- 2 years ago
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The place was beginning to fill up with the after- work crowd. The noise level had risen and people jostled each other at the bar, yelling out their drink orders. In a back booth a man and a woman sat across from each other, nursing their second (or was it third?) martini. Angela Rizzo was a dark haired beauty in her early 40s, but with a bitter twist to her mouth as she looked at the front door.
"God damn that bitch. Here she comes waltzing in with hubby at her heels. Mrs. fuckin' goody two shoes," she snarled.
Carl Crowe, her drinking partner, raised his eyebrows and directed his gaze to the front of the room. "You mean Lily Palmer? What do you have against her?" Carl brought his glass up and sipped a bit of his drink.
Angie looked up at the tall, dark haired man seated across from her and hissed, "she's the one who almost wrecked my marriage. I'm almost sure that she got the word to Frank that I was having an affair and the bastard threatened to divorce me." The venom almost dripped from her lips.
Carl laughed softly at his friend. "Shit, Angie. Why blame her? If you hadn't cheated you wouldn't have had this problem. You knew it was just a matter of time, you were kind of blatant about it."
Angie pouted and whined, "It's easy for you to say, Carl. I know you screw around on Fran and you get away with it."
"That's because I'm damned careful, cupcake. The only mistake I made is letting it slip to you, so you had better just keep your mouth shut. Anyway, you have little contact with Lily; she's in Human Resources and you're in Graphics so you don't have to interact with her all that often. Just forget it." Carl raised the glass to his lips and drained it.
Angie's lips tightened, "Yeah, and the bitch just got a promotion; she's now Assistant Director of Human Resources. She's got to be screwing Doug Collins."
Carl laughed again. "Calm down, Angie. Not everyone is screwing around, you know. I, at least, have a good reason. My wife is almost never home and there's a ton of pussy around when I'm on the road. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if she's getting her share when she has to travel for a "conference."
Angie stared at him. "You mean you don't care if she cheats on you? Damn, I should have married you."
"Our marriage is an intelligent union, Ang. It's kind of like an open marriage, but with no discussion. If we don't talk about it, it's not happening and I'm happy with that. Fran needs a little release, she works hard and I don't begrudge her that. What the hell, it's only sex," chuckled Carl.
Angie just shook her head. "Shit, I wish Frank felt that way. It's just that he's so bad in bed."
"Awww, poor Angie," Car smirked. "What, his dick is too little?"
Angie just grimaced. "You know better than that, Carl. Don't go believing all that shit about dick size, it really isn't all that important. Frank is quite adequate at almost six inches. It's just that he's a 'wham bam, thank you ma'am' kind of guy. He doesn't give a damn about me. Most of the time I never even have an orgasm with him. Shit, I don't know why I love the jackass" She paused briefly, "Anyway, I just wish I could get back at the bitch," she muttered as she glared across the room.
Carl followed her gaze, his mouth tightening "You're not the only one, Angie. You know that Palmer just picked up the Packard account - one that should have gone to me. The fucker will now be pulling in big bucks, well into six figures. He's got to be kissing someone's ass, Plus, he's fucking one sexy broad. I tried to come on to Lily at the last company get-together and she almost went ballistic. Shit, she's got one bitch of a temper," he concluded bitterly.
It was now Angie's turn to laugh. "I thought that you were buddies with Scott. You play golf with him and two other guys every weekend."
"Yeah, but we're not close. The golf is just a game of convenience. They needed a fourth and Scott knew that I'm a scratch player, so he asked me to join the group. He's too fuckin' perfect. You know, perfect job, perfect wife, perfect life. He's even obsessive about exercising, you know, he wants a perfect body. He's also nuts about his wife, he even has a tattoo of a lily on his butt."
Angie's eyes widened. "You've gotta be kidding. Perfect Scotty boy has a tattoo? That's a riot. I bet that Lily talked him into that - kinda like putting a brand on him," she laughed.
"Yeah, I first saw it when we all showered after a golf game. He was showing it off... you know, proud of it." Carl shook his head in disgust.
Angie's eyes had narrowed and she was quiet for a moment, than leaned forward and lowered her voice. "You know, Carl. I have an idea how we can really screw them up. Really screw up their 'perfect" lives'. Now just be quiet and listen..."
Lily and Scott Palmer had it all. Even those who weren't overly fond of the couple had to admit that they were perfect for each other. They had met in college and after their first kiss they knew that they were meant to be together forever.
After graduation Scott gained employment with the largest advertising agency on the east coast. He had majored in Management and Marketing in college and was primed to join the sales staff as an account executive. It wasn't entirely a coincidence that Lily had been offered a position in the same company in their Human Resources Department. The fact that her father was a director on the board didn't exactly hamper their chances for employment there.
Six months after joining the company they married. It was a blow-out affair with a guest list out of the social register. Scott's older brother Marc, a Lieutenant of Detectives on the local police force acted as his best man and Lily's older sister Claire was the Matron of Honor. After the honeymoon they settled into a modest five bedroom, four bath cottage with a three car garage, a swimming pool and a single tennis court. It would have been pretentious to have put in a double court, after all they were just starting out.
They were also alike in that they were both gorgeous physical specimens. Scott was dark haired, tall with a beautifully sculpted body. Lily was another story; it appeared as if she had stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine, a very expensive fashion magazine. She was blond, blue eyed and above average height with a slender, willowy figure that belied the rather impressive breasts that strained whatever garment she happened to have on.
While their love for each other was obvious, their relationship could only be described as tumultuous. While Scott was a laid back, easy going sort, Lily was another story. While innately kind and giving, she did have a fiery personality. Lily was fortunate in that her close friends were used to her outbursts and had learned to accept, or at least tolerate, them. Lily was also smart enough to recognize the danger inherent in a "loose cannon" and made sure that she was nothing but professional at her job.
