Maragana GirlChapter 21
- 4 years ago
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Notes on the life and goals of Spokesman Vladim Dukov
Vladim Dukov as a political leader
US foreign policy analysts, journalists, and political commentators usually described Prime Minister Vladim Dukov as a cerebral and complex political figure, a leader whose motives for doing things were not always clear. He did not operate from any recognizable ideology, nor was he interested in any material gain from his position apart from taking his normal salary as Prime Minister. He seemed full of contradictions: a reformer leading a conservative party, a former revolutionary and defense attorney who drew his support from his country's oldest and most traditional institutions, a quiet man who was a ruthless negotiator.
The truth was that Dukov's ideology and goals for his country were extremely simple. Danubia's Prime Minister was fixated on the long-term survival of his country's society and the well-being of his constituents. He did not seek "greatness" for Upper Danubia, but rather the more realistic hope that it could be a decent place for its people to live and work. His policies pursued a sustainable society, one that could renew its resources and maintain a pleasant life for its people over a long period of time. He felt that preserving the values of his country was the reason the Creator had placed him in his position as the Danubian leader. He felt obligated to please the Creator by pursuing policies that would safeguard Danubian society.
The Prime Minister knew it was inevitable that modern life would force the destruction of much of his country's culture and traditions. "The Path of his Life" was to preserve as much as possible, to minimize the damage by having his nation adapt to an increasingly hostile and invasive world. The government would have to make sacrifices, in the same way King Vladik had to cede half of the Danubian Kingdom without a fight to save the other half. Dukov and his ministers looked at their nation's situation in the same way a homeowner facing the loss of a house would approach deciding what could be saved and what would have to be abandoned.
At the beginning of his time in office, other world leaders tended to underestimate Dukov. He rose to power not because he really wanted to, but because the "Old Guard" of the conservative party understood that he was the most competent person available to handle the job of leading the government. He became the leader of a small and very unsophisticated country. He had no prior experience as an elected official, nothing in his resumé apart from 20 years working as a criminal defense attorney. However, precisely because of his professional background Dukov had a very broad understanding of politics and human nature. Throughout his life he was in constant contact with people from the entire social spectrum of his society, ranging from criminals and police officers to judges and provincial politicians. Of all the people who could have been selected as a candidate for Prime Minister, Dukov probably had more practical experience working with others and a deeper understanding of his fellow Danubians than anyone else. He was well-versed in the country's legal system, knew its history, and was accustomed to arguing and negotiating with judges and prosecutors in court on a daily basis. As anyone who challenged him soon learned, his past, his ability to form an opinion and defend it, and his broad knowledge of life in general made him a formidable opponent.
While in office Dukov always spoke the truth as he saw it, and expected everyone around him to speak the truth as well. He did not like to be surrounded by people who agreed with him just to please him, but instead by people who were experienced in their duties and could clearly express their opinions on policy matters. He was especially adamant that any bad news be reported to him immediately, so he could deal with problems right away. Everyone in Dukov's government liked him as a person, because he never raised his voice to a subordinate, not even to lower-level staff members. He expected to be saluted and spoken to with respect at all times, but also he was respectful to public employees, always calling them by their title before using their name. As for his personal popularity, the only concern he had was whether he and his cabinet were popular enough to do their job competently.
While in office Dukov never forgot where he came from, and continued to live a rather ordinary personal life. He drew his paycheck and lived off that income, but never sought to use his position for any financial gain apart from his regular salary and anticipated retirement. He lived in the Prime Minister's residence out of convenience, but planned to go back to his own house as soon as he left office. In Vladim Dukov's life there was very little pomp and ceremony, apart from what was required by national traditions. He was not a person to waste public resources on himself, and was perfectly content to ride around in a normal police van if he needed to go anywhere in Danube City. He relied on ordinary officers of the National Police for protection. The Danubian Prime Minister would have been horrified at the expense and hassle associated with transporting the U.S. President and his entourage.
Vladim Dukov's sentence
Vladim and Maritza Ortskt-Dukovna grew up in the 1970's, a period of political instability in Upper Danubia. The generation who had run the country since 1945 was retiring or dying off and at that time many young people were hoping to change the country's society and political direction. The most important political movement challenging the established leaders was the Danubian Revolutionary Front, of which Vladim and Maritza were members.
