An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 6: Winter Break free porn video

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"Dammit, Ben. Did Adrienne not fix the shocks before she gave you this thing?" Dawn groaned from the seat beside me in the Mustang as we hurtled down the 5 freeway at 80mph.

"Um, sorry?" I winced, glancing over at my girlfriend. I then checked the rear-view mirror, meeting Brooke's eyes where my little sister sat in the back seat.

"Do I want to know?" Brooke asked.

"My ass hurts like hell and the sport shocks on this thing are NOT being very nice to me right now," Dawn groaned.

I felt a very vague sense of déjà vu. Brooke looked to me for an explanation, and I shrugged. "Uh, well, in our whole thing with Chevelle, we never actually got around to doing her ass. So after she left, Dawn wanted to be the good girlfriend and lubed herself up."

Brooke winced. "The night before a six-hour drive?"

"Oh, NOW you warn me," Dawn grumped.

Fortunately, I had an idea. "I'll make it up to you."

"Sex is NOT at the top of my wish list right now," she warned.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No, no. This is really special to me that you're coming to stay with my family for Winter Break. So as soon as we get home, I'm going to give you a full body massage and a nice bath. Sound good?"

Dawn sighed and closed her eyes. "You'd better. Or I'm going to spend the entire vacation in Brandi's bedroom."

Unfortunately, Dawn didn't get her massage and bath right away. Even though Dawn was practically family, my parents still wanted to politely greet our guest.

While not as effusive as Deanna and Jack Evans, Mom and Dad were still quite warm. Mom hugged Dawn and so did Dad. They brought us into the living room to sit down and chat. And Brooke raced herself upstairs to poach the bathroom ahead of us.

Twice, I tried to deflect the conversation so I could get Dawn out of there. Seriously, how many things could my parents ask Dawn about her parents when our moms talked on the phone like every day? But Dawn was the epitome of politeness, always ready with a smile and an alert answer. Amazingly, she also looked perfect, covering up any discomfort she must have felt from the long drive and appearing as fresh as if she'd just awoken.

Was there anything my girlfriend couldn't do?

The twins came home while we were still talking, having been out Christmas shopping. They stopped by us to say hello and exchange hugs. And both girls squeezed me a little extra tightly, no doubt having missed me that extra bit since I had not spent the past summer with them at all.

I practically didn't recognize my baby sisters at first, even though I'd seen them briefly on their way back from Camp in July. Now nearly fifteen, Eden and Emma were growing up to be quite the blend of their older sisters, with Brooke's curves built on top of Brandi's lean and leggy frame. Indeed, when a freshly-showered Brooke came down to hug them, all three of my younger sisters appeared to be the same height. And in near identical voices, they chattered on about something and moved away to another room.

Fortunately, the twins' arrival seemed to break the momentum of my parents' conversation. And at last, they let us go to get cleaned up after the long drive.

"I'm giving Dawn a bath," I informed Mom, indicating with my eyes to where the twins had gone off to. I half-expected her to veto the idea.

But Mom glanced over and shrugged. "They're almost grown up now. I'm sure they can handle the concept."

I grinned, Dawn grinned, and then tired or not, both of us hurried up the stairs.

Five minutes later, I reclined naked in our whirlpool tub with an equally naked Dawn lying back against my chest. I happily fondled her floating breasts, and together, we let the warmth take us away.

On Friday's Christmas Eve, by family tradition, we all stayed home to hang out together. Brandi had stayed up in San Francisco, so while my family had added Dawn this year, the Evanses had effectively swapped daughters by keeping Brandi for the holidays.

Even better, Adrienne had flown down for the weekend. Between her sizable inheritance and the big bucks she was making as an international model, she could afford to jet from place to place whenever she wanted. Her limitation was more a problem of time, and indeed she would have to leave again on Monday morning. But for a couple of days at least, we had her with us. After all, there was nowhere else she would rather be for Christmas.

Family poker had never been so intense. Adrienne was the expected card shark; we'd gotten wise to her skills last year. But Dawn's skills took most of my family by surprise. She always had such a serene, content look on her face. Truly, to the casual observer she seemed to be an innocent angel, thoroughly incapable of deception.

Only I knew that her look of serenity was merely Dawn's perfect poker face. She used to get Bert, Gwen, Robin, and even Kim to bite on her bluffs with that face, although my crew had learned to ignore it over the past couple of years. And tonight, she was using it to get my family to practically GIVE her all their money.

An hour later, there were only four of us left at the table: Dad, Adrienne, Dawn, and me. Five minutes after that, Dad nearly had a heart-attack when he laid down his pocket Kings only to find that Dawn had bluffed him with nothing but an empty straight. And his short stack was quickly consumed by the rest of us in the ensuing two hands.

And then there were three, which were quickly whittled down to one. Maybe it wasn't fair. Adrienne certainly didn't think it was fair. After all, love has no place at a poker table. But Dawn and I did it anyways. Mentally nudging each other with winks and other non-verbal communication, we teamed up on my adoptive sister and proceeded to sink her to the ground. The hand after Adrienne went belly up, Dawn went all in with an unsuited two and four. And I became the last man standing.

Adrienne was pissed. That was okay. We all stayed up until 12:01am so that we could open our first presents. And instead of Adrienne spending the night in Brandi's room, Dawn and I invited her into mine so that we could make it up to her.

It was a great Christmas.


