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Why do women cheat on their husbands? I know people will say it is because men cheat on their wives. But if a man doesn't, what then? I don't know the answer, but I may find out after I finish planning what to do about my wife's indiscretions. Yes, she is one of those wives who cheat. I know because I saw her go into the motel with one of her co-workers. I watched the door for two hours until they appeared again. They didn't even keep it hidden from the world either, for she kissed him as she came out ready to get into her car. It was some kiss too. I hadn't received one like that for two years. It might have been longer than that, but after awhile you forget something if it doesn't happen that often.

I own and operate an electronics store and repair shop. The repair section isn't too busy, for most people in today's culture would rather throw something away than have it repaired. That sideline brought about the knowledge that my wife was cheating and would be her downfall. I had an outlet for used computers after I repaired them. They were sent off with a ninety-day warranty to be sold as up to factory standards. I would take the trade-in from customers who were looking to upgrade and I had a deal with the city recycling center to take computers that weren't too obsolete.

To start with, I would boot the recycled computer up if it was possible. Then I would run an anti-virus detection program through the systems to make it safe so no virus would spread. If I got that far, I would see what I could find stored in the hard drive. People are dumb, for they left all sorts of private information on their computers when they traded them in or discarded them. I was even able to tip the police off about five people who were involved in things that were illegal concerning children. Hell if I was crooked, I could have cleaned out some bank accounts and that was up to and including the city's police account. All of this from information I gleaned from these recycled computers.

Four months ago at the agency where my wife works, the owner upgraded and I was able to sell him six new computers. Five old ones had been turned in to be recycled and I asked about the sixth one. I was informed that John Conan had bought the old machine for his personal use. The unusual thing was, three months later when I went to the recycling center, I found a computer with the sticker, Ace Realty Agency on it. It had been recycled. I remembered the ones I had taken in trade from the agency and this one was the same model. In the same position on the tower was the identical sticker as the five from the Ace Realty Agency.

I knew John Conan and had never particularly liked him, as he seemed overly possessive when he was around Betty, my wife. Enough so that I mentioned it to her. She just laughed and said he did it to see if I was a jealous husband and now that he knew, she would tell him to be careful. Apparently it was a private joke, for I saw them talking only once again that day. After that I didn't see them very often together at any of the company functions and it slipped completely from my mind.

I suspected that this computer I had received from the recycling was his machine. It was and John hadn't done a very credible job of removing files. What he had done, made me think he just didn't care, or didn't know. Anyway, it was all there for me to see. I was going to go through this computer and see what was in every file if I had to, not because I expected to find anything, but because I just didn't like him.

When I opened his money file I could see that there were frequent charges for a motel across town. This was a red flag, for he was married and had two kids, the same as Betty and I did. He was six years younger than me and his kids were that much younger than mine. It looked like his salary and commissions about matched what Betty brought home, so no surprises there.

I next went looking for photo files. I was shocked at what I found. The first file I opened showed my bedroom with Betty lying naked on the bed. Hopefully Betty had been alone and taken this by remote and sent it to John. Three photos later and after three different positions Betty had moved into, there was one of John on the bed with her. You know how you have a cut and it scabs over and you keep picking at it? Well the files were my scabs. I just had to keep picking at the photos until I opened all of the files and saw what she did with John Conan. I couldn't stop myself and was actually disappointed when I opened the last one.

I went to the index and found more photos John had installed on this computer. He had some shots of his wife, but most, and the most explicit, were the ones with my wife. Conan was certainly quite a player.

So here I was outside a motel room watching my wife kiss Conan. Make no mistake, she was kissing him. It wasn't time for her to come home from work so they must be going back to Ace Realty. I went home and thought how I was going to handle this. I had my two kids to consider and I didn't want to hurt them unduly. I did want to cause Betty some grief, though.

Betty was going to be thirty-eight-years-old next month. Jake, our oldest, was seventeen and Lara was almost sixteen. Betty and I had been married eighteen years. I looked back on my life with Betty. We did everything together up until she decided that the kids were old enough to be on their own and then she went to work at Ace Realty. I was happy for her as she was home most evenings after she had worked at the agency long enough to gain seniority--no more evening showings.