The DRF envisioned a socialist regime and a flat rejection of foreign capitalism. The party also envisioned a social revolution and close ties to the Soviet Union, which ultimately led to its downfall. The Grand Duke finally ordered the Danubian Secret Police to dissolve the DRF and arrest its leaders in 1973, using its ties to the Soviet Union to justify his actions. All DRF members who had traveled to the Soviet Union were detained and faced charges of insurrection.
In 1973, Vladim Dukov and Maritza Ortskt, both of whom were DRF youth organizers and had Soviet visa stamps in the passports, received five-year sentences and were subjected to judicial switchings every four months. Life soon became even harder for the couple because Maritza's parents blamed Vladim for getting her in trouble. Because they were not yet married, her parents denied him permission to sit at their table. To ensure she was not able to see him, Maritza's parents moved her to Rika Chorna and requested that her custody be transferred to a Spokesman in that city.
Maritza and Vladim did not see each other for three years. However, they corresponded by letters that were passed through their respective local Priests. Danubian protocol permitted such correspondence. Even if her parents objected, she was permitted to exchange letters with Vladim via the Church, as long as both Priests approved of the letters' contents.
Vladim's sufferings as a convicted criminal, his constant contact with his Priest, his isolation from Maritza, and his eventual realization that the DRF was indeed little more than a front organization for the Soviet Union, pushed him to seek out the meaning of his life and what it meant to be a Danubian. He first studied political philosophy, but then settled on law, with the goal of becoming a Spokesman for criminals like himself. Along with his legal studies, Vladim decided to complete the entire English program at the National University and left college speaking fluent English. Maritza, meanwhile, concentrated on studying Danubian history at the Provincial University of Rika Chorna. Later her knowledge of history would help her future husband form his political philosophy.
Nearly four years after she was sentenced, Maritza's parents relented in their opposition to her relationship with Vladim. At the urging of her Priest, they requested that her Spokesman transfer her back to the Danube City collar-zone so she could see her fiancée. Finally, after not seeing Maritza for three years, Vladim returned to her father's table and started taking her to the Socrates Club. The couple spent the final year of their sentence completing their university degrees and preparing for their future. Only one day after his sentence ended, Apprentice Vladim Dukov was formally sworn in as a Spokesman for the Criminal. The following week Vladim and Maritza Dukov got married.
For nearly 20 years Spokesman Vladim Dukov handled criminal cases in Danube City, holding custody over an average of about 80 clients at any given time. At first he was no different from other young Spokespersons, taking simple cases involving petty criminals. However, over time his personal interest in foreign legal systems and international events, along with his knowledge of English and his experience traveling to Moscow and Western Europe, set him apart as the Spokesman most familiar with the outside world. Soon prosecutors and judges began assigning him all of the more unusual cases, including suspected drug users, foreigners, smugglers, and bank fraud defendants. As he struggled to conduct the research needed to deal with the diverse cases of his unusual clients, his practical knowledge of the world continued to expand. Whenever the Danubian government needed to send a legal delegation abroad, Vladim always went along to translate and serve as a liaison to foreign officials. By the time Kim became his client he already had visited the United States three times, along with innumerable trips to Canada and other countries in Europe.
Maritza, as a professor and the editor of a Danubian historical journal, expanded her husband's knowledge even more by talking to him about the country's past. Shortly before Kim traveled to Danube City with Tiffany and Susan, Vladim helped his wife and two of her students edit and publish the recently discovered diaries of King Vladik's personal scribe. The renewed interest in King Vladik's reign profoundly affected the personal philosophy of Vladim Dukov and his over-all view of the world. By the time Kim became Dukov's client, his intellectual potential extended way beyond simply continuing his career as a Spokesman. Everyone in his life knew that. It seemed that he was the only person who didn't know it yet.
Spokesman Dukov's knowledge of foreigners and the trial of Kimberly Lee
Because of the taboo against lying in Upper Danubia, Danubian prosecutors have a hard time dealing with foreigners coming from societies where lying is not such a big deal. When Tiffany Walker and Susan Taylor flatly stated they knew nothing about Kimberly Lee's stash of marijuana, the arraignment panel believed them because its members had little experience interviewing non-Danubians. The prosecutor did have his suspicions about Tiffany and Susan, but wanted to avoid a complicated trial. Thus he decided not to challenge the arraignment panel's ruling, and authorized the release of Kim's two friends.
