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Some things never change By Trainmaster Synopsis: A geeky tenacious boy, leading a Boy Scout troop on a 50-mile hike, turns into a beautiful poised young lady when the Genderwave overtakes them on the trail. Her (former) father becomes the emotional lightning rod for everyone on the hike, and finds out that changes of sex aren't as important as the things that don't change. My son Stuart was a lanky kid with a heart of gold and a determination to be successful at all he did. The other kids considered him geeky and some even tried to insult him by calling him "Sticks." Stuart's insecurities drove him to excel at everything. He didn't care what the bullies called him because he was so busy striving to rise above the negative things he felt about himself, deep inside, where no amount of parental encouragement could ever reach. Stuart was nearly 18 and almost an Eagle Scout. All he had to do was complete his last merit badge, and he chose hiking. That led him to plan a six-day 50 mile hike through the mountains. He recruited other scouts, eight in all ranging from three 11-year-olds to his best friend, Dennis, the assistant senior patrol leader, a rank behind and half a year younger than Stuart. He also recruited a group of parents to accompany them. Me, obviously, because I'm his father and I'd do anything to encourage him. Another scouting-savvy father, Leon, came with us. And two women: Cassie, whose 11-year-old had allergies but really wanted to participate; and Denny's mother, Karen, an Army officer and nursing supervisor at the military hospital. The first day out, we saw a flock of eagles. There must have been a dozen, some way high and several swooping low enough that we could see the individual pinfeathers of their wings. The sight was awesome and all the boys had their cameras clicking away. We did some stargazing each night, working on the astronomy merit badge several of the boys wanted to earn. It's amazing how deep into space we could see without the distraction of city lights. Then, one night, we had a snipe hunt, organized by Stuart and Denny. The boys played ultimate Frisbee every chance they got. When we reached the lake just over the pass, Stuart, Denny, Leon and I broke out our fishing rods and hooked dinner for all of us. The game department stocks the lake regularly, so there was plenty of great eating and we filled ourselves up with trout and fire-baked potatoes. Early on the third day, it was foggy and the younger kids thought the forest was eerie. Later, we saw a lot of contrails from some kind of high altitude Air Force maneuver. The streaks were parallel and very crisp until the wind came up and blew them into wisps. We tried to visualize cloud figures from them but there wasn't anything recognizable. It was one of the most relaxing vacations I've had, way out in the wilderness, with no civilization visible beyond the veil of tall trees. The cell phones didn't work, so we gratefully turned them off and hid them in our backpacks. There are things that never change; hiking, observing wildlife, gazing into the sky, cooking over a campfire -- and having fun. It doesn't make any difference whether they're in the backyard or 50 miles into the mountains, kids are always kids. With all of Jeffrey McDonald's allergies, Denny told Stuart it might be handy to have Karen's nursing expertise along. We were also concerned about the kids stumbling off the trail and hurting themselves. In the process of camping, we'd probably encounter cuts, slivers, burns, and other ordinary accidents. Or blackberry and nettles, bee stings, blisters -- the usual first aid things. What happened was something none of us ever could have foreseen. It was our fourth day out. We'd just stopped for a lunch break when we noticed something coming toward us out of the east. It shimmered and looked like a heat wave washing through the forest. It came so fast that we were paralyzed. As the shimmering wave passed over, I changed. One second I was a 40- something male and the next second, I was a woman. Just like that. No warning. My clothes adjusted with me. I felt a bra under my flannel shirt, which became denim, the tails knotted around my waist to reveal a middle-aged midriff. My blue jeans turned into cotton shorts, showing off female legs. I could feel different sensations around my body. My upper thighs were chilly without the warmth of my genitals. I could feel the fabric of my panties in a whole new way. My new breasts were weights where I'd never had weight before. My fingernails were long. My hair was curly and tickled the back of my neck. I suddenly understand beyond any doubt I was Tanya Henry. My Finnish- born great aunt's name had been Tanja and it made sense that I was named after her. My grandmother's maiden name was Henry. Somehow my history had been re-written and I was abruptly disconnected from my father's ancestry. Then I started to notice the others. Close to me was a gorgeous young lady -- slender, proportioned like a fashion model -- with delicate facial features and auburn hair tied back in a scrunchy. "Dad?" She looked at me, as the naming epiphany hit her, too. "You're ... we're ... my brain's flooded with new information ... I-I'm Linda now." She studied her slim arm. "I'm a girl. What happened?" "Hey everyone," said a burly imposing man with a deep frown, dressed in Army fatigues. "We need to introduce ourselves. I'm Captain ... well, a few minutes ago I was Karen Garner. Now I'm Glenn Cooper." Before the wave, Karen -- aka Captain Karen to her friends and staff -- had been wearing fatigues. Karen's son, Oren, an 11-year-old Tenderfoot scout, changed into Sybil Cooper. Her hair was tied into pigtails with pink ribbons. Denny was Diane Cooper. She hesitantly asked us to call her Dee Dee but couldn't explain why. Leon Wilson had traded his average build to become a chunky blonde woman with wide hips and braided hair who introduced herself as Marjorie Oberholzer. Her stepson, Lee Daniels, was Loribeth Miller. Cassie McDonald was a man named Bill Roth. He had a large bald spot and a beard that was turning gray. His 11-year-old wore a decorative armlet that said "Lindsay." Before the change, it had been a medical ID bracelet identifying the boy's many allergies. Bill's older son Morgan, 13, turned into Sissy Roth. "Sissy?" she challenged with her hands defiantly on her hips. "Really? Come on, guys -- couldn't you pick a better name, one that's normal?" "What do you want us to call you?" wondered Bill, looking confused. She thought for a minute and then brightened. "I like Sue," she said, shaking her ponytail. It took some encouragement to get one of the 11-year-olds to share her new name, Debby Kelly, or her old name, Billy Hanauer. He'd always been shy but now she was tongue-tied. Linda gave her a hug and she smiled bashfully. Eddie Noonan, a 12-year-old Second Class scout, was Suzanna Ramirez, starting puberty with a rebellious purple streak running down the side of her dark hair. Fourteen-year-old Joseph Collinwood was Melissa Hagen. Now she called herself Missy instead of Joey. Along with Loribeth and Sue, she held First Class rank. Whatever the agent of the change had been, in its wake none of us looked even remotely like who we'd been before. We ate our trail lunches in silence and the midday air was just as hushed and still. "We need to go," said Linda finally. "Whatever that thing was, it's still a long way to the campground." She picked up her pack and promptly collapsed sideways into the ferns at the side of the trail. She grunted with shock. As Stuart, wiry and strong, she'd always driven herself relentlessly. She'd insisted on carrying the group utensils and food, so her pack was the heaviest. As Linda, her body wasn't as toughened. "I'd better take that," said Glenn. "You carry mine instead." After treating her for an abrasion on her elbow, he helped her put on his lighter pack. He picked up hers with ease, adjusted the straps, and waved his hand to beckon us forward. Marjorie and I dropped to the back. "This is weird," she whispered. "What happened?" At a post-transformation rest break, Linda consulted privately with Glenn, drawing fingers around her map. Then she turned to us. "It's too far to the campground. We can't make it before dusk. There's a meadow about half a mile ahead, so we'll camp there tonight." After dinner, as the sun set orange and pink to our west, Glenn addressed us. "I don't know how long this will last. I really hope it's temporary and we'll change back to our own bodies when we get home. But for now, you're female and you have to deal with the realities of being women." It was clear from his face that his nursing training had kicked in. His first issue was to teach us how to take care of pee'ing and wiping ourselves properly. Then he had a bigger, more embarrassing topic for us older ones. "Breast cancer. Just in case, you know, in case this is ... uh ... permanent. You'll need to know how to check yourselves for lumps." He demonstrated to each of us what the self-checks felt like, and then guided our hands to do our own. His hand on my breast was an oddly fascinating, somewhat erotic sensation. The next morning, we packed up and started out. Linda's goal was the campground we'd forgone the night before. We'd hiked about an hour when we met a woman on horseback coming the other way, wearing a figure- hugging ranger's uniform with a Smokey Bear hat. "How are you folks taking it?" she asked. "Fine," said Linda. "Getting hot. We could ..." "No," the ranger interrupted. "How are you acclimating to the sex changes? Is anyone having any problems? If you need to get help ..." "How do you know about the sex changes?" asked Glenn. "Yesterday my name was Ben Underwood," she told us. "Now it's Donna Johnson. Everyone in the world changed. That shimmery wave ... the news is calling it the Genderwave. It went all around the world and no one escaped." We looked at each other, stunned, after she rode off, leaving little puffs of dust under the horse's hooves. Marjorie was not doing well. At one point, I noticed she had tears in her eyes. "I'm scared," she said when I asked why. "About the baby?" She looked at me, startled. "How did you know?" "I heard you throwing up this morning. It wasn't the food or we'd all be doing it. When did you find out?" "Beth had a doctor's appointment just before we left. She's been having headaches and back pain. Her breasts ... have been really tender." Marjorie lowered her voice as she cupped her own gently and winced. "So the doctor gave her some good news. But now she's male and theoretically the baby had to go somewhere. Congratulations. You should be very happy." Marjorie frowned. "Uh ... yeah. That's the problem. I don't want to give birth -- I heard that it's really painful." "Well," I comforted. "I also heard it's the most wonderful feeling when they lay the baby on your breast for the first time ..." "This whole thing is so ... so wrong." She pressed her hand against her belly as she heaved a sigh. "Why me ...?" "I'm pretty sure