A Techno-Change free porn video

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A TECHNO-CHANGE by greyguy (Original submission) X-rated - Synopsis: Ken Grantham is disillusioned with his lot in life and convinced that he should have been someone else. While searching for his favourite downloads on the Internet one night, he comes across a life-changing computer program. Categories: Sci-Fi, magical transformations Author's note: This is my first attempt at a TG story, but I have been a fan of this style of writing for a very long time. I got the idea for this story from a few other stories that I read on the Fictionmania web-site, about computer programs that changed men into women (or similar themes). I liked this basic premise and decided to write a story along the same lines, but in my own style. You know what they say; "To steal an idea from one person is plagiarism, but to steal an idea from many is research!" I hope the readers enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I look forward to writing the next part (or parts). Part 1 - How Could This Happen?: 'Where had my life gone?' I mused one night, while waiting for my Internet service to connect me to the World Wide Web. Here I am, a late forties, plain looking, overweight male in a Civil Service job with no significant past and no real prospects for an interesting future. I was married to a very attractive Thai lady named Anna, who was quite demanding, and not so accepting of my inner desires and wishes, which we both agreed to keep secret from our three children. All my life I had grown-up and lived with the strong feeling that I was in the wrong body, that the Gods had played a cruel joke on me by making me a boy, instead of the girl I knew was trapped within my soul and constantly screaming to get out. While I had always been heterosexual as I grew up, I did experiment with boys on a couple of occasions, with no success. I discovered that I was not homosexual, but that realization did not remove the feelings that I should be female, it only added to the confusion. If I was convinced that I should be female, why wasn't I attracted to boys? As I grew-up I also experimented with cross-dressing, and discovered that I was only truly happy when dressed in a full female outfit, from shoes and underwear to a flowing dress or skirt. The sensations I experienced when dressed as a woman were nothing short of full confirmation that this was how I was meant to dress, in spite of the fact that my body did not fit the clothes properly. After I was married for a while I finally revealed my inner most thoughts and desires to my wife, which was not accepted very well at all. It took her many years and the spectre of a pending divorce for her to even consider my feelings on this matter. Eventually, she made a couple of concessions in our sex-life that were a major step forward in mutual satisfaction. You see, until recently our sex-life was mostly hit and miss, so to speak. Most times I would climax too early for her to finish or I would not climax at all, although she often did on these latter occasions. This often left us both less than satisfied with our love-making. Then recently, I plucked up the courage to go a bit further in fulfilling my fantasies. I would get into bed naked and cuddle up to my wife, letting my desire for sex be plainly known. I would initiate foreplay with oral sex on her and during this time I would remove her panties and put them on myself. Although she would complain a bit about this she came to accept it and allow it as our usual sex game. Gradually she would react to me differently during foreplay, and she would massage my male-breasts like they were a woman's. She would also suck and tweak my nipples which aroused me more. Coupled with the oral sex and usual stimulation we found a more mutually satisfying sex-life and she conceded the wearing of her panties as more and more acceptable. As much as I appreciated my wife's coming around to my fantasies and wishes a bit, I still felt unfulfilled as a man and more convinced that I was the wrong gender. I never ventured into the world as a transsexual though, because I made a hideous looking woman, even with a wig and make-up, which I tried once. So here I was, dreaming of what might have been and wishing I could be the recipient of a magical transformation, like the ones I had read about on my favourite TG sites. Suddenly I was brought back to the here and now by the screeching, buzzing and clicking as my modem connected me to the Internet and my service provider's homepage filled the Internet browser that I used. First order of business was to look on the Fictionmania site for any new stories. This was the highlight of my web surfing and a feast to my mind and soul. There was nothing better than finding a new "transformation" story to read, that would take me away to a new world where even the impossible was a regular occurrence. I would always look for my favourite authors and theme stories first. The best being Spells-R-Us, Altered Fates, Bikini Beach, The Great Shift, and Ourbros Medal stories, to name but a few, not to mention the many, many stories with no common theme just really good writing as their claim to fame. Next I would look at some of the porn sites that I frequented, looking for the regular fix to my sexual addiction, though I was not addicted to porn in the usual sense. I was not looking at porn pictures just for the titillation and as a stimulus to masturbation (which I admit that I did do sometimes). I looked at the sexy women with envy and lust to be them, rather than just dreaming about making love to them. A few 'Asian' sites were my regular stop first, then a browse around a 'Panties' or 'Lingerie' site or two. These latter sites were important, mainly because I didn't need full nudity to satisfy me, and sexy women in bikinis or lingerie were more arousing to me. I would usually day-dream about being a woman dressed in these brief, sexy garments. Last on my list was to look at some Freeware sites for some interesting