Maragana GirlChapter 19 free porn video

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Kim began her classes as a Danubian university student in the middle of January. She reduced her hours at the music store to her summer schedule, working only three days per week. She studied Danubian law, history, criminology, and the Danubian interpretation of sociology. Kim's self-confidence increased as she realized she was smart enough to master the somewhat difficult coursework in a foreign language. She was perfectly capable of studying hard and studying well, as long as she had a supportive environment and some help. Sergekt helped her with the history course, while Dukov and Tatiana helped her with the other classes.

Kim enjoyed the university environment, going three days per week with Sergekt on the trolley. She spent most of her non-class time studying in the university library with her fiancée and his friends, but she also spent time with Dukov's secretary or in study groups from her classes. When she was with her classmates, Kim was the only naked person in the group, but that seemed not to matter very much. Her notoriety as one of the lead singers from "Socrates Mistresses" helped her overcome some of the distrust her classmates might have had against a foreign criminal studying Danubian law in their midst. Her classmates expected her to pull her own weight in the study groups, but as long as she did, they accepted the participation of the "Maragana Girl".

One of Kim's first major projects was a comparative study of US and Danubian criminal law. Kim knew little about the US legal system and had to quickly learn, in part by spending hours on the phone with her sister Cindy. Kim had to learn enough about the US criminal justice system to be able to understand and explain it. As the research for her project unfolded, Kim realized the Danubian legal system was much more straightforward than the US legal system, and thus easier to understand.

The simplicity of the Danubian system partly resulted from the lack of institutionalized adversity between prosecutors and Spokespersons. A defense attorney in the US would not think twice about misrepresenting the facts to obtain an acquittal for his client, but in Upper Danubia it would be a serious violation of Danubian law for a Spokesperson to misrepresent the facts of a case or attempt to conceal evidence. Instead it was the Spokesman's duty to seek out mitigating factors that favored the criminal and present them in court. Kim's own case was an excellent example. Spokesman Dukov made no effort whatsoever to refute any facts or evidence, but instead concentrated on interpreting the information in a way that forced the court to give Kim a very light sentence.

Preparing the comparison project was a strange experience for Kim, because she had to study the US legal system from the perspective of a foreigner. However, to the US, Kim really had become a foreigner, because she no longer identified very much with the country of her origin. Kim's world was Danubian, and her perspective on life had become Danubian. Anyone who studied with Kim came to realize that, in spite of her foreign appearance, she really was not American anymore. She was a Danubian criminal, with an outlook that really was indistinguishable from that of any other female Danubian criminal.

The push to pass Dukov's reforms in the Danubian Parliament intensified in February. As the moratorium against corporal punishments passed, the switchings were starting up again and there were increasing incidences of sexual humiliations and other abuses. Public support for the reform had peaked, so it was urgent that its supporters act to pass the legislation as quickly as possible. Vladim Dukov had a secret motivation for passing the reform as well. Kim's friends were due to receive a final switching in April, and he wanted to ensure the excesses of the previous April's punishment were not repeated.

The officers of National Police Force were bitterly divided over the reform. Most of the older members of the police force, as well as some of the more religious younger officers, supported the reform. The majority of the younger officers, as well as most of the supervisors, did not. At first the proponents of the revisions had been afraid to speak out, but by February they were quite vocal and contemptuous of the reform's opponents. As a result the police split into two hostile camps that quit speaking to each other. During the final push to pass the reform Officer Vladik Dukov and his partner were under tremendous pressure from the younger officers, the ones who wanted to continue punishing criminals by humiliating them. They ended up spending their time with the older officers, ostracized by most of their academy classmates.

There were several mass rallies in Rika Chorna Province and finally one rather large rally in Danube City itself. Vladim Dukov addressed a crowd of nearly 13,000 people in the bitter cold of Danube City's Central Plaza, exhorting his supporters to defend Upper Danubia's honor and morality by treating criminals with respect during their corporal punishments. He repeated his familiar argument concerning the need to re-establish harmony in the country's legal system.

The audience then was surprised by an unexpected speaker; the disgraced ex-officer Malka Chorno. Before she got on the speaker's platform, Malka stripped off her criminal's cape. As she stood shivering in the cold, her bare body distinctly white against the old Parliament building, the ex-officer reviewed her own career and her abusive behavior towards the criminals she had punished. She sought to make sense out of her own attitude by self-analyzing her misdirected thirst for revenge against the people who had kidnapped and killed her sister.

