Housewifes fantasy I
- 2 years ago
- 25
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Housewife's Awakening
(MF, F+/F, wife, reluctant, humiliation, spanking, toys, exhibition, interracial)
Author's Note: I am struggling with the direction in which to take this story.If you have any ideas for how this story should continue, please let me know.Also, if you're an author and you would like to take things over for a while,please let me know and I would be glad to turn over the keys. You can reachme at: [email protected].
Chapter Fourteen – "Three's Company"
"You got the camera's all turned on Johnny?" Carlos inquired of his burlycounterpart as he watched the threesome make their way into the club's mostexclusive VIP room.
The VIP room was surrounded by three mirrored walls and a fully stocked baralong the fourth. Large leather couches sat against two of the walls and animposing pool table sat square in the middle. Carlos sniggered to himself ashe thought of all the strippers he had banged on that table over the years.He didn't give his old man much credit, but he had to tip his hat to the oldfart for thinking of putting two way mirrors along the walls.
Johnny checked the last camera before signaling to Carlos, "We're good togo boss. Let's make us a movie."
The threesome stumbled into the VIP room; Stephanie and Amber couldn't stopgiggling. They were drunk with the knowledge that they were about to win theirlittle bet with their uppity aunt. Amber nonchalantly informed Brett, "As longas you do as we tell you and be a good pet, we will give you a reward. We'llmake all of your wildest fantasies come true!"
Brett could scarcely believe his ears as Stephanie continued, "All you haveto do, to live out every middle age man's ultimate fantasy of being with twosexy teenage girls is to follow our lead and agree with everything we say anddo." Stephanie smiled at her bemused uncle while moving her hands slowly upher flat stomach until they cupped her large breasts. Brett's eyes bulged ashe ogled his sexy young niece as she squeezed her ample chest through her skin-tighttop.
Stephanie could see Brett's gaze fixed on her breasts. "I've got Mr. Wimpagain," thought the scheming young woman as she continued with her deviousplan.
Turning to her sister, she giggled, "Oh silly me, we're making a pretty bigassumption now aren't we Amber. Uncle Brett, do you want to fuck us?" Stephanieinquired as sincerely as possible. "With all the dick you've been getting lately,I wasn't sure if you still wanted pussy."
Brett could hardly contain himself. His cock had been as hard as a rock forhours now. He had been extremely aroused ever since watching Debbie's act.His mind was already a whirlpool of sexual anticipation. Even though a smallvoice buried in the deepest recesses of his mind told him this was wrong, hecouldn't help himself any longer. "Yes, I want to fuck both of you more thanyou'll ever know."
"Are you sure you want to fuck your two teenage nieces? After all, what aboutAunt Debbie?" Stephanie said as she cunningly loaded the trap for the befuddledman.
Brett paused for a second, eyes bulging as they remained hypnotically fixedon Stephanie's hands as they continued to caress her shapely body. Lust overcamewhat scruples remained. "Screw Debbie. She is obviously doing her own thing,so why shouldn't I. She has betrayed me and I owe nothing to her anymore."
"Please, please let me make love to both of you?"
Amber laughed before joining in the taunting teasing. She brushed up againsther uncle making sure to rub her perky tits along his chest adding more fuelto the already raging fire. "But how can we compare to beautiful Aunt Debbie?She is a mature woman who obviously knows her way around the bedroom. I don'tthink we can compete with her."
"You're going to have to continually tell us that we're better than AuntDebbie, or else our feelings might get hurt. And you know what happens if ourfeelings get hurt, right slave boy?" Stephanie threatened as she and Ambermoved in for the kill.
"Tell us how badly you want to fuck us. Say it loud enough for the wholeworld to hear." Amber taunted her now more than willing victim.
Desperate to win the girls over he was about to blurt out the words thathe thought would lead him into their embrace but before doing so he pausedknowing that if he crossed this line, he may never be able to come back. Buthis pulse was racing as both the vixens taunted and flirted with him. "God,please, please let me fuck you. You are both the hottest pieces of ass thatI have ever laid eyes on. I would give anything to fuck you. My wife meansnothing to me, she can't compare with your young hard bodies. God, please,I've got to have you!"
"What should we do?" Amber contemplated while she feigned indifference.
"No, No, I can't, I won't, please don't, I'm not even of legal age," Ambersuddenly burst out at the top of her lungs causing her shocked uncle to stepback in freight.
A smile of triumph flickered across her face as Amber leaned forward intohis ear and sexily whispered, "Rip it. Rip my shirt right off. Come on now,show me that you're actually a real man." While confused, Brett had beenteased and prodded for so long that when he was given the order to rip hislittle blonde niece's shirt off her luscious body he felt like a trigger hadbeen pulled shooting him out of a gun barrel at 1,000 miles an hour. Violently,he reached into her collar and yanked down hard, tearing her skimpy top inhalf, leaving her perky tits sitting perfectly in a white half-cup bra. Shelaughed at his uncontrolled impetuosity and slipped her micro mini skirt off;revealing a white thong, the sliver of cloth emphasized her lissome body.
Amber leaned forward, thrusting her round ass cheeks just so making themeven more prominent. She was keenly aware of the effect her tight little bottomhad on Brett; he was no different from other men, and women for that matter. "Doyou think my ass is as good as Aunt Debbie's?"
Brett just dumbly nodded his head as he hungrily took in Amber's exposedbody. "Y-yes, your ass is so much firmer and Debbie's is not nearly that wellshaped."
Amber motioned for her pet to bend over. Not wanting to break the spell hequickly followed her unspoken request. She gave him a quick kiss. "Youare about to live every guys fantasy." Amber stated breathlessly, "Youwill be getting two hot teenage pussies tonight."
"Damn," Brett thought, "She is so fucking hot!"
His attention had been so fixed on Amber that he had forgotten about Stephanieuntil he heard the tap of high heels. Brett and Amber turned to look at thesource of the sound and saw Stephanie sexily strutting towards them.
"Wowl" Brett couldn't help blurting out.
Stephanie was wearing nothing but her blue push-up bra and panties. Her cleavagelooked incredible as her big breasts bulged seductively between the cups ofher bra. Her abundant breast flesh was being pushed out the top and sides.Her thong was even smaller than Amber's. It barely covered her crotch. Stephanie'sshoulder length brunette hair swayed from side to side as she sauntered acrossthe room swinging her hips provocatively. Her legs were tanned, curvy, andseemed to go on forever.
Stephanie stood before the quivering man. "Uncle Brett, how do my tits compareto Aunt Debbie's." Stephanie cooed.