I felt something tickle my balls; and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the dark-haired head bobbing up and down in my lap before my heavy eyelids closed themselves. I was tired, like really-really tired. The family Christmas had been pretty action-packed this year, and the action hadn't stopped when Dawn and I went to bed. After all, it was only Adrienne's second night here as well.

But Adrienne had left to conk out in Brandi's room sometime around 2am. My bed at home just wasn't big enough for three adults to sleep comfortably. Now, as I turned my head to the side and cracked my eyelids open, the clock on the nightstand told me it was barely past 6am. I'd gotten little more than 4 hours of sleep, and despite the heavenly pleasure of a warm, sisterly blowjob, I wanted nothing more than to return to slumberland.

"Mmph!" a girl squeaked beside me in surprise. The second voice had not come from my crotch, and the voice was instantly familiar as NOT belonging to one of my sisters. Still with my eyes closed, I flipped my head around and gingerly re-opened them. And my vision cleared just in time for me to see Dawn half-sitting up/half-crawling out from under the covers. "What the-?" she stammered as she turned on the bedside table lamp.

"Morning!" Emma cheered from underneath my blanket, smirking as she took in my girlfriend's fully naked body. Her chin glistened in the little bit of illumination the single bulb cast, no doubt from Dawn's pussy juices. And only then did my eyes dart to the right so that I could see the face continuing to bob up and down my morning wood.

"Eden!" I hissed, reaching down to grab her head and pull upwards, but my baby sister resisted and continued making 'nom nom' noises on my erection.

"Holy shit!" Dawn gasped at the realization of who had just been licking her.

"You taste like Ben," Emma chirped. "You guys were doing it last night, huh?"

"Eden!!!" I growled with actual anger in my voice, and this time, she pulled off me with a pout.

"Whaaat?" she whined. "It's not THAT early. We waited all the way until six o'clock!"

Emma giggled. "And it's so kinky that you brought Dawn for this, too."

"For what?" Dawn gasped, still looking quite bewildered. While my girlfriend had played around with both Brandi and Brooke from time-to-time, the twins had never been a part of our sexplay. To wake up with only four hours of sleep and find little Emma tonguing her slit had to be quite the shock for my girlfriend.

Eden furrowed her eyebrows, clicking her eyes back and forth between Dawn and me. Setting her jaw into a deep frown, my sister exclaimed, "You didn't tell her?"

I blinked rapidly. "Tell her what?"

I don't think I'd ever seen Eden become so angry so quickly. Flames shot out of her ears and I seriously thought I could see ripples in the air above her head from heat waves. Her jaw quivered for a few seconds while the fury built within her. And like an exploding volcano, her entire head trembled for a few seconds before she screamed, "YOU FORGOT!!!"

In an instant, I remembered. Today was December 26. Today was the twins' fifteenth birthday.


Eden immediately threw aside the bedcovers she'd been hiding inside. She dismounted the bed and immediately stomped over to the door. I glanced over at Emma, who just looked up at me sadly with big doe eyes and a disappointed expression. She huddled under the covers for a little longer before sliding backwards and disappearing from view. Immediately after, she slipped off the foot of the bed and stood up, sighing heavily before turning around to join Eden by the door.

"Girls ... It's not that I forgot..." I began, grimacing and searching for the right words. "It's just ... I..."

"You forgot." Eden shook her head, still looking angry, and yet more... hurt ... than anything else. Setting her jaw, she turned and walked out of the room.

Emma looked at me glumly, and then followed after. She started to close to the door silently, but before it shut, Eden ran back and jerked on the handle, slamming the door loud enough to wake the entire house.

Now fully awake, but still in shock, Dawn turned to me with wary eyes and trembling hands. "Ben ... What's going on?"

But I couldn't answer her. I was still rather shell-shocked myself at what had just happened, and I stared at the closed door feeling a rather intense sense of dread. Dawn waited for me expectantly, but all I could mutter in response was, "Ah, hell."

My shock wore off pretty quickly, burned away by a driving sense of urgency. I had to get to the girls and explain before something terrible happened. I remembered my own teenage years, and they were often filled with gross overreactions and boneheaded decision making. And however much the twins looked grown up now, they were just barely fifteen.

Dawn sighed again, waiting for an explanation. "Ben?"

"Gimme a minute," I said hurriedly, sliding out from under the bedsheets and hopping myself into my pajama bottoms. "I'll explain, I promise."

I ran to my bedroom door, yanking it open and then sprinting down the hall. But almost immediately, I skidded to a halt, lest I bowl over the three people standing in the middle of it.

"Good morning, Benjamin," Mom said politely, but there was no mistaking the dead seriousness in her voice.

I panicked, thinking of my disheveled, half-naked appearance. Immediately, I started babbling, "This isn't what it looks like-"

"I know it isn't." Mom held her hand up for me to stop. "I know exactly what day today is. I was up early and I heard when the girls went to your room. Believe me, I would have barged in if I suspected you were going back on the decision we'd agreed upon before."

Shaking my head furiously, I stammered, "We didn't-"

"I know," Mom cut me off again. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's time I had a little chat with my daughters."

My eyebrows furrowed. I still felt a great sense of responsibility for what was going on. After all, I was the one breaking a promise to my little sisters. They were severely disappointed in me.

"I can do this," I insisted. "I need to apologize to them. I need to be the one to explain why..." I hesitated for a second. Even though I was sure Mom was fully aware of my carnal activity, it was never comfortable uttering the 'sex' word around a parent. Still, I finished, stating, " ... explain why I won't have sex with them."

