Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 9
- 2 years ago
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Beau decided to drop the bank robbery quest. By now, the trail was too cold to be worth following. If he ran across one of the men, all well and good, but he was not interested in a chase that was almost certainly doomed to failure. Therefore, Beau went back to his former routine of checking with bartenders and trying to be especially observant.
Two weeks after his delivery of the second robber to Higgins Run, Beau was riding east on the lookout for Jesse McFadden. A bartender had clued him in on this fugitive, and the lead looked good, so he decided to follow it up. McFadden was worth $150, so Beau could afford to spend several weeks actively chasing him. So far, the chase had led Beau in a great arc, first east, then south. It was as if McFadden was headed somewhere specific, but Beau couldn't decide where it was so that he could cut McFadden off before he got wherever he was going. The chase turned into a long one, and Beau was getting disgusted with the whole thing.
The next town Beau came to was Hell Hill Junction, so called because it was at the crest of a very long hill and a railroad ran up that damned grade for seven miles. It was the railroad workers who had named the place, and the name was very appropriate. This was the point where a branch line ran off to connect with the San Antonio and Northern RR. There was a small service facility located here because so many locomotives needed adjustments and/or repairs after the long struggle up Hell Hill. The service facility was a joint venture of the SAN RR and the Houston and Western RR.
Anyway, Hell Hill Junction was also appropriately named for the class of citizens it serviced. The place was full of saloons and brothels—the exact number varied as old places closed and new ones opened up. The word was that there was not a woman in town who was not for sale, at least the space between her legs. When trains passed through, which was three or four times a day, the conductor walked through the train advising the "decent" women not to get off, no matter how long was the wait. A restaurant in town offered a box lunch to the people stuck on the train so that the women would not have to get off.
It turned out that Jesse McFadden was due to meet six other men at a particular saloon because they planned to hold up one of the trains that stopped in Hell Hill Junction to change engines and crews. McFadden was in town when Beau rode in. Beau was making his routine walk through the saloons talking to the bartenders when he recognized McFadden from his picture on the wanted poster.
There was a small problem, McFadden was seated at a table with four other men, and they all seemed to be good friends. Shit! Five men were just too many to fight all at the same time. Beau decided to try the ploy he had used before of waiting for his man to visit the jakes and take him there. This seemed like a workable plan, so Beau bought a Mexican beer, he had developed a taste for it, and sat to one side of the saloon waiting for McFadden's bladder to start talking to him.
Dammit, three hours and McFadden had not shown any tendency to be affected by the four beers that he had already drunk. The man must have a bladder the size of demijohn! Finally, Beau's bladder could stand it no longer and forced him to the jakes.
Hardly had Beau relieved himself and walked out of the jakes when McFadden showed up to use the facility. After all, Beau was a gentleman, so he allowed McFadden to relieve himself before making the arrest. McFadden stepped out of the door, still adjusting his pants, when Beau pointed his revolver at the man and demanded that he surrender. McFadden raised his hands, and that's when all the shit went flying!
Beau was backing away to allow McFadden to walk ahead of him out to where the horses were tethered when a pistol shot rang out from the saloon door. Beau dodged one way and McFadden dodged the other way. Neither one had been hit, so it was simply a matter of regaining balance before either one could react to the shot. At this point, another shot rang out, obviously aimed at Beau, so he had no choice but to find shelter.
Fortunately, Beau was very close to the outhouse, so he jumped behind that so that he could no longer be seen from the saloon. Beau had seen a man standing in the doorway, but he had not been able to do more than glance at him. He did identify the man as one of those sitting with McFadden at the table in the saloon. Obviously, the man's intention was to lend aid to McFadden, whatever the reason might be.
By this time, McFadden had escaped to the corner of the saloon where he found a little shelter, but nothing that was really adequate. There was a wall at the other end of the little alley, so there was no way that McFadden was going to run much farther in that direction.
Meanwhile, the other three men from the table had also gathered at the saloon doorway, so the original problem of one against five had again reared its head. Beau was at a distinct disadvantage, even though he had in his two LeMat revolvers 16 bullets and two shotgun loads. He was going to have to reload while under fire, while an enemy could reload while his friends kept up a rain of fire. There seemed to be an impasse at the moment, so Beau took advantage of the situation to add two more cartridges to his guns. He now had 18 bullets, but he had the feeling that 18 bullets was not going to be enough. Such was the reputation of Hell Hill Junction that Beau knew that he would receive no help from the general public, though, in all probability, several would gather as close as they dared to watch the entertainment of the gunfight.
This was not getting the situation resolved, and Beau was afraid to let it get too dark for him to have good shooting conditions, so he decided that it was time to move things along. McFadden actually had the poorest protection of any of the antagonists, so Beau decided to concentrate on him, first. As insurance, he did lean out far enough to take a couple of shots at the doorway, but he was pretty sure that he did not hit anybody. Beau hoped those two shots would discourage anybody from the saloon from running out to try to flank him.