Not able to tear his eyes away from Stephanie's ample cleavage, Brett enthusiasticallyresponded, "Damn, you have the greatest set of tits I have ever seen. Debbiecould never compare to you."
Stephanie walked up to Amber and whispered into her ear. Brett wondered whatthe girls where talking about, but his attention kept being drawn back to thetwo scantily clad teenage bodies standing before his lustful gaze. The girlscontinued their conversation before finally turning around. Amber went to thebar to turn the CD player on and when a thumping beat filled the room the twogirls began to dance in unison. Stephanie and Amber stared directly at Brettas they slowly unhooked their bras in unison.
As the two sisters moved closer to each other, their bras went flying acrossthe room. Brett's eyes feasted on the two sets of perfectly rounded breasts. "Stud," Ambercooed, "You're about to enter Sex Heaven. Now get those damn clothes off."
The girls giggled as they watched their uncle tearing his clothes off. Henearly lost his balance as he finally managed to pull his pants off revealinga large bulge straining to break free of his underwear. Brett paused for amoment before catching his breath and pulling his underwear free so that hiscock sprang forward and slapped into his stomach with an audible 'thud'.
Brett stood still as he watched his nieces in awed silence. The two girlsteased each other's nipples with pinches, licks and kisses. They placed theirhands on each other's ass cheeks, gently caressing and molding the firm flesh.They pulled their lithe bodies together and rubbed their tits together, squashingthem and brushing them hard against each other.
Stephanie pealed away from her sister and came towards Brett, still dancing,with her back towards him. She took one of his hands and put it on her leftass cheek. Brett squeezed her left cheek and then her right cheek. She slowlyturned around revealing her beautiful jiggling breasts. She then playfullymoved away joining Amber on the other side of the room.
"I think he's ready," Amber whispered conspiratorially, noddingtoward her uncle while noticing his raging erection and the pre cum that wasalready leaking off the tip.
Stephanie started to come towards him again looking at his twitching hard-on. "Ohmy," she smiled at her awestruck uncle, "That thing is going to splitme in two." She said to Brett as she stood in front of him as he was frozento the spot.
Stephanie's arms encircled her uncle's neck as she drew his face down sothat her mouth covered his as they locked in a French kiss. Stephanie openedher mouth wide and pressed her tongue against her uncle's. She sucked loudlyand wetly on his tongue, pressing her sensuous lips harder and harder againsthis mouth. Brett felt her massive tit flesh pressed against his chest and hisarousal grew even more acute.
Brett groaned as Stephanie broke their kiss. But his disappointment was instantlyforgotten as the voluptuous young woman rested against the pool table. Thetable's hard edge indented her curvaceous buttocks as she leant back and openedher long thighs. Brett was losing all control at this open invitation.
"Ohhhh, yesssss, do it! Fuck me!" Stephanie cried as Brett fellonto her.
Stephanie felt his pulsating cock head pressing against her opening as shespread her legs and wiggled her hips impatiently. She just couldn't wait forher uncle's cock to ram its way up her hot, wet cunt. Brett picked Stephanieup and sat her on the pool table in the center of the room. Smiling at him,she lay back on the table, resting on her elbows. Her beautiful flowing brownhair fell half way across her face. Her tits were heaving and her legs spreadapart, displaying her crotch that was still covered by her tiny thong.
Stephanie's nipples stood up hard and erect as Brett licked the areola andran his hands all over Stephanie's lush body. He grabbed Stephanie's breastand licked it all over and sucked on the nipple. He tenderly bit it and twistedit with his tongue, again sucking hard on it. His hand drifted down her bodyuntil he reached her tight ass. He squeezed and kneaded it as he continuedto suck on her nipple. A sharp searing pain shot up the back of his neck asStephanie pulled his head towards her by grabbing hold of the hair on the backof his head. Stephanie kissed him violently like she was trying to suck thevery life out of him and he kissed her fervently in return.
Not being able to control himself any longer, Brett hooked his fingers inthe straps on her hip and pulled her thong down revealing her hairless pussythat was already wet and shiny. He could smell her lust and feel the heat.She was smiling at him as she spread her legs even further apart. Even as shebecame more and more aroused Stephanie was fully aware that her sister as wellas her uncle were staring at her exposed cunt. Every eye in the room watchedintently as Stephanie started spreading her cunt lips apart with her fingers.
"Wow!" Amber whispered in Brett's ear as she came up behind him, "Isthat a hot lookin' cunt or what? Isn't that the hottest cunt you've ever seen?"
Brett enthusiastically answered, "That is the hottest cunt I've ever seen.I would sell my soul to the devil to be able to bury myself in it."
Stephanie and Amber exchanged a knowing glance as they both shared the samethought, "You just did you pathetic loser, you just did."
Brett had to have a taste of that pussy so he lifted Stephanie's firm shapelylegs, placing them on his broad shoulders. Urgently, he plunged his face intoher wet hole, sticking his tongue deep into her pussy before withdrawing andslowly licking her slit in long broad strokes.
Stephanie then moved her hands up to her tits and started to squeeze, andmaul them, really trying to turn him on. "Oh yeah baby, eat my littlepussy. Make me cum baby. Fuck me so good with your wicked tongue," moanedStephanie as her uncle ate her. "Does my pussy taste as good as Aunt Debbie's?" shegroaned.
Not wanting to stop, but also not wanting to anger Stephanie, Brett pulledhis tongue out from her dripping snatch just long enough to exclaim, "Stephanie,your pussy tastes like absolute heaven. Debbie's old snatch could never compare."
"Are you saying that Aunt Debbie can't compare to me?" Stephanie goaded heruncle trying to lead him down a path that denigrated and insulted his beautifulwife.
Wild-eyed with lust, Brett responded, "Debbie can't compare to either ofyou gorgeous creatures." Truth was that Brett worshipped his wife and thoughtshe was the sexiest creature on earth. However, right now, he was so hornyand Debbie had hurt him so badly that he would say anything to be able to forgetthe pain and experience some much needed pleasure.
"Good boy. That's what I needed to hear. Now get back to work on my cunt." Stephaniesaid as she lay back.
Brett immediately darted his tongue back between her outstretched legs whilehe reached his hands up and cupped the underside of her heaving breasts. Stephaniein return pushed her chest out to meet his grasp. He moved his fingers overher breasts, working from the underside of her tits and up around the sidesto rub the top of her chest and hard nipples. He flicked his fingers over hernipples again and again. Taking her tits fully in his hands, he pushed themtogether and rubbed them back and forth, squeezing and molding them to histouch.