free software to supplement my meager income. As a Civil Servant my income did not allow for the extravagance of full priced proprietary software programs, so I satisfied myself with many Freeware programs and ran my computer on the cheap. It was during my regular search for new and interesting Freeware that I found myself on an unusual web-site and I don't recall how I got there. The Name of the site was "Techno-Change" and the usual paragraph or two of introduction, which I rarely read completely and just scanned for clues, mentioned something about "morphing" and "scan a photo of yourself...", and some other instructions. Thinking that this was just another photo morphing program, I was almost ready to exit when I noticed the words "...change your image to what ever you desire yourself to be". I was a bit more interested now, so I downloaded the software and installed it on my computer's hard drive. Everything went according to the usual installing process with a few strange message boxes and selections, so I accepted the default settings and waited for the results. In next to no time I had a new icon on my Desktop and a burning curiosity to see how it worked. I quickly clicked on the icon with my mouse and watched the program open a very elaborate but standard looking interface. There were strange symbols on the background but what appeared to be standard buttons and menus on the program window. One of the first options on the main menu was "Change Wizard" so I accepted this would be the best way to explore and clicked on it. The program opened a message box asking to "Select a current photo of yourself", and provided a browser type window to find the photo on one of the computer's drives. I selected an otherwise unimpressive photo of myself at a party with a drink raised in my hand and saluting "cheers" at the camera. Once that photo was locked into the "Before" window on the left of the Change Wizard's next screen, another message box asked me to "Select your desired output image". This part was much harder because I had literally dozens of photos of potential change subjects, women that I would change places with in the blink of an eye and all of whom were very attractive and sexy (most of them dressed in bikinis or in various stages of being undressed). But after some deliberation I selected a Japanese girl aged about 18 or 19 years old with what I thought was the perfect appearance and figure. The photo didn't have a name on it, just a number, so it was easier to think of her as an image of beauty rather than a real person. She had silky straight black hair that came just to her shoulders, classic almond eyes, a small cute nose and full lips, all framed in an oval face. She appeared to be about 5'6" tall with a slender (but not skinny) build and physical assets to die for. Her breasts were a small but pert B-cup size with medium sized nipples that stood out from aureoles that were about twice the diameter of the nipples. Her waist curved inward just right and her stomach had a slight roundness to it that was sexy and very appealing. Her hips were curved and proportionally perfect to her body, a hint of wispy pubic hair grew thicker as it descended into her demurely hidden crotch, and her long legs finished the image to create my ideal woman. Once I had chosen this raven-haired Asian beauty, I didn't hesitate to select her for my output image, then I clicked on the OK button. After a few seconds of processing time a test button appeared in the centre of the screen, so I clicked on this button also. The vision that greeted me was enough to take my breath away. A small morphing video clip appeared in the centre of the program and went from my usual appearance to my vision of perfection, my "Asian delight". I was so captivated with the imagery that I must have clicked on the "Repeat" button at least a dozen times or more, never getting tired of the way it transformed my photo into that of my ideal woman. But it was getting late, about 1:30am. My wife and children had long since gone to bed and I need to get at least a few of hours sleep if I was going to cope with my boring job tomorrow (or today). I looked at the morphing video one last time, saved it, then looked for a way to exit the program. A message box appeared and asked "Do you accept the change?", which seemed unusual as I had already saved the video I had created. So wearily I clicked on the "Yes" button and was immediately hit by a blinding flash of brilliant white light from my computer screen. The white light seemed to pass right through me and I suddenly felt better than I could ever remember feeling before. Without any further thought on the strange event that just engulfed me, I switched off the computer, and the reading light in my study and headed for bed, paying little attention to the fact that my pyjamas were almost hanging off me now. I slipped carefully and quietly into bed, not wanting to wake my wife and have to listen to one of her tirades on spending too much time on my computer and coming to bed so late. I settled between the bed covers and as soon as my head nestled onto the pillow I was fast asleep. The electronic buzzing of my alarm clock shocked me awake, as usual, and I reach to turn off the annoying, droning din. I reach out, but I miss the clock and it takes a second further reach to make contact. This seems strange because I don't remember moving the clock last night, but I just shrug it off and slowly climb out of bed. The next oddity is the strange brushing feeling I get on my shoulders and the tugging sensation I feel on my chest as I get up. Two new experiences together, though still not enough to wake me fully as I stumble toward the private bathroom just off our bedroom. Standing in front of the mirror I look at the image of beauty before me, my "Asian delight", the woman of my dreams, and suddenly I am shocked into full realization that this is my reflection. At first I do the usual and look over my shoulder, thinking that this beauty is standing behind me, and giving no credence