Lady Maud's Desire free porn video

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Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to Gregory fifteen years earlier had not been one of love but convenience, even so a divorce was out of the question. He had brought the financing that allowed Maud to revive her family's estate from a moribund institution and turn it round into the profitable enterprise it was today, while his marriage into her family provided him with the respectability he craved, and a cover for his rampant homosexuality. For all theirs was a loveless marriage Maud and Gregory were exceptionally fond of each other and in many ways they had a much closer bond than was found many other aristocratic unions. They genuinely respected each other's strengths, and when they had to be seen together they appeared to be the perfect twenty-first century aristocratic couple. Having known and accepted her husband's sexual tastes long before they married, and as it was now evident that after many attempts that Gregory was not going to be able to perform his duty, Lady Maud was left with two choices. One she went for a sperm donation, which did not appeal or she found a lover to get her pregnant. She knew Gregory would not object to either, as an heir was as important to him as it was to her. The only worry she had, was if she took a lover, she would have to be careful that they were not someone who could attract his eye, otherwise she would risk having Gregory ruin him! Having spent many years actively pursuing the healthy outdoor pleasures of hunting, shooting and fishing Lady Maud was no longer the slender figured beauty of her youth. Not that she had ever been considered a slender beauty owing to a genetic heritage that selected more for brute strength, low cunning and a complete absence of morality when it came to ensuring the family's survival. A former university oarswoman Maud was a 'solid' woman with a reputation for getting what she wanted and as she looked out of her estate office window she had an idea! If it worked for her great, great-grandmother when her Earl did not do his family duty why could it not work for her! The more she thought about it the more it appealed and given the advances in medical practices she would be able to ensure that both the press and Gregory had absolutely no interest in her lover! Pulling on her nose she walked over to her seldom used computer with the kernel of her idea smouldering in her mind as she accessed both the estates and Gregory's companies' personnel files. Deciding what she wanted was easy and she set the search for a strict set of parameters, the most important being that any potential lover had to be both highly intelligent and able to drop out of his old life, which meant no close family or entanglements. It took her most of the morning to narrow down the subjects to three, two worked for Gregory and one worked for the estate's Scottish holdings. Deciding to try the most suitable for her needs first, she stood up and went to find her husband. "Gregory!" she called thundering from her office into his apartment. "Gregory!" "Yes dear." He said looking up from the Times through a haze of cigar smoke as she stomped into his smoking room and declared. "I have decided to take a lover so that the hall goes to my offspring!" "Fine dear, just don't bother chasing after that delicious lad who started in the stables last month." Lady Maud knew from the expression on her husband's face that even if the 'lad' in question in question had been on her list of potential lovers he was had already been ruined for her purposes! "No Gregory that won't be a problem, you prefer your lovers muscular, vigorous and none to bright, while I want a someone with a family heritage that prized intelligence and a proven brain between his ears so 'our' child will not make the mistakes of my father and grandfather!" He gave her a quizzical look before saying, "Just make it discreet dear, and of course I'll acknowledge the child as mine." "Excellent dear," Lady Maud said with a smirk as she informed him of her choices ending with. "Oh and if you have not ruined him, have that pretty looking new boy you got from the University who started in your offices last month transferred over to my personal staff for three or four weeks next month will you." Her smile turned predatory. "If he works out, he will do just perfectly." "David," Gregory said surprised, he knew Maud usually preferred to share her bed with attractive women. "I would not have thought he was your type?" "He's not," Maud said with a grin. "Yet... but if I like him then I will follow your example and do something similar to what you do with your lovers and make sure he becomes my type, however in the short-term and most importantly at his age he should have a working penis, and he fits the bill intellectually." **** "What's the rush Dave?" His flatmate said when he arrived home two hour's after he left for work and started throwing clothes into a rucksack. "As no one else was available so the boss Sir Gregory has asked me to run some papers to his wife at the estate in south-west Devon and work for her for a couple of weeks!" David said excitedly. "This could be the break I've been hoping for!" From the moment the management had to placed him after induction in the main offices IT department rather than the computer centre he had heard that the one sure-fire way to get on in the company was to impress Lady Maud. "What's she like?" "Lady Maud?" His flat mate nodded. "I've only met her a couple of times, and she comes over as kind of intimidating." "I meant is she fit, moron!" "No, she's not pig ugly, but she's not what you'd call fit. I guess she looks a little like a younger, taller and more muscular version of Camilla, Prince Charles's wife," David said. "Imagine one of those rowing birds if they kept fit into their thirties and you would have how she looks." "Not my type then, mind you man, women like that usually have loads of those upper class birds flocking round them, you never know you might even get a chance to shag an aristo!" his mate joked unaware of how prophetic his teasing words were. "Yeah and pigs might fly!" David laughed, knowing that his lack of success with the ladies was an ongoing joke with his mates. Less than an hour later David was in a taxi to the train station wondering how he got so lucky. Sure he knew he was academically the cream of the crop, but he did not have much else going for him. He was all too aware of his manly failings, being a short, slender fine- featured lad. One of his main gripes was even after three years at university, he was still at 22-year-old, a virgin, who got age carded every time he went into a pub or club! Completely unaware that it was just these failings (in his mind) that made him so appealing to Lady Maud, David made up his mind to pull out every stop to impress Sir Gregory's wife! The Hall was impressive and after asking one of the guides where to find Lady Maud's office David was directed through a door marked 'staff only' that led up some stairs. Although it was clearly a suite of offices David was still rather overwhelmed by the opulence of everything when a smartly uniformed maid met him in a reception area and showed him to an imposing office door. Telling him to have a seat, as David sank into a very comfortable chair opposite an empty desk the maid knocked on the door politely. A few moments later an upper-crust woman's voice called. "Enter!" Sat looking at the art works on the wall David heard the door open and the maid say. "There is a Mr Williams here from Sir Gregory's office to see you Milady?" "Ah, excellent Wendy show him in please and then bring us a pot of tea please dear." "Yes Milady." With a smile the maid reappeared and told David, "You can go in now sir." Walking in David found himself in a very business like office with a wide bay window overlooking the parkland that surrounded the estate. In front of the window was a large desk behind which sat the imposing figure of Lady Maud. "Mr Williams isn't it?" Lady Maud said waving her hand at the chairs opposite her desk. "Do have a seat?" "Thank you Lady Maud," David said politely aware that she was looking at him with interest as he took the offered seat. "And please call me David." She nodded and said with a smile, "I believe you have some papers for me?" "Yes Lady Maud," and handed them over. Opening the first folder she perused the covers sheet, saying, "Now then, Gregory tells me that he has temporally cut you to me for a few weeks to help upgrade the estates technology?" she glanced at the letter, "And he says here that you'll be able to lend a hand with the organisation of the summer events program until I can find a new PA, as you have some experience of event organisation from running some shows at university?" "Yes Lady Maud. They were nothing fancy, just a few plays and musicals the drama soc put on." "Excellent!" she cooed. Much to her delight he did not look like he was in his twenties, and appeared to have the kind of submissive mindset that she was looking for. David almost jumped when there was a rap on the door. "Enter!" Maud said noticing his jump. "Your tea, milady," the maid said with a polite curtsy. "Where would you like me to put the tray?" "I think we'll have it on the sofa dear." "Yes milady." With a final curtsy the maid silently left as Maud stood up from behind her desk and said, "Shall we?" "That would be lovely Lady Maud thank you." "As I don't like to stand on ceremony in private, David, you don't mind me calling you David dear?" "Not at all Lady Maud," he said with a shy smile. "Excellent, then when we are alone you must call me Maud." Taking her time over that first cup of tea Maud felt David out and she was not disappointed. With in minutes she knew he was perfect! Right from the start she had suspected that David was probably the best candidate and her suspicion was proven true, now all she had to do was hook him, which from what she had seen so far should not be difficult! Making no overt moves Maud set out to charm him and she could tell she was succeeding. He had the kind of