Unfortunately, Scott never knew, from day to day, just what he would find at home. Would it be the kind and loving wife he adored, or would he have to face a raging harridan. Luckily, her bad days did not occur too often, but every few weeks he knew that there would be trouble. It seems that it didn't take much to set Lily off; the problem was that he never knew when that would happen. A minor problem that she would just shrug off most days, would result in an emotional storm another time. It was like living with an active volcano, never being sure when the eruption would come. It was that temper that fueled the calamity that befell them.
A cloudy and blustery Saturday a few weeks later saw Carl Crowe in Angie Rizzo's graphic office at work with her drawing materials strewn over her table and desk.
"Okay, Carl. I have to be near the phone. I told Frank that I had some work to clear up and he expects me to be here. Shit, he's called me twice already. He doesn't trust anything I tell him."
Carl laughed as he doodled on the drawing pad that Lily had presented to him. "Poor Frank, he's a lawyer, but so easy to fool. You know that he's nuts about you, Ang. That's why he's still with you. Anyway, here's the drawing."
Angie mouth twisted with disgust as she viewed Carl's drawing. "Damn it, Carl. You can't draw worth a shit," she complained. "That's the lousiest sketch I've ever seen."
"What do you want from me, Ang. I can't draw, big deal. This whole thing is your idea so come up with another solution to my lousy drawing," answered Carl crossly.
"Wait, wait," Angie replied excitedly. "Let me get some clip art down. I know that we have a book of flowers." Angie started to rummage through the volumes on a back shelf off her office. " Here it is, let me leaf through this. Aha, here we go - a lily. Now, is this like the one on Scott's butt?"
"Bingo, you've got it. That's exactly like it, except his is in color, not black and white."
"Not to worry, sweetie. I'll do the color. Just give me the size of that tattoo as close as you can and we'll get started," smiled Angie.
"One inch, Ang. Scott even told us how big it was. He would brag, 'one inch, guys. I've got a one inch Lily right here' and then he'd laugh, the dumb schmuck," Carl told her.
"Okay, one inch," repeated Angie. "Now get your pants and shorts off and let me get started. I've got all the materials right here." With that Carl did as he was told and removed his slacks and undershorts, standing there without a trace of embarrassment.
"Turn around, Carl. I'm not going to draw on your dick," laughed Angie.
Carl had a small smile on his face. "We're gonna do more than just draw, Ang. Once the drawing on my butt is finished, we start taking pictures. That's why the camera is perched there on the tripod. Where's the remote, by the way?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. That's the deal. You get to fuck me and we'll get some good shots, but from the waist down. Lily Palmer is going to get proof that her perfect hubby is screwing around on her. It's a good thing that you kinda look like Scott, at least, I hope, below the waist," Angie chuckled. "Oh, the remote's on the arm of the couch, that's where the action's going to take place."
"Hmmm," mused Carl. "Now how do you know what Palmer looks like below the waist, Ang. Have you been boffing him?"
Angie laughed despite herself. "Keep quiet, Carl and let me finish. This won't take too long," she said as she bent to the task. True to her word the drawing was finished fairly quickly and Carl looked at his rear in the mirror Angie provided. "Perfect, Ang. It's just as I remember it. Look, we won't make the pictures too crystal clear, kind of soft focus. That'll take care of any slight difference there might be."
Carl then slowly licked his lips, began to unbutton his shirt, his last remaining garment and nodded to Angie. "Ok, cupcake. Off with your clothes. Let's get this on."
Carl watched closely as Angie shed her blouse and skirt. Seconds later she was nude and standing proudly before him. Angie knew that she still had a great figure. Her breasts were still firm with dark nipples that had started to stiffen. Her waist was trim with a belly that had a slight swell which only added to her sexual allure. Carl's eyes traveled to the darkness below and saw that her pubic hair was neat and well trimmed.
"Ok, Ang. Let's get to it. We'll let the camera go on automatic for awhile and then crop the pictures so that we print just what we want. The money shot will show Palmer's butt with the lily on it as he's pumping into a pussy that sure isn't blond," he laughed.
It was a cool evening despite the fact that the calendar indicated that spring had finally arrived. Scott Palmer parked his car in the garage and trudged wearily into the house. He had been working the Simmons' account for weeks, trying to overcome each objection old man Simmons had fired at their ad presentation. Tonight had been just one in a prolonged series of meetings trying to placate the old bastard. Scott had no inkling as to what was to greet him when he walked into his sanctuary.
He dropped his briefcase on the chair in the spacious foyer, stripped off his suit jacket and tie, both of which he draped over his arm. Walking into the living room he saw Lily standing there glaring at him.
Uh, uh, he thought. What the fuck has set her off this time. Scott usually shrugged off Lily's tantrums, but tonight he was just too beat to put up with any shit. He was startled though when she beat him to the verbal draw.
"You rotten, cheating son -of- a- bitch," she hissed, spittle flying from her mouth. "My faithful, adoring husband is nothing but another prick who thinks with his dick. Oh, you poor, hardworking, lying bastard. Late night meetings, huh? Late night screwing is more like it, you prick."
Lily had hit her stride. She hurled invective after invective at Scott who just stood there, dumbfounded at the sight of his wife spitting and hissing like a viper about to strike at his jugular.
She slowly approached him, still hurling verbal barbs. She was white with anger and Scott was just barely able to grab her hand as it came flying up to his face. His patience was worn thin and he clasped her hand with some force, causing her to gasp in pain.