With almost no pause except to replace the two cartridges that he had fired, Beau switched his attention to McFadden and sent three bullets in his direction. Beau had switched his gun to his left hand to take these three shots. Beau had spent a lot of time in the Army perfecting his left handed shooting, so that he was nearly as good with his left hand as he was with his right. As a result, the shots at McFadden were not idle or wasted, but one actually scored a trivial wound. Mostly, this served to scare McFadden into slinking farther back into the cul de sac he was in. McFadden was no hero, and he exhibited that trait at Beau's first shots in his direction.
McFadden could no longer be seen, and his yelp of pain had told Beau that he had scored, though it probably was not a significant wound. Beau quickly replaced the three spent cartridges. He knew that this would surprise his foes, since they did not expect him to have a gun using metallic cartridges which could be reloaded so fast, nor did they expect him to have guns capable of nine shots before they were empty. These were a major and a minor advantage, but it was up to Beau to make maximum use of these two advantages.
As the saying went, "Time was awastin'!" Beau had to score a major coup very soon or the enemy might decide to do what they should be doing and all charge him at the same time. Beau switched his attention back to the doorway. He hoped to get a good angle by firing from the left hand side of the outhouse. He aimed as carefully as he could at the edge of the doorway. His idea was to catch somebody standing behind the left doorjamb for shelter, but not far enough to the side. He rested the gun barrel against the wall of the outhouse as he fired, expecting to get a little help from a steadier support. He fired off two shots as fast as he could cock and aim. Beau was rewarded by a scream of pain—there was nothing trivial about that wound!
From Houston, Beau had decided to head toward San Antonio. There was no particular reason for this choice, except that he had good roads to travel and there were enough towns along the way to make it likely for him to pick up a wanted man every couple of weeks. He did swing north or south of the direct route as the mood struck him, but he did stick to the generally westward course. He started running into signs of Indians, probably Comanches, as he traveled west, though he had not run into...
The shot rang out and Beau's horse collapsed from a bullet in the brain. Fortunately for Beau, he was able to jump clear as the horse fell so that he was neither injured nor trapped by the falling horse. Beau rightly assumed that the bullet was aimed for him, since the horse raised his head just as the rifle was fired. This was verified by a second shot being aimed at Beau shortly after he fell to the ground. This bullet sounded like it came from a Spencer carbine, but that was only...
Beau was so close to the Harris farm that he decided to see if he was still welcome there. Besides, he had another motive for visiting John and Elsie. Well, actually, he had several motives, but that didn't matter, the fact that he wanted to visit at all was what was important. Close in Texas is a very relative term. Beau had to travel a week to reach the ranch, and he was delighted with his welcome. He was a little afraid that John would resent him, but John was just as happy for Beau to...
With the weather getting colder, Beau wondered if he really should take up the career of hunting for poker cheats. That recent experience certainly showed that there could be money in the job if he could stay as lucky as he had just been. At least it would help to keep him out of the cold wind. Hell Hill Junction was certainly the place to find professional gamblers, so he decided to head back to give his new idea a try. One thing for sure, he had a good livery stable lined up to sleep in,...
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FAREWELL SOUTHERN BELLE His name was Travis. He was from California. Although he was good looking, he was short, chubby, and walked with a cane. He had low self-esteem and didn’t think himself anything special. He had semi-long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a goatee. He fancied himself as somewhat of a photographer. He grew up alone and never had many friends. However, the few he had loved him. Travis wanted more than anything to find true love. He lost himself in fantasies of finding ‘the one’...
Author’s note: DO NOT read A TRUE AND TRAGIC SOUTHERN ROMANCE until after you read part 2. Moonlight painted the humble bedroom a soft gray with hard shadows. The spring breeze brought the delicious sent of camellias and Confederate jasmine to the couple who lay on their marital bed. Ora Bradey roused enough to turn to her husband and rest her cheek on her right arm. The breeze was cool on her bare shoulders, uncovered by the soft cotton gown that barely came to her knees. It felt good...
I ran out of my rickety trailer to the white Dodge that had pulled into my long drive way. I climbed in the passenger side door but scooted to the middle. I kissed the boy with a crooked smile on his face in the drivers seat. He tasted of cigarettes and beer. I didn’t need to look to know he had a Coors Light between his legs. The truck roared as he turned back down the dirt drive. He took a sip of his beer and smacked his lips together. He drove with one hand, the other placed comfortably half...
Introduction: A FICTIONAL accounting of a guy who gets off impregnating girls, gets the chance of a lifetime. Go ahead and call me a sick and perverted bastard. But just remember, not one single living soul was damaged in any way during the writing of this story. ITS FICTION, PEOPLE!!! So, what was I supposed to do? I mean, there I was alone with the girl and all she was wearing was a flimsy pair of shorts and a tank-top that was made of the same material. Shed been sitting on the edge of her...
