Echoes free porn video

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It's funny how people react when I tell them a number. 25 years. I could mean anything, really. The age of a child. How long I've worked my job. But when used do describe the length of a marriage, people always react the same. 'How do you do it, Dan?', 'What's your secret?', 'Aww, how sweet.' etc. I fucking hate it. Not that I don't enjoy the implied compliment involved in the questions, praising the long hard quiet work that is the modern husband, but in how I have to smile at my wife, fake my best loving look, and give that cold unloving bitch all the credit. Truth is, if it wasn't for having kids we would have split up long, long ago. But we did have them, cute little 18 year sentences, all bundled up in drooling smiles and poop filled bottoms. And after they grew up and moved out, I just didn't care enough anymore to leave. Not enough to give up half of my stuff anyway. A man collects lots of neat shit over the years. My power tools. My vintage Corvette, black as the deep dark corners of that shrews heart. My signed baseballs. She'd take them all, and well, it's just plain cheaper to keep her, as I like to say to my friends when I'm very,very far from her. I've told my story to anyone who would listen...I dunno I guess I feel better after hearing myself detail my misery filled midlife crisis. Turns out not long ago, that 'anyone' was the Devil. Oh I didn't know it at first, he was a younger guy in a sports jersey cheering the Sox right next to me. We shared some laughs, had some beers, and I told him my war stories. Battles hard fought over gardening and chores. Blood spilled in the fight for the freedom to be lazy on Sundays and all that. Guy was a GREAT listener, asking the right questions at the right times. Leading me down deep alley of memory after another, until I was nearly yelling, bawling, and laughing at the same time , I was so worked up. And that's when he made me an offer. He said he could give me a power to change my wife in any way I wanted, make her more loving, younger, beautiful. That our marriage could be filled with happiness, and love. Of course, NOW I know he was full of shit, but at the time, hell it sounded good to me. There were no contracts, no fire, no promises to claim my soul in return. Just an offer of goodwill...and I said "Yes". Fuck me, that right there, THAT was the biggest mistake I've made my whole life. "Echoes" A story by: "Serenity" It was explained to me over those beers that this power was a tricky one, but handled well, could change our lives forever. But it had to be used carefully. Anything I changed would have a ripple effect, circular from the point of effect, and getting weaker as it expanded. I make the couch red, and the carpet, loveseat, etc would also change in color, though the bigger the change the bigger the ripples, or echoes. So, he explained with a smile, I make HER more loving, echoes come back, and I'M more loving, just less so depending on how far apart we are at the time. I thought the mook was fucking crazy, but he was buying beers, so I let him prattle on and on. We said our goodbyes, he shook my hand, and I made my way to the subway, and my ride home. My wife, my warden, Susanne, was watching TV when I walked in. She doesn't say anything. She stopped nagging a long time ago. Stopped a lot of things a long time ago. She used to be so beautiful, and wild. When we were younger, that girl would make porn stars take notes. Now, hell, I don't remember the last time we fucked. I stood there behind her, putting my coat on the rack, looking at our house. I don't know when it happened, but we had such an old peoples house now. All dark woods and antiques. Things that look nice but can't be touched...I hated it. She just keeps watching the TV. I wish she'd just show a bit of concern, that she cared a little. Susanne, looked over her shoulder at me, her face lightly lined, her hair not so lightly gray. "You okay? You look like death warmed over." I'm shocked she actually seems concerned. I don't know what to say. "Oh, Honey, what happened?" And then... I could see heat over a barbecue. The "echo". It radiated from her seat, spreading out and getting the time it reached where I was in the hallway I couldn't see it anymore. Holy shit, that guy wasn't joking. I looked at her sitting there, with genuine concern on her face, framed in the gray hair. I had an idea...I wish that her hair was brown again. I watched as her hair began to darken, her deep cocoa hues coming back to life, it's body returning, and