to the fact that my own male image is nowhere to be found. Finding no-one else in the room I look back at the image before me and stand frozen to the spot. I don't know how long I stood staring into the mirror, but the next thing I know my wife is standing behind me screaming "Who the hell are you? And where is Ken?" I immediately step towards Anna and cover her mouth with my hand to stop the screaming, then try my best to placate her enough to get a few words in to the conversation. I tell her that it is me "Ken" and that an amazing thing happened to me, but this does not seem to help the situation, it only drives her into a deeper shock. The next 10 or 15 minutes are spent sitting next to Anna on our bed and I am telling her things that only I would know, to prove who I was beyond any doubt. This appeared to have a calming effect on her though all she would do is stare and gasp for breath. All she said was "I have to get the children off to school. Stay here for now, I'll be back as soon as I can". I told Anna to telephone my work and tell them I would be off sick today and that I would be in touch when I was feeling better. Then she left the bedroom. For the next hour or so I stayed curled up in bed contemplating my situation and what I was going to do about it. As soon as Anna left to take the children to school, I got up and headed straight for my computer and turned it on. I opened the Techno-Change program looking for a reversal or "undo" button, but never found one, in fact nothing at all that indicated that the process could be undone. When Anna returned about a half hour later she found this strange girl (me) at the computer and all of her questions started over again. To help her understand I showed her the Techno-Change program, plus the original photos I used in the process. I explained that I thought it was only an amusing graphics program, and never thought it could really change people, especially such dramatic changes. As this was Anna's regular day to help out at the local nursing home, and she said that she need some time to think, she changed her clothes and headed for the front door. Before she left she turned and asked "What are you going to do?" "Just stay out of sight and hope this wears of with time" I replied, though I think my tone of voice gave away the feeling that I was stuck like this whether I liked it or not. When Anna left, I again sat quietly and started to consider my situation, though a little exploration and experimentation was not out of the question while I waited for her to return. The first thing I did was to go back to our bedroom and stand in front of the full length mirror and look at myself. I was the Asian beauty from the photo in every sense, as far as I could see, so I decided to look more carefully at the changes. I removed the T-shirt and boxer shorts that I usually wore as pyjamas and looked closer at the form before me. I was every bit the perfect Asian woman I had desired for so long and I reached out to touch what I saw in the mirror. First I lightly brushed my now delicate hands across my breasts and was rewarded with an electric sensation that radiated through my new body and hardened my nipples instantly. The feeling took my breath away and sent a shiver through my vagina. Immediately I lowered one hand to my crotch and let my fingers play through my soft pubic hair, exploring deeper until they found the folds of my womanhood. I fell back on the bed and let my fingers caress the inner walls of my vagina, then slipped up until they found my clitoris and began stroking it to a mind-blowing orgasm. While one hand tweaked and caressed my left breast and nipple, the other hand delved deeper into my crotch and I was rewarded with a second orgasm, even more intense than the first. As I lay panting on the bed, I wondered what it would be like to dress as a woman and finally have the clothes fit properly, so I got up and headed for the shower to remove the sweat and juices of my experimentation. It took all my self-control trying not to masturbate in the shower, but that was a battle I lost quicker than the blink of an eye, reaching another knee-buckling orgasm in a relatively short time. After I washed and dried myself I headed for my wife's clothes, and in particular her lingerie draw first of all. I looked into the drawer with the same expression that I imagine Ali-Baba had when he saw the treasure cave of the 40 thieves for the first time. A treasure trove of lace and silky fabrics was laid out before me and all of it was mine for the taking. I started with a pair of high cut white panties, that I loved to see Anna wear, and I pulled them slowly up my legs and nestled my crotch and ass into their silky softness. Next I chose a matching bra which I manage to put on properly as I had practiced with these items before, though I never had the sensation of such a perfect fit before. I stood and looked in the mirror for a while drinking in the new look and feel of this body clad in such fine underwear. Reluctantly I forced my gaze from the mirror and back to the drawer to choose a white full slip and white pantyhose to finish the under-garments, though I was not quite prepared for the sensation both items gave me as I put them on. The swish of the full slip over the panties and pantyhose was as wonderful a feeling as I could ever imaging. A truly feminine feeling and a girlie sensation that most woman must be used to or take for granted, but I was relishing every second of this awakening of my new soul. I finished the outfit with a flowing cream summer dress and white strap-on sandals, then stood back to drink in the vision before me. It was perfection clad in a beautiful outfit, ready to face the world... but at this point in time I was not ready to venture outside in case I changed back suddenly in public, and was humiliated beyond belief. I contented myself with walking around the house for a few hours getting used to the wonderful feeling of the clothes I wore, until Anna came home and caught me in her things. At first she seemed