every other person in the whole world feels the same way." I looked at her and smiled. "Beth is going to be thrilled, you know. She's probably frantic about losing the baby." Marjorie sniffed hard. "I suppose." The Genderwave changed the dynamic of the hike. Linda and Glenn bonded as the co-leaders, planning together and consulting each other. I realized I was content to be led and not make any decisions. I wondered if I'd have the firmness to manage my staff when I got back to work, or if I'd even care. Lindsay wore a smile on her face. She had a spring in her gait that hadn't been there before. "I can actually breathe," I heard her tell her father. Dee Dee caught up with Glenn and they talked softly as they walked. At the next break, she rested her head on his leg for a few minutes. "Her period started," Linda whispered to me. "She didn't know what it is and it worried her." Even with the soft thud of our boots on the trail and the little creaking noises our pack straps made, nature was all around us. It was heavenly. The trail dipped down to ford a delightful laughing creek and then rose to give us a view of the valley ahead. The sky above was an amazing blue, the kind you get when there are no clouds at all. As we stood looking into the valley, we became aware of several long whistles -- and then movement on the rocks. Little brown heads popped up to look at us. "Marmots," chuckled Linda. "We've stopped and that makes them nervous." She clapped her hands and the heads disappeared. But after only a few seconds, they began to reappear. Soon we were all laughing at the rascals. "Tanya, can I talk to you alone?" asked Glenn in a low voice a while later. "Maybe you could give me some advice." "Sure," I said. We moved away from the others. "I ... I was so straight when I was a woman. Loved my body and had a really cavalier attitude toward everyone else. It's so easy to be that way in the military ..." "Now I ... I miss my female body. I want it back. I think I'd cut off every male part right here just to be a woman again." I started to answer but his mind was on a different wave-length. "Imagine what I'll look like after reassignment surgery? Ha! A butch dyke. Not even breasts can help me now. I'm paying for my selfishness -- God must surely hate what I did with my life." "Glenn? You were a nurse. You helped save lives. You spent your career doing the work of God, so how can you say God's punishing you?" "I don't understand," he said, tears streaking his cheeks and catching in his stubble. "How can I expect others to understand either? I might as well be dead." I realized he was serious. "Glenn," I whispered, "please, please don't do anything that will hurt Sybil and Dee Dee. They need you more now than ever before." At the campsite where we pitched our tents, Loribeth, Sue and Missy ran up to me. "Mrs. Henry," they asked. "Will we stay this way, like the ranger said?" There they stood, on the cusp of becoming women, confused about their new status in a world where everything at that age is already confusing enough. I gave them the best answer I could. "It will be okay. You have plenty of time to adjust." "Will we still get to be boy scouts?" wondered Loribeth. "Cuz now we're girls." I smiled. "Things are turned upside-down, honey. Yes, you are girls. But all the girl scouts in the whole world are boys now, so they'll probably just change the labels." "Do we have to wear make-up?" They wrinkled their cute new noses. My inner voice wondered how they would learn to be women. Who would teach them? All the people they should look up to as role models were now male. Were all the secrets lost? Even as I thought those things, I realized they weren't true. I knew I'd have no trouble putting on make-up. The Genderwave changed things so no one would have to tell me how. And I could teach the girls. "Do you want to wear make-up?" I asked. They looked at each other and nodded. "Then you can," I said. "You'll enjoy it." "Told you," said Sue, punching Missy lightly on the arm. "Now you have to show me what you found in your backpack." Sue whispered to me, "she's hiding some cosmetics ..." Linda rallied the kids. She had them unpack their bathing suits and sent them down to enjoy the river. The campground was there because the river widened into a beautiful shallow pool with a long sandy beach. Then we leaned together against a tall stump and watched. Finally I chased her after them. "Go enjoy yourself. Let yourself be a kid for the rest of the day." She smiled and patted my hand before heading to our tent to change. I watched her run across the beach, giggling as the water splashed around her. "Hey," called Bill, coming over with a left-behind newspaper. "There were two waves. One we felt. The other stayed over the Pacific. When they met up, there was a flash and everything about reality changed to match our new bodies." He handed me the paper. The article said that anything related to our old lives was gone. Wedding pictures, birth certificates, credit cards, all had transformed to be what we are now. I'm Tanya Henry, I thought to myself. There's nothing left of Anthony Williams, businessman, father, activist, scout leader. I pulled myself onto the stump and sat with my legs hugged against my breasts, watching the kids frolic in the river. At least some things never change. Copyright © 2012 by Trainmaster. All rights reserved. This story is a work of fiction. No resemblance to any individual, living or dead, is intended. Story based on Bob H's Genderwave universe. Copyright © 2004 by Bob H.

