Embarrassment free porn video

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This is my first story so constructive criticism is always appreciated!
This story is 100 % fiction.

My name is Alex, at the time of these events I was 18 years old, recently left college and taking a gap year before university, (meaning all I really do is ride motorbikes and sit around doing sweet fuck all!) I am 5”11, a lightweight 120 pounds with an average, if not slightly athletic physique. Medium length mousy coloured hair with spikes, rough facial hair and bright green eyes make up my looks, not massively handsome but I certainly manage to get by, though only having had two girlfriends previously.

My story starts like any other you may expect involving a lone teenage boy who has the house to himself for a few hours, masturbating to my favourite porno movie. The scene is of two girls, a redhead and a blonde who are casually watching TV together, enjoying each other’s company, and as with every adult movie ever made, one of them is raging horny. The redhead begins to slowly kiss the blonde, while stroking her partner’s hair with her left hand and exploring her body with her right. Within five minutes the two are stark naked and tongue deep in each other’s embrace. Safe to say that I was pretty hard by this point.

Now unlike all these other stories you hear of with an apparent 8” or 10” cock, I shan’t lie to you. I am an ‘Average Joe’ as it were. 6 “made up my length with a roughly 2-3” girth, while not being ‘massive’ by any means, this does not bother me and I am content with who I am.

By 10 minutes into the movie, I was getting quite enveloped in the storyline and the action unfolding on my laptop screen between these two luscious women, so enveloped that I didn’t hear the front door being knocked. Only a very loud knock and the near-enough girlish screaming of “ALEX!” through the letterbox took me out of my porno induced trance. It scared the living hell out of me to say the least.

I quickly shut my laptop screen, threw on my dressing gown and set on my way to the front door. All the way trying to place the sound of that voice with anyone who I knew, but I just couldn’t recognise who it was calling my name at all. As I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw the outline through the frosted glass of my front door did I realise who it was, quite possibly the most beautiful girl on the planet, Vicky. The only problem with this most beautiful of girls was that we are related, she is my cousin’s daughter, making her my second cousin. Though not fully related, the overbearing feeling of even having such thoughts about my cousin was shameful.

The moment I realised it was Vicky, I rushed to the door and swung it open with such force that it smashed against the adjacent wall, denting the plaster. Her face was priceless, a quick glance at me, then the badly dented wall, then back to me caused her to go into full-blown hysterics of laughter. Shortly after, I too laughed my ass off. As we composed ourselves and wiped the tears of laughter from our eyes, we looked straight at each other, both still with a big grin on our faces, and moved to a friendly hug.

“Well done Alex, that’ll take some explaining to your parents!” Vicky jokingly shouted while giving me a light punch on the arm.

“Yeah, well, I’ll blame my brother instead; say he hit it with his tools as he came through the door,” I quickly responded, returning the playful punch with one of my own.

“Better come in then hadn’t you? Caused enough damage to this house and you haven’t even stepped through the door!” I quickly snapped at her in a joking way.

She nodded and made her way past me, into the living room, to fix her running mascara make-up in the mirror from the earlier tears of laughter. Wow, she was perfect. Standing at 5”4, around 100 pounds, shoulder length blonde hair with tight curls at the ends and quite possibly the best ass in the world, so brilliantly shaped to her body. While I’d hazard a guess and say her boobs were a 34B, I have always preferred girls with a nice ass rather than shapely boobs. My brilliant, 17 year old ‘little cousin’ was amazing. Little did I realise while I was gawking at her from the doorway, that she had realised this and shook her ass at me with a playful smile from the mirror.

“Like what you see? You dirty bastard!” she shot at me playfully.

Truth be told, hell yes I liked what I saw but I couldn’t just say that to my own cousin now could I?

“Uh sorry, late night, really tired and spaced out, didn’t realise what I was doing,” I quickly responded in a defensive manner.

I then motioned for us to sit down; she sat on the three piece sofa while I sat in the armchair. Only now coming to question her intent on actually being here. We had never been close as such, hell, I didn’t even know she existed till about four years previous when we were introduced at a family function. We had only really began to talk after both going on a college trip the previous year to Paris, so why was she sat in my living room, interrupting my porn session upstairs?

“The fuck you doing here then?” I asked in a joking manner.