Never had there been indication of any unfaithfulness. Sex had been something when either of us had an itch, we obliged each other in scratching. On reflection, it had dropped off in the last couple of years and I didn't need scratching very often. Betty didn't come to me for relief, either. Hell, I knew why now. Betty was getting more than scratched, she was getting screwed. I could take the blame for some of this for not paying attention, but Betty could have come to me and I would have obliged her.

What to do? I didn't want to hurt either her or her lover physically. That wasn't my way, but I still wanted them to pay. It took me almost a week to set up what I planned. In the meantime there was a company picnic at Ace Realty. I escorted my loving wife, Betty, and went around greeting everyone as soon as we arrived. When we came up to John Conan and his wife, Sophia, I introduced myself. "Sophia, you must be John's wife. I'm Bentley Burton, Betty's husband. Didn't I see you in my store looking at CD players the other day?"

"I was in Bentley Electronics store the other day. Oh, I understand, you're the Bentley."

"I am. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"No I didn't, well not what I could afford anyway."

I turned to my wife. "Betty, would you keep John occupied? I want to see if I can help Sophia with a deal. You can talk shop," I paused, "or something. Come Sophia, tell me which model you like. I have been known to give a discount to a pretty woman." I took her arm and headed for a bench that was conveniently near. This left John and Betty puzzling over my words and actions.

As I sat down Sophia looked at me. "I have a feeling you think there is something going on between John and your wife. I can tell you for certain that there is. Are you looking for evidence about them from me?"

"Do you have some?"

"All you should need for a divorce. The question is, do you want a divorce? Once you start the process, it is hard to stop. I mean so far you have just been cheated on. If it gets out they have been shacking up, you almost have to go through with it. A man's ego is a fragile thing and if your friends know she cheated and you don't do something, they are going to think you are a wimp. That would drive you to divorce her whether you wanted to or not."

"What about you? He has cheated on you and you apparently know all about it."

"Oh, I want to hang in there until the kids are older if I can. Of course if you divorce her, I won't be able to. I would be in the same position as you."

"It would affect my two kids as well. They love their mother and I would hate to see them hurt."

"We could scare the crap out of them."

"That might work."

"Any idea how? I mean it would have to be some way that they wouldn't know it was us who did it, but enough so they would always wonder if maybe we were to blame."

"Sophia, I have been thinking of several ways to get even, not physically to cripple them, but to make them damned uncomfortable. It would take quite a sum of money and would mean hiring a couple of people to implement it."

"I can come up with some money. Tell me about it?" We talked and I was just pissed enough at my wife and Sophia's husband to put it into play.

I watched from my car as the two people I had hired, knocked on the motel room, number sixteen. Sophia was in her car directly behind mine. The door was opened and I caught a glimpse of Betty as she let the man and woman enter. Three minutes later the door opened and the woman that had just entered waved. I drove up close to the motel and reached over the seat to open the rear door for them.

Betty was unconscious and the two people quickly boosted her into the back seat. I pulled ahead one car length and the two people and Sophia repeated the same with John. Again quickly, the unnamed woman slid in beside Betty and told me to travel. I could hear her doing some things in the backseat behind me.

I looked in the mirror and I could see Sophia's car right behind mine. Then I glanced into the back seat to see what was happening. Betty had a blindfold on and her hands were cuffed behind her. She was starting to regain consciousness from the stun gun and was waking up. The woman was ready for her. "Drink," she demanded. Betty couldn't help herself from swallowing the way the woman had the bottle positioned and her head tipped way back.

I could see Betty swallowing to keep from choking. Five minutes later when I looked, Betty was slumped against the side of the seat. The woman spoke to me. "She is sleeping now and will stay that way for two to three hours. This was a good snatch. Pete has had the same good luck as I have. He buzzed me the signal on my cell."

Three days later I answered my phone as I was sitting in my office at the store. "Hello, Bentley here. How may I help you?"

"Oh God, it is so good to hear your voice again. I didn't think I would ever hear it. Bent, tell me you love me. Just say it so I can hear you."

