Maragana GirlChapter 24 free porn video

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While Tiffany was asleep Kim took the precaution of rummaging through her future client's purse, looking for ID's, cash, and drug paraphernalia. Sure enough, she found all three, along with some pictures of Tiffany with family members and some others with young women who must have been co-workers from Dirty Grampy's. Kim's heart skipped a beat when she came across some worn pictures from high school. There were photos of Tiffany with Kim and Susan, and another with a friend who had been killed in a car accident last year.

Kim confiscated her companion's passport, money, credit cards, her state driver's license, and her medical records. She put those items in her own travel bag, to turn over to Vladim Dukov as soon as they were in Danube City. She pondered what to do with Tiffany's meth pipe. She thought about keeping it for her client's trial, but then thought no, I'll just get rid of it. She dropped it in the trashcan in one of the plane's bathrooms.

The two women had about a 90-minute lay-over in Frankfurt. They got off the plane with Tiffany a bit disoriented and cramped from having slept curled up in an airplane seat for eight hours.

As soon as they left the plane, Kim immediately led her companion to find the connecting flight to Danube City. At the far end of the terminal was the gate for Griffin Airlines. She saw the familiar braided hair and traditional-looking dresses of the stewardesses, shortened and modified to accommodate the needs of their profession.

Once they were near the departure gate, Kim began exercising her new role in Tiffany's life. She ordered her former friend to go into a nearby women's bathroom. While Tiffany watched, Kim stepped out of her shorts and T-shirt, replacing them with a long skirt and Danubian blouse. Kim explained that she needed to be dressed somewhat more formally upon entering the Duchy because she would be acting in an official capacity. She then put on the engagement gifts Sergekt had given her: the wedding band, the griffin necklace, and the silver hairpiece.

"I would be greatly dishonoring my fiancée if I'm not wearing these items when I re-enter the country. By the way, one of the things I expect from you is an apology to him for the way you behaved at the café before we got arrested, as soon as you speak enough Danubian."

Kim then addressed the issue of Tiffany's piercings. "OK, you got the piercing in your stomach, the one on your eyebrow and the one in your nose. Any others?"

"No, that's it. I used to have one, well you know ... but I had to take it out when I started having customers at Grampy's."

"Alright, I need those piercings out. Take 'em off and hand them to me. You can't be wearing anything like that once we get to Danube City. They don't allow it."

"Kim ... fuck ... you don't have to be so bossy."

"Give me the piercings. And get all those earrings out of your ears."

Tiffany, a bit taken aback by the tone of Kim's voice, removed the piercings from her face and stomach and handed them over. She then removed a row of cheap earrings from each ear. Kim promptly threw the items in the trash. When Tiffany objected she commented.

"That part of your life is over. You don't need 'em."

Tiffany resented Kim's sharp way of talking to her, but there was much more to come. She was becoming agitated again, as the first symptoms of withdrawal loomed in her body. Kim was all too aware of the possibility her companion might break away and try to find someone selling drugs. In Frankfurt finding drugs was quite easy. Getting them for free wasn't. Tiffany suddenly began frantically digging through her purse.

"Where's my stuff!? Where's my money!?"

"I have your ID's and money. I'm putting them in your case file."

"You can't fucking do that! That's my money! You can't take my fucking money!"

Apprentice Lee, now asserting herself in the role of Tiffany's Spokeswoman, calmly looked her client in the eyes. With a very cold, knowing tone of voice she asked:

"Tiffany, why do you need money?"

"It's none of your fucking business! You can't just take my money!"

"It is my business, because I know why you want your money. You want one last hit before you go to Danube City. Just to calm your nerves. But that's the way it's always been with you, hasn't it? One last hit! Just one last hit! One last hit before we leave Prague! Isn't that what you said to Susan? One last hit? And for her it was, wasn't it?"

Tiffany said nothing, but her silence gave Kim her answer.

"There's not going to be a last hit for you. Not this time. You're done. You've stopped using drugs. You've already quit."

"Kim ... please ... I..."

"It's over! You've stopped! Now, we need to get on our last plane, and you need to get your ass moving!"