"What?" Eden shrieked. "Why not?"

"You won't?" Emma whined at the same time.

"But you promised!" Eden yelled.

Mom's expression turned to confusion, and she glanced down at her daughters before looking back at me. "You didn't tell them? Then why are they so angry?"

"I, uh..." I blushed, now feeling even worse under the disapproving gaze of all three of them. "They're sorta mad because I kinda forgot about this day entirely."

"You forgot?" Mom arched her eyebrow skeptically.

"He forgot!" Eden complained like a tattle-tale before belatedly clapping her hand over her mouth. Perhaps she was still in the mental state where she thought she and Emma were sneaking into my bedroom for sex without Mom's knowledge.

Mom put that notion to rest immediately. "I'm going to lay this all out for you girls. I've known since you were thirteen that you were planning to lose your virginities today. I've always known that you wanted Ben to do it. But I'm telling you now that I never had any intention of letting that happen."

"WHAT?" Eden whined. Emma just pouted.

Mom took a deep breath, then glanced up and down the hall. Her actions made me realize that by now, everyone in the house had surely been awakened by the commotion and was now eavesdropping. So after exhaling, she pointed to the stairs and stated, "Downstairs. We're going to your father's office."

Cowed by Mom's imperious tone, the girls bowed their heads and immediately started shuffling away like a pair of death row prisoners with chains around their ankles walking the green mile. I found that my own head was bowed as I followed after.

"Not you, Ben."

I picked my head up. "But, I need to explain to them."

"No you don't."

"But it was MY decision," I said, anguish in my voice. "I let them down, and I need to tell them why."

"You're their big brother, but I'm their mother. Whatever else you might think, this wasn't your decision. I would never have let you do it anyway."


"These are MY daughters. I'll handle this. Go back to your girlfriend."

It was an order, not a request. Mom just shrugged, and then turned to go down the stairs. I stared after her until they were all out of sight, and then I went back to my room.

Dawn got the cliff notes version of what happened exactly two years ago, on the twins' thirteenth birthday. Early blowjob attempts and makeout sessions had ultimately led to a promise to deflower both twins on their fifteenth birthday. At the time, I'd fully intended to keep that promise. After all, I'd given Brooke her first sexual experiences when she was fifteen, and that had turned out... relatively well. At the very least, I didn't want the twins fooling around with dumbass high school boys before they were ready.

But then last Spring Break, I'd changed my mind. I'd come to realize how old I was getting, and that teaching the twins about sex wouldn't be the same as teaching Brooke. For one thing, Brooke and I were only two years apart, whereas the twins were five and half years younger. But more importantly, I was there in High School with Brooke, nearby to continue her sexual education and also to protect her. Three weeks from now, I would be back in Berkeley, and the twins would be loose in High School with all those dumbass boys.

For obvious reasons, I hadn't told the twins of this decision. I'd told Mom and Brandi, and I'd assumed I would have nine months to figure out how to break the news to Eden and Emma themselves.

But a lot had happened in those nine months: I'd broken up with Cadence. Paige's parents disowned her. There was all the Dawn and Ryan drama. And finally Dawn and I had gotten back together. Plus there was everything I'd already gone through THIS semester. Yeah, you'd think I would never have forgotten the virginity pledge, but I had.

Plus, for over a year, I'd thought the twins had both moved on from their sexual pursuit of me. Certainly, there hadn't been any sexual activity with them since the summer I last went to camp. That meant that for sixteen months, the twins and I had done nothing beyond a sibling-level kiss. No makeout sessions. No blowjobs. Nothing other than what normal brothers and sisters did with each other.

Until this morning. I'd assumed the girls had moved on, focusing their sexual attention on boys their own age (and outside of their family). I'd assumed the girls had gotten over their childish infatuation with me, and perhaps recognized that the age gap and time apart were important factors that couldn't be ignored.

But I'd assumed wrong. I had no one to blame but myself. Mom had certainly drilled into my head enough times that to assume was just to make an 'ass' of 'u' and 'me'.

Now I was the ass. And I was going to have to find some way of fixing things...

... without having sex with the twins.

Quietly, Dawn and I got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. It was still early, but neither of us even thought about going back to sleep. Mom had bought a big box of Costco pastries for the week, and coffee was easy to make. I settled down in the family room, waiting for the rest of my family to arrive with the expected avalanche of questions.

Turned out, I was expecting wrong. It wasn't an avalanche that dominated that morning, it was a tsunami. Around the same time last night that Dawn and Adrienne were quaking orgasmically, so were the tectonic plates off the coast of Sumatra. The resulting tidal waves had destroyed coastlines across Indonesia, Thailand, and India. And several hundred thousand people were missing and presumed dead.

It was like 9/11 all over again, with blanket wall-to-wall coverage on all the morning news networks. Mom had family in Southeast Asia, and she was quickly on the phone trying to get a hold of distant relatives.

For some reason, I found myself surprisingly engrossed by the coverage. Perhaps I was just trying to avoid the Eden/Emma matter for a little while. Perhaps I was maturing and becoming more aware of world matters. Certainly, I hadn't paid much attention to 9/11. I had just started my Senior Year of High School at the time, and I was far more worried about my long-distance relationship with Dawn and the beginnings of my "nottogether" relationship with Adrienne.