"Whoa, what's the matter Betty? You sound shook up."

"Bentley, I was kidnapped. It was horrible. I didn't think I was ever going to hear your voice again."

"You said that already. Where are you?"

"In a motel. The police said it is a little town outside of Boise, Idaho. I don't know how I got here. I mean I know how, but I don't know why."

"Christ, that is on the other side of the country. You're supposed to be at a seminar in Springfield, Illinois."

"What do you mean, at a seminar? What gave you that idea?"

"A lady who said she was from your office came by the store and told me. I even left to go home and pack you a bag. She went with me and I gave it to her to take to you because you had to catch a plane. Are you alone?"

I knew my wife didn't want to answer this question. Finally, "No I'm not alone. John Conan is with me. He was kidnapped too." I was quiet. "You have to believe me. We don't know why this happened to us, honest."

"What did you do, run off with him and then get cold feet? Or maybe you finally thought about Jake and Lara and concocted this crazy story."

"No, no! It wasn't that way at all. You have to believe me. Christ, I lived in a cage for three days. I had to pee in a tin can in a corner right in front of John. I've never been so embarrassed in my life."

"I suppose John was right there holding the can for you. That must have been fun." I forced a laugh that she could hear.

Betty was crying. I asked, "Where are you staying? I bet good old John is with you. I bet you are in the same motel too?"

"Yes we are, but I don't know how we got here, honest. The last thing we remember was being in a filthy cage and it was so hopeless. I think we were in some kind of big box truck. Someone would put food and water through a hole in the front. It seemed like we were always thirsty. We couldn't see hardly anything and it was hot. The only light was coming in from a little grill in the top of the truck. I think the water they gave us had drugs in it. You have to believe me. Say you love me, please? If I ever get home I'm never going to leave and love you always."

"I thought you did love me always."

"I do. You know what I mean. I'm just going to love you harder and more deeply."

It was time for another question she was not going to want to answer. "Where were you kidnapped from?"

"I'll tell you when I get home. Can you send me some money? Someone took my credit card."

"What about lover boy? Use his."

"He can't. We think someone took it and maxed it out. He has the card, but can't use it. We don't even have enough money for food."

"I don't know, Betty. Something is pretty fishy about this whole thing. How long before you have to check out of your little nest?"

"Don't say it like that, Bent. If you could know what the last three days have been like for me, you'd put me to bed and cuddle me and make love to me so I could forget this horrible ordeal. We are supposed to check out by eleven this morning. That's three hours from now. Please send some money. I'm desperate."

"Well I'll think about it. Let me call Sophia Conan. She is in this too, you know. I want to see how she feels about this. Give me the number there and I will call you back."

"Bentley, don't hang up."

I did though and called Sophia. She had just hung up on John. We were laughing about these two cheaters. "Do you want him back?"

"Yes, but that poor bastard is going to be on a leash almost tight enough to choke him."

"Okay, I'll wire them enough money to get home. You know with all the fun we have had with this, it is almost worth having them cheat on us. Seriously, if we can't work this out with our spouses, may I give you a call?"

"If it doesn't work out, yes, I wish you would."

I called the motel and said I was wiring money, but until it got there I gave them my credit card number for another day and asked the manager to see that they were fed. I then had the call switched to Betty's room. I wasn't ready to let up on her yet either. "Betty, tell me if you were so filthy, how did you get a room at the motel?"

"I don't know. Someone must have given us a bath. We were clean when we woke up and I had my own pajamas on. Did you pack the blue ones?"

"Yes, but I didn't know you were going to be sleeping with that asshole. Is there one bed or two in the room?" She knew I could check so she answered truthfully.

"One, but we didn't do anything."

"I bet. I don't know how you are going to explain all of this, but I guess I can wait until you get home. The money is on the way and will be at the front desk sometime today."

"Oh God, thank you Bentley. I love you, love, love you!"

I called Sophia back again. "You know they are going to have trouble getting on a plane without money behind John's credit card. Do you have any funds to transfer to it?"

"Yes, I have the cash advance I took when I maxed his card."