eager to please attitude that made wrapping him round her little finger a fairly simple exercise as she made sure to involve him in every facet of her life. For the month he was with her he accompanied her everywhere. From business meetings to her hairdressers, nowhere was out-of-bounds for David, and when she was getting her hair done the following week it was easy enough to get Carol to tidy his collar length hair up but keep its length as it would make the next stage so much easier if it was not cut. Enjoying every moment Maud pulled out the stops to make sure that by the time David's temporary assignment was over he was fully aware of what working with her could give him. From the five-star accommodations and treatment when they went anywhere, to the designer suits she got him so he looked the part. The choice of suits was one of her first tests, and when he did not complain about wearing what were in effect feminine styled suits cut for the male body them she knew the door was open for the next stage in his development. By the time David's month with her came to an end she felt sure he would be more than willing to make his assignment to her staff permanent. Although she had got him sent to the hall for purely selfish reasons, David turned out to be a very efficient personal assistant cum secretary, and unlike her last PA even showed a willingness to perform the more servile tasks like serving tea for her guests. Never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth she was more than willing to somewhat alter her original plans to accommodate for these surprising talents. Her original plan had been to do as her ancestor had done and hide the father of her child as her personal maid now however she saw it would be even easier to hide them as her PA. First of all though she had to deflect any suspicion about the identity of her new PA, and that meant she would have to return David back to London offices for a few weeks before she could have him as a permanent fixture at the hall. Hiding her intentions from him Lady Maud treated David to a slap up final nights dinner before she had him driven back to the station with his ears ringing with her thanks. In truth Maud did not want to let him go but she felt sure she would get him back and she knew just how. She would just head up to London in a foul mood and throw her dummy out over the PA his office had found her 'fucking up!' It did not matter if the PA was any good or not she was not going to reach Lady Maud's standards and then she would leave Gregory to reel David in. Yes, Maud gloated to herself it was all going to work out perfectly! ***** After a month in the opulent surroundings of the hall it was a definite return to earth with a bump when David got back to Tooting and his grotty shared flat. His flat mate was out and the sink was full of washing up reminding him of just how much he was going to miss the comforts he had experienced while living at The Hall. With a definite feeling of regret about going back to the mundane world of the main office and his boring junior technical officers post David knew he would miss working for Lady Maud. Sure much of what he had been doing once he had talked her through the new computer system had been secretarial, typing her correspondence, answering her phones and taking notes but he had enjoyed the work almost as much as he had enjoyed her company! Even though she was not in the least attractive in the conventional sense, David had fallen a little in love with his temporary aristocratic boss and knew he was going miss spending time in her company. Once you got past her brusque demanding business manner Lady Maud was scintillating company with a wide range of interests that made her unlike any woman he had ever met, and during the month he had spent working for her David had found her completely captivating. "So did you shag any posh totty?" his flat mate said when he barrelled in after closing time stinking of beer and curry. "Not going to say," David said, "other than that her Ladyship kept my nose to the grind stone pretty much the whole time." "Yeah well what about the weekends, surely there must have been some randy farmers daughter looking for a bit of London Prime?" "Weekends... god I had forgotten they existed." David laughed, before making out that Maud was a slave-driving gorgon to work for. "Be glad to be back then!" his mate said, before lurching to bed. "Well, well!" Ms. Harper the office manager said when David arrived at work the following Monday morning. She was looking at him with thinly disguised dislike as she spat, "Look whose back!" Recalling that she had not been happy when Sir Gregory had marched into the offices and said, "I need one of you to go to the Hall!" Looking round he saw David working on the office router and said. "Ah David you'll do! You know lots about computer systems and can advise Maud on how the estates new system works. Get someone else to do that, I need you to take some papers to the hall and then assist my wife with the modernisation the estate's antiquated computer system, and if I remember right don't you have some experience of putting shows on?" "Yes Sir Gregory, I produced show for the drama soc at university." "Excellent they you'll also be able to help out with the summer events program for a few weeks, until we can find her a new permanent PA." Her thin face was pinched and he could see in her eyes she was still furious that he had got the job rather than which ever of her 'girls' she thought was worthy of such a post. "Well the holidays over now Williams!" "What holiday?" David said, controlling his dislike of the woman. "Lady Maud kept me blooming busy." She harrumphed and spat, "Well you're not working for her now so get yourself into the stores and sort out the boxes of IT supplies that you should have done last week." "Welcome back," Susan the other office IT tech, said when David finally reached his desk two hours later. "Sorry about?" She nodded at the stores. "I wanted to do it but 'Ms. Happy' refused saying it was your work and you'll bloody do it." She lowered her voice and added, "Watch your back with her Dave because she's really got the knives out for you now." "I sort of guessed," David said with a grimaced smile. Like the other office techs, he was being very well paid to maintain the head office computer network but in truth the job was about as interesting as watching paint dry and with in a day or so David was bored. He found he was missing the varied tasks Lady Maud had him doing even if they were somewhat bellow his pay grade. He had been back in the main offices for about three weeks and was getting closer and closer to the point where he told 'Ms Happy' to stuff the job, when Lady Maud came thundering into the executive offices in a furious temper. Maud was feeling rather impressed by her performance as she let rip at all and sundry before she stalked into her husband's office and slammed the door behind her. Through the door all the office staff could hear her carrying on Sir Gregory's about the incompetence of the PA 'his' office manager had found her. A few moments later 'Ms Happy' was called in and was also feeling the brunt of Lady Maud's temper as she informed her that she wanted a replacement and she wanted one now! "I have just the girl," Jean Harper said feeling a wave of anxiety, the girl she had sent to work for Lady Maud had been one of her favourites with an excellent track record. "I don't want another one of your primping tart's who go faint at the smell of horse shit or a bit of claret!" Maud snarled. "I manage a working estate, and want someone who can accompany me on my rounds rather than flouncing about in some fancy office suit!" With out any care to her language or who could hear them, Maud made no secret of Ms. Harper's choices failings, before grumbling. "David might not have been able to take shorthand but at least he was willing to learn, and didn't faint at the sight of what goes in the slaughter-house ... Find me someone like him!" "I'll, I'll see what I can do Milady," Jean Harper said feeling cowed. "You'll do more than see!" Maud snapped. "I want a PA who I can work with, and doesn't get all weepy when Bambi is turned into bloody sausages, and I want one soon!" "Yes dear," Sir Gregory said in a placating tone. "Don't you 'yes dear' me Gregory," Maud snapped. "I want a PA who can do all the fucking job not look pretty behind a bloody desk!" With that she spun on her heel and growled as she stalked out, "I'll be at the flat Ms. Harper, have someone sent round for interview as soon as possible!" "Sorry Jean," Sir Gregory said once the Lady Maud was gone. Offering her a brandy to soothe his fiery office manager's simmering fury about the bollocking as he added, "You did not deserve that, however given Maud's temper we better find someone and fast, so who have we got?" Sir Gregory knew how to deflect every suggestion Jean made as they discussed the potential candidates before he suggested, "You know since she mentioned David I suppose we could always ask if he would be interested... Like she said he might not have quite the skill set she requires but she does appear to get on with him, and more importantly he gets on with her, and not to beat about the bush he is someone you want rid of?" Jean at least had the good manners to blush. She had been unaware that her boss had picked up on just how much she disliked David. It was not just David she loathed Jean despised all the IT staff equally seeing them all as over paid, slovenly and unprofessional! "I think it might be best if I were to speak to him," Sir Gregory said settling back behind his desk, "Go and ask him to come and see me will you?" Even down in the depths of the computer room David like all the other low-level head office staff had soon heard all about Maud's arrival and had a giggle over how she had ripped the executive staff a second arsehole! Although on one level he was a little upset that he had not had a chance to say hello, he was not surprised given their very different social standing. "Oh, oh watch your back Dave!" David glanced up when Susan let out her quiet