I wasn't the only one distracted by the Asian Tsunami. Brooke made only one comment of "So you didn't go through with it?" before turning her own attention to the TV. Adrienne seemed quietly proud of me, though she didn't say anything. And even the twins distracted themselves by joining in the family conversation over the "global disaster"...

... to a point.

Eden couldn't contain her anger with me, and after making a call, she announced that she was going out with friends. She made a very deliberate point of hugging everyone goodbye except me. She even hugged Dawn. All I got was glare.

"Just give her some time," Dawn reassured me quietly, after Eden had stormed out and deliberately slammed the door (again). "She'll get over this."

I just pinched my lips and nodded my agreement, hoping she was right.

Curiously, Emma didn't go with her. After all, Eden's group of friends was also Emma's. But then Eden had always been the headstrong one while Emma was more deliberate and thoughtful. Indeed, rather than run off in a fit of pique, my youngest baby sister came up to me, took my hand, and asked, "Can we talk?"

I glanced at my Mom, who had noticed Emma's approach and was watching us intently. And then I returned my attention to Emma and nodded. "Always."

Emma took my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom. I hesitated just outside the door, but my baby sister smiled at me and said, "Relax. I'm not going to jump you."

I wasn't totally convinced, but I nodded and followed her inside.

For a moment, I looked around the room and marveled at how much it had changed over the years. I still remembered when the twins were in elementary school, sharing a white bunk bed that had been placed against the far wall. It had created extra space in the middle of the room where they could sit and play on the floor. Now, the room seemed almost evenly divided, with a desk and bed on each side. Eden's mostly green bedspread and accessories gave way to Emma's yellows halfway through. Various stuffed animals that I knew to be near and dear to the twins' hearts had been pushed into dark corners in favor of music and movie posters that now adorned the walls.

The rugrats had grown up.

Emma, herself, had certainly sprouted. Even though she was much younger, my baby sister was already as tall as Brooke's 5'7", and would likely surpass Brandi's height before she was done. She still had a gangly teenager's frame, but her hips and bosom were definitely expanding. And when she turned to face me after closing the door, little Emma gave me a smoldering look befitting a mature seductress that belied her earlier pronouncement that she wouldn't jump me.

"Emma, you just said..."

In a flash, the sultry look was gone, replaced by a youthful grin. "Sorry, closing the door to leave the two of us alone just gave me a momentary fantasy." She looked down at her feet, reaching up to brush a lock of her long hair back and over her ear before demurely looking back up at me.

Even though it didn't seem like she was still trying to seduce me, the effect was quite dramatic. One thing I'd noticed as the girls grew up was how beautiful they were becoming. The twins had our mother's almond eyes, just like Brandi, although their irises were a slightly lighter shade that seemed to glow with an inner brightness. Their hair, too, was a noticeable shade lighter, and combined with their stronger cheekbones, they had an exotic beauty that set them apart from their older sisters. They seemed to get all the best physical attributes from our family, from height to curves to lengthy frames, and I knew that my baby sisters would be quite the stunners as they became adults.

If I'd been a horny 15-year-old boy, I'd have been all over Emma. Even now, as a fully-formed 20-year-old who got WAY more than his fair share of sex, I was terribly attracted to the willowy teenager. So I knew with certainty that the twins had been getting a whole lot of male attention. It must have taken some restraint for them to maintain their purity for this long.

I sighed rapturously, realizing that my baby sisters had gone and become young women. I thought about what it must have been like to be in Emma's shoes: basking in all the male attention, boiling in my own hormones, aching for total and complete sexual release ... and then having your long-planned deflowering not happen the way you'd been hoping for. I empathized with the crushing feeling she must have inside, and I held my arms open with an apologetic face. "I'm so sorry, Emma."

A wellspring of emotion popped up behind my sister's eyes. She fought back a sniffle and then rushed over to me. I caught her easily against my chest and hugged her fiercely while she buried her nose against my shoulder and began sobbing.

Nothing was said for a full ten minutes. We just stood there, in the middle of her room for a long time, me holding and her crying. There was still some tension between us, sexual and otherwise. But my hands never roamed beyond her shoulders. She never tried to kiss me. I was just her big brother, and she just my baby sister.

But at long last, Emma's tears dried up and she began to slow her breathing. Deep, deliberate inhalations eventually turned into calm breaths. And with red-rimmed eyes, she tilted her face back to look at me.

"It's okay," Emma said softly, looking straight into my eyes. "I understand."

I blinked quickly, not quite sure how to react.

Emma continued. "Mom explained. I don't like it. I..." she choked up a bit. "I really don't like it. My heart feels crushed into a million pieces right now. But my head understands."

"Emma ... baby..." I took a deep breath. "I never meant to hurt you."

"I know."

"This isn't because I don't... want to ... You know you're really sexy now." I winced, not sure how to explain sexualizing my baby sister. It was somehow still different to me, with Brandi and Brooke being so much closer in age to me.

She smiled at the compliment anyway.

"I just ... I can't. I mean, if I was going to be sticking around. If I was going to be here more than just a couple of weeks then-"

"I know, I know-" she cut me off. "Eden was really mad about this particular reason. She still thinks that one hour would have been enough. But ... I think we both understand that there's more to our virginities than just having sex once. This is a big step. It's something important. It's something special."

I nodded. "There's no going back."

Emma's lips trembled, and I thought she was going to start crying again. "I love you, big brother."

"I love you too, little one."