Tiffany was becoming yet more agitated. Kim decided to get her on the plane immediately. She pulled out her two faxes and showed them to the ticket agent. In Danubian she explained the situation with Tiffany and the possibility her forlorn-looking companion might start going through serious withdrawal on the flight. The ticket agent got on the loudspeaker to ask in Danubian if there were any military or law enforcement personnel waiting to board. Two men in civilian clothing responded. Apprentice Lee saluted them and showed them Dukov's faxes. The ticket agent opened the door to the plane, allowing Kim, Tiffany, and the two police officers to board first.

Kim ordered Tiffany to sit next to the window and sat down next to her. The cops sat in the seats behind. Tiffany was running her hands through her hair and fidgeting, but had calmed down slightly. She was very nervous, knowing a hellish several weeks lay ahead. Kim's next words did not reassure her.

"Tiffany, now that we are on a plane that's Danubian and there's two cops sitting behind us, as far as I'm concerned, we're in Upper Danubia and you're under arrest. Do you understand?"

Tiffany nodded.

"OK. Here's the deal. I now hold legal custody over you as your Spokeswoman. I'm not officially a Spokeswoman and won't be for several years, but with you I have been granted a provisional status. As far as you're concerned, the word 'provisional' doesn't mean anything. You will treat me as your Spokeswoman, and you will do what I tell you. If you make any major decisions, like changing you job, you have to clear it with me first. If there's a guy you like, I have to meet him and say whether or not you can go out. And I can have you tested for drugs when I want, which at the beginning, is gonna be at least once a week. If you don't obey me I can have you charged with insurrection. If I have any doubts about anything I'll consult with Spokesman Dukov. You also have the right to appeal any decision I make to Spokesman Dukov, if you think I'm being unfair."

Tiffany buried her forehead in the hands.

"Do you understand?"

"Yeah-Yeah! I understand!"

"The other issue is protocol. You need to address me as Apprentice Lee, always. That's my professional title, and they're big on using titles in the Duchy. When I get married, it'll be Apprentice Lee-Dolkivna. When I get my degree and my apprenticeship ends, then I'll be 'Spokeswoman Lee-Dolkivna'. There's something else, and this is going to be hard, but you gotta do it. As far as you're concerned I'm a public official and you are a criminal. That means when you greet me, whether it's to say 'hello' or 'goodbye', you have to get on your knees and touch your forehead to the ground..."

Tiffany gave Kim a horrified look. "You're fucking crazy! You're on a fucking power trip! That's why you got me to do this ... to..."

"No! That's not it! It's the way they do things in Upper Danubia and you'll just have to get used to it. I can tell you, up until three weeks ago, I had to kneel in front of a lot of people, because I was a criminal and that's the way things are. All I want is to keep you out of trouble and not have you embarrass me. If you don't believe me, then you can request a different Spokesperson. Now, let's get that issue settled, once and for all. Do you want another Spokesperson when we get to Danube City? If you do, I'll have you re-assigned."

Tiffany was silent.

"Do you?"


"No, what? How do you address me?"

Tiffany looked at her former friend and current Spokeswoman. Kim looked so totally different than she had looked two years ago, with her braided hair, her Danubian blouse, and engagement necklace and hairpiece. The change in what she was wearing, however, was nothing in comparison with Kim's hard, determined expression. The Kimberly Lee Tiffany had known in high school was gone ... completely gone. For the first time she really saw Kim for what she truly was, a Danubian public official ... and her custodian.

"No ... Apprentice Lee. I ... I don't want another Spokesperson."

"OK. I know you're about to start going through withdrawal, but I'm hoping it won't be too bad before we get to Danube City. By the way, I need to know what to expect. Is it meth or heroin that you've been using? Joe told me he thought it was meth."

"I've been doing both. You know, to control the binges."

Kim sighed. "Alright, once we're in the air I'll call the police doctor and let him know. I'm not sure what that means for your detox, but that's his job, not mine, to figure it out."

Kim was interrupted by the pilot welcoming the passengers and announcing the standard emergency procedures. The stewardesses took their positions and began safety demonstrations, as Apprentice Lee and her client stayed silent. Within a few minutes the plane was in the air and on its way to Danube City. The flight would be very short, slightly over an hour.

Once the plane was airborne, Kim pulled the phone off the seat in front of her to relay the information about the mix of methamphetamine and heroin in Tiffany's body. After she hung up she continued.

"It's gonna be rough for you and I understand you'll be saying things to me over the next few days you don't mean. Whatever you say I won't hold against you 'cause I know you can't help it. This is it, Tiffany. There's no turning back now. You're gonna be clean and you're gonna see your 30th birthday. It's over."