"Let go of my hand, you son-of-a-bitch," she spat as she attempted to claw him with her other hand. Scott lips curled in disgust as he pushed her onto the sofa. "Shut the fuck up," he roared. "I've had it, I've had it with your irrational, idiotic outbursts. I don't know what set you off this time, but it's the last time. You're acting like a spoiled child. One day you'll grow up and learn to comport yourself with some dignity and maturity."
Scott's words stung Lily and she cowered, stunned by his vehemence. He sat down close to her and lowered his voice. "Lily, listen to me, please. I don't know where you got this ridiculous notion, but please let me assure you that I have never, repeat NEVER cheated on you. The thought has never even entered my mind."
His voice took on a pleading tone. "Lily, I love you, I've always loved you. The very thought of betraying you would kill me. Please, Lily, please... believe me"
Lily's eyes softened for a moment, then quickly hardened again. This time her voice was calm and controlled. "Fuck you, Scott. You're a pretty good liar, but I KNOW that you're a cheat and an adulterer, so you can quit trying to be the injured party. I saw the proof. You're going to crawl through hell before I forgive you."
Scott sighed and rose to his feetl. He looked down at his wife and shook his head slowly. "Have it your way, Lily, but I won't play your game. I don't know what put this wild hair up your ass, but you can play the martyr by yourself. In the meantime I'm leaving. Stew in your own bile for a bit. I may be back and then again I may not. Chew on that for awhile,"
"Forget about coming back," Lily snarled. "Go fuck your girlfriends." Her voice dropped and if Scott had looked back he would have seen the tears flowing down her cheeks. "They... can have you," her voice cracked as he stalked out of the house.
The next few days were agonizing for both Lily and Scott. Scott had made good his threat about leaving and had rented a suite at the local Extended Stay Inn not far from work. He had made sure that Lily was at work when he came home and packed most of his clothing and personal effects.
They were both subdued and tense at work which was quickly noted by their co-workers who avoided them whenever possible. Fortunately, Scott and Lily worked on different floors and it was not difficult for them to avoid each other. Things came to a head a few days later.
Scott was seated at his desk, trying to develop a proposal, when his phone rang.
"Scott? This is George, are you busy?" a deep, authoritative voice asked.
Scott blinked, surprised to hear from his father-in-law. He immediately thought that Lily had brought out the big guns, getting her father to threaten him with dismissal, then smiled as he realized that would be the last thing that George would do. His respect for the man knew no bounds; George Bender was a true gentleman with a huge amount of integrity.
"George, it's nice hearing from you. No, I'm not busy. What do you have in mind?" asked Scott.
"Good, then do me a favor, son. It's almost lunch time, why not pop out and join me for a bite at the club. It's not far and you wouldn't be too late getting back. It's time that we had a chat, something that we should have had a while ago."
It was a short time later that saw Scott Palmer seated with his father-in-law in a small dining room at a private and very exclusive center city club. They had greeted each other in a warm and friendly manner and enjoyed their lunch along with a bottle of good California wine. Scott declined the offer of a cigar, but rose and followed George into an adjoining study. George motioned Scott to have a seat and then closed the door firmly behind him. George was obviously uncomfortable and Scott watched this tall, blond growing gray man pace a bit before seating himself also.
"Okay, son. I'm sure that you're astute enough to realize the purpose of this little meeting. Lily has been raving and ranting about your so called adultery and her mother has been commiserating with her, something that she has done for ages. Helen has always been terrified by Lily's temper and so my daughter has never grown to realize that temper tantrums are for children, not adults."
George sighed ruefully. "I suppose that it's partly my fault also. You know that Lily is our youngest child and I guess that I've given into her more than I should have. But this notion of hers is ludicrous, despite what she calls the so called proof of her claim. I told her that I just do not believe her accusations. I know you, Scott, and I know that infidelity is just not part of your character. So what the hell is going on, son?"
Scott leaned back in his chair and smiled wryly. "You know, George, you're my father-in-law, my wife's father, and yet you believe in me and are certain that I wouldn't betray my marriage. Isn't that sadly ironic? You will not believe that I cheated, yet my sweet, loving, trusting wife does. What does that tell you about the kind of relationship Lily and I have?
"I opened my heart to her, George. I pleaded with her, I swore I had never betrayed her and she just spat at me and cursed me. The events of the past few days have opened my eyes. I saw, perhaps for the first time, just what kind of person Lily really is. I truly believe that Lily may be schizophrenic, George. She seems to be two different people and I have been going nuts trying to figure out who she is at any given time. It's like a Jekyll and Hyde situation." Scott had to stop, his eyes filling with tears.
George felt his heart go out to this man who was like a son to him. He started to speak, but Scott put up his hand.
"George, most of the time Lily is as sweet and kind as anyone I know. But there are times, at least every few weeks or so, when she goes nuts. Most of the time her anger is not directed at me, thank goodness, but she does find a target and I have to wait until she regains her mental equilibrium. I'm tired, George. I'm really tired. It's like living with a time bomb and I'm tired of it. I love Lily, I really do, but this little blow-up is the final straw. I can't live with her, George. I'm truly sorry, but I just can't live like this."
Scott took a deep breath and lowered his eyes. He truly hated to wound this decent man. "I've decided to divorce her, George. I've given this a lot of thought and I see no other solution. I love her, but I'm going to divorce her."
George Bender paled as he heard Scott's plan. He knew that this would devastate Lily, despite her anger at what she perceived as her husband's betrayal. His mind worked quickly and in seconds he had come up with a desperate plan.
"Scott, please, hear me out - just for a moment or so. I have a suggestion that may have some value. Let me draw up a Notice of Intent to Divorce for you and have it served on Lily. It's a document declaring that unless Lily agrees to counseling or couples mediation you will file for divorce. It's not as final as divorce papers and it can give both of you a chance to cool down. Please, Scott, at least think about my suggestion." pleaded George.
