BarbaraChapter 32 free porn video

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With the Animal-Rights people out of the building, the studio crew came down from their working positions and a lovely buffet was laid out. Bobbie teased Joyce and Jack because it was composed principally of tea sandwiches — not the tigers' favorite snack.

When the director came down from the booth, he was shaking his head. Expecting what Prince might do, they had the station's highest-speed, ultra-slow-motion video tape machine rolling. A technician turned on a big-screen monitor and they gathered around to watch. The scenes were truly incredible because, even in ultra-slow motion, they could hardly see the tiger's paw in motion.

Joyce, who had slept through the whole thing, whistled softly in appreciation. She gave Prince a warm kiss and thanked him for being so considerately quiet.

Then Bobbie went to him, kissed him warmly, and said, "Prince, you were so good! Tom and I are so proud, we want to do something special for you." Looking into his eyes she asked, "Would you like to be our bed for our nightly lovemaking tonight? Would you?"

Prince was almost overcome with joy. The idea of holding his king and queen on his body while their gorgeous bodies merged was almost more than he could stand. He understood it to be an incredible display of recognition that he felt he did not really deserve.

With her face close to his, Bobbie said very softly, for his ears alone, "You realize, darling Prince, that it will be very different from yesterday? Yesterday, Tom and I were just trying to mix his cum with my love juices as quickly as possible. Tonight ... tonight we will truly make love. It will probably take a long time. We will merge our bodies repeatedly. Will you be able to bear all that weight for so long?"

"My beloved Queen," Prince communicated, "if you should crush my body beneath yours, I would die at the utter height of ecstasy! I would have served as a true marriage bed for my most beloved king and queen."

There was the warmest possible smile on the huge animal's face as he continued, "Perhaps ... perhaps you will be overcome with the power of your love. Then you might sleep on my body and I could wrap my arms around you to keep you warm and safe ... Then I would truly be in heaven! And in the morning, when you're still half asleep and still warm and snugly from my fur, to merge your bodies yet again..."

He sighed and Bobbie realized he was totally serious. The thought of their combined weight moving on his chest in frenzied lovemaking thrilled him — it did not concern him in the slightest. Bobbie said she would talk to Tom about it.

Rejoining the others, she was delighted to see Jack's arm around Joyce's waist while her body was as close to his as she could get. When she joined the little group of only Jack, Joyce, Tom and herself, Jack said softly, "This isn't for public consumption just yet, but I must tell you two something, since you are Joyce's best friends. She has consented to be my wife."

Hearing his words, Bobbie shrieked with joy. Then she took Joyce in her arms and kissed her, letting the full power of her kiss with all of its love flow to her. Joyce was reeling when Tom repeated it with a kiss of his own containing a tremendous flow of love and the purest joy. When he released her, he placed her in Jack's arms. Realizing her knees had turned to water, he put her arms around his neck and melted her with a kiss of his own.

As Joyce's passion mounted, Bobbie squeezed Tom's hand and said, "Aren't they just beautiful? You can actually see the love and passion they feel for each other!"

When they broke their kiss, Joyce just snuggled her face into his neck and sighed. Then she looked into Jack's face and said, "Darling, you're wonderful! And you're only human — unlike the god and goddess here."

Then she grinned and said, "Darling, I'm about to put your life and all my possible future happiness at risk. Jack, would you please give Bobbie a kiss on the occasion of our engagement?"

After giving her a puzzled frown, he took Bobbie into his arms and felt her just melt her body to his. When her most incredible lips met his, he suddenly felt for the first time what a man in an electric chair would feel. But rather than high-voltage electricity, it was the highest-voltage love coupled with a flood of pure joy.

When his legs buckled, Bobbie instantly shifted her arms from around his neck to under his arms to hold him up, but continued kissing him. Finally, Jack was a dead weight in her arms. After finally ending the kiss, she told Tom that she needed some help. Jack, at six feet two and 200 pounds, was a little heavy for her to hold up by herself. Grinning, Tom grabbed a chair, took Jack from Bobbie's arms and eased him into it. Then he held him by the shoulders to keep him from falling over.

Dropping to her knees, Joyce held him and anxiously looked into his eyes. Although his eyes were open, they were unfocused and just staring blankly. Gently slapping his face she called, "Jack? Jack? Can you hear me? Jack?"

Slowly there were signs of recovery as he started to revive. Wheeling on Bobbie, Joyce demanded, "Now where in hell is the Consumer Product Safety Commission when you really need it? Damn it, Barbara Bradley Conroy, you should be banned! You should be declared illegal!"

"Me?" Bobbie asked with her innocence dripping from the word. "Joyce Collier, I'm a very happily married woman. Whatever is your problem?" Joyce just stuck her tongue out and laughed merrily.

Finally Jack looked up, shook his head and murmured, "Wow!" Then he looked at Bobbie, nodded his head rapidly and said, "They sure got it right, didn't they?"

"Who got what right?" Bobbie asked, puzzled by his comment.

"The tigers, silly. No wonder you are their queen and Tom is their king, while poor Joyce is only your handmaiden. Woman, with what you unloaded in me in just those couple of moments, I will be spilling joy all over everything for the next six weeks, at least." Now that his legs were back in working order he stood up, took both of Bobbie's hands in his, and said, "Barbara and Thomas Conroy, I hope you will allow Joyce and me to consider you our closest and dearest friends.

"Last night, Rajah eloquently described Joyce's rôle in life: to give birth to as many children as possible, to nurse them at her breast, to love them, care for them and teach them the basics. Then, when they are six years old, give them over to your care. Dear Bobbie, that is exactly what Joyce intends to do: to become a baby factory manufacturing raw material for you. Having experienced just one of your kisses, now I understand why that is the highest possible goal a woman could set for herself: to produce children good enough that you would accept them into your care."