Tiffany tried to smile, but she was terrified of the commitment she had made, a commitment she no longer could reconsider.

The plane landed and pulled to a stop at the King Vladik International Airport. The airport was primitive, so the plane did not pull up to the terminal. Workers instead wheeled staircases to the front and back doors of the plane. Kim, Tiffany, and the two cops accompanying them walked with the other passengers to the terminal. Right outside the entrance Vladim Dukov, as well as his son Vladik and his partner, were waiting. Kim's temporary escort saluted Vladik, said goodbye to Kim, and departed into the terminal. As her nervous and forlorn client looked on, Kim saluted Vladik and his partner, who saluted back. She then presented Vladim Dukov's faxes. In Danubian Kim announced:

"Officer, I am entering the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia with the United States citizen Tiffany Walker, who has volunteered to return to the Duchy to face charges of marijuana possession, direct perjury, and indirect perjury resulting from offenses committed July 2, two years ago."

"Very well, Apprentice Lee, I am declaring your client, the American Tiffany Walker, under arrest for the crimes of marijuana possession, direct perjury, and indirect perjury."

Kim turned to Tiffany to address her in English. "OK, that's it. You're under arrest. Turn around because Officer Dukov needs to cuff you."

Once the handcuffs were on, Vladik's female partner firmly gripped Tiffany's arm, not painfully but with enough force to let the prisoner know who was in charge.

Once Tiffany was properly subdued and handcuffed, Kim saluted Vladik and made another for-the-record statement in Danubian.

"The United States citizen Tiffany Walker will require medical treatment for methamphetamine and heroin addiction before she is processed through the Danubian judicial system. I request that my client be placed under medical confinement instead of judicial confinement. Furthermore, I request that the National Police of the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia utilize the public resources necessary to conduct a full medical evaluation of her condition and to remove all traces of illicit narcotics from her body. I request that Tiffany Walker's medical needs be fully resolved before any judicial action is taken against her by the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia."

"That request is granted, Apprentice. I will escort this prisoner to the medical treatment center of the Danube City National Hospital and have her processed for medical observation and chemical detoxification."

Kim turned to Tiffany to explain in English what was going on.

"Alright, these two police officers are taking you to the Danube City National Hospital and putting you under the care of the police doctor. They'll have to test you to see what's in your body. I'll have to catch up, 'cause I need to get my bags and get our passports stamped. I gotta drop my bags off at Spokesman Dukov's office and pick up your police file from two years ago."

Tiffany was shaking from both fear and withdrawal, which was starting up in earnest. Vladik and his partner pushed her into a nearby squad car and they took off. Kim and Vladim Dukov entered Customs to get the needed stamps for the two US passports. The Spokesman and his trainee signed a series of certificates to formally declare Tiffany's entry into the country as a prisoner. Then they went to the luggage claim area and picked up Kim's two suitcases. Since they were not police officers, they had to return to Danube City by trolley.

By the time Kim and Vladim Dukov appeared in the hospital with Tiffany's paperwork, Kim's client was in a large hospital room with a large group of medical students. Kim realized from the noises coming from the room that Tiffany already was suffering from full-scale withdrawal. She screamed and ranted as she endured bouts of extreme paranoia and delusions. When Kim entered the room, she saw Tiffany naked on a hospital bed, with several students trying to control her by holding her arms and legs. Other students and doctors were standing near the door frantically taking notes and thumbing through reports or papers downloaded from the Internet. Tiffany was the first real case of methamphetamine withdrawal any of them had directly witnessed, which presented them with a real learning opportunity.

Kim winced at seeing Tiffany going through her personal hell. The Danubians believed in treating drug withdrawal cold-turkey, so there were no sedatives, just multiple hands holding her down. A couple of the medical students who spoke English were trying to communicate with her, but were making little headway.

Kim grimly watched for about an hour. After a protracted struggle, Tiffany finally calmed down, as her keepers nervously checked her vital signs and consulted their notes. Kim realized her client was about to crash again. She asked the old head doctor for his evaluation of Tiffany's condition. He responded by handing her a copy of the results of the medical tests. Tiffany had tested positive for high levels of methamphetamine in her body. She also had tested positive for heroin, as well as trace amounts of cocaine, marijuana, and valium. She later would need to be treated for Chlamydia and amoebas, as well as have some serious cavities in several of her teeth filled. He commented:

"There's quite a bit that's wrong with her, but fortunately it looks like we can fix all of it and she'll lead a normal life. Well, a normal life for a criminal, anyhow. She's not damaged beyond repair, and you should give thanks to the Ancients that you managed to get her treatment when you did."