Because he was considered the Ministry of Justice's only "expert" in dealing with non-Danubians, Spokesman Dukov was incensed that two out of the three foreigners arrested for the marijuana incident had not been brought to his office. Had the prosecutor allowed the Spokesman to first talk to Tiffany and Susan before expelling them from the country, he would have understood that there was no way Kim's friends could not have known about her stash of marijuana. He would have frightened all three young women into telling the truth by explaining the consequences of committing perjury during trial in Upper Danubia. Then he would have added:
"I will not lie in court on your behalf, and I will not allow you to dishonor yourselves or each other by lying. You will confront what you have done with honor, you will tell the truth with honor, and you will face the consequences of your actions with honor. I will only help you if you understand that you are not to dishonor yourselves with deceit."
From that point Dukov would have gone to trial recommending the three Americans be sentenced for possession but requested that all other charges be dropped. The possession charge would have resulted in five-year sentences for all three culprits, but Dukov would have argued for leniency by asking the court for a reduction. Had Kim and her friends been convicted together, it is likely Dukov would have managed to reduce their time wearing the criminal's collar to four years instead of five. More importantly, he would have tried to negotiate fewer switchings, knowing that, for a foreigner, a switching was a truly horrific event. Dukov, like most Spokespersons, was more concerned about limiting the total number of corporal punishments than the length of his clients' sentences, and he would have exchanged a longer sentence for fewer switchings.
When the American Kimberly Lee was placed on trial by herself, Spokesman Vladim Dukov revealed that Tiffany and Susan had lied and betrayed their companion to escape the country. Their behavior totally shocked the entire court and elicited immediate sympathy for the young drug addict who was so shamefully treated by her loathsome companions. Only Vladim Dukov understood that Tiffany and Susan's actions were fairly common for non-Danubians, and that foreigners are not always truthful when they speak. During the trial he did not belabor that point, because he felt sorry for Kim and was determined to use the courtroom's shocked reaction to her friends' behavior to get her a light sentence.
"Vladim the Extortionist"
Prime Minister Vladim Dukov transformed the Party of the Duchy from an aristocratic party to a nationalist party during and after the campaign that brought him to power. Upon entering the Danubian Parliament he discovered the deputies of the Greater Danubian Progressive Party had negotiated several secret deals with other governments and multi-national companies that were not mentioned during the campaign. One of those deals was to build a major trucking route across the eastern part of Upper Danubia that would pass through Rika Chorna and exit through a pass along the mountainous northern border. The EU considered the route an important north-south trade link between its member nations. The logging project in eastern Upper Danubia would provide the money to build the highway.
Upon finding out about the project Dukov responded to its foreign backers: "You need this highway, we don't. I'm not spending the Duchy's money on something we don't need." Other European leaders warned Dukov not to cancel the road building project or Upper Danubia's membership in the EU would be jeopardized. Dukov responded by formally withdrawing Upper Danubia's request to join the EU.
Upper Danubia's neighbors needed the road more than Upper Danubia needed the EU. When it became apparent that Dukov's withdrawal was serious and not just a bargaining tactic, neighboring governments began offering concessions to Upper Danubia to bring Dukov back to the negotiating table. Dukov still was not convinced his country needed or would benefit from a large road, but over time was willing to listen to proposals.
In the end Dukov did finally approve the road. It had to be built completely with foreign money, but using only Danubian workers and subject to Danubian labor and safety standards. Upper Danubia could charge tolls and keep half the toll money. All trucks were subject to Danubian inspections and customs laws. Finally, only Danubians could own businesses near the entry and exit points of the road. In the end, a road that would have cost Upper Danubia its forest reserves instead was built at no expense to the country at all, but with huge benefits to the eastern provinces.
Dukov's second act of "extortion" came once the upgrade to the Rika Chorna Reservoir was finished. The country's hydro-electric capacity increased three-fold, just in time for a major rise in world-wide oil prices. Dukov sold electricity to neighboring countries at an exorbitant rate, fattening the coffers of Danube City at the expense of other nations. When confronted by reporters at a press conference about the electricity charges Dukov responded:
"You chose the path of buying cars and buying the gas to fill them. We chose the path of electricity and living in harmony with our resources. Now, because of the path you have chosen, the Ancients have given us your money."
Mega-Town Associates & the failed coup (from EC's novel - The Freshman)
Mega-Town Associates is by far the largest corporation operating in the US. The company started out as a discount retailer, taking over nearly 60% of the US retail market with its Mega-Mart discount stores by 1985. During the late 1980's, Mega-Town expanded its operations to selling gas and took over several oil companies. From importing and selling oil, the company expanded into running chemical plants. Mega-Town bought several banks to finance its other activities, which by 1995 included advertising. With its advertising revenue, Mega-Town Associates bought two national television networks and a controlling interest in the largest chain of US radio stations. By the early 21st Century, Mega-Town Associates was actively trying to take direct control of the world's remaining natural resources.