angry, then she calmed and agreed that her clothes were appropriate until we found out how to change me back... if in fact we could change me back. I explained to her how I was unsuccessful with the Techno-Change program and bewildered at what to do next, and all she could suggest is that we sleep on it tonight and hope tomorrow everything was back to normal. We agreed that I would stay out of sight and quiet in our bedroom for the rest of the evening, so our children would not see me like this, and she told them that I had to go up country to see my ailing mother on short notice and would be back later next week. This story should satisfy them for a few days at least, and give us time to prepare a more plausible version of why Daddy was not around. Anna smuggled food and refreshment for me into our room, and to my delight she brought a bottle of Tequila with some salt and lemon, my favourite way of relieving tension. As tomorrow was Saturday, a few drinks and a sleep-in was not out of the ordinary for us. The children usually got up and made their own breakfasts on the weekend, then went off with their friends at the speed of light, to play or shop or whatever suburban kids did on the weekend. Later in the evening, after the children were in bed, Anna and I changed into our pyjamas and laid back on our bed to watch some television and talk a bit about what had happened, though neither of us had any answers to that question. As we casually watched the box and threw back a few Tequila shots, we both started to relax more and more. I reached over and stroked Anna's face, saying "Its still me in here, you know. And I still love you". "I love you too" Anna replied, "but I am not sure how I will get used to seeing you like this, if you don't change back that is!" "Lets cross that bridge when we come to it" I said, "besides, I have some things that I want to try before I become myself again" I told her, then reached over and kissed her softly and passionately. I expected Anna to pull back and complain that she wasn't a lesbian, but she surprised me by returning my kiss with passion and an enthusiastic fervor. We embraced and kissed deeper, our tongues dancing with each other and sending sparks of electricity through my body. Anna's hand reached out and snaked its way up under my T-shirt, then quickly grabbed one of my breasts. She massaged it tenderly and tweaked the nipple, sending more electricity through me, until I thought I would explode. She shifted positions then lifted my T-shirt over my head and off, exposing my small but well shaped breasts and the nipples standing proudly out from them. Next Anna nestled down and took one nipple into her mouth and sucked with a vigor and devotion that was not always present in our usual love-making. She nibbled my protruding nipples, then licked and sucked them before shifting her attention elsewhere. Slowly she kissed her way down my stomach and used both hands to pull down my boxer shorts, not the most glamorous sleepwear, but comfortable. She revealed a pair of her best lacy, high-cut panties that I wore as a concession to femininity, or the truth be known, because I really love the feel of them. She continued to kiss her way down my crotch and nibbled and licked my slit through the silky material. Very soon Anna had the panties off too and was tonguing my vagina like a woman possessed. Her tongue paid particular attention to my clitoris while she let two fingers probe inside me to work in concert with her licking and sucking. It did not take too long for me to experience the most earth -shattering orgasm of my life. It was true what I have read and heard about; "a man's orgasm is centred in his groin but a woman's orgasm fills her whole body and soul". After a succession of wonderful orgasms we lay back on the bed exhausted, but I could not leave it there. Weak from the sex we shared, I reached over and removed Anna's plain cotton panties and matching tank top to reveal the beautiful body that I had always desired and worshipped. In no time at all I had worked my way down Anna's body with kisses, licks and sucking until I faced her womanhood. Taking long probing licks of her juicy slit, I soon found her clit so I nibbled and sucked it until she was bucking her crotch up to my face. She exploded in an orgasm that seemed to go on forever, but it did subside enough for her to wriggle around on the bed and get us into a sixty-niner position. In this, more accessible, position we made love for what seemed like hours and brought each other to orgasm after mind numbing orgasm until exhaustion beat us and we fell asleep holding each other closely and tenderly. The next morning I awoke late and alone in bed, and still naked from the night before. After a few minutes Anna came into the bedroom and announced that the children had finished breakfast and were gone for the day, or most of it at least. As she settled down on the bed beside me we kissed deeply and looked into each other's eyes in a way I could not remember doing before. I was the first to break the long silence by commenting on the previous night's frolic, "I never knew that you were bi-sexual. Is this a desire you have hidden all of our married life?" "If you must know..." Anna started to say, "I did some experimenting with a couple of my girlfriends when I was in high school, but I have always thought of myself as heterosexual... until last night that is!" "Well..." I said, "if I am stuck this way, at least I won't have to worry about a good sex-life. Last night was sooo good!" "And I think we can improve on that with practice" Anna said with an impish grin. For most of that morning we talked like giddy schoolgirls and made love with the intensity of women, but sooner or later we had to face this situation and make some plans to deal with our family and friends. What were we to do? How would we cope? And what did the future hold for us? To be continued... Find out how Ken and Anna deal with the changes in their lives in Part 2 of A Techno-Change titled "Where Do We Go From Here?"