Please read ‘One wild night for a sweet little southern girl’ first or this is not going to make any sense. We sat on the couch talking about what a fabulous time we were having. I kept on looking over at Dave’s now flaccid cock. It lay there like a large snake. Dave caught the glimpses I was giving him. ‘You know Mary, It was so great to final have you after all the fantasizing I did about you’ Dave said. ‘I’m glad you liked it baby I said giving him a huge smile. I was having flashes of...
It was mid-June, around 11 a.m. and the heat from the southern sun was a scorching 102 degrees. I was on my way out the door and the phone rang, it was Danny. He told me he wanted to go camping tonight and asked me to join him. I thought about it for a second, ‘Danny, it’s blazing hot out and you wanna sleep without AC?’ ‘It’ll be fine Crystal, we can camp down by the lake. If it gets too hot we can take a dip,’ he laughed. I rolled my eyes and decided what the hell, you only live once.
It was 11 a.m. The sun gushed over the town of Clintonville, Mississippi.Isaac Singleton pulled up to the station and got out of his truck. The forty-five year old black man wiped his brow and reached for his cowboy hat. He paused for a second and looked at the sheriff insignia on his hat. He took great pride in being the county sheriff, an office he had held for the past ten years. Since the crimes in the county were few and far between, he spent most of his time assisting and helping the good...
InterracialMy name is Kammi and this is a story of a vacation my husband, Glenn and I, had taken this past summer. I am 30 years old 5'6" and 125 lbs. brown hair and brown eyes, 44D-24-34 with pierced nipples. It was a Tuesday afternoon and we were getting ready to go on a vacation in Knoxville, Tennessee. My husband Glenn and I had just finished packing the car after dropping off our k**s at their grandparents house and packed our bags in the car... my husband had me wear a tight denim mini-skirt and a...
It was mid-June, around 11 a.m. and the heat from the southern sun was a scorching 102 degrees. I was on my way out the door and the phone rang, it was Danny. He told me he wanted to go camping tonight and asked me to join him. I thought about it for a second, "Danny, it's blazing hot out and you wanna sleep without AC?" "It'll be fine Crystal, we can camp down by the lake. If it gets too hot we can take a dip," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and decided what the hell, you only live once. ...
Straight SexHey guys, hope you liked my last erotic tale, will be uploading Part 2 soon but for now thought I’d give you another one in the meantime. Hit me up on I had just finished with my exams that day when I left for the southern city of Chennai. I had to attend a family function and was staying at a close friends place. I’d never thought of her sexually but lately, our conversations on WhatsApp had pushed the boundaries of our friendship. We were always frank and I lately was missing out on some...
SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Part 2 Copyright Kristy Leigh 2003. All rights reserved. 3. "Last one up has to kiss a pig!" Lisa yelled. Squealing with laughter, the girls bolted over to the bars and clambered up the rungs in a tangle of hands, feet and elbows. Debbie claimed the first place by virtue of her superior athletic abilities (within the year, she would win bronze at the state gymnastics finals). Lisa and Jessie tied in second, although neither had any immediate plans to visit...
FAREWELL SOUTHERN BELLEHis name was Travis. He was from California. Although he was good looking, he was short, chubby, and walked with a cane. He had low self-esteem and didn't think himself anything special. He had semi-long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a goatee. He fancied himself as somewhat of a photographer. He grew up alone and never had many friends. However, the few he had loved him. Travis wanted more than anything to find true love. He lost himself in fantasies of finding...
Please read "One wild night for a sweet little southern girl" first or this is not going to make any sense. We sat on the couch talking about what a fabulous time we were having. I kept on looking over at Dave's now flaccid cock. It lay there like a large snake. Dave caught the glimpses I was giving him. "You know Mary, It was so great to final have you after all the fantasizing I did about you" Dave said. "I'm glad you liked it baby I said giving him a huge smile. I was having flashes of me...
ReluctanceI ran out of my rickety trailer to the white Dodge that had pulled into my long drive way. I climbed in the passenger side door but scooted to the middle. I kissed the boy with a crooked smile on his face in the drivers seat. He tasted of cigarettes and beer. I didn't need to look to know he had a Coors Light between his legs. The truck roared as he turned back down the dirt drive. He took a sip of his beer and smacked his lips together. He drove with one hand, the other placed comfortably half...
Straight SexFinally a two week rest I was thinking when I got up seeing Jackie’s car in the driveway next door.For the last two weeks Tina has been working me over doing things for her,day time projects and evenings doing her. I knew that Jackie would be busy today so it was my day of rest, or so I thought. I had laid around all afternoon watching the ball games on tv and was just thinking about what to cook for supper when a knock came on my door. “Jackie told me to bring you this” she said sitting...
I knew better.Martin, a man I work with, had invited me to come over and have drinks with him and his wife, Maya, many times. And every single time until last night, I managed to say no. But I guess my curiosity got the better of me. I suspected drinks meant so much more, and I was right. This morning my body aches like it never has, and all I can think about is going back for more. I was a straight, chaste girl going into their dungeon. But by the end of the night, I was eating pussy and...
BisexualNicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...