warning as 'Ms Happy' stalked into the department and snapped looking round with a distasteful look in her eyes. "Williams, Sir Gregory wants you in his office now, move it!" "Ah David, do come in," Sir Gregory said, when David was shown in. "I suppose you are aware that my wife has just been in?" "Yes Sir," David said feeling his usual sense of unease around the boss. There was something about how Sir Gregory looked at him that gave David the creeps, even though he never done anything to him, and had shown himself to be an excellent boss. "Excellent, now how did you find working for her last month?" "Great, I really enjoyed it," David said honestly. "Any personal problems with her?" David shook his head. "No none sir, I found her very easy to work for." "My god you must have the patience of a saint if you found Maud easy to work for," Sir Gregory half laughed. "That's very unusual, however to get back to business." As if he was mulling it over he examined David for a moment before asking. "How would you like a substantial pay rise?" "For what Sir?" "Taking on the post of Maud's PA full-time from sometime next week?" The question hung there for a moment before David said, "Seriously?" Sir Gregory nodded. "Having just gone through all the qualified staff I could send her with Jean Harper, it was clear that none of them would be able to work with Maud, you however have already proven you can... Therefore I am willing to offer you the post and of course the pay increase commensurate to that of an executive PA." "Wow! I'd love to," David said eagerly. "Now it wont be easy for you David, Maud at times can be a nightmare to work for, being both demanding and very determined about having things just how she likes them," Sir Gregory said adding. "Also I need you to understand that the post means that you would have to move down to the Hall and join her staff permanently, which means you'll be employed by the Wilton estate rather than Hamilton Fund Management?" "Oh yes, that would be fine," David said, "it's not like I have any ties to London, or anywhere else come to that." "Well then in that case I think you'll be just the person to send round to see her. I know Maud likes you and she was very complementary about your time with her." "Thank you sir." Gregory gave the boy a smile. Behind the smile he was half wishing that Maud had not claimed the him because David was just the sort of pretty boy who would have made quite a splash with his 'gay' chums if he could have coxed him into becoming one of the house boys at his London flat! Wondering if once Maud had done with David if he could have him Gregory said aloud "In that case David I'll have a car ready to take you round to her flat in a half hour. Since I expect Maud will jump at the chance of having you, you might as well as see about going and clearing your desk. I'll inform Jean Harper that you will be leaving us and I'll arrange the employment transfer. Naturally we will pick up any costs you incur as part of your transfer package and see that you are issued with a company vehicle to move your possessions down to Devon." Standing Gregory held out his hand and said. "Thank you so much for doing this because an angry Maud is a force of nature and quite frankly I have no wish for another repeat of this morning." "No thank you Sir," David said shaking his hand, before walking out stunned about the chance to work for Maud full-time! **** "David! What on earth are you doing here?" Maud said with well-feigned surprise when he was shown into the flat. "Interviewing for the job as your PA Lady Maud," David said with a smile. "Oh I say that rather jolly, although I think we can dispense with the interview," Maud said as she picked up a bell and rang it. "You called milady?" Another one the uniformed maids said appearing as if by magic at the door. "Yes Claire, we'll take tea for two on the balcony." "I am so glad Gregory offered you the job David, and that you were willing to say yes," Maud said sometime later as they sipped tea over looking the Thames. "Well it was an opportunity I could not turn down Maud," David said with a sheepish smile. "After my month at the hall, I have to say I found going back to the office somewhat boring." "Why did you miss me?" Maud said with an arched teasing smile. "Honestly?" David said with a blush. "Yes." "A lot?" David nodded going even redder. "How delightful!" Maud said taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. Chatting about everything and nothing, Maud finally drew the interview to a close after about an hour sure that she was making the right choice. David was far too pretty to spend his life as a boy! Giving him a big smile she said, "I am so glad Gregory offered you the job, now when can you start?" "Well I need to settle up my rent for the next two months as that's the notice, and then move my stuff but I think if I pull my finger out I should be able to start early next week." "That will be perfect, I am not expected back until Wednesday evening as I thought I'd be interviewing potential PA's early next week, which will be rather jolly, as we can have a few days off and find our feet before we need to start work," Maud said. "Now how much is your rent? I'll write you a check now to cover that. I assume Gregory offered you a car to move your belongings?" "He did yes." "Marvellous I'll arrange that it is assigned permanently to the estate, as you'll need transport once you are living at the hall full time." "Wow that would be great Maud, thank you." "Excellent," Maud said asking him how much his rent was, before writing him the cheque, telling David, "Then I will see you at the Hall in the next day or so." "I've not got that much in the way of possessions to pack and I can probably be there tomorrow night." "That's excellent then! I will see you when you arrive," Maud said feeling a buzz of expectation. After showing David out, Maud called Gregory and told him that his presence would not be needed at the hall for the next month before adding. "Issue the company car you are giving David to transport his belongings permanently to the estate, and can you make it something girlie, a cute hatchback or the like and have it delivered round to him first thing in the morning? Also can you erase 'his' details from the company database. If anyone asks we can always say he was only a temporary employee, and I'll arrange Miss Williams details in the estate files." "Miss Williams is it dear?" Gregory laughed. "Yes Greg it is, after all you said discrete and what could be more indiscrete if I got myself a pretty young male PA just a few weeks before I got pregnant!" "I assume," Sir Gregory laughed. "That feminising him is also intended to minimise my interest in his cute sweet arse dear?" "Of course, I want to make sure that once he has fulfilled my requirements, she remains my toy sweetie and not yours!" ******* Feeling ecstatic David dropped the check in at the bank and then dashed home arriving just after his flat mate and announced he was moving out. Aware that Lady Maud would not approve if his dispatch rider flatmate turned up at the hall David decided not to say where he was going, and just said, "Told you impressing Lady Maud would do the trick! I've just been offered a promotion and I'm being transferred up north but they want me to start Monday so I'm moving out." Pulling out his check book he wrote a check for two months rent saying. "That will cover both our rent's for two months with landlord, which will give you more than enough time to find a replacement." "Cool, I know one of new lads at work is looking for somewhere else to live so I'll offer him your room, when will you be gone?" "Tomorrow hopefully, then I've got a few days to find my feet and somewhere to live. The company are putting me up in a hotel until I do." Having only left university the year before David did not have much in the way of possessions beyond his books, files, computers and clothes so packing up took just one evening. A company driver delivered the car to the Tooting flat just after nine in the morning, but it was early afternoon before he was able to get away, as he had run round arranging things like a postal divert, and inform everyone who needed to know that he was moving addresses. The car was a lilac coloured VW Beetle and it was very easy to drive, which made it ideal for David's purposes having only passed his driving licence a couple of months earlier. That a Beetle was clearly a 'chicks' car, and its colour meant that anyone who saw him behind the wheel would assume it was being driven by a young woman did not occur to David. He was just relieved that the controls were very similar to the VW Golf he had learned to drive in. It was almost 250's miles from London to the estate and with the weekends weather forecast the normally busy Friday afternoon roads were made worse with people heading to the coast and countryside to make the most of it. After six long hours behind the wheel David was shattered by the time he arrived at the hall. Using the 'staff' gate he drove up to the hall and parked up in the old coach house beside Maud's estate Land Rover. Wondering where her Range Rover was when he saw Maud waiting for him at the entrance to the private garden as he got out of the Beetle. "Safe journey?" she asked walking towards him. "Yes thank you, although the traffic was a bit scary at times," David said, pulling his over night bag, and laptop from the car, the rest could wait until the morning. "I thought I beaten you back when I did not see the Range Rover." "I dropped it in at the dealers for a service, before I went up to London last Wednesday and since I did not expect to be back until next week I told them not to expect me to pick it up until next Wednesday," Maud said, cheerfully chivvying him towards the 'family' apartment. "I told you that you were in the same suite of rooms as last time?" David nodded, as Maud punched in the pin code to the door lock saying, "You know the way dear, I'll go and rustle something up for dinner I've only been home 20 minutes myself." Although the hall and it grounds were open to the public and employed many