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Techno CultivatorChapter 19 Release the Dragon

-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 20 Goliath

After this short greeting, Grace took out a little crystal clear gem from her robes and handed it to Jessy. “This is the testing stone. We only have two in the Clan, one of them I have and the other one is in Elder Jeng’s possession. Just hold it and pour a little power into it. It will change colour and brightness to show how far your spirit power cultivation has progressed in the barrier realm.” Jessy held the stone in her hand and looked it over. Then without hesitation injected some...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 21 Wrath

-The Lab- While Harvy and Skay busied themselves with the now unconscious Galtin on an operating table, James went to check on their new residents. He had intended for the two of them to come train with them today, but circumstances prevented him from properly inducting Fatty and figuring out what his deal was. Exsue, of course, had still been unconscious. To his surprise, they both appeared to be awake and were pacing around inside their rooms. The moment he opened the door to Fatty’s...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 22 The School

-The Lab- The laboratory had settled down rather quickly after this whole scene finished playing out. It should be said that James wasn’t just heartlessly torturing the man. If he was going to grant someone the element of wrath, then he wanted to make sure that person had the ability to contain it. If the emotional elements affected a person’s nature like he suspected they did, then the last thing he’d want is someone constantly angry at everything. To say that Goliath had passed with...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 23 The Auction