it made her look so beautiful. The circle began to spread from her, weaker than the last one. I guess hair color isn't as extreme as changing her hatred to me. It must have caught her eye, however, as she grabbed at it and looked at me with wide shocked eyes. "What's happening? My hair!" and I frantically tried to think of something that would stop her. If she knew about my new power, then anything else I do, she'll know it...wait. I wish she wouldn't notice any changes. As soon as I saw the echo I knew I made a mistake. It was huge, and it reached me with a speed I couldn't believe, I felt funny for a second, dizzy I guess. Then it was over. I just looked at my wife, she looked at me. I don't know how she keeps her hair looking so nice, but she swears she doesn't color it. Something nagged at me about her hair, but I'm not sure what. I sat next to her, and we watched tv for a bit. It's been so long since we just sat together. I sat there looking her, remembering how we used to be. How much she loved to do naughty things... I wish she loved to get fucked again, but those years are long gone. It wasn't until the echo washed over me that I knew a change had been made. But for the love of me I didn't know what. Susie rubbed against me, her hand stroking my penis through my pants. She nibbled my ear, and I knew that the TV would have to wait. Susie never lost her zest for making love, and as she began to unbutton my shirt, I began to strip her, our kisses growing heated and more urgent. Her breath quickening. And before I knew it she was under me, and I had thrust my penis into her, rocking back and forth in a slow, loving rhythm. As I looked at her, moaning and licking her lips, a funny thought crossed my mind. That should be me there, on my back. It felt wrong doing the penetrating for some reason, but I couldn't fathom why. I kept going, it felt to good to stop, but every time I closed my eyes, it was me getting fucked, me taking, not giving. And it didn't seem to bother me at all. Like I always wanted to get fucked, that I loved it... I felt my orgasm building, and Susanne pushed me away from her. "Not yet, big guy" She said. She deftly flipped us over, and reached to the side table, where she picked up a long realistic double sided dildo. For a split second I didn't recognize it, but as she put one end into her vagina, I began to spread my I've always done? I felt confused, but she began to feed the toy into my ass, and began to thrust. Just how I liked. I love getting fucked. Always have. She went at me hard, and it didn't take long for me to cum, my penis spraying over my belly. Susanne pulled out, and went to grab my tossed aside shirt to clean me off. She never did like the taste of cum. I sure wished she did. She set the shirt down, and sat back on the couch watching the TV. Her hand running a finger over my belly, scooping up bits of my cum, and idly sucking it off her finger, as if she did this her whole life, I watched in amazement as...*Flash* the echo flew by, and as I tried to think of what I had changed. I just couldn't remember though. I just laid back and watched TV, basking in the afterglow of sex as Susanne slowly snacked on my cum. I followed suit, my pudgy finger collecting a glob, and running it over my tongue. Tasty. I know it's weird and all, but I just love it so much. It's salty, musky, and just yummy. It didn't take long for my belly to be fingered and licked clean. Susanne smiled at me, her lips still glistening and creamy with cum, I smiled back, and could feel a drip of my cum, hanging off my lower lip. We were so close. She changed the channels a few times and I told her to stop, some reality show had come on, with these scantilly clad women fighting over a man. She gave me a look, and gestured to the TV. "These girls do it for you huh? Look at them, showing every inch on TV like a bunch of sluts. No class at all." They did look hot though. All bottle blonde, tattoos and attitude. The way they acted was a little crude, but, man, I don't know what she had against them. I wish she wanted to be a slut, then the One of the girls, with ridiculously big breasts, was in the hot tub trying to keep the guys attention on her *Flash*... I shook my head for a second. Dizzy again. Anyway, the chick with the cute tits, was being real clever and using her titties to keep the guy interested, which, anyone will tell you works every time. Guys are so fucking easy. Wait...what? I looked over at Suzi, who was watching the show, slowly pulling out her purple dildo, and pushing it back in her pussy, her saggy boobs slowly