Scott sat quietly for a moment before speaking. "Okay, George, let me think about this for a day or two. I have to tell you that I have my doubts. Lily is so sure that I cheated that she'll probably go bonkers when she sees that. But let me get back to you, I promise I'll let you know soon," and with that the two men shook hands and parted.
Angie grinned at Carl as he sat nude on her office sofa, his erection pointing up at the ceiling.
"Boy, are you proud of that flagpole. That extra inch you have on Frank really pleases you, doesn't it," chuckled Angie who had disrobed to her panties.
"Hey, cupcake, don't mock that extra inch. I figure seven is better than six and this flagpole is waiting to be mounted. C'mon, Ang. Slide that sweet pussy down on peter here."
"Jeez, Carl. Aren't you the romantic one. No sweet whispers, no exclamation of love?" she complained, tongue in cheek, as she rid herself of the panties and approached him.
She slowly eased herself on his lap, taking his straining cock in her hand and placing the head between the lips of her vulva. Angie, despite her cool demeanor, was wet and very aroused. Carl slipped in easily as she continued to lower herself until she was fully impaled.
"Ahhhhh," she moaned. "Damn Frank, if he could only make me feel like this, but his golf is more important," she murmured as she rose and then lowered herself on Carl's rampant cock.
"Mmmmm, thank goodness for golf and Saturdays. This is terrific, Ang," Carl said softly. "Your hubby plays his golf and we get to play in your office. It sounds fair to me," laughed Carl as he held Angie's hips and guided her movements.
Carl then allowed Angie to move at her will. She had her hands clasped around his neck as she rose and descended slowly. She then picked up the pace and began moving more rapidly as she felt her orgasm approaching. Her breathing quickened until she finally sank with a whimper. The muscles in her neck strained as she tensed and let her climax wash over her.
Angie remained in that position for a bit, on Carl's lap with his throbbing erection still deep inside of her, gasping, trying to regain her breath. She felt him caressing her back and murmuring softly.
"Carl," she breathed, "You're a horny woman's dream. Frank would have come in around five seconds and you're still stiff as a steel rod. Let's see what we can do about that."
Carl laughed and then quickly flipped Angie over until she was seated on the sofa, her thighs spread, her pussy gaping obscenely. Moisture glistened on her pubic hair and a small pool had collected at the base of her vagina. Angie sat quietly, looking up at her lover as he stood before her. He then went to his knees and began to softly kiss her thighs and the approach to her steaming cunt.
"Oh, my God," muttered Angie as Carl's tongue gently teased the lips of her pussy. She wrapped her fingers in his hair and pulled him forcibly into her crotch. He spent the next few minutes down south, licking and sucking until Angie was virtually crying out for release again. Car suddenly rose to his feet, turned Angie on her stomach, lifted her hips and plunged into her very wet vagina. He held her hips up and fucked her. There was nothing loving or gentle in his thrusting, this was raw and basic copulation. Then with a roar Carl ejaculated deep inside of her, his bellow drowning out Angie's shrill keening.
Both had collapsed, lying together exhausted on the sofa. Angie turned her head to Carl. "Holy shit," she whispered. "That was fantastic lover. I hope that you had your Wheaties this morning, I'm not finished - no, not by a long shot. By the way, did you show that photo to Lily Palmer yet?" Carl chuckled quietly. "Yeah. I waited until she was alone in her office, not many people around. I walked in and give her a line of bullshit that I didn't think a decent person like her deserved to be treated as Scott was doing. I told her that I wanted to show her something but she had to promise to leave me entirely out of it, and I then showed her the photo."
Carl paused and smiled again. "I, at first, thought she was going to throw a fit, but she just turned to me and asked if she could have the photo. I told her no, that this was totally confidential, but if she really needed it in the future to let me know and I would see if I could give it to her. I could see the fire in her eyes so I got out of there as soon as I could. Angie, that picture was perfect. We didn't even need just a waist down shot. With the soft focus and from the back, it sure did look like Scott, and with that tattoo on his ass there was little doubt."
Angie had a self-satisfied smile on her face. "Good, good," she said softly. "There goes that "perfect" marriage. Let her suffer, the bitch."
"Lily, you had better calm down. Losing control of yourself isn't going to help the situation," counseled Claire, Lily's sister. They were seated in Claire's kitchen, a half empty coffee cup in front of each sister. Claire again glanced out of the window, watching her two children playing on the back lawn.
Lily sighed and put her cup down. "I know you're right, Claire, but I'm still so steamed. The bastard cheated, he was unfaithful and he has the balls to tell me he loves me and he never betrayed me. I saw the proof, Claire. I saw a photo of him screwing a dark haired bitch. I don't know what to do. I'm really tempted to just divorce Scott. I can't trust him anymore. I'll never be able to trust him." Her voice broke as her eyes filled with tears.
Claire just shook her head, truly puzzled. "I'm sorry, honey. I really am. It's just so hard to believe. Not Scotty, anyone but Scotty. I know that he adores you. My God, it's plastered all over his face every time he looks at you. There something awfully strange about this whole situation, Lily. No, no, don't get pissed at me," she stopped Lily as she was about to interrupt her. "I really wish that you would sit down with Scott and just talk with him, and talk without losing your temper."
"What's to talk about, Claire," replied Lily glumly. "I tell him that I know that he cheated on me and he replies again and again that he never has. He lies like a rug, Claire. He won't admit it. You know how stubborn he can be. I know he cheated and he won't admit it."
Claire's housecoat had opened a bit and Lily was surprised to see quite a bit of cleavage become exposed. It looked like Claire had forgotten to put a bra on before answering the door. When Claire absently scratched the inside of her knee, exposing quite a bit of her leg, Lily couldn't help but notice a trail of a whitish, milky substance running down her thigh.