“What? Can’t I stop by and say hello to my cousin?” she responded with a smile.

“Nope, you’re interrupting my ‘Man Time’,” I responded jokingly, hoping that she wouldn’t understand what I meant.

“Oh right, you’re watching porn then are you?” she slyly responded.

Fuck. I’d been caught out, by my own cousin, of all the people in the world, the one who I had a massive incestuous crush on as well. That moment couldn’t have been more awkward if I was sat there with a lobster suit on. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I began to blush, trying not to let it show.

“I... Uh... No...” I spluttered out, dumbfounded by her knowing what I was doing.

A very sly smile began to spread across her face, while I did my absolute best to avoid eye contact.

“Oh come on, you boys are so predictable. You’ve got the house to yourselves for five minutes so you decide to whack off. At least us ladies do it a bit more discreetly. I certainly do,” Vicky said in the calmest voice I had ever heard, especially given the situation.

At that moment I could have quite happily died I was so embarrassed, but then quickly my mind flashed to the last part of her sentence. “I certainly do.” I had never even considered the thought of Vicky, my perfect cousin was just like any other woman and masturbated just the same, she had always been the incorruptible little angel to me.

“Vicky, I...” I tried to respond but my brain just cease to function in any other way than imagining her masturbating, on her bed, legs spread and stroking her hot and wet pussy. I quickly felt myself become rock-hard in the penis department after the thoughts of this perfect girl who was sitting right in front of me, touching herself in a way that I had never even thought of.

“Alex, I think you may have gotten a little far ahead of yourself,” she said in a hesitant voice while eyeing me carefully.

My mind quickly focused attention on the present Vicky, rather than the one in my head masturbating. ‘Gotten far ahead of myself’? What the hell does she mean by that, I thought. I gave her a puzzled look, trying to elicit an explanation to her last comment.

She looked me up and down then pointed to my cock. Holy fuck. I didn’t even realise that I had gotten hard while thinking about her, I was only wearing my old dressing gown which had parted to reveal my stiffness for the whole world to see. I quickly grabbed the cushion from behind my back and shoved it into my lap, covering my erect cock.

I looked back up at her, so embarrassed that my cousin saw I got a hard-on over her. I couldn’t hold eye contact for more than a couple of seconds. I had honestly expected her to scream and run out of the house calling me a dirty bastard or something. But she just continued to stare at me, first in my eyes, then down to the pillow covering my lap, alternating between to two. While this may have only been going on for a couple of seconds, it seemed like forever, the most awkward moment of my life. After the longest five seconds of my life, she sprung up as if nothing had happened and began to walk out of the room. Just before Vicky went through the doorway, she turned to me and said,“So, cup of tea then Alex?” As if nothing had even happened and it was just business as usual.

I couldn’t even begin to stifle a response so just nodded my head in agreement. My head still spinning from the embarrassment of not only getting a boner over my cousin, but her seeing it and knowing it was over her.

I sat there for around five minutes, listening to the sounds Vicky was making from the kitchen. The kettle being filled and switched on to boil, the china cups clanging together and the cutlery drawer being opened to find a teaspoon.

After the kettle had stopped boiling, there was absolute silence. No pouring of water, stirring of the cups or even footsteps. I sat there for a few seconds, trying to listen for any sounds from the kitchen, but nothing. By this point my erection had gone down and I decided it was safe for me to remove the pillow and make my way into the kitchen. Truth be told, I was quite worried that she had collapsed or something as it was deadly quiet, the events of the previous ten minutes had been completely forgotten. I was now worried sick for her safety.

As I headed through the dining room that connected to the kitchen, I heard light moans and heavy breathing. My first thought was one of worry and despair as it sounded as if she had hurt herself; I quickly picked up the pace to rush into the kitchen where I expected to find my cousin hurt badly on the floor from the moaning I heard.

As soon as I walked through that door, I saw the reality of the situation, realising that I could not have been more wrong if I tried. She certainly hadn’t hurt herself, not by a long shot; the sight that I was greeted by was as surprising to say the least, but very welcome. Very welcome indeed.