"I did things to criminals I should never have been allowed to do, and I think ... had there been some restrictions in place, I would not have turned into what I became. I disgraced my profession, precisely because no one stopped me. I cannot change what I did, but I know that a standardized punishment regime will prevent other officers from following in my footsteps."

Malka Chorno's speech had more of an impact than anyone at the time realized. The sight of a frightened, shivering, naked ex-cop, repenting and pleading for legislation that would have kept her own behavior under control, persuaded several important deputies in the Parliament to change their votes in favor of the reform. As a result, the entire opposition party delegation voted in favor of revising the 1780 Corporal Punishment Code, as did about a third of the deputies from the ruling party. The reform passed on the first vote.

Vladim Dukov was the man of the hour. As he stood in front of his cheering supporters, he was awestruck at what he had accomplished. He had changed the course of Upper Danubia's history and forced the entire country to examine itself. Dukov was not an aggressive or proud man, but he had a strong vision for what his country should be and what it should not be. Part of that vision now had become law.

There would be celebrations among the country's Spokespersons and an apology from the assistant police doctor who had scoffed at the idea Dukov could change the country's legal system. There would be mandatory re-training for the National Police Force and a series of promotions and demotions. Now the others would have to treat Officer Vladik Dukov with respect, whether they wanted to or not.

In spite of everything else that would transpire as a result of his success, Dukov's most important task was to address the people who would be most affected by his reforms, the criminals of Danube City. The night after the reform passed, Spokesman Vladim Dukov returned to the Socrates Club for the first time in several years, along with his wife and his client Kimberly Lee. He warmly shook hands with the old owner of the club and looked around at a place where he had spent much of his youth. It had not changed much, to his satisfaction. The club was filled to capacity with criminals eager to understand what the reform actually would mean for their sentences.

Vladim and Maritza may have been respected public officials, but they also were ex-criminals in a club with strict protocol about equality among the people attending. Vladim and Maritza undressed and surrendered their clothing before entering the main area of the club.

It was a bit of a shock for Kim and her friends to see Vladim Dukov step in front of the club's microphone, as naked as anyone else in the room. At that moment Kim realized how deeply her Spokesman's experiences from own his sentence were ingrained in his brain. In the Socrates Club Dukov saw himself more as a fellow criminal than as a public official.

Dukov began by explaining what the reform would do and what it would not. He went down a list of changes, the most important being the prohibition against sexual fondling. There were other revisions, including a standardization of the severity of the strokes, more authority for Spokespersons to intervene to prevent injury, and a new restriction against switching a criminal more than once every 60 days. Other provisions included not allowing a punishment to take place outside a courthouse or police station. For example, criminals never again could be punished at a school. They could not be chained and forced to march down a street. Nor could they be struck prior to the formal switching, for example they could not be kicked or beaten on the shoulders while waiting to be punished. There would be no participation in court-ordered punishments by anyone other than police officers. The days of medical students and girlfriends toying with criminals were over. Finally, there would be a time limit placed on the length of a switching. No judicial punishment could last longer than 50 minutes, one minute for each stroke.

Dukov explained his goal to keep the Duchy's corporal punishment system intact, but remove the excesses. "My desire is that, from this point forward, any criminal will know exactly what to expect from his or her sentence. What the judge orders will be what you must endure. There will be no unpleasant surprises from the police, nor from anyone else. Anything not specified in your initial sentence is prohibited."

Dukov went on to discuss the only realistic alternative to Upper Danubia's judicial system, which would be implementing a system of jails similar to what existed in the rest of the world. Dukov explained why he thought jails were a bad idea, an opinion shared by everyone else in the crowded room.

Upon the conclusion of the Spokesman's presentation, there was a shout of "DOC-DOC VLADIM!" With that Vladim Dukov and his wife joined Kim and her friends at their table, along with the owner of the club and a couple of other older professionals. It was still a bit of a shock seeing Vladim Dukov as an equal in the Socrates Club. It was even more of a shock for Kim to see Vladim and Maritza dance together later in the evening. They were reliving their time spent as criminals, a full generation ago. Their bodies were aged and no longer attractive, but Vladim and Maritza Dukov looked perfectly at home on the dance floor of the old Socrates Club. They had returned to a world their hearts really never had left.

In time Kim would follow in Vladim Dukov's footsteps and take over his responsibilities. She would be a Spokeswoman herself, and hang her collar under a picture of herself and her future husband. Kim also knew that 20 years from now she and Sergekt, their bodies weathered by age, occasionally would return to this club and dance among a new generation of criminals.