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The Return of Nevermore

This is the twenty-second story in my Legacy Universe and was written as a serial over a several month period. Normally, this is where I'd point out that the story could be read on its own, but in this case, it helps to have read some of the previous Legacy stories. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. The Return of Nevermore By Morpheus Part 1 It was early afternoon but Julie Matthews...

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NeverWorld Chapter One

NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...

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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

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Guineveres Dirty Little Secret

The sky looked like somebody had taken a white pebble board, masked it off, put some ultramarine blue in a thin wash, then dropped some Payne's grey into it. The close foreground of the sky was a dark and angry mixture of blue and grey; almost black, fading into a soft grey at the tops of the trees in the distant. The hunter green trees bled into the sky, creating an image of incoming rain in the distance. About a third of the way up from the bottom of the painting, silver over red greyhound...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 43 Katiersquos Neverending Desires

Mrs. Jackson’s pussy was a smoldering mess since her husband returned to England a few weeks ago. She paced around her bedroom and kept glancing at her phone. Last Saturday night Katie volunteered a shift at the soup kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a blouse as the sexy mother fought the feelings erupting inside of her as multiple men stared at her. Some of the vagrants complimented her as they walked past her about how nice she looked that evening. Their admiration...

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Betting On My FamilyChapter 21 Leaving Neverland

Getting dressed was harder than I expected, mostly because I was harder than expected. I’d never wondered before why so many young girls wore black tights for three solid months every winter, I’d just enjoyed it. But after squeezing into my smashing pair of forest-green leggings, I knew why. It was, by far, the most comfortable thing I’d ever put on. Sure, I’d needed to use an available pair of scissors to cut out a nice oval through which my unit could dangle, but aside from that, they were...

