal hole and pulsed her hips until the hilt brushed against the moist opening. Lulu moaned as the hardened plastic slithered deeper inside her, but her tongue was busy pleasuring the clitoris of Wanda Mounds, who was leaning back on the grass and massaging her huge breasts.?Are you sure about this?? Pandora asked the man crouched beside the sharp light of the camera.?This is great stuff,...

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Zaks FoundationChapter 2

Abigail Xu stormed out of the field house, her long, black hair streaming behind her like a war banner from beneath her mortarboard. Her now-ex-boyfriend would remember what she'd done with his senior ring for the rest of his days. Ever since he'd fallen in with those rednecks, he'd been treating her like dirt because she was Asian. Today had been the last straw. Selling copies of a secretly-made video of her giving him her virginity the year before after the junior prom on the internet...

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Earths CoreChapter 13 Profound Improvement

The young maid led Zax to the manor's greenhouse. Two figures, Zetsa and Mrs. Edomachi, sat beside the glass table with cold drinks and sweets and had a pleasant chat. The two women, one B level Mist User, the other, E level Mist User, sensed Zax and the young maid long before they arrived and were ready to meet them. "Nura, offer our young guest refreshment and bring a tray of peeled fruits". Mrs. Edomachi requested and the young maid, Nura, nodded her head obediently and left to the...

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A Stepmothers Newfound Joy

After intending to spend the day shopping at the mall, I became bored and decided to go home after visiting only a few stores. I got home a little after noon and figured I could go sunbathe by the swimming pool. However, something seemed strange as soon as I entered the house. There was a purse by the front door that I didn't recognize, and then I heard noises coming from upstairs. Slightly concerned, I moved quietly up the stairs until I could make out voices. "I LOVE YOUR FUCKING...

1 year ago
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A family of Newfound Sex Slaves Part One

Kim Jacobs was a woman who was never satisfied, not with her living situation and home, not with her finances and money, and certainly not in bed lately. She had rudely and bluntly spoken ill of Dans' fading performance in the sack several times in recent months...even going as far as to order herself some sex toys, and Dan a fresh pack of Cialis...a performance enhancing sexual aid. Dan of course resented her insinuations that he wasn’t good enough in bed. He even sought a 2nd opinion a few...

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