The members of "Socrates' Mistresses", along with 12 song writers who contributed music on a regular basis and 6 others who contributed sporadically, found themselves increasingly wrapped up in their music as March and April passed. They had been performing so much at the Socrates Club that they were well practiced. Recording sessions were not that big of a challenge, since everything the group sang they already had sung in public several times over.

The group's first CD sold out quickly after it was released. The company scrambled to produce additional CD's and speed up the release of "Socrates' Mistresses" second CD. The music became popular throughout Europe and parts of Asia. For some odd reason the CD became particularly popular in Japan and Taiwan. Slowly, very slowly at first, the music began to make headway in the United States among people looking for something relaxing to listen to that was different.

At first the group's music was classified as "New Age", although that description was not really accurate. When a music scene reporter asked Kim about how she thought her group's music should be described, Kim simply responded, "The music is Danubian, that's how you would place it. It's not New Age, or Folk, or 'traditional' ... it's Danubian."

Eloisa tasked Kim to re-write five new songs in English. The task of translating the five new songs proved somewhat harder for Kim than doing the first four songs. Kim had provided the ideas for the lyrics of the first songs she sang in English, but the themes for the new songs had come from other band members. Still, Kim realized that Eloisa had picked songs that had universal appeal and would reach out past the cultural and language barriers that separated Danubian criminal society from the rest of the world. In the end Kim translated the five songs, practiced them late at night in her room, and presented the translations to Eloisa.

Once again Eloisa's sharp ears listened to the sounds coming from Kim's throat and assessed how well they sounded with the group's backup singers and musicians. In the end she dropped one of the translations and kept the other four, thus giving the band more songs with which they could appeal to English-speaking audiences.

Kim called the group's recording company to tell them the band had an additional 2 CD's worth of songs they would be able to record. The company responded by sending a team of recording studio employees and renting the best recording studio Danube City had to offer. The group's members spent the final weeks of March and nearly all of April recording one high-quality song after another, including the four English translations. Finally, one of the company representatives suggested that Kim sing a couple of very old English love songs that were hundreds of years old. The old English songs added two more non-Danubian songs to the music collection.

At the end of April the company's studio employees left Upper Danubia with enough recorded music to fill the two CD's Kim had promised. Later that year, a Hollywood producer making a movie about the fall of Gaul to the Romans was looking for music with a sad, haunting feel for the movie's score heard Kim's version of "That's all I'll ever be" on the radio. Intrigued with the song, he had a copy of the CD delivered to his office. As soon as he heard Eloisa's voice, he was hooked. He had found precisely the music he wanted for his movie.

As their music's popularity exploded across Europe, Kim's friends continued to live their modest lives in Danube City. The money from their efforts built up in their bank accounts, but the only person who was aware of that was Kim. Between their studies, their jobs, their personal relationships, and the restrictions of their sentences, Kim and her friends lived lives that were barely distinguishable from the lives of over 2,000 other criminals serving sentences in Danube City. They worked, they studied, and they fulfilled their social responsibilities to their families and future in-laws. They gathered at their usual tables at the Socrates Club in the evenings they were not recording, and they made love upstairs in the intimacy rooms. As criminals, they knelt in front of police officers and public officials, they shivered naked at the trolley stops, and they dreamt about July, when they finally could return to living normal lives. They were very humble, and very ordinary, people.

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Slow Erotic Seduction Of My School Sister 8211 Part II

Hi friends, continuing with my story let me confess one thing. My story is 80% true and 20% fiction. Events happened as I am describing here, and they were a pleasant surprise to me .i never believed that in one vacation I could be an audience and performer of a wonderful sexual odyssey . After arousing nidhi with my playful touch, I got the news that my parents are arriving soon from office and will be dropping us at our grandparents house for summer vacations as they are going to USA with...

3 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 10

Mak was only one of several scouts who ranged out ahead of the caravan. They wove from side to side, always picking out the easiest paths for the laden donkeys to follow. Even so the pace gradually slowed as the forest grew thicker, darker, damper. The game trails narrowed and were less frequent, cutting deep into the yielding soil. "We're coming to a river," Mak trotted back to report. "The ground is getting pretty swampy up ahead." Nurm brought out his map, laboriously handcopied on...