Lily flushed and rose quickly to her feet. "I'm sorry, Claire. I'm sorry I barged in on you like this," she stammered. "I'll come back another time. I didn't mean to come so early." Lily was babbling and Claire stared at her in amazement, wondering what had come over her. She then noticed Lily's gaze and blushed as she noticed the condition of her inner thighs.
Clair quickly collected herself and laughed. "Take it easy, sis. Don was a bit amorous this morning while the kids were watching TV downstairs. Sit, sit - just give me a minute to clean up. I'll be right back."
Lily wandered into the living room as Claire went upstairs. She looked wistfully at a picture of Scott and herself that Claire had on an end table. It was a shot of the two of them during their honeymoon. She wondered if they would ever again be that happy. Lily then wandered into the kitchen where she poured herself another cup of coffee. Sitting at the table, she again tried to make sense of why Scott was so insistent that she was wrong. Damn, she saw the proof, he should be begging for forgiveness.
Lily was startled as the doorbell chimed. Knowing that Claire and Don were upstairs she went to the door and was greeted by a short, rotund man who asked if she was Lily Palmer.
"Yes, I'm Lily Palmer, who are you?" she replied. Handing her a folded document, the man told her that she had been served, turned and walked away. Lily stood in amazement, looking at his retreating back and then at the paper in her hand in puzzlement.
Moments later, as Claire was descending the staircase, she stopped in shock as she heard Lily shrieking. "That son-of-a-bitch, that dirty, rotten bastard. I'll see him in hell first. I'll cut his balls off, that rotten prick. He hasn't seen anything yet. I'll castrate him."
Claire rushed into the living room and found a wild-eyed, disheveled Lily, pacing the floor and spitting curses at her absent husband. She whirled on Claire and thrust the paper at her. "Look, look at this. Look what that bastard had the gall to do. He had me served with this... this... piece of shit called a... a... what the hell is it called?"
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I, Mitchell Ryan Magnuson, born February 2d, 1959 in The city of Joplin, Jasper County Missouri, declare this Document to be my last will and testament, there being no others. Being of sound mind and unbelievably unsound body do herein state: 1. My attorney, Norman Atchison, is the executor of this will. He shall serve without bond and has discretion in the execution of this will. 2. I require of my executor that he arrange for my burial at the Grainger, Kansas Cemetery. Norm, I’d like a...
Hi dosto dis is sami again frm lahore bohat si lurkion or aunties ki mail mili jo mujh sa chudwana chahti hain or hur turhan sa sex enjoy kurna chahti hain ap logo ki khuaish pur yea story bhaij raha hn passend ae to mail me ub ap logo ka time zaya kie bina story pur ata hn yea meri first cousine sister ka sath kia sex ki khani hey yea koi saal pehle ki baat hey jub meri cousine jis ka naam sidra hey humarey gher rehne ai th us ki shakal kia khobsorat th chehre pur bala ki masomiat th us ka...
As he kissed them goodbye before sending them back to Mr. Borden, Dale told each of the women how much he had enjoyed his time with them. They kept telling him how happy they were that he had allowed them the privilege of serving him. After they walked out of his suite Dale realized that he had been thinking a bit too much with his dick and not enough with his head. The stunt in the backstage dressing rooms very well might have been caught at least in part on camera. Even if he were lucky...
My name is Martin Blackshaw. I am sixty four years of age and a retired long distance driver. It all seems so long ago now, but the details are as sharp in my mind as they were at the time. My wife Susan and I were both in our late thirties and regularly took packaged holidays to Spain. We often saw the signs for nudist beaches as we passed in a car or bus. I suggested going to see what they were like every time, but Susan hastily declined the idea on each occasion without giving it any...
When I got back to school, I started my new classes. This time I had a science class instead of history, and for math I was now taking algebra. But the typing class was really coming in handy, and my typing speed had increased a lot. Cindy and I were now chatting quite often, her shell of solitude finally cracking a little bit. And the week after I got back I went back to the dance and met Freddy there. And I had decided to say nothing about overhearing him and Thomas. But I was not going to...
Glamour and fast cars.The months were slipping away, already if was early summer. The movies that Sukky was in mounted up. She was making a fortune, but didn’t have the time, or energy to spend it. This work agreed with her, she had never had this type of job satisfaction before! Sukky looked forward to going to work every day, and every night to, if there was a party to go to. Monika had replaced Claire as her assistant, she was ultra efficient. Sukky gave her a small percentage of her “bonus”...
Before I start, I just want to clarify where I am with things. Firstly, I haven't given up with Chem Tech, I'm just having severe writer's block with it. I have loads of ideas and I'm desperate to carry on with it, just not sure how. As for Twisted Princess, I did have the second half saved to my laptop, but it completely fried a few weeks back. I've only just got a new laptop, tried to rewrite an improved second half and got writer's block again. Anyway, this is just a short one that...
HorrorThe next morning Ron left on foot early to walk Debbie to school. Pam planned to go shopping over in Brownsville and would be home late afternoon. She cautioned him to go slow with Debbie, "The girl will come around if you don't go scaring her with too much too quickly." He was a little concerned about Debbie's reaction to yesterday afternoon. They certainly went further then than they ever did before. And even though she showed no sign of being upset by yesterday's events, acted no...