"Hmmmm! Hmmmh! HMMMH! HMMMMHHHH!" Stephanie squealed as his tongueflicked and sucked her throbbing clit, her head falling back in passion. "Ooooooooh,ooohh, wow!" She squealed again as Brett resumed his licking of her wetslit. The brunette temptress massaged her generously proportioned tits, squeezingthem while tweaking her nipples at the same time.
Stephanie looked down to find her hips undulating with the pace of his tongue. "Damn,Uncle Brett! You're eating me so good. I guess you've never tasting anythingthis fine before. Gawd, you're making me soooo hot. Oooh fuck yeah!"
As he continued his ministrations, Brett felt Amber's perky tits press upagainst his back and her bare pussy mound rub up against his ass as Amber joinedthe couple. Amber reached around him, grabbing his hard as steel cock in herdelicate hand. "Fuck me uncle, I'm so fucking hot for it!" She hissedwhile cupping his balls in her long fingers. "It's such a turn on to seeyou eat my sister's cunt." She carried on lustfully while slowly jackinghis cock back and forth delighting in the way she was making her uncle squirm.
Stephanie looked down between her legs through half closed eyes watchingas Brett continued to lap at her pussy. "Grab his cock, whore," Stephanieurged Amber huskily, "Stroke it! Stroke that meat! This man hasn't beengetting' any lovin' from his slutty wife. She's been too busy whoring herselfout to pay him any attention."
Stephanie lay back on the table, "Work that cock while he eats my pussy." Brettlicked further into the brunette's crotch and her pussy quivered under thepressure of his invading tongue. Brett felt her hips flex up in the air, "Arghhhh," shemoaned softly, "Aaahhhh, YES!!!."
Brett felt Stephanie's thighs squeeze the sides of his head as he continuedto probe his tongue into her tight wet pussy. "Oh fuck yeah!" Shegroaned louder, "That's good baby! Keep going, right there... yeah, right there....Arghhhh yeah, please don't stop."
Brett lifted Stephanie's ass up in the air for easier access so that he coulddrive his tongue even deeper. Upon feeling his tongue's continued invasionof her hot love hole, the aroused brunette's body started shaking. Brett feltthe pressure on the side of his head grow tighter as Stephanie squeezed herthighs together.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed, "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMMMING'!" Brettfelt her body go tense and then suddenly relax and go limp as he lowered herass back down on the table, the tabletop showing a wet patch from his salivaand her cunt juice as her orgasm slowly subsided.
Stephanie lay there for a few moments before sitting up and grinning at heruncle with her perfect white teeth as she rubbed her wet pussy and spoke tothe man still at the juncture of her thighs. "I don't know why your slutof a wife doesn't let you suck her nasty twat. I can't remember the last timeI came so hard."
"It's my turn now and I want to taste that hard cock." Amber saidas she pulled Brett away from Stephanie and pushed him onto his back so thatit was his turn to be laying on the pool table.
Lying down with her feet next to his head, the blonde teenager grasped hiserect prick with her hand and gave the rod a couple of slow strokes, rubbingher warm hand over the sensitive head. "Suck it, slut." Stephaniehissed at her, applying pressure to the top of Amber's head. "I want himto cum on your slut face."
Amber responded by stroking Brett quickly and quite roughly so much so thatit brought a groan of pleasure in response. "Come on you slut! Put thatcock in your mouth!" Stephanie snarled in her sister's ear.
"You want me to swallow your big cock Unkie? You want it in my littleslut mouth?" She teased.
"Oh yeah, please suck it! Take it all. Suck my cock." Brett beggedas his twin tormentors were driving him on.
Amber responded to Brett's verbal capitulation by licking the head of hisprick, tasting the pre-cum that had managed to escape. After swirling her tonguearound the head of his cock a couple more times she suddenly sucked it in herwarm mouth until she swallowed it completely! Brett reached over and startedfondling Amber's dangling tits, each of his fingers finding a rock hard nipple.Amber didn't break her hold on him as she left his dick in her mouth for acouple seconds, playing with it with her tongue, and then raised her head offit. His cock was wet with saliva as she looked up at her uncle with a wickedgrin.
"Unkie, does Auntie Debbie suck your cock like this?" Amber purred.
"N-n-n-no, she…doesn't." Brett managed to answer through labored breath.
Satisfied with his answer, Amber started to really go to work on his cock,fucking him with her mouth. Brett grabbed her hair and started slamming herhead down on his cock. She gagged, trying to lift her head off but Brett heldit in her as her saliva flowed down his cock, and her eyes closed in discomfortas his dick hit the back of her throat. Brett pulled her head against his crotch,burying her nose in his pubic bone. Tears of pain began to run down her bulgingcheeks as he pushed in all the way to the hilt.
Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, Stephanie got down on her hands andknees while her tongue flicked her uncle's testicles. She sucked as much ofthe sack as possible into her willing mouth and then switched to the otherball, moving back and forth. The sexy brunette teenager then lifted his legout of the way and she started giving him his first ever rim job while Ambercontinued working on his cock. Brett couldn't believe it when he felt Stephanie'sprobing wet tongue fucking his ass.
With Stephanie behind Brett, Amber continued working hard on his cock, urgentlysucking, her head bobbing up and down before switching to licking and suckingthe shaft from the side while her hand continued running over the sensitivehead. Brett reached a hand down Amber's taunt stomach, reaching her bare pubicbone and then finding her wet slit, slid a finger as deep inside her as hecould reach. Amber jerked a little from the intrusion but carried on her ministrations.
"Oh shit, I can't believe this...this is so great! OOOHHHH!" Brettmoaned. He looked down at his two nieces and he thought he was going to passout. No guy could handle the pressure that Amber was exerting on his prick,and Stephanie was pressing her hot body against his back as she worked on himfrom behind. The visual effect of having these two aroused young women, nakedand working on him was too much for him to handle. His hips started jerking. "Mistresscan I please cum?" Brett yelled grabbing a handful of Amber's hair, tryingto push her down on his prick.
Amber jerked her head away. "Not yet, too soon."
"What!?" A perplexed and frustrated Brett questioned.
Both girls giggled at Brett's discomfort as Amber pulled Stephanie in fora deep tongue- lashing kiss. As their tongues lazily wrapped themselves aroundeach other they reached for each other's bare breasts. Amber's hand snakedup around Stephanie's neck and she pulled her down to her. They both lookedup at Brett and said nothing. They just looked at him and giggled again.