"Okay, send him enough to get home on. If you need any more, I can transfer some from my account. This would be for you because I don't want to give him anything. He already has my wife."

"You're quite a guy, Bentley Burton. I don't suppose we will be talking again. I'm going to miss that."

"Me too." I hung up.

I did see Betty the next morning at five a.m. Sophia and I were standing outside the air terminal when she and John came out and walked slowly toward us. I thought after the way she talked yesterday, she would come rushing up to me. I hugged her anyway. "I don't know what this is all about, but I'm glad you are home safe. We will have to inform the police of what happened." This is the last thing that Sophia and I wanted, but we had to go through the motions.

John, who had his arm around his wife, spoke up. "I want to just forget the whole thing. Betty and I think it may have been a disgruntled client that did this to us. We have collaborated on several large properties and the sales often fall through. This is the only thing we can think of. You can't believe what the kidnappers said was going to happen to us. They told us we were headed for Mexico and that Betty was to be sold to a whorehouse that serviced some drug cartel. I was going to be sold to a guerrilla band that needed a translator who spoke English and Spanish both. Why did I ever learn Spanish and who knew about it?"

"Do you think you are safe now? I wouldn't want this to come back on my kids?"

"Betty and I talked about that. If whoever did this wanted worse things to happen, they had the perfect chance when they had us. They let us go and when we look back on it, we weren't really treated that terribly, except for being scared and uncomfortable and very dirty. I want to move on and forget it. Betty does to. I'm glad we were together so we could hold onto each other. I couldn't have stood it if we hadn't been locked up together." He and Sophia turned and walked toward their car. I kissed Betty and hugged her to me before doing the same.

We were home in time to get breakfast for the kids. Jake had a job for the summer and was headed for the Colorado School of Mines in the fall. Lara was cute and a smaller version of her mother. She was going to a friend's house after we finished eating. When both had gone, Betty brought coffee into the living room where it was comfortable.

"Bent, I have some things to tell you. It isn't going to make you happy at all. John is probably having this same conversation with Sophia. First, I have been an unfaithful wife to you for awhile. I became interested in someone over a year ago before I finally succumbed. You have probably guessed that it was John Conan. Up until this last week it was just sex. It was nice and it was fun, but I--we knew we could stop anytime. However, I never could have got through our ordeal this week without John. He was there every minute for me. I'm sorry, but I want a divorce and he does too, so we can get married."

"When did you decide this? This is a different line then you handed me when you called yesterday."

"I know, but remember we spent three days trapped when we didn't know if we were going to live or have something much worse happen to us. After you and I talked, we saw each other, not as sex partners, but as someone we wanted to spend the rest of our life with. We just can't give each other up."

"What about the kids? Have you given them any thought?"

"Yes we have. More actually than we have given you and Sophia. Jake and Lara can handle it without any problem, I'm sure. It will be difficult for John Jr. and Linda because they are younger. If Sophia doesn't make too big a stink over the divorce and have the news spread all over, they should understand."

"What about me? Why do you think you can come to me and ask for a divorce and I will just say okay and goodbye?"

"Bentley, think about our life together for the last couple of years. The only time we are involved with each other is with the kids' school activities and at meal times. Sure we have sex, but it isn't that great. We only have that when you feel you ought to, so you can say you still have sex. You are not very inspiring and, sad to say, exciting, either. I just don't know why this happened, but it has. You're still the man I can be comfortable with, but you aren't the man I want to spend the rest of my life with."

I looked at her. She was hurting me every time she opened her mouth. I thought to myself, I wish I could find those people that kidnapped you. I would make sure they took you to Mexico. "This asshole you have been screwing must really be something."

"Bent, please don't feel that way. I'm trying to be honest with you. Would you want to keep me around until I hated the sight of you? I do love you, I love our kids, but I love the sex I'm having with someone else. That was then, but now it is more than just sex, it is love for him as well. If I hadn't been kidnapped, I would have gone on lying and cheating on you until you caught me. I want to settle this and I'm really sorry I'm hurting you. Do you want me to move out today?"