bouncing to match, her face made up, her hair styled... I sat up from lying back, and felt the pressure of my buttplug in my ass. I pulled it out, moaning a bit. Something seemed SO wrong... The living room was filled with cheap furniture, porn magazines and toys of all fun and yummy shapes...fuck. What's wrong with me...I'm a guy...I'm... I stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Suzi to her diddling. And as I went down the hall to the restroom, I saw the surroundings change. Pink wallpaper changed to floral print. Wal-Mart furniture in one room, antiques in another. Magazines filled with hunky guys, to National Geographic. I sure did wish the rest of this house wasn't so boring and old. I walked in the bathroom, filled with hair products, pink scrunchies, and fluffy hot pink little bath rugs. I stared at myself. My aging face stared back. It looked so wrong. My short hair seemed wrong, my flat chest seemed wrong. Oh my god, was I ugly. Did I always feel this way? I couldn't remember. I wonder if my roommate Suzi remembered. I felt lucky to find a girl who was just as slutty as...I...was. Fuck, How the fuck can I be a slut, I'm a man, dammit. Something must have gone wrong with that power the guy gave me...I just couldn't think of what. Wait the power...that's what he gave to me make me happy. I could finally be the slut I always wanted to be. I just change Suzi, and the echo will change me too! New plan in tow, I walked down our hallway, the soft pink carpet tickling my toes, and walked into the living room, where Suzi was licking her dildo clean. I sat next to her, looking her up and down, wondering what to change first. My cock was getting hard thinking of how awesome being a hot young slut with my best friend and roommate was going to be. Suzi noticed, and leaned over , sucking my cock as if on instinct. I ran my hand through her brown soft hair. And I knew where to start. I wished Suzi had long soft blonde hair, and smiled as I watched the hair in my lap lighten in my hands. The echo flew out, and I just reveled in the feeling of her blowjob, brushing some of my hair from my face. She scraped her teeth a bit, and I hissed in pain. I wish she knew how to give the perfect blowjob. My eyes closed, I could almost tell every move she was going to make, because well, they would be the same ones I would make too. It was a cocksuck meant to make the man cum hard, and quick. For some reason it felt like I had practiced the same routine many many times. Now...what will my first change be, I thought. Suzi already had nice hair, as did I...but a real slut needs something that advertises what she is, something that gets the attention of the entire room. Nice, firm, big titties. Suzi's had been nice a long time ago, and I wasn't sure If I was ready to have boobs of my own... But I wish Suzi had firm, huge titties that never sag, with thick big nipples that always stick out. I felt my pulse quicken as I waited for the echo...I don't know how long I've wanted to be a slut, but it felt like my whole life, and as Suzi's tits firmed and swelled and swelled and SWELLED I began to think maybe I should have worded it differently, maybe "huge" wasn't the right... *Flash*. Suzi's cute titties were so pretty, mine were too, just a little smaller. Suzi, idly tweaked her nipples while she watched the porn on TV, and watching the little girls with their tiny D cups gets fucked made me kinda horny too, I twisted and tweaked my nipples as well, and soon we were moaning together. Jesus' it felt good, so damned good, I wish we could cum from playing with these babies. It wasn't two minutes later that our moans became screams, and as Suzi grinded and creamed on the sofa, my cock sprayed cum all over my belly and even a little on my tits. I quickly scooped and sucked all I could before Suzi could get any. I get stingy sometimes. Cum is so yummy. Looking over at my friend, I tried to think of what I should change first. How can I be a better slut? My tits were nice, thought kind of small...hmm...My face was still horrid, and looked like an old guys. I know...I wish suzi had the face of the sluttiest porn star, with big eyes, and thick cocksucking lips. I knew I wanted to be as pretty as possible, so I wanted to be right next to the echo, so as the magic began, I leaned into Suzi and gave her a big wet kiss, her eyes flew wide, then as she tasted the cum on my lips, she kissed back with fervor. As we made out, I could feel her face softening, her lips getting puffy and soft her *flash* eyes as blue as mine, her nose cute and pert, looking everybit