Vicky had braced herself bent over against the kitchen worktop with her left hand, while I could see her right hand was down her pants, making a rhythmic circling motion. My perfect little cousin was actually masturbating in front of me, not just in my imagination as earlier. Her moans coupled with her heavy breathing sent my mind into overload and my body onto auto pilot, I walked up behind her, placing my hands around her waist and pulled her toward me.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as soon as I touched her, obviously she had not realised that I had been watching, and certainly had not been expecting me to get involved. As she turned to me a stifled surprised scream exited her lips, one which my auto-piloted body quickly silenced by placing a passionate kiss upon them.

“Alex, I... We... What was that for?” Vicky managed to blurt out, with a surprised, yet happy smirk spreading across her face.

As she took a breath to begin to speak, I silenced her once again with a kiss, though this one was deeper, and far more passionate, driven more by love rather than lust.

“Alex... We can’t, it’s not right...” she mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with me.

“Look Vicky, I know we’re related but I’ve always had a thing for you, especially since Paris. I’ve realised what a beautiful woman you’ve become and want nothing more than to be with you. Getting an erection in the lounge a minute ago, I can understand must have been very awkward for you. Though, judging by what I’ve just caught you doing, you certainly enjoyed it,” I responded in a reassuring and truthful manner, while grabbing her arms and trying to get her to look at me.

“You... Do you really mean that? Since Paris? Sorry you caught me doing that,” she hesitantly replied, with the look of such innocence on her face.

“Of course I do, to be honest, I never thought that I would act on it, but, everything happens for a reason, Vicky. Today was meant to be,” I said to her.

No words were exchanged between us as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes, happy yet unsure about the reactions we would receive from one another. Those qualms were settled when she closed her eyes and kissed me back. Our tongues circled around one another while her arms found their way around my neck; my hands slid all around her shapely body. After we broke the kiss, we just stood there, unsure of what to do next but all the while staying wrapped in each other’s embrace.

“Vicky, I...” I began to speak.

Only to have her raise a single index finger and put it to my lips while ‘shhhh-ing’ me to be quiet. She smiled and took my hand in hers and began to lead me out of the room. Was this really happening? 15 minutes ago I was watching two girls getting randy on my laptop screen, and now I was being led up the stairs to my room by my own randy girl, my cousin, my Vicky. My mind was a blur and still hadn’t come to grips with what just happened, let alone what was seemingly about to happen, though I certainly did not complain at either.

As we reached the top of the stairs, she turned to me and just simply giggled. The most girly giggle one could even imagine, thereby making me laugh as well at the ridiculous sound. Vicky led me into my room and shut the door behind me. We stood there for a moment, simply eyeing each other’s bodies and coming to grips with the situation.

Within an instant, it was as if someone flicked a switch and absolute lust was turned on with both of us. We basically flew at each other, wrapping our arms around the other and our tongues around one another also. She pushed me back to my bed while still kissing me, forcing me to fall back and land sat up, she then looked at me with a sly, devilish grin, knowing what her next move would be.

She fell to her knees in front of me, untied my dressing gown’s belt and tore it from me. By this point, as with any teenager in such a situation, I was rock solid and raring to go, and with no hesitation at all, she took all 6 1/2 “ down her throat in one go, causing her to gag slightly. Oh my. There was no feeling like it, the wet and warm feeling of such a beautiful girl’s mouth around my cock. Especially since that girl was my cousin, the forbidden fruits are always the best, eh? As she slid her mouth up and down on my cock, I grabbed the back of her head and gently sped up her motion.

Truth be told, this was the first time that I had even got to this stage with a girl before, so my mind was flushed with new sensations and my dick was about ready to explode pretty quickly. I felt myself tense and my balls tighten, obviously Vicky felt this and knew all too well what it meant as my breathing picked up. She quickly pulled back from my cock, a string of saliva still connecting the two together.

“Oh no you don’t, not that quickly or easily sunshine. I haven’t even started with you yet!” she said in the most seductive, yet commanding voice.

I was powerless to argue otherwise. She then began the most stereotypical porno strip-tease that one could expect. Gently gliding her hands across her breasts, up to her mouth, down to her pussy and then bending over right in front of me. Now I had seen this kind of thing before in movies and pictures, but never before my very eyes. Never with my own flesh and blood. Nothing compares, in my opinion.