"Cock teasing sluts!" Brett thought as hispainfully hard prick was now all red and angry looking; twitched in the coolair.
The two girls again locked in a passionate lesbian kiss; legs splayed openwide while each fingered the other's cunt. Brett couldn't believe what he waswatching as they started thrusting fingers into their warm depths. "Be a goodpet and go and get us a drink." Amber instructed.
Brett looking ridiculous with his erection, staggered over to the bar andgot a Champagne bottle, turned round quickly and before he could stop himselfhe began pouring the contents all over Amber's heaving tits. "Argghh,fuck that's cold!" She squealed.
Brett leaned forward and sucked her erect nipples clearing off the Champagnebefore licking the rest of her firm tits and the cleavage between them. Amberleaned back, resting her body on her arms. She thrust her chest out at Brettand he flicked his tongue over a nipple and pulled it into his mouth. He suckedharder and faster as Amber moaned and pushed upwards, pushing her tit intohis waiting mouth.
"Mmmmm!" Amber whimpered. "That wasn't exactly what I hadin mind, but it feels so nice! Stephanie, come here and lick my pussy."
Brett nearly had a heart attack as his astonished eyes watched Amber geton her hands and knees and playfully wiggle her perfectly formed ass at hersister. Stephanie moved up between her legs and spread the perfectly roundedass cheeks. She then leaned in and lapped and licked Amber's pussy, her pinktongue swirling in broad strokes, moving up all the way so she could attackher sister's anus as well. Brett determined to join in, stood up and pouredthe Champagne all over Amber's back so that it flowed down the sides of herbody and down her ass crack to Stephanie's waiting mouth and tongue.
"Arggghhhhhh!" Amber squealed feeling Stephanie's fingers joinher tongue in her cunt.
"That's enough, fuck, I need a cock!" Amber suddenly screamed. "Iwant your cock inside me now!" Wiggling her inviting ass, she wailed. "Unkie,slam that hard cock into my wet cunt. Fuck me. Fuck me! My cunt is so fuckingwet", said Amber as she started to finger her dripping snatch. Stephaniequickly sat back making room for her uncle. Looking at her sister she saw theintense desire in her sister's sparkling blue eyes.
Brett approached Amber with lust burning through his veins. Before he couldprotect himself Amber roughly reached for his face with one hand, then holdinghis chin she pressed her mouth to his in a wet, sloppy kiss. She then grabbedhis hair, pulling him tighter into her mouth and then....pain... she was bitinghis lower lip.... Brett instinctively pulled away and she smirked at him, bitsof blonde hair falling over her face covering one eye.
"You want to play slut boy?" Amber exclaimed before slapping Brett acrossthe cheek. Amber slapped him again across the other cheek snapping his headback.
"Hit me Unkie! Do it NOW! It turn's me on. No, No, NO, NO, NO," Amber screamedas she wildly flung her clenched fist into Brett's chest.
Not knowing what to do, Brett slapped his young niece across her face andgrabbed her arms to protect himself. With her arms still pinned on the ground,Amber spread her long delicious legs open, displaying her wet cunt to everyonewhile she smiled an evil smile. She then rolled over onto her hands and knees,reaching back and opening her cunt lips with one hand. "Slip it in here,Unkie" she moaned. She knew that even though she had just humiliated him,and he would dearly love to be strong and deny her advances, he would ultimatelycave to his burning desire.
His earlier reservations were now completely forgotten as Brett got intoposition behind Amber and positioned his swollen cock head against her slitand pushed forward. He then vigorously plunged it into his niece's cunt. Hefelt the heat of her cunt and the wetness of her depths and suddenly lost sightof the fact that he was fucking one of his wife's nieces.
He was thrusting, back and forth, glorying in Amber's wet clasp when suddenlyAmber pulled away. She leaned back, pushing Brett onto his back and straddledhim in a reverse cowgirl position. Brett held her firm ass cheeks as she leanedforward towards his feet and started moving up and down on his shaft. He watchedhis thick hard shaft all shiny and wet emerge and then disappear between herclinging cunt lips, which seemed to tightly grab his prick on every outwardstroke.
Amber sat back, riding up and down on his prick while Brett reached roundher front, crushing her tits brutally. "Yes! Oh fuck yes!" Ambercried out. "FUCK ME!! FUCK ME UNKIE!! SQUEEZE MY TITS." Brett wassqueezing her tits so hard her breast flesh was bulging through his fingers.On releasing her breasts his finger imprints could be seen on the white flesh.
Stephanie joined in again. Carefully brushing her long hair aside she loweredherself between their legs and started licking and sucking his testicles andhis prick as the hard stem appeared out of Amber's cunt. "Fuck her, UncleBrett." Stephanie encouraged, "Fuck her raw! Fuck her like you'venever fucked that whore, Auntie Debbie."
"Yeah baby, it's nice and tight for your big cock. That's it Unkie,fuck my slut pussy. Slide that prick into my whore cunt." Amber was fingeringher clit as Brett continued to pound into her pussy.
Brett tried to slow his fucking movements because he wanted to extend theintense pleasure. But Amber wanted none of that. The way she was pumping hercunt up and down on his cock left him with no choice but to keep pace withher. He started picking up the pace and rammed up hard into her cunt. Ambercontinued to push and plunge down engulfing him on each stroke. "Yes!Yesss! Yessss!" the teenage vixen suddenly wailed, "I'm CUMMING!"
"Cum for me, slut!" Stephanie snarled at her sister. "You'rea dirty slut! A fucking cunt! A filthy whore who loves cock!!!" Stephaniesat back as the frantic pace made it hard for her to stay between their legs.For her it was like a three dimensional porn movie taking place just a fewinches in front of her as she pleasured herself by fingering her own twat.
"UH, ARGGHHHH, FUCK MY SLUT CUNT!" Amber screeched as her climaxhit her. She was thrashing and writhing on top of Brett. "AAARRRGGHHHH!" Shegroaned as she vigorously gyrated her hips back and forth, almost making hisprick slip out of her cunt.
Finally, Amber fell forward slumping down in a curled up position. Brettsat up; his prick still hard and shinny with Amber's climax. He had yet tocum and remained hard and horny as hell. His body was covered with a sheetof sweat despite the cool air conditioning.
Brett looked over at his other gorgeous niece, naked and sitting with herlegs spread fingers plunging into her wet twat. Stephanie gave him one of herlooks and turned round onto her hands and knees, opening her legs and shamelesslydisplaying her slit that was dripping juices down the insides of her thighs.