local people as grounds staff, guides, and in the estates cafe, gift and farm shop, the private quarters were strictly off-limits. On the occasions when she needed to cater for a private dinner in her apartment she borrowed a cook and service staff from the estate hotel, or if was a formal dinner in the main hall she used a private catering company. Although Maud did employ a maid during office hours it more for the image than any real necessity, and she actively avoided having a personal domestic staff in her personal space. "I am afraid it's just us for the next couple of weeks dear," Maud said when David found her in the kitchen prodding a pan of boiling potatoes. "Since I expected to be in London until the middle of next week and I have nothing on the agenda in terms of business meetings, Wendy (her office maid) has gone on holiday with her boyfriend, but I'm sure we'll manage, and if I do have business guests I'm sure you'll be able to fill in for her." "No problem Maud," David laughed tiredly after the long drive. "I'm sure I'll look lovely in the uniform." Maud chuckled and said, "I'm sure you would." David had been joking never realising just how truthful his words would turn out to be. Dinner consisted of a frozen pie from the estate's Wilton Hall organic range and boiled potatoes, washed down with a couple of glasses of red wine and a coffee. With a full stomach David was falling asleep before he finished his coffee so Maud sent him to bed! Next morning after a leisurely breakfast Maud found David unpacking and it was not difficult for her to entice him to join her by the pool in what had been a kitchen garden greenhouse. "With the roof open and the wall pulled back it's a real sun trap out there David, so wear something comfortable and bring your book," She let out a mischievous chuckle, "Since I'm not expected back until Wednesday and you still look washed out from rushing to get here I think we should make the most of having this wonderful weather and have a long weekend." "Me neither," David admitted. "I'm still kind of wiped out from yesterday." "In that case I recommend a few hours sunning in the garden and may be a swim in the pool if you get to hot?" Maud said struggling to hide her anticipation. Hidden from view by the public area's, the old kitchen gardens were a quadrangle formed by the old stables and coach house on two sides, the private quarters, and the converted greenhouse. As the section of the hall had originally been the staff wing, it was only overlooked by the rooms Maud and now David occupied. "Have you got your book dear," Lady Maud said a little later as they walked through the garden and into the pool house. "Yes," David said. Pressing the control to roll back the south-facing wall and opening the roof she asked, "What are you reading?" Smirking to herself as she slipped off her robe and settled down on one of the sun beds beside the pool. "The new Terry Pratchett," David managed to say as her body came into view. "Any good?" she said casting her robe to one side aware of the effect she was having on him! Just as Maud had hoped David was stunned to find out that under her robe she was dressed in a blue bikini that left nothing to the imagination. "Umm yes!" David blushed looking everywhere but at her! Letting him stew for a few moments she said, "You can look at me dear, my bikini won't bite you!" "Oh god I am sorry!" David blushed. "Oh dear I have embarrassed you..." Maud laughed. "How sweet!" Enjoying herself she teased him for a few minutes before saying, "To be honest if I was here alone I would not have bothered with the bikini top as they are not the most comfortable of things to wear." That sent David really blushing as he spluttered, "They're not?" "No, not at all," Maud laughed adding, "What?" David had actually been thinking that because Maud was not by any standards conventionally attractive it distracted people seeing that she had a lovely body, but he was not going to say that and consequently did not see the hole in front of him as he said. "They look it?" Laughing Maud said, "I wonder if you would say that if you had to wear one?" David did not know what to say and sputtered. "I wouldn't know?" "Want to find out?" she teased. "Erm?" David blushed recalling what Sir Gregory had said about keeping on her good side. "I guess if you want?" Laughing Maud said, "David it's not what I want, but if you are curious about whether or not one of my bikini's is comfortable I don't mind lending you one, in fact I think it would be rather jolly if you did." She grinned. "It can be out little secret." Blushing brightly David nodded and said, "Okay, why not." "You will, how wonderful!" There was an edge of delight in her tone that gave David a real thrill as Maud added springing to her feet with a gotcha grin. "Oh this will be so much fun!" Unsure of how he got boxed in like this, twenty minutes later David slipped on to the sun bed beside Maud covered in sun cream and burning with embarrassment about wearing a metallic pink version of the same bikini, only his had just enough padding in the bra top to give him some shape! "Oh my you do look cute in pink dear!" Maud said with a pleased grin. "I bet that's much more comfortable than your pants and tee-shirt?" "Erm, yes I guess?" David said uncertainly. Much to his shock he realised that embarrassment aside the bikini was a lot more comfortable than his pants and shirt! "Have a glass of orange dear and relax," Maud said pouring him a glass before she settled down and seemingly became absorbed in her magazine. Sipping the orange it did not take long for David to relax enough to get engrossed in his book and forget about what he was wearing. Maud however was not interested in her magazine instead she was carefully observing David, and so far stage two was going according to plan. She already had him wearing something undeniably feminine and he appeared to be comfortable wearing it. All she had to do now was let the sun do its work on his skin and after a little cajoling she felt sure that he would be willing to play along with her plans for dinner that evening. After sunning herself for an hour or so, Maud slipped to her feet and dived smoothly into the water saying as she surfaced, "The water is lovely why don't you join me David?" "I'll just finish my page and then I think I will," David said with a smile. Not much later he stood and as he walked to the edge of the pool Maud teasingly said, "I think if we are going to be sunning in our bikini's during the forecasted excellent weather, we had better do something about your unappealing hairy legs David." "I suppose," David said with a shy smile as he slipped into the water. "Marvellous dear, I'm sure I can get you looking wonderful later!" "Think so?" David said. "I know so darling," Maud said giving him a kiss! He tasted amazing and as she slipped her arms round his slender body Maud shivered as she felt him melting into her cuddle. Delighted about how things were going she made the most of his surrender to her before breaking the kiss and saying, "Did you like that sweetie?" Blushing brightly David nodded. "Good because I've been wanting to do that for a while!" Maud said with a smile. Giving him another more demanding kiss she lifted her lips from his and said. "Now before you start worrying, I can tell you now that you need not worry about Gregory. I can assure you that he will have no objections to me having a discrete little fling with my pretty new PA. After all he keeps at least one of his boys at his town flat and has been shagging the arse off one the stable boys here for the last few months!" Seeing David's shocked expression she added, "It might surprise you to know that my husband is a screaming queer, who has no interest in the ladies." David's jaw hit the water. With a trilling giggle Maud said, "When Gregory told me who he was sending last month he described you a the pretty office IT boy with the kind of cute arse that was just asking him to crack!" David looked horrified, and Maud chuckled delightedly to herself as she said, "He has had his eye on you for a while and I am sure that if I had not needed a short-term assistant last month he would have likely had a play for you!" "I'm not gay!" David spluttered. "So what, Gregory would not care, to him you are just a pretty boy who's caught his eye, and he usually gets his way because he can be very charming when he sets his sights on a boy," she chuckled. "I'll bet he's had his way with 90% of the boys who caught his eye at his office." Maud like most aristocratic women knew how to manipulate people and with David's eager to please attitude, she felt sure he would be easy to push in the direction she wanted. Giving him another kiss she said, "And this!" She gave his bikini-covered cock a squeeze as she whispered, "Tells me you are not gay darling." "Oh god!" David gasped as his cock turned into a pole in his pink panties! "Mmm feels lovely!" Maud giggled looking him in the eyes as she caressed him adding with a sly smile, "Unless his attentions interest you I think I can suggest away to make sure his interest soon fades... and one you will enjoy rather a lot if your comment yesterday and your willingness to wear a bikini today is anything to go by?" Aware that if she tipped him over this early David would likely clam up with embarrassment she ended her caressing giving his cock a final squeeze as she said, "I think I want this for myself, so if you don't have any objections I think I will ensure that Gregory loses interest in you by feminising your look somewhat." "If you think it would work Maud!" David said clearly terrified about having Gregory coming onto him. "Oh it will work darling," Maud cooed in his ear. "If you let me I can have you looking so feminine that Gregory will have about as much sexual interest in you as he does for me!" "I hope so!" David blushed. A little later once they were out of the pool and Maud gave David time to calm down before she said. "You know my suggestion about deflecting Greg's interest in you holds a benefit for me as well David.... David... No that won't do, but Dee would be rather good don't you