Introduction: My dog silky was fucking me when Tim walked in and wanted the same Bad Situation Turns To Pure Magic I consider myself to be a very sexual and open minded person. I am single and live alone and work has been occupying most of my time. I sometimes get very lonely but I do get visits from my neighbors and friends from time to time. My front neighbor I would say is the most friendly and supportive of the fact that I live alone. When it comes to sex I am not that lucky with women but...
hi dosto ,main paheli baar ye kahani likh raha hoon.meri shadi ko karib 4 saal ho gaye hai,aur meri sex life bhi achhi hai lekin mujhe ab sex main kuch nayapan chahiye tha ,isliye maine socha ki mujhe sabse easy kya milega ,maine garden jana shuru kiya taki mujhe waha par ladkiya mi jaye ,ek din aise hi mai waha par baitha tha raat ke andhere main ek aadmi mere pass aakar baith gaya aur bola kafi thand lag rahi hai,maine use dekha wo kafi lamaba choda aur khoobsurat tha lekin na jane kyun mujhe... Story about two friends.They are piumi and nadee. they are lives in colombo and going to famous collages.Their story start from collage.they are good friend since they were little.and they went to same collage for studies.they were in love since little as friends.but after they grown as teenagers they fell in love each other as not friends as lesbians.but they don't try anything to do because they were very shy girls.One day at a...
“Shocking news out of Sundance today: the indie project that two-time Academy Award-winner Corinne DeLoie directed and starred in, with her longtime friend Mattson Childers, contains a scene of explicit, unsimulated sexual activity...” “So, apparently Corinne DeLoie is a hypocrite, right? She didn’t want to take her clothes off for Conrad Brauer’s project, citing her no-nudity clause in her contract, but then she goes and has actual Mattson Childers on film in one of his projects? Someone...
Rebecca went to her bedroom to change clothes and, after Symphony had finished her cigarette, she followed. Barging into the bedroom without knocking, Symphony found her mother completely naked, standing in her walk-in closet looking at her clothes. "I really don't know what to wear," Rebecca said, unconsciously covering her tits with her hands. Symphony looked at her mom. Strange things were happening in Symphony's mind and she made no attempt to rationalize anything. She was horny....
Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Two: Ms. Rebecca Explains the Purpose of Stevie's Visit As we sat in the living room of the new house she and Mark had bought upon their return to the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex a few months earlier, Rebecca continued to lead our discussion as she shared her memories of the three of us in college, and more specifically how she and Mark had sometimes dominated me and forced me to serve them as their personal waitress at times. "As...
Mr. Burns is teaching the class about the brain system and how the right side of the brain tells the left side of the body what to do, and vice-versa. Sophia is sitting front row, in her school uniform she had tailored to be shorter, and she can’t stop thinking about how sexy Mr. Burns looks. She is not paying attention one bit but she is imagining him and what he could do to her. Mr. Burns is teaching and notices Sophia just staring at him and can’t understand what she is looking at. He...
At the age of 31 Laura was delighted the way her career at the bank had been going. She had started as a junior immediately after leaving university and was now an important member of the team dealing with loans to large corporations. Her manager called her into her office on Monday morning and told her that she had been chosen to close a deal with a large West African oil exploration company who were about to float on the London Stock Exchange. She was told that due diligence had been...
It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than...
Wife LoversHi friends mera naam pram kumar hai aaj mai aap ko meri reallife ki sex stories bata raha hoon meri age 28 hai or meri bhabhi unki age 38 hai unka naam sunita hai or hum nagpur city may rahte hai wo meri cousin bhabhi hai . Because mai apne mama kay ghar may rahata hoon . Or jab say bhabhi ki bhiya say sadhi hui hai tab say hi mai unko chodana chah raha tha but moka or time do no hi sath nahi de rahe the waise mai nay kai baar bhiya or bhahi ko raat may chup kay sex karte dekha hai . Ab mai...
Alexis Malone is ready to come back and she comes back with a bang! Fucking Chad Alva and getting nice and sloppy sucking down his hard dick! Alexis can’t wait to fuck and knows how to please you and whoever is in the room with her. How do you like when she fucks herself hard with her dildo while waiting for Chad to come back? Alexis just wants her pussy filled with cock! Chad comes back and that toy is thrown to the side so she can truly fuck and feel a real cock. She rides Chad in all...
xmoviesforyouThompson and Anna made love repeatedly that night, and it was three in the morning before they finally fell asleep. It was past nine when the sun was high enough for a few rays to stream through the window shutter, illuminating Anna's face. She was a beautiful girl, and when she reached her full bloom in a few years, would be almost a goddess. Her eyes opened, and then she remembered where she was, and why. She smiled. She curled a petite hand around her father's still slumbering form under...
Winterset, Iowa is a small town thirty seven miles southwest of Des Moines. Mary Ann McCree was born and grew up there. After graduating from high school she took a secretarial course so that she could learn shorthand. Her typing was excellent, and she felt with the addition of shorthand she could find a job easily.The soldiers had returned from the war and businesses were expanding rapidly. Mary Ann had an older sister named Beatrice who had married Silas Greenfield, a soldier stationed at...
InterracialThis is part 3 of the story of a mother who has done a taboo porn video to support her k**s. Her are links to the other two parts. Please enjoy and show your appreciation by thumbs up. had been a month since Jean had recorded her porn movie. In many ways she was trying to put it out of her mind. The memory still excited her. Never in her life had she ever...
Calista could feel herself growing warmer. She had always had sexual fantasies that involved her and other girls, but she was always too afraid to admit them. She usually hung out with Jen, known as Jennifer, in hope that someday they might be a little more than just "friends". It seemed to her now, that her hopes had come true. Finally she got the courage to answer. " I will do whatever you want " She replied. " Good" Jen said with a sly look on her face. " Let's...
(WEDNESDAY and) THURSDAY, June 9, 2016 On Wednesday night Gary got over 100 new members for the Hobo Army. However there were also several women who prayed at the paintings that evening. Three young streetwalkers were out early on Wednesday night, and with a lack of customers at the early hour and the normally slack day for that business, they wandered quite a way from their normal downtown beat. They were about to turn around when a street person approached. Normally they ignored...