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Jenns CoverupChapter 3 Dinner at Guineveres

"Jenny; you need to call Tony Parmalee. Tell him we are taking him out to dinner tonight at Guinevere's." Jenny got out her cell phone, but wasn't at all happy at what she was being asked to do. Sammy had been a teammate of her husband's for several years. When Joe had retired, he was able to get a number of his ex-teammates retirement accounts. Tony had made a lot of money over the years and had a sizeable 401K worth several million dollars. Since her husband had been declared legally...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 9 Fishinrsquo In Neverland

Sam had planted an idea. Vivie was fishin’ in a different kind of honey hole, and she wasn’t after fish. She and Jennifer were sitting on a bench in a park, each with a bag from Subway. They were dressed down in faded jeans, tee shirts, and worn sneakers. Helva’s drones had indicated that the park was frequented both by runaways and pimps on the hunt for those runaways. Jennifer had started training in martial arts the day after she became Vivie’s dependent, and now was Vivie’s preferred...

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Awsome Sexy Nita 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I am a big fan of this site and I read stories here daily. This is my second part with my NSA partner Nita, happened 3 years back. First Part: Awaiting feedback from females in Bangalore and everyone at and Coming to the story.. I am Kumar working in a BPO, Nita too works for another BPO in same tech park. We became fag mates first and then it got into friendship and a no strings attached sex relation. I am 5.11...

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Somebodys Knocking

Somebody's knocking Author's note: This one is based on the old song "Somebody's knocking" a version of which you can find here: When I heard the knocking, I jumped, even though I had been expecting it. He'd been sniffing around lately, and I figured it was only a matter of time before he made a move on me. After all, I was a "tranny", and because of my gender issues I was alone, and lonely. He'd left me loving notes telling me he only...

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SRU The More Things Change

SRU: The More Things Change.... By Morpheus ([email protected]) Noreen McCormick confidently stepped into the mall, keeping an eye out for the special store that her friend at work had told her about. Noreen was 25 years old, with shoulder length reddish brown hair. She was slender and fairly well endowed, but certainly not voluptuous or gorgeous. In fact, she was a little petite, standing at 5 foot 2. Overall though, she was a very attractive person to look at. However she...

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Sweet Nothings

Jack was bending over into an empty display case as he refilled it with his signature chocolate cupcakes. They were the very ones that put him on the map and made it possible to open up his dream shop. Sweet Nothings was his pride and joy. The French inspired Bakery and Bistro has thus far been his greatest achievement. He could hear the distant ching of the cash register as he placed the last of the cupcakes from his baking tray into the case. The sound of money always put a smile on his face....

3 years ago
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Mom Said Things Were Going To Change

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is not one of my regular stories. You may not like it. I almost didn’t post it. Mom Said Things Were Going To Change Dad had left us when I was ten years old, then three years later Mom lost her job, and things were not going well for us. Mom’s unemployment insurance eventually ran out and things looked hopeless. We had an eviction notice and the electric and phone companies had sent us shut off notices. In a week school would be out and so would we. My...

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She had decided things were going to change

She had decided things were going to change........... She came home to find the house once again wasn't tidy, Her husband had been home all day and not made much of an effort to do any of the housework. Without a word She decided things were going to change around the house and in their marriage, things She would enjoy and benefit from and he would learn to live with, Oh he'll have some enjoyment, She thought, but he's going to have to work very hard for every scrap of it. She smiled to...

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3some With Couple Through Chat

Hi guys, this is my second story, this also happened through online chat, as I told u before I’m from small city called Karur; I’m Deepak, of age 24, after I finished my 1st encounter I have been in online for next encounter, there was a id called cpl so I just pinged it formally as I do to every ids. At the time of the incident, I’d recently chatted in many sites to get in touch with single girls & hopefully other couples to have fun. After few months of initial bad luck I came across a couple...

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Parallelalities II The More Things Change

Parallelalities II: The More Things Change By Bill Hart It was just last week that I'd watched that arrogant asshole Ron Westerly walk past me without even a hint that he'd noticed me. From what had happened, one might have thought, especially given Ron's reprehensible character, that the slimy bastard would have at least take a few minutes to gloat as he walked past. He'd stolen my girl Jamie Winters. He'd told her all kinds of lies and had others repeat those same lies to her...

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MAU Slayers The More Things Change

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Faith discovered that she isn't the first Faith in the Agency. She and Buffy caught two living vampires, while Faith struggled with the events of her imprisonment. MAU - Slayers - The More Things Change... "Last time you told me about the nightmares. Are you still having them?" the doctor asked her. Faith looked at the doctor, she was an older black woman. She was wearing a pantsuit and was probably somewhere in her 40s. "Yeah, not every...