"I still wish it could be you."

"We both know it can't."

"Why not?" she pouted quietly, and suddenly I felt her hands tightening their grip on me. "Ben ... Please? Just ... right here. I'm ready. I've been ready. I've been waiting for this moment, and now I have you here. Please, big brother. I NEED you."

I closed my eyes and turned my face away. I couldn't look at her, couldn't take the tension. It felt like such a moment of déjà vu, in a way I couldn't explain. A beautiful girl wanted me to sleep with her, wanted it to be the greatest, most perfect moment of her young life. But my conscience knew better.

And then I suddenly remembered. Had it only been a few days ago? Was it really so recent that I let myself ignore my conscience and give in to Chevelle?

And hadn't it been the biggest disappointment?

My own hands tightened around Emma's shoulders, and I firmly but gently pulled her away from me. She whimpered, but only gave me momentary resistance before letting me take her face in my hands and tilt it to look up at me. "I'm sorry. Really, I am."

Her lip trembled, but now she looked resigned to the decision.

I tried to put on a smile. "Look, I know that in a moment like this, you're probably not going to believe what I'm saying. But sometimes you can overhype a moment."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and she backed away from me.

I let her go, and then asked with a smirk, "Okay, let me put it this way. How long have you and Eden been thinking about today?"

"About today? Well... forever."

I chuckled. "Maybe not forever."

She shrugged. "You promised us when we turned thirteen. So two years, I guess. Feels like forever."

"I know that even though you and Eden backed off me for a while now, even though we haven't really done any, uh ... stuff ... together for more than a year, this day was something that the both of you have been thinking about ever since you were thirteen. That's a lot of time to build something up in your head. That's a LONG time to be formulating a fantasy. You're convinced that this is going to be the BEST. THING. EVER. And the reality is: it would be almost impossible for the real thing to measure up."

"You never know until you try..." she ventured with a faint note of hope.

I shook my head. "This had disappointment written all over it."

"Like I'm not disappointed now?"

I sighed. "I'd rather you be disappointed and nothing happened than to have gone through with it and come out disappointed."

Emma looked away and bit her lip. "Well ... I might've been okay with some disappointment if we still could've-"

"Emma..." I warned, cutting her off.

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Sex in Winter

Winter was coming soon, a cold one too, judging by the breeze; living so close to Lake Michigan made predicting weather patterns pretty easy, especially as winter approached. I took in a deep breath, the crisp air was refreshing, like the feeling you get drinking cold water after chewing on Dentine Ice; unlike my boyfriend Jace, winter was quickly becoming my favorite season. There is nothing better than the smells of winter: nutmeg, cinnamon, oranges and cloves, and of course, roasted...

First Time
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 10 Winter Break II

DECEMBER 31, 2001, WINTER BREAK "Ohhh, Bennn..." "Unnghhh ... Lynne..." I groaned a warning. "That's it ... Cum! Cum in me ... Spill your hot essence inside me..." "Uh, uh ... Unnghhh!" "Ohhh! I can feel it, Ben! I can feel it!" Lynne clutched my head tighter to the crook of her neck, tugging with all the might in her legs, her heels digging into my ass. I practically crushed the petite brunette to the mattress beneath me. My limbs gave out and I dropped all my weight...

4 years ago
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Ordinary Couple

Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...

2 years ago
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The Bastien of Winter

‘Mmm, Bastien…’ Sebastien Byrne looked down in dismay, watching as his new bride lovingly faked her way through another orgasm. She was very good at it—soft and sweet, and imminently realistic. No glass-shattering screeches, or siren-like banshee wails. In fact, if he hadn’t been inside of her when it happened, he would have sworn that it had been real. His pleasure greatly diminished, he rolled over onto his side, and pulled her body tightly against his. Winter wrapped her arms around his...

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 4 Meeting Winter Revised

The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...

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The Goddaughter Winter Part Three

Winter and I played in the bathtub together. Our fingers,lips and tongues,teased and caressed each other,until the water took on a chill and the bubbles from our bubble bath were almost gone. I drained the tub,turned on a warm shower and as we rinsed off I could not help but notice how beautiful she really is. Winter will grow to be be a stunningly gorgeous woman. I am sure of that.Once again I wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bed. She, snagged another towel from the rack as...

4 years ago
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The homeless and poor peoples winter feast

The homeless and poor peoples winter feastBy RotnebSynopsis: Every year there was organized a charity festival in the village hall for the city's homeless and poor people, a feast where all the poor once a year get filled stomachs and amused. This year will be something special when Lisa and eight other young women voluntarily donate their naked meat to the feast banquet and to entertainment for the homeless and poor. The story is only fantasy.The meats The first Sunday in February came the...

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Young girl extreme winter nudity experience

Introduction: Story about brave girl winter walk At first I have to start with me, that this project requires to give also self-experience. I have practiced winter nudity many years, but not regularly. There have been some pauses. I have been lucky to share winter nude walk with some girls, like here: These are my photos and my car can be seen in two photos of these series. In previous winter I began from 1st January and then...

4 years ago
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Naked girl day outside in severe winter

Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...

3 years ago
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Young girl extreme winter nudity experience

In previous winter I began from 1st January and then every weekend, but not only the coldest (4-5 Feb), from which I wrote main story later. Longest time was at 26th February 1 h 47 min and temperature in this day about -4-5 (23-25 F), but sunny. Feeling of cold is not the same every time. Generally it can be very different. But normally after some 30-40 minutes is the warmest moment, then you don’t feel any cold. After some 1 h – 1h 15 min body started to feel colder again, but not too much....