James was rather upset that everything had devolved like that. For starters, why did he react like that? He’d never been so touchy about such things before. Normally he would have just let it slide for now and make a note to take his own back later. Then a sudden thought hit him. “Oh no!” he mumbled. He then closed his eyes and entered his spirit realm. When he appeared in his realm, he started looking everywhere. He even separated his lightning nucleus and plasma whirlwind. After a while,...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 24 The Monk

Now would be a good time to explain how exactly they managed to achieve all of this in the 2 weeks since they built their auto-factory. Also, you’re probably guessing at how exactly those boards were floating around no? Well, let’s start with, how so fast? In truth, almost everything they sold had been assembled by computers in the auto-factory. Hell, after they completed the first couple machines Skay just programmed it to auto-manufacture itself, so the fuckin factory could produce just...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 25 War Council

-The Arena- James and Goliath were having a daily training session and exchanging some blows. James was like a blur as he shot forwards, released a few blows then flittered back like a gust of wind. To Goliath’s great consternation, James had recently been practising his control over two elements simultaneously. After some recent brain scans, they’d figured out that having an unlocked element that wasn’t building with the rest had been limiting him. After he found and acknowledged his...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 26 Battle of the Beasts

In the video projected on the wall, was the view of Goliath screaming “Incoming!” at the top of his lungs and Fatty firing an Arc Cannon as 30 huge black rhinos charged towards them through a field. One by one they fell, but some of them still reached the pair. As the few who had escaped Goliath and Fatty’s cannon fire hurdled out of the grain field, Fatty roared loudly and launched forward to meet one. It was like smashing into an immovable object as the massive horn collided with Fatty’s...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 27 The City of the future

For the next month anyone that could work, worked. The entire city was ripped up from the ground like an old tree and rebuilt. A wall 20 metres high was slowly raised around the city. Luckily the city had a massive reserve of grain, so anyone that worked was fed from the stocks. The Imperial Branch wasn’t too happy with that, seeing as normally all those reserves were sold to the capital city and if they didn’t get a certain quota, the Imperial Clan would jump up and down and probably have...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 28 Trials and Tribulations

As the day dragged out into night James recorded each person’s breakthrough experience. What he quickly discovered was that anyone with an abstract element had a different experience. Instead of just coalescing a True Spirit, merging with it and then breaking the Barrier, they all suffered what they described as a tribulation. From earlier research on regular cultivators breaking through, James had learnt that it was all basically the same. When you create your spirit, it requires an...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 29 Operation Endless Forest

Exsue started patting down his body while paying specific attention to sensitive areas and grabbed his face looking at his eyes then moving his arms around and tapping on joints all while asking questions. “Have you got any aches or pains? Headaches? Nausea? The uncontrollable urge to kill? A desire to eat human flesh? General hatred or disgust at the world or people?” As she fired off questions and poked and prodded him, Skay started to join in. “How long did your trial feel? Did you...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 30 The Quarry

-Star City- James was mulling about the city rather early the next day and just as the suns were coming up, he sauntered over to the south-east corner were the guild plaza was located. This area was a vast open square with a wide cylindrical job board in the centre. Every few meters the background colour of the job board changed and was titled after a different guild or faction. Surrounding the plaza were an assortment of buildings all bought and paid for by guilds that wished to set up a...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 31 All Threats Must Die

Now that the zone was cleared of beasts and James was out of commission, Skay as the Vice Guildmaster was forced to start making some decisions. While he set up a basic outpost around the Quarry, the Guilds got news that James had disappeared since the Mole incident. They soon started trying to play some political games and skirting the rules both in the Empire and in Star City. They were only lucky that Jasmine and Jessy mostly cleaned up any messes. Had they not jumped in to stop Skay,...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 32 Meeting Artimus

-Guild Branch- The Tech City Guild Branch, that was somehow being managed and run by ex-Lackey 1, now Overseer Gary, was far more impressive than in the past. It was a 30 story building right next to the biggest plaza in town, which also happened to be the Monolith plaza. It remained mostly empty but was manned 24/7 and still posted Jobs that needed doing. Most of the cultivators that lived in the shadowy side of the city got their jobs here. The entire third floor was just 4 walls of job...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 33 The Blink of an Eye