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As I have mentioned before, I'm a writer, Joe Baker. I got permission to write Jeff Johnson's side of the brutal murder of three men. I will be telling excerpts from the prosecutor's side, and Jeff will tell me where he feels a lie was told. I will also give extracts of any evidence that was presented at trial. I spoke to Jeff in jail; this is what we said. "Jeff, let me start with the phone calls that night. I will tell you in advance that every call that I mention has been verified by...

3 years ago
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A Lesson In Anatomy

Anna was indeed precocious and had already mastered the art of bringing herself to orgasm. She had used her position as the only child and the perky little buds developing on her noticeable tits to wrap her father around her little finger – biding her time until she was sure she could convince him to pop her cherry. But all this would now have to be achieved during holiday visits, as the majority of the year would be spent in drab clothes and doing chores. Little did Anna know that...

2 years ago
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For the Weekend pt1 Fun in the Sun

John and his wife, Lacy, lay in bed sound asleep. It is already high-noon, Saturday and they had slept though all their alarms. Usually, this isn’t an issue, however this weekend was different. For the first time since they started living together (which was only a year ago) they are having a guest spend the night. They are awoken by pounding on the door. ‘WAKE UP GUYS!!!!’ John hears their guest yelling on the other side of the front door. ‘I’m coming’, he manages to yell back as he rolls...

1 year ago
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Snowed In

Snowed InWith all the recent cold and snow up north recently, an incident that happen approximately 10 years ago comes to mind. I was volunteer to join the boss’s wife at a convention up north. He was unable to go due to a sudden illness. The plan was we fly up and fly back the same day. Unfortunately, the weather had other plans. Our return flight was cancel due to the weather. Cherry (not her real name) was on the ball and got us rooms at a local upscale motel. I didn’t realize until our...

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lonely Julie chapter 3

Introduction: julie and sally with Timmy Lonely Julie Chapter 3 Sally and 11 year old Timmy were on the beach past near the flat of Timmys School matron Julie. Timmy was staying with Julie for the summer while his parents and her husband were abroad. Julie was 29 and the night before had introduced Timmy to masturbation and they had watched each other shit and cum. Not wanting Timmy to get too attached to her, Julie had got her friend Sally, a blond also 29, to take Timmy out to the quiet...

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Honey Dew pt 6

Dena woke up to a warm sensation between her legs. Paul was lying between her legs licking her pussy. She didn’t move, enjoying his tongue plunging in and out of her hot hole. His hands found their way to her tits and pulled on her nipples. Dena took his fingers and simulated a blowjob with them. Moving up her belly, Paul began to lick her full tits. He squeezed them tightly together and licked. Straddling her, he slid his cock between her tits and started moving his hips. Dena took...

2 years ago
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Fick im Heu

Fick im Heu Es war ein wundersch?ner Sonntag Nachmittag und ich und mein Freund George verbrachten den Tag am Land, bei seinen Eltern. Er hatte mich ihnen vorgestellt, weil wir nun doch schon seit fast einem halben Jahr ein Paar sind. Bis jetzt glaube ich, dass seine Eltern mich ganz gern haben. Aber ob das wohl auch noch so sein w?rde, wenn sie mein kleines Geheimnis herausfinden w?rden? Denn was George ihnen verst?ndlicherweise verschwiegen hat ist, dass ich in Wahrheit eine S...

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My Colleagues Wife 3

As I put her down on the bed, She sat down beside me, grasped my cock with one of her lovely soft hands, and slowly stroked up and down its full length. My cock was hard again but Marie wanted it to be even harder. "I suppose a little confession is in order. Jim has talked about you numerous times since you met and for some reason my thinking about his desire for me to be with another man became more possible in my mind. Anyway, the more her talked about you the more interested I became so...

4 years ago
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CuttyChapter 30 The New Year Family Weekend Saturday

“Can you please cover her up?” The fat man in the grey business suite said as he received his champagne. He moved uncomfortably to find a way to sit in the seat which was too small for his size. “Will do sir.” The stewardess answered politely, and she walked over to Donna’s seat, just two rows ahead of him. Donna pretended to be asleep. She was too embarrassed with her attire to face the other passengers. But she couldn’t keep her eyes closed either. She was drunk, and she felt...