When he finished, tears were slowly flowing from Bobbie's eyes while she had just been slowly but continuously shaking her head in negation. "Jack, I'm just a kid! The fruit of Joyce's womb and your seed will be utterly magnificent little creatures—"

"—and possibly even good enough for you," Jack completed. Then he smiled warmly and said, "Of course, we do have an inside track, I guess. Since Joyce swore to turn all of our children over to you for their education, that must mean that you're agreeing in advance to take them."

Turning to Joyce he beamed and said, "But then I knew I was marrying a brilliant woman! What a fabulous deal for us you tricked Bobbie into taking!"

At that point Bobbie had an idea. Knowing that Saturday was one of their days off, she asked them if they had any plans for the evening. When they just shook their heads, Bobbie said it was great; they were joining Tom and her for an engagement celebration!

After ensuring that Jack had a dinner jacket — as news director and an anchorman, she was certain that he did — she picked up the nearest phone and called Ali Clifford. She explained the situation to her new Aunt Ali, who squealed with delight.

Then Bobbie just stared into the silent telephone for a few minutes, not knowing what was going on.

When Ali came back on the line, all arrangements had been made. Bobbie was instructed to take Joyce to Henry Hall's. Yes, it was Saturday, but he was coming in and would be at the studio, waiting, in twenty minutes. Bobbie was told then to take Joyce to the best shop of its kind on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

It was a shop in a chain, owned by a company which was in turn owned by a company controlled by the Cliffords. "And, darling Bobbie, most of its stock that we don't own, your parents do." Finally, they were instructed to appear at the Clifford's suite at the Beverly Wilshire at six-thirty — with at least two tigers, one of whom had to be that marvelous Rajah.

Grinning at the phone, Bobbie said, "Yes, ma'am, Aunt Ali, sir! I'll get on it right away!"

After giving Tom and Jack their orders, she told Sasha and Rajah to join them and dragged Joyce by the hand toward the door. As she staggered along like a rag doll being dragged in Bobbie's wake, she cracked up the men with laughter as she crossed her eyes and stuck the tip of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth.

After loading the two tigers into the back of Joyce's van, Bobbie gave her directions to the Alliance Studios where Henry Hall had his salon. After greeting the two tigers and congratulating Rajah on his great TV appearance, Henry turned his attention to Joyce.

He pronounced her tawny hair to be utterly magnificent, and then quickly styled it into an easy-care hairdo that caused her to gasp with joy. He told her that he had followed the normal Clifford & Jamison model: It had to look good when she was in bed with her man. She blushed, but then kissed him soundly.

Then they roared from the studio to the designated shop on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. After parking the van, they found they had a significant walk to the store. Joyce silently blessed Lieutenant Collins for obviously putting the word out to all Southern California law-enforcement agencies about Rajah.

A street patrol Beverly Hills Police officer politely saluted and asked if he could shake Rajah's paw. He had heard about Rajah putting two dangerous felons down — permanently — and he wanted to shake his paw. The officer cracked up when, after very politely shaking his hand and feeling so proud hearing his praise, Rajah brought his right paw up over his right eye in a salute which the officer meticulously returned with a broad smile.

But the greatest pleasure Rajah and Sasha had was to pace abreast on the very crowded sidewalk, clearing a path for their queen and Rajah's beloved mistress.

Joyce squeezed Bobbie's hand, grinned at her and whispered, "Isn't this neat! Have you ever seen such looks on people's faces?" The looks ranged from awe to sheer terror, but no one contested the tigers right to as much of the sidewalk as they cared to have.

Reaching the shop, it almost instantly became apparent that the word had not yet reached down from on high. Seeing Joyce dressed in cutoff jeans, the manager was about to order them off the premises when she saw the two huge tigers staring at her and thought better of it.

When Bobbie introduced herself as Barbara Conroy, the woman gave her a somewhat imperious, if blank, look as if to say, "So?"

Bobbie just said, "Oh, you will hear about us shortly. We'll just wait." A moment later, a young woman came running up to the manager with her eyes as wide as saucers. When Bobbie heard the girl say "headquarters," she winked at Joyce and started to giggle when the manager fled back towards her office.

A few minutes later the manager returned. This time Bobbie could see that her hands were literally shaking with fear as she said, "Did you say your name was ... Barbara Conroy?" Noticing the fear in the woman's eyes, the two tigers moved between her and the women they would give their lives to protect.

Bobbie replied, "It certainly is. It's the same name I gave you a few minutes ago, after all. What happened? Did the call from headquarters change your attitude? Did they tell you that Uncle Bill and Aunt Ali own most of this joint, and most of what they don't own, my parents do?"

With her eyes wide with innocence, Bobbie repeated, "Did they tell you all of that?"

The woman was so scared she could no longer even speak. With her eyes as wide as saucers she could only nod.

"That's wonderful!" Bobbie declared. "Then can I assume that one of your saleswomen might be able to find a moment to help us? We really don't have much time."

Since it was already after four, the woman clapped her hands and ordered the doors locked to prevent any new customers from entering while leaving one clerk at the door to unlock it for customers leaving the store. Then she ordered all saleswomen not already waiting on customers to assist in satisfying the store's most important clients.

Bobbie and Joyce were ushered into the VIP fitting room. They giggled as they saw another nearly-naked customer being unceremoniously evicted as they approached, clutching an arm-full of clothing to try to cover her bare breasts.

After stripping to their pants, they casually awaited the appearance of dresses to be tried on. Joyce had a difficult time controlling her giggling as she saw the eyes of the store staff bulge at the sight of such incredible beauty.

What followed was the funniest sixty minutes in the history of women's-wear retailing. Bobbie told Sasha and Rajah to make themselves comfortable on the floor. The two tigers lay down with their bodies curved comfortably. As dress after dress was tried on, the animals made their opinions known: They shook their heads, or covered their eyes, or growled.