Seeing he’d managed to work up a response from James with that little play his subordinate just acted out, Artimus smiled and placed his tea on the ground next to his seat then crossed his legs and eyed James. “It’s rather simple James. You’ve only been here for 3 or 4 months, and you’re already achieved so much. You’re already running a city in my empire, you and your 3 companions have already stepped into true spirit realm 10 times faster than even the quickest cultivators in the entire...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 34 Mysterious Challenger

-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 35 Auction Day

-Tech City- Apart from the excitement of Ruff at being in a high-speed vehicle and his constant attempts to stick his head out the window while they travelled back to Tech City and supersonic speed, the trip back was uneventful. That is until they landed and the ground team on standby at the hanger realised there was a huge dismembered corpse in the back of the dropship along with the corpses of at least a hundred other dead spirit beasts. James called up Skay to come and take care of...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 36 Spirit Aura

With the day of the Brotherhood auction finally complete, life in Tech City returned as close as it could to normal. The city and guild had a huge influx of new residents, guild and clan offices, money and resources. A few factions tried to use their newly acquired equipment to infiltrate and capture members of the Brotherhood only to quickly discover that nothing they brought from the guild could operate within 10 kilometres of the city walls. What they also didn’t know, was that every...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 37 Forging 101

With the discovery of soul Pressure and soul sense, James now had a whole new element to consider in regards to his cultivation training. With that in mind, he once again secluded himself away in the HQ building and spent the next month focused on understanding it more, finding a way to train and focus it and discovering how it tied into spirit energy. After meticulous experiments and training, he concluded that he could only touch the tip of the iceberg in regards to spirit aura. He went...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 38 Pinocchio becomes a real boy

-Tech City- Having spent the last two months sequestered away from the world doing forging, James returned to surface only to find that the city seemed to have once again started slowly expanding. With the restoration of the monolith, the city limits had been restored to tens of kilometres as opposed to its previous few kilometres. Thanks to that, the outskirts of the city now had people buying up land and building homes and businesses. Golden grain was once again filling fields off into...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 39 Merging Spirit Realms

As the core of the Guild sat in the office, James finally opened his eyes. Unceremoniously wiping away the tear on his cheek, James willed it, and his guild seal appeared floating in front of him. Much to the surprise of the others, not only did the guild seal appear on the round table, so too did the incorporeal, ethereal form of Jasmine appear. She sat in a seizer position on the table and wore a flowing silk gown, making her only more enchanting than ever. That is, apart from the obvious...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 40 Off to the Capital

With all responsibility to the guild well and truly shirked, James now had the free time to ... well if being honest, not much changed for the first few weeks. For starters, James had long since shirked his responsibility to the city. He had given all of those duties to other people, namely Jessy and Jasmine. It also didn’t help that he was still affected by Skay’s death. The first few weeks were spent flipping between brainstorming for his future flying Headquarters and meditating alone. By...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 41 The Dragon Vault

-Dragon Vault- Deep in the underground of a world that spanned the distance of countless suns, lay a vast expansive cave network. This cave network stretched out and crisscrossed through the entire planet. It had caves as big as the entire planet of Ascension. In a shallow part of this cave system, far and distant from any other underground caves, was a relatively tiny cavern. This cave spanned only a few hundred kilometres and was carved entirely from a shiny black rock. In the centre of...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 42 Beginnings of a Conspiracy

James walked into his guild master office and sat down at his round table. Already seated and waiting for him was his other 5 sins, the 5 Ghosts and what he was referring to as a knight in his own mind. He felt a profound sense of happiness as he surveyed his people. The sins were the foundations of the brotherhood. Goliath of Wrath, Jessy of Lust, Exsue of Envy, Fatty of Gluttony, Kelly of Sloth and himself, James of Pride. Unfortunately, they’d lost their greed thanks to the strange...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 43 Master