4 years ago
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Beautiful StrangerChapter 13

"Captain Hayaln, good morning. Or is it afternoon now?" "My lord, it's an hour after noon." "Yes, that's right. I've been awake so long I can't tell anymore." "I know what you mean." The lord Iosoan pulled his rain cloak farther over his face as he walked beside the tall captain. Both men hunched slightly against the steady downpour of the storm, which had not abated through the night. Morning had brought the sun unseen to shine behind a veil of boiling clouds, lighting the...

3 years ago
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Slutty wifenow my EX slutty wife

This starts in the summer of 2006 when after a year in her new job i found out of my ex wifes love for cock.Jen was a lovely girl,mid 5ft with a size 6 figure,she had always had small boobs but due to her having a good job had paid for two boob jobs and went from a B to GG tits,they were amazing and i loved playing with them.Sex was great but as time went along Jen`s need for me became too much and i was often out of service with a sore cock.We had not had sex for about a week and one weekend...

2 years ago
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The Attorney

I first saw him sitting behind his desk on his computer. He was a tall, dark man who looked liked he was from Indian descent. I instantly lusted after him. He told me that he would be taking my case. He explained that he has been a lawyer for 7 years and has never lost a case. As the case dragged on, we got to know each other better. I told him where I was from, what my interests are, etc. He told me about himself. One day while we were having a casual conversation, he popped a personal...

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Our Ordeal in Tumali

Our Ordeal in Tumali Our Ordeal in TumaliSynopsis?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ? Our Ordeal in Tumaliby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic...

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His Mothers Hair Part II F

His Mother's Hair, Part II F By Melissa Anne Curling As he started to come out of a deep sleep, Wendy's first awareness in the morning darkness of his room was of the pressure he was feeling inside the panty of his baby doll nightie set. This made him emotionally uncomfortable because he wasn't used to this occurrence, but even more so because he knew it would never happen to a 'real' girl his age. He tried to chase his little erection away by looking forward to the same thing he...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book II Time TrippingChapter 4

The one. Hanna. Knowing her name thrilled him. He felt closer to her already, and he hadn't touched her yet. He didn't know her last name and didn't care, didn't really want to know it. Hanna was enough. Hanna. The hunt was done; the stalk begun, and the urge was upon him. He fingered the switchblade deep in his pocket and watched the girl smile coquettishly as her flirting, dark eyes settled on some boys leaning on a railing doing what boys do at a shopping mall: look nonchalant in...

4 years ago
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Dinner turned into fantasy meeting

She has always fantasized about a perfect encounter with an on-line lover, completely unplanned, so when this happened Leslee was completely taken by her good fortune.She was on vacation with her husband, him having a business trip to Phoenix, and every night they would choose a different restaurant to eat and unwind at. This night it was the Hilton, with its revolving restaurant on top. Being a 5 star restaurant, Leslee wore a blue strapless silk sheath, matching heals and silk nude thigh-high...

2 years ago
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SargeChapter 14

I didn’t know what to do with an old ambulance, but I thought it would be a cool thing to own. I took a good look the body, it seemed to be in good shape. It needed paint of course, and I was sure that it needed some mechanical work done. Regardless of all that, I wanted it. I had found out just recently that I had come into a few grand, which I wasn’t expecting. That said, I decided to buy it after some price negotiating. “Jasper, how many ambulances do you have out there in the yard?” I...

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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 05

REACH OUT FOR THE SUNRISE By Sadie Rose Bermingham & Bellora Quinn © 2010 Happy New Year, dear readers. We’ve had a little break, but rest assured we’ve been busy writing in spite of the brief hiatus in the publication of this story. What are we to do with our traumatic lovers? Both denying the one thing that will bring them happiness. Only time will tell. Read on… (PS>, the usual warnings apply, boys fucking boys, lots of angst and a little bit of bondage. If you don’t like it, don’t...