The girls were having a wonderful time teasing the tigers and frustrating the staff. Finally, Rajah beamed at Joyce when she tried on a magnificent green silk dress with a skirt made of layers of the same shade of silk chiffon. The green was a perfect match for the green of her eyes and went beautifully with her tawny hair.

When that was settled, Bobbie gave some fast instructions to the manager. Her eyes widened, but she dashed off to carry out the instructions. Minutes later, one of the women appeared with several jewelry boxes of different sizes. Bobbie opened each, glanced at the contents, nodded, and said, "Come on, Joyce. Let's blow this dump. You're the important one, after all. I'll just wear my Clifford & Jamison standard."

When Joyce shook her head, Bobbie explained that it was a model that the firm bought in gross lots. The size was always the same; only the colors varied.

When Bobbie asked about payment, the manager said it would be billed to the Cliffords from corporate headquarters at cost prices. Bobbie just nodded blandly at the news. Suddenly Bobbie snapped her fingers, asked Joyce her shoe size, and again a clerk dashed out. While they were waiting, Joyce was admiring her new dress and then looked at the tag hanging on it. The price was $10,000. She gasped and said she couldn't keep it — there was no way she could afford it. All Bobbie did was to look at her quizzically and ask how on earth she could not afford it: It was a gift.

When she tried to protest, Bobbie told her to shut up. When she continued her protest, Bobbie imperiously ordered Rajah to shut his mistress up. Knowing exactly what was going on, the tiger just backed his mistress into a corner and held her there, while the dress was carefully wrapped and placed on a hanger in a heavy clear plastic garment bag to protect it.

Then telling Rajah to bring his mistress along, Bobbie rushed out. The tiger took Joyce's hand between his jaws and hauled her out of the store.

Promptly at six-thirty, Bobbie rang the bell of Bill and Ali Clifford's suite and then stepped back from the door. Bill opened it and found himself face-to-face with two giant Bengal tigers. One had a giant black bow tie around his neck while the other's tie was white.

After looking at Bill, the animals' eyes widened for an instant and they dropped flat on the floor with their eyes closed.

"Emperor?" Bill exclaimed. "Me? Young men, get up off that floor this instant!"

Instantly the two tigers jumped to attention although their eyes were still wide with awe. When Ali appeared a moment later, the poor animals were distraught. Every instinct said that they should prostrate themselves at the feet of their empress, but the emperor had ordered them to stand.

Ali took one look and exclaimed, "You poor darlings!" Then she put her arms around Rajah's neck and exclaimed, "Rajah, you are a wonder! I adored you when I saw you last night on television. And your black bow tie looks so handsome!"

Looking at him closely she added, "Your mistress loves you so very much, doesn't she? She groomed your glorious coat so beautifully, it just glows!"

Poor Rajah was utterly beside himself with joy. The Empress had actually seen him on television, and even noticed how beautifully his mistress had groomed his coat. He almost fainted dead away with the praise.

Turning to the other tiger, Ali wrapped her arms around his neck and then kissed him lovingly full on the mouth. The power in her kiss almost knocked the poor animal over. Even though he was in a daze, he heard her say, "Sasha, thank you so much for taking such good care of my son, Ken. He loves you so very much!"

Then she whispered, "He's waiting inside with a grooming brush, hoping you will allow him to brush your beautiful coat. I hope you will allow it. Will you?"

Sasha could not have said no to any request Ali could make, even it was to jump out of a ten-story window. He communicated that the least wish of his divine Empress was his command.

For Jack Johnson, seeing the tigers' instantaneous reaction to the Cliffords, and their behavior towards the tigers, told him all he needed to know about them. They might be very rich, but they were assuredly the most pure and loving couple alive.

Then he looked at Ali Clifford and did not believe his eyes. She couldn't be younger than her early forties, yet she looked like she was not yet twenty-five. Moreover, the closer he looked, the better she looked, and the same thing was true of Bill Clifford who had to be well over fifty.

First, Ali greeted her newest niece and nephew with her warmest kisses. Then Bobbie said, "Ali, may I present my newest and best friend, Joyce Collier. I'm sure you have seen her often on the news."

"Oh, Joyce! You look simply exquisite!" In addition to her dress she was wearing the most magnificent emerald necklace with a matching bracelet from Cartier, along with a pair of giant brilliant-cut emeralds set as ear studs.

Ali just shook her head and said, "My darling, those jewels fade into insignificance against your love for Jack that is shining so brilliantly from your eyes. May I be your friend, too? Please? My son, Ken, hasn't stopped talking about you yet. I hope you know he adores you." Then she stepped closer and asked, "And may I kiss the bride-to-be?"

Joyce, too, had learned a great deal about the Cliffords from watching the behavior of the tigers coupled with her acquaintance with Kenny. In spite of that, though, she was overcome by Ali's sincerely gracious welcome. Extending her hand she said softly, "Mrs. Clifford —"

"Kenny," Ali called loudly towards the sitting room, interrupting. "Please bring me the large whip from our closet. We have another slow learner with us tonight."

She glared at Joyce and said, "Miss Collier, the name is Ali. It's short, simple, and much easier to pronounce than Mrs. Clifford. Okay? Or do I really need to use the whip?"

"Ali, I can't thank you enough for your gracious hospitality and very warm welcome." Then her emerald eyes flashed green fire as she added, "But if I hear the words, Miss Collier, one more time I'll get the whip! Okay?"

Ali grinned and very cutely stuck out her tongue. Then she took Joyce in her arms and melted her with a kiss. The power of the love in that kiss almost flattened the girl. When she pulled away slowly she murmured, "Oh God! Another Bobbie! I'll be killed."

Then she glared and said, "You, too, lady. You should be declared illegal. You and your niece, Bobbie, should both be posted as hazards to navigation or something."

Again Ali stuck out her tongue and said, "I love you, Joyce Collier. Once again Bobbie has demonstrated exquisite judgment in her choice of friends."