the slutty angel, which is funny, cause I guess that makes me the slutty devil. We look so much alike, everyone asks if we are twins. Which we aren't of course, her tits are a bit bigger. The shuffle of feet behind me reminds me of the guy I brought home from the bar, and left upstairs asleep. I turned around in time to see his naked butt walking past the doorway, his large cock, swinging back and forth. I felt deliciously bad remembering him putting that monster in my ass tonight. Suzi couldn't fuck him, she said. She thought it was too big for her pussy. Which is sad, cause that cock was amazing. I wish Suzi had a deep enough pussy to take the biggest cocks out there. Hell I wish she had a sexy, wide ass that could take that much cock too! My tits hanging free, I reached for my shirt to throw on before Mr. Big Dick came back. Not that I mind being naked...I just like having my clothes torn off *Flash* I adjusted my ass on the couch as I sat back, the wet spot on the couch cold on my wet cunt. The shirt was some stupid guys polo, something a granddad would wear. Fuck I wish Suzi and I had some cute sexy clothes, the kind a good slut would love. Oh, shit, the spell...I still have to figure out what to change first. I looked over at Suzi, who looked SO cute in her leather mini and pink tube top that said, "Bimbo" across her boobs. And her thigh high boots are SO cute, a little conservative, but cute....hmm...what to change. I adjusted my tits in my spaghetti top, pushing my cleavage to max, when my eye caught Suzi's car keys. Her hospital ID tag hanging off. A Doctor is no job for a good slut, I thought, I mean how are you gonna fuck when you are helping patients. Besides, a slut isn't smart enough for that anyway. I wish Suzi had dropped out of high school to be a stripper, or a whore or something. Anything cooler than a dumb doctor. But as to what I would change though... I coughed, my deep voice booming, and I knew what my first change to sluthood would be. I would wish *Flash* that Suzi would have the highest, cutest, most sexy voice out of all the strippers we worked with. Well SHE worked with, I moved on to something more fun, but Suzi says hooking is too much for her. My John walked back into the room, naked and hot as I could hope for. Sometimes I have to fuck some ugly guys, but like, a cock is a cock. He walked in front of me, all hard muscled and chiseled abs, his thick juicy member looked so tasty...He sat down between us, and I dove onto his cock, like I've done my whole life. Suzi watched, but she won't fuck for money. I wish she was sluttier, so she could hook with me. I kept sucking the johns cock, his thick shaft deep in my throat, my voice moaning over his wonderful fucktool, when I heard Suzi begin to gasp and pant, I looked over and saw her spread on the couch, my johns fingers deep in her twat, then his thumb, then...I smiled with my mouth full as my girl Suzi began to take that fist like a pro. This guy sure did know what he was doing, she looked like she was *flash* fuck, I wish he was fisting ME. That slut Suzi is so lucky, but at least I get Masters cum. Cause I'm the smart one, I know where the cream comes from. Not like Suzi. Fuck, I wish she was even stupider, that way I'll always get to be the one who swallows. I watched as Suzi's eyes began to cross a bit, her bottle blonde hair thrashing as Master fisted her cunt. She looks so dumb, I thought, there no way *Flash* that she like, will get to eat this cum now. She's, like, a total dummy. Not like, me, or anything. I like, totally, know what guys like. Which is why, like, I'm such a good whore. Not a stoopid one. My mouth is full of yummy cum, and Master stops fucking my face, I let his cock out of my cocksucking lips with a pop and a giggle. I look up at him with my cute crossed eyes, my chin covered in cum. "Like, thanks, for feeding Danni, Master," I say. The man who I met in the bar, the cute guy with the sports jersey on, pats my head. "It's my pleasure, Slut," he says. I feel my pussy glow with heat at being called something so pretty "Have you thought about what you would like to change first to be even sluttier?" Oh! I totally forgot about the magic stuff! Like, yeah, what will I change to make me and Suzi better sluts for our master...hmm...Suzi was panting, her G cup boobs bouncing. We always hated our small tits... I wish Suzi's tits were like, TWICE, as big! As Suzi's small little G cups began to swell, and the echo flew out to hit me, Master just laughed, his eyes glowing... and his cock growing.... I wish we could suck that cock forever.