The doctor handed over some additional papers and signature forms, along with Tiffany's mini-skirt, G-string, and t-shirt. Kim took the clothes, not really sure what to do with them. As a condition of her impending sentence, Tiffany would not be allowed to get dressed again until she was 55 years old.

There wasn't much more Kim could do for Tiffany that night, so she spent the evening with Sergekt. He chose not to go to the airport when he found out about Tiffany, knowing that Kim needed to focus her energies on her new client. Kim, hugely relieved that Tiffany was safely undergoing withdrawal in a supervised situation, finally decided to go home and change, then call Sergekt.

Sergekt and Kim greeted each other in the proper manner of an average engaged couple, using correct protocol. Sergekt kissed Kim's hand and then she kissed his. They did not hug, because hugging was something done in private. Criminals hugged in public and no one said anything about that, but Kim and Sergekt no longer were criminals. They were free citizens, and with freedom also came responsibilities and protocol. They would be a serious couple determined to be strict and upright in their behavior, and exercise "proper values" at all times.

Precisely because Kim and Sergekt had suffered so many humiliations and indignities as criminals, they were fixated with achieving respectability from the people around them, which was a common obsession among recently released offenders in Upper Danubia. Ex-criminals tended to over-compensate for their sentences with proper protocol and formal behavior during the first several months after their collars were off, an obsession that usually faded after while. Kim and Sergekt were in the first stages of their lives as free citizens, which meant reasserting their dignity was still very much on their minds.

As the long summer afternoon slowly faded into dusk, Kimberly Lee and Sergekt Dolkiv walked down the streets of Danube City. It was the very first time in their lives they were downtown together as normal citizens, not criminals. Kim had changed into a light sun-dress, while Sergket was wearing a loose-fitting traditional shirt and modern cargo pants. Kim was wearing the three engagement items Sergekt had given her the previous fall, which she would be expected to wear on a daily basis for the rest of her life, unless she was at the beach or exercising.

Kim talked about her trip to the U.S. and her feelings about having extracted Tiffany from her death spiral.

"It's strange how it all happened. In school she was the leader of our group. She was real popular and always got everyone to do what she wanted. You never argued with Tiffany, because if you did, she knew how to put you in your place. But, you wanted to please her, because she was a lot of fun to be around. She had real charisma and people really liked her. But now, she's ... just emptied out, maybe like a glass of wine that got tipped over. There's nothing there, except her addictions and a bunch of self-pity. Everything she was in high school, the way she got people to like her, the fun, it's gone. I'm confident the path of her life is to recover, but she won't be the same. I don't know whether to feel good about that or not."

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A Wish Unwanted - Part 18 by Limbo's Mistress A tiny smirk formed on his face, and those blue eyes narrowed just the slightest bit. "Magic?" Lee repeated in barely a whisper. "Are you talking magic, as in the wonder and mystery of life? Or more like ... Hogwarts?" My cheeks grew warmer, my heart thumping in my chest, as I suddenly felt like that coyote from that cartoon my parents watched as kids. More than once, the not-so-certifiable genius had allowed his haste to lead him...

4 years ago
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Santas Ride

Santa's Ride. This is Belle. This tale comes from Bobbie and Barry. Bobbie is doing the telling. This is Bobbie. I was cleaning out our attic and found a tale from Barry's past. Some how Santa dealt with a foe of both of Santa and of one of Barry's Great great grandfather's. Hi everyone and Merry Christmas. This is Bobbie Winston. Have I got a story for you. I was cleaning out our attic. I was also looking for the Christmas stuff. Ever since we were wed, Barry always insisted...

2 years ago
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Hot Surprise From Beautiful Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Hello readers! Welcome back! This is my second story and the continuation of the previous story. Before going into the story, I want to thank everyone who replied to me and encouraged me to write the next part. For all the new readers, read my previous story to get the complete context. This can stand out separately too. If you just want hardcore sex, you are in the right place. Ok, guys, let’s just dive right into the story. It was the most impatient 27 minutes of my life. Oh! I did note the...