After Jack was greeted in a similar vein, they went into the sitting room. There they found Ken and Andy Cartwright shyly waiting for them. Ken was wearing a handsome short-pants suit, while Andy was wearing the most exquisite party dress Joyce had ever seen.

Meanwhile the two tigers were utterly overcome. They had been invited into the presence of the finest, purest people on the face of the earth. To make it perfect, Andy and Ken immediately started sneaking the most luscious snacks from the array of hors d'oeuvres trays and began feeding them. The animals felt as if they had already died and gone to Heaven.

When little Andy saw Joyce, she made a beautiful curtsy and said, "Miss Collier, no woman has ever looked more beautiful than you do tonight! Yesterday, when I met you at the circus, I thought you were beautiful. But tonight... ! Tonight you are so madly, desperately, beautifully in love! And your hair... ! And your dress... !" The little girl was literally bouncing up and down with happiness and excitement.

Dropping to her knees Joyce asked, "Do I look pretty enough to kiss? Please?" When Andy kissed her, the power of her love and purity almost knocked Joyce out. Suddenly she realized it was identical to Bobbie's but with not quite the power.

When the little girl backed away, she said softly, "May the good Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His light to shine upon you and bless you and your children and your children's children, unto the end of time. Amen."

Joyce was literally stunned. Andy had called down all the blessings of God on herself and her posterity, but more than that, when she said, amen, Joyce was overcome by the most amazing sense of goodness and well-being she could possibly imagine.

She said softly, "My darling Andy, thank you." Then she shook her head and said, "You are so good, so sweet, and so pure, darling Andy, God listens to you carefully. I believe I have just received the blessings from God that you asked Him for. Andy, you are truly blessed!"

After kissing Joyce, Ken Clifford was introduced to Jack Johnson. When they had shaken hands and Jack had kissed the little boy, Ken stood and just stared deeply into his eyes with a seemingly sightless gaze. When his eyes returned to their normal focus, Kenny was elated. "Mr. Johnson, you're going to be so incredibly happy with Joyce for such a long time ... And your children! They will add so much to your happiness. I am so pleased because you're such a wonderful couple.

When they were finally all seated, Ali sat up straight, obviously embarrassed about something. Finally she blurted out that she and Bill had invited themselves to the dinner party. But because they were crashing, they were paying. Both younger couples indicated their delight. Then Joyce said that since they were on the subject of paying, to whom did she send a check for the magnificent clothing and jewels.

"Check?" Ali asked. "What check? For what?" When Joyce reminded her about the dress and jewels, Ali merely waved it away. "The dress, dear, is a gift to you from Bobbie and Tom in appreciation for the wonderful job you did to make their circus debut such a success. And yes, I know it has a big price tag, but we get it at cost."

Then she frowned and said, "You know, at a store like that the markups are outrageous. As for the jewels, dear, they are a very small gift from Bill and me on the occasion of your engagement. I'm so glad they look so beautiful on you, too. Their color exactly matches your eyes and dress. I do so hope you like them!"

Joyce could only nod her head vigorously. She was too choked with emotion even to speak.

The small group continued to converse while drinks were served. Joyce thought the two children were the cutest, best-behaved little people she had ever seen. They alternated between passing hors d'oeuvres trays and carefully grooming Sasha's coat.

At seven, Ali glanced at her watch and looked embarrassed. She confessed that she had invited a few other people to join the celebration who should be arriving momentarily. When the doorbell rang, Bill went to answer it. He greeted Ed and Vangie Bradley who were standing at the door with Kristin behind them.

There were shrieks of pleasure as Bobbie leaped up and hugged and kissed her parents and her sister. She was complimented, in turn, by them on her brilliant job of teaching and her remarkable performance with Tom the night before at the circus.

Joyce watched in wonder as the two huge cats had risen and now stood together in front of the Bradleys, utterly overcome. Now the poor things were totally baffled. Tonight they had met their emperor and empress while in the company of their king and queen. But now there appears another couple who are also imperial! They did not know what to do.

Seeing the tigers standing with their huge awe-filled eyes, Vangie rushed over, wrapped her arms around Rajah and kissed him saying, "Rajah, you're even friendlier in the flesh than you were on television! And you were so good!"

Then turning she said, "And you're Sasha. I can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you!"

Ed Bradley also greeted the animals with great affection.

When Kris just remained in the background, Bobbie suspected something. After introducing her parents and sister to Joyce and Jack, she looked at her sister with an eyebrow raised and said, "And what, might I ask, is going on in my twin sister's head? Beyond thoughts of what of mine she might steal this time, of course?"

Without replying to Bobbie, Kris dropped on her knees in front of Joyce and said, "Miss Collier, I saw that piece you did last night. Fortunately, I had the tape deck running so I was able to replay it over and over."

With her brilliant near-purple eyes wide she continued, "When you spoke of unmarried women, you were talking about me! But I wanted to confirm a few things. When you lay on Rajah's chest, I was certain that you really wanted to be naked. Was I right?"

Joyce just smiled and nodded.

"Well," Kris continued, "I guess you know that I am now recognized on the street because I've done a little singing. But now that my film has opened, it's getting much worse. I'll be hounded! Then there are the idiot men..."

Wailing, Kris said, "Miss Collier, I desperately need a tiger! Can you possibly help me? Does Rajah have a friend, maybe, or..."

"First," Joyce replied, "If you call me Miss Collier one more time, all your troubles will be over: I'll ask Rajah to please take off your head! Understand?"

Kris grinned and nodded.

"As for a friend..." Looking at Bobbie, Joyce asked, "Bobbie, there are only you and Tom, and you have Prince to keep an eye on your apartment. Do you really need two? Could your twin borrow Sasha, maybe?"

"Oh, Joyce, no!" Bobbie exclaimed with her eyes wide. "You're just meeting her for the first time, so you can't know. Do you know what you're doing to poor Sasha? Leaving the poor thing alone with my twin? Good heavens, woman, we just got finished with the Animal-Rights people today. Do you really want to give them some major-league cruelty to scream about?"