Progenitors Synopsis: The first astronaut on Callisto has a close encounter of the fourth kind - without knowing it. Now the crew is starting to experience some very unusual events in the ship. They have to unravel the mystery to see if the encounter is a threat to the rest of them. [email protected] ********************************************************************** cast of characters Ben Young - chief engineer of _Goddard_ and lander pilot. He looks...
I've been an active bi-sexual man for most of my life. I knew I liked boys probably before I even had sex with girls, but that's a post for another day. What I knew I really wanted, at least since my teen years, was to be with a black man. I write this as a white male, one who grew up in a large city, befriended and knew quite a few black men in my youth, and the attraction was always there. I just could never get myself to act on it when I was younger, mostly out of fear of my upbringing,...
The physical satisfaction that Sarah derived from the illicit sex acts she'd engaged in with her brother-in-law and his lesbian friend was short-lived. Once her lust-crazed body had been satisfied, guilt rushed in to settle over her like a dark cloud. It was a familiar feeling for the lovely brunette. She had felt exactly the same way after each pornographic session she had posed for during the time of her mother's illness. Although the voluptuous young woman had responded enthusiastically...
Last night, Linda had succumbed to my 'trickery' and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined to not let a silly thing like guilt stand in the way of us opening up our sexual horizons. Linda was naturally submissive. As I mentioned in Part I she had fantasies of being tied up and used...
Mom Lauren with her Son & Her daughterBy Dina PetroLauren is a gorgeous Mother of 40, who happens to be a sexy, great looking, real MILF, she had always taken good care of her looks and the sexy, erotic way she dresses makes her turn necks on the street. Lauren had a late teen age Son, Mark who was an athlete boy, tall and very handsome, and Nancy, her teen age daughter, who was so hot and sexy as well, taking it after her mother.Nancy and Mark were alone at home, their mother was out,...
Our cars pulls from the interstate, a thirty minute drive with hardly a word spoken. My wife and I seem to be going through one of those ruts couples go through after twenty years of marriage. I just want to get this doctors visit over and get back to the golf course. As we exit our vehicle, her white Chevy 2500 truck pulls into space next to us. As she gets out of her truck, our eyes meet for the first time. I nod as if to say, 'hello' and she smiles to return the pleasantries. She opens the...
Wife LoversHolly Molly has just arrived for work. Before she clocks in, the lovely little redhead can’t help but pause in the hallway to admire herself in the mirror. Since she began working for Ricky Rascal, Holly has had the hots for him and today she plans to get so. She gets down to work business with Ricky to begin the day. The fact that Ricky’s office doubles as his spare bedroom doesn’t help Holly concentrate, though. Eventually, she decides to just go for it. When Ricky gets...
xmoviesforyouWe had moved to Texas and purchased a house in a quiet little suburban neighborhood. One thing we never had problems with in this state was racial prejudice. Everyone always accepted us as educated people and treated us with respect. Being black definitely had its disadvantages in other states, but Texans were very accepting for the most part and made us feel at home. This quiet little neighborhood was no different. While David had been truck driving, he was often gone for several...
If anyone who doesn't at least crack a smile at this, check your pulse, you may be dead!!! For those who spilt your coffee when you got to the punch line a lesson learned, you shouldn't read and drink at the same time!!! We were dressed and ready to go out for a dinner & theater evening. We turned on a 'night light', turned the answering machine on, covered our pet parrot and put the cat in the backyard. We phoned the local taxi company and requested a taxi. The taxi arrived, and...
I've come over to seduce the long time wife of a friend of mine. He are bi and get together to suck each other off from time to time. We decided to get his wife in on the fun. I'm 6 foot and six uncut inches. They are small, he's 5'7 and 5 cut, she's 5 even, 100 pounds with lovely and perky B-size.He had been talking up a threesome for a while and in recent months she's been increasingly horny. One day a week she has the afternoon off. The plan is for me to come over and install some hardware...
Samantha sat quietly in the Doctor's office. The Doctor was just finishing upsigning something when she had walked in and taken the seat. Samantha had wornsimply jeans, shirt and light jacket for her visit. The jeans were nice andtight; the way Samantha liked them. Her left hand was wrapped in gauze withher index and middle finger splinted together, as if they had been broken.Her stomach felt like there were a swarm of butterflies in it. She was hopingthat the results would be good. The Doctor...
(Revised) Edited by Richard Loving wives Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard...
Larry never went a day since he met Sunny without thinking about her. He understood why people didn’t believe in love at first sight, but he wasn’t one of them. At 5’6′ 190lbs with Green eyes and shoulder length brunette hair, she was his image of perfection and nobody could ever tell him different. Her perfect smile with the dimples that made his heart melt. Her ample 38DD breasts always seemed to get his heart racing. At 6’3′ 160 with green eyes and medium length brown hair he had been told...
Hi friends, I am Vibhor from Bangalore. I am an average built guy and I believe my dick size wouldn’t make any difference to the story. I love reading incest stories and I have been reading stories on ISS from class 8th. This is my first story. For any feedbacks please mail me on I surely would like to know your views on the story. And by the way I am still a virgin and desperately waiting to have sex with some amazing lady. I have some more stories to be told to all of you that you all can...
IncestShe’s never called me daddy and those words kept playing in my head as I stood in the shower. I couldn’t help but think about how I had fucked Madison the night before and surely wasn’t going to forget the blow job she just gave me. She was so much like her mom,just the younger version. I had to get these thoughts out of my head. On my way to work I called Michelle and asked her how her day was and she said she should be awake when I got home since tomorrow was her day off. “I should be...