3 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 30

We walked to our places at the head table to the left of King Marcus. I noticed that Angela was to the King’s right with Roger beside her. Serving began immediately. Jam and I held hands while he quickly blessed meal. Then, we ate. It was, as always, great food. There was light conversation during the meal. At one point, King Marcus leaned toward me. “You know that as Maid of Honor, you will be expected to toast your friend after the meal?” “Yes, Sire. It’s a duty in my country also. It...

5 years ago
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Manu The Motherfucker Becomes Mom8217s Husband

This is the story of a motherfucker, a bastard and horny sex starved mother. Hope you like it. Send emails to me at My name is Manu and I am 18 years old and live in Rajasthan. I am 6 feet tall and play football. My dad passed away last year in a road accident. Mother got a big amount as compensation and I live with my mother Sonia who is 35 years old. Mother is a small woman about 5 feet, slim but has a big set of boobs and nice ass. She looks like a doll and anyone seeing her would say she...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 221

Bill and his wives put their luggage in one of the Escalades, backed out of the garage and headed for the copter. Fred and Brenda, together with Frank and his wives, followed right behind them in another of the Escalades. The crew Sergeant and the trooper helped with the luggage. In moments, everyone aboard, the big engine roared and the group was on its way to Boulder, most now sipping hot coffee. Fred tried again to find out why everyone else was going, but Wainwright asked him to wait...

4 years ago
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A Snow Bunny

Working a ski tow in Falls Creek in the 'Year of the Raincoat' I began to notice a cute girl with freckles hanging around. She chatted with all the guys running that towline, called the 'Village Tow' because it served the Ski Village area. She was medium height with a red cap and ski pants that showed the shape of her backside. Her name was Cathy and she had a dazzling smile. She had a weekend job as a guide for tourists, so she was on the slopes every weekend. On the second weekend...

4 years ago
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Fun With Friends in DorsetChapter 3

Once the action had completely subsided, we all agreed it had been a fantastic evening and that we were all looking forward to more fun the next day. Louise and myself went for a shower to clean the several loads of cum from our faces and bodies. The guys all quickly got dressed and we had a final nightcap before it was time to head to bed for some rest. This brought up the question of where on earth everyone was going to sleep. Ron had two spare rooms. One which Sam was obviously taking,...

3 years ago
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From Queen to Sexslave

In a small land far away there were two warring countries eachbeautiful lands but both in need of a king. One had a very beautiful olderbut stunning Queen the other a handsome young Prince.Queen Raya, came up with a plan to help her take full control of her kingdomall she had to do was marry being that her husband the late King was very oldand had just died and few weeks earlier and now her country was asking fora new King even thought she wanted the thrown for herself she new she had todo...

3 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity To My Aunt Chithi

A warm welcome to all iss readers and this is my first story and I thank all the iss writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. I am ram,22 years old guy working in a software company in chennai. Give your valuable feedback on my email id Aunties and ladies in and around chennai and throughout tamil nadu who are in desperate need of sex and satisfaction can mail me at Privacy assured. Satisfaction assured. Details would be kept safe. After reading all the iss...

3 years ago
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SRU Writers Block

SRU: Writer's Block By Roy Del Frink Henry Higgins was a well-known writer. Well, I should say he was as well-known a writer as writers of pornography go. His tales occupied the pages of every adult magazine in the business - sometimes two or three in different magazines the same month. Henry's writing always came from experience. In the name of "research", he'd go out and have sex with six different women every day. And never the same woman twice, as he never wanted to deal with...

2 years ago
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Spanish MILF in the red bikini

Living in Southern Spain for a lot of years was a voyeurs dream. Fuck me there was wall to wall pussy everywhere that looking at bikini clad, half naked girls and women was just an everyday thing. After years of this a good voyeur like myself wanted a bit more!The wife and I lived in an apartment on a typical coastal Spanish golf urbanisation. Every apartment was virtually the same and each one had a balcony, some like mine on the ground floor had gardens. There was a communal swimming pool in...

4 years ago
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My Hot Bisexual Encounter With A Mature Couple

Hi, am Roy from Mumbai, an exhibitionist and love bisexual sex. Here I am going to relate to you a beautiful real life adventure I had recently had with an older couple.   I am into sales and have to travel a lot, recently I had to take a short trip to the serene town of Mangalore on work and least expect any sort of sexual encounter. But always expect the unexpected is my motto. I reached Mangalore about 3 pm in the afternoon and checked into a cheap hotel. From my room window, I was delighted...