"Fuck me like a bitch." she moaned. "Stick your dick insideme and split me in two!"
Brett moved over to her and positioned his prick behind her full roundedass. He teasingly ran his hard cock head up and down her pussy slit and asshole. "Stopfucking around." she ordered. "Fuck me! Fuck me like you did Amber!Just harder!!!"
"I wanna watch this." Amber moaned.
"Watch then you whore.... and enjoy.....because I'm about to fuck himsilly. Watch his huge cock....fuck me ...fuck me deep, into my tight pussy.Watch as he slams that monster into me and makes me scream as I cum...." Stephaniegutturally moaned at her younger sister.
Brett placed the mushroom shaped head of his dick against the swollen lipsof her slit. He pushed forward and her lips parted easily for his prick, allowinghim to slide all the way inside in just one stroke. "Ahhh....yes...giveme that thing. Ohh shit......its so big. That's it.... uurrgghhhh...yes...deeper. Ahhhhhhhh!" Stephanie moaned. "Ohh Ohh! Uhhh.....urgghhhhhso fucking full! Fuck, so full...uh...of...cock....Uhhhh......fuck me, fuckme, FUCK ME!!!"
Brett moaned as he slowly pulled out and then pushed back in at the samedeliberate pace. Leaning forward, he reached under her and grabbed her fleshymelons of her breasts. Stephanie pushed back and opened her legs wider to accommodatehis pulsating rod. Brett waited till only his cock head remained in her wetcunt, then, swiftly and fiercely, he lunged forward, making her gasp and groan.
His balls began slapping off her ass making 'thwacking' sounds as he pickedup the pace. He grabbed the sides of her ass and began to fuck her. He fuckedher hard. His dick slid in and out of her pussy as he used long hard strokes.He was staring down at her beautiful ass as he fucked her, her firm ass cheeksjiggling with each impact. All of the pain and frustration of the last weekseemed to be driving him on. Madly, passionately, he continued to take hispent up frustration out on his niece's pussy with each vicious stroke.
"Cum in me!" Stephanie groaned, "Cum in me now! Ohhhhhhh..." shesighed, her pussy on fire.
Brett felt the sides of his cock sliding in and out against the walls ofher cunt. It was an amazing feeling. "C'mon, you fucker, fuck my cunt,fuck it harder, fuck me harder now," she said through clenched teeth whileshaking her head about.
Her lips found his as she turned her head back and she began to kiss him,but she was forced to break the kiss as he began to fuck her really hard. Inand out of her hole his cock slid, faster and faster. Her breasts were swingingviolently back and forth under her with each of his powerful thrusts. He grabbedtwo handfuls of brown hair, twisting her head back as he used her to steadyhimself as he continued slamming into her cunt, her ass cheeks flapping upwardsfrom his constant pounding.
"I'm cumming!" Brett groaned ramming as hard as possible whilekeeping a death grip on her brunette locks.
"Oh yeah!" Stephanie moaned. "Fill me up with your cum! Ughhhhhhhhhh!Ughhhhhhhhhh! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh!" She groaned even louder. "I'M GOINGTO CUM!"
Stephanie shouted. Her bucking increased. "OHHHHHHH YES..." shecried, her fingers rubbing her clit furiously.
Amber sat back, finger-fucking herself as she watched the lewd display hersister and uncle were putting on. Briefly she wondered if Carlos and Johnnywere getting all this on tape. "They fuckin' better, because thisis some really hot shit."
"YES! YES! YES!" Stephanie yelled, "CUM IN MY CUNT!! CUM INMY CUNT!!!" She
shouted. "I'M CUMMMMING!" Brett fucked her as deep as possiblepounding her ass incredibly hard.
As Stephanie's pussy contracted around his slamming dick, Brett finally felthimself let go. "HERE IT COMES!" He shouted.
"IN MY WHORE CUNT, IN MY WHORE CUNT!!!" Stephanie shouted as theyexploded together. Brett's sperm flew out of his shaft deep into her pulsatingcunt. After about two shots, he pulled out of her gooey twat and fired a ropeacross her back, bits hitting her hair, another two shots continued to splatteracross her back and role off the sides of her body to the carpet. Some of hiscum flowed down the sides of Stephanie's tits and hung off her erect nipple,suspended, waiting to fall. A final two more weak pumps onto her ass crackand he was dry. Brett fell backwards while Stephanie stayed on her hands andknees, her thighs and ass red from where Brett had pounded her and his cumstarted to ooze out of her cunt.
"That was so hot." Amber said. "I should have fucking filmedit." Amber then leaned across and kissed Brett on the lips. She smiledand said. "I hope you're not done."
"You're one hot cunt, older sister." Amber said as she moved awayfrom me towards Stephanie. "Look at that cum coming out of your whorecunt and all over your back!" Amber ran her hand across Stephanie's firmass and back, scooping up the globs of cum in her hand. Amber reached underStephanie taking her breast in her hands and licking her sweaty and cum splatteredback. Stephanie wiped some cum off her tit, left there by Amber, and lickedher fingers.
Stephanie arched her back as Amber continued kneading her tits. Amber shiftedbackwards so she was directly over Stephanie's ass and cunt. She ran her handsalong Stephanie's smooth thighs as she watched her uncle's cum continue toflow out of her cunt down her legs and drip onto the carpet. Pausing for effect,she then dived in tongue first, licking a huge amount of cum out of her sister'scunt.
"It's so warm an' sticky." Amber moaned. Amber licked Stephanie'sasshole as well, lashing the whole area up and down.
"You're such a damn whore," Stephanie moaned. Amber gave a slygrin at this statement and continued to eat Stephanie's pussy.
Brett was completely awestruck. Never in a million years did he think hewould see something so breathtaking and forbidden. He got a huge rush watchingAmber lick Stephanie's pussy, the same pussy he had just fucked raw.
Amber continued licking her pussy lips and still erect clitoris. Then sheput her finger against Stephanie's asshole and gently slipped a finger in herass. "Oh yeah, that feels good bitch. Stick that finger deeper insidemy ass." Stephanie moaned. "Harder whore." Stephanie panted.Stephanie's body jerked as Amber hit the correct spots. Her head arched backwardsand her mouth gaped open. "Aaahhhhhh!" She groaned. "That'sso fucking good! I'm gonna cum again!"