Having fulfilled his purpose, James retreated to his Forge in the Lab. He had so much he was trying to focus on recently and decided to distract his scattered thoughts for a short while to work on a project he’d been putting off for a while. In the forging room, James stood at a bench looking at an assortment of dark stones. These were his space stones. After some careful investigation, he discovered that the pocket space inside a stone was not relative to the size of a stone, but rather to...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 44 War of the Worlds

The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 45 The Arena Upset

-Spirit District Arena- The third day of the arena battles came quickly. The number of competitors had been whittled down to only 26. Some of these competitors had managed to sneak into the top 26 only by sheer luck at having lucky draws from the box, while others had stepped into this position through a great deal of hardship. Of the 26 remaining competitors, 9 of them were from factions unaffiliated with a nation or super power and weren’t seed members. One of these people was the sword...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 46 Possessed

The arena was quiet and still. The growing invisible pressure was already at a staggering level. The spectators were sweating in expectation and excitement. It almost seemed that the viewers of this battle were even more anxious for it to start than the duo standing in the arena. James stood in a very relaxed manner, half facing Sword Girl, with his scimitar and pistol just dangling at the side. The Sword Girl lowered her stance with her left hand sitting on the sheath and the thumb touching...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 47 The Gears of War

The award ceremony that night was brief and uneventful. Hundreds of prizes of various qualities were handed out. Thanks to the numerous deaths of competitors both during the main competition and the ranking matches, a great many factions managed to step into higher positions and receive rewards beyond their capability to earn. The ranking matches were mostly just for the purposes of filling all the positions from 1st to 26th, which were the only individuals to receive any compensation for...

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The Changeling

The war had been long between the changelings and the Ventari, the origins of the war were from concern that the changelings were breeding out their species as they had done to the Clemon on their homeworld centuries earlier. The changelings were a genderless race that should never have been evolved or increased in numbers to the level they did. How they evolved is unknown, perhaps they were made as a genetic experiment but noone knows. They live for hundreds or thousands of years barring...

Mind Control
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She was the one who became the game changer

Cheating can be defined as an accident, unintentional or maybe intentional act. It depends on person to person and maybe situations are different for everyone. We can’t say until we go through the same condition and become the game changer. I was the one lady in his life and the only mistress. The guy I was married to was my high school boyfriend and the love that evolved over time can never be compared to anything. But maybe it’s time which leads you on a different path. We needed some space...

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Technocratic Episode 1 The Storm Begins

Technocratic: Episode 1 : The Storm Begins By Robyn Tom Turner paced his office restlessly. It had been a long day at the Techno Center. A long day of quenching fires, pushing paperwork, and filing reports. All the tasks they had failed to tell him about when he applied here, but tasks which took more time than doing what he loved: finding and catching technologists. Ever since the second half of the twenty-fourth century when technology merged with the arcane, the Techno...

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Technocratic Episode 2 Diving into Madness

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Technocratic Episode 3 Mystery Revealed

Technocratic: Episode 3 - Mystery Revealed By Robyn Identity is a difficult concept to grasp. What makes a person a person. What makes you the person you are? How can the identity of the person be changed? By surgery? By magic? Or can it? Tom Turner had heard that one's identity changed eventually to fit their environment. At least that was what all the transgender experts told him when he explained how he had once been a man. Unfortunately, Tom's identity had never...

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TECHNOSEXUAL By Dorothy StrangeloveHe was more than an ordinary man. He was far, far more than an ordinary man. One thought about the soft warmth of his skin and what lie beneath it made my heart beat faster and every nerve in my body tingle. I was sure as I was briefed on my latest patient my pupils had started to dilate but this was a busy place and no one would have bothered to check me for outward signs of arousal the way I was checking me. "He's a 20-51." My supervisor told me, "I thought...

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THE CHANGELING BY JANICE Part 1: My name is Glen; I was twelve year sold when I ran away from home and changed my life forever. My Mother and Father were both drunks and very abusive to my sister, Connie, and me. Connie is three years older then me. I had always tried to be a good boy for them but no matter what I did, I never did anything right, they were never satisfied. They wanted me to do better. It was...

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The Changeling

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