think?" David shrugged still rather embarrassed that Maud had kissed him and terrified that her husband wanted his backside! "Yes Dee, I prefer that," Maud said with a smile. "Now as I was saying I can see a mutual benefit in me feminising your looks because I have a request of a more personal nature?" "Anything if you can stop Sir Gregory chasing me," David said. "Anything, huh?" Maud chuckled. "I do hope you mean that." "I do!" David said. "Marvellous," Maud said. "Now as I mentioned my husband is an irrepressible homosexual, and even though we have tried he has been unable to sire me with any off spring. Since you and I appear to have a certain chemistry going on I was wondering if you would like to solve that issue for me?" "You want me to get you pregnant?" "Yes Dee, I do," Maud said with a smile. "I think you'll be perfect, after all I have every intention of bedding you, and as I personally do prefer a feminine bedmate, if you let me I can have you looking so feminine that you'll be very appealing to me, and by the time my husband next comes down to the estate you won't appeal to his eye one bit. Also we'll be able to hide you in plain sight as my 'female' PA, giving you access to our children and no one will ever suspect that Gregory is not the father!" David was shocked to say the least, but Maud's plan would insure that Sir Gregory did not 'crack' his arse. Feeling confused David nodded, and said with a scared smile. "That sounds like a good idea." Excellent! Maud cried to herself in triumph, and quickly moved to seal the arrangement, as she slid over and said, "Come here Dee, I think I should sample the goods now!" David was delightfully inexperienced and Maud could tell he was either a virgin or very close to one. However on the plus side it meant she could train him to please her in every way and sexually bind him to her. "You know what would be rather jolly this evening darling," Maud said teasing 'Dee's hair after pleasuring herself mightily on his delightfully inexperienced penis a couple of times and introducing him to the art of pleasing her with his tongue as he recovered between bouts. He had been so hesitant to go down on her at first, but once she started showing her enjoyment and verbally cajoling him to work her pussy it he quickly became very enthusiastic carpet muncher! Wrung out David whispered, completely enraptured by Maud behaviour. "What's that?" "We find out how you look in Wendy's uniform darling, and," she giggled naughtily, "let the lady of the house have her wicked way with my naughty lady's maid this evening?" David blushed. "I think I would like that," he giggled. "Milady." "Good girl, Dee, this will be so much fun!" Maud chuckled delightedly. Four hours later David was not so sure once Maud had painfully removed most of his body hair, strapped him in a very tight corset attached to a pair of stockings. On his chest he had a pair of rather large wobbling false boobs shaping the cup of the corset, which he had to admit massively changed his appearance under the black maids uniform he was now wearing. With his hair curled and his face painted with makeup, perched on a pair of high heels he could not believe how different he looked. "My god you look better than Wendy does in uniform darling," Maud exclaimed once she finished prettying him up. "And you'll be pleased to know dressed like that I can guarantee that Gregory will have even less sexual interest in you, than he does for me! Now how do you feel?" "A little strange to be honest Maud," David admitted. "I can't believe how much I look my mum." "Well I think you look smashing," Maud said with a lustful giggle. "And I can't wait to play with my pretty maid after she had served dinner." The lusty edge in her giggle perked David's interest up. "Do you want me to make something Maud? I'm not a bad cook if I say so myself." "Oh how marvellous and if that includes an offer to perform the maid duties since you're now dressed the part, you could always fetch me a nice gin and tonic, and lay the table for dinner dear," She lifted her phone, adding, "Although I'm trying to avoid work this weekend I do have a phone call I must make." Chuckling David could not resist bobbing his knees and saying, "Yes milady, ice and a slice?" Giggling, "I'm going to have to teach you how to do that properly after dinner Dee, but for now I'll settle for two fingers of gin, two fingers of tonic, lots of ice and a slice on lemon." "Of course milady," David said playing along. "Marvellous, I'll be in my office," Maud said, giving David a quick French kiss accompanied by a teasing an up-skirt grope, before patting his skirted bum adding, "Off you go sweetie your mistress is rather thirsty from this afternoon." Giggling to himself amazed at how sexy the uniform felt teasing the tip of his stiff penis as he wobbled feeling off-balance in the heels to the apartments kitchen and made Maud her G&T. Placing the drink on a tray as he had seen Wendy do, David made his way to her office and as the door was closed knocked. "Come in dear," Maud called, pointing at her desk, as she said into the phone, "Yes Margaret that's correct, and if anything important comes up I'll have my phone, but otherwise everything else can wait until I get back sometime next weekend." As he bent over to place her drink on the desk, Maud gave him a naughty grin and stuck her free hand up his skirt and snapped his suspender before she gave his lingerie covered penis a caress. Grinning she blew him a kiss as she removed her hand which made David blush and giggle. He was really enjoying both the role and the outfit. Giving Maud a wobbly bobbed of the his knees, he walked out aware his skirt swishing on his stiff penis in time with the clicking of his heels on her hardwood office floor. Who ever would have thought that dressing as a girl could be this much fun! Watching him walk somewhat off-balance away Maud grinned feeling her moist pussy burning with delight at the thought of keeping David, skirted from now on. Once he had gone she called Gregory and said when he answered somewhat breathlessly. "Having fun dear?" "Hello Maud, and yes, Marcel is a wonderful boy." "I was just calling to remind you to stay away from the hall for the next month dear, I've already got Dee in skirts and I don't want any reason for her to want to her trousers back. Make a surprise appearance just before your clay shoot and don't inform my office in advance as I want you to surprise her, and make a comment about how I have ruined 'his' appeal because the poor girl is terrified that you'll put the squeeze on her!" "Certainly Maud, and is he any good for the other purpose?" "Dee responds very vigorously dear, and I am not expecting any problems with fulfilling my primary objective for having her." "And then?" Gregory asked. "If you are wondering if you'll be able to have him dear the answer is no, because once I have an heir in the oven and may be even a spare given we Wilton's do tend to produce twins, I'll see about improving her so that she develops into my kind preferred bedmate. I'm told the medical profession can do wonders today." "Pity," Gregory said, "but she belongs to you now and if that's your intention by the time you are done with her he'll be ruined." "Upgraded dear," Maud chuckled, "And anyway when I am done with her I'll find her a good husband and set her up in a small business somewhere on the estate." She could hear to her husbands heavy breathing and realised that Marcel was probably between his legs as she added. "It would appear you are busy Greg so I'll leave you to your amusements, and see you next month." Sipping her gin at her desk Maud planned her next move, since Dee had taken to the maids uniform so willingly she felt sure that she could concoct an excuse for him to wear it again tomorrow evening. As the weather was forecast to be excellent again, they could spend the day improving their tans and as she should be peaking in her monthly cycle, if he was working correctly perhaps there was a chance he might even perform the primary reason for his presence straight out of the gate. Sure that she had doing the right thing both personally and for her family obligations Maud strolled down the private corridor towards her apartments with a smile on her face, which widened when she saw Dee appearing to be every inch her maid, looking flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement as he finished laying the table for dinner. "Oh my!" Maud said. "That looks wonderful dear. Where on earth did you learn to lay a table?" "Same place I learned to cook milady," he grinned cheekily and bobbed his knees. "Working in a restaurant when I was an undergraduate." "How wonderful!" Maud gushed. "And I think someone is taking to her maid-like role, because you look positively scrumptious curtseying to me in your uniform Dee." "Thank you Milady," David grinned. "I know its kind of wrong, but this is so much fun to wear, and feels weirdly really nice." "I glad you feel like that dear, because dressing like that is your best defence against my husbands wandering eye and hands." Maud chuckled and added, "Now what's for dinner after this afternoons entertainments with my naughty maid I'm famished?" David blushed very prettily when she reminded him of her aggressive love-making that afternoon. "A beef salad milady, if I had more time I could have done a lot more with it but for a throw together I think you'll like it." "Where did you get the coleslaw and potato salad Dee, they are wonderful?" Maud asked as she enjoyed every mouthful of the dinner David 'knocked up' in the forty minutes she gave him. "I made them, it was not difficult as you had everything to hand," he said watching her eat with a look of adoration in his eyes. "Mmm," Maud said clearing her plate. "That was delicious dear, and I can see I'll be making use of your surprising kitchen skills if this is what you produce on short notice." "Glad you enjoyed it Maud," David said clearly delighted, as he stood to collect their plates. "Coffee milady?" "Oh I did!" She laughed. "Yes please, a coffee would be wonderful dear." When David returned with the coffee