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Missy was becoming a totally hot erotic sexual young woman with her new lover, her brother and his girlfriend. She'd just finished having a totally hot sex session with her brother's girlfriend, Amy, and when she orgasmed, Missy had passed out from an overwhelming climax. After she'd regained her strength from the first 69 session, her brother, Mike, and her boyfriend, Ron, came over and Missy began to play with both of them. She first took her boyfriend, Ron, in front of her and he began...

1 year ago
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Cock Pictures 6

I used to be on the cock pictures site, but my situation made it necessary to drop out. See, my wife and I were in counselling and one of her issues was that she found some of my pictures on the PC. I meant to delete them after posting, but missed some. So she knew I took pics of myself, but did not know that I posted them to the photo sharing site. Moreover, she didn’t know that I was chatting with other members, almost all of whom were men, and fantasizing about what we would do to...

2 years ago
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Before the Weather BreaksChapter 15

I edge forward, resting the sparkly purple head against Jimmy’s reddened pucker, slick with gel and gaping spasmodically in the aftermath of his orgasm. I hold the shaft with one hand and pull aside each ass cheek in turn with the other, trying to stretch him that little bit further and ease my entry. The angle makes it a little tricky, as I have to push up slightly and can’t just add weight to force my way in. I hook my hands over the top of his thighs, keeping him down on the bed and giving...

2 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 14 part 2

“So, what do they call this thing again, baby?” a distraught Donna asks Aaron as they sit together on her sofa and she holds his hand comfortingly. “Spermacological Retrograde Deficiency Syndrome,” the stud replies, without blinking an eye. “Oh, honey, that sounds so horrible!” Donna exclaims, tears welling in her eyes as she tenderly puts her other hand on the stud’s shoulder. “Yeah, it just sucks so bad…I mean knowing that I’ll never, ever be able to be a dad…” Aaron replies, shaking his...

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Secondary Education Chapter 10 Reincarnation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 10 Reincarnation I am asleep in the arms of my Bodhisattva. He strokes my forehead. "Look within to find consciousness of the skandhas that survived your rebirth." I concentrate, and focus on a fuzzy, black and white image. "I was Private Flores, an American warrior in the jungle battles of Laos. I killed many and died filled with guilt and hatred. These passions survived inside me, and even they roil...

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It Was AccidentalAccidental IntromissionSince Dad left us Mom and I had settled into an "It's us against the world" mode even though we knew it was not true. We had family and friends to support us including Dad's mom, however our attitude brought us closer together.Mom and I had an easy love. We kissed and hugged often for no particular reason other than to show each other how much we loved each other. I do not remember when our soft, lingering lip-to-lip kisses started but to me it seemed...

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Vacation Experience

This is when I met her for the first time, she was stunning and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She had these amazing long legs that never seemed to end, a gorgeous body and a great smile that had me wrapped around her finger instantly. Her name I found out later that day was Louisa and I made every excuse under the sun to spend as much time talking to her as possible. It turns out that she had only just arrived in town and she was by herself and was asking me a lot of questions about the...

3 years ago
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a friendly farewell part1

I arrived at her place to find it was just her and I so we decided to camp near her dam. We had tea talked a bit and started drinking to relax ourselves and to let our convocation flow. We headed to the dam put up the tent; I set out a blanket for us to sit on while Tegan went back to the house to bring down some more drinks. While she I was gone I lite a fire near the edge of the dam, it looked very romantic as the sun was setting and reflecting off the water. When Tegan got back we...

3 years ago
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Neuro Transmitter Er hat die Kontrolle

Samuel Andrews war schon nun den zweiten Tag in der Wohnung seines verstorbenen Onkels um den Nachlass zu Regeln. Bisher hatte er aber noch keinen Hinweis gefunden, wo sein Onkel sein Vermögen verwahrte, denn Bankunterlagen hatte er bisher noch nicht finden können. Sein Onkel war schon immer ein komischer Kauz und Eigenbrötler gewesen gleichzeitig allerdings ein angesehner Neurologe und er hatte ihn nur selten gesehen. In den letzten Jahren sogar noch seltener, da er selber studiert hatte. Da...