But then Bobbie became thoughtful. Looking at Sasha she asked, "Sash, how much do you weigh?" The tiger answered that he was about 625. "Well..." she continued thoughtfully, "Kristin is certainly a man-eater. On the other hand she only goes about 120 ... And you're 625 ... Possibly ... Sasha, could you bear a trial, perhaps, with my sister?"

Without giving the animal a chance to answer, Kris untied the tiny silk cord behind her neck that was the only thing supporting the dress she was wearing and let it drop to the floor. Now wearing only a wisp of a lace thong, she turned to Sasha and ordered, "On your back, young man!"

The tiger couldn't believe his good fortune. The instant he laid eyes on Kristin, his heart had rolled over. Here was a woman who was the twin sister of his queen! In an instant he was on his back with his legs spread wide.

Climbing on his chest, she stretched out and immediately began to move her nipples on his incredible fur causing them instantly to harden. "Oh my God!" she screamed. "Oh, Joyce, he is unbelievable!"

Then she pulled herself up so that her lips were over his, lowered herself and gently kissed him. But instead of a peck, she kept her lips on his and just increased the intensity of her kiss.

The tiger was almost overcome. He instantly communicated that she was now his beloved mistress forever and he swore to protect her and serve her in any way he possibly could.

Looking deep into his eyes Kris asked softly, "Promise?"

With his eyes wide Sasha could only nod.

"Anything? Anything at all?"

Again the huge head nodded.

Same as Barbara
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Oh. Come on! She is only fifteen! Can’t they at least ask me first? “Terry said not to let you even start to bitch about me not asking before using your dick to be my first,” the girl told me. “Your aunt called my mom and said that her nephew David was visiting. If I wanted to have a safe, disease-free, long cock and a guy who could go all day and night, then to get my butt over here. Just let me use your dick until you can’t get hard again, or I can’t fuck anymore. I should be safe, but if...

3 years ago
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Little Amsterdam Slave

This is a fiction.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My hand hit his face and he went sprawling. I hit him hard, square in his left cheek, It was open handed, so it was more of a slap, but the force told him in no uncertain terms that I was not fucking around. I am secretly afraid that if I had been my fist it would have broken his jaw.God, I hate being this angry.He was on the ground, moving to get to his knees, I strode the two steps to him; towering over him, my hands clutched into fists now.I...

4 years ago
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Jillians Birthday Cake

“Ready for your birthday present, Jillian?” Nick smirks, unbuckling his jeans. I’m on my knees before him instantly, looking up at him through lusty eyes. “Fuck, yes,” he groans, as I take his large, uncut cock into my mouth. I wrap a hand around his shaft firmly, stroking gently up, then down, as I swirl my tongue around his throbbing tip. I take more of him in my warm mouth slowly, then move up, sucking once more at the top, teasingly. He grabs my hair harshly, forcing me swallow his cock,...

1 year ago
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Window Shopping

I at the time was living in Lewiston, Maine. One day I went to check my messages act a particular BDSM site. I had seen that I had gotten some mail. It was from a woman whom said she really enjoyed some of my pics on my profile. We talked and she had mentioned to me she was a swinger. Along with herself and her husband. She had expressed the idea several times during the conversation that she wanted to meet. I said no. I explained to her that swinging in and of itself is not the same as bdsm....

3 years ago
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He looked down at his ticket, seeing that his train would be the next. He folded the ticket gently as he looked around the train station and wondered how long it had been since he was home. He thought back to the last Christmas he spent with his family before he left for college and a better life. That was three years ago. He straightened his work suit from his new banking job and marvelled at the success he had gained over the past term. He was well on his way to a life of luxury and...

4 years ago
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At the youth club

I was 21 and had just left the army after a bad accident meant me being medically discharged. I decided I would volunteer to work at my old schools youth club. One night we were running an all night disco and I went for a patrol of the school grounds to ensure nothing untoward was happening. One of the girls at the youths asked if she could come with me for some fresh air.We walked about for a couple of minutes chatting then sat on a wall and continued talking. We went silent for a bit and she...

3 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 25 Cleanup

Hoff placed the plastic explosive on the roof of the tunnel, gingerly pushing the detonator transceiver into the clay-like lump. He tapped at his wrist computer, syncing the device to his system, then gave Brenner a thumbs-up. “We’re good to go, LT. Don’t know how sturdy this tunnel is, though. Whole fucking thing might come down on us.” “The map has been ... reasonably accurate so far,” Song added, examining the holographic readout on his display. “We should be right beneath the basement...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Rachael Cavalli Laney Grey Come Dance For Me

Rachael Cavalli walks up the front steps of the house next door, holding a casserole. Her neighbors went on vacation, leaving their teen, Laney Grey all alone at home. Given this, Rachael agreed to keep an eye on Laney and bring her some food from time to time. But when Rachael knocks at the front door, she gets no answer. She decides to go around the back and is floored when she looks through a window and spots Laney dancing erotically, wearing nothing but a tank top and a thong. Rachael...

2 years ago
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All day all I could think about was going to Rachel’s house after school. Its sixth period now and I couldn’t tell you what any teacher has said in the previous five classes. Rachel sits in front of me in first period Calculus. This morning after class she asked if I could come over to her house after school and help her with her Calculus homework. I’m taking Calc as a freshman and it was one of my strong classes. It definitely was not one of Rachel’s. A major test was coming up and she said...

2 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 8

Where Erica tops my silly plan with an even sillier one. In the weeks after the surreal adventure in Rhode Island, I had a hard time focusing on my work. But as fate would have it (and won't it always?) there was a huge merger opportunity hitting us right then. The company concerned was not into software at all. They were large-scale brokers — they invested for big clients. Enthwistle was amongst them, I saw. Onslow had long since tired of getting his money via the indirect way of first...