pot, Maud commented as he poured her coffee, "If my grandmother could see me now she would be spinning in her grave at the idea that the Countess of Wilton Hall was dining at the same table as her lady's maid." She let out a chuckle as she recalled the dowager countess, "If she had been here you would have spent the evening stood at my shoulder dressed in a formal Edwardian uniform with your hands clasped in front of your apron and your head respectfully bowed until I needed something, she was a stickler for correct etiquette both towards and from the servants." "What like this," David said with a giggle as he stood how she described. "Yes darling, just like that, which reminds me that I said I'd teach you how to curtsey properly. Stand as you were in the waiting to serve pose dear, with your hands clasped and your head down, then keeping your weight on your right foot, bring your left foot back a half step and out at a slight angle, hold the edge of your skirt with your back straight and bob your knees." Smiling David did as she asked clearly still unsteady in heels. "That's it perfect Dee!" Maud said. "I can see with a little practice you'll put both Wendy and Claire to shame." "Do you think so?" David blushed rejoining her at the table. "I do indeed, you're prettier than Wendy for starters, and have a far more relaxed attitude towards social convention than Claire, who is a wonderful girl but she takes life far to seriously." "What's a formal Edwardian uniform Maud?" David asked after a sip of his coffee. "They are really just a Victorian maids uniform with out the full skirts. Basically a more fitted, with a long straighter skirted version of what you are wearing. I've never worn one but given the fashion then required tight corseting to look right I can't imagine they are as comfortable to wear as the uncomfortably restrictive formal gowns I wear on period weekends," Maud said grinning to herself as she read the curiosity in his eyes. "We've got a half-dozen reproductions of each, Edwardian and Victorian in the uniform store for the formal dinners that culminate the period re-enactment weekends we run two or three weekends a year," she chuckled. "The girls who play the formal maids hate them that much we have to pay extra to get them to wear them. If you every want to try one you're more than welcome to try as I'm sure I could find something in your size." "May be I will," David chuckled. Filling his curiosity about wearing a period uniform away Maud spent the rest of evening reinforcing her arguments that Gregory would ignore him if he looked feminine, and doing her best to bond his affections to her by making the most of her personal maid both before and after she took him to her bed. "My god Dee!" Maud exclaimed breathlessly after his tongue brought her off with another glorious orgasm once she had completely drained his penis's ability to rise to the challenge once more. "You must have the soul of a lesbian because I've never know a man develop such a talented tongue in such a short space of time!" Emotionally and sexually exhausted David smiled up from between her legs and said breathlessly, "The pleasure was all mine milady." Ten minutes later he was sound asleep looking very cute a short pink nightdress! As was her habit Maud was awake by six and felt a shiver of pleasure as she saw David curled up beside her still fast asleep. Moving carefully so she did not wake him, Maud slipped out of bed and went for a wash. As she was moisturising her skin, she noticed the package of blond hair colour she had purchased by mistake and had forgotten to return the last time she got her hair done. Picking it up she examined the box and smiled at the mirror in delight as she read the expected results description, Dee had mid brown hair and if it worked like the packaging said then it would bleach his hair into a rather glorious golden blond. Although if asked Maud would deny it, she usually got her raven hair coloured to cover up her ancestral predisposition to prematurely grey when she went to the hairdressers, and usually kept a package of the colour the hairdresser used at home for the rare occasions during the summer when her estate commitments meant she could not spare the half day it took to get her hair done. Smiling to herself she wondered if she could get Dee to let her use it on his hair? Maud had a preference for blonds both as servants and partners and had always hoped to convince Dee to go blond before 'her' public debut, but since she had the hair dye why not see if she could move him that way straight from the start. Grinning to herself as she realised that she could use Gregory's attraction as the leaver and quickly dressed in a fresh bikini and a loose beach dress. Putting a similar outfit out on the dresser for David she walked to the kitchen and made pot of tea listening to the breakfast weather forecast chuckling with delight when she heard it was going to be another beautyful day with temperatures in the low 30's. At a little before seven she took him a mug of tea and said brightly as she threw back the curtains. "Good morning Dee!" Jolted from his sleep David looked at her sleepily, as she said cheerfully, "It's going to be another glorious day, and I think another lazy day by the pool is called for." "Erm yes." "Wonderful I've put you a fresh cossi out and a beach robe, when you have woken up and had your tea, come on down to the kitchen and we'll have some breakfast, because I have had an idea that might help in relation to Gregory's carnal interest in your cute bottom darling." "What do you have in mind?" David asked waking up when she reminded him of Gregory's interest. "Nothing serious, just trim your hair into a fringe and something closer to more of a bobbed look, and pop a little colour in to lighten it up Dee," Maud said. "I know my husband tastes, he either goes for a bit of rough in the form of a butch muscular boy or a the slight slender waifish looking ones who fit a more stereotypical gay image who he can dominate. Obviously you fall into the latter category." David went bright red. It did not take much convincing from there to get David bent over the bath letting her wash his freshly trimmed hair and apply the colour. "Well while that's doing, how about some fun painting each other nails?" "Okay!" David said, enjoying the completely surreal start to the day. He blushed and admitted. "I really enjoyed having you make my face up and do my hair last night." "Did you how wonderful, so did I darling," Maud said giddily. "And even if Gregory was not interested in your arse after seeing you smartly uniformed as my lady's maid last night, I think I'd prefer it you adopted a more overtly feminine appearance anyway dear. I'll be honest I've never really felt comfortable with having close male staff until you came along in May. Now pick a colour, or do you think we should match nails to bikini's?" "Milady's choice," David giggled, enjoying the morning immensely. "Matching I think, mother always said unless it one's nails were red, a girl should try to co-ordinate one's nails, and outfit, so blue for me and pink for my maid!" "Pity yours are not a little longer Dee as they would look even better," Maud commented as Davids now Barbie pink tipped fingers painted her toes metallic blue. For a first timer he had done a rather good job her fingers she noticed as they quickly dried in the already warm air. "Remind me later Dee and I'll teach you how to give a manicure, I do enjoy having someone do my nails and I'm sure my delightful new maid would enjoy doing them for me in the future?" "Oh yes milady," David said enjoying the scent of the nail varnish he was applying to her toes. "Oh my god!" David exclaimed as the colour jumped out at him once Maud started drying his hair with her hair dryer. "Fabulous isn't it darling!" Maud said excitedly as she dried his now golden blond hair. "You'll look stunning in uniform with hair like that, and never have to worry about my husband, because the way we are going you'll really not appeal to him!" Maud could not keep her eyes or her hands off her new 'girl' once they were ensconced in the sun beside the pool. There were times when she felt like a randy teen who had just discovered the joy of sex. Giggling with delight as David eagerly responded to her completely uninhibited sexual nature, and was more than willing to let her indulge her carnal desires on him. Although Maud had never been able to take any great sexual satisfaction from natural penetrative sex, there was something delightfully pleasurable about riding Dee's penis until he came even if he could not last long enough to provide her with an orgasm, but that did not matter as his tongue could! After a day and a half in the sun being regularly basted in sun tanning bronzer, by Sunday evening David was both sexually spent and sun branded with the same tan lines as Maud was now sporting, and she adored how obviously the shape stood out on his body as they showered before dinner. "Wow!" she exclaimed after dressing him in 'his' uniform and fixing his hair and makeup. "What happened to the boy who came down on Friday?" With his now blond hair styled into a high pony tail while left loose at the back, pink nails and his face painted to Maud's liking, wearing the same heavy black uniform and crisp white apron as the night before, David looked nothing like he did when he arrived. Giggling David quipped with a curtsey, "You sacked him, and hired me instead Lady Maud." "Oh so I did Dee my darling, so I did. Now since you're my lady's maid, don't you think you should be aiding your Mistress to dress, young lady?" "Oh yes milady," David said playing along with a curtsey. It was a very weird thing to find out about yourself at 22 years that you liked wearing girl's clothes David admitted to himself as he dressed Maud. Watching him she mused, "Perhaps I should keep you as my lady's maid Dee, because you do look very cute, and comfortable dressed like that?" David chuckled. "Being your maid is for fun milady, being your PA is work." "Well it would be most unusual to have a maid who is also my PA but it is an interesting idea