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My First White Piece of Ass

You may wonder why I don’t write in ghetto jargon. I am most interested in stimulating intelligent white women. If you’re a guy, you just might want to skip this story, and wait for my next one, which is entitled “Why I Let a White Boy Suck My Dick.” * * * My name is Jamal. An Arabic girl I know rather intimately told me my name means handsome or beautiful. She was holding my cock at the time with both hands as she rubbed it against her lips. But her meat is a little too dark...

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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 17

The coach ride back to Ipswich, over two hours, gave Anh and Terry plenty of time to think and talk over what had happened to them. It's probably common for couples to talk around important subjects rather than plunging straight in, and they were no exception; they were half-way home before Anh squeezed his hand (that she'd been holding most of the way) and said; "Okay, Terry ... are you going to spit it out, or do I have to twist your arm?" He clutched at his chest. "Threats! Married...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 15 Compelling Desires

The successful launch of Ramon's collection was one of the happiest periods of my life. I was pleased to see Ramon get the deserved recognition for his talent and hard work. I was pleased that I had been able to offer him Lola for a memorable night à trois and I was looking forward to the promised rematch in Berlin. I'll admit freely that part of my happiness came from basking in Ramon's reflected glory. More pictures of me appeared in the papers, particularly one taken when Ramon had...

4 years ago
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Badboyye Massaging Her Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

I am BadBoyye (secret name). I own a ladies beauty Parlor. I live in Bangalore, in a posh area. Initially i use to work in other’s owned beauty parlor for a daily wage, some times weekly and some time monthly waged, depending up on my necessity. I am just PUC passed, apart from being well trained as a beautician, I am well trained in English as well by my owner, just because, i can understand his customer’s needs. I am very capable of handling 3 ladies at a time. i mean, i can beautify 3 ladies...

1 year ago
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Girl Party

 Kimberly and her best friend, Becky, were sitting in the local restaurant. And Becky was discussing the problems that she was having in hiring a male stripper. "Well, you know, Becky," the blond girl remarked, "it really can't be that hard." Becky laughed. "Oh, Kim, you can be so funny sometimes." "Why? What did I say that was so funny?" Becky grinned at her. "Oh, come on, Kim. You know, sometimes, it is hard," pausing a minute to render a funny quip, she added, "and it usually sticks straight...

3 years ago
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Solo Outing

Janet Ballion knew she was blessed and lucky. She was born upper-middle class, was surrounded by a great support system filled with friends and family who loved her. The college girl was also a highly intelligent extrovert. Her looks were alluring and the people who were drawn to her stayed because of her charisma. The list of why she was as lucky as someone who had a horseshoe and found a penny right before hanging upside down to kiss a stone in Ireland just kept going. Even with...

4 years ago
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My kinky brother

My horny brotherChapter 1Hi, I'm Shelly, divorced in my late thirties. My br(o)ther Mike is in his thirties also divorced. We found what we were looking for in each other. Although we're free to date we don't. We found what we sexually need in each other so what's the point in dating? I spread my legs and open my holes for my br(o)ther.I'm in decent shape for a woman my age. I have redish blond hair, green eyes. I have very pale skin with a lot of freckles. I have a very high sex drive as does...

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The French Whore

He walked over to her, stroking his cock, while he eyed her luscious, young body. She had gorgeous, all-natural D-cup breasts, with big, round nipples. She was tall, about 5'11" with long, shapely legs. Her ass was firm and her waist tight. She had the sexy, thin arms of a model and she was tanned from modeling in the sun. Her face was round and cute like a c***d but she was 26 years old. Her neck was long and slender, her lips full, her eyes green. He loved how her long, curly brown hair...

5 years ago
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Another Chance at Love

I was giving a lot of thought to this afternoon's appointment. It was my first time seeing a psychiatrist, and the possible repercussions were bothering me. I mean, sure, I had always been sort of regarded as "off-the-wall", perhaps unconventional, maybe "eccentric" even, but no one had ever called me crazy, at least to my face. For instance, I never thought of my little brother as the embodiment of world destruction. Nor did I see him as the Anti-Christ. He was a royal pain in the ass...