She slowly and seductively undid her blouse buttons, grabbing the collar and wiggling it around before taking the whole thing off and throwing it into a pile on the floor. This revealed her shapely breasts, tucked inside a pretty red bra, with all the frills to boot. Now, I can’t explain why but I have always had a massive liking for sexy underwear, and that’s exactly what I was seeing before my eyes! She turned her back to me and unclipped her bra, allowing it to slide down her arms and fall onto the floor. Still with her back to be, she bent over, grabbing the waistband of her denim jeans and slowly shuffled them down to the floor, revealing a matching pair of red, frilled panties.

I could’ve exploded right there and died a happy man from what I had just witnessed. But the best was yet to come. As she turned to me, I saw her puffy pink nipples for the first time, like bullets they were. As my eyes traced their way down her body, I was instantly drawn to her the wet patch on her panties, she was soaked through. Vicky then slid a hand under the waistband of her panties and pressed a finger deep into her pussy. She pulled it out and walked right in close to me, bent over and stuck it in my mouth. My god she tasted sweet. I’d heard my friends saying that girls they had tasted were like licking a battery or something. Vicky was like licking a damned lolly-pop. She was so sweet, obviously my friends had been fucking robots. She then took her finger into her own mouth and sucked her juices while removing the last of her clothing with the other hand. Next thing I know, she was sat down the end of my bed with her legs spread eagled, revealing her perfect, shaven pussy.

“Right then ‘Cuz’, it’s my turn now,” she commanded while pointing at me, then trailing her hand back to point at her pussy.

I was more than happy to oblige.

I got down on all fours on the bed, gently lowering myself between her legs, kissing my way down her shapely thighs on either side as I did so. As I was centimetres from her glistening wet pussy, my breath on it made her quiver and shake in anticipation, before grabbing the back of my head and forcing me into her sweet spot. It was heaven, I licked my way around her outer lips, teasing her pussy and making her beg for it. I kissed my way down her slit, nibbling ever so slightly on her clit as I did so, before entering my tongue into her slick, wet hole, causing her to gasp.

Switching between tongue fucking her hole to caressing her clit for about 10 minutes had sent her crazy. Her body was writhing with excitement and her legs wrapped round the back of my head, forcing me deeper in. Her breathing quickly picked up pace and her legs tightened around my head. She was cumming. A muffled scream escaped her mouth while a gush of warm juices exited herTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Kyle entered Ms. Moran's classroom, clutching the wishbone, and was delighted to see that he hadn't misheard the old battleaxe. If anything could compensate for his missing out on the senior cheerleaders, Erika & Christine certainly qualified. Christine Saeki had been the perfect little straight laced scholar that her Japanese-immigrant parents wanted her to be when they had started high school. Somewhere along the way to their senior year, though, she had rebelled big time and taken...

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Daddys Good Girl

Missy knelt on the bed between his legs stroking his hard cock. The fingers of both hands were working on him, kneading and pulling, her thumbs rubbing up and round his head, pressing lightly against the slit at the top. Up and down his shaft she played, then grasped him somewhat tightly and lowered her head to press her tongue against his head, licking at the hot little opening oozing precum. He moaned and his leg muscles tightened as her lips wrapped around him, resting just below...

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acting partner

Acting Partner I was in casablanca participating in some theatre workshops there. I met a girl named kamilia who was originally from rabat but I guess had come from tangier. I was immediately attracted to her as she had a gorgeous face, long and silky brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a knockout body. We did some scenes together through the workshop and hit it off right away. One day after the class was over, I was in the dressing room getting changed and she walked in to grab some costumes...

2 years ago
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A Sexy And Lovely Mistake

Hello to all ISS readers. I have been a big fan of this site. To begin with my name is Saurav. I am from Durgapur, a small town in west Bengal. This story involve my entire family i.e. me, my sister, my mom and my dad. I am not into incest but this incident happened when I was a kid and was not aware about sex. This happened somewhat like 10-12 years ago. Any female near this area may contact me for friendship or fun at my email: So let the story begins. We were a poor family and used to sleep...

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Cindys Sex Party

   Cindy's Sex Party My story begins in the Summer of 98. My wife and I had just moved into our new home in a suburb of Chicago. The next day our neighbor Cindy Johnson came over with a pie she had baked especially for us and she told us that she just wanted to welcome us into the neighborhood. It wasn't long before my wife and I started hanging out with the Johnsons. One evening my wife invited them over for supper. The four of us sat around talking until nearly midnight. The conversation...