The CEO's of Mega-Town Associates had a very clear agenda, one which they openly pursued through their corporate expansion. The company's CEO's hoped to obtain a controlling interest in every important economic activity in the world, and through its control of the world economy seek to control the world's political leaders. The idea was not only to take over political institutions, but to launch a massive campaign to reshape human society and values around the needs of global corporate capitalism. By the time Vladim Dukov rose to power in Upper Danubia, Mega-Town Associates enforced its world-wide agenda with a 15,000 member private army. The private army boasted military helicopters, missiles, combat vehicles, and a large assortment of small arms.
Seizing Upper Danubia's forest reserves was only a small part of a much bigger project to control global wood production. At issue in Upper Danubia was not only the forest, but also a controlling interest in a proposed land link between the northern and southern parts of Eastern Europe. To control Upper Danubia would allow Mega-Town to control all north-south commerce in that part of the world. It was the fight over Danubian natural resources that brought the company's ambitions in conflict with the nationalist government of Vladim Dukov. The company's CEO's felt entitled to take what they wanted from the region, and were indignant that someone like Dukov could so seriously complicate their plans.
The CEO's who organized the take-over of Upper Danubia were a small group operating independently of the main corporate structure. To everyone on the outside, it seemed that they running a rogue operation, but that was not really true. Mega-Town as a group always disassociated itself from any particular coup plot. There was an informal agreement among Mega-Town CEO's that any failed plot would be blamed on its organizers and the company as a whole would be shielded from liability. Prior to the Upper Danubian project, there had been a couple of failed coup attempts in other parts of the world, along with many successful ones. In the cases of failure, the organizers "owned" any fallout, but the company as a whole always moved forward.
The plan to take over Upper Danubia followed a blueprint that had allowed Mega-Town to take over the governments of four African countries, three Latin American countries, and a few others in Asia and Oceania. The only detail that set the Danubia project apart from previous operations was the idea of taking over two countries simultaneously; Upper Danubia and its southern neighbor. The plan included killing the political and military leaders of both countries and installing governments lead by people secretly receiving paychecks from the company. In other words, the idea was to have both countries directly run by paid employees of Mega-Town Associates. In both countries Mega-Town already had local leaders ready to take over the governments.
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Emma contacted the Booby Trap club and booked herself in for an open spot the following week, then began going back through the notes and ideas for stage routines that she had brainstormed with Simon over the last few weeks. Her various misadventures in the employ of the Prime Assets agency had had mixed success, and while they had certainly facilitated a belated and invigorating sexual awakening and more than paid off the rent she owed, her true ambitions still lay in the world of cabaret and...
Beach Blonde Synopsis: A beautiful but troubled blonde seductress meets a young man on the lookout for some fun. Too late, he realizes that "fun is in the eyes of the beholder." I was meandering along the boardwalk one summer eveningwatching the interaction among various groupings of people. Teenagecouples stopped to lean against the aluminum rails and press bodiesagainst each other and neck. Married people were pushing toddlersin strollers. Older people, some in...
Hello readers bagunnara andaru. Chala mandi mails pampincharu chala baga matladaru. Thanks for all your humble texts and repecting my relationship. Mundu stories “18yrs shemale ni valla mom ni denganu” lo cheppanu kada na luv story. Nenu na vinni vizag varun inox lo e madhyane tholiprema movie ki vellam. Andaru lovers lane corner royal couch seats teskunnam and movie vachi appatiki chala rojule ayyindi so oka 7 or 8 pairs of couples tappa peddaga crowd ledu. Movie start aina kasepatiki kiss...
“Oh, bein’ out for basketball, I go through them fast.” “Not that fast, I do your laundry every Saturday and I don’t see why you can’t get by with four or five? This seems excessive.” go “Well, Mom I don’t want to run out. Besides, Tommie can use them when I go to college in a couple years.” “Your little brother has his own. You have way more than you can use. Come in here for a second. Where do you get these, young man?” Walking into his bedroom, Donnie replies, “From the Top...