3 years ago
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Girl walk every day naked at severe winter

Siberia, morning of 23. December, second day of school holidays. Yulia xxxxxxx (family name secret), 11, unlike other girls, is nudist, which means, she spend holidays mostly naked. In summer it is not a big problem, only for community maybe, but here in xxxxxx (place name secret!) village nobody is complaining about matter. But now is winter. This year weather has been more severe already before winter solstice. Temperatures has been fallen below -30 and today is not an exception....

4 years ago
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Winter Break

Molly owns a beautiful mountain woodland cottage. I built it for her, Off-grid, 1800 square feet in the middle of a hundred acres. It has hot and cold running water, central heating and cooling, modern appliances, and a zero-carbon footprint.When there is enough snow Molly invites several girlfriends to meet at her cabin and travel with her to a private ski slope. There have been some nice falls early this year, so we are getting a pre-Christmas jaunt.While we wait for the last straggler...

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A Hot Start to Winter Break

We hadn't been together in nearly four months. Kim and I attended different school in different states and we only been able to see each others on holidays. After flying home for winter break I left to pick up Kim from school which was a 2 hour drive. The entire drive I just kept thinking about getting her home and into bed. I had been faithful to her for the whole time we were apart but I was horny as hell.When I finally picked her up we decided to head home before it got dark and the weather...

2 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 15 EEEE

Richard Hyder was apoplectic, “Your Honor! This is outrageous! Trial by ambush! I’ve never seen anything so ... underhanded, so deceitful, in my forty-one years before the bar.” “Is there an objection in there?” Judge Graves seemed more amused than annoyed. “Yes! Yes there is. The Defense hasn’t even begun to present its case and this ... this ... private eye miraculously points the way ... I object! This ... these items cannot be entered into evidence.” “Grounds?” “Illegal search and...

2 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 11 A Bouquet of Pheasants

On a hunch, Clint asked his Vanguard counterpart in Boise to go through the old surveillance videos before the raid on the Gunther compound in northern Idaho. A raid clandestinely approved and funded by Senator Harper Wainwright. And orchestrated by his chief of staff, Constance Grayson. And field-directed by Matt Striker. Boise called back the next day. Winner-winner, chicken dinner! Martin Folsom again. That tied him to two American Nazi compounds. And also made me start reconsidering...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 15 Eagle

I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...

3 years ago
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The Necessity of Winter

The Necessity of Winter By Armond *** 1. Arthmael. I ripped the dagger from her heart... ...and held it, inches from the girl's fur wrapped chest. My hand refused to sheath the blade, pleading instead for release, to plunge it back. How I longed to; for the first time in my life, I would raise my wishes over duty to my people. Time stilled, as I fought my nature. The single movement in the room was bright red blood falling from gleaming blade.... drop...

4 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 9 A Pitying of Turtledoves

The police responded in under three minutes; two ambulances right behind them. One of them said, “Gun!” and I felt, but couldn’t see, one cop grab my shoulder bag where he removed the .38. The other one cuffed me, hands behind my back. Morales and I were rushed to University hospital. I ended up on the second floor of the Critical Care Tower. Morales was in the same building, but in the burn unit. When Suzette aimed at me, I had ducked my head and squeezed my eyes shut. That helped, but my...

2 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 3 A Pandemonium of Parrots

2019 That was then; this was now, four years later. A lot had changed in my life since I told Carol Sue Parker goodbye at O’Hare. Of course, a lot would change in any four-year period; it’s just that I ended up measuring that particular span in terms of a young woman I had thought I’d never see again. Life goes on. Walker was now 15; I was 33. I was married, deliciously so, to Vanessa Henderson. Walker had a live-in girlfriend, his second, named Pilar Paloma. I was still doing a daily...

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The Cave In Winter Wonderland

Chapter One“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend,  all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hard WinterChapter 3 Autumn A Trip into York

We both awoke around six-thirty and we still smelt of sex, I think it turned us both on because she was soon all fours wiggling her arse and demanding, "Fuck me, come on, I'm horny!" We had a fast, furious five minutes of hard sex and we both came again. We then sat up to get our breath and Kelly said quite matter-of-factly, "What else turns you on? Would you fuck my arse, do a threesome with me and another girl? Would you tie me up and fuck me, spank me, piss on me, or me piss on you,...

2 years ago
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Ordinary Guy

‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...

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Winter Wonder Sex Why Yes

Winter, "Wonder" & Sex? Why Yes!Every year for the past ten, my husband and I have had the pleasure of spending our January anniversary in the mountains of Georgia. Del and I are a quite fond of winter weather. Every year we rent the same log cabin for a week-end. Usually the same couple goes with us each year but, our 2010 trip was different. Our dear friends were unable to go due to work. We decided to invite Mark and Anna. They were our neighbors; we had just known them a year, but we often...

Group Sex
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Big Bear and White Dove Or Winter in the Mountains

aka “Winter in the Mountains” By Louishoney This story is written for ADULT entertainment ONLY! If you are not at least 18 years old, LEAVE! She ran as fast as she could through the forest and past the pines steepled atop the golden hills of grass. She was in a panic. Her footsteps were being dogged by a band of Chippewa looking to make her their sex slave again. Four or five of them had jumped out of the forest three days ago and ran after her across the meadow while she was...