Group Sex
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Undulating Waves

By rutger5 An Original Story Copyright 2017 [Dedicated to and inspired by the shades of those that have gone before. Small, petty minds can’t appreciate greatness but can only attempt to tear it down.] Of course I’ll tell you my story if you’re willing to listen, though I doubt it will do much good. Still, if there’s even the slightest chance of the truth getting out then it’s worth it. Besides, one gets tired of talking to the same few people all the time. The orderlies aren’t...

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Sexbomb At Neighbor House

Myself Aamir from Hyd /Chennai/banglore ..Age 25..Heigh 5.11 ,,looks simple and normal…..Working in hyd.I am regular reader of ISS .First of all I would like to “THANK GOD” for creating a beautiful women’s in this earth. We can’t explain about their beauty..what a beauty they maintain from top to bottom each and every area covers sexy spots like Lips, neck ,Navel ,Thighs ,pussy, clitoris and Ass .I used to dream it and sleep every day by having masturbate. After reading these stories I was...

1 year ago
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Dream Mistress Pt2

I awoke in the middle of the night flat on my back and was admittedly having a hard time opening my eyes as there was something crusty covering my eyelids and it wasn't until I remembered the familiar taste of my own cum that I remembered why I was in my little makeshift office naked, covered in dry cum, and the after effects of stretching out my own ass for hopefully my new Mistress. Admittedly I walked a little funny to the bathroom where I took a hot warm shower contemplating what I had...

1 year ago
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Anal World

Welcome to Anal World! Some background: All characters are 18+ Overall libido is many many times higher than normal. Men produce much more cum, and recover from orgasms as quickly as women. Anal sex is a major part of everyone’s lives, to the point where it’s used as a casual greeting, or bonding between friends. Skills in anal are a quick way to raise your social standing, as the sluttiest of butt sluts dominate culture and society. Men are equally as enthusiastic as women are about bottoming....

3 years ago
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My daughters BFF, Jaz, likes to watch porn too. I'm Dan and I have a daughter named Emma. She's just turned 14 and to celebrate she is allowed to have her BFF over to spend the night. I'm 36, and retired from every day work due to my luck doing day trading. I still dabble and enjoy it as a hobby now. Emma's Mon is a corporate lawyer in the City and is rarely home before 8 on a week night. Lately I have been bored and watch porn late...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 34

My Wonderful Obsession Part 34: A Night to Remember You're probably thinking, 'Alexandra Johnson, you silly girl - when are you going to grow up and realize you don't have to chase after every good- looking guy who comes along? Men like Rob are a total dead end for you! Just get things sorted out between you and Mark, for Pete's sake!' Now that I'm past thirty I get all that, believe me! I really WAS stupid, wasn't I? But like I told you, I had my reasons ... or maybe excuses,...

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College Nights

The lounge music was slow and steady. A low murmur of talk filled the room. The gentle clink of glasses. My leg twitched nervously as I waited. Self-concious thoughts ran through my mind: How is my hair? Am I wearing the right dress? I had never had particularly high self-esteem, though Chris told me I was beautiful every day.Chris. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. Even the sound of his name sent butterflies through my stomach. My boyfriend since my sophomore year in high school,...

First Time
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 31

XXXI ‘Enough money to buy Estonia’ The following morning at the office I at last managed to clear some paperwork despite having to make time to receive confession from Fran and Connie. Fran had asked to see me about something ‘very important’, but when she arrived, with Connie in tow, she seemed extremely loth to get to the point. Not having much time to spend on this, I was about to order her to come out with it when Connie intervened. ‘Jeez, Fran, we’ll be here all day at this rate!...

2 years ago
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Summer SurpriseChapter 3

The storm had come on during the night, keeping Pamela from sleeping soundly. She emerged from her morning shower and headed downstairs to make coffee and tea. Both were already made and toast with jam and butter were arranged on plates. "Hey," she said, yawned and then slid into her chair. "Hey yourself," Trent answered. "Couldn't sleep? Or just woke up early?" she asked, covering another big yawn. He smirked. "A bit of both, You?" "A bit of both." She watched him take a seat...

