Mom Said Things Were Going To Change free porn video

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is not one of my regular stories. You may not like it. I almost didn’t post it.
Mom Said Things Were Going To Change
Dad had left us when I was ten years old, then three years later Mom lost her job, and things were not going well for us. Mom’s unemployment insurance eventually ran out and things looked hopeless. We had an eviction notice and the electric and phone companies had sent us shut off notices. In a week school would be out and so would we.
My mother was actually very pretty. She was thirty-four years old and had gotten pregnant for my sister Haley before her graduation from high school. She had me a year later. I must say that my mother looks wonderful in a bikini. I also get to see her quite often in her bra and panties too. Semi nudity was a regular thing in our house as we grew up.
Haley was fifteen years old and looked just like Mom…or at least her younger sister. Both girls had nice breasts, slim waists, and very nice butts. Mom let Haley run around in just her bra and panties too. They even had matching bikinis that were quite small and just barely covered their pussies.
I was then fourteen years old and still a virgin. Haley was not, at least according to her. She had a yardstick hanging in her bedroom and she would notch the next inch as a way of keeping track of her conquests. One side was notched for every cock that had entered her mouth and the other side was notched for every cock that had entered her pussy. Some boys had fucked her more than once but they still only got one notch. The last time I checked she had ten in her mouth and nineteen in her pussy. Mom had three yard sticks hanging on her bedroom wall. One was from before her marriage to Dad, while she was married to Dad, and since Dad had left. I was surprised at the number of notches on the one while she was married, it was full with thirty-six blowjobs and fucks. That yardstick also had holes drilled in the center of eleven of the inches. Haley told me that the holes indicated the number of cock that had been in Mom’s asshole. Wow! The newest yardstick only had a few notches in it. That meant that in the last four years either Mom had slowed down or she had let the same man fuck her more often. That was something that of the women in my life should learn.
The last night in the house was spent packing up our stuff. That was when Mom said, “Things are going to change.” She said a mouthful.
We threw our stuff in a rented truck that some guy in Vermont had paid for. Then Mom headed in that direction. Along the way she talked to us about just how much things were going to change. We would be living in some kind of gated community or compound as she sometimes called it.
Eventually she got around to telling us about the sex. She and Haley were to become surrogate mothers. Each of them was required to have a baby. Upon completion of childbirth each would receive twenty-five thousand dollars and be allowed to leave. I was to help conceive those children and many others. Mom and Haley would have to allow all of the men in the compound to try and impregnate them including me. Haley looked surprised and then questioned her as to just how many men she was talking about.
Mom smiled at her and said, “I bought us each three yardsticks. I was told that there were forty-seven men over the age of eighteen and twenty-six boys between the age of thirteen and eighteen…including your brother. So in essence seventy-three cocks will be trying to get us pregnant. Other than that there are many other women and girls for your brother to fuck, plus a lot of younger children.”
Haley asked, “What happens to my baby?”
Mom said, “I don’t know. All I do know is that we give birth, take the money, and get out of there.”
I asked, “Do I get paid too?”
Mom laughed and said, “You young man, are going to get to fuck a whole lot of women and girls and for that they will pay you ten thousand dollars.”
We crossed the state line and drove for another hour before we found the turnoff. That was one long driveway but finally we came to a gate with a man standing guard. He asked our names and opened the gate for us. I saw the gate being closed behind us and locked. Then he followed us up a hill into the compound.
Several men met and greeted us and welcomed us to their community. They told Mom that the women in the compound were naked at all times and asked her and Haley to get undressed. They seemed pleased and then they took us into the sex barn.
The head guy told us that there were underground tunnels that connected the various buildings together but that they were only used in the wintertime.
He pointed to a big center stage and told them to get on a bed. Then he told me to undress, get up there, and to fuck them both.
As I undressed I thought about which one of them I would want to loose my virginity in. I chose Mom. As I climbed between her legs I told her that I was a virgin and that I didn’t know what to do. She laughed and said that she already knew that. Then Mom helped me get my cock into her pussy and started fucking up at me. I caught on pretty quickly and fucked down into her until I had cum. Haley was next and she too helped me get it inside her pussy. She told me to slow down and make last longer so that I would enjoy it more. I did and I did.
After that I saw a lot of men and boys come out of nowhere and stand around the stage. There were two lines forming, one for each of them.
I was sent to one of the side rooms where I found a dozen bunk beds and twenty-four girls about my age waiting for me. They were all thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen and they had been waiting for me. Breezy the oldest girl told me that I had three days to fuck them all. She also said that after I had fucked one of them she was to go out into general population to service the rest of the men. I looked her over pretty well and whispered in her ear that I wanted her last. She giggled and thanked me for giving her a three-day vacation. Breezy then pointed out three girls that she wanted me to start with. I told her that I had just fucked my mother and my sister up on the stage. She giggled and said that she would help me. Then she knelt at my feet and started sucking on my cock. In no time at all I was fucking the first girl, cumming in her, and then Breezy sent her out to service the men fucking my mother and sister.
She whispered in my ear, “That bitch will have to suck the men hard and then suck them clean afterwards. I’m glade that you did her first. Now do her two cronies too.”
Breezy sucked the girl’s juices off my cock and got it hard for the next girl. Once the first three girls had been sent on their way the atmosphere in the room changed for the better. I got the distinct impression that no one really liked those three girls.
I was allowed to rest while they told me about some of their experiences at the compound. Most of the girls belonged to the compound, a few were like Haley. They explained that twelve-year-old girls were off limits. Then for their thirteenth birthday they took a bed up on the stage and got fucked raw. What a lousy way to loose your virginity. The girls said that their own father and brothers were first and also last that first time. Then a nurse would care for them until they could do it again.
Breezy told me that I was in the non-mother’s dormitory. Once they were pregnant they still had to let guys fuck them until their seventh month, then they gave blowjobs until six weeks after birth, and then it was back to normal except for breastfeeding their babies and changing diapers.
Breezy said that I could pick any woman or girl to be mine and to sleep with every night…unless that girl was already spoken for. So I asked Breezy if she was spoken for and she said no that her man had taken one look at my sister and chose her to be his, leaving Breezy free. I said, “In that case I want you.” She smiled and kissed me and then she said that we had to go to the head man and tell him of my intentions.
He was nice to me and told me that I had made a very fine choice and that his daughter was a real treasure. Breezy was his daughter and now she was my bedmate as he referred to her.
For three days I had to sleep with Breezy but fuck all of the other girls. I managed to get it done in the allotted time leaving Breezy for last. She was the best of the twenty-five previous girls, including my mother and my sister.
Breezy’s father had given me a score card that I had to fill out every time that I fucked a girl’s pussy, blowjobs and anal didn’t count. The first twenty-six were easy but then I had to try and fuck every woman and girl there at least twice a month. I could only fuck Breezy if I had accomplished my daily quota with other girls.
My sister Haley got pregnant in her third month and Mom got pregnant the month after that. Breezy was not that far behind Mom. Somehow I wanted to believe that Breezy’s baby was mine. However, in reality I know the odds were seventy-two to one in their favor.
We did not leave after their first babies were born nor did we leave after their second babies either, if that mattered.
Breezy and I are going to ask permission to get married and leave the Vermont Commune after she gives birth for the third time in three years. She is very fertile.
The End
Mom Said Things Were Going To Change
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