3 years ago
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Auf Knien

Herr Meier stöhnte und grunzte. Zu seinen Knien lag Maren und blies ihm seinen Schwanz. Maren wusste, dass sie ihre Sache gut beherrschte. Seit sie vor zwei Jahren in seine Arbeitsgruppe gekommen war, war sie ihm regemäßig zu Diensten. Schade, dass er bald in die Frührente gehen würde. Sie schaute ihm in die Augen. Darauf stand er besonders. Dieser devote Blick von unten.... Keuchend ergoss er sich in ihren Mund. Maren schluckte genüßlich seinen Saft. Das war das Beste daran. Sein Sperma zu...

4 years ago
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Summer School

"Are they talking about masturbation or oral sex?" Beth asked as the rest of the class giggled and gasped. "Well, it really does not specify what they mean." I replied, hoping to stop any more questions. "Lets see, there is anal sex, cunnilingus, blowjobs, hand jobs, and.." I cut her off in mid sentence with "Enough! You sit back down and stay after class!" I watched her sit down and caught Kay laughing about it. "Looks like Kay will stay after also." The rest of...

1 year ago
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FapHouse Black

Faphouse is known for being this premium website that houses quality porn from a variety of places. One category you may not have known about being is Faphouse's Black and Ebony section. Black girls can get pretty naughty, can't they? And quite juicy, too! The ebony porn Faphouse covers a range of different kinks and fetishes from a variety of places involved with the porn industry. And one aspect of Faphouse I can always appreciate is its eye toward keeping things simple, easy to understand,...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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ThreeSome Switch Back Story Part 2

Three-some Switch - Back Story - Part 2 by Switch-Guy ****************************************** This is the third installment in the Three-Some Switch story arc. This is a second update to the original with enhancements, corrections, and some additions to align it to the next installment. The order to read the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch Part 1 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story Part 1 3) (This one) Three-Some Switch Back Story Part 2 4) Three-Some Switch part...

3 years ago
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Parents Day

Andy took a deep breath as he stepped through the front door of the imposing building. He'd never before done anything even remotely like he was about to, and didn't mind admitting to himself how nervous he was, even if he tried his best not to show it as he approached the reception desk. "Can I help you?" the receptionist- a slender woman in her early twenties- asked. "Hi," Andy replied. "I'm- I'm Andrew Moore, I'm here for the interview today?" "Okay," the receptionist replied....

1 year ago
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Little Black Dress Part 1

There might have been a more delicious way to wake up, but to that Aaron Debeney had yet to be introduced. The sucking started in his dreams, slow, wet and rhythmic. Gradually his mind unwrapped itself from swathes of sleep. Fully conscious he found himself bone-hard and the sensation ongoing. Apparently the weekend had arrived.Peering under the duvet he saw a familiar platinum-blonde head bobbing industriously. He could not help but admire the architecture of his own manhood, as those pink...

3 years ago
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Twin Success

Chapter 1 I was 17 and a senior in high school at the time. I was well known and liked by many and had been elected as the student body president. One afternoon, while walking home I spotted Pam and her identical twin Peggy riding their bikes. I didn't really know them, since they had just moved to town over the summer. But I had seen them around the school on several occasions and knew that they were sophomores and about 16. They had on some kind of spandex type riding or exercise shorts...

2 years ago
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My Loving Son

Mark Lyndhurst was walking down his garden path when he heard a kerfuffle coming from the house. As he got nearer he heard his mother shouting."How can you do this to me, I've waited nine months for this cruise and now you say you can't go!"Then his dad in a quieter more conciliatory voice, "I'm sorry Emma, but they've brought the whole contract date forward to next week instead of next month. There's nothing I can do honey, I'm so sorry.""You can tell them to stuff the fucking contract!" she...

3 years ago
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CousinChapter 13

The next morning the two women woke a little later than planned, probably because it had taken them so long to get to sleep the night before. They decided just to eat a couple of the granola bars in the car so they could get on their way and were soon driving down the state highway. But after an hour or two, they encountered the bane of summer driving: road construction. After about the third twenty minute wait for their turn on a one way section Lisa said, "You know, with the late start and...

2 years ago
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Night Out

"Ladies hour, you get in for free." The bouncer nodded her in as she flashed her id. It was a spur of the moment that she decided to go to the club alone. As a Saturday night, it was ripe for excitement. Yet, none of her friends were up for it.She talked herself into going alone for once, the need to escape the monotony of the week and weak hookups were too strong. She yearned to feel the music, shake her body, and meld into the crowd of dancing bodies as alcohol flooded her veins. A little...

1 year ago
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Bringing Out Mages

I had one tour in Clar behind me and joined the Jade Dragons. They were special operation teams that went into the jungle or forest to hunt the enemy. In a few cases across the borders in Rus or Nees. With the new war waging in the north, Nees had not attacked openly but they were striking across the border. We had to keep soldiers along the western border of both Clar and Han. To make matters even worse Nees seemed to have more mages that were developing new weapons or bombs. I was in a four...

3 years ago
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I was dared

Introduction: At sixteen years old, Becky goes out in search of a good fuck, dared to take on a random man, she has the ride of her life inside his parked car and gives him a story worth telling- but perhaps it doesnt end the way she planned. It wasnt what I had intended to happen, but even as it was happening I couldnt imagine it as wrong, and I certainly couldnt imagine it as putting my in a place like this. It was summer, and despite the fact that it was starting to get dark it was still hot...

2 years ago
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New cow to my farm

She is bought into the auction ring and a hush settles over the rows of men standing around on the circular tiers. The auction master next to me asks me if I'm impressed? Just a few minutes previously I had told him I was going to leave as the standard of cows on show wasn't interesting me. He'd told me in advance that It would be worth my while coming tonight but the stock on show hadn't made good on his promise. Until now. I reply to him that I'm going to stay to see this specimen and he...