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The Poker Game Chapter 4

The Poker Game By: Cissykay Chapter 4 As I finished cleaning the kitchen after the girls ate, and tormented me, I was asking myself how long it would be before Roxann got tired of her games and let me return to being Ken. I pondered that if she was not lying to me about spending one day each week being the maid and bondage slut to each of the women, it could be years since she would only to tend to...

1 year ago
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Job HuntChapter 3

I was up at six thirty, showered, but ate a prepared breakfast before dressing in color co-ordinated clothes Shirley handed to me. I tied the tie and checked out the stranger in the mirror. Some guy I didn't know. Shirley asked, "I have a key so I can clean this place up. You can give me twenty-five a week for housekeeping now that you have a job. That way I'll have your supper ready for you when you get home, okay?" She already had the key, but I was having some misgivings. Were we...

4 years ago
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My SisterInLaw Laila

I am Vishnu, 58. I am a professor in a college. I live with my wife. Our two sons are away with their jobs. My main ‘weakness’ is sex. I see any girl or woman as a source of sexual pleasure. I have had sex with many of my students, colleagues, relatives and others, and still continue to be like that. I have seduced some young boys also. I am going to tell you about a special lady, younger sister of my wife. Her name is Laila. My wife is the eldest. She has three sisters and a brother. Brother...

2 years ago
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A Best Friends Retort

[Author’s Note: This is sort of a continuation from another story I wrote. For your full viewing pleasure, I recommend you read my first story, ‘A Sister’s Crush,’ before reading this one. As always, take care and enjoy! Thank-you for reading.] ‘Boo!’ Lily jumped and sat up straight on the bench she was sitting on. She felt hands on her and turned around to see a set of beautiful green eyes and long, bleach blond hair. She smiled. The intruder that had scared her and was now wrapping her arms...

4 years ago
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Following DoryChapter 19 Am I Going Crazy

It was strange to get up the next morning and head our separate ways once again. My ankle was gradually getting better, but I wasn't about to spend all day on my feet. The auditors had arrived yesterday, and were expected to complete their semi-annual visit tomorrow if all proved to be in order. I didn't have much doubt that Jonathan would have all the paperwork ready for inspection. He was that kind of manager. I would meet with the two people from headquarters today and introduce...

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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...

3 years ago
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ShankedChapter 2 Doctor Doctor

I arrived at one of my favorite local courses on "doctor, doctor" day, planning on getting in some practice and then hooking up with an anonymous group later. It was always kind of fun to just hook up with strangers on a course, since the obnoxious asshole percentage of golfers is usually pretty low at the hacker level, and I was looking forward to the experience, especially since my new found ability to score low was earning me major undeserved respect (and money) from my playing...

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the payback on the bet

My name is Joe and since Alexis and I hooked up a few months back we have had one sexual adventure after another. Today is Monday and we are both at work, we work together for a telemarketing firm. She lost a bet yesterday and has to do anything I say today which she didn’t think was that big a deal till I showed her the wireless Butterfly masturbator. For those of you not familliar with them, this one has a 4′ penis that slips into a woman as well as a vibrator that rubs the clit. After...

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Deep Crotch Mother Chapter 7 8

Mae gazed up at the preacher’s towering prick and at his exposed, hairy balls whileher husband nuzzled her cunt. She got the idea that perhaps he had lost his nerve,now that he was down in cunt-licking position. Perhaps the rich, womanly scent ofher cunt was giving him pause.If she had known Thad was going to come over, and that it would lead to a rollickingsession for the three of them, she would have taken an afternoon bath. But her lackof recent cleansing hadn’t seemed to bother Thad. It...

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Frantic Beating Hearts

She's ultimately a female version of myself, except she's very tiny like my mother. We both have dirty blond hair (mine falls in my eyes, her's falls to her waist), and grey blue eyes. But I know her eyes, delicate and feminine, circled by the black lace of her eyelashes. She's stunning and she knows it too. She's not beautiful in they way a sports illustrated model is with big tits and ass. She's got a tiny body with delicate B cup breasts and a round firm ass atop a set of legs, the...