4 years ago
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Porn addiction

There seems to be a lot of online debate about whether porn addiction, or indeed sex addiction, is a genuine condition or not. As far as the UK’s NHS is concerned, though, these are looked at in the same light as other potentially addictive behaviours. The explosion of access to pornography has played a larger and larger part in the workload of sexual health practitioners - and, due to the health issues that can be symptomatic of it, it’s now treated with the same seriousness as any other...

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A DameChapter 2

When snow begins to fall in early winter, a man who has time watches the snow change things outside his windows. For a short while, everything is different and then it becomes something he recalls from another snowfall, and the winter landscape once again is familiar to him. As winter deepens, he looses interest in what is outside and becomes introspective. He recalls pleasant times in his life and remembers times when he felt the sting of emotions that were too strong to forget. ... and...

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Destiny Tales of the Scavenger

You wake up next to a pool of white and glowing liquid. The plants around you are a vibrant red. You jolt as you take in the environment, your hand dips into the pool and you begin to feel a sharp stinging pain. You jolt again and crawl your way away from the pool. You try and think about how you got here, but the only thing you seem to remember is your name. You strain yourself trying to think of your past, but end up with nothing. The only memory you seem to have is a deep and gravely voice...

1 year ago
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Verka Booth Wali Aunty Ko Choda

Mera naam Jimmy hai aur main Chandigarh me rehta hun. Mera email address hai ‘’. Ye December 2016 ki baat hai. Hmaare ghar k paas ek Verka Booth hai. Ek couple us Verka Booth Ko chlata hai. Kabhi Husband (45 yrs) wahan betha hota h to kbhi uski Wife (38 yrs). Uski wife ka naam Megha hai. Wo bohat healthy hai, mote mote boobs, bhari bhari Gaand. Use dekhte he kisi k moonh me bhi paani aa jaaye aur lund khdaa ho jaaye. Dikhne me wo saanwle rang ki hai per hai bohat mast.   Main har roz shaam ko...

1 year ago
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HotLegsAndFeet Amirah Finest Tootsie Moments Brunette Babe Gives Footjob

Sit back and relax, while we prepare some finest tootsie moments for you! Watch our brunette babe Amirah from Hungary giving a hot footjob in 4K to Thomas Stone! The horny stud can’t wait to grab his 4K camera and shoot another POV masterpiece for our valued DDF Network customers! Enjoy that young college babe and her endless legs in today’s foot and leg fetish scene. The brown-eyed beauty with small tits and a curvy ass loves playing with her toes and enjoys toe sucking and foot licking....

4 years ago
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Mamas Boy

I always knew my wife was attracted to younger guys, I just didn't realize quite how much until we started trying to sell our old car, which had been doing nothing but taking up space at our place for months.My wife, D, is 43, with a great body that she exercises regularly maintain -- she's experienced the normal ravages of age but, because we never had k**s during our 19 years of marriage, her body looks much younger than her years. Sure, there are a few more wrinkles around her wide brown...

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Wilmington Womans Club Ch 16

Chapter 16 Ah, Paris… and the Asian Girl Val was turning to say something to Joe when a warm, moist tongue entered her ear, quickly followed by the whispered words, ‘Follow me, and we’ll do everything!’ From the corner of her eye, Val saw that it was the Asian girl. There was a blush on her cheeks and her eyes were downcast. ‘I am Ling Lee, I am best headliner in all of Paris, I want you with me tonight.’ Joe covered Val’s hand, ‘Sweetheart?’ ‘You want me to go on stage with her, Joe?’ ...

2 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Again

It was just one of those nights, I guess. My boyfriend and I were in town and for some stupid reason that only couples know why, we started to argue. I can’t even remember about what the argument was about now, it was that stupid. But argue we did, and I watched with some dismay as John left the nightclub in a huff. I honestly thought he would come back before it closed and so I stayed behind, had a few more gin and tonics and started to people watch from the balcony. It was quite an amusing...

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SRU To What Degree Do You Care

SRU: To What Degree Do You Care? By: Emily K. Bryant [email protected] Copyright 1999 Any similarity in names or places mentioned in this story to actual real people or places is purely coincidence. This is a work of fiction. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. This story may be archived, with the authors prior permission, on free, no charge sites. You may contact me at the above internet address with any questions or concerns about this story. I've tried to keep this...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 952

This group is compliments of J& B. 1. Law of Mechanical Repair After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you’ll have to pee. 2 Law of Gravity Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe. 3 Law of Probability The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. 4 Law of Random Numbers If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal; someone always...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 9

Part 9 Mr Weasley appeared outside of Luna's house. He'd had a long day at work trying to cover the whole saga about Luna hexing the poor muggle boy. After knocking on her front door for a few minutes she answered. Mr Weasley's attention was lost for a moment when he noticed she was only wearing a towel wrapped around her. Her hair was wet and tied up. Her small cleavage was visible as the small towel left little to the imagination, with her milky legs barely covered....