Sarah was confused about what happened at the doctor's office. She thought that boys would be able to do their dirty business without any problems or coaxing. She regretted Sam not having any other siblings, especially brothers now. She wondered why her son was having so many problems with masturbating, and why it just did not come naturally. Sarah was poised to try again tomorrow. The next day Sam woke up with a huge erection. This was the typical morning wood he had before he started...
My first experience was when I with a friend of my fathers who was 35. I was a very horny girl, I had been playing with myself at an early age and had given blow jobs to my older brothers friends, but I was saving my cherry for a more experienced guy, I wasn't expecting him to be that much older, but I'm glad it was Jim. I was at home alone, my parents were on vacation, and my older brother, who was supposed to be watching me, was staying at his girl friends house, I was busy playing with my...
Bonnie has been my wife for 26 years now and I have always loved her massive DD size breasts and pink nipples. Every time I see her I just want to fondle and squeeze them. It never really mattered where we were I just had to play with them. So one day we were down the beach up near Coffs Harbour and while we were walking, she had her bikini top trying to hold her tits in. I reached over and just grabbed her from behind and lifted these beauties up in the air while squeezing her nipples. She...
I watch as her mouth slides over your hardening cock. Your eyes close and you sigh with pleasure. My cunt tingles knowing that soon your hard cock will be thrusting into her wet cunt. I have waited so long for this, and I move closer so I can see her every move and hear your every moan. I restrain myself from reaching out to touch you. Watching you is the important thing. Your cock disappears completely into her mouth, and into her throat. She effortlessly receives every inch of your hard...
Might as well go see how Annie, Crystal and Trudy are doing in their PT sessions today. I found Trudy doing leg exercises with small ankle weights around her foot. Crystal looked like some sort of android from all the leads attached to her body as she rode an exercise bike. Annie was looking bored stiff as she relaxed in the quiet resting room until her next session. She gave me a huge smile as I helped her to her feet and went into one of the unused PT rooms. Once I was sure she had...
Introduction Hi Everyone, this is Shalini and it is my first story on ISS, Recently I went out for office trip to USA and had an awesome experience, I was discussing this with Yug and he suggested that I should write this experience in ISS. So here I am sharing my USA Previously you must have read stories posted by my husband about our European vacation (Dreamy vacation 1,2 &3), the feedback on those stories have been phenomenal. Thanks!! Just to refresh those who are reading it for the first...
"It's Gwen. Just before the fighting started." Godiva spills out, the fear mounting in her voice to make it shrill and painful. "Three of them came," She starts to cry as she repeats what she has seen "they wanted to 'Get one up on Coop'. They held her at gun point and told her to go with them." "Damn!" I swear silently to myself. "It is going to be alright," brushing Godiva's tears away. " 'Diva, you did -real- good by telling me." Trying to calm her down, I inform her....
At my work there is a lady in the HR department that is sexy as hell. She has chin length hair worn kind of loose. She wears stylish button up dress shirts with no under shirt covering her bra outline. Her breasts are quite large, probably a D, and I could only imagine that her nipples are somewhat large as well. She usually wears skirts about knee length, but typically has these sexy black boots on that go up to her knee. Her ass fills her skirt up easily, as it somewhat larger, but she...
Barry woke up in bed alone. Nothing new there. He was curious about what Diane might be up to, but they had agreed that secrets were allowed, and whatever it was, he’d know by Sunday morning.He got up, realised that the shower wouldn’t work because the water was still off and set off downstairs wearing the shorts he’d slept in. There was no new leak. He walked around the carpet a few times — the squelching had gone. The carpet still felt a little damp to his fingers, so he left the heating...
NovelsHe had the perfect body. Silky smooth ass and thighs. Not a single hair on his chest, barely any on his sexy as fuck balls. Incredible nipples. So pink. So sensitive, stood out like stiff little cocks. God, I could suck them right off his chest. His cock, so fuckin' magnificent. Not because it was huge or really fat, because it was so fuckin pretty. Average size, but so perfect. Slight upward bend, pinkest knob ever.... like a warm piece of pink candy with a sticky center. I'd been wondering...
It was getting close to dinner time. Lauren had swam for about 20 minutes and I was trying not to sneak peeks at her. Sitting like I was, in the lounger, there would have been no way to hide the boner that would have happened. She got out of the water and came over to say she was done and ready to go. She quickly went over the the pool's shower and rinsed off, dried, and wrapped the towel around her waist. We walked back up to our room without saying much except that she was looking forward to...
Copyright © 2003 The Thinking Horndog It was Friday night, and I had no options, so out of boredom, I went off to visit the local adult entertainment complex. Disdaining books and movies on the shelf, I immediately approached the counter for a theater ticket. The transaction was soon completed, and I joined the ebb and flow entering the theater. Inside, the usual group was occupying the back row and the open space behind it, this area offering the most privacy, and somewhat screened...
Katie Morgan and Will Pounder are winding down after a night out. She’s got a little tension in need of relief, and asks him to begin massaging her. Lust takes control quickly, and he massages her big, beautiful breasts. Very quickly, her dress gets hiked up and his hands begin exploring that pretty shaved pussy. Things get heated, and there is no stopping their lustful ways now! Katie works his cock over with her pretty lips. He cannot take it anymore, and gets her bent over to fuck her...
xmoviesforyouBEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP James Marshall awoke with a jolt. Reaching for his phone, he fumbled with it a bit before managing to turn off the alarm. Narrow beams of light cascaded into his bedroom from behind the window blinds. Fully awake now, James let out a deep sigh before sitting up in bed. He looked over at the empty space next to him; he was alone. He hadn't expected anything different, but he had hoped nonetheless that one of the beautiful seductresses who had...