Mind Control
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She Blows The Man DownChapter 2

The next night, when Bill knocked on his little sister's bedroom door and Jody eagerly responded, they both knew that they were ready to explore each other's body even more than they had the previous night. Without a word, Bill removed his robe and grinned when he saw his sister's eyes grow wide at the sight of his hard-on, which was jutting straight out from his bushy crotch. "Wow!" Jody breathed huskily, already nakedly writhing on her bed in a fit of sexual need. "I-I just thought...

2 years ago
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Summer of 55Chapter 13

I took Mary Ellen home later and she was all over me as I drove. She wanted to go back to the park so we could sit and talk, but I knew we’d end up naked. I owed it to her, myself and my family, as well as her sister Martha to keep my cock out of her pussy for a while longer. She finally calmed down and realized that I was right, she and I both had promised everyone that we’d do this the right way. When I took her home, Martha wanted to know why she was wearing the little black dress. “Oh...

4 years ago
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Sneaking In root story

This one is one you, dear reader. I started this story a while back (around the same time as the Gum story), but I don't really have the gumption to finish - life happens, you know. So, I'm asking the great Fictionmania community to help me out with this one. Below is the set up for how the story should go. However, I kept some of the details vague on purpose. This is where you come in. Could you please finish my story? I'm curious about how many different ways this can go. All...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Academy 06

Ned briefed Mrs. Smith regarding Emily’s sensual massage skills. Based on her performance, he would file a revised score of excellent and no added instruction was necessary. He shared her concern for the grading system’s lack of uniformity. First Emily, then Destiny had received unfair evaluation assessment reports. If the students supposed the grading system to be arbitrary, they would be disheartened from expending optimal efforts to improve. Mrs. Smith said the control experiments’ hotel...

1 year ago
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Masters IslandChapter 8

The huge red sun had set over the cresting now maroon ocean. I was leaning back against a palm tree fully satisfied with myself. Earlier I had been well fucked and now I had just finished a simple but grand dinner. I patted my full stomach and burped. I had come to realize in this paradise a man should focus on his basic pleasures. Later I continued to ponder life's great moments as I slowly wrapped wire about a razor-sharp metal shard I was mounting on a bamboo fish spear. The twilight...

3 years ago
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DannyChapter 7

"April! Move!" Danny yells. "I can't!" I struggle, but the kidnapper holds fast. Danny holds the gun in one hand, and then grabs the kidnapper's hand that holds me fast and jerks it off my arm and snaps it. I hear a crack. Then Danny grabs my arm and pulls me out of our kidnapper's grasp. He holds me to him with one arm, and then holds the gun out at arm's length towards the kidnapper, with it directed straight at him. I wrap my arms around his waist. "It's okay, I got you," he...

1 year ago
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Bambis Run

Bambi's Run Andy had never seen such an upper class suburban community before, and Bambi's Run housing tract probably was the most upscale suburban housing could get. Every large Southern California mansion style home he passed was gorgeously decorated and sported huge driveways, lawns, fountains, and the nicest cars this side of Los Angeles. Coming from modest backgrounds Andy had never even driven through an area this nice before. His dad's beat up 1980's Volkswagen came to a...

3 years ago
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WWE Becky Lynchs St Patricks Day Wis

Becky Lynch's night has already gone well. It is the night of another NXT taping and she has just finished competing in a hard-fought battle against Alexa Bliss where she walked away victoriously. With St. Patrick's Day only a day away, the environment in the locker room tonight is unlike most other nights.As the action in the arena comes to a close, several of the women are hanging out in the Diva's locker room - chatting to each other in what could be described as a slumber party-esque...