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Game Changer

I’m in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren’t swingers but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved. She liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so Barbara kept it shaved. Again that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies came in...

Gay Male
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Game Changer

I'm in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren't swingers, but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved she liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so she kept it shaved. Again, that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies became in...

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Blackmailing Turned Out To Be Life Changer

Hi. This is Aakash Gandhi from Chandigarh. Basically I’m an engineering student and 20 years old. I’m a regular reader of ISS and thought of sharing my recent experience too! It’s very long story but I’m sure you’ll enjoy till the end. Coming to the story, this story is about me and my cousin sister sneha whom I can fuck whenever i want due to beautiful incident that happened in my life. We have a joint family and live under same house. In my family, i have an elder sister and mom. Both are out...

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My wife of six years, Shreya, was a marvelous lover. We had had two children, who were, at the time of this story, ages five and four. She had regained much of her voluptuous figure. Sex was fun. We tried new things. Even though I traveled perhaps five days out of each month, the days I was gone were rarely more than two at a time, so we had several passionate homecomings plus enough regular lovemaking to average about 20 times a month. We made love in the car, in the living room, in the...

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Things Change

Things Change By [email protected] This incident happened to me after I had graduated from college. I went back to visit my old high school, to bring back memories. I went to an all boys' high school, and my parents thought that I would learn more that way because I would not have girls around me as a distraction. But I still got into a lot of mischief because I liked to play practical jokes on both my teachers and other students. Sometimes this would end with me going to the principal's...

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498 oh Ian how things change

As expected Ian and Ruben returned suntanned and happy at about the usual time, they found her dressed and bright, in the kitchen, cooking a meal, Ian and herself exchanging eye messages and slight nods, that the lad had been, as usual they had a brew of tea together before Rufus excused himself and went off homeward. Ian off to wash up and change into PJ`s. The meal was served as he returned, and between mouthfuls she told him of the lad and the happenings including that this week she hadn`t...

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The More Things Change

As Nick Sparks stepped off the plane into bright Georgia sunlight, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive about visiting his Aunt Gretta and older cousin Milly again, for the first time in several years. He hadn't exactly enjoyed his summers spent here, for a variety of reasons to embarrassing to go into, but that was ages and ages ago. Nick was sixteen now, a young man with a cute girlfriend, cool haircut, and a mouth like a sailor that could easily bring his single mom to...

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Somethin Bad

Country queens Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert have just exited the Billboard Music Awards after a night highlighted by the debut of their new duet "Somethin' Bad." And Miranda has an idea to cut loose and have some fun in Vegas for the night before going back to their regular lives the next day. "Come on Carrie, it'll be fun," Miranda tells Carrie as they head back to their hotel rooms, trying to convince her bestie to go out on the Strip and have some fun with her after the show. "What...

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Lonesome Willow Ranch

Marina and I have been seeing each other for a week. I have learned about why she left Russia, seeking to make more money outside Russia. She is well-educated, but did not have access to a wide-ranging job market. Jobs in which she could put her skills to use are abundant outside Russia. She had a desire to see and experience the customs and traditions of a new culture. Russian men lack chivalry, they treat their Russian women with indifference or disinterest. Russian men are inclined to...

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Foursome With My Conservative Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello iss readers hope you were happy with my first experience which I shared in the previous story ‘foursome with my conservative girlfriend’. Pradeep myself with a usual and average looks getting to fuck two hot girls at the same time was surely a bliss…. Priya my girlfriend with the goddess body which made each every guy horny was truly the best any man could get but been a guy when I get a chance to fuck another girl how would I refuse….. As I said at the end of my previous story that...

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We moved to New Zealand last year and have not seen our friends Helen and Pablo since we left they moved to Spain soon after we left and we were looking forward to a visit. We are good friends back in England. Helen has been Joanne's best friend for years and both Joanne and Helen met Pablo and I within a few months, Joanne was talking to Helen on the phone just before we had sex the first time and as we all know women tell each other everything and I know Helen had a stroke by stroke account...

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