Amber increased the sucking and flicking of her tongue over Stephanie's clit. "Amber!" Stephaniesquealed. Her ass bucked forward. Stephanie pushed her snatch back into Amber'sface. Amber clamped her mouth on the hot, wet twat. That was all that was needed. "FUCK!" Stephanieyelled. "I'M CUMMING'! I'M CUMMING'! I'M CUMMING'!" Amber continuedher attack, opening her sister's pussy lips wider with two thumbs and stickingher tongue into the pulsating cunt.
Suddenly, Amber pulled away and pushed Stephanie on her back and repositionedherself above Stephanie's mouth in a 69 position. Stephanie's two arms wentround Amber's thighs and pulled her cunt into her mouth. Amber jerked her headout of Stephanie's cunt at this action as she felt Stephanie's tongue enterher cunt.
Both girls licked and sucked on each other. Fingers rubbed and pinched clitorisesas tongues went deep into wet and willing pussies. Both girls opened theirlegs as wide as possible as their mouths stayed tightly gripped to each other'scunts as they continued to lick furiously. Amber's ass started humping up anddown on Stephanie's face in a fanatical motion. Both were grinding their cuntshard onto the other's willing mouth.
"Ohhhhhh fuck yeah!" Amber wailed pulling her head out of Stephanie'ssteaming gash. Amber looked up at Brett, Stephanie's juices dripping off herchin.
They rolled onto their sides as legs wrapped around the other's head. Bothwhere held in place by mouths spread against cunt lips. Then both explodedin a frenzy of sexual excitement as their respective bodies twitched and tensed.Stephanie pulled away from Amber's cunt as Amber did likewise. They laid pantingand breathing deeply, their sweaty bodies glistening in the light, hair plasteredto their faces and tits heaving up and down. Brett had never seen a more arousingsite in his entire life.
Amber slowly lifted herself to her hands and knees and turned away from hermesmerized uncle. "One more time baby?" Amber stated. "I wantyour cock up my ass."
Brett smiled at her, his hand started jacking his prick back to hardness. "Damn,I've dreamt about fucking her tight little ass for years. I can't believethat I'm actually going to get to impale my cock in her perfect ass."
"Are you looking forward to jamming that prick up my steaming hot asshole?Won't it be something for you to jack off to in future? To think you fuckedme up my ass? I bet your little ol' whore wife doesn't let you get anywhereclose to her old nasty shit hole. Now does she?"
Brett's temples were pounding from the blood rushing up there as he stoodup, his cock started to stiffen as blood flowed down there also. He moved upto her and bent forward and tongued her asshole, licking it, preparing it forhis hard cock.
"Oh fuck yeah, eat my asshole Unkie. Stick your tongue into my asshole." Ambergroaned.
Brett got up and he ran the head of his cock up and down Amber's wet pussyslit, wetting it and transferring her juices onto her tight anal opening. Luckily,he need not have bothered as cunt juices had already flown down in to her assin her 69 with Stephanie.
He placed the tip of his cock to her asshole and began to push in slowly.Amber threw her head back, a sharp intake of breath as she realized how bighe was against her tiny anal ring. Amber was part of the very rare breed whoactually enjoyed anal sex. She was able to reach orgasm without any contactwith her clitoris or pussy. She discovered her zeal for this forbidden erogenouszone at a very early age and could never seem to get enough to completely satisfyher.
"Slow! Don't stop, just slow!!" Amber's head snapped back as shecried out. He pierced her tight ring of anal muscle very slowly leaving thehead lodged inside for a moment. Then he pushed a little more as the head ofhis prick entered Amber's asshole.
Slow? With this slut? I've dreamed of this moment for at least five years.All of those short skirts and tight shorts have driven me absolutely crazyBrett said to himself. In a moment of pure abandonment, Brett dispensed with "slow" andrammed his prick up into her ass!!!
Amber's head jerked back, her hair flying round, her eyes closed tight, andher mouth open with no sound coming out of it. Air seemed to be coming outof her mouth with a slight wheezing sound. She dropped her head, one hand clawingthe carpet and the other reaching out in front of her for some invisible support,her fingers all curled up. She then started slapping the carpet with one handwhile throwing her head about in pain. She seemed to be having trouble breathingand her face had gone red from the intense pain.
"ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed finally reaching back withone hand, her fingers out stretched as she tried to claw at him. "YOUFUCKING BASTARD!!! OH MY GOD...." And she slumped down onto one elbow.
Brett felt great as he looked down at her curved ass with his prick stickingout of the oh so tight ass hole. It felt like his prick was still growing evenas he thought this and felt a hot flush in his own cheeks. The brutal assaultin her ass and the pain and shock he could see written all over her face madehim feel top of the world!!
He stayed in that position as Amber's body shuddered a little as she adjustedto being skewered up the ass. Stephanie looked on, slowly twirling her fingersin her cunt knowing her sister's penchant for anal play.
Amber adjusted quickly and pushed back against his assault. Brett grippedher waist and pulled her back. Soon, his stiff cock began to move in and outwith greater ease as his balls slapped against her wet pussy lips with everythrust.
"Ohhhhhhhhh fuck! Oh my God!" she moaned with pleasure. "Youare such a fucking bastard...urghhh....fuck...urghhh. Fucking me…sogood. You're stupid…whore…wife…doesn't know…what…she'smissing." She twisted her head back for a kiss. Meshing his mouth againsthers he reached under her and fondled her tits and tweaked her nipples.
He slid partway out and than rammed it back in, jamming his entire dick intoher anus, impaling her. "URGGGHH!" she moaned in a mix of pain andpleasure. Brett grabbed her hips and held her firmly against him. He lookeddown at her ass, loving how it looked with his cock disappearing into her tightasshole and then seeing her asshole grab at his cock as he pulled out. Herbeautiful butt flesh was now bouncing and rippling as he rammed in and outof her in absolute rapture.
"You like his cock in your ass don't you, slut!" Stephanie tauntedher sister.
"Oh I love it. I love ass fucking. I love being stuck like a pig. Itfeels fucking great. DON'T STOP!" she cried out.
Stephanie joined in. Crawling over and helping keep Amber's ass cheeks open.Her mouth searched for Brett's, their tongues were soon entwined. Stephaniewas thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth. Brett grabbed a handful of herbrown locks to guide her head. She released Amber's ass cheeks and ran herlong red fingernails over his chest, leaving a little trail.
Stephanie then reached down and pulled his prick out, putting it into hermouth and sucking on the hard staff. Brett looked down at the amazing sightof Amber's gaping ass. Amber moaned in annoyance at losing his prick in herass. Stephanie released his penis and then put the head back against Amber'sgapping open asshole so that he could slide back in. They did this three timesbefore Stephanie became tired of this and sat back to watch.