You know how some girls just telegraph better in person than in pictures? Well today’s girl is one of them and I knew she had a nice body and very perky tits from her submission photos but who new this girl’s pussy was so spectacular and beautiful? I have to add also that her enthusiasm for sucking dick and pushing her boundaries makes this unassuming girl a lot hotter than she thinks she is. So things start off innocently enough on the bed and we find out our exploitee’s got a boyfriend...
xmoviesforyouPerfectly proportioned Skyla Sun is down for a good dicking today. But not before she gets oiled up and rubbed down by Tony Rubino. He starts with her incredible, juicy pierced tits – lathering them up and playing with her nipples. Tony fingers Skyla’s tight, shaved cunt with his gloved hands and makes her moan. Skyla is excited to deepthroat Tony’s big cock, she sucks him good and gags on it. Skyla’s pussy creams up as Tony fucks her and plays with her clit. Skyla...
xmoviesforyouWe went into my room and stared listening to some Whitechapel. We talked for about 10 minutes about music and bands. Then he mentioned that he didn't have to much time and asked if we could get started. I was happy to say yes. We both started unbuttoning our pants. I slid my pants around my ankles, keeping my boxers on. He pulled off his pants, and than pulled down his underwear. For the first time I saw his beautiful cock. He was uncut, about 6 inches in length, 2 and a half inches in...
As soon as she had entered the bathroom, she had lifted up her dress and taken her panties off. They were drenched. She had peeled them away from her young mound and found they stickily pulled at her labia revealing the creamy remnants of her orgasm on the inside of the fabric. Melissa had always been quite self-conscious of her wetness and arousal in the past, especially around Luke, but this was the wettest she had ever been. She could still feel the aftershocks of the most powerful orgasm...
Then of course getting to fuck other chicks too. I am a young horny guy partying it up on Spring Break, and it was another great memory this week. Violet had the first few days off from work but eventually had to return. Not that she complained, as she worked from home. She would spend the afternoons down by the beach with her computer and a frozen cocktail completing her work tasks. While she was busy, I did my own thing hanging out with Jacob and the guys and of course meeting other...
“Can you please ask the guys to keep it down tonight?” She asked as Tom, her husband, turned to leave the bedroom.“I’ll do my best, but you know how they get.” He said with a shrug of the shoulders.Tom’s buddies were coming over to watch the basketball game. Beer would be consumed, as would pizza and hot wings. The guys always yelled at the TV and made a mess for Barbara to clean up the next day.Barbara settled in for the night, book in hand and a glass of wine to help her unwind. Barbara had...
I knew that my mum had let herself go a bit after my father had left her for a younger woman over a year ago. Although she was aged 50 and rather overweight, she would go out dressed in skintight leggings and a tight t-shirt with no bra, which accentuated her big round belly and surprisingly firm breasts and prominent nipples. Although no oil painting, she would get a lot of attention from some men, and would happily take drinks bought for her until she was well pissed. I had long harboured...
The story is based on my real experience. This had happened in my early life after I got married. After completing my post graduation in science, I got a job as a lecturer in one reputed college. After two years my father in law and his family came to live in the same city. They have two daughters; I got married with elder one and younger one is Nilima ( name changed). She took the admission for first year of degree in the College where I was working. That time she was 20 years old, gorgeous,...
Introduction: One womans pride gets the best of her when shes challenged to either put-up or shut-up. Before long her libido gets involved and it becomes a game of put-up or put-out! It started out as just another night at home with friends. The same group of couples and singles showed up at Dave and Barbs for the usual beer and BBQ. It was the typical good-time-had-by-all occasion. Tim, an old friend that had moved up north and two of his buddies had been passing through on their way to...
The party was held at an elegant mansion on a private estate a few miles from town. Like the other men, Alex wore a tuxedo and was met at the door by an elderly butler. "Excuse me sir, but are you Alex? "Yes, I'm Alex Masters." "We don't use last names here, sir. A matter of privacy." "Yes, I understand." "William would like to see you briefly in the study." "Of course." They passed by a large room where upwards of sixty people were smiling, laughing and where drinks were...
(సుష్మకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీపూస గుచ్చినట్టు వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. ఏది నిజంగా జరిగింది, ఏది కల్పితం అన్నది ఆమెనే డైరెక్ట్గా అడగండి. మీ అదృష్టం బాగుంటే ఆమె రిప్లై ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా, మీతో chat కూడా చెయ్యవచ్చు. ఆమె మైల్ మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను అదిరి పడ్డాను, ఆమె తమ్ముడి లాగే. “అక్కా, ఏమంటున్నావు?” అని అడిగాడు, తేరుకున్నాక. ” నిజంరా. నేను గుడికి...