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All My Birthdays Came At Once THE END

[/b]I sat totally depressed but then thought "what a weekend I've had, c'est la vie". The four glasses of wine virtually untouched,I picked one up, gulped it, and put more music on. I started on the second.Forty five minutes later, I had just started the third glass, when the doorbell rang. I was Christine. "Had to get rid of the lasses and I'm staying tonight. Just drop these bags off then lets pop to pub eh?" . Flummoxed i said “OK”. I was a bit pissed by now. We went to the pub...

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Jock Fucks Nerdy Wife

Newly wed couple Arthur and Eleanor joined a couple of friends Herman and Lester one night to enjoy a rousing game of “Settlers of Catan,” a board game cherished by nerds the world over.  Unfortunately their friendly game was disrupted by the intervention of Herman’s crass cousin Joey…Arthur, Eleanor, Herman, and Lester were all sitting around the coffee table in Herman’s living room playing “Settler of Catan” when Herman’s cousin Joey walked into the room.“My god, look at you nerds,” laughed...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Lauren Phillips Molly Little Undies Made For Two

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Codey Steele and Molly Little are arguing about whose turn it is to do the dishes. Charles Dera and Lauren Phillips try to deescalate, but the swap kids are pissed now. Molly complains about Codey leaving his cum stained boxers around and Codey bitches that Molly leaves her dildos in the dishwasher. Lauren tells them to get along or else. Later, the swap kids are arguing again...

2 years ago
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Attacked at home

Snuggled up and lying on the sofa, I rest my left arm over Nicks stomach. My head lies on his chest against his heart that gently beats against my ear, as his left arm pulls me close and subconsciously strokes the back of my right hand. We lay there watching a film, Im not sure what its called since Im not really paying attention to it, instead I just close my eyes and breath in the manly scent of his lynx deodorant and cool water after shave as they combine together to make a very sexy...

3 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 25 Intense Incest

If he had tried, Madhuri would have gladly spread her legs again for her teacher, Mr. Best, but he never tried. In school she dreamed of him and at night her dreams took on a more practical form as she imagined it was he, not her fingers, playing with her no longer kori choot. Ravi was having a similar problem. He saw the sexy temptress Leena every day but she would have nothing to do with him. Nothing except to taunt him about his impure sister, her loss of purity confirmed by the...

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The Retirees Club 11

"Somebody betrayed my trust, basically. There were some shenanigans going on. In more ways than one." I think she could tell that we weren't just a bunch of guys who liked to shoot pool and play cards. She said, "Do you remember when you said something about people not being what they seem?" "I do." She paused again, then said, "There's something you ought to know before we get too involved." "What's on your mind?" "Well, I am not exactly what you may think that I...

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Pauls New Start

Paul's New Start by Dr. Kelp Chapter One "Guilty !" My body numbed as I heard the verdict. I was sentenced to three years in prison, the maximum allowed for a sixteen year old. After I was removed from the court, I was taken to the judges chamber. As I sat there waiting for Judge a feeling of helplessness crept over me. I prayed that somehow I could avoid prison life and the horrors it entailed. I thanked God as the Judge spoke to me, he was offering me an...

4 years ago
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The Italian Job

Rico pulls me into the hotel room, this is the first time we have met, he pushes me up against the wall, his mouth closing over mine in a passionate kiss, his hands on my hips, then he cups my face and tells me im so beautiful in the sexiest Italian accent i have ever heard, he takes my bag from my hand and places it on the dresser, he leads me to a chair, unties my dress, all the time kissing my lips, my face and my neck, he pushes me down on to the chair telling em he loves my basque, loves...

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Hidden Bondage

We like to play games. We like to play secret games. We are the only ones who know we are playing the games. The rest of world, the people around us are oblivious to the hidden meanings, the looks, the gestures the illusions. False bravado, saying things that have double meanings, just enough for a stranger or a friend to look askance and wonder. We love making people wonder. 'Are they for real?' 'Did I just hear that?' It started when we discovered BDSM and formed a Master/slave...

1 year ago
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...


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