Dee," Maud said, delighted that he had suggested it with out her mentioning it. Little by little over the following days, Maud added further feminising touches, on the Monday she plucked his eyebrows, Tuesday his ears were pierced the traditional way maids got their ears done with a needle and a cork. Wednesday David was introduced to an office style uniform, and spent the day working as Maud's PA in the estate office and before long it was fairly well-known amongst the staff that 'her nibs new PA is a blond bird called Diane.' Thursday was spent further improving his feminine demeanour, first of all in the office when she showed him some of the exercises her governess had made her do as a girl, before spending an hour in the evening teaching him to dance as a girl. After a week of intensive feminine coaching Maud decided that Diane was now ready to face the real world and so on the Friday she took him to Bideford, to get their nails done! As she sat in the salon getting her nails done Maud felt it had been a very successful week, because at the David was perfectly happily referring to his self as, and responding to Diane, a name she picked at random when on the telephone to a customer who purchased rather a lot of organic produce from the estate farm. Not that David was worried, any feelings of disquiet he might have felt at first from his sudden change in gender lifestyle were overwhelmed by the simple fact that it protected him from Sir Gregory, and looking like he did made Maud sexually insatiable so that she was screwing his brains out when ever the opportunity arose. Yet as the day's progressed into weeks, and then a month David knew every thing about what he was doing with Maud was wrong, but he was having the time of his life. The clothes were fun, the sex was amazing and he really liked his job, but perhaps more important at least for him, was the truth that unlike at any other time in his life he, actually liked the reflection he saw in the mirror every morning! Although she tried her best Maud did not get pregnant during his first month at the hall as Diane, but she was not unduly worried as it gave her the chance to reinforce the 'personal servant' mentality she was inculcating into her lady's maid. Not that it needed much reinforcing, because the wider she opened the box to the life she wanted for him the more willing David was to climb into it. It was simply delightful how rapidly David started to automatically curtsey and stand in the waiting to sever position, when he was uniformed, which was most evenings and she even caught him doing it when he was dressed in his smart short skirted office suit. David or rather Diane was very quickly becoming the perfect 'companion,' and before long 'she' was performing all the duties Maud looked for in both a PA and a lady's maid. It was five weeks after David moved down to the Hall permanently when Sir Gregory arrived earlier than expected to make sure that all the arrangements had been made for a weekends clay shoot he had arranged for some Japanese clients of his fund management business. Although David was aware it was on the program, he had become so enamoured with the fun of living as Maud's PA cum maid that he had forgotten all about why he was dressing as Diane until Sir Gregory walked into the private apartment late one afternoon, and said with out recognising David dressed in his maids uniform. "Is my wife in her office?" "Yes Sir Gregory," David said bobbing his knees. "Fetch a pot of tea for three to her office dear, I assume David is in with her?" He waved him away saying, "Quick as you can with the tea please, there's a good girl," and strode towards Maud's office. Grinning with delight as he swished away to make the ordered pot of tea, Maud's idea had worked! For the first time ever he did not get that uneasy feeling as Sir Gregory's eyes passed over him, which was a relief. Five minutes later he knocked at Maud's office door, and waited until she said, "Come in Diane." "The tea Sir Gregory ordered milady," as he said bobbing his knees, "where would you like it milady?" "Maud!" Sir Gregory said looking at David in disgust, "You've ruined him, he was such a good-looking boy!" He harrumphed loudly, and said. "Crying bloody shame that he turned out to be that way inclined! I was so looking forwards to getting to know him away from the office, and you've bloody well went and let him ruin himself!" "Improved darling, improved," Maud said giving David a sly wink. "And from my point of view Diane makes a much more appropriate looking assistant." Sir Gregory, harrumphed and said, "If you say so dear," and slumped down on to the sofa adding as he waved to the low coffee table, "Here will do, Diane is it now?" "Yes Sir Gregory," David said with a blush putting the tea-tray down. "What a bloody waste you were such a good-looking boy, but one can't cry over spoiled milk, are you happy living like this?" "Extremely Sir Gregory," David said aware of Maud giving him an I told you so smile as she joined her husband on the sofa. "Well when the time comes, the estate will of course pick up any costs, I know since it's the same policy as we use in my business that the health plan covers transgender treatments and necessary cosmetic adjustments, I assume you are on a regulated program?" "Not as yet," David said confused about what he was talking about. "Well no matter I'll sort it out for you on Monday when I get to the office," Sir Gregory said. "Since it's clear from just looking at you that this is what you want, but if you change your mind before you go to far down that path then I'm sure I can find a place for you." David went a little pale under his make up and said hurriedly. "I cannot see me changing my mind Sir Gregory, but thank you for the offer." "Will you be staying for dinner Gregory," Maud said ending the line of questioning. "Diane is a wonderful cook?" "I was going to dear, but since my plans have been scuppered." He looked at David's feminine form in disgust. "I'll head down to the lodge, and make sure everything is ready for when Mr Suzuki and his party arrive tomorrow. I assume you have made all the arrangements for the formal dinner Saturday night?" "Of course, the caterers will be here Saturday morning, and the grand dinning room will be closed from mid day so the tables can be prepared. Dee and I have a pair of wonderful period frocks which will blow their socks off when they arrive," Maud glanced up as she joined Gregory on the sofa and said giving David another sly wink. "I think that will be all for now Diane. If we need anything I shall ring, so you may as well as go get on with laying the table for dinner dear." "Yes milady," David said bobbing his knees hearing Sir Gregory saying to himself as he left the office. "Such a waste of a nice looking boy." Once David had gone, Maud kissed Gregory on the cheek and said, "Thank you Greg, you played that just perfectly." "I was not bloody playing Maud," Gregory said looking decidedly grumpy. "I thought you'd just dress the boy up, not turn him into one of your bloody girls, good lord I did not even recognise him when I arrived!" Maud chuckled and said, "Am I good, or am I good dear." Gregory harrumphed again, and then chuckled. "It's just as well I have Marcel waiting at the lodge dear, or I'd be even more annoyed with you for doing that to a boy I had my eye on!" "I assume when you asked about a program you were talking about a medical transformation?" "Yes Maud, that's precisely what I was asking, you might have opened the door but that boy is clearly transgendered." He looked at Maud's face and laughed. "And you did not guess, did you?" "Well I never, to be honest it never even occurred to me?" Maud said astonished. "Just as well that he is Maud since that is pretty clear the direction you're aiming all along to take him in from your comments, but now I have seen him or rather her I thought it best that you got him some professional help." Thirty minutes later Sir Gregory's Jaguar was heading away from the Hall towards the Hunting Lodge on the other side of the estate where he entertained his boyfriends and business guests. "You were right Maud," David said giving her a kiss when she walked into the private wing of the Hall. "Making me look like a girl worked brilliantly!" "Yes Dee I know, but perhaps it worked a little to well," Maud said, having decided how to make the best use of the opportunity her husband had provided. "In what respect?" David asked brushing a speck of dust off the table. "He thinks you are genuinely transgendered darling, and want to go on a gender reassignment program. That's what he said he'll sort it out on Monday." Maud pulled her nose. "I know what Gregory is like when it comes to looking after his staff, which means he will almost certainly make you an appointment with a gender specialist doctor, and if you don't go he'll assume you have changed you mind about being a girl and try even harder to have his way with you." "Oh," David blushed. "I had not thought about that, but would it matter if I was transgendered?" "Well no, not really, I suppose, I'm sure you'll be able to put the next Earl of Wilton in my oven before the treatments really work," Maud said astonished. "Good!" Diane said with a nod of her head. "Then I think I should tell you something." Diane did not have a chance to tell because Maud pulled her into a long and very passionate kiss! She already knew what Diane was going to saw and showed it! The End. Epilogue Three weeks later, when Maud, as had become her habit, used a home pregnancy test she sat there in disbelief for a long moment gazing in amazement at two thick lines that were developing on the plastic tip! Over flowing with delight she spent the day unable to concentrate, trying to keep her excitement in check until she had it confirmed by her doctor. However as Diane served her dinner, Maud raised her final glass of wine for nine months to the portrait of her great, great- grandmother holding a baby, with her neatly uniformed lady's maid stood behind her, and silently thanked her ancestor for the diaries that gave her the idea in the first place. Trish. 2018.