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Winter girl experience

Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...

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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

5 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 9 Fantastique

Pilar: “Guy walks into a bar and is shocked to see a horse behind the bar.” Walker: “Horse says, ‘What’s the matter? You can’t believe that a horse can tend bar?’” Pilar: “No. I just can’t believe the ferret sold the place.” Alicia Collins called me from New York. “Bear told you.” “Yes. Have to admit it shocked me. Vanessa too. And the kids.” “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. But I felt it was Bear’s news to share.” “No, I understand. And he would have wanted to be the one to tell...

3 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 16 O say can you see

Walker: “A rabbi, a priest, and a Lutheran minister walk into a bar.” Pilar: “Is this some kind of joke?” Walker and Pilar, holding hands, bowing, “Thank you, thank you. This ends our Kansas City engagement.” xxxxxxxxxx Douglas ‘Duke’ Arlington. A new trial, his second, for the murder of Gustav Hindenburg in Ft. Payne, Alabama. Different courtroom, different judge, different jurors, different defense attorneys. New evidence. Ned Daniels and Hilary Dunne would reprise their prosecutor...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 2 Riles

For some reason, crime in America follows railroad tracks. And Kansas City has plenty of both. My first, and I hope last, shootout took place near my office in the Stockyards. Besides gunplay, it involved ramming my bright red F-150 into a larger Dodge Ram. The Ford Motorcar Company told me, and I verified it through an independent mechanic, that the frame had been wrenched out of shape. It could be straightened, but wouldn’t drive the same, not really. I sat down with Vanessa and Gertie...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 19 The Woods in Winter

The new year had passed long ago on Earth, but our start of the new year was just another day on Arbor. The Arborian New Year started on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. I chose that propitious day to deal with the alaspore and its master. I wove a new trick out of something Cor showed me how to do using the wind. I wove a cocoon out of moving air as she had shown me. I was able to use it, as she did, as a method of transportation, but I couldn't become the wind as she could, so...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 16 A Murder of Crows

Saturday morning breakfast, Walker and Gregory in charge of provisioning. Vanessa smiled at Pilar, “Is Walker still servicing himself?” Sucking his own cock. “Sometimes. Depends on what I’m in the mood for.” Gregory turned to Vanessa, not one whit of embarrassment, “I can’t suck it yet, but I can lick the very tip. Pilar thinks I’ll be able to if I keep practicing.” Vanessa gave him her glorious smile, ‘How often do you practice, honey?” “Every night when I’m home.” Pilar said, “I have...

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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 7

I woke late and lingered over my campfire and my breakfast. It would take only a half day's riding to get to where I was going, and anytime today would be a fine time with me. The skies had cleared again and it was nice to wait for the chill of the night to abate before setting out. Deak seemed to appreciate it, along with the relaxed pace. He tossed his head now and then and nickered at me softly when he did. Perhaps, like me, he was chasing Vulkai cobwebs out of his mind. Remembering my...

2 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 3 Top Down

Clint called, “Any New York plans yet?” “Remember Vanessa? Tall, good looking. Married.” “I’ll throw in a set of steak knives.” Click. Hey! I’m the one supposed to be hanging up. We invited Cathal Conway and family for Sunday brunch. Riles went with Walker and Pilar back to their room. She may be only 10, but the kids treat her as an equal. Jorge and Javier immediately started roughhousing with Hobo. The Proper Villain jumped up on Juanita’s lap. Cathal accepted his glass of Jamison —...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 8 Kernel

My mother called me. At work. First Autumn, now ... Flora Jennings. “Winter, can you come by?” Mom knew I worked, had my own office. But since I was no longer with the KCPD, nor employed by a real company, she simply hadn’t accepted that I do anything worthwhile. In fact, after Reggie left me, and before Vanessa married me, my mother regarded me as ... sad. A loser. Couldn’t keep a man, couldn’t find a real job. So it didn’t surprise me that she would expect me to drop whatever...

3 years ago
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Dark Voyage Winter JenningsChapter 2

I was spending hours with the diminutive, scarlet-haired Sullivan twins, bleary-eyed from the grainy security tapes. Duplicating what more competent investigators with the KCPD were doing. At home, at dinner, I tried to wear a game face for Walker. He had lost Mindy to California, to Stanford, to a more age-appropriate life. I had lost my friend, Mary Packer, but I was determined not to let the gloom prevail. After working all day on her dream restaurant, Euforia, Vanessa was overseeing the...

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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 3

Robert ‘Bobsy’ Atwater, as part of his three-patent sale to Hayes-Harris, the venture capital company, became an employee there. He wasn’t a partner, but he was one of seven on the Executive Evaluation team. He sat in on presentations from individuals and companies looking for investment capital. Hayes-Harris took small fliers and big risks, tiny positions and majority ownership. They provided money when they were interested. And money, expertise, guidance, even personnel, when they were...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 7 A Siege of Herons

I sent Clint some suggestions for the name of our firm. For incorporation purposes, he would be the equivalent of a CEO, but no one seemed to be interested in titles. To the clients, potential clients, each one of us would be the Indian Chief in our home town. As for a corporate name, I was leaning toward Winter Jennings & Associates, LLC. A second stolen print ended up for sale in Omaha, then a third in Des Moines. Little Rock, Denver, St. Louis. I push-pinned a map and noted that...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 15 A Flamboyance of Flamingos