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Beauty and the Beast

Sittin' here thinkin', like usual, is a bummer. Been doin' a lot of it lately, sittin' on a bar stool. The thinkin's mostly 'bout women. I like women. Hell, who doesn't? Problem for me is they ain't exactly beatin' down my door tryin' to get to me. I'm the beast in the drama, right? So where's my goddamn beauty! Answer, nowhere I know of. But, I'm a realist. Like I'm sayin', pretty I ain't; hell, I got more in common with Quasimodo than Tom Cruise. When I was young, it made a...

3 years ago
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Double Date

DOUBLE DATE ???? DOUBLE DATE???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] ????...

4 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue LineChapter 6

The next morning, Ryan stretched and rolled over in her bed, but Brody wasn't there. She blinked awake and frowned, wondering how late it was and why he would have left. So far as she knew, he had nothing going on today. She took a deep breath, smelled food cooking, and smiled. She rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, then ran a brush through her hair and went out into the kitchen. "Hey. A person could get used to this." She leaned against one side of the...

2 years ago
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Land of the GiantsChapter 3

When Val came to the realization that Barry was now a man, her mind began churning up new plans for her sexual escapades. 'Maybe now, ' she thought. 'I'll get some satisfaction.' She wasn't displeased with the performances of Mark and Steve, but she was never quite satisfied enough after their sessions. And since she promised hands off of Dan, to Betty. She had to do the best with what was at hand. But now, with three cocks available to her whim. "Mmmmmmh! I can't wait till next...

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Hello i Am A pig

My name is Cynthia and most of you know only one side of me, the friend, mother and grandmother. Many years ago a different side of me was created, a side that I have kept hidden from most of the people around me. Sometimes I think that it all started from the time that I was m*****ed by my uncle years ago. Seems like I have been a very sexual being since then , but my sexuality and depravity grew and deepened over the years.I was a very sexually active teenager, sneaking out of my house and...

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Apni Chachi Ki Gaand Mari

Hi ISS readers meri age 24 years ha, our ma peshawar ma rehrta hoon. Meri poori life sex adventures se bhari hoi ha. Jb ma ne ISS site dekhi to socha k apni stories ap sab friends k saath share karoon. Ye story meri chachi or meri mutaliq ha meri chachi ka naam saima ha name changed age 33, unka rang bilkul gora ha height 5.3 hogi mote mote hont, ghanne baal, mast chaal, lekin sb se zabardast unke figures han. Unke boobs or chooter buttocks bhht bare bare han. Unke 3 bache han or husband...

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My first two women experience

Well I had to wait a lot of years for the experience to happen but it was worth the wait. A few years ago when the wife was still very sexual we tried out various fantasies, we tried the couple thing but much to my dismay I found out I could not get hard with another guy in the room so that didn't work, the wife was into a woman on woman encounter which she did with one or two but me being a horny old dog talked her into letting me watch. Imagine my surprise when returning from work one late...

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Cum in the conference room

After work one Friday, when I was feeling even hornier than usual, I wenthome, had a quick dinner, then drove back to the office. Several of us havekeys to the building, in case we need to work late, after regular hours. Ihad told colleagues I had a report I needed to finish that night, so ifsomeone drove by and saw my car there it would not seem odd, but it wasunlikely anyone else would work late on a Friday night. I let myself in to the building, then locked the door behind me. I...

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Life on Another PlanetChapter 31 Fantasy or Reality

Thursday, January 4, 1962 12pm The girls arrived together precisely at noon the next day. Jesse was still confused about how this shared girlfriend-boyfriend thing was supposed to work. It seemed to be full of potential problems, not the least of which might be jealousy. Would one of them feel the other was getting favoured treatment? He’d been unable to get a good night’s sleep as he pondered the possibilities. He saw only two choices: accept their decision, or call the whole thing off and...

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Oil of RosesChapter 7

"My Beloved Harry, My Precious Carol, It's 3 AM and I have to go. Please believe me when I say this is the hardest goodbye I've ever skipped out on. If I stayed to say it face-to-face, I'm not sure I could go. Know in your hearts I will see you again. Know in your hearts I will come home to you. My love is with you always, entwined with your souls, Margo" Carol awoke to the smell of coffee. Straightening her collar she walked into the kitchen to find Harry at the table. He stared...

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