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Six Swapping Back 1 Burt Harper had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach when he woke up next morning in Mavis's bed at the Dog & Pony. It wasn't because he was thinking about anything in particular that was troubling him but more like... more like he'd had a night crammed with nightmares that he couldn't now remember. He lay for a while, trying to piece the images he still had together but he couldn't. All he had was a vague sense of alarm; an...

4 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Seventeen

One Last Day 1 Ann woke up from a deep sleep on his straw pallet, the sun shining through the crack in the hay barn door and into his eyes. He groaned, rolling over, then brightened and sat up, realising what day this was. It was the last day. Finally. Just one more day as Burt and he would be back in his rightful body. He would be the lady of the manor once again! It gave him such an overwhelming sense of relief to think that... as well as a moment of regret. Being Burt had...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty One

Bred That Way 1 Burt was snatched cruelly from a deep sleep by Harry's bellowing voice from outside at the front of the stables. "BURT! Get down here now you ignorant fool!" "What? Yes! Sorry sir!" He clambered out from under his blanket and got to his feet. "Burt, you great wazzock! You've overslept! Get down here now and scrape this horse shit up before I tan yer ruddy hide and make ye do it without a shovel!" Burt hurriedly put his clothes on, anxious to get out...

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Ashley Fulfills Hubbys Desire

Ashley Fulfills Hubby's Desirebycrax1976© Ashley and Andrew have been together for ten years. Though married for five, they have no k**s, preferring their freedom. When Ashley and Andrew met sparks flew. They have spent as much time together as possible considering their opposite hours and are still deeply in love today. Ashley works at the neigborhood pub, while Andrew is a chartered accountant and works from home.Andrew was spending a Sunday evening in the pub watching football. A shy quiet...

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Lovers Desire

Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...

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The Call of Desire

I lay back on the bed with my hands behind my head, wearing only my boxers, gazing at my wife through the open bathroom door and feeling generally content. Watching Cindy is always a pleasure, even when she's performing such mundane tasks as brushing her teeth. The way the muscles in her long, tanned legs flex as she rises up on her toes to reach the toothpaste, the way she casually tucks her dark, shiny hair behind an elegant pink ear as she leans over the sink, even the little spitting...

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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty

Indefinite 1 Burt was relieved it was Sunday. It meant he didn't have to put in a full day's work. He got the morning off to attend church. He'd slept a lot better on his pallet in the hayloft and the aches he'd had from going back to hard labour after a fortnight of growing soft had all but gone. He actually felt fit and strong again and caught himself enjoying it before he reminded himself that he didn't like anything about being a man. He hated every element of it. He wore...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 1 Cassandras MILF Desire

Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Nine A Chance of Escape 1 Ann opened her eyes. There was no sound in the warehouse in which she was being held. She lay still, listening, moving her gaze from upper right to upper left, trying to pick out the least scratch or murmur. But there wasn't any. She got to her feet silently from where she'd been sleeping on the cold floor. Her arms were bare, her dress shredded round the shoulders. She looked awful and the fact that these men had done this to her...

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