In no time at all, Amber was ramming her ass backwards to meet his thrusts.She was moaning loudly as her ass got fucked, and she was losing control again,her arms buckling under her. Brett slid his hand around to the front of herbody, his fingers finding her nipples as he fucked her ass. His fingers startedpulling her nipples as hard as he could as if he was milking her pushing herover the top and she exploded in orgasm.
Brett felt his own orgasm approaching as well as he jammed his cock intoher vibrating ass, pumping her full of his thick, creamy cum. Burning jetsof hot spunk blasted into her asshole. She gasped aloud when she felt the hotspurts of cum shooting into her. She grunted hard as he pounded into her ass,pumping her full of his hot cum.
"AHHHH, YESSS, YESSSS! FILL ME FULL OF YOUR CUM! I LOVE IT! I CAN FEEL IT!THERE IS SO MUCH OF IT," she yelled. Her body started jerking like a ragdoll as he filled her ass with cum.
They lay on the floor without moving for a while with Brett's weight on Amber'sback. His cock had barely softened and popped out of her abused asshole. Thenhe rolled over exhausted and lay down beside her.
He looked at her and soon after saw a small river of cum dripping from Amber'sass flow out onto the carpet. Stephanie crawled over to her, and opened hersister's thighs and willingly sucked all the cum out of Amber's asshole, atthe same time brining herself off, one hand on her clit rubbing hard, and thefingers of her other hand pressing in and out of her dripping pussy.
Brett thought to himself that he had just experienced the most amazing momentsof his life. He was partially right, it was those moments that would ruin himforever.
Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt and uncles place especially during the summer. My Aunt continuously went out of her way to ensure I was happy and had all I needed… if she only knew what I wanted most I could not have. Although they moved to another city and I am now grown up with a f****y of my own, I still think of those days when she would bend over just right in her loose bikini top offering me more than an eye full of her globes which were not big but shapely and firm with...
Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt and uncles place especially during the summer. My Aunt continuously went out of her way to ensure I was happy and had all I needed… if she only knew what I wanted most I could not have. Although they moved to another city and I am now grown up with a family of my own, I still think of those days when she would bend over just right in her loose bikini top offering me more than an eye full of her globes which were not big but shapely and firm with...
Alison's Awakening Preface Chapter One Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...
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Michelle’s Awakening Ch 1Finally, 4:30. Michelle could now leave work, and head to the gym. But she wasn’t going there to work out, like she told her husband, Greg. She was meeting Mike in the side parking lot. Mike was her lover. Their relationship had been going for almost 3 months. Michelle was bored in her marriage, and their sex life was routine, as well as infrequent. She longed for more.Michelle and Mike worked together, and had frequently met for lunch. The more they talked, the more...
Wife Lovers(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...
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The AwakeningThis is based on true a story and some of you who have read some of my very early stories may recognize this story.Well where can I start … from the beginning I suppose picture this a bored 30 something housewife , married her high school sweetheart and now almost 15 years later felt like she was screaming inside with boredom. I felt like I was abnormal because I wasn’t enjoying lovemaking – it was always over too soon, was always the same and if I dared to suggest something out...
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I have tried to accurately represent the events as they were related to me and have submitted the manuscripts back to those who provided the information for review for accuracy. As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession so you will gain an understanding of how these events began and unfolded over time. 41 Pages Bree 6 The Awakening About a month before the planned get together at the ranch, they all met in San Antonio at The Shops of LaCanterra to...
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Disclaimer: I hoped you liked the first part of this saga I have started…its my first sex story, I have yet to expand more…but I hope you will understand…I will try my best to meet your expectations in the stories to follow…but I hope you will follow this story as it progresses…and it would be helpful if you leave me comments…hope you will enjoy… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Blinding Lust 2 – The Dark Lords Awakening No ordianry man could hear it, and he...
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Story One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Ricochet for beta reading this! In a certain mall, in a clothing store frequented by the local college girls, a figure wandered. Nondescript. The type of person no one would ever look at twice. The figure drifted through the store, browsing the shelves, glancing at the wares. Trendy clothing. Flashy and bright, full of pastel colors. The figure paused at one display with a selection of panties covered in...
Chapter 1 I am Mike, 16, I do the normal things a teenage guy does, video games, hanging out with friends, sports, no girl friend fanaticize about sex. And no I have not really been on a date yet. I guess you could classify me as a jock, just not the baseball, football or basketball type. I did like cross country and really liked the long distance runs we had to do. Most of the other guys on the team hated running anything over 6 or 8 miles. Me, I felt I was just getting started at 6. It...
Part One: The Awakening By Alecgos This is an original idea, with no characters or plots from another series, created by Alecgos. If you see this on another site, note the posting date and the date of this posting: November 25, 2013, to XNXX. The first thing I felt was the cold. It swept over me like a blanket of snow, slowly drifting to sluggishly envelope me. Then the cold came crashing down on me like a hail storm. Biting into me as if it were a snake, paralyzing it's prey...
Lord, it was hot! That’s what everybody in town was saying. The old men playing checkers outside Simpson’s Feed Store remarked on this fact while mopping away sweat with faded blue bandannas. The women entering Bradford’s Store probably felt it worst. The manner of dress mandated by the moral codes of 1906 left them breathless from the binding of tight corsets and floating in perspiration under the insulating layers of cotton and silk. If men were hot, they could open a shirt collar, and if...
Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening This story couldn’t have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...
My Sexual Awakening I open my eyes this morning and I look at your sweet face as you sleep, I smile and stretch. I have this desire to wake you and arouse you like you were last night. Your gorgeous cock was so hard, so big, and fit perfectly inside my pussy. You have touched me like no other man. I resist the temptation for now. Instead, I slide out from under the covers and head into the bathroom. My nipples are still hard, or is it … hard again. I’m not sure, nor do I care. I just know that...
Sometimes, things just happen. It’s not something that you plan or even seriously think about. You find yourself in a situation in which you face a most unexpected choice – one that can have a profound effect on how you view yourself. This is a story about one of those times. It was one that saw my awakening as a much more complete and confident sensual being at a relatively late age. By way of background, I realized on reflection several months after my 51st birthday that the numbers and...
Alison’s Awakening Preface Chapter One Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...