3 years ago
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MemoriesPart 3

Chapter 1 As the week passed David found himself caught in a whirlwind of passionate love and sexual pleasure, as all three of them explored their needs, desires and fantasies together. They seemed to spend days wandering naked around the house and garden, making love whenever and wherever the need or desire took them. Finally as Friday arrived they awoke early, snuggled together in Sarah's bed, David sandwiched between the two most important women in his life. "Come on lazy bones, time...

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fantasy scene

for the record, the characters are loosely based on 2 friends of mine who (sadly) would probably never fuck given their preferences, but this is my fantasy damnit and in my mind it would be super hot if they did, so here they go. this is fiction, and some of the events and general style is loosely based on some personal experience laced with some stuff i just thought facilitated the story. the action gets going about 2 "word" format pages in, but i felt it needed some backstory and foreplay. no...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates A Quick Study

Authors note: This is another story whose initial inspiration was a situation depicted on one of femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af017.jpg. ALTERED FATES: A QUICK STUDY by BobH. (c) 2003 Sitting in his large, elegantly-furnished CEO's office, Eric Peyton Wayne gazed sadly at the framed photograph in his hands. It showed him and Tommy Clark in happier times. They had been fourteen and indestructible when the picture was taken, during that long,...

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Anastasia And Renee Bring Home The Boys

Anna And Renee Bring The Boys Home When we got home that night from the adult store we left as two, but came back to the house as four. Our newly acquired studs decided they were not finished with us so they followed us home. My pussy was so raw I didn't think I could take any more action. My lips looked like they had just had been pumped full of collagen. All that cock sucking had taken a toll on my lips. I also had a belly full of cum and I was in need of a shower desperately....

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The Neighborhood MILF Margaret

It's amazing how things fall into place sometimes. Fate has a funny way working things out. An example would be my former volleyball coach, Margaret. I always admired her when she was a young teacher trying to get the best out of us, both as a team and as individuals. You could say it was my first girlcrush, even though I didn't really explore my lesbian desires back then. There was always a rumor that she liked girls, an unfair label that seemed to apply to all young female coaches.We've been...

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Three Sluts On A Train

By the time everyone has shoved their way into the carriage, Sam is right in the centre of the throng, with barely any room to move. At this time of night, she knows she’ll be stuck in this spot for at least the next 30 minutes before her stop. As the train pulls away from the station, she looks up from her iPhone, immediately locking eyes with a young blonde, who couldn’t be older than 22. This blonde is slim, petite, but from Sam’s cursory glance downward, she has a perfect pair of...

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Lizs First Taste Of Pussy

Liz enjoyed men. She liked them to charm her knickers off, and they were often charmed on a regular basis.Being slim, blonde, attractive and very busty (34E), she was constantly the centre of attention. And even when she was in what she would call a steady relationship, it was difficult for her to avoid attention from the other men.Liz had never ever given women a thought, she was heterosexual. There were plenty of men after her, plenty of cock to fulfill her needs, so women just did not play a...

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The Accidental Lover

The Great Shower Adventure "Keep a cool tool there, fool. I'm wise to the rise in your Levis," my mom told me. A half hour after we had two unplanned orgasms in my bathroom. She swung around when she said that and almost smacked me in the crotch with the hot skillet. "Jesus!" I exclaimed and backed up. That was the aftermath of the first time Mom and I changed our lifestyle. The whole change took almost a year... What had happened was too goofy to explain in any way that sounded...

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My friend who knew what she wanted

I was only 18 just started college I was having trouble with my girlfriend at the time since she was still in highschool (we were 1 year apart ) when I was in college I made a friend Lana . Lana was different she was a African American girl with a Emo attitude she was beautiful gorgeous and whenever I looked at her she was so sexy my cock got hard I felt it grow every time we talked or she touched me god I wanted her . By second semester me and my girlfriend broke up and I was trying to get...

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FapHouse Trans

Chicks with dicks. T-girls, trannies, call it as you want, but the fact is that dudes all over the world are crazy for this shit! No man would ever admit to wanking off to the sight of fake tits and big erect cock, but what's a big deal? You watch anal all the time, and you never pay attention to the pricks doing all the work! Relax!Today, I am gonna show you the page that takes transgender porn to a whole new level. Meet faphouse.com, a legendary xxx page that doesn't settle for mediocre shit....

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