3 years ago
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My mom and we

Hi, i m rajesh from bangalroe. I m a ISS fan for one year and read all the stories regularly. This is a my real story. I am studying in 2nd year B.Com and I have a long family. At home we are 4. Me (rajesh)Mom-seema (42) sister Anitha (18). My mother is very beautiful and sexy. She has a good figure and her breast size is 38 c..I always felt attracted towards her but always was afraid to touch her.My sister is very innocent but beautiful.Once i came home from my college in the evening along...

3 years ago
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19 Age Teen Penin Kama Veri 8211 Part 2

Video call thinamum pesi aval kuthiyil mundru viralai vitu aata vaithu pundai ootaiyai en sunni selum alavirku perithaaga vaithu irunthen. Oru tharunathil neha ennai eppozhuthu thaan vanthu matter seivaai ennal moodu thanga mudiyala endru solinaal. Ipadi oru pen irukum pozhuthu avalai naam ooka vilai endraal kandipaaga veru aan udan aval oothu viduvaaal. Enakum ena seivathu enru theriyavilai eppadi aval veetirku sendru oopathu enneramum aval veetil amma irunthukondu thaan irukiraargal. Sari...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 57

~~Natasha~~ In the end, she couldn’t ask Matt and Art to listen to her. When push came to shove, when rubber hit the road, she was so swept up in the moment that she was reduced to a whimpering set of legs and a river of juices in minutes. But she was going to give herself an A for effort anyway. She smiled to herself as she washed Matt’s body in the tub. Maybe next time? In the meantime, maybe she could try doing a little more ... gate opening? Their gates of course, not hers. Hers could...

2 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolWednesday part 2

Back at Stetsen, Derek marshaled his forces. "Guys. Guys. Can I have your attention please. I need some help." We all looked up, and gathered as he beckoned: Meredith and I; Zach and Christa; Sajel; and even Jane, for whatever reason. Maybe she and Sajel had shared a 5th-period class. (I was close; it's Christa who's in AP Chemistry with Jane in 5th period.) We sat in the customary ring: Derek at the head, with Sajel at the next station around; directly across from Derek, Zach leaned...

1 year ago
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Sissy day care

I cried and beg mommy not to leave me behind but she was done with me not listening to any rulesthe Tall ebony lady holding my hand as mommy drives away''dont cry little boy , you will be happy here''she said tapping on my bubble butt as mommy left in he car''come here , i will present you to your friends''i was looking at 3 other little boys in a pool they all where wearing the same blue pale speedo smiling at me the new boy''hi boys this is Alex , alex is here to learn how to be a good boy...

3 years ago
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The Beginning Part 10

Changes It was getting late. The 3 young black guys just left with well spent black cocks hanging down their legs. My wife did manage to suck off each one at the back door before they left.I grabbed Karen and dragged her to the shower. I ate her out as the water was running on us. I then soap her up getting the cum off of her. She reached down and started to jack me off. “Come on husband. Fuck me doggie style like those young black studs did .” Karen said.I mounted her from behind and camed in...

2 years ago
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Becoming Mara part 2

Riding in the car my head began to clear a little. When I saw my reflections in the mirror, now complete with my very girly sun glasses, I was very conflicted. Part of me was horrified at how feminized I looked, and the other part wanted a nose ring and a helix piercing at the top of my ear. Part of me thought something was wrong and I needed to run away from Marcia, but part of me thought she was a goddess and I was lucky to be with her. Marcia asked what I was thinking about and I...

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Story of My First Sex

hi frnds i m rajiv gupta frm jaipur this story is basically for jaipur persons . this is my true story ab mai aapko sab hindi me bata hu ye meri pelhi kahani makar sakranti ke dino se start hoti hai jaipur me to sab jante hi hone makar sakranti kya hoti hai aur jo nahi jante unhe bata deta hu ki is din sab log patang udata hai ye jaipur me bahut dhumdham se banaya jata hai. to ab mai aap logon ko apani story batata hu doston mujhe patang udane ka bahut shauk hai aur abhi shayam hote mai roj...