Michelle’s Awakening Ch 1 Finally, 4:30. Michelle could now leave work, and head to the gym. But she wasn’t going there to work out, like she told her husband, Greg. She was meeting Mike in the side parking lot. Mike was her lover. Their relationship had been going for almost 3 months. Michelle was bored in her marriage, and their sex life was routine, as well as infrequent. She longed for more. Michelle and Mike worked together, and had frequently met for lunch. The more they talked, the...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love’s Awakening A warm wetness was working it’s way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Introduction: Joyce is at it again SOUND SLEEPER 2: The Awakening THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER, JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line, she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept&hellip,in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the...
This one is the story of how my beautiful wife had her awakening. This, very real, story happened in 1978, while she and I were working our way through college. We were seniors when this happened, we got married as juniors. Like most young couples, money was in short supply. Paying the rent and utilities on our small apartment was hardly a foregone conclusion. We’d moved away from our home town and were still finishing college. One day in the spring, a buddy of mine called, (actually my best...
My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and...
The Awakening This is based on true a story and some of you who have read some of my very early stories may recognize this story. Well where can I start … from the beginning I suppose picture this a bored 30 something housewife , married her high school sweetheart and now almost 15 years later felt like she was screaming inside with boredom. I felt like I was abnormal because I wasn’t enjoying lovemaking – it was always over too soon, was always the same and if I dared to suggest something out...
Introduction: Marcis first experience being a submissive Family Conspiracy- Chapter 4: Marcis Awakening Let me recap briefly how I found myself in a very awkward position. A week ago, I had discovered that my daughter had been working in an adult bookstore at a glory hole. This knowledge came after I did, if youll excuse the crude humor. For a few days afterwards, I was guilt-ridden at what I had done to my daughter, and potentially to my family. However, the guilt faded and was replaced with...
Kelly and I met through an adult dating site. We chatted through the site then texts and emails. We couldn’t seem to arrange a personal meeting. She had a family reunion to go out of town and for personal other family-related matters. Then I had to go out of town to deal with a family matter. As it turns out to the same city, but she was already home when I arrived.Through our chats and texts we grew to know each other and through photos, we found that we were quite attracted to each other. As...
Straight SexKelly and I met through an adult dating site. We chatted through the site then texts and emails. We couldn’t seem to arrange a personal meeting. She had a family reunion to go out of town and for personal other family-related matters. Then I had to go out of town to deal with a family matter. As it turns out to the same city, but she was already home when I arrived.Through our chats and texts we grew to know each other and through photos, we found that we were quite attracted to each other. As...
Straight SexAs I look back on the last few months I still cannot fathom the changes that I have gone through in the last few months. My name is Annie, and until nine months ago I was living a satisfying and happy life. I was happily married to my husband Tom, and we were starting to discuss the possibility of having children. On a horribly fateful, night we were walking home from dinner when a truck jumped the sidewalk. My husband saw and reacted first, pushing me to the left, but in doing so, left...
NovelsA slight rustling aroused Aylar from her peaceful slumber. Her orgasm was so intense that she had drifted off for a moment, basking in its afterglow. Still highly aroused, her body trembled. She blinked open her eyes in anticipation of the sight of her beautiful lover. To her shock, instead of Javier’s frame, a dark, hulking figure hovered in front of her. She impulsively slammed her legs shut, but he was already in between her knees, and her legs thumped against his hips.Ken was startled by...
InterracialMy name is Kerrie. I am a forty-two year old woman with a loving husband, two great daughters, and a home in an upper middle class, leafy suburb in the north of Sydney. I work part time as a business manager, play tennis and swim. At forty-two, I am still slim, fit and attractive. I have been married since I was twenty-two and still love my husband, Tom, who loves me. Sex with him remains very satisfying. I am multi-orgasmic and, when we fuck, Tom rarely fails to elicit an orgasm, often two,...
LesbianI’m awake. It feels good to stretch and roll over. Ahhh… it's Sunday. No need to get up until I feel like it. She’s breathing softly and steadily, still asleep. Snuggle closer; she’s lying on her back. I like cuddling with her, even when she’s asleep. Even after years of marriage, I still find her sexy as hell. Look at her face from inches away. I love those lips; best kisses and best blowjobs of my life. And those eyes; she has eyelashes to die for. My hand is on her thigh. The skin is soft...
Straight SexThe last bus left just as I turned the corner of the street. I run after it, my heels clattering on the pavement, making me think briefly about the clattering of hooves on the cobbled streets of times long gone. Long gone, like my last bus is gone. I reach the bus stop and stare after the bus. “Another one will be along soon enough,” a deep voice says and I look round and see a tall, slim man, slightly older than me, with short, greying stubble. He is wearing an old fashioned flat cap, a long,...
BDSMI love the tingling sensation that I get deep in my pussy when my gorgeous new girlfriend sucks my super-sensitive nipples. I’ve only known Yvonne for a few weeks but since we met we’ve spent every Saturday night and Sunday together doing little else but having the most intense and satisfying sex. I approached her at a party a few weeks ago and at first she seemed very cold towards me but it transpired that she’d only recently split from her long-term boyfriend who was the only person she’d...
Group SexTrucker’s AwakeningBy: Londebaaz Chohan Kuldeep Singh was truly startled by such sexy female voice on the other end of the phone; asking him; If he was alone at that time. He hesitated a little, not knowing, what was going on; who was calling or what the shit was all about but then he calmly answered that yes, he was alone. Now the same, very musical voice asked, if he could help her. That was not easy to answer but by now, he was also in a mood to play the game, if it were a set up or a game...
My eyes were covered by some piece of soft cloth.I heard his deep voice, ordering me to climb on top of him, hovering over his saliva soaked cock. My own cum has lubed my pussy lips…I started lowering myself slowly onto that magnificent cock. I felt its tip touch my waiting pussy as I impaled myself on him.I let my weight to make me get down until I felt him hitting deep inside. His huge hands reached out for my boobs, cupping them, pinching my hardened nipples between his fingers.Then I...
I can’t tell you how old I was when I first noticed the difference between the male and female species. Yes there was my mother and I knew her as Mom and I knew Mom dressed differently, but to honestly say I knew there was something different between us other than age really didn’t sink in to my brain until that morning. There was NOTHING sexual about it, no it was an awakening to the realization that there was more than an age difference between me and the females that lived in and around our...
St. Martin AwakeningAnn had tried to leave her old self behind since she’d married Jimmy. Sure, she’d let Lance seduce her into meeting him shortly after she and Jimmy returned from their honeymoon but she’d felt so guilty about that she’d remained faithful ever since.But as they’d gotten into their third year of marriage Ann was feeling less and less satisfied with their sex life. It wasn’t that they didn’t do it at least twice weekly, it just wasn’t as satisfying. She wondered also if it had...