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Lady in Red Ch 19

Gwen’s parents had never mentioned anything about Jordan Quick, or anyone else, staying with them. If Clyde’s assertion was correct, it must have been a very recent decision. They hardly had time to reach home after visiting the promotion at Macy’s earlier in the day. Gwen knew that if her parents had agreed to Jordan staying with them, that she had better be as hospitable as possible. ‘I see that wasn’t exactly the news you were looking for,’ smirked Jordan. ‘I’m supposed to be in a ‘stable...

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The Work Colleague

She'd only been working there for about a couple of weeks, and I'd only really been restricted to the odd glimpse through the window separating our offices. But even that was enough to know that she was something way above average. One person had told me that she was a dancer in her spare time, and it wasn't hard to imagine why. She'd got that sort of a body - slim, with a great ass that looked like it had reaped the benefits of many toned workouts. But it was only when she first came into the...

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Window Sex

Window Sex The lady across the street liked getting fucked in her window where I could see her. On more than one occasion she would wave at me. She also knew that I took pictures and video of her with all of her men. She was notorious around the neighborhood for her one-night stands. She would let them find her, feel her up, and then fuck her in the window. Every Friday and Saturday night I would get a treat. Luckily my bedroom was in the front of house and my parent’s bedroom was...

4 years ago
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Bare Music Part 2

Note: To fully appreciate this part 2, please read part 1 first. I went to the gallery to pick up Jennifer up for our date. She had Bare Music prominently displayed. She paid me a great compliment by pricing it three times as much as any similar sized painting. Jennifer and I had a wonderful dinner, but I had to call the evening short as I had a rare Saturday morning meeting to attend. Over the next few months, Jennifer and I dated regularly. She helped me decorate my woefully under-decorated...

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Confessions of A Dancehall Ex Wife Part 23

Someone once said that sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable, that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can't take it. And at that moment you’re part of them”. There were no birds, no soft songs, no sweet nothings. We had sex how we knew we should. Without rules and restrictions. No borders. Old fashion understandings Just the release of tension. Clawing hands, and soft whispers. I...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 8

The first year dining room was crowded, but exceptionally quiet for lunchtime. Finals for the second quarter were approaching and everyone was thinking about the upcoming tests. The waitress had just delivered lunch to Oscar and his roommates. Lisa asked, “So where are Debbie and Georgia?” “Not sure,” answered Oscar as he eyed his tuna fish salad sandwich. He lifted a slice of bread and saw the pile of onions laid across the tuna salad. He nodded in pleasure when he saw that they had added...

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Keeper of the GateChapter 8

The summer of 2009 was hot but pleasant. I was back to my four-mile walks. They took a little longer, but my leg was getting better. The girls would often go with me on the walks. In June, I signed the girls up for drivers education. They took the classes and did the driving with an instructor. The end of July, they took their driving tests and passed. They were happy to each have a license. I got them a nice used compact car in August. Insurance was expensive, but now they could go out...

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Master PC Jennys Tale

It was a lazy Saturday morning and Jenny Nguyen was spending some time on her computer before starting her day. Jenny is an 18 year old high school senior living in a smallish town in northern California. She's still in her pajamas when she comes across the e-mail that will change her life. "Master PC? What the hell is this?" she asks herself as she clicks on the e-mail. "You have been randomly selected to receive a copy of the legendary Master PC program," she read to herself, "Master PC makes...

Mind Control
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The Cavemans CaptiveChapter 2

In the middle of the night I woke up to the feel of his fingers sliding through my labia. His fingers were wet, but I didn't think that it was from me, and when they moved away and came back I knew it was from him—he had spit on his fingers and was using it to lubricate me. I was lying on my side and he was spooned behind me, reaching around with one hand to wet my pussy. A moment later I felt his cock pressing on my opening, then driving forward to seat itself deeply in me. I moaned with...