In the city of Brockton, Massachusetts, progress is made every day. Want to know why? Because of the actions of one man. Samuel Xavier. Brother Samuel to his friends. My job is to find the man-haters, the racists and the sociopaths ( men and women without conscience ) where they gather and to mess them up. I infuriate them. I harass them. I intimidate them. I foil their plans. And ultimately, I make them have a bad day. It’s my avocation and my hobby. Their screams of pain and frustration are...
Several years ago I met a lady through a coworker and after a week or so of emailing back and forth we went out to dinner. After the first date we realized we were both a little on the kinky side, and enjoyed several weekends of good sex, with lots of dirty talk.One evening we were lying in bed after I’d eaten her out (to a good cum) and I asked her if she had any toys she could use while I watched. She gave me a look, then got up and pulled a cardboard box out of the closet, when I looked...
Bumfelt kissed her. Their lips met. Slow and then eager. Bumfelt pulled her close. Put one hand around her slender waist and slid the other across her skirt, down her stocking leg.“We shouldn’t……we can’t….,” she gasped, pulling her head away from Bumfelt’s. “It’s not appropriate and-““No. You’re right,” said Bumfelt, stepping back, running a hand across his two day stubble, glancing away. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry, Roxy. I should-““I want to.”“What?”“I want to,”...
The Lane Plan by Erin Tyler I could tell you the story about what happened to Gary Carson after he was exiled from his hometown of Parkside... but there's not much story to tell. He spent his days carefully scavenging the ruins and his nights trying to figure out what he was surrounded by in the storeroom of Mariel's. The Mistress was keeping me busy with lessons on the science of the glider we were building, so I was only able to come down and see him for less than an hour a day....
I was only 23 when I first moved to New York in 1978. It was a great time for me. I hit the ground running and relished the fact that I was living there. Being young and new I was up for anything and that was exactly the right attitude to have to make the most of living in Manhattan. I had a studio on the Upper East Side and was earning a good salary for the time. I had plenty to do and lots of girlfriends. New York girls at the time (who knows? maybe still) were just as horny as the guys, as...
This is fiction:- I went to a party one night in Glasgow, with one of my friends, Jennifer. This was just to get out of the dorms at Uni more than anything else. When we got there it was quite lively, a lot of good-looking guy and girls and a few older people that I didn’t know. I asked Jen who they were and what were people that age doing at a party for mostly Uni students. She told me that this wasn’t a normal night but it was a Sub & Doms party, for the older masters and mistresses...
---- He reached Caroline's naked corpse as her struggles faded and her life fled her body. As though in a dream he looked at the pointed toes that were dripping yellow pee onto the floor below. The chair lay on its side just inches away from Caroline’s right foot. Lewis looked up at the down turned face as he walked over to the slowly swinging body. He reached out tentatively, took hold of Caroline’s upper arms and steadied the sway. The bare skin was already cooling. Tears blinding him he...
Tous les personnages de cette histoire sont fictifs, majeurset ?g?s de plus de 18 ans. Toute ressemblance avec des faits ou personnages ayant exist? ne serait que pure co?ncidence. Il s’agit ici de fantasmes. ? Ceci est l’histoire de mon avilissement, de ma descente aux enfers, de mes d?sirs d’humiliation et de d?gradation. Je m’appelle?Samantha Endersson; ? 45 ans je suis une femme pulpeuse, une chevelure ch?tain qui tombe en larges boucles jusqu’au milieu de mon dos, une bouche aux l?vres ourl?es, un visage fie...
The woman continued to walk through the dark streets. She wasn't rushed or hurried, but it was obvious she was taking precautions to remain largely unseen. Except for the care she took, and the rapid pace of her walk, she could just as easily been out for a Sunday stroll, except it was dark and nobody took Sunday strolls in that part of town, especially after dark. She was curious enough about who was following her that she made sure she didn't lose him. She smiled slightly. She would...
His fucking followed much the same pattern as mine. I guess I just knew what was most arousing for me and for an audience watching my sex act. No wonder Bill and the others had watched with approval. I did what they liked doing to a young girl bound and gagged on a bed, her virgin pussy available for hard fucking. Bill fucked his cock into her young cunt long and hard, driving his hips against her spread thighs to ram his penis in as deep as he could. He mauled her breasts with his hands...