Clint spoke softly, “Does he have a gun?” “No, not in the basement. I don’t think.” Our first words. Clint bundled me in his arms and carried me back inside. He sat me gently on a hall bench and flicked the safety off on his Sig Sauer. Even in my panicked state, I registered his new P320. And I also became conscious of the anguished howls coming up from the basement. Clint opened the door cautiously. He didn’t look away from the stairwell as he asked me, “What did you do to...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 14 Inside Man

Once Fowler started babbling, it became almost anticlimactic. Bear started the video recorder and even Fowler’s voice seemed to have lost its resonance. He confessed without emotion. He answered every question — no longer defiant, no longer any vitality in his voice, his posture. Mr. November was resigned, had given up. The last call he’d made, to Ryder and Mologna — “It’s her. Do it.” — turned out to be an order for them to go back to Richmond. To tear the Barbara Reynolds apartment to...

3 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 9 Life is Full of Uncertainties

The flight home from Calgary was a long tiring trip. The team had been loaded onto a bus at six o'clock in the morning and, after changing planes in Toronto, they arrived back in Queen Anne Island at four-thirty. The team exited the plane in QAI tired but happy to be home. Dave had hoped his family would be there to pick him up but he and the whole team were shocked when they entered the airport. It seemed half the city had turned out to congratulate them for their national title. The small...

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Hard WinterChapter 10 Spring Our expedition to Pickering

It was the day before our expedition to Pickering was due to set off. Kelly, Kirsty, Kat and I were going and we were taking Will Hinds, Harry Wilton and Emma. Jim Bolton was also coming with us. Although he was now quite frail he wanted to feel useful and his military experience would be good for Will and Harry. He still had sharp eyes and would stay with the train on lookout duty. Katie and her group were all travelling and we would use both engines, with the same make up of carriages as...

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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 3 Winter Comes Early

At noon on Thursday, Miss Thompson's presence was requested at the principal's office. She arrived to discover a parent seated opposite the principal, dressed conservatively but expensively, with conservative but expensive jewellery. The wedding rings on her hand were expensive, elegant but not ostentatious. The contrast between her and the two educators, both of whom were wearing runners, ankle socks and minor jewellery, could not have been more strong. The Principal herself had decided to...

4 years ago
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The Magic of Winter

Meredith Daulton was running around her house yelling. They’d been given the evacuation order a few minutes ago. The Ranch wildfire was coming and they had twenty minutes to get out.Paul Caruso was packing both the car with computers, legal papers, and some clothes.“My jewelry, “Meredith screamed as she threw a bag at him. “I need that, it’s valuable.”“Is it insured?”“Of course it is...”“Then you don’t need it. I said clothes now, get in the fucking car and let’s GO!”She snatched the bag from...

Love Stories
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Winter is Cumming part 2

As the bright, invasive afternoon sunlight came streaming through my stained (with dust and dirt) glass window, I found myself spooning (and possibly forking) with my new dream girl, Winter Summer, whom I had met earlier at the Public Market. Rubbing my aching jaw from our earlier sexcapades, fearing I might have lockjaw then grinning like an escaped lunatic as I recalled her hairy pussy, suddenly so afraid she might be a werewolf I had to rush out to buy silver bullets (the ammo, not that...

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Winter is Cumming

The day began like all others, climbing out of bed at the crack of noon, devouring a Toaster Strudel and mayonnaise sandwich before braving the crisp Canadian weather by going to Vancouver's Public Market for fresh seafood now that I'm eating healthy.  Along the way I passed a group of American hipsters vaping cannabis oil on a street corner, celebrating Tommy Chong's birthday.  Damn Americans! Since Trump's election, they have flocked here like a silverfish infestation.  Silverfish, that...

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Ninas unexpected winter adventure

Nina sat idly flicking through a few magazines while she was waiting for her appointment with the dentist. For the last three years, she and her mates had hit Southern California beaches, where they swam, surfed, danced and drank themselves silly for about three weeks solid.This year Nina wanted something different, a much more relaxing and hopefully a more romantic setting place to visit. She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe somewhere with a lake, mountains, spa, hiking trails, and clear...

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Coachs Winter Retreat

>?> > The coach just returned from his winter retreat with his special > boys. All the boys on the team want to go on the winter retreat of course, > but the coach only selects the very best. The boys who have maintained > strict control and discipline over their exercises and development. No boy > who has shot a load in the last six months gets to go on the winter retreat. > No boy who has spoken to a girl gets to go on the retreat. Only boys who are > totally focused and dedicated to the...

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Hard WinterChapter 2 Autumn A Thief in the Garden

It was the first week of October 2013, I was working in the garden of my cottage on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds near the coast. I hate gardening, always have done, but after last winter when potatoes reached £120 a pound on the black market, I decided that turning the garden, and a bit of the field behind the garden, with the agreement of the farmer who owned it, into a large vegetable patch was prudent. I was lifting the last of my potato crop and storing them for use during the winter....

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 5 NATO

I eyeballed Sandy Seaver two different ways. From the stands in The K and by tailing him. My first time in a baseball stadium. It was a revelation. An expensive revelation if I’d been paying for everything. Parking, tickets, food, beer. The little magazine that tells you ... um, baseball stuff. And, if I’d had little kids ... all those treats and souvenirs and whatever else they needed. I bet a family of four couldn’t get out of the park for under a couple of hundred bucks. But the scene...

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