4 years ago
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The cock milker pt 4

Shaila and Radha exchanged pleasantries. Shaila sat down on the couch.Radha got a drink and offered it to both Shaila and I. They started with a pretty normal conversation. Radha asked her what she did for a living and stuff? soon they exchanged the names of their favorite stores and restaurants. I was just sitting there and for a moment I thought I was almost invisible to them. Radha decided it was time for dinner and the three of us sat at thetable. We spoke and joked about stuff during...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Annette 05032020

Who’s getting ambushed today? Well feast your eyes upon super sexy Latina, Puerto Rican and Dominican mixed Annette as our latest ambushee. I think we all need to take a trip South of the boarder or to the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean so we can all sample the fine ass girls down there don’t you think? Just watch this and you’ll come to the same conclusion that this sweet 18 year old is one of the sexiest girls to grace the Ambush bed sheets lately, and lets just say...

2 years ago
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Sam HopkinsChapter 12

I liked the way that private investigation job went, though I didn't like the way it turned out. It really rankles when your client turns out ta be the guilty bastard. But that wasn't our fault. At least we found the guilty party. Shit, I hope that situation never happens, again. I only want ta work fer the good guy. Well, that job payed fer my new office. Hester had gone whole hog—the office wuz paneled an' stained like a successful banker or lawyer's office. She had found some real...

1 year ago
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BackscatterChapter 11 Dawn

Megan let out an explosive burst of joy as beautiful golden sunlight began streaming in through the eastern windows. It was as if somebody flipped a master switch on the great dome of outdoor light. Megan raced to the windows to see, laughing with uncontrollable delight at the sight and the release of her guilt. The sun was already about twenty degrees above the horizon and a little north of due east. "Oh look!" she cried to her husband. "Look how beautiful Alvaro! Come and see the good...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 82 Girls Talk

Xania was trying to get back to exercising and away from thinking about heavy issues, especially issues about her future. But she was still in a contemplative mode, so she asked Susan, "So ... what about you? Are you happy with your life?" "YES!" Susan's whole face brightened. Xania rolled her eyes. I should have known. Damn, I'm envious. The thing is, it's clear that she really means it. It's weird, because even though she's felt conflicted enough to want to see me as a therapist,...

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The House at Greenwood Lake

This is the story about when my father and I had sexual relations. My dad and I had went upstate to our house in Greenwood Lake, New York. We've had it since I was a little girl. It's the best place on earth. It's a two bedroom house, with a living room, kitchen, and two bathrooms. In the living room we have a fireplace. It's always fun making fires and enjoying each other's company. My mother is a doctor and she's gone to Africa to help out with a new hospital they're building there....

1 year ago
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A Dominant Wife

“Get in here right now, I haven’t got all day,” She snapped as she sat in front of her dressing table while preparing to go out for the evening, "I said get your ass in here!!!” Her husband put down the load of dirty clothes he was carrying and entered their bedroom with a worried look on his face as his wife of twenty two years asked acidly, “Where have you been, are you purposely trying to piss me off?!” “No, he answered, I was just about to do some washing", His wife began tapping her foot...

Erotic Fiction
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The Good YearsChapter 65

I was surprised that Cindy had awakened before me. She only woke me after she was already dressed and ready to leave for her place to put on a clean change of clothes. I walked her out, mostly so I could move my car enough to let her get down my driveway. We kissed and hugged, but she didn't give me any answer when I asked her if she would be coming to Ridgeline with Eddie, Dale, and me. I watched her drive away before returning to my bedroom to shower and dress for work. I believed our...

1 year ago
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Happy teen campers pt3

As the four of us began to catch our breath the rain eased off. Jo remarked that they would like us to stay the rest of the night for some more fun if we liked. I needed no second invite and before Lucy could say I agreed for the both of us. We quickly threw on our clothes and decided it was now or never to go to the shower/wash block as the rain had gotten slightly better and we might not get another chance. Simon , Jo and Lucy headed off whilst I grabbed some stuff from our tent. I grabbed...

3 years ago
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How I will fuck you and cuckold your husband

You and your husband meet me at the door. You are wearing a very revealing teddie that left little to the imagination. It is little more than three small triangles of material covering your pussy and nipples, connected by lace and gauze. It looks outstanding on your body and I can’t help but stare lustily at you.Your husband is the first to say anything/ “Please to meet you. My wife has said a lot about you. I can guess by your look that you want to come in and fuck my wife for me?"I grin....

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