2 years ago
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4 Tips for Getting Over the Mental Block to Eating

So, let’s say you’ve finally psyched yourself up to do it. It’s all you’ve thought about for days. The big night comes, you’re turned on, got your favourite porn going, you can feel the orgasm coming, you’re excited, this is it! You’re gonna fucking eat that fucking cum! Oh shit… IT’S HAPPENING! OH FUCK! Yessssssss, stream after stream of thick, warm cum shooting all over your belly in all its sloppy glory. You look down at it all, glistening on your tummy in the light. You scoop some up with...

3 years ago
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Lights Camera ActionChapter 3

On Saturday, when the other team members were due to arrive, Gabriella passed through another bout of indecision. Should she get dressed before they arrived or should she stay the way she was? Chris, whom she asked for advise, just said, "Why bother putting on clothes?. You'll be taking them off soon after in any case." The first one to arrive was Zeca, the cameraman. He looked at Gaby but didn't say anything. He was naturally shy and Gaby's generous display of her beauty made him even...

3 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 5

Weekends were usually pretty boring as well as a bit tiring for Bonnie. David always took the boys out for some father - son time, and she used that time to clean the house, change the sheets, do the laundry and make something special for dessert. Except for an occasional phone call, she could get most everything done without interruption, and she tried to get as much done on Saturdays as she could. David insisted that the house be kept spotless and everything put in its proper place, and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Naomi Bennett More Than Want

A pair of do me high heels are the finishing touch to Naomi Bennett’s evening outfit. Her shirt skirt can’t hide the curve of her ass when she sits, and the silky material of the dress is a pleasure to run her hands across. When she spies Nick Ross watching her, she beckons him close and smiles as he relieves her of the shoes while dropping kisses across her feet. Lifting her miniskirt to reveal that she isn’t wearing any underwear, Naomi falls back onto the couch with a sigh...

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The Cable Slave Chapter 3 Camera Lights Action

I sat naked on a chair in the middle of the room and listened to the instructions on the phone. I didn’t even think about whether I should obey or not. Being blackmailed was a good excuse if I needed it, but for me it was entertainment. I felt safe. All this was happening in my own house when I would have been bored and alone. Deep down I knew this was way more fun than watching porn on my computer or doing the laundry in the nude. 'We need a cover story for you so that your husband doesn’t...

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I was sitting enjoying my morning espresso at an outside table at Starbucks in Honolulu. Actually it was a Venti Java Chip Frapachino. That is my favorite drink. The girls at the store start making me one as soon as I walk in the front door. I guess I’m a creature of habit. I do get a few dirty looks from people waiting in line when one of the girls walks down the line and hands me my drink with a pleasant, ‘Good Morning Mr. Mitchell. Of course the tip may help. It was a typical Hawaiian day,...

2 years ago
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Another Bad Date

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn't be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can't seem to meet anybody. I'm starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can't find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking. Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me,...

4 years ago
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Bleach sister revised

Hello. My name is Karin Kurosaki and I have problem. Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister, Yuzu. I don't know when it started, but since it did it won't go away. We are both 12 years old, about 4'10”, black hair, blue eyes, and a chest that is just starting to form. It scares me, because every time I look at her now my heart skips a beat and I get these strange feelings between my legs, I don't understand it. I've never felt this way before and I'm not sure...

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After finally coming around from the affects of the drug Patti had given me and to sleeping that night both of us naked as could be cuddled and snuggled up to each other. I of course wake up early go into the kitchen having put my nightie back on and getting coffee and breakfast going for she and I. Sleepy head comes into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and goes and gets her a cup of coffee as we both sit at the table,...

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Dolled Up To Rock n Roll

Dolled Up To Rock and Roll by: Shawn Summers [email protected] I've always been a rocker, not that I don't love other types of music, too, but there was always something about going to a rock concert that had a special air. A kind of vibe that was hard to describe. Almost like an energy in the crowd connecting them to the band. Of course, I'd been to a number of shows over the years, saw some big bands, some unknowns and...

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