1 year ago
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My First Seduction

The two women were standing together. Very closely together. The more curvaceous, chestnut haired one was standing behind the slimmer blonde. She had her arms around her. Her full breasts were just brushing the blonde woman’s back, her tummy was touching the pert bottom. The more curvaceous one was holding the wrists of the slimmer one. Not tightly but with a firm grip.“One of the most important things with the golf swing is the takeaway,” the chestnut haired one said to the blonde. “It has to...

3 years ago
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The Wedding

The alcohol was thick on my brain, fogging my surroundings. The wedding and guest falling to the background of my focus. The taste of the last shot lingering in the back of my throat. The sound of the thumping bass vibrates around me. I turn my head and my eyes find him at the bar. He smiles and my heart beats a little faster as I feel my smile spread across my face. Eight very good months with Josh. He had invited me to his friend’s wedding as his date. With the last bit of champagne that was...

1 year ago
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Tuesday EveningCarie made a beeline across the hallway to the opposite apartment with a small cardboard box, a plume of annoyance trailing behind her. Pulsating thrash-techno music had been erupting from inside Apartment Seven for the past hour with the noise pummelling the door so hard that the hinges creaked. A sour frown angled her brow as she knocked.Then she waited.Then she knocked again, harder.And waited again.She thumped it with the side of her fist.  “Vasily!” she shouted. “Open the...

Straight Sex
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Teasing Daddy

My Dad had stopped protesting. After our trip to Boston he never tried to deny himself again. We were fucking on a regular basis. Any chance we could get to be alone we fucked. He sometimes snuck into my room at night and got into bed with me. "I want you baby, Daddy is so hard for you." He would press his erection against my bottom and I could never tell him no. He always made me cum so hard and something about fucking my Dad in my bedroom was so naughty. I couldn't get enough. One night...

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Labor Force Participation FChapter 2 Best Chance

The last week in August was a period of strange peace for Carolyn Pierce. She procrastinated shamefully on her dissertation research. There were things she could do at home on it, and she did. But the research involved visiting book stores, and she didn’t visit one. Bill brought home the Tribune every night with the sports section on the outside and turned off the TV before the news came on. She listened to the radio and read the previous day’s news in the daytime, but the rest of the news,...

1 year ago
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Being CaughtA Sissy Dream

It was a sunny Saturday,late spring. I just had taken a shower after doing some yard work.I was all fresh and clean and fully shaved,silky smooth skin from head to toe.While getting dressed i decided to wear my cute red satin panties (thong) and matching camisole.It came down just past my round ass and it felt so amazing against my naked skin. I finished with regular jeans and a black shit to try to look "normal",i hated it... I left my place and went to the river where i always went to have...

2 years ago
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My Hotwife Responds To Lush Members

I‘m the husband…the writer and the communicator. My luscious hotwife Katie is the insatiable slut and…well…just insert whatever feels good right here. She’s my inspiration and consistently helps with my stories. I try to make sense of her twisted thoughts and wild experiences so we can all share. Sometimes I get quite aroused as I write about some of the things she’s done or would like to do. On more than one occasion she’s thoughtfully assisted my focus by crawling under my oversized home...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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LORNA AND GRACE a Lesbian tale PART 2

LORNA AND GRACE – PART 2After their night together, the two lovers calmed down a bit and were especially careful not to be singled out or noticed. Grace’s aunt and uncle came back from the funeral and all was well except for the fact that Grace couldn’t have Lorna over anymore. The rule in Lorna’s rooming house was that a lady could have a visitor, only one, who had to have left by 10PM. No men were allowed except if they were a father or a brother (and they had to prove it). Although it didn’t...

2 years ago
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Crazy Insane Glory Hole SurpriseChapter 2

Sabrina followed Tracy and the other girls into the building. Tracy told the receptionist her name and they all sat down to wait. A few minutes later, a woman in a blue blouse and skirt walked in the room. "If you ladies will follow me, we can start the class," she said, leading them down the hall next to the one she just came from. Sonya introduced herself as they walked and the other girls introduced themselves as well. "Excuse me, ma'am," Sabrina said, "What exactly is this...

3 years ago
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An Hour with Shana

What the hell was I doing roaming a notorious neighborhood at 1:45am except looking for some kind of trouble to get myself into. I turned the car down the street towards the sight of silky dress fabric tumbling around a very curvy ass. Her walk was obvious, nobody walks that way unless they are doing what she was doing - trolling for desperate guys like myself. I went by her at a slow, steady speed to confirm that what I saw from the corner was what I thought it was. She was looking...

4 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 39

"It would be hard to forget someone's birthday when you love her." Clara stared at me. Neither of us said anything for several minutes. I watched her carefully, trying to anticipate what her reaction would be to my admission. Finally, she stood up and turned around and ran inside her house. I didn't try to follow. I knew she needed some time to think about what I'd told her. I walked home. I didn't know what Clara was thinking, but I sure felt better. The next day was a Friday. On my...

1 year ago
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BangBus Jessica Jones Blonde Dumped Splashed

Today we got lucky when we found this hot sports bar waitress on the way to her car. We pulled up and convinced her to play our fun games for some cash. We had her flash her tits before finally getting her inside the van. We talked to her for a bit before we got her twerking more money. Tony notices that her shorts have a small hole and decided to help. He tears her shorts all the way off and we let her know that we would pay for them to calm her down. Tony started touching her after we noticed...

3 years ago
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KatieChapter 1

"You're shittin' me," Ed exclaimed. "Katie McEvers!" "Yep, " Ron replied drunkenly. "You wouldn't think a girl that cute would be such a slut." I kept my mouth shut. I wouldn't either, but I wasn't going to say anything. I got plenty of feel-ups and dry-fucking but none of the girls I dated would let me go all the way ... not that I really tried past the first "No!" Of course I had no idea what the other two guys really got in the way of sex, only what they said they...

2 years ago
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My Twentieth High School Reunion Ch 2

I asked Kathy, "What time do you have to be home?"Kathy snuggled a little closer and said, "Bob's out of town, I'm free for the next two days!""Can I stay for the night and a breakfast in bed?” Kathy’s grin spoke volumes. “I think we deserve a reunion!”My mouth hung open as she pulled my head to hers and quickly inserted her tongue into the opening.We kissed for several moments and as we slowly parted lips, I said in my best sales voice, “Well, in that case, let me be the first to congratulate...

1 year ago
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Game WorldChapter 18

It took two days for the Windrunner to reach Oak Hall. In that time I'd gotten to know the city well and had met several of its citizenry and I'd started to like the place. That was a good thing because in that time I had also taken charge of the city and the port, running it in Lord Barnabas' name. Of course I did nothing major without speaking to Barnabas himself, but the old man was willing to let me take charge until he was up and about. It was either that or trust one of his...

4 years ago
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new slut in town

It was late. Jeanie had been out late before, but not like this. Sure,Jeanie was old enough to be out on her own, 22, but she had always calledwhen she would be delayed and her step-father, Ted, was worried. Andexcited.Jeanie had gone to the hottest club in the city, a place where the youngand beautiful would hook-up, sometimes for a dance or two, sometimes forthe night. She had no trouble strutting past the velvet ropes, with hernatural good looks, her slender physique, her perfect, plump...

3 years ago
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Let Go1

Before continuing I should probably introduce myself, My names Jack, I’m a teenager, still at school and living with my parents. Looking forward to leaving it soon tbh. I’m pretty shredded but only got that way recently. I used to be really skinny but needed something extra to really put me on the dating spectrum. I think I’m heterosexual but have delved into some gay stuff before. Sadly, I’m too shy to find out and ask someone but I’m working on it. I’ve also got short brown hair, brown eyes...

3 years ago
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School time lover

Names have been changed to protect the people involvedAs many of you know last summer I moved to a new country, Israel. Without going into all the political bullshit, it’s a great country where everyone is nice and welcoming.As part of my immigration, I must attend school five days a week for five hours a day, to learn the language. It’s a complicated language, but I am slowly getting the hang of it.Every morning I wake up early and go to class at eight in the morning. The class is filled with...

4 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 70

I was up at six making a king-sized breakfast for everyone. When they all got up, they thought I would want to swim. I said, "I want to share a meal with all of you before I go. This makes me happy." All of them kissed me and gave me a hug, understanding I was going through as much emotion over leaving as they were. Lena came in totally naked and gave me a kiss. Kissing a six foot eight healthy naked young lady first thing in the morning is some kind of exciting. She was very tender and...

1 year ago
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Charlie and the Factory Ch 3

It had been a while since I had been back to the Factory. Even though I had not been in some time, I didn’t want to seem like some perverted strip club addict or something. I think that ship has sailed already. My thoughts were filled with undressing women. Lillian. Keisha. And…“Hey, Shawn!”I jerked out of my trance for one second. It was Daisy in her car.“Need a ride?” Daisy said. I was waiting on the next bus. I quickly contemplated my options.“Hey, Daisy. Where you going?” I said.“Where you...

2 years ago
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The Martinet

The Martinet Belladona Emmanuel Sanlaville grinned as the young girl sitting before his desk crossed her shapely legs again. One black, sheer stocking covered leg swayed over the other. The girl let her heel dangled from her right toes while she continued to answer the question. Emmanuel sat up straight while he listened to her response and adjusted himself in his chair. His eyes struggled to avoid her mid thigh hemline or the amble bust that was visible beneath her...

1 year ago
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Tammy and I meet mary

After work I would get home about 1 in the afternoon. One day after lunch Tammy announced that she wanted me to help her work on her tan. She stripped, and we went out to the backyard, where I found out that she had already laid a blanket out on the grass. On the blanket was a bottle of tanning oil. She had also pounded 4 tent stakes into the ground, with ropes attached to each. She pulled my cock and balls out of my pants and sucked until it was hard, which took about 5 seconds. Then...

2 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 3

It was three in the morning and Detective Sergeant Jim Harper had to piss again. All that coffee he'd been drinking-along with being in his late forties-was taking its toll, but it had to be done to stay awake. Reports would be expected to be ready for distribution in the morning. The fucking mayor was sticking his nose into it, as if the entire law enforcement hierarchy wasn't bad enough. Lonny Hildebrand, the Captain of Detectives, had already pissed himself earlier in the evening, when...

3 years ago
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Jade Ch 1

His eyes shone a green fire, like jade held up to the light, she had seen this only once before and remembered feeling sore all over the next day. A chill ran up and down her spine as she imagined how he would be with her. His face also displayed a no-nonsense attitude which told the world he knew what he wanted and wanted it now. She walked up to him and kissed him gently on the lips, ‘hello’ she whispered. ‘I’m happy you are here, Silk.’ The use of his pet name for her further convinced her...

3 years ago
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Sex With Unknown Aunty In Bangalore

Hi friends this is Nakul () writing my first experience with a beautiful Aunty and how I lost my virginity to her and my first threesome experience. I am normal south Indian guy(Tamil Nadu) little dark and bit fat (little) and working in Bangalore at Peenya location. Mostly I work in shifts, so I used to go to my home town once in a month. OK let’s go to the incident that took my virginity, on that day I was coming back from my hometown for the shift after enjoying weekend at hometown. After I...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 3 Gangbang inside outside the hotel

It was the third day of them leaving us on our own. Chaitali and I decided to roam in a garden a few kilometres from the hotel. We decided to take some photographs too. She wore a beautiful blue-coloured semi-transparent sari. She wore a sleeveless low-cut blouse which didn’t have buttons. Instead, it was tied from both ends. The blouse displayed her 70% midriff, and she looked quite sexy. She didn’t wear a bra as it was hard to